mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
FEATURE New DatetimeField class (form field wrapper composed of DateField andTimeField)
FEATURE New DateField and TimeField form classes with more consistent API and easier localization API CHANGE Date/time parsing in DateField, TimeField and DatetimeField defaults to i18n::get_locale() ('en_US') instead of using en_NZ/en_GB specific parsing. Use i18n::set_locale('en_NZ') in mysite/_config.php to revert to old behaviour. API CHANGE constructor parameter in TimeField needs to be in ISO date notation (not PHP's date()) API CHANGE TimeField, DateField and related subclasses use Zend_Date for date parsing, meaning they're stricer than the previously used strtotime() API CHANGE Removed DMYCalendarDateField and CalendarDateField, use DateField with setConfig('showcalendar') API CHANGE Removed CompositeDateField, DMYDateField, use DateField with setConfig('dmyfields') API CHANGE Removed DropdownTimeField, use TimeField with setConfig('showdropdown') API CHANGE Removed PopupDateTimeField, use DatetimeField API CHANGE Changed 'date', 'month' and 'year' HTML field names to lowercase in DMYDateField API CHANGE Removed support for ambiguous date formats in DateField, e.g. '06/03/03'. Use DateField->setConfig('dateformat', '<format>') to revert to this behaviour. API CHANGE Removed flag from DateField, CalendarDateField etc., use DateField->setConfig('min') and DateField->setConfig('max') ENHANCEMENT Using Zend_Date for DateField and TimeField, with more robust date handling, starting localization support. Set globally via i18n::set_locale(), or for a field instance through setLocale(). Note: Javascript validation is not localized yet. (from r99360) git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/sapphire/trunk@102859 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class SS_Datetime extends Date {
public function scaffoldFormField($title = null, $params = null) {
return new PopupDateTimeField($this->name, $title);
return new DatetimeField($this->name, $title);
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
.calendardate .calendar table {
width: 200px;
.calendardate img {
position: relative;
top: 2px;
cursor: pointer;
.calendarpopup {
position: absolute;
left: 0em;
top: 2em;
display: none;
z-index: 2;
.calendarpopup.focused {
display: block;
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
* This field creates a date field that shows a calendar on pop-up
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-datetime
class CalendarDateField extends DateField {
protected $futureOnly;
function Field() {
// javascript: core
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery/jquery.js');
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/jquery_improvements.js');
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-ui/ui.core.js');
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-ui/ui.datepicker.js');
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-metadata/jquery.metadata.js');
// javascript: localized datepicker
// Include
$candidates = array(
foreach($candidates as $candidate) {
$datePickerI18nPath = sprintf(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-ui/i18n/ui.datepicker-%s.js', $candidate);
if(Director::fileExists($datePickerI18nPath)) Requirements::javascript($datePickerI18nPath);
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-entwine/dist/jquery.entwine-dist.js');
// javascript: custom
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/CalendarDateField.js');
// css: core
Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-ui-themes/smoothness/ui.all.css');
// clientside config
// TODO Abstract this into FormField to make generic configuration interface
$jsConfig = Convert::raw2json(array(
'minDate' => $this->futureOnly ? SSDatetime::now()->format('m/d/Y') : null
return parent::Field();
* Sets the field so that only future dates can be set on them.
* Only applies for JavaScript value, no server-side validation.
* @deprecated 2.4
function futureDateOnly() {
$this->futureOnly = true;
@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
* Date field that provides 3 dropdowns for entering a date
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-datetime
class CompositeDateField extends DateField {
function __construct($name, $title, $value = null, $yearRange = null){
$exploded = explode('-', $value);
$year = isset($exploded[0]) ? $exploded[0] : null;
$month = isset($exploded[1]) ? $exploded[1] : null;
$date = isset($exploded[2]) ? $exploded[2] : null;
$this->dateDropdown = new DropdownField($name."[date]", "",
array('NotSet' => '('._t('CompositeDateField.DAY', 'Day').')',
'01'=>'01', '02'=>'02', '03'=>'03', '04'=>'04', '05'=>'05',
'06'=>'06', '07'=>'07', '08'=>'08', '09'=>'09', '10'=>'10',
'11'=>'11', '12'=>'12', '13'=>'13', '14'=>'14', '15'=>'15',
'16'=>'16', '17'=>'17', '18'=>'18', '19'=>'19', '20'=>'20',
'21'=>'21', '22'=>'22', '23'=>'23', '24'=>'24', '25'=>'25',
'26'=>'26', '27'=>'27', '28'=>'28', '29'=>'29', '30'=>'30',
$this->monthDropdown = new DropdownField($name."[month]", "",
array( 'NotSet' => '('._t('CompositeDateField.MONTH', 'Month').')',
'01'=>'01', '02'=>'02', '03'=>'03', '04'=>'04', '05'=>'05',
'06'=>'06', '07'=>'07', '08'=>'08', '09'=>'09', '10'=>'10',
'11'=>'11', '12'=>'12'
if($yearRange == null){
$this->customiseYearDropDown($name, "1995-2012", $year);
$this->customiseYearDropDown($name, $yearRange, $year);
parent::__construct($name, $title);
function Field() {
return $this->dateDropdown->Field() . $this->monthDropdown->Field() . $this->yearDropdown->Field();
function performReadonlyTransformation() {
$field = new CompositeDateField_Disabled($this->name, $this->title, $this->value);
return $field;
function customiseYearDropDown($name, $yearRange, $year){
list($from,$to) = explode('-', $yearRange);
$source['NotSet'] = '(Year)';
for($i = $to; $i >= $from; $i--){
$this->yearDropdown = new DropdownField($name."[year]", "", $source, $year);
function setForm($form) {
function setValue($val) {
if($val) {
if($val['date'] == 'NotSet' || $val['month'] == 'NotSet' || $val['year'] == 'NotSet'){
$this->value = null; return;
$val = $val['year'] . '-' . $val['month'] . '-' . $val['date'];
$this->value = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($val));
list($year, $month, $date) = explode("-", $val);
} else {
$this->value = null;
function jsValidation() {
$formID = $this->form->FormName();
$error1 = _t('CompositeDateField.VALIDATIONJS1', 'Please ensure you have set the');
$error2 = _t('CompositeDateField.VALIDATIONJS2', 'correctly.');
$day = _t('CompositeDateField.DAYJS', 'day');
$month = _t('CompositeDateField.MONTHJS', 'month');
$year = _t('CompositeDateField.YEARJS', 'year');
$jsFunc =<<<JS
"#$formID": {
validateCompositeDateField: function(fieldName) {
var el = _CURRENT_FORM.elements[fieldName];
if(!el || !el.value) return true;
// Creditcards are split into multiple values, so get the inputs from the form.
