"SiteTree", ); static $db = array( "VersionID" => "Int", ); /** * Generates the array of fields required for the page type. */ function getVirtualFields() { $nonVirtualFields = array( "SecurityTypeID", "OwnerID", "URLSegment", "Sort", "Status", 'ShowInMenus', 'ShowInSearch' ); $allFields = $this->db(); if($hasOne = $this->has_one()) foreach($hasOne as $link) $allFields[$link . 'ID'] = "Int"; foreach($allFields as $field => $type) { if(!in_array($field, $nonVirtualFields)) $virtualFields[] = $field; } return $virtualFields; } function ContentSource() { return $this->CopyContentFrom(); } /** * Generate the CMS fields from the fields from the original page. */ function getCMSFields($cms = null) { $fields = parent::getCMSFields($cms); // Setup the linking to the original page. $copyContentFromField = new TreeDropdownField( "CopyContentFromID", _t('VirtualPage.CHOOSE', "Choose a page to link to"), "SiteTree" ); $copyContentFromField->setFilterFunction(create_function('$item', 'return $item->ClassName != "VirtualPage";')); // Setup virtual fields if($virtualFields = $this->getVirtualFields()) { $roTransformation = new ReadonlyTransformation(); foreach($virtualFields as $virtualField) { if($fields->dataFieldByName($virtualField)) $fields->replaceField($virtualField, $fields->dataFieldByName($virtualField)->transform($roTransformation)); } } // Add fields to the tab $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Content.Main", new HeaderField('VirtualPageHeader',_t('VirtualPage.HEADER', "This is a virtual page")), "Title" ); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Content.Main", $copyContentFromField, "Title"); // Create links back to the original object in the CMS if($this->CopyContentFromID) { $linkToContent = "CopyContentFromID\">" . _t('VirtualPage.EDITCONTENT', 'click here to edit the content') . ""; $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Content.Main", $linkToContentLabelField = new LabelField('VirtualPageContentLinkLabel', $linkToContent), "Title" ); $linkToContentLabelField->setAllowHTML(true); } return $fields; } /** * We have to change it to copy all the content from the original page first. */ function onBeforeWrite() { // Don't do this stuff when we're publishing if(!$this->extension_instances['Versioned']->migratingVersion) { if( $this->isChanged('CopyContentFromID') && $this->CopyContentFromID != 0 && $this instanceof VirtualPage ) { $source = DataObject::get_one("SiteTree",sprintf('"SiteTree"."ID" = %d', $this->CopyContentFromID)); $this->copyFrom($source); $this->URLSegment = $source->URLSegment . '-' . $this->ID; } } parent::onBeforeWrite(); } /** * Ensure we have an up-to-date version of everything. */ function copyFrom($source) { if($source) { foreach($this->getVirtualFields() AS $virtualField) $this->$virtualField = $source->$virtualField; } } /** * Allow attributes on the master page to pass * through to the virtual page * * @param string $field * @return mixed */ function __get($field) { $return = parent::__get($field); if ($return === null) { if($this->copyContentFrom()->hasMethod($funcName = "get$field")) { $return = $this->copyContentFrom()->$funcName(); } else if($this->copyContentFrom()->hasField($field)) { $return = $this->copyContentFrom()->getField($field); } } return $return; } /** * Pass unrecognized method calls on to the original data object * * @param string $method * @param string $args */ function __call($method, $args) { try { return parent::__call($method, $args); } catch (Exception $e) { // Hack... detect exception type. We really should use exception subclasses. // if the exception isn't a 'no method' error, rethrow it if ($e->getCode() !== 2175) throw $e; $original = $this->copyContentFrom(); return call_user_func_array(array($original, $method), $args); } } /** * Overwrite to also check for method on the original data object * * @param string $method * @return bool */ function hasMethod($method) { $haveIt = parent::hasMethod($method); if (!$haveIt) $haveIt = $this->copyContentFrom()->hasMethod($method); return $haveIt; } } /** * Controller for the virtual page. * @package cms */ class VirtualPage_Controller extends Page_Controller { static $allowed_actions = array( 'loadcontentall' => 'ADMIN', ); /** * Reloads the content if the version is different ;-) */ function reloadContent() { $this->failover->copyFrom($this->failover->CopyContentFrom()); $this->failover->write(); return; } function getViewer($action) { $name = get_class($this->CopyContentFrom())."_Controller"; $controller = new $name(); return $controller->getViewer($action); } /** * When the virtualpage is loaded, check to see if the versions are the same * if not, reload the content. * NOTE: Virtual page must have a container object of subclass of sitetree. * We can't load the content without an ID or record to copy it from. */ function init(){ if(isset($this->record) && $this->record->ID){ if($this->record->VersionID != $this->failover->CopyContentFrom()->Version){ $this->reloadContent(); $this->VersionID = $this->failover->CopyContentFrom()->VersionID; } } parent::init(); } function loadcontentall() { $pages = DataObject::get("VirtualPage"); foreach($pages as $page) { $page->copyFrom($page->CopyContentFrom()); $page->write(); $page->publish("Stage", "Live"); echo "
  • Published $page->URLSegment"; } } /** * Also check the original objects' original controller for the method * * @param string $method * @return bool */ function hasMethod($method) { $haveIt = parent::hasMethod($method); if (!$haveIt) { $name = get_class($this->CopyContentFrom())."_Controller"; $controller = new $name($this->dataRecord->copyContentFrom()); $haveIt = $controller->hasMethod($method); } return $haveIt; } /** * Pass unrecognized method calls on to the original controller * * @param string $method * @param string $args */ function __call($method, $args) { try { return parent::__call($method, $args); } catch (Exception $e) { // Hack... detect exception type. We really should use exception subclasses. // if the exception isn't a 'no method' error, rethrow it if ($e->getCode() !== 2175) throw $e; $original = $this->copyContentFrom(); return call_user_func_array(array($original, $method), $args); } } } ?>