mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
BUGFIX: We dont try and detect mismatched end blocks except at the top level, so remove old redundant code from when we did
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,10 +47,6 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
return $result;
function DLRBlockName() {
return '-none-';
/* Word: / [A-Za-z_] [A-Za-z0-9_]* / */
function match_Word ($substack = array()) {
$result = array("name"=>"Word", "text"=>"");
@ -1109,10 +1105,6 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
function If__construct(&$res) {
$res['BlockName'] = 'if';
function If_IfPart(&$res, $sub) {
$res['php'] =
'if (' . $sub['IfArgument']['php'] . ') { ' . PHP_EOL .
@ -1499,7 +1491,7 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
'} $item = array_pop($itemStack); ';
/* OpenBlock: '<%' < !NotBlockTag OpenBlockName:Word ( [ :BlockArguments ] )? > '%>' */
/* OpenBlock: '<%' < !NotBlockTag BlockName:Word ( [ :BlockArguments ] )? > '%>' */
function match_OpenBlock ($substack = array()) {
$result = $this->construct( "OpenBlock" );
$_280 = NULL;
@ -1525,7 +1517,7 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
$key = "Word"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_Word(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "OpenBlockName" );
$this->store( $result, $subres, "BlockName" );
else { $_280 = FALSE; break; }
$res_276 = $result;
@ -1582,7 +1574,7 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
function OpenBlock__finalise(&$res) {
$blockname = $res['OpenBlockName']['text'];
$blockname = $res['BlockName']['text'];
$method = 'OpenBlock_Handle_'.ucfirst(strtolower($blockname));
if (method_exists($this, $method)) $res['php'] = $this->$method($res);
@ -1634,48 +1626,33 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
return '$val .= $_SERVER[SCRIPT_URL];';
/* MismatchedEndBlock: '<%' < 'end_' !'$BlockName' :Word > '%>' */
/* MismatchedEndBlock: '<%' < 'end_' Word > '%>' */
function match_MismatchedEndBlock ($substack = array()) {
$result = $this->construct( "MismatchedEndBlock" );
$_293 = NULL;
$_291 = NULL;
do {
$_282 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_282->expand('<%') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_293 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_291 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$_285 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_285->expand('end_') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_293 = FALSE; break; }
$res_288 = $result;
$pos_288 = $this->pos;
$_287 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_287->expand('$BlockName') ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$result = $res_288;
$this->pos = $pos_288;
$_293 = FALSE; break;
else {
$result = $res_288;
$this->pos = $pos_288;
else { $_291 = FALSE; break; }
$key = "Word"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_Word(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Word" );
else { $_293 = FALSE; break; }
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_291 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$_291 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_291->expand('%>') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_293 = FALSE; break; }
$_293 = TRUE; break;
$_289 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_289->expand('%>') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_291 = FALSE; break; }
$_291 = TRUE; break;
if( $_293 === TRUE ) {
if( $_291 === TRUE ) {
return $this->finalise( "MismatchedEndBlock", $result );
if( $_293 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_291 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1688,82 +1665,82 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
/* MalformedOpenTag: '<%' < !NotBlockTag Tag:Word !( ( [ :BlockArguments ] )? > '%>' ) */
function match_MalformedOpenTag ($substack = array()) {
$result = $this->construct( "MalformedOpenTag" );
$_310 = NULL;
$_308 = NULL;
do {
$_295 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_295->expand('<%') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_310 = FALSE; break; }
$_293 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_293->expand('<%') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_308 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$res_298 = $result;
$pos_298 = $this->pos;
$res_296 = $result;
$pos_296 = $this->pos;