dateParts = $(fieldName).getElementsByTagName('select');
// Concatenate the string values from the parts of the input.
for(i=0; i < dateParts.length ; i++ ){
// The default selected value is 'NotSet'
if(dateParts[i].value == 'NotSet'){
case 0: err = "$day"; break;
case 1: err = "$month"; break;
case 2: err = "$year"; break;
validationError(dateParts[i],"$error1 '" + err + "' $error2","validation");
return false;
return true;
Requirements::customScript($jsFunc, 'func_validateCompositeDateField');
return "\$('$formID').validateCompositeDateField('$this->name');";
function validate($validator) {
// TODO Implement server-side validation
if($this->value == null) {
$validator->validationError($this->name,_t('Form.VALIDATIONALLDATEVALUES',"Please ensure you have set all date values"),"validation");
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Allows dates to be represented in a form, by
* showing in a user friendly format, eg, dd/mm/yyyy.
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-datetime
class CompositeDateField_Disabled extends DateField {
protected $disabled = true;
function setValue($val) {
if($val && $val != "0000-00-00") $this->value = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($val));
else $this->value = _t('Form.DATENOTSET', "(No date set)");
function Field() {
if($this->value) {
$df = new Date($this->name);
$val = Convert::raw2xml($this->value);
} else {
$val = '<i>' . _t('Form.NOTSET', '(not set)') . '</i>';
return "<span class=\"readonly\" id=\"" . $this->id() . "\">$val</span>";
function Type() {
return "date_disabled readonly";
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
* Displays a date field with day, month and year boxes, with a calendar to select
* the date.
* @todo Add localization support, see http://open.silverstripe.com/ticket/2931
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-datetime
class DMYCalendarDateField extends CalendarDateField {
function Field() {
$field = DateField::Field();
$id = $this->id();
$val = $this->attrValue();
$day = $month = $year = null;
if( preg_match( '/^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$/', $val ) ) {
$dateArray = explode( '/', $val );
$val = $dateArray[2] . '-' . $dateArray[1] . '-' . $dateArray[0];
if($val) {
$dateArray = explode( '-', $val );
$day = $dateArray[2];
$month = $dateArray[1];
$year = $dateArray[0];
if(preg_match('/(.*)[(.+)]$/', $this->name, $fieldNameParts)) {
$fieldNamePrefix = $fieldNameParts[1];
$fieldName = $fieldNameParts[2];
} else {
$fieldNamePrefix = $this->name;
$fieldName = $this->name;
return <<<HTML
<div class="dmycalendardate">
<input type="hidden" id="$id" name="{$this->name}" value="$val" />
<input type="text" id="$id-day" class="day numeric" name="{$fieldNamePrefix}[Day]" value="$day" maxlength="2" />/
<input type="text" id="$id-month" class="month numeric" name="{$fieldNamePrefix}[Month]" value="$month" maxlength="2" />/
<input type="text" id="$id-year" class="year numeric" name="{$fieldNamePrefix}[Year]" value="$year" maxlength="4" />
<div class="calendarpopup" id="{$id}-calendar"></div>
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
* Displays a date field with day, month and year boxes, with a calendar to select
* the date.
* @todo Add localization support, see http://open.silverstripe.com/ticket/2931
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-datetime
class DMYDateField extends CalendarDateField {
function setValue( $value ) {
if( is_array( $value ) && $value['Day'] && $value['Month'] && $value['Year'] )
$this->value = $value['Year'] . '-' . $value['Month'] . '-' . $value['Day'];
else if(is_array($value)&&(!$value['Day']||!$value['Month']||!$value['Year']))
$this->value = null;
else if(is_string($value))
$this->value = $value;
function Field() {
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . "/javascript/CalendarDateField.js");
$field = DateField::Field();
$id = $this->id();
$val = $this->attrValue();
if( preg_match( '/^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$/', $val ) ) {
$dateArray = explode( '/', $val );
$val = $dateArray[2] . '-' . $dateArray[1] . '-' . $dateArray[0];
$day = $month = $year = null;
if($val) {
$dateArray = explode( '-', $val );
$day = $dateArray[2];
$month = $dateArray[1];
$year = $dateArray[0];
$fieldName = $this->name;
return <<<HTML
<div class="dmycalendardate">
<input type="text" id="$id-day" class="day" name="{$fieldName}[Day]" value="$day" maxlength="2" />/
<input type="text" id="$id-month" class="month" name="{$fieldName}[Month]" value="$month" maxlength="2" />/
<input type="text" id="$id-year" class="year" name="{$fieldName}[Year]" value="$year" maxlength="4" />
<div class="calendarpopup" id="{$id}-calendar"></div>
function validate($validator)
if(!empty ($this->value) && !preg_match('/^[0-90-9]{2,4}\-[0-9]{1,2}\-[0-90-9]{1,2}$/', $this->value))
_t('DMYDateField.VALIDDATEFORMAT', "Please enter a valid date format (DD-MM-YYYY)."),
return false;
return true;
function jsValidation() {
$formID = $this->form->FormName();
$error = _t('DateField.VALIDATIONJS', 'Please enter a valid date format (DD/MM/YYYY).');
$jsFunc =<<<JS
"#$formID": {
validateDMYDate: function(fieldName) {
var value = \$F(_CURRENT_FORM.elements[fieldName+'[Day]'])
+ '/'
+ \$F(_CURRENT_FORM.elements[fieldName+'[Month]'])
+ '/'
+ \$F(_CURRENT_FORM.elements[fieldName+'[Year]'])
if(value && value.length > 0 && !value.match(/^[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-90-9]{2,4}\$/)) {
return false;
return true;
Requirements :: customScript($jsFunc, 'func_validateDMYDate_'.$formID);
// return "\$('$formID').validateDate('$this->name');";
return <<<JS
if(typeof fromAnOnBlur != 'undefined'){
if(fromAnOnBlur.name == '$this->name')
@ -1,9 +1,41 @@
require_once 'Zend/Date.php';
* Date field.
* Default Value represented in the format
* Form field to display an editable date string,
* either in a single `<input type="text">` field,
* or in three separate fields for day, month and year.
* @todo Add localization support, see http://open.silverstripe.com/ticket/2931
* # Configuration
* - 'showcalendar' (boolean): Determines if a calendar picker is shown.
* By default, "DHTML Calendar" is used,see http://www.dynarch.com/projects/calendar.
* CAUTION: Only works in NZ date format, see calendar-setup.js
* - 'dmyfields' (boolean): Show three input fields for day, month and year separately.
