Shift behat test from framework to admin (#8172)

This commit is contained in:
Aaron Carlino 2018-06-15 11:28:40 +12:00 committed by Maxime Rainville
parent 1c5876acf0
commit 7eeb91880a
15 changed files with 2 additions and 483 deletions

View File

@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ language: php
dist: trusty
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install chromium-chromedriver
- $HOME/.composer/cache/files
@ -14,15 +10,10 @@ addons:
- tidy
firefox: "31.0"
- DISPLAY=":99"
- XVFBARGS=":99 -ac -screen 0 1024x768x16"
- SS_BASE_URL="http://localhost:8080/"
fast_finish: true
@ -52,18 +43,10 @@ matrix:
- PDO=1
- PHPUNIT_TEST=framework
- php: 7.0
- BEHAT_TEST=framework
- php: 7.0
- php: 7.0
- php: nightly
@ -74,7 +57,6 @@ matrix:
# Extra $PATH
- export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
- export PATH=/usr/lib/chromium-browser/:$PATH
# Init PHP
- pecl channel-update
@ -88,26 +70,17 @@ before_script:
- if [[ $DB == PGSQL ]]; then composer require silverstripe/postgresql:2.0.x-dev --no-update; fi
- if [[ $DB == SQLITE ]]; then composer require silverstripe/sqlite3:2.0.x-dev --no-update; fi
- composer require silverstripe/recipe-testing:^1 silverstripe/recipe-core:4.2.x-dev silverstripe/admin:1.2.x-dev silverstripe/versioned:1.2.x-dev --no-update
- if [[ $PHPUNIT_TEST == cms ]] || [[ $BEHAT_TEST == cms ]]; then composer require silverstripe/recipe-cms:4.2.x-dev --no-update; fi
- if [[ $PHPUNIT_TEST == cms ]]; then composer require silverstripe/recipe-cms:4.2.x-dev --no-update; fi
- if [[ $PHPCS_TEST ]]; then composer global require squizlabs/php_codesniffer:^3 --prefer-dist --no-interaction --no-progress --no-suggest -o; fi
- composer install --prefer-source --no-interaction --no-progress --no-suggest --optimize-autoloader --verbose --profile
- composer install --prefer-dist --no-interaction --no-progress --no-suggest --optimize-autoloader --verbose --profile
# Log constants to CI for debugging purposes
- php ./tests/dump_constants.php
# Start behat services
- if [[ $BEHAT_TEST ]]; then mkdir artifacts; fi
- if [[ $BEHAT_TEST ]]; then cp composer.lock artifacts/; fi
- if [[ $BEHAT_TEST ]]; then sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start; sleep 3; fi
- if [[ $BEHAT_TEST ]]; then (chromedriver > artifacts/chromedriver.log 2>&1 &); fi
- if [[ $BEHAT_TEST == framework ]]; then (vendor/bin/serve --bootstrap-file tests/behat/serve-bootstrap.php &> artifacts/serve.log &); fi
- if [[ $BEHAT_TEST == cms ]]; then (vendor/bin/serve --bootstrap-file vendor/silverstripe/cms/tests/behat/serve-bootstrap.php &> artifacts/serve.log &); fi
- if [[ $PHPUNIT_TEST ]]; then vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite $PHPUNIT_TEST; fi
- if [[ $PHPUNIT_COVERAGE_TEST ]]; then phpdbg -qrr vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite $PHPUNIT_COVERAGE_TEST --coverage-clover=coverage.xml; fi
- if [[ $BEHAT_TEST == framework ]]; then vendor/bin/behat @framework; fi
- if [[ $BEHAT_TEST == cms ]]; then vendor/bin/behat @cms; fi
- if [[ $PHPCS_TEST ]]; then composer run-script lint; fi
- if [[ $PHPCS_TEST ]]; then composer run-script php-peg; fi
- if [[ $PHPCS_TEST ]]; then git diff-files --quiet -w --relative=src; fi
@ -116,5 +89,3 @@ script:
- if [[ $PHPUNIT_COVERAGE_TEST ]]; then bash <(curl -s -f coverage.xml; fi
- if [[ $BEHAT_TEST ]]; then php ./tests/behat/travis-upload-artifacts.php --if-env BEHAT_TEST,ARTIFACTS_BUCKET,ARTIFACTS_KEY,ARTIFACTS_SECRET --target-path $TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/$TRAVIS_BUILD_ID/$TRAVIS_JOB_ID --artifacts-base-url$ARTIFACTS_BUCKET/ --artifacts-path ./artifacts/; fi

