BUG fix mismatched quotes

This commit is contained in:
Damian Mooyman 2015-07-31 15:07:44 +12:00
parent e0a560051e
commit 6a45f4a1e1

View File

@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
<button data-href="$UploadFieldDeleteLink" class="ss-uploadfield-item-delete ss-ui-button ui-corner-all" title="<%t UploadField.DELETEINFO 'Permanently delete this file from the file store' %>" data-icon="minus-circle"><%t UploadField.DELETE 'Delete from files' %></button>
<% end_if %>
<% if $UploadField.canAttachExisting %>
<button class="ss-uploadfield-item-choose-another ss-uploadfield-fromfiles ss-ui-button ui-corner-all" title="<%t UploadField.CHOOSEANOTHERINFO' 'Replace this file with another one from the file store' %>" data-icon="network-cloud">
<button class="ss-uploadfield-item-choose-another ss-uploadfield-fromfiles ss-ui-button ui-corner-all" title="<%t UploadField.CHOOSEANOTHERINFO 'Replace this file with another one from the file store' %>" data-icon="network-cloud">
<%t UploadField.CHOOSEANOTHERFILE 'Choose another file' %></button>
<% end_if %>