$key = "NotBlockTag"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_NotBlockTag(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$result = $res_298;
$this->pos = $pos_298;
$_310 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_296;
$this->pos = $pos_296;
$_308 = FALSE; break;
else {
$result = $res_298;
$this->pos = $pos_298;
$result = $res_296;
$this->pos = $pos_296;
$key = "Word"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_Word(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Tag" );
else { $_310 = FALSE; break; }
$res_309 = $result;
$pos_309 = $this->pos;
$_308 = NULL;
else { $_308 = FALSE; break; }
$res_307 = $result;
$pos_307 = $this->pos;
$_306 = NULL;
do {
$res_304 = $result;
$pos_304 = $this->pos;
$_303 = NULL;
$res_302 = $result;
$pos_302 = $this->pos;
$_301 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_303 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_301 = FALSE; break; }
$key = "BlockArguments"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_BlockArguments(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "BlockArguments" );
else { $_303 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_301 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_303 = FALSE; break; }
$_303 = TRUE; break;
else { $_301 = FALSE; break; }
$_301 = TRUE; break;
if( $_303 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_304;
$this->pos = $pos_304;
unset( $res_304 );
unset( $pos_304 );
if( $_301 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_302;
$this->pos = $pos_302;
unset( $res_302 );
unset( $pos_302 );
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$_306 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_306->expand('%>') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_308 = FALSE; break; }
$_308 = TRUE; break;
$_304 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_304->expand('%>') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_306 = FALSE; break; }
$_306 = TRUE; break;
if( $_308 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_309;
$this->pos = $pos_309;
$_310 = FALSE; break;
if( $_306 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_307;
$this->pos = $pos_307;
$_308 = FALSE; break;
if( $_308 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_309;
$this->pos = $pos_309;
if( $_306 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_307;
$this->pos = $pos_307;
$_310 = TRUE; break;
$_308 = TRUE; break;
if( $_310 === TRUE ) {
if( $_308 === TRUE ) {
return $this->finalise( "MalformedOpenTag", $result );
if( $_310 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_308 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1776,64 +1753,64 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
/* MalformedCloseTag: '<%' < Tag:('end_' :Word ) !( > '%>' ) */
function match_MalformedCloseTag ($substack = array()) {
$result = $this->construct( "MalformedCloseTag" );
$_326 = NULL;
$_324 = NULL;
do {
$_312 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_312->expand('<%') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_326 = FALSE; break; }
$_310 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_310->expand('<%') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_324 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$substack[] = $result;
$result = $this->construct( "Tag" );
$_318 = NULL;
$_316 = NULL;
do {
$_315 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_315->expand('end_') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_318 = FALSE; break; }
$_313 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_313->expand('end_') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_316 = FALSE; break; }
$key = "Word"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_Word(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Word" );
else { $_318 = FALSE; break; }
$_318 = TRUE; break;
else { $_316 = FALSE; break; }
$_316 = TRUE; break;
if( $_318 === TRUE ) {
if( $_316 === TRUE ) {
$subres = $result ;
$result = array_pop( $substack ) ;
$this->store( $result, $subres, 'Tag' );
if( $_318 === FALSE) {
if( $_316 === FALSE) {
$result = array_pop( $substack ) ;
$_326 = FALSE; break;
$_324 = FALSE; break;
$res_325 = $result;
$pos_325 = $this->pos;
$_324 = NULL;
$res_323 = $result;
$pos_323 = $this->pos;
$_322 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$_322 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_322->expand('%>') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_324 = FALSE; break; }
$_324 = TRUE; break;