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
# Run framework behat tests with this command (installed with silverstripe/installer)
# Note that framework behat tests require CMS module
# ========================================================================= #
# vendor/bin/selenium-server-standalone -Dwebdriver.firefox.bin="/Applications/"
# vendor/bin/serve --bootstrap-file vendor/silverstripe/framework/tests/behat/serve-bootstrap.php
# vendor/bin/behat @framework
# ========================================================================= #
- %paths.modules.framework%/tests/behat/features
- SilverStripe\Framework\Tests\Behaviour\FeatureContext
- SilverStripe\Framework\Tests\Behaviour\CmsFormsContext
- SilverStripe\Framework\Tests\Behaviour\CmsUiContext
- SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Context\BasicContext
- SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Context\EmailContext
- SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Context\LoginContext
- %paths.modules.framework%/tests/behat/features/files/
default_session: facebook_web_driver
javascript_session: facebook_web_driver
browser: chrome
wd_host: "" #chromedriver port
screenshot_path: %paths.base%/artifacts/screenshots
bootstrap_file: "tests/behat/serve-bootstrap.php"

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.2 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.8 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.4 KiB

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
Feature: Log in
As an site owner
I want to access to the CMS to be secure
So that only my team can make content changes
Scenario: Bad login
Given I log in with "" and "badpassword"
Then I should see "The provided details don't seem to be correct"
Scenario: Valid login
Given I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
When I go to "/admin/"
Then I should see the CMS
Scenario: /admin/ redirect for not logged in user
# disable automatic redirection so we can use the profiler
When I go to "/admin/"
And I should see a log-in form
Scenario: Logout without token
Given I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
When I go to "/Security/logout"
Then I should see a log-out form
When I press the "Log out" button
And I go to "/admin/"
Then I should see a log-in form
Scenario: Log in as someone else
Given I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
When I go to "/Security/login"
Then the response should contain "Log in as someone else"
When I press the "Log in as someone else" button
Then I should see a log-in form

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
Feature: Lost Password
As a site owner
I want to be able to reset my password
Using my email
Given a "member" "Admin" with "Email"=""
Scenario: I can request a password reset by email
Given I go to "Security/login"
When I follow "I've lost my password"
And I fill in "" for "Email"
And I press the "Send me the password reset link" button
Then I should see "A reset link has been sent to ''"
And there should be an email to "" titled "Your password reset link"
When I click on the "password reset link" link in the email to ""
Then I should see "Please enter a new password"
When I fill in "newpassword" for "New Password"
And I fill in "newpassword" for "Confirm New Password"
And I press the "Change Password" button
Then the password for "" should be "newpassword"

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
@javascript @retry
Feature: Manage users
As a site administrator
I want to create and manage user accounts on my site
So that I can control access to the CMS
Given a "member" "ADMIN" belonging to "ADMIN group" with "Email"=""
And the "member" "ADMIN" belonging to "ADMIN group2"
And a "member" "Staff" belonging to "Staff group" with "Email"=""
And the "group" "ADMIN group" has permissions "Full administrative rights"
And the "group" "ADMIN group2" has permissions "Full administrative rights"
And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/security"
Scenario: I cannot remove my admin access, but can remove myself from an admin group
When I click the "Groups" CMS tab
And I click "ADMIN group" in the "#Root_Groups" element
And I should see the "Unlink" button in the "Members" gridfield for the "ADMIN" row
Then I click "Groups" in the ".breadcrumbs-wrapper" element
And I click the "Groups" CMS tab
And I click "ADMIN group2" in the "#Root_Groups" element
And I should see the "Unlink" button in the "Members" gridfield for the "ADMIN" row
Then I click the "Unlink" button in the "Members" gridfield for the "ADMIN" row
And I should not see the "Unlink" button in the "Members" gridfield for the "ADMIN" row
Then I click "Groups" in the ".breadcrumbs-wrapper" element
And I click the "Groups" CMS tab
And I click "ADMIN group" in the "#Root_Groups" element
And I should not see the "Unlink" button in the "Members" gridfield for the "ADMIN" row
Scenario: I can list all users regardless of group
When I click the "Users" CMS tab
Then I should see "" in the "#Root_Users" element
And I should see "" in the "#Root_Users" element
Scenario: I can list all users in a specific group
When I click the "Groups" CMS tab
# TODO Please check how performant this is
And I click "ADMIN group" in the "#Root_Groups" element
Then I should see "" in the "#Root_Members" element
And I should not see "" in the "#Root_Members" element
Scenario: I can add a user to the system
When I click the "Users" CMS tab
And I press the "Add Member" button
And I fill in the following:
| First Name | John |
| Surname | Doe |
| Email | |
And I press the "Create" button
Then I should see a "Saved member" message
When I go to "admin/security/"
Then I should see "" in the "#Root_Users" element
Scenario: I can edit an existing user and add him to an existing group
When I click the "Users" CMS tab
And I click "" in the "#Root_Users" element
And I select "ADMIN group" from "Groups"
And I press the "Apply changes" button
Then I should see a "Saved Member" message
When I go to "admin/security"
And I click the "Groups" CMS tab
And I click "ADMIN group" in the "#Root_Groups" element
Then I should see ""
Scenario: I can delete an existing user
When I click the "Users" CMS tab
And I click "" in the "#Root_Users" element
And I press the "Delete" button, confirming the dialog
Then I should see ""
And I should not see ""

