Allow DataList::limit() to take a null value to remove the limit.
Added tests for limit(). Note the one failure, currently the ORM doesn't support unlimited values with an offset.
In 3.0 there was some confusion about whether DataLists and ArrayLists
were mutable or not. If DataLists were immutable, they'd return the result, and your code
would look like
$list = $list->filter(....);
If DataLists were mutable, they'd operate on themselves, returning nothing, and your code
would look like
This makes all DataLists and ArrayList immutable for all _searching_ operations.
Operations on DataList that modify the underlying SQL data store remain mutating.
- These functions no longer mutate the existing object, and if you do not capture the value
returned by them will have no effect:
DataList#dataQuery (use DataList#alterDataQuery to modify dataQuery in a safe manner)
- DataList#setDataQueryParam has been added as syntactic sugar around the most common
cause of accessing the dataQuery directly - setting query parameters
- RelationList#setForeignID has been removed. Always use RelationList#forForeignID
when querying, and overload RelationList#foreignIDList when subclassing.
- Relatedly,the protected variable RelationList->foreignID has been removed, as the ID is
now stored on a query parameter. Use RelationList#getForeignID to read it.
The entire framework repo (with the exception of system-generated files) has been amended to respect the 120c line-length limit. This is in preparation for the enforcement of this rule with PHP_CodeSniffer.
ArrayList had several methods that should act on a copy and return
that copy, but was instead mutating the existing list.
We cant change this behaviour in the 3.0 line for backwards compt.
reasons, but this makes the desired behavior the default, and
makes disabling the mutation in 3.1 easier
This allows DataList::create('SiteTree') as equivalent to Object::create('DataList', 'SiteTree'), without
having to have a create() function on DataList. Required for E_STRICT compliance.
API CHANGE: Deprecated SS_List::getRange() in favour of SS_Limitable::limit().
API CHANGE: Introduce SS_Limitable::limit($limit, $offset = 0) as the only modern way of specifying limits; deprecate all others.