$_320 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_320->expand('%>') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_322 = FALSE; break; }
$_322 = TRUE; break;
if( $_324 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_325;
$this->pos = $pos_325;
$_326 = FALSE; break;
if( $_322 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_323;
$this->pos = $pos_323;
$_324 = FALSE; break;
if( $_324 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_325;
$this->pos = $pos_325;
if( $_322 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_323;
$this->pos = $pos_323;
$_326 = TRUE; break;
$_324 = TRUE; break;
if( $_326 === TRUE ) {
if( $_324 === TRUE ) {
return $this->finalise( "MalformedCloseTag", $result );
if( $_326 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_324 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1846,33 +1823,33 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
/* MalformedBlock: MalformedOpenTag | MalformedCloseTag */
function match_MalformedBlock ($substack = array()) {
$result = $this->construct( "MalformedBlock" );
$_331 = NULL;
$_329 = NULL;
do {
$res_328 = $result;
$pos_328 = $this->pos;
$res_326 = $result;
$pos_326 = $this->pos;
$key = "MalformedOpenTag"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_MalformedOpenTag(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_331 = TRUE; break;
$_329 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_328;
$this->pos = $pos_328;
$result = $res_326;
$this->pos = $pos_326;
$key = "MalformedCloseTag"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_MalformedCloseTag(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_331 = TRUE; break;
$_329 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_328;
$this->pos = $pos_328;
$_331 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_326;
$this->pos = $pos_326;
$_329 = FALSE; break;
if( $_331 === TRUE ) {
if( $_329 === TRUE ) {
return $this->finalise( "MalformedBlock", $result );
if( $_331 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_329 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1881,57 +1858,57 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
/* Comment: "<%--" (!"--%>" /./)+ "--%>" */
function match_Comment ($substack = array()) {
$result = $this->construct( "Comment" );
$_343 = NULL;
$_341 = NULL;
do {
$_333 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_333->expand("<%--") ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_343 = FALSE; break; }
$_331 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_331->expand("<%--") ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_341 = FALSE; break; }
$count = 0;
while (true) {
$res_340 = $result;
$pos_340 = $this->pos;
$_339 = NULL;
$res_338 = $result;
$pos_338 = $this->pos;
$_337 = NULL;
do {
$res_336 = $result;
$pos_336 = $this->pos;
$_335 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_335->expand("--%>") ) ) !== FALSE) {
$res_334 = $result;
$pos_334 = $this->pos;
$_333 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_333->expand("--%>") ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$result = $res_336;
$this->pos = $pos_336;
$_339 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_334;
$this->pos = $pos_334;
$_337 = FALSE; break;
else {
$result = $res_336;
$this->pos = $pos_336;
$result = $res_334;
$this->pos = $pos_334;
$_337 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->rx( $_337->expand('/./') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_339 = FALSE; break; }
$_339 = TRUE; break;
$_335 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->rx( $_335->expand('/./') ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_337 = FALSE; break; }
$_337 = TRUE; break;
if( $_339 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_340;
$this->pos = $pos_340;
unset( $res_340 );
unset( $pos_340 );
if( $_337 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_338;
$this->pos = $pos_338;
unset( $res_338 );
unset( $pos_338 );
$count += 1;
if ($count > 0) { }
else { $_343 = FALSE; break; }
$_341 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_341->expand("--%>") ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_343 = FALSE; break; }
$_343 = TRUE; break;
else { $_341 = FALSE; break; }
$_339 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( $_339->expand("--%>") ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_341 = FALSE; break; }
$_341 = TRUE; break;
if( $_343 === TRUE ) {
if( $_341 === TRUE ) {
return $this->finalise( "Comment", $result );
