Without this bugfix, if you had a Page that used to be a SiteTree, and you tried to use Versiond::get_version() or Versioned::get_latest_version() to return the older SiteTree version, nothing would be returned, because the results were being filtered by ClassName. This caused bugs in the history panel for certain combinbations of page classname alteration.
instead of assertType(), assertEmpty() is available in PHPUnit 3.5+.
PHPUnit 3.4 is no longer supported, so please upgrade your version to
MINOR Removed FullTestSuite which was a workaround for PHPUnit but not
API CHANGE: augmentSQL is now passed a DataQuery object from which query parameters can be extracted.
API CHANGE: DataObjectDecorators that manipulate the query can now define augmentDataQueryCreation().
API CHANGE: The container class argument for DataObject::get() is deprecated.
API CHANGE: DataObject::buildSQL() and DataObject::extendedSQL() are deprecated; just use DataObject::get() now.
API CHANGE: DataObject::instance_get() and DataObject::instance_get_one() are deprecated, and can no longer be overloaded.
API CHANGE: DataObject::buildDataObjectSet() is deprecated.
API CHANGE: Cant't call manual manipulation methods on DataList such as insertFirst()
ENHANCEMENT Added DataObject->isChanged() to detect if a field has been changed in this object instance
MINOR Changing call to CompositeDBField->compositeDatabaseFields() in DataObject->hasOwnDatabaseField()
BUGFIX Unsettig "Version" property in DataObject->getChangedField() to allow versioned to write a new version after a call to forceChange()
BUGFIX Introduced $markChanged in Money class
BUGFIX Casting Money->__toString() return value as string
MINOR Changing Member class to use new DataObject->isChanged() API
BUGFIX Using new $markChanged API for CompositeDBFields in DBField::create()
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/sapphire/trunk@77893 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9