API Substitute Zend_Locale with Locale / NumberFormatter
API Substitute Zend_Date with IntlDateFormatter
API Added DBTIme::Nice12, FormatFromSettings
API Added Short() method to DBDate / DBTime / DBDatetime
API Add Date::getTimestamp()
API Added setSubmittedValue api for FormField
API Add second arg to base FormField::setValue()
API Major refactor of i18n into component data parts
API Implement Resettable interface to reset objects between tests
ENHANCEMENT Changed DBField::create_field return type to `static` to support better type hinting
ENHANCEMENT i18nTextCollector supports __CLASS__
API Implement enhanced pluralisation
Remove Zend_Translate and all Zend dependencies from i18n
Deprecated $context from i18n::_t()
Warn on missing default string for i18n::_t()
The 'admin' module will be split off from 'framework',
where 'framework' only provides (mostly) frontend-agnostic PHP classes.
For example, HTMLEditorField.php has a TinyMCEConfig.php driver,
but doesn't come with its own JS includes.
They were used for TreeDropdownField JavaScript tests but were never run
on CI, hence have been a bit of a wasted effort.
We're using a different JS unit testing solution now (geared towards React),
and running Jasmine in parallel on Travis for a few test cases
doesn't warrant the setup effort involved.
The TreeDropdownField component will eventually move to a React solution
which can be developed in a test-driven fashion.
These were originally copied from node_modules via an "npm run thirdparty" task,
in order to have them loadable with oldschool <script> tags.
Since webpack supports CommonJS-style loading, that's no longer required,
we can simply inline those scripts into the bundle.
We need to use imports-loader though, in order to ensure
that "define" is not available in some module scopes,
which triggers AMD behavior that's not compatible with Webpack's loaders.
See http://webpack.github.io/docs/shimming-modules.html
I've had to pin to the exact versions used in the 3.x CMS,
since jquery-upload has introduced an AMD wrapper sometime
between 6.0 and 6.9 (the latest version NPM automatically pulls in).
This AMD wrapper confuses Webpack, since it's trying to resolve the
dependencies contained in it. We could create shims for those instead,
but the easiest way was to simply revert to the versions already used
before the Webpack migration (since the newer versions in node_modules
were never actually copied into thirdparty, they weren't used before).
ae99a273e updated TinyMCE from 4.3.4 to 4.3.8 directly, instead of through NPM.
This failed "npm run sanity". Updated to the latest (4.3.11) through NPM now.
Note that the best solution to this will be to remove the use of
SimpleTest entirely. This is quick fix is intended to help us get PHP7
tests running without needing to cross that bridge.
- Adds ES6 support via Babel
- Transforms existing JavaScript to UMD modules
- Adds module bundling via Browserify
- Existing JavaScript converted to UMD modules
- lib.js and leftandmain.js are bundled using browserify
- JavaScript minifying of bundles handed by gulp
- Includes a package.json file with build and CI scripts
- Includes shrinkwrap file for locking dependency version
- Includes Gulp for running build tasks
- Includes a 'build' task for copying library files from node_modules to thirdparty
- Includes a 'sanity' task for makes sure library files in thirdparty match what's in node_modules
- Includes updates to .travis.yml (new JS_SANITY_CHECK flag) to run the sanity task
TinyMCE strips them by default, but if they're specifically added
to the allowed elements we should respect that setting.
Example PHP config:
$validEls = HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->getOption('extended_valid_elements');
$validEls .= ',script[src|type]';
HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->setOption('extended_valid_elements', $validEls);
PHP 5.6 doesn't like access to HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA and recommends the use of php://input,
which is already supported by this code. I've just removed the deprecated calls.