The values in $values aren't returned in any order, so this test can randomly fail. This
changes the check from expected = $values to $values \cap expected = $value. PHP's array_intersect
maintains the keys of the first array, so order is preserved. The intersect also guarentees that the
only accepted values are the expected ones.
instead of assertType(), assertEmpty() is available in PHPUnit 3.5+.
PHPUnit 3.4 is no longer supported, so please upgrade your version to
MINOR Removed FullTestSuite which was a workaround for PHPUnit but not
API CHANGE: Deprecated SS_List::getRange() in favour of SS_Limitable::limit().
API CHANGE: Introduce SS_Limitable::limit($limit, $offset = 0) as the only modern way of specifying limits; deprecate all others.
This solves a bugfix when calling singleton($className)->summaryFields() and Versioned kicks back. It is needed to by the GridField functionality to get default columns to show.
This is due to DataExtension calls ClassName::extraStatics() when calling ::load_extra_statics() statically, we need to pass in class and extension.
API CHANGE: augmentSQL is now passed a DataQuery object from which query parameters can be extracted.
API CHANGE: DataObjectDecorators that manipulate the query can now define augmentDataQueryCreation().
API CHANGE: The container class argument for DataObject::get() is deprecated.
API CHANGE: DataObject::buildSQL() and DataObject::extendedSQL() are deprecated; just use DataObject::get() now.
API CHANGE: DataObject::instance_get() and DataObject::instance_get_one() are deprecated, and can no longer be overloaded.
API CHANGE: DataObject::buildDataObjectSet() is deprecated.
API CHANGE: Cant't call manual manipulation methods on DataList such as insertFirst()