Merge branch '4.5' into 4

This commit is contained in:
Serge Latyntcev 2019-11-20 11:12:49 +13:00
commit f67e15b8ee
7 changed files with 358 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ addons:
fast_finish: true
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ before_script:
- mkdir ./public
- if [[ $DB == PGSQL ]]; then composer require silverstripe/postgresql:2.2.x-dev --no-update; fi
- if [[ $DB == SQLITE ]]; then composer require silverstripe/sqlite3:2.2.x-dev --no-update; fi
- composer require silverstripe/recipe-testing:^1 silverstripe/recipe-core:4.4.x-dev silverstripe/admin:1.4.x-dev silverstripe/versioned:1.4.x-dev --no-update
- if [[ $PHPUNIT_TEST == cms ]]; then composer require silverstripe/recipe-cms:4.4.x-dev --no-update; fi
- composer require silverstripe/recipe-testing:^1 silverstripe/recipe-core:4.5.x-dev silverstripe/admin:1.5.x-dev silverstripe/versioned:1.5.x-dev --no-update
- if [[ $PHPUNIT_TEST == cms ]]; then composer require silverstripe/recipe-cms:4.5.x-dev --no-update; fi
- if [[ $PHPCS_TEST ]]; then composer global require squizlabs/php_codesniffer:^3 --prefer-dist --no-interaction --no-progress --no-suggest -o; fi
- composer install --prefer-source --no-interaction --no-progress --no-suggest --optimize-autoloader --verbose --profile

View File

@ -61,9 +61,6 @@
"psr/container-implementation": "1.0.0"
"extra": {
"branch-alias": {
"4.x-dev": "4.5.x-dev"
"expose": [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
# 4.5.0-alpha1
<!--- Changes below this line will be automatically regenerated -->
## Change Log
### API Changes
* 2019-10-31 [e2bea6b41]( Add `withConfig` method (#9011) (Mojmir Fendek)
* 2019-10-09 [e236ce5]( Add onBlur and onFocus handlers to Input field (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-08-06 [4380d7d15]( Add option to disable user-agent header session validation (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-06-18 [83661c7]( Add deprecation warnings to Versioned::VersionsList() and allVersions() (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-05-30 [0520d7746]( checkHistoricalPasswords(), characterStrength() and minLength() are now correctly deprecated from 4.5.0 onwards (#9008) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-05-27 [9bfce8c1a]( Add extension points to MigrateFileTask (#8994) (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-05-24 [d87377995]( checkHistoricalPasswords(), characterStrength() and minLength() are now correctly deprecated from 4.5.0 onwards (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-05-23 [5184cb9]( Bump minimum PHP version to 7.1 (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-05-23 [c262dd3]( Bump minimum PHP version to 7.1 (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-05-23 [002cb6b]( Bump minimum PHP version to 7.1 (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-05-23 [ac3534404]( Drop PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 support in SS 4.5 (Sam Minnee)
### Features and Enhancements
* 2019-11-13 [fbc5ca2]( Tweak attribute filter logic to allow 'falsey' values (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-24 [0173abc]( Add Injector.init callback (#974) (Aaron Carlino)
* 2019-10-22 [bed3f2b3c]( Add type declarations to Tip API, add TippableFieldInterface (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-22 [195417b06]( Extract Tip from TextField, add test coverage (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-21 [e0f919d]( Add HTML editor button to switch to image size preset (#1018) (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-10-21 [e59625fe5]( Add ability to define image size preset for the TinyMCE editor. (#9276) (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-10-21 [530b86e]( Add tip to Alt Text field in Insert Media dialog (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-17 [ce97ec1]( Add tests for Tip component, fix proptypes and story (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-15 [3c7ba6d]( Extract Tip UI to independent component, add knobs to TextField (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-11 [bbc6854]( Tweak Tip UI render methods, remove autoOpen, add importance prop (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-11 [efc7ba952]( Tweak TextField Tip API to match changes to component (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-09 [b4d2b92]( Add Tip UI to InputField component, document on TextField (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-09 [08a0811]( Update icon font with new lamp, flag and ticket icons (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-09 [74c350a]( Add `Download file` action to file meatballs button (#1011) (Andre Kiste)
