Migrated page-specific behat features to cms module

This commit is contained in:
Ingo Schommer 2013-10-08 00:24:05 +02:00
parent 6a665b4ca2
commit 8d5209aef6
3 changed files with 0 additions and 206 deletions

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
Feature: Apply rich formatting to content
As a cms author
I want to work with content in the way I'm used to from word processing software
So that I make it more appealing by creating structure and highlights
Given a "page" "About Us" has the "Content" "<h1>My awesome headline</h1><p>Some amazing content</p>"
And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/pages"
Then I click on "About Us" in the tree
Scenario: I can control alignment of selected content
Given I select "My awesome headline" in the "Content" HTML field
When I press the "Align Right" button
Then "My awesome headline" in the "Content" HTML field should be right aligned
But "Some amazing content" in the "Content" HTML field should be left aligned
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Then "My awesome headline" in the "Content" HTML field should be right aligned
Scenario: I can bold selected content
Given I select "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field
When I press the "Bold (Ctrl+B)" button
Then "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field should be bold
But "My" in the "Content" HTML field should not be bold
When I press the "Save draft" button
Then "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field should be bold
But "My" in the "Content" HTML field should not be bold

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
Feature: Insert links into a page
As a cms author
I want to insert a link into my content
So that I can link to a external website or a page on my site
Given a "page" "Home"
And a "page" "About Us" has the "Content" "My awesome content"
#And a "file" "assets/folder1/file1.jpg"
And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/pages"
And I click on "About Us" in the tree
Scenario: I can link to an internal page
Given I select "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field
And I press the "Insert Link" button
When I check "Page on the site"
And I fill in the "Page" dropdown with "Home"
And I fill in "my desc" for "Link description"
And I press the "Insert" button
# TODO Dynamic DB identifiers
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "<a title="my desc" href="[sitetree_link,id=1]">awesome</a>"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Scenario: I can link to an external URL
Given I select "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field
And I press the "Insert Link" button
When I check "Another website"
And I fill in "http://silverstripe.org" for "URL"
And I check "Open link in a new window"
And I press the "Insert" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "<a href="http://silverstripe.org" target="_blank">awesome</a>"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Scenario: I can link to a file
Given I select "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field
When I press the "Insert Link" button
When I check "Download a file"
And I fill in the "File" dropdown with "file1.jpg"
And I press the "Insert link" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "<a href="assets/folder1/file1.jpg">awesome</a>"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Scenario: I can link to an anchor
Given I fill in the "Content" HTML field with "My awesome content <a name=myanchor>"
And I select "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field
When I press the "Insert Link" button
When I check "Anchor on this page"
And I fill in the "Select an anchor" dropdown with "myanchor"
And I press the "Insert link" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "<a href="#myanchor">awesome</a>"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Scenario: I can edit a link
Given I fill in the "Content" HTML field with "My <a href="http://silverstripe.org">awesome</a> content"
And I select "awesome"
When I press the "Insert Link" button
And the "URL" field should contain "http://silverstripe.org"
When I fill in "http://wordpress.org" for "URL"
And I press the "Insert link" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "<a href="http://wordpress.org">awesome</a>"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Scenario: I can delete a link
Given I fill in the "Content" HTML field with "My <a href="http://silverstripe.org">awesome</a> content"
And I select "awesome"
When I press the "Insert Link" button
And I press the "Remove link" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should not contain "<a href="http://silverstripe.org">awesome</a>"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button

View File

@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
Feature: Insert an image into a page
As a cms author
I want to insert an image into a page
So that I can insert them into my content efficiently
Given a "page" "About Us"
#And a "file" "assets/folder1/file1.jpg"
#And a "file" "assets/folder1/file3.jpg"
#And a "file" "assets/folder1/folder1.1/file2.jpg"
#And a "folder" "assets/folder2"
And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/pages"
And I click on "About Us" in the tree
Scenario: I can insert an image from a URL
Given I press the "Insert Media" button
Then I should see "Choose files to upload..."
When I press the "From the web" button
And I fill in "RemoteURL" with "http://www.silverstripe.com/themes/sscom/images/silverstripe_logo_web.png"
And I press the "Add url" button
Then I should see "silverstripe_logo_web.png (www.silverstripe.com)" in the ".ss-assetuploadfield span.name" element
When I press the "Insert" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "silverstripe_logo_web.png"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Scenario: I can insert an image uploaded from my own computer
Given I press the "Insert Media" button
And I press the "From your computer" button
# TODO Figure out how to provide the file
And I attach the file "testfile.jpg" to "AssetUploadField" with HTML5
Then the upload field should have successfully uploaded "testfile.jpg"
When I press the "Insert" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "testfile.jpg"
Scenario: I can insert an image from the CMS file store
Given I press the "Insert Media" button
And I press the "From the CMS" button
And I select "folder1" in the "Find in Folder" dropdown
And I select "file1.jpg"
When I press the "Insert" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "file1.jpg"
Scenario: I can insert multiple images at once
Given I press the "Insert Media" button
And I press the "From the CMS" button
And I select "folder1" in the "Find in Folder" dropdown
And I select "file1.jpg"
And I select "file3.jpg"
When I press the "Insert" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "file1.jpg"
And the "Content" HTML field should contain "file1.jpg"
Scenario: I can edit properties of an image before inserting it
Given I press the "Insert Media" button
And I press the "From the CMS" button
And I select "folder1" in the "Find in Folder" dropdown
And I select "file1.jpg"
And I follow "Edit"
When I fill in "Alternative text (alt)" with "My alt"
And I press the "Insert" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "file1.jpg"
And the "Content" HTML field should contain "My alt"
Scenario: I can edit dimensions of an image before inserting it
Given I press the "Insert Media" button
And I press the "From the CMS" button
And I select "folder1" in the "Find in Folder" dropdown
And I select "file1.jpg"
And I follow "Edit"
When I fill in "Width" with "10"
When I fill in "Height" with "20"
And I press the "Insert" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "<img src=assets/folder1/file1.jpg width=10 height=20>"
Scenario: I can edit dimensions of an existing image
Given the "page" "About us" contains "<img src=assets/folder1/file1.jpg>"
And I reload the current page
When I highlight "<img src=assets/folder1/file1.jpg>" in the "Content" HTML field
And I press the "Insert Media" button
Then I should see "file1.jpg"
When I fill in "Width" with "10"
When I fill in "Height" with "20"
And I press the "Insert" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "<img src=assets/folder1/file1.jpg width=10 height=20>"