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synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
Behat: "insert link" feature
This commit is contained in:
@ -111,6 +111,41 @@ class CmsFormsContext extends BehatContext
* Selects the first textual match in the HTML editor. Does not support
* selection across DOM node boundaries.
* @When /^I select "(?P<text>([^"]*))" in the "(?P<field>([^"]*))" HTML field$/
public function stepIHighlightTextInHtmlField($text, $field)
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$inputField = $page->findField($field);
assertNotNull($inputField, sprintf('HTML field "%s" not found', $field));
$inputFieldId = $inputField->getAttribute('id');
$text = addcslashes($text, "'");
$js = <<<JS
// TODO <IE9 support
// TODO Allow text matches across nodes
var editor = jQuery('#$inputFieldId').entwine('ss').getEditor(),
doc = editor.getDOM().doc,
sel = editor.getInstance().selection,
rng = document.createRange(),
matched = false;
jQuery(doc).find('body *').each(function() {
if(!matched && this.firstChild && this.firstChild.nodeValue && this.firstChild.nodeValue.match('$text')) {
rng.setStart(this.firstChild, this.firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf('$text'));
rng.setEnd(this.firstChild, this.firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf('$text') + '$text'.length);
matched = true;
* @Given /^I should see a "([^"]*)" button$/
* @Given /^I should see a "([^"]*)" button$/
@ -5,48 +5,80 @@ I want to insert a link into my content
So that I can link to a external website or a page on my site
So that I can link to a external website or a page on my site
Given a "page" "About Us"
Given a "page" "Home"
Given I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And a "page" "About Us" has the "Content" "My awesome content"
Given "About Us" has text in content "You can fill this page out with your own content, or delete it and create your own pages."
#And a "file" "assets/folder1/file1.jpg"
And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/pages"
And I go to "/admin/pages"
And I click on "About Us" in the tree
And I click on "About Us" in the tree
Scenario: I can link to an internal page
Scenario: I can select text within the content and apply an internal sitetree url link using the add url button
Given I select "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field
When I follow "About Us"
And I press the "Insert Link" button
Then I should see an edit page form
When I check "Page on the site"
And I fill in the "Page" dropdown with "Home"
When I highlight the text "pages"
And I fill in "my desc" for "Link description"
And the "Insert Link" button activates
And I press the "Insert" button
When I press the "Insert Link" button
# TODO Dynamic DB identifiers
Then I should see "Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm"
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "<a title="my desc" href="[sitetree_link,id=1]">awesome</a>"
When I check the "Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_LinkType_internal" radio button
And I select "home" in "treedropdownfield-title" field
And I enter "Test Link Description" in "Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_Description" field
And I check the "Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_TargetBlank" tickbox
And I press the "Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_action_insert" button
Then I should see the "content" HTML field contains "pages" with tag "<a href="[sitetree_link,id=1]">pages</a>"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Scenario: I can select text within the content and apply an external url link using the add url button
Scenario: I can link to an external URL
When I follow "About Us"
Given I select "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field
Then I should see an edit page form
And I press the "Insert Link" button
When I highlight the text "pages"
And the "Insert Link" button activates
When I press the "Insert Link" button
Then I should see "Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm"
When I check the "Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_LinkType_external" radio button
And I enter "http://silverstripe.com" in "Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_external" field
And I enter "Test Link Description" in "Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_Description" field
And I check the "Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_TargetBlank" tickbox
And I press the "Form_EditorToolbarLinkForm_action_insert" button
Then I should see the "content" HTML field contains "pages" with tag "<a href="http://www.silverstripe.com">pages</a>"
When I check "Another website"
And I fill in "http://silverstripe.org" for "URL"
And I check "Open link in a new window"
And I press the "Insert" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "<a href="http://silverstripe.org" target="_blank">awesome</a>"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Scenario: I can link to a file
Given I select "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field
When I press the "Insert Link" button
When I check "Download a file"
And I fill in the "File" dropdown with "file1.jpg"
And I press the "Insert link" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "<a href="assets/folder1/file1.jpg">awesome</a>"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Scenario: I can link to an anchor
Given I fill in the "Content" HTML field with "My awesome content <a name=myanchor>"
And I select "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field
When I press the "Insert Link" button
When I check "Anchor on this page"
And I fill in the "Select an anchor" dropdown with "myanchor"
And I press the "Insert link" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "<a href="#myanchor">awesome</a>"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Scenario: I can edit a link
Given I fill in the "Content" HTML field with "My <a href="http://silverstripe.org">awesome</a> content"
And I select "awesome"
When I press the "Insert Link" button
And the "URL" field should contain "http://silverstripe.org"
When I fill in "http://wordpress.org" for "URL"
And I press the "Insert link" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "<a href="http://wordpress.org">awesome</a>"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Scenario: I can delete a link
Given I fill in the "Content" HTML field with "My <a href="http://silverstripe.org">awesome</a> content"
And I select "awesome"
When I press the "Insert Link" button
And I press the "Remove link" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should not contain "<a href="http://silverstripe.org">awesome</a>"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Reference in New Issue
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