* 2019-10-08 [4bb83ee]( Add Markdown loader to Pattern Library for advanced docs (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-06 [a44bc5bcf]( Add support for Tip UI in TextField (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-02 [c437316]( UploadField dropzone validates filesize before uploading (Serge Latyntcev)
* 2019-10-01 [904b677]( Enable 'upload_folder_id' config to set dialog folderid (#1009) (Damian Mooyman)
* 2019-09-29 [58c080db5]( Option placeholder for upload folder id (#9262) (Damian Mooyman)
* 2019-09-16 [bcbf90a83]( Introduce supported database transaction mode check (Michal Kleiner)
* 2019-09-12 [233e0e7aa]( PasswordExpirationMiddleware implementation (#9207) (Serge Latyntsev)
* 2019-09-11 [da6582f59]( Remove web installer, move to separate package (#9231) (Aaron Carlino)
* 2019-09-06 [22a6a5b1e]( Add getLastName() method to Member.php (#9222) (Hels666)
* 2019-08-20 [c6f2070]( Add a `canMove` callback which makes it possible to add conditional logic before moving nodes around the tree (bergice)
* 2019-08-19 [759601741]( Use templates to render embed shortcodes (closes #8762) (Loz Calver)
* 2019-08-02 [7533ac709]( HTTPRequest now has hasSession() to determine whether a ses… (#9159) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-08-01 [0672f8b76]( HTTPRequest now has hasSession() to determine whether a session exists for it (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-07-26 [be4ff49]( Enhancement / Update travis config to use Xenial (Serge Latyntcev)
* 2019-07-22 [dd21ce2]( Add universal permission checking for queries (#222) (Aaron Carlino)
* 2019-07-21 [cb91f5fa0]( Added SRI support for Requirements::css, Requirements::javascript (#9139) (Chee Wai)
* 2019-07-08 [ec66d366d]( Deprecated PDO in favour of native drivers (#9052) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-07-05 [6c9c6cd]( Large thumbnails fallback on URL (#964) (Aaron Carlino)
* 2019-07-05 [844d2ef13]( DBDate and DBDatetime now support modify() with a strtotime() style adjustment string (#9105) (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-07-02 [571a4d9ac]( Added support for config condition if PHP extension is loaded (UndefinedOffset)
* 2019-06-11 [a968e7a]( Change .env.example to default to MySQL native driver (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-06-11 [27ace0327]( Deprecated PDO in favour of native drivers (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-05-28 [b7c2491]( Allow error pages for 402 and 451 status codes (Elliot Sawyer)
* 2019-05-27 [a7f0b5a]( Add technical message to error page on dev environments (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-05-15 [350888bf5]( Adding a shuffle method to ArrayList (#8984) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-05-09 [43b8000]( Disable legacy resolution for new projects (#253) (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-05-02 [5dc57518c]( Filter out authenticators that are falsy (Indy Griffiths)
* 2019-04-30 [fec0b4c]( Added ability to disable type caching on flush (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-04-17 [2d298d4]( Add VersionedBadge for displaying versioning states in the CMS (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-03-12 [3a6a6e485]( Add PHP 7.4s daily snapshot to the travis suite. (Sam Minnee)
### Bugfixes
* 2019-11-12 [9648801]( Gracefully handle lack of actions in HistoryViewer (Serge Latyntcev)
* 2019-11-12 [7045082a]( Cache page icons (#2493) (Adrian Humphreys)
* 2019-11-07 [3a00ecc]( Lowercase PHPUnit in composer.json to allow packagist to resolve 1.2.x-dev (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-11-05 [c4c688f]( Do not include moment locales in bundle (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-10-31 [f47ff4c]( Fix toast popping up forever (bergice)
* 2019-10-28 [f03b3a0]( fixed creating multiple duplicate data objects (#961) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-10-23 [15b21fc]( Remove deprecated uppercase characters from composer.json (#982) (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-23 [5fc94b9]( Revert scope change of TreeDropdownField hack and suppress linter (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-22 [c96b7be]( Use arrow syntax to avoid unnamed function linting error (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-21 [626d7c9]( Update changelog template location config (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-20 [2496de6]( Fix ModelAdmin ignoring page_length (Damian Mooyman)
