Session is not initialized by the time we need to use
the setting in DB::connect(). Cookie values get initialized
automatically for each request.
Tightened name format validation to ensure it can only
be used for temporary databases, rather than switching
the browser session to a different production database.
Encrypting token for secure cookie usage.
Added dev/generatesecuretoken to generate this token.
Not storing in YML config directly because of web access issues.
Introduces the concept of action tabsets - usage of TabSet and Tabs
in between the action buttons to allow richer set of capabilities that
can be offered to the user.
Goes along with c8d0cdec99c95dbed3b58ebcc098cc9d22c58206 that implements
a change to the CMS actions.
Stay consistent with main member listing in admin/security,
and de-emphasize their importantce. Having the "link existing"
closer to the actual table is a much stronger UI coupling.
Backport from master. Fixes display issues with expanded,
unselected submenus ... by removing them.
They're strictly not necessary since both "list" and "add"
modes can be reached through the default AssetAdmin UI.
Fixed issue where convertServiceProperty is called when creating objects
with user-supplied constructor arguments, so that it's only called when
creating objects using injector configuration. This reduces the overhead
of unnecessary calls to convertServiceProperty.
Updated test cases to validate behaviour
Enables more generic use of the fixture facilities
without dependency on the YAML format, for example
when creating fixtures from Behat step definitions.
Note: The YamlFixture class needs to be created via
Injector::inst()->create('YamlFixture') now,
direct instantiation is no longer supported.
Composer examples at use
/usr/local/bin for installing Composer globally, so let's use that
path as well instead of /usr/bin.
This bug will surface when using the ORM and adding an join to DataList
where a DataObject inherits another DataObject.
If you for example want to restrict the number of pages that only have a
related Staff object:
$list = DataList::create('Page')
->InnerJoin('Staff', '"Staff"."ID" = "Page"."StaffID");
This will create a SQL query where the INNER JOIN is before the
LEFT JOIN of Page and SiteTree in the resulting SQL string. In MySQL
and PostgreSQL this will create an invalid query.
This patch solves the problem by sorting the joins.