"; } protected static $instances = []; protected static $active_instance = 'default'; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Registered shortcodes. Items follow this structure: * [shortcode_name] => Array( * [0] => class_containing_handler * [1] => name_of_shortcode_handler_method * ) */ protected $shortcodes = []; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get the {@link ShortcodeParser} instance that is attached to a particular identifier. * * @param string $identifier Defaults to "default". * @return ShortcodeParser */ public static function get($identifier = 'default') { if (!array_key_exists($identifier, self::$instances)) { self::$instances[$identifier] = static::create(); } return self::$instances[$identifier]; } /** * Get the currently active/default {@link ShortcodeParser} instance. * * @return ShortcodeParser */ public static function get_active() { return static::get(self::$active_instance); } /** * Set the identifier to use for the current active/default {@link ShortcodeParser} instance. * * @param string $identifier */ public static function set_active($identifier) { self::$active_instance = (string) $identifier; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Register a shortcode, and attach it to a PHP callback. * * The callback for a shortcode will have the following arguments passed to it: * - Any parameters attached to the shortcode as an associative array (keys are lower-case). * - Any content enclosed within the shortcode (if it is an enclosing shortcode). Note that any content within * this will not have been parsed, and can optionally be fed back into the parser. * - The {@link ShortcodeParser} instance used to parse the content. * - The shortcode tag name that was matched within the parsed content. * - An associative array of extra information about the shortcode being parsed. * * @param string $shortcode The shortcode tag to map to the callback - normally in lowercase_underscore format. * @param callable $callback The callback to replace the shortcode with. * @return $this */ public function register($shortcode, $callback) { if (is_callable($callback)) { $this->shortcodes[$shortcode] = $callback; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Callback is not callable"); } return $this; } /** * Check if a shortcode has been registered. * * @param string $shortcode * @return bool */ public function registered($shortcode) { return array_key_exists($shortcode, $this->shortcodes ?? []); } /** * Remove a specific registered shortcode. * * @param string $shortcode */ public function unregister($shortcode) { if ($this->registered($shortcode)) { unset($this->shortcodes[$shortcode]); } } /** * Get an array containing information about registered shortcodes * * @return array */ public function getRegisteredShortcodes() { return $this->shortcodes; } /** * Remove all registered shortcodes. */ public function clear() { $this->shortcodes = []; } /** * Call a shortcode and return its replacement text * Returns false if the shortcode isn't registered * * @param string $tag * @param array $attributes * @param string $content * @param array $extra * @return mixed */ public function callShortcode($tag, $attributes, $content, $extra = []) { if (!$tag || !isset($this->shortcodes[$tag])) { return false; } return call_user_func($this->shortcodes[$tag], $attributes, $content, $this, $tag, $extra); } /** * Return the text to insert in place of a shoprtcode. * Behaviour in the case of missing shortcodes depends on the setting of ShortcodeParser::$error_behavior. * * @param array $tag A map containing the the following keys: * - 'open': The name of the tag * - 'attrs': Attributes of the tag * - 'content': Content of the tag * @param array $extra Extra-meta data * @param boolean $isHTMLAllowed A boolean indicating whether it's okay to insert HTML tags into the result * * @return bool|mixed|string */ public function getShortcodeReplacementText($tag, $extra = [], $isHTMLAllowed = true) { $content = $this->callShortcode($tag['open'], $tag['attrs'], $tag['content'], $extra); // Missing tag if ($content === false) { if (ShortcodeParser::$error_behavior == ShortcodeParser::ERROR) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown shortcode tag ' . $tag['open']); } elseif (self::$error_behavior == self::WARN && $isHTMLAllowed) { $content = '' . $tag['text'] . ''; } elseif (ShortcodeParser::$error_behavior == ShortcodeParser::STRIP) { return ''; } else { return $tag['text']; } } return $content; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected function removeNode($node) { $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); } /** * @param DOMElement $new * @param DOMElement $after */ protected function insertAfter($new, $after) { $parent = $after->parentNode; $next = $after->nextSibling; if ($next) { $parent->insertBefore($new, $next); } elseif ($parent) { $parent->appendChild($new); } } /** * @param DOMNodeList $new * @param DOMElement $after */ protected function insertListAfter($new, $after) { $doc = $after->ownerDocument; $parent = $after->parentNode; $next = $after->nextSibling; for ($i = 0; $i < $new->length; $i++) { $imported = $doc->importNode($new->item($i), true); if ($next) { $parent->insertBefore($imported, $next); } else { $parent->appendChild($imported); } } } /** * @var string */ protected static $marker_class = '--ss-shortcode-marker'; protected static $block_level_elements = [ 'address', 'article', 'aside', 'audio', 'blockquote', 'canvas', 'dd', 'div', 'dl', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'header', 'hgroup', 'ol', 'output', 'p', 'pre', 'section', 'table', 'ul' ]; protected static $attrrx = ' ([^\s\/\'"=,]+) # Name \s* = \s* (?: (?:\'([^\']*)\') | # Value surrounded by \' (?:"([^"]*)") | # Value surrounded by " ([^\s,\]]+) # Bare value ) '; protected static function attrrx() { return '/' . self::$attrrx . '/xS'; } protected static $tagrx = ' # HTML Tag <(?(?:"[^"]*"[\'"]*|\'[^\']*\'[\'"]*|[^\'">])+)> | # Opening tag (?\[?) \[ (?\w+) [\s,]* (? (?: %s [\s,]*)* ) \/?\] (?\]?) | # Closing tag \[\/ (?\w+) \] (?\]?) '; protected static function tagrx() { return '/' . sprintf(self::$tagrx, self::$attrrx) . '/xS'; } const WARN = 'warn'; const STRIP = 'strip'; const LEAVE = 'leave'; const ERROR = 'error'; public static $error_behavior = self::LEAVE; /** * Look through a string that contains shortcode tags and pull out the locations and details * of those tags * * Doesn't support nested shortcode tags * * @param string $content * @return array - The list of tags found. When using an open/close pair, only one item will be in the array, * with "content" set to the text between the tags */ public function extractTags($content) { $tags = []; // Step 1: perform basic regex scan of individual tags if (preg_match_all(static::tagrx() ?? '', $content ?? '', $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { // Ignore any elements if (empty($match['open'][0]) && empty($match['close'][0])) { continue; } // Pull the attributes out into a key/value hash $attrs = []; if (!empty($match['attrs'][0])) { preg_match_all(static::attrrx() ?? '', $match['attrs'][0] ?? '', $attrmatches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($attrmatches as $attr) { $name = ''; $value = ''; $parts = array_values(array_filter($attr ?? [])); //the first element in the array is the complete delcaration (`id=1`) - we don't need this array_shift($parts); //the next two parts are what we care about (id and 1 from `id=1`) $name = array_shift($parts) ?: $name; $value = array_shift($parts) ?: $value; $attrs[$name] = $value; } } // And store the indexes, tag details, etc $tags[] = [ 'text' => $match[0][0], 's' => $match[0][1], 'e' => $match[0][1] + strlen($match[0][0] ?? ''), 'open' => isset($match['open'][0]) ? $match['open'][0] : null, 'close' => isset($match['close'][0]) ? $match['close'][0] : null, 'attrs' => $attrs, 'content' => '', 'escaped' => !empty($match['oesc'][0]) || !empty($match['cesc1'][0]) || !empty($match['cesc2'][0]) ]; } } // Step 2: cluster open/close tag pairs into single entries $i = count($tags ?? []); while ($i--) { if (!empty($tags[$i]['close'])) { // If the tag just before this one isn't the related opening tag, throw an error $err = null; if ($i == 0) { $err = 'Close tag "' . $tags[$i]['close'] . '" is the first found tag, so has no related open tag'; } elseif (!$tags[$i-1]['open']) { $err = 'Close tag "' . $tags[$i]['close'] . '" preceded by another close tag "' . $tags[$i-1]['close'] . '"'; } elseif ($tags[$i]['close'] != $tags[$i-1]['open']) { $err = 'Close tag "' . $tags[$i]['close'] . '" doesn\'t match preceding open tag "' . $tags[$i-1]['open'] . '"'; } if ($err) { if (self::$error_behavior == self::ERROR) { throw new \Exception($err); } } else { if ($tags[$i]['escaped']) { if (!