BUGFIX: Clean up escaped character handling in SSViewer, and rework the Text rule to avoid a segfault problem with pcre regular expressions

This commit is contained in:
Hamish Friedlander 2011-03-17 13:08:13 +13:00
parent ebe94ae601
commit 88535a43c5
3 changed files with 245 additions and 59 deletions

View File

@ -3662,32 +3662,207 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
$res['php'] = "<?php" . PHP_EOL;
/* Text: /
(\\.) | # Any escaped character
([^<${]) | # Any character that isn't <, $ or {
(<[^%]) | # < if not followed by %
($[^A-Za-z_]) | # $ if not followed by A-Z, a-z or _
({[^$]) | # { if not followed by $
({$[^A-Za-z_]) # {$ if not followed A-Z, a-z or _
/ */
/* Text: (
/ [^<${\\]+ / |
/ (\\.) / |
'<' !'%' |
'$' !(/[A-Za-z_]/) |
'{' !'$' |
'{$' !(/[A-Za-z_]/)
)+ */
protected $match_Text_typestack = array('Text');
function match_Text ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "Text"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
if (( $subres = $this->rx( '/
(\\\\.) | # Any escaped character
([^<${]) | # Any character that isn\'t <, $ or {
(<[^%]) | # < if not followed by %
($[^A-Za-z_]) | # $ if not followed by A-Z, a-z or _
({[^$]) | # { if not followed by $
({$[^A-Za-z_]) # {$ if not followed A-Z, a-z or _
/' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
return $this->finalise($result);
$count = 0;
while (true) {
$res_673 = $result;
$pos_673 = $this->pos;
$_672 = NULL;
do {
$_670 = NULL;
do {
$res_635 = $result;
$pos_635 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->rx( '/ [^<${\\\\]+ /' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_670 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_635;
$this->pos = $pos_635;
$_668 = NULL;
do {
$res_637 = $result;
$pos_637 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->rx( '/ (\\\\.) /' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_668 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_637;
$this->pos = $pos_637;
$_666 = NULL;
do {
$res_639 = $result;
$pos_639 = $this->pos;
$_642 = NULL;
do {
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '<') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '<';
else { $_642 = FALSE; break; }
$res_641 = $result;
$pos_641 = $this->pos;
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '%') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '%';
$result = $res_641;
$this->pos = $pos_641;
$_642 = FALSE; break;
else {
$result = $res_641;
$this->pos = $pos_641;
$_642 = TRUE; break;
if( $_642 === TRUE ) { $_666 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_639;
$this->pos = $pos_639;
$_664 = NULL;
do {
$res_644 = $result;
$pos_644 = $this->pos;
$_649 = NULL;
do {
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '$') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '$';
else { $_649 = FALSE; break; }
$res_648 = $result;
$pos_648 = $this->pos;
$_647 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->rx( '/[A-Za-z_]/' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_647 = FALSE; break; }
$_647 = TRUE; break;
if( $_647 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_648;
$this->pos = $pos_648;
$_649 = FALSE; break;
if( $_647 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_648;
$this->pos = $pos_648;
$_649 = TRUE; break;
if( $_649 === TRUE ) { $_664 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_644;
$this->pos = $pos_644;
$_662 = NULL;
do {
$res_651 = $result;
$pos_651 = $this->pos;
$_654 = NULL;
do {
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '{') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '{';
else { $_654 = FALSE; break; }
$res_653 = $result;
$pos_653 = $this->pos;
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '$') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '$';
$result = $res_653;
$this->pos = $pos_653;
$_654 = FALSE; break;
else {
$result = $res_653;
$this->pos = $pos_653;
$_654 = TRUE; break;
if( $_654 === TRUE ) { $_662 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_651;
$this->pos = $pos_651;
$_660 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '{$' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_660 = FALSE; break; }
$res_659 = $result;
$pos_659 = $this->pos;
$_658 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->rx( '/[A-Za-z_]/' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_658 = FALSE; break; }
$_658 = TRUE; break;
if( $_658 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_659;
$this->pos = $pos_659;
$_660 = FALSE; break;
if( $_658 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_659;
$this->pos = $pos_659;
$_660 = TRUE; break;
if( $_660 === TRUE ) { $_662 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_651;
$this->pos = $pos_651;
$_662 = FALSE; break;
if( $_662 === TRUE ) { $_664 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_644;
$this->pos = $pos_644;
$_664 = FALSE; break;
if( $_664 === TRUE ) { $_666 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_639;
$this->pos = $pos_639;
$_666 = FALSE; break;
if( $_666 === TRUE ) { $_668 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_637;
$this->pos = $pos_637;
$_668 = FALSE; break;
if( $_668 === TRUE ) { $_670 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_635;
$this->pos = $pos_635;
$_670 = FALSE; break;
if( $_670 === FALSE) { $_672 = FALSE; break; }
$_672 = TRUE; break;
if( $_672 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_673;
$this->pos = $pos_673;
unset( $res_673 );
unset( $pos_673 );
$count += 1;
if ($count > 0) { return $this->finalise($result); }
else { return FALSE; }
@ -3699,26 +3874,19 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
function Text__finalise(&$res) {
$text = $res['text'];
// TODO: This is _super_ ugly, and a performance killer to boot.
// Unescape any escaped characters in the text, then put back escapes for any single quotes and backslashes
$text = stripslashes($text);
$text = addcslashes($text, '\'\\');
// TODO: This is pretty ugly & gets applied on all files not just html. I wonder if we can make this non-dynamically calculated
$text = preg_replace(
'href="' . PHP_EOL .
'$val .= SSViewer::$options[\'rewriteHashlinks\'] ? Convert::raw2att( $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\'] ) : "";' . PHP_EOL .
'$val .= <<<SSVIEWER' . PHP_EOL .
'href="\' . (SSViewer::$options[\'rewriteHashlinks\'] ? Convert::raw2att( $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\'] ) : "") . \'#',
// TODO: using heredocs means any left over $ symbols will trigger PHP lookups, as will any escapes
// Will it break backwards compatibility to use ' quoted strings, and escape just the ' characters?
$res['php'] .=
'$val .= <<<SSVIEWER' . PHP_EOL .
$text . PHP_EOL .
$res['php'] .= '$val .= \'' . $text . '\';' . PHP_EOL;

