- Removed custom form reducers in favour of redux-form (updateField(), addForm(), etc)
- Storing 'state' in schema reducer to avoid a separate forms reducer tree (no longer needed for other use cases). This means 'state' is only the "initial state", any form edits will be handled by redux-form internally in the 'reduxForm' reducer namespace
- Removed componentWillUnmount() from <Form> since there's no more reducer state to clean up (removed formReducer.js), and redux-form handles that internally
- Removed isFetching state from <FormBuilder> since there's now a props.submitting coming from redux-form
- Improved passing of "clicked button" (submittingAction), using component state rather than reducer and passing it into action handlers (no need for components to inspect it any other way)
- Hacky duplication of this.submittingAction and this.state.submittingAction to avoid re-render of <FormBuilder> *during* a submission (see https://github.com/erikras/redux-form/issues/1944)
- Inlined handleSubmit() XHR (rather than using a redux action). There's other ways for form consumers to listen to form evens (e.g. onSubmitSuccess passed through <FormBuilder> into reduxForm()).
- Adapting checkbox/radio fields to redux-forms
Need to send onChange event with values rather than the original event,
see http://redux-form.com/6.1.1/docs/api/Field.md/#-input-onchange-eventorvalue-function-
- Using reduxForm() within render() causes DOM to get thrown away,
and has weird side effects like https://github.com/erikras/redux-form/issues/1944.
See https://github.com/erikras/redux-form/issues/603#issuecomment-176397728
- Refactored <FormBuilderLoader> as a separate container component which connects to redux and redux-form. This keeps the <FormBuilder> component dependency free and easy to test. It'll also be an advantage if we switch to a GraphQL backed component, in which case the async loading routines will look very different from the current <FormBuilderLoader> implementation
- Refactoring out the redux-form dependency from FormBuilder to make it more testable (through baseFormComponent and baseFieldComponent)
- Passing through 'form' to allow custom identifiers (which is important because currently the schema "id" contains the record identifier, making the form identifier non-deterministic - which means you can't use it with the redux-form selector API)
Introducing <Tabs> component based on react-bootstrap
Better support for nested fields in FormBuilder
Tweaks to get FormBuilder working with frameworktest BasicFieldsPage fields
Added exception in FormBuilder when Component is defined but not found
Added check in SingleSelectField for empty value before adding one in
Added temporary workaround for CompositeFields with no name (another story to address the actual problem)
Added asset_preview_height for File image preview, matches the defined CSS max-height
Added documentation to DBFile::PreviewLink() method
ae99a273e updated TinyMCE from 4.3.4 to 4.3.8 directly, instead of through NPM.
This failed "npm run sanity". Updated to the latest (4.3.11) through NPM now.
SilverStripeBackend now has a createEndpointFetcher method, described
in its docblock in more detail.
It’s based the asset-admin code for apiCallerFromEndpoint(). It’s
refactored and generalised into framework in order to provide a
general-purpose API for tying Javascript components to backend APIs.
@todo: tests
- Removes thirdparty dependency History.js
- Adds thirdparty dependency Page.js to manage client-side routing
- Adds a wrapper around Page.js for SilverStripe specific behaviour
- Increased minimum browser requirement to IE10. Native HTML History API routing requires IE10 or newer (necessitated by removal of History.js)
- PJAX pannel loading via now uses promises rather than callbacks
- Adds getClientConfig method to LeftAndMain which can be used to pass config from to the front-end client
Uses https://github.com/uber/npm-shrinkwrap instead of the built-in "npm shrinkwrap" since it works more reliably.
Specifically, "npm install" doesn't fail depending on node_modules/ being installed in the local cache or not.
It also makes npm-shrinkwrap.json easier to diff by more consistently ordering its output between runs.
If you need any convincing that this is a problem, look at the over 400 issues related to "shrinkwrap"
in https://github.com/npm/npm/search?q=shrinkwrap&type=Issues&utf8=%E2%9C%93
- Includes a package.json file with build and CI scripts
- Includes shrinkwrap file for locking dependency version
- Includes Gulp for running build tasks
- Includes a 'build' task for copying library files from node_modules to thirdparty
- Includes a 'sanity' task for makes sure library files in thirdparty match what's in node_modules
- Includes updates to .travis.yml (new JS_SANITY_CHECK flag) to run the sanity task