#2016 - Added all the types of error pages

git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/sapphire/trunk@49143 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
This commit is contained in:
Sam Minnee 2008-02-06 23:13:53 +00:00
parent fb99e57813
commit df48020ebe

View File

@ -50,8 +50,29 @@ class ErrorPage extends Page {
_t('ErrorPage.CODE', "Error code"),
404 => _t('ErrorPage.404', '404 - Page not found'),
500 => _t('ErrorPage.500', '500 - Server error')
400 => _t('ErrorPage.400', '400 - Bad Request'),
401 => _t('ErrorPage.401', '401 - Unauthorized'),
403 => _t('ErrorPage.403', '403 - Forbidden'),
404 => _t('ErrorPage.404', '404 - Not Found'),
405 => _t('ErrorPage.405', '405 - Method Not Allowed'),
406 => _t('ErrorPage.406', '406 - Not Acceptable'),
407 => _t('ErrorPage.407', '407 - Proxy Authentication Required'),
408 => _t('ErrorPage.408', '408 - Request Timeout'),
409 => _t('ErrorPage.409', '409 - Conflict'),
410 => _t('ErrorPage.410', '410 - Gone'),
411 => _t('ErrorPage.411', '411 - Length Required'),
412 => _t('ErrorPage.412', '412 - Precondition Failed'),
413 => _t('ErrorPage.413', '413 - Request Entity Too Large'),
414 => _t('ErrorPage.414', '414 - Request-URI Too Long'),
415 => _t('ErrorPage.415', '415 - Unsupported Media Type'),
416 => _t('ErrorPage.416', '416 - Request Range Not Satisfiable'),
417 => _t('ErrorPage.417', '417 - Expectation Failed'),
500 => _t('ErrorPage.500', '500 - Internal Server Error'),
501 => _t('ErrorPage.501', '501 - Not Implemented'),
502 => _t('ErrorPage.502', '502 - Bad Gateway'),
503 => _t('ErrorPage.503', '503 - Service Unavailable'),
504 => _t('ErrorPage.504', '504 - Gateway Timeout'),
505 => _t('ErrorPage.505', '505 - HTTP Version Not Supported'),