NEW: URL generation now handled by pluggable ResourceURLGenerator service.
NEW: Requirements::javascript() and Requirements::css() now support “vendor/package:resource” syntax.
These changes will make it easier to us to fully abstract:
- file access from module location
- file location from URL generation
API: ModulePath template global now takes any composer package name.
NEW: URL generation now handled by pluggable ResourceURLGenerator service.
NEW: Requirements::javascript() and Requirements::css() now support “vendor/package:resource” syntax.
These changes will make it easier to us to fully abstract:
- file access from module location
- file location from URL generation
BUG Fix up test regressions
FIX director references to request object
API Move all middlewares to common namespace
API Implement RequestHandlerMiddlewareAdapter
ENHANCEMENT Improve IP address parsing
Fix up PHPDoc / psr2 linting
BUG Fix property parsing in TrustedProxyMiddleware
BUG Fix Director::is_https()
NEW: Add HTMLMiddlewareAware trait to HTTPApplication, Director, and RequestHandler
NEW: Allow service specs to be passed to Director rules.
This refactor of the controller middlewares takes a service definition
approach rather than a static-method-and-config approach that Director
historically had.
The use of a trait for middleware means that the Middlewares array
property can be defined on RequestHandler, Director, and HTTPApplication
objects in the same way.
API: SS_TRUSTED_PROXY_HOST_HEADER replace with middleware config
API: SS_TRUSTED_PROXY_PROTOCOL_HEADER replace with middleware config
API: SS_TRUSTED_PROXY_IP_HEADER replace with middleware config
API: Front-End-Https = “on” header no longer supported
This middleware replaces the TRUSTED_PROXY setting and shifts its
configuration out of the env vars and bootstrap and into the Director
NEW: Allow application of HTTPMiddleware to Director.
Director can now use the same HTTPMiddleware objects as the app object.
They can be applied either globally or pre-rule.
- Move the success and message to a validationresult
- Fix tests for validationresult return
- We need to clear the session in Test logOut method
- Rename to MemberAuthenticator and CMSMemberAuthenticator for consistency.
- Unify all to getCurrentUser on Security
- ChangePasswordHandler removed from Security
- Update SapphireTest for CMS login/logout
- Get the Member ID correctly, if it's an object.
- Only enable "remember me" when it's allowed.
- Add flag to disable password logging
- Remove Subsites coupling, give it an extension hook to disable itself
- Change cascadeLogInTo to cascadeInTo for the logout method logic naming
- Docblocks
- Basicauth config
Move to canLogin in the authentication check. Protected isLockedOut
Enable login to be called with a different login service (CMSLogin), enabling CMS Log in. Seems the styling and/or output is still broken.
logOut could be managed from the Authenticator instead of the member
Authenticators is now a map of keys -> service names. The key is used
in things such as URL segments. The “default_authenticator” value has
been replaced with the key “default” in this map, although in time a
default authenticator may not be needed.
IX: Refactor login() to avoid code duplication on single/multiple handlers
IX: Refactor LoginHandler to be more amenable to extension
IX: Fixed permissionFailure hack
his LoginHandler is expected to be the starting point for other
custom authenticators so it should be easier to repurpose components
`of it.
IX: Fix database-is-ready checks in tests.
IX: Fixed MemberAuthenticatorTest to match the new API
IX: Update security URLs in MemberTest
Further down the line, I'm only returning the `Member` on the doLogin, so it's possible for the Handler or Extending Handler to move to a second step.
Also cleaned up some minor typos I ran in to. Nothing major.
This solution works and is manually tested for now. Supports multiple login forms that end up in the correct handler. I haven't gotten past the handler yet, as I've yet to refactor my Yubiauth implementation.
FIX: Corrections to the multi-login-form support.
Importantly, the system provide a URL-space for each handler, e.g.
“Security/login/default” and “Security/login/other”. This is much
cleaner than identifying the active authenticator by a get parameter,
and means that the tabbed interface is only needed on the very first view.
Note that you can test this without a module simply by loading the
default authenticator twice:
default: SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator\Authenticator
other: SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator\Authenticator
FIX: Refactor delegateToHandler / delegateToHandlers to have less
duplicated code.
API: Add HTTPOutputHandler::setCLIFormatter
This provides detailed errors (but not warnings or notices) in CLI calls
on live environments.
It does this by adding a 2nd argument to our output handler,
CliFormatter. This formatter will be used when Director::is_cli() is
- has the fields and actions extracted to a separate method, so it's more easily overridable
- Moved the global variable $_REQUEST to getting the info from the controller
- Updated string variables to `::class`
- Updated RequiredFields to be set in the YML, so it's overridable/updatable from either Config or code
This patch introduces PHP 7 compatability without breaking semver by adding DBInt
and DBFloat classes, with Int/Float classes that are only loaded into PHP 5 environments
API Substitute Zend_Locale with Locale / NumberFormatter
API Substitute Zend_Date with IntlDateFormatter
API Added DBTIme::Nice12, FormatFromSettings
API Added Short() method to DBDate / DBTime / DBDatetime
API Add Date::getTimestamp()
API Added setSubmittedValue api for FormField
API Add second arg to base FormField::setValue()
API Major refactor of i18n into component data parts
API Implement Resettable interface to reset objects between tests
ENHANCEMENT Changed DBField::create_field return type to `static` to support better type hinting
ENHANCEMENT i18nTextCollector supports __CLASS__
API Implement enhanced pluralisation
Remove Zend_Translate and all Zend dependencies from i18n
Deprecated $context from i18n::_t()
Warn on missing default string for i18n::_t()
* API Replace existing Email and Mailer classes with SwiftMailer powered email system
* DOCS New Email docs
* Initial feedback from Damian
* Making Mailer an interface
* Templates relocated
* Round of feedback
* More robust approach to plain parts
* Revert changes to TestMailer
API Remove DataList::applyFilterContext(), superseded by DataList::createSearchFilter()
API SearchFilter::getSupportedModifiers() added to support supported modifier inspection
Standardise template locations
Move CMSSettingsController class to SiteConfig module
Fix CMSMenu behaviour for namespaced admin sections
Split classes into one per file
Manual fixes and cleanup
API Introduce HTMLFragment as casting helper for HTMLText with shortcodes disabled
API Introduce DBField::CDATA for XML file value encoding
API RSSFeed now casts from the underlying model rather than by override
API Introduce CustomMethods::getExtraMethodConfig() to allow metadata to be queried
BUG Remove _call hack from VirtualPage
API Remove FormField::$dontEscape
API Introduce HTMLReadonlyField for non-editable readonly HTML
API FormField::Field() now returns string in many cases rather than DBField instance.
