mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
API CHANGE Deprecated DataObject->fieldExists() - please use hasField(), hasDatabaseField(), hasOwnTableDatabaseField()
ENHANCEMENT Added DataObject->hasOwnTableDatabaseField(), replaced legacy usage of fieldExists() ENHANCEMENT Renamed cached static "fieldExists" to "_cache_hasOwnTableDatabaseField" ENHANCEMENT Added DataObjectTest test cases for checking various field existence levels API CHANGE Deprecated DataObject->listOfFields() - use custom code instead git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/sapphire/trunk@63337 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
This commit is contained in:
@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ class DataObject extends ViewableData implements DataObjectInterface {
foreach($ancestry as $idx => $class) {
$classSingleton = singleton($class);
foreach($this->record as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
if(isset($this->changed[$fieldName]) && $this->changed[$fieldName] && $fieldType = $classSingleton->fieldExists($fieldName)) {
if(isset($this->changed[$fieldName]) && $this->changed[$fieldName] && $fieldType = $classSingleton->hasOwnTableDatabaseField($fieldName)) {
$fieldObj = $this->obj($fieldName);
if(!isset($manipulation[$class])) $manipulation[$class] = array();
@ -1699,7 +1699,7 @@ class DataObject extends ViewableData implements DataObjectInterface {
* @return boolean True if the given field exists
public function hasField($field) {
return array_key_exists($field, $this->record) || $this->fieldExists($field);
return array_key_exists($field, $this->record) || $this->hasOwnTableDatabaseField($field);
@ -1712,6 +1712,46 @@ class DataObject extends ViewableData implements DataObjectInterface {
public function hasDatabaseField($field) {
return array_key_exists($field, $this->databaseFields());
* Returns the field type of the given field, if it belongs to this class, and not a parent.
* Note that the field type will not include constructor arguments in round brackets, only the classname.
* @param string $field Name of the field
* @return string The field type of the given field
public function hasOwnTableDatabaseField($field) {
// Add base fields which are not defined in static $db
if($field == "ID") return "Int";
if($field == "ClassName" && get_parent_class($this) == "DataObject") return "Enum";
if($field == "LastEdited" && get_parent_class($this) == "DataObject") return "Datetime";
if($field == "Created" && get_parent_class($this) == "DataObject") return "Datetime";
// Add fields from Versioned decorator
if($field == "Version") return $this->hasExtension('Versioned') ? "Int" : false;
// get cached fieldmap
$fieldMap = $this->uninherited('_cache_hasOwnTableDatabaseField');
// if no fieldmap is cached, get all fields
if(!$fieldMap) {
// all $db fields on this specific class (no parents)
$fieldMap = $this->uninherited('db', true);
// all has_one relations on this specific class,
// add foreign key
$hasOne = $this->uninherited('has_one', true);
if($hasOne) foreach($hasOne as $fieldName => $fieldSchema) {
$fieldMap[$fieldName . 'ID'] = "Int";
// set cached fieldmap
$this->set_uninherited('_cache_hasOwnTableDatabaseField', $fieldMap);
// Remove string-based "constructor-arguments" from the DBField definition
return isset($fieldMap[$field]) ? strtok($fieldMap[$field],'(') : null;
* Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action.
@ -1833,32 +1873,13 @@ class DataObject extends ViewableData implements DataObjectInterface {
* Returns the field type of the given field, if it belongs to this class, and not a parent.
* Can be used to detect whether the given field exists.
* Note that the field type will not include constructor arguments; only the classname.
* @deprecated 2.3 (For external use) Please use hasField(), hasDatabaseField(), hasOwnTableDatabaseField() instead
* @param string $field Name of the field
* @return string The field type of the given field
public function fieldExists($field) {
if($field == "ID") return "Int";
if($field == "ClassName" && get_parent_class($this) == "DataObject") return "Enum";
if($field == "LastEdited" && get_parent_class($this) == "DataObject") return "Datetime";
if($field == "Created" && get_parent_class($this) == "DataObject") return "Datetime";
if($field == "Version") return $this->hasExtension('Versioned') ? "Int" : false;
$fieldMap = $this->uninherited('fieldExists');
if(!$fieldMap) {
$fieldMap = $this->uninherited('db', true);
$has = $this->uninherited('has_one', true);
if($has) foreach($has as $fieldName => $fieldSchema) {
$fieldMap[$fieldName . 'ID'] = "Int";
$this->set_uninherited('fieldExists', $fieldMap);
return isset($fieldMap[$field]) ? strtok($fieldMap[$field],'(') : null;
return $this->hasOwnTableDatabaseField($field);
@ -2057,6 +2078,7 @@ class DataObject extends ViewableData implements DataObjectInterface {
* - name: value
* - name: value
* @deprecated 2.3 Use custom code
* @return string The fields as an HTML unordered list
function listOfFields() {
@ -2390,7 +2412,10 @@ class DataObject extends ViewableData implements DataObjectInterface {
* Get the custom database fields for this object, from self::$db and self::$has_one
* Get the custom database fields for this object, from self::$db and self::$has_one,
* but not built-in fields like ID, ClassName, Created, LastEdited.
