Sometimes the has_one getter is incorrectly implemented,
resulting in an empty return object. While that's technically
a core API validation, there's no checks around it (i.e. no PHP class interface).
DataDifferencer has the option to continue here, so we should
program it defensively rather than resulting in a fatal error.
BUG Fix TreeMultiSelectField using the wrong label
BUG Fix encoding of selected title on TreeDropdownField
BUG Fix DataDifferencer trying to compare non-comparable fields (non-dbfield objects)
BUG: Fix issue with TreeMultiSelectField not saving
BUG: Fix issue with GridFieldPrintButton
ENHANCEMENT Instead of using multiple api calls to encode dbfield values, delegate this operation to the individual fields via forTemplate
Instead of using a new API to communicate html encoding to treeselect, just ensure all content is HTML encoded, and enable html_titles in jstree.
NEW TreeDropdownField sanatiser helper added
Use config for default_cast of objects
FIX Determine if Diffed value should be escaped
Forcing casting for core DB fields
Fixing permissions labels