class = get_class($this); // Set up the extensions if($extensions = $this->stat('extensions')) { foreach($extensions as $extension) { $instance = eval("return new $extension;"); $instance->setOwner($this); $this->extension_instances[$instance->class] = $instance; } } if(!isset(Object::$classConstructed[$this->class])) { $this->defineMethods(); Object::$classConstructed[$this->class] = true; } } /** * This function allows you to overload class creation methods, so certain classes are * always created correctly over your system. * * @param oldClass = the old classname you want to replace with. * @param customClass = the new Classname you wish to replace the old class with. * @param strong - If you want to force a replacement of a class then we use a different array * e.g for use in singleton classes. */ public static function useCustomClass( $oldClass, $customClass,$strong = false ) { if($strong){ self::$strong_classes[$oldClass] = $customClass; }else{ self::$custom_classes[$oldClass] = $customClass; } } public static function getCustomClass( $oldClass ) { if( array_key_exists($oldClass, self::$custom_classes) ) return self::$custom_classes[$oldClass]; else{ return $oldClass; } } /** * Create allows us to override the standard classes of sapphire with our own custom classes. * create will load strong classes firstly for singleton level and database interaction, otherwise will * use the fallback custom classes. * To set a strong custom class to overide an object at for say singleton use, use the syntax * Object::useCustomClass('Datetime','SSDatetime',true); * @param className - The classname you want to create * @param args - Up to 9 arguments you wish to pass on to the new class */ public static function create( $className, $arg0 = null, $arg1 = null, $arg2 = null, $arg3 = null, $arg4 = null, $arg5 = null, $arg6 = null, $arg7 = null, $arg8 = null ) { $useStrongClassName = isset(self::$strong_classes[$className]); $useClassName = isset(self::$custom_classes[$className]); if($useStrongClassName){ $classToCreate = self::$strong_classes[$className]; }elseif($useClassName){ $classToCreate = self::$custom_classes[$className]; } $hasStrong = isset(self::$strong_classes[$className]) && class_exists(self::$strong_classes[$className]); $hasNormal = isset(self::$custom_classes[$className]) && class_exists(self::$custom_classes[$className]); if( !isset($classToCreate) || (!$hasStrong && !$hasNormal)){ $classToCreate = $className; } return new $classToCreate( $arg0, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5, $arg6, $arg7, $arg8 ); } /** * Strong_create is a function to enforce a certain class replacement * e.g Php5.2's latest introduction of a namespace conflict means we have to replace * all instances of Datetime with SSdatetime. * this allows us to seperate those, and sapphires classes * @param className - The class you wish to create. * @param args - pass up to 8 arguments to the created class. */ public static function strong_create( $className, $arg0 = null, $arg1 = null, $arg2 = null, $arg3 = null, $arg4 = null, $arg5 = null, $arg6 = null, $arg7 = null, $arg8 = null ) { $useStrongClassName = isset(self::$strong_classes[$className]); if($useStrongClassName){ $classToCreate = self::$strong_classes[$className]; } if( !isset($classToCreate) || !class_exists( self::$strong_classes[$className])){ $classToCreate = $className; } return new $classToCreate( $arg0, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5, $arg6, $arg7, $arg8 ); } /** * Returns true if this object "exists", i.e., has a sensible value. * Overload this in subclasses. * For example, an empty DataObject record could return false. */ public function exists() { return true; } /** * Returns true if the given method exists. */ public function hasMethod($methodName) { $methodName = strtolower($methodName); if(!isset($this->class)) $this->class = get_class($this); if(!isset(Object::$builtInMethods['_set'][$this->class])) $this->buildMethodList(); if(isset(Object::$builtInMethods[$this->class][$methodName])) return true; if(isset(Object::$extraMethods[$this->class][$methodName])) return true; return false; } /** * Calls a method. * Extra methods can be hooked to a class using */ public function __call($methodName, $args) { $lowerMethodName = strtolower($methodName); if(isset(Object::$extraMethods[$this->class][$lowerMethodName])) { $config = Object::$extraMethods[$this->class][$lowerMethodName]; if(isset($config['parameterName'])) { if(isset($config['arrayIndex'])) $obj = $this->{$config['parameterName']}[$config['arrayIndex']]; else $obj = $this->{$config['parameterName']}; if($obj) { return call_user_func_array(array(&$obj, $methodName), $args); } else { if($this->destroyed) user_error("Attempted to call $methodName on destroyed '$this->class' object", E_USER_ERROR); else user_error("'$this->class' object doesn't have a parameter $config[parameterName]($config[arrayIndex]) to pass control to. Perhaps this object has been mistakenly destroyed?", E_USER_WARNING); } } else if(isset($config['wrap'])) { array_unshift($args, $config['methodName']); return call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $config['wrap']), $args); } else if(isset($config['function'])) { $function = $config['function']; return $function($this, $args); } else if($config['function_str']) { $function = Object::$extraMethods[$this->class][strtolower($methodName)]['function'] = create_function('$obj, $args', $config['function_str']); return $function($this, $args); } else { user_error("Object::__call() Method '$methodName' in class '$this->class' an invalid format: " . var_export(Object::$extraMethods[$this->class][$methodName],true), E_USER_ERROR); } } else { user_error("Object::__call() Method '$methodName' not found in class '$this->class'", E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * Add the all methods from a given parameter to this object. * This is used for extensions. * @param parameterName The name of the parameter. This parameter must be instanciated with an item of the correct class. * @param arrayIndex If parameterName is an array, this can be an index. If null, we'll assume the value is all that is needed. */ protected function addMethodsFrom($parameterName, $arrayIndex = null) { $obj = isset($arrayIndex) ? $this->{$parameterName}[$arrayIndex] : $this->$parameterName; if(!$obj) user_error("Object::addMethodsFrom: $parameterName/$arrayIndex", E_USER_ERROR); // Hack to fix Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::allMethodNames() if(method_exists($obj, 'allMethodNames')) { $methodNames = $obj->allMethodNames(true); foreach($methodNames as $methodName) { Object::$extraMethods[$this->class][strtolower($methodName)] = array("parameterName" => $parameterName, "arrayIndex" => $arrayIndex); } } } /** * Add a 'wrapper method'. * For example, Thumbnail($arg, $arg) can be defined to call generateImage("Thumbnail", $arg, $arg) */ protected function addWrapperMethod($methodName, $wrapperMethod) { Object::$extraMethods[$this->class][strtolower($methodName)] = array("wrap" => $wrapperMethod, "methodName" => $methodName); } /** * Create a new method * @param methodName The name of the method * @param methodCode The PHP code of the method, in a string. Arguments will be contained * in an array called $args. The object will be $obj, not $this. You won't be able to access * any protected methods; the method is actually contained in an external function. */ protected function createMethod($methodName, $methodCode) { Object::$extraMethods[$this->class][strtolower($methodName)] = array("function_str" => $methodCode); } /** * Return the names of all the methods on this object. * param includeCustom If set to true, then return custom methods too. */ function allMethodNames($includeCustom = false) { if(!$this->class) $this->class = get_class($this); if(!isset(Object::$builtInMethods['_set'][$this->class])) $this->buildMethodList(); if($includeCustom && isset(Object::$extraMethods[$this->class])) { return array_merge(Object::$builtInMethods[$this->class], array_keys(Object::$extraMethods[$this->class])); } else { return Object::$builtInMethods[$this->class]; } } function buildMethodList() { if(!$this->class) $this->class = get_class($this); $reflection = new ReflectionClass($this->class); $methods = $reflection->getMethods(); foreach($methods as $method) { $name = $method->getName(); $methodNames[strtolower($name)] = $name; } Object::$builtInMethods[$this->class] = $methodNames; Object::$builtInMethods['_set'][$this->class] = true ; } /** * This constructor will be called the first time an object of this class is created. * You can overload it with methods for setting up the class - for example, extra methods. */ protected function defineMethods() { if($this->extension_instances) foreach($this->extension_instances as $i => $instance) { $this->addMethodsFrom('extension_instances', $i); } if(isset($_REQUEST['debugmethods']) && isset(Object::$builtInMethods[$this->class])) { Debug::require_developer_login(); echo "