if( $_343 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_341 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1952,8 +1929,8 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
/ */
function match_Text ($substack = array()) {
$result = array("name"=>"Text", "text"=>"");
$_345 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->rx( $_345->expand('/
$_343 = new ParserExpression( $this, $substack, $result );
if (( $subres = $this->rx( $_343->expand('/
(\\\\.) | # Any escaped character
([^<${]) | # Any character that isn\'t <, $ or {
@ -1975,150 +1952,150 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
$result = $this->construct( "Template" );
$count = 0;
while (true) {
$res_377 = $result;
$pos_377 = $this->pos;
$_376 = NULL;
$res_375 = $result;
$pos_375 = $this->pos;
$_374 = NULL;
do {
$_374 = NULL;
$_372 = NULL;
do {
$res_347 = $result;
$pos_347 = $this->pos;
$res_345 = $result;
$pos_345 = $this->pos;
$key = "Comment"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_Comment(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_374 = TRUE; break;
$_372 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_347;
$this->pos = $pos_347;
$_372 = NULL;
$result = $res_345;
$this->pos = $pos_345;
$_370 = NULL;
do {
$res_349 = $result;
$pos_349 = $this->pos;
$res_347 = $result;
$pos_347 = $this->pos;
$key = "If"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_If(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_372 = TRUE; break;
$_370 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_349;
$this->pos = $pos_349;
$_370 = NULL;
$result = $res_347;
$this->pos = $pos_347;
$_368 = NULL;
do {
$res_351 = $result;
$pos_351 = $this->pos;
$res_349 = $result;
$pos_349 = $this->pos;
$key = "Require"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_Require(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_370 = TRUE; break;
$_368 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_351;
$this->pos = $pos_351;
$_368 = NULL;
$result = $res_349;
$this->pos = $pos_349;
$_366 = NULL;
do {
$res_353 = $result;
$pos_353 = $this->pos;
$res_351 = $result;
$pos_351 = $this->pos;
$key = "ClosedBlock"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_ClosedBlock(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_368 = TRUE; break;
$_366 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_353;
$this->pos = $pos_353;
$_366 = NULL;
$result = $res_351;
$this->pos = $pos_351;
$_364 = NULL;
do {
$res_355 = $result;
$pos_355 = $this->pos;
$res_353 = $result;
$pos_353 = $this->pos;
$key = "OpenBlock"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_OpenBlock(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_366 = TRUE; break;
$_364 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_355;
$this->pos = $pos_355;
$_364 = NULL;
$result = $res_353;
$this->pos = $pos_353;
$_362 = NULL;
do {
$res_357 = $result;
$pos_357 = $this->pos;
$res_355 = $result;
$pos_355 = $this->pos;
$key = "MalformedBlock"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_MalformedBlock(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_364 = TRUE; break;
$_362 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_357;
$this->pos = $pos_357;
$_362 = NULL;
$result = $res_355;
$this->pos = $pos_355;
$_360 = NULL;
do {
$res_359 = $result;
$pos_359 = $this->pos;
$res_357 = $result;
$pos_357 = $this->pos;
$key = "Injection"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_Injection(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_362 = TRUE; break;
$_360 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_359;
$this->pos = $pos_359;
$result = $res_357;
$this->pos = $pos_357;
$key = "Text"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_Text(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_362 = TRUE; break;
$_360 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_359;
$this->pos = $pos_359;
$_362 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_357;
$this->pos = $pos_357;
$_360 = FALSE; break;
if( $_362 === TRUE ) { $_364 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_357;
$this->pos = $pos_357;
$_364 = FALSE; break;
if( $_360 === TRUE ) { $_362 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_355;
$this->pos = $pos_355;
$_362 = FALSE; break;
if( $_364 === TRUE ) { $_366 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_355;
$this->pos = $pos_355;
$_366 = FALSE; break;
if( $_362 === TRUE ) { $_364 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_353;
$this->pos = $pos_353;
$_364 = FALSE; break;