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
Feature: Manage my own settings
As a CMS user
I want to be able to change personal settings
In order to streamline my CMS experience
Given a "member" "Joe" belonging to "Admin group" with "Email"="" and "Password"="secret"
And the "group" "Admin group" has permissions "Full administrative rights"
And the "member" "Joe" belonging to "Admin group2"
And the "group" "Admin group2" has permissions "Full administrative rights"
And I log in with "" and "secret"
And I go to "admin/myprofile"
Scenario: I cannot remove all my admin groups
When I click the "Admin group" option in the "DirectGroups" listbox
And I click the "Admin group2" option in the "DirectGroups" listbox
And I press the "Save" button
Then I should see "Cannot remove all admin groups from your profile" in the "#Form_EditForm" element
Scenario: I can remove one of my admin groups
When I click the "Admin group" option in the "DirectGroups" listbox
And I press the "Save" button
Then I should see a "Saved" notice
And I should not see "Cannot remove all admin groups from your profile" in the "#Form_EditForm" element
Scenario: I can edit my personal details
Given I fill in "First Name" with "Jack"
And I fill in "Surname" with "Johnson"
And I fill in "Email" with ""
When I press the "Save" button
Given I go to "admin/myprofile"
Then I should not see "Joe"
Then I should see "Jack"
And I should see "Johnson"
Scenario: I can't reset the password without the original
Given I follow "Change Password"
And I fill in "Current Password" with "idontknow"
And I fill in "New Password" with "newsecret"
And I fill in "Confirm Password" with "newsecret"
And I press the "Save" button
Then I should see "The current password you have entered is not correct."
Scenario: I can change my password
Given I follow "Change Password"
And I fill in "Current Password" with "secret"
And I fill in "New Password" with "newsecret"
And I fill in "Confirm Password" with "newsecret"
And I press the "Save" button
And I am not logged in
When I log in with "" and "newsecret"
And I go to "admin/myprofile"
Then I should see the CMS
Scenario: I can change the interface language
And I select "German (Germany)" from "Interface Language"
And I press the "Save" button
Then I should see "Sprache"
# TODO Date/time format - Difficult because its not exposed anywhere in the CMS?
# TODO Group modification as ADMIN user

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
@modal @retry
Feature: Reauthenticate
As a content editor
I want to be able to log in through a CMS popup when my session expires
So that I can avoid losing unsaved work
And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/security"
And I am not in an iframe
And I click the "Users" CMS tab
And my session expires
Scenario: Reauthenticate with correct login
When I press the "Add Member" button
And I switch to the "login-dialog-iframe" iframe
Then I should see "Your session has timed out due to inactivity" in the ".cms-security__container" element
When I fill in "Password" with "Secret!123"
And I press the "Let me back in" button
And I am not in an iframe
And I go to "/admin/security"
When I press the "Add Member" button
Then I should see "Create" in the "#Form_ItemEditForm_action_doSave" element
Scenario: Reauthenticate with wrong login
When I press the "Add Member" button
And I switch to the "login-dialog-iframe" iframe
Then I should see "Your session has timed out due to inactivity" in the ".cms-security__container" element
When I fill in "Password" with "wrong password"
And I press the "Let me back in" button
Then I should see "The provided details don't seem to be correct. Please try again."
When I fill in "Password" with "Secret!123"
And I press the "Let me back in" button
And I am not in an iframe
And I go to "/admin/security"
When I press the "Add Member" button
Then I should see "Create" in the "#Form_ItemEditForm_action_doSave" element

