These were originally copied from node_modules via an "npm run thirdparty" task,
in order to have them loadable with oldschool <script> tags.
Since webpack supports CommonJS-style loading, that's no longer required,
we can simply inline those scripts into the bundle.
We need to use imports-loader though, in order to ensure
that "define" is not available in some module scopes,
which triggers AMD behavior that's not compatible with Webpack's loaders.
I've had to pin to the exact versions used in the 3.x CMS,
since jquery-upload has introduced an AMD wrapper sometime
between 6.0 and 6.9 (the latest version NPM automatically pulls in).
This AMD wrapper confuses Webpack, since it's trying to resolve the
dependencies contained in it. We could create shims for those instead,
but the easiest way was to simply revert to the versions already used
before the Webpack migration (since the newer versions in node_modules
were never actually copied into thirdparty, they weren't used before).
- Removes thirdparty dependency History.js
- Adds thirdparty dependency Page.js to manage client-side routing
- Adds a wrapper around Page.js for SilverStripe specific behaviour
- Increased minimum browser requirement to IE10. Native HTML History API routing requires IE10 or newer (necessitated by removal of History.js)
- PJAX pannel loading via now uses promises rather than callbacks
- Adds getClientConfig method to LeftAndMain which can be used to pass config from to the front-end client
- Adds ES6 support via Babel
- Transforms existing JavaScript to UMD modules
- Adds module bundling via Browserify
- Existing JavaScript converted to UMD modules
- lib.js and leftandmain.js are bundled using browserify
- JavaScript minifying of bundles handed by gulp
- Includes a package.json file with build and CI scripts
- Includes shrinkwrap file for locking dependency version
- Includes Gulp for running build tasks
- Includes a 'build' task for copying library files from node_modules to thirdparty
- Includes a 'sanity' task for makes sure library files in thirdparty match what's in node_modules
- Includes updates to .travis.yml (new JS_SANITY_CHECK flag) to run the sanity task
Introduces a preview window that appears when the screen is wide enough,
removes old preview button, adds a draft-public switch, adds variety of
preview options which are not hooked up yet.
Goes along with cms commit fa3738a9f4c5181eabf18a77ca89792d31592250
* Changes to chosen to include a custom function that will let the
drop-down rise-up if there is room and it would otherwise drop beneath
the size of the window (changes in coffeescript, jquery output, and
chosen css)
* Changes in SCSS to stop the automatic addition of scrollbars, and
to limit the extra space at the bottom of the filter div
Issues remaining:
* jLayout is calculating the height of the filter div incorrectly.
It is assuming the div is around 70px longer than it is. This height
assumption is linked somehow to chosen, as initiating the select box
results in a correct height calculation.
Apply all changes implemented in chosen.jquery.js back on to source
file ( and rebuild files. Update cakefile to
current version (fixes package reserved word).