* CAUTION: Might not be useable in combination with 'showcalendar', depending on the used javascript library
* - 'dateformat' (string): Date format compatible with Zend_Date.
* Usually set to default format for {@link locale}
* through {@link Zend_Locale_Format::getDateFormat()}.
* - 'datavalueformat' (string): Internal ISO format string used by {@link dataValue()} to save the
* date to a database.
* - 'min' (string): Minimum allowed date value (in ISO format, or strtotime() compatible).
* Example: '2010-03-31', or '-7 days'
* - 'max' (string): Maximum allowed date value (in ISO format, or strtotime() compatible).
* Example: '2010-03-31', or '1 year'
* # Localization
* The field will get its default locale from {@link i18n::get_locale()}, and set the `dateformat`
* configuration accordingly. Changing the locale through {@link setLocale()} will not update the
* `dateformat` configuration automatically.
* # Usage
* ## Example: German dates with separate fields for day, month, year
* $f = new DateField('MyDate');
* $f->setLocale('de_DE');
* $f->setConfig('dmyfields');
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-datetime
@ -11,73 +43,260 @@
class DateField extends TextField {
* Enable DD/MM/YYYY field format validation
* in {@link DateField->validate()}. Set to
* FALSE to disable this validation.
* @var boolean
* @var array
public static $validation_enabled = true;
protected $config = array(
'showcalendar' => false,
'dmyfields' => false,
'dateformat' => null,
'datavalueformat' => 'yyyy-MM-dd',
'min' => null,
'max' => null
* @var String
protected $locale = null;
* @var Zend_Date Just set if the date is valid.
* {@link $value} will always be set to aid validation,
* and might contain invalid values.
protected $valueObj = null;
function __construct($name, $title = null, $value = null, $form = null, $rightTitle = null) {
if(!$this->locale) {
$this->locale = i18n::get_locale();
if(!$this->getConfig('dateformat')) {
$this->setConfig('dateformat', Zend_Locale_Format::getDateFormat($this->locale));
parent::__construct($name, $title, $value, $form, $rightTitle);
function FieldHolder() {
return parent::FieldHolder();
function Field() {
// Three separate fields for day, month and year
if($this->getConfig('dmyfields')) {
// values
$valArr = ($this->valueObj) ? $this->valueObj->toArray() : null;
// fields
$fieldDay = new NumericField($this->name . '[day]', false, ($valArr) ? $valArr['day'] : null);
$fieldMonth = new NumericField($this->name . '[month]', false, ($valArr) ? $valArr['month'] : null);
$fieldYear = new NumericField($this->name . '[year]', false, ($valArr) ? $valArr['year'] : null);
// TODO Locale specific ordering of fields
$sep = ' <span class="separator">/</span> ';
$html = $fieldDay->Field() .
$sep .
$fieldMonth->Field() .
$sep .
// Default text input field
else {
$html = parent::Field();
$html = $this->FieldDriver($html);
// wrap in additional div for legacy reasons and to apply behaviour correctly
if($this->getConfig('showcalendar')) $html = sprintf('<div class="calendardate">%s</div>', $html);
return $html;
* Caution: API might change. This will evolve into a pluggable
* API for 'form field drivers' which can add their own
* markup and requirements.
* @param String $html
* @return $html
protected function FieldDriver($html) {
// Optionally add a "DHTML" calendar icon. Mainly legacy, a date picker
// should be unobtrusively added by javascript (e.g. jQuery UI).
// CAUTION: Only works in NZ date format, see calendar-setup.js
if($this->getConfig('showcalendar')) {
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/prototype/prototype.js');
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/behaviour/behaviour.js');
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . "/calendar/calendar.js");
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . "/calendar/lang/calendar-en.js");
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . "/calendar/calendar-setup.js");
Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_DIR . "/css/DateField.css");
Requirements::css(THIRDPARTY_DIR . "/calendar/calendar-win2k-1.css");
$html .= sprintf('<img src="sapphire/images/calendar-icon.gif" id="%s-icon" alt="Calendar icon" />', $this->id());
$html .= sprintf('<div class="calendarpopup" id="%s-calendar"></div>', $this->id());
return $html;
* Sets the internal value to ISO date format.
* @param String|Array $val
function setValue($val) {
if(is_string($val) && preg_match('/^([\d]{2,4})-([\d]{1,2})-([\d]{1,2})/', $val)) {
$this->value = preg_replace('/^([\d]{2,4})-([\d]{1,2})-([\d]{1,2})/','\\3/\\2/\\1', $val);
if(empty($val)) {
$this->value = null;
$this->valueObj = null;
} else {
$this->value = $val;
if($this->getConfig('dmyfields')) {
// Setting in correct locale
if(is_array($val) && $this->validateArrayValue($val)) {
// set() gets confused with custom date formats when using array notation
$this->valueObj = new Zend_Date($val, null, $this->locale);
$this->value = $this->valueObj->toArray();
// load ISO date from database (usually through Form->loadDataForm())
else if(!empty($val) && Zend_Date::isDate($val, $this->getConfig('datavalueformat'))) {
$this->valueObj = new Zend_Date($val, $this->getConfig('datavalueformat'));
$this->value = $this->valueObj->toArray();
else {
$this->value = $val;
$this->valueObj = null;
} else {
// Setting in corect locale.
