Revert "MINOR: Added behat test to cover changes made in e69e65c."

This reverts commit e0b4e6125c.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Welsh 2014-01-22 15:20:48 +13:00
parent ce3a944903
commit cf01ca818a

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
Feature: Manage Security Permissions for Groups
As a site administrator
I want to control my user's security permissions in an intuitive way
So that I can easily control access to the CMS
Given a "member" "ADMIN" belonging to "ADMIN Group" with "Email"=""
And the "group" "ADMIN group" has permissions "Full administrative rights"
And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/security"
Scenario: I can change permissions easily
When I click the "Groups" CMS tab
And I press the "Add Group" button
And I click the "Permissions" CMS tab
And I check "Access to 'Pages' section"
And I check "Access to all CMS sections"
Then the "Access to 'Reports' section" checkbox should be checked
And I uncheck "Access to all CMS sections"
Then the "Access to 'Reports' section" checkbox should not be checked
And the "Access to 'Pages' section" checkbox should be checked
And I uncheck "Access to 'Pages' section"
And I check "Full administrative rights"
Then the "Access to 'Reports' section" checkbox should be checked
And I press the "Create" button
And I click the "Permissions" CMS tab
Then the "Full administrative rights" checkbox should be checked
And the "Access to 'Pages' section" checkbox should be checked
And I uncheck "Full administrative rights"
Then the "Access to 'Pages' section" checkbox should not be checked
And I check "Access to all CMS sections"
And I press the "Save" button
Then the "Access to 'Pages' section" checkbox should be checked
And I uncheck "Access to all CMS sections"
Then the "Access to 'Pages' section" checkbox should not be checked