View File

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
@javascript @retry
Feature: Manage Security Permissions for Groups
As a site administrator
I want to control my user's security permissions in an intuitive way
So that I can easily control access to the CMS
Given a "group" "test group"
And a "member" "ADMIN" belonging to "ADMIN group" with "Email"=""
And the "group" "ADMIN group" has permissions "Full administrative rights"
And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/security"
And I click the "Groups" CMS tab
And I click on "test group" in the "Groups" table
And I click the "Permissions" CMS tab
Scenario: I can see sub-permissions being properly set and restored when using "Access to all CMS sections"
When I check "Access to all CMS sections"
Then the "Access to 'Security' section" checkbox should be checked
And the "Access to 'Security' section" field should be disabled
When I uncheck "Access to all CMS sections"
Then the "Access to 'Security' section" checkbox should not be checked
And the "Access to 'Security' section" field should be enabled
When I check "Access to 'Security' section"
And I check "Access to all CMS sections"
When I uncheck "Access to all CMS sections"
Then the "Access to 'Security' section" checkbox should be checked
# Save so the driver can reset without having to deal with the popup alert.
Then I press the "Apply changes" button
Scenario: I can see sub-permissions being properly set and restored when using "Full administrative rights"
When I check "Access to 'Security' section"
And I check "Full administrative rights"
Then the "Access to all CMS sections" checkbox should be checked
And the "Access to all CMS sections" field should be disabled
And the "Access to 'Security' section" checkbox should be checked
And the "Access to 'Security' section" field should be disabled
And I uncheck "Full administrative rights"
Then the "Access to all CMS sections" checkbox should not be checked
And the "Access to all CMS sections" field should be enabled
And the "Access to 'Security' section" checkbox should be checked
And the "Access to 'Security' section" field should be enabled
# Save so the driver can reset without having to deal with the popup alert.
Then I press the "Apply changes" button
Scenario: I can see sub-permissions being handled properly between reloads when using "Full administrative rights"
When I check "Full administrative rights"
And I press the "Apply changes" button
And I click the "Permissions" CMS tab
Then the "Full administrative rights" checkbox should be checked
And the "Access to 'Security' section" checkbox should be checked
And the "Access to 'Security' section" field should be disabled
When I uncheck "Full administrative rights"
Then the "Access to 'Security' section" checkbox should not be checked
And the "Access to 'Security' section" field should be enabled
When I press the "Apply changes" button
And I click the "Permissions" CMS tab
Then the "Full administrative rights" checkbox should not be checked
And the "Access to 'Security' section" checkbox should not be checked
And the "Access to 'Security' section" field should be enabled
Scenario: I can see sub-permissions being handled properly between reloads when using "Access to all CMS sections"
When I check "Access to all CMS sections"
And I press the "Apply changes" button
And I click the "Permissions" CMS tab
Then the "Access to all CMS sections" checkbox should be checked
And the "Access to 'Security' section" checkbox should be checked
And the "Access to 'Security' section" field should be disabled
When I uncheck "Access to all CMS sections"
Then the "Access to 'Security' section" checkbox should not be checked
And the "Access to 'Security' section" field should be enabled
When I press the "Apply changes" button
And I click the "Permissions" CMS tab
Then the "Access to all CMS sections" checkbox should not be checked
And the "Access to 'Security' section" checkbox should not be checked
And the "Access to 'Security' section" field should be enabled

View File

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env php
* Creates an index.html with links to all files in a given directory structure, recursively.
* This is useful for Amazon S3 uploads with static file hosting, since it doesn't list files by default.
* Assumes to run in a SilverStripe webroot
* Run a command
* @param string $cmd
* @param bool $echo
function run($cmd, $echo = true)
if ($echo) {
echo "+ $cmd\n";
passthru($cmd, $returnVar);
if ($returnVar > 0) {
* Check if an env variable is set
* @param $envs
* @return bool
function checkenv($envs)
if ($envs) {
foreach (explode(',', $envs) as $env) {
if (!getenv($env)) {
return false;
return true;
$opts = getopt('', array(
// --if-env=BEHAT_TEST means that this script will only be executed if the given environment var is set
if (empty($opts['if-env'])) {
echo "--if-env option is mandatory";
if (!checkenv($opts['if-env'])) {
echo "Apache skipped; {$opts['if-env']} wasn't set.\n";
if (isset($opts['artifacts-path'])) {
$artifactsPath = $opts['artifacts-path'];
} elseif (is_dir(__DIR__ . '/artifacts/')) {
$artifactsPath = __DIR__ . '/artifacts/';
} elseif (is_dir('~/artifacts/')) {
$artifactsPath = '~/artifacts/';
} else {
$artifactsPath = null;
$targetPath = $opts['target-path'];
$baseUrl = $opts['artifacts-base-url'];
if (!$artifactsPath || !is_dir($artifactsPath)) {
echo "No artifacts found, skipped\n";
echo "Installing artifacts script to ~/bin/artifacts\n";
run("curl -sL | bash");
echo "Creating {$artifactsPath}index.html...\n";
$html = '<html><head></head><body><ul>';
$objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(realpath($artifactsPath)), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
foreach ($objects as $name => $object) {
if ($object->isDir()) {
$relativePath = trim(str_replace(realpath($artifactsPath) . '/', '', $object->getPathName()), '/');
$html .= sprintf('<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>', $relativePath, $relativePath);
$html .= '</ul></body></html>';
file_put_contents("{$artifactsPath}index.html", $html);
run("~/bin/artifacts upload --permissions public-read --target-paths $targetPath $artifactsPath");
$fullPath = str_replace('//', '/', "$baseUrl/$targetPath/index.html");
$fullPath = str_replace('https:/s3', 'https://s3', $fullPath);
echo "Uploaded artifacts to $fullPath\n";