config; if ($charset) { $config['charset'] = $charset; } if ($collation) { $config['collation'] = $collation; } $config['database'] = 'information_schema'; $connector = new MySQLiConnector(); $connector->connect($config, $selectDb); return $connector; } public function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $config = DB::getConfig(); if (strtolower(substr($config['type'] ?? '', 0, 5)) !== 'mysql') { $this->markTestSkipped("The test only relevant for MySQL - but $config[type] is in use"); } $this->config = $config; } /** * @dataProvider charsetProvider */ public function testConnectionCharsetControl($charset, $defaultCollation) { $connector = $this->getConnector($charset); $connection = $connector->getMysqliConnection(); $cset = $connection->get_charset(); // Note: we do not need to update the utf charset here because mysqli with newer // version of mysql/mariadb still self-reports as 'utf8' rather than 'utf8mb3' // This is unlike MySQLiConnectorTest::testConnectionCollationControl() $this->assertEquals($charset, $cset->charset); $this->assertEquals($defaultCollation, $cset->collation); unset($cset, $connection, $connector, $config); } /** * @dataProvider charsetProvider */ public function testConnectionCollationControl($charset, $defaultCollation, $customCollation) { $connector = $this->getConnector($charset, $customCollation); $connection = $connector->getMysqliConnection(); $cset = $connection->get_charset(); $this->assertEquals($charset, $cset->charset); /* Warning! This is a MySQLi limitation. * If it changes in the future versions, this test may break. * We are still testing for it as a limitation and a * reminder that it exists. * * To make sure that we actually have correct collation see * - testUtf8mb4GeneralCollation * - testUtf8mb4UnicodeCollation */ $this->assertEquals( $defaultCollation, $cset->collation, 'This is an issue with mysqli. It always returns "default" collation, even if another is active' ); $cset = $connection->query('show variables like "character_set_connection"')->fetch_array()[1]; $collation = $connection->query('show variables like "collation_connection"')->fetch_array()[1]; $helper = new Utf8TestHelper(); $this->assertEquals($helper->getUpdatedUtfCharsetForCurrentDB($charset), $cset); $this->assertEquals($helper->getUpdatedUtfCollationForCurrentDB($customCollation), $collation); $connection->close(); unset($cset, $connection, $connector, $config); } public function charsetProvider() { return [ ['ascii', 'ascii_general_ci', 'ascii_bin'], ['utf8', 'utf8_general_ci', 'utf8_unicode_520_ci'], ['utf8mb4', 'utf8mb4_general_ci', 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'] ]; } public function testUtf8mb4GeneralCollation() { $connector = $this->getConnector('utf8mb4', 'utf8mb4_general_ci', true); $connection = $connector->getMysqliConnection(); $result = $connection->query( "select `a`.`value` from (select 'rst' `value` union select 'rßt' `value`) `a` order by `value`" )->fetch_all(); $this->assertCount(1, $result, '`utf8mb4_general_ci` handles both values as equal to "rst"'); $this->assertEquals('rst', $result[0][0]); } public function testUtf8mb4UnicodeCollation() { $connector = $this->getConnector('utf8mb4', 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci', true); $connection = $connector->getMysqliConnection(); $result = $connection->query( "select `a`.`value` from (select 'rst' `value` union select 'rßt' `value`) `a` order by `value`" )->fetch_all(); $this->assertCount(2, $result, '`utf8mb4_unicode_ci` must recognise "rst" and "rßt" as different values'); $this->assertEquals('rßt', $result[0][0]); $this->assertEquals('rst', $result[1][0]); } public function testQueryThrowsDatabaseErrorOnMySQLiError() { $connector = $this->getConnector(); $driver = new mysqli_driver(); // The default with PHP >= 8.0 $driver->report_mode = MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF; $this->expectException(DatabaseException::class); $connector = $this->getConnector(null, null, true); $connector->query('force an error with invalid SQL'); } public function testQueryThrowsDatabaseErrorOnMySQLiException() { $driver = new mysqli_driver(); // The default since PHP 8.1 - $driver->report_mode = MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR | MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT; $this->expectException(DatabaseException::class); $connector = $this->getConnector(null, null, true); $connector->query('force an error with invalid SQL'); } }