* 2019-10-20 [9004b50]( Tidy variable use, shift padding out of example in Tip story (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-20 [7a54920]( Translate Tip aria-label, add docs, improve knobs (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-09 [57e481f]( Add support for disabling the smallfield holder label on react FieldGroup (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-10-09 [eb369ed]( Gracefully handle lack of versions in HistoryViewer (Serge Latyntcev)
* 2019-10-08 [3a3705d]( archive relationships, not related objects (Dylan Wagstaff)
* 2019-10-07 [d182f06]( Minor code formatting improvement. (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-10-03 [f1594fd99]( Ensure that canCreate() context matches that respected by GridFieldAddNewButton (Damian Mooyman)
* 2019-10-03 [b3ccd48]( Remove buggy code from LeftAndMain Breadcrumb (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-10-02 [7db524bd9]( DebugViewFrendlyErrorFormatter handle of admin_email (Serge Latyntcev)
* 2019-09-30 [be44178]( fixed creating multiple duplicate data object by locking out save button on submit (Makreig)
* 2019-09-30 [daf995da6]( Fix syntax error in DataList docs (Loz Calver)
* 2019-09-29 [2799265]( Honour AssetAdminFile insert dimentions when inserting a new image (#1015) (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-29 [f475826]( Fix inlinting issue (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-29 [30d816e]( Flush cache before every test in Sha1FileHashingServiceTest (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-29 [52b2b3a]( Fix minor typos in the comments (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-26 [959da81]( Store the timestamp in the cache (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-25 [255bf2f]( JSTree error if callback isn't passed (fixes #958) (Loz Calver)
* 2019-09-24 [fb36e03]( Search for both Save and Apply change when running behat tests (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-24 [f110bec]( Force alt attribute to render, remove fallback to image Title (Garion Herman)
* 2019-09-23 [aa7c05742]( Don't force-add view button to readonly GridField (fixes #… (#9254) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-09-23 [190b2f284]( run member CMS validator when editing via groups (fixes #9… (#9255) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-09-23 [efdb9cc71]( run member CMS validator when editing via groups (fixes #9184) (Loz Calver)
* 2019-09-23 [d85ff3bc4]( Don't force-add view button to readonly GridField (fixes #9249) (Loz Calver)
* 2019-09-23 [a2ddef0]( Fix build (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-23 [a6a108b]( Fix bad description for bulk delete actions (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-23 [f177606]( Update Apache .htaccess for new access directives (Dylan Wagstaff)
* 2019-09-23 [3f96b28]( Fix broken existing tests (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-11 [51f05c0]( Fix Used On tab showing file links (bergice)
* 2019-09-10 [3510cc0]( Add a status column to the table view (#980) (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-08 [c16556158]( Fix typos (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-06 [f788a8a92]( Member::getLastName() now correctly returns the Member surn… (#9226) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-09-06 [e8c2f963f]( Member::getLastName() now correctly returns the Member surname (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-08-28 [10c10d5]( When using the esc key to exist a popover, refocus to the target element (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-08-22 [8e307292]( Disable caching on page previews (CMSPreviews or stage=Stage) (Garion Herman)
* 2019-08-19 [cddd423]( Sort action menus using numeric valuesrather than boolean (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-08-16 [9d44a3b]( Optimise AssetAdminFile::nestedFolderIDs (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-08-13 [f8506c1]( re-enable ability to insert anchors (Dylan Wagstaff)