// Caution: Its important to have this check *before* the ISO date fallback,
// as some dates are falsely detected as ISO by isDate(), e.g. '03/04/03'
// (en_NZ for 3rd of April, definetly not yyyy-MM-dd)
if(!empty($val) && Zend_Date::isDate($val, $this->getConfig('dateformat'), $this->locale)) {
$this->valueObj = new Zend_Date($val, $this->getConfig('dateformat'), $this->locale);
$this->value = $this->valueObj->get($this->getConfig('dateformat'));
// load ISO date from database (usually through Form->loadDataForm())
else if(!empty($val) && Zend_Date::isDate($val, $this->getConfig('datavalueformat'))) {
$this->valueObj = new Zend_Date($val, $this->getConfig('datavalueformat'));
$this->value = $this->valueObj->get($this->getConfig('dateformat'));
else {
$this->value = $val;
$this->valueObj = null;
* @return String ISO 8601 date, suitable for insertion into database
function dataValue() {
if(is_array($this->value)) {
if(isset($this->value['Year']) && isset($this->value['Month']) && isset($this->value['Day'])) {
return $this->value['Year'] . '-' . $this->value['Month'] . '-' . $this->value['Day'];
} else {
user_error("Bad DateField value " . var_export($this->value,true), E_USER_WARNING);
} elseif(preg_match('/^([\d]{1,2})\/([\d]{1,2})\/([\d]{2,4})/', $this->value, $parts)) {
return "$parts[3]-$parts[2]-$parts[1]";
} elseif(!empty($this->value)) {
return date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->value));
if($this->valueObj) {
return $this->valueObj->toString($this->getConfig('datavalueformat'));
} else {
return null;
function performReadonlyTransformation() {
$field = new DateField_Disabled($this->name, $this->title, $this->value);
$field = new DateField_Disabled($this->name, $this->title, $this->valueObj);
$field->readonly = true;
return $field;
function jsValidation() {
$formID = $this->form->FormName();
if(Validator::get_javascript_validator_handler() == 'none') {
return true;
$error = _t('DateField.VALIDATIONJS', 'Please enter a valid date format (DD/MM/YYYY).');
$jsFunc =<<<JS
if(Validator::get_javascript_validator_handler() == 'none') return true;
if($this->showSeparateFields) {
$error = _t('DateField.VALIDATIONJS', 'Please enter a valid date format (DD/MM/YYYY).');
$error = 'Please enter a valid date format (DD/MM/YYYY) from dmy.';
$jsFunc =<<<JS
"#$formID": {
validateDate: function(fieldName) {
var el = _CURRENT_FORM.elements[fieldName];
var value = \$F(el);
if(value && value.length > 0 && !value.match(/^[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-90-9]{2,4}\$/)) {
validateDMYDate: function(fieldName) {
var day_value = \$F(_CURRENT_FORM.elements[fieldName+'[day]']);
var month_value = \$F(_CURRENT_FORM.elements[fieldName+'[month]']);
var year_value = \$F(_CURRENT_FORM.elements[fieldName+'[year]']);
// TODO NZ specific
var value = day_value + '/' + month_value + '/' + year_value;
if(value && value.length > 0 && !value.match(/^[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-9]{1,2}\/([0-9][0-9]){1,2}\$/)) {
return false;
return true;
Requirements :: customScript($jsFunc, 'func_validateDate_'.$formID);
// return "\$('$formID').validateDate('$this->name');";
return <<<JS
Requirements :: customScript($jsFunc, 'func_validateDMYDate_'.$formID);
return <<<JS
if(typeof fromAnOnBlur != 'undefined'){
if(fromAnOnBlur.name == '$this->name')
} else {
$error = _t('DateField.VALIDATIONJS', 'Please enter a valid date format (DD/MM/YYYY).');
$jsFunc =<<<JS
"#$formID": {
validateDate: function(fieldName) {
var el = _CURRENT_FORM.elements[fieldName];
var value = \$F(el);
if(Element.hasClassName(el, 'dmydate')) {
// dmy triple field validation
var day_value = \$F(_CURRENT_FORM.elements[fieldName+'[day]']);
var month_value = \$F(_CURRENT_FORM.elements[fieldName+'[month]']);
var year_value = \$F(_CURRENT_FORM.elements[fieldName+'[year]']);
// TODO NZ specific
var value = day_value + '/' + month_value + '/' + year_value;
if(value && value.length > 0 && !value.match(/^[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-9]{1,2}\/([0-9][0-9]){1,2}\$/)) {
return false;
} else {
// single field validation
if(value && value.length > 0 && !value.match(/^[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-90-9]{2,4}\$/)) {
return false;
return true;
Requirements :: customScript($jsFunc, 'func_validateDate_'.$formID);
return <<<JS
if(typeof fromAnOnBlur != 'undefined'){
if(fromAnOnBlur.name == '$this->name')
@ -87,17 +306,45 @@ if(\$('$formID')){
* Validate an array with expected keys 'day', 'month' and 'year.
* Used because Zend_Date::isDate() doesn't provide this.
* @param Array $val
* @return boolean
function validateArrayValue($val) {
if(!is_array($val)) return false;
return (
array_key_exists('year', $val)
&& Zend_Date::isDate($val['year'], 'yyyy', $this->locale)
&& array_key_exists('month', $val)
&& Zend_Date::isDate($val['month'], 'MM', $this->locale)
&& array_key_exists('day', $val)
&& Zend_Date::isDate($val['day'], 'dd', $this->locale)
* @return Boolean
function validate($validator) {
$validationHandler = Validator::get_javascript_validator_handler();
$valid = true;
if(!self::$validation_enabled || $validationHandler == 'none') {
return true;
// Don't validate empty fields
if(empty($this->value)) return true;
// date format
if($this->getConfig('dmyfields')) {
$valid = ($this->validateArrayValue($this->value));
} else {
$valid = (Zend_Date::isDate($this->value, $this->getConfig('dateformat'), $this->locale));
if(!empty ($this->value) && !preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-90-9]{2,4}$/', $this->value))
if(!$valid) {
_t('DateField.VALIDDATEFORMAT', "Please enter a valid date format (DD/MM/YYYY)."),
@ -106,8 +353,98 @@ JS;
return false;
// min/max - Assumes that the date value was valid in the first place
if($min = $this->getConfig('min')) {
// ISO or strtotime()
if(Zend_Date::isDate($min, $this->getConfig('datavalueformat'))) {
$minDate = new Zend_Date($min, $this->getConfig('datavalueformat'));
} else {
$minDate = new Zend_Date(strftime('%F', strtotime($min)), $this->getConfig('datavalueformat'));
if(!$this->valueObj->isLater($minDate) && !$this->valueObj->equals($minDate)) {
_t('DateField.VALIDDATEMINDATE', "Your date has to be newer or matching the minimum allowed date (%s)"),
return false;
if($max = $this->getConfig('max')) {
// ISO or strtotime()
if(Zend_Date::isDate($min, $this->getConfig('datavalueformat'))) {
$maxDate = new Zend_Date($max, $this->getConfig('datavalueformat'));
} else {
$maxDate = new Zend_Date(strftime('%F', strtotime($max)), $this->getConfig('datavalueformat'));
if(!$this->valueObj->isEarlier($maxDate) && !$this->valueObj->equals($maxDate)) {
_t('DateField.VALIDDATEMAXDATE', "Your date has to be older or matching the maximum allowed date (%s)"),
return false;
return true;
* @return string
function getLocale() {
return $this->locale;
* Caution: Will not update the 'dateformat' config value.
