MINOR Moved SearchForm, AdvancedSearchForm and ContentControllerSearchExtension to "cms" module

This commit is contained in:
Ingo Schommer 2011-03-22 20:34:42 +13:00
parent 204fd2c4ce
commit 71f117b519
3 changed files with 0 additions and 383 deletions

View File

@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
* More advanced search form
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage search
class AdvancedSearchForm extends SearchForm {
* the constructor of a Simple/basic SearchForm
function __construct($controller, $name, $fields = null, $actions = null) {
if(!$fields) {
$fields = new FieldSet(
$searchBy = new CompositeField(
new HeaderField('SearchByHeader',_t('AdvancedSearchForm.SEARCHBY', 'SEARCH BY')),
new TextField("+", _t('AdvancedSearchForm.ALLWORDS', 'All Words')),
new TextField("quote", _t('AdvancedSearchForm.EXACT', 'Exact Phrase')),
new TextField("any", _t('AdvancedSearchForm.ATLEAST', 'At Least One Of the Words')),
new TextField("-", _t('AdvancedSearchForm.WITHOUT', 'Without the Words'))
$sortBy = new CompositeField(
new HeaderField('SortByHeader',_t('AdvancedSearchForm.SORTBY', 'SORT RESULTS BY')),
new OptionsetField("sortby", "",
'Relevance' => _t('AdvancedSearchForm.RELEVANCE', 'Relevance'),
'LastUpdated' => _t('AdvancedSearchForm.LASTUPDATED', 'Last Updated'),
'PageTitle' => _t('AdvancedSearchForm.PAGETITLE', 'Page Title'),
$chooseDate = new CompositeField(
new HeaderField('LastUpdatedHeader',_t('AdvancedSearchForm.LASTUPDATEDHEADER', 'LAST UPDATED')),
new DateField("From", _t('AdvancedSearchForm.FROM', 'From')),
new DateField("To", _t('AdvancedSearchForm.TO', 'To'))
$searchBy->ID = "AdvancedSearchForm_SearchBy";
$searchOnly->ID = "AdvancedSearchForm_SearchOnly";
$sortBy->ID = "AdvancedSearchForm_SortBy";
$chooseDate->ID = "AdvancedSearchForm_ChooseDate";
if(!$actions) {
$actions = new FieldSet(
new FormAction("results", _t('AdvancedSearchForm.GO', 'Go'))
parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions);
public function forTemplate(){
return $this->renderWith(array("AdvancedSearchForm","Form"));
/* Return dataObjectSet of the results, using the form data.
public function getResults($numPerPage = 10) {
$data = $this->getData();
if($data['+']) $keywords .= " +" . ereg_replace(" +", " +", trim($data['+']));
if($data['quote']) $keywords .= ' "' . $data['quote'] . '"';
if($data['any']) $keywords .= ' ' . $data['any'];
if($data['-']) $keywords .= " -" . ereg_replace(" +", " -", trim($data['-']));
$keywords = trim($keywords);
// This means that they want to just find pages where there's *no* match
if($keywords[0] == '-') {
$keywords = $data['-'];
$invertedMatch = true;
// Limit search to various sections
if($_REQUEST['OnlyShow']) {
$pageList = array();
// Find the associated pages
foreach($_REQUEST['OnlyShow'] as $section => $checked) {
$items = explode(",", $section);
foreach($items as $item) {
$page = DataObject::get_one('SiteTree', "\"URLSegment\" = '" . DB::getConn()->addslashes($item) . "'");
$pageList[] = $page->ID;
if(!$page) user_error("Can't find a page called '$item'", E_USER_WARNING);
$contentFilter = "\"ID\" IN (" . implode(",", $pageList) . ")";
// Find the files associated with those pages
$fileList = DB::query("SELECT \"FileID\" FROM \"Page_ImageTracking\" WHERE \"PageID\" IN (" . implode(",", $pageList) . ")")->column();
if($fileList) $fileFilter = "\"ID\" IN (" . implode(",", $fileList) . ")";
else $fileFilter = " 1 = 2 ";
if($data['From']) {
$filter .= ($filter?" AND":"") . " \"LastEdited\" >= '$data[From]'";
if($data['To']) {
$filter .= ($filter?" AND":"") . " \"LastEdited\" <= '$data[To]'";
if($filter) {
$contentFilter .= ($contentFilter?" AND":"") . $filter;
$fileFilter .= ($fileFilter?" AND":"") . $filter;
if($data['sortby']) {
$sorts = array(
'LastUpdated' => '"LastEdited" DESC',
'PageTitle' => '"Title" ASC',
'Relevance' => '"Relevance" DESC',
$sortBy = $sorts[$data['sortby']] ? $sorts[$data['sortby']] : $sorts['Relevance'];
$keywords = $this->addStarsToKeywords($keywords);
return $this->searchEngine($keywords, $numPerPage, $sortBy, $contentFilter, true, $fileFilter, $invertedMatch);
function getSearchQuery() {
$data = $_REQUEST;
if($data['+']) $keywords .= " +" . ereg_replace(" +", " +", trim($data['+']));
if($data['quote']) $keywords .= ' "' . $data['quote'] . '"';
if($data['any']) $keywords .= ' ' . $data['any'];
if($data['-']) $keywords .= " -" . ereg_replace(" +", " -", trim($data['-']));
return trim($keywords);