* 2019-08-12 [d9cc265]( Set better order for insert link menu (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-08-12 [4960cc35]( Set better order for insert link menu (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-08-12 [d0f94b3]( Set better order for insert link menu (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-08-02 [6ec02da57]( Allow multi-line content in grid field cells (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-08-02 [d088354f4]( Write relations when saving in grid-field item edit form (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-07-26 [89eb6c88b]( Do not try and load fixtures from directories, fixes PHP 7.4 build errors (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-07-24 [d1c927ff2]( Remove curly brace access to string offsets, deprecated in PHP 7.4 (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-07-19 [79fa61edf]( Type safety on nullable argument, fixes PHP 7.4 test (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-07-18 [2287da9]( Fix ambiguous UploadField labels (Jonathon Menz)
* 2019-07-17 [c11d0f3]( Resolving an issue where no .stories.js file would error (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-07-10 [f4913c5]( Refresh icons (#905) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-07-10 [04077d6]( Refresh icons. (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-06-30 [a638651]( Fix some inconsistencies in the GraphQL docs. (bergice)
* 2019-06-26 [8917545]( /NEW: Stories are now fetched dynamically from related modules (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-06-23 [6425852]( Fix the `TagsToShortcodeTask` segment so it matches the class name, like every other BuildTask we have. (#297) (Andre Kiste)
* 2019-06-18 [e652b3e42]( fix #9075 log example yml-config in docs (lerni)
* 2019-06-17 [093c3cf]( Hide iframe while loading in preview component (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-06-14 [1ee03da65]( Fix PHPUnit operation on PHP 7.4 (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-06-14 [ea04c8c]( Remove unused gzip tinemce third party lib (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-06-14 [abce98886]( Temporarilly allow PHP 7.4 build to fail without failing the entire build (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-06-13 [b3093b7a1]( Allow state to be shared across nested GridFields (Aaron Carlino)
* 2019-06-10 [654156d46]( Fix bug when confirmed password is changed but not the password. (#9012) (Sam Minnée)
* 2019-06-05 [acfb84e]( Update modal designs to match design pattern library (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-05-28 [469e7ca0]( Make test comparison less brittle in MigrateSiteTreeLinkingTaskTest (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-05-27 [7ef604807]( Enable file hash caching when running the file migration task (#8993) (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-05-27 [983d36b7e]( Better message when form action handler not found. (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-05-27 [7407096e9]( List default items in the readonly view of ListboxField (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-05-20 [3142b35]( #42: Remove excess RewriteCond and clean up comments to reflect current functionality. (Patrick Nelson)
* 2019-05-17 [1b3a4aea]( Page Type listed in Page Type dropdown when $can_be_root is false (Nic Horstmeier)
* 2019-05-14 [368c88d59]( Fix link to related lesson (Federico Jaramillo Martínez)
* 2019-05-14 [207cf75dc]( Fix link to npmjs (Federico Jaramillo Martínez)
* 2019-05-14 [08e08160c]( Fix link to es6features (Federico Jaramillo Martínez)
* 2019-05-10 [ce9f6e3]( Add offending class to exception message (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-05-10 [db5b2f8]( Fix OptionField component title generation (Serge Latyntcev)
* 2019-05-08 [8a7327b]( Fix travis dependencies (Aaron Carlino)
* 2019-05-06 [4d21f34]( Fix composer.json merge (Aaron Carlino)
* 2019-04-29 [cfba4cb]( Fixed core dependency to 4.x-dev (Ingo Schommer)
* 2019-04-29 [f02c756]( Remove unused variable (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-04-15 [f63973f]( Disable uneeded File ID Helper on new project (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-04-09 [91f168955]( Fix reference to webconfig.php, an invalid file (Matt Peel)
* 2019-02-01 [031740e]( Scrolling out of auto-selected edit mode not switches back to split mode (Robbie Averill)
<!--- Changes above this line will be automatically regenerated -->

View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
# 4.5.0-rc1
<!--- Changes below this line will be automatically regenerated -->
## Change Log
### API Changes
* 2019-10-31 [e2bea6b41]( Add `withConfig` method (#9011) (Mojmir Fendek)