* @return array
public function customDatabaseFields() {
$db = $this->uninherited('db',true);
@ -2437,15 +2462,22 @@ class DataObject extends ViewableData implements DataObjectInterface {
public function searchableFields() {
// can have mixed format, need to make consistent in most verbose form
$fields = $this->stat('searchable_fields');
$labels = $this->fieldLabels();
// fallback to summary fields
if(!$fields) $fields = array_keys($this->summaryFields());
// we need to make sure the format is unified before
// augumenting fields, so decorators can apply consistent checks
// but also after augumenting fields, because the decorator
// might use the shorthand notation as well
// rewrite array, if it is using shorthand syntax
$rewrite = array();
foreach($fields as $name => $specOrName) {
$identifer = (is_int($name)) ? $specOrName : $name;
if(is_int($name)) {
// Format: array('MyFieldName')
$rewrite[$identifer] = array();
@ -2454,7 +2486,7 @@ class DataObject extends ViewableData implements DataObjectInterface {
// 'filter => 'ExactMatchFilter',
// 'field' => 'NumericField', // optional
// 'title' => 'My Title', // optiona.
// )
// ))
$rewrite[$identifer] = array_merge(
array('filter' => $this->relObject($identifer)->stat('default_search_filter_class')),
@ -2472,8 +2504,10 @@ class DataObject extends ViewableData implements DataObjectInterface {
$rewrite[$identifer]['filter'] = 'PartialMatchFilter';
$fields = $rewrite;
// apply DataObjectDecorators if present
$this->extend('updateSearchableFields', $fields);
return $fields;
@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ abstract class DataObjectDecorator extends Extension {
eval("$className::\$$relationType = array_merge((array){$className}::\$$relationType, (array)\$fields);");
$this->owner->set_stat($relationType, eval("return $className::\$$relationType;"));
$this->owner->set_uninherited('fieldExists', null);
// clear previously set caches from DataObject->hasOwnTableDatabaseField()
$this->owner->set_uninherited('_cache_hasOwnTableDatabaseField', null);
@ -288,6 +288,126 @@ class DataObjectTest extends SapphireTest {
$this->assertEquals(0, DB::query("SELECT CaptainID FROM DataObjectTest_Team WHERE ID = $existingTeam->ID")->value());
function testFieldExistence() {
$teamInstance = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1');
$teamSingleton = singleton('DataObjectTest_Team');
$subteamInstance = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_SubTeam', 'subteam1');
$subteamSingleton = singleton('DataObjectTest_SubTeam');
/* hasField() singleton checks */
$this->assertTrue($teamSingleton->hasField('ID'), 'hasField() finds built-in fields in singletons');
$this->assertTrue($teamSingleton->hasField('Title'), 'hasField() finds custom fields in singletons');
/* hasField() instance checks */
$this->assertFalse($teamInstance->hasField('NonExistingField'), 'hasField() doesnt find non-existing fields in instances');
$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('ID'), 'hasField() finds built-in fields in instances');
$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('Created'), 'hasField() finds built-in fields in instances');
$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('DatabaseField'), 'hasField() finds custom fields in instances');
//$this->assertFalse($teamInstance->hasField('SubclassDatabaseField'), 'hasField() doesnt find subclass fields in parentclass instances');
//$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('DynamicField'), 'hasField() finds dynamic getters in instances');
$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('HasOneRelationshipID'), 'hasField() finds foreign keys in instances');
$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('DecoratedDatabaseField'), 'hasField() finds decorated fields in instances');
$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('DecoratedHasOneRelationshipID'), 'hasField() finds decorated foreign keys in instances');
//$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasField('DecoratedDynamicField'), 'hasField() includes decorated dynamic getters in instances');
/* hasField() subclass checks */
$this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('ID'), 'hasField() finds built-in fields in subclass instances');
$this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('Created'), 'hasField() finds built-in fields in subclass instances');
$this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('DatabaseField'), 'hasField() finds custom fields in subclass instances');
$this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('SubclassDatabaseField'), 'hasField() finds custom fields in subclass instances');