if( $_366 === TRUE ) { $_368 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_353;
$this->pos = $pos_353;
$_368 = FALSE; break;
if( $_364 === TRUE ) { $_366 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_351;
$this->pos = $pos_351;
$_366 = FALSE; break;
if( $_368 === TRUE ) { $_370 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_351;
$this->pos = $pos_351;
$_370 = FALSE; break;
if( $_366 === TRUE ) { $_368 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_349;
$this->pos = $pos_349;
$_368 = FALSE; break;
if( $_370 === TRUE ) { $_372 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_349;
$this->pos = $pos_349;
$_372 = FALSE; break;
if( $_368 === TRUE ) { $_370 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_347;
$this->pos = $pos_347;
$_370 = FALSE; break;
if( $_372 === TRUE ) { $_374 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_347;
$this->pos = $pos_347;
$_374 = FALSE; break;
if( $_370 === TRUE ) { $_372 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_345;
$this->pos = $pos_345;
$_372 = FALSE; break;
if( $_374 === FALSE) { $_376 = FALSE; break; }
$_376 = TRUE; break;
if( $_372 === FALSE) { $_374 = FALSE; break; }
$_374 = TRUE; break;
if( $_376 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_377;
$this->pos = $pos_377;
unset( $res_377 );
unset( $pos_377 );
if( $_374 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_375;
$this->pos = $pos_375;
unset( $res_375 );
unset( $pos_375 );
$count += 1;
@ -2161,168 +2138,168 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
$result = $this->construct( "TopTemplate" );
$count = 0;
while (true) {
$res_412 = $result;
$pos_412 = $this->pos;
$_411 = NULL;
$res_410 = $result;
$pos_410 = $this->pos;
$_409 = NULL;
do {
$_409 = NULL;
$_407 = NULL;
do {
$res_378 = $result;
$pos_378 = $this->pos;
$res_376 = $result;
$pos_376 = $this->pos;
$key = "Comment"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_Comment(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_409 = TRUE; break;
$_407 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_378;
$this->pos = $pos_378;
$_407 = NULL;
$result = $res_376;
$this->pos = $pos_376;
$_405 = NULL;
do {
$res_380 = $result;
$pos_380 = $this->pos;
$res_378 = $result;
$pos_378 = $this->pos;
$key = "If"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_If(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_407 = TRUE; break;
$_405 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_380;
$this->pos = $pos_380;
$_405 = NULL;
$result = $res_378;
$this->pos = $pos_378;
$_403 = NULL;
do {
$res_382 = $result;
$pos_382 = $this->pos;
$res_380 = $result;
$pos_380 = $this->pos;
$key = "Require"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_Require(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_405 = TRUE; break;
$_403 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_382;
$this->pos = $pos_382;
$_403 = NULL;
$result = $res_380;
$this->pos = $pos_380;
$_401 = NULL;
do {
$res_384 = $result;
$pos_384 = $this->pos;
$res_382 = $result;
$pos_382 = $this->pos;
$key = "ClosedBlock"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_ClosedBlock(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_403 = TRUE; break;
$_401 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_384;
$this->pos = $pos_384;
$_401 = NULL;
$result = $res_382;
$this->pos = $pos_382;
$_399 = NULL;
do {
$res_386 = $result;
$pos_386 = $this->pos;
$res_384 = $result;
$pos_384 = $this->pos;
$key = "OpenBlock"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_OpenBlock(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_401 = TRUE; break;
$_399 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_386;
$this->pos = $pos_386;
$_399 = NULL;
$result = $res_384;
$this->pos = $pos_384;
$_397 = NULL;
do {
$res_388 = $result;
$pos_388 = $this->pos;
$res_386 = $result;
$pos_386 = $this->pos;
$key = "MalformedBlock"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_MalformedBlock(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_399 = TRUE; break;
$_397 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_388;
$this->pos = $pos_388;
$_397 = NULL;
$result = $res_386;
$this->pos = $pos_386;
$_395 = NULL;
do {
$res_390 = $result;
$pos_390 = $this->pos;
$res_388 = $result;
$pos_388 = $this->pos;
$key = "MismatchedEndBlock"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_MismatchedEndBlock(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_397 = TRUE; break;
$_395 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_390;
$this->pos = $pos_390;