* 2019-10-09 [e236ce5]( Add onBlur and onFocus handlers to Input field (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-08-06 [4380d7d15]( Add option to disable user-agent header session validation (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-06-18 [83661c7]( Add deprecation warnings to Versioned::VersionsList() and allVersions() (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-05-30 [0520d7746]( checkHistoricalPasswords(), characterStrength() and minLength() are now correctly deprecated from 4.5.0 onwards (#9008) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-05-27 [9bfce8c1a]( Add extension points to MigrateFileTask (#8994) (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-05-24 [d87377995]( checkHistoricalPasswords(), characterStrength() and minLength() are now correctly deprecated from 4.5.0 onwards (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-05-23 [5184cb9]( Bump minimum PHP version to 7.1 (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-05-23 [c262dd3]( Bump minimum PHP version to 7.1 (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-05-23 [002cb6b]( Bump minimum PHP version to 7.1 (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-05-23 [ac3534404]( Drop PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 support in SS 4.5 (Sam Minnee)
### Features and Enhancements
* 2019-11-13 [fbc5ca2]( Tweak attribute filter logic to allow 'falsey' values (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-24 [0173abc]( Add Injector.init callback (#974) (Aaron Carlino)
* 2019-10-22 [bed3f2b3c]( Add type declarations to Tip API, add TippableFieldInterface (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-22 [195417b06]( Extract Tip from TextField, add test coverage (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-21 [e0f919d]( Add HTML editor button to switch to image size preset (#1018) (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-10-21 [e59625fe5]( Add ability to define image size preset for the TinyMCE editor. (#9276) (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-10-21 [530b86e]( Add tip to Alt Text field in Insert Media dialog (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-17 [ce97ec1]( Add tests for Tip component, fix proptypes and story (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-15 [3c7ba6d]( Extract Tip UI to independent component, add knobs to TextField (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-11 [bbc6854]( Tweak Tip UI render methods, remove autoOpen, add importance prop (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-11 [efc7ba952]( Tweak TextField Tip API to match changes to component (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-09 [b4d2b92]( Add Tip UI to InputField component, document on TextField (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-09 [08a0811]( Update icon font with new lamp, flag and ticket icons (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-09 [74c350a]( Add `Download file` action to file meatballs button (#1011) (Andre Kiste)
* 2019-10-08 [4bb83ee]( Add Markdown loader to Pattern Library for advanced docs (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-06 [a44bc5bcf]( Add support for Tip UI in TextField (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-02 [c437316]( UploadField dropzone validates filesize before uploading (Serge Latyntcev)
* 2019-10-01 [904b677]( Enable 'upload_folder_id' config to set dialog folderid (#1009) (Damian Mooyman)
* 2019-09-29 [58c080db5]( Option placeholder for upload folder id (#9262) (Damian Mooyman)
* 2019-09-16 [bcbf90a83]( Introduce supported database transaction mode check (Michal Kleiner)
* 2019-09-12 [233e0e7aa]( PasswordExpirationMiddleware implementation (#9207) (Serge Latyntsev)
* 2019-09-11 [da6582f59]( Remove web installer, move to separate package (#9231) (Aaron Carlino)
* 2019-09-06 [22a6a5b1e]( Add getLastName() method to Member.php (#9222) (Hels666)
* 2019-08-20 [c6f2070]( Add a `canMove` callback which makes it possible to add conditional logic before moving nodes around the tree (bergice)
* 2019-08-19 [759601741]( Use templates to render embed shortcodes (closes #8762) (Loz Calver)
* 2019-08-02 [7533ac709]( HTTPRequest now has hasSession() to determine whether a ses… (#9159) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-08-01 [0672f8b76]( HTTPRequest now has hasSession() to determine whether a session exists for it (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-07-26 [be4ff49]( Enhancement / Update travis config to use Xenial (Serge Latyntcev)
* 2019-07-22 [dd21ce2]( Add universal permission checking for queries (#222) (Aaron Carlino)
* 2019-07-21 [cb91f5fa0]( Added SRI support for Requirements::css, Requirements::javascript (#9139) (Chee Wai)
* 2019-07-08 [ec66d366d]( Deprecated PDO in favour of native drivers (#9052) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-07-05 [6c9c6cd]( Large thumbnails fallback on URL (#964) (Aaron Carlino)
