BUG Fix TreeMultiSelectField using the wrong label
BUG Fix encoding of selected title on TreeDropdownField
BUG Fix DataDifferencer trying to compare non-comparable fields (non-dbfield objects)
BUG: Fix issue with TreeMultiSelectField not saving
BUG: Fix issue with GridFieldPrintButton
ENHANCEMENT Instead of using multiple api calls to encode dbfield values, delegate this operation to the individual fields via forTemplate
Instead of using a new API to communicate html encoding to treeselect, just ensure all content is HTML encoded, and enable html_titles in jstree.
NEW TreeDropdownField sanatiser helper added
Use config for default_cast of objects
FIX Determine if Diffed value should be escaped
Forcing casting for core DB fields
Fixing permissions labels
Provides an interface for classes to implement their own flush()
functionality. This function gets called early in a request on
all implementations of Flushable when flush=1|all is requested in the
This fix came out of an issue where Requirements combined files were not
being cleaned up after dev/build?flush=1, due to the fact that flush
would only occur when you called it while on a page that used those
combined files, but not in any other contexts. This will now call flush
on any implementors of Flushable regardless of the context of where
flush was called.
This is the only way to see if the ViewableData has been customised,
and is useful in situations when you want to further customise an
already-customised object.
47582b3e3c improved
template selection, but has introduced a regression. Specifically, it applies to contorllers that are
created by making a direct subclass of Page_Controller (a pattern used in a few modules to make a page
that looks like a CMS page but doesn't appear in the sitetree). Previously Page.ss would be used as a
template, because when Page_Controller was interrogated in the template stack, the strtok(Page_Controller,_)
was called before looking up the template.
The code was refactored to use SSViewer::get_templates_by_class(), which doesn't do this. This function
is used by LeftAndMain as well, so rather than re-add the strtok() call, which might cause unintended
side-effects, I've instead just have it ignore _controller in a classname. Strictly speaking, this is
an API change, but as long as people have followed page type class naming conventions, it will still
work in the relevant cases.
It's defaulted to false. But when set to true, the JS is written to the end of the HTML, even though there are earlier scripts.
This results in faster page-loading if the JS isn't needed earlier-on.
It's defaulted to false. But when set to true, the JS is written to the end of the HTML, even though there are earlier scripts.
This results in faster page-loading if the JS isn't needed earlier-on.
Currently the only way the extend SSTemplateParser is to define a class
extension of it and then tell the injector component to use your new
custom class. This new change allows a user to define new "open blocks"
and "closed blocks" for SSTemplateParser to use without needing to
recompile the real SSTemplateParser class.
The following example shows how the functionality can be used
to add a new <% minify %>…<% end_minify %> syntax to the template parser
In a config.yml file, define the new minify closed block to call the
static function "Minifier::minify"
minify: "Minifier::minify"
Define a new class with the minify static method that returns the new
template code when regenerating templates:
class Minifier {
public static function minify(&$res) {
return <<<PHP
\$val = zz\Html\HTMLMinify::minify(\$val, array('optimizationLevel' => zz\Html\HTMLMinify::OPTIMIZATION_ADVANCED));