FEATURE: initial cut of the template and styles for DataGrid

This commit is contained in:
Will Rossiter 2011-09-28 16:06:06 +13:00
parent 7d90aa3c10
commit 9bd4e752ba
6 changed files with 186 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

config.rb Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Require any additional compass plugins here.
require 'compass-colors'
project_type = :stand_alone
# Set this to the root of your project when deployed:
http_path = "/"
css_dir = "css"
sass_dir = "scss"
images_dir = "images"
javascripts_dir = "javascript"
output_style = :compact
# To enable relative paths to assets via compass helper functions. Uncomment:
relative_assets = true
# disable comments in the output. We want admin comments
# to be verbose
line_comments = false

css/DataGrid.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
/** Core styles for the basic DataGrid form field without any specific style. @package sapphire @subpackage scss */
.ss-datagrid { border: none; }
.ss-datagrid table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #c1c1c1; }
.ss-datagrid thead { color: #5a5a5a; background: #dadada; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #f3f3f3), color-stop(100%, #dadada)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#f3f3f3, #dadada); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#f3f3f3, #dadada); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#f3f3f3, #dadada); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#f3f3f3, #dadada); background-image: linear-gradient(#f3f3f3, #dadada); }
.ss-datagrid thead th { font-weight: bold; padding: 8px 24px 8px 8px; position: relative; border: 1px solid #c1c1c1; border-width: 0 1px 1px 0; }
.ss-datagrid thead th.ss-datagrid-sortable.hover { color: #747474; cursor: pointer; background: #f3f3f3; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e7e7e7)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e7e7e7); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e7e7e7); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e7e7e7); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e7e7e7); background-image: linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e7e7e7); }
.ss-datagrid thead th.ss-datagrid-sorted { background: #e7e7e7; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #dadada), color-stop(100%, #f3f3f3)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#dadada, #f3f3f3); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#dadada, #f3f3f3); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#dadada, #f3f3f3); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#dadada, #f3f3f3); background-image: linear-gradient(#dadada, #f3f3f3); }
.ss-datagrid thead th.ss-datagrid-sorted.hover { background: #f3f3f3; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #e7e7e7), color-stop(100%, #ffffff)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#e7e7e7, #ffffff); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#e7e7e7, #ffffff); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#e7e7e7, #ffffff); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#e7e7e7, #ffffff); background-image: linear-gradient(#e7e7e7, #ffffff); }
.ss-datagrid thead th .ui-icon { position: absolute; top: 5px; right: 0; }
.ss-datagrid thead th.ss-datagrid-desc .ui-icon { background-position: 0 -48px; }
.ss-datagrid thead th.ss-datagrid-asc .ui-icon { background-position: -64px -48px; }
.ss-datagrid td { padding: 8px; border-right: 1px solid #f3f3f3; }
.ss-datagrid td.ss-datagrid-last { border-right: none; }
.ss-datagrid tr.ss-datagrid-even { border: 1px solid #c6e5f6; border-width: 1px 0; background: #f2f9fd; }
.ss-datagrid tr.ss-datagrid-even.ss-datagrid-last { border-bottom: none; }
.ss-datagrid tr.ss-datagrid-even td { border-right: 1px solid #dceffa; }
.ss-datagrid tr.ss-datagrid-even td.ss-datagrid-last { border-right: none; }

scss/DataGrid.scss Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
* Core styles for the basic DataGrid form field without any specific style.
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage scss
@import "compass/css3";
$base: #dadada;
$zebra: #f2f9fd;
.ss-datagrid {
border: none;
table {
width: 100%;
border-collapse: collapse;
border-spacing: 0;
background: #fff;
border: 1px solid darken($base, 10%);
thead {
color: darken($base, 50%);
background: $base;
@include background-image(linear-gradient(
lighten($base, 10%), $base
th {
font-weight: bold;
padding: 8px 24px 8px 8px;
position: relative;
border: 1px solid darken($base, 10%);
border-width: 0 1px 1px 0;
&.ss-datagrid-sortable {
&.hover {
color: darken($base, 40%);
cursor: pointer;
background: lighten($base, 10%);
@include background-image(linear-gradient(
lighten($base, 15%), lighten($base, 5%)
&.ss-datagrid-sorted {
background: lighten($base, 5%);
@include background-image(linear-gradient(
$base, lighten($base, 10%)
&.hover {
background: lighten($base, 10%);
@include background-image(linear-gradient(
lighten($base, 5%), lighten($base, 12%)
.ui-icon {
position: absolute;
top: 5px;
right: 0;
&.ss-datagrid-desc .ui-icon {
background-position: 0 -48px;
&.ss-datagrid-asc .ui-icon {
background-position: -64px -48px;
tbody {
td {
padding: 8px;
border-right: 1px solid lighten($base, 10%);
&.ss-datagrid-last {
border-right: none;
tr {
&.ss-datagrid-even {
border: 1px solid darken($zebra, 10%);
border-width: 1px 0;
background: $zebra;
&.ss-datagrid-last {
border-bottom: none;
td {
border-right: 1px solid darken($zebra, 5%);
&.ss-datagrid-last {
border-right: none;

templates/DataGrid.ss Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
<% require css(sapphire/thirdparty/jquery-ui-themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css) %>
<% require css(sapphire/css/DataGrid.css) %>
<div class="ss-datagrid ui-state-default">
<% control Headings %>
<th class="<% if FirstLast %>ss-datagrid-{$FirstLast} <% if IsSortable %>ss-datagrid-sortable<% end_if %> <% if IsSorted %>ss-datagrid-sorted ss-datagrid-{$SortedDirection}">
$Title <span class="ui-icon"></span></th>
<% end_control %>
<% control Items %>
<% include DataGrid_Item %>
<% end_control %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<tr class="ss-datagrid-{$EvenOdd}">
<% control Fields %>
<td <% if FirstLast %>class="ss-datagrid-{$FirstLast}"<% end_if %>>$Value</td>
<% end_control %>