* 2019-07-05 [844d2ef13]( DBDate and DBDatetime now support modify() with a strtotime() style adjustment string (#9105) (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-07-02 [571a4d9ac]( Added support for config condition if PHP extension is loaded (UndefinedOffset)
* 2019-06-11 [a968e7a]( Change .env.example to default to MySQL native driver (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-06-11 [27ace0327]( Deprecated PDO in favour of native drivers (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-05-28 [b7c2491]( Allow error pages for 402 and 451 status codes (Elliot Sawyer)
* 2019-05-27 [a7f0b5a]( Add technical message to error page on dev environments (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-05-15 [350888bf5]( Adding a shuffle method to ArrayList (#8984) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-05-09 [43b8000]( Disable legacy resolution for new projects (#253) (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-05-02 [5dc57518c]( Filter out authenticators that are falsy (Indy Griffiths)
* 2019-04-30 [fec0b4c]( Added ability to disable type caching on flush (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-04-17 [2d298d4]( Add VersionedBadge for displaying versioning states in the CMS (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-03-12 [3a6a6e485]( Add PHP 7.4s daily snapshot to the travis suite. (Sam Minnee)
### Bugfixes
* 2019-11-18 [8be36604]( Linting failure (Garion Herman)
* 2019-11-13 [ea2a2b478]( Adjust HTMLEditorField tests to support alt attr changes in assets (Garion Herman)
* 2019-11-12 [9648801]( Gracefully handle lack of actions in HistoryViewer (Serge Latyntcev)
* 2019-11-12 [7045082a]( Cache page icons (#2493) (Adrian Humphreys)
* 2019-11-07 [3a00ecc]( Lowercase PHPUnit in composer.json to allow packagist to resolve 1.2.x-dev (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-11-05 [c4c688f]( Do not include moment locales in bundle (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-10-31 [f47ff4c]( Fix toast popping up forever (bergice)
* 2019-10-28 [f03b3a0]( fixed creating multiple duplicate data objects (#961) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-10-23 [15b21fc]( Remove deprecated uppercase characters from composer.json (#982) (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-23 [5fc94b9]( Revert scope change of TreeDropdownField hack and suppress linter (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-22 [c96b7be]( Use arrow syntax to avoid unnamed function linting error (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-21 [626d7c9]( Update changelog template location config (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-20 [2496de6]( Fix ModelAdmin ignoring page_length (Damian Mooyman)
* 2019-10-20 [9004b50]( Tidy variable use, shift padding out of example in Tip story (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-20 [7a54920]( Translate Tip aria-label, add docs, improve knobs (Garion Herman)
* 2019-10-09 [57e481f]( Add support for disabling the smallfield holder label on react FieldGroup (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-10-09 [eb369ed]( Gracefully handle lack of versions in HistoryViewer (Serge Latyntcev)
* 2019-10-08 [3a3705d]( archive relationships, not related objects (Dylan Wagstaff)
* 2019-10-07 [d182f06]( Minor code formatting improvement. (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-10-03 [f1594fd99]( Ensure that canCreate() context matches that respected by GridFieldAddNewButton (Damian Mooyman)
* 2019-10-03 [b3ccd48]( Remove buggy code from LeftAndMain Breadcrumb (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-10-02 [7db524bd9]( DebugViewFrendlyErrorFormatter handle of admin_email (Serge Latyntcev)
* 2019-09-30 [be44178]( fixed creating multiple duplicate data object by locking out save button on submit (Makreig)
* 2019-09-30 [daf995da6]( Fix syntax error in DataList docs (Loz Calver)
* 2019-09-29 [2799265]( Honour AssetAdminFile insert dimentions when inserting a new image (#1015) (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-29 [f475826]( Fix inlinting issue (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-29 [30d816e]( Flush cache before every test in Sha1FileHashingServiceTest (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-29 [52b2b3a]( Fix minor typos in the comments (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-26 [959da81]( Store the timestamp in the cache (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-25 [255bf2f]( JSTree error if callback isn't passed (fixes #958) (Loz Calver)