* @param String $locale
function setLocale($locale) {
$this->locale = $locale;
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $val
function setConfig($name, $val) {
switch($name) {
case 'min':
$format = $this->getConfig('datavalueformat');
if($val && !Zend_Date::isDate($val, $format) && !strtotime($val)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Date "%s" is not a valid minimum date format (%s) or strtotime() argument', $val, $format);
case 'max':
$format = $this->getConfig('datavalueformat');
if($val && !Zend_Date::isDate($val, $format) && !strtotime($val)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Date "%s" is not a valid maximum date format (%s) or strtotime() argument', $val, $format);
$this->config[$name] = $val;
* @param String $name
* @return mixed
function getConfig($name) {
return $this->config[$name];
@ -119,31 +456,21 @@ JS;
class DateField_Disabled extends DateField {
protected $disabled = true;
function setValue($val) {
if(is_string($val) && preg_match('/^([\d]{2,4})-([\d]{1,2})-([\d]{1,2})/', $val)) {
$this->value = preg_replace('/^([\d]{2,4})-([\d]{1,2})-([\d]{1,2})/','\\3/\\2/\\1', $val);
} else {
$this->value = $val;
function Field() {
if($this->value) {
$df = new Date($this->name);
if(date('Y-m-d', time()) == $this->dataValue()) {
$val = Convert::raw2xml($this->value . ' ('._t('DateField.TODAY','today').')');
if($this->valueObj) {
if($this->valueObj->isToday()) {
$val = Convert::raw2xml($this->valueObj->toString($this->getConfig('dateformat')) . ' ('._t('DateField.TODAY','today').')');
} else {
$val = Convert::raw2xml($this->value . ', ' . $df->Ago());
$df = new Date($this->name);
$val = Convert::raw2xml($this->valueObj->toString($this->getConfig('dateformat')) . ', ' . $df->Ago());
} else {
$val = '<i>('._t('DateField.NOTSET', 'not set').')</i>';
return "<span class=\"readonly\" id=\"" . $this->id() . "\">$val</span>
<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"{$this->value}\" name=\"$this->name\" />";
return "<span class=\"readonly\" id=\"" . $this->id() . "\">$val</span>";
function Type() {
@ -153,13 +480,10 @@ class DateField_Disabled extends DateField {
function jsValidation() {
return null;
function php() {
return true;
function validate($validator) {
return true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
* A composite field for date and time entry,
* based on {@link DateField} and {@link TimeField}.
* Usually saves into a single {@link SS_Datetime} database column.
* If you want to save into {@link Date} or {@link Time} columns,
* please instanciate the fields separately.
* # Configuration
* All options in {@link setConfig()} are passed through to {@link DateField} and {@link TimeField}.
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage forms
class DatetimeField extends FormField {
* @var DateField
protected $dateField = null;
* @var TimeField
protected $timeField = null;
* @var array
protected $config = array(
'datavalueformat' => 'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
function __construct($name, $title = null, $value = ""){
$this->dateField = new DateField($name . '[date]', false);
$this->timeField = new TimeField($name . '[time]', false);
parent::__construct($name, $title, $value);
function setForm($form) {
function Field() {
return $this->dateField->Field() . $this->timeField->Field();
* Sets the internal value to ISO date format.
* @param string|array $val String expects an ISO date format. Array notation with 'date' and 'time'
* keys can contain localized strings. If the 'dmyfields' option is used for {@link DateField},
* the 'date' value may contain array notation was well (see {@link DateField->setValue()}).
function setValue($val) {
if(empty($val)) {
} else {
// String setting is only possible from the database, so we don't allow anything but ISO format
if(is_string($val) && Zend_Date::isDate($val, $this->getConfig('datavalueformat'), $this->locale)) {
// split up in date and time string values.
$valueObj = new Zend_Date($val, $this->getConfig('datavalueformat'), $this->locale);
// set date either as array, or as string
if($this->dateField->getConfig('dmyfields')) {
} else {
// set time
// Setting from form submission
elseif(is_array($val) && array_key_exists('date', $val) && array_key_exists('time', $val)) {
} else {
function dataValue() {
$valDate = $this->dateField->dataValue();
$valTime = $this->timeField->dataValue();
if($valDate && $valTime) {
return $valDate . ' ' . $valTime;
} else {
return null;
* @return DateField
function getDateField() {
return $this->dateField;
* @return TimeField
function getTimeField() {
return $this->timeField;
function setLocale($locale) {
function getLocale() {
return $this->dateField->getLocale();
* Note: Use {@link getDateField()} and {@link getTimeField()}
* to set field-specific config options.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $val
function setConfig($name, $val) {
$this->config[$name] = $val;
* Note: Use {@link getDateField()} and {@link getTimeField()}
* to get field-specific config options.
* @param String $name
* @return mixed
function getConfig($name) {
return $this->config[$name];
function validate($validator) {
$dateValid = $this->dateField->validate($validator);
$timeValid = $this->timeField->validate($validator);
return ($dateValid && $timeValid);
function jsValidation() {
return $this->dateField->jsValidation() . $this->timeField->jsValidation();
function performReadonlyTransformation() {
$field = new DatetimeField_Readonly($this->name, $this->title, $this->dataValue());
return $field;
* The readonly class for our {@link DatetimeField}.
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-datetime
class DatetimeField_Readonly extends DatetimeField {
protected $readonly = true;
function Field() {
$valDate = $this->dateField->dataValue();
$valTime = $this->timeField->dataValue();
if($valDate && $valTime) {
$format = $this->dateField->getConfig('dateformat') . ' ' . $this->timeField->getConfig('timeformat');
$valueObj = new Zend_Date(
$valDate . ' ' . $valTime,
$val = $valueObj->toString($format);
} else {
// TODO Localization
$val = '<i>(not set)</i>';
return "<span class=\"readonly\" id=\"" . $this->id() . "\">$val</span>";
function jsValidation() {
return null;
function validate($validator) {
return true;
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
* Field for entering time that provides clock for selecting time.
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-datetime
class DropdownTimeField extends TimeField {
static function Requirements() {
Requirements::javascript( SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/DropdownTimeField.js' );
Requirements::css( SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/css/DropdownTimeField.css' );
static function HTMLField( $id, $name, $val ) {
return <<<HTML
<input type="text" id="$id" name="$name" value="$val"/>
<img src="sapphire/images/clock-icon.gif" id="$id-icon"/>
<div class="dropdownpopup" id="$id-dropdowntime"></div>
function Field() {
$field = parent::Field();
$id = $this->id();
$val = $this->attrValue();
$innerHTML = self::HTMLField( $id, $this->name, $val );
return <<<HTML
<div class="dropdowntime">
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class FormField extends RequestHandler {
$this->name = $name;
$this->title = ($title === null) ? $name : $title;
if(isset($value)) $this->value = $value;
if($value) $this->setValue($value);
if($form) $this->setForm($form);
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
* Field for entering a date/time pair.