$tags[$i-1]['escaped']) { $tags[$i]['e'] -= 1; $tags[$i]['escaped'] = false; } } else { if ($tags[$i-1]['escaped']) { $tags[$i-1]['s'] += 1; $tags[$i-1]['escaped'] = false; } } // Otherwise, grab content between tags, save in opening tag & delete the closing one $tags[$i-1]['text'] = substr($content ?? '', $tags[$i-1]['s'] ?? 0, $tags[$i]['e'] - $tags[$i-1]['s']); $tags[$i-1]['content'] = substr($content ?? '', $tags[$i-1]['e'] ?? 0, $tags[$i]['s'] - $tags[$i-1]['e']); $tags[$i-1]['e'] = $tags[$i]['e']; unset($tags[$i]); } } } // Step 3: remove any tags that don't have handlers registered // Only do this if self::$error_behavior == self::LEAVE // This is optional but speeds things up. if (self::$error_behavior == self::LEAVE) { foreach ($tags as $i => $tag) { if (empty($this->shortcodes[$tag['open']])) { unset($tags[$i]); } } } return array_values($tags ?? []); } /** * Replaces the shortcode tags extracted by extractTags with HTML element "markers", so that * we can parse the resulting string as HTML and easily mutate the shortcodes in the DOM * * @param string $content The HTML string with [tag] style shortcodes embedded * @param array $tags The tags extracted by extractTags * @param callable $generator * @return string The HTML string with [tag] style shortcodes replaced by markers */ protected function replaceTagsWithText($content, $tags, $generator) { // The string with tags replaced with markers $str = ''; // The start index of the next tag, remembered as we step backwards through the list $li = null; $i = count($tags ?? []); while ($i--) { if ($li === null) { $tail = substr($content ?? '', $tags[$i]['e'] ?? 0); } else { $tail = substr($content ?? '', $tags[$i]['e'] ?? 0, $li - $tags[$i]['e']); } if ($tags[$i]['escaped']) { $str = substr($content ?? '', $tags[$i]['s']+1, $tags[$i]['e'] - $tags[$i]['s'] - 2) . $tail . $str; } else { $str = $generator($i, $tags[$i]) . $tail . $str; } $li = $tags[$i]['s']; } return substr($content ?? '', 0, $tags[0]['s']) . $str; } /** * Replace the shortcodes in attribute values with the calculated content * * We don't use markers with attributes because there's no point, it's easier to do all the matching * in-DOM after the XML parse * * @param HTMLValue $htmlvalue */ protected function replaceAttributeTagsWithContent($htmlvalue) { $attributes = $htmlvalue->query('//@*[contains(.,"[")][contains(.,"]")]'); $parser = $this; for ($i = 0; $i < $attributes->length; $i++) { $node = $attributes->item($i); $tags = $this->extractTags($node->nodeValue); $extra = ['node' => $node, 'element' => $node->ownerElement]; if ($tags) { $node->nodeValue = $this->replaceTagsWithText( htmlspecialchars($node->nodeValue ?? ''), $tags, function ($idx, $tag) use ($parser, $extra) { return $parser->getShortcodeReplacementText($tag, $extra, false); } ); } } } /** * Replace the element-scoped tags with markers * * @param string $content * @return array */ protected function replaceElementTagsWithMarkers($content) { $tags = $this->extractTags($content); if ($tags) { $markerClass = self::$marker_class; $content = $this->replaceTagsWithText($content, $tags, function ($idx, $tag) use ($markerClass) { return ''; }); } return [$content, $tags]; } /** * @param DOMNodeList $nodes * @return array */ protected function findParentsForMarkers($nodes) { $parents = []; /** @var DOMElement $node */ foreach ($nodes as $node) { $parent = $node; do { $parent = $parent->parentNode; } while ($parent instanceof DOMElement && !in_array(strtolower($parent->tagName ?? ''), self::$block_level_elements) ); $node->setAttribute('data-parentid', count($parents ?? [])); $parents[] = $parent; } return $parents; } const BEFORE = 'before'; const AFTER = 'after'; const SPLIT = 'split'; const INLINE = 'inline'; /** * Given a node with represents a shortcode marker and a location string, mutates the DOM to put the * marker in the compliant location * * For shortcodes inserted BEFORE, that location is just before the block container that * the marker is in * * For shortcodes inserted AFTER, that location is just after the block container that * the marker is in * * For shortcodes inserted SPLIT, that location is where the marker is, but the DOM * is split around it up to the block container the marker is in - for instance, * *


* * becomes * *