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
* Extension to provide a search interface when applied to ContentController
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage search
class ContentControllerSearchExtension extends Extension {
static $allowed_actions = array(
* Site search form
function SearchForm() {
$searchText = _t('SearchForm.SEARCH', 'Search');
if($this->owner->request && $this->owner->request->getVar('Search')) {
$searchText = $this->owner->request->getVar('Search');
$fields = new FieldSet(
new TextField('Search', false, $searchText)
$actions = new FieldSet(
new FormAction('results', _t('SearchForm.GO', 'Go'))
$form = new SearchForm($this->owner, 'SearchForm', $fields, $actions);
return $form;
* Process and render search results.
* @param array $data The raw request data submitted by user
* @param SearchForm $form The form instance that was submitted
* @param SS_HTTPRequest $request Request generated for this action
function results($data, $form, $request) {
$data = array(
'Results' => $form->getResults(),
'Query' => $form->getSearchQuery(),
'Title' => _t('SearchForm.SearchResults', 'Search Results')
return $this->owner->customise($data)->renderWith(array('Page_results', 'Page'));

View File

@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
* Standard basic search form which conducts a fulltext search on all {@link SiteTree}
* objects.
* If multilingual content is enabled through the {@link Translatable} extension,
* only pages the currently set language on the holder for this searchform are found.
* The language is set through a hidden field in the form, which is prepoluated
* with {@link Translatable::get_current_locale()} when then form is constructed.
* @see Use ModelController and SearchContext for a more generic search implementation based around DataObject
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage search
class SearchForm extends Form {
* @var int $pageLength How many results are shown per page.
* Relies on pagination being implemented in the search results template.
protected $pageLength = 10;
* Classes to search
protected $classesToSearch = array(
"SiteTree", "File"
* @param Controller $controller
* @param string $name The name of the form (used in URL addressing)
* @param FieldSet $fields Optional, defaults to a single field named "Search". Search logic needs to be customized
* if fields are added to the form.
* @param FieldSet $actions Optional, defaults to a single field named "Go".
function __construct($controller, $name, $fields = null, $actions = null) {
if(!$fields) {
$fields = new FieldSet(
new TextField('Search', _t('SearchForm.SEARCH', 'Search')
if(singleton('SiteTree')->hasExtension('Translatable')) {
$fields->push(new HiddenField('locale', 'locale', Translatable::get_current_locale()));
if(!$actions) {
$actions = new FieldSet(
new FormAction("getResults", _t('SearchForm.GO', 'Go'))
parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions);
public function forTemplate() {
return $this->renderWith(array(
* Set the classes to search.
* Currently you can only choose from "SiteTree" and "File", but a future version might improve this.
function classesToSearch($classes) {
$illegalClasses = array_diff($classes, array('SiteTree', 'File'));
if($illegalClasses) {
