BUGFIX show scroll bar on menu and side panels in adminstration section rather than hiding

This commit is contained in:
Will Rossiter 2011-10-29 13:01:06 +13:00
parent b70bc85ed3
commit 6b88006456
39 changed files with 364 additions and 344 deletions

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@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ Object::useCustomClass('SSDatetime', 'SS_Datetime', true);
Object::useCustomClass('Datetime', 'SS_Datetime', true); Object::useCustomClass('Datetime', 'SS_Datetime', true);
/** /**
* The root directory of TinyMCE * The root directory of TinyMCE
*/ */

admin/css/_old/Image_iframe.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

admin/css/_old/LeftAndMain_printable.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

admin/css/_old/MemberImportForm.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

admin/css/_old/ModelAdmin.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

admin/css/_old/SecurityAdmin.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

admin/css/_old/cms_left.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

admin/css/_old/cms_right.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

admin/css/_old/editor.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

admin/css/_old/layout.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

admin/css/_old/silverstripe.tabs.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

admin/css/_old/typography.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

admin/css/_old/unjquery.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

admin/css/screen.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -63,136 +63,27 @@ article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav,
.cms del { background-color: #FDD; padding: 2px; color: #ff4444; } .cms del { background-color: #FDD; padding: 2px; color: #ff4444; }
.cms code { font-family: 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono','Courier', monospace; } .cms code { font-family: 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono','Courier', monospace; }
/** This file defines the jstree base styling (see http://jstree.com), as well as any customizations (see bottom of file). The styles are usually added through jstree.js on DOM load, but we need it earlier in order to correctly display the uninitialized tree. */ /** This file defines CMS-specific customizations to the jQuery UI theme. Every rule in this file should be wrapped in the '.cms' selector (to make it more specific), and contain ONLY overwritten jQuery UI rules (with 'ui-' prefix). This file should be fairly short, as we're using our own custom jQuery UI theme already. TODO Add theme reference Use _style.scss to add more generic style information, and read the jQuery UI theming API: http://jqueryui.com/docs/Theming/API */
.cms .jstree ul { display: block; margin: 0; padding: 0; background: none; list-style-type: none; } .cms .ui-tabs { padding: 0; background: #f0f3f4 url(../images/textures/bg_cms_main_content.png) repeat top left; }
.cms .jstree li { display: block; margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; display: block; min-height: 18px; line-height: 18px; white-space: nowrap; margin-left: 18px; min-width: 18px; } .cms .ui-tabs .ui-widget-header { border: 0; background: none; }
.cms .jstree ins { display: inline-block; text-decoration: none; width: 18px; height: 18px; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 0; float: left; } .cms .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
.cms .jstree a { display: inline-block; line-height: 16px; height: 16px; color: black; white-space: nowrap; text-decoration: none; padding: 1px 2px; margin: 0; border: 1px solid #fff; } .cms .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li { top: 0; }
.cms .jstree a:focus, .cms .jstree a:active, .cms .jstree a:hover { outline: none; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; text-shadow: none; } .cms .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li a { padding: 0 15px; }
.cms .jstree a > ins { height: 16px; width: 16px; } .cms .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav.ui-state-active { border-color: gray; }
.cms .jstree a > .jstree-icon { margin-right: 3px; } .cms .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel { background: transparent; padding: 16px 16px; }
.cms .jstree li.jstree-open > ul { display: block; } .cms .ui-widget-content, .cms .ui-widget { color: #444444; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; border: 0; }
.cms .jstree li.jstree-closed > ul { display: none; } .cms .ui-widget-header { background-color: #b0bec7; padding: 8px 8px 6px 8px; border-bottom: 2px solid #8399a7; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #dde3e7), color-stop(100%, #92a5b2)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #dde3e7, #92a5b2); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #dde3e7, #92a5b2); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #dde3e7, #92a5b2); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #dde3e7, #92a5b2); background-image: linear-gradient(top, #dde3e7, #92a5b2); border-bottom: 3px solid #5c7382; padding: 8px; -moz-border-radius: 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0; -o-border-radius: 0; -ms-border-radius: 0; -khtml-border-radius: 0; border-radius: 0; }
.cms .jstree li.disabled a { color: #aaaaaa; } .cms .ui-widget-header .ui-dialog-title { padding: 6px 0; text-shadow: #ced7dc 1px 1px 0; }
.cms .jstree-rtl a > .jstree-icon { margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 0; } .cms .ui-widget-header a.ui-dialog-titlebar-close { position: absolute; top: -8px; right: -15px; width: 30px; height: 30px; z-index: 100000; }
.cms .jstree-rtl li { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 18px; } .cms .ui-widget-header a.ui-state-hover { border-color: transparent; background: transparent; }
.cms .jstree-rtl > ul > li { margin-right: 0px; } .cms .ui-widget-header a.ui-state-hover .ui-icon-closethick { background-position: 0 -30px; }
.cms .jstree > ul > li { margin-left: 0px; } .cms .ui-widget-header .ui-icon-closethick { background-image: url(../images/dialog_close.png); background-position: 0 0; width: 30px; height: 30px; }
.cms #vakata-dragged { display: block; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 4px 4px 4px 24px; position: absolute; top: -2000px; line-height: 16px; z-index: 10000; } .cms .ui-state-hover { cursor: pointer; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu { display: block; visibility: hidden; left: 0; top: -200px; position: absolute; margin: 0; padding: 0; min-width: 180px; background: #ebebeb; border: 1px solid silver; z-index: 10000; *width: 180px; } .cms .ui-widget input, .cms .ui-widget select, .cms .ui-widget textarea, .cms .ui-widget button { color: #444444; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu ul { min-width: 180px; *width: 180px; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu ul, .cms #vakata-contextmenu li { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; display: block; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu li { line-height: 20px; min-height: 20px; position: relative; padding: 0px; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu li a { padding: 1px 6px; line-height: 17px; display: block; text-decoration: none; margin: 1px 1px 0 1px; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu li ins { float: left; width: 16px; height: 16px; text-decoration: none; margin-right: 2px; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu li a:hover, .cms #vakata-contextmenu li.vakata-hover > a { background: gray; color: white; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu li ul { display: none; position: absolute; top: -2px; left: 100%; background: #ebebeb; border: 1px solid gray; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu .right { right: 100%; left: auto; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu .bottom { bottom: -1px; top: auto; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu li.vakata-separator { min-height: 0; height: 1px; line-height: 1px; font-size: 1px; overflow: hidden; margin: 0 2px; background: silver; /* border-top:1px solid #fefefe; */ padding: 0; }
.cms .jstree ul, .cms .jstree li { display: block; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 0 0 0 0; list-style-type: none; }
.cms .jstree li { display: block; min-height: 18px; line-height: 18px; white-space: nowrap; margin-left: 18px; min-width: 18px; }
.cms .jstree-rtl li { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 18px; }
.cms .jstree > ul > li { margin-left: 0px; }
.cms .jstree-rtl > ul > li { margin-right: 0px; }
.cms .jstree ins { display: inline-block; text-decoration: none; width: 18px; height: 18px; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 0; }
.cms .jstree a { display: inline-block; line-height: 16px; height: 16px; color: black; white-space: nowrap; text-decoration: none; padding: 1px 2px; margin: 0; }
.cms .jstree a:focus { outline: none; }
.cms .jstree a > ins { height: 16px; width: 16px; }
.cms .jstree a > .jstree-icon { margin-right: 3px; }
.cms .jstree-rtl a > .jstree-icon { margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 0; }
.cms li.jstree-open > ul { display: block; }
.cms li.jstree-closed > ul { display: none; }
.cms #vakata-dragged ins { display: block; text-decoration: none; width: 16px; height: 16px; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 0; position: absolute; top: 4px; left: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; }
.cms #vakata-dragged .jstree-ok { background: green; }
.cms #vakata-dragged .jstree-invalid { background: red; }
.cms #jstree-marker { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: 12px; overflow: hidden; height: 12px; width: 8px; position: absolute; top: -30px; z-index: 10001; background-repeat: no-repeat; display: none; background-color: transparent; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px white; color: black; line-height: 10px; }
.cms #jstree-marker-line { padding: 0; margin: 0; line-height: 0%; font-size: 1px; overflow: hidden; height: 1px; width: 100px; position: absolute; top: -30px; z-index: 10000; background-repeat: no-repeat; display: none; background-color: #456c43; cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #eeeeee; border-left: 0; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #666; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #666; box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #666; -moz-border-radius: 1px; border-radius: 1px; -webkit-border-radius: 1px; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-real-checkbox { display: none; }
.cms .jstree-themeroller .ui-icon { overflow: visible; }
.cms .jstree-themeroller a { padding: 0 2px; }
.cms .jstree-themeroller .jstree-no-icon { display: none; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow-real { position: relative; z-index: 1; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow-real li { cursor: pointer; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow-real a { border-left-color: transparent !important; border-right-color: transparent !important; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow { position: relative; z-index: 0; height: 0; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow ul, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow li { width: 100%; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow ul, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow li, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow a { margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow ul, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow li { background: transparent !important; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow ins, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow span, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow input { display: none !important; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow a, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow a:hover { text-indent: -9999px !important; width: 100%; padding: 0 !important; border-right-width: 0px !important; border-left-width: 0px !important; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow-span { position: absolute; left: 0; margin: 0px; padding: 0; height: 18px; border-width: 0; padding: 0; z-index: 0; }
.cms .jstree-apple.jstree-focused { background: none; }
.cms .jstree-apple.jstree-focused .jstree-apple > ul { background: none; }
.cms .jstree li { line-height: 25px; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple { /* comment speech bubble - ccs3 only - source: http://nicolasgallagher.com/pure-css-speech-bubbles/demo/ */ }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple li.Root strong { font-weight: bold; padding-left: 1px; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple li.Root > a .jstree-icon { background-position: -56px -36px; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple a, .cms-tree.jstree-apple a:link { color: #1556b2; padding: 3px 6px 3px 3px; border: none; display: inline-block; margin-right: 5px; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple a span.status:after, .cms-tree.jstree-apple a:link span.status:after { clear: both; text-transform: uppercase; display: inline-block; padding: 0px 3px; font-size: 0.75em; line-height: 1em; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 6px; margin-top: -1px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px / 2px; -o-border-radius: 2px / 2px; -ms-border-radius: 2px / 2px; -khtml-border-radius: 2px / 2px; border-radius: 2px / 2px; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple span.modified:after { content: "draft"; color: #7E7470; border: 1px solid #C9B800; background-color: #FFF0BC; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple span.new:after { content: "new"; color: #7E7470; border: 1px solid #C9B800; background-color: #FFF0BC; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple span.private:after { content: "private"; color: #636363; border: 1px solid #E49393; background-color: #F2DADB; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple span.workflow-approval:after { content: "awaiting approval"; color: #56660C; border: 1px solid #7C8816; background-color: #DAE79A; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple span.comment-count { clear: both; position: relative; text-transform: uppercase; display: inline-block; overflow: visible; padding: 0px 3px; font-size: 0.75em; line-height: 1em; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 6px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px / 2px; -o-border-radius: 2px / 2px; -ms-border-radius: 2px / 2px; -khtml-border-radius: 2px / 2px; border-radius: 2px / 2px; color: #7E7470; border: 1px solid #C9B800; background-color: #FFF0BC; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple span.comment-count:before { content: ""; position: absolute; bottom: -4px; /* value = - border-top-width - border-bottom-width */ left: 3px; /* controls horizontal position */ border-width: 4px 4px 0; border-style: solid; border-color: #C9B800 transparent; /* reduce the damage in FF3.0 */ display: block; width: 0; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple span.comment-count:after { content: ""; position: absolute; bottom: -3px; /* value = - border-top-width - border-bottom-width */ left: 4px; /* value = (:before left) + (:before border-left) - (:after border-left) */ border-width: 3px 3px 0; border-style: solid; border-color: #FFF0BC transparent; /* reduce the damage in FF3.0 */ display: block; width: 0; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple .jstree-hovered { text-shadow: none; text-decoration: none; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple li { padding: 0px; clear: left; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple li, .cms-tree.jstree-apple ins { background-color: transparent; background-image: url(../images/sitetree_ss_default_icons.png); }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple li.jstree-checked a, .cms-tree.jstree-apple li.jstree-checked a:link { background-color: #efe999; }
.jstree-apple #record-0.jstree-open > ins { display: none; }
a .jstree-pageicon { display: block; float: left; width: 16px; height: 16px; margin-right: 4px; background-color: transparent; background-image: url(../images/sitetree_ss_pageclass_icons_default.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; }
li.class-HomePage > a .jstree-pageicon { background-position: 0 -48px; }
li.class-RedirectorPage > a .jstree-pageicon { background-position: 0 -16px; }
li.class-VirtualPage > a .jstree-pageicon { background-position: 0 -32px; }
li.class-ErrorPage > a .jstree-pageicon { background-position: 0 -112px; }
/** Styles for the left hand side menu @package sapphire @subpackage admin */
/** ------------------------------------------------------- CMS Menu Bar -------------------------------------------------------- */
.cms-menu { z-index: 80; background: #c6d7df; border-right: 1px solid #8c99a1; width: 191px; /* 8x24 - 1 */ overflow: auto; -moz-box-shadow: rgba(107, 120, 123, 0.5) 0 0 8px; -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(107, 120, 123, 0.5) 0 0 8px; -o-box-shadow: rgba(107, 120, 123, 0.5) 0 0 8px; box-shadow: rgba(107, 120, 123, 0.5) 0 0 8px; }
.cms-menu a { text-decoration: none; }
.cms-menu .cms-panel-content { width: 191px; /* 8x24 - 1 */ overflow: hidden; }
.cms-menu.collapsed { width: 40px; cursor: auto; z-index: 1000; }
.cms-menu.collapsed .cms-header { width: 30px; }
.cms-menu.collapsed .cms-header span { display: none; }
.cms-menu.collapsed .cms-menu-list { overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; }
.cms-menu.collapsed .cms-menu-list li span.text { display: none; }
.cms-menu.collapsed .cms-menu-list li ul { display: none; }
.cms-menu.collapsed.cms-panel .cms-panel-content { display: block; }
.cms-menu-list li { /* Style applied to the menu flyout only when the collapsed setting */ }
.cms-menu-list li a { display: block; height: 24px; line-height: 24px; font-size: 12px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; text-shadow: #bfcad2 1px 1px 0; color: #1f1f1f; padding: 7px 5px 7px 8px; background-color: #b0bec7; cursor: pointer; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #b0bec7), color-stop(100%, #8ca1ae)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #8ca1ae); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #8ca1ae); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #8ca1ae); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #8ca1ae); background-image: linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #8ca1ae); border-top: 1px solid #ced7dc; border-bottom: 1px solid #748d9d; }
.cms-menu-list li a:hover { text-decoration: none; background-color: #b6c3cb; border-bottom: 1px solid #8399a7; color: #2c2c2c; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #bfcad2), color-stop(100%, #b0bec7)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#bfcad2, #b0bec7); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#bfcad2, #b0bec7); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#bfcad2, #b0bec7); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#bfcad2, #b0bec7); background-image: linear-gradient(#bfcad2, #b0bec7); }
.cms-menu-list li a:focus, .cms-menu-list li a:active { border-top: 1px solid #a1b2bc; text-decoration: none; background-color: #a1b2bc; color: #393939; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #92a5b2), color-stop(100%, #a1b2bc)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#92a5b2, #a1b2bc); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#92a5b2, #a1b2bc); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#92a5b2, #a1b2bc); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#92a5b2, #a1b2bc); background-image: linear-gradient(#92a5b2, #a1b2bc); }
.cms-menu-list li a .icon { display: block; float: left; margin: 4px 10px 0 4px; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=70); opacity: 0.7; }
.cms-menu-list li a .text { display: block; }
.cms-menu-list li ul { display: none; }
.cms-menu-list li.current a { color: white; text-shadow: #1e5270 0 -1px 0; border-top: 1px solid #55a4d2; border-bottom: 1px solid #1e5270; background-color: #338dc1; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #338dc1), color-stop(100%, #287099)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#338dc1, #287099); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#338dc1, #287099); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#338dc1, #287099); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#338dc1, #287099); background-image: linear-gradient(#338dc1, #287099); }
.cms-menu-list li.current ul { border-top: none; display: block; }
.cms-menu-list li.current li { background-color: #287099; }
.cms-menu-list li.current li a { font-size: 11px; padding: 0 10px 0 40px; height: 32px; line-height: 32px; color: #e2f0f7; background: none; border-top: 1px solid #338dc1; border-bottom: 1px solid #1e5270; }
.cms-menu-list li.current li a.current, .cms-menu-list li.current li a:hover { background: #2e7ead; border-top: 1px solid #2e7ead; color: white; }
.cms-menu-list li.current li a:focus { background: #236184; border-top: 1px solid #1e5270; color: white; }
.cms-menu-list li.current li.current a { font-weight: bold; color: white; }
.cms-menu-list li.current li.first a { border-top: none; }
.cms-menu-list li ul.collapsed-flyout { display: block; }
.cms-menu-list li ul.collapsed-flyout li a { font-size: 11px; padding: 0 10px 0 40px; height: 32px; line-height: 32px; }
.cms-menu-list li ul.collapsed-flyout li a.current, .cms-menu-list li ul.collapsed-flyout li a:hover { font-weight: bold; }
.cms-menu-list li ul.collapsed-flyout li.current a { font-weight: bold; }
.cms-menu-list li ul.collapsed-flyout li.first a { border-top: 1px solid #92a5b2; }
.cms-menu-list.collapsed li .text { display: none; }
.cms-menu-list.collapsed li > li { display: none; }
/** This file defines common styles for form elements used throughout the CMS interface. It is an addition to the base styles defined in sapphire/css/Form.css. @package sapphire @subpackage admin */ /** This file defines common styles for form elements used throughout the CMS interface. It is an addition to the base styles defined in sapphire/css/Form.css. @package sapphire @subpackage admin */
/** ---------------------------------------------------- Basic form fields ---------------------------------------------------- */ /** ---------------------------------------------------- Basic form fields ---------------------------------------------------- */
/* CMS action button sprite mix-in (used for all the buttons in the bottom row */
form.nostyle .field { padding: 0; border: 0; } form.nostyle .field { padding: 0; border: 0; }
form.nostyle label { float: none; width: auto; } form.nostyle label { float: none; width: auto; }
form.nostyle .middleColumn { margin-left: 0; } form.nostyle .middleColumn { margin-left: 0; }
@ -228,24 +119,24 @@ form.nostyle .middleColumn { margin-left: 0; }
.cms-preview-toggle-link { display: block; float: right; font-size: 11px; } .cms-preview-toggle-link { display: block; float: right; font-size: 11px; }
.cms input.loading, .cms input.ui-state-default.loading, .cms .ui-widget-content input.ui-state-default.loading, .cms .ui-widget-header input.ui-state-default.loading { padding-left: 24px; color: #525252; background: #eeeded url(../../images/network-save.gif) no-repeat 4px center; border-color: #d5d3d3; cursor: default; text-shadow: none; -moz-box-shadow: none; -webkit-box-shadow: none; -o-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; } .cms input.loading, .cms input.ui-state-default.loading, .cms .ui-widget-content input.ui-state-default.loading, .cms .ui-widget-header input.ui-state-default.loading { padding-left: 24px; color: #525252; background: #eeeded url(../../images/network-save.gif) no-repeat 4px center; border-color: #d5d3d3; cursor: default; text-shadow: none; -moz-box-shadow: none; -webkit-box-shadow: none; -o-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; }