* * For shortcodes inserted INLINE, no modification is needed (but in that case the shortcode handler needs to * generate only inline blocks) * * @param DOMElement $node * @param DOMElement $parent * @param int $location ShortcodeParser::BEFORE, ShortcodeParser::SPLIT or ShortcodeParser::INLINE */ protected function moveMarkerToCompliantHome($node, $parent, $location) { // Move before block parent if ($location == self::BEFORE) { if (isset($parent->parentNode)) { $parent->parentNode->insertBefore($node, $parent); } } elseif ($location == self::AFTER) { // Move after block parent $this->insertAfter($node, $parent); } elseif ($location == self::SPLIT) { // Split parent at node $at = $node; $splitee = $node->parentNode; while ($splitee !== $parent->parentNode) { /** @var DOMElement $spliter */ $spliter = $splitee->cloneNode(false); $this->insertAfter($spliter, $splitee); while ($at->nextSibling) { $spliter->appendChild($at->nextSibling); } $at = $splitee; $splitee = $splitee->parentNode; } $this->insertAfter($node, $parent); } elseif ($location == self::INLINE) { // Do nothing if (in_array(strtolower($node->tagName ?? ''), self::$block_level_elements)) { user_error( 'Requested to insert block tag ' . $node->tagName . ' inline - probably this will break HTML compliance', E_USER_WARNING ); } // NOP } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unknown value for $location argument ' . $location); } } /** * Given a node with represents a shortcode marker and some information about the shortcode, call the * shortcode handler & replace the marker with the actual content * * @param DOMElement $node * @param array $tag */ protected function replaceMarkerWithContent($node, $tag) { $content = $this->getShortcodeReplacementText($tag); if ($content) { /** @var HTMLValue $parsed */ $parsed = HTMLValue::create($content); $body = $parsed->getBody(); if ($body) { $this->insertListAfter($body->childNodes, $node); } } $this->removeNode($node); } /** * Parse a string, and replace any registered shortcodes within it with the result of the mapped callback. * * @param string $content * @return string */ public function parse($content) { $this->extend('onBeforeParse', $content); $continue = true; // If no shortcodes defined, don't try and parse any if (!$this->shortcodes) { $continue = false; } elseif (!trim($content ?? '')) { // If no content, don't try and parse it $continue = false; } elseif (strpos($content ?? '', '[') === false) { // If no shortcode tag, don't try and parse it $continue = false; } if ($continue) { // First we operate in text mode, replacing any shortcodes with marker elements so that later we can // use a proper DOM list($content, $tags) = $this->replaceElementTagsWithMarkers($content); /** @var HTMLValue $htmlvalue */ $htmlvalue = Injector::inst()->create('HTMLValue', $content); // Now parse the result into a DOM if (!$htmlvalue->isValid()) { if (self::$error_behavior == self::ERROR) { throw new \Exception('Couldn\'t decode HTML when processing short codes'); } else { $continue = false; } } } if ($continue) { // First, replace any shortcodes that are in attributes $this->replaceAttributeTagsWithContent($htmlvalue); // Find all the element scoped shortcode markers $shortcodes = $htmlvalue->query('//img[@class="' . self::$marker_class . '"]'); // Find the parents. Do this before DOM modification, since SPLIT might cause parents to move otherwise $parents = $this->findParentsForMarkers($shortcodes); /** @var DOMElement $shortcode */ foreach ($shortcodes as $shortcode) { $tag = $tags[$shortcode->getAttribute('data-tagid')]; $parent = $parents[$shortcode->getAttribute('data-parentid')]; $class = null; if (!empty($tag['attrs']['location'])) { $class = $tag['attrs']['location']; } elseif (!empty($tag['attrs']['class'])) { $class = $tag['attrs']['class']; } $location = self::INLINE; if ($class == 'left' || $class == 'right') { $location = self::BEFORE; } /** * Below code disabled due to https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework/issues/5987 if ($class == 'center' || $class == 'leftAlone') { $location = self::SPLIT; } */ if (!$parent) { if ($location !== self::INLINE) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Parent block for shortcode couldn't be found, but location wasn't INLINE" ); } } else { $this->moveMarkerToCompliantHome($shortcode, $parent, $location); } $this->replaceMarkerWithContent($shortcode, $tag); } $content = $htmlvalue->getContent(); // Clean up any marker classes left over, for example, those injected into