* @todo Add localization support, see http://open.silverstripe.com/ticket/2931
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-datetime
class PopupDateTimeField extends CalendarDateField {
* @todo js validation needs to be implemented.
* @see sapphire/forms/DateField#jsValidation()
function jsValidation() {
* @todo php validation needs to be implemented.
* @see sapphire/forms/DateField#validate($validator)
function validate() {
return true;
function Field() {
Requirements::css( SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/css/PopupDateTimeField.css' );
$field = parent::Field();
$id = $this->id();
$val = $this->attrValue();
$date = $this->attrValueDate();
$time = $this->attrValueTime();
$futureClass = $this->futureOnly ? ' futureonly' : '';
$innerHTMLDate = sprintf(
'<input type="text" id="%s" name="%s" value="%s" />',
$id . '_Date',
$this->name . '[Date]',
$innerHTMLTime = DropdownTimeField::HTMLField( $id . '_Time', $this->name . '[Time]', $time );
return <<<HTML
<div class="popupdatetime">
<li class="calendardate$futureClass">$innerHTMLDate</li>
<li class="dropdowntime">$innerHTMLTime</li>
function attrValueDate() {
if( $this->value )
return date( 'd/m/Y', strtotime( $this->value ) );
return '';
function attrValueTime() {
if( $this->value )
return date( 'h:i a', strtotime( $this->value ) );
return '';
function setValue( $val ) {
if( is_array( $val ) ) {
// 1) Date
if( $val[ 'Date' ] && preg_match( '/^([\d]{1,2})\/([\d]{1,2})\/([\d]{2,4})/', $val[ 'Date' ], $parts ) )
$date = "$parts[3]-$parts[2]-$parts[1]";
$date = null;
// 2) Time
$time = $val[ 'Time' ] ? date( 'H:i:s', strtotime( $val[ 'Time' ] ) ) : null;
if( $date == null )
$this->value = $time;
else if( $time == null )
$this->value = $date;
$this->value = $date . ' ' . $time;
$this->value = $val;
function dataValue() {
return $this->value;
@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
* @subpackage fields-basic
class TextField extends FormField {
* @var Int
protected $maxLength;
@ -12,9 +16,24 @@ class TextField extends FormField {
function __construct($name, $title = null, $value = "", $maxLength = null, $form = null){
$this->maxLength = $maxLength;
parent::__construct($name, $title, $value, $form);
* @param Int $length
function setMaxLength($length) {
$this->maxLength = $length;
* @return Int
function getMaxLength() {
return $this->maxLength;
function Field() {
$attributes = array(
'type' => 'text',
@ -1,17 +1,52 @@
require_once 'Zend/Date.php';
* @todo Add localization support, see http://open.silverstripe.com/ticket/2931
* Form field to display editable time values in an <input type="text">
* field. Can optionally display a dropdown with predefined time ranges
* through `setConfig('showdropdown', true)`.
* # Configuration
* - 'timeformat' (string): Time format compatible with Zend_Date.
* Usually set to default format for {@link locale}
* through {@link Zend_Locale_Format::getTimeFormat()}.
* - 'use_strtotime' (boolean): Accept values in PHP's built-in strtotime() notation, in addition
* to the format specified in `timeformat`. Example inputs: 'now', '11pm', '23:59:59'.
* - 'showdropdown': Show a dropdown with suggested date values.
* CAUTION: The dropdown does not support localization.
* # Localization
* See {@link DateField}
* @todo Timezone support
* @todo 'showdropdown' localization
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-datetime
class TimeField extends TextField {
protected $config = array(
'showdropdown' => false,
'timeformat' => null,
'use_strtotime' => true,
'datavalueformat' => 'HH:mm:ss'
* @var string $timeformat Time description compatible with date() syntax.
* @var String
protected $timeformat = "g:ia";
protected $locale = null;
* @var Zend_Date Just set if the date is valid.
* {@link $value} will always be set to aid validation,
* and might contain invalid values.
protected $valueObj = null;
* Constructor saves the format difference. Timefields shouldn't
* have a problem with length as times can only be represented in on way.
@ -19,42 +54,156 @@ class TimeField extends TextField {
* @param $name string The name of the field
* @param $title string The Title of the field
* @param $value string the value for the field
* @param $timeformat string The Time format in date php format e.g. G:ia
* @param $timeformat string The Time format in ISO format (see Zend_Date)
function __construct($name, $title = null, $value = "",$timeformat = null){
function __construct($name, $title = null, $value = "",$timeformat = 'HH:mm:ss'){
if($timeformat) {
$this->setConfig('timeformat', $timeformat);
} else {
$this->setConfig('timeformat', Zend_Locale_Format::getTimeFormat($this->locale));
function Field() {
$html = parent::Field();
if($timeformat) $this->timeformat = $timeformat;
$html = $this->FieldDriver($html);
return $html;
function dataValue() {
if($this->value) {
return date($this->timeformat,strtotime($this->value));
} else {
return $this->value;
* Internal volatile API.
* @see DateField->FieldDriver()
protected function FieldDriver($html) {
if($this->getConfig('showdropdown')) {
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/TimeField_dropdown.js');
Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/css/TimeField_dropdown.css');
$html .= sprintf('<img src="sapphire/images/clock-icon.gif" id="%s-icon"/>', $this->id());
$html .= sprintf('<div class="dropdownpopup" id="%s-dropdowntime"></div>', $this->id());
$html = '<div class="dropdowntime">' . $html . '</div>';
return $html;
* Sets the internal value to ISO date format.
* @param String|Array $val
function setValue($val) {
if($val) {
$this->value = date($this->timeformat,strtotime($val));
} else {
$this->value = $val;
// Fuzzy matching through strtotime() to support a wider range of times,
// e.g. 11am. This means that validate() might not fire.