.cms .ss-ui-button { /* all buttons */ padding: 7px 12px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; margin: 0; line-height: 16px; color: #393939; background-color: #e6e6e6; border: 1px solid #c0c0c2; text-shadow: white 0 1px 1px; -moz-box-shadow: #ced7dc 0 1px 2px; -webkit-box-shadow: #ced7dc 0 1px 2px; -o-box-shadow: #ced7dc 0 1px 2px; box-shadow: #ced7dc 0 1px 2px; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #d9d9d9)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); /* CMS action button sprite mix-in (used for all the buttons in the bottom row */ /* constructive */ /* destructive */ /* generic action buttons */ } .cms .ss-ui-button { /* all buttons */ padding: 7px 12px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; margin: 0; line-height: 16px; color: #393939; background-color: #e6e6e6; border: 1px solid #c0c0c2; text-shadow: white 0 1px 1px; -moz-box-shadow: #ced7dc 0 1px 2px; -webkit-box-shadow: #ced7dc 0 1px 2px; -o-box-shadow: #ced7dc 0 1px 2px; box-shadow: #ced7dc 0 1px 2px; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #d9d9d9)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); /* constructive */ /* destructive */ /* generic action buttons */ }
.cms .ss-ui-button.ui-state-hover { border: 1px solid #a6a6a9; text-shadow: white 0 1px 1px; -moz-box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; -webkit-box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; -o-box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #d9d9d9)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); } .cms .ss-ui-button.ui-state-hover { border: 1px solid #a6a6a9; text-shadow: white 0 1px 1px; -moz-box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; -webkit-box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; -o-box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #d9d9d9)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); }
.cms .ss-ui-button:focus, .cms .ss-ui-button:active { border: 1px solid #b3b3b5; -moz-box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; -webkit-box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; -o-box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #e6e6e6), color-stop(100%, #ffffff)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#e6e6e6, #ffffff); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, -moz-linear-gradient(#e6e6e6, #ffffff); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, -o-linear-gradient(#e6e6e6, #ffffff); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, -ms-linear-gradient(#e6e6e6, #ffffff); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 999px 999px, linear-gradient(#e6e6e6, #ffffff); } .cms .ss-ui-button:focus, .cms .ss-ui-button:active { border: 1px solid #b3b3b5; -moz-box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; -webkit-box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; -o-box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; box-shadow: #b0bec7 0 1px 2px; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #e6e6e6), color-stop(100%, #ffffff)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#e6e6e6, #ffffff); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, -moz-linear-gradient(#e6e6e6, #ffffff); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, -o-linear-gradient(#e6e6e6, #ffffff); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, -ms-linear-gradient(#e6e6e6, #ffffff); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 999px 999px, linear-gradient(#e6e6e6, #ffffff); }
.cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-constructive { background-image: none; padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 6px; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 8px; color: white; border-color: #78a127; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 5px 5px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #80bf40), color-stop(100%, #59862d)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 5px 5px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#80bf40, #59862d); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 5px 5px, -moz-linear-gradient(#80bf40, #59862d); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 5px 5px, -o-linear-gradient(#80bf40, #59862d); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 5px 5px, -ms-linear-gradient(#80bf40, #59862d); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 5px 5px, linear-gradient(#80bf40, #59862d); background-color: #669933; text-shadow: #4d7326 0 1px 1px; -moz-box-shadow: #748d9d 1px 1px 2px; -webkit-box-shadow: #748d9d 1px 1px 2px; -o-box-shadow: #748d9d 1px 1px 2px; box-shadow: #748d9d 1px 1px 2px; } .cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-constructive { background-image: none; padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 6px; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 8px; color: white; border-color: #78a127; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 5px 5px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #80bf40), color-stop(100%, #59862d)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 5px 5px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#80bf40, #59862d); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 5px 5px, -moz-linear-gradient(#80bf40, #59862d); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 5px 5px, -o-linear-gradient(#80bf40, #59862d); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 5px 5px, -ms-linear-gradient(#80bf40, #59862d); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 5px 5px, linear-gradient(#80bf40, #59862d); background-color: #669933; text-shadow: #4d7326 0 1px 1px; -moz-box-shadow: #748d9d 1px 1px 2px; -webkit-box-shadow: #748d9d 1px 1px 2px; -o-box-shadow: #748d9d 1px 1px 2px; box-shadow: #748d9d 1px 1px 2px; }
.cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-constructive.ui-state-hover { border-color: #59781d; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 5px 5px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #8cc653), color-stop(100%, #669933)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 5px 5px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#8cc653, #669933); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 5px 5px, -moz-linear-gradient(#8cc653, #669933); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 5px 5px, -o-linear-gradient(#8cc653, #669933); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 5px 5px, -ms-linear-gradient(#8cc653, #669933); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 5px 5px, linear-gradient(#8cc653, #669933); background-color: #4d7326; } .cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-constructive.ui-state-hover { border-color: #59781d; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 5px 5px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #8cc653), color-stop(100%, #669933)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 5px 5px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#8cc653, #669933); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 5px 5px, -moz-linear-gradient(#8cc653, #669933); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 5px 5px, -o-linear-gradient(#8cc653, #669933); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 5px 5px, -ms-linear-gradient(#8cc653, #669933); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 5px 5px, linear-gradient(#8cc653, #669933); background-color: #4d7326; }
.cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-destructive { color: red; background-color: #e6e6e6; } .cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-destructive { color: red; background-color: #e6e6e6; }
.cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-destructive.delete { padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 6px; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -26px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #d9d9d9)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -26px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -26px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -26px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -26px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -26px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); } .cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-destructive.delete { padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 6px; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #d9d9d9)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); }
.cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-destructive.delete.ui-state-hover { background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -26px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -26px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -26px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -26px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -26px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -26px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); } .cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-destructive.delete.ui-state-hover { background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); }
.cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-destructive.delete.ui-state-disabled { background-image: none; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -26px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -26px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -26px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -26px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -26px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -26px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); } .cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-destructive.delete.ui-state-disabled { background-image: none; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -26px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); }
.cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-destructive.unpublish { padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 6px; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -58px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #d9d9d9)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -58px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -58px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -58px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -58px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -58px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); } .cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-destructive.unpublish { padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 6px; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #d9d9d9)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); }
.cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-destructive.unpublish.ui-state-hover { background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -58px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -58px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -58px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -58px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -58px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -58px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); } .cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-destructive.unpublish.ui-state-hover { background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); }
.cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-destructive.unpublish.ui-state-disabled { background-image: none; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -58px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -58px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -58px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -58px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -58px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -58px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); } .cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-destructive.unpublish.ui-state-disabled { background-image: none; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -58px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); }
