BUG Use proper ellipsis character in the various summary method.

This commit is contained in:
Maxime Rainville 2020-08-06 19:37:03 +12:00
parent a166ba0ebd
commit 896c0e4388
3 changed files with 84 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -119,16 +119,16 @@ abstract class DBString extends DBField
* HTML tags in the string of text.
* @param int $limit Number of characters to limit by
* @param string $add Ellipsis to add to the end of truncated string
* @param string|false $add Ellipsis to add to the end of truncated string
* @return string
public function LimitCharacters($limit = 20, $add = '...')
public function LimitCharacters($limit = 20, $add = false)
$value = $this->Plain();
if (mb_strlen($value) <= $limit) {
return $value;
return mb_substr($value, 0, $limit) . $add;
return $this->addEllipsis(mb_substr($value, 0, $limit), $add);
@ -137,10 +137,10 @@ abstract class DBString extends DBField
* from the field.
* @param int $limit Number of characters to limit by
* @param string $add Ellipsis to add to the end of truncated string
* @param string|false $add Ellipsis to add to the end of truncated string
* @return string Plain text value with limited characters
public function LimitCharactersToClosestWord($limit = 20, $add = '...')
public function LimitCharactersToClosestWord($limit = 20, $add = false)
// Safely convert to plain text
$value = $this->Plain();
@ -154,11 +154,14 @@ abstract class DBString extends DBField
$value = mb_substr($value, 0, $limit);
// If value exceeds limit, strip punctuation off the end to the last space and apply ellipsis
$value = preg_replace(
$value = $this->addEllipsis(
mb_substr($value, 0, mb_strrpos($value, " "))
) . $add;
return $value;
@ -166,11 +169,11 @@ abstract class DBString extends DBField
* Limit this field's content by a number of words.
* @param int $numWords Number of words to limit by.
* @param string $add Ellipsis to add to the end of truncated string.
* @param false $add Ellipsis to add to the end of truncated string.
* @return string
public function LimitWordCount($numWords = 26, $add = '...')
public function LimitWordCount($numWords = 26, $add = false)
$value = $this->Plain();
$words = explode(' ', $value);
@ -180,7 +183,7 @@ abstract class DBString extends DBField
// Limit
$words = array_slice($words, 0, $numWords);
return implode(' ', $words) . $add;
return $this->addEllipsis(implode(' ', $words), $add);
@ -212,4 +215,28 @@ abstract class DBString extends DBField
return trim($this->RAW());
* Swap add for DefaultEllipsis if need be
* @param string $string
* @param false|string $add
* @return string
private function addEllipsis(string $string, $add): string
if ($add === false) {
$add = $this->DefaultEllipsis();
return $string . $add;
* Get the default string to indicate that a string was cut off.
* @return string
public function DefaultEllipsis(): string
return _t(self::class . '.ELLIPSIS', '…');

View File

@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ class DBText extends DBString
* Builds a basic summary, up to a maximum number of words
* @param int $maxWords
* @param string $add
* @param string|false $add
* @return string
public function Summary($maxWords = 50, $add = '...')
public function Summary($maxWords = 50, $add = false)
// Get plain-text version
$value = $this->Plain();
@ -126,6 +126,11 @@ class DBText extends DBString
return '';
// If no $elipsis string is provided, use the default one.
if ($add === false) {
$add = $this->DefaultEllipsis();
// Split on sentences (don't remove period)
$sentences = array_filter(array_map(function ($str) {
return trim($str);
@ -176,16 +181,16 @@ class DBText extends DBString
* @param int $characters Number of characters in the summary
* @param string $keywords Supplied string ("keywords"). Will fall back to 'Search' querystring arg.
* @param bool $highlight Add a highlight <mark> element around search query?
* @param string $prefix Prefix text
* @param string $suffix Suffix text
* @param string|false $prefix Prefix text
* @param string|false $suffix Suffix text
* @return string HTML string with context
public function ContextSummary(
$characters = 500,
$keywords = null,
$highlight = true,
$prefix = "... ",
$suffix = "..."
$prefix = false,
$suffix = false
) {
if (!$keywords) {
@ -193,6 +198,14 @@ class DBText extends DBString
$keywords = isset($_REQUEST['Search']) ? $_REQUEST['Search'] : '';
if ($prefix === false) {
$prefix = $this->getDefaultValue() . ' ';
if ($suffix === false) {
$prefix = $this->getDefaultValue();
// Get raw text value, but XML encode it (as we'll be merging with HTML tags soon)
$text = Convert::raw2xml($this->Plain());
$keywords = Convert::raw2xml($keywords);
@ -257,4 +270,5 @@ class DBText extends DBString
return new TextField($this->name, $title);