API Remove redundant *_val methods from ViewableData
API ViewableData::obj() no longer has a $forceReturnObject parameter as it always returns an object
BUG Fix issue with ViewableData caching incorrect field values after being modified.
API Remove deprecated DB class methods
API Enforce plain text left/right formfield titles
API: Deprecate SS_Datetime.
The DBField subclasses are have all been renamed to start with “DB” and
be in the SilverStripe\Model\FieldType namespace. To keep DataObject
definitions concise, the original short variations of their names are
preserved as service definitions. Most of the field generation code
doesn’t need to change, but where field classes are referenced directly,
changes will be needed.
SS_Datetime, which is commonly referenced outside the model system
itself, has been preserved as a subclass of DBDatetime. This has been
marked as deprecated and can be removed in SilverStripe 5.
A few places that referred to $db and $casting values weren’t using
the Injector to instantiate the relevant classes. This meant that the
remapping we have created as part of moving classes into a namespace
didn’t work.
The tidiest fix for this will be to update the namespace/naming of all
field types to follow this pattern. I’ve broken out the minimum
necessary to support PHP7 as its own commit, in case anyone needs to
backport that (e.g. if someone wanted to patch a SS 3 system to get
PHP7 support).
Rather than introduce a new API for fieldtype namespace simplification,
I’ve just used Injector. We may come up with a new configuration tool
that is better, but this has the advantage of existing now, and as such
I think is a good first step.
- Adds FormSchema class
- Adds FormSchema dependency to LeftAndMain via Injector
- Adds schema allowed_action method to LeftAndMain for generating Form schemas
- Adds FormFieldSchemaTrait to for schema getters and setters on FormFields
Rely on standard vendor/bin/phpunit via CLI instead.
- Not disabling xdebug. That should be harmful, and is actively harming test development
- No longer able to specifically skip tests via the `SkipTests` request parameter. Use phpunit.xml groups and the `--exclude-group` CLI argument instead
- No longer able to specify multiple comma-separated module folders. use phpunit.xml groups and the `--group` CLI argument instead
- Not explicitly calling `SSViewer::flush_template_cache()` (was never the case on running `phpunit` CLI anyway, and shouldn't be required any more)
API Improved support for versioned DataObject
API GridField extensions for versioned dataobjects
API De-couple File and ErrorPage
API File::handle_shortcode now respects canView()
API AssetControlExtension is now able to delete, publish, or protect files
API Upload now protects new assets by default
The main benefit of this is so that authors who make use of
.editorconfig don't end up with whitespace changes in their PRs.
Spaces vs. tabs has been left alone, although that could do with a
tidy-up in SS4 after the switch to PSR-1/2.
The command used was this:
for match in '*.ss' '*.css' '*.scss' '*.html' '*.yml' '*.php' '*.js' '*.csv' '*.inc' '*.php5'; do
find . -path ./thirdparty -not -prune -o -path ./admin/thirdparty -not -prune -o -type f -name "$match" -exec sed -E -i '' 's/[[:space:]]+$//' {} \+
find . -path ./thirdparty -not -prune -o -path ./admin/thirdparty -not -prune -o -type f -name "$match" | xargs perl -pi -e 's/ +$//'
API Reduce GeneratedAssetHandler API
API Re-introduce Requirements::delete_all_combined_files();
API Re-introduce Requirements::flush()
API Combined files now uses new filenames distinguished by sha1 of sources
Without this fix, multiple Database objects will use the same
DBConnector object, meaning that SilverStripe can’t connect to multiple
This fix ensures that the service cache generates new DBConnector
subclasses each time it is called.
API CHANGE: Debug::showError(), Debug::showLines(), Debug::log(), and Debug::header() removed
NEW: Logging provided
ZendLog has been removed and monolog introduced instead as a dependency.
The “ErrorLogger” injection point is now the used as the logger that
errors are fed into, and implements PSR-3’s Psr\Log\LoggerInterface.
The SS_ERROR_LOG setting expect a Monolog Logger to be provided as the
Provides an interface for classes to implement their own flush()
functionality. This function gets called early in a request on
all implementations of Flushable when flush=1|all is requested in the
This fix came out of an issue where Requirements combined files were not
being cleaned up after dev/build?flush=1, due to the fact that flush
would only occur when you called it while on a page that used those
combined files, but not in any other contexts. This will now call flush
on any implementors of Flushable regardless of the context of where
flush was called.