* 2019-09-24 [fb36e03]( Search for both Save and Apply change when running behat tests (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-24 [f110bec]( Force alt attribute to render, remove fallback to image Title (Garion Herman)
* 2019-09-23 [aa7c05742]( Don't force-add view button to readonly GridField (fixes #… (#9254) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-09-23 [190b2f284]( run member CMS validator when editing via groups (fixes #9… (#9255) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-09-23 [efdb9cc71]( run member CMS validator when editing via groups (fixes #9184) (Loz Calver)
* 2019-09-23 [d85ff3bc4]( Don't force-add view button to readonly GridField (fixes #9249) (Loz Calver)
* 2019-09-23 [a2ddef0]( Fix build (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-23 [a6a108b]( Fix bad description for bulk delete actions (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-23 [f177606]( Update Apache .htaccess for new access directives (Dylan Wagstaff)
* 2019-09-23 [3f96b28]( Fix broken existing tests (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-11 [51f05c0]( Fix Used On tab showing file links (bergice)
* 2019-09-10 [3510cc0]( Add a status column to the table view (#980) (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-08 [c16556158]( Fix typos (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-09-06 [f788a8a92]( Member::getLastName() now correctly returns the Member surn… (#9226) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-09-06 [e8c2f963f]( Member::getLastName() now correctly returns the Member surname (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-08-28 [10c10d5]( When using the esc key to exist a popover, refocus to the target element (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-08-22 [8e307292]( Disable caching on page previews (CMSPreviews or stage=Stage) (Garion Herman)
* 2019-08-19 [cddd423]( Sort action menus using numeric valuesrather than boolean (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-08-16 [9d44a3b]( Optimise AssetAdminFile::nestedFolderIDs (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-08-13 [f8506c1]( re-enable ability to insert anchors (Dylan Wagstaff)
* 2019-08-12 [d9cc265]( Set better order for insert link menu (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-08-12 [4960cc35]( Set better order for insert link menu (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-08-12 [d0f94b3]( Set better order for insert link menu (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-08-02 [6ec02da57]( Allow multi-line content in grid field cells (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-08-02 [d088354f4]( Write relations when saving in grid-field item edit form (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-07-26 [89eb6c88b]( Do not try and load fixtures from directories, fixes PHP 7.4 build errors (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-07-24 [d1c927ff2]( Remove curly brace access to string offsets, deprecated in PHP 7.4 (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-07-19 [79fa61edf]( Type safety on nullable argument, fixes PHP 7.4 test (Robbie Averill)
* 2019-07-18 [2287da9]( Fix ambiguous UploadField labels (Jonathon Menz)
* 2019-07-17 [c11d0f3]( Resolving an issue where no .stories.js file would error (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-07-10 [f4913c5]( Refresh icons (#905) (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-07-10 [04077d6]( Refresh icons. (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-06-30 [a638651]( Fix some inconsistencies in the GraphQL docs. (bergice)
* 2019-06-26 [8917545]( /NEW: Stories are now fetched dynamically from related modules (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-06-23 [6425852]( Fix the `TagsToShortcodeTask` segment so it matches the class name, like every other BuildTask we have. (#297) (Andre Kiste)
* 2019-06-18 [e652b3e42]( fix #9075 log example yml-config in docs (lerni)
* 2019-06-17 [093c3cf]( Hide iframe while loading in preview component (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-06-14 [1ee03da65]( Fix PHPUnit operation on PHP 7.4 (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-06-14 [ea04c8c]( Remove unused gzip tinemce third party lib (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-06-14 [abce98886]( Temporarilly allow PHP 7.4 build to fail without failing the entire build (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-06-13 [b3093b7a1]( Allow state to be shared across nested GridFields (Aaron Carlino)
