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NEW: Docs rebuild for compliance with Gatsby (#9316)
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@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: Server Requirements
icon: server
summary: What you will need to run Silverstripe CMS on a web server
# Requirements
SilverStripe CMS needs to be installed on a web server. Content authors and website administrators use their web browser
@ -10,16 +16,18 @@ Our web-based [PHP installer](installation/) can check if you meet the requireme
* PHP 5.3.3+, <7.2
* We recommend using a PHP accelerator or opcode cache, such as [xcache](http://xcache.lighttpd.net/) or [WinCache](http://www.iis.net/download/wincacheforphp).
* Note: Some PHP 5.5+ packages already have [Zend OpCache](http://php.net/manual/en/book.opcache.php) installed by default. If this is the case on your system, do not try and run additional opcaches alongside Zend OpCache without first disabling it, as it will likely have unexpected consequences.
* Allocate at least 48MB of memory to each PHP process. (SilverStripe can be resource hungry for some intensive operations.)
* Required modules: dom, gd2, fileinfo, hash, iconv, mbstring, mysqli (or other database driver), session, simplexml, tokenizer, xml.
* Recommended configuration
safe_mode = Off
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
memory_limit = 48M
* See [phpinfo()](http://php.net/manual/en/function.phpinfo.php) for more information about your environment
* One of the following databases:
* MySQL 5.0+
* PostgreSQL 8.3+ (requires ["postgresql" module](http://silverstripe.org/postgresql-module))
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: Linux and Unix
summary: How to install Silversripe on a *nix system
icon: linux
# Installation on Linux, Unix and *nix like Operating Systems
SilverStripe should be able to be installed on any Linux, Unix or *nix like OS as long as the correct server software is installed and configured (referred to as *nix in this document from herein). It is common that web hosting that you may use for your production SilverStripe application will be *nix based, here you may also want to use *nix locally to ensure how you develop locally mimics closely your production environment.
@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
# Mac OSX with MAMP
title: Mac OSX
summary: How to set up Silverstripe CMS on a MacOS system using MAMP
icon: apple
# MacOS with MAMP
This topic covers setting up your Mac as a web server and installing SilverStripe.
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
title: Windows
summary: How to install Silverstripe CMS on a Windows environment
icon: windows
# Windows with WAMPServer 2.5+
An easy and reliable approach to getting SilverStripe running on Windows is to use Apache, which can be conveniently
@ -27,9 +32,6 @@ See the [Composer documentation](https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#install
Once you have installed the above, open a command line and use the following command to get a fresh copy of SilverStripe stable code installed into a 'silverstripe' sub-folder (note here we are using gitbash paths).
$ cd /c/wamp/www
$ composer create-project silverstripe/installer ./silverstripe
### Zip download
@ -65,11 +67,3 @@ control.
Due to some changes to `mod_dir` in [Apache 2.4](http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_dir.html#DirectoryCheckHandler) (precedence of handlers), index.php gets added to the URLs as soon as you navigate to the homepage of your site. Further requests are then handled by index.php rather than `mod_rewrite` (framework/main.php). To fix this place the following within the `mod_rewrite` section of your .htaccess file:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
# Turn off index.php handling requests to the homepage fixes issue in apache >=2.4
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex disabled
# ------ #
@ -14,41 +14,47 @@ which packages up the whole environment into a convenient application.
Since we're compiling PHP, some build tooling is required.
Run the following command to install Xcode Command Line Tools.
xcode-select --install
Now you can install Homebrew itself:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
## Install PHP
First we're telling Homebrew about some new repositories to get the PHP installation from:
brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew tap homebrew/php
We're installing PHP 5.5 here, with the required `mcrypt` module:
brew install php55 php55-mcrypt
There's a [Homebrew Troubleshooting](https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/blob/master/share/doc/homebrew/Troubleshooting.md) guide if Homebrew doesn't work out as expected (run `brew update` and `brew doctor`).
Have a look at the [brew-php-switcher](https://github.com/philcook/brew-php-switcher)
project to install multiple PHP versions in parallel and switch between them easily.
## Install the Database (MariaDB/MySQL)
brew install mariadