Avoid PHPUnit throwing "test didn't run any assertions"
notices in PHP. If nothing else, it keeps test output
looking less broken by default, making it more likely
that actual errors do get noticed.
The entire framework repo (with the exception of system-generated files) has been amended to respect the 120c line-length limit. This is in preparation for the enforcement of this rule with PHP_CodeSniffer.
These APIs are primarily intended to let developers write custom 404 handlers. They can define an onBeforeHTTPError404() method on an Extension that gets added to Controller or RequestHandler.
The SS_HTTPResponse_Exception object has also been tidied up to override the status info of any SS_HTTPResponse object that might get passed. This is mainly to make it easier for callers (such as ContentController and ModelAsController) to use RequestHandler::httpError() more consistently.
This allows arguments to be passed along in an $allowed_actions deceleration of
the form 'action' => '->method' in the same way that arguments can be passed to
extension constructors when adding them using $extensions or
I.e. 'action' => '->checkerMethod(false, 7, 2, "yesterday") would call the
checkerMethod method with the boolean false the numbers 7 and 2 and the string
"yesterday" as its arguments.
instead of assertType(), assertEmpty() is available in PHPUnit 3.5+.
PHPUnit 3.4 is no longer supported, so please upgrade your version to
MINOR Removed FullTestSuite which was a workaround for PHPUnit but not
API CHANGE: Simplified state handling so that it's just a key store. Affectors are replaced with GridField_ActionProviders. API CHANGE: Removed GridField state manipulation actions instead opting for GridField_ActionProvider actions.
API CHANGE: Removed support for modifiers that add "body" rows, instead having core support for generating the body rows hardcoded into the GridField.
API CHANGE: Allow modification of columns across the whole GridField with the GridField_ColumnProvider interface.
API CHANGE: Renamed GridField_AlterAction to GridField_Action, and added actionName/args parameters, since it can be used for all actions (including batch actions and row actions)
API CHANGE: Removed GridFieldRow class.