View File

@ -841,16 +841,20 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
# Text matches anything that isn't a template command (not an injection, block of any kind or comment)
Text: /
(\\.) | # Any escaped character
([^<${]) | # Any character that isn't <, $ or {
(<[^%]) | # < if not followed by %
($[^A-Za-z_]) | # $ if not followed by A-Z, a-z or _
({[^$]) | # { if not followed by $
({$[^A-Za-z_]) # {$ if not followed A-Z, a-z or _
Text: (
# Any set of characters that aren't potentially a control mark or an escaped character
/ [^<${\\]+ / |
# An escaped character
/ (\\.) / |
# A '<' that isn't the start of a block tag
'<' !'%' |
# A '$' that isn't the start of an injection
'$' !(/[A-Za-z_]/) |
# A '{' that isn't the start of an injection
'{' !'$' |
# A '{$' that isn't the start of an injection
'{$' !(/[A-Za-z_]/)
@ -858,26 +862,19 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
function Text__finalise(&$res) {
$text = $res['text'];
// TODO: This is _super_ ugly, and a performance killer to boot.
// Unescape any escaped characters in the text, then put back escapes for any single quotes and backslashes
$text = stripslashes($text);
$text = addcslashes($text, '\'\\');
// TODO: This is pretty ugly & gets applied on all files not just html. I wonder if we can make this non-dynamically calculated
$text = preg_replace(
'href="' . PHP_EOL .
'$val .= SSViewer::$options[\'rewriteHashlinks\'] ? Convert::raw2att( $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\'] ) : "";' . PHP_EOL .
'$val .= <<<SSVIEWER' . PHP_EOL .
'href="\' . (SSViewer::$options[\'rewriteHashlinks\'] ? Convert::raw2att( $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\'] ) : "") . \'#',
// TODO: using heredocs means any left over $ symbols will trigger PHP lookups, as will any escapes
// Will it break backwards compatibility to use ' quoted strings, and escape just the ' characters?
$res['php'] .=
'$val .= <<<SSVIEWER' . PHP_EOL .
$text . PHP_EOL .
$res['php'] .= '$val .= \'' . $text . '\';' . PHP_EOL;

View File

@ -77,6 +77,27 @@ SS
$this->assertEquals("This is my templateThis is some contentThis is the final content", preg_replace("/\n?<!--.*-->\n?/U",'',$output));
function testBasicText() {
$this->assertEquals('"', $this->render('"'), 'Double-quotes are left alone');
$this->assertEquals("'", $this->render("'"), 'Single-quotes are left alone');
$this->assertEquals('A', $this->render('\\A'), 'Escaped characters are unescaped');
$this->assertEquals('\\A', $this->render('\\\\A'), 'Escaped back-slashed are correctly unescaped');
function testBasicInjection() {
$this->assertEquals('[out:Test]', $this->render('$Test'), 'Basic stand-alone injection');
$this->assertEquals('[out:Test]', $this->render('{$Test}'), 'Basic stand-alone wrapped injection');
$this->assertEquals('A[out:Test]!', $this->render('A$Test!'), 'Basic surrounded injection');
$this->assertEquals('A[out:Test]B', $this->render('A{$Test}B'), 'Basic surrounded wrapped injection');
$this->assertEquals('A$B', $this->render('A\\$B'), 'No injection as $ escaped');
$this->assertEquals('A$ B', $this->render('A$ B'), 'No injection as $ not followed by word character');
$this->assertEquals('A{$ B', $this->render('A{$ B'), 'No injection as {$ not followed by word character');
$this->assertEquals('{$Test}', $this->render('{\\$Test}'), 'Escapes can be used to avoid injection');
$this->assertEquals('{\\[out:Test]}', $this->render('{\\\\$Test}'), 'Escapes before injections are correctly unescaped');
function testObjectDotArguments() {