// Note: Time formats are assumed to be less ambiguous than dates across locales.
if($this->getConfig('use_strtotime') && !empty($val)) {
if($parsedTimestamp = strtotime($val)) {
$parsedObj = new Zend_Date($parsedTimestamp, Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP);
$val = $parsedObj->get($this->getConfig('timeformat'));
if(empty($val)) {
$this->value = null;
$this->valueObj = null;
// load ISO time from database (usually through Form->loadDataForm())
else if(Zend_Date::isDate($val, $this->getConfig('datavalueformat'))) {
$this->valueObj = new Zend_Date($val, $this->getConfig('datavalueformat'));
$this->value = $this->valueObj->get($this->getConfig('timeformat'));
// Set in current locale (as string)
else if(Zend_Date::isDate($val, $this->getConfig('timeformat'), $this->locale)) {
$this->valueObj = new Zend_Date($val, $this->getConfig('timeformat'), $this->locale);
$this->value = $this->valueObj->get($this->getConfig('timeformat'));
// Fallback: Set incorrect value so validate() can pick it up
else {
$this->value = $val;
$this->valueObj = null;
* @return String ISO 8601 date, suitable for insertion into database
function dataValue() {
if($this->valueObj) {
return $this->valueObj->toString($this->getConfig('datavalueformat'));
} else {
return null;
* @return Boolean
function validate($validator) {
$valid = true;
// Don't validate empty fields
if(empty($this->value)) return true;
if(!Zend_Date::isDate($this->value, $this->getConfig('timeformat'), $this->locale)) {
_t('DateField.VALIDDATEFORMAT', "Please enter a valid time format."),
return false;
return true;
* @return string
function getLocale() {
return $this->locale;
* @param String $locale
function setLocale($locale) {
$this->locale = $locale;
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $val
function setConfig($name, $val) {
$this->config[$name] = $val;
* @param String $name
* @return mixed
function getConfig($name) {
return $this->config[$name];
* Creates a new readonly field specified below
function performReadonlyTransformation() {
return new TimeField_Readonly( $this->name, $this->title, $this->dataValue(),$this->timeformat);
return new TimeField_Readonly($this->name, $this->title, $this->dataValue(), $this->getConfig('timeformat'));
* The readonly class for our {@link TimeField}.
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-datetime
@ -63,11 +212,22 @@ class TimeField_Readonly extends TimeField {
protected $readonly = true;
function Field() {
if( $this->value )
$val = $this->attrValue();
if($this->valueObj) {
$val = Convert::raw2xml($this->valueObj->toString($this->getConfig('timeformat')));
} else {
// TODO Localization
$val = '<i>(not set)</i>';
return "<span class=\"readonly\" id=\"" . $this->id() . "\">$val</span>";
function jsValidation() {
return null;
function validate($validator) {
return true;
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ class AdvancedSearchForm extends SearchForm {
$chooseDate = new CompositeField(
new HeaderField('LastUpdatedHeader',_t('AdvancedSearchForm.LASTUPDATEDHEADER', 'LAST UPDATED')),
new CompositeDateField("From", _t('AdvancedSearchForm.FROM', 'From')),
new CompositeDateField("To", _t('AdvancedSearchForm.TO', 'To'))
new DateField("From", _t('AdvancedSearchForm.FROM', 'From')),
new DateField("To", _t('AdvancedSearchForm.TO', 'To'))
@ -5,34 +5,167 @@
class DateFieldTest extends SapphireTest {
function testDMYFormat() {
function setUp() {
$this->originalLocale = i18n::get_locale();
function tearDown() {
function testValidateMinDate() {
$f = new DateField('Date');
$f->setConfig('min', '2009-03-31');
$this->assertTrue($f->validate(new RequiredFields()), 'Date above min date');
$f = new DateField('Date');
$f->setConfig('min', '2009-03-31');
$this->assertFalse($f->validate(new RequiredFields()), 'Date below min date');
$f = new DateField('Date');
$f->setConfig('min', '2009-03-31');
$this->assertTrue($f->validate(new RequiredFields()), 'Date matching min date');
function testValidateMinDateStrtotime() {
$f = new DateField('Date');
$f->setConfig('min', '-7 days');
$f->setValue(strftime('%F', strtotime('-8 days')));
$this->assertFalse($f->validate(new RequiredFields()), 'Date below min date, with strtotime');
$f = new DateField('Date');
$f->setConfig('min', '-7 days');
$f->setValue(strftime('%F', strtotime('-7 days')));
$this->assertTrue($f->validate(new RequiredFields()), 'Date matching min date, with strtotime');
function testValidateMaxDateStrtotime() {
$f = new DateField('Date');
$f->setConfig('max', '7 days');
$f->setValue(strftime('%F', strtotime('8 days')));
$this->assertFalse($f->validate(new RequiredFields()), 'Date above max date, with strtotime');
$f = new DateField('Date');
$f->setConfig('max', '7 days');
$f->setValue(strftime('%F', strtotime('7 days')));
$this->assertTrue($f->validate(new RequiredFields()), 'Date matching max date, with strtotime');
function testValidateMaxDate() {
$f = new DateField('Date');
$f->setConfig('max', '2009-03-31');
$this->assertTrue($f->validate(new RequiredFields()), 'Date above min date');
$f = new DateField('Date');
$f->setConfig('max', '2009-03-31');
$this->assertFalse($f->validate(new RequiredFields()), 'Date above max date');
$f = new DateField('Date');
$f->setConfig('max', '2009-03-31');
$this->assertTrue($f->validate(new RequiredFields()), 'Date matching max date');
function testConstructorWithoutArgs() {
$f = new DateField('Date');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), null);
function testConstructorWithDateString() {
$f = new DateField('Date', 'Date', '29/03/2003');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '2003-03-29');
function testSetValueWithDateString() {
$f = new DateField('Date', 'Date');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '2003-03-29');
function testSetValueWithDateArray() {
$f = new DateField('Date', 'Date');
$f->setConfig('dmyfields', true);
$f->setValue(array('day' => 29, 'month' => 03, 'year' => 2003));
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '2003-03-29');
function testConstructorWithIsoDate() {
// used by Form->loadDataFrom()
$f = new DateField('Date', 'Date', '2003-03-29');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '2003-03-29');
function testValidateDMY() {
$f = new DateField('Date', 'Date', '29/03/2003');
$this->assertTrue($f->validate(new RequiredFields()));
$f = new DateField('Date', 'Date', 'wrong');
$this->assertFalse($f->validate(new RequiredFields()));
function testValidateArray() {
$f = new DateField('Date', 'Date');
$f->setConfig('dmyfields', true);
$f->setValue(array('day' => 29, 'month' => 03, 'year' => 2003));
$this->assertTrue($f->validate(new RequiredFields()));
// TODO Fix array validation
// $f = new DateField('Date', 'Date', array('day' => 9999, 'month' => 9999, 'year' => 9999));
// $this->assertFalse($f->validate(new RequiredFields()));
function testValidateArrayValue() {
$f = new DateField('Date', 'Date');
$this->assertTrue($f->validateArrayValue(array('day' => 29, 'month' => 03, 'year' => 2003)));
$this->assertFalse($f->validateArrayValue(array('month' => 03, 'year' => 2003)));
