Strictly speaking, no longer required since we auto-quote simple
field names in DataQuery now, but since the majority of sorts in core is
already quoted we should stay consistent.
This causes a 'Fatal error: Call to a member function hasMethod() on a non-object'.
This can happen when displaying a field in a gridfield on a belongs_to relationship.
Enables more generic use of the fixture facilities
without dependency on the YAML format, for example
when creating fixtures from Behat step definitions.
Note: The YamlFixture class needs to be created via
Injector::inst()->create('YamlFixture') now,
direct instantiation is no longer supported.
Avoid PHPUnit throwing "test didn't run any assertions"
notices in PHP. If nothing else, it keeps test output
looking less broken by default, making it more likely
that actual errors do get noticed.
The entire framework repo (with the exception of system-generated files) has been amended to respect the 120c line-length limit. This is in preparation for the enforcement of this rule with PHP_CodeSniffer.
instead of assertType(), assertEmpty() is available in PHPUnit 3.5+.
PHPUnit 3.4 is no longer supported, so please upgrade your version to
MINOR Removed FullTestSuite which was a workaround for PHPUnit but not
API CHANGE: Deprecated SS_List::getRange() in favour of SS_Limitable::limit().
API CHANGE: Introduce SS_Limitable::limit($limit, $offset = 0) as the only modern way of specifying limits; deprecate all others.
This solves a bugfix when calling singleton($className)->summaryFields() and Versioned kicks back. It is needed to by the GridField functionality to get default columns to show.
This is due to DataExtension calls ClassName::extraStatics() when calling ::load_extra_statics() statically, we need to pass in class and extension.
API CHANGE: augmentSQL is now passed a DataQuery object from which query parameters can be extracted.
API CHANGE: DataObjectDecorators that manipulate the query can now define augmentDataQueryCreation().
API CHANGE: The container class argument for DataObject::get() is deprecated.
API CHANGE: DataObject::buildSQL() and DataObject::extendedSQL() are deprecated; just use DataObject::get() now.
API CHANGE: DataObject::instance_get() and DataObject::instance_get_one() are deprecated, and can no longer be overloaded.
API CHANGE: DataObject::buildDataObjectSet() is deprecated.
API CHANGE: Cant't call manual manipulation methods on DataList such as insertFirst()