user_error("SearchForm::classesToSearch() passed illegal classes '" . implode("', '", $illegalClasses) . "'. At this stage, only File and SiteTree are allowed", E_USER_WARNING);
$legalClasses = array_intersect($classes, array('SiteTree', 'File'));
$this->classesToSearch = $legalClasses;
* Get the classes to search
* @return array
function getClassesToSearch() {
return $this->classesToSearch;
* Return dataObjectSet of the results using $_REQUEST to get info from form.
* Wraps around {@link searchEngine()}.
* @param int $pageLength DEPRECATED 2.3 Use SearchForm->pageLength
* @param array $data Request data as an associative array. Should contain at least a key 'Search' with all searched keywords.
* @return DataObjectSet
public function getResults($pageLength = null, $data = null){
// legacy usage: $data was defaulting to $_REQUEST, parameter not passed in doc.silverstripe.org tutorials
if(!isset($data) || !is_array($data)) $data = $_REQUEST;
// set language (if present)
if(singleton('SiteTree')->hasExtension('Translatable') && isset($data['locale'])) {
$origLocale = Translatable::get_current_locale();
$keywords = $data['Search'];
$andProcessor = create_function('$matches','
return " +" . $matches[2] . " +" . $matches[4] . " ";
$notProcessor = create_function('$matches', '
return " -" . $matches[3];
$keywords = preg_replace_callback('/()("[^()"]+")( and )("[^"()]+")()/i', $andProcessor, $keywords);
$keywords = preg_replace_callback('/(^| )([^() ]+)( and )([^ ()]+)( |$)/i', $andProcessor, $keywords);
$keywords = preg_replace_callback('/(^| )(not )("[^"()]+")/i', $notProcessor, $keywords);
$keywords = preg_replace_callback('/(^| )(not )([^() ]+)( |$)/i', $notProcessor, $keywords);
$keywords = $this->addStarsToKeywords($keywords);
if(!$pageLength) $pageLength = $this->pageLength;
$start = isset($_GET['start']) ? (int)$_GET['start'] : 0;
if(strpos($keywords, '"') !== false || strpos($keywords, '+') !== false || strpos($keywords, '-') !== false || strpos($keywords, '*') !== false) {
$results = DB::getConn()->searchEngine($this->classesToSearch, $keywords, $start, $pageLength, "\"Relevance\" DESC", "", true);
} else {
$results = DB::getConn()->searchEngine($this->classesToSearch, $keywords, $start, $pageLength);
// filter by permission
if($results) foreach($results as $result) {
if(!$result->canView()) $results->remove($result);
// reset locale
if(singleton('SiteTree')->hasExtension('Translatable') && isset($data['locale'])) {
return $results;
protected function addStarsToKeywords($keywords) {
if(!trim($keywords)) return "";
// Add * to each keyword
$splitWords = preg_split("/ +/" , trim($keywords));
while(list($i,$word) = each($splitWords)) {
if($word[0] == '"') {
while(list($i,$subword) = each($splitWords)) {
$word .= ' ' . $subword;
if(substr($subword,-1) == '"') break;
} else {
$word .= '*';
$newWords[] = $word;
return implode(" ", $newWords);
* Get the search query for display in a "You searched for ..." sentence.
* @param array $data
* @return string
public function getSearchQuery($data = null) {
// legacy usage: $data was defaulting to $_REQUEST, parameter not passed in doc.silverstripe.org tutorials
if(!isset($data)) $data = $_REQUEST;
return Convert::raw2xml($data['Search']);
* Set the maximum number of records shown on each page.
* @param int $length
public function setPageLength($length) {
$this->pageLength = $length;
* @return int
public function getPageLength() {
return $this->pageLength;