$this->assertFalse($f->validateArrayValue(array('day' => 99, 'month' => 99, 'year' => 2003)));
function testFormatEnNz() {
/* We get YYYY-MM-DD format as the data value for DD/MM/YYYY input value */
$dateField = new DateField('Date', 'Date', '04/03/2003');
$this->assertEquals($dateField->dataValue(), '2003-03-04');
/* Even if value hasn't got leading 0's in it we still get the correct data value */
$dateField2 = new DateField('Date', 'Date', '4/3/03');
$this->assertEquals($dateField2->dataValue(), '03-3-4');
$f = new DateField('Date', 'Date', '29/03/2003');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '2003-03-29');
function testYMDFormat() {
/* We get YYYY-MM-DD format as the data value for YYYY-MM-DD input value */
$dateField = new DateField('Date', 'Date', '2003/03/04');
$this->assertEquals($dateField->dataValue(), '2003-03-04');
/* Even if input value hasn't got leading 0's in it we still get the correct data value */
$dateField2 = new DateField('Date', 'Date', '2003/3/4');
$this->assertEquals($dateField2->dataValue(), '2003-03-04');
function testSetLocale() {
// should get en_NZ by default through setUp()
$f = new DateField('Date', 'Date', '29/03/2003');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '2006-06-29');
* Note: This is mostly tested for legacy reasons
function testMDYFormat() {
/* We get MM-DD-YYYY format as the data value for YYYY-MM-DD input value */
$dateField = new DateField('Date', 'Date', '03/04/2003');
$this->assertEquals($dateField->dataValue(), '2003-04-03');
/* Even if input value hasn't got leading 0's in it we still get the correct data value */
$dateField2 = new DateField('Date', 'Date', '3/4/03');
$this->assertEquals($dateField2->dataValue(), '03-4-3');
$dateField = new DateField('Date', 'Date');
$dateField->setConfig('dateformat', 'd/M/Y');
"We get MM-DD-YYYY format as the data value for YYYY-MM-DD input value"
$dateField2 = new DateField('Date', 'Date');
$dateField2->setConfig('dateformat', 'd/M/Y');
"Even if input value hasn't got leading 0's in it we still get the correct data value"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage tests
class DatetimeFieldTest extends SapphireTest {
function setUp() {
$this->originalLocale = i18n::get_locale();
function tearDown() {
function testConstructorWithoutArgs() {
$f = new DatetimeField('Datetime');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), null);
// /**
// * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
// */
// function testConstructorWithLocalizedDateString() {
// $f = new DatetimeField('Datetime', 'Datetime', '29/03/2003 23:59:38');
// }
function testConstructorWithIsoDate() {
// used by Form->loadDataFrom()
$f = new DatetimeField('Datetime', 'Datetime', '2003-03-29 23:59:38');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '2003-03-29 23:59:38');
// /**
// * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
// */
// function testSetValueWithDateString() {
// $f = new DatetimeField('Datetime', 'Datetime');
// $f->setValue('29/03/2003');
// }
function testSetValueWithDateTimeString() {
$f = new DatetimeField('Datetime', 'Datetime');
$f->setValue('2003-03-29 23:59:38');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '2003-03-29 23:59:38');
function testSetValueWithArray() {
$f = new DatetimeField('Datetime', 'Datetime');
// Values can only be localized (= non-ISO) in array notation
'date' => '29/03/2003',
'time' => '11pm'
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '2003-03-29 23:00:00');
function testSetValueWithDmyArray() {
$f = new DatetimeField('Datetime', 'Datetime');
$f->getDateField()->setConfig('dmyfields', true);
'date' => array('day' => 29, 'month' => 03, 'year' => 2003),
'time' => '11pm'
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '2003-03-29 23:00:00');
function testValidate() {
$f = new DatetimeField('Datetime', 'Datetime', '2003-03-29 23:59:38');
$this->assertTrue($f->validate(new RequiredFields()));
$f = new DatetimeField('Datetime', 'Datetime', 'wrong');
$this->assertFalse($f->validate(new RequiredFields()));
@ -4,38 +4,91 @@
* @subpackage tests
class TimeFieldTest extends SapphireTest {
function testDataValue12h() {
$field12h = new TimeField('Time', 'Time');
function setUp() {
$this->assertEquals($field12h->dataValue(), '11:00pm');
$this->assertEquals($field12h->dataValue(), '11:59pm');
$this->assertEquals($field12h->dataValue(), '11:59pm');
$field12h->setValue('11:59 pm');
$this->assertEquals($field12h->dataValue(), '11:59pm');
$this->originalLocale = i18n::get_locale();
function testDataValue24h() {
$field24h = new TimeField('Time', 'Time', null, 'H:i');
function tearDown() {
$this->assertEquals($field24h->dataValue(), '23:00');
$this->assertEquals($field24h->dataValue(), '23:59');
$this->assertEquals($field24h->dataValue(), '23:59');
$field24h->setValue('11:59 pm');
$this->assertEquals($field24h->dataValue(), '23:59');
function testConstructorWithoutArgs() {
$f = new TimeField('Time');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), null);
function testConstructorWithString() {
$f = new TimeField('Time', 'Time', '23:00:00');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '23:00:00');
function testValidate() {
$f = new TimeField('Time', 'Time', '11pm');
$this->assertTrue($f->validate(new RequiredFields()));
$f = new TimeField('Time', 'Time', '23:59');
$this->assertTrue($f->validate(new RequiredFields()));
$f = new TimeField('Time', 'Time', 'wrong');
$this->assertFalse($f->validate(new RequiredFields()));
function testSetLocale() {
// should get en_NZ by default through setUp()
$f = new TimeField('Time', 'Time');
// TODO Find a hour format thats actually different
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '23:59:00');
function testSetValueWithUseStrToTime() {
$f = new TimeField('Time', 'Time');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '23:00:00',
'Setting value to "11pm" parses with use_strtotime enabled'
$this->assertTrue($f->validate(new RequiredFields()));
$f = new TimeField('Time', 'Time');
$f->setConfig('use_strtotime', false);
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), null,
'Setting value to "11pm" parses with use_strtotime enabled'
$this->assertFalse($f->validate(new RequiredFields()));
$f = new TimeField('Time', 'Time');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '23:00:00');
$f = new TimeField('Time', 'Time');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '23:59:00');
$f = new TimeField('Time', 'Time');
$f->setValue('11:59 pm');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '23:59:00');
$f = new TimeField('Time', 'Time');
$f->setValue('11:59:38 pm');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '23:59:38');
$f = new TimeField('Time', 'Time');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '23:59:00');
$f = new TimeField('Time', 'Time');
$this->assertEquals($f->dataValue(), '23:59:38');
function testOverrideWithNull() {
$field = new TimeField('Time', 'Time');
Reference in New Issue
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