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@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ class DBTextTest extends SapphireTest
// Plain text values always encoded safely
// HTML stored in non-html fields is treated literally.
return [
['The little brown fox jumped over the lazy cow.', 'The little brown fox...'],
['The little brown fox jumped over the lazy cow.', 'The little brown fox'],
['<p>Short & Sweet</p>', '&lt;p&gt;Short &amp; Sweet&lt;/p&gt;'],
['This text contains &amp; in it', 'This text contains &amp;...'],
['Is an umault in schön?', 'Is an umault in schö...'],
['This text contains &amp; in it', 'This text contains &amp;'],
['Is an umault in schön?', 'Is an umault in schö'],
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class DBTextTest extends SapphireTest
return [
// Standard words limited, ellipsis added if truncated
['Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 24, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit...'],
['Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 24, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit'],
// Complete words less than the character limit don't get truncated, ellipsis not added
['Lorem ipsum', 24, 'Lorem ipsum'],
@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ class DBTextTest extends SapphireTest
// HTML stored in non-html fields is treated literally.
// If storing HTML you should use DBHTMLText instead
['<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>', 24, '&lt;p&gt;Lorem ipsum dolor...'],
['<p><span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</span></p>', 24, '&lt;p&gt;&lt;span&gt;Lorem ipsum...'],
['<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>', 24, '&lt;p&gt;Lorem ipsum dolor'],
['<p><span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</span></p>', 24, '&lt;p&gt;&lt;span&gt;Lorem ipsum'],
['<p>Lorem ipsum</p>', 24, '&lt;p&gt;Lorem ipsum&lt;/p&gt;'],
['Lorem &amp; ipsum dolor sit amet', 24, 'Lorem &amp;amp; ipsum dolor...'],
['Lorem &amp; ipsum dolor sit amet', 24, 'Lorem &amp;amp; ipsum dolor'],
['Is an umault in schön or not?', 22, 'Is an umault in schön...'],
['Is an umault in schön or not?', 22, 'Is an umault in schön'],
@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ class DBTextTest extends SapphireTest
return [
// Standard words limited, ellipsis added if truncated
['The little brown fox jumped over the lazy cow.', 3, 'The little brown...'],
[' This text has white space around the ends ', 3, 'This text has...'],
['The little brown fox jumped over the lazy cow.', 3, 'The little brown'],
[' This text has white space around the ends ', 3, 'This text has'],
// Words less than the limt word count don't get truncated, ellipsis not added
['Two words', 3, 'Two words'], // Two words shouldn't have an ellipsis
@ -122,15 +122,15 @@ class DBTextTest extends SapphireTest
// Text with special characters
['Nice & Easy', 3, 'Nice &amp; Easy'],
['One & Two & Three', 3, 'One &amp; Two...'],
['One & Two & Three', 3, 'One &amp; Two'],
// HTML stored in non-html fields is treated literally.
// If storing HTML you should use DBHTMLText instead
['<p>Text inside a paragraph tag should also work</p>', 3, '&lt;p&gt;Text inside a...'],
['<p>Text inside a paragraph tag should also work</p>', 3, '&lt;p&gt;Text inside a'],
['<p>Two words</p>', 3, '&lt;p&gt;Two words&lt;/p&gt;'],
// Check UTF8
['Is an umault in schön or not?', 5, 'Is an umault in schön...'],
['Is an umault in schön or not?', 5, 'Is an umault in schön'],
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ class DBTextTest extends SapphireTest
'This is some text. It is a test',
'... text. It is a <mark>test</mark>'
' text. It is a <mark>test</mark>'
// Retains case of original string
@ -235,13 +235,13 @@ class DBTextTest extends SapphireTest
'some test',
'This is <mark>some</mark> <mark>test</mark> text.'
. ' <mark>Test</mark> <mark>test</mark> what if you have...'
. ' <mark>Test</mark> <mark>test</mark> what if you have'
'Here is some text & HTML included',
'... text &amp; <mark>HTML</mark> inc...'
'… text &amp; <mark>HTML</mark> inc…'
'A dog ate a cat while looking at a Foobar',
@ -262,14 +262,14 @@ class DBTextTest extends SapphireTest
// check UTF8 support
'both <mark>schön</mark> and können...',
'both <mark>schön</mark> and können',
'both schön and können have umlauts',
// check non existant search term
'both schön and können...',
'both schön and können',
@ -346,4 +346,10 @@ class DBTextTest extends SapphireTest
$this->assertTrue(mb_check_encoding($textObj->FirstSentence(), 'UTF-8'));
public function testDefaultEllipsis()
$textObj = new DBText('Test');
$this->assertEquals('…', $textObj->DefaultEllipsis());