* 2019-06-10 [654156d46]( Fix bug when confirmed password is changed but not the password. (#9012) (Sam Minnée)
* 2019-06-05 [acfb84e]( Update modal designs to match design pattern library (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-05-28 [469e7ca0]( Make test comparison less brittle in MigrateSiteTreeLinkingTaskTest (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-05-27 [7ef604807]( Enable file hash caching when running the file migration task (#8993) (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-05-27 [983d36b7e]( Better message when form action handler not found. (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-05-27 [7407096e9]( List default items in the readonly view of ListboxField (Sam Minnee)
* 2019-05-20 [3142b35]( #42: Remove excess RewriteCond and clean up comments to reflect current functionality. (Patrick Nelson)
* 2019-05-17 [1b3a4aea]( Page Type listed in Page Type dropdown when $can_be_root is false (Nic Horstmeier)
* 2019-05-14 [368c88d59]( Fix link to related lesson (Federico Jaramillo Martínez)
* 2019-05-14 [207cf75dc]( Fix link to npmjs (Federico Jaramillo Martínez)
* 2019-05-14 [08e08160c]( Fix link to es6features (Federico Jaramillo Martínez)
* 2019-05-10 [ce9f6e3]( Add offending class to exception message (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-05-10 [db5b2f8]( Fix OptionField component title generation (Serge Latyntcev)
* 2019-05-08 [8a7327b]( Fix travis dependencies (Aaron Carlino)
* 2019-05-06 [4d21f34]( Fix composer.json merge (Aaron Carlino)
* 2019-04-29 [cfba4cb]( Fixed core dependency to 4.x-dev (Ingo Schommer)
* 2019-04-29 [f02c756]( Remove unused variable (Guy Marriott)
* 2019-04-15 [f63973f]( Disable uneeded File ID Helper on new project (Maxime Rainville)
* 2019-04-09 [91f168955]( Fix reference to webconfig.php, an invalid file (Matt Peel)
* 2019-02-01 [031740e]( Scrolling out of auto-selected edit mode not switches back to split mode (Robbie Averill)
<!--- Changes above this line will be automatically regenerated -->

View File

@ -184,15 +184,20 @@ class FormAction extends FormField
public function getAttributes()
return array_merge(
$attributes = array_merge(
'disabled' => ($this->isReadonly() || $this->isDisabled()),
'value' => $this->Title(),
'type' => $this->getInputType(),
'title' => ($this->useButtonTag) ? $this->description : null,
// Override title with description if supplied
if ($this->getDescription()) {
$attributes['title'] = $this->getDescription();
return $attributes;

View File

@ -16,4 +16,17 @@ class FormActionTest extends SapphireTest
$formAction->setAttribute('src', 'file.png');
$this->assertContains('type="image"', $formAction->getAttributesHTML());
public function testGetTitle()
// Test that description overrides title attribute, but doesn't prevent it from
// working if blank.
$action = new FormAction('test');
$action->setAttribute('title', 'this is the title');
$this->assertEquals('this is the title', $action->getAttribute('title'));
$action->setDescription('this is a better title');
$this->assertEquals('this is a better title', $action->getAttribute('title'));
$this->assertEquals('this is the title', $action->getAttribute('title'));

View File

@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ class HTMLEditorFieldTest extends FunctionalTest
$parser = new CSSContentParser($obj->dbObject('Content')->forTemplate());
$xml = $parser->getByXpath('//img');
'Alt tags are added by default based on filename'
'Alt attribute is always present, even if empty'
$this->assertEquals('', (string)$xml[0]['title'], 'Title tags are added by default.');
$this->assertEquals(10, (int)$xml[0]['width'], 'Width tag of resized image is set.');
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class HTMLEditorFieldTest extends FunctionalTest
<span class="readonly typography" id="Content">
<img src="/assets/HTMLEditorFieldTest/f5c7c2f814/example__ResizedImageWzEwLDIwXQ.jpg" alt="example" width="10" height="20">
<img src="/assets/HTMLEditorFieldTest/f5c7c2f814/example__ResizedImageWzEwLDIwXQ.jpg" alt="" width="10" height="20">
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ EOS
<span class="readonly typography" id="Content">
<img src="/assets/HTMLEditorFieldTest/f5c7c2f814/example__ResizedImageWzEwLDIwXQ.jpg" alt="example" width="10" height="20">
<img src="/assets/HTMLEditorFieldTest/f5c7c2f814/example__ResizedImageWzEwLDIwXQ.jpg" alt="" width="10" height="20">
<input type="hidden" name="Content" value="[image src=&quot;/assets/HTMLEditorFieldTest/f5c7c2f814/example.jpg&quot; width=&quot;10&quot; height=&quot;20&quot; id=&quot;{$fileID}&quot;]" />