//$this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('DynamicField'), 'hasField() finds dynamic getters in subclass instances');
$this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('HasOneRelationshipID'), 'hasField() finds foreign keys in subclass instances');
$this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('DecoratedDatabaseField'), 'hasField() finds decorated fields in subclass instances');
$this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('DecoratedHasOneRelationshipID'), 'hasField() finds decorated foreign keys in subclass instances');
/* hasDatabaseField() singleton checks */
//$this->assertTrue($teamSingleton->hasDatabaseField('ID'), 'hasDatabaseField() finds built-in fields in singletons');
$this->assertTrue($teamSingleton->hasDatabaseField('Title'), 'hasDatabaseField() finds custom fields in singletons');
/* hasDatabaseField() instance checks */
$this->assertFalse($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('NonExistingField'), 'hasDatabaseField() doesnt find non-existing fields in instances');
//$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('ID'), 'hasDatabaseField() finds built-in fields in instances');
$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('Created'), 'hasDatabaseField() finds built-in fields in instances');
$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('DatabaseField'), 'hasDatabaseField() finds custom fields in instances');
$this->assertFalse($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('SubclassDatabaseField'), 'hasDatabaseField() doesnt find subclass fields in parentclass instances');
//$this->assertFalse($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('DynamicField'), 'hasDatabaseField() doesnt dynamic getters in instances');
$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('HasOneRelationshipID'), 'hasDatabaseField() finds foreign keys in instances');
$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('DecoratedDatabaseField'), 'hasDatabaseField() finds decorated fields in instances');
$this->assertTrue($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('DecoratedHasOneRelationshipID'), 'hasDatabaseField() finds decorated foreign keys in instances');
$this->assertFalse($teamInstance->hasDatabaseField('DecoratedDynamicField'), 'hasDatabaseField() doesnt include decorated dynamic getters in instances');
/* hasDatabaseField() subclass checks */
$this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('DatabaseField'), 'hasField() finds custom fields in subclass instances');
$this->assertTrue($subteamInstance->hasField('SubclassDatabaseField'), 'hasField() finds custom fields in subclass instances');
function testFieldInheritance() {
$teamInstance = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1');
$subteamInstance = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_SubTeam', 'subteam1');
'inheritedDatabaseFields() contains all fields defined on instance, including base fields, decorated fields and foreign keys'
'databaseFields() contains only fields defined on instance, including base fields, decorated fields and foreign keys'
'inheritedDatabaseFields() on subclass contains all fields defined on instance, including base fields, decorated fields and foreign keys'
'databaseFields() on subclass contains only fields defined on instance'
class DataObjectTest_Player extends Member implements TestOnly {
@ -302,16 +422,49 @@ class DataObjectTest_Team extends DataObject implements TestOnly {
static $db = array(
'Title' => 'Text',
'DatabaseField' => 'Text'
static $has_one = array(
"Captain" => 'DataObjectTest_Player',
'HasOneRelationship' => 'DataObjectTest_Player',
static $many_many = array(
'Players' => 'DataObjectTest_Player'
function getDynamicField() {
return 'dynamicfield';
class DataObjectTest_SubTeam extends DataObjectTest_Team implements TestOnly {
static $db = array(
'SubclassDatabaseField' => 'Text'
class DataObjectTest_Team_Decorator extends DataObjectDecorator implements TestOnly {
function extraDBFields() {
return array(
'db' => array(
'DecoratedDatabaseField' => 'Text'
'has_one' => array(
'DecoratedHasOneRelationship' => 'DataObjectTest_Player'
function getDecoratedDynamicField() {
return "decorated dynamic field";
DataObject::add_extension('DataObjectTest_Team', 'DataObjectTest_Team_Decorator');
@ -46,4 +46,7 @@ DataObjectTest_Player:
FirstName: Player 1
FirstName: Player 2
Teams: =>DataObjectTest_Team.team1,=>DataObjectTest_Team.team2
Teams: =>DataObjectTest_Team.team1,=>DataObjectTest_Team.team2
Title: Subteam 1
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