mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
API Updates to Form, ValidationResponse, ValidationException
API Implement form schema "errors" handling
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
webpackJsonp([5],[function(e,t,n){"use strict"
"use strict"
function n(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})
var i=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var i=t[n]
@ -430,10 +430,10 @@ return Object.entries(e).reduce(function(e,n){var o=u(n,1),a=o[0],s=(0,m.findFie
if(d)return e
var h=p.map(function(e,t){return f["default"].createElement("span",{key:t,className:"form__validation-message"},e)})
return l({},e,r({},a,{type:"error",value:{react:h}}))},{})}},{key:"handleAction",value:function i(e){"function"==typeof this.props.handleAction&&this.props.handleAction(e,this.props.values),e.isPropagationStopped()||this.setState({
submittingAction:e.currentTarget.name})}},{key:"handleSubmit",value:function d(e){var t=this,n=this.state.submittingAction?this.state.submittingAction:this.props.schema.schema.actions[0].name,i=l({},e,r({},n,1)),o={
"X-Formschema-Request":"state,schema","X-Requested-With":"XMLHttpRequest"},a=function s(e){return t.submitApi(e||i,o).then(function(e){return t.setState({submittingAction:null}),e})["catch"](function(e){
throw t.setState({submittingAction:null}),e})}
return"function"==typeof this.props.handleSubmit?this.props.handleSubmit(i,n,a):a()}},{key:"buildComponent",value:function p(e){var t=e,n=null!==t.schemaComponent?E["default"].getComponentByName(t.schemaComponent):E["default"].getComponentByDataType(t.type)
submittingAction:e.currentTarget.name})}},{key:"handleSubmit",value:function d(e){var t=this,n=this.state.submittingAction?this.state.submittingAction:this.props.schema.schema.actions[0].name,i=l({},e,r({},n,1)),o=this.props.responseRequestedSchema.join(),a={
"X-Formschema-Request":o,"X-Requested-With":"XMLHttpRequest"},s=function u(e){return t.submitApi(e||i,a).then(function(e){return t.setState({submittingAction:null}),e})["catch"](function(e){throw t.setState({
return"function"==typeof this.props.handleSubmit?this.props.handleSubmit(i,n,s):s()}},{key:"buildComponent",value:function p(e){var t=e,n=null!==t.schemaComponent?E["default"].getComponentByName(t.schemaComponent):E["default"].getComponentByDataType(t.type)
if(null===n)return null
@ -461,9 +461,11 @@ persistentSubmitErrors:p,validate:this.validateForm}
return f["default"].createElement(n,v)}}]),t}(y["default"]),O=d.PropTypes.shape({id:d.PropTypes.string,schema:d.PropTypes.shape({attributes:d.PropTypes.shape({"class":d.PropTypes.string,enctype:d.PropTypes.string
P.propTypes=l({},S,{form:d.PropTypes.string.isRequired,schema:O.isRequired}),t.basePropTypes=S,t.schemaPropType=O,t["default"]=P},function(e,t){"use strict"
P.propTypes=l({},S,{form:d.PropTypes.string.isRequired,schema:O.isRequired}),P.defaultProps={responseRequestedSchema:["auto"]},t.basePropTypes=S,t.schemaPropType=O,t["default"]=P},function(e,t){"use strict"
function n(e,t,n){return t in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:n,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=n,e}function i(e,t){var n=null
if(!e)return n
n=e.find(function(e){return e.name===t})
@ -542,39 +544,42 @@ return!t||"object"!=typeof t&&"function"!=typeof t?e:t}function s(e,t){if("funct
e.prototype=Object.create(t&&t.prototype,{constructor:{value:e,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),t&&(Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.setPrototypeOf(e,t):e.__proto__=t)}function l(e,t){var n=e.schemas[t.schemaUrl],i=e.form&&e.form[t.schemaUrl],r=i&&i.submitting,o=i&&i.values,a=n&&n.stateOverride,s=n&&n.metadata&&n.metadata.loading
return{schema:n,submitting:r,values:o,stateOverrides:a,loading:s}}function u(e){return{schemaActions:(0,m.bindActionCreators)(_,e)}}Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})
return{schema:n,submitting:r,values:o,stateOverrides:a,loading:s}}function u(e){return{schemaActions:(0,m.bindActionCreators)(C,e)}}Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})
var c=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var n=arguments[t]
for(var i in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,i)&&(e[i]=n[i])}return e},d=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var i=t[n]
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),f=n(5),p=r(f),h=n(107),m=n(108),g=n(8),v=r(g),y=n(109),b=n(110),_=i(b),w=n(17),C=r(w),T=n(26),E=r(T),P=n(111),O=r(P),S=function(e){
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),f=n(5),p=r(f),h=n(107),m=n(108),g=n(8),v=r(g),y=n(109),b=r(y),_=n(110),w=n(111),C=i(w),T=n(17),E=r(T),P=n(26),O=r(P),S=n(112),k=r(S),j=function(e){
function t(e){o(this,t)
var n=a(this,(t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this,e))
return n.handleSubmit=n.handleSubmit.bind(n),n.clearSchema=n.clearSchema.bind(n),n}return s(t,e),d(t,[{key:"componentDidMount",value:function n(){this.fetch()}},{key:"componentDidUpdate",value:function i(e){
this.props.schemaUrl!==e.schemaUrl&&(this.clearSchema(e.schemaUrl),this.fetch())}},{key:"componentWillUnmount",value:function r(){this.clearSchema(this.props.schemaUrl)}},{key:"getMessages",value:function l(e){
var t={}
return e&&e.fields&&e.fields.forEach(function(e){e.message&&(t[e.name]=e.message)}),t}},{key:"clearSchema",value:function u(e){e&&((0,y.destroy)(e),this.props.schemaActions.setSchema(e,null))}},{key:"handleSubmit",
return n.handleSubmit=n.handleSubmit.bind(n),n.clearSchema=n.clearSchema.bind(n),n.reduceSchemaErrors=n.reduceSchemaErrors.bind(n),n}return s(t,e),d(t,[{key:"componentDidMount",value:function n(){this.fetch()
}},{key:"componentDidUpdate",value:function i(e){this.props.schemaUrl!==e.schemaUrl&&(this.clearSchema(e.schemaUrl),this.fetch())}},{key:"componentWillUnmount",value:function r(){this.clearSchema(this.props.schemaUrl)
}},{key:"getMessages",value:function l(e){var t={}
return e&&e.fields&&e.fields.forEach(function(e){e.message&&(t[e.name]=e.message)}),t}},{key:"clearSchema",value:function u(e){e&&((0,_.destroy)(e),this.props.schemaActions.setSchema(e,null))}},{key:"handleSubmit",
value:function f(e,t,n){var i=this,r=null
if(r="function"==typeof this.props.handleSubmit?this.props.handleSubmit(e,t,n):n(),!r)throw new Error("Promise was not returned for submitting")
return r.then(function(e){return e&&i.props.schemaActions.setSchema(i.props.schemaUrl,e),e}).then(function(e){if(!e||!e.state)return e
return r.then(function(e){var t=e
return t&&(t=i.reduceSchemaErrors(t),i.props.schemaActions.setSchema(i.props.schemaUrl,t)),t}).then(function(e){if(!e||!e.state)return e
var t=i.getMessages(e.state)
if(Object.keys(t).length)throw new y.SubmissionError(t)
return e})}},{key:"overrideStateData",value:function h(e){if(!this.props.stateOverrides||!e)return e
if(Object.keys(t).length)throw new _.SubmissionError(t)
return e})}},{key:"reduceSchemaErrors",value:function h(e){if(!e.errors)return e
var t=c({},e)
return t.state||(t=c({},t,{state:this.props.schema.state})),t=c({},t,{state:c({},t.state,{fields:t.state.fields.map(function(t){return c({},t,{message:e.errors.find(function(e){return e.field===t.name})
})}),messages:e.errors.filter(function(e){return!e.field})})}),delete t.errors,(0,b["default"])(t)}},{key:"overrideStateData",value:function m(e){if(!this.props.stateOverrides||!e)return e
var t=this.props.stateOverrides.fields,n=e.fields
return t&&n&&(n=n.map(function(e){var n=t.find(function(t){return t.name===e.name})
return n?C["default"].recursive(!0,e,n):e})),c({},e,this.props.stateOverrides,{fields:n})}},{key:"overrideStateData",value:function m(e){if(!this.props.stateOverrides||!e)return e
var t=this.props.stateOverrides.fields,n=e.fields
return t&&n&&(n=n.map(function(e){var n=t.find(function(t){return t.name===e.name})
return n?C["default"].recursive(!0,e,n):e})),c({},e,this.props.stateOverrides,{fields:n})}},{key:"fetch",value:function g(){var e=this,t=arguments.length<=0||void 0===arguments[0]||arguments[0],n=arguments.length<=1||void 0===arguments[1]||arguments[1],i=[]
return n?E["default"].recursive(!0,e,n):e})),c({},e,this.props.stateOverrides,{fields:n})}},{key:"fetch",value:function g(){var e=this,t=arguments.length<=0||void 0===arguments[0]||arguments[0],n=arguments.length<=1||void 0===arguments[1]||arguments[1],i=[]
return t&&i.push("schema"),n&&i.push("state"),this.props.loading?Promise.resolve({}):(this.props.schemaActions.setSchemaLoading(this.props.schemaUrl,!0),(0,v["default"])(this.props.schemaUrl,{headers:{
"X-FormSchema-Request":i.join()},credentials:"same-origin"}).then(function(e){return e.json()}).then(function(t){if(e.props.schemaActions.setSchemaLoading(e.props.schemaUrl,!1),"undefined"!=typeof t.id){
var n=c({},t,{state:e.overrideStateData(t.state)})
return e.props.schemaActions.setSchema(e.props.schemaUrl,n),n}return t}))}},{key:"render",value:function b(){if(!this.props.schema||!this.props.schema.schema||this.props.loading)return null
return e.props.schemaActions.setSchema(e.props.schemaUrl,n),n}return t}))}},{key:"render",value:function y(){if(!this.props.schema||!this.props.schema.schema||this.props.loading)return null
var e=c({},this.props,{form:this.props.schemaUrl,onSubmitSuccess:this.props.onSubmitSuccess,handleSubmit:this.handleSubmit})
return p["default"].createElement(O["default"],e)}}]),t}(f.Component)
e.exports=FormBuilder},function(e,t,n){(function(t){e.exports=t.FormBuilderModal=n(113)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){"use strict"
return p["default"].createElement(k["default"],e)}}]),t}(f.Component)
e.exports=SchemaActions},function(e,t){e.exports=FormBuilder},function(e,t,n){(function(t){e.exports=t.FormBuilderModal=n(114)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){"use strict"
function i(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{"default":e}}function r(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function o(e,t){if(!e)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called")
@ -582,7 +587,7 @@ return!t||"object"!=typeof t&&"function"!=typeof t?e:t}function a(e,t){if("funct
var s=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var i=t[n]
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),l=n(5),u=i(l),c=n(114),d=i(c),f=n(22),p=n(21),h=i(p),m=n(115),g=i(m),v=function(e){
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),l=n(5),u=i(l),c=n(115),d=i(c),f=n(22),p=n(21),h=i(p),m=n(116),g=i(m),v=function(e){
function t(e){r(this,t)
var n=o(this,(t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this,e))
return n.handleSubmit=n.handleSubmit.bind(n),n.handleHide=n.handleHide.bind(n),n.clearResponse=n.clearResponse.bind(n),n}return a(t,e),s(t,[{key:"getForm",value:function n(){return this.props.schemaUrl?u["default"].createElement(g["default"],{
@ -603,7 +608,7 @@ className:this.props.bodyClassName},t,e,this.props.children))}}]),t}(h["default"
e.exports=t.GridField=n(117)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){"use strict"
e.exports=t.GridField=n(118)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){"use strict"
function i(e){if(e&&e.__esModule)return e
var t={}
if(null!=e)for(var n in e)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,n)&&(t[n]=e[n])
@ -623,7 +628,7 @@ var i=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,t)
if(void 0===i){var r=Object.getPrototypeOf(e)
return null===r?void 0:M(r,t,n)}if("value"in i)return i.value
var o=i.get
if(void 0!==o)return o.call(n)},f=n(5),p=r(f),h=n(108),m=n(107),g=n(21),v=r(g),y=n(118),b=r(y),_=n(119),w=r(_),C=n(121),T=r(C),E=n(120),P=r(E),O=n(122),S=r(O),k=n(123),j=r(k),x=n(28),R=r(x),I=n(124),A=i(I),D={},F=function(e){
if(void 0!==o)return o.call(n)},f=n(5),p=r(f),h=n(108),m=n(107),g=n(21),v=r(g),y=n(119),b=r(y),_=n(120),w=r(_),C=n(122),T=r(C),E=n(121),P=r(E),O=n(123),S=r(O),k=n(124),j=r(k),x=n(28),R=r(x),I=n(125),A=i(I),D={},F=function(e){
function t(e){o(this,t)
var n=a(this,(t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this,e))
return n.deleteRecord=n.deleteRecord.bind(n),n.editRecord=n.editRecord.bind(n),n}return s(t,e),c(t,[{key:"componentDidMount",value:function n(){d(t.prototype.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t.prototype),"componentDidMount",this).call(this)
@ -672,7 +677,7 @@ return!t||"object"!=typeof t&&"function"!=typeof t?e:t}function a(e,t){if("funct
var s=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var i=t[n]
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),l=n(5),u=i(l),c=n(21),d=i(c),f=n(120),p=i(f),h=function(e){
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),l=n(5),u=i(l),c=n(21),d=i(c),f=n(121),p=i(f),h=function(e){
function t(){return r(this,t),o(this,(t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).apply(this,arguments))}return a(t,e),s(t,[{key:"render",value:function n(){return u["default"].createElement(p["default"],null,this.props.children)
@ -745,13 +750,13 @@ type:u["default"].FETCH_RECORD_FAILURE,payload:{error:n,recordType:e}}),n})}}fun
return function(n){return n({type:u["default"].DELETE_RECORD_REQUEST,payload:a}),d["default"][s].apply(d["default"],l).then(function(){n({type:u["default"].DELETE_RECORD_SUCCESS,payload:{recordType:e,id:t
}})})["catch"](function(i){throw n({type:u["default"].DELETE_RECORD_FAILURE,payload:{error:i,recordType:e,id:t}}),i})}}Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.fetchRecords=o,t.fetchRecord=a,
var l=n(125),u=i(l),c=n(7),d=i(c)},function(e,t){"use strict"
var l=n(126),u=i(l),c=n(7),d=i(c)},function(e,t){"use strict"
DELETE_RECORD_FAILURE:"DELETE_RECORD_FAILURE",DELETE_RECORD_SUCCESS:"DELETE_RECORD_SUCCESS"}},function(e,t,n){(function(t){e.exports=t.GridFieldCell=n(122)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){
(function(t){e.exports=t.GridFieldHeader=n(119)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){(function(t){e.exports=t.GridFieldHeaderCell=n(121)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){
(function(t){e.exports=t.GridFieldRow=n(120)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){(function(t){e.exports=t.GridFieldTable=n(118)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){(function(t){
e.exports=t.HiddenField=n(132)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){"use strict"
DELETE_RECORD_FAILURE:"DELETE_RECORD_FAILURE",DELETE_RECORD_SUCCESS:"DELETE_RECORD_SUCCESS"}},function(e,t,n){(function(t){e.exports=t.GridFieldCell=n(123)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){
(function(t){e.exports=t.GridFieldHeader=n(120)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){(function(t){e.exports=t.GridFieldHeaderCell=n(122)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){
(function(t){e.exports=t.GridFieldRow=n(121)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){(function(t){e.exports=t.GridFieldTable=n(119)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){(function(t){
e.exports=t.HiddenField=n(133)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){"use strict"
function i(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{"default":e}}function r(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function o(e,t){if(!e)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called")
@ -765,7 +770,7 @@ className:this.props.className+" "+this.props.extraClass,id:this.props.id,name:t
value:""},t["default"]=p},function(e,t,n){(function(t){e.exports=t.TextField=n(134)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){"use strict"
value:""},t["default"]=p},function(e,t,n){(function(t){e.exports=t.TextField=n(135)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){"use strict"
function i(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{"default":e}}function r(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function o(e,t){if(!e)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called")
@ -774,7 +779,7 @@ e.prototype=Object.create(t&&t.prototype,{constructor:{value:e,enumerable:!1,wri
value:!0}),t.TextField=void 0
var s=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var n=arguments[t]
for(var i in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,i)&&(e[i]=n[i])}return e},l=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var i=t[n]
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),u=n(5),c=i(u),d=n(21),f=i(d),p=n(135),h=i(p),m=n(22),g=function(e){
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),u=n(5),c=i(u),d=n(21),f=i(d),p=n(136),h=i(p),m=n(22),g=function(e){
function t(e){r(this,t)
var n=o(this,(t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this,e))
return n.handleChange=n.handleChange.bind(n),n}return a(t,e),l(t,[{key:"render",value:function n(){var e=null
@ -786,7 +791,7 @@ return this.props.readOnly||(s(e,{placeholder:this.props.placeholder,onChange:th
type:"text"},t.TextField=g,t["default"]=(0,h["default"])(g)},function(e,t){e.exports=FieldHolder},function(e,t,n){(function(t){e.exports=t.Toolbar=n(137)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){
type:"text"},t.TextField=g,t["default"]=(0,h["default"])(g)},function(e,t){e.exports=FieldHolder},function(e,t,n){(function(t){e.exports=t.Toolbar=n(138)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){
"use strict"
function i(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{"default":e}}function r(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function o(e,t){if(!e)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called")
@ -804,7 +809,7 @@ return u["default"].createElement("div",{className:"toolbar toolbar--north"},u["
}},{key:"handleBackButtonClick",value:function i(e){return"undefined"!=typeof this.props.handleBackButtonClick?void this.props.handleBackButtonClick(e):void e.preventDefault()}}]),t}(d["default"])
(function(t){e.exports=t.Breadcrumb=n(139)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){"use strict"
(function(t){e.exports=t.Breadcrumb=n(140)}).call(t,function(){return this}())},function(e,t,n){"use strict"
function i(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{"default":e}}function r(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function o(e,t){if(!e)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called")
@ -812,7 +817,7 @@ return!t||"object"!=typeof t&&"function"!=typeof t?e:t}function a(e,t){if("funct
e.prototype=Object.create(t&&t.prototype,{constructor:{value:e,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),t&&(Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.setPrototypeOf(e,t):e.__proto__=t)}function s(e){return{crumbs:e.breadcrumbs
}}Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.Breadcrumb=void 0
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i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),a=n(1),s=i(a),l=n(5),u=i(l),c=n(177),d=i(c),f=n(107),p=n(141),h=n(201),m=i(h),g=n(146),v=i(g),y=n(218),b=i(y),_=n(219),w=i(_),C=n(220),T=i(C),E=n(221),P=function(){
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i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),a=n(104),s=i(a),l=n(135),u=i(l),c=n(133),d=i(c),f=n(233),p=i(f),h=n(235),m=i(h),g=n(236),v=i(g),y=n(237),b=i(y),_=n(238),w=i(_),C=n(239),T=i(C),E=n(240),P=i(E),O=n(241),S=i(O),k=n(242),j=i(k),x=n(243),R=i(x),I=n(244),A=i(I),D=n(245),F=i(D),M=n(246),N=i(M),U=n(247),L=i(U),H=function(){
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i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),u=n(5),c=i(u),d=n(234),f=i(d),p=n(136),h=i(p),m=n(21),g=i(m),v=function(e){
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value:!0}),t.CheckboxSetField=void 0
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i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),l=n(5),u=i(l),c=n(21),d=i(c),f=n(234),p=i(f),h=n(136),m=i(h),g=function(e){
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value:!0}),t.OptionsetField=void 0
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i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),l=n(5),u=i(l),c=n(21),d=i(c),f=n(234),p=i(f),h=n(136),m=i(h),g=function(e){
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value:!0}),t.SingleSelectField=void 0
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i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),u=n(5),c=i(u),d=n(21),f=i(d),p=n(135),h=i(p),m=n(114),g=i(m),v=n(22),y=function(e){
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),u=n(5),c=i(u),d=n(21),f=i(d),p=n(136),h=i(p),m=n(115),g=i(m),v=n(22),y=function(e){
function t(e){r(this,t)
var n=o(this,(t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this,e))
return n.handleChange=n.handleChange.bind(n),n}return a(t,e),l(t,[{key:"render",value:function n(){var e=null
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value:!0}),t.HtmlReadonlyField=void 0
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for(var i in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,i)&&(e[i]=n[i])}return e},l=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var i=t[n]
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),u=n(5),c=i(u),d=n(21),f=i(d),p=n(135),h=i(p),m=n(22),g=function(e){
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),u=n(5),c=i(u),d=n(21),f=i(d),p=n(136),h=i(p),m=n(22),g=function(e){
function t(e){r(this,t)
var n=o(this,(t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this,e))
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value:!0}),t.LookupField=void 0
var s=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var i=t[n]
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),l=n(5),u=i(l),c=n(21),d=i(c),f=n(22),p=n(135),h=i(p),m=n(114),g=i(m),v=function(e){
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),l=n(5),u=i(l),c=n(21),d=i(c),f=n(22),p=n(136),h=i(p),m=n(115),g=i(m),v=function(e){
function t(e){r(this,t)
var n=o(this,(t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this,e))
return n.getValueCSV=n.getValueCSV.bind(n),n}return a(t,e),s(t,[{key:"getValueCSV",value:function n(){var e=this,t=this.props.value
@ -2500,7 +2505,7 @@ return u["default"].createElement(f.Tab.Pane,e,this.props.children)}}]),t}(d["de
},function(e,t){e.exports=FormAction},function(e,t,n){"use strict"
function i(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{"default":e}}var r=n(140),o=n(145),a=i(o),s=n(218),l=i(s),u=n(249),c=i(u)
function i(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{"default":e}}var r=n(141),o=n(146),a=i(o),s=n(219),l=i(s),u=n(249),c=i(u)
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){var e=a["default"].getSection("SilverStripe\\Admin\\CampaignAdmin")
l["default"].add({path:e.url,component:(0,r.withRouter)(c["default"]),childRoutes:[{path:":type/:id/:view",component:c["default"]},{path:"set/:id/:view",component:c["default"]}]})})},function(e,t,n){"use strict"
@ -2517,7 +2522,7 @@ campaignId:e.campaign.campaignId,view:e.campaign.view,breadcrumbs:e.breadcrumbs,
var c=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var n=arguments[t]
for(var i in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,i)&&(e[i]=n[i])}return e},d=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var i=t[n]
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),f=n(5),p=r(f),h=n(107),m=n(108),g=n(140),v=n(103),y=r(v),b=n(250),_=i(b),w=n(251),C=r(w),T=n(21),E=r(T),P=n(247),O=r(P),S=n(114),k=r(S),j=n(252),x=r(j),R=n(115),I=r(R),A=n(253),D=r(A),F=function(e){
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),f=n(5),p=r(f),h=n(107),m=n(108),g=n(141),v=n(103),y=r(v),b=n(250),_=i(b),w=n(251),C=r(w),T=n(21),E=r(T),P=n(247),O=r(P),S=n(115),k=r(S),j=n(252),x=r(j),R=n(116),I=r(R),A=n(253),D=r(A),F=function(e){
function t(e){o(this,t)
var n=a(this,(t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this,e))
return n.publishApi=y["default"].createEndpointFetcher({url:n.props.sectionConfig.publishEndpoint.url,method:n.props.sectionConfig.publishEndpoint.method,defaultData:{SecurityID:n.props.securityId},payloadSchema:{
@ -2591,7 +2596,7 @@ var i=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,t)
if(void 0===i){var r=Object.getPrototypeOf(e)
return null===r?void 0:q(r,t,n)}if("value"in i)return i.value
var o=i.get
if(void 0!==o)return o.call(n)},p=n(5),h=r(p),m=n(108),g=n(107),v=n(250),y=i(v),b=n(124),_=i(b),w=n(254),C=i(w),T=n(21),E=r(T),P=n(255),O=r(P),S=n(256),k=r(S),j=n(258),x=r(j),R=n(252),I=r(R),A=n(247),D=r(A),F=n(259),M=r(F),N=n(251),U=r(N),L=n(260),H=r(L),B=n(114),$=r(B),V=function(e){
if(void 0!==o)return o.call(n)},p=n(5),h=r(p),m=n(108),g=n(107),v=n(250),y=i(v),b=n(125),_=i(b),w=n(254),C=i(w),T=n(21),E=r(T),P=n(255),O=r(P),S=n(256),k=r(S),j=n(258),x=r(j),R=n(252),I=r(R),A=n(247),D=r(A),F=n(259),M=r(F),N=n(251),U=r(N),L=n(260),H=r(L),B=n(115),$=r(B),V=function(e){
function t(e){o(this,t)
var n=a(this,(t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this,e))
return n.handlePublish=n.handlePublish.bind(n),n.handleItemSelected=n.handleItemSelected.bind(n),n.setBreadcrumbs=n.setBreadcrumbs.bind(n),n.handleCloseItem=n.handleCloseItem.bind(n),n}return s(t,e),d(t,[{
@ -2634,7 +2639,7 @@ function i(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{"default":e}}function r(e){return{type:l
payload:{campaignId:e,view:t}})}}function a(e,t,n){return function(i){i({type:l["default"].PUBLISH_CAMPAIGN_REQUEST,payload:{campaignId:n}}),e({id:n}).then(function(e){i({type:l["default"].PUBLISH_CAMPAIGN_SUCCESS,
var s=n(230),l=i(s),u=n(125),c=i(u)},function(e,t,n){"use strict"
var s=n(230),l=i(s),u=n(126),c=i(u)},function(e,t,n){"use strict"
function i(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{"default":e}}function r(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function o(e,t){if(!e)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called")
@ -2684,7 +2689,7 @@ return!t||"object"!=typeof t&&"function"!=typeof t?e:t}function a(e,t){if("funct
var s=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var i=t[n]
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),l=n(5),u=i(l),c=n(21),d=i(c),f=n(114),p=i(f),h=function(e){
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),l=n(5),u=i(l),c=n(21),d=i(c),f=n(115),p=i(f),h=function(e){
function t(){return r(this,t),o(this,(t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).apply(this,arguments))}return a(t,e),s(t,[{key:"render",value:function n(){var e=null,t={},n=this.props.item,i=this.props.campaign
@ -2707,7 +2712,7 @@ return!t||"object"!=typeof t&&"function"!=typeof t?e:t}function a(e,t){if("funct
var s=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var i=t[n]
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),l=n(5),u=i(l),c=n(114),d=i(c),f=n(21),p=i(f),h=function(e){
i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}return function(t,n,i){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),i&&e(t,i),t}}(),l=n(5),u=i(l),c=n(115),d=i(c),f=n(21),p=i(f),h=function(e){
function t(e){r(this,t)
var n=o(this,(t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this,e))
return n.handleBackClick=n.handleBackClick.bind(n),n}return a(t,e),s(t,[{key:"handleBackClick",value:function n(e){"function"==typeof this.props.onBack&&(e.preventDefault(),this.props.onBack(e))}},{key:"render",
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ else{i[t]=[n]
var r=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],o=document.createElement("script")
}[t]||t)+".js",r.appendChild(o)}},e.m=t,e.c=r,e.p="",e(0)}([function(t,e,n){"use strict"
n(193),n(1263),n(1264),n(1265),n(1266),n(1267),n(1268),n(1269),n(1270)},function(t,e){t.exports=jQuery},,,,function(t,e){t.exports=React},,,,,,function(t,e){function n(){throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined")
n(194),n(1263),n(1264),n(1265),n(1266),n(1267),n(1268),n(1269),n(1270)},function(t,e){t.exports=jQuery},,,,function(t,e){t.exports=React},,,,,,function(t,e){function n(){throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined")
}function r(){throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined")}function i(t){if(d===setTimeout)return setTimeout(t,0)
if((d===n||!d)&&setTimeout)return d=setTimeout,setTimeout(t,0)
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ var o=n(48),a=r(o),s=n(49),l=r(s),u={all_lowercase:!0,gmail_lowercase:!0,gmail_r
!function(t,e){function n(e,n){var i,o,a,s=e.nodeName.toLowerCase()
@ -3362,7 +3362,7 @@ c.canUseDOM?void 0:s["default"](!1)
var v=m.forceRefresh,g=d.supportsHistory(),y=!g||v,_=h["default"](o({},m,{getCurrentLocation:t,finishTransition:n,saveState:f.saveState})),b=0,x=void 0
return o({},_,{listenBefore:r,listen:i,registerTransitionHook:a,unregisterTransitionHook:p})}e.__esModule=!0
var o=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var n=arguments[e]
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},a=n(201),s=r(a),l=n(202),u=n(203),c=n(205),d=n(206),f=n(207),p=n(208),h=r(p)
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},a=n(202),s=r(a),l=n(203),u=n(204),c=n(206),d=n(207),f=n(208),p=n(209),h=r(p)
e["default"]=i,t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
var r=function(t,e,n,r,i,o,a,s){if(!t){var l
if(void 0===e)l=new Error("Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.")
@ -3381,7 +3381,7 @@ return null==e?t:t.substring(e[0].length)}function o(t){var e=i(t),n="",r="",o=e
var a=e.indexOf("?")
return a!==-1&&(n=e.substring(a),e=e.substring(0,a)),""===e&&(e="/"),{pathname:e,search:n,hash:r}}e.__esModule=!0,e.extractPath=i,e.parsePath=o
var a=n(204),s=r(a)},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
var a=n(205),s=r(a)},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
var r=function(){}
t.exports=r},function(t,e){"use strict"
@ -3403,12 +3403,12 @@ if(n.name===d)return
throw n}}function a(t){var e=void 0
try{e=window.sessionStorage.getItem(i(t))}catch(n){if(n.name===d)return null}if(e)try{return JSON.parse(e)}catch(n){}return null}e.__esModule=!0,e.saveState=o,e.readState=a
var s=n(204),l=r(s),u="@@History/",c=["QuotaExceededError","QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR"],d="SecurityError"},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
var s=n(205),l=r(s),u="@@History/",c=["QuotaExceededError","QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR"],d="SecurityError"},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}function i(t){function e(t){return l.canUseDOM?void 0:s["default"](!1),n.listen(t)}var n=d["default"](o({getUserConfirmation:u.getUserConfirmation},t,{
return o({},n,{listen:e})}e.__esModule=!0
var o=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var n=arguments[e]
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},a=n(201),s=r(a),l=n(205),u=n(206),c=n(209),d=r(c)
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},a=n(202),s=r(a),l=n(206),u=n(207),c=n(210),d=r(c)
e["default"]=i,t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}function i(t){return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2,t)}function o(t,e){return t.pathname===e.pathname&&t.search===e.search&&t.key===e.key&&d["default"](t.state,e.state)
@ -3434,7 +3434,7 @@ return{listenBefore:t,listen:r,transitionTo:l,push:u,replace:c,go:I,goBack:m,goF
registerTransitionHook:b["default"](E,"registerTransitionHook is deprecated; use listenBefore instead"),unregisterTransitionHook:b["default"](S,"unregisterTransitionHook is deprecated; use the callback returned from listenBefore instead"),
pushState:b["default"](P,"pushState is deprecated; use push instead"),replaceState:b["default"](O,"replaceState is deprecated; use replace instead")}}e.__esModule=!0
var s=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var n=arguments[e]
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},l=n(204),u=r(l),c=n(210),d=r(c),f=n(203),p=n(213),h=n(202),m=n(214),v=r(m),g=n(215),y=r(g),_=n(216),b=r(_),x=6
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},l=n(205),u=r(l),c=n(211),d=r(c),f=n(204),p=n(214),h=n(203),m=n(215),v=r(m),g=n(216),y=r(g),_=n(217),b=r(_),x=6
e["default"]=a,t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){function r(t){return null===t||void 0===t}function i(t){return!(!t||"object"!=typeof t||"number"!=typeof t.length)&&("function"==typeof t.copy&&"function"==typeof t.slice&&!(t.length>0&&"number"!=typeof t[0]))
}function o(t,e,n){var o,c
@ -3447,7 +3447,7 @@ for(o=0;o<t.length;o++)if(t[o]!==e[o])return!1
return!0}try{var d=s(t),f=s(e)}catch(p){return!1}if(d.length!=f.length)return!1
return typeof t==typeof e}var a=Array.prototype.slice,s=n(211),l=n(212),u=t.exports=function(t,e,n){return n||(n={}),t===e||(t instanceof Date&&e instanceof Date?t.getTime()===e.getTime():!t||!e||"object"!=typeof t&&"object"!=typeof e?n.strict?t===e:t==e:o(t,e,n))
return typeof t==typeof e}var a=Array.prototype.slice,s=n(212),l=n(213),u=t.exports=function(t,e,n){return n||(n={}),t===e||(t instanceof Date&&e instanceof Date?t.getTime()===e.getTime():!t||!e||"object"!=typeof t&&"object"!=typeof e?n.strict?t===e:t==e:o(t,e,n))
}},function(t,e){function n(t){var e=[]
for(var n in t)e.push(n)
@ -3467,15 +3467,15 @@ function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}function i(){var t=argument
var i=t.pathname||"/",a=t.search||"",s=t.hash||"",c=t.state||null
var o=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var n=arguments[e]
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},a=n(204),s=r(a),l=n(202),u=n(203)
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},a=n(205),s=r(a),l=n(203),u=n(204)
e["default"]=i,t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}function i(t,e,n){var r=t(e,n)
var o=n(204),a=r(o)
var o=n(205),a=r(o)
e["default"]=i,t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}function i(t,e){return function(){return t.apply(this,arguments)}}e.__esModule=!0
var o=n(204),a=r(o)
e["default"]=i,t.exports=e["default"]},,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,function(t,e,n){(function(t){"use strict"
var o=n(205),a=r(o)
e["default"]=i,t.exports=e["default"]},,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,function(t,e,n){(function(t){"use strict"
function e(t,e,n){t[e]||Object[r](t,e,{writable:!0,configurable:!0,value:n})}if(n(262),n(553),n(554),t._babelPolyfill)throw new Error("only one instance of babel-polyfill is allowed")
var r="defineProperty"
@ -7502,7 +7502,7 @@ var E=T.queryKey;(void 0===E||E)&&(E="string"==typeof E?E:w)
var S=x["default"](c({},T,{getCurrentLocation:t,finishTransition:n,saveState:_.saveState})),P=0,O=void 0,M=y.supportsGoWithoutReloadUsingHash()
return c({},S,{listenBefore:r,listen:i,push:u,replace:d,go:f,createHref:p,registerTransitionHook:b,unregisterTransitionHook:k,pushState:C,replaceState:j})}e.__esModule=!0
var c=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var n=arguments[e]
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},d=n(204),f=r(d),p=n(201),h=r(p),m=n(202),v=n(203),g=n(205),y=n(206),_=n(207),b=n(208),x=r(b),w="_k"
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},d=n(205),f=r(d),p=n(202),h=r(p),m=n(203),v=n(204),g=n(206),y=n(207),_=n(208),b=n(209),x=r(b),w="_k"
e["default"]=u,t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}function i(t){return c.stringify(t).replace(/%20/g,"+")}function o(t){for(var e in t)if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,e)&&"object"==typeof t[e]&&!Array.isArray(t[e])&&null!==t[e])return!0
@ -7525,7 +7525,7 @@ return t.query&&(a.query=t.query),e(a)}function h(t,e,n){"string"==typeof e&&(e=
return"function"!=typeof x&&(x=i),"function"!=typeof w&&(w=g),s({},b,{listenBefore:r,listen:o,push:a,replace:l,createPath:u,createHref:c,createLocation:d,pushState:m["default"](h,"pushState is deprecated; use push instead"),
replaceState:m["default"](y,"replaceState is deprecated; use replace instead")})}}e.__esModule=!0
var s=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var n=arguments[e]
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},l=n(204),u=r(l),c=n(945),d=n(215),f=r(d),p=n(203),h=n(216),m=r(h),v="$searchBase",g=c.parse
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},l=n(205),u=r(l),c=n(945),d=n(216),f=r(d),p=n(204),h=n(217),m=r(h),v="$searchBase",g=c.parse
e["default"]=a,t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
var r=n(946)
e.extract=function(t){return t.split("?")[1]||""},e.parse=function(t){return"string"!=typeof t?{}:(t=t.trim().replace(/^(\?|#|&)/,""),t?t.split("&").reduce(function(t,e){var n=e.replace(/\+/g," ").split("="),r=n.shift(),i=n.length>0?n.join("="):void 0
@ -7782,7 +7782,7 @@ n=(0,m.createRoutingHistory)(n,c),c.match(o,function(t,r,i){e(t,r&&v.createLocat
var a=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var n=arguments[e]
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},s=n(202),l=n(941),u=r(l),c=n(972),d=r(c),f=n(947),p=r(f),h=n(934),m=n(957)
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},s=n(203),l=n(941),u=r(l),c=n(972),d=r(c),f=n(947),p=r(f),h=n(934),m=n(957)
e["default"]=o,t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}function i(t){var e=(0,c["default"])(t),n=function i(){return e},r=(0,a["default"])((0,l["default"])(n))(t)
return r.__v2_compatible__=!0,r}e.__esModule=!0,e["default"]=i
@ -7805,7 +7805,7 @@ return n(_.createLocation.apply(_,[r(t)].concat(i)))}function v(t,e){"string"==t
return o({},_,{listenBefore:i,listen:a,push:s,replace:c,createPath:f,createHref:h,createLocation:m,pushState:p["default"](v,"pushState is deprecated; use push instead"),replaceState:p["default"](g,"replaceState is deprecated; use replace instead")
var o=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var n=arguments[e]
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},a=n(204),s=r(a),l=n(205),u=n(203),c=n(215),d=r(c),f=n(216),p=r(f)
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},a=n(205),s=r(a),l=n(206),u=n(204),c=n(216),d=r(c),f=n(217),p=r(f)
e["default"]=i,t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}function i(t){return t.filter(function(t){return t.state}).reduce(function(t,e){return t[e.key]=e.state,t},{})}function o(){function t(t,e){g[t]=e}function e(t){
return g[t]}function n(){var t=m[v],n=t.basename,r=t.pathname,i=t.search,o=(n||"")+r+(i||""),s=void 0,l=void 0
@ -7825,7 +7825,7 @@ return"string"==typeof t?{pathname:t,key:e}:"object"==typeof t&&t?a({},t,{key:e}
var g=i(m)
return u}e.__esModule=!0
var a=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var n=arguments[e]
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},s=n(204),l=r(s),u=n(201),c=r(u),d=n(203),f=n(202),p=n(209),h=r(p)
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},s=n(205),l=r(s),u=n(202),c=r(u),d=n(204),f=n(203),p=n(210),h=r(p)
e["default"]=o,t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}function i(t){return function(e){var n=(0,a["default"])((0,l["default"])(t))(e)
return n.__v2_compatible__=!0,n}}e.__esModule=!0,e["default"]=i
@ -7843,7 +7843,7 @@ return function(t){return r.reduceRight(function(e,n){return n(e,t)},a["default"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}e.__esModule=!0
var i=n(200),o=r(i),a=n(978),s=r(a)
var i=n(201),o=r(i),a=n(978),s=r(a)
e["default"]=(0,s["default"])(o["default"]),t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}e.__esModule=!0,e["default"]=function(t){var e=void 0
return a&&(e=(0,o["default"])(t)()),e}
@ -8325,7 +8325,7 @@ s["default"])(t,["componentClass","className"]),i=(0,b.splitBsProps)(r),a=i[0],l
return g["default"].createElement(e,(0,o["default"])({},l,{className:(0,m["default"])(n,u)}))},e}(g["default"].Component)
k.propTypes=x,k.defaultProps=w,e["default"]=(0,b.bsClass)("carousel-caption",k),t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}e.__esModule=!0
var i=n(989),o=r(i),a=n(1073),s=r(a),l=n(1027),u=r(l),c=n(1028),d=r(c),f=n(1064),p=r(f),h=n(1074),m=r(h),v=n(5),g=r(v),y=n(176),_=r(y),b=n(1101),x=r(b),w={direction:g["default"].PropTypes.oneOf(["prev","next"]),
var i=n(989),o=r(i),a=n(1073),s=r(a),l=n(1027),u=r(l),c=n(1028),d=r(c),f=n(1064),p=r(f),h=n(1074),m=r(h),v=n(5),g=r(v),y=n(177),_=r(y),b=n(1101),x=r(b),w={direction:g["default"].PropTypes.oneOf(["prev","next"]),
animateIn:!1,animateOut:!1},C=function(t){function e(n,r){(0,u["default"])(this,e)
var i=(0,d["default"])(this,t.call(this,n,r))
@ -8458,7 +8458,7 @@ t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype,{constructor:{value:t,enumerable:!1,wri
var u=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var n=arguments[e]
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},c=function(){function t(t,e){for(var n=0;n<e.length;n++){var r=e[n]
r.enumerable=r.enumerable||!1,r.configurable=!0,"value"in r&&(r.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(t,r.key,r)}}return function(e,n,r){return n&&t(e.prototype,n),r&&t(e,r),e}}(),d=n(5),f=r(d),p=n(176),h=r(p),m=n(1119),v=r(m),g=n(1121),y=r(g),_=n(1074),b=r(_),x=v["default"].end,w=e.UNMOUNTED=0,k=e.EXITED=1,C=e.ENTERING=2,j=e.ENTERED=3,T=e.EXITING=4,E=function(t){
r.enumerable=r.enumerable||!1,r.configurable=!0,"value"in r&&(r.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(t,r.key,r)}}return function(e,n,r){return n&&t(e.prototype,n),r&&t(e,r),e}}(),d=n(5),f=r(d),p=n(177),h=r(p),m=n(1119),v=r(m),g=n(1121),y=r(g),_=n(1074),b=r(_),x=v["default"].end,w=e.UNMOUNTED=0,k=e.EXITED=1,C=e.ENTERING=2,j=e.ENTERED=3,T=e.EXITING=4,E=function(t){
function e(t,n){o(this,e)
var r=a(this,Object.getPrototypeOf(e).call(this,t,n)),i=void 0
return i=t["in"]?t.transitionAppear?k:j:t.unmountOnExit?w:k,r.state={status:i},r.nextCallback=null,r}return s(e,t),c(e,[{key:"componentDidMount",value:function n(){this.props.transitionAppear&&this.props["in"]&&this.performEnter(this.props)
@ -8500,7 +8500,7 @@ var r=n(1120),i=function o(){}
r&&(i=function(){return document.addEventListener?function(t,e,n,r){return t.addEventListener(e,n,r||!1)}:document.attachEvent?function(t,e,n){return t.attachEvent("on"+e,n)}:void 0}()),t.exports=i},function(t,e,n){
"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}e.__esModule=!0
var i=n(1073),o=r(i),a=n(989),s=r(a),l=n(1027),u=r(l),c=n(1028),d=r(c),f=n(1064),p=r(f),h=n(1074),m=r(h),v=n(1123),g=r(v),y=n(1125),_=r(y),b=n(1126),x=r(b),w=n(5),k=r(w),C=n(176),j=r(C),T=n(1096),E=r(T),S=n(1092),P=r(S),O=n(1127),M=r(O),N=n(1128),A=r(N),D=n(1104),I=r(D),R=n(1095),F=r(R),L=n(1131),H=r(L),Q=n(1146),z=r(Q),W=n(1075),B=n(1082),U=r(B),q=n(1147),$=n(1083),V=r($),K=z["default"].defaultProps.bsRole,X=H["default"].defaultProps.bsRole,Y={
var i=n(1073),o=r(i),a=n(989),s=r(a),l=n(1027),u=r(l),c=n(1028),d=r(c),f=n(1064),p=r(f),h=n(1074),m=r(h),v=n(1123),g=r(v),y=n(1125),_=r(y),b=n(1126),x=r(b),w=n(5),k=r(w),C=n(177),j=r(C),T=n(1096),E=r(T),S=n(1092),P=r(S),O=n(1127),M=r(O),N=n(1128),A=r(N),D=n(1104),I=r(D),R=n(1095),F=r(R),L=n(1131),H=r(L),Q=n(1146),z=r(Q),W=n(1075),B=n(1082),U=r(B),q=n(1147),$=n(1083),V=r($),K=z["default"].defaultProps.bsRole,X=H["default"].defaultProps.bsRole,Y={
onSelect:k["default"].PropTypes.func,role:k["default"].PropTypes.string},G={componentClass:F["default"]},Z=function(t){function e(n,r){(0,u["default"])(this,e)
@ -8609,7 +8609,7 @@ for(var r in t)h(t,r)&&e.call(n,t[r],r,t)}function h(t,e){return!!t&&Object.prot
var v=n(5),g=r(v),y=n(1080),_=r(y),b=e.version=g["default"].version.split(".").map(parseFloat)},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}e.__esModule=!0
var i=n(989),o=r(i),a=n(1073),s=r(a),l=n(1132),u=r(l),c=n(1027),d=r(c),f=n(1028),p=r(f),h=n(1064),m=r(h),v=n(1074),g=r(v),y=n(1126),_=r(y),b=n(5),x=r(b),w=n(176),k=r(w),C=n(1141),j=r(C),T=n(1075),E=n(1082),S=r(E),P=n(1083),O=r(P),M={
var i=n(989),o=r(i),a=n(1073),s=r(a),l=n(1132),u=r(l),c=n(1027),d=r(c),f=n(1028),p=r(f),h=n(1064),m=r(h),v=n(1074),g=r(v),y=n(1126),_=r(y),b=n(5),x=r(b),w=n(177),k=r(w),C=n(1141),j=r(C),T=n(1075),E=n(1082),S=r(E),P=n(1083),O=r(P),M={
onSelect:x["default"].PropTypes.func},N={bsRole:"menu",pullRight:!1},A=function(t){function e(n){(0,d["default"])(this,e)
var r=(0,p["default"])(this,t.call(this,n))
@ -8662,7 +8662,7 @@ t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype,{constructor:{value:t,enumerable:!1,wri
}function u(t){return!!(t.metaKey||t.altKey||t.ctrlKey||t.shiftKey)}function c(){var t=w+"_"+k++
return{id:t,suppressRootClose:function e(n){n.nativeEvent[t]=!0}}}Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})
var d=function(){function t(t,e){for(var n=0;n<e.length;n++){var r=e[n]
r.enumerable=r.enumerable||!1,r.configurable=!0,"value"in r&&(r.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(t,r.key,r)}}return function(e,n,r){return n&&t(e.prototype,n),r&&t(e,r),e}}(),f=n(5),p=r(f),h=n(176),m=r(h),v=n(1142),g=r(v),y=n(1144),_=r(y),b=n(1145),x=r(b),w="__click_was_inside",k=0,C=function(t){
r.enumerable=r.enumerable||!1,r.configurable=!0,"value"in r&&(r.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(t,r.key,r)}}return function(e,n,r){return n&&t(e.prototype,n),r&&t(e,r),e}}(),f=n(5),p=r(f),h=n(177),m=r(h),v=n(1142),g=r(v),y=n(1144),_=r(y),b=n(1145),x=r(b),w="__click_was_inside",k=0,C=function(t){
function e(t){o(this,e)
var n=a(this,Object.getPrototypeOf(e).call(this,t))
@ -8693,7 +8693,7 @@ return e.filter(function(t){return null!=t}).reduce(function(t,e){if("function"!
return null===t?e:function n(){for(var n=arguments.length,r=Array(n),i=0;i<n;i++)r[i]=arguments[i]
t.apply(this,r),e.apply(this,r)}},null)}Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e["default"]=n,t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e["default"]=function(t){return(0,s["default"])(o["default"].findDOMNode(t))}
var i=n(176),o=r(i),a=n(1124),s=r(a)
var i=n(177),o=r(i),a=n(1124),s=r(a)
t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}e.__esModule=!0
var i=n(989),o=r(i),a=n(1073),s=r(a),l=n(1027),u=r(l),c=n(1028),d=r(c),f=n(1064),p=r(f),h=n(5),m=r(h),v=n(1074),g=r(v),y=n(1094),_=r(y),b=n(1091),x=r(b),w=n(1075),k={noCaret:m["default"].PropTypes.bool,
@ -8907,7 +8907,7 @@ role:"heading",className:(0,m["default"])(l,(0,w.prefix)(f,"header")),style:u}))
E.propTypes=j,E.defaultProps=T,e["default"]=(0,w.bsClass)("dropdown",E),t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}e.__esModule=!0
var i=n(1073),o=r(i),a=n(1027),s=r(a),l=n(1028),u=r(l),c=n(1064),d=r(c),f=n(989),p=r(f),h=n(1074),m=r(h),v=n(1175),g=r(v),y=n(1124),_=r(y),b=n(1120),x=r(b),w=n(1178),k=r(w),C=n(5),j=r(C),T=n(176),E=r(T),S=n(1179),P=r(S),O=n(1188),M=r(O),N=n(1092),A=r(N),D=n(1150),I=r(D),R=n(1192),F=r(R),L=n(1193),H=r(L),Q=n(1194),z=r(Q),W=n(1195),B=r(W),U=n(1196),q=r(U),$=n(1075),V=n(1082),K=r(V),X=n(1149),Y=r(X),G=n(1081),Z=(0,
var i=n(1073),o=r(i),a=n(1027),s=r(a),l=n(1028),u=r(l),c=n(1064),d=r(c),f=n(989),p=r(f),h=n(1074),m=r(h),v=n(1175),g=r(v),y=n(1124),_=r(y),b=n(1120),x=r(b),w=n(1178),k=r(w),C=n(5),j=r(C),T=n(177),E=r(T),S=n(1179),P=r(S),O=n(1188),M=r(O),N=n(1092),A=r(N),D=n(1150),I=r(D),R=n(1192),F=r(R),L=n(1193),H=r(L),Q=n(1194),z=r(Q),W=n(1195),B=r(W),U=n(1196),q=r(U),$=n(1075),V=n(1082),K=r(V),X=n(1149),Y=r(X),G=n(1081),Z=(0,
@ -8988,7 +8988,7 @@ var o="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){re
e["default"]=(0,u["default"])(i)},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})
var i=n(5),o=r(i),a=n(176),s=r(a),l=n(1180),u=r(l),c=n(1145),d=r(c),f=n(1182),p=r(f),h=o["default"].createClass({displayName:"Portal",propTypes:{container:o["default"].PropTypes.oneOfType([u["default"],o["default"].PropTypes.func])
var i=n(5),o=r(i),a=n(177),s=r(a),l=n(1180),u=r(l),c=n(1145),d=r(c),f=n(1182),p=r(f),h=o["default"].createClass({displayName:"Portal",propTypes:{container:o["default"].PropTypes.oneOfType([u["default"],o["default"].PropTypes.func])
},componentDidMount:function m(){this._renderOverlay()},componentDidUpdate:function v(){this._renderOverlay()},componentWillReceiveProps:function g(t){this._overlayTarget&&t.container!==this.props.container&&(this._portalContainerNode.removeChild(this._overlayTarget),
this._portalContainerNode=(0,p["default"])(t.container,(0,d["default"])(this).body),this._portalContainerNode.appendChild(this._overlayTarget))},componentWillUnmount:function y(){this._unrenderOverlay(),
this._unmountOverlayTarget()},_mountOverlayTarget:function _(){this._overlayTarget||(this._overlayTarget=document.createElement("div"),this._portalContainerNode=(0,p["default"])(this.props.container,(0,
@ -9000,7 +9000,7 @@ if(!this.isMounted())throw new Error("getOverlayDOMNode(): A component must be m
return this._overlayInstance?this._overlayInstance.getWrappedDOMNode?this._overlayInstance.getWrappedDOMNode():s["default"].findDOMNode(this._overlayInstance):null}})
e["default"]=h,t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}function i(t,e){return t="function"==typeof t?t():t,a["default"].findDOMNode(t)||e}Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e["default"]=i
var o=n(176),a=r(o)
var o=n(177),a=r(o)
t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}function i(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function o(t,e){var n=-1
return t.some(function(t,r){if(e(t,r))return n=r,!0}),n}function a(t,e){return o(t,function(t){return t.modals.indexOf(e)!==-1})}Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})
@ -9074,7 +9074,7 @@ var i=n(989),o=r(i),a=n(1073),s=r(a),l=n(1027),u=r(l),c=n(1028),d=r(c),f=n(1064)
return g["default"].createElement("h4",(0,o["default"])({},a,{className:(0,m["default"])(e,l)}))},e}(g["default"].Component)
e["default"]=(0,y.bsClass)("modal-title",_),t.exports=e["default"]},function(t,e,n){"use strict"
function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}e.__esModule=!0
var i=n(989),o=r(i),a=n(1073),s=r(a),l=n(1027),u=r(l),c=n(1028),d=r(c),f=n(1064),p=r(f),h=n(1074),m=r(h),v=n(1126),g=r(v),y=n(5),_=r(y),b=n(176),x=r(b),w=n(1096),k=r(w),C=n(1104),j=r(C),T=n(1075),E=n(1082),S=r(E),P=n(1083),O=r(P),M={
var i=n(989),o=r(i),a=n(1073),s=r(a),l=n(1027),u=r(l),c=n(1028),d=r(c),f=n(1064),p=r(f),h=n(1074),m=r(h),v=n(1126),g=r(v),y=n(5),_=r(y),b=n(177),x=r(b),w=n(1096),k=r(w),C=n(1104),j=r(C),T=n(1075),E=n(1082),S=r(E),P=n(1083),O=r(P),M={
activeKey:_["default"].PropTypes.any,activeHref:_["default"].PropTypes.string,stacked:_["default"].PropTypes.bool,justified:(0,k["default"])(_["default"].PropTypes.bool,function(t){var e=t.justified,n=t.navbar
@ -9235,7 +9235,7 @@ t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype,{constructor:{value:t,enumerable:!1,wri
var l=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var n=arguments[e]
for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(t[r]=n[r])}return t},u=function(){function t(t,e){for(var n=0;n<e.length;n++){var r=e[n]
r.enumerable=r.enumerable||!1,r.configurable=!0,"value"in r&&(r.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(t,r.key,r)}}return function(e,n,r){return n&&t(e.prototype,n),r&&t(e,r),e}}(),c=n(1074),d=r(c),f=n(5),p=r(f),h=n(176),m=r(h),v=n(1180),g=r(v),y=n(1208),_=r(y),b=n(1182),x=r(b),w=n(1145),k=r(w),C=function(t){
r.enumerable=r.enumerable||!1,r.configurable=!0,"value"in r&&(r.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(t,r.key,r)}}return function(e,n,r){return n&&t(e.prototype,n),r&&t(e,r),e}}(),c=n(1074),d=r(c),f=n(5),p=r(f),h=n(177),m=r(h),v=n(1180),g=r(v),y=n(1208),_=r(y),b=n(1182),x=r(b),w=n(1145),k=r(w),C=function(t){
function e(t,n){o(this,e)
var r=a(this,Object.getPrototypeOf(e).call(this,t,n))
return r.state={positionLeft:0,positionTop:0,arrowOffsetLeft:null,arrowOffsetTop:null},r._needsFlush=!1,r._lastTarget=null,r}return s(e,t),u(e,[{key:"componentDidMount",value:function n(){this.updatePosition(this.getTarget())
@ -9296,7 +9296,7 @@ return void 0===e?n?"pageXOffset"in n?n.pageXOffset:n.document.documentElement.s
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function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}function i(t,e){return Array.isArray(e)?e.indexOf(t)>=0:t===e}e.__esModule=!0
var o=n(1073),a=r(o),s=n(1027),l=r(s),u=n(1028),c=r(u),d=n(1064),f=r(d),p=n(989),h=r(p),m=n(1125),v=r(m),g=n(5),y=r(g),_=n(176),b=r(_),x=n(1104),w=r(x),k=n(1205),C=r(k),j=n(1082),T=r(j),E=y["default"].PropTypes.oneOf(["click","hover","focus"]),S=(0,
var o=n(1073),a=r(o),s=n(1027),l=r(s),u=n(1028),c=r(u),d=n(1064),f=r(d),p=n(989),h=r(p),m=n(1125),v=r(m),g=n(5),y=r(g),_=n(177),b=r(_),x=n(1104),w=r(x),k=n(1205),C=r(k),j=n(1082),T=r(j),E=y["default"].PropTypes.oneOf(["click","hover","focus"]),S=(0,
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class FormAlert extends SilverStripeComponent {
* @returns {string} can be the following values "success", "warning", "danger", "info"
getMessageStyle() {
// See ValidationResult::TYPE_ constant definitions in PHP.
switch (this.props.type) {
case 'good':
case 'success':
@ -103,8 +103,9 @@ class FormBuilder extends SilverStripeComponent {
const dataWithAction = Object.assign({}, data, {
[action]: 1,
const requestedSchema = this.props.responseRequestedSchema.join();
const headers = {
'X-Formschema-Request': 'state,schema',
'X-Formschema-Request': requestedSchema,
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
@ -383,6 +384,9 @@ const basePropTypes = {
submitting: PropTypes.bool,
baseFormComponent: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
baseFieldComponent: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
responseRequestedSchema: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOf([
'schema', 'state', 'errors', 'auto',
FormBuilder.propTypes = Object.assign({}, basePropTypes, {
@ -390,5 +394,9 @@ FormBuilder.propTypes = Object.assign({}, basePropTypes, {
schema: schemaPropType.isRequired,
FormBuilder.defaultProps = {
responseRequestedSchema: ['auto'],
export { basePropTypes, schemaPropType };
export default FormBuilder;
@ -38,6 +38,25 @@ If you want to load the schema from a server via XHR, use the
* `touchOnChange` (bool): See [redux-form](http://redux-form.com/6.0.5/docs/api/ReduxForm.md/)
* `persistentSubmitErrors` (bool): See [redux-form](http://redux-form.com/6.0.5/docs/api/ReduxForm.md/)
* `validate` (function): See [redux-form](http://redux-form.com/6.0.5/docs/api/ReduxForm.md/)
* `responseRequestedSchema` (array): This allows you to customise the response requested from the server
on submit. See below on "Handling submissions".
## Handling submissions
The `responseRequestedSchema` property will control the value of the 'X-Formschema-Request' header, which
in turn communicates to PHP the kind of response react would like. Your form should only specify the
bare minimum that it requires, as each header will represent additional overhead on all XHR requests.
This is an array which may be any combination of the below values:
* `schema`: The schema is requested on submit
* `state`: The state is requested on submit. Note that this may also include form errors.
* `errors`: The list of validation errors is returned in case of error.
* `auto`: (default) Conditionally return `errors` if there are errors, or `state` if there are none.
Note that these are only the requested header values; The PHP submission method may choose to ignore
these values, and return any combination of the above. Typically the only time this requested value
is respected is when handled by the default validation error handler (LeftAndMain::getSchemaResponse)
## Schema Structure
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import React, { PropTypes, Component } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch';
import deepFreeze from 'deep-freeze-strict';
import {
Field as ReduxFormField,
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ class FormBuilderLoader extends Component {
this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);
this.clearSchema = this.clearSchema.bind(this);
this.reduceSchemaErrors = this.reduceSchemaErrors.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
@ -90,10 +92,13 @@ class FormBuilderLoader extends Component {
return promise
.then(formSchema => {
if (formSchema) {
this.props.schemaActions.setSchema(this.props.schemaUrl, formSchema);
let schema = formSchema;
if (schema) {
// Strip errors out of schema response in preparation for setSchema and SubmissionError
schema = this.reduceSchemaErrors(schema);
this.props.schemaActions.setSchema(this.props.schemaUrl, schema);
return formSchema;
return schema;
// TODO Suggest storing messages in a separate redux store rather than throw an error
// ref: https://github.com/erikras/redux-form/issues/94#issuecomment-143398399
@ -110,27 +115,40 @@ class FormBuilderLoader extends Component {
overrideStateData(state) {
if (!this.props.stateOverrides || !state) {
return state;
* Given a submitted schema, ensure that any errors property is merged safely into
* the state.
* @param {Object} schema - New schema result
* @return {Object}
reduceSchemaErrors(schema) {
// Skip if there are no errors
if (!schema.errors) {
return schema;
const fieldOverrides = this.props.stateOverrides.fields;
let fields = state.fields;
if (fieldOverrides && fields) {
fields = fields.map((field) => {
const fieldOverride = fieldOverrides.find((override) => override.name === field.name);
if (!fieldOverride) {
return field;
// need to be recursive for the unknown-sized "data" properly
return merge.recursive(true, field, fieldOverride);
// Inherit state from current schema if not being assigned in this request
let reduced = Object.assign({}, schema);
if (!reduced.state) {
reduced = Object.assign({}, reduced, { state: this.props.schema.state });
return Object.assign({},
{ fields }
// Modify state.fields and replace state.messages
reduced = Object.assign({}, reduced, {
state: Object.assign({}, reduced.state, {
// Replace message property for each field
fields: reduced.state.fields.map((field) => Object.assign({}, field, {
message: schema.errors.find((error) => error.field === field.name),
// Non-field messages
messages: schema.errors.filter((error) => !error.field),
// Can be safely discarded
delete reduced.errors;
return deepFreeze(reduced);
@ -173,6 +191,7 @@ class FormBuilderLoader extends Component {
* @return {Object} Promise from the AJAX request.
fetch(schema = true, state = true) {
// Note: `errors` is only valid for submissions, not schema requests, so omitted here
const headerValues = [];
if (schema) {
@ -8,11 +8,7 @@ export default function schemaReducer(state = initialState, action = null) {
return deepFreeze(Object.assign({}, state, {
[action.payload.id]: Object.assign({}, state[action.payload.id], {
id: action.payload.id,
schema: action.payload.schema,
state: action.payload.state,
[action.payload.id]: Object.assign({}, state[action.payload.id], action.payload),
@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ use SilverStripe\Forms\HiddenField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FormAction;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FieldList;
use SilverStripe\Forms\Form;
use SilverStripe\Forms\RequiredFields;
use SilverStripe\ORM\SS_List;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Versioning\ChangeSet;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Versioning\ChangeSetItem;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
@ -437,19 +439,22 @@ class CampaignAdmin extends LeftAndMain implements PermissionProvider {
FormAction::create('cancel', _t('LeftAndMain.CANCEL', 'Cancel'))
new RequiredFields('Name')
// Load into form
if($id && $record) {
// Configure form to respond to validation errors with form schema
// if requested via react.
$form->setValidationResponseCallback(function() use ($form, $record) {
$schemaId = Controller::join_links($this->Link('schema/DetailEditForm'), $record->exists() ? $record->ID : '');
return $this->getSchemaResponse($form, $schemaId);
$form->setValidationResponseCallback(function(ValidationResult $errors) use ($form, $record) {
$schemaId = Controller::join_links(
$record->isInDB() ? $record->ID : ''
return $this->getSchemaResponse($schemaId, $form, $errors);
return $form;
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ use SilverStripe\i18n\i18n;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBHTMLText;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Hierarchy\Hierarchy;
use SilverStripe\ORM\SS_List;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Versioning\Versioned;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataModel;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException;
@ -55,18 +56,20 @@ use InvalidArgumentException;
use SilverStripe\SiteConfig\SiteConfig;
* LeftAndMain is the parent class of all the two-pane views in the CMS.
* If you are wanting to add more areas to the CMS, you can do it by subclassing LeftAndMain.
* This is essentially an abstract class which should be subclassed.
* See {@link CMSMain} for a good example.
* @property FormSchema $schema
class LeftAndMain extends Controller implements PermissionProvider {
* Form schema header identifier
const SCHEMA_HEADER = 'X-Formschema-Request';
* Enable front-end debugging (increases verbosity) in dev mode.
* Will be ignored in live environments.
@ -156,9 +159,16 @@ class LeftAndMain extends Controller implements PermissionProvider {
private static $dependencies = [
'schema' => '%$FormSchema'
'FormSchema' => '%$FormSchema'
* Current form schema helper
* @var FormSchema
protected $schema = null;
* Assign themes to use for cms
@ -296,6 +306,26 @@ class LeftAndMain extends Controller implements PermissionProvider {
* Get form schema helper
* @return FormSchema
public function getFormSchema() {
return $this->schema;
* Set form schema helper for this controller
* @param FormSchema $schema
* @return $this
public function setFormSchema(FormSchema $schema) {
$this->schema = $schema;
return $this;
* Gets a JSON schema representing the current edit form.
@ -305,7 +335,6 @@ class LeftAndMain extends Controller implements PermissionProvider {
* @return HTTPResponse
public function schema($request) {
$response = $this->getResponse();
$formName = $request->param('FormName');
$itemID = $request->param('ItemID');
@ -322,72 +351,43 @@ class LeftAndMain extends Controller implements PermissionProvider {
$form = $this->{"get{$formName}"}($itemID);
$response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
return $response;
$schemaID = $request->getURL();
return $this->getSchemaResponse($schemaID, $form);
* Check if the current request has a X-Formschema-Request header set.
* Used by conditional logic that responds to validation results
* @return bool
protected function getSchemaRequested() {
$parts = $this->getRequest()->getHeader(static::SCHEMA_HEADER);
return !empty($parts);
* Given a form, generate a response containing the requested form
* schema if X-Formschema-Request header is set.
* Generate schema for the given form based on the X-Formschema-Request header value
* @param Form $form
* @param String $id Optional, will default to the current request URL
* @param string $schemaID ID for this schema. Required.
* @param Form $form Required for 'state' or 'schema' response
* @param ValidationResult $errors Required for 'error' response
* @param array $extraData Any extra data to be merged with the schema response
* @return HTTPResponse
protected function getSchemaResponse($form, $id = null) {
$request = $this->getRequest();
if($request->getHeader('X-Formschema-Request')) {
$data = $this->getSchemaForForm($form, $id);
$response = new HTTPResponse(Convert::raw2json($data));
$response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
protected function getSchemaResponse($schemaID, $form = null, ValidationResult $errors = null, $extraData = []) {
$parts = $this->getRequest()->getHeader(static::SCHEMA_HEADER);
$data = $this
->getMultipartSchema($parts, $schemaID, $form, $errors);
// Clear non-schema form validation / data / message
// since it does not need to be redirected
return $response;
return null;
if ($extraData) {
$data = array_merge($data, $extraData);
* Returns a representation of the provided {@link Form} as structured data,
* based on the request data.
* @param Form $form
* @param String $id Optional, will default to the current request URL
* @return array
protected function getSchemaForForm(Form $form, $id = null) {
$request = $this->getRequest();
$id = $id ? $id : $request->getURL();
$return = null;
// Valid values for the "X-Formschema-Request" header are "schema" and "state".
// If either of these values are set they will be stored in the $schemaParst array
// and used to construct the response body.
if ($schemaHeader = $request->getHeader('X-Formschema-Request')) {
$schemaParts = array_filter(explode(',', $schemaHeader), function($value) {
$validHeaderValues = ['schema', 'state'];
return in_array(trim($value), $validHeaderValues);
} else {
$schemaParts = ['schema'];
$return = ['id' => $id];
if (in_array('schema', $schemaParts)) {
$return['schema'] = $this->schema->getSchema($form);
if (in_array('state', $schemaParts)) {
$return['state'] = $this->schema->getState($form);
return $return;
$response = new HTTPResponse(Convert::raw2json($data));
$response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
return $response;
@ -1304,14 +1304,12 @@ class LeftAndMain extends Controller implements PermissionProvider {
$message = _t('LeftAndMain.SAVEDUP', 'Saved.');
if($request->getHeader('X-Formschema-Request')) {
if($this->getSchemaRequested()) {
$schemaId = Controller::join_links($this->Link('schema/DetailEditForm'), $id);
// Ensure that newly created records have all their data loaded back into the form.
$form->setMessage($message, 'good');
$data = $this->getSchemaForForm($form, $schemaId);
$response = new HTTPResponse(Convert::raw2json($data));
$response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
$response = $this->getSchemaResponse($schemaId, $form);
} else {
$response = $this->getResponseNegotiator()->respond($request);
@ -1580,10 +1578,9 @@ class LeftAndMain extends Controller implements PermissionProvider {
$form->setAttribute('data-pjax-fragment', 'CurrentForm');
$form->setValidationResponseCallback(function() use ($negotiator, $form) {
$form->setValidationResponseCallback(function(ValidationResult $errors) use ($negotiator, $form) {
$request = $this->getRequest();
if($request->isAjax() && $negotiator) {
$result = $form->forTemplate();
return $negotiator->respond($request, array(
@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ the `setValue` method.
public function validate($validator) {
if($this->value == 10) {
if($this->Value() == 10) {
$validator->validationError($this->Name(), 'This value cannot be 10');
return false;
@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ the `setValue` method.
The `validate` method should return `true` if the value passes any validation and `false` if SilverStripe should trigger
a validation error on the page.
a validation error on the page. In addition a useful error message must be set on the given validator.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
You can also override the entire `Form` validation by subclassing `Form` and defining a `validate` method on the form.
@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ reusable and would not be possible within the `CMS` or other automated `UI` but
public function doSubmitForm($data, $form) {
// At this point, RequiredFields->validate() will have been called already,
// At this point, RequiredFields->isValid() will have been called already,
// so we can assume that the values exist. Say we want to make sure that email hasn't already been used.
$check = Member::get()->filter('Email', $data['Email'])->first();
@ -214,7 +215,36 @@ classes added to each input. For Parsley we can structure the form like.
An alternative (or additional) approach to validation is to place it directly on the database model. SilverStripe
provides a [api:DataObject::validate()] method to validate data at the model level. See
[Data Model Validation](../model/validation).
[Data Model Validation](../model/validation).
## Form action validation
At times it's not possible for all validation or recoverable errors to be pre-determined in advance of form
submission, such as those generated by the form [api:Validator] object. Sometimes errors may occur within form
action methods, and it is necessary to display errors on the form after initial validation has been performed.
In this case you may throw a [api:ValidationException] object within your handler, optionally passing it an
error message, or a [api:ValidationResult] object containing the list of errors you wish to display.
class MyController extends Controller
public function doSave($data, $form) {
$success = $this->sendEmail($data);
// Example error handling
if (!$success) {
throw new ValidationException('Sorry, we could not email to that address');
// If success
return $this->redirect($this->Link('success'));
### Validation in the CMS
@ -1095,6 +1095,50 @@ Some methods on `Requirements` have had their method signatures changed:
A new config `Requirements_Backend.combine_in_dev` has been added in order to allow combined files to be
forced on during development. If this is off, combined files is only enabled in live environments.
Form validation has been refactored significantly. A new `FormMessage` trait has been created to
handle field-level and form-level messages. This has the following properties:
* `setMessage` to assign a message, type, and cast
* `getMessage` retrieves the message string
* `getMessageType` retrieves the message type (E.g. error, good, info)
* `getMessageCast` retrieves the cast type
* `getMessageCastingHelper` retrieves the DBField cast to use for the appropriate message cast
* `getSchemaMessage` encodes this message for form schema use in ReactJS.
`Form` methods have been changed:
* `validate` is replaced with `validationResult` instead, which returns a `ValidationResult` instance.
This is no longer automatically persisted in the state by default, unless a redirection occurs.
You can also save any response in the state by manually invoking `saveFormState` inside a custom
validation response handler.
* `setupFormErrors` renamed to `restoreFormState`
* `resetValidation` renamed to `clearFormState`
* `loadMessagesFrom` method created to load a ValidationResult into a form.
* `setMessage`. third parameter is now $cast type
* `messageForForm` removed. Use `setMessage` or `sessionMessage` instead.
* `getSessionValidationResult` / `setSessionValidationResult` used to get / set session errors
* `getSessionData` / `setSessionData` used to get / set field values cached in the session
* `getAjaxErrorResponse` and `getRedirectReferer` created to simplify `getValidationErrorResponse`
* `addErrorMessage` removed. Users can either use `sessionMessage` or `sessionError` to add a
form level message, throw a ValidationException during submission, or add a custom validator.
`Validator` methods have changed:
* `validate` method now returns a `ValidationResult` instance.
* `requireField` method removed. Use `RequiredFields` subclass instead.
`ValidationResult` now has these methods:
* `serialize` / `unserialize` for saving within session state
* `messageList` renamed to `getMessages`
* `error` method replaced with `addMessage` / `addError` / `addFieldMessage` / `addFieldError`
* `valid` renamed to `isValid`
`ValidationException` has these changes:
* `$message` second constructor parameter is removed. Constructor only accepts `$result`,
which may be a string, and optional `$code`
#### <a name="overview-template-removed"></a>Template and Form Removed API
* Removed `TabularStyle`
@ -1103,12 +1147,24 @@ forced on during development. If this is off, combined files is only enabled in
* `getTabPathRewrites`
* `setTabPathRewrites`
* `rewriteTabPath`
* Removed `Form` methods:
* Removed `Form` methods (see above for replacements):
* `transformTo`
* `callfieldmethod`
* `single_field_required`
* `current_action`
* `set_current_action`
* `setupFormErrors`
* `resetValidation`
* `messageForForm`
* `addErrorMessage`
* Removed `Validator::requireField()` method.
* Removed `ValidationResult` (see above for replacements):
* `messageList`
* `codeList`
* `message`
* `starredList`
* `error`
* `valid`
* Removed `ReportAdminForm.ss` template
* `FormField::dontEscape()` has been removed. Escaping is now managed on a class by class basis.
* Removed `PermissionCheckboxSetField::getAssignedPermissionCodes()` (never implemented)
@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ Each release is labeled in the format `$MAJOR`.`$MINOR`.`$PATCH`. For example, 3
* `$MAJOR` version is incremented if any backwards incompatible changes are introduced to the public API.
* `$MINOR` version is incremented if new, backwards compatible **functionality** is introduced to the public API or
improvements are introduced within the private code.
improvements are introduced within the private code.
* `$PATCH` version is incremented if only backwards compatible **bug fixes** are introduced. A bug fix is defined as
an internal change that fixes incorrect behavior.
an internal change that fixes incorrect behavior.
**Public API** refers to any aspect of the system that has been designed to be used by SilverStripe modules & site developers. In SilverStripe 3, because we haven't been clear, in principle we have to treat every public or protected method as *potentially* part of the public API, but sometimes it comes to a judgement call about how likely it is that a given method will have been used in a particular way. If we were strict about never changing publicly exposed behaviour, it would be difficult to fix any bug whatsoever, which isn't in the interests of our user community.
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBComposite;
use SilverStripe\Security\Permission;
use SilverStripe\Core\Convert;
* Represents a file reference stored in a database
@ -24,552 +23,541 @@ use SilverStripe\Core\Convert;
class DBFile extends DBComposite implements AssetContainer, Thumbnail
use ImageManipulation;
use ImageManipulation;
* List of allowed file categories.
* {@see File::$app_categories}
* @var array
protected $allowedCategories = array();
* List of allowed file categories.
* {@see File::$app_categories}
* @var array
protected $allowedCategories = array();
* List of image mime types supported by the image manipulations API
* {@see File::app_categories} for matching extensions.
* @config
* @var array
private static $supported_images = array(
* List of image mime types supported by the image manipulations API
* {@see File::app_categories} for matching extensions.
* @config
* @var array
private static $supported_images = array(
* Create a new image manipulation
* @param string $name
* @param array|string $allowed List of allowed file categories (not extensions), as per File::$app_categories
* Create a new image manipulation
* @param string $name
* @param array|string $allowed List of allowed file categories (not extensions), as per File::$app_categories
public function __construct($name = null, $allowed = array())
* Determine if a valid non-empty image exists behind this asset, which is a format
* compatible with image manipulations
* @return boolean
* Determine if a valid non-empty image exists behind this asset, which is a format
* compatible with image manipulations
* @return boolean
public function getIsImage()
// Check file type
$mime = $this->getMimeType();
return $mime && in_array($mime, $this->config()->supported_images);
// Check file type
$mime = $this->getMimeType();
return $mime && in_array($mime, $this->config()->supported_images);
* @return AssetStore
* @return AssetStore
protected function getStore()
return Injector::inst()->get('AssetStore');
return Injector::inst()->get('AssetStore');
private static $composite_db = array(
"Hash" => "Varchar(255)", // SHA of the base content
"Filename" => "Varchar(255)", // Path identifier of the base content
"Variant" => "Varchar(255)", // Identifier of the variant to the base, if given
private static $composite_db = array(
"Hash" => "Varchar(255)", // SHA of the base content
"Filename" => "Varchar(255)", // Path identifier of the base content
"Variant" => "Varchar(255)", // Identifier of the variant to the base, if given
private static $casting = array(
'URL' => 'Varchar',
'AbsoluteURL' => 'Varchar',
'Basename' => 'Varchar',
'Title' => 'Varchar',
'MimeType' => 'Varchar',
'String' => 'Text',
'Tag' => 'HTMLFragment',
'Size' => 'Varchar'
private static $casting = array(
'URL' => 'Varchar',
'AbsoluteURL' => 'Varchar',
'Basename' => 'Varchar',
'Title' => 'Varchar',
'MimeType' => 'Varchar',
'String' => 'Text',
'Tag' => 'HTMLFragment',
'Size' => 'Varchar'
public function scaffoldFormField($title = null, $params = null)
return AssetField::create($this->getName(), $title);
return AssetField::create($this->getName(), $title);
* Return a html5 tag of the appropriate for this file (normally img or a)
* @return string
* Return a html5 tag of the appropriate for this file (normally img or a)
* @return string
public function XML()
return $this->getTag() ?: '';
return $this->getTag() ?: '';
* Return a html5 tag of the appropriate for this file (normally img or a)
* @return string
* Return a html5 tag of the appropriate for this file (normally img or a)
* @return string
public function getTag()
$template = $this->getFrontendTemplate();
if(empty($template)) {
return '';
return (string)$this->renderWith($template);
$template = $this->getFrontendTemplate();
if (empty($template)) {
return '';
return (string)$this->renderWith($template);
* Determine the template to render as on the frontend
* @return string Name of template
* Determine the template to render as on the frontend
* @return string Name of template
public function getFrontendTemplate()
// Check that path is available
$url = $this->getURL();
if(empty($url)) {
return null;
// Check that path is available
$url = $this->getURL();
if (empty($url)) {
return null;
// Image template for supported images
if($this->getIsImage()) {
return 'DBFile_image';
// Image template for supported images
if ($this->getIsImage()) {
return 'DBFile_image';
// Default download
return 'DBFile_download';
// Default download
return 'DBFile_download';
* Get trailing part of filename
* @return string
* Get trailing part of filename
* @return string
public function getBasename()
if(!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return basename($this->getSourceURL());
if (!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return basename($this->getSourceURL());
* Get file extension
* @return string
* Get file extension
* @return string
public function getExtension()
if(!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return pathinfo($this->Filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return pathinfo($this->Filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
* Alt title for this
* @return string
* Alt title for this
* @return string
public function getTitle()
// If customised, use the customised title
if($this->failover && ($title = $this->failover->Title)) {
return $title;
// fallback to using base name
return $this->getBasename();
// If customised, use the customised title
if ($this->failover && ($title = $this->failover->Title)) {
return $title;
// fallback to using base name
return $this->getBasename();
public function setFromLocalFile($path, $filename = null, $hash = null, $variant = null, $config = array())
$this->assertFilenameValid($filename ?: $path);
$result = $this
->setFromLocalFile($path, $filename, $hash, $variant, $config);
// Update from result
if($result) {
return $result;
$this->assertFilenameValid($filename ?: $path);
$result = $this
->setFromLocalFile($path, $filename, $hash, $variant, $config);
// Update from result
if ($result) {
return $result;
public function setFromStream($stream, $filename, $hash = null, $variant = null, $config = array())
$result = $this
->setFromStream($stream, $filename, $hash, $variant, $config);
// Update from result
if($result) {
return $result;
$result = $this
->setFromStream($stream, $filename, $hash, $variant, $config);
// Update from result
if ($result) {
return $result;
public function setFromString($data, $filename, $hash = null, $variant = null, $config = array())
$result = $this
->setFromString($data, $filename, $hash, $variant, $config);
// Update from result
if($result) {
return $result;
$result = $this
->setFromString($data, $filename, $hash, $variant, $config);
// Update from result
if ($result) {
return $result;
public function getStream()
if(!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return $this
->getAsStream($this->Filename, $this->Hash, $this->Variant);
if (!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return $this
->getAsStream($this->Filename, $this->Hash, $this->Variant);
public function getString()
if(!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return $this
->getAsString($this->Filename, $this->Hash, $this->Variant);
if (!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return $this
->getAsString($this->Filename, $this->Hash, $this->Variant);
public function getURL($grant = true)
if(!$this->exists()) {
return null;
$url = $this->getSourceURL($grant);
$this->extend('updateURL', $url);
return $url;
if (!$this->exists()) {
return null;
$url = $this->getSourceURL($grant);
$this->extend('updateURL', $url);
return $url;
* Get URL, but without resampling.
* Note that this will return the url even if the file does not exist.
* @param bool $grant Ensures that the url for any protected assets is granted for the current user.
* @return string
* Get URL, but without resampling.
* Note that this will return the url even if the file does not exist.
* @param bool $grant Ensures that the url for any protected assets is granted for the current user.
* @return string
public function getSourceURL($grant = true)
return $this
->getAsURL($this->Filename, $this->Hash, $this->Variant, $grant);
return $this
->getAsURL($this->Filename, $this->Hash, $this->Variant, $grant);
* Get the absolute URL to this resource
* @return string
* Get the absolute URL to this resource
* @return string
public function getAbsoluteURL()
if(!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return Director::absoluteURL($this->getURL());
if (!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return Director::absoluteURL($this->getURL());
public function getMetaData()
if(!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return $this
->getMetadata($this->Filename, $this->Hash, $this->Variant);
if (!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return $this
->getMetadata($this->Filename, $this->Hash, $this->Variant);
public function getMimeType()
if(!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return $this
->getMimeType($this->Filename, $this->Hash, $this->Variant);
if (!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return $this
->getMimeType($this->Filename, $this->Hash, $this->Variant);
public function getValue()
if(!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return array(
'Filename' => $this->Filename,
'Hash' => $this->Hash,
'Variant' => $this->Variant
if (!$this->exists()) {
return null;
return array(
'Filename' => $this->Filename,
'Hash' => $this->Hash,
'Variant' => $this->Variant
public function getVisibility()
if(empty($this->Filename)) {
return null;
return $this
->getVisibility($this->Filename, $this->Hash);
if (empty($this->Filename)) {
return null;
return $this
->getVisibility($this->Filename, $this->Hash);
public function exists()
if(empty($this->Filename)) {
return false;
return $this
->exists($this->Filename, $this->Hash, $this->Variant);
if (empty($this->Filename)) {
return false;
return $this
->exists($this->Filename, $this->Hash, $this->Variant);
public function getFilename()
return $this->getField('Filename');
return $this->getField('Filename');
public function getHash()
return $this->getField('Hash');
return $this->getField('Hash');
public function getVariant()
return $this->getField('Variant');
return $this->getField('Variant');
* Return file size in bytes.
* @return int
* Return file size in bytes.
* @return int
public function getAbsoluteSize()
$metadata = $this->getMetaData();
if(isset($metadata['size'])) {
return $metadata['size'];
return 0;
$metadata = $this->getMetaData();
if (isset($metadata['size'])) {
return $metadata['size'];
return 0;
* Customise this object with an "original" record for getting other customised fields
* @param AssetContainer $original
* @return $this
* Customise this object with an "original" record for getting other customised fields
* @param AssetContainer $original
* @return $this
public function setOriginal($original)
$this->failover = $original;
return $this;
$this->failover = $original;
return $this;
* Get list of allowed file categories
* @return array
* Get list of allowed file categories
* @return array
public function getAllowedCategories()
return $this->allowedCategories;
return $this->allowedCategories;
* Assign allowed categories
* @param array|string $categories
* @return $this
* Assign allowed categories
* @param array|string $categories
* @return $this
public function setAllowedCategories($categories)
if(is_string($categories)) {
$categories = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $categories);
$this->allowedCategories = (array)$categories;
return $this;
if (is_string($categories)) {
$categories = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $categories);
$this->allowedCategories = (array)$categories;
return $this;
* Gets the list of extensions (if limited) for this field. Empty list
* means there is no restriction on allowed types.
* @return array
* Gets the list of extensions (if limited) for this field. Empty list
* means there is no restriction on allowed types.
* @return array
protected function getAllowedExtensions()
$categories = $this->getAllowedCategories();
return File::get_category_extensions($categories);
$categories = $this->getAllowedCategories();
return File::get_category_extensions($categories);
* Validate that this DBFile accepts this filename as valid
* @param string $filename
* @throws ValidationException
* @return bool
* Validate that this DBFile accepts this filename as valid
* @param string $filename
* @throws ValidationException
* @return bool
protected function isValidFilename($filename)
$extension = strtolower(File::get_file_extension($filename));
$extension = strtolower(File::get_file_extension($filename));
// Validate true if within the list of allowed extensions
$allowed = $this->getAllowedExtensions();
if($allowed) {
return in_array($extension, $allowed);
// Validate true if within the list of allowed extensions
$allowed = $this->getAllowedExtensions();
if ($allowed) {
return in_array($extension, $allowed);
// If no extensions are configured, fallback to global list
$globalList = File::config()->allowed_extensions;
if(in_array($extension, $globalList)) {
return true;
// If no extensions are configured, fallback to global list
$globalList = File::config()->allowed_extensions;
if (in_array($extension, $globalList)) {
return true;
// Only admins can bypass global rules
return !File::config()->apply_restrictions_to_admin && Permission::check('ADMIN');
// Only admins can bypass global rules
return !File::config()->apply_restrictions_to_admin && Permission::check('ADMIN');
* Check filename, and raise a ValidationException if invalid
* @param string $filename
* @throws ValidationException
* Check filename, and raise a ValidationException if invalid
* @param string $filename
* @throws ValidationException
protected function assertFilenameValid($filename)
$result = new ValidationResult();
$this->validate($result, $filename);
if(!$result->valid()) {
throw new ValidationException($result);
$result = new ValidationResult();
$this->validate($result, $filename);
if (!$result->isValid()) {
throw new ValidationException($result);
* Hook to validate this record against a validation result
* @param ValidationResult $result
* @param string $filename Optional filename to validate. If omitted, the current value is validated.
* @return bool Valid flag
* Hook to validate this record against a validation result
* @param ValidationResult $result
* @param string $filename Optional filename to validate. If omitted, the current value is validated.
* @return bool Valid flag
public function validate(ValidationResult $result, $filename = null)
if(empty($filename)) {
$filename = $this->getFilename();
if(empty($filename) || $this->isValidFilename($filename)) {
return true;
if (empty($filename)) {
$filename = $this->getFilename();
if (empty($filename) || $this->isValidFilename($filename)) {
return true;
// Check allowed extensions
$extensions = $this->getAllowedExtensions();
if(empty($extensions)) {
$extensions = File::config()->allowed_extensions;
$message = _t(
'Extension is not allowed (valid: {extensions})',
'Argument 1: Comma-separated list of valid extensions',
array('extensions' => wordwrap(implode(', ',$extensions)))
return false;
$message = _t('File.INVALIDEXTENSIONSHORT', 'Extension is not allowed');
return false;
public function setField($field, $value, $markChanged = true)
// Catch filename validation on direct assignment
if($field === 'Filename' && $value) {
// Catch filename validation on direct assignment
if ($field === 'Filename' && $value) {
return parent::setField($field, $value, $markChanged);
return parent::setField($field, $value, $markChanged);
* Returns the size of the file type in an appropriate format.
* @return string|false String value, or false if doesn't exist
* Returns the size of the file type in an appropriate format.
* @return string|false String value, or false if doesn't exist
public function getSize()
$size = $this->getAbsoluteSize();
if($size) {
return File::format_size($size);
return false;
$size = $this->getAbsoluteSize();
if ($size) {
return File::format_size($size);
return false;
public function deleteFile()
if(!$this->Filename) {
return false;
if (!$this->Filename) {
return false;
return $this
->delete($this->Filename, $this->Hash);
return $this
->delete($this->Filename, $this->Hash);
public function publishFile()
if($this->Filename) {
->publish($this->Filename, $this->Hash);
if ($this->Filename) {
->publish($this->Filename, $this->Hash);
public function protectFile()
if($this->Filename) {
->protect($this->Filename, $this->Hash);
if ($this->Filename) {
->protect($this->Filename, $this->Hash);
public function grantFile()
if($this->Filename) {
->grant($this->Filename, $this->Hash);
if ($this->Filename) {
->grant($this->Filename, $this->Hash);
public function revokeFile()
if($this->Filename) {
->revoke($this->Filename, $this->Hash);
if ($this->Filename) {
->revoke($this->Filename, $this->Hash);
public function canViewFile()
return $this->Filename
&& $this
->canView($this->Filename, $this->Hash);
return $this->Filename
&& $this
->canView($this->Filename, $this->Hash);
@ -33,374 +33,372 @@ use SimpleXMLElement;
class FunctionalTest extends SapphireTest
* Set this to true on your sub-class to disable the use of themes in this test.
* This can be handy for functional testing of modules without having to worry about whether a user has changed
* behaviour by replacing the theme.
* @var bool
protected static $disable_themes = false;
* Set this to true on your sub-class to disable the use of themes in this test.
* This can be handy for functional testing of modules without having to worry about whether a user has changed
* behaviour by replacing the theme.
* @var bool
protected static $disable_themes = false;
* Set this to true on your sub-class to use the draft site by default for every test in this class.
* @var bool
protected static $use_draft_site = false;
* Set this to true on your sub-class to use the draft site by default for every test in this class.
* @var bool
protected static $use_draft_site = false;
* @var TestSession
protected $mainSession = null;
* @var TestSession
protected $mainSession = null;
* CSSContentParser for the most recently requested page.
* @var CSSContentParser
protected $cssParser = null;
* CSSContentParser for the most recently requested page.
* @var CSSContentParser
protected $cssParser = null;
* If this is true, then 30x Location headers will be automatically followed.
* If not, then you will have to manaully call $this->mainSession->followRedirection() to follow them.
* However, this will let you inspect the intermediary headers
* @var bool
protected $autoFollowRedirection = true;
* If this is true, then 30x Location headers will be automatically followed.
* If not, then you will have to manaully call $this->mainSession->followRedirection() to follow them.
* However, this will let you inspect the intermediary headers
* @var bool
protected $autoFollowRedirection = true;
* Returns the {@link Session} object for this test
* @return Session
* Returns the {@link Session} object for this test
* @return Session
public function session()
return $this->mainSession->session();
return $this->mainSession->session();
public function setUp()
// Skip calling FunctionalTest directly.
if(get_class($this) == __CLASS__) {
$this->markTestSkipped(sprintf('Skipping %s ', get_class($this)));
// Skip calling FunctionalTest directly.
if (get_class($this) == __CLASS__) {
$this->markTestSkipped(sprintf('Skipping %s ', get_class($this)));
$this->mainSession = new TestSession();
$this->mainSession = new TestSession();
// Disable theme, if necessary
if(static::get_disable_themes()) {
SSViewer::config()->update('theme_enabled', false);
// Disable theme, if necessary
if (static::get_disable_themes()) {
SSViewer::config()->update('theme_enabled', false);
// Switch to draft site, if necessary
if(static::get_use_draft_site()) {
// Switch to draft site, if necessary
if (static::get_use_draft_site()) {
// Unprotect the site, tests are running with the assumption it's off. They will enable it on a case-by-case
// basis.
// Unprotect the site, tests are running with the assumption it's off. They will enable it on a case-by-case
// basis.
public function tearDown()
* Run a test while mocking the base url with the provided value
* @param string $url The base URL to use for this test
* @param callable $callback The test to run
* Run a test while mocking the base url with the provided value
* @param string $url The base URL to use for this test
* @param callable $callback The test to run
protected function withBaseURL($url, $callback)
$oldBase = Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\\Control\\Director', 'alternate_base_url');
Config::inst()->update('SilverStripe\\Control\\Director', 'alternate_base_url', $url);
Config::inst()->update('SilverStripe\\Control\\Director', 'alternate_base_url', $oldBase);
$oldBase = Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\\Control\\Director', 'alternate_base_url');
Config::inst()->update('SilverStripe\\Control\\Director', 'alternate_base_url', $url);
Config::inst()->update('SilverStripe\\Control\\Director', 'alternate_base_url', $oldBase);
* Run a test while mocking the base folder with the provided value
* @param string $folder The base folder to use for this test
* @param callable $callback The test to run
* Run a test while mocking the base folder with the provided value
* @param string $folder The base folder to use for this test
* @param callable $callback The test to run
protected function withBaseFolder($folder, $callback)
$oldFolder = Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\\Control\\Director', 'alternate_base_folder');
Config::inst()->update('SilverStripe\\Control\\Director', 'alternate_base_folder', $folder);
Config::inst()->update('SilverStripe\\Control\\Director', 'alternate_base_folder', $oldFolder);
$oldFolder = Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\\Control\\Director', 'alternate_base_folder');
Config::inst()->update('SilverStripe\\Control\\Director', 'alternate_base_folder', $folder);
Config::inst()->update('SilverStripe\\Control\\Director', 'alternate_base_folder', $oldFolder);
* Submit a get request
* @uses Director::test()
* @param string $url
* @param Session $session
* @param array $headers
* @param array $cookies
* @return HTTPResponse
* Submit a get request
* @uses Director::test()
* @param string $url
* @param Session $session
* @param array $headers
* @param array $cookies
* @return HTTPResponse
public function get($url, $session = null, $headers = null, $cookies = null)
$this->cssParser = null;
$response = $this->mainSession->get($url, $session, $headers, $cookies);
if($this->autoFollowRedirection && is_object($response) && $response->getHeader('Location')) {
$response = $this->mainSession->followRedirection();
return $response;
$this->cssParser = null;
$response = $this->mainSession->get($url, $session, $headers, $cookies);
if ($this->autoFollowRedirection && is_object($response) && $response->getHeader('Location')) {
$response = $this->mainSession->followRedirection();
return $response;
* Submit a post request
* @uses Director::test()
* @param string $url
* @param array $data
* @param array $headers
* @param Session $session
* @param string $body
* @param array $cookies
* @return HTTPResponse
* Submit a post request
* @uses Director::test()
* @param string $url
* @param array $data
* @param array $headers
* @param Session $session
* @param string $body
* @param array $cookies
* @return HTTPResponse
public function post($url, $data, $headers = null, $session = null, $body = null, $cookies = null)
$this->cssParser = null;
$response = $this->mainSession->post($url, $data, $headers, $session, $body, $cookies);
if($this->autoFollowRedirection && is_object($response) && $response->getHeader('Location')) {
$response = $this->mainSession->followRedirection();
return $response;
$this->cssParser = null;
$response = $this->mainSession->post($url, $data, $headers, $session, $body, $cookies);
if ($this->autoFollowRedirection && is_object($response) && $response->getHeader('Location')) {
$response = $this->mainSession->followRedirection();
return $response;
* Submit the form with the given HTML ID, filling it out with the given data.
* Acts on the most recent response.
* Any data parameters have to be present in the form, with exact form field name
* and values, otherwise they are removed from the submission.
* Caution: Parameter names have to be formatted
* as they are in the form submission, not as they are interpreted by PHP.
* Wrong: array('mycheckboxvalues' => array(1 => 'one', 2 => 'two'))
* Right: array('mycheckboxvalues[1]' => 'one', 'mycheckboxvalues[2]' => 'two')
* @see http://www.simpletest.org/en/form_testing_documentation.html
* @param string $formID HTML 'id' attribute of a form (loaded through a previous response)
* @param string $button HTML 'name' attribute of the button (NOT the 'id' attribute)
* @param array $data Map of GET/POST data.
* @return HTTPResponse
* Submit the form with the given HTML ID, filling it out with the given data.
* Acts on the most recent response.
* Any data parameters have to be present in the form, with exact form field name
* and values, otherwise they are removed from the submission.
* Caution: Parameter names have to be formatted
* as they are in the form submission, not as they are interpreted by PHP.
* Wrong: array('mycheckboxvalues' => array(1 => 'one', 2 => 'two'))
* Right: array('mycheckboxvalues[1]' => 'one', 'mycheckboxvalues[2]' => 'two')
* @see http://www.simpletest.org/en/form_testing_documentation.html
* @param string $formID HTML 'id' attribute of a form (loaded through a previous response)
* @param string $button HTML 'name' attribute of the button (NOT the 'id' attribute)
* @param array $data Map of GET/POST data.
* @return HTTPResponse
public function submitForm($formID, $button = null, $data = array())
$this->cssParser = null;
$response = $this->mainSession->submitForm($formID, $button, $data);
if($this->autoFollowRedirection && is_object($response) && $response->getHeader('Location')) {
$response = $this->mainSession->followRedirection();
return $response;
$this->cssParser = null;
$response = $this->mainSession->submitForm($formID, $button, $data);
if ($this->autoFollowRedirection && is_object($response) && $response->getHeader('Location')) {
$response = $this->mainSession->followRedirection();
return $response;
* Return the most recent content
* @return string
* Return the most recent content
* @return string
public function content()
return $this->mainSession->lastContent();
return $this->mainSession->lastContent();
* Find an attribute in a SimpleXMLElement object by name.
* @param SimpleXMLElement $object
* @param string $attribute Name of attribute to find
* @return SimpleXMLElement object of the attribute
* Find an attribute in a SimpleXMLElement object by name.
* @param SimpleXMLElement $object
* @param string $attribute Name of attribute to find
* @return SimpleXMLElement object of the attribute
public function findAttribute($object, $attribute)
$found = false;
foreach($object->attributes() as $a => $b) {
if($a == $attribute) {
$found = $b;
return $found;
$found = false;
foreach ($object->attributes() as $a => $b) {
if ($a == $attribute) {
$found = $b;
return $found;
* Return a CSSContentParser for the most recent content.
* @return CSSContentParser
* Return a CSSContentParser for the most recent content.
* @return CSSContentParser
public function cssParser()
if (!$this->cssParser) {
$this->cssParser = new CSSContentParser($this->mainSession->lastContent());
return $this->cssParser;
return $this->cssParser;
* Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.
* The given CSS selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page. The content of every matching tag
* will be examined. The assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
* Note: characters are stripped from the content; make sure that your assertions take this into account.
* @param string $selector A basic CSS selector, e.g. 'li.jobs h3'
* @param array|string $expectedMatches The content of at least one of the matched tags
* @throws PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError
* @return boolean
public function assertPartialMatchBySelector($selector, $expectedMatches)
* Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.
* The given CSS selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page. The content of every matching tag
* will be examined. The assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
* Note: characters are stripped from the content; make sure that your assertions take this into account.
* @param string $selector A basic CSS selector, e.g. 'li.jobs h3'
* @param array|string $expectedMatches The content of at least one of the matched tags
* @param string $message
* @throws PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError
public function assertPartialMatchBySelector($selector, $expectedMatches, $message = null)
if (is_string($expectedMatches)) {
$expectedMatches = array($expectedMatches);
$items = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector($selector);
$items = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector($selector);
$actuals = array();
if($items) foreach($items as $item) $actuals[trim(preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", (string)$item))] = true;
foreach($expectedMatches as $match) {
"Failed asserting the CSS selector '$selector' has a partial match to the expected elements:\n'"
. implode("'\n'", $expectedMatches) . "'\n\n"
. "Instead the following elements were found:\n'" . implode("'\n'", array_keys($actuals)) . "'"
return false;
return true;
* Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.
* The given CSS selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page. The full HTML of every matching tag
* will be examined. The assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
* Note: characters are stripped from the content; make sure that your assertions take this into account.
* @param string $selector A basic CSS selector, e.g. 'li.jobs h3'
* @param array|string $expectedMatches The content of *all* matching tags as an array
* @throws PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError
* @return boolean
public function assertExactMatchBySelector($selector, $expectedMatches)
if (is_string($expectedMatches)) {
$expectedMatches = array($expectedMatches);
$items = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector($selector);
$actuals = array();
$actuals = array();
if ($items) {
foreach ($items as $item) {
$actuals[] = trim(preg_replace("/[ \n\r\t]+/", " ", $item. ''));
$actuals[trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', (string)$item))] = true;
$expectedMatches == $actuals,
"Failed asserting the CSS selector '$selector' has an exact match to the expected elements:\n'"
. implode("'\n'", $expectedMatches) . "'\n\n"
. "Instead the following elements were found:\n'" . implode("'\n'", $actuals) . "'"
$message = $message ?:
"Failed asserting the CSS selector '$selector' has a partial match to the expected elements:\n'"
. implode("'\n'", $expectedMatches) . "'\n\n"
. "Instead the following elements were found:\n'" . implode("'\n'", array_keys($actuals)) . "'";
return true;
foreach ($expectedMatches as $match) {
$this->assertTrue(isset($actuals[$match]), $message);
* Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.
* The given CSS selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page. The content of every matching tag
* will be examined. The assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
* Note: characters are stripped from the content; make sure that your assertions take this into account.
* @param string $selector A basic CSS selector, e.g. 'li.jobs h3'
* @param array|string $expectedMatches The content of at least one of the matched tags
* @throws PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError
* @return boolean
public function assertPartialHTMLMatchBySelector($selector, $expectedMatches)
* Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.
* The given CSS selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page. The full HTML of every matching tag
* will be examined. The assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
* Note: characters are stripped from the content; make sure that your assertions take this into account.
* @param string $selector A basic CSS selector, e.g. 'li.jobs h3'
* @param array|string $expectedMatches The content of *all* matching tags as an array
* @param string $message
* @throws PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError
public function assertExactMatchBySelector($selector, $expectedMatches, $message = null)
if (is_string($expectedMatches)) {
$expectedMatches = array($expectedMatches);
$items = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector($selector);
$items = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector($selector);
$actuals = array();
if($items) {
/** @var SimpleXMLElement $item */
foreach($items as $item) {
$actuals[$item->asXML()] = true;
$actuals = array();
if ($items) {
foreach ($items as $item) {
$actuals[] = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', (string)$item));
foreach($expectedMatches as $match) {
"Failed asserting the CSS selector '$selector' has a partial match to the expected elements:\n'"
. implode("'\n'", $expectedMatches) . "'\n\n"
. "Instead the following elements were found:\n'" . implode("'\n'", array_keys($actuals)) . "'"
$message = $message ?:
"Failed asserting the CSS selector '$selector' has an exact match to the expected elements:\n'"
. implode("'\n'", $expectedMatches) . "'\n\n"
. "Instead the following elements were found:\n'" . implode("'\n'", $actuals) . "'";
return true;
$this->assertTrue($expectedMatches == $actuals, $message);
* Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.
* The given CSS selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page. The full HTML of every matching tag
* will be examined. The assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
* Note: characters are stripped from the content; make sure that your assertions take this into account.
* @param string $selector A basic CSS selector, e.g. 'li.jobs h3'
* @param array|string $expectedMatches The content of *all* matched tags as an array
* @throws PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError
public function assertExactHTMLMatchBySelector($selector, $expectedMatches)
* Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.
* The given CSS selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page. The content of every matching tag
* will be examined. The assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
* Note: characters are stripped from the content; make sure that your assertions take this into account.
* @param string $selector A basic CSS selector, e.g. 'li.jobs h3'
* @param array|string $expectedMatches The content of at least one of the matched tags
* @param string $message
* @throws PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError
public function assertPartialHTMLMatchBySelector($selector, $expectedMatches, $message = null)
$items = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector($selector);
if (is_string($expectedMatches)) {
$expectedMatches = array($expectedMatches);
$actuals = array();
if($items) {
/** @var SimpleXMLElement $item */
foreach($items as $item) {
$actuals[] = $item->asXML();
$items = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector($selector);
$expectedMatches == $actuals,
"Failed asserting the CSS selector '$selector' has an exact match to the expected elements:\n'"
. implode("'\n'", $expectedMatches) . "'\n\n"
. "Instead the following elements were found:\n'" . implode("'\n'", $actuals) . "'"
$actuals = array();
if ($items) {
/** @var SimpleXMLElement $item */
foreach ($items as $item) {
$actuals[$item->asXML()] = true;
* Log in as the given member
* @param Member|int|string $member The ID, fixture codename, or Member object of the member that you want to log in
$message = $message ?:
"Failed asserting the CSS selector '$selector' has a partial match to the expected elements:\n'"
. implode("'\n'", $expectedMatches) . "'\n\n"
. "Instead the following elements were found:\n'" . implode("'\n'", array_keys($actuals)) . "'";
foreach ($expectedMatches as $match) {
$this->assertTrue(isset($actuals[$match]), $message);
* Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.
* The given CSS selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page. The full HTML of every matching tag
* will be examined. The assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
* Note: characters are stripped from the content; make sure that your assertions take this into account.
* @param string $selector A basic CSS selector, e.g. 'li.jobs h3'
* @param array|string $expectedMatches The content of *all* matched tags as an array
* @param string $message
* @throws PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError
public function assertExactHTMLMatchBySelector($selector, $expectedMatches, $message = null)
$items = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector($selector);
$actuals = array();
if ($items) {
/** @var SimpleXMLElement $item */
foreach ($items as $item) {
$actuals[] = $item->asXML();
$message = $message ?:
"Failed asserting the CSS selector '$selector' has an exact match to the expected elements:\n'"
. implode("'\n'", $expectedMatches) . "'\n\n"
. "Instead the following elements were found:\n'" . implode("'\n'", $actuals) . "'";
$this->assertTrue($expectedMatches == $actuals, $message);
* Log in as the given member
* @param Member|int|string $member The ID, fixture codename, or Member object of the member that you want to log in
public function logInAs($member)
if (is_object($member)) {
@ -411,40 +409,40 @@ class FunctionalTest extends SapphireTest
$memberID = $this->idFromFixture('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', $member);
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $memberID);
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $memberID);
* Use the draft (stage) site for testing.
* This is helpful if you're not testing publication functionality and don't want "stage management" cluttering
* your test.
* @param bool $enabled toggle the use of the draft site
* Use the draft (stage) site for testing.
* This is helpful if you're not testing publication functionality and don't want "stage management" cluttering
* your test.
* @param bool $enabled toggle the use of the draft site
public function useDraftSite($enabled = true)
if($enabled) {
$this->session()->inst_set('readingMode', 'Stage.Stage');
$this->session()->inst_set('unsecuredDraftSite', true);
if ($enabled) {
$this->session()->inst_set('readingMode', 'Stage.Stage');
$this->session()->inst_set('unsecuredDraftSite', true);
} else {
$this->session()->inst_set('readingMode', 'Stage.Live');
$this->session()->inst_set('unsecuredDraftSite', false);
$this->session()->inst_set('readingMode', 'Stage.Live');
$this->session()->inst_set('unsecuredDraftSite', false);
* @return bool
* @return bool
public static function get_disable_themes()
return static::$disable_themes;
return static::$disable_themes;
* @return bool
* @return bool
public static function get_use_draft_site()
return static::$use_draft_site;
return static::$use_draft_site;
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ class ConfirmedPasswordField extends FormField
// With a valid user and password, check the password is correct
$checkResult = $member->checkPassword($this->currentPasswordValue);
if (!$checkResult->valid()) {
if (!$checkResult->isValid()) {
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
namespace SilverStripe\Forms;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
* Lets you include a nested group of fields inside a template.
@ -147,34 +148,48 @@ class FieldGroup extends CompositeField
* @return string
public function Message()
public function getMessage()
$fs = array();
$dataFields = array();
foreach ($fs as $subfield) {
if ($m = $subfield->Message()) {
$message[] = rtrim($m, ".");
/** @var FormField $subfield */
$messages = [];
foreach ($dataFields as $subfield) {
$message = $subfield->obj('Message')->forTemplate();
if ($message) {
$messages[] = rtrim($message, ".");
return (isset($message)) ? implode(", ", $message) . "." : "";
if (!$messages) {
return null;
return implode(", ", $messages) . ".";
* @return string
public function MessageType()
public function getMessageType()
$fs = array();
$dataFields = array();
foreach ($fs as $subfield) {
if ($m = $subfield->MessageType()) {
$MessageType[] = $m;
/** @var FormField $subfield */
foreach ($dataFields as $subfield) {
$type = $subfield->getMessageType();
if ($type) {
return $type;
return (isset($MessageType)) ? implode(". ", $MessageType) : "";
return null;
public function getMessageCast()
return ValidationResult::CAST_HTML;
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
namespace SilverStripe\Forms;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use SilverStripe\Control\HTTPRequest;
use SilverStripe\Control\HTTPResponse_Exception;
use SilverStripe\Core\Convert;
@ -15,10 +14,11 @@ use SilverStripe\Control\HTTP;
use SilverStripe\Control\RequestHandler;
use SilverStripe\Dev\Deprecation;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBField;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObjectInterface;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBHTMLText;
use SilverStripe\ORM\SS_List;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
use SilverStripe\Security\SecurityToken;
use SilverStripe\Security\NullSecurityToken;
use SilverStripe\View\SSViewer;
@ -66,1982 +66,1988 @@ use SilverStripe\View\SSViewer;
class Form extends RequestHandler
use FormMessage;
const ENC_TYPE_URLENCODED = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
const ENC_TYPE_MULTIPART = 'multipart/form-data';
* Form submission data is URL encoded
const ENC_TYPE_URLENCODED = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
* Accessed by Form.ss; modified by {@link formHtmlContent()}.
* A performance enhancement over the generate-the-form-tag-and-then-remove-it code that was there previously
* @var bool
public $IncludeFormTag = true;
* Form submission data is multipart form
const ENC_TYPE_MULTIPART = 'multipart/form-data';
* @var FieldList
protected $fields;
* Accessed by Form.ss; modified by {@link formHtmlContent()}.
* A performance enhancement over the generate-the-form-tag-and-then-remove-it code that was there previously
* @var bool
public $IncludeFormTag = true;
* @var FieldList
protected $actions;
* @var FieldList
protected $fields;
* @var Controller
protected $controller;
* @var FieldList
protected $actions;
* @var string
protected $name;
* @var Controller
protected $controller;
* @var Validator
protected $validator;
* @var string
protected $name;
* @var callable {@see setValidationResponseCallback()}
protected $validationResponseCallback;
* @var Validator
protected $validator;
* @var string
protected $formMethod = "POST";
* @var callable {@see setValidationResponseCallback()}
protected $validationResponseCallback;
* @var boolean
protected $strictFormMethodCheck = false;
* @var string
protected $formMethod = "POST";
* @var DataObject|null $record Populated by {@link loadDataFrom()}.
protected $record;
* @var boolean
protected $strictFormMethodCheck = false;
* Keeps track of whether this form has a default action or not.
* Set to false by $this->disableDefaultAction();
* @var boolean
protected $hasDefaultAction = true;
* @var DataObject|null $record Populated by {@link loadDataFrom()}.
protected $record;
* Target attribute of form-tag.
* Useful to open a new window upon
* form submission.
* @var string|null
protected $target;
* Keeps track of whether this form has a default action or not.
* Set to false by $this->disableDefaultAction();
* @var boolean
protected $hasDefaultAction = true;
* Legend value, to be inserted into the
* <legend> element before the <fieldset>
* in Form.ss template.
* @var string|null
protected $legend;
* Target attribute of form-tag.
* Useful to open a new window upon
* form submission.
* @var string|null
protected $target;
* The SS template to render this form HTML into.
* Default is "Form", but this can be changed to
* another template for customisation.
* @see Form->setTemplate()
* @var string|null
protected $template;
* Legend value, to be inserted into the
* <legend> element before the <fieldset>
* in Form.ss template.
* @var string|null
protected $legend;
* @var callable|null
protected $buttonClickedFunc;
* The SS template to render this form HTML into.
* Default is "Form", but this can be changed to
* another template for customisation.
* @see Form->setTemplate()
* @var string|null
protected $template;
* @var string|null
protected $message;
* @var callable|null
protected $buttonClickedFunc;
* @var string|null
protected $messageType;
* Should we redirect the user back down to the
* the form on validation errors rather then just the page
* @var bool
protected $redirectToFormOnValidationError = false;
* Should we redirect the user back down to the
* the form on validation errors rather then just the page
* @var bool
protected $redirectToFormOnValidationError = false;
* @var bool
protected $security = true;
* @var bool
protected $security = true;
* @var SecurityToken|null
protected $securityToken = null;
* @var SecurityToken|null
protected $securityToken = null;
* @var array $extraClasses List of additional CSS classes for the form tag.
protected $extraClasses = array();
* @var array $extraClasses List of additional CSS classes for the form tag.
protected $extraClasses = array();
* @config
* @var array $default_classes The default classes to apply to the Form
private static $default_classes = array();
* @config
* @var array $default_classes The default classes to apply to the Form
private static $default_classes = array();
* @var string|null
protected $encType;
* @var string|null
protected $encType;
* @var array Any custom form attributes set through {@link setAttributes()}.
* Some attributes are calculated on the fly, so please use {@link getAttributes()} to access them.
protected $attributes = array();
* @var array Any custom form attributes set through {@link setAttributes()}.
* Some attributes are calculated on the fly, so please use {@link getAttributes()} to access them.
protected $attributes = array();
* @var array
protected $validationExemptActions = array();
* @var array
protected $validationExemptActions = array();
private static $allowed_actions = array(
private static $allowed_actions = array(
private static $casting = array(
'AttributesHTML' => 'HTMLFragment',
'FormAttributes' => 'HTMLFragment',
'FormName' => 'Text',
'Legend' => 'HTMLFragment',
private static $casting = array(
'AttributesHTML' => 'HTMLFragment',
'FormAttributes' => 'HTMLFragment',
'MessageType' => 'Text',
'Message' => 'HTMLFragment',
'FormName' => 'Text',
'Legend' => 'HTMLFragment',
* @var FormTemplateHelper
private $templateHelper = null;
* @var FormTemplateHelper
private $templateHelper = null;
* @ignore
private $htmlID = null;
* @ignore
private $htmlID = null;
* @ignore
private $formActionPath = false;
* @ignore
private $formActionPath = false;
* @var bool
protected $securityTokenAdded = false;
* @var bool
protected $securityTokenAdded = false;
* Create a new form, with the given fields an action buttons.
* @param Controller $controller The parent controller, necessary to create the appropriate form action tag.
* @param string $name The method on the controller that will return this form object.
* @param FieldList $fields All of the fields in the form - a {@link FieldList} of {@link FormField} objects.
* @param FieldList $actions All of the action buttons in the form - a {@link FieldLis} of
* {@link FormAction} objects
* @param Validator|null $validator Override the default validator instance (Default: {@link RequiredFields})
* Create a new form, with the given fields an action buttons.
* @param Controller $controller The parent controller, necessary to create the appropriate form action tag.
* @param string $name The method on the controller that will return this form object.
* @param FieldList $fields All of the fields in the form - a {@link FieldList} of {@link FormField} objects.
* @param FieldList $actions All of the action buttons in the form - a {@link FieldLis} of
* {@link FormAction} objects
* @param Validator|null $validator Override the default validator instance (Default: {@link RequiredFields})
public function __construct($controller, $name, FieldList $fields, FieldList $actions, Validator $validator = null)
$this->fields = $fields;
$this->actions = $actions;
$this->controller = $controller;
$this->fields = $fields;
$this->actions = $actions;
$this->controller = $controller;
if (!$this->controller) {
user_error("$this->class form created without a controller", E_USER_ERROR);
// Form validation
$this->validator = ($validator) ? $validator : new RequiredFields();
// Form validation
$this->validator = ($validator) ? $validator : new RequiredFields();
// Form error controls
// Form error controls
// Check if CSRF protection is enabled, either on the parent controller or from the default setting. Note that
// method_exists() is used as some controllers (e.g. GroupTest) do not always extend from Object.
if(method_exists($controller, 'securityTokenEnabled') || (method_exists($controller, 'hasMethod')
&& $controller->hasMethod('securityTokenEnabled'))) {
$securityEnabled = $controller->securityTokenEnabled();
} else {
$securityEnabled = SecurityToken::is_enabled();
// Check if CSRF protection is enabled, either on the parent controller or from the default setting. Note that
// method_exists() is used as some controllers (e.g. GroupTest) do not always extend from Object.
if (method_exists($controller, 'securityTokenEnabled') || (method_exists($controller, 'hasMethod')
&& $controller->hasMethod('securityTokenEnabled'))) {
$securityEnabled = $controller->securityTokenEnabled();
} else {
$securityEnabled = SecurityToken::is_enabled();
$this->securityToken = ($securityEnabled) ? new SecurityToken() : new NullSecurityToken();
$this->securityToken = ($securityEnabled) ? new SecurityToken() : new NullSecurityToken();
* @var array
private static $url_handlers = array(
'field/$FieldName!' => 'handleField',
'POST ' => 'httpSubmission',
'GET ' => 'httpSubmission',
'HEAD ' => 'httpSubmission',
* @var array
private static $url_handlers = array(
'field/$FieldName!' => 'handleField',
'POST ' => 'httpSubmission',
'GET ' => 'httpSubmission',
'HEAD ' => 'httpSubmission',
* Take errors from a ValidationResult and populate the form with the appropriate message.
* @param ValidationResult $result The erroneous ValidationResult. If none passed, this will be atken
* from the session
public function setupFormErrors($result = null, $data = null) {
if(!$result) $result = Session::get("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.result");
if(!$result) return;
* Load form state from session state
* @return $this
public function restoreFormState()
// Restore messages
$result = $this->getSessionValidationResult();
if (isset($result)) {
foreach($result->fieldErrors() as $fieldName => $fieldError) {
$field = $this->fields->dataFieldByName($fieldName);
$field->setError($fieldError['message'], $fieldError['messageType']);
// load data in from previous submission upon error
$data = $this->getSessionData();
if (isset($data)) {
return $this;
//don't escape the HTML as it should have been escaped when adding it to the validation result
$this->setMessage($result->overallMessage(), $result->valid() ? 'good' : 'bad', false);
* Flush persistant form state details
public function clearFormState()
// load data in from previous submission upon error
if(!$data) $data = Session::get("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.data");
if($data) $this->loadDataFrom($data);
* Return any form data stored in the session
* @return array
public function getSessionData()
return Session::get("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.data");
* Save information to the session to be picked up by {@link setUpFormErrors()}
public function saveFormErrorsToSession($result = null, $data = null) {
Session::set("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.result", $result);
Session::set("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.data", $data);
* Store the given form data in the session
* @param array $data
public function setSessionData($data)
Session::set("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.data", $data);
* set up the default classes for the form. This is done on construct so that the default classes can be removed
* after instantiation
* Return any ValidationResult instance stored for this object
* @return ValidationResult The ValidationResult object stored in the session
public function getSessionValidationResult()
$resultData = Session::get("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.result");
if (isset($resultData)) {
return unserialize($resultData);
return null;
* Sets the ValidationResult in the session to be used with the next view of this form.
* @param ValidationResult $result The result to save
* @param bool $combineWithExisting If true, then this will be added to the existing result.
public function setSessionValidationResult(ValidationResult $result, $combineWithExisting = false)
// Combine with existing result
if ($combineWithExisting) {
$existingResult = $this->getSessionValidationResult();
if ($existingResult) {
if ($result) {
} else {
$result = $existingResult;
// Serialise
$resultData = $result ? serialize($result) : null;
Session::set("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.result", $resultData);
public function clearMessage()
* Populate this form with messages from the given ValidationResult.
* Note: This will not clear any pre-existing messages
* @param ValidationResult $result
* @return $this
public function loadMessagesFrom($result)
// Set message on either a field or the parent form
foreach ($result->getMessages() as $message) {
$fieldName = $message['fieldName'];
if ($fieldName) {
$owner = $this->fields->dataFieldByName($fieldName) ?: $this;
} else {
$owner = $this;
$owner->setMessage($message['message'], $message['messageType'], $message['messageCast']);
return $this;
* Set message on a given field name. This message will not persist via redirect.
* @param string $fieldName
* @param string $message
* @param string $messageType
* @param string $messageCast
* @return $this
public function setFieldMessage(
$messageType = ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR,
$messageCast = ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT
) {
$field = $this->fields->dataFieldByName($fieldName);
if ($field) {
$field->setMessage($message, $messageType, $messageCast);
return $this;
public function castingHelper($field)
// Override casting for field message
if (strcasecmp($field, 'Message') === 0 && ($helper = $this->getMessageCastingHelper())) {
return $helper;
return parent::castingHelper($field);
* set up the default classes for the form. This is done on construct so that the default classes can be removed
* after instantiation
protected function setupDefaultClasses()
$defaultClasses = self::config()->get('default_classes');
if ($defaultClasses) {
foreach ($defaultClasses as $class) {
$defaultClasses = self::config()->get('default_classes');
if ($defaultClasses) {
foreach ($defaultClasses as $class) {
* Handle a form submission. GET and POST requests behave identically.
* Populates the form with {@link loadDataFrom()}, calls {@link validate()},
* and only triggers the requested form action/method
* if the form is valid.
* @param HTTPRequest $request
* @throws HTTPResponse_Exception
* Handle a form submission. GET and POST requests behave identically.
* Populates the form with {@link loadDataFrom()}, calls {@link validate()},
* and only triggers the requested form action/method
* if the form is valid.
* @param HTTPRequest $request
* @return HTTPResponse
* @throws HTTPResponse_Exception
public function httpSubmission($request)
// Strict method check
if($this->strictFormMethodCheck) {
// Throws an error if the method is bad...
if($this->formMethod != $request->httpMethod()) {
$response = Controller::curr()->getResponse();
$response->addHeader('Allow', $this->formMethod);
$this->httpError(405, _t("Form.BAD_METHOD", "This form requires a ".$this->formMethod." submission"));
// Strict method check
if ($this->strictFormMethodCheck) {
// Throws an error if the method is bad...
if ($this->formMethod != $request->httpMethod()) {
$response = Controller::curr()->getResponse();
$response->addHeader('Allow', $this->formMethod);
$this->httpError(405, _t("Form.BAD_METHOD", "This form requires a ".$this->formMethod." submission"));
// ...and only uses the variables corresponding to that method type
$vars = $this->formMethod == 'GET' ? $request->getVars() : $request->postVars();
} else {
$vars = $request->requestVars();
// ...and only uses the variables corresponding to that method type
$vars = $this->formMethod == 'GET' ? $request->getVars() : $request->postVars();
} else {
$vars = $request->requestVars();
// Ensure we only process saveable fields (non structural, readonly, or disabled)
$allowedFields = array_keys($this->Fields()->saveableFields());
// Populate the form
// Populate the form
$this->loadDataFrom($vars, true, $allowedFields);
// Protection against CSRF attacks
$token = $this->getSecurityToken();
if( ! $token->checkRequest($request)) {
$securityID = $token->getName();
if (empty($vars[$securityID])) {
// Protection against CSRF attacks
// @todo Move this to SecurityTokenField::validate()
$token = $this->getSecurityToken();
if (! $token->checkRequest($request)) {
$securityID = $token->getName();
if (empty($vars[$securityID])) {
$this->httpError(400, _t(
"There seems to have been a technical problem. Please click the back button, ".
"refresh your browser, and try again."
} else {
// Clear invalid token on refresh
$data = $this->getData();
Session::set("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.data", $data);
Session::set("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.errors", array());
_t("Form.CSRF_EXPIRED_MESSAGE", "Your session has expired. Please re-submit the form."),
return $this->controller->redirectBack();
"There seems to have been a technical problem. Please click the back button, ".
"refresh your browser, and try again."
} else {
// Clear invalid token on refresh
$data = $this->getData();
"Your session has expired. Please re-submit the form."
// Determine the action button clicked
$funcName = null;
foreach($vars as $paramName => $paramVal) {
if(substr($paramName,0,7) == 'action_') {
// Break off querystring arguments included in the action
if(strpos($paramName,'?') !== false) {
list($paramName, $paramVars) = explode('?', $paramName, 2);
$newRequestParams = array();
parse_str($paramVars, $newRequestParams);
$vars = array_merge((array)$vars, (array)$newRequestParams);
// Return the user
return $this->controller->redirectBack();
// Cleanup action_, _x and _y from image fields
$funcName = preg_replace(array('/^action_/','/_x$|_y$/'),'',$paramName);
// Determine the action button clicked
$funcName = null;
foreach ($vars as $paramName => $paramVal) {
if (substr($paramName, 0, 7) == 'action_') {
// Break off querystring arguments included in the action
if (strpos($paramName, '?') !== false) {
list($paramName, $paramVars) = explode('?', $paramName, 2);
$newRequestParams = array();
parse_str($paramVars, $newRequestParams);
$vars = array_merge((array)$vars, (array)$newRequestParams);
// If the action wasn't set, choose the default on the form.
if(!isset($funcName) && $defaultAction = $this->defaultAction()){
$funcName = $defaultAction->actionName();
// Cleanup action_, _x and _y from image fields
$funcName = preg_replace(array('/^action_/','/_x$|_y$/'), '', $paramName);
if(isset($funcName)) {
// If the action wasn't set, choose the default on the form.
if (!isset($funcName) && $defaultAction = $this->defaultAction()) {
$funcName = $defaultAction->actionName();
// Permission checks (first on controller, then falling back to form)
if (isset($funcName)) {
// Permission checks (first on controller, then falling back to form)
if (// Ensure that the action is actually a button or method on the form,
// and not just a method on the controller.
&& !$this->controller->checkAccessAction($funcName)
// If a button exists, allow it on the controller
// buttonClicked() validates that the action set above is valid
&& !$this->buttonClicked()
) {
return $this->httpError(
sprintf('Action "%s" not allowed on controller (Class: %s)', $funcName, get_class($this->controller))
// and not just a method on the controller.
&& !$this->controller->checkAccessAction($funcName)
// If a button exists, allow it on the controller
// buttonClicked() validates that the action set above is valid
&& !$this->buttonClicked()
) {
return $this->httpError(
sprintf('Action "%s" not allowed on controller (Class: %s)', $funcName, get_class($this->controller))
} elseif ($this->hasMethod($funcName)
&& !$this->checkAccessAction($funcName)
// No checks for button existence or $allowed_actions is performed -
// all form methods are callable (e.g. the legacy "callfieldmethod()")
) {
return $this->httpError(
sprintf('Action "%s" not allowed on form (Name: "%s")', $funcName, $this->name)
// TODO : Once we switch to a stricter policy regarding allowed_actions (meaning actions must be set
// explicitly in allowed_actions in order to run)
// Uncomment the following for checking security against running actions on form fields
/* else {
// Try to find a field that has the action, and allows it
$fieldsHaveMethod = false;
foreach ($this->Fields() as $field){
if ($field->hasMethod($funcName) && $field->checkAccessAction($funcName)) {
$fieldsHaveMethod = true;
if (!$fieldsHaveMethod) {
return $this->httpError(
sprintf('Action "%s" not allowed on any fields of form (Name: "%s")', $funcName, $this->Name())
&& !$this->checkAccessAction($funcName)
// No checks for button existence or $allowed_actions is performed -
// all form methods are callable (e.g. the legacy "callfieldmethod()")
) {
return $this->httpError(
sprintf('Action "%s" not allowed on form (Name: "%s")', $funcName, $this->name)
// Action handlers may throw ValidationExceptions.
try {
// Or we can use the Valiator attached to the form
$result = $this->validationResult();
if(!$result->valid()) {
return $this->getValidationErrorResponse($result);
// Action handlers may throw ValidationExceptions.
try {
// Or we can use the Valiator attached to the form
$result = $this->validationResult();
if (!$result->isValid()) {
return $this->getValidationErrorResponse($result);
// First, try a handler method on the controller (has been checked for allowed_actions above already)
if($this->controller->hasMethod($funcName)) {
return $this->controller->$funcName($vars, $this, $request);
// Otherwise, try a handler method on the form object.
} elseif($this->hasMethod($funcName)) {
return $this->$funcName($vars, $this, $request);
} elseif($field = $this->checkFieldsForAction($this->Fields(), $funcName)) {
return $field->$funcName($vars, $this, $request);
// First, try a handler method on the controller (has been checked for allowed_actions above already)
if ($this->controller->hasMethod($funcName)) {
return $this->controller->$funcName($vars, $this, $request);
} catch(ValidationException $e) {
// The ValdiationResult contains all the relevant metadata
$result = $e->getResult();
return $this->getValidationErrorResponse($result);
// Otherwise, try a handler method on the form object.
if ($this->hasMethod($funcName)) {
return $this->$funcName($vars, $this, $request);
// First, try a handler method on the controller (has been checked for allowed_actions above already)
if($this->controller->hasMethod($funcName)) {
return $this->controller->$funcName($vars, $this, $request);
// Otherwise, try a handler method on the form object.
} elseif($this->hasMethod($funcName)) {
return $this->$funcName($vars, $this, $request);
} elseif($field = $this->checkFieldsForAction($this->Fields(), $funcName)) {
return $field->$funcName($vars, $this, $request);
// Check for inline actions
if ($field = $this->checkFieldsForAction($this->Fields(), $funcName)) {
return $field->$funcName($vars, $this, $request);
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
// The ValdiationResult contains all the relevant metadata
$result = $e->getResult();
return $this->getValidationErrorResponse($result);
return $this->httpError(404);
* @param string $action
* @return bool
public function checkAccessAction($action)
if (parent::checkAccessAction($action)) {
return true;
$actions = $this->getAllActions();
foreach ($actions as $formAction) {
if ($formAction->actionName() === $action) {
return true;
// Always allow actions on fields
$field = $this->checkFieldsForAction($this->Fields(), $action);
if ($field && $field->checkAccessAction($action)) {
return true;
return false;
* @return callable
public function getValidationResponseCallback()
return $this->validationResponseCallback;
* Overrules validation error behaviour in {@link httpSubmission()}
* when validation has failed. Useful for optional handling of a certain accepted content type.
* The callback can opt out of handling specific responses by returning NULL,
* in which case the default form behaviour will kick in.
* @param $callback
* @return self
public function setValidationResponseCallback($callback)
$this->validationResponseCallback = $callback;
return $this;
* Returns the appropriate response up the controller chain
* if {@link validate()} fails (which is checked prior to executing any form actions).
* By default, returns different views for ajax/non-ajax request, and
* handles 'application/json' requests with a JSON object containing the error messages.
* Behaviour can be influenced by setting {@link $redirectToFormOnValidationError},
* and can be overruled by setting {@link $validationResponseCallback}.
* @param ValidationResult $result
* @return HTTPResponse|string
protected function getValidationErrorResponse(ValidationResult $result) {
$callback = $this->getValidationResponseCallback();
if($callback && $callbackResponse = $callback($result)) {
return $callbackResponse;
$request = $this->getRequest();
if($request->isAjax()) {
// Special case for legacy Validator.js implementation
// (assumes eval'ed javascript collected through FormResponse)
$acceptType = $request->getHeader('Accept');
if (strpos($acceptType, 'application/json') !== false) {
// Send validation errors back as JSON with a flag at the start
$response = new HTTPResponse(Convert::array2json($result->getErrorMetaData()));
$response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
} else {
$this->setupFormErrors($result, $this->getData());
// Send the newly rendered form tag as HTML
$response = new HTTPResponse($this->forTemplate());
$response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
return $response;
} else {
// Save the relevant information in the session
$this->saveFormErrorsToSession($result, $this->getData());
// Redirect back to the form
if($this->getRedirectToFormOnValidationError()) {
if($pageURL = $request->getHeader('Referer')) {
if(Director::is_site_url($pageURL)) {
// Remove existing pragmas
$pageURL = preg_replace('/(#.*)/', '', $pageURL);
$pageURL = Director::absoluteURL($pageURL, true);
return $this->controller->redirect($pageURL . '#' . $this->FormName());
return $this->controller->redirectBack();
* Fields can have action to, let's check if anyone of the responds to $funcname them
* @param SS_List|array $fields
* @param callable $funcName
* @return FormField
protected function checkFieldsForAction($fields, $funcName)
foreach($fields as $field){
/** @skipUpgrade */
if(method_exists($field, 'FieldList')) {
if($field = $this->checkFieldsForAction($field->FieldList(), $funcName)) {
return $field;
} elseif ($field->hasMethod($funcName) && $field->checkAccessAction($funcName)) {
return $field;
return null;
* Handle a field request.
* Uses {@link Form->dataFieldByName()} to find a matching field,
* and falls back to {@link FieldList->fieldByName()} to look
* for tabs instead. This means that if you have a tab and a
* formfield with the same name, this method gives priority
* to the formfield.
* @param HTTPRequest $request
* @return FormField
public function handleField($request)
$field = $this->Fields()->dataFieldByName($request->param('FieldName'));
if($field) {
return $field;
} else {
// falling back to fieldByName, e.g. for getting tabs
return $this->Fields()->fieldByName($request->param('FieldName'));
* Convert this form into a readonly form
public function makeReadonly()
$this->transform(new ReadonlyTransformation());
* Set whether the user should be redirected back down to the
* form on the page upon validation errors in the form or if
* they just need to redirect back to the page
* @param bool $bool Redirect to form on error?
* @return $this
public function setRedirectToFormOnValidationError($bool)
$this->redirectToFormOnValidationError = $bool;
return $this;
* Get whether the user should be redirected back down to the
* form on the page upon validation errors
* @return bool
public function getRedirectToFormOnValidationError()
return $this->redirectToFormOnValidationError;
* Add a plain text error message to a field on this form. It will be saved into the session
* and used the next time this form is displayed.
* @deprecated 3.2
public function addErrorMessage($fieldName, $message, $messageType) {
Deprecation::notice('3.2', 'Throw a ValidationException instead.');
$this->getSessionValidationResult()->addFieldError($fieldName, $message, $messageType);
* @param FormTransformation $trans
public function transform(FormTransformation $trans)
$newFields = new FieldList();
foreach($this->fields as $field) {
$this->fields = $newFields;
$newActions = new FieldList();
foreach($this->actions as $action) {
$this->actions = $newActions;
// We have to remove validation, if the fields are not editable ;-)
if ($this->validator) {
return $this->httpError(404);
* Get the {@link Validator} attached to this form.
* @return Validator
* @param string $action
* @return bool
public function checkAccessAction($action)
if (parent::checkAccessAction($action)) {
return true;
$actions = $this->getAllActions();
foreach ($actions as $formAction) {
if ($formAction->actionName() === $action) {
return true;
// Always allow actions on fields
$field = $this->checkFieldsForAction($this->Fields(), $action);
if ($field && $field->checkAccessAction($action)) {
return true;
return false;
* @return callable
public function getValidationResponseCallback()
return $this->validationResponseCallback;
* Overrules validation error behaviour in {@link httpSubmission()}
* when validation has failed. Useful for optional handling of a certain accepted content type.
* The callback can opt out of handling specific responses by returning NULL,
* in which case the default form behaviour will kick in.
* @param $callback
* @return self
public function setValidationResponseCallback($callback)
$this->validationResponseCallback = $callback;
return $this;
* Returns the appropriate response up the controller chain
* if {@link validate()} fails (which is checked prior to executing any form actions).
* By default, returns different views for ajax/non-ajax request, and
* handles 'application/json' requests with a JSON object containing the error messages.
* Behaviour can be influenced by setting {@link $redirectToFormOnValidationError},
* and can be overruled by setting {@link $validationResponseCallback}.
* @param ValidationResult $result
* @return HTTPResponse
protected function getValidationErrorResponse(ValidationResult $result)
// Check for custom handling mechanism
$callback = $this->getValidationResponseCallback();
if ($callback && $callbackResponse = call_user_func($callback, $result)) {
return $callbackResponse;
// Check if handling via ajax
if ($this->getRequest()->isAjax()) {
return $this->getAjaxErrorResponse($result);
// Prior to redirection, persist this result in session to re-display on redirect
// Determine redirection method
if ($this->getRedirectToFormOnValidationError() && ($pageURL = $this->getRedirectReferer())) {
return $this->controller->redirect($pageURL . '#' . $this->FormName());
return $this->controller->redirectBack();
* Build HTTP error response for ajax requests
* @internal called from {@see Form::getValidationErrorResponse}
* @param ValidationResult $result
* @return HTTPResponse
protected function getAjaxErrorResponse(ValidationResult $result)
// Ajax form submissions accept json encoded errors by default
$acceptType = $this->getRequest()->getHeader('Accept');
if (strpos($acceptType, 'application/json') !== false) {
// Send validation errors back as JSON with a flag at the start
$response = new HTTPResponse(Convert::array2json($result->getMessages()));
$response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
return $response;
// Send the newly rendered form tag as HTML
$response = new HTTPResponse($this->forTemplate());
$response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
return $response;
* Get referrer to redirect back to and safely validates it
* @internal called from {@see Form::getValidationErrorResponse}
* @return string|null
protected function getRedirectReferer()
$pageURL = $this->getRequest()->getHeader('Referer');
if (!$pageURL) {
return null;
if (!Director::is_site_url($pageURL)) {
return null;
// Remove existing pragmas
$pageURL = preg_replace('/(#.*)/', '', $pageURL);
return Director::absoluteURL($pageURL);
* Fields can have action to, let's check if anyone of the responds to $funcname them
* @param SS_List|array $fields
* @param callable $funcName
* @return FormField
protected function checkFieldsForAction($fields, $funcName)
foreach ($fields as $field) {
/** @skipUpgrade */
if (method_exists($field, 'FieldList')) {
if ($field = $this->checkFieldsForAction($field->FieldList(), $funcName)) {
return $field;
} elseif ($field->hasMethod($funcName) && $field->checkAccessAction($funcName)) {
return $field;
return null;
* Handle a field request.
* Uses {@link Form->dataFieldByName()} to find a matching field,
* and falls back to {@link FieldList->fieldByName()} to look
* for tabs instead. This means that if you have a tab and a
* formfield with the same name, this method gives priority
* to the formfield.
* @param HTTPRequest $request
* @return FormField
public function handleField($request)
$field = $this->Fields()->dataFieldByName($request->param('FieldName'));
if ($field) {
return $field;
} else {
// falling back to fieldByName, e.g. for getting tabs
return $this->Fields()->fieldByName($request->param('FieldName'));
* Convert this form into a readonly form
public function makeReadonly()
$this->transform(new ReadonlyTransformation());
* Set whether the user should be redirected back down to the
* form on the page upon validation errors in the form or if
* they just need to redirect back to the page
* @param bool $bool Redirect to form on error?
* @return $this
public function setRedirectToFormOnValidationError($bool)
$this->redirectToFormOnValidationError = $bool;
return $this;
* Get whether the user should be redirected back down to the
* form on the page upon validation errors
* @return bool
public function getRedirectToFormOnValidationError()
return $this->redirectToFormOnValidationError;
* @param FormTransformation $trans
public function transform(FormTransformation $trans)
$newFields = new FieldList();
foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
$this->fields = $newFields;
$newActions = new FieldList();
foreach ($this->actions as $action) {
$this->actions = $newActions;
// We have to remove validation, if the fields are not editable ;-)
if ($this->validator) {
* Get the {@link Validator} attached to this form.
* @return Validator
public function getValidator()
return $this->validator;
return $this->validator;
* Set the {@link Validator} on this form.
* @param Validator $validator
* @return $this
* Set the {@link Validator} on this form.
* @param Validator $validator
* @return $this
public function setValidator(Validator $validator)
if($validator) {
$this->validator = $validator;
return $this;
if ($validator) {
$this->validator = $validator;
return $this;
* Remove the {@link Validator} from this from.
* Remove the {@link Validator} from this from.
public function unsetValidator()
$this->validator = null;
return $this;
$this->validator = null;
return $this;
* Set actions that are exempt from validation
* @param array
* @return $this
* Set actions that are exempt from validation
* @param array
* @return $this
public function setValidationExemptActions($actions)
$this->validationExemptActions = $actions;
return $this;
$this->validationExemptActions = $actions;
return $this;
* Get a list of actions that are exempt from validation
* @return array
* Get a list of actions that are exempt from validation
* @return array
public function getValidationExemptActions()
return $this->validationExemptActions;
return $this->validationExemptActions;
* Passed a FormAction, returns true if that action is exempt from Form validation
* @param FormAction $action
* @return bool
* Passed a FormAction, returns true if that action is exempt from Form validation
* @param FormAction $action
* @return bool
public function actionIsValidationExempt($action)
if ($action->getValidationExempt()) {
return true;
if (in_array($action->actionName(), $this->getValidationExemptActions())) {
return true;
return false;
if ($action->getValidationExempt()) {
return true;
if (in_array($action->actionName(), $this->getValidationExemptActions())) {
return true;
return false;
* Generate extra special fields - namely the security token field (if required).
* @return FieldList
* Generate extra special fields - namely the security token field (if required).
* @return FieldList
public function getExtraFields()
$extraFields = new FieldList();
$extraFields = new FieldList();
$token = $this->getSecurityToken();
if ($token) {
$tokenField = $token->updateFieldSet($this->fields);
$token = $this->getSecurityToken();
if ($token) {
$tokenField = $token->updateFieldSet($this->fields);
if ($tokenField) {
$this->securityTokenAdded = true;
$this->securityTokenAdded = true;
// add the "real" HTTP method if necessary (for PUT, DELETE and HEAD)
if (strtoupper($this->FormMethod()) != $this->FormHttpMethod()) {
$methodField = new HiddenField('_method', '', $this->FormHttpMethod());
// add the "real" HTTP method if necessary (for PUT, DELETE and HEAD)
if (strtoupper($this->FormMethod()) != $this->FormHttpMethod()) {
$methodField = new HiddenField('_method', '', $this->FormHttpMethod());
return $extraFields;
return $extraFields;
* Return the form's fields - used by the templates
* @return FieldList The form fields
* Return the form's fields - used by the templates
* @return FieldList The form fields
public function Fields()
foreach($this->getExtraFields() as $field) {
foreach ($this->getExtraFields() as $field) {
if (!$this->fields->fieldByName($field->getName())) {
return $this->fields;
return $this->fields;
* Return all <input type="hidden"> fields
* in a form - including fields nested in {@link CompositeFields}.
* Useful when doing custom field layouts.
* @return FieldList
* Return all <input type="hidden"> fields
* in a form - including fields nested in {@link CompositeFields}.
* Useful when doing custom field layouts.
* @return FieldList
public function HiddenFields()
return $this->Fields()->HiddenFields();
return $this->Fields()->HiddenFields();
* Return all fields except for the hidden fields.
* Useful when making your own simplified form layouts.
* Return all fields except for the hidden fields.
* Useful when making your own simplified form layouts.
public function VisibleFields()
return $this->Fields()->VisibleFields();
return $this->Fields()->VisibleFields();
* Setter for the form fields.
* @param FieldList $fields
* @return $this
* Setter for the form fields.
* @param FieldList $fields
* @return $this
public function setFields($fields)
$this->fields = $fields;
return $this;
$this->fields = $fields;
return $this;
* Return the form's action buttons - used by the templates
* @return FieldList The action list
* Return the form's action buttons - used by the templates
* @return FieldList The action list
public function Actions()
return $this->actions;
return $this->actions;
* Setter for the form actions.
* @param FieldList $actions
* @return $this
* Setter for the form actions.
* @param FieldList $actions
* @return $this
public function setActions($actions)
$this->actions = $actions;
return $this;
$this->actions = $actions;
return $this;
* Unset all form actions
* Unset all form actions
public function unsetAllActions()
$this->actions = new FieldList();
return $this;
$this->actions = new FieldList();
return $this;
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @return $this
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @return $this
public function setAttribute($name, $value)
$this->attributes[$name] = $value;
return $this;
$this->attributes[$name] = $value;
return $this;
* @param string $name
* @return string
* @param string $name
* @return string
public function getAttribute($name)
if(isset($this->attributes[$name])) {
return $this->attributes[$name];
return null;
if (isset($this->attributes[$name])) {
return $this->attributes[$name];
return null;
* @return array
* @return array
public function getAttributes()
$attrs = array(
'id' => $this->FormName(),
'action' => $this->FormAction(),
'method' => $this->FormMethod(),
'enctype' => $this->getEncType(),
'target' => $this->target,
'class' => $this->extraClass(),
$attrs = array(
'id' => $this->FormName(),
'action' => $this->FormAction(),
'method' => $this->FormMethod(),
'enctype' => $this->getEncType(),
'target' => $this->target,
'class' => $this->extraClass(),
if($this->validator && $this->validator->getErrors()) {
if ($this->validator && $this->validator->getErrors()) {
if (!isset($attrs['class'])) {
$attrs['class'] = '';
$attrs['class'] .= ' validationerror';
$attrs['class'] .= ' validationerror';
$attrs = array_merge($attrs, $this->attributes);
$attrs = array_merge($attrs, $this->attributes);
return $attrs;
return $attrs;
* Return the attributes of the form tag - used by the templates.
* @param array $attrs Custom attributes to process. Falls back to {@link getAttributes()}.
* If at least one argument is passed as a string, all arguments act as excludes by name.
* @return string HTML attributes, ready for insertion into an HTML tag
* Return the attributes of the form tag - used by the templates.
* @param array $attrs Custom attributes to process. Falls back to {@link getAttributes()}.
* If at least one argument is passed as a string, all arguments act as excludes by name.
* @return string HTML attributes, ready for insertion into an HTML tag
public function getAttributesHTML($attrs = null)
$exclude = (is_string($attrs)) ? func_get_args() : null;
$exclude = (is_string($attrs)) ? func_get_args() : null;
// Figure out if we can cache this form
// - forms with validation shouldn't be cached, cos their error messages won't be shown
// - forms with security tokens shouldn't be cached because security tokens expire
$needsCacheDisabled = false;
// Figure out if we can cache this form
// - forms with validation shouldn't be cached, cos their error messages won't be shown
// - forms with security tokens shouldn't be cached because security tokens expire
$needsCacheDisabled = false;
if ($this->getSecurityToken()->isEnabled()) {
$needsCacheDisabled = true;
if ($this->FormMethod() != 'GET') {
$needsCacheDisabled = true;
if (!($this->validator instanceof RequiredFields) || count($this->validator->getRequired())) {
$needsCacheDisabled = true;
if (!($this->validator instanceof RequiredFields) || count($this->validator->getRequired())) {
$needsCacheDisabled = true;
// If we need to disable cache, do it
// If we need to disable cache, do it
if ($needsCacheDisabled) {
$attrs = $this->getAttributes();
$attrs = $this->getAttributes();
// Remove empty
$attrs = array_filter((array)$attrs, create_function('$v', 'return ($v || $v === 0);'));
// Remove empty
$attrs = array_filter((array)$attrs, create_function('$v', 'return ($v || $v === 0);'));
// Remove excluded
// Remove excluded
if ($exclude) {
$attrs = array_diff_key($attrs, array_flip($exclude));
// Prepare HTML-friendly 'method' attribute (lower-case)
if (isset($attrs['method'])) {
$attrs['method'] = strtolower($attrs['method']);
// Prepare HTML-friendly 'method' attribute (lower-case)
if (isset($attrs['method'])) {
$attrs['method'] = strtolower($attrs['method']);
// Create markup
$parts = array();
foreach($attrs as $name => $value) {
$parts[] = ($value === true) ? "{$name}=\"{$name}\"" : "{$name}=\"" . Convert::raw2att($value) . "\"";
// Create markup
$parts = array();
foreach ($attrs as $name => $value) {
$parts[] = ($value === true) ? "{$name}=\"{$name}\"" : "{$name}=\"" . Convert::raw2att($value) . "\"";
return implode(' ', $parts);
return implode(' ', $parts);
public function FormAttributes()
return $this->getAttributesHTML();
return $this->getAttributesHTML();
* Set the target of this form to any value - useful for opening the form contents in a new window or refreshing
* another frame
* @param string|FormTemplateHelper
* Set the target of this form to any value - useful for opening the form contents in a new window or refreshing
* another frame
* @param string|FormTemplateHelper
public function setTemplateHelper($helper)
$this->templateHelper = $helper;
$this->templateHelper = $helper;
* Return a {@link FormTemplateHelper} for this form. If one has not been
* set, return the default helper.
* @return FormTemplateHelper
* Return a {@link FormTemplateHelper} for this form. If one has not been
* set, return the default helper.
* @return FormTemplateHelper
public function getTemplateHelper()
if($this->templateHelper) {
if(is_string($this->templateHelper)) {
return Injector::inst()->get($this->templateHelper);
if ($this->templateHelper) {
if (is_string($this->templateHelper)) {
return Injector::inst()->get($this->templateHelper);
return $this->templateHelper;
return $this->templateHelper;
return FormTemplateHelper::singleton();
return FormTemplateHelper::singleton();
* Set the target of this form to any value - useful for opening the form
* contents in a new window or refreshing another frame.
* @param string $target The value of the target
* @return $this
* Set the target of this form to any value - useful for opening the form
* contents in a new window or refreshing another frame.
* @param string $target The value of the target
* @return $this
public function setTarget($target)
$this->target = $target;
$this->target = $target;
return $this;
return $this;
* Set the legend value to be inserted into
* the <legend> element in the Form.ss template.
* @param string $legend
* @return $this
* Set the legend value to be inserted into
* the <legend> element in the Form.ss template.
* @param string $legend
* @return $this
public function setLegend($legend)
$this->legend = $legend;
return $this;
$this->legend = $legend;
return $this;
* Set the SS template that this form should use
* to render with. The default is "Form".
* @param string $template The name of the template (without the .ss extension)
* @return $this
* Set the SS template that this form should use
* to render with. The default is "Form".
* @param string $template The name of the template (without the .ss extension)
* @return $this
public function setTemplate($template)
$this->template = $template;
return $this;
$this->template = $template;
return $this;
* Return the template to render this form with.
* @return string
* Return the template to render this form with.
* @return string
public function getTemplate()
return $this->template;
return $this->template;
* Returs the ordered list of preferred templates for rendering this form
* If the template isn't set, then default to the
* form class name e.g "Form".
* @return array
* Returs the ordered list of preferred templates for rendering this form
* If the template isn't set, then default to the
* form class name e.g "Form".
* @return array
public function getTemplates()
$templates = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class(get_class($this), '', __CLASS__);
// Prefer any custom template
if($this->getTemplate()) {
array_unshift($templates, $this->getTemplate());
return $templates;
$templates = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class(get_class($this), '', __CLASS__);
// Prefer any custom template
if ($this->getTemplate()) {
array_unshift($templates, $this->getTemplate());
return $templates;
* Returns the encoding type for the form.
* By default this will be URL encoded, unless there is a file field present
* in which case multipart is used. You can also set the enc type using
* {@link setEncType}.
* Returns the encoding type for the form.
* By default this will be URL encoded, unless there is a file field present
* in which case multipart is used. You can also set the enc type using
* {@link setEncType}.
public function getEncType()
if ($this->encType) {
return $this->encType;
if ($this->encType) {
return $this->encType;
if ($fields = $this->fields->dataFields()) {
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if ($fields = $this->fields->dataFields()) {
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if ($field instanceof FileField) {
return self::ENC_TYPE_MULTIPART;
* Sets the form encoding type. The most common encoding types are defined
* @param string $encType
* @return $this
* Sets the form encoding type. The most common encoding types are defined
* @param string $encType
* @return $this
public function setEncType($encType)
$this->encType = $encType;
return $this;
$this->encType = $encType;
return $this;
* Returns the real HTTP method for the form:
* As most browsers only support GET and POST in
* form submissions, all other HTTP methods are
* added as a hidden field "_method" that
* gets evaluated in {@link Director::direct()}.
* See {@link FormMethod()} to get a HTTP method
* for safe insertion into a <form> tag.
* @return string HTTP method
* Returns the real HTTP method for the form:
* As most browsers only support GET and POST in
* form submissions, all other HTTP methods are
* added as a hidden field "_method" that
* gets evaluated in {@link Director::direct()}.
* See {@link FormMethod()} to get a HTTP method
* for safe insertion into a <form> tag.
* @return string HTTP method
public function FormHttpMethod()
return $this->formMethod;
return $this->formMethod;
* Returns the form method to be used in the <form> tag.
* See {@link FormHttpMethod()} to get the "real" method.
* @return string Form HTTP method restricted to 'GET' or 'POST'
* Returns the form method to be used in the <form> tag.
* See {@link FormHttpMethod()} to get the "real" method.
* @return string Form HTTP method restricted to 'GET' or 'POST'
public function FormMethod()
if(in_array($this->formMethod,array('GET','POST'))) {
return $this->formMethod;
} else {
return 'POST';
if (in_array($this->formMethod, array('GET','POST'))) {
return $this->formMethod;
} else {
return 'POST';
* Set the form method: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.
* @param string $method
* @param bool $strict If non-null, pass value to {@link setStrictFormMethodCheck()}.
* @return $this
* Set the form method: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.
* @param string $method
* @param bool $strict If non-null, pass value to {@link setStrictFormMethodCheck()}.
* @return $this
public function setFormMethod($method, $strict = null)
$this->formMethod = strtoupper($method);
$this->formMethod = strtoupper($method);
if ($strict !== null) {
return $this;
return $this;
* If set to true, enforce the matching of the form method.
* This will mean two things:
* - GET vars will be ignored by a POST form, and vice versa
* - A submission where the HTTP method used doesn't match the form will return a 400 error.
* If set to false (the default), then the form method is only used to construct the default
* form.
* @param $bool boolean
* @return $this
* If set to true, enforce the matching of the form method.
* This will mean two things:
* - GET vars will be ignored by a POST form, and vice versa
* - A submission where the HTTP method used doesn't match the form will return a 400 error.
* If set to false (the default), then the form method is only used to construct the default
* form.
* @param $bool boolean
* @return $this
public function setStrictFormMethodCheck($bool)
$this->strictFormMethodCheck = (bool)$bool;
return $this;
$this->strictFormMethodCheck = (bool)$bool;
return $this;
* @return boolean
* @return boolean
public function getStrictFormMethodCheck()
return $this->strictFormMethodCheck;
return $this->strictFormMethodCheck;
* Return the form's action attribute.
* This is build by adding an executeForm get variable to the parent controller's Link() value
* @return string
* Return the form's action attribute.
* This is build by adding an executeForm get variable to the parent controller's Link() value
* @return string
public function FormAction()
if ($this->formActionPath) {
return $this->formActionPath;
} elseif($this->controller->hasMethod("FormObjectLink")) {
return $this->controller->FormObjectLink($this->name);
} else {
return Controller::join_links($this->controller->Link(), $this->name);
if ($this->formActionPath) {
return $this->formActionPath;
} elseif ($this->controller->hasMethod("FormObjectLink")) {
return $this->controller->FormObjectLink($this->name);
} else {
return Controller::join_links($this->controller->Link(), $this->name);
* Set the form action attribute to a custom URL.
* Note: For "normal" forms, you shouldn't need to use this method. It is
* recommended only for situations where you have two relatively distinct
* parts of the system trying to communicate via a form post.
* @param string $path
* @return $this
* Set the form action attribute to a custom URL.
* Note: For "normal" forms, you shouldn't need to use this method. It is
* recommended only for situations where you have two relatively distinct
* parts of the system trying to communicate via a form post.
* @param string $path
* @return $this
public function setFormAction($path)
$this->formActionPath = $path;
$this->formActionPath = $path;
return $this;
return $this;
* Returns the name of the form.
* @return string
* Returns the name of the form.
* @return string
public function FormName()
return $this->getTemplateHelper()->generateFormID($this);
return $this->getTemplateHelper()->generateFormID($this);
* Set the HTML ID attribute of the form.
* @param string $id
* @return $this
* Set the HTML ID attribute of the form.
* @param string $id
* @return $this
public function setHTMLID($id)
$this->htmlID = $id;
$this->htmlID = $id;
return $this;
return $this;
* @return string
* @return string
public function getHTMLID()
return $this->htmlID;
return $this->htmlID;
* Get the controller.
* @return Controller
* Get the controller.
* @return Controller
public function getController()
return $this->controller;
return $this->controller;
* Set the controller.
* @param Controller $controller
* @return Form
* Set the controller.
* @param Controller $controller
* @return Form
public function setController($controller)
$this->controller = $controller;
$this->controller = $controller;
return $this;
return $this;
* Get the name of the form.
* @return string
* Get the name of the form.
* @return string
public function getName()
return $this->name;
return $this->name;
* Set the name of the form.
* @param string $name
* @return Form
* Set the name of the form.
* @param string $name
* @return Form
public function setName($name)
$this->name = $name;
$this->name = $name;
return $this;
return $this;
* Returns an object where there is a method with the same name as each data
* field on the form.
* That method will return the field itself.
* It means that you can execute $firstName = $form->FieldMap()->FirstName()
* Returns an object where there is a method with the same name as each data
* field on the form.
* That method will return the field itself.
* It means that you can execute $firstName = $form->FieldMap()->FirstName()
public function FieldMap()
return new Form_FieldMap($this);
return new Form_FieldMap($this);
* The next functions store and modify the forms
* message attributes. messages are stored in session under
* $_SESSION[formname][message];
* @return string
public function Message() {
return $this->message;
* @return string
public function MessageType() {
return $this->messageType;
* Set a status message for the form.
* @param string $message the text of the message
* @param string $type Should be set to good, bad, or warning.
* @param boolean $escapeHtml Automatically sanitize the message. Set to FALSE if the message contains HTML.
* In that case, you might want to use {@link Convert::raw2xml()} to escape any
* user supplied data in the message.
* @return $this
public function setMessage($message, $type, $escapeHtml = true)
* Set a message to the session, for display next time this form is shown.
* @param string $message the text of the message
* @param string $type Should be set to good, bad, or warning.
* @param string|bool $cast Cast type; One of the CAST_ constant definitions.
* Bool values will be treated as plain text flag.
public function sessionMessage($message, $type = ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR, $cast = ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT)
$this->message = ($escapeHtml) ? Convert::raw2xml($message) : $message;
$this->messageType = $type;
return $this;
$this->setMessage($message, $type, $cast);
$result = $this->getSessionValidationResult() ?: ValidationResult::create();
$result->addMessage($message, $type, null, $cast);
* Set a message to the session, for display next time this form is shown.
* @param string $message the text of the message
* @param string $type Should be set to good, bad, or warning.
* @param boolean $escapeHtml Automatically sanitize the message. Set to FALSE if the message contains HTML.
* In that case, you might want to use {@link Convert::raw2xml()} to escape any
* user supplied data in the message.
public function sessionMessage($message, $type, $escapeHtml = true)
* Set an error to the session, for display next time this form is shown.
* @param string $message the text of the message
* @param string $type Should be set to good, bad, or warning.
* @param string|bool $cast Cast type; One of the CAST_ constant definitions.
* Bool values will be treated as plain text flag.
public function sessionError($message, $type = ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR, $cast = ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT)
// Benign message
if($type == "good") {
$this->getSessionValidationResult()->addMessage($message, $type, null, $escapeHtml);
$this->setMessage($message, $type, $cast);
$result = $this->getSessionValidationResult() ?: ValidationResult::create();
$result->addError($message, $type, null, $cast);
// Bad message causing a validation error
} else {
$this->getSessionValidationResult()->addError($message, $type, null, $escapeHtml
* @deprecated 3.1
public static function messageForForm($formName, $message, $type) {
Deprecation::notice('3.1', 'Create an instance of the form you wish to attach a message to.');
* Returns the ValidationResult stored in the session.
* You can use this to modify messages without throwing a ValidationException.
* If a ValidationResult doesn't yet exist, a new one will be created
* @return ValidationResult The ValidationResult object stored in the session
public function getSessionValidationResult() {
$result = Session::get("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.result");
if(!$result || !($result instanceof ValidationResult)) {
$result = new ValidationResult;
Session::set("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.result", $result);
return $result;
* Sets the ValidationResult in the session to be used with the next view of this form.
* @param ValidationResult $result The result to save
* @param boolean $combineWithExisting If true, then this will be added to the existing result.
public function setSessionValidationResult(ValidationResult $result, $combineWithExisting = false) {
if($combineWithExisting) {
$existingResult = $this->getSessionValidationResult();
} else {
Session::set("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.result", $result);
public function clearMessage()
$this->message = null;
public function resetValidation() {
* Returns the DataObject that has given this form its data
* through {@link loadDataFrom()}.
* @return DataObject
* Returns the DataObject that has given this form its data
* through {@link loadDataFrom()}.
* @return DataObject
public function getRecord()
return $this->record;
return $this->record;
* Get the legend value to be inserted into the
* <legend> element in Form.ss
* @return string
* Get the legend value to be inserted into the
* <legend> element in Form.ss
* @return string
public function getLegend()
return $this->legend;
return $this->legend;
* Processing that occurs before a form is executed.
* This includes form validation, if it fails, we throw a ValidationException
* This includes form validation, if it fails, we redirect back
* to the form with appropriate error messages.
* Always return true if the current form action is exempt from validation
* Triggered through {@link httpSubmission()}.
* Note that CSRF protection takes place in {@link httpSubmission()},
* if it fails the form data will never reach this method.
* @return boolean
public function validate(){
$result = $this->validationResult();
* Processing that occurs before a form is executed.
* This includes form validation, if it fails, we throw a ValidationException
* This includes form validation, if it fails, we redirect back
* to the form with appropriate error messages.
* Always return true if the current form action is exempt from validation
* Triggered through {@link httpSubmission()}.
* Note that CSRF protection takes place in {@link httpSubmission()},
* if it fails the form data will never reach this method.
* @return ValidationResult
public function validationResult()
// Opportunity to invalidate via validator
$action = $this->buttonClicked();
if ($action && $this->actionIsValidationExempt($action)) {
return ValidationResult::create();
// Valid
if($result->valid()) {
return true;
// Invoke validator
if ($this->validator) {
$result = $this->validator->validate();
return $result;
// Invalid
} else {
$this->saveFormErrorsToSession($result, $this->getData());
return false;
// Successful result
return ValidationResult::create();
* Experimental method - return a ValidationResult for the validator
* @return [type] [description]
private function validationResult() {
// Start with a "valid" validation result
$result = ValidationResult::create();
const MERGE_DEFAULT = 0;
// Opportunity to invalidate via validator
$action = $this->buttonClicked();
if($action && $this->actionIsValidationExempt($action)) {
return $result;
$errors = $this->validator->validate();
// Convert the old-style Validator result into a ValidationResult
foreach($errors as $error) {
$result->addFieldError($error['fieldName'], $error['message'], $error['messageType']);
return $result;
const MERGE_DEFAULT = 0;
* Load data from the given DataObject or array.
* It will call $object->MyField to get the value of MyField.
* If you passed an array, it will call $object[MyField].
* Doesn't save into dataless FormFields ({@link DatalessField}),
* as determined by {@link FieldList->dataFields()}.
* By default, if a field isn't set (as determined by isset()),
* its value will not be saved to the field, retaining
* potential existing values.
* Passed data should not be escaped, and is saved to the FormField instances unescaped.
* Escaping happens automatically on saving the data through {@link saveInto()}.
* Escaping happens automatically on saving the data through
* {@link saveInto()}.
* @uses FieldList->dataFields()
* @uses FormField->setValue()
* @param array|DataObject $data
* @param int $mergeStrategy
* For every field, {@link $data} is interrogated whether it contains a relevant property/key, and
* what that property/key's value is.
* By default, if {@link $data} does contain a property/key, the fields value is always replaced by {@link $data}'s
* value, even if that value is null/false/etc. Fields which don't match any property/key in {@link $data} are
* "left alone", meaning they retain any previous value.
* You can pass a bitmask here to change this behaviour.
* Passing CLEAR_MISSING means that any fields that don't match any property/key in
* {@link $data} are cleared.
* Passing IGNORE_FALSEISH means that any false-ish value in {@link $data} won't replace
* a field's value.
* For backwards compatibility reasons, this parameter can also be set to === true, which is the same as passing
* @param array $fieldList An optional list of fields to process. This can be useful when you have a
* form that has some fields that save to one object, and some that save to another.
* @return Form
* Load data from the given DataObject or array.
* It will call $object->MyField to get the value of MyField.
* If you passed an array, it will call $object[MyField].
* Doesn't save into dataless FormFields ({@link DatalessField}),
* as determined by {@link FieldList->dataFields()}.
* By default, if a field isn't set (as determined by isset()),
* its value will not be saved to the field, retaining
* potential existing values.
* Passed data should not be escaped, and is saved to the FormField instances unescaped.
* Escaping happens automatically on saving the data through {@link saveInto()}.
* Escaping happens automatically on saving the data through
* {@link saveInto()}.
* @uses FieldList->dataFields()
* @uses FormField->setValue()
* @param array|DataObject $data
* @param int $mergeStrategy
* For every field, {@link $data} is interrogated whether it contains a relevant property/key, and
* what that property/key's value is.
* By default, if {@link $data} does contain a property/key, the fields value is always replaced by {@link $data}'s
* value, even if that value is null/false/etc. Fields which don't match any property/key in {@link $data} are
* "left alone", meaning they retain any previous value.
* You can pass a bitmask here to change this behaviour.
* Passing CLEAR_MISSING means that any fields that don't match any property/key in
* {@link $data} are cleared.
* Passing IGNORE_FALSEISH means that any false-ish value in {@link $data} won't replace
* a field's value.
* For backwards compatibility reasons, this parameter can also be set to === true, which is the same as passing
* @param array $fieldList An optional list of fields to process. This can be useful when you have a
* form that has some fields that save to one object, and some that save to another.
* @return $this
public function loadDataFrom($data, $mergeStrategy = 0, $fieldList = null)
if(!is_object($data) && !is_array($data)) {
user_error("Form::loadDataFrom() not passed an array or an object", E_USER_WARNING);
return $this;
if (!is_object($data) && !is_array($data)) {
user_error("Form::loadDataFrom() not passed an array or an object", E_USER_WARNING);
return $this;
// Handle the backwards compatible case of passing "true" as the second argument
if ($mergeStrategy === true) {
$mergeStrategy = self::MERGE_CLEAR_MISSING;
// Handle the backwards compatible case of passing "true" as the second argument
if ($mergeStrategy === true) {
$mergeStrategy = self::MERGE_CLEAR_MISSING;
} elseif ($mergeStrategy === false) {
$mergeStrategy = 0;
$mergeStrategy = 0;
// if an object is passed, save it for historical reference through {@link getRecord()}
// if an object is passed, save it for historical reference through {@link getRecord()}
if (is_object($data)) {
$this->record = $data;
// dont include fields without data
$dataFields = $this->Fields()->dataFields();
if ($dataFields) {
foreach ($dataFields as $field) {
$name = $field->getName();
// dont include fields without data
$dataFields = $this->Fields()->dataFields();
if (!$dataFields) {
return $this;
// Skip fields that have been excluded
if($fieldList && !in_array($name, $fieldList)) {
/** @var FormField $field */
foreach ($dataFields as $field) {
$name = $field->getName();
// First check looks for (fieldname)_unchanged, an indicator that we shouldn't overwrite the field value
if (is_array($data) && isset($data[$name . '_unchanged'])) {
// Skip fields that have been excluded
if ($fieldList && !in_array($name, $fieldList)) {
// First check looks for (fieldname)_unchanged, an indicator that we shouldn't overwrite the field value
if (is_array($data) && isset($data[$name . '_unchanged'])) {
// Does this property exist on $data?
$exists = false;
// The value from $data for this field
$val = null;
if (is_object($data)) {
$exists = (
isset($data->$name) ||
$data->hasMethod($name) ||
($data->hasMethod('hasField') && $data->hasField($name))
if ($exists) {
$val = $data->__get($name);
} elseif (is_array($data)) {
if (array_key_exists($name, $data)) {
$exists = true;
$val = $data[$name];
} // If field is in array-notation we need to access nested data
elseif (strpos($name, '[')) {
// First encode data using PHP's method of converting nested arrays to form data
$flatData = urldecode(http_build_query($data));
// Then pull the value out from that flattened string
preg_match('/' . addcslashes($name, '[]') . '=([^&]*)/', $flatData, $matches);
// Does this property exist on $data?
$exists = false;
// The value from $data for this field
$val = null;
if (isset($matches[1])) {
$exists = true;
$val = $matches[1];
if(is_object($data)) {
$exists = (
isset($data->$name) ||
$data->hasMethod($name) ||
($data->hasMethod('hasField') && $data->hasField($name))
if ($exists) {
$val = $data->__get($name);
} elseif (is_array($data)) {
if(array_key_exists($name, $data)) {
$exists = true;
$val = $data[$name];
} // If field is in array-notation we need to access nested data
else if(strpos($name,'[')) {
// First encode data using PHP's method of converting nested arrays to form data
$flatData = urldecode(http_build_query($data));
// Then pull the value out from that flattened string
preg_match('/' . addcslashes($name,'[]') . '=([^&]*)/', $flatData, $matches);
if (isset($matches[1])) {
$exists = true;
$val = $matches[1];
// save to the field if either a value is given, or loading of blank/undefined values is forced
if ($val != false || ($mergeStrategy & self::MERGE_IGNORE_FALSEISH) != self::MERGE_IGNORE_FALSEISH){
// pass original data as well so composite fields can act on the additional information
$field->setValue($val, $data);
} elseif (($mergeStrategy & self::MERGE_CLEAR_MISSING) == self::MERGE_CLEAR_MISSING) {
// save to the field if either a value is given, or loading of blank/undefined values is forced
if ($exists) {
if ($val != false || ($mergeStrategy & self::MERGE_IGNORE_FALSEISH) != self::MERGE_IGNORE_FALSEISH) {
// pass original data as well so composite fields can act on the additional information
$field->setValue($val, $data);
} elseif (($mergeStrategy & self::MERGE_CLEAR_MISSING) == self::MERGE_CLEAR_MISSING) {
$field->setValue($val, $data);
return $this;
return $this;
* Save the contents of this form into the given data object.
* It will make use of setCastedField() to do this.
* @param DataObjectInterface $dataObject The object to save data into
* @param FieldList $fieldList An optional list of fields to process. This can be useful when you have a
* form that has some fields that save to one object, and some that save to another.
* Save the contents of this form into the given data object.
* It will make use of setCastedField() to do this.
* @param DataObjectInterface $dataObject The object to save data into
* @param FieldList $fieldList An optional list of fields to process. This can be useful when you have a
* form that has some fields that save to one object, and some that save to another.
public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $dataObject, $fieldList = null)
$dataFields = $this->fields->saveableFields();
$lastField = null;
$dataFields = $this->fields->saveableFields();
$lastField = null;
if ($dataFields) {
foreach ($dataFields as $field) {
// Skip fields that have been excluded
// Skip fields that have been excluded
if ($fieldList && is_array($fieldList) && !in_array($field->getName(), $fieldList)) {
$saveMethod = "save{$field->getName()}";
if($field->getName() == "ClassName"){
$lastField = $field;
}else if( $dataObject->hasMethod( $saveMethod ) ){
$dataObject->$saveMethod( $field->dataValue());
} else if($field->getName() != "ID"){
$saveMethod = "save{$field->getName()}";
if ($field->getName() == "ClassName") {
$lastField = $field;
} elseif ($dataObject->hasMethod($saveMethod)) {
} elseif ($field->getName() !== "ID") {
if ($lastField) {
* Get the submitted data from this form through
* {@link FieldList->dataFields()}, which filters out
* any form-specific data like form-actions.
* Calls {@link FormField->dataValue()} on each field,
* which returns a value suitable for insertion into a DataObject
* property.
* @return array
* Get the submitted data from this form through
* {@link FieldList->dataFields()}, which filters out
* any form-specific data like form-actions.
* Calls {@link FormField->dataValue()} on each field,
* which returns a value suitable for insertion into a DataObject
* property.
* @return array
public function getData()
$dataFields = $this->fields->dataFields();
$data = array();
$dataFields = $this->fields->dataFields();
$data = array();
foreach($dataFields as $field) {
if($field->getName()) {
$data[$field->getName()] = $field->dataValue();
if ($dataFields) {
foreach ($dataFields as $field) {
if ($field->getName()) {
$data[$field->getName()] = $field->dataValue();
return $data;
return $data;
* Return a rendered version of this form.
* This is returned when you access a form as $FormObject rather
* than <% with FormObject %>
* @return DBHTMLText
* Return a rendered version of this form.
* This is returned when you access a form as $FormObject rather
* than <% with FormObject %>
* @return DBHTMLText
public function forTemplate()
$return = $this->renderWith($this->getTemplates());
$return = $this->renderWith($this->getTemplates());
// Now that we're rendered, clear message
// Now that we're rendered, clear message
return $return;
return $return;
* Return a rendered version of this form, suitable for ajax post-back.
* It triggers slightly different behaviour, such as disabling the rewriting
* of # links.
* @return DBHTMLText
* Return a rendered version of this form, suitable for ajax post-back.
* It triggers slightly different behaviour, such as disabling the rewriting
* of # links.
* @return DBHTMLText
public function forAjaxTemplate()
$view = new SSViewer($this->getTemplates());
$view = new SSViewer($this->getTemplates());
$return = $view->dontRewriteHashlinks()->process($this);
$return = $view->dontRewriteHashlinks()->process($this);
// Now that we're rendered, clear message
// Now that we're rendered, clear message
return $return;
return $return;
* Returns an HTML rendition of this form, without the <form> tag itself.
* Attaches 3 extra hidden files, _form_action, _form_name, _form_method,
* and _form_enctype. These are the attributes of the form. These fields
* can be used to send the form to Ajax.
* @deprecated 5.0
* @return string
* Returns an HTML rendition of this form, without the <form> tag itself.
* Attaches 3 extra hidden files, _form_action, _form_name, _form_method,
* and _form_enctype. These are the attributes of the form. These fields
* can be used to send the form to Ajax.
* @deprecated 5.0
* @return string
public function formHtmlContent()
$this->IncludeFormTag = false;
$content = $this->forTemplate();
$this->IncludeFormTag = true;
$this->IncludeFormTag = false;
$content = $this->forTemplate();
$this->IncludeFormTag = true;
$content .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_form_action\" id=\"" . $this->FormName . "_form_action\""
. " value=\"" . $this->FormAction() . "\" />\n";
$content .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_form_name\" value=\"" . $this->FormName() . "\" />\n";
$content .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_form_method\" value=\"" . $this->FormMethod() . "\" />\n";
$content .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_form_enctype\" value=\"" . $this->getEncType() . "\" />\n";
$content .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_form_action\" id=\"" . $this->FormName . "_form_action\""
. " value=\"" . $this->FormAction() . "\" />\n";
$content .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_form_name\" value=\"" . $this->FormName() . "\" />\n";
$content .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_form_method\" value=\"" . $this->FormMethod() . "\" />\n";
$content .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_form_enctype\" value=\"" . $this->getEncType() . "\" />\n";
return $content;
return $content;
* Render this form using the given template, and return the result as a string
* You can pass either an SSViewer or a template name
* @param string|array $template
* @return DBHTMLText
* Render this form using the given template, and return the result as a string
* You can pass either an SSViewer or a template name
* @param string|array $template
* @return DBHTMLText
public function renderWithoutActionButton($template)
$custom = $this->customise(array(
"Actions" => "",
$custom = $this->customise(array(
"Actions" => "",
if(is_string($template)) {
$template = new SSViewer($template);
if (is_string($template)) {
$template = new SSViewer($template);
return $template->process($custom);
return $template->process($custom);
* Sets the button that was clicked. This should only be called by the Controller.
* @param callable $funcName The name of the action method that will be called.
* @return $this
* Sets the button that was clicked. This should only be called by the Controller.
* @param callable $funcName The name of the action method that will be called.
* @return $this
public function setButtonClicked($funcName)
$this->buttonClickedFunc = $funcName;
$this->buttonClickedFunc = $funcName;
return $this;
return $this;
* @return FormAction
* @return FormAction
public function buttonClicked()
$actions = $this->getAllActions();
foreach ($actions as $action) {
if ($this->buttonClickedFunc === $action->actionName()) {
return $action;
$actions = $this->getAllActions();
foreach ($actions as $action) {
if ($this->buttonClickedFunc === $action->actionName()) {
return $action;
return null;
return null;
* Get a list of all actions, including those in the main "fields" FieldList
* @return array
* Get a list of all actions, including those in the main "fields" FieldList
* @return array
protected function getAllActions()
$fields = $this->fields->dataFields() ?: array();
$actions = $this->actions->dataFields() ?: array();
$fields = $this->fields->dataFields() ?: array();
$actions = $this->actions->dataFields() ?: array();
$fieldsAndActions = array_merge($fields, $actions);
$actions = array_filter($fieldsAndActions, function($fieldOrAction) {
return $fieldOrAction instanceof FormAction;
$fieldsAndActions = array_merge($fields, $actions);
$actions = array_filter($fieldsAndActions, function ($fieldOrAction) {
return $fieldOrAction instanceof FormAction;
return $actions;
return $actions;
* Return the default button that should be clicked when another one isn't
* available.
* @return FormAction
* Return the default button that should be clicked when another one isn't
* available.
* @return FormAction
public function defaultAction()
if($this->hasDefaultAction && $this->actions) {
return $this->actions->first();
return null;
if ($this->hasDefaultAction && $this->actions) {
return $this->actions->first();
return null;
* Disable the default button.
* Ordinarily, when a form is processed and no action_XXX button is
* available, then the first button in the actions list will be pressed.
* However, if this is "delete", for example, this isn't such a good idea.
* @return Form
* Disable the default button.
* Ordinarily, when a form is processed and no action_XXX button is
* available, then the first button in the actions list will be pressed.
* However, if this is "delete", for example, this isn't such a good idea.
* @return Form
public function disableDefaultAction()
$this->hasDefaultAction = false;
$this->hasDefaultAction = false;
return $this;
return $this;
* Disable the requirement of a security token on this form instance. This
* security protects against CSRF attacks, but you should disable this if
* you don't want to tie a form to a session - eg a search form.
* Check for token state with {@link getSecurityToken()} and
* {@link SecurityToken->isEnabled()}.
* @return Form
* Disable the requirement of a security token on this form instance. This
* security protects against CSRF attacks, but you should disable this if
* you don't want to tie a form to a session - eg a search form.
* Check for token state with {@link getSecurityToken()} and
* {@link SecurityToken->isEnabled()}.
* @return Form
public function disableSecurityToken()
$this->securityToken = new NullSecurityToken();
$this->securityToken = new NullSecurityToken();
return $this;
return $this;
* Enable {@link SecurityToken} protection for this form instance.
* Check for token state with {@link getSecurityToken()} and
* {@link SecurityToken->isEnabled()}.
* @return Form
* Enable {@link SecurityToken} protection for this form instance.
* Check for token state with {@link getSecurityToken()} and
* {@link SecurityToken->isEnabled()}.
* @return Form
public function enableSecurityToken()
$this->securityToken = new SecurityToken();
$this->securityToken = new SecurityToken();
return $this;
return $this;
* Returns the security token for this form (if any exists).
* Doesn't check for {@link securityTokenEnabled()}.
* Use {@link SecurityToken::inst()} to get a global token.
* @return SecurityToken|null
* Returns the security token for this form (if any exists).
* Doesn't check for {@link securityTokenEnabled()}.
* Use {@link SecurityToken::inst()} to get a global token.
* @return SecurityToken|null
public function getSecurityToken()
return $this->securityToken;
return $this->securityToken;
* Compiles all CSS-classes.
* @return string
* Compiles all CSS-classes.
* @return string
public function extraClass()
return implode(array_unique($this->extraClasses), ' ');
return implode(array_unique($this->extraClasses), ' ');
* Add a CSS-class to the form-container. If needed, multiple classes can
* be added by delimiting a string with spaces.
* @param string $class A string containing a classname or several class
* names delimited by a single space.
* @return $this
* Add a CSS-class to the form-container. If needed, multiple classes can
* be added by delimiting a string with spaces.
* @param string $class A string containing a classname or several class
* names delimited by a single space.
* @return $this
public function addExtraClass($class)
//split at white space
$classes = preg_split('/\s+/', $class);
foreach($classes as $class) {
//add classes one by one
$this->extraClasses[$class] = $class;
return $this;
//split at white space
$classes = preg_split('/\s+/', $class);
foreach ($classes as $class) {
//add classes one by one
$this->extraClasses[$class] = $class;
return $this;
* Remove a CSS-class from the form-container. Multiple class names can
* be passed through as a space delimited string
* @param string $class
* @return $this
* Remove a CSS-class from the form-container. Multiple class names can
* be passed through as a space delimited string
* @param string $class
* @return $this
public function removeExtraClass($class)
//split at white space
$classes = preg_split('/\s+/', $class);
foreach ($classes as $class) {
//unset one by one
return $this;
//split at white space
$classes = preg_split('/\s+/', $class);
foreach ($classes as $class) {
//unset one by one
return $this;
public function debug()
$result = "<h3>$this->class</h3><ul>";
foreach($this->fields as $field) {
$result .= "<li>$field" . $field->debug() . "</li>";
$result .= "</ul>";
$result = "<h3>$this->class</h3><ul>";
foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
$result .= "<li>$field" . $field->debug() . "</li>";
$result .= "</ul>";
if( $this->validator ) {
/** @skipUpgrade */
$result .= '<h3>' . _t('Form.VALIDATOR', 'Validator') . '</h3>' . $this->validator->debug();
if ($this->validator) {
/** @skipUpgrade */
$result .= '<h3>'._t('Form.VALIDATOR', 'Validator').'</h3>' . $this->validator->debug();
return $result;
return $result;
* Test a submission of this form.
* @param string $action
* @param array $data
* @return HTTPResponse the response object that the handling controller produces. You can interrogate this in
* your unit test.
* @throws HTTPResponse_Exception
* Test a submission of this form.
* @param string $action
* @param array $data
* @return HTTPResponse the response object that the handling controller produces. You can interrogate this in
* your unit test.
* @throws HTTPResponse_Exception
public function testSubmission($action, $data)
$data['action_' . $action] = true;
$data['action_' . $action] = true;
return Director::test($this->FormAction(), $data, Controller::curr()->getSession());
return Director::test($this->FormAction(), $data, Controller::curr()->getSession());
* Test an ajax submission of this form.
* @param string $action
* @param array $data
* @return HTTPResponse the response object that the handling controller produces. You can interrogate this in
* your unit test.
* Test an ajax submission of this form.
* @param string $action
* @param array $data
* @return HTTPResponse the response object that the handling controller produces. You can interrogate this in
* your unit test.
public function testAjaxSubmission($action, $data)
$data['ajax'] = 1;
return $this->testSubmission($action, $data);
$data['ajax'] = 1;
return $this->testSubmission($action, $data);
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ use SilverStripe\View\SSViewer;
class FormField extends RequestHandler
use FormMessage;
/** @see $schemaDataType */
@ -103,16 +104,6 @@ class FormField extends RequestHandler
protected $value;
* @var string
protected $message;
* @var string
protected $messageType;
* @var string
@ -274,8 +265,6 @@ class FormField extends RequestHandler
'HolderID' => 'Text',
'Title' => 'Text',
'RightTitle' => 'Text',
'MessageType' => 'Text',
'Message' => 'HTMLFragment',
'Description' => 'HTMLFragment',
@ -456,32 +445,6 @@ class FormField extends RequestHandler
return $this->name;
* Returns the field message, used by form validation.
* Use {@link setError()} to set this property.
* @return string
public function Message()
return $this->message;
* Returns the field message type.
* Arbitrary value which is mostly used for CSS classes in the rendered HTML, e.g "required".
* Use {@link setError()} to set this property.
* @return string
public function MessageType()
return $this->messageType;
* Returns the field value.
@ -613,8 +576,8 @@ class FormField extends RequestHandler
// e.g. red borders on input tags.
// CSS class needs to be different from the one rendered through {@link FieldHolder()}.
if ($this->Message()) {
$classes[] .= 'holder-' . $this->MessageType();
if ($this->getMessage()) {
$classes[] .= 'holder-' . $this->getMessageType();
return implode(' ', $classes);
@ -871,22 +834,13 @@ class FormField extends RequestHandler
return $form->getSecurityToken()->isEnabled();
* Sets the error message to be displayed on the form field.
* Allows HTML content, so remember to use Convert::raw2xml().
* @param string $message
* @param string $messageType
* @return $this
public function setError($message, $messageType)
public function castingHelper($field)
$this->message = $message;
$this->messageType = $messageType;
return $this;
// Override casting for field message
if (strcasecmp($field, 'Message') === 0 && ($helper = $this->getMessageCastingHelper())) {
return $helper;
return parent::castingHelper($field);
@ -1211,12 +1165,12 @@ class FormField extends RequestHandler
public function performReadonlyTransformation()
$readonlyClassName = $this->class . '_Readonly';
$readonlyClassName = static::class . '_Readonly';
if (ClassInfo::exists($readonlyClassName)) {
$clone = $this->castedCopy($readonlyClassName);
} else {
$clone = $this->castedCopy('SilverStripe\\Forms\\ReadonlyField');
$clone = $this->castedCopy(ReadonlyField::class);
@ -1606,17 +1560,10 @@ class FormField extends RequestHandler
'name' => $this->getName(),
'id' => $this->ID(),
'value' => $this->Value(),
'message' => null,
'message' => $this->getSchemaMessage(),
'data' => [],
if ($message = $this->Message()) {
$state['message'] = [
'value' => ['html' => $message],
'type' => $this->MessageType(),
return $state;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
namespace SilverStripe\Forms;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
use SilverStripe\View\ViewableData;
* Form component which contains a castable message
* @mixin ViewableData
trait FormMessage
* @var string
protected $message = '';
* @var string
protected $messageType = '';
* Casting for message
* @var string
protected $messageCast = null;
* Returns the field message, used by form validation.
* Use {@link setError()} to set this property.
* @return string
public function getMessage()
return $this->message;
* Returns the field message type.
* Arbitrary value which is mostly used for CSS classes in the rendered HTML, e.g "required".
* Use {@link setError()} to set this property.
* @return string
public function getMessageType()
return $this->messageType;
* Casting type for this message. Will be 'text' or 'html'
* @return string
public function getMessageCast()
return $this->messageCast;
* Sets the error message to be displayed on the form field.
* Allows HTML content, so remember to use Convert::raw2xml().
* @param string $message Message string
* @param string $messageType Message type
* @param string $messageCast
* @return $this
public function setMessage(
$messageType = ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR,
$messageCast = ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT
) {
if (!in_array($messageCast, [ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT, ValidationResult::CAST_HTML])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid message cast type");
$this->message = $message;
$this->messageType = $messageType;
$this->messageCast = $messageCast;
return $this;
* Get casting helper for message cast, or null if not known
* @return string
protected function getMessageCastingHelper()
switch ($this->getMessageCast()) {
case ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT:
return 'Text';
case ValidationResult::CAST_HTML:
return 'HTMLFragment';
return null;
* Get form schema encoded message
* @return array|null Message in array format, or null if no message
public function getSchemaMessage()
$message = $this->getMessage();
if (!$message) {
return null;
// Form schema messages treat simple strings as plain text, so nest for html messages
if ($this->getMessageCast() === ValidationResult::CAST_HTML) {
$message = ['html' => $message];
return [
'value' => $message,
'type' => $this->getMessageType(),
@ -24,101 +24,101 @@ use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException;
class GridFieldDeleteAction implements GridField_ColumnProvider, GridField_ActionProvider
* If this is set to true, this {@link GridField_ActionProvider} will
* remove the object from the list, instead of deleting.
* In the case of a has one, has many or many many list it will uncouple
* the item from the list.
* @var boolean
protected $removeRelation = false;
* If this is set to true, this {@link GridField_ActionProvider} will
* remove the object from the list, instead of deleting.
* In the case of a has one, has many or many many list it will uncouple
* the item from the list.
* @var boolean
protected $removeRelation = false;
* @param boolean $removeRelation - true if removing the item from the list, but not deleting it
* @param boolean $removeRelation - true if removing the item from the list, but not deleting it
public function __construct($removeRelation = false)
$this->removeRelation = $removeRelation;
$this->removeRelation = $removeRelation;
* Add a column 'Delete'
* @param GridField $gridField
* @param array $columns
* Add a column 'Delete'
* @param GridField $gridField
* @param array $columns
public function augmentColumns($gridField, &$columns)
if(!in_array('Actions', $columns)) {
$columns[] = 'Actions';
if (!in_array('Actions', $columns)) {
$columns[] = 'Actions';
* Return any special attributes that will be used for FormField::create_tag()
* @param GridField $gridField
* @param DataObject $record
* @param string $columnName
* @return array
* Return any special attributes that will be used for FormField::create_tag()
* @param GridField $gridField
* @param DataObject $record
* @param string $columnName
* @return array
public function getColumnAttributes($gridField, $record, $columnName)
return array('class' => 'grid-field__col-compact');
return array('class' => 'grid-field__col-compact');
* Add the title
* @param GridField $gridField
* @param string $columnName
* @return array
* Add the title
* @param GridField $gridField
* @param string $columnName
* @return array
public function getColumnMetadata($gridField, $columnName)
if($columnName == 'Actions') {
return array('title' => '');
if ($columnName == 'Actions') {
return array('title' => '');
* Which columns are handled by this component
* @param GridField $gridField
* @return array
* Which columns are handled by this component
* @param GridField $gridField
* @return array
public function getColumnsHandled($gridField)
return array('Actions');
return array('Actions');
* Which GridField actions are this component handling
* @param GridField $gridField
* @return array
* Which GridField actions are this component handling
* @param GridField $gridField
* @return array
public function getActions($gridField)
return array('deleterecord', 'unlinkrelation');
return array('deleterecord', 'unlinkrelation');
* @param GridField $gridField
* @param DataObject $record
* @param string $columnName
* @return string the HTML for the column
* @param GridField $gridField
* @param DataObject $record
* @param string $columnName
* @return string the HTML for the column
public function getColumnContent($gridField, $record, $columnName)
if($this->removeRelation) {
if(!$record->canEdit()) {
return null;
if ($this->removeRelation) {
if (!$record->canEdit()) {
return null;
$field = GridField_FormAction::create(
@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ class GridFieldDeleteAction implements GridField_ColumnProvider, GridField_Actio
array('RecordID' => $record->ID)
->addExtraClass('btn btn--no-text btn--icon-md font-icon-link-broken grid-field__icon-action gridfield-button-unlink')
->setAttribute('title', _t('GridAction.UnlinkRelation', "Unlink"));
} else {
if(!$record->canDelete()) {
return null;
->addExtraClass('btn btn--no-text btn--icon-md font-icon-link-broken grid-field__icon-action gridfield-button-unlink')
->setAttribute('title', _t('GridAction.UnlinkRelation', "Unlink"));
} else {
if (!$record->canDelete()) {
return null;
$field = GridField_FormAction::create(
@ -141,46 +141,48 @@ class GridFieldDeleteAction implements GridField_ColumnProvider, GridField_Actio
array('RecordID' => $record->ID)
->addExtraClass('gridfield-button-delete btn--icon-md font-icon-trash-bin btn--no-text grid-field__icon-action')
->setAttribute('title', _t('GridAction.Delete', "Delete"))
return $field->Field();
->addExtraClass('gridfield-button-delete btn--icon-md font-icon-trash-bin btn--no-text grid-field__icon-action')
->setAttribute('title', _t('GridAction.Delete', "Delete"))
->setDescription(_t('GridAction.DELETE_DESCRIPTION', 'Delete'));
return $field->Field();
* Handle the actions and apply any changes to the GridField
* @param GridField $gridField
* @param string $actionName
* @param mixed $arguments
* @param array $data - form data
* @throws ValidationException
* Handle the actions and apply any changes to the GridField
* @param GridField $gridField
* @param string $actionName
* @param mixed $arguments
* @param array $data - form data
* @throws ValidationException
public function handleAction(GridField $gridField, $actionName, $arguments, $data)
if($actionName == 'deleterecord' || $actionName == 'unlinkrelation') {
/** @var DataObject $item */
$item = $gridField->getList()->byID($arguments['RecordID']);
if(!$item) {
if ($actionName == 'deleterecord' || $actionName == 'unlinkrelation') {
/** @var DataObject $item */
$item = $gridField->getList()->byID($arguments['RecordID']);
if (!$item) {
if($actionName == 'deleterecord') {
if(!$item->canDelete()) {
throw new ValidationException(
_t('GridFieldAction_Delete.DeletePermissionsFailure',"No delete permissions"));
if ($actionName == 'deleterecord') {
if (!$item->canDelete()) {
throw new ValidationException(
_t('GridFieldAction_Delete.DeletePermissionsFailure', "No delete permissions")
} else {
if(!$item->canEdit()) {
throw new ValidationException(
_t('GridFieldAction_Delete.EditPermissionsFailure',"No permission to unlink record"));
} else {
if (!$item->canEdit()) {
throw new ValidationException(
_t('GridFieldAction_Delete.EditPermissionsFailure', "No permission to unlink record")
@ -4,11 +4,9 @@ namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField;
use SilverStripe\Admin\LeftAndMain;
use SilverStripe\Control\Controller;
use SilverStripe\Control\PjaxResponseNegotiator;
use SilverStripe\Control\RequestHandler;
use SilverStripe\Control\HTTPRequest;
use SilverStripe\Control\HTTPResponse;
use SilverStripe\Control\HTTPResponse_Exception;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FieldList;
use SilverStripe\Forms\Form;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FormAction;
@ -20,626 +18,592 @@ use SilverStripe\ORM\HasManyList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ManyManyList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\SS_List;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
use SilverStripe\View\ArrayData;
use SilverStripe\View\SSViewer;
class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest extends RequestHandler
private static $allowed_actions = array(
private static $allowed_actions = array(
* @var GridField
protected $gridField;
* @var GridField
protected $gridField;
* @var GridFieldDetailForm
protected $component;
* @var GridFieldDetailForm
protected $component;
* @var DataObject
protected $record;
* @var DataObject
protected $record;
* This represents the current parent RequestHandler (which does not necessarily need to be a Controller).
* It allows us to traverse the RequestHandler chain upwards to reach the Controller stack.
* @var RequestHandler
protected $popupController;
* This represents the current parent RequestHandler (which does not necessarily need to be a Controller).
* It allows us to traverse the RequestHandler chain upwards to reach the Controller stack.
* @var RequestHandler
protected $popupController;
* @var string
protected $popupFormName;
* @var string
protected $popupFormName;
* @var String
protected $template = null;
* @var String
protected $template = null;
private static $url_handlers = array(
'$Action!' => '$Action',
'' => 'edit',
private static $url_handlers = array(
'$Action!' => '$Action',
'' => 'edit',
* @param GridField $gridField
* @param GridFieldDetailForm $component
* @param DataObject $record
* @param RequestHandler $requestHandler
* @param string $popupFormName
public function __construct($gridField, $component, $record, $requestHandler, $popupFormName)
$this->gridField = $gridField;
$this->component = $component;
$this->record = $record;
$this->popupController = $requestHandler;
$this->popupFormName = $popupFormName;
* @param GridField $gridField
* @param GridFieldDetailForm $component
* @param DataObject $record
* @param RequestHandler $requestHandler
* @param string $popupFormName
public function __construct($gridField, $component, $record, $requestHandler, $popupFormName)
$this->gridField = $gridField;
$this->component = $component;
$this->record = $record;
$this->popupController = $requestHandler;
$this->popupFormName = $popupFormName;
public function Link($action = null)
public function Link($action = null)
return Controller::join_links(
$this->record->ID ? $this->record->ID : 'new',
* @param HTTPRequest $request
* @return mixed
public function view($request)
if (!$this->record->canView()) {
* @param HTTPRequest $request
* @return mixed
public function view($request)
if (!$this->record->canView()) {
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$form = $this->ItemEditForm();
$form = $this->ItemEditForm();
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Backlink' => $controller->Link(),
'ItemEditForm' => $form
$return = $data->renderWith($this->getTemplates());
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Backlink' => $controller->Link(),
'ItemEditForm' => $form
$return = $data->renderWith($this->getTemplates());
if ($request->isAjax()) {
return $return;
} else {
return $controller->customise(array('Content' => $return));
if ($request->isAjax()) {
return $return;
} else {
return $controller->customise(array('Content' => $return));
* @param HTTPRequest $request
* @return mixed
public function edit($request)
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$form = $this->ItemEditForm();
* @param HTTPRequest $request
* @return mixed
public function edit($request)
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$form = $this->ItemEditForm();
$return = $this->customise(array(
'Backlink' => $controller->hasMethod('Backlink') ? $controller->Backlink() : $controller->Link(),
'ItemEditForm' => $form,
$return = $this->customise(array(
'Backlink' => $controller->hasMethod('Backlink') ? $controller->Backlink() : $controller->Link(),
'ItemEditForm' => $form,
if ($request->isAjax()) {
return $return;
} else {
// If not requested by ajax, we need to render it within the controller context+template
return $controller->customise(array(
// TODO CMS coupling
'Content' => $return,
if ($request->isAjax()) {
return $return;
} else {
// If not requested by ajax, we need to render it within the controller context+template
return $controller->customise(array(
// TODO CMS coupling
'Content' => $return,
* Builds an item edit form. The arguments to getCMSFields() are the popupController and
* popupFormName, however this is an experimental API and may change.
* @todo In the future, we will probably need to come up with a tigher object representing a partially
* complete controller with gaps for extra functionality. This, for example, would be a better way
* of letting Security/login put its log-in form inside a UI specified elsewhere.
* @return Form
public function ItemEditForm()
$list = $this->gridField->getList();
* Builds an item edit form. The arguments to getCMSFields() are the popupController and
* popupFormName, however this is an experimental API and may change.
* @todo In the future, we will probably need to come up with a tigher object representing a partially
* complete controller with gaps for extra functionality. This, for example, would be a better way
* of letting Security/login put its log-in form inside a UI specified elsewhere.
* @return Form
public function ItemEditForm()
$list = $this->gridField->getList();
if (empty($this->record)) {
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$url = $controller->getRequest()->getURL();
$noActionURL = $controller->removeAction($url);
$controller->getResponse()->removeHeader('Location'); //clear the existing redirect
return $controller->redirect($noActionURL, 302);
if (empty($this->record)) {
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$url = $controller->getRequest()->getURL();
$noActionURL = $controller->removeAction($url);
$controller->getResponse()->removeHeader('Location'); //clear the existing redirect
return $controller->redirect($noActionURL, 302);
$canView = $this->record->canView();
$canEdit = $this->record->canEdit();
$canDelete = $this->record->canDelete();
$canCreate = $this->record->canCreate();
$canView = $this->record->canView();
$canEdit = $this->record->canEdit();
$canDelete = $this->record->canDelete();
$canCreate = $this->record->canCreate();
if (!$canView) {
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
// TODO More friendly error
return $controller->httpError(403);
if (!$canView) {
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
// TODO More friendly error
return $controller->httpError(403);
// Build actions
$actions = $this->getFormActions();
// Build actions
$actions = $this->getFormActions();
// If we are creating a new record in a has-many list, then
// pre-populate the record's foreign key.
if ($list instanceof HasManyList && !$this->record->isInDB()) {
$key = $list->getForeignKey();
$id = $list->getForeignID();
$this->record->$key = $id;
// If we are creating a new record in a has-many list, then
// pre-populate the record's foreign key.
if ($list instanceof HasManyList && !$this->record->isInDB()) {
$key = $list->getForeignKey();
$id = $list->getForeignID();
$this->record->$key = $id;
$fields = $this->component->getFields();
if (!$fields) {
$fields = $this->record->getCMSFields();
$fields = $this->component->getFields();
if (!$fields) {
$fields = $this->record->getCMSFields();
// If we are creating a new record in a has-many list, then
// Disable the form field as it has no effect.
if ($list instanceof HasManyList) {
$key = $list->getForeignKey();
// If we are creating a new record in a has-many list, then
// Disable the form field as it has no effect.
if ($list instanceof HasManyList) {
$key = $list->getForeignKey();
if ($field = $fields->dataFieldByName($key)) {
if ($field = $fields->dataFieldByName($key)) {
// Caution: API violation. Form expects a Controller, but we are giving it a RequestHandler instead.
// Thanks to this however, we are able to nest GridFields, and also access the initial Controller by
// dereferencing GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest->getController() multiple times. See getToplevelController
// below.
$form = new Form(
// Caution: API violation. Form expects a Controller, but we are giving it a RequestHandler instead.
// Thanks to this however, we are able to nest GridFields, and also access the initial Controller by
// dereferencing GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest->getController() multiple times. See getToplevelController
// below.
$form = new Form(
$form->loadDataFrom($this->record, $this->record->ID == 0 ? Form::MERGE_IGNORE_FALSEISH : Form::MERGE_DEFAULT);
$form->loadDataFrom($this->record, $this->record->ID == 0 ? Form::MERGE_IGNORE_FALSEISH : Form::MERGE_DEFAULT);
if ($this->record->ID && !$canEdit) {
// Restrict editing of existing records
// Hack to re-enable delete button if user can delete
if ($canDelete) {
} elseif (!$this->record->ID && !$canCreate) {
// Restrict creation of new records
if ($this->record->ID && !$canEdit) {
// Restrict editing of existing records
// Hack to re-enable delete button if user can delete
if ($canDelete) {
} elseif (!$this->record->ID && !$canCreate) {
// Restrict creation of new records
// Load many_many extraData for record.
// Fields with the correct 'ManyMany' namespace need to be added manually through getCMSFields().
if ($list instanceof ManyManyList) {
$extraData = $list->getExtraData('', $this->record->ID);
$form->loadDataFrom(array('ManyMany' => $extraData));
// Load many_many extraData for record.
// Fields with the correct 'ManyMany' namespace need to be added manually through getCMSFields().
if ($list instanceof ManyManyList) {
$extraData = $list->getExtraData('', $this->record->ID);
$form->loadDataFrom(array('ManyMany' => $extraData));
// TODO Coupling with CMS
$toplevelController = $this->getToplevelController();
if ($toplevelController && $toplevelController instanceof LeftAndMain) {
// Always show with base template (full width, no other panels),
// regardless of overloaded CMS controller templates.
// TODO Allow customization, e.g. to display an edit form alongside a search form from the CMS controller
'type' => 'Includes',
$form->addExtraClass('cms-content cms-edit-form center fill-height flexbox-area-grow');
$form->setAttribute('data-pjax-fragment', 'CurrentForm Content');
if ($form->Fields()->hasTabSet()) {
// TODO Coupling with CMS
$toplevelController = $this->getToplevelController();
if ($toplevelController && $toplevelController instanceof LeftAndMain) {
// Always show with base template (full width, no other panels),
// regardless of overloaded CMS controller templates.
// TODO Allow customization, e.g. to display an edit form alongside a search form from the CMS controller
'type' => 'Includes',
$form->addExtraClass('cms-content cms-edit-form center fill-height flexbox-area-grow');
$form->setAttribute('data-pjax-fragment', 'CurrentForm Content');
if ($form->Fields()->hasTabSet()) {
$form->Backlink = $this->getBackLink();
$form->Backlink = $this->getBackLink();
$cb = $this->component->getItemEditFormCallback();
if ($cb) {
$cb($form, $this);
$this->extend("updateItemEditForm", $form);
return $form;
$cb = $this->component->getItemEditFormCallback();
if ($cb) {
$cb($form, $this);
$this->extend("updateItemEditForm", $form);
return $form;
* Build the set of form field actions for this DataObject
* @return FieldList
protected function getFormActions()
$canEdit = $this->record->canEdit();
$canDelete = $this->record->canDelete();
$actions = new FieldList();
if ($this->record->ID !== 0) {
if ($canEdit) {
$actions->push(FormAction::create('doSave', _t('GridFieldDetailForm.Save', 'Save'))
->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept'));
* Build the set of form field actions for this DataObject
* @return FieldList
protected function getFormActions()
$canEdit = $this->record->canEdit();
$canDelete = $this->record->canDelete();
$actions = new FieldList();
if ($this->record->ID !== 0) {
if ($canEdit) {
$actions->push(FormAction::create('doSave', _t('GridFieldDetailForm.Save', 'Save'))
->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept'));
if ($canDelete) {
$actions->push(FormAction::create('doDelete', _t('GridFieldDetailForm.Delete', 'Delete'))
->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-destructive action-delete'));
} else { // adding new record
//Change the Save label to 'Create'
$actions->push(FormAction::create('doSave', _t('GridFieldDetailForm.Create', 'Create'))
->setAttribute('data-icon', 'add'));
if ($canDelete) {
$actions->push(FormAction::create('doDelete', _t('GridFieldDetailForm.Delete', 'Delete'))
->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-destructive action-delete'));
} else { // adding new record
//Change the Save label to 'Create'
$actions->push(FormAction::create('doSave', _t('GridFieldDetailForm.Create', 'Create'))
->setAttribute('data-icon', 'add'));
// Add a Cancel link which is a button-like link and link back to one level up.
$crumbs = $this->Breadcrumbs();
if ($crumbs && $crumbs->count() >= 2) {
$oneLevelUp = $crumbs->offsetGet($crumbs->count() - 2);
$text = sprintf(
"<a class=\"%s\" href=\"%s\">%s</a>",
"crumb ss-ui-button ss-ui-action-destructive cms-panel-link ui-corner-all", // CSS classes
$oneLevelUp->Link, // url
_t('GridFieldDetailForm.CancelBtn', 'Cancel') // label
$actions->push(new LiteralField('cancelbutton', $text));
$this->extend('updateFormActions', $actions);
return $actions;
// Add a Cancel link which is a button-like link and link back to one level up.
$crumbs = $this->Breadcrumbs();
if ($crumbs && $crumbs->count() >= 2) {
$oneLevelUp = $crumbs->offsetGet($crumbs->count() - 2);
$text = sprintf(
"<a class=\"%s\" href=\"%s\">%s</a>",
"crumb ss-ui-button ss-ui-action-destructive cms-panel-link ui-corner-all", // CSS classes
$oneLevelUp->Link, // url
_t('GridFieldDetailForm.CancelBtn', 'Cancel') // label
$actions->push(new LiteralField('cancelbutton', $text));
$this->extend('updateFormActions', $actions);
return $actions;
* Traverse the nested RequestHandlers until we reach something that's not GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest.
* This allows us to access the Controller responsible for invoking the top-level GridField.
* This should be equivalent to getting the controller off the top of the controller stack via Controller::curr(),
* but allows us to avoid accessing the global state.
* GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequests are RequestHandlers, and as such they are not part of the controller stack.
* @return Controller
protected function getToplevelController()
$c = $this->popupController;
while ($c && $c instanceof GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest) {
$c = $c->getController();
return $c;
* Traverse the nested RequestHandlers until we reach something that's not GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest.
* This allows us to access the Controller responsible for invoking the top-level GridField.
* This should be equivalent to getting the controller off the top of the controller stack via Controller::curr(),
* but allows us to avoid accessing the global state.
* GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequests are RequestHandlers, and as such they are not part of the controller stack.
* @return Controller
protected function getToplevelController()
$c = $this->popupController;
while ($c && $c instanceof GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest) {
$c = $c->getController();
return $c;
protected function getBackLink()
// TODO Coupling with CMS
$backlink = '';
$toplevelController = $this->getToplevelController();
if ($toplevelController && $toplevelController instanceof LeftAndMain) {
if ($toplevelController->hasMethod('Backlink')) {
$backlink = $toplevelController->Backlink();
} elseif ($this->popupController->hasMethod('Breadcrumbs')) {
$parents = $this->popupController->Breadcrumbs(false)->items;
$backlink = array_pop($parents)->Link;
if (!$backlink) {
$backlink = $toplevelController->Link();
protected function getBackLink()
// TODO Coupling with CMS
$backlink = '';
$toplevelController = $this->getToplevelController();
if ($toplevelController && $toplevelController instanceof LeftAndMain) {
if ($toplevelController->hasMethod('Backlink')) {
$backlink = $toplevelController->Backlink();
} elseif ($this->popupController->hasMethod('Breadcrumbs')) {
$parents = $this->popupController->Breadcrumbs(false)->items;
$backlink = array_pop($parents)->Link;
if (!$backlink) {
$backlink = $toplevelController->Link();
return $backlink;
return $backlink;
* Get the list of extra data from the $record as saved into it by
* {@see Form::saveInto()}
* Handles detection of falsey values explicitly saved into the
* DataObject by formfields
* @param DataObject $record
* @param SS_List $list
* @return array List of data to write to the relation
protected function getExtraSavedData($record, $list)
// Skip extra data if not ManyManyList
if (!($list instanceof ManyManyList)) {
return null;
* Get the list of extra data from the $record as saved into it by
* {@see Form::saveInto()}
* Handles detection of falsey values explicitly saved into the
* DataObject by formfields
* @param DataObject $record
* @param SS_List $list
* @return array List of data to write to the relation
protected function getExtraSavedData($record, $list)
// Skip extra data if not ManyManyList
if (!($list instanceof ManyManyList)) {
return null;
$data = array();
foreach ($list->getExtraFields() as $field => $dbSpec) {
$savedField = "ManyMany[{$field}]";
if ($record->hasField($savedField)) {
$data[$field] = $record->getField($savedField);
return $data;
$data = array();
foreach ($list->getExtraFields() as $field => $dbSpec) {
$savedField = "ManyMany[{$field}]";
if ($record->hasField($savedField)) {
$data[$field] = $record->getField($savedField);
return $data;
public function doSave($data, $form)
$isNewRecord = $this->record->ID == 0;
public function doSave($data, $form)
$isNewRecord = $this->record->ID == 0;
// Check permission
if (!$this->record->canEdit()) {
return $this->httpError(403);
// Check permission
if (!$this->record->canEdit()) {
return $this->httpError(403);
// Save from form data
try {
$this->saveFormIntoRecord($data, $form);
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
return $this->generateValidationResponse($form, $e);
// Save from form data
$this->saveFormIntoRecord($data, $form);
$link = '<a href="' . $this->Link('edit') . '">"'
. htmlspecialchars($this->record->Title, ENT_QUOTES)
. '"</a>';
$message = _t(
'Saved {name} {link}',
'name' => $this->record->i18n_singular_name(),
'link' => $link
$link = '<a href="' . $this->Link('edit') . '">"'
. htmlspecialchars($this->record->Title, ENT_QUOTES)
. '"</a>';
$message = _t(
'Saved {name} {link}',
'name' => $this->record->i18n_singular_name(),
'link' => $link
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'good', false);
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'good', ValidationResult::CAST_HTML);
// Redirect after save
return $this->redirectAfterSave($isNewRecord);
// Redirect after save
return $this->redirectAfterSave($isNewRecord);
* Response object for this request after a successful save
* @param bool $isNewRecord True if this record was just created
* @return HTTPResponse|DBHTMLText
protected function redirectAfterSave($isNewRecord)
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
if ($isNewRecord) {
return $controller->redirect($this->Link());
} elseif ($this->gridField->getList()->byID($this->record->ID)) {
// Return new view, as we can't do a "virtual redirect" via the CMS Ajax
// to the same URL (it assumes that its content is already current, and doesn't reload)
return $this->edit($controller->getRequest());
} else {
// Changes to the record properties might've excluded the record from
// a filtered list, so return back to the main view if it can't be found
$url = $controller->getRequest()->getURL();
$noActionURL = $controller->removeAction($url);
$controller->getRequest()->addHeader('X-Pjax', 'Content');
return $controller->redirect($noActionURL, 302);
* Response object for this request after a successful save
* @param bool $isNewRecord True if this record was just created
* @return HTTPResponse|DBHTMLText
protected function redirectAfterSave($isNewRecord)
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
if ($isNewRecord) {
return $controller->redirect($this->Link());
} elseif ($this->gridField->getList()->byID($this->record->ID)) {
// Return new view, as we can't do a "virtual redirect" via the CMS Ajax
// to the same URL (it assumes that its content is already current, and doesn't reload)
return $this->edit($controller->getRequest());
} else {
// Changes to the record properties might've excluded the record from
// a filtered list, so return back to the main view if it can't be found
$url = $controller->getRequest()->getURL();
$noActionURL = $controller->removeAction($url);
$controller->getRequest()->addHeader('X-Pjax', 'Content');
return $controller->redirect($noActionURL, 302);
public function httpError($errorCode, $errorMessage = null)
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
return $controller->httpError($errorCode, $errorMessage);
public function httpError($errorCode, $errorMessage = null)
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
return $controller->httpError($errorCode, $errorMessage);
* Loads the given form data into the underlying dataobject and relation
* @param array $data
* @param Form $form
* @throws ValidationException On error
* @return DataObject Saved record
protected function saveFormIntoRecord($data, $form)
$list = $this->gridField->getList();
* Loads the given form data into the underlying dataobject and relation
* @param array $data
* @param Form $form
* @throws ValidationException On error
* @return DataObject Saved record
protected function saveFormIntoRecord($data, $form)
$list = $this->gridField->getList();
// Check object matches the correct classname
if (isset($data['ClassName']) && $data['ClassName'] != $this->record->ClassName) {
$newClassName = $data['ClassName'];
// The records originally saved attribute was overwritten by $form->saveInto($record) before.
// This is necessary for newClassInstance() to work as expected, and trigger change detection
// on the ClassName attribute
// Replace $record with a new instance
$this->record = $this->record->newClassInstance($newClassName);
// Check object matches the correct classname
if (isset($data['ClassName']) && $data['ClassName'] != $this->record->ClassName) {
$newClassName = $data['ClassName'];
// The records originally saved attribute was overwritten by $form->saveInto($record) before.
// This is necessary for newClassInstance() to work as expected, and trigger change detection
// on the ClassName attribute
// Replace $record with a new instance
$this->record = $this->record->newClassInstance($newClassName);
// Save form and any extra saved data into this dataobject
$extraData = $this->getExtraSavedData($this->record, $list);
$list->add($this->record, $extraData);
// Save form and any extra saved data into this dataobject
$extraData = $this->getExtraSavedData($this->record, $list);
$list->add($this->record, $extraData);
return $this->record;
return $this->record;
* Generate a response object for a form validation error
* @param Form $form The source form
* @param ValidationException $e The validation error message
* @return HTTPResponse
* @throws HTTPResponse_Exception
protected function generateValidationResponse($form, $e)
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
* @param array $data
* @param Form $form
* @return HTTPResponse
* @throws ValidationException
public function doDelete($data, $form)
$title = $this->record->Title;
if (!$this->record->canDelete()) {
throw new ValidationException(
_t('GridFieldDetailForm.DeletePermissionsFailure', "No delete permissions")
$form->sessionMessage($e->getResult()->message(), 'bad', false);
$responseNegotiator = new PjaxResponseNegotiator(array(
'CurrentForm' => function () use (&$form) {
return $form->forTemplate();
'default' => function () use (&$controller) {
return $controller->redirectBack();
if ($controller->getRequest()->isAjax()) {
$controller->getRequest()->addHeader('X-Pjax', 'CurrentForm');
return $responseNegotiator->respond($controller->getRequest());
$message = sprintf(
_t('GridFieldDetailForm.Deleted', 'Deleted %s %s'),
htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES)
* @param array $data
* @param Form $form
* @return HTTPResponse
public function doDelete($data, $form)
$title = $this->record->Title;
try {
if (!$this->record->canDelete()) {
throw new ValidationException(
_t('GridFieldDetailForm.DeletePermissionsFailure',"No delete permissions"));
$toplevelController = $this->getToplevelController();
if ($toplevelController && $toplevelController instanceof LeftAndMain) {
$backForm = $toplevelController->getEditForm();
$backForm->sessionMessage($message, 'good', ValidationResult::CAST_HTML);
} else {
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'good', ValidationResult::CAST_HTML);
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
$form->sessionMessage($e->getResult()->message(), 'bad', false);
return $this->getToplevelController()->redirectBack();
//when an item is deleted, redirect to the parent controller
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$controller->getRequest()->addHeader('X-Pjax', 'Content'); // Force a content refresh
$message = sprintf(
_t('GridFieldDetailForm.Deleted', 'Deleted %s %s'),
htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES)
return $controller->redirect($this->getBackLink(), 302); //redirect back to admin section
$toplevelController = $this->getToplevelController();
if ($toplevelController && $toplevelController instanceof LeftAndMain) {
$backForm = $toplevelController->getEditForm();
$backForm->sessionMessage($message, 'good', false);
} else {
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'good', false);
* @param string $template
* @return $this
public function setTemplate($template)
$this->template = $template;
return $this;
//when an item is deleted, redirect to the parent controller
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$controller->getRequest()->addHeader('X-Pjax', 'Content'); // Force a content refresh
* @return string
public function getTemplate()
return $this->template;
return $controller->redirect($this->getBackLink(), 302); //redirect back to admin section
* Get list of templates to use
* @return array
public function getTemplates()
$templates = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class($this, '', __CLASS__);
// Prefer any custom template
if ($this->getTemplate()) {
array_unshift($templates, $this->getTemplate());
return $templates;
* @param string $template
* @return $this
public function setTemplate($template)
$this->template = $template;
return $this;
* @return Controller
public function getController()
return $this->popupController;
* @return string
public function getTemplate()
return $this->template;
* @return GridField
public function getGridField()
return $this->gridField;
* Get list of templates to use
* @return array
public function getTemplates()
$templates = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class($this, '', __CLASS__);
// Prefer any custom template
if($this->getTemplate()) {
array_unshift($templates, $this->getTemplate());
return $templates;
* @return DataObject
public function getRecord()
return $this->record;
* @return Controller
public function getController()
return $this->popupController;
* CMS-specific functionality: Passes through navigation breadcrumbs
* to the template, and includes the currently edited record (if any).
* see {@link LeftAndMain->Breadcrumbs()} for details.
* @param boolean $unlinked
* @return ArrayList
public function Breadcrumbs($unlinked = false)
if (!$this->popupController->hasMethod('Breadcrumbs')) {
return null;
* @return GridField
public function getGridField()
return $this->gridField;
/** @var ArrayList $items */
$items = $this->popupController->Breadcrumbs($unlinked);
if ($this->record && $this->record->ID) {
$title = ($this->record->Title) ? $this->record->Title : "#{$this->record->ID}";
$items->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => $title,
'Link' => $this->Link()
} else {
$items->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => sprintf(_t('GridField.NewRecord', 'New %s'), $this->record->i18n_singular_name()),
'Link' => false
* @return DataObject
public function getRecord()
return $this->record;
* CMS-specific functionality: Passes through navigation breadcrumbs
* to the template, and includes the currently edited record (if any).
* see {@link LeftAndMain->Breadcrumbs()} for details.
* @param boolean $unlinked
* @return ArrayList
public function Breadcrumbs($unlinked = false)
if (!$this->popupController->hasMethod('Breadcrumbs')) {
return null;
/** @var ArrayList $items */
$items = $this->popupController->Breadcrumbs($unlinked);
if ($this->record && $this->record->ID) {
$title = ($this->record->Title) ? $this->record->Title : "#{$this->record->ID}";
$items->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => $title,
'Link' => $this->Link()
} else {
$items->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => sprintf(_t('GridField.NewRecord', 'New %s'), $this->record->i18n_singular_name()),
'Link' => false
return $items;
return $items;
@ -15,8 +15,12 @@ use SilverStripe\ORM\ArrayLib;
class RequiredFields extends Validator
* List of required fields
* @var array
protected $required;
protected $useLabels = true;
* Pass each field to be validated as a seperate argument to the constructor
@ -84,56 +88,58 @@ class RequiredFields extends Validator
$valid = ($field->validate($this) && $valid);
if ($this->required) {
foreach ($this->required as $fieldName) {
if (!$fieldName) {
if (!$this->required) {
return $valid;
if ($fieldName instanceof FormField) {
$formField = $fieldName;
$fieldName = $fieldName->getName();
foreach ($this->required as $fieldName) {
if (!$fieldName) {
if ($fieldName instanceof FormField) {
$formField = $fieldName;
$fieldName = $fieldName->getName();
} else {
$formField = $fields->dataFieldByName($fieldName);
// submitted data for file upload fields come back as an array
$value = isset($data[$fieldName]) ? $data[$fieldName] : null;
if (is_array($value)) {
if ($formField instanceof FileField && isset($value['error']) && $value['error']) {
$error = true;
} else {
$formField = $fields->dataFieldByName($fieldName);
$error = (count($value)) ? false : true;
} else {
// assume a string or integer
$error = (strlen($value)) ? false : true;
// submitted data for file upload fields come back as an array
$value = isset($data[$fieldName]) ? $data[$fieldName] : null;
if (is_array($value)) {
if ($formField instanceof FileField && isset($value['error']) && $value['error']) {
$error = true;
} else {
$error = (count($value)) ? false : true;
} else {
// assume a string or integer
$error = (strlen($value)) ? false : true;
if ($formField && $error) {
$errorMessage = _t(
'{name} is required',
'name' => strip_tags(
'"' . ($formField->Title() ? $formField->Title() : $fieldName) . '"'
if ($formField && $error) {
$errorMessage = _t(
'{name} is required',
'name' => strip_tags(
'"' . ($formField->Title() ? $formField->Title() : $fieldName) . '"'
if ($msg = $formField->getCustomValidationMessage()) {
$errorMessage = $msg;
$valid = false;
if ($msg = $formField->getCustomValidationMessage()) {
$errorMessage = $msg;
$valid = false;
@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
namespace SilverStripe\Forms\Schema;
use SilverStripe\Control\Session;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use SilverStripe\Control\HTTPRequest;
use SilverStripe\Forms\CompositeField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\Form;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FormField;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
* Represents a {@link Form} as structured data which allows a frontend library to render it.
@ -14,6 +16,69 @@ use SilverStripe\Forms\FormField;
class FormSchema
* Request the schema part
const PART_SCHEMA = 'schema';
* Request the state part
const PART_STATE = 'state';
* Request the errors from a {@see ValidationResult}
const PART_ERRORS = 'errors';
* Request errors if invalid, or state if valid
const PART_AUTO = 'auto';
* Returns a representation of the provided {@link Form} as structured data,
* based on the request data.
* @param array|string $schemaParts Array or list of requested parts.
* @param string $schemaID ID for this schema. Required.
* @param Form $form Required for 'state' or 'schema' response
* @param ValidationResult $result Required for 'error' response
* @return array
public function getMultipartSchema($schemaParts, $schemaID, Form $form = null, ValidationResult $result = null)
if (!is_array($schemaParts)) {
$schemaParts = preg_split('#\s*,\s*#', $schemaParts) ?: [];
$wantSchema = in_array('schema', $schemaParts);
$wantState = in_array('state', $schemaParts);
$wantErrors = in_array('errors', $schemaParts);
$auto = in_array('auto', $schemaParts);
// Require ID
if (empty($schemaID)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("schemaID is required");
$return = ['id' => $schemaID];
// Default to schema if not set
if ($form && ($wantSchema || empty($schemaParts))) {
$return['schema'] = $this->getSchema($form);
// Return 'state' if requested, or if there are errors and 'auto'
if ($form && ($wantState || ($auto && !$result))) {
$return['state'] = $this->getState($form);
// Return errors if 'errors' or 'auto'
if ($result && ($wantErrors || $auto)) {
$return['errors'] = $this->getErrors($result);
return $return;
* Gets the schema for this form as a nested array.
@ -55,18 +120,9 @@ class FormSchema
public function getState(Form $form)
// Ensure that session errors are populated within form field messages
// @todo - Replace with ValidationResult handling
// Currently tri-state; null (unsubmitted), true (submitted-valid), false (submitted-invalid)
$errors = Session::get("FormInfo.{$form->FormName()}.errors");
$valid = isset($errors) ? empty($errors) : null;
$state = [
'id' => $form->FormName(),
'fields' => [],
'valid' => $valid,
'messages' => [],
@ -76,17 +132,46 @@ class FormSchema
if ($message = $form->Message()) {
$state['messages'][] = [
// TODO Make form / field messages not always stored as html
'value' => ['html' => $message],
'type' => $form->MessageType(),
if ($message = $form->getSchemaMessage()) {
$state['messages'][] = $message;
return $state;
* @param ValidationResult $result
* @return array List of errors
public function getErrors(ValidationResult $result)
$messages = [];
foreach ($result->getMessages() as $message) {
$messages[] = $this->getSchemaForMessage($message);
return $messages;
* Return form schema for encoded validation message
* @param array $message Internal ValidationResult format for this message
* @return array Form schema format for this message
protected function getSchemaForMessage($message)
// Form schema messages treat simple strings as plain text, so nest for html messages
$value = $message['message'];
if ($message['messageCast'] === ValidationResult::CAST_HTML) {
$value = ['html' => $message];
return [
'value' => $value,
'type' => $message['messageType'],
'field' => empty($message['fieldName']) ? null : $message['fieldName'],
protected function getFieldStates($fields)
$states = [];
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
namespace SilverStripe\Forms;
use SilverStripe\Core\Object;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
* This validation class handles all form and custom form validation through the use of Required
@ -12,40 +13,42 @@ use SilverStripe\Core\Object;
abstract class Validator extends Object
public function __construct()
* @var Form $form
protected $form;
* @var array $errors
* @var ValidationResult $result
protected $errors;
protected $result;
* @param Form $form
* @return $this
public function setForm($form)
$this->form = $form;
return $this;
* Returns any errors there may be.
* @return null|array
* @return ValidationResult
public function validate()
$this->errors = null;
return $this->errors;
return $this->result;
@ -55,17 +58,22 @@ abstract class Validator extends Object
* See {@link getErrors()} for details.
* @param string $fieldName
* @param string $errorMessage
* @param string $errorMessageType
* @param string $fieldName Field name for this error
* @param string $message The message string
* @param string $messageType The type of message: e.g. "bad", "warning", "good", or "required". Passed as a CSS
* class to the form, so other values can be used if desired.
* @param string|bool $cast Cast type; One of the CAST_ constant definitions.
* Bool values will be treated as plain text flag.
* @return $this
public function validationError($fieldName, $errorMessage, $errorMessageType = '')
$this->errors[] = array(
'fieldName' => $fieldName,
'message' => $errorMessage,
'messageType' => $errorMessageType,
public function validationError(
$messageType = ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR,
$cast = ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT
) {
$this->result->addFieldError($fieldName, $message, $messageType, null, $cast);
return $this;
@ -77,6 +85,7 @@ abstract class Validator extends Object
* 'fieldName' => '[form field name]',
* 'message' => '[validation error message]',
* 'messageType' => '[bad|message|validation|required]',
* 'messageCast' => '[text|html]'
* )
* </code>
@ -84,32 +93,20 @@ abstract class Validator extends Object
public function getErrors()
return $this->errors;
if ($this->result) {
return $this->result->getMessages();
return null;
* @param string $fieldName
* @param array $data
* Get last validation result
* @return ValidationResult
public function requireField($fieldName, $data)
public function getResult()
if (is_array($data[$fieldName]) && count($data[$fieldName])) {
foreach ($data[$fieldName] as $componentKey => $componentValue) {
if (!strlen($componentValue)) {
sprintf('%s %s is required', $fieldName, $componentKey),
} elseif (!strlen($data[$fieldName])) {
sprintf('%s is required', $fieldName),
return $this->result;
@ -131,4 +128,15 @@ abstract class Validator extends Object
* @return mixed
abstract public function php($data);
* Clear current result
* @return $this
protected function resetResult()
$this->result = ValidationResult::create();
return $this;
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ class DataObject extends ViewableData implements DataObjectInterface, i18nEntity
if ($sourceObject->manyMany()) {
foreach ($sourceObject->manyMany() as $name => $type) {
//many_many include belongs_many_many
//many_many include belongs_many_many
$this->duplicateRelations($sourceObject, $destinationObject, $name);
@ -1139,11 +1139,11 @@ class DataObject extends ViewableData implements DataObjectInterface, i18nEntity
if ($defaults) {
foreach ($defaults as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
// SRM 2007-03-06: Stricter check
// SRM 2007-03-06: Stricter check
if (!isset($this->$fieldName) || $this->$fieldName === null) {
$this->$fieldName = $fieldValue;
// Set many-many defaults with an array of ids
// Set many-many defaults with an array of ids
if (is_array($fieldValue) && $this->getSchema()->manyManyComponent(static::class, $fieldName)) {
/** @var ManyManyList $manyManyJoin */
$manyManyJoin = $this->$fieldName();
@ -1170,19 +1170,14 @@ class DataObject extends ViewableData implements DataObjectInterface, i18nEntity
if ($this->ObsoleteClassName) {
return new ValidationException(
"Object is of class '{$this->ObsoleteClassName}' which doesn't exist - ".
"you need to change the ClassName before you can write it",
"you need to change the ClassName before you can write it"
if ($this->config()->get('validation_enabled')) {
$result = $this->validate();
if (!$result->valid()) {
return new ValidationException(
if (!$result->isValid()) {
return new ValidationException($result);
return null;
@ -2356,7 +2351,7 @@ class DataObject extends ViewableData implements DataObjectInterface, i18nEntity
'before' => array_key_exists($name, $this->original) ? $this->original[$name] : null,
'after' => array_key_exists($name, $this->record) ? $this->record[$name] : null,
'level' => $level
@ -3382,7 +3377,7 @@ class DataObject extends ViewableData implements DataObjectInterface, i18nEntity
$types = array(
'db' => (array)Config::inst()->get($ancestorClass, 'db', Config::UNINHERITED)
if ($includerelations) {
$types['has_one'] = (array)Config::inst()->get($ancestorClass, 'has_one', Config::UNINHERITED);
$types['has_many'] = (array)Config::inst()->get($ancestorClass, 'has_many', Config::UNINHERITED);
@ -25,199 +25,199 @@ use Exception;
class Hierarchy extends DataExtension
protected $markedNodes;
protected $markedNodes;
protected $markingFilter;
protected $markingFilter;
/** @var int */
protected $_cache_numChildren;
/** @var int */
protected $_cache_numChildren;
* The lower bounds for the amount of nodes to mark. If set, the logic will expand nodes until it reaches at least
* this number, and then stops. Root nodes will always show regardless of this settting. Further nodes can be
* lazy-loaded via ajax. This isn't a hard limit. Example: On a value of 10, with 20 root nodes, each having 30
* children, the actual node count will be 50 (all root nodes plus first expanded child).
* @config
* @var int
private static $node_threshold_total = 50;
* The lower bounds for the amount of nodes to mark. If set, the logic will expand nodes until it reaches at least
* this number, and then stops. Root nodes will always show regardless of this settting. Further nodes can be
* lazy-loaded via ajax. This isn't a hard limit. Example: On a value of 10, with 20 root nodes, each having 30
* children, the actual node count will be 50 (all root nodes plus first expanded child).
* @config
* @var int
private static $node_threshold_total = 50;
* Limit on the maximum children a specific node can display. Serves as a hard limit to avoid exceeding available
* server resources in generating the tree, and browser resources in rendering it. Nodes with children exceeding
* this value typically won't display any children, although this is configurable through the $nodeCountCallback
* parameter in {@link getChildrenAsUL()}. "Root" nodes will always show all children, regardless of this setting.
* @config
* @var int
private static $node_threshold_leaf = 250;
* Limit on the maximum children a specific node can display. Serves as a hard limit to avoid exceeding available
* server resources in generating the tree, and browser resources in rendering it. Nodes with children exceeding
* this value typically won't display any children, although this is configurable through the $nodeCountCallback
* parameter in {@link getChildrenAsUL()}. "Root" nodes will always show all children, regardless of this setting.
* @config
* @var int
private static $node_threshold_leaf = 250;
* A list of classnames to exclude from display in both the CMS and front end
* displays. ->Children() and ->AllChildren affected.
* Especially useful for big sets of pages like listings
* If you use this, and still need the classes to be editable
* then add a model admin for the class
* Note: Does not filter subclasses (non-inheriting)
* @var array
* @config
private static $hide_from_hierarchy = array();
* A list of classnames to exclude from display in both the CMS and front end
* displays. ->Children() and ->AllChildren affected.
* Especially useful for big sets of pages like listings
* If you use this, and still need the classes to be editable
* then add a model admin for the class
* Note: Does not filter subclasses (non-inheriting)
* @var array
* @config
private static $hide_from_hierarchy = array();
* A list of classnames to exclude from display in the page tree views of the CMS,
* unlike $hide_from_hierarchy above which effects both CMS and front end.
* Especially useful for big sets of pages like listings
* If you use this, and still need the classes to be editable
* then add a model admin for the class
* Note: Does not filter subclasses (non-inheriting)
* @var array
* @config
private static $hide_from_cms_tree = array();
* A list of classnames to exclude from display in the page tree views of the CMS,
* unlike $hide_from_hierarchy above which effects both CMS and front end.
* Especially useful for big sets of pages like listings
* If you use this, and still need the classes to be editable
* then add a model admin for the class
* Note: Does not filter subclasses (non-inheriting)
* @var array
* @config
private static $hide_from_cms_tree = array();
public static function get_extra_config($class, $extension, $args)
return array(
'has_one' => array('Parent' => $class)
return array(
'has_one' => array('Parent' => $class)
* Validate the owner object - check for existence of infinite loops.
* @param ValidationResult $validationResult
* Validate the owner object - check for existence of infinite loops.
* @param ValidationResult $validationResult
public function validate(ValidationResult $validationResult)
// The object is new, won't be looping.
// The object is new, won't be looping.
if (!$this->owner->ID) {
// The object has no parent, won't be looping.
// The object has no parent, won't be looping.
if (!$this->owner->ParentID) {
// The parent has not changed, skip the check for performance reasons.
// The parent has not changed, skip the check for performance reasons.
if (!$this->owner->isChanged('ParentID')) {
// Walk the hierarchy upwards until we reach the top, or until we reach the originating node again.
$node = $this->owner;
while($node) {
if ($node->ParentID==$this->owner->ID) {
// Hierarchy is looping.
'Infinite loop found within the "{type}" hierarchy. Please change the parent to resolve this',
'First argument is the class that makes up the hierarchy.',
array('type' => $this->owner->class)
$node = $node->ParentID ? $node->Parent() : null;
// Walk the hierarchy upwards until we reach the top, or until we reach the originating node again.
$node = $this->owner;
while ($node) {
if ($node->ParentID==$this->owner->ID) {
// Hierarchy is looping.
'Infinite loop found within the "{type}" hierarchy. Please change the parent to resolve this',
'First argument is the class that makes up the hierarchy.',
array('type' => $this->owner->class)
$node = $node->ParentID ? $node->Parent() : null;
// At this point the $validationResult contains the response.
// At this point the $validationResult contains the response.
* Returns the children of this DataObject as an XHTML UL. This will be called recursively on each child, so if they
* have children they will be displayed as a UL inside a LI.
* @param string $attributes Attributes to add to the UL
* @param string|callable $titleEval PHP code to evaluate to start each child - this should include '<li>'
* @param string $extraArg Extra arguments that will be passed on to children, for if they overload this function
* @param bool $limitToMarked Display only marked children
* @param string $childrenMethod The name of the method used to get children from each object
* @param string $numChildrenMethod
* @param bool $rootCall Set to true for this first call, and then to false for calls inside the recursion.
* You should not change this.
* @param int $nodeCountThreshold See {@link self::$node_threshold_total}
* @param callable $nodeCountCallback Called with the node count, which gives the callback an opportunity to
* intercept the query. Useful e.g. to avoid excessive children listings (Arguments: $parent, $numChildren)
* @return string
public function getChildrenAsUL(
$attributes = "",
$titleEval = '"<li>" . $child->Title',
$extraArg = null,
$limitToMarked = false,
$childrenMethod = "AllChildrenIncludingDeleted",
$numChildrenMethod = "numChildren",
$rootCall = true,
$nodeCountThreshold = null,
$nodeCountCallback = null
) {
if(!is_numeric($nodeCountThreshold)) {
$nodeCountThreshold = Config::inst()->get(__CLASS__, 'node_threshold_total');
* Returns the children of this DataObject as an XHTML UL. This will be called recursively on each child, so if they
* have children they will be displayed as a UL inside a LI.
* @param string $attributes Attributes to add to the UL
* @param string|callable $titleEval PHP code to evaluate to start each child - this should include '<li>'
* @param string $extraArg Extra arguments that will be passed on to children, for if they overload this function
* @param bool $limitToMarked Display only marked children
* @param string $childrenMethod The name of the method used to get children from each object
* @param string $numChildrenMethod
* @param bool $rootCall Set to true for this first call, and then to false for calls inside the recursion.
* You should not change this.
* @param int $nodeCountThreshold See {@link self::$node_threshold_total}
* @param callable $nodeCountCallback Called with the node count, which gives the callback an opportunity to
* intercept the query. Useful e.g. to avoid excessive children listings (Arguments: $parent, $numChildren)
* @return string
public function getChildrenAsUL(
$attributes = "",
$titleEval = '"<li>" . $child->Title',
$extraArg = null,
$limitToMarked = false,
$childrenMethod = "AllChildrenIncludingDeleted",
$numChildrenMethod = "numChildren",
$rootCall = true,
$nodeCountThreshold = null,
$nodeCountCallback = null
) {
if (!is_numeric($nodeCountThreshold)) {
$nodeCountThreshold = Config::inst()->get(__CLASS__, 'node_threshold_total');
if($limitToMarked && $rootCall) {
if ($limitToMarked && $rootCall) {
if($nodeCountCallback) {
$nodeCountWarning = $nodeCountCallback($this->owner, $this->owner->$numChildrenMethod());
if ($nodeCountCallback) {
$nodeCountWarning = $nodeCountCallback($this->owner, $this->owner->$numChildrenMethod());
if ($nodeCountWarning) {
return $nodeCountWarning;
if($this->owner->hasMethod($childrenMethod)) {
$children = $this->owner->$childrenMethod($extraArg);
} else {
$children = null;
if ($this->owner->hasMethod($childrenMethod)) {
$children = $this->owner->$childrenMethod($extraArg);
} else {
$children = null;
"Can't find the method '%s' on class '%s' for getting tree children",
$output = null;
if($children) {
if($attributes) {
$attributes = " $attributes";
$output = null;
if ($children) {
if ($attributes) {
$attributes = " $attributes";
$output = "<ul$attributes>\n";
$output = "<ul$attributes>\n";
foreach($children as $child) {
if(!$limitToMarked || $child->isMarked()) {
$foundAChild = true;
if(is_callable($titleEval)) {
$output .= $titleEval($child, $numChildrenMethod);
} else {
$output .= eval("return $titleEval;");
$output .= "\n";
foreach ($children as $child) {
if (!$limitToMarked || $child->isMarked()) {
$foundAChild = true;
if (is_callable($titleEval)) {
$output .= $titleEval($child, $numChildrenMethod);
} else {
$output .= eval("return $titleEval;");
$output .= "\n";
$numChildren = $child->$numChildrenMethod();
$numChildren = $child->$numChildrenMethod();
if (// Always traverse into opened nodes (they might be exposed as parents of search results)
// Only traverse into children if we haven't reached the maximum node count already.
// Otherwise, the remaining nodes are lazy loaded via ajax.
&& $child->isMarked()
) {
// Additionally check if node count requirements are met
$nodeCountWarning = $nodeCountCallback ? $nodeCountCallback($child, $numChildren) : null;
if($nodeCountWarning) {
$output .= $nodeCountWarning;
} else {
// Only traverse into children if we haven't reached the maximum node count already.
// Otherwise, the remaining nodes are lazy loaded via ajax.
&& $child->isMarked()
) {
// Additionally check if node count requirements are met
$nodeCountWarning = $nodeCountCallback ? $nodeCountCallback($child, $numChildren) : null;
if ($nodeCountWarning) {
$output .= $nodeCountWarning;
} else {
$output .= $child->getChildrenAsUL(
@ -228,770 +228,770 @@ class Hierarchy extends DataExtension
} elseif($child->isTreeOpened()) {
// Since we're not loading children, don't mark it as open either
$output .= "</li>\n";
} elseif ($child->isTreeOpened()) {
// Since we're not loading children, don't mark it as open either
$output .= "</li>\n";
$output .= "</ul>\n";
$output .= "</ul>\n";
if(isset($foundAChild) && $foundAChild) {
return $output;
return null;
if (isset($foundAChild) && $foundAChild) {
return $output;
return null;
* Mark a segment of the tree, by calling mark().
* The method performs a breadth-first traversal until the number of nodes is more than minCount. This is used to
* get a limited number of tree nodes to show in the CMS initially.
* This method returns the number of nodes marked. After this method is called other methods can check
* {@link isExpanded()} and {@link isMarked()} on individual nodes.
* @param int $nodeCountThreshold See {@link getChildrenAsUL()}
* @param mixed $context
* @param string $childrenMethod
* @param string $numChildrenMethod
* @return int The actual number of nodes marked.
public function markPartialTree(
$nodeCountThreshold = 30,
$context = null,
$childrenMethod = "AllChildrenIncludingDeleted",
$numChildrenMethod = "numChildren"
) {
* Mark a segment of the tree, by calling mark().
* The method performs a breadth-first traversal until the number of nodes is more than minCount. This is used to
* get a limited number of tree nodes to show in the CMS initially.
* This method returns the number of nodes marked. After this method is called other methods can check
* {@link isExpanded()} and {@link isMarked()} on individual nodes.
* @param int $nodeCountThreshold See {@link getChildrenAsUL()}
* @param mixed $context
* @param string $childrenMethod
* @param string $numChildrenMethod
* @return int The actual number of nodes marked.
public function markPartialTree(
$nodeCountThreshold = 30,
$context = null,
$childrenMethod = "AllChildrenIncludingDeleted",
$numChildrenMethod = "numChildren"
) {
if (!is_numeric($nodeCountThreshold)) {
$nodeCountThreshold = 30;
$this->markedNodes = array($this->owner->ID => $this->owner);
$this->markedNodes = array($this->owner->ID => $this->owner);
// foreach can't handle an ever-growing $nodes list
while(list($id, $node) = each($this->markedNodes)) {
$children = $this->markChildren($node, $context, $childrenMethod, $numChildrenMethod);
if($nodeCountThreshold && sizeof($this->markedNodes) > $nodeCountThreshold) {
// Undo marking children as opened since they're lazy loaded
// foreach can't handle an ever-growing $nodes list
while (list($id, $node) = each($this->markedNodes)) {
$children = $this->markChildren($node, $context, $childrenMethod, $numChildrenMethod);
if ($nodeCountThreshold && sizeof($this->markedNodes) > $nodeCountThreshold) {
// Undo marking children as opened since they're lazy loaded
if ($children) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
return sizeof($this->markedNodes);
return sizeof($this->markedNodes);
* Filter the marking to only those object with $node->$parameterName == $parameterValue
* @param string $parameterName The parameter on each node to check when marking.
* @param mixed $parameterValue The value the parameter must be to be marked.
* Filter the marking to only those object with $node->$parameterName == $parameterValue
* @param string $parameterName The parameter on each node to check when marking.
* @param mixed $parameterValue The value the parameter must be to be marked.
public function setMarkingFilter($parameterName, $parameterValue)
$this->markingFilter = array(
"parameter" => $parameterName,
"value" => $parameterValue
$this->markingFilter = array(
"parameter" => $parameterName,
"value" => $parameterValue
* Filter the marking to only those where the function returns true. The node in question will be passed to the
* function.
* @param string $funcName The name of the function to call
* Filter the marking to only those where the function returns true. The node in question will be passed to the
* function.
* @param string $funcName The name of the function to call
public function setMarkingFilterFunction($funcName)
$this->markingFilter = array(
"func" => $funcName,
$this->markingFilter = array(
"func" => $funcName,
* Returns true if the marking filter matches on the given node.
* @param DataObject $node Node to check
* @return bool
* Returns true if the marking filter matches on the given node.
* @param DataObject $node Node to check
* @return bool
public function markingFilterMatches($node)
if(!$this->markingFilter) {
return true;
if (!$this->markingFilter) {
return true;
if(isset($this->markingFilter['parameter']) && $parameterName = $this->markingFilter['parameter']) {
$ret = false;
foreach($this->markingFilter['value'] as $value) {
$ret = $ret||$node->$parameterName==$value;
if($ret == true) {
return $ret;
} else {
return ($node->$parameterName == $this->markingFilter['value']);
} else if ($func = $this->markingFilter['func']) {
return call_user_func($func, $node);
if (isset($this->markingFilter['parameter']) && $parameterName = $this->markingFilter['parameter']) {
if (is_array($this->markingFilter['value'])) {
$ret = false;
foreach ($this->markingFilter['value'] as $value) {
$ret = $ret||$node->$parameterName==$value;
if ($ret == true) {
return $ret;
} else {
return ($node->$parameterName == $this->markingFilter['value']);
} elseif ($func = $this->markingFilter['func']) {
return call_user_func($func, $node);
* Mark all children of the given node that match the marking filter.
* @param DataObject $node Parent node
* @param mixed $context
* @param string $childrenMethod The name of the instance method to call to get the object's list of children
* @param string $numChildrenMethod The name of the instance method to call to count the object's children
* @return DataList
public function markChildren(
$context = null,
$childrenMethod = "AllChildrenIncludingDeleted",
$numChildrenMethod = "numChildren"
) {
if($node->hasMethod($childrenMethod)) {
$children = $node->$childrenMethod($context);
} else {
$children = null;
* Mark all children of the given node that match the marking filter.
* @param DataObject $node Parent node
* @param mixed $context
* @param string $childrenMethod The name of the instance method to call to get the object's list of children
* @param string $numChildrenMethod The name of the instance method to call to count the object's children
* @return DataList
public function markChildren(
$context = null,
$childrenMethod = "AllChildrenIncludingDeleted",
$numChildrenMethod = "numChildren"
) {
if ($node->hasMethod($childrenMethod)) {
$children = $node->$childrenMethod($context);
} else {
$children = null;
"Can't find the method '%s' on class '%s' for getting tree children",
if($children) {
foreach($children as $child) {
$markingMatches = $this->markingFilterMatches($child);
if($markingMatches) {
// Mark a child node as unexpanded if it has children and has not already been expanded
if($child->$numChildrenMethod() && !$child->isExpanded()) {
} else {
$this->markedNodes[$child->ID] = $child;
if ($children) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
$markingMatches = $this->markingFilterMatches($child);
if ($markingMatches) {
// Mark a child node as unexpanded if it has children and has not already been expanded
if ($child->$numChildrenMethod() && !$child->isExpanded()) {
} else {
$this->markedNodes[$child->ID] = $child;
return $children;
return $children;
* Ensure marked nodes that have children are also marked expanded. Call this after marking but before iterating
* over the tree.
* @param string $numChildrenMethod The name of the instance method to call to count the object's children
* Ensure marked nodes that have children are also marked expanded. Call this after marking but before iterating
* over the tree.
* @param string $numChildrenMethod The name of the instance method to call to count the object's children
protected function markingFinished($numChildrenMethod = "numChildren")
// Mark childless nodes as expanded.
if($this->markedNodes) {
foreach($this->markedNodes as $id => $node) {
if(!$node->isExpanded() && !$node->$numChildrenMethod()) {
// Mark childless nodes as expanded.
if ($this->markedNodes) {
foreach ($this->markedNodes as $id => $node) {
if (!$node->isExpanded() && !$node->$numChildrenMethod()) {
* Return CSS classes of 'unexpanded', 'closed', both, or neither, as well as a 'jstree-*' state depending on the
* marking of this DataObject.
* @param string $numChildrenMethod The name of the instance method to call to count the object's children
* @return string
* Return CSS classes of 'unexpanded', 'closed', both, or neither, as well as a 'jstree-*' state depending on the
* marking of this DataObject.
* @param string $numChildrenMethod The name of the instance method to call to count the object's children
* @return string
public function markingClasses($numChildrenMethod = "numChildren")
$classes = '';
if(!$this->isExpanded()) {
$classes .= " unexpanded";
$classes = '';
if (!$this->isExpanded()) {
$classes .= " unexpanded";
// Set jstree open state, or mark it as a leaf (closed) if there are no children
if(!$this->owner->$numChildrenMethod()) {
$classes .= " jstree-leaf closed";
} elseif($this->isTreeOpened()) {
$classes .= " jstree-open";
} else {
$classes .= " jstree-closed closed";
return $classes;
// Set jstree open state, or mark it as a leaf (closed) if there are no children
if (!$this->owner->$numChildrenMethod()) {
$classes .= " jstree-leaf closed";
} elseif ($this->isTreeOpened()) {
$classes .= " jstree-open";
} else {
$classes .= " jstree-closed closed";
return $classes;
* Mark the children of the DataObject with the given ID.
* @param int $id ID of parent node
* @param bool $open If this is true, mark the parent node as opened
* @return bool
* Mark the children of the DataObject with the given ID.
* @param int $id ID of parent node
* @param bool $open If this is true, mark the parent node as opened
* @return bool
public function markById($id, $open = false)
if(isset($this->markedNodes[$id])) {
if($open) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if (isset($this->markedNodes[$id])) {
if ($open) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Expose the given object in the tree, by marking this page and all it ancestors.
* @param DataObject $childObj
* Expose the given object in the tree, by marking this page and all it ancestors.
* @param DataObject $childObj
public function markToExpose($childObj)
$stack = array_reverse($childObj->parentStack());
foreach($stack as $stackItem) {
$this->markById($stackItem->ID, true);
if (is_object($childObj)) {
$stack = array_reverse($childObj->parentStack());
foreach ($stack as $stackItem) {
$this->markById($stackItem->ID, true);
* Return the IDs of all the marked nodes.
* @return array
* Return the IDs of all the marked nodes.
* @return array
public function markedNodeIDs()
return array_keys($this->markedNodes);
return array_keys($this->markedNodes);
* Return an array of this page and its ancestors, ordered item -> root.
* @return SiteTree[]
* Return an array of this page and its ancestors, ordered item -> root.
* @return SiteTree[]
public function parentStack()
$p = $this->owner;
$p = $this->owner;
while($p) {
$stack[] = $p;
$p = $p->ParentID ? $p->Parent() : null;
while ($p) {
$stack[] = $p;
$p = $p->ParentID ? $p->Parent() : null;
return $stack;
return $stack;
* Cache of DataObjects' marked statuses: [ClassName][ID] = bool
* @var array
protected static $marked = array();
* Cache of DataObjects' marked statuses: [ClassName][ID] = bool
* @var array
protected static $marked = array();
* Cache of DataObjects' expanded statuses: [ClassName][ID] = bool
* @var array
protected static $expanded = array();
* Cache of DataObjects' expanded statuses: [ClassName][ID] = bool
* @var array
protected static $expanded = array();
* Cache of DataObjects' opened statuses: [ClassName][ID] = bool
* @var array
protected static $treeOpened = array();
* Cache of DataObjects' opened statuses: [ClassName][ID] = bool
* @var array
protected static $treeOpened = array();
* Mark this DataObject as expanded.
* Mark this DataObject as expanded.
public function markExpanded()
self::$marked[$this->owner->baseClass()][$this->owner->ID] = true;
self::$expanded[$this->owner->baseClass()][$this->owner->ID] = true;
self::$marked[$this->owner->baseClass()][$this->owner->ID] = true;
self::$expanded[$this->owner->baseClass()][$this->owner->ID] = true;
* Mark this DataObject as unexpanded.
* Mark this DataObject as unexpanded.
public function markUnexpanded()
self::$marked[$this->owner->baseClass()][$this->owner->ID] = true;
self::$expanded[$this->owner->baseClass()][$this->owner->ID] = false;
self::$marked[$this->owner->baseClass()][$this->owner->ID] = true;
self::$expanded[$this->owner->baseClass()][$this->owner->ID] = false;
* Mark this DataObject's tree as opened.
* Mark this DataObject's tree as opened.
public function markOpened()
self::$marked[$this->owner->baseClass()][$this->owner->ID] = true;
self::$treeOpened[$this->owner->baseClass()][$this->owner->ID] = true;
self::$marked[$this->owner->baseClass()][$this->owner->ID] = true;
self::$treeOpened[$this->owner->baseClass()][$this->owner->ID] = true;
* Mark this DataObject's tree as closed.
* Mark this DataObject's tree as closed.
public function markClosed()
if(isset(self::$treeOpened[$this->owner->baseClass()][$this->owner->ID])) {
if (isset(self::$treeOpened[$this->owner->baseClass()][$this->owner->ID])) {
* Check if this DataObject is marked.
* @return bool
* Check if this DataObject is marked.
* @return bool
public function isMarked()
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
$id = $this->owner->ID;
return isset(self::$marked[$baseClass][$id]) ? self::$marked[$baseClass][$id] : false;
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
$id = $this->owner->ID;
return isset(self::$marked[$baseClass][$id]) ? self::$marked[$baseClass][$id] : false;
* Check if this DataObject is expanded.
* @return bool
* Check if this DataObject is expanded.
* @return bool
public function isExpanded()
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
$id = $this->owner->ID;
return isset(self::$expanded[$baseClass][$id]) ? self::$expanded[$baseClass][$id] : false;
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
$id = $this->owner->ID;
return isset(self::$expanded[$baseClass][$id]) ? self::$expanded[$baseClass][$id] : false;
* Check if this DataObject's tree is opened.
* @return bool
* Check if this DataObject's tree is opened.
* @return bool
public function isTreeOpened()
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
$id = $this->owner->ID;
return isset(self::$treeOpened[$baseClass][$id]) ? self::$treeOpened[$baseClass][$id] : false;
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
$id = $this->owner->ID;
return isset(self::$treeOpened[$baseClass][$id]) ? self::$treeOpened[$baseClass][$id] : false;
* Get a list of this DataObject's and all it's descendants IDs.
* @return int[]
* Get a list of this DataObject's and all it's descendants IDs.
* @return int[]
public function getDescendantIDList()
$idList = array();
return $idList;
$idList = array();
return $idList;
* Get a list of this DataObject's and all it's descendants ID, and put them in $idList.
* @param array $idList Array to put results in.
* Get a list of this DataObject's and all it's descendants ID, and put them in $idList.
* @param array $idList Array to put results in.
public function loadDescendantIDListInto(&$idList)
if($children = $this->AllChildren()) {
foreach($children as $child) {
if(in_array($child->ID, $idList)) {
$idList[] = $child->ID;
/** @var Hierarchy $ext */
$ext = $child->getExtensionInstance('SilverStripe\ORM\Hierarchy\Hierarchy');
if ($children = $this->AllChildren()) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
if (in_array($child->ID, $idList)) {
$idList[] = $child->ID;
/** @var Hierarchy $ext */
$ext = $child->getExtensionInstance('SilverStripe\ORM\Hierarchy\Hierarchy');
* Get the children for this DataObject.
* @return DataList
* Get the children for this DataObject.
* @return DataList
public function Children()
if(!(isset($this->_cache_children) && $this->_cache_children)) {
$result = $this->owner->stageChildren(false);
$children = array();
foreach ($result as $record) {
if ($record->canView()) {
$children[] = $record;
$this->_cache_children = new ArrayList($children);
return $this->_cache_children;
if (!(isset($this->_cache_children) && $this->_cache_children)) {
$result = $this->owner->stageChildren(false);
$children = array();
foreach ($result as $record) {
if ($record->canView()) {
$children[] = $record;
$this->_cache_children = new ArrayList($children);
return $this->_cache_children;
* Return all children, including those 'not in menus'.
* @return DataList
* Return all children, including those 'not in menus'.
* @return DataList
public function AllChildren()
return $this->owner->stageChildren(true);
return $this->owner->stageChildren(true);
* Return all children, including those that have been deleted but are still in live.
* - Deleted children will be marked as "DeletedFromStage"
* - Added children will be marked as "AddedToStage"
* - Modified children will be marked as "ModifiedOnStage"
* - Everything else has "SameOnStage" set, as an indicator that this information has been looked up.
* @param mixed $context
* @return ArrayList
* Return all children, including those that have been deleted but are still in live.
* - Deleted children will be marked as "DeletedFromStage"
* - Added children will be marked as "AddedToStage"
* - Modified children will be marked as "ModifiedOnStage"
* - Everything else has "SameOnStage" set, as an indicator that this information has been looked up.
* @param mixed $context
* @return ArrayList
public function AllChildrenIncludingDeleted($context = null)
return $this->doAllChildrenIncludingDeleted($context);
return $this->doAllChildrenIncludingDeleted($context);
* @see AllChildrenIncludingDeleted
* @param mixed $context
* @return ArrayList
* @see AllChildrenIncludingDeleted
* @param mixed $context
* @return ArrayList
public function doAllChildrenIncludingDeleted($context = null)
if (!$this->owner) {
user_error('Hierarchy::doAllChildrenIncludingDeleted() called without $this->owner');
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
if($baseClass) {
$stageChildren = $this->owner->stageChildren(true);
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
if ($baseClass) {
$stageChildren = $this->owner->stageChildren(true);
// Add live site content that doesn't exist on the stage site, if required.
if($this->owner->hasExtension('SilverStripe\ORM\Versioning\Versioned')) {
// Next, go through the live children. Only some of these will be listed
$liveChildren = $this->owner->liveChildren(true, true);
if($liveChildren) {
$merged = new ArrayList();
$stageChildren = $merged;
// Add live site content that doesn't exist on the stage site, if required.
if ($this->owner->hasExtension('SilverStripe\ORM\Versioning\Versioned')) {
// Next, go through the live children. Only some of these will be listed
$liveChildren = $this->owner->liveChildren(true, true);
if ($liveChildren) {
$merged = new ArrayList();
$stageChildren = $merged;
$this->owner->extend("augmentAllChildrenIncludingDeleted", $stageChildren, $context);
} else {
$this->owner->extend("augmentAllChildrenIncludingDeleted", $stageChildren, $context);
} else {
"Hierarchy::AllChildren() Couldn't determine base class for '{$this->owner->class}'",
return $stageChildren;
return $stageChildren;
* Return all the children that this page had, including pages that were deleted from both stage & live.
* @return DataList
* @throws Exception
* Return all the children that this page had, including pages that were deleted from both stage & live.
* @return DataList
* @throws Exception
public function AllHistoricalChildren()
if(!$this->owner->hasExtension('SilverStripe\ORM\Versioning\Versioned')) {
throw new Exception('Hierarchy->AllHistoricalChildren() only works with Versioned extension applied');
if (!$this->owner->hasExtension('SilverStripe\ORM\Versioning\Versioned')) {
throw new Exception('Hierarchy->AllHistoricalChildren() only works with Versioned extension applied');
$baseTable = $this->owner->baseTable();
$parentIDColumn = $this->owner->getSchema()->sqlColumnForField($this->owner, 'ParentID');
return Versioned::get_including_deleted(
[ $parentIDColumn => $this->owner->ID ],
"\"{$baseTable}\".\"ID\" ASC"
$baseTable = $this->owner->baseTable();
$parentIDColumn = $this->owner->getSchema()->sqlColumnForField($this->owner, 'ParentID');
return Versioned::get_including_deleted(
[ $parentIDColumn => $this->owner->ID ],
"\"{$baseTable}\".\"ID\" ASC"
* Return the number of children that this page ever had, including pages that were deleted.
* @return int
* @throws Exception
* Return the number of children that this page ever had, including pages that were deleted.
* @return int
* @throws Exception
public function numHistoricalChildren()
if(!$this->owner->hasExtension('SilverStripe\ORM\Versioning\Versioned')) {
throw new Exception('Hierarchy->AllHistoricalChildren() only works with Versioned extension applied');
if (!$this->owner->hasExtension('SilverStripe\ORM\Versioning\Versioned')) {
throw new Exception('Hierarchy->AllHistoricalChildren() only works with Versioned extension applied');
return $this->AllHistoricalChildren()->count();
return $this->AllHistoricalChildren()->count();
* Return the number of direct children. By default, values are cached after the first invocation. Can be
* augumented by {@link augmentNumChildrenCountQuery()}.
* @param bool $cache Whether to retrieve values from cache
* @return int
* Return the number of direct children. By default, values are cached after the first invocation. Can be
* augumented by {@link augmentNumChildrenCountQuery()}.
* @param bool $cache Whether to retrieve values from cache
* @return int
public function numChildren($cache = true)
// Build the cache for this class if it doesn't exist.
if(!$cache || !is_numeric($this->_cache_numChildren)) {
// Hey, this is efficient now!
// We call stageChildren(), because Children() has canView() filtering
$this->_cache_numChildren = (int)$this->owner->stageChildren(true)->Count();
// Build the cache for this class if it doesn't exist.
if (!$cache || !is_numeric($this->_cache_numChildren)) {
// Hey, this is efficient now!
// We call stageChildren(), because Children() has canView() filtering
$this->_cache_numChildren = (int)$this->owner->stageChildren(true)->Count();
// If theres no value in the cache, it just means that it doesn't have any children.
return $this->_cache_numChildren;
// If theres no value in the cache, it just means that it doesn't have any children.
return $this->_cache_numChildren;
* Checks if we're on a controller where we should filter. ie. Are we loading the SiteTree?
* @return bool
* Checks if we're on a controller where we should filter. ie. Are we loading the SiteTree?
* @return bool
public function showingCMSTree()
if (!Controller::has_curr()) {
return false;
$controller = Controller::curr();
return $controller instanceof LeftAndMain
&& in_array($controller->getAction(), array("treeview", "listview", "getsubtree"));
$controller = Controller::curr();
return $controller instanceof LeftAndMain
&& in_array($controller->getAction(), array("treeview", "listview", "getsubtree"));
* Return children in the stage site.
* @param bool $showAll Include all of the elements, even those not shown in the menus. Only applicable when
* extension is applied to {@link SiteTree}.
* @return DataList
* Return children in the stage site.
* @param bool $showAll Include all of the elements, even those not shown in the menus. Only applicable when
* extension is applied to {@link SiteTree}.
* @return DataList
public function stageChildren($showAll = false)
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
$hide_from_hierarchy = $this->owner->config()->hide_from_hierarchy;
$hide_from_cms_tree = $this->owner->config()->hide_from_cms_tree;
$staged = $baseClass::get()
->filter('ParentID', (int)$this->owner->ID)
->exclude('ID', (int)$this->owner->ID);
if ($hide_from_hierarchy) {
$staged = $staged->exclude('ClassName', $hide_from_hierarchy);
if ($hide_from_cms_tree && $this->showingCMSTree()) {
$staged = $staged->exclude('ClassName', $hide_from_cms_tree);
if (!$showAll && DataObject::getSchema()->fieldSpec($this->owner, 'ShowInMenus')) {
$staged = $staged->filter('ShowInMenus', 1);
$this->owner->extend("augmentStageChildren", $staged, $showAll);
return $staged;
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
$hide_from_hierarchy = $this->owner->config()->hide_from_hierarchy;
$hide_from_cms_tree = $this->owner->config()->hide_from_cms_tree;
$staged = $baseClass::get()
->filter('ParentID', (int)$this->owner->ID)
->exclude('ID', (int)$this->owner->ID);
if ($hide_from_hierarchy) {
$staged = $staged->exclude('ClassName', $hide_from_hierarchy);
if ($hide_from_cms_tree && $this->showingCMSTree()) {
$staged = $staged->exclude('ClassName', $hide_from_cms_tree);
if (!$showAll && DataObject::getSchema()->fieldSpec($this->owner, 'ShowInMenus')) {
$staged = $staged->filter('ShowInMenus', 1);
$this->owner->extend("augmentStageChildren", $staged, $showAll);
return $staged;
* Return children in the live site, if it exists.
* @param bool $showAll Include all of the elements, even those not shown in the menus. Only
* applicable when extension is applied to {@link SiteTree}.
* @param bool $onlyDeletedFromStage Only return items that have been deleted from stage
* @return DataList
* @throws Exception
* Return children in the live site, if it exists.
* @param bool $showAll Include all of the elements, even those not shown in the menus. Only
* applicable when extension is applied to {@link SiteTree}.
* @param bool $onlyDeletedFromStage Only return items that have been deleted from stage
* @return DataList
* @throws Exception
public function liveChildren($showAll = false, $onlyDeletedFromStage = false)
if(!$this->owner->hasExtension(Versioned::class)) {
throw new Exception('Hierarchy->liveChildren() only works with Versioned extension applied');
if (!$this->owner->hasExtension(Versioned::class)) {
throw new Exception('Hierarchy->liveChildren() only works with Versioned extension applied');
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
$hide_from_hierarchy = $this->owner->config()->hide_from_hierarchy;
$hide_from_cms_tree = $this->owner->config()->hide_from_cms_tree;
$children = $baseClass::get()
->filter('ParentID', (int)$this->owner->ID)
->exclude('ID', (int)$this->owner->ID)
'Versioned.mode' => $onlyDeletedFromStage ? 'stage_unique' : 'stage',
'Versioned.stage' => 'Live'
if ($hide_from_hierarchy) {
$children = $children->exclude('ClassName', $hide_from_hierarchy);
if ($hide_from_cms_tree && $this->showingCMSTree()) {
$children = $children->exclude('ClassName', $hide_from_cms_tree);
if(!$showAll && DataObject::getSchema()->fieldSpec($this->owner, 'ShowInMenus')) {
$children = $children->filter('ShowInMenus', 1);
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
$hide_from_hierarchy = $this->owner->config()->hide_from_hierarchy;
$hide_from_cms_tree = $this->owner->config()->hide_from_cms_tree;
$children = $baseClass::get()
->filter('ParentID', (int)$this->owner->ID)
->exclude('ID', (int)$this->owner->ID)
'Versioned.mode' => $onlyDeletedFromStage ? 'stage_unique' : 'stage',
'Versioned.stage' => 'Live'
if ($hide_from_hierarchy) {
$children = $children->exclude('ClassName', $hide_from_hierarchy);
if ($hide_from_cms_tree && $this->showingCMSTree()) {
$children = $children->exclude('ClassName', $hide_from_cms_tree);
if (!$showAll && DataObject::getSchema()->fieldSpec($this->owner, 'ShowInMenus')) {
$children = $children->filter('ShowInMenus', 1);
return $children;
return $children;
* Get this object's parent, optionally filtered by an SQL clause. If the clause doesn't match the parent, nothing
* is returned.
* @param string $filter
* @return DataObject
* Get this object's parent, optionally filtered by an SQL clause. If the clause doesn't match the parent, nothing
* is returned.
* @param string $filter
* @return DataObject
public function getParent($filter = null)
$parentID = $this->owner->ParentID;
if(empty($parentID)) {
return null;
$idSQL = $this->owner->getSchema()->sqlColumnForField($this->owner, 'ID');
return DataObject::get_one($this->owner->class, array(
array($idSQL => $parentID),
$parentID = $this->owner->ParentID;
if (empty($parentID)) {
return null;
$idSQL = $this->owner->getSchema()->sqlColumnForField($this->owner, 'ID');
return DataObject::get_one($this->owner->class, array(
array($idSQL => $parentID),
* Return all the parents of this class in a set ordered from the lowest to highest parent.
* @return ArrayList
* Return all the parents of this class in a set ordered from the lowest to highest parent.
* @return ArrayList
public function getAncestors()
$ancestors = new ArrayList();
$object = $this->owner;
$ancestors = new ArrayList();
$object = $this->owner;
while($object = $object->getParent()) {
while ($object = $object->getParent()) {
return $ancestors;
return $ancestors;
* Returns a human-readable, flattened representation of the path to the object, using its {@link Title} attribute.
* @param string $separator
* @return string
* Returns a human-readable, flattened representation of the path to the object, using its {@link Title} attribute.
* @param string $separator
* @return string
public function getBreadcrumbs($separator = ' » ')
$crumbs = array();
$ancestors = array_reverse($this->owner->getAncestors()->toArray());
$crumbs = array();
$ancestors = array_reverse($this->owner->getAncestors()->toArray());
foreach ($ancestors as $ancestor) {
$crumbs[] = $ancestor->Title;
$crumbs[] = $this->owner->Title;
return implode($separator, $crumbs);
$crumbs[] = $this->owner->Title;
return implode($separator, $crumbs);
* Get the next node in the tree of the type. If there is no instance of the className descended from this node,
* then search the parents.
* @todo Write!
* @param string $className Class name of the node to find
* @param DataObject $afterNode Used for recursive calls to this function
* @return DataObject
* Get the next node in the tree of the type. If there is no instance of the className descended from this node,
* then search the parents.
* @todo Write!
* @param string $className Class name of the node to find
* @param DataObject $afterNode Used for recursive calls to this function
* @return DataObject
public function naturalPrev($className, $afterNode = null)
return null;
return null;
* Get the next node in the tree of the type. If there is no instance of the className descended from this node,
* then search the parents.
* @param string $className Class name of the node to find.
* @param string|int $root ID/ClassName of the node to limit the search to
* @param DataObject $afterNode Used for recursive calls to this function
* @return DataObject
* Get the next node in the tree of the type. If there is no instance of the className descended from this node,
* then search the parents.
* @param string $className Class name of the node to find.
* @param string|int $root ID/ClassName of the node to limit the search to
* @param DataObject $afterNode Used for recursive calls to this function
* @return DataObject
public function naturalNext($className = null, $root = 0, $afterNode = null)
// If this node is not the node we are searching from, then we can possibly return this node as a solution
if($afterNode && $afterNode->ID != $this->owner->ID) {
if(!$className || ($className && $this->owner->class == $className)) {
return $this->owner;
// If this node is not the node we are searching from, then we can possibly return this node as a solution
if ($afterNode && $afterNode->ID != $this->owner->ID) {
if (!$className || ($className && $this->owner->class == $className)) {
return $this->owner;
$nextNode = null;
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
$nextNode = null;
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
$children = $baseClass::get()
->filter('ParentID', (int)$this->owner->ID)
->sort('"Sort"', 'ASC');
if ($afterNode) {
$children = $children->filter('Sort:GreaterThan', $afterNode->Sort);
$children = $baseClass::get()
->filter('ParentID', (int)$this->owner->ID)
->sort('"Sort"', 'ASC');
if ($afterNode) {
$children = $children->filter('Sort:GreaterThan', $afterNode->Sort);
// Try all the siblings of this node after the given node
/*if( $siblings = DataObject::get( $this->owner->baseClass(),
// Try all the siblings of this node after the given node
/*if( $siblings = DataObject::get( $this->owner->baseClass(),
"\"ParentID\"={$this->owner->ParentID}" . ( $afterNode ) ? "\"Sort\"
> {$afterNode->Sort}" : "" , '\"Sort\" ASC' ) ) $searchNodes->merge( $siblings );*/
if($children) {
foreach($children as $node) {
if($nextNode = $node->naturalNext($className, $node->ID, $this->owner)) {
if ($children) {
foreach ($children as $node) {
if ($nextNode = $node->naturalNext($className, $node->ID, $this->owner)) {
if($nextNode) {
return $nextNode;
if ($nextNode) {
return $nextNode;
// if this is not an instance of the root class or has the root id, search the parent
if(!(is_numeric($root) && $root == $this->owner->ID || $root == $this->owner->class)
&& ($parent = $this->owner->Parent())) {
return $parent->naturalNext( $className, $root, $this->owner );
// if this is not an instance of the root class or has the root id, search the parent
if (!(is_numeric($root) && $root == $this->owner->ID || $root == $this->owner->class)
&& ($parent = $this->owner->Parent())) {
return $parent->naturalNext($className, $root, $this->owner);
return null;
return null;
* Flush all Hierarchy caches:
* - Children (instance)
* - NumChildren (instance)
* - Marked (global)
* - Expanded (global)
* - TreeOpened (global)
* Flush all Hierarchy caches:
* - Children (instance)
* - NumChildren (instance)
* - Marked (global)
* - Expanded (global)
* - TreeOpened (global)
public function flushCache()
$this->_cache_children = null;
$this->_cache_numChildren = null;
self::$marked = array();
self::$expanded = array();
self::$treeOpened = array();
$this->_cache_children = null;
$this->_cache_numChildren = null;
self::$marked = array();
self::$expanded = array();
self::$treeOpened = array();
* Reset global Hierarchy caches:
* - Marked
* - Expanded
* - TreeOpened
* Reset global Hierarchy caches:
* - Marked
* - Expanded
* - TreeOpened
public static function reset()
self::$marked = array();
self::$expanded = array();
self::$treeOpened = array();
self::$marked = array();
self::$expanded = array();
self::$treeOpened = array();
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
namespace SilverStripe\ORM;
use Exception;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injectable;
* Exception thrown by {@link DataObject}::write if validation fails. By throwing an
@ -11,73 +13,62 @@ use Exception;
class ValidationException extends Exception
use Injectable;
* The contained ValidationResult related to this error
* @var ValidationResult
protected $result;
* The contained ValidationResult related to this error
* @var ValidationResult
protected $result;
* Construct a new ValidationException with an optional ValidationResult object
* @param ValidationResult|string $result The ValidationResult containing the
* failed result. Can be substituted with an error message instead if no
* ValidationResult exists.
* @param string|integer $message The error message. If $result was given the
* message string rather than a ValidationResult object then this will have
* the error code number.
* @param integer $code The error code number, if not given in the second parameter
public function __construct($result = null, $code = 0, $dummy = null) {
$exceptionMessage = null;
* Construct a new ValidationException with an optional ValidationResult object
* @param ValidationResult|string $result The ValidationResult containing the
* failed result, or error message to build error from
* @param integer $code The error code number
public function __construct($result = null, $code = 0)
// Catch legacy behaviour where second argument was not code
if ($code && !is_numeric($code)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Code must be numeric");
// Backwards compatibiliy failover. The 2nd argument used to be $message, and $code the 3rd.
// For callers using that, we ditch the message
if(!is_numeric($code)) {
$exceptionMessage = $code;
if($dummy) $code = $dummy;
// Set default message and result
$exceptionMessage = _t("ValidationException.DEFAULT_ERROR", "Validation error");
if (!$result) {
$result = $exceptionMessage;
if($result instanceof ValidationResult) {
$this->result = $result;
// Check result type
if ($result instanceof ValidationResult) {
$this->result = $result;
// Pick first message
foreach ($result->getMessages() as $message) {
$exceptionMessage = $message['message'];
} elseif (is_string($result)) {
$this->result = ValidationResult::create()->addError($result);
$exceptionMessage = $result;
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"ValidationExceptions must be passed a ValdiationResult, a string, or nothing at all"
} else if(is_string($result)) {
$this->result = ValidationResult::create()->addError($result);
parent::__construct($exceptionMessage, $code);
} else if(!$result) {
$this->result = ValidationResult::create()->addError(_t("ValdiationExcetpion.DEFAULT_ERROR", "Validation error"));
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"ValidationExceptions must be passed a ValdiationResult, a string, or nothing at all");
// Construct
parent::__construct($exceptionMessage ? $exceptionMessage : $this->result->message(), $code);
* Create a ValidationException with a message for a single field-specific error message.
* @param string $field The field name
* @param string $message The error message
* @return ValidationException
static function create_for_field($field, $message) {
$result = new ValidationResult;
$result->addFieldError($field, $message);
return new ValidationException($result);
* Retrieves the ValidationResult related to this error
* @return ValidationResult
* Retrieves the ValidationResult related to this error
* @return ValidationResult
public function getResult()
return $this->result;
return $this->result;
@ -2,259 +2,235 @@
namespace SilverStripe\ORM;
use SilverStripe\Core\Object;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Serializable;
use SilverStripe\Core\Convert;
use SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injectable;
use SilverStripe\Dev\Deprecation;
* A class that combined as a boolean result with an optional list of error messages.
* This is used for returning validation results from validators
* Each message can have a code or field which will uniquely identify that message. However,
* messages can be stored without a field or message as an "overall" message.
class ValidationResult extends Object
class ValidationResult implements Serializable
* @var bool - is the result valid or not
protected $isValid = true;
use Injectable;
* Standard "error" type
const TYPE_ERROR = 'error';
* @var array of errors
protected $errorList = array();
* Standard "good" message type
const TYPE_GOOD = 'good';
* Create a new ValidationResult.
* By default, it is a successful result. Call $this->error() to record errors.
* @param void $valid @deprecated
* @param void $message @deprecated
public function __construct($valid = null, $message = null) {
if ($message !== null) {
Deprecation::notice('3.2', '$message parameter is deprecated please use addMessage or addError instead', false);
if ($valid !== null) {
Deprecation::notice('3.2', '$valid parameter is deprecated please addError to mark the result as invalid', false);
$this->isValid = $valid;
if ($message) {
$this->errorList[] = $message;
* Non-error message type.
const TYPE_INFO = 'info';
* Warning message type
const TYPE_WARNING = 'warning';
* Message type is html
const CAST_HTML = 'html';
* Message type is plain text
const CAST_TEXT = 'text';
* Is the result valid or not.
* Note that there can be non-error messages in the list.
* @var bool
protected $isValid = true;
* List of messages
* @var array
protected $messages = array();
* Create a new ValidationResult.
* By default, it is a successful result. Call $this->error() to record errors.
public function __construct()
if (func_num_args() > 0) {
Deprecation::notice('3.2', '$valid parameter is deprecated please addError to mark the result as invalid', false);
$this->isValid = func_get_arg(0);
* Return the full error meta-data, suitable for combining with another ValidationResult.
function getErrorMetaData() {
return $this->errorList;
* Record a
* against this validation result.
* It's better to use addError, addFeildError, addMessage, or addFieldMessage instead.
* @param string $message The message string.
* @param string $code A codename for this error. Only one message per codename will be added.
* This can be usedful for ensuring no duplicate messages
* @param string $fieldName The field to link the message to. If omitted; a form-wide message is assumed.
* @param string $messageType The type of message: e.g. "bad", "warning", "good", or "required". Passed as a CSS
* class to the form, so other values can be used if desired.
* @param bool $escapeHtml Automatically sanitize the message. Set to FALSE if the message contains HTML.
* In that case, you might want to use {@link Convert::raw2xml()} to escape any
* user supplied data in the message.
* @deprecated 3.2
public function error($message, $code = null, $fieldName = null, $messageType = "bad", $escapeHtml = true) {
Deprecation::notice('3.2', 'Use addError or addFieldError instead.');
return $this->addFieldError($fieldName, $message, $messageType, $code, $escapeHtml);
* Record an error against this validation result,
* @param string $message The message string.
* @param string $messageType The type of message: e.g. "bad", "warning", "good", or "required". Passed as a CSS
* class to the form, so other values can be used if desired.
* @param string $code A codename for this error. Only one message per codename will be added.
* This can be usedful for ensuring no duplicate messages
* @param bool $escapeHtml Automatically sanitize the message. Set to FALSE if the message contains HTML.
* In that case, you might want to use {@link Convert::raw2xml()} to escape any
* user supplied data in the message.
public function addError($message, $messageType = "bad", $code = null, $escapeHtml = true) {
return $this->addFieldError(null, $message, $messageType, $code, $escapeHtml);
* Record an error against this validation result,
* @param string $fieldName The field to link the message to. If omitted; a form-wide message is assumed.
* @param string $message The message string.
* @param string $messageType The type of message: e.g. "bad", "warning", "good", or "required". Passed as a CSS
* class to the form, so other values can be used if desired.
* @param string $code A codename for this error. Only one message per codename will be added.
* This can be usedful for ensuring no duplicate messages
* @param bool $escapeHtml Automatically sanitize the message. Set to FALSE if the message contains HTML.
* In that case, you might want to use {@link Convert::raw2xml()} to escape any
* user supplied data in the message.
public function addFieldError($fieldName = null, $message, $messageType = "bad", $code = null, $escapeHtml = true) {
$this->isValid = false;
return $this->addFieldMessage($fieldName, $message, $messageType, $code, $escapeHtml);
* Add a message to this ValidationResult without necessarily marking it as an error
* @param string $message The message string.
* @param string $messageType The type of message: e.g. "bad", "warning", "good", or "required". Passed as a CSS
* class to the form, so other values can be used if desired.
* @param string $code A codename for this error. Only one message per codename will be added.
* This can be usedful for ensuring no duplicate messages
* @param bool $escapeHtml Automatically sanitize the message. Set to FALSE if the message contains HTML.
* In that case, you might want to use {@link Convert::raw2xml()} to escape any
* user supplied data in the message.
public function addMessage($message, $messageType = "bad", $code = null, $escapeHtml = true) {
return $this->addFieldMessage(null, $message, $messageType, $code, $escapeHtml);
* Add a message to this ValidationResult without necessarily marking it as an error
* @param string $fieldName The field to link the message to. If omitted; a form-wide message is assumed.
* @param string $message The message string.
* @param string $messageType The type of message: e.g. "bad", "warning", "good", or "required". Passed as a CSS
* class to the form, so other values can be used if desired.
* @param string $code A codename for this error. Only one message per codename will be added.
* This can be usedful for ensuring no duplicate messages
* @param bool $escapeHtml Automatically sanitize the message. Set to FALSE if the message contains HTML.
* In that case, you might want to use {@link Convert::raw2xml()} to escape any
* user supplied data in the message.
public function addFieldMessage($fieldName, $message, $messageType = "bad", $code = null, $escapeHtml = true) {
$metadata = array(
'message' => $escapeHtml ? Convert::raw2xml($message) : $message,
'fieldName' => $fieldName,
'messageType' => $messageType,
if($code) {
if(!is_numeric($code)) {
$this->errorList[$code] = $metadata;
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"ValidationResult::error() - Don't use a numeric code '$code'. Use a string.");
} else {
$this->errorList[] = $metadata;
return $this;
* Returns true if the result is valid.
* @return boolean
public function valid()
return $this->isValid;
* Get an array of errors
* @return array
public function messageList()
$list = array();
foreach($this->errorList as $key => $item) {
if(is_numeric($key)) $list[] = $item['message'];
else $list[$key] = $item['message'];
return $list;
* Get the field-specific messages as a map.
* Keys will be field names, and values will be a 2 element map with keys 'messsage', and 'messageType'
public function fieldErrors() {
$output = array();
foreach($this->errorList as $key => $item) {
if($item['fieldName']) {
$output[$item['fieldName']] = array(
'message' => $item['message'],
'messageType' => $item['messageType']
return $output;
* Get an array of error codes
* @return array
public function codeList()
$codeList = array();
foreach ($this->errorList as $k => $v) {
if (!is_numeric($k)) {
$codeList[] = $k;
if (func_num_args() > 1) {
Deprecation::notice('3.2', '$message parameter is deprecated please use addMessage or addError instead', false);
return $codeList;
* Get the error message as a string.
* @return string
public function message()
* Record an error against this validation result,
* @param string $message The message string.
* @param string $messageType Passed as a CSS class to the form, so other values can be used if desired.
* Standard types are defined by the TYPE_ constant definitions.
* @param string $code A codename for this error. Only one message per codename will be added.
* This can be usedful for ensuring no duplicate messages
* @param string|bool $cast Cast type; One of the CAST_ constant definitions.
* Bool values will be treated as plain text flag.
* @return $this
public function addError($message, $messageType = self::TYPE_ERROR, $code = null, $cast = self::CAST_TEXT)
return implode("; ", $this->messageList());
return $this->addFieldError(null, $message, $messageType, $code, $cast);
* The the error message that's not related to a field as a string
public function overallMessage() {
$messages = array();
foreach($this->errorList as $item) {
if(!$item['fieldName']) $messages[] = $item['message'];
return implode("; ", $messages);
* Record an error against this validation result,
* @param string $fieldName The field to link the message to. If omitted; a form-wide message is assumed.
* @param string $message The message string.
* @param string $messageType The type of message: e.g. "bad", "warning", "good", or "required". Passed as a CSS
* class to the form, so other values can be used if desired.
* @param string $code A codename for this error. Only one message per codename will be added.
* This can be usedful for ensuring no duplicate messages
* @param string|bool $cast Cast type; One of the CAST_ constant definitions.
* Bool values will be treated as plain text flag.
* @return $this
public function addFieldError(
$messageType = self::TYPE_ERROR,
$code = null,
$cast = self::CAST_TEXT
) {
$this->isValid = false;
return $this->addFieldMessage($fieldName, $message, $messageType, $code, $cast);
* Get a starred list of all messages
* @return string
public function starredList()
* Add a message to this ValidationResult without necessarily marking it as an error
* @param string $message The message string.
* @param string $messageType The type of message: e.g. "bad", "warning", "good", or "required". Passed as a CSS
* class to the form, so other values can be used if desired.
* @param string $code A codename for this error. Only one message per codename will be added.
* This can be usedful for ensuring no duplicate messages
* @param string|bool $cast Cast type; One of the CAST_ constant definitions.
* Bool values will be treated as plain text flag.
* @return $this
public function addMessage($message, $messageType = self::TYPE_ERROR, $code = null, $cast = self::CAST_TEXT)
return " * " . implode("\n * ", $this->messageList());
return $this->addFieldMessage(null, $message, $messageType, $code, $cast);
* Combine this Validation Result with the ValidationResult given in other.
* It will be valid if both this and the other result are valid.
* This object will be modified to contain the new validation information.
* @param ValidationResult $other the validation result object to combine
* @return $this
* Add a message to this ValidationResult without necessarily marking it as an error
* @param string $fieldName The field to link the message to. If omitted; a form-wide message is assumed.
* @param string $message The message string.
* @param string $messageType The type of message: e.g. "bad", "warning", "good", or "required". Passed as a CSS
* class to the form, so other values can be used if desired.
* @param string $code A codename for this error. Only one message per codename will be added.
* This can be usedful for ensuring no duplicate messages
* @param string|bool $cast Cast type; One of the CAST_ constant definitions.
* Bool values will be treated as plain text flag.
* @return $this
public function addFieldMessage(
$messageType = self::TYPE_ERROR,
$code = null,
$cast = self::CAST_TEXT
) {
if ($code && is_numeric($code)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Don't use a numeric code '$code'. Use a string.");
if (is_bool($cast)) {
$cast = $cast ? self::CAST_TEXT : self::CAST_HTML;
$metadata = array(
'message' => $message,
'fieldName' => $fieldName,
'messageType' => $messageType,
'messageCast' => $cast,
if ($code) {
$this->messages[$code] = $metadata;
} else {
$this->messages[] = $metadata;
return $this;
* Returns true if the result is valid.
* @return boolean
public function isValid()
return $this->isValid;
* Return the full error meta-data, suitable for combining with another ValidationResult.
* @return array Array of messages, where each item is an array of data for that message.
public function getMessages()
return $this->messages;
* Combine this Validation Result with the ValidationResult given in other.
* It will be valid if both this and the other result are valid.
* This object will be modified to contain the new validation information.
* @param ValidationResult $other the validation result object to combine
* @return $this
public function combineAnd(ValidationResult $other)
$this->isValid = $this->isValid && $other->valid();
$this->errorList = array_merge($this->errorList, $other->getErrorMetaData());
return $this;
$this->isValid = $this->isValid && $other->isValid();
$this->messages = array_merge($this->messages, $other->getMessages());
return $this;
* String representation of object
* @return string the string representation of the object or null
public function serialize()
return json_encode([$this->messages, $this->isValid]);
* Constructs the object
* @param string $serialized
public function unserialize($serialized)
list($this->messages, $this->isValid) = json_decode($serialized, true);
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use SilverStripe\Forms\Form;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FormAction;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
* Provides versioned dataobject support to {@see GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest}
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class VersionedGridFieldItemRequest extends GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
// Check if record is versionable
/** @var Versioned|DataObject $record */
$record = $this->getRecord();
if (!$record || !$record->has_extension('SilverStripe\ORM\Versioning\Versioned')) {
if (!$record || !$record->has_extension(Versioned::class)) {
return $actions;
@ -100,12 +100,7 @@ class VersionedGridFieldItemRequest extends GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
// Record name before it's deleted
$title = $record->Title;
try {
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
return $this->generateValidationResponse($form, $e);
$message = sprintf(
_t('VersionedGridFieldItemRequest.Archived', 'Archived %s %s'),
@ -139,15 +134,9 @@ class VersionedGridFieldItemRequest extends GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
return $this->httpError(403);
// Save from form data
try {
// Initial save and reload
$record = $this->saveFormIntoRecord($data, $form);
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
return $this->generateValidationResponse($form, $e);
$editURL = $this->Link('edit');
$xmlTitle = Convert::raw2xml($record->Title);
$link = "<a href=\"{$editURL}\">{$xmlTitle}</a>";
@ -181,12 +170,7 @@ class VersionedGridFieldItemRequest extends GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
// Record name before it's deleted
$title = $record->Title;
try {
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
return $this->generateValidationResponse($form, $e);
$message = sprintf(
_t('VersionedGridFieldItemRequest.Unpublished', 'Unpublished %s %s'),
@ -205,11 +189,12 @@ class VersionedGridFieldItemRequest extends GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
protected function setFormMessage($form, $message)
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'good', false);
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'good', ValidationResult::CAST_HTML);
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
if ($controller->hasMethod('getEditForm')) {
/** @var Form $backForm */
$backForm = $controller->getEditForm();
$backForm->sessionMessage($message, 'good', false);
$backForm->sessionMessage($message, 'good', ValidationResult::CAST_HTML);
@ -124,12 +124,13 @@ class CMSMemberLoginForm extends LoginForm
* Redirect the user to the change password form.
* @skipUpgrade
* @return HTTPResponse
protected function redirectToChangePassword()
// Since this form is loaded via an iframe, this redirect must be performed via javascript
$changePasswordForm = new ChangePasswordForm($this->controller, 'SilverStripe\\Security\\ChangePasswordForm');
$changePasswordForm = new ChangePasswordForm($this->controller, 'ChangePasswordForm');
_t('Member.PASSWORDEXPIRED', 'Your password has expired. Please choose a new one.'),
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ use SilverStripe\Forms\PasswordField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FormAction;
use SilverStripe\Forms\HiddenField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\Form;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
* Standard Change Password Form
@ -64,7 +65,6 @@ class ChangePasswordForm extends Form
parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions);
* Change the password
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class ChangePasswordForm extends Form
if ($member = Member::currentUser()) {
// The user was logged in, check the current password
if (empty($data['OldPassword']) || !$member->checkPassword($data['OldPassword'])->valid()) {
if (empty($data['OldPassword']) || !$member->checkPassword($data['OldPassword'])->isValid()) {
_t('Member.ERRORPASSWORDNOTMATCH', "Your current password does not match, please try again"),
@ -108,60 +108,52 @@ class ChangePasswordForm extends Form
// redirect back to the form, instead of using redirectBack() which could send the user elsewhere.
return $this->controller->redirect($this->controller->Link('changepassword'));
} elseif ($data['NewPassword1'] == $data['NewPassword2']) {
$isValid = $member->changePassword($data['NewPassword1']);
if ($isValid->valid()) {
// Clear locked out status
$member->LockedOutUntil = null;
$member->FailedLoginCount = null;
if ($member->canLogIn()->valid()) {
// TODO Add confirmation message to login redirect
if (!empty($_REQUEST['BackURL'])
// absolute redirection URLs may cause spoofing
&& Director::is_site_url($_REQUEST['BackURL'])
) {
$url = Director::absoluteURL($_REQUEST['BackURL']);
return $this->controller->redirect($url);
} else {
// Redirect to default location - the login form saying "You are logged in as..."
$redirectURL = HTTP::setGetVar(
return $this->controller->redirect($redirectURL);
} else {
"We couldn't accept that password: {password}",
array('password' => nl2br("\n".Convert::raw2xml($isValid->starredList())))
// redirect back to the form, instead of using redirectBack() which could send the user elsewhere.
return $this->controller->redirect($this->controller->Link('changepassword'));
} else {
// Fail if passwords do not match
if ($data['NewPassword1'] !== $data['NewPassword2']) {
_t('Member.ERRORNEWPASSWORD', "You have entered your new password differently, try again"),
// redirect back to the form, instead of using redirectBack() which could send the user elsewhere.
return $this->controller->redirect($this->controller->Link('changepassword'));
// Check if the new password is accepted
$validationResult = $member->changePassword($data['NewPassword1']);
if (!$validationResult->isValid()) {
return $this->controller->redirect($this->controller->Link('changepassword'));
// Clear locked out status
$member->LockedOutUntil = null;
$member->FailedLoginCount = null;
if ($member->canLogIn()->isValid()) {
// TODO Add confirmation message to login redirect
if (!empty($_REQUEST['BackURL'])
// absolute redirection URLs may cause spoofing
&& Director::is_site_url($_REQUEST['BackURL'])
) {
$url = Director::absoluteURL($_REQUEST['BackURL']);
return $this->controller->redirect($url);
} else {
// Redirect to default location - the login form saying "You are logged in as..."
$redirectURL = HTTP::setGetVar(
return $this->controller->redirect($redirectURL);
@ -53,436 +53,436 @@ use SilverStripe\View\Requirements;
class Group extends DataObject
private static $db = array(
"Title" => "Varchar(255)",
"Description" => "Text",
"Code" => "Varchar(255)",
"Locked" => "Boolean",
"Sort" => "Int",
"HtmlEditorConfig" => "Text"
private static $db = array(
"Title" => "Varchar(255)",
"Description" => "Text",
"Code" => "Varchar(255)",
"Locked" => "Boolean",
"Sort" => "Int",
"HtmlEditorConfig" => "Text"
private static $has_one = array(
"Parent" => "SilverStripe\\Security\\Group",
private static $has_one = array(
"Parent" => "SilverStripe\\Security\\Group",
private static $has_many = array(
"Permissions" => "SilverStripe\\Security\\Permission",
"Groups" => "SilverStripe\\Security\\Group"
private static $has_many = array(
"Permissions" => "SilverStripe\\Security\\Permission",
"Groups" => "SilverStripe\\Security\\Group"
private static $many_many = array(
"Members" => "SilverStripe\\Security\\Member",
"Roles" => "SilverStripe\\Security\\PermissionRole",
private static $many_many = array(
"Members" => "SilverStripe\\Security\\Member",
"Roles" => "SilverStripe\\Security\\PermissionRole",
private static $extensions = array(
private static $extensions = array(
private static $table_name = "Group";
private static $table_name = "Group";
public function populateDefaults()
if (!$this->Title) {
$this->Title = _t('SecurityAdmin.NEWGROUP', "New Group");
public function getAllChildren()
$doSet = new ArrayList();
$doSet = new ArrayList();
$children = Group::get()->filter("ParentID", $this->ID);
foreach($children as $child) {
$children = Group::get()->filter("ParentID", $this->ID);
foreach ($children as $child) {
return $doSet;
return $doSet;
* Caution: Only call on instances, not through a singleton.
* The "root group" fields will be created through {@link SecurityAdmin->EditForm()}.
* @return FieldList
* Caution: Only call on instances, not through a singleton.
* The "root group" fields will be created through {@link SecurityAdmin->EditForm()}.
* @return FieldList
public function getCMSFields()
$fields = new FieldList(
$fields = new FieldList(
new TabSet(
new Tab(
_t('SecurityAdmin.MEMBERS', 'Members'),
new TextField("Title", $this->fieldLabel('Title')),
new TextField("Title", $this->fieldLabel('Title')),
$parentidfield = DropdownField::create(
Group::get()->exclude('ID', $this->ID)->map('ID', 'Breadcrumbs')
)->setEmptyString(' '),
new TextareaField('Description', $this->fieldLabel('Description'))
Group::get()->exclude('ID', $this->ID)->map('ID', 'Breadcrumbs')
)->setEmptyString(' '),
new TextareaField('Description', $this->fieldLabel('Description'))
$permissionsTab = new Tab(
_t('SecurityAdmin.PERMISSIONS', 'Permissions'),
$permissionsField = new PermissionCheckboxSetField(
$permissionsField = new PermissionCheckboxSetField(
_t('Group.GroupReminder', 'If you choose a parent group, this group will take all it\'s roles')
_t('Group.GroupReminder', 'If you choose a parent group, this group will take all it\'s roles')
// Filter permissions
// TODO SecurityAdmin coupling, not easy to get to the form fields through GridFieldDetailForm
$permissionsField->setHiddenPermissions((array)Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\\Admin\\SecurityAdmin', 'hidden_permissions'));
// Filter permissions
// TODO SecurityAdmin coupling, not easy to get to the form fields through GridFieldDetailForm
$permissionsField->setHiddenPermissions((array)Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\\Admin\\SecurityAdmin', 'hidden_permissions'));
if($this->ID) {
$group = $this;
$config = GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::create();
$config->addComponent(new GridFieldButtonRow('after'));
$config->addComponents(new GridFieldExportButton('buttons-after-left'));
$config->addComponents(new GridFieldPrintButton('buttons-after-left'));
/** @var GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter $autocompleter */
$autocompleter = $config->getComponentByType('SilverStripe\\Forms\\GridField\\GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter');
/** @skipUpgrade */
->setResultsFormat('$Title ($Email)')
->setSearchFields(array('FirstName', 'Surname', 'Email'));
/** @var GridFieldDetailForm $detailForm */
$detailForm = $config->getComponentByType('SilverStripe\\Forms\\GridField\\GridFieldDetailForm');
->setItemEditFormCallback(function($form, $component) use($group) {
/** @var Form $form */
$record = $form->getRecord();
$groupsField = $form->Fields()->dataFieldByName('DirectGroups');
if($groupsField) {
// If new records are created in a group context,
// set this group by default.
if($record && !$record->ID) {
} elseif($record && $record->ID) {
// TODO Mark disabled once chosen.js supports it
// $groupsField->setDisabledItems(array($group->ID));
if ($this->ID) {
$group = $this;
$config = GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::create();
$config->addComponent(new GridFieldButtonRow('after'));
$config->addComponents(new GridFieldExportButton('buttons-after-left'));
$config->addComponents(new GridFieldPrintButton('buttons-after-left'));
/** @var GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter $autocompleter */
$autocompleter = $config->getComponentByType('SilverStripe\\Forms\\GridField\\GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter');
/** @skipUpgrade */
->setResultsFormat('$Title ($Email)')
->setSearchFields(array('FirstName', 'Surname', 'Email'));
/** @var GridFieldDetailForm $detailForm */
$detailForm = $config->getComponentByType('SilverStripe\\Forms\\GridField\\GridFieldDetailForm');
->setItemEditFormCallback(function ($form, $component) use ($group) {
/** @var Form $form */
$record = $form->getRecord();
$groupsField = $form->Fields()->dataFieldByName('DirectGroups');
if ($groupsField) {
// If new records are created in a group context,
// set this group by default.
if ($record && !$record->ID) {
} elseif ($record && $record->ID) {
// TODO Mark disabled once chosen.js supports it
// $groupsField->setDisabledItems(array($group->ID));
$memberList = GridField::create('Members',false, $this->DirectMembers(), $config)
// @todo Implement permission checking on GridField
//$memberList->setPermissions(array('edit', 'delete', 'export', 'add', 'inlineadd'));
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Members', $memberList);
$memberList = GridField::create('Members', false, $this->DirectMembers(), $config)
// @todo Implement permission checking on GridField
//$memberList->setPermissions(array('edit', 'delete', 'export', 'add', 'inlineadd'));
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Members', $memberList);
// Only add a dropdown for HTML editor configurations if more than one is available.
// Otherwise Member->getHtmlEditorConfigForCMS() will default to the 'cms' configuration.
$editorConfigMap = HTMLEditorConfig::get_available_configs_map();
if(count($editorConfigMap) > 1) {
// Only add a dropdown for HTML editor configurations if more than one is available.
// Otherwise Member->getHtmlEditorConfigForCMS() will default to the 'cms' configuration.
$editorConfigMap = HTMLEditorConfig::get_available_configs_map();
if (count($editorConfigMap) > 1) {
new DropdownField(
'HTML Editor Configuration',
new DropdownField(
'HTML Editor Configuration',
if(!Permission::check('EDIT_PERMISSIONS')) {
$fields->removeFieldFromTab('Root', 'Permissions');
if (!Permission::check('EDIT_PERMISSIONS')) {
$fields->removeFieldFromTab('Root', 'Permissions');
// Only show the "Roles" tab if permissions are granted to edit them,
// and at least one role exists
if(Permission::check('APPLY_ROLES') && DataObject::get('SilverStripe\\Security\\PermissionRole')) {
$fields->findOrMakeTab('Root.Roles', _t('SecurityAdmin.ROLES', 'Roles'));
// Only show the "Roles" tab if permissions are granted to edit them,
// and at least one role exists
if (Permission::check('APPLY_ROLES') && DataObject::get('SilverStripe\\Security\\PermissionRole')) {
$fields->findOrMakeTab('Root.Roles', _t('SecurityAdmin.ROLES', 'Roles'));
new LiteralField(
"<p>" .
"Roles are predefined sets of permissions, and can be assigned to groups.<br />"
. "They are inherited from parent groups if required."
) . '<br />' .
'<a href="%s" class="add-role">%s</a>',
// TODO This should include #Root_Roles to switch directly to the tab,
// but tabstrip.js doesn't display tabs when directly adressed through a URL pragma
_t('Group.RolesAddEditLink', 'Manage roles')
) .
new LiteralField(
"<p>" .
"Roles are predefined sets of permissions, and can be assigned to groups.<br />"
. "They are inherited from parent groups if required."
) . '<br />' .
'<a href="%s" class="add-role">%s</a>',
// TODO This should include #Root_Roles to switch directly to the tab,
// but tabstrip.js doesn't display tabs when directly adressed through a URL pragma
_t('Group.RolesAddEditLink', 'Manage roles')
) .
// Add roles (and disable all checkboxes for inherited roles)
$allRoles = PermissionRole::get();
if(!Permission::check('ADMIN')) {
$allRoles = $allRoles->filter("OnlyAdminCanApply", 0);
if($this->ID) {
$groupRoles = $this->Roles();
$inheritedRoles = new ArrayList();
$ancestors = $this->getAncestors();
foreach($ancestors as $ancestor) {
$ancestorRoles = $ancestor->Roles();
// Add roles (and disable all checkboxes for inherited roles)
$allRoles = PermissionRole::get();
if (!Permission::check('ADMIN')) {
$allRoles = $allRoles->filter("OnlyAdminCanApply", 0);
if ($this->ID) {
$groupRoles = $this->Roles();
$inheritedRoles = new ArrayList();
$ancestors = $this->getAncestors();
foreach ($ancestors as $ancestor) {
$ancestorRoles = $ancestor->Roles();
if ($ancestorRoles) {
$groupRoleIDs = $groupRoles->column('ID') + $inheritedRoles->column('ID');
$inheritedRoleIDs = $inheritedRoles->column('ID');
} else {
$groupRoleIDs = array();
$inheritedRoleIDs = array();
$groupRoleIDs = $groupRoles->column('ID') + $inheritedRoles->column('ID');
$inheritedRoleIDs = $inheritedRoles->column('ID');
} else {
$groupRoleIDs = array();
$inheritedRoleIDs = array();
$rolesField = ListboxField::create('Roles', false, $allRoles->map()->toArray())
->setAttribute('data-placeholder', _t('Group.AddRole', 'Add a role for this group'))
if(!$allRoles->count()) {
$rolesField->setAttribute('data-placeholder', _t('Group.NoRoles', 'No roles found'));
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Roles', $rolesField);
$rolesField = ListboxField::create('Roles', false, $allRoles->map()->toArray())
->setAttribute('data-placeholder', _t('Group.AddRole', 'Add a role for this group'))
if (!$allRoles->count()) {
$rolesField->setAttribute('data-placeholder', _t('Group.NoRoles', 'No roles found'));
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Roles', $rolesField);
$fields->push($idField = new HiddenField("ID"));
$fields->push($idField = new HiddenField("ID"));
$this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
$this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
return $fields;
return $fields;
* @param bool $includerelations Indicate if the labels returned include relation fields
* @return array
* @param bool $includerelations Indicate if the labels returned include relation fields
* @return array
public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true)
$labels = parent::fieldLabels($includerelations);
$labels['Title'] = _t('SecurityAdmin.GROUPNAME', 'Group name');
$labels['Description'] = _t('Group.Description', 'Description');
$labels['Code'] = _t('Group.Code', 'Group Code', 'Programmatical code identifying a group');
$labels['Locked'] = _t('Group.Locked', 'Locked?', 'Group is locked in the security administration area');
$labels['Sort'] = _t('Group.Sort', 'Sort Order');
$labels['Parent'] = _t('Group.Parent', 'Parent Group', 'One group has one parent group');
$labels['Permissions'] = _t('Group.has_many_Permissions', 'Permissions', 'One group has many permissions');
$labels['Members'] = _t('Group.many_many_Members', 'Members', 'One group has many members');
$labels = parent::fieldLabels($includerelations);
$labels['Title'] = _t('SecurityAdmin.GROUPNAME', 'Group name');
$labels['Description'] = _t('Group.Description', 'Description');
$labels['Code'] = _t('Group.Code', 'Group Code', 'Programmatical code identifying a group');
$labels['Locked'] = _t('Group.Locked', 'Locked?', 'Group is locked in the security administration area');
$labels['Sort'] = _t('Group.Sort', 'Sort Order');
if ($includerelations) {
$labels['Parent'] = _t('Group.Parent', 'Parent Group', 'One group has one parent group');
$labels['Permissions'] = _t('Group.has_many_Permissions', 'Permissions', 'One group has many permissions');
$labels['Members'] = _t('Group.many_many_Members', 'Members', 'One group has many members');
return $labels;
return $labels;
* Get many-many relation to {@link Member},
* including all members which are "inherited" from children groups of this record.
* See {@link DirectMembers()} for retrieving members without any inheritance.
* @param String $filter
* @return ManyManyList
* Get many-many relation to {@link Member},
* including all members which are "inherited" from children groups of this record.
* See {@link DirectMembers()} for retrieving members without any inheritance.
* @param String $filter
* @return ManyManyList
public function Members($filter = '')
// First get direct members as a base result
$result = $this->DirectMembers();
// First get direct members as a base result
$result = $this->DirectMembers();
// Unsaved group cannot have child groups because its ID is still 0.
// Unsaved group cannot have child groups because its ID is still 0.
if (!$this->exists()) {
return $result;
// Remove the default foreign key filter in prep for re-applying a filter containing all children groups.
// Filters are conjunctive in DataQuery by default, so this filter would otherwise overrule any less specific
// ones.
if(!($result instanceof UnsavedRelationList)) {
$result = $result->alterDataQuery(function($query){
/** @var DataQuery $query */
// Now set all children groups as a new foreign key
$groups = Group::get()->byIDs($this->collateFamilyIDs());
$result = $result->forForeignID($groups->column('ID'))->where($filter);
// Remove the default foreign key filter in prep for re-applying a filter containing all children groups.
// Filters are conjunctive in DataQuery by default, so this filter would otherwise overrule any less specific
// ones.
if (!($result instanceof UnsavedRelationList)) {
$result = $result->alterDataQuery(function ($query) {
/** @var DataQuery $query */
// Now set all children groups as a new foreign key
$groups = Group::get()->byIDs($this->collateFamilyIDs());
$result = $result->forForeignID($groups->column('ID'))->where($filter);
return $result;
return $result;
* Return only the members directly added to this group
* Return only the members directly added to this group
public function DirectMembers()
return $this->getManyManyComponents('Members');
return $this->getManyManyComponents('Members');
* Return a set of this record's "family" of IDs - the IDs of
* this record and all its descendants.
* @return array
* Return a set of this record's "family" of IDs - the IDs of
* this record and all its descendants.
* @return array
public function collateFamilyIDs()
if (!$this->exists()) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Cannot call collateFamilyIDs on unsaved Group.");
if (!$this->exists()) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Cannot call collateFamilyIDs on unsaved Group.");
$familyIDs = array();
$chunkToAdd = array($this->ID);
$familyIDs = array();
$chunkToAdd = array($this->ID);
while($chunkToAdd) {
$familyIDs = array_merge($familyIDs,$chunkToAdd);
while ($chunkToAdd) {
$familyIDs = array_merge($familyIDs, $chunkToAdd);
// Get the children of *all* the groups identified in the previous chunk.
// This minimises the number of SQL queries necessary
$chunkToAdd = Group::get()->filter("ParentID", $chunkToAdd)->column('ID');
// Get the children of *all* the groups identified in the previous chunk.
// This minimises the number of SQL queries necessary
$chunkToAdd = Group::get()->filter("ParentID", $chunkToAdd)->column('ID');
return $familyIDs;
return $familyIDs;
* Returns an array of the IDs of this group and all its parents
* @return array
* Returns an array of the IDs of this group and all its parents
* @return array
public function collateAncestorIDs()
$parent = $this;
$items = [];
while(isset($parent) && $parent instanceof Group) {
$items[] = $parent->ID;
$parent = $parent->Parent;
return $items;
$parent = $this;
$items = [];
while (isset($parent) && $parent instanceof Group) {
$items[] = $parent->ID;
$parent = $parent->Parent;
return $items;
* This isn't a decendant of SiteTree, but needs this in case
* the group is "reorganised";
* This isn't a decendant of SiteTree, but needs this in case
* the group is "reorganised";
public function cmsCleanup_parentChanged()
* Override this so groups are ordered in the CMS
* Override this so groups are ordered in the CMS
public function stageChildren()
return Group::get()
->filter("ParentID", $this->ID)
->exclude("ID", $this->ID)
return Group::get()
->filter("ParentID", $this->ID)
->exclude("ID", $this->ID)
public function getTreeTitle()
if($this->hasMethod('alternateTreeTitle')) {
return $this->alternateTreeTitle();
return htmlspecialchars($this->Title, ENT_QUOTES);
if ($this->hasMethod('alternateTreeTitle')) {
return $this->alternateTreeTitle();
return htmlspecialchars($this->Title, ENT_QUOTES);
* Overloaded to ensure the code is always descent.
* @param string
* Overloaded to ensure the code is always descent.
* @param string
public function setCode($val)
$this->setField("Code", Convert::raw2url($val));
$this->setField("Code", Convert::raw2url($val));
public function validate()
$result = parent::validate();
$result = parent::validate();
// Check if the new group hierarchy would add certain "privileged permissions",
// and require an admin to perform this change in case it does.
// This prevents "sub-admin" users with group editing permissions to increase their privileges.
if($this->Parent()->exists() && !Permission::check('ADMIN')) {
$inheritedCodes = Permission::get()
->filter('GroupID', $this->Parent()->collateAncestorIDs())
$privilegedCodes = Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\\Security\\Permission', 'privileged_permissions');
if(array_intersect($inheritedCodes, $privilegedCodes)) {
'Can\'t assign parent group "%s" with privileged permissions (requires ADMIN access)'
// Check if the new group hierarchy would add certain "privileged permissions",
// and require an admin to perform this change in case it does.
// This prevents "sub-admin" users with group editing permissions to increase their privileges.
if ($this->Parent()->exists() && !Permission::check('ADMIN')) {
$inheritedCodes = Permission::get()
->filter('GroupID', $this->Parent()->collateAncestorIDs())
$privilegedCodes = Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\\Security\\Permission', 'privileged_permissions');
if (array_intersect($inheritedCodes, $privilegedCodes)) {
'Can\'t assign parent group "%s" with privileged permissions (requires ADMIN access)'
return $result;
return $result;
public function onBeforeWrite()
// Only set code property when the group has a custom title, and no code exists.
// The "Code" attribute is usually treated as a more permanent identifier than database IDs
// in custom application logic, so can't be changed after its first set.
if(!$this->Code && $this->Title != _t('SecurityAdmin.NEWGROUP',"New Group")) {
// Only set code property when the group has a custom title, and no code exists.
// The "Code" attribute is usually treated as a more permanent identifier than database IDs
// in custom application logic, so can't be changed after its first set.
if (!$this->Code && $this->Title != _t('SecurityAdmin.NEWGROUP', "New Group")) {
public function onBeforeDelete()
// if deleting this group, delete it's children as well
foreach($this->Groups() as $group) {
// if deleting this group, delete it's children as well
foreach ($this->Groups() as $group) {
// Delete associated permissions
foreach($this->Permissions() as $permission) {
// Delete associated permissions
foreach ($this->Permissions() as $permission) {
* Checks for permission-code CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin.
* If the group has ADMIN permissions, it requires the user to have ADMIN permissions as well.
* @param $member Member
* @return boolean
* Checks for permission-code CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin.
* If the group has ADMIN permissions, it requires the user to have ADMIN permissions as well.
* @param $member Member
* @return boolean
public function canEdit($member = null)
if (!$member || !(is_a($member, 'SilverStripe\\Security\\Member')) || is_numeric($member)) {
$member = Member::currentUser();
// extended access checks
$results = $this->extend('canEdit', $member);
// extended access checks
$results = $this->extend('canEdit', $member);
if ($results && is_array($results)) {
if (!min($results)) {
return false;
@ -490,48 +490,48 @@ class Group extends DataObject
if (// either we have an ADMIN
(bool)Permission::checkMember($member, "ADMIN")
|| (
// or a privileged CMS user and a group without ADMIN permissions.
// without this check, a user would be able to add himself to an administrators group
// with just access to the "Security" admin interface
Permission::checkMember($member, "CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin") &&
!Permission::get()->filter(array('GroupID' => $this->ID, 'Code' => 'ADMIN'))->exists()
) {
return true;
(bool)Permission::checkMember($member, "ADMIN")
|| (
// or a privileged CMS user and a group without ADMIN permissions.
// without this check, a user would be able to add himself to an administrators group
// with just access to the "Security" admin interface
Permission::checkMember($member, "CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin") &&
!Permission::get()->filter(array('GroupID' => $this->ID, 'Code' => 'ADMIN'))->exists()
) {
return true;
return false;
return false;
* Checks for permission-code CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin.
* @param $member Member
* @return boolean
* Checks for permission-code CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin.
* @param $member Member
* @return boolean
public function canView($member = null)
if (!$member || !(is_a($member, 'SilverStripe\\Security\\Member')) || is_numeric($member)) {
$member = Member::currentUser();
// extended access checks
$results = $this->extend('canView', $member);
// extended access checks
$results = $this->extend('canView', $member);
if ($results && is_array($results)) {
if (!min($results)) {
return false;
// user needs access to CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin
// user needs access to CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin
if (Permission::checkMember($member, "CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin")) {
return true;
return false;
return false;
public function canDelete($member = null)
@ -539,30 +539,30 @@ class Group extends DataObject
$member = Member::currentUser();
// extended access checks
$results = $this->extend('canDelete', $member);
// extended access checks
$results = $this->extend('canDelete', $member);
if ($results && is_array($results)) {
if (!min($results)) {
return false;
return $this->canEdit($member);
return $this->canEdit($member);
* Returns all of the children for the CMS Tree.
* Filters to only those groups that the current user can edit
* Returns all of the children for the CMS Tree.
* Filters to only those groups that the current user can edit
public function AllChildrenIncludingDeleted()
/** @var Hierarchy $extInstance */
$extInstance = $this->getExtensionInstance('SilverStripe\\ORM\\Hierarchy\\Hierarchy');
$children = $extInstance->AllChildrenIncludingDeleted();
/** @var Hierarchy $extInstance */
$extInstance = $this->getExtensionInstance('SilverStripe\\ORM\\Hierarchy\\Hierarchy');
$children = $extInstance->AllChildrenIncludingDeleted();
$filteredChildren = new ArrayList();
$filteredChildren = new ArrayList();
if ($children) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
@ -570,46 +570,46 @@ class Group extends DataObject
return $filteredChildren;
return $filteredChildren;
* Add default records to database.
* This function is called whenever the database is built, after the
* database tables have all been created.
* Add default records to database.
* This function is called whenever the database is built, after the
* database tables have all been created.
public function requireDefaultRecords()
// Add default author group if no other group exists
$allGroups = DataObject::get('SilverStripe\\Security\\Group');
if(!$allGroups->count()) {
$authorGroup = new Group();
$authorGroup->Code = 'content-authors';
$authorGroup->Title = _t('Group.DefaultGroupTitleContentAuthors', 'Content Authors');
$authorGroup->Sort = 1;
Permission::grant($authorGroup->ID, 'CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain');
Permission::grant($authorGroup->ID, 'CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin');
Permission::grant($authorGroup->ID, 'CMS_ACCESS_ReportAdmin');
Permission::grant($authorGroup->ID, 'SITETREE_REORGANISE');
// Add default author group if no other group exists
$allGroups = DataObject::get('SilverStripe\\Security\\Group');
if (!$allGroups->count()) {
$authorGroup = new Group();
$authorGroup->Code = 'content-authors';
$authorGroup->Title = _t('Group.DefaultGroupTitleContentAuthors', 'Content Authors');
$authorGroup->Sort = 1;
Permission::grant($authorGroup->ID, 'CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain');
Permission::grant($authorGroup->ID, 'CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin');
Permission::grant($authorGroup->ID, 'CMS_ACCESS_ReportAdmin');
Permission::grant($authorGroup->ID, 'SITETREE_REORGANISE');
// Add default admin group if none with permission code ADMIN exists
$adminGroups = Permission::get_groups_by_permission('ADMIN');
if(!$adminGroups->count()) {
$adminGroup = new Group();
$adminGroup->Code = 'administrators';
$adminGroup->Title = _t('Group.DefaultGroupTitleAdministrators', 'Administrators');
$adminGroup->Sort = 0;
Permission::grant($adminGroup->ID, 'ADMIN');
// Add default admin group if none with permission code ADMIN exists
$adminGroups = Permission::get_groups_by_permission('ADMIN');
if (!$adminGroups->count()) {
$adminGroup = new Group();
$adminGroup->Code = 'administrators';
$adminGroup->Title = _t('Group.DefaultGroupTitleAdministrators', 'Administrators');
$adminGroup->Sort = 0;
Permission::grant($adminGroup->ID, 'ADMIN');
// Members are populated through Member->requireDefaultRecords()
// Members are populated through Member->requireDefaultRecords()
@ -63,380 +63,380 @@ use Zend_Locale_Format;
class Member extends DataObject implements TemplateGlobalProvider
private static $db = array(
'FirstName' => 'Varchar',
'Surname' => 'Varchar',
'Email' => 'Varchar(254)', // See RFC 5321, Section (256 minus the < and > character)
'TempIDHash' => 'Varchar(160)', // Temporary id used for cms re-authentication
'TempIDExpired' => 'Datetime', // Expiry of temp login
'Password' => 'Varchar(160)',
'AutoLoginHash' => 'Varchar(160)', // Used to auto-login the user on password reset
'AutoLoginExpired' => 'Datetime',
// This is an arbitrary code pointing to a PasswordEncryptor instance,
// not an actual encryption algorithm.
// Warning: Never change this field after its the first password hashing without
// providing a new cleartext password as well.
'PasswordEncryption' => "Varchar(50)",
'Salt' => 'Varchar(50)',
'PasswordExpiry' => 'Date',
'LockedOutUntil' => 'Datetime',
'Locale' => 'Varchar(6)',
// handled in registerFailedLogin(), only used if $lock_out_after_incorrect_logins is set
'FailedLoginCount' => 'Int',
// In ISO format
'DateFormat' => 'Varchar(30)',
'TimeFormat' => 'Varchar(30)',
private static $db = array(
'FirstName' => 'Varchar',
'Surname' => 'Varchar',
'Email' => 'Varchar(254)', // See RFC 5321, Section (256 minus the < and > character)
'TempIDHash' => 'Varchar(160)', // Temporary id used for cms re-authentication
'TempIDExpired' => 'Datetime', // Expiry of temp login
'Password' => 'Varchar(160)',
'AutoLoginHash' => 'Varchar(160)', // Used to auto-login the user on password reset
'AutoLoginExpired' => 'Datetime',
// This is an arbitrary code pointing to a PasswordEncryptor instance,
// not an actual encryption algorithm.
// Warning: Never change this field after its the first password hashing without
// providing a new cleartext password as well.
'PasswordEncryption' => "Varchar(50)",
'Salt' => 'Varchar(50)',
'PasswordExpiry' => 'Date',
'LockedOutUntil' => 'Datetime',
'Locale' => 'Varchar(6)',
// handled in registerFailedLogin(), only used if $lock_out_after_incorrect_logins is set
'FailedLoginCount' => 'Int',
// In ISO format
'DateFormat' => 'Varchar(30)',
'TimeFormat' => 'Varchar(30)',
private static $belongs_many_many = array(
'Groups' => 'SilverStripe\\Security\\Group',
private static $belongs_many_many = array(
'Groups' => 'SilverStripe\\Security\\Group',
private static $has_many = array(
'LoggedPasswords' => 'SilverStripe\\Security\\MemberPassword',
'RememberLoginHashes' => 'SilverStripe\\Security\\RememberLoginHash'
private static $has_many = array(
'LoggedPasswords' => 'SilverStripe\\Security\\MemberPassword',
'RememberLoginHashes' => 'SilverStripe\\Security\\RememberLoginHash'
private static $table_name = "Member";
private static $table_name = "Member";
private static $default_sort = '"Surname", "FirstName"';
private static $default_sort = '"Surname", "FirstName"';
private static $indexes = array(
'Email' => true,
//Removed due to duplicate null values causing MSSQL problems
//'AutoLoginHash' => Array('type'=>'unique', 'value'=>'AutoLoginHash', 'ignoreNulls'=>true)
private static $indexes = array(
'Email' => true,
//Removed due to duplicate null values causing MSSQL problems
//'AutoLoginHash' => Array('type'=>'unique', 'value'=>'AutoLoginHash', 'ignoreNulls'=>true)
* @config
* @var boolean
private static $notify_password_change = false;
* @config
* @var boolean
private static $notify_password_change = false;
* All searchable database columns
* in this object, currently queried
* with a "column LIKE '%keywords%'
* statement.
* @var array
* @todo Generic implementation of $searchable_fields on DataObject,
* with definition for different searching algorithms
* (LIKE, FULLTEXT) and default FormFields to construct a searchform.
private static $searchable_fields = array(
* All searchable database columns
* in this object, currently queried
* with a "column LIKE '%keywords%'
* statement.
* @var array
* @todo Generic implementation of $searchable_fields on DataObject,
* with definition for different searching algorithms
* (LIKE, FULLTEXT) and default FormFields to construct a searchform.
private static $searchable_fields = array(
* @config
* @var array
private static $summary_fields = array(
* @config
* @var array
private static $summary_fields = array(
* @config
* @var array
private static $casting = array(
'Name' => 'Varchar',
* @config
* @var array
private static $casting = array(
'Name' => 'Varchar',
* Internal-use only fields
* @config
* @var array
private static $hidden_fields = array(
* Internal-use only fields
* @config
* @var array
private static $hidden_fields = array(
* @config
* @var array See {@link set_title_columns()}
private static $title_format = null;
* @config
* @var array See {@link set_title_columns()}
private static $title_format = null;
* The unique field used to identify this member.
* By default, it's "Email", but another common
* field could be Username.
* @config
* @var string
* @skipUpgrade
private static $unique_identifier_field = 'Email';
* The unique field used to identify this member.
* By default, it's "Email", but another common
* field could be Username.
* @config
* @var string
* @skipUpgrade
private static $unique_identifier_field = 'Email';
* Object for validating user's password
* @config
* @var PasswordValidator
private static $password_validator = null;
* Object for validating user's password
* @config
* @var PasswordValidator
private static $password_validator = null;
* @config
* The number of days that a password should be valid for.
* By default, this is null, which means that passwords never expire
private static $password_expiry_days = null;
* @config
* The number of days that a password should be valid for.
* By default, this is null, which means that passwords never expire
private static $password_expiry_days = null;
* @config
* @var Int Number of incorrect logins after which
* the user is blocked from further attempts for the timespan
* defined in {@link $lock_out_delay_mins}.
private static $lock_out_after_incorrect_logins = 10;
* @config
* @var Int Number of incorrect logins after which
* the user is blocked from further attempts for the timespan
* defined in {@link $lock_out_delay_mins}.
private static $lock_out_after_incorrect_logins = 10;
* @config
* @var integer Minutes of enforced lockout after incorrect password attempts.
* Only applies if {@link $lock_out_after_incorrect_logins} greater than 0.
private static $lock_out_delay_mins = 15;
* @config
* @var integer Minutes of enforced lockout after incorrect password attempts.
* Only applies if {@link $lock_out_after_incorrect_logins} greater than 0.
private static $lock_out_delay_mins = 15;
* @config
* @var String If this is set, then a session cookie with the given name will be set on log-in,
* and cleared on logout.
private static $login_marker_cookie = null;
* @config
* @var String If this is set, then a session cookie with the given name will be set on log-in,
* and cleared on logout.
private static $login_marker_cookie = null;
* Indicates that when a {@link Member} logs in, Member:session_regenerate_id()
* should be called as a security precaution.
* This doesn't always work, especially if you're trying to set session cookies
* across an entire site using the domain parameter to session_set_cookie_params()
* @config
* @var boolean
private static $session_regenerate_id = true;
* Indicates that when a {@link Member} logs in, Member:session_regenerate_id()
* should be called as a security precaution.
* This doesn't always work, especially if you're trying to set session cookies
* across an entire site using the domain parameter to session_set_cookie_params()
* @config
* @var boolean
private static $session_regenerate_id = true;
* Default lifetime of temporary ids.
* This is the period within which a user can be re-authenticated within the CMS by entering only their password
* and without losing their workspace.
* Any session expiration outside of this time will require them to login from the frontend using their full
* username and password.
* Defaults to 72 hours. Set to zero to disable expiration.
* @config
* @var int Lifetime in seconds
private static $temp_id_lifetime = 259200;
* Default lifetime of temporary ids.
* This is the period within which a user can be re-authenticated within the CMS by entering only their password
* and without losing their workspace.
* Any session expiration outside of this time will require them to login from the frontend using their full
* username and password.
* Defaults to 72 hours. Set to zero to disable expiration.
* @config
* @var int Lifetime in seconds
private static $temp_id_lifetime = 259200;
* Ensure the locale is set to something sensible by default.
* Ensure the locale is set to something sensible by default.
public function populateDefaults()
$this->Locale = i18n::get_closest_translation(i18n::get_locale());
$this->Locale = i18n::get_closest_translation(i18n::get_locale());
public function requireDefaultRecords()
// Default groups should've been built by Group->requireDefaultRecords() already
// Default groups should've been built by Group->requireDefaultRecords() already
* Get the default admin record if it exists, or creates it otherwise if enabled
* @return Member
* Get the default admin record if it exists, or creates it otherwise if enabled
* @return Member
public static function default_admin()
// Check if set
// Check if set
if (!Security::has_default_admin()) {
return null;
// Find or create ADMIN group
$adminGroup = Permission::get_groups_by_permission('ADMIN')->first();
// Find or create ADMIN group
$adminGroup = Permission::get_groups_by_permission('ADMIN')->first();
// Find member
/** @skipUpgrade */
$admin = Member::get()
->filter('Email', Security::default_admin_username())
if (!$admin) {
// 'Password' is not set to avoid creating
// persistent logins in the database. See Security::setDefaultAdmin().
// Set 'Email' to identify this as the default admin
$admin = Member::create();
$admin->FirstName = _t('Member.DefaultAdminFirstname', 'Default Admin');
$admin->Email = Security::default_admin_username();
// Find member
/** @skipUpgrade */
$admin = Member::get()
->filter('Email', Security::default_admin_username())
if(!$admin) {
// 'Password' is not set to avoid creating
// persistent logins in the database. See Security::setDefaultAdmin().
// Set 'Email' to identify this as the default admin
$admin = Member::create();
$admin->FirstName = _t('Member.DefaultAdminFirstname', 'Default Admin');
$admin->Email = Security::default_admin_username();
// Ensure this user is in the admin group
if (!$admin->inGroup($adminGroup)) {
// Add member to group instead of adding group to member
// This bypasses the privilege escallation code in Member_GroupSet
// Ensure this user is in the admin group
if(!$admin->inGroup($adminGroup)) {
// Add member to group instead of adding group to member
// This bypasses the privilege escallation code in Member_GroupSet
return $admin;
return $admin;
* Check if the passed password matches the stored one (if the member is not locked out).
* @param string $password
* @return ValidationResult
* Check if the passed password matches the stored one (if the member is not locked out).
* @param string $password
* @return ValidationResult
public function checkPassword($password)
$result = $this->canLogIn();
$result = $this->canLogIn();
// Short-circuit the result upon failure, no further checks needed.
if (!$result->valid()) {
return $result;
// Short-circuit the result upon failure, no further checks needed.
if (!$result->isValid()) {
return $result;
// Allow default admin to login as self
if($this->isDefaultAdmin() && Security::check_default_admin($this->Email, $password)) {
return $result;
// Allow default admin to login as self
if ($this->isDefaultAdmin() && Security::check_default_admin($this->Email, $password)) {
return $result;
// Check a password is set on this member
if(empty($this->Password) && $this->exists()) {
$result->addError(_t('Member.NoPassword','There is no password on this member.'));
return $result;
// Check a password is set on this member
if (empty($this->Password) && $this->exists()) {
$result->addError(_t('Member.NoPassword', 'There is no password on this member.'));
return $result;
$e = PasswordEncryptor::create_for_algorithm($this->PasswordEncryption);
if(!$e->check($this->Password, $password, $this->Salt, $this)) {
$result->addError(_t (
'The provided details don\'t seem to be correct. Please try again.'
$e = PasswordEncryptor::create_for_algorithm($this->PasswordEncryption);
if (!$e->check($this->Password, $password, $this->Salt, $this)) {
'The provided details don\'t seem to be correct. Please try again.'
return $result;
return $result;
* Check if this user is the currently configured default admin
* @return bool
* Check if this user is the currently configured default admin
* @return bool
public function isDefaultAdmin()
return Security::has_default_admin()
&& $this->Email === Security::default_admin_username();
return Security::has_default_admin()
&& $this->Email === Security::default_admin_username();
* Returns a valid {@link ValidationResult} if this member can currently log in, or an invalid
* one with error messages to display if the member is locked out.
* You can hook into this with a "canLogIn" method on an attached extension.
* @return ValidationResult
* Returns a valid {@link ValidationResult} if this member can currently log in, or an invalid
* one with error messages to display if the member is locked out.
* You can hook into this with a "canLogIn" method on an attached extension.
* @return ValidationResult
public function canLogIn()
$result = ValidationResult::create();
$result = ValidationResult::create();
if($this->isLockedOut()) {
'Your account has been temporarily disabled because of too many failed attempts at ' .
'logging in. Please try again in {count} minutes.',
array('count' => $this->config()->lock_out_delay_mins)
if ($this->isLockedOut()) {
'Your account has been temporarily disabled because of too many failed attempts at ' .
'logging in. Please try again in {count} minutes.',
array('count' => $this->config()->lock_out_delay_mins)
$this->extend('canLogIn', $result);
return $result;
$this->extend('canLogIn', $result);
return $result;
* Returns true if this user is locked out
* Returns true if this user is locked out
public function isLockedOut()
return $this->LockedOutUntil && DBDatetime::now()->Format('U') < strtotime($this->LockedOutUntil);
return $this->LockedOutUntil && DBDatetime::now()->Format('U') < strtotime($this->LockedOutUntil);
* Regenerate the session_id.
* This wrapper is here to make it easier to disable calls to session_regenerate_id(), should you need to.
* They have caused problems in certain
* quirky problems (such as using the Windmill 0.3.6 proxy).
* Regenerate the session_id.
* This wrapper is here to make it easier to disable calls to session_regenerate_id(), should you need to.
* They have caused problems in certain
* quirky problems (such as using the Windmill 0.3.6 proxy).
public static function session_regenerate_id()
if (!self::config()->session_regenerate_id) {
// This can be called via CLI during testing.
// This can be called via CLI during testing.
if (Director::is_cli()) {
$file = '';
$line = '';
$file = '';
$line = '';
// @ is to supress win32 warnings/notices when session wasn't cleaned up properly
// There's nothing we can do about this, because it's an operating system function!
// @ is to supress win32 warnings/notices when session wasn't cleaned up properly
// There's nothing we can do about this, because it's an operating system function!
if (!headers_sent($file, $line)) {
* Set a {@link PasswordValidator} object to use to validate member's passwords.
* @param PasswordValidator $pv
* Set a {@link PasswordValidator} object to use to validate member's passwords.
* @param PasswordValidator $pv
public static function set_password_validator($pv)
self::$password_validator = $pv;
self::$password_validator = $pv;
* Returns the current {@link PasswordValidator}
* @return PasswordValidator
* Returns the current {@link PasswordValidator}
* @return PasswordValidator
public static function password_validator()
return self::$password_validator;
return self::$password_validator;
public function isPasswordExpired()
@ -444,176 +444,176 @@ class Member extends DataObject implements TemplateGlobalProvider
if (!$this->PasswordExpiry) {
return false;
return strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) >= strtotime($this->PasswordExpiry);
return strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) >= strtotime($this->PasswordExpiry);
* Logs this member in
* @param bool $remember If set to TRUE, the member will be logged in automatically the next time.
* Logs this member in
* @param bool $remember If set to TRUE, the member will be logged in automatically the next time.
public function logIn($remember = false)
Session::set("loggedInAs", $this->ID);
// This lets apache rules detect whether the user has logged in
Session::set("loggedInAs", $this->ID);
// This lets apache rules detect whether the user has logged in
if (Member::config()->login_marker_cookie) {
Cookie::set(Member::config()->login_marker_cookie, 1, 0);
if (Security::config()->autologin_enabled) {
// Cleans up any potential previous hash for this member on this device
if ($alcDevice = Cookie::get('alc_device')) {
RememberLoginHash::get()->filter('DeviceID', $alcDevice)->removeAll();
if($remember) {
$rememberLoginHash = RememberLoginHash::generate($this);
$tokenExpiryDays = Config::inst()->get(
$deviceExpiryDays = Config::inst()->get(
$this->ID . ':' . $rememberLoginHash->getToken(),
Cookie::set('alc_device', $rememberLoginHash->DeviceID, $deviceExpiryDays, null, null, null, true);
if (Security::config()->autologin_enabled) {
// Cleans up any potential previous hash for this member on this device
if ($alcDevice = Cookie::get('alc_device')) {
RememberLoginHash::get()->filter('DeviceID', $alcDevice)->removeAll();
if ($remember) {
$rememberLoginHash = RememberLoginHash::generate($this);
$tokenExpiryDays = Config::inst()->get(
$deviceExpiryDays = Config::inst()->get(
$this->ID . ':' . $rememberLoginHash->getToken(),
Cookie::set('alc_device', $rememberLoginHash->DeviceID, $deviceExpiryDays, null, null, null, true);
} else {
Cookie::set('alc_enc', null);
Cookie::set('alc_device', null);
// Clear the incorrect log-in count
Cookie::set('alc_enc', null);
Cookie::set('alc_device', null);
// Clear the incorrect log-in count
$this->LockedOutUntil = null;
$this->LockedOutUntil = null;
// Audit logging hook
// Audit logging hook
* Trigger regeneration of TempID.
* This should be performed any time the user presents their normal identification (normally Email)
* and is successfully authenticated.
* Trigger regeneration of TempID.
* This should be performed any time the user presents their normal identification (normally Email)
* and is successfully authenticated.
public function regenerateTempID()
$generator = new RandomGenerator();
$this->TempIDHash = $generator->randomToken('sha1');
$this->TempIDExpired = self::config()->temp_id_lifetime
? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(DBDatetime::now()->getValue()) + self::config()->temp_id_lifetime)
: null;
$generator = new RandomGenerator();
$this->TempIDHash = $generator->randomToken('sha1');
$this->TempIDExpired = self::config()->temp_id_lifetime
? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(DBDatetime::now()->getValue()) + self::config()->temp_id_lifetime)
: null;
* Check if the member ID logged in session actually
* has a database record of the same ID. If there is
* no logged in user, FALSE is returned anyway.
* @return boolean TRUE record found FALSE no record found
* Check if the member ID logged in session actually
* has a database record of the same ID. If there is
* no logged in user, FALSE is returned anyway.
* @return boolean TRUE record found FALSE no record found
public static function logged_in_session_exists()
if($id = Member::currentUserID()) {
if($member = DataObject::get_by_id('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', $id)) {
if ($id = Member::currentUserID()) {
if ($member = DataObject::get_by_id('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', $id)) {
if ($member->exists()) {
return true;
return false;
return false;
* Log the user in if the "remember login" cookie is set
* The <i>remember login token</i> will be changed on every successful
* auto-login.
* Log the user in if the "remember login" cookie is set
* The <i>remember login token</i> will be changed on every successful
* auto-login.
public static function autoLogin()
// Don't bother trying this multiple times
if (!class_exists('SilverStripe\\Dev\\SapphireTest', false) || !SapphireTest::is_running_test()) {
self::$_already_tried_to_auto_log_in = true;
// Don't bother trying this multiple times
if (!class_exists('SilverStripe\\Dev\\SapphireTest', false) || !SapphireTest::is_running_test()) {
self::$_already_tried_to_auto_log_in = true;
|| strpos(Cookie::get('alc_enc'), ':') === false
|| Session::get("loggedInAs")
|| !Security::database_is_ready()
) {
if (!Security::config()->autologin_enabled
|| strpos(Cookie::get('alc_enc'), ':') === false
|| Session::get("loggedInAs")
|| !Security::database_is_ready()
) {
if(strpos(Cookie::get('alc_enc'), ':') && Cookie::get('alc_device') && !Session::get("loggedInAs")) {
list($uid, $token) = explode(':', Cookie::get('alc_enc'), 2);
if (strpos(Cookie::get('alc_enc'), ':') && Cookie::get('alc_device') && !Session::get("loggedInAs")) {
list($uid, $token) = explode(':', Cookie::get('alc_enc'), 2);
if (!$uid || !$token) {
if (!$uid || !$token) {
$deviceID = Cookie::get('alc_device');
$deviceID = Cookie::get('alc_device');
/** @var Member $member */
$member = Member::get()->byID($uid);
/** @var Member $member */
$member = Member::get()->byID($uid);
/** @var RememberLoginHash $rememberLoginHash */
$rememberLoginHash = null;
/** @var RememberLoginHash $rememberLoginHash */
$rememberLoginHash = null;
// check if autologin token matches
if($member) {
$hash = $member->encryptWithUserSettings($token);
$rememberLoginHash = RememberLoginHash::get()
'MemberID' => $member->ID,
'DeviceID' => $deviceID,
'Hash' => $hash
if(!$rememberLoginHash) {
$member = null;
} else {
// Check for expired token
$expiryDate = new DateTime($rememberLoginHash->ExpiryDate);
$now = DBDatetime::now();
$now = new DateTime($now->Rfc2822());
if ($now > $expiryDate) {
$member = null;
// check if autologin token matches
if ($member) {
$hash = $member->encryptWithUserSettings($token);
$rememberLoginHash = RememberLoginHash::get()
'MemberID' => $member->ID,
'DeviceID' => $deviceID,
'Hash' => $hash
if (!$rememberLoginHash) {
$member = null;
} else {
// Check for expired token
$expiryDate = new DateTime($rememberLoginHash->ExpiryDate);
$now = DBDatetime::now();
$now = new DateTime($now->Rfc2822());
if ($now > $expiryDate) {
$member = null;
if($member) {
Session::set("loggedInAs", $member->ID);
// This lets apache rules detect whether the user has logged in
if(Member::config()->login_marker_cookie) {
Cookie::set(Member::config()->login_marker_cookie, 1, 0, null, null, false, true);
if ($member) {
Session::set("loggedInAs", $member->ID);
// This lets apache rules detect whether the user has logged in
if (Member::config()->login_marker_cookie) {
Cookie::set(Member::config()->login_marker_cookie, 1, 0, null, null, false, true);
if ($rememberLoginHash) {
$tokenExpiryDays = RememberLoginHash::config()->get('token_expiry_days');
if ($rememberLoginHash) {
$tokenExpiryDays = RememberLoginHash::config()->get('token_expiry_days');
$member->ID . ':' . $rememberLoginHash->getToken(),
@ -623,272 +623,272 @@ class Member extends DataObject implements TemplateGlobalProvider
// Audit logging hook
// Audit logging hook
* Logs this member out.
* Logs this member out.
public function logOut()
if (Member::config()->login_marker_cookie) {
Cookie::set(Member::config()->login_marker_cookie, null, 0);
// Clears any potential previous hashes for this member
RememberLoginHash::clear($this, Cookie::get('alc_device'));
// Clears any potential previous hashes for this member
RememberLoginHash::clear($this, Cookie::get('alc_device'));
Cookie::set('alc_enc', null); // // Clear the Remember Me cookie
Cookie::set('alc_device', null);
Cookie::set('alc_enc', null); // // Clear the Remember Me cookie
Cookie::set('alc_device', null);
// Switch back to live in order to avoid infinite loops when
// redirecting to the login screen (if this login screen is versioned)
// Switch back to live in order to avoid infinite loops when
// redirecting to the login screen (if this login screen is versioned)
// Audit logging hook
// Audit logging hook
* Utility for generating secure password hashes for this member.
* @param string $string
* @return string
* @throws PasswordEncryptor_NotFoundException
* Utility for generating secure password hashes for this member.
* @param string $string
* @return string
* @throws PasswordEncryptor_NotFoundException
public function encryptWithUserSettings($string)
if (!$string) {
return null;
// If the algorithm or salt is not available, it means we are operating
// on legacy account with unhashed password. Do not hash the string.
if (!$this->PasswordEncryption) {
return $string;
// If the algorithm or salt is not available, it means we are operating
// on legacy account with unhashed password. Do not hash the string.
if (!$this->PasswordEncryption) {
return $string;
// We assume we have PasswordEncryption and Salt available here.
$e = PasswordEncryptor::create_for_algorithm($this->PasswordEncryption);
return $e->encrypt($string, $this->Salt);
// We assume we have PasswordEncryption and Salt available here.
$e = PasswordEncryptor::create_for_algorithm($this->PasswordEncryption);
return $e->encrypt($string, $this->Salt);
* Generate an auto login token which can be used to reset the password,
* at the same time hashing it and storing in the database.
* @param int $lifetime The lifetime of the auto login hash in days (by default 2 days)
* @returns string Token that should be passed to the client (but NOT persisted).
* @todo Make it possible to handle database errors such as a "duplicate key" error
* Generate an auto login token which can be used to reset the password,
* at the same time hashing it and storing in the database.
* @param int $lifetime The lifetime of the auto login hash in days (by default 2 days)
* @returns string Token that should be passed to the client (but NOT persisted).
* @todo Make it possible to handle database errors such as a "duplicate key" error
public function generateAutologinTokenAndStoreHash($lifetime = 2)
do {
$generator = new RandomGenerator();
$token = $generator->randomToken();
$hash = $this->encryptWithUserSettings($token);
} while(DataObject::get_one('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', array(
'"Member"."AutoLoginHash"' => $hash
do {
$generator = new RandomGenerator();
$token = $generator->randomToken();
$hash = $this->encryptWithUserSettings($token);
} while (DataObject::get_one('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', array(
'"Member"."AutoLoginHash"' => $hash
$this->AutoLoginHash = $hash;
$this->AutoLoginExpired = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + (86400 * $lifetime));
$this->AutoLoginHash = $hash;
$this->AutoLoginExpired = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + (86400 * $lifetime));
return $token;
return $token;
* Check the token against the member.
* @param string $autologinToken
* @returns bool Is token valid?
* Check the token against the member.
* @param string $autologinToken
* @returns bool Is token valid?
public function validateAutoLoginToken($autologinToken)
$hash = $this->encryptWithUserSettings($autologinToken);
$member = self::member_from_autologinhash($hash, false);
return (bool)$member;
$hash = $this->encryptWithUserSettings($autologinToken);
$member = self::member_from_autologinhash($hash, false);
return (bool)$member;
* Return the member for the auto login hash
* @param string $hash The hash key
* @param bool $login Should the member be logged in?
* @return Member the matching member, if valid
* @return Member
* Return the member for the auto login hash
* @param string $hash The hash key
* @param bool $login Should the member be logged in?
* @return Member the matching member, if valid
* @return Member
public static function member_from_autologinhash($hash, $login = false)
$nowExpression = DB::get_conn()->now();
/** @var Member $member */
$member = DataObject::get_one('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', array(
"\"Member\".\"AutoLoginHash\"" => $hash,
"\"Member\".\"AutoLoginExpired\" > $nowExpression" // NOW() can't be parameterised
$nowExpression = DB::get_conn()->now();
/** @var Member $member */
$member = DataObject::get_one('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', array(
"\"Member\".\"AutoLoginHash\"" => $hash,
"\"Member\".\"AutoLoginExpired\" > $nowExpression" // NOW() can't be parameterised
if ($login && $member) {
return $member;
return $member;
* Find a member record with the given TempIDHash value
* @param string $tempid
* @return Member
* Find a member record with the given TempIDHash value
* @param string $tempid
* @return Member
public static function member_from_tempid($tempid)
$members = Member::get()
->filter('TempIDHash', $tempid);
$members = Member::get()
->filter('TempIDHash', $tempid);
// Exclude expired
if(static::config()->temp_id_lifetime) {
$members = $members->filter('TempIDExpired:GreaterThan', DBDatetime::now()->getValue());
// Exclude expired
if (static::config()->temp_id_lifetime) {
$members = $members->filter('TempIDExpired:GreaterThan', DBDatetime::now()->getValue());
return $members->first();
return $members->first();
* Returns the fields for the member form - used in the registration/profile module.
* It should return fields that are editable by the admin and the logged-in user.
* @return FieldList Returns a {@link FieldList} containing the fields for
* the member form.
* Returns the fields for the member form - used in the registration/profile module.
* It should return fields that are editable by the admin and the logged-in user.
* @return FieldList Returns a {@link FieldList} containing the fields for
* the member form.
public function getMemberFormFields()
$fields = parent::getFrontEndFields();
$fields = parent::getFrontEndFields();
$fields->replaceField('Password', $this->getMemberPasswordField());
$fields->replaceField('Password', $this->getMemberPasswordField());
$fields->replaceField('Locale', new DropdownField (
$fields->replaceField('Locale', new DropdownField(
$this->extend('updateMemberFormFields', $fields);
return $fields;
$this->extend('updateMemberFormFields', $fields);
return $fields;
* Builds "Change / Create Password" field for this member
* @return ConfirmedPasswordField
* Builds "Change / Create Password" field for this member
* @return ConfirmedPasswordField
public function getMemberPasswordField()
$editingPassword = $this->isInDB();
$label = $editingPassword
? _t('Member.EDIT_PASSWORD', 'New Password')
: $this->fieldLabel('Password');
/** @var ConfirmedPasswordField $password */
$password = ConfirmedPasswordField::create(
$editingPassword = $this->isInDB();
$label = $editingPassword
? _t('Member.EDIT_PASSWORD', 'New Password')
: $this->fieldLabel('Password');
/** @var ConfirmedPasswordField $password */
$password = ConfirmedPasswordField::create(
// If editing own password, require confirmation of existing
if($editingPassword && $this->ID == Member::currentUserID()) {
// If editing own password, require confirmation of existing
if ($editingPassword && $this->ID == Member::currentUserID()) {
$this->extend('updateMemberPasswordField', $password);
return $password;
$this->extend('updateMemberPasswordField', $password);
return $password;
* Returns the {@link RequiredFields} instance for the Member object. This
* Validator is used when saving a {@link CMSProfileController} or added to
* any form responsible for saving a users data.
* To customize the required fields, add a {@link DataExtension} to member
* calling the `updateValidator()` method.
* @return Member_Validator
* Returns the {@link RequiredFields} instance for the Member object. This
* Validator is used when saving a {@link CMSProfileController} or added to
* any form responsible for saving a users data.
* To customize the required fields, add a {@link DataExtension} to member
* calling the `updateValidator()` method.
* @return Member_Validator
public function getValidator()
$validator = Injector::inst()->create('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member_Validator');
$this->extend('updateValidator', $validator);
$validator = Injector::inst()->create('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member_Validator');
$this->extend('updateValidator', $validator);
return $validator;
return $validator;
* Returns the current logged in user
* @return Member
* Returns the current logged in user
* @return Member
public static function currentUser()
$id = Member::currentUserID();
$id = Member::currentUserID();
if($id) {
return DataObject::get_by_id('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', $id);
if ($id) {
return DataObject::get_by_id('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', $id);
* Get the ID of the current logged in user
* @return int Returns the ID of the current logged in user or 0.
* Get the ID of the current logged in user
* @return int Returns the ID of the current logged in user or 0.
public static function currentUserID()
$id = Session::get("loggedInAs");
if(!$id && !self::$_already_tried_to_auto_log_in) {
$id = Session::get("loggedInAs");
$id = Session::get("loggedInAs");
if (!$id && !self::$_already_tried_to_auto_log_in) {
$id = Session::get("loggedInAs");
return is_numeric($id) ? $id : 0;
private static $_already_tried_to_auto_log_in = false;
return is_numeric($id) ? $id : 0;
private static $_already_tried_to_auto_log_in = false;
* Generate a random password, with randomiser to kick in if there's no words file on the
* filesystem.
@ -896,178 +896,178 @@ class Member extends DataObject implements TemplateGlobalProvider
public static function create_new_password()
$words = Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\\Security\\Security', 'word_list');
$words = Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\\Security\\Security', 'word_list');
if($words && file_exists($words)) {
$words = file($words);
if ($words && file_exists($words)) {
$words = file($words);
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
srand($sec + ((float) $usec * 100000));
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
srand($sec + ((float) $usec * 100000));
$word = trim($words[rand(0,sizeof($words)-1)]);
$number = rand(10,999);
$word = trim($words[rand(0, sizeof($words)-1)]);
$number = rand(10, 999);
return $word . $number;
} else {
$random = rand();
$string = md5($random);
$output = substr($string, 0, 8);
return $output;
return $word . $number;
} else {
$random = rand();
$string = md5($random);
$output = substr($string, 0, 8);
return $output;
* Event handler called before writing to the database.
* Event handler called before writing to the database.
public function onBeforeWrite()
if ($this->SetPassword) {
$this->Password = $this->SetPassword;
// If a member with the same "unique identifier" already exists with a different ID, don't allow merging.
// Note: This does not a full replacement for safeguards in the controller layer (e.g. in a registration form),
// but rather a last line of defense against data inconsistencies.
$identifierField = Member::config()->unique_identifier_field;
if($this->$identifierField) {
// Note: Same logic as Member_Validator class
$filter = array("\"$identifierField\"" => $this->$identifierField);
if($this->ID) {
$filter[] = array('"Member"."ID" <> ?' => $this->ID);
$existingRecord = DataObject::get_one('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', $filter);
// If a member with the same "unique identifier" already exists with a different ID, don't allow merging.
// Note: This does not a full replacement for safeguards in the controller layer (e.g. in a registration form),
// but rather a last line of defense against data inconsistencies.
$identifierField = Member::config()->unique_identifier_field;
if ($this->$identifierField) {
// Note: Same logic as Member_Validator class
$filter = array("\"$identifierField\"" => $this->$identifierField);
if ($this->ID) {
$filter[] = array('"Member"."ID" <> ?' => $this->ID);
$existingRecord = DataObject::get_one('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', $filter);
if($existingRecord) {
throw new ValidationException(ValidationResult::create()->adderror(_t(
'Can\'t overwrite existing member #{id} with identical identifier ({name} = {value}))',
'Values in brackets show "fieldname = value", usually denoting an existing email address',
'id' => $existingRecord->ID,
'name' => $identifierField,
'value' => $this->$identifierField
if ($existingRecord) {
throw new ValidationException(_t(
'Can\'t overwrite existing member #{id} with identical identifier ({name} = {value}))',
'Values in brackets show "fieldname = value", usually denoting an existing email address',
'id' => $existingRecord->ID,
'name' => $identifierField,
'value' => $this->$identifierField
// We don't send emails out on dev/tests sites to prevent accidentally spamming users.
// However, if TestMailer is in use this isn't a risk.
// We don't send emails out on dev/tests sites to prevent accidentally spamming users.
// However, if TestMailer is in use this isn't a risk.
if ((Director::isLive() || Email::mailer() instanceof TestMailer)
&& $this->isChanged('Password')
&& $this->record['Password']
&& $this->config()->notify_password_change
) {
/** @var Email $e */
$e = Email::create();
$e->setSubject(_t('Member.SUBJECTPASSWORDCHANGED', "Your password has been changed", 'Email subject'));
&& $this->isChanged('Password')
&& $this->record['Password']
&& $this->config()->notify_password_change
) {
/** @var Email $e */
$e = Email::create();
$e->setSubject(_t('Member.SUBJECTPASSWORDCHANGED', "Your password has been changed", 'Email subject'));
// The test on $this->ID is used for when records are initially created.
// Note that this only works with cleartext passwords, as we can't rehash
// existing passwords.
if((!$this->ID && $this->Password) || $this->isChanged('Password')) {
//reset salt so that it gets regenerated - this will invalidate any persistant login cookies
// or other information encrypted with this Member's settings (see self::encryptWithUserSettings)
$this->Salt = '';
// Password was changed: encrypt the password according the settings
$encryption_details = Security::encrypt_password(
$this->Password, // this is assumed to be cleartext
($this->PasswordEncryption) ?
$this->PasswordEncryption : Security::config()->password_encryption_algorithm,
// The test on $this->ID is used for when records are initially created.
// Note that this only works with cleartext passwords, as we can't rehash
// existing passwords.
if ((!$this->ID && $this->Password) || $this->isChanged('Password')) {
//reset salt so that it gets regenerated - this will invalidate any persistant login cookies
// or other information encrypted with this Member's settings (see self::encryptWithUserSettings)
$this->Salt = '';
// Password was changed: encrypt the password according the settings
$encryption_details = Security::encrypt_password(
$this->Password, // this is assumed to be cleartext
($this->PasswordEncryption) ?
$this->PasswordEncryption : Security::config()->password_encryption_algorithm,
// Overwrite the Password property with the hashed value
$this->Password = $encryption_details['password'];
$this->Salt = $encryption_details['salt'];
$this->PasswordEncryption = $encryption_details['algorithm'];
// Overwrite the Password property with the hashed value
$this->Password = $encryption_details['password'];
$this->Salt = $encryption_details['salt'];
$this->PasswordEncryption = $encryption_details['algorithm'];
// If we haven't manually set a password expiry
if(!$this->isChanged('PasswordExpiry')) {
// then set it for us
if(self::config()->password_expiry_days) {
$this->PasswordExpiry = date('Y-m-d', time() + 86400 * self::config()->password_expiry_days);
} else {
$this->PasswordExpiry = null;
// If we haven't manually set a password expiry
if (!$this->isChanged('PasswordExpiry')) {
// then set it for us
if (self::config()->password_expiry_days) {
$this->PasswordExpiry = date('Y-m-d', time() + 86400 * self::config()->password_expiry_days);
} else {
$this->PasswordExpiry = null;
// save locale
if(!$this->Locale) {
$this->Locale = i18n::get_locale();
// save locale
if (!$this->Locale) {
$this->Locale = i18n::get_locale();
public function onAfterWrite()
if($this->isChanged('Password')) {
if ($this->isChanged('Password')) {
public function onAfterDelete()
//prevent orphaned records remaining in the DB
//prevent orphaned records remaining in the DB
* Delete the MemberPassword objects that are associated to this user
* @return $this
* Delete the MemberPassword objects that are associated to this user
* @return $this
protected function deletePasswordLogs()
foreach ($this->LoggedPasswords() as $password) {
return $this;
foreach ($this->LoggedPasswords() as $password) {
return $this;
* Filter out admin groups to avoid privilege escalation,
* If any admin groups are requested, deny the whole save operation.
* @param array $ids Database IDs of Group records
* @return bool True if the change can be accepted
* Filter out admin groups to avoid privilege escalation,
* If any admin groups are requested, deny the whole save operation.
* @param array $ids Database IDs of Group records
* @return bool True if the change can be accepted
public function onChangeGroups($ids)
// unless the current user is an admin already OR the logged in user is an admin
if(Permission::check('ADMIN') || Permission::checkMember($this, 'ADMIN')) {
return true;
// unless the current user is an admin already OR the logged in user is an admin
if (Permission::check('ADMIN') || Permission::checkMember($this, 'ADMIN')) {
return true;
// If there are no admin groups in this set then it's ok
$adminGroups = Permission::get_groups_by_permission('ADMIN');
$adminGroupIDs = ($adminGroups) ? $adminGroups->column('ID') : array();
return count(array_intersect($ids, $adminGroupIDs)) == 0;
// If there are no admin groups in this set then it's ok
$adminGroups = Permission::get_groups_by_permission('ADMIN');
$adminGroupIDs = ($adminGroups) ? $adminGroups->column('ID') : array();
return count(array_intersect($ids, $adminGroupIDs)) == 0;
* Check if the member is in one of the given groups.
* @param array|SS_List $groups Collection of {@link Group} DataObjects to check
* @param boolean $strict Only determine direct group membership if set to true (Default: false)
* @return bool Returns TRUE if the member is in one of the given groups, otherwise FALSE.
* Check if the member is in one of the given groups.
* @param array|SS_List $groups Collection of {@link Group} DataObjects to check
* @param boolean $strict Only determine direct group membership if set to true (Default: false)
* @return bool Returns TRUE if the member is in one of the given groups, otherwise FALSE.
public function inGroups($groups, $strict = false)
if ($groups) {
@ -1076,608 +1076,608 @@ class Member extends DataObject implements TemplateGlobalProvider
return true;
return false;
return false;
* Check if the member is in the given group or any parent groups.
* @param int|Group|string $group Group instance, Group Code or ID
* @param boolean $strict Only determine direct group membership if set to TRUE (Default: FALSE)
* @return bool Returns TRUE if the member is in the given group, otherwise FALSE.
* Check if the member is in the given group or any parent groups.
* @param int|Group|string $group Group instance, Group Code or ID
* @param boolean $strict Only determine direct group membership if set to TRUE (Default: FALSE)
* @return bool Returns TRUE if the member is in the given group, otherwise FALSE.
public function inGroup($group, $strict = false)
if(is_numeric($group)) {
$groupCheckObj = DataObject::get_by_id('SilverStripe\\Security\\Group', $group);
} elseif(is_string($group)) {
$groupCheckObj = DataObject::get_one('SilverStripe\\Security\\Group', array(
'"Group"."Code"' => $group
} elseif($group instanceof Group) {
$groupCheckObj = $group;
} else {
user_error('Member::inGroup(): Wrong format for $group parameter', E_USER_ERROR);
if (is_numeric($group)) {
$groupCheckObj = DataObject::get_by_id('SilverStripe\\Security\\Group', $group);
} elseif (is_string($group)) {
$groupCheckObj = DataObject::get_one('SilverStripe\\Security\\Group', array(
'"Group"."Code"' => $group
} elseif ($group instanceof Group) {
$groupCheckObj = $group;
} else {
user_error('Member::inGroup(): Wrong format for $group parameter', E_USER_ERROR);
if (!$groupCheckObj) {
return false;
$groupCandidateObjs = ($strict) ? $this->getManyManyComponents("Groups") : $this->Groups();
$groupCandidateObjs = ($strict) ? $this->getManyManyComponents("Groups") : $this->Groups();
if ($groupCandidateObjs) {
foreach ($groupCandidateObjs as $groupCandidateObj) {
if ($groupCandidateObj->ID == $groupCheckObj->ID) {
return true;
return false;
return false;
* Adds the member to a group. This will create the group if the given
* group code does not return a valid group object.
* @param string $groupcode
* @param string $title Title of the group
* Adds the member to a group. This will create the group if the given
* group code does not return a valid group object.
* @param string $groupcode
* @param string $title Title of the group
public function addToGroupByCode($groupcode, $title = "")
$group = DataObject::get_one('SilverStripe\\Security\\Group', array(
'"Group"."Code"' => $groupcode
$group = DataObject::get_one('SilverStripe\\Security\\Group', array(
'"Group"."Code"' => $groupcode
if($group) {
} else {
if ($group) {
} else {
if (!$title) {
$title = $groupcode;
$group = new Group();
$group->Code = $groupcode;
$group->Title = $title;
$group = new Group();
$group->Code = $groupcode;
$group->Title = $title;
* Removes a member from a group.
* @param string $groupcode
* Removes a member from a group.
* @param string $groupcode
public function removeFromGroupByCode($groupcode)
$group = Group::get()->filter(array('Code' => $groupcode))->first();
$group = Group::get()->filter(array('Code' => $groupcode))->first();
if($group) {
if ($group) {
* @param array $columns Column names on the Member record to show in {@link getTitle()}.
* @param String $sep Separator
* @param array $columns Column names on the Member record to show in {@link getTitle()}.
* @param String $sep Separator
public static function set_title_columns($columns, $sep = ' ')
if (!is_array($columns)) {
$columns = array($columns);
self::config()->title_format = array('columns' => $columns, 'sep' => $sep);
self::config()->title_format = array('columns' => $columns, 'sep' => $sep);
//------------------- HELPER METHODS -----------------------------------//
//------------------- HELPER METHODS -----------------------------------//
* Get the complete name of the member, by default in the format "<Surname>, <FirstName>".
* Falls back to showing either field on its own.
* You can overload this getter with {@link set_title_format()}
* and {@link set_title_sql()}.
* @return string Returns the first- and surname of the member. If the ID
* of the member is equal 0, only the surname is returned.
* Get the complete name of the member, by default in the format "<Surname>, <FirstName>".
* Falls back to showing either field on its own.
* You can overload this getter with {@link set_title_format()}
* and {@link set_title_sql()}.
* @return string Returns the first- and surname of the member. If the ID
* of the member is equal 0, only the surname is returned.
public function getTitle()
$format = $this->config()->title_format;
if ($format) {
$values = array();
foreach($format['columns'] as $col) {
$values[] = $this->getField($col);
return join($format['sep'], $values);
$format = $this->config()->title_format;
if ($format) {
$values = array();
foreach ($format['columns'] as $col) {
$values[] = $this->getField($col);
return join($format['sep'], $values);
if ($this->getField('ID') === 0) {
return $this->getField('Surname');
return $this->getField('Surname');
} else {
if($this->getField('Surname') && $this->getField('FirstName')){
return $this->getField('Surname') . ', ' . $this->getField('FirstName');
return $this->getField('Surname');
return $this->getField('FirstName');
return null;
if ($this->getField('Surname') && $this->getField('FirstName')) {
return $this->getField('Surname') . ', ' . $this->getField('FirstName');
} elseif ($this->getField('Surname')) {
return $this->getField('Surname');
} elseif ($this->getField('FirstName')) {
return $this->getField('FirstName');
} else {
return null;
* Return a SQL CONCAT() fragment suitable for a SELECT statement.
* Useful for custom queries which assume a certain member title format.
* @return String SQL
* Return a SQL CONCAT() fragment suitable for a SELECT statement.
* Useful for custom queries which assume a certain member title format.
* @return String SQL
public static function get_title_sql()
// This should be abstracted to SSDatabase concatOperator or similar.
$op = (DB::get_conn() instanceof MSSQLDatabase) ? " + " : " || ";
// This should be abstracted to SSDatabase concatOperator or similar.
$op = (DB::get_conn() instanceof MSSQLDatabase) ? " + " : " || ";
// Get title_format with fallback to default
$format = static::config()->title_format;
if (!$format) {
$format = [
'columns' => ['Surname', 'FirstName'],
'sep' => ' ',
// Get title_format with fallback to default
$format = static::config()->title_format;
if (!$format) {
$format = [
'columns' => ['Surname', 'FirstName'],
'sep' => ' ',
$columnsWithTablename = array();
foreach($format['columns'] as $column) {
$columnsWithTablename[] = static::getSchema()->sqlColumnForField(__CLASS__, $column);
$columnsWithTablename = array();
foreach ($format['columns'] as $column) {
$columnsWithTablename[] = static::getSchema()->sqlColumnForField(__CLASS__, $column);
$sepSQL = Convert::raw2sql($format['sep'], true);
return "(".join(" $op $sepSQL $op ", $columnsWithTablename).")";
$sepSQL = Convert::raw2sql($format['sep'], true);
return "(".join(" $op $sepSQL $op ", $columnsWithTablename).")";
* Get the complete name of the member
* @return string Returns the first- and surname of the member.
* Get the complete name of the member
* @return string Returns the first- and surname of the member.
public function getName()
return ($this->Surname) ? trim($this->FirstName . ' ' . $this->Surname) : $this->FirstName;
return ($this->Surname) ? trim($this->FirstName . ' ' . $this->Surname) : $this->FirstName;
* Set first- and surname
* This method assumes that the last part of the name is the surname, e.g.
* <i>A B C</i> will result in firstname <i>A B</i> and surname <i>C</i>
* @param string $name The name
* Set first- and surname
* This method assumes that the last part of the name is the surname, e.g.
* <i>A B C</i> will result in firstname <i>A B</i> and surname <i>C</i>
* @param string $name The name
public function setName($name)
$nameParts = explode(' ', $name);
$this->Surname = array_pop($nameParts);
$this->FirstName = join(' ', $nameParts);
$nameParts = explode(' ', $name);
$this->Surname = array_pop($nameParts);
$this->FirstName = join(' ', $nameParts);
* Alias for {@link setName}
* @param string $name The name
* @see setName()
* Alias for {@link setName}
* @param string $name The name
* @see setName()
public function splitName($name)
return $this->setName($name);
return $this->setName($name);
* Override the default getter for DateFormat so the
* default format for the user's locale is used
* if the user has not defined their own.
* @return string ISO date format
* Override the default getter for DateFormat so the
* default format for the user's locale is used
* if the user has not defined their own.
* @return string ISO date format
public function getDateFormat()
if($this->getField('DateFormat')) {
return $this->getField('DateFormat');
} else {
return i18n::config()->get('date_format');
if ($this->getField('DateFormat')) {
return $this->getField('DateFormat');
} else {
return i18n::config()->get('date_format');
* Override the default getter for TimeFormat so the
* default format for the user's locale is used
* if the user has not defined their own.
* @return string ISO date format
* Override the default getter for TimeFormat so the
* default format for the user's locale is used
* if the user has not defined their own.
* @return string ISO date format
public function getTimeFormat()
if($this->getField('TimeFormat')) {
return $this->getField('TimeFormat');
} else {
return i18n::config()->get('time_format');
if ($this->getField('TimeFormat')) {
return $this->getField('TimeFormat');
} else {
return i18n::config()->get('time_format');
* Get a "many-to-many" map that holds for all members their group memberships,
* including any parent groups where membership is implied.
* Use {@link DirectGroups()} to only retrieve the group relations without inheritance.
* @todo Push all this logic into Member_GroupSet's getIterator()?
* @return Member_Groupset
* Get a "many-to-many" map that holds for all members their group memberships,
* including any parent groups where membership is implied.
* Use {@link DirectGroups()} to only retrieve the group relations without inheritance.
* @todo Push all this logic into Member_GroupSet's getIterator()?
* @return Member_Groupset
public function Groups()
$groups = Member_GroupSet::create('SilverStripe\\Security\\Group', 'Group_Members', 'GroupID', 'MemberID');
$groups = $groups->forForeignID($this->ID);
$groups = Member_GroupSet::create('SilverStripe\\Security\\Group', 'Group_Members', 'GroupID', 'MemberID');
$groups = $groups->forForeignID($this->ID);
$this->extend('updateGroups', $groups);
$this->extend('updateGroups', $groups);
return $groups;
return $groups;
* @return ManyManyList
* @return ManyManyList
public function DirectGroups()
return $this->getManyManyComponents('Groups');
return $this->getManyManyComponents('Groups');
* Get a member SQLMap of members in specific groups
* If no $groups is passed, all members will be returned
* @param mixed $groups - takes a SS_List, an array or a single Group.ID
* @return Map Returns an Map that returns all Member data.
* Get a member SQLMap of members in specific groups
* If no $groups is passed, all members will be returned
* @param mixed $groups - takes a SS_List, an array or a single Group.ID
* @return Map Returns an Map that returns all Member data.
public static function map_in_groups($groups = null)
$groupIDList = array();
$groupIDList = array();
if($groups instanceof SS_List) {
foreach( $groups as $group ) {
$groupIDList[] = $group->ID;
} elseif(is_array($groups)) {
$groupIDList = $groups;
} elseif($groups) {
$groupIDList[] = $groups;
if ($groups instanceof SS_List) {
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$groupIDList[] = $group->ID;
} elseif (is_array($groups)) {
$groupIDList = $groups;
} elseif ($groups) {
$groupIDList[] = $groups;
// No groups, return all Members
if(!$groupIDList) {
return Member::get()->sort(array('Surname'=>'ASC', 'FirstName'=>'ASC'))->map();
// No groups, return all Members
if (!$groupIDList) {
return Member::get()->sort(array('Surname'=>'ASC', 'FirstName'=>'ASC'))->map();
$membersList = new ArrayList();
// This is a bit ineffective, but follow the ORM style
foreach(Group::get()->byIDs($groupIDList) as $group) {
$membersList = new ArrayList();
// This is a bit ineffective, but follow the ORM style
foreach (Group::get()->byIDs($groupIDList) as $group) {
return $membersList->map();
return $membersList->map();
* Get a map of all members in the groups given that have CMS permissions
* If no groups are passed, all groups with CMS permissions will be used.
* @param array $groups Groups to consider or NULL to use all groups with
* CMS permissions.
* @return Map Returns a map of all members in the groups given that
* have CMS permissions.
* Get a map of all members in the groups given that have CMS permissions
* If no groups are passed, all groups with CMS permissions will be used.
* @param array $groups Groups to consider or NULL to use all groups with
* CMS permissions.
* @return Map Returns a map of all members in the groups given that
* have CMS permissions.
public static function mapInCMSGroups($groups = null)
if(!$groups || $groups->Count() == 0) {
$perms = array('ADMIN', 'CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin');
if (!$groups || $groups->Count() == 0) {
$perms = array('ADMIN', 'CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin');
if (class_exists('SilverStripe\\CMS\\Controllers\\CMSMain')) {
$cmsPerms = CMSMain::singleton()->providePermissions();
} else {
$cmsPerms = LeftAndMain::singleton()->providePermissions();
if (class_exists('SilverStripe\\CMS\\Controllers\\CMSMain')) {
$cmsPerms = CMSMain::singleton()->providePermissions();
} else {
$cmsPerms = LeftAndMain::singleton()->providePermissions();
if(!empty($cmsPerms)) {
$perms = array_unique(array_merge($perms, array_keys($cmsPerms)));
if (!empty($cmsPerms)) {
$perms = array_unique(array_merge($perms, array_keys($cmsPerms)));
$permsClause = DB::placeholders($perms);
/** @skipUpgrade */
$groups = Group::get()
->innerJoin("Permission", '"Permission"."GroupID" = "Group"."ID"')
"\"Permission\".\"Code\" IN ($permsClause)" => $perms
$permsClause = DB::placeholders($perms);
/** @skipUpgrade */
$groups = Group::get()
->innerJoin("Permission", '"Permission"."GroupID" = "Group"."ID"')
"\"Permission\".\"Code\" IN ($permsClause)" => $perms
$groupIDList = array();
$groupIDList = array();
if($groups instanceof SS_List) {
foreach($groups as $group) {
$groupIDList[] = $group->ID;
} elseif(is_array($groups)) {
$groupIDList = $groups;
if ($groups instanceof SS_List) {
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$groupIDList[] = $group->ID;
} elseif (is_array($groups)) {
$groupIDList = $groups;
/** @skipUpgrade */
$members = Member::get()
->innerJoin("Group_Members", '"Group_Members"."MemberID" = "Member"."ID"')
->innerJoin("Group", '"Group"."ID" = "Group_Members"."GroupID"');
if($groupIDList) {
$groupClause = DB::placeholders($groupIDList);
$members = $members->where(array(
"\"Group\".\"ID\" IN ($groupClause)" => $groupIDList
/** @skipUpgrade */
$members = Member::get()
->innerJoin("Group_Members", '"Group_Members"."MemberID" = "Member"."ID"')
->innerJoin("Group", '"Group"."ID" = "Group_Members"."GroupID"');
if ($groupIDList) {
$groupClause = DB::placeholders($groupIDList);
$members = $members->where(array(
"\"Group\".\"ID\" IN ($groupClause)" => $groupIDList
return $members->sort('"Member"."Surname", "Member"."FirstName"')->map();
return $members->sort('"Member"."Surname", "Member"."FirstName"')->map();
* Get the groups in which the member is NOT in
* When passed an array of groups, and a component set of groups, this
* function will return the array of groups the member is NOT in.
* @param array $groupList An array of group code names.
* @param array $memberGroups A component set of groups (if set to NULL,
* $this->groups() will be used)
* @return array Groups in which the member is NOT in.
* Get the groups in which the member is NOT in
* When passed an array of groups, and a component set of groups, this
* function will return the array of groups the member is NOT in.
* @param array $groupList An array of group code names.
* @param array $memberGroups A component set of groups (if set to NULL,
* $this->groups() will be used)
* @return array Groups in which the member is NOT in.
public function memberNotInGroups($groupList, $memberGroups = null)
if (!$memberGroups) {
$memberGroups = $this->Groups();
foreach($memberGroups as $group) {
if(in_array($group->Code, $groupList)) {
$index = array_search($group->Code, $groupList);
foreach ($memberGroups as $group) {
if (in_array($group->Code, $groupList)) {
$index = array_search($group->Code, $groupList);
return $groupList;
return $groupList;
* Return a {@link FieldList} of fields that would appropriate for editing
* this member.
* @return FieldList Return a FieldList of fields that would appropriate for
* editing this member.
* Return a {@link FieldList} of fields that would appropriate for editing
* this member.
* @return FieldList Return a FieldList of fields that would appropriate for
* editing this member.
public function getCMSFields()
require_once 'Zend/Date.php';
require_once 'Zend/Date.php';
$self = $this;
$this->beforeUpdateCMSFields(function(FieldList $fields) use ($self) {
/** @var FieldList $mainFields */
$mainFields = $fields->fieldByName("Root")->fieldByName("Main")->getChildren();
$self = $this;
$this->beforeUpdateCMSFields(function (FieldList $fields) use ($self) {
/** @var FieldList $mainFields */
$mainFields = $fields->fieldByName("Root")->fieldByName("Main")->getChildren();
// Build change password field
$mainFields->replaceField('Password', $self->getMemberPasswordField());
// Build change password field
$mainFields->replaceField('Password', $self->getMemberPasswordField());
$mainFields->replaceField('Locale', new DropdownField(
_t('Member.INTERFACELANG', "Interface Language", 'Language of the CMS'),
$mainFields->replaceField('Locale', new DropdownField(
_t('Member.INTERFACELANG', "Interface Language", 'Language of the CMS'),
if( ! $self->config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins) {
if (! $self->config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins) {
// Groups relation will get us into logical conflicts because
// Members are displayed within group edit form in SecurityAdmin
// Groups relation will get us into logical conflicts because
// Members are displayed within group edit form in SecurityAdmin
// Members shouldn't be able to directly view/edit logged passwords
// Members shouldn't be able to directly view/edit logged passwords
if(Permission::check('EDIT_PERMISSIONS')) {
$groupsMap = array();
foreach(Group::get() as $group) {
// Listboxfield values are escaped, use ASCII char instead of »
$groupsMap[$group->ID] = $group->getBreadcrumbs(' > ');
if (Permission::check('EDIT_PERMISSIONS')) {
$groupsMap = array();
foreach (Group::get() as $group) {
// Listboxfield values are escaped, use ASCII char instead of »
$groupsMap[$group->ID] = $group->getBreadcrumbs(' > ');
ListboxField::create('DirectGroups', singleton('SilverStripe\\Security\\Group')->i18n_plural_name())
_t('Member.ADDGROUP', 'Add group', 'Placeholder text for a dropdown')
ListboxField::create('DirectGroups', singleton('SilverStripe\\Security\\Group')->i18n_plural_name())
_t('Member.ADDGROUP', 'Add group', 'Placeholder text for a dropdown')
// Add permission field (readonly to avoid complicated group assignment logic).
// This should only be available for existing records, as new records start
// with no permissions until they have a group assignment anyway.
if($self->ID) {
$permissionsField = new PermissionCheckboxSetField_Readonly(
// we don't want parent relationships, they're automatically resolved in the field
$fields->findOrMakeTab('Root.Permissions', singleton('SilverStripe\\Security\\Permission')->i18n_plural_name());
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Permissions', $permissionsField);
// Add permission field (readonly to avoid complicated group assignment logic).
// This should only be available for existing records, as new records start
// with no permissions until they have a group assignment anyway.
if ($self->ID) {
$permissionsField = new PermissionCheckboxSetField_Readonly(
// we don't want parent relationships, they're automatically resolved in the field
$fields->findOrMakeTab('Root.Permissions', singleton('SilverStripe\\Security\\Permission')->i18n_plural_name());
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Permissions', $permissionsField);
$permissionsTab = $fields->fieldByName("Root")->fieldByName('Permissions');
$permissionsTab = $fields->fieldByName("Root")->fieldByName('Permissions');
if ($permissionsTab) {
$defaultDateFormat = Zend_Locale_Format::getDateFormat(new Zend_Locale($self->Locale));
$dateFormatMap = array(
'MMM d, yyyy' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('MMM d, yyyy'),
'yyyy/MM/dd' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('yyyy/MM/dd'),
'MM/dd/yyyy' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('MM/dd/yyyy'),
'dd/MM/yyyy' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('dd/MM/yyyy'),
$dateFormatMap[$defaultDateFormat] = Zend_Date::now()->toString($defaultDateFormat)
. sprintf(' (%s)', _t('Member.DefaultDateTime', 'default'));
$dateFormatField = new MemberDatetimeOptionsetField(
$formatClass = get_class($dateFormatField);
$dateTemplate = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class($formatClass, '_description_date', $formatClass);
$defaultDateFormat = Zend_Locale_Format::getDateFormat(new Zend_Locale($self->Locale));
$dateFormatMap = array(
'MMM d, yyyy' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('MMM d, yyyy'),
'yyyy/MM/dd' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('yyyy/MM/dd'),
'MM/dd/yyyy' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('MM/dd/yyyy'),
'dd/MM/yyyy' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('dd/MM/yyyy'),
$dateFormatMap[$defaultDateFormat] = Zend_Date::now()->toString($defaultDateFormat)
. sprintf(' (%s)', _t('Member.DefaultDateTime', 'default'));
$dateFormatField = new MemberDatetimeOptionsetField(
$formatClass = get_class($dateFormatField);
$dateTemplate = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class($formatClass, '_description_date', $formatClass);
$defaultTimeFormat = Zend_Locale_Format::getTimeFormat(new Zend_Locale($self->Locale));
$timeFormatMap = array(
'h:mm a' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('h:mm a'),
'H:mm' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('H:mm'),
$timeFormatMap[$defaultTimeFormat] = Zend_Date::now()->toString($defaultTimeFormat)
. sprintf(' (%s)', _t('Member.DefaultDateTime', 'default'));
$timeFormatField = new MemberDatetimeOptionsetField(
$timeTemplate = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class($formatClass,'_description_time', $formatClass);
$defaultTimeFormat = Zend_Locale_Format::getTimeFormat(new Zend_Locale($self->Locale));
$timeFormatMap = array(
'h:mm a' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('h:mm a'),
'H:mm' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('H:mm'),
$timeFormatMap[$defaultTimeFormat] = Zend_Date::now()->toString($defaultTimeFormat)
. sprintf(' (%s)', _t('Member.DefaultDateTime', 'default'));
$timeFormatField = new MemberDatetimeOptionsetField(
$timeTemplate = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class($formatClass, '_description_time', $formatClass);
return parent::getCMSFields();
return parent::getCMSFields();
* @param bool $includerelations Indicate if the labels returned include relation fields
* @return array
* @param bool $includerelations Indicate if the labels returned include relation fields
* @return array
public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true)
$labels = parent::fieldLabels($includerelations);
$labels = parent::fieldLabels($includerelations);
$labels['FirstName'] = _t('Member.FIRSTNAME', 'First Name');
$labels['Surname'] = _t('Member.SURNAME', 'Surname');
/** @skipUpgrade */
$labels['Email'] = _t('Member.EMAIL', 'Email');
$labels['Password'] = _t('Member.db_Password', 'Password');
$labels['PasswordExpiry'] = _t('Member.db_PasswordExpiry', 'Password Expiry Date', 'Password expiry date');
$labels['LockedOutUntil'] = _t('Member.db_LockedOutUntil', 'Locked out until', 'Security related date');
$labels['Locale'] = _t('Member.db_Locale', 'Interface Locale');
$labels['DateFormat'] = _t('Member.DATEFORMAT', 'Date format');
$labels['TimeFormat'] = _t('Member.TIMEFORMAT', 'Time format');
$labels['FirstName'] = _t('Member.FIRSTNAME', 'First Name');
$labels['Surname'] = _t('Member.SURNAME', 'Surname');
/** @skipUpgrade */
$labels['Email'] = _t('Member.EMAIL', 'Email');
$labels['Password'] = _t('Member.db_Password', 'Password');
$labels['PasswordExpiry'] = _t('Member.db_PasswordExpiry', 'Password Expiry Date', 'Password expiry date');
$labels['LockedOutUntil'] = _t('Member.db_LockedOutUntil', 'Locked out until', 'Security related date');
$labels['Locale'] = _t('Member.db_Locale', 'Interface Locale');
$labels['DateFormat'] = _t('Member.DATEFORMAT', 'Date format');
$labels['TimeFormat'] = _t('Member.TIMEFORMAT', 'Time format');
if ($includerelations) {
$labels['Groups'] = _t(
'Security Groups this member belongs to'
return $labels;
return $labels;
* Users can view their own record.
* Otherwise they'll need ADMIN or CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin permissions.
* This is likely to be customized for social sites etc. with a looser permission model.
* @param Member $member
* @return bool
* Users can view their own record.
* Otherwise they'll need ADMIN or CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin permissions.
* This is likely to be customized for social sites etc. with a looser permission model.
* @param Member $member
* @return bool
public function canView($member = null)
//get member
if(!($member instanceof Member)) {
if (!($member instanceof Member)) {
$member = Member::currentUser();
//check for extensions, we do this first as they can overrule everything
$extended = $this->extendedCan(__FUNCTION__, $member);
if($extended !== null) {
if ($extended !== null) {
return $extended;
//need to be logged in and/or most checks below rely on $member being a Member
if(!$member) {
if (!$member) {
return false;
// members can usually view their own record
if($this->ID == $member->ID) {
if ($this->ID == $member->ID) {
return true;
//standard check
return Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin');
* Users can edit their own record.
* Otherwise they'll need ADMIN or CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin permissions
* @param Member $member
* @return bool
* Users can edit their own record.
* Otherwise they'll need ADMIN or CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin permissions
* @param Member $member
* @return bool
public function canEdit($member = null)
//get member
if(!($member instanceof Member)) {
if (!($member instanceof Member)) {
$member = Member::currentUser();
//check for extensions, we do this first as they can overrule everything
$extended = $this->extendedCan(__FUNCTION__, $member);
if($extended !== null) {
if ($extended !== null) {
return $extended;
//need to be logged in and/or most checks below rely on $member being a Member
if(!$member) {
if (!$member) {
return false;
// HACK: we should not allow for an non-Admin to edit an Admin
if(!Permission::checkMember($member, 'ADMIN') && Permission::checkMember($this, 'ADMIN')) {
if (!Permission::checkMember($member, 'ADMIN') && Permission::checkMember($this, 'ADMIN')) {
return false;
// members can usually edit their own record
if($this->ID == $member->ID) {
if ($this->ID == $member->ID) {
return true;
//standard check
@ -1686,36 +1686,36 @@ class Member extends DataObject implements TemplateGlobalProvider
* Users can edit their own record.
* Otherwise they'll need ADMIN or CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin permissions
* @param Member $member
* @return bool
* @param Member $member
* @return bool
public function canDelete($member = null)
if(!($member instanceof Member)) {
if (!($member instanceof Member)) {
$member = Member::currentUser();
//check for extensions, we do this first as they can overrule everything
$extended = $this->extendedCan(__FUNCTION__, $member);
if($extended !== null) {
if ($extended !== null) {
return $extended;
//need to be logged in and/or most checks below rely on $member being a Member
if(!$member) {
if (!$member) {
return false;
// Members are not allowed to remove themselves,
// since it would create inconsistencies in the admin UIs.
if($this->ID && $member->ID == $this->ID) {
if ($this->ID && $member->ID == $this->ID) {
return false;
// HACK: if you want to delete a member, you have to be a member yourself.
// this is a hack because what this should do is to stop a user
// deleting a member who has more privileges (e.g. a non-Admin deleting an Admin)
if(Permission::checkMember($this, 'ADMIN')) {
if( ! Permission::checkMember($member, 'ADMIN')) {
if (Permission::checkMember($this, 'ADMIN')) {
if (! Permission::checkMember($member, 'ADMIN')) {
return false;
@ -1723,111 +1723,111 @@ class Member extends DataObject implements TemplateGlobalProvider
return Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin');
* Validate this member object.
* Validate this member object.
public function validate()
$valid = parent::validate();
$valid = parent::validate();
if(!$this->ID || $this->isChanged('Password')) {
if($this->Password && self::$password_validator) {
$valid->combineAnd(self::$password_validator->validate($this->Password, $this));
if (!$this->ID || $this->isChanged('Password')) {
if ($this->Password && self::$password_validator) {
$valid->combineAnd(self::$password_validator->validate($this->Password, $this));
if((!$this->ID && $this->SetPassword) || $this->isChanged('SetPassword')) {
if($this->SetPassword && self::$password_validator) {
$valid->combineAnd(self::$password_validator->validate($this->SetPassword, $this));
if ((!$this->ID && $this->SetPassword) || $this->isChanged('SetPassword')) {
if ($this->SetPassword && self::$password_validator) {
$valid->combineAnd(self::$password_validator->validate($this->SetPassword, $this));
return $valid;
return $valid;
* Change password. This will cause rehashing according to
* the `PasswordEncryption` property.
* @param string $password Cleartext password
* @return ValidationResult
* Change password. This will cause rehashing according to
* the `PasswordEncryption` property.
* @param string $password Cleartext password
* @return ValidationResult
public function changePassword($password)
$this->Password = $password;
$valid = $this->validate();
$this->Password = $password;
$valid = $this->validate();
if($valid->valid()) {
$this->AutoLoginHash = null;
if ($valid->isValid()) {
$this->AutoLoginHash = null;
return $valid;
return $valid;
* Tell this member that someone made a failed attempt at logging in as them.
* This can be used to lock the user out temporarily if too many failed attempts are made.
* Tell this member that someone made a failed attempt at logging in as them.
* This can be used to lock the user out temporarily if too many failed attempts are made.
public function registerFailedLogin()
if(self::config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins) {
// Keep a tally of the number of failed log-ins so that we can lock people out
$this->FailedLoginCount = $this->FailedLoginCount + 1;
if (self::config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins) {
// Keep a tally of the number of failed log-ins so that we can lock people out
$this->FailedLoginCount = $this->FailedLoginCount + 1;
if($this->FailedLoginCount >= self::config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins) {
$lockoutMins = self::config()->lock_out_delay_mins;
$this->LockedOutUntil = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', DBDatetime::now()->Format('U') + $lockoutMins*60);
$this->FailedLoginCount = 0;
if ($this->FailedLoginCount >= self::config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins) {
$lockoutMins = self::config()->lock_out_delay_mins;
$this->LockedOutUntil = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', DBDatetime::now()->Format('U') + $lockoutMins*60);
$this->FailedLoginCount = 0;
* Tell this member that a successful login has been made
* Tell this member that a successful login has been made
public function registerSuccessfulLogin()
if(self::config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins) {
// Forgive all past login failures
$this->FailedLoginCount = 0;
* Get the HtmlEditorConfig for this user to be used in the CMS.
* This is set by the group. If multiple configurations are set,
* the one with the highest priority wins.
* @return string
if (self::config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins) {
// Forgive all past login failures
$this->FailedLoginCount = 0;
* Get the HtmlEditorConfig for this user to be used in the CMS.
* This is set by the group. If multiple configurations are set,
* the one with the highest priority wins.
* @return string
public function getHtmlEditorConfigForCMS()
$currentName = '';
$currentPriority = 0;
$currentName = '';
$currentPriority = 0;
foreach($this->Groups() as $group) {
$configName = $group->HtmlEditorConfig;
if($configName) {
$config = HTMLEditorConfig::get($group->HtmlEditorConfig);
if($config && $config->getOption('priority') > $currentPriority) {
$currentName = $configName;
$currentPriority = $config->getOption('priority');
foreach ($this->Groups() as $group) {
$configName = $group->HtmlEditorConfig;
if ($configName) {
$config = HTMLEditorConfig::get($group->HtmlEditorConfig);
if ($config && $config->getOption('priority') > $currentPriority) {
$currentName = $configName;
$currentPriority = $config->getOption('priority');
// If can't find a suitable editor, just default to cms
return $currentName ? $currentName : 'cms';
// If can't find a suitable editor, just default to cms
return $currentName ? $currentName : 'cms';
public static function get_template_global_variables()
return array(
'CurrentMember' => 'currentUser',
return array(
'CurrentMember' => 'currentUser',
@ -16,208 +16,212 @@ use InvalidArgumentException;
class MemberAuthenticator extends Authenticator
* Contains encryption algorithm identifiers.
* If set, will migrate to new precision-safe password hashing
* upon login. See http://open.silverstripe.org/ticket/3004
* @var array
private static $migrate_legacy_hashes = array(
'md5' => 'md5_v2.4',
'sha1' => 'sha1_v2.4'
* Contains encryption algorithm identifiers.
* If set, will migrate to new precision-safe password hashing
* upon login. See http://open.silverstripe.org/ticket/3004
* @var array
private static $migrate_legacy_hashes = array(
'md5' => 'md5_v2.4',
'sha1' => 'sha1_v2.4'
* Attempt to find and authenticate member if possible from the given data
* @param array $data
* @param Form $form
* @param bool &$success Success flag
* @return Member Found member, regardless of successful login
* Attempt to find and authenticate member if possible from the given data
* @param array $data
* @param Form $form
* @param bool &$success Success flag
* @return Member Found member, regardless of successful login
protected static function authenticate_member($data, $form, &$success)
// Default success to false
$success = false;
// Default success to false
$success = false;
// Attempt to identify by temporary ID
$member = null;
$email = null;
if(!empty($data['tempid'])) {
// Find user by tempid, in case they are re-validating an existing session
$member = Member::member_from_tempid($data['tempid']);
// Attempt to identify by temporary ID
$member = null;
$email = null;
if (!empty($data['tempid'])) {
// Find user by tempid, in case they are re-validating an existing session
$member = Member::member_from_tempid($data['tempid']);
if ($member) {
$email = $member->Email;
// Otherwise, get email from posted value instead
/** @skipUpgrade */
if(!$member && !empty($data['Email'])) {
$email = $data['Email'];
// Otherwise, get email from posted value instead
/** @skipUpgrade */
if (!$member && !empty($data['Email'])) {
$email = $data['Email'];
// Check default login (see Security::setDefaultAdmin())
$asDefaultAdmin = $email === Security::default_admin_username();
if($asDefaultAdmin) {
// If logging is as default admin, ensure record is setup correctly
$member = Member::default_admin();
$success = !$member->isLockedOut() && Security::check_default_admin($email, $data['Password']);
//protect against failed login
if($success) {
return $member;
// Check default login (see Security::setDefaultAdmin())
$asDefaultAdmin = $email === Security::default_admin_username();
if ($asDefaultAdmin) {
// If logging is as default admin, ensure record is setup correctly
$member = Member::default_admin();
$success = !$member->isLockedOut() && Security::check_default_admin($email, $data['Password']);
//protect against failed login
if ($success) {
return $member;
// Attempt to identify user by email
if(!$member && $email) {
// Find user by email
$member = Member::get()
->filter(Member::config()->unique_identifier_field, $email)
// Attempt to identify user by email
if (!$member && $email) {
// Find user by email
$member = Member::get()
->filter(Member::config()->unique_identifier_field, $email)
// Validate against member if possible
if($member && !$asDefaultAdmin) {
$result = $member->checkPassword($data['Password']);
$success = $result->valid();
} else {
$result = ValidationResult::create()->addError(_t('Member.ERRORWRONGCRED'));
// Validate against member if possible
if ($member && !$asDefaultAdmin) {
$result = $member->checkPassword($data['Password']);
$success = $result->isValid();
} else {
$result = ValidationResult::create()->addError(_t('Member.ERRORWRONGCRED'));
// Emit failure to member and form (if available)
if(!$success) {
if($member) $member->registerFailedLogin();
if($form) $form->setSessionValidationResult($result, true);
} else {
// Emit failure to member and form (if available)
if (!$success) {
if ($member) {
if ($form) {
$form->setSessionValidationResult($result, true);
} else {
if ($member) {
return $member;
return $member;
* Log login attempt
* TODO We could handle this with an extension
* @param array $data
* @param Member $member
* @param bool $success
* Log login attempt
* TODO We could handle this with an extension
* @param array $data
* @param Member $member
* @param bool $success
protected static function record_login_attempt($data, $member, $success)
if (!Security::config()->login_recording) {
// Check email is valid
/** @skipUpgrade */
$email = isset($data['Email']) ? $data['Email'] : null;
if(is_array($email)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Bad email passed to MemberAuthenticator::authenticate(): $email");
// Check email is valid
/** @skipUpgrade */
$email = isset($data['Email']) ? $data['Email'] : null;
if (is_array($email)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Bad email passed to MemberAuthenticator::authenticate(): $email");
$attempt = new LoginAttempt();
if($success) {
// successful login (member is existing with matching password)
$attempt->MemberID = $member->ID;
$attempt->Status = 'Success';
$attempt = new LoginAttempt();
if ($success) {
// successful login (member is existing with matching password)
$attempt->MemberID = $member->ID;
$attempt->Status = 'Success';
// Audit logging hook
} else {
// Failed login - we're trying to see if a user exists with this email (disregarding wrong passwords)
$attempt->Status = 'Failure';
if($member) {
// Audit logging hook
$attempt->MemberID = $member->ID;
} else {
// Audit logging hook
Member::singleton()->extend('authenticationFailedUnknownUser', $data);
// Audit logging hook
} else {
// Failed login - we're trying to see if a user exists with this email (disregarding wrong passwords)
$attempt->Status = 'Failure';
if ($member) {
// Audit logging hook
$attempt->MemberID = $member->ID;
} else {
// Audit logging hook
Member::singleton()->extend('authenticationFailedUnknownUser', $data);
$attempt->Email = $email;
$attempt->IP = Controller::curr()->getRequest()->getIP();
$attempt->Email = $email;
$attempt->IP = Controller::curr()->getRequest()->getIP();
* Method to authenticate an user
* @param array $data Raw data to authenticate the user
* @param Form $form Optional: If passed, better error messages can be
* produced by using
* {@link Form::sessionMessage()}
* @return bool|Member Returns FALSE if authentication fails, otherwise
* the member object
* @see Security::setDefaultAdmin()
* Method to authenticate an user
* @param array $data Raw data to authenticate the user
* @param Form $form Optional: If passed, better error messages can be
* produced by using
* {@link Form::sessionMessage()}
* @return bool|Member Returns FALSE if authentication fails, otherwise
* the member object
* @see Security::setDefaultAdmin()
public static function authenticate($data, Form $form = null)
// Find authenticated member
$member = static::authenticate_member($data, $form, $success);
// Find authenticated member
$member = static::authenticate_member($data, $form, $success);
// Optionally record every login attempt as a {@link LoginAttempt} object
static::record_login_attempt($data, $member, $success);
// Optionally record every login attempt as a {@link LoginAttempt} object
static::record_login_attempt($data, $member, $success);
// Legacy migration to precision-safe password hashes.
// A login-event with cleartext passwords is the only time
// when we can rehash passwords to a different hashing algorithm,
// bulk-migration doesn't work due to the nature of hashing.
// See PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash class.
if($success && $member && isset(self::$migrate_legacy_hashes[$member->PasswordEncryption])) {
$member->Password = $data['Password'];
$member->PasswordEncryption = self::$migrate_legacy_hashes[$member->PasswordEncryption];
// Legacy migration to precision-safe password hashes.
// A login-event with cleartext passwords is the only time
// when we can rehash passwords to a different hashing algorithm,
// bulk-migration doesn't work due to the nature of hashing.
// See PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash class.
if ($success && $member && isset(self::$migrate_legacy_hashes[$member->PasswordEncryption])) {
$member->Password = $data['Password'];
$member->PasswordEncryption = self::$migrate_legacy_hashes[$member->PasswordEncryption];
if ($success) {
return $success ? $member : null;
return $success ? $member : null;
* Method that creates the login form for this authentication method
* @param Controller $controller The parent controller, necessary to create the
* appropriate form action tag
* @return Form Returns the login form to use with this authentication
* method
* Method that creates the login form for this authentication method
* @param Controller $controller The parent controller, necessary to create the
* appropriate form action tag
* @return Form Returns the login form to use with this authentication
* method
public static function get_login_form(Controller $controller)
/** @skipUpgrade */
return MemberLoginForm::create($controller, "LoginForm");
/** @skipUpgrade */
return MemberLoginForm::create($controller, "LoginForm");
public static function get_cms_login_form(Controller $controller)
/** @skipUpgrade */
return CMSMemberLoginForm::create($controller, "LoginForm");
/** @skipUpgrade */
return CMSMemberLoginForm::create($controller, "LoginForm");
public static function supports_cms()
// Don't automatically support subclasses of MemberAuthenticator
return get_called_class() === __CLASS__;
// Don't automatically support subclasses of MemberAuthenticator
return get_called_class() === __CLASS__;
* Get the name of the authentication method
* @return string Returns the name of the authentication method.
* Get the name of the authentication method
* @return string Returns the name of the authentication method.
public static function get_name()
return _t('MemberAuthenticator.TITLE', "E-mail & Password");
return _t('MemberAuthenticator.TITLE', "E-mail & Password");
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use SilverStripe\Control\Director;
use SilverStripe\Control\Session;
use SilverStripe\Control\Controller;
use SilverStripe\Control\Email\Email;
use SilverStripe\Dev\Debug;
use SilverStripe\Forms\HiddenField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FieldList;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FormAction;
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ use SilverStripe\Forms\PasswordField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\CheckboxField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\LiteralField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\RequiredFields;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
use SilverStripe\View\Requirements;
@ -160,19 +162,18 @@ JS;
Requirements::customScript($js, 'MemberLoginFormFieldFocus');
* Get message from session
protected function getMessageFromSession()
public function restoreFormState()
$forceMessage = Session::get('MemberLoginForm.force_message');
if (($member = Member::currentUser()) && !$forceMessage) {
$this->message = _t(
$message = _t(
"You're logged in as {name}.",
array('name' => $member->{$this->loggedInAsField})
$this->setMessage($message, ValidationResult::TYPE_INFO);
// Reset forced message
@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ JS;
Session::set('MemberLoginForm.force_message', false);
return parent::getMessageFromSession();
return $this;
@ -283,11 +284,8 @@ JS;
_t('Member.WELCOMEBACK', "Welcome Back, {firstname}", array('firstname' => $firstname))
Session::set("Security.Message.type", "good");
$message = _t('Member.WELCOMEBACK', "Welcome Back, {firstname}", array('firstname' => $firstname));
Security::setLoginMessage($message, ValidationResult::TYPE_GOOD);
return Controller::curr()->redirectBack();
@ -20,131 +20,131 @@ use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
class PasswordValidator extends Object
private static $character_strength_tests = array(
'lowercase' => '/[a-z]/',
'uppercase' => '/[A-Z]/',
'digits' => '/[0-9]/',
'punctuation' => '/[^A-Za-z0-9]/',
private static $character_strength_tests = array(
'lowercase' => '/[a-z]/',
'uppercase' => '/[A-Z]/',
'digits' => '/[0-9]/',
'punctuation' => '/[^A-Za-z0-9]/',
protected $minLength, $minScore, $testNames, $historicalPasswordCount;
protected $minLength, $minScore, $testNames, $historicalPasswordCount;
* Minimum password length
* @param int $minLength
* @return $this
* Minimum password length
* @param int $minLength
* @return $this
public function minLength($minLength)
$this->minLength = $minLength;
return $this;
$this->minLength = $minLength;
return $this;
* Check the character strength of the password.
* Eg: $this->characterStrength(3, array("lowercase", "uppercase", "digits", "punctuation"))
* @param int $minScore The minimum number of character tests that must pass
* @param array $testNames The names of the tests to perform
* @return $this
* Check the character strength of the password.
* Eg: $this->characterStrength(3, array("lowercase", "uppercase", "digits", "punctuation"))
* @param int $minScore The minimum number of character tests that must pass
* @param array $testNames The names of the tests to perform
* @return $this
public function characterStrength($minScore, $testNames)
$this->minScore = $minScore;
$this->testNames = $testNames;
return $this;
$this->minScore = $minScore;
$this->testNames = $testNames;
return $this;
* Check a number of previous passwords that the user has used, and don't let them change to that.
* @param int $count
* @return $this
* Check a number of previous passwords that the user has used, and don't let them change to that.
* @param int $count
* @return $this
public function checkHistoricalPasswords($count)
$this->historicalPasswordCount = $count;
return $this;
$this->historicalPasswordCount = $count;
return $this;
* @param String $password
* @param Member $member
* @return ValidationResult
* @param String $password
* @param Member $member
* @return ValidationResult
public function validate($password, $member)
$valid = ValidationResult::create();
$valid = ValidationResult::create();
if($this->minLength) {
if(strlen($password) < $this->minLength) {
'Password is too short, it must be %s or more characters long'
if ($this->minLength) {
if (strlen($password) < $this->minLength) {
'Password is too short, it must be %s or more characters long'
if($this->minScore) {
$score = 0;
$missedTests = array();
foreach($this->testNames as $name) {
if(preg_match(self::config()->character_strength_tests[$name], $password)) {
} else {
$missedTests[] = _t(
'PasswordValidator.STRENGTHTEST' . strtoupper($name),
'The user needs to add this to their password for more complexity'
if ($this->minScore) {
$score = 0;
$missedTests = array();
foreach ($this->testNames as $name) {
if (preg_match(self::config()->character_strength_tests[$name], $password)) {
} else {
$missedTests[] = _t(
'PasswordValidator.STRENGTHTEST' . strtoupper($name),
'The user needs to add this to their password for more complexity'
if($score < $this->minScore) {
'Please increase password strength by adding some of the following characters: %s'
implode(', ', $missedTests)
if ($score < $this->minScore) {
'Please increase password strength by adding some of the following characters: %s'
implode(', ', $missedTests)
if($this->historicalPasswordCount) {
$previousPasswords = MemberPassword::get()
->where(array('"MemberPassword"."MemberID"' => $member->ID))
->sort('"Created" DESC, "ID" DESC')
/** @var MemberPassword $previousPassword */
foreach($previousPasswords as $previousPassword) {
if($previousPassword->checkPassword($password)) {
'You\'ve already used that password in the past, please choose a new password'
if ($this->historicalPasswordCount) {
$previousPasswords = MemberPassword::get()
->where(array('"MemberPassword"."MemberID"' => $member->ID))
->sort('"Created" DESC, "ID" DESC')
/** @var MemberPassword $previousPassword */
foreach ($previousPasswords as $previousPassword) {
if ($previousPassword->checkPassword($password)) {
'You\'ve already used that password in the past, please choose a new password'
return $valid;
return $valid;
@ -13,50 +13,50 @@ use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
class PermissionRoleCode extends DataObject
private static $db = array(
"Code" => "Varchar",
private static $db = array(
"Code" => "Varchar",
private static $has_one = array(
"Role" => "SilverStripe\\Security\\PermissionRole",
private static $has_one = array(
"Role" => "SilverStripe\\Security\\PermissionRole",
private static $table_name = "PermissionRoleCode";
private static $table_name = "PermissionRoleCode";
public function validate()
$result = parent::validate();
$result = parent::validate();
// Check that new code doesn't increase privileges, unless an admin is editing.
$privilegedCodes = Permission::config()->privileged_permissions;
// Check that new code doesn't increase privileges, unless an admin is editing.
$privilegedCodes = Permission::config()->privileged_permissions;
if ($this->Code
&& in_array($this->Code, $privilegedCodes)
&& !Permission::check('ADMIN')
) {
'Can\'t assign code "%s" with privileged permissions (requires ADMIN access)'
&& in_array($this->Code, $privilegedCodes)
&& !Permission::check('ADMIN')
) {
'Can\'t assign code "%s" with privileged permissions (requires ADMIN access)'
return $result;
return $result;
public function canCreate($member = null, $context = array())
return Permission::check('APPLY_ROLES', 'any', $member);
return Permission::check('APPLY_ROLES', 'any', $member);
public function canEdit($member = null)
return Permission::check('APPLY_ROLES', 'any', $member);
return Permission::check('APPLY_ROLES', 'any', $member);
public function canDelete($member = null)
return Permission::check('APPLY_ROLES', 'any', $member);
return Permission::check('APPLY_ROLES', 'any', $member);
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ use SilverStripe\ORM\ArrayList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DB;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBField;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
use SilverStripe\View\ArrayData;
use SilverStripe\View\SSViewer;
use SilverStripe\View\TemplateGlobalProvider;
@ -324,7 +325,7 @@ class Security extends Controller implements TemplateGlobalProvider
// Somewhat hackish way to render a login form with an error message.
$me = new Security();
$form = $me->LoginForm();
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'warning');
$form->sessionMessage($message, ValidationResult::TYPE_WARNING);
Session::set('MemberLoginForm.force_message', 1);
$loginResponse = $me->login();
if ($loginResponse instanceof HTTPResponse) {
@ -340,8 +341,7 @@ class Security extends Controller implements TemplateGlobalProvider
$message = $messageSet['default'];
Session::set("Security.Message.message", $message);
Session::set("Security.Message.type", 'warning');
static::setLoginMessage($message, ValidationResult::TYPE_WARNING);
Session::set("BackURL", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
@ -349,10 +349,10 @@ class Security extends Controller implements TemplateGlobalProvider
// Audit logging hook
$controller->extend('permissionDenied', $member);
return $controller->redirect(
Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\\Security\\Security', 'login_url')
. "?BackURL=" . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])
return $controller->redirect(Controller::join_links(
"?BackURL=" . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])
protected function init()
@ -559,11 +559,36 @@ class Security extends Controller implements TemplateGlobalProvider
$messageType = Session::get('Security.Message.type');
if ($messageType === 'bad') {
return "<p class=\"message $messageType\">$message</p>";
} else {
return "<p>$message</p>";
$messageCast = Session::get('Security.Message.cast');
if ($messageCast !== ValidationResult::CAST_HTML) {
$message = Convert::raw2xml($message);
return sprintf('<p class="message %s">%s</p>', Convert::raw2att($messageType), $message);
* Set the next message to display for the security login page. Defaults to warning
* @param string $message Message
* @param string $messageType Message type. One of ValidationResult::TYPE_*
* @param string $messageCast Message cast. One of ValidationResult::CAST_*
public static function setLoginMessage(
$messageType = ValidationResult::TYPE_WARNING,
$messageCast = ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT
) {
Session::set("Security.Message.message", $message);
Session::set("Security.Message.type", $messageType);
Session::set("Security.Message.cast", $messageCast);
* Clear login message
public static function clearLoginMessage()
@ -603,7 +628,7 @@ class Security extends Controller implements TemplateGlobalProvider
$message = $this->getLoginMessage($messageType);
// We've displayed the message in the form output, so reset it for the next run.
// only display tabs when more than one authenticator is provided
// to save bandwidth and reduce the amount of custom styling needed
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Feature: Log in
Scenario: Bad login
Given I log in with "bad@example.com" and "badpassword"
Then I will see a "bad" log-in message
Then I will see a "error" log-in message
Scenario: Valid login
Given I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Tests;
use SilverStripe\Assets\Image;
use SilverStripe\Assets\Storage\AssetStore;
use SilverStripe\Assets\Tests\FileTest\MyCustomFile;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException;
@ -178,22 +179,21 @@ class FileTest extends SapphireTest {
// Invalid ext
$file->Name = 'asdf.php';
$v = $file->validate();
$this->assertContains('Extension is not allowed', $v->message());
$result = $file->validate();
$messages = $result->getMessages();
$this->assertEquals(1, count($messages));
$this->assertEquals('Extension is not allowed', $messages[0]['message']);
// Valid ext
$file->Name = 'asdf.txt';
$v = $file->validate();
$result = $file->validate();
// Capital extension is valid as well
$file->Name = 'asdf.TXT';
$v = $file->validate();
Config::inst()->remove(File::class, 'allowed_extensions');
Config::inst()->update(File::class, 'allowed_extensions', $orig);
$result = $file->validate();
public function testAppCategory() {
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ class FileTest extends SapphireTest {
public function testNameAndTitleGeneration() {
// When name is assigned, title is automatically assigned
$file = $this->objFromFixture('SilverStripe\\Assets\\Image', 'setfromname');
$file = $this->objFromFixture(Image::class, 'setfromname');
$this->assertEquals('FileTest', $file->Title);
@ -386,13 +386,13 @@ class FileTest extends SapphireTest {
public function testFileType() {
$file = $this->objFromFixture('SilverStripe\\Assets\\Image', 'gif');
$file = $this->objFromFixture(Image::class, 'gif');
$this->assertEquals("GIF image - good for diagrams", $file->FileType);
$file = $this->objFromFixture(File::class, 'pdf');
$this->assertEquals("Adobe Acrobat PDF file", $file->FileType);
$file = $this->objFromFixture('SilverStripe\\Assets\\Image', 'gifupper');
$file = $this->objFromFixture(Image::class, 'gifupper');
$this->assertEquals("GIF image - good for diagrams", $file->FileType);
/* Only a few file types are given special descriptions; the rest are unknown */
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ class FileTest extends SapphireTest {
$newTitle = "FileTest-folder-renamed";
//rename a folder's title
$folderID = $this->objFromFixture("SilverStripe\\Assets\\Folder","folder2")->ID;
$folderID = $this->objFromFixture(Folder::class,"folder2")->ID;
$folder = DataObject::get_by_id(Folder::class,$folderID);
$folder->Title = $newTitle;
@ -508,30 +508,30 @@ class FileTest extends SapphireTest {
public function testCanEdit() {
$file = $this->objFromFixture('SilverStripe\\Assets\\Image', 'gif');
$file = $this->objFromFixture(Image::class, 'gif');
// Test anonymous permissions
Session::set('loggedInAs', null);
$this->assertFalse($file->canEdit(), "Anonymous users can't edit files");
// Test permissionless user
$this->objFromFixture('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', 'frontend')->logIn();
$this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'frontend')->logIn();
$this->assertFalse($file->canEdit(), "Permissionless users can't edit files");
// Test global CMS section users
$this->objFromFixture('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', 'cms')->logIn();
$this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'cms')->logIn();
$this->assertTrue($file->canEdit(), "Users with all CMS section access can edit files");
// Test cms access users without file access
$this->objFromFixture('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', 'security')->logIn();
$this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'security')->logIn();
$this->assertFalse($file->canEdit(), "Security CMS users can't edit files");
// Test asset-admin user
$this->objFromFixture('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', 'assetadmin')->logIn();
$this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'assetadmin')->logIn();
$this->assertTrue($file->canEdit(), "Asset admin users can edit files");
// Test admin
$this->objFromFixture('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', 'admin')->logIn();
$this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'admin')->logIn();
$this->assertTrue($file->canEdit(), "Admins can edit files");
@ -35,10 +35,7 @@ class Validator extends Upload_Validator implements TestOnly
// extension validation
if(!$this->isValidExtension()) {
$this->errors[] = _t(
'Extension is not allowed'
$this->errors[] = _t('File.INVALIDEXTENSIONSHORT', 'Extension is not allowed');
return false;
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ class AssetFieldTest extends FunctionalTest {
$form = new TestForm();
$form->loadDataFrom($data, true);
if($form->validate()) {
if($form->validationResult()->isValid()) {
$record = $form->getRecord();
@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ namespace SilverStripe\Forms\Tests\EmailFieldTest;
use Exception;
use SilverStripe\Forms\Validator;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
class TestValidator extends Validator
public function validationError($fieldName, $message, $messageType = '')
public function validationError(
$fieldName, $message, $messageType = ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR, $cast = ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT
) {
throw new Exception($message);
@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ class FieldGroupTest extends SapphireTest {
$textField->setError('Test error message', 'warning');
$emailField->setError('Test error message', 'error');
$textField->setMessage('Test error message', 'error');
$emailField->setMessage('Test error warning', 'warning');
$this->assertEquals('Test error message, Test error message.', $fieldGroup->Message());
$this->assertEquals('warning. error', $fieldGroup->MessageType());
$this->assertEquals('Test error message, Test error warning.', $fieldGroup->getMessage());
$this->assertEquals('error', $fieldGroup->getMessageType());
@ -33,9 +33,7 @@ class FileFieldTest extends FunctionalTest {
@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ class FileFieldTest extends FunctionalTest {
'An error occured when uploading a file, but the validator returned true'
@ -72,7 +70,7 @@ class FileFieldTest extends FunctionalTest {
'An empty array was passed as parameter for an uploaded file, but the validator returned true'
@ -81,7 +79,7 @@ class FileFieldTest extends FunctionalTest {
'A null value was passed as parameter for an uploaded file, but the validator returned true'
@ -332,11 +332,10 @@ class FormFieldTest extends SapphireTest {
$field = new FormField('MyField', 'My Field');
$validator = new RequiredFields('MyField');
$form = new Form(new Controller(), 'TestForm', new FieldList($field), new FieldList(), $validator);
$schema = $field->getSchemaState();
['html' => '"My Field" is required'],
'"My Field" is required',
@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ class FormSchemaTest extends SapphireTest {
'name' => 'SecurityID',
'valid' => null,
'messages' => [],
@ -104,10 +103,9 @@ class FormSchemaTest extends SapphireTest {
'messages' => [[
'value' => ['html' => 'All saved'],
'type' => 'good'
'value' => 'All saved',
'type' => 'good'
'valid' => null,
$state = $formSchema->getState($form);
@ -123,7 +121,7 @@ class FormSchemaTest extends SapphireTest {
'Title' => null,
$formSchema = new FormSchema();
$expected = [
'id' => 'Form_TestForm',
@ -132,7 +130,7 @@ class FormSchemaTest extends SapphireTest {
'id' => 'Form_TestForm_Title',
'value' => null,
'message' => [
'value' => ['html' => '"Title" is required'],
'value' => '"Title" is required',
'type' => 'required'
'data' => [],
@ -146,7 +144,6 @@ class FormSchemaTest extends SapphireTest {
'name' => 'SecurityID',
'valid' => false,
'messages' => []
@ -165,7 +162,7 @@ class FormSchemaTest extends SapphireTest {
(new FormAction("cancel", "Cancel"))
new PopoverField("More options", [
$pop = new PopoverField("More options", [
new FormAction("publish", "Publish record"),
new FormAction("archive", "Archive"),
@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ use SilverStripe\Forms\Tests\FormTest\ControllerWithSecurityToken;
use SilverStripe\Forms\Tests\FormTest\ControllerWithStrictPostCheck;
use SilverStripe\Forms\Tests\FormTest\Player;
use SilverStripe\Forms\Tests\FormTest\Team;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataModel;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
use SilverStripe\Security\NullSecurityToken;
use SilverStripe\Security\SecurityToken;
use SilverStripe\Security\RandomGenerator;
use SilverStripe\Dev\CSSContentParser;
@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ class FormTest extends FunctionalTest {
$playersIds = $object->Players()->getIDList();
@ -420,7 +421,7 @@ class FormTest extends FunctionalTest {
public function testSessionSuccessMessage() {
$response = $this->post(
'Email' => 'test@test.com',
@ -439,12 +440,12 @@ class FormTest extends FunctionalTest {
public function testValidationException() {
$response = $this->post(
'Email' => 'test@test.com',
'SomeRequiredField' => 'test',
'action_triggerException' => 1,
'action_doTriggerException' => 1,
@ -468,12 +469,12 @@ class FormTest extends FunctionalTest {
$form1 = $this->getStubForm();
$this->assertInstanceOf('SilverStripe\\Security\\SecurityToken', $form1->getSecurityToken());
$this->assertInstanceOf(SecurityToken::class, $form1->getSecurityToken());
$form2 = $this->getStubForm();
$this->assertInstanceOf('SilverStripe\\Security\\NullSecurityToken', $form2->getSecurityToken());
$this->assertInstanceOf(NullSecurityToken::class, $form2->getSecurityToken());
@ -500,7 +501,7 @@ class FormTest extends FunctionalTest {
$expectedToken = SecurityToken::inst()->getValue();
$response = $this->get('FormTest_ControllerWithSecurityToken');
// can't use submitForm() as it'll automatically insert SecurityID into the POST data
$response = $this->post(
@ -518,7 +519,7 @@ class FormTest extends FunctionalTest {
$this->assertNotEquals($invalidToken, $expectedToken);
// Test token with request
$response = $this->get('FormTest_ControllerWithSecurityToken');
$response = $this->post(
@ -541,7 +542,7 @@ class FormTest extends FunctionalTest {
$attrs = $matched[0]->attributes();
$this->assertEquals('test@test.com', (string)$attrs['value'], 'Submitted data is preserved');
$response = $this->get('FormTest_ControllerWithSecurityToken');
$tokenEls = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector('#Form_Form_SecurityID');
@ -561,13 +562,13 @@ class FormTest extends FunctionalTest {
public function testStrictFormMethodChecking() {
$response = $this->get('FormTest_ControllerWithStrictPostCheck');
$response = $this->get(
$this->assertEquals(405, $response->getStatusCode(), 'Submission fails with wrong method');
$response = $this->get('FormTest_ControllerWithStrictPostCheck');
$response = $this->post(
@ -784,9 +785,7 @@ class FormTest extends FunctionalTest {
function testMessageEscapeHtml() {
$form = $this->getStubForm();
$form->getController()->handleRequest(new HTTPRequest('GET', '/'), DataModel::inst()); // stub out request
$form->sessionMessage('<em>Escaped HTML</em>', 'good', true);
$form->setMessage('<em>Escaped HTML</em>', 'good', ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT);
$parser = new CSSContentParser($form->forTemplate());
$messageEls = $parser->getBySelector('.message');
@ -795,9 +794,7 @@ class FormTest extends FunctionalTest {
$form = $this->getStubForm();
$form->getController()->handleRequest(new HTTPRequest('GET', '/'), DataModel::inst()); // stub out request
$form->sessionMessage('<em>Unescaped HTML</em>', 'good', false);
$form->setMessage('<em>Unescaped HTML</em>', 'good', ValidationResult::CAST_HTML);
$parser = new CSSContentParser($form->forTemplate());
$messageEls = $parser->getBySelector('.message');
@ -806,11 +803,9 @@ class FormTest extends FunctionalTest {
function testFieldMessageEscapeHtml() {
public function testFieldMessageEscapeHtml() {
$form = $this->getStubForm();
$form->getController()->handleRequest(new HTTPRequest('GET', '/'), DataModel::inst()); // stub out request
$form->getSessionValidationResult()->addFieldMessage('key1', '<em>Escaped HTML</em>', 'good');
$form->Fields()->dataFieldByName('key1')->setMessage('<em>Escaped HTML</em>', 'good');
$parser = new CSSContentParser($result = $form->forTemplate());
$messageEls = $parser->getBySelector('#Form_Form_key1_Holder .message');
@ -818,10 +813,12 @@ class FormTest extends FunctionalTest {
// Test with HTML
$form = $this->getStubForm();
$form->getController()->handleRequest(new HTTPRequest('GET', '/'), DataModel::inst()); // stub out request
$form->getSessionValidationResult()->addFieldMessage('key1', '<em>Unescaped HTML</em>', 'good', null, false);
->setMessage('<em>Unescaped HTML</em>', 'good', ValidationResult::CAST_HTML);
$parser = new CSSContentParser($form->forTemplate());
$messageEls = $parser->getBySelector('#Form_Form_key1_Holder .message');
@ -4,9 +4,12 @@ namespace SilverStripe\Forms\Tests\FormTest;
use SilverStripe\Dev\TestOnly;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ManyManyList;
* @skipUpgrade
* @method ManyManyList Players()
class Team extends DataObject implements TestOnly
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ use SilverStripe\Forms\FormAction;
use SilverStripe\Forms\NumericField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\RequiredFields;
use SilverStripe\Forms\TextField;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
use SilverStripe\View\SSViewer;
@ -54,6 +56,7 @@ class TestController extends Controller implements TestOnly
new FieldList(
@ -75,6 +78,13 @@ class TestController extends Controller implements TestOnly
return $this->redirectBack();
public function doTriggerException($data, $form, $request) {
$result = new ValidationResult();
$result->addFieldError('Email', 'Error on Email field');
$result->addError('Error at top of form');
throw new ValidationException($result);
public function doSubmitValidationExempt($data, $form, $request)
$form->sessionMessage('Validation skipped', 'good');
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class OptionsetFieldTest extends SapphireTest {
// ... but should not pass "RequiredFields" validation
//disabled items shouldn't validate
@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ class UploadFieldTest extends FunctionalTest {
$form = new UploadFieldTest\UploadFieldTestForm();
$form->loadDataFrom($data, true);
if($form->validate()) {
if($form->validationResult()->isValid()) {
$record = $form->getRecord();
@ -13,14 +13,10 @@ use SilverStripe\ORM\Connect\MySQLDatabase;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBPolymorphicForeignKey;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBVarchar;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ManyManyList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Tests\ManyManyListTest\Category;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Tests\ManyManyListTest\ExtraFieldsObject;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Tests\ManyManyListTest\Product;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException;
use SilverStripe\View\ViewableData;
use stdClass;
use ReflectionException;
use ReflectionMethod;
use InvalidArgumentException;
class DataObjectTest extends SapphireTest {
@ -1055,7 +1051,6 @@ class DataObjectTest extends SapphireTest {
public function testWritingInvalidDataObjectThrowsException() {
$validatedObject = new DataObjectTest\ValidatedObject();
@ -1181,12 +1176,6 @@ class DataObjectTest extends SapphireTest {
protected function makeAccessible($object, $method) {
$reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod($object, $method);
return $reflectionMethod;
public function testValidateModelDefinitionsFailsWithArray() {
Config::inst()->update(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'has_one', array('NotValid' => array('NoArraysAllowed')));
@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ class ValidatedObject extends DataObject implements TestOnly
public function validate()
if (!empty($this->Name)) {
return new ValidationResult();
} else {
return new ValidationResult(false, "This object needs a name. Otherwise it will have an identity crisis!");
$result = ValidationResult::create();
if (empty($this->Name)) {
$result->addError("This object needs a name. Otherwise it will have an identity crisis!");
return $result;
@ -31,17 +31,7 @@ class HierarchyTest extends SapphireTest {
$obj2aa = $this->objFromFixture(HierarchyTest\TestObject::class, 'obj2aa');
$obj2->ParentID = $obj2aa->ID;
catch (ValidationException $e) {
Convert::raw2xml('Infinite loop found within the "HierarchyTest_Object" hierarchy'),
$this->fail('Failed to prevent infinite loop in hierarchy.');
@ -194,7 +184,7 @@ class HierarchyTest extends SapphireTest {
* @covers SilverStripe\ORM\Hierarchy\Hierarchy::markChildren()
* @covers \SilverStripe\ORM\Hierarchy\Hierarchy::markChildren()
public function testMarkChildrenDoesntUnmarkPreviouslyMarked() {
$obj3 = $this->objFromFixture(HierarchyTest\TestObject::class, 'obj3');
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ class ValidationExceptionTest extends SapphireTest
* Test that ValidationResult object can correctly populate a ValidationException
public function testCreateFromValidationResult() {
$result = new ValidationResult();
$result->addError('Not a valid result');
@ -20,8 +19,13 @@ class ValidationExceptionTest extends SapphireTest
$this->assertEquals(0, $exception->getCode());
$this->assertEquals('Not a valid result', $exception->getMessage());
$this->assertEquals('Not a valid result', $exception->getResult()->message());
'message' => 'Not a valid result',
'messageCast' => ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT,
'messageType' => ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR,
'fieldName' => null,
], $exception->getResult()->getMessages());
@ -31,14 +35,26 @@ class ValidationExceptionTest extends SapphireTest
public function testCreateFromComplexValidationResult() {
$result = new ValidationResult();
$result->addError('Invalid type')
->addError('Out of kiwis');
->addError('Invalid type')
->addError('Out of kiwis');
$exception = new ValidationException($result);
$this->assertEquals(0, $exception->getCode());
$this->assertEquals('Invalid type; Out of kiwis', $exception->getMessage());
$this->assertEquals(false, $exception->getResult()->valid());
$this->assertEquals('Invalid type; Out of kiwis', $exception->getResult()->message());
$this->assertEquals('Invalid type', $exception->getMessage());
$this->assertEquals(false, $exception->getResult()->isValid());
'message' => 'Invalid type',
'messageCast' => ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT,
'messageType' => ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR,
'fieldName' => null,
], $exception->getResult()->getMessages());
'message' => 'Out of kiwis',
'messageCast' => ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT,
'messageType' => ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR,
'fieldName' => null,
], $exception->getResult()->getMessages());
@ -50,26 +66,15 @@ class ValidationExceptionTest extends SapphireTest
$this->assertEquals(E_USER_ERROR, $exception->getCode());
$this->assertEquals('Error inferred from message', $exception->getMessage());
$this->assertEquals('Error inferred from message', $exception->getResult()->message());
'message' => 'Error inferred from message',
'messageCast' => ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT,
'messageType' => ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR,
'fieldName' => null,
], $exception->getResult()->getMessages());
* Test that ValidationException can be created with both a ValidationResult
* and a custom message
public function testCreateWithValidationResultAndMessage() {
$result = new ValidationResult();
$result->addError('Incorrect placement of cutlery');
$exception = new ValidationException($result, 'An error has occurred', E_USER_WARNING);
$this->assertEquals(E_USER_WARNING, $exception->getCode());
$this->assertEquals('An error has occurred', $exception->getMessage());
$this->assertEquals('Incorrect placement of cutlery', $exception->getResult()->message());
* Test that ValidationException can be created with both a ValidationResult
* and a custom message
@ -78,13 +83,23 @@ class ValidationExceptionTest extends SapphireTest
$result = new ValidationResult();
$result->addError('A spork is not a knife')
->addError('A knife is not a back scratcher');
$exception = new ValidationException($result, 'An error has occurred', E_USER_WARNING);
$exception = new ValidationException($result, E_USER_WARNING);
$this->assertEquals(E_USER_WARNING, $exception->getCode());
$this->assertEquals('An error has occurred', $exception->getMessage());
$this->assertEquals(false, $exception->getResult()->valid());
$this->assertEquals('A spork is not a knife; A knife is not a back scratcher',
$this->assertEquals('A spork is not a knife', $exception->getMessage());
$this->assertEquals(false, $exception->getResult()->isValid());
'message' => 'A spork is not a knife',
'messageCast' => ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT,
'messageType' => ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR,
'fieldName' => null,
], $exception->getResult()->getMessages());
'message' => 'A knife is not a back scratcher',
'messageCast' => ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT,
'messageType' => ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR,
'fieldName' => null,
], $exception->getResult()->getMessages());
@ -97,35 +112,30 @@ class ValidationExceptionTest extends SapphireTest
$anotherresult->addError("Eat with your mouth closed", 'bad', "EATING101");
$yetanotherresult->addError("You didn't wash your hands", 'bad', "BECLEAN", false);
"EATING101" => "Eat with your mouth closed",
"BECLEAN" => "You didn't wash your hands"
), $result->messageList());
* Test that a ValidationException created with no contained ValidationResult
* will correctly populate itself with an inferred version
public function testCreateForField() {
$exception = ValidationException::create_for_field('Content', 'Content is required');
$this->assertEquals('Content is required', $exception->getMessage());
$this->assertEquals(false, $exception->getResult()->valid());
'Content' => array(
'message' => 'Content is required',
'messageType' => 'bad',
), $exception->getResult()->fieldErrors());
'EATING101' => [
'message' => 'Eat with your mouth closed',
'messageType' => 'bad',
'messageCast' => ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT,
'fieldName' => null,
'BECLEAN' => [
'message' => 'You didn\'t wash your hands',
'messageType' => 'bad',
'messageCast' => ValidationResult::CAST_HTML,
'fieldName' => null,
@ -137,23 +147,35 @@ class ValidationExceptionTest extends SapphireTest
$result->addMessage('A spork is not a knife', 'bad');
$result->addError('A knife is not a back scratcher');
$result->addFieldMessage('Title', 'Title is good', 'good');
$result->addFieldError('Content', 'Content is bad');
$result->addFieldError('Content', 'Content is bad', 'bad');
'Title' => array(
'fieldName' => null,
'message' => 'A spork is not a knife',
'messageType' => 'bad',
'messageCast' => ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT,
'fieldName' => null,
'message' => 'A knife is not a back scratcher',
'messageType' => 'error',
'messageCast' => ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT,
'fieldName' => 'Title',
'message' => 'Title is good',
'messageType' => 'good'
'Content' => array(
'messageType' => 'good',
'messageCast' => ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT,
'fieldName' => 'Content',
'message' => 'Content is bad',
'messageType' => 'bad'
), $result->fieldErrors());
$this->assertEquals('A spork is not a knife; A knife is not a back scratcher', $result->overallMessage());
$exception = ValidationException::create_for_field('Content', 'Content is required');
'messageType' => 'bad',
'messageCast' => ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT,
], $result->getMessages());
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Tests;
use SilverStripe\Dev\SapphireTest;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
class ValidationResultTest extends SapphireTest
public function testSerialise() {
$result = new ValidationResult();
$result->addError("Error", ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR, null, ValidationResult::CAST_HTML);
$result->addMessage("Message", ValidationResult::TYPE_GOOD);
$serialised = serialize($result);
/** @var ValidationResult $result2 */
$result2 = unserialize($serialised);
'message' => 'Error',
'fieldName' => null,
'messageCast' => ValidationResult::CAST_HTML,
'messageType' => ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR,
'message' => 'Message',
'fieldName' => null,
'messageCast' => ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT,
'messageType' => ValidationResult::TYPE_GOOD,
], $result2->getMessages());
@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
namespace SilverStripe\Security\Tests;
use SilverStripe\Control\Controller;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\Security\Group;
use SilverStripe\Dev\FunctionalTest;
use SilverStripe\Control\Session;
use SilverStripe\Security\Permission;
use SilverStripe\Security\Tests\GroupTest\TestMember;
use ReflectionMethod;
class GroupTest extends FunctionalTest {
@ -35,16 +36,17 @@ class GroupTest extends FunctionalTest {
$this->assertNull($g3->Code, 'Default title doesnt trigger attribute setting');
* @skipUpgrade
public function testMemberGroupRelationForm() {
Session::set('loggedInAs', $this->idFromFixture(TestMember::class, 'admin'));
$adminGroup = $this->objFromFixture(Group::class, 'admingroup');
$parentGroup = $this->objFromFixture(Group::class, 'parentgroup');
$childGroup = $this->objFromFixture(Group::class, 'childgroup');
// Test single group relation through checkboxsetfield
/** @skipUpgrade */
$form = new GroupTest\MemberForm($this, 'Form');
$form = new GroupTest\MemberForm(new Controller(), 'Form');
$member = $this->objFromFixture(TestMember::class, 'admin');
$checkboxSetField = $form->Fields()->fieldByName('Groups');
@ -75,9 +77,6 @@ class GroupTest extends FunctionalTest {
"Removing a previously added toplevel group works"
$this->assertContains($adminGroup->ID, $updatedGroups->column('ID'));
// Test adding child group
public function testUnsavedGroups() {
@ -124,55 +123,47 @@ class GroupTest extends FunctionalTest {
$childGroupID = $this->idFromFixture(Group::class, 'childgroup');
$this->assertEquals(0, DataObject::get(Group::class, "\"ID\" = {$groupID}")->Count(),
$this->assertEquals(0, DataObject::get(Group::class, "\"ID\" = {$groupID}")->count(),
'Group is removed');
$this->assertEquals(0, DataObject::get('SilverStripe\\Security\\Permission', "\"GroupID\" = {$groupID}")->Count(),
$this->assertEquals(0, DataObject::get(Permission::class, "\"GroupID\" = {$groupID}")->count(),
'Permissions removed along with the group');
$this->assertEquals(0, DataObject::get(Group::class, "\"ParentID\" = {$groupID}")->Count(),
$this->assertEquals(0, DataObject::get(Group::class, "\"ParentID\" = {$groupID}")->count(),
'Child groups are removed');
$this->assertEquals(0, DataObject::get(Group::class, "\"ParentID\" = {$childGroupID}")->Count(),
$this->assertEquals(0, DataObject::get(Group::class, "\"ParentID\" = {$childGroupID}")->count(),
'Grandchild groups are removed');
public function testValidatesPrivilegeLevelOfParent() {
$nonAdminUser = $this->objFromFixture(TestMember::class, 'childgroupuser');
$adminUser = $this->objFromFixture(TestMember::class, 'admin');
$nonAdminGroup = $this->objFromFixture(Group::class, 'childgroup');
$adminGroup = $this->objFromFixture(Group::class, 'admingroup');
$nonAdminValidateMethod = new ReflectionMethod($nonAdminGroup, 'validate');
// Making admin group parent of a non-admin group, effectively expanding is privileges
$nonAdminGroup->ParentID = $adminGroup->ID;
$result = $nonAdminValidateMethod->invoke($nonAdminGroup);
$result = $nonAdminGroup->validate();
'Members with only APPLY_ROLES can\'t assign parent groups with direct ADMIN permissions'
$result = $nonAdminValidateMethod->invoke($nonAdminGroup);
$result = $nonAdminGroup->validate();
'Members with ADMIN can assign parent groups with direct ADMIN permissions'
$newlyAdminGroup = $nonAdminGroup;
$inheritedAdminGroup = $this->objFromFixture(Group::class, 'group1');
$inheritedAdminMethod = new ReflectionMethod($inheritedAdminGroup, 'validate');
$inheritedAdminGroup->ParentID = $adminGroup->ID;
$inheritedAdminGroup->write(); // only works with ADMIN login
$result = $inheritedAdminMethod->invoke($nonAdminGroup);
$result = $nonAdminGroup->validate();
'Members with only APPLY_ROLES can\'t assign parent groups with inherited ADMIN permission'
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ namespace SilverStripe\Security\Tests;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBDatetime;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
use SilverStripe\Security\PasswordEncryptor;
use SilverStripe\Security\PasswordEncryptor_PHPHash;
use SilverStripe\Security\Security;
@ -53,10 +54,11 @@ class MemberAuthenticatorTest extends SapphireTest {
$member = DataObject::get_by_id(Member::class, $member->ID);
/** @var Member $member */
$member = DataObject::get_by_id(Member::class, $member->ID);
$this->assertEquals($member->PasswordEncryption, "sha1_v2.4");
$result = $member->checkPassword('mypassword');
public function testNoLegacyPasswordHashMigrationOnIncompatibleAlgorithm() {
@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ class MemberAuthenticatorTest extends SapphireTest {
$member = DataObject::get_by_id(Member::class, $member->ID);
$this->assertEquals($member->PasswordEncryption, "crc32");
$result = $member->checkPassword('mypassword');
public function testCustomIdentifierField(){
@ -139,10 +141,10 @@ class MemberAuthenticatorTest extends SapphireTest {
'tempid' => $tempID,
'Password' => 'mypassword'
), $form);
$this->assertEquals($result->ID, $member->ID);
// Test incorrect login
@ -150,10 +152,11 @@ class MemberAuthenticatorTest extends SapphireTest {
'tempid' => $tempID,
'Password' => 'notmypassword'
), $form);
$this->assertEquals(Convert::raw2xml(_t('Member.ERRORWRONGCRED')), $form->Message());
$this->assertEquals('bad', $form->MessageType());
$this->assertEquals(_t('Member.ERRORWRONGCRED'), $form->getMessage());
$this->assertEquals(ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR, $form->getMessageType());
$this->assertEquals(ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT, $form->getMessageCast());
@ -170,10 +173,10 @@ class MemberAuthenticatorTest extends SapphireTest {
'Email' => 'admin',
'Password' => 'password'
), $form);
$this->assertEquals($result->Email, Security::default_admin_username());
// Test incorrect login
@ -181,10 +184,14 @@ class MemberAuthenticatorTest extends SapphireTest {
'Email' => 'admin',
'Password' => 'notmypassword'
), $form);
$this->assertEquals('The provided details don't seem to be correct. Please try again.', $form->Message());
$this->assertEquals('bad', $form->MessageType());
'The provided details don\'t seem to be correct. Please try again.',
$this->assertEquals(ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR, $form->getMessageType());
$this->assertEquals(ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT, $form->getMessageCast());
public function testDefaultAdminLockOut()
@ -87,6 +87,6 @@ class MemberCsvBulkLoaderTest extends SapphireTest {
// TODO Direct getter doesn't work, wtf!
$this->assertEquals(Security::config()->password_encryption_algorithm, $member->getField('PasswordEncryption'));
$result = $member->checkPassword('mypassword');
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
namespace SilverStripe\Security\Tests;
use SilverStripe\Core\Convert;
use SilverStripe\Core\Object;
use SilverStripe\Dev\FunctionalTest;
use SilverStripe\Control\Cookie;
@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ class MemberTest extends FunctionalTest {
$result = $member->checkPassword('mynewpassword');
Security::config()->password_encryption_algorithm = $origAlgo;
@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ class MemberTest extends FunctionalTest {
$result = $member->checkPassword('');
public function testSetPassword() {
@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ class MemberTest extends FunctionalTest {
$member->Password = "test1";
$result = $member->checkPassword('test1');
@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ class MemberTest extends FunctionalTest {
$member = $this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'test');
$valid = $member->changePassword('32asDF##$$%%');
$this->assertEmailSent('testuser@example.com', null, 'Your password has been changed',
@ -250,80 +251,81 @@ class MemberTest extends FunctionalTest {
* - at least 7 characters long
public function testValidatePassword() {
$member = $this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'test');
/** @var Member $member */
$member = $this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'test');
Member::set_password_validator(new MemberTest\TestPasswordValidator());
$valid = $member->changePassword('shorty');
$this->assertContains("TOO_SHORT", $valid->codeList());
$result = $member->changePassword('shorty');
$this->assertArrayHasKey("TOO_SHORT", $result->getMessages());
$valid = $member->changePassword('longone');
$this->assertNotContains("TOO_SHORT", $valid->codeList());
$this->assertContains("LOW_CHARACTER_STRENGTH", $valid->codeList());
$result = $member->changePassword('longone');
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey("TOO_SHORT", $result->getMessages());
$this->assertArrayHasKey("LOW_CHARACTER_STRENGTH", $result->getMessages());
$valid = $member->changePassword('w1thNumb3rs');
$this->assertNotContains("LOW_CHARACTER_STRENGTH", $valid->codeList());
$result = $member->changePassword('w1thNumb3rs');
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey("LOW_CHARACTER_STRENGTH", $result->getMessages());
// Clear out the MemberPassword table to ensure that the system functions properly in that situation
DB::query("DELETE FROM \"MemberPassword\"");
$valid = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls');
$this->assertNotContains("LOW_CHARACTER_STRENGTH", $valid->codeList());
$result = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls');
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey("LOW_CHARACTER_STRENGTH", $result->getMessages());
$valid = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls2');
$result = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls2');
$valid = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls3');
$result = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls3');
$valid = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls4');
$result = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls4');
$valid = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls5');
$result = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls5');
$valid = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls6');
$result = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls6');
$valid = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls7');
$result = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls7');
// CAN'T USE PASSWORDS 2-7, but I can use pasword 1
$valid = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls2');
$this->assertContains("PREVIOUS_PASSWORD", $valid->codeList());
$result = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls2');
$this->assertArrayHasKey("PREVIOUS_PASSWORD", $result->getMessages());
$valid = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls5');
$this->assertContains("PREVIOUS_PASSWORD", $valid->codeList());
$result = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls5');
$this->assertArrayHasKey("PREVIOUS_PASSWORD", $result->getMessages());
$valid = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls7');
$this->assertContains("PREVIOUS_PASSWORD", $valid->codeList());
$result = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls7');
$this->assertArrayHasKey("PREVIOUS_PASSWORD", $result->getMessages());
$valid = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls');
$result = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls');
// HAVING DONE THAT, PASSWORD 2 is now available from the list
$valid = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls2');
$result = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls2');
$valid = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls3');
$result = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls3');
$valid = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls4');
$result = $member->changePassword('withSym###Ls4');
@ -337,14 +339,14 @@ class MemberTest extends FunctionalTest {
$member = $this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'test');
$valid = $member->changePassword("Xx?1234234");
$expiryDate = date('Y-m-d', time() + 90*86400);
$this->assertEquals($expiryDate, $member->PasswordExpiry);
Member::config()->password_expiry_days = null;
$valid = $member->changePassword("Xx?1234235");
@ -870,11 +872,11 @@ class MemberTest extends FunctionalTest {
'alc_device' => $firstHash->DeviceID
$message = _t(
$message = Convert::raw2xml(_t(
"You're logged in as {name}.",
array('name' => $m1->FirstName)
$this->assertContains($message, $response->getBody());
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null);
@ -924,9 +926,9 @@ class MemberTest extends FunctionalTest {
public function testExpiredRememberMeHashAutologin() {
/** @var Member $m1 */
$m1 = $this->objFromFixture(Member::class, 'noexpiry');
$firstHash = RememberLoginHash::get()->filter('MemberID', $m1->ID)->first();
@ -936,7 +938,7 @@ class MemberTest extends FunctionalTest {
$firstHash->ExpiryDate = '2000-01-01 00:00:00';
DBDateTime::set_mock_now('1999-12-31 23:59:59');
DBDatetime::set_mock_now('1999-12-31 23:59:59');
$response = $this->get(
@ -947,11 +949,11 @@ class MemberTest extends FunctionalTest {
'alc_device' => $firstHash->DeviceID
$message = _t(
$message = Convert::raw2xml(_t(
"You're logged in as {name}.",
array('name' => $m1->FirstName)
$this->assertContains($message, $response->getBody());
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null);
@ -1017,11 +1019,11 @@ class MemberTest extends FunctionalTest {
'alc_device' => $firstHash->DeviceID
$message = _t(
$message = Convert::raw2xml(_t(
"You're logged in as {name}.",
array('name' => $m1->FirstName)
$this->assertContains($message, $response->getBody());
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null);
@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ class PasswordValidatorTest extends SapphireTest {
public function testValidate() {
$v = new PasswordValidator();
$r = $v->validate('', new Member());
$this->assertTrue($r->valid(), 'Empty password is valid by default');
$this->assertTrue($r->isValid(), 'Empty password is valid by default');
$r = $v->validate('mypassword', new Member());
$this->assertTrue($r->valid(), 'Non-Empty password is valid by default');
$this->assertTrue($r->isValid(), 'Non-Empty password is valid by default');
public function testValidateMinLength() {
@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ class PasswordValidatorTest extends SapphireTest {
$r = $v->validate('123', new Member());
$this->assertFalse($r->valid(), 'Password too short');
$this->assertFalse($r->isValid(), 'Password too short');
$r = $v->validate('1234', new Member());
$this->assertTrue($r->valid(), 'Password long enough');
$this->assertTrue($r->isValid(), 'Password long enough');
public function testValidateMinScore() {
@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ class PasswordValidatorTest extends SapphireTest {
$v->characterStrength(3, array("lowercase", "uppercase", "digits", "punctuation"));
$r = $v->validate('aA', new Member());
$this->assertFalse($r->valid(), 'Passing too few tests');
$this->assertFalse($r->isValid(), 'Passing too few tests');
$r = $v->validate('aA1', new Member());
$this->assertTrue($r->valid(), 'Passing enough tests');
$this->assertTrue($r->isValid(), 'Passing enough tests');
public function testHistoricalPasswordCount() {
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\Security\PermissionRole;
use SilverStripe\Security\PermissionRoleCode;
use SilverStripe\Dev\FunctionalTest;
use ReflectionMethod;
class PermissionRoleTest extends FunctionalTest {
protected static $fixture_file = 'PermissionRoleTest.yml';
@ -24,31 +23,26 @@ class PermissionRoleTest extends FunctionalTest {
public function testValidatesPrivilegedPermissions() {
$nonAdminCode = new PermissionRoleCode(array('Code' => 'CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain'));
$nonAdminValidateMethod = new ReflectionMethod($nonAdminCode, 'validate');
$adminCode = new PermissionRoleCode(array('Code' => 'ADMIN'));
$adminValidateMethod = new ReflectionMethod($adminCode, 'validate');
$result = $nonAdminValidateMethod->invoke($nonAdminCode);
$result = $nonAdminCode->validate();
'Members with only APPLY_ROLES can create non-privileged permission role codes'
$result = $adminValidateMethod->invoke($adminCode);
$result = $adminCode->validate();
'Members with only APPLY_ROLES can\'t create privileged permission role codes'
$result = $adminValidateMethod->invoke($adminCode);
$result = $adminCode->validate();
'Members with ADMIN can create privileged permission role codes'
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBDatetime;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBClassName;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DB;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
use SilverStripe\Security\Authenticator;
use SilverStripe\Security\LoginAttempt;
use SilverStripe\Security\Member;
@ -444,7 +445,10 @@ class SecurityTest extends FunctionalTest {
'User does not have a lockout time set if under threshold for failed attempts'
$this->assertContains(Convert::raw2xml(_t('Member.ERRORWRONGCRED')), $this->loginErrorMessage());
'The provided details don\'t seem to be correct. Please try again.'
} else {
// Fuzzy matching for time to avoid side effects from slow running tests
@ -462,7 +466,7 @@ class SecurityTest extends FunctionalTest {
array('count' => Member::config()->lock_out_delay_mins)
if($i > Member::config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins) {
$this->assertContains($msg, $this->loginErrorMessage());
@ -491,9 +495,8 @@ class SecurityTest extends FunctionalTest {
$this->doTestLoginForm('testuser@example.com' , 'incorrectpassword');
_t('Member.ERRORWRONGCRED','The provided details don\'t seem to be correct. Please try again.'),
'The user can retry with a wrong password after the lockout expires'
@ -560,9 +563,7 @@ class SecurityTest extends FunctionalTest {
$this->assertEquals($attempt->Status, 'Failure');
$this->assertEquals($attempt->Email, 'wronguser@silverstripe.com');
$this->loginErrorMessage(), 'An invalid email returns a message.'
$this->assertNotEmpty($this->getValidationResult()->getMessages(), 'An invalid email returns a message.');
public function testSuccessfulLoginAttempts() {
@ -640,12 +641,35 @@ class SecurityTest extends FunctionalTest {
* Get the error message on the login form
public function loginErrorMessage() {
$result = $this->session()->inst_get('FormInfo.MemberLoginForm_LoginForm.result');
return $result->message();
* Assert this message is in the current login form errors
* @param string $expected
* @param string $errorMessage
protected function assertHasMessage($expected, $errorMessage = null) {
$messages = [];
$result = $this->getValidationResult();
if ($result) {
foreach($result->getMessages() as $message) {
$messages[] = $message['message'];
$this->assertContains($expected, $messages, $errorMessage);
* Get validation result from last login form submission
* @return ValidationResult
protected function getValidationResult() {
$result = $this->session()->inst_get('FormInfo.MemberLoginForm_LoginForm.result');
if ($result) {
/** @var ValidationResult $resultObj */
return unserialize($result);
return null;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user