$_395 = NULL;
$result = $res_388;
$this->pos = $pos_388;
$_393 = NULL;
do {
$res_392 = $result;
$pos_392 = $this->pos;
$res_390 = $result;
$pos_390 = $this->pos;
$key = "Injection"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_Injection(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_395 = TRUE; break;
$_393 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_392;
$this->pos = $pos_392;
$result = $res_390;
$this->pos = $pos_390;
$key = "Text"; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->match_Text(array_merge($substack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_395 = TRUE; break;
$_393 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_392;
$this->pos = $pos_392;
$_395 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_390;
$this->pos = $pos_390;
$_393 = FALSE; break;
if( $_395 === TRUE ) { $_397 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_390;
$this->pos = $pos_390;
$_397 = FALSE; break;
if( $_393 === TRUE ) { $_395 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_388;
$this->pos = $pos_388;
$_395 = FALSE; break;
if( $_397 === TRUE ) { $_399 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_388;
$this->pos = $pos_388;
$_399 = FALSE; break;
if( $_395 === TRUE ) { $_397 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_386;
$this->pos = $pos_386;
$_397 = FALSE; break;
if( $_399 === TRUE ) { $_401 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_386;
$this->pos = $pos_386;
$_401 = FALSE; break;
if( $_397 === TRUE ) { $_399 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_384;
$this->pos = $pos_384;
$_399 = FALSE; break;
if( $_401 === TRUE ) { $_403 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_384;
$this->pos = $pos_384;
$_403 = FALSE; break;
if( $_399 === TRUE ) { $_401 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_382;
$this->pos = $pos_382;
$_401 = FALSE; break;
if( $_403 === TRUE ) { $_405 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_382;
$this->pos = $pos_382;
$_405 = FALSE; break;
if( $_401 === TRUE ) { $_403 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_380;
$this->pos = $pos_380;
$_403 = FALSE; break;
if( $_405 === TRUE ) { $_407 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_380;
$this->pos = $pos_380;
$_407 = FALSE; break;
if( $_403 === TRUE ) { $_405 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_378;
$this->pos = $pos_378;
$_405 = FALSE; break;
if( $_407 === TRUE ) { $_409 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_378;
$this->pos = $pos_378;
$_409 = FALSE; break;
if( $_405 === TRUE ) { $_407 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_376;
$this->pos = $pos_376;
$_407 = FALSE; break;
if( $_409 === FALSE) { $_411 = FALSE; break; }
$_411 = TRUE; break;
if( $_407 === FALSE) { $_409 = FALSE; break; }
$_409 = TRUE; break;
if( $_411 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_412;
$this->pos = $pos_412;
unset( $res_412 );
unset( $pos_412 );
if( $_409 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_410;
$this->pos = $pos_410;
unset( $res_410 );
unset( $pos_410 );
$count += 1;
@ -61,10 +61,6 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
return $result;
function DLRBlockName() {
return '-none-';
/*!* SSTemplateParser
Word: / [A-Za-z_] [A-Za-z0-9_]* /
@ -236,10 +232,6 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
If: IfPart ElseIfPart* ElsePart? '<%' < 'end_if' > '%>'
function If__construct(&$res) {
$res['BlockName'] = 'if';
function If_IfPart(&$res, $sub) {
$res['php'] =
'if (' . $sub['IfArgument']['php'] . ') { ' . PHP_EOL .
@ -318,7 +310,7 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
OpenBlock: '<%' < !NotBlockTag OpenBlockName:Word ( [ :BlockArguments ] )? > '%>'
OpenBlock: '<%' < !NotBlockTag BlockName:Word ( [ :BlockArguments ] )? > '%>'
function OpenBlock__construct(&$res) {
$res['ArgumentCount'] = 0;
@ -336,7 +328,7 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
function OpenBlock__finalise(&$res) {
$blockname = $res['OpenBlockName']['text'];
$blockname = $res['BlockName']['text'];
$method = 'OpenBlock_Handle_'.ucfirst(strtolower($blockname));
if (method_exists($this, $method)) $res['php'] = $this->$method($res);
@ -389,7 +381,7 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser {
MismatchedEndBlock: '<%' < 'end_' !'$BlockName' :Word > '%>'
MismatchedEndBlock: '<%' < 'end_' Word > '%>'
function MismatchedEndBlock__finalise(&$res) {
$blockname = $res['Word']['text'];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user