.cms .ss-ui-button.save-draft { padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 6px; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -90px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #d9d9d9)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -90px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -90px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -90px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -90px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -90px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); } .cms .ss-ui-button.save-draft { padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 6px; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #d9d9d9)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); }
.cms .ss-ui-button.save-draft.ui-state-hover { background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -90px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -90px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -90px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -90px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -90px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -90px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); } .cms .ss-ui-button.save-draft.ui-state-hover { background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); }
.cms .ss-ui-button.save-draft.ui-state-disabled { background-image: none; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -90px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -90px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -90px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -90px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -90px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -90px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); } .cms .ss-ui-button.save-draft.ui-state-disabled { background-image: none; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -90px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); }
.cms .ss-ui-button.cms-preview-toggle-link { padding-left: 24px !important; margin-left: 4px !important; padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 6px; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -124px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #d9d9d9)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -124px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -124px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -124px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -124px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -124px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); } .cms .ss-ui-button.cms-preview-toggle-link { padding-left: 24px !important; margin-left: 4px !important; padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 6px; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #d9d9d9)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #d9d9d9); }
.cms .ss-ui-button.cms-preview-toggle-link.ui-state-hover { background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -124px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -124px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -124px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -124px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -124px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1314743735') no-repeat 6px -124px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); } .cms .ss-ui-button.cms-preview-toggle-link.ui-state-hover { background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); }
.cms .ss-ui-button.cms-preview-toggle-link.ui-state-disabled { background-image: none; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -124px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -124px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -124px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -124px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -124px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1317346079') no-repeat 6px -124px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); } .cms .ss-ui-button.cms-preview-toggle-link.ui-state-disabled { background-image: none; background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e6e6e6)); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); background: url('../images/../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png?1319837818') no-repeat 6px -124px, linear-gradient(#ffffff, #e6e6e6); }
.cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-button-small { padding: 4px 4px; } .cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-button-small { padding: 4px 4px; }
.cms .ss-ui-button.ui-state-highlight { background-color: #e6e6e6; border: 1px solid #708284; } .cms .ss-ui-button.ui-state-highlight { background-color: #e6e6e6; border: 1px solid #708284; }
.cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-minor { background: none; padding: 0; border: 0; color: #393939; text-decoration: underline; -moz-box-shadow: none; -webkit-box-shadow: none; -o-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; } .cms .ss-ui-button.ss-ui-action-minor { background: none; padding: 0; border: 0; color: #393939; text-decoration: underline; -moz-box-shadow: none; -webkit-box-shadow: none; -o-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; }
@ -271,24 +162,6 @@ form.nostyle .middleColumn { margin-left: 0; }
.action-hidden { display: none; } .action-hidden { display: none; }
/** This file defines CMS-specific customizations to the jQuery UI theme. Every rule in this file should be wrapped in the '.cms' selector (to make it more specific), and contain ONLY overwritten jQuery UI rules (with 'ui-' prefix). This file should be fairly short, as we're using our own custom jQuery UI theme already. TODO Add theme reference Use _style.scss to add more generic style information, and read the jQuery UI theming API: http://jqueryui.com/docs/Theming/API */
.cms .ui-tabs { padding: 0; background: #f0f3f4 url(../images/textures/bg_cms_main_content.png) repeat top left; }
.cms .ui-tabs .ui-widget-header { border: 0; background: none; }
.cms .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
.cms .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li { top: 0; }
.cms .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li a { padding: 0 15px; }
.cms .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav.ui-state-active { border-color: gray; }
.cms .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel { background: transparent; padding: 16px 16px; }
.cms .ui-widget-content, .cms .ui-widget { color: #444444; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; border: 0; }
.cms .ui-widget-header { background-color: #b0bec7; padding: 8px 8px 6px 8px; border-bottom: 2px solid #8399a7; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #dde3e7), color-stop(100%, #92a5b2)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #dde3e7, #92a5b2); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #dde3e7, #92a5b2); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #dde3e7, #92a5b2); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #dde3e7, #92a5b2); background-image: linear-gradient(top, #dde3e7, #92a5b2); border-bottom: 3px solid #5c7382; padding: 8px; -moz-border-radius: 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0; -o-border-radius: 0; -ms-border-radius: 0; -khtml-border-radius: 0; border-radius: 0; }
.cms .ui-widget-header .ui-dialog-title { padding: 6px 0; text-shadow: #ced7dc 1px 1px 0; }
.cms .ui-widget-header a.ui-dialog-titlebar-close { position: absolute; top: -8px; right: -15px; width: 30px; height: 30px; z-index: 100000; }
.cms .ui-widget-header a.ui-state-hover { border-color: transparent; background: transparent; }
.cms .ui-widget-header a.ui-state-hover .ui-icon-closethick { background-position: 0 -30px; }
.cms .ui-widget-header .ui-icon-closethick { background-image: url(../images/dialog_close.png); background-position: 0 0; width: 30px; height: 30px; }
.cms .ui-state-hover { cursor: pointer; }
.cms .ui-widget input, .cms .ui-widget select, .cms .ui-widget textarea, .cms .ui-widget button { color: #444444; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; }
/** This file defines most styles of the CMS: Colors, fonts, backgrounds, alignments, dimensions. Use SCSS variable definitions in screen.css to avoid repeating styles like background colours or padding dimensions. See themes/_default.scss to get started. To avoid this file getting too large and complicated, it is encouraged to create new SCSS files for larger components like the CMS menu or tree (see _tree.scss and _menu.scss). */ /** This file defines most styles of the CMS: Colors, fonts, backgrounds, alignments, dimensions. Use SCSS variable definitions in screen.css to avoid repeating styles like background colours or padding dimensions. See themes/_default.scss to get started. To avoid this file getting too large and complicated, it is encouraged to create new SCSS files for larger components like the CMS menu or tree (see _tree.scss and _menu.scss). */
/** ---------------------------------------------------- Core Styles. ---------------------------------------------------- */ /** ---------------------------------------------------- Core Styles. ---------------------------------------------------- */
html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color: #444444; } html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color: #444444; }
@ -329,19 +202,6 @@ html article, html aside, html details, html figcaption, html figure, html foote
/** ------------------------------------------------------- Loading Interface ------------------------------------------------------- */ /** ------------------------------------------------------- Loading Interface ------------------------------------------------------- */
.cms-content.loading, .cms-content form.loading { background: url(../images/spinner.gif) no-repeat 50% 50%; } .cms-content.loading, .cms-content form.loading { background: url(../images/spinner.gif) no-repeat 50% 50%; }
/** ------------------------------------------------------- Top Left Header and logo area -------------------------------------------------------- */
.cms-header { background-color: #00111d; position: relative; padding: 16px 8px 0 4px; line-height: 24px; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #00111d), color-stop(50%, #003050), color-stop(100%, #00111d)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#00111d, #003050, #00111d); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#00111d, #003050, #00111d); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#00111d, #003050, #00111d); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#00111d, #003050, #00111d); background-image: linear-gradient(#00111d, #003050, #00111d); }
.cms-header span { color: white; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; display: block; }
.cms-header span a { color: #3ebae0; display: inline; }
.cms-logo { border-bottom: 1px solid #03090c; height: 31px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0 0 0 4px; vertical-align: middle; font-size: 12px; }
.cms-logo .version { display: none; }
.cms-logo a { display: inline-block; height: 24px; width: 24px; float: left; margin-right: 8px; background: url('../images/logo_small.png?1317095003') no-repeat; text-indent: -9999em; padding-right: 7px; border-right: 1px solid #19435c; }
.cms-logo span { font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; o-text-overflow: ellipsis; }
.cms-login-status { border-top: 1px solid #19435c; height: 24px; padding: 7px 4px 0 4px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 16px; font-size: 11px; }
.cms-login-status .logout-link { display: inline-block; height: 16px; width: 16px; float: left; margin: 0 8px 0 3px; background: url(../images/logout.png) no-repeat; text-indent: -9999em; }
/** ----------------------------------------------- Loading Screen ------------------------------------------------ */ /** ----------------------------------------------- Loading Screen ------------------------------------------------ */
.ss-loading-screen, .ss-loading-screen .loading-logo { width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; background: #fff; background: -moz-radial-gradient(50% 50% 180deg, circle cover, white, #efefef, #c7c7c7 100%); background: -webkit-gradient(radial, 50% 50%, 350, 50% 50%, 0, from(#e3e3e3), to(white)); z-index: 100000; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .ss-loading-screen, .ss-loading-screen .loading-logo { width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; background: #fff; background: -moz-radial-gradient(50% 50% 180deg, circle cover, white, #efefef, #c7c7c7 100%); background: -webkit-gradient(radial, 50% 50%, 350, 50% 50%, 0, from(#e3e3e3), to(white)); z-index: 100000; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
