- The filter panel has been removed in favour of a search menu in the header.
- The multi-select component has been updated:
- Now called 'Bulk actions'
- Styling updated
- Added placeholder text / removed redundant option
- Now also appears in SiteTree view
Same as with the import form - you can overload the public function `SearchForm` in your model admin subclass to not return a form and the title currently remains there which makes no sense.
Were using old entity naming scheme (*.ss) instead
of underscored version which doesn't create a new YML
namespace. This means all existing translations should indeed be used.
Was already fixed in master, but not in 3.1
Was inferred by the containing file previously,
which is deprecated behaviour, because it obscures
the fact that renaming an template file or copying
template code will change the context of the translations.
While it would be nice to use shorter and more readable namespaces,
this change would remove all existing translations.
Since there is no (easy) migration of entities to a new namespace,
having verbose template code is the lesser of two evils.
API CHANGE Removed ModelAdmin->ResultColumns()/ColumnSelectionField, selection of own fields no longer possible through the UI, to be replaced by a more generic GridField component