API Introduce HTMLFragment as casting helper for HTMLText with shortcodes disabled
API Introduce DBField::CDATA for XML file value encoding
API RSSFeed now casts from the underlying model rather than by override
API Introduce CustomMethods::getExtraMethodConfig() to allow metadata to be queried
BUG Remove _call hack from VirtualPage
API Remove FormField::$dontEscape
API Introduce HTMLReadonlyField for non-editable readonly HTML
API FormField::Field() now returns string in many cases rather than DBField instance.
API Remove redundant *_val methods from ViewableData
API ViewableData::obj() no longer has a $forceReturnObject parameter as it always returns an object
BUG Fix issue with ViewableData caching incorrect field values after being modified.
API Remove deprecated DB class methods
API Enforce plain text left/right formfield titles
Added a test for the forgot password email.
Improved the test for the change-password email.
Fixed issue where `SapphireTest::mailer` was cleared during `setUp` by moving instantiation of the mailer at the end of the `setUp` method.
No longer use deprecated i18n method in test-setup.
Replace potentially real Email Address with a fake one.
- properly check for existing members.
- allow extensions.
- remove old code and replace with new syntax and add config API.
Fix issue in Group code where Member_Validator was instantiated via "new" which didn't allow injector overrides.
Added unit-tests.
Establish a link between the member and the validator for said member.
At the moment, using the "Remember me" function on more than one device will only work with the last device used. Previous devices will not auto login.
This PR introduces a new DataObject for storing hashed tokens against multiple devices. Developers can configure if logging out should discard all tokens, or only the one used on the device logging out; token expiry date is 90 days by default but configurable. For added security, the old behaviour can still be enforced if multiple tokens are not desired.
See silverstripe#1574 for additional background
The main benefit of this is so that authors who make use of
.editorconfig don't end up with whitespace changes in their PRs.
Spaces vs. tabs has been left alone, although that could do with a
tidy-up in SS4 after the switch to PSR-1/2.
The command used was this:
for match in '*.ss' '*.css' '*.scss' '*.html' '*.yml' '*.php' '*.js' '*.csv' '*.inc' '*.php5'; do
find . -path ./thirdparty -not -prune -o -path ./admin/thirdparty -not -prune -o -type f -name "$match" -exec sed -E -i '' 's/[[:space:]]+$//' {} \+
find . -path ./thirdparty -not -prune -o -path ./admin/thirdparty -not -prune -o -type f -name "$match" | xargs perl -pi -e 's/ +$//'
Currently Members that were deleted would still have their passwords
stored in the DB even though they were deleted. This seems unnecessary
and just increases data that could potentially be compromised later.
Database abstraction broken up into controller, connector, query builder, and schema manager, each independently configurable via YAML / Injector
Creation of new DBQueryGenerator for database specific generation of SQL
Support for parameterised queries, move of code base to use these over escaped conditions
Refactor of SQLQuery into separate query classes for each of INSERT UPDATE DELETE and SELECT
Support for PDO
Installation process upgraded to use new ORM
SS_DatabaseException created to handle database errors, maintaining details of raw sql and parameter details for user code designed interested in that data.
Renamed DB static methods to conform correctly to naming conventions (e.g. DB::getConn -> DB::get_conn)
3.2 upgrade docs
Performance Optimisation and simplification of code to use more concise API
API Ability for database adapters to register extensions to ConfigureFromEnv.php
Default to "yyyy-MM-dd" for date format, and "H:mm" for time_format.
Switched to config API for setting/getting values.
Avoid using "MMM" in particular, since it causes
inconsistencies in month names between jQuery UI and Zend_Locale_Format.
Fixes https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/issues/544
If you fail your maximum login attempts and are locked out, further failed login attempts add to your already existing FailedLoginCount as it is only reset if you log in successfully. This means that if you're locked out, then try again, one failure will automatically lock you out again, regardless of what you set your max limit to.
lock_out_after_incorrect_logins: 3
FailedLoginCount: 0
The user fails three login attempts.
lock_out_after_incorrect_logins: 3
FailedLoginCount: 3
The user is now locked out.
Lockout time passes.
The user fails their 4th login.
lock_out_after_incorrect_logins: 3
FailedLoginCount: 4
This will continue to happen until the user successfully logs in, without giving them the pre-defined amount of login attempts again due to this condition being met after every incorrect login:
if($this->FailedLoginCount >= self::config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins) {
FailedLoginTestCount Test Added
Updates the CMS profile page and SecurityAdmin to give developers a few ways to customise the required fields.
Added extension hook updateValidator for getValidator for things like modules to inject required fields to go along with Injector for replacing the entire class for project specific use.
This will prevent empty passwords to set the encryption to 'none',
which in turn will store any subsequent password changes in cleartext.
Reproduceable e.g. with ConfirmedPasswordField and setCanBeEmpty(true).
Refactor the code to make it clear the distinction is made between a
plaintext token and a hashed version. Rename fields so it is more
obvious what is being written and what sent out to the user.
This reuses the salt and algorithm from the Member, which are kept
constant throughout the Member lifetime in a normal scenario. If they do
change, users will need to re-request so the hashes can be regenerated.
The entire framework repo (with the exception of system-generated files) has been amended to respect the 120c line-length limit. This is in preparation for the enforcement of this rule with PHP_CodeSniffer.
Renamed the Member::mapInGroups() to Member::map_in_groups() since it's a static method and throws deprecation message if using the old variant.
Rewrote the mapInGroups to use a more ORMy way of fetching Members for a set of groups and included a test for.
instead of assertType(), assertEmpty() is available in PHPUnit 3.5+.
PHPUnit 3.4 is no longer supported, so please upgrade your version to
MINOR Removed FullTestSuite which was a workaround for PHPUnit but not