@ -447,9 +307,9 @@ form.member-profile-form .formattingHelpText li { font-size: 11px; color: #333;
/** -------------------------------------------- Panels -------------------------------------------- */ /** -------------------------------------------- Panels -------------------------------------------- */
.cms-panel { overflow: hidden; } .cms-panel { overflow: hidden; }
.cms-panel .toggle-expand, .cms-panel .toggle-collapse { display: block; position: absolute; bottom: 0; text-align: right; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #b0bec7), color-stop(100%, #92a5b2)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #92a5b2); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #92a5b2); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #92a5b2); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #92a5b2); background-image: linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #92a5b2); text-decoration: none; } .cms-panel .cms-panel-toggle { -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(107, 120, 123, 0.5); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(107, 120, 123, 0.5); -o-box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(107, 120, 123, 0.5); box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(107, 120, 123, 0.5); }
.cms-panel .toggle-expand span, .cms-panel .toggle-collapse span { display: inline-block; margin: 5px; color: #1f1f1f; font-size: 16px; } .cms-panel .cms-panel-toggle a { display: block; text-align: right; padding: 4px 0; width: 100%; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #b0bec7), color-stop(100%, #92a5b2)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #92a5b2); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #92a5b2); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #92a5b2); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #92a5b2); background-image: linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #92a5b2); text-decoration: none; }
.cms-panel .toggle-collapse { width: 100%; } .cms-panel .cms-panel-toggle a span { display: inline-block; margin: 0 5px; color: #1f1f1f; font-size: 16px; }
.cms-panel .toggle-expand { width: 40px; } .cms-panel .toggle-expand { width: 40px; }
.cms-panel.collapsed .cms-panel-content { display: none; } .cms-panel.collapsed .cms-panel-content { display: none; }
.cms-panel.collapsed .cms-panel-header { -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); -o-transform: rotate(-90deg); -ms-transform: rotate(-90deg); transform: rotate(-90deg); position: relative; top: 80px; border: none; padding: 0; } .cms-panel.collapsed .cms-panel-header { -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); -o-transform: rotate(-90deg); -ms-transform: rotate(-90deg); transform: rotate(-90deg); position: relative; top: 80px; border: none; padding: 0; }
@ -491,3 +351,142 @@ form.member-profile-form .formattingHelpText li { font-size: 11px; color: #333;
* Titlebar for pop-up dialog. * Titlebar for pop-up dialog.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
.ui-dialog-titlebar.ui-widget-header { font-size: 14px; background-color: #92a5b2; padding: 4px 4px 4px 16px; border-bottom: 2px solid #8399a7; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 4px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px; -o-border-top-left-radius: 4px; -ms-border-top-left-radius: 4px; -khtml-border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-top-left-radius: 4px; /* /2 need to eliminate visual artifact */ -moz-border-radius-topright: 8px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 8px; -o-border-top-right-radius: 8px; -ms-border-top-right-radius: 8px; -khtml-border-top-right-radius: 8px; border-top-right-radius: 8px; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ced7dc), color-stop(100%, #92a5b2)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#ced7dc, #92a5b2); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#ced7dc, #92a5b2); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#ced7dc, #92a5b2); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#ced7dc, #92a5b2); background-image: linear-gradient(#ced7dc, #92a5b2); margin-bottom: 12px; } .ui-dialog-titlebar.ui-widget-header { font-size: 14px; background-color: #92a5b2; padding: 4px 4px 4px 16px; border-bottom: 2px solid #8399a7; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 4px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px; -o-border-top-left-radius: 4px; -ms-border-top-left-radius: 4px; -khtml-border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-top-left-radius: 4px; /* /2 need to eliminate visual artifact */ -moz-border-radius-topright: 8px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 8px; -o-border-top-right-radius: 8px; -ms-border-top-right-radius: 8px; -khtml-border-top-right-radius: 8px; border-top-right-radius: 8px; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #ced7dc), color-stop(100%, #92a5b2)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#ced7dc, #92a5b2); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#ced7dc, #92a5b2); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#ced7dc, #92a5b2); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#ced7dc, #92a5b2); background-image: linear-gradient(#ced7dc, #92a5b2); margin-bottom: 12px; }
/** This file defines the jstree base styling (see http://jstree.com), as well as any customizations (see bottom of file). The styles are usually added through jstree.js on DOM load, but we need it earlier in order to correctly display the uninitialized tree. */
.cms .jstree ul { display: block; margin: 0; padding: 0; background: none; list-style-type: none; }
.cms .jstree li { display: block; margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; display: block; min-height: 18px; line-height: 18px; white-space: nowrap; margin-left: 18px; min-width: 18px; }
.cms .jstree ins { display: inline-block; text-decoration: none; width: 18px; height: 18px; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 0; float: left; }
.cms .jstree a { display: inline-block; line-height: 16px; height: 16px; color: black; white-space: nowrap; text-decoration: none; padding: 1px 2px; margin: 0; border: 1px solid #fff; }
.cms .jstree a:focus, .cms .jstree a:active, .cms .jstree a:hover { outline: none; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; text-shadow: none; }
.cms .jstree a > ins { height: 16px; width: 16px; }
.cms .jstree a > .jstree-icon { margin-right: 3px; }
.cms .jstree li.jstree-open > ul { display: block; }
.cms .jstree li.jstree-closed > ul { display: none; }
.cms .jstree li.disabled a { color: #aaaaaa; }
.cms .jstree-rtl a > .jstree-icon { margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 0; }
.cms .jstree-rtl li { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 18px; }
.cms .jstree-rtl > ul > li { margin-right: 0px; }
.cms .jstree > ul > li { margin-left: 0px; }
.cms #vakata-dragged { display: block; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 4px 4px 4px 24px; position: absolute; top: -2000px; line-height: 16px; z-index: 10000; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu { display: block; visibility: hidden; left: 0; top: -200px; position: absolute; margin: 0; padding: 0; min-width: 180px; background: #ebebeb; border: 1px solid silver; z-index: 10000; *width: 180px; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu ul { min-width: 180px; *width: 180px; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu ul, .cms #vakata-contextmenu li { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; display: block; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu li { line-height: 20px; min-height: 20px; position: relative; padding: 0px; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu li a { padding: 1px 6px; line-height: 17px; display: block; text-decoration: none; margin: 1px 1px 0 1px; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu li ins { float: left; width: 16px; height: 16px; text-decoration: none; margin-right: 2px; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu li a:hover, .cms #vakata-contextmenu li.vakata-hover > a { background: gray; color: white; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu li ul { display: none; position: absolute; top: -2px; left: 100%; background: #ebebeb; border: 1px solid gray; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu .right { right: 100%; left: auto; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu .bottom { bottom: -1px; top: auto; }
.cms #vakata-contextmenu li.vakata-separator { min-height: 0; height: 1px; line-height: 1px; font-size: 1px; overflow: hidden; margin: 0 2px; background: silver; /* border-top:1px solid #fefefe; */ padding: 0; }
.cms .jstree ul, .cms .jstree li { display: block; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 0 0 0 0; list-style-type: none; }
.cms .jstree li { display: block; min-height: 18px; line-height: 18px; white-space: nowrap; margin-left: 18px; min-width: 18px; }
.cms .jstree-rtl li { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 18px; }
.cms .jstree > ul > li { margin-left: 0px; }
.cms .jstree-rtl > ul > li { margin-right: 0px; }
.cms .jstree ins { display: inline-block; text-decoration: none; width: 18px; height: 18px; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 0; }
.cms .jstree a { display: inline-block; line-height: 16px; height: 16px; color: black; white-space: nowrap; text-decoration: none; padding: 1px 2px; margin: 0; }
.cms .jstree a:focus { outline: none; }
.cms .jstree a > ins { height: 16px; width: 16px; }
.cms .jstree a > .jstree-icon { margin-right: 3px; }
.cms .jstree-rtl a > .jstree-icon { margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 0; }
.cms li.jstree-open > ul { display: block; }
.cms li.jstree-closed > ul { display: none; }
.cms #vakata-dragged ins { display: block; text-decoration: none; width: 16px; height: 16px; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 0; position: absolute; top: 4px; left: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; }
.cms #vakata-dragged .jstree-ok { background: green; }
.cms #vakata-dragged .jstree-invalid { background: red; }
.cms #jstree-marker { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: 12px; overflow: hidden; height: 12px; width: 8px; position: absolute; top: -30px; z-index: 10001; background-repeat: no-repeat; display: none; background-color: transparent; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px white; color: black; line-height: 10px; }
.cms #jstree-marker-line { padding: 0; margin: 0; line-height: 0%; font-size: 1px; overflow: hidden; height: 1px; width: 100px; position: absolute; top: -30px; z-index: 10000; background-repeat: no-repeat; display: none; background-color: #456c43; cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #eeeeee; border-left: 0; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #666; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #666; box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #666; -moz-border-radius: 1px; border-radius: 1px; -webkit-border-radius: 1px; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-real-checkbox { display: none; }
.cms .jstree-themeroller .ui-icon { overflow: visible; }
.cms .jstree-themeroller a { padding: 0 2px; }
.cms .jstree-themeroller .jstree-no-icon { display: none; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow-real { position: relative; z-index: 1; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow-real li { cursor: pointer; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow-real a { border-left-color: transparent !important; border-right-color: transparent !important; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow { position: relative; z-index: 0; height: 0; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow ul, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow li { width: 100%; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow ul, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow li, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow a { margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow ul, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow li { background: transparent !important; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow ins, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow span, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow input { display: none !important; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow a, .cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow a:hover { text-indent: -9999px !important; width: 100%; padding: 0 !important; border-right-width: 0px !important; border-left-width: 0px !important; }
.cms .jstree .jstree-wholerow-span { position: absolute; left: 0; margin: 0px; padding: 0; height: 18px; border-width: 0; padding: 0; z-index: 0; }
.cms .jstree-apple.jstree-focused { background: none; }
.cms .jstree-apple.jstree-focused .jstree-apple > ul { background: none; }
.cms .jstree li { line-height: 25px; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple { /* comment speech bubble - ccs3 only - source: http://nicolasgallagher.com/pure-css-speech-bubbles/demo/ */ }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple li.Root strong { font-weight: bold; padding-left: 1px; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple li.Root > a .jstree-icon { background-position: -56px -36px; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple a, .cms-tree.jstree-apple a:link { color: #1556b2; padding: 3px 6px 3px 3px; border: none; display: inline-block; margin-right: 5px; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple a span.status:after, .cms-tree.jstree-apple a:link span.status:after { clear: both; text-transform: uppercase; display: inline-block; padding: 0px 3px; font-size: 0.75em; line-height: 1em; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 6px; margin-top: -1px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px / 2px; -o-border-radius: 2px / 2px; -ms-border-radius: 2px / 2px; -khtml-border-radius: 2px / 2px; border-radius: 2px / 2px; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple span.modified:after { content: "draft"; color: #7E7470; border: 1px solid #C9B800; background-color: #FFF0BC; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple span.new:after { content: "new"; color: #7E7470; border: 1px solid #C9B800; background-color: #FFF0BC; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple span.private:after { content: "private"; color: #636363; border: 1px solid #E49393; background-color: #F2DADB; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple span.workflow-approval:after { content: "awaiting approval"; color: #56660C; border: 1px solid #7C8816; background-color: #DAE79A; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple span.comment-count { clear: both; position: relative; text-transform: uppercase; display: inline-block; overflow: visible; padding: 0px 3px; font-size: 0.75em; line-height: 1em; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 6px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px / 2px; -o-border-radius: 2px / 2px; -ms-border-radius: 2px / 2px; -khtml-border-radius: 2px / 2px; border-radius: 2px / 2px; color: #7E7470; border: 1px solid #C9B800; background-color: #FFF0BC; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple span.comment-count:before { content: ""; position: absolute; bottom: -4px; /* value = - border-top-width - border-bottom-width */ left: 3px; /* controls horizontal position */ border-width: 4px 4px 0; border-style: solid; border-color: #C9B800 transparent; /* reduce the damage in FF3.0 */ display: block; width: 0; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple span.comment-count:after { content: ""; position: absolute; bottom: -3px; /* value = - border-top-width - border-bottom-width */ left: 4px; /* value = (:before left) + (:before border-left) - (:after border-left) */ border-width: 3px 3px 0; border-style: solid; border-color: #FFF0BC transparent; /* reduce the damage in FF3.0 */ display: block; width: 0; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple .jstree-hovered { text-shadow: none; text-decoration: none; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple li { padding: 0px; clear: left; }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple li, .cms-tree.jstree-apple ins { background-color: transparent; background-image: url(../images/sitetree_ss_default_icons.png); }
.cms-tree.jstree-apple li.jstree-checked a, .cms-tree.jstree-apple li.jstree-checked a:link { background-color: #efe999; }
.jstree-apple #record-0.jstree-open > ins { display: none; }
a .jstree-pageicon { display: block; float: left; width: 16px; height: 16px; margin-right: 4px; background-color: transparent; background-image: url(../images/sitetree_ss_pageclass_icons_default.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; }
li.class-HomePage > a .jstree-pageicon { background-position: 0 -48px; }
li.class-RedirectorPage > a .jstree-pageicon { background-position: 0 -16px; }
li.class-VirtualPage > a .jstree-pageicon { background-position: 0 -32px; }
li.class-ErrorPage > a .jstree-pageicon { background-position: 0 -112px; }
/** Styles for the left hand side menu and header for the admin panels. Take into consideration CSS selector performance. @package sapphire @subpackage admin */
.cms-logo-header { background-color: #00111d; position: relative; padding: 16px 8px 0 4px; line-height: 24px; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #00111d), color-stop(50%, #003050), color-stop(100%, #00111d)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#00111d, #003050, #00111d); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#00111d, #003050, #00111d); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#00111d, #003050, #00111d); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#00111d, #003050, #00111d); background-image: linear-gradient(#00111d, #003050, #00111d); }
.cms-logo-header span { color: white; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; display: block; }
.cms-logo-header span a { color: #3ebae0; display: inline; }
.cms-logo { border-bottom: 1px solid #03090c; height: 31px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0 0 0 4px; vertical-align: middle; font-size: 12px; }
.cms-logo .version { display: none; }
.cms-logo a { display: inline-block; height: 24px; width: 24px; float: left; margin-right: 8px; background: url('../images/logo_small.png?1319837818') no-repeat; text-indent: -9999em; padding-right: 7px; border-right: 1px solid #19435c; }
.cms-logo span { font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; o-text-overflow: ellipsis; }
.cms-login-status { border-top: 1px solid #19435c; height: 24px; padding: 7px 4px 0 4px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 16px; font-size: 11px; }
.cms-login-status .logout-link { display: inline-block; height: 16px; width: 16px; float: left; margin: 0 8px 0 3px; background: url(../images/logout.png) no-repeat; text-indent: -9999em; }
.cms-menu { z-index: 80; background: #c6d7df; border-right: 1px solid #8c99a1; width: 191px; /* 8x24 - 1 */ -moz-box-shadow: rgba(107, 120, 123, 0.5) 0 0 8px; -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(107, 120, 123, 0.5) 0 0 8px; -o-box-shadow: rgba(107, 120, 123, 0.5) 0 0 8px; box-shadow: rgba(107, 120, 123, 0.5) 0 0 8px; }
.cms-menu a { text-decoration: none; }
.cms-menu .cms-panel-content { width: 191px; /* 8x24 - 1 */ overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: scroll; }
.cms-menu.collapsed { width: 40px; cursor: auto; z-index: 1000; }
.cms-menu.collapsed .cms-panel-header { width: 30px; }
.cms-menu.collapsed .cms-panel-header span { display: none; }
.cms-menu.collapsed .cms-menu-list { overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; }
.cms-menu.collapsed .cms-menu-list li span.text { display: none; }
.cms-menu.collapsed .cms-menu-list li ul { display: none; }
.cms-menu.collapsed.cms-panel .cms-panel-content { display: block; }
.cms-menu-list li { /* Style applied to the menu flyout only when the collapsed setting */ }
.cms-menu-list li a { display: block; height: 24px; line-height: 24px; font-size: 12px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; text-shadow: #bfcad2 1px 1px 0; color: #1f1f1f; padding: 7px 5px 7px 8px; background-color: #b0bec7; cursor: pointer; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #b0bec7), color-stop(100%, #8ca1ae)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #8ca1ae); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #8ca1ae); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #8ca1ae); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #8ca1ae); background-image: linear-gradient(#b0bec7, #8ca1ae); border-top: 1px solid #ced7dc; border-bottom: 1px solid #748d9d; }
.cms-menu-list li a:hover { text-decoration: none; background-color: #b6c3cb; border-bottom: 1px solid #8399a7; color: #2c2c2c; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #bfcad2), color-stop(100%, #b0bec7)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#bfcad2, #b0bec7); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#bfcad2, #b0bec7); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#bfcad2, #b0bec7); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#bfcad2, #b0bec7); background-image: linear-gradient(#bfcad2, #b0bec7); }
.cms-menu-list li a:focus, .cms-menu-list li a:active { border-top: 1px solid #a1b2bc; text-decoration: none; background-color: #a1b2bc; color: #393939; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #92a5b2), color-stop(100%, #a1b2bc)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#92a5b2, #a1b2bc); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#92a5b2, #a1b2bc); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#92a5b2, #a1b2bc); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#92a5b2, #a1b2bc); background-image: linear-gradient(#92a5b2, #a1b2bc); }
.cms-menu-list li a .icon { display: block; float: left; margin: 4px 10px 0 4px; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=70); opacity: 0.7; }
.cms-menu-list li a .text { display: block; }
.cms-menu-list li ul { display: none; }
.cms-menu-list li.current a { color: white; text-shadow: #1e5270 0 -1px 0; border-top: 1px solid #55a4d2; border-bottom: 1px solid #1e5270; background-color: #338dc1; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 50% 0%, 50% 100%, color-stop(0%, #338dc1), color-stop(100%, #287099)); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#338dc1, #287099); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#338dc1, #287099); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#338dc1, #287099); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(#338dc1, #287099); background-image: linear-gradient(#338dc1, #287099); }
.cms-menu-list li.current ul { border-top: none; display: block; }
.cms-menu-list li.current li { background-color: #287099; }
.cms-menu-list li.current li a { font-size: 11px; padding: 0 10px 0 40px; height: 32px; line-height: 32px; color: #e2f0f7; background: none; border-top: 1px solid #338dc1; border-bottom: 1px solid #1e5270; }
.cms-menu-list li.current li a.current, .cms-menu-list li.current li a:hover { background: #2e7ead; border-top: 1px solid #2e7ead; color: white; }
.cms-menu-list li.current li a:focus { background: #236184; border-top: 1px solid #1e5270; color: white; }
.cms-menu-list li.current li.current a { font-weight: bold; color: white; }
.cms-menu-list li.current li.first a { border-top: none; }
.cms-menu-list li ul.collapsed-flyout { display: block; }
.cms-menu-list li ul.collapsed-flyout li a { font-size: 11px; padding: 0 10px 0 40px; height: 32px; line-height: 32px; }
.cms-menu-list li ul.collapsed-flyout li a.current, .cms-menu-list li ul.collapsed-flyout li a:hover { font-weight: bold; }
.cms-menu-list li ul.collapsed-flyout li.current a { font-weight: bold; }
.cms-menu-list li ul.collapsed-flyout li.first a { border-top: 1px solid #92a5b2; }
.cms-menu-list.collapsed li .text { display: none; }
.cms-menu-list.collapsed li > li { display: none; }

View File

@ -18,8 +18,10 @@
* <div class="cms-panel"> * <div class="cms-panel">
* <div class="cms-panel-header">your header</div> * <div class="cms-panel-header">your header</div>
* <div class="cms-panel-content">your content here</div> * <div class="cms-panel-content">your content here</div>
* <a href="#" class="toggle-expande">your toggle text</a> * <div class="cms-panel-toggle">
* <a href="#" class="toggle-collapse">your toggle text</a> * <a href="#" class="toggle-expande">your toggle text</a>
* <a href="#" class="toggle-collapse">your toggle text</a>
* </div>
* </div> * </div>
*/ */
$('.cms-panel').entwine({ $('.cms-panel').entwine({
@ -31,9 +33,15 @@
onmatch: function() { onmatch: function() {
if(!this.find('.cms-panel-content').length) throw new Exception('Content panel for ".cms-panel" not found'); if(!this.find('.cms-panel-content').length) throw new Exception('Content panel for ".cms-panel" not found');
// Create default controls unless they already exist // Create default controls unless they already exist.
if(!this.find('.toggle-expand').length) this.append('<a class="toggle-expand" href="#"><span>&raquo;</span></a>');
if(!this.find('.toggle-collapse').length) this.append('<a class="toggle-collapse" href="#"><span>&laquo;</span></a>'); if(!this.find('.cms-panel-toggle').length) {
var container = $("<div class='cms-panel-toggle south'></div>")
.append('<a class="toggle-expand" href="#"><span>&raquo;</span></a>')
.append('<a class="toggle-collapse" href="#"><span>&laquo;</span></a>');
// Set panel width same as the content panel it contains. Assumes the panel has overflow: hidden. // Set panel width same as the content panel it contains. Assumes the panel has overflow: hidden.
this.setWidthExpanded(this.find('.cms-panel-content').innerWidth()); this.setWidthExpanded(this.find('.cms-panel-content').innerWidth());

View File

@ -92,11 +92,14 @@
redraw: function() { redraw: function() {
// Move from inner to outer layouts. Some of the elements might not exist. // Move from inner to outer layouts. Some of the elements might not exist.
this.find('.cms-panel-layout').redraw(); // sidebar.
this.find('.cms-edit-form[data-layout]').redraw(); // Not all edit forms are layouted this.find('.cms-edit-form[data-layout]').redraw(); // Not all edit forms are layouted
this.find('.cms-preview').redraw(); this.find('.cms-preview').redraw();
this.find('.cms-content').redraw(); this.find('.cms-content').redraw();
this.layout({resize: false}); this.layout({resize: false});
console.log('resizing page');
}, },
/** /**
@ -316,6 +319,13 @@
this._super(); this._super();
} }
}); });
redraw: function() {
console.log('adding layout');
this.layout({resize: false});
}); });
}(jQuery)); }(jQuery));

View File

@ -10,6 +10,35 @@
* Basic form fields * Basic form fields
* ---------------------------------------------------- */ * ---------------------------------------------------- */
/* CMS action button sprite mix-in (used for all the buttons in the bottom row */
@mixin actionButtonSprite($horizontalOffset, $verticalOffset) {
padding-left: 24px;
padding-right: 6px;
@include background(image-url("../images/btn_icons_sprite.png") no-repeat $horizontalOffset $verticalOffset,
lighten($color-button-generic, 10%),
darken($color-button-generic, 5%)
&.ui-state-hover {
@include background(image-url("../images/btn_icons_sprite.png") no-repeat $horizontalOffset $verticalOffset,
lighten($color-button-generic, 20%),
&.ui-state-disabled {
background-image: none;
@include background(image-url("../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png") no-repeat $horizontalOffset $verticalOffset,
lighten($color-button-generic, 20%),
form.nostyle { form.nostyle {
@include clear-form-field-styles(); @include clear-form-field-styles();
} }
@ -257,35 +286,6 @@ form.nostyle {
); );
} }
/* CMS action button sprite mix-in (used for all the buttons in the bottom row */
@mixin actionButtonSprite($horizontalOffset, $verticalOffset) {
padding-left: 24px;
padding-right: 6px;
@include background(image-url("../images/btn_icons_sprite.png") no-repeat $horizontalOffset $verticalOffset,
lighten($color-button-generic, 10%),
darken($color-button-generic, 5%)
&.ui-state-hover {
@include background(image-url("../images/btn_icons_sprite.png") no-repeat $horizontalOffset $verticalOffset,
lighten($color-button-generic, 20%),
&.ui-state-disabled {
background-image: none;
@include background(image-url("../images/btn_icons_sprite_disabled.png") no-repeat $horizontalOffset $verticalOffset,
lighten($color-button-generic, 20%),
/* constructive */ /* constructive */
&.ss-ui-action-constructive { &.ss-ui-action-constructive {
background-image: none; background-image: none;

View File

@ -1,19 +1,90 @@
/** /**
* Styles for the left hand side menu * Styles for the left hand side menu and header for the admin panels.
* Take into consideration CSS selector performance.
* *
* @package sapphire * @package sapphire
* @subpackage admin * @subpackage admin
*/ */
/** ------------------------------------------------------- .cms-logo-header {
* CMS Menu Bar background-color: darken($color-dark-bg, 10%);
* -------------------------------------------------------- */ position: relative;
padding: $grid-vertical * 2 8px 0 4px;
line-height: 24px;
@include background-image(
linear-gradient(darken($color-dark-bg, 10%), $color-dark-bg, darken($color-dark-bg, 10%)
span {
color: $color-text-light;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
display: block;
a {
color: $color-text-dark-link;
display: inline;
.cms-logo {
border-bottom: 1px solid darken($color-dark-separator, 20%);
height: 31px;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0 0 0 4px;
vertical-align: middle;
font-size: $font-base-size;
.version {
display: none;
a {
display: inline-block;
height: 24px;
width: 24px;
float: left;
margin-right: 8px;
background: $application-logo-small no-repeat;
text-indent: -9999em;
padding-right: 7px;
border-right: 1px solid $color-dark-separator;
span {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 14px;
@include hide-text-overflow();
.cms-login-status {
border-top: 1px solid $color-dark-separator;
height: 24px;
padding: 7px 4px 0 4px;
overflow: hidden;
line-height: 16px;
font-size: $font-base-size - 1;
.logout-link {
display: inline-block;
height: 16px;
width: 16px;
float: left;
margin: 0 8px 0 3px;
background: url(../images/logout.png) no-repeat;
text-indent: -9999em;
.cms-menu { .cms-menu {
z-index: 80; z-index: 80;
background: $color-menu-background; background: $color-menu-background;
border-right: 1px solid $color-menu-border; border-right: 1px solid $color-menu-border;
width: ($grid-horizontal * 24) - 1; /* 8x24 - 1 */ width: ($grid-horizontal * 24) - 1; /* 8x24 - 1 */
overflow: auto;
@include box-shadow($color-shadow-dark 0 0 $grid-horizontal); @include box-shadow($color-shadow-dark 0 0 $grid-horizontal);
@ -23,7 +94,8 @@
.cms-panel-content { .cms-panel-content {
width: ($grid-horizontal * 24) - 1; /* 8x24 - 1 */ width: ($grid-horizontal * 24) - 1; /* 8x24 - 1 */
overflow: hidden overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: scroll;
} }
&.collapsed { &.collapsed {
@ -31,7 +103,7 @@
cursor: auto; cursor: auto;
z-index: 1000; z-index: 1000;
.cms-header { .cms-panel-header {
width: 30px; width: 30px;
span { span {

View File

@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ html,body {
border-bottom: 2px solid darken($color-widget-bg, 35%); border-bottom: 2px solid darken($color-widget-bg, 35%);
@include box-shadow($color-widget-bg 0 $grid-vertical $grid-vertical*2); @include box-shadow($color-widget-bg 0 $grid-vertical $grid-vertical*2);
@include background-image( @include background-image(
linear-gradient(darken($color-widget-bg, 10%), darken($color-widget-bg, 30%)) linear-gradient(darken($color-widget-bg, 10%), darken($color-widget-bg, 30%))
); );
@ -162,83 +163,6 @@ html,body {
} }
} }
/** -------------------------------------------------------
* Top Left Header and logo area
* -------------------------------------------------------- */
.cms-header {
background-color: darken($color-dark-bg, 10%);
position: relative;
padding: $grid-vertical * 2 8px 0 4px;
line-height: 24px;
@include background-image(
linear-gradient(darken($color-dark-bg, 10%), $color-dark-bg, darken($color-dark-bg, 10%)
span {
color: $color-text-light;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
display: block;
a {
color: $color-text-dark-link;
display: inline;
.cms-logo {
border-bottom: 1px solid darken($color-dark-separator, 20%);
height: 31px;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0 0 0 4px;
vertical-align: middle;
font-size: $font-base-size;
.version {
display: none;
a {
display: inline-block;
height: 24px;
width: 24px;
float: left;
margin-right: 8px;
background: $application-logo-small no-repeat;
text-indent: -9999em;
padding-right: 7px;
border-right: 1px solid $color-dark-separator;
span {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 14px;
@include hide-text-overflow();
.cms-login-status {
border-top: 1px solid $color-dark-separator;
height: 24px;
padding: 7px 4px 0 4px;
overflow: hidden;
line-height: 16px;
font-size: $font-base-size - 1;
.logout-link {
display: inline-block;
height: 16px;
width: 16px;
float: left;
margin: 0 8px 0 3px;
background: url(../images/logout.png) no-repeat;
text-indent: -9999em;
/** ----------------------------------------------- /** -----------------------------------------------
* Loading Screen * Loading Screen
* ------------------------------------------------ */ * ------------------------------------------------ */
@ -748,31 +672,30 @@ form.member-profile-form {
.cms-panel { .cms-panel {
overflow: hidden; overflow: hidden;
.toggle-expand, .cms-panel-toggle {
.toggle-collapse { @include box-shadow(0 0 5px rgba(107, 120, 123, 0.5));
display: block;
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
text-align: right;
@include background-image( a {
linear-gradient(darken($color-widget-bg, 20%), darken($color-widget-bg, 30%)) display: block;
); text-align: right;
padding: $grid-vertical/2 0;
width: 100%;
text-decoration: none; @include background-image(
linear-gradient(darken($color-widget-bg, 20%), darken($color-widget-bg, 30%))
span { text-decoration: none;
display: inline-block;
margin: 5px; span {
color: $color-text-dark; display: inline-block;
font-size: 16px; margin: 0 5px;
color: $color-text-dark;
font-size: 16px;
} }
} }
.toggle-collapse {
width: 100%;
.toggle-expand { .toggle-expand {
width: 40px; // will set the collapsed width width: 40px; // will set the collapsed width
} }

View File

@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
* CMS Components * CMS Components
* ------------------------------ */ * ------------------------------ */
@import "typography.scss"; @import "typography.scss";
@import "uitheme.scss";
@import "forms.scss";
@import "style.scss";
@import "tree.scss"; @import "tree.scss";
@import "menu.scss"; @import "menu.scss";
@import "forms.scss";
@import "uitheme.scss";
@import "style.scss";

View File

@ -1,27 +1,26 @@
<div class="cms-menu cms-panel west"> <div class="cms-menu cms-panel cms-panel-layout west" data-layout="{type: 'border'}">
<div class="cms-panel-content"> <div class="cms-panel-header cms-logo-header north">
<div class="cms-logo">
<div class="cms-header"> <a href="http://www.silverstripe.org/" target="_blank">
<div class="cms-logo"> SilverStripe <% if CMSVersion %><abbr class="version">$CMSVersion</abbr><% end_if %>
<a href="http://www.silverstripe.org/" target="_blank"> </a>
SilverStripe <% if CMSVersion %><abbr class="version">$CMSVersion</abbr><% end_if %> <span>$SiteConfig.Title</span>
<div class="cms-login-status">
<a href="Security/logout" class="logout-link" title="<% _t('LOGOUT','Log out') %>"><% _t('LOGOUT','Log out') %></a>
<% control CurrentMember %>
<% _t('Hello','Hi') %>
<a href="{$AbsoluteBaseURL}admin/myprofile" class="profile-link">
<% if FirstName && Surname %>$FirstName $Surname<% else_if FirstName %>$FirstName<% else %>$Email<% end_if %>
<% end_control %>
</div> </div>
<div class="cms-login-status">
<a href="Security/logout" class="logout-link" title="<% _t('LOGOUT','Log out') %>"><% _t('LOGOUT','Log out') %></a>
<% control CurrentMember %>
<% _t('Hello','Hi') %>
<a href="{$AbsoluteBaseURL}admin/myprofile" class="profile-link">
<% if FirstName && Surname %>$FirstName $Surname<% else_if FirstName %>$FirstName<% else %>$Email<% end_if %>
<% end_control %>
<div class="cms-panel-content center">
<ul class="cms-menu-list"> <ul class="cms-menu-list">
<% control MainMenu %> <% control MainMenu %>
<li class="$LinkingMode $FirstLast <% if LinkingMode == 'link' %><% else %>opened<% end_if %>" id="Menu-$Code"> <li class="$LinkingMode $FirstLast <% if LinkingMode == 'link' %><% else %>opened<% end_if %>" id="Menu-$Code">
@ -47,4 +46,9 @@
<% end_control %> <% end_control %>
</ul> </ul>
</div> </div>
<div class="cms-panel-toggle south">
<a class="toggle-expand" href="#"><span>&raquo;</span></a>
<a class="toggle-collapse" href="#"><span>&laquo;</span></a>
</div> </div>

css/CheckboxSetField.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

css/CodeViewer.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

css/ComplexTableField.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

css/ComplexTableField_popup.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

css/ConfirmedPasswordField.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

css/DatetimeField.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

css/FileIFrameField.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

css/Form.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
/** /**
* Fields * Fields
*/ */
form * {
font-size: 12px;
form fieldset { form fieldset {
margin: 0; margin: 0;
padding: 0; padding: 0;

css/GridField.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

css/HasManyFileField.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

css/Security_login.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

css/SelectionGroup.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

css/SubmittedFormReportField.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

css/TableListField.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

css/TestViewer.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

css/TreeDropdownField.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

css/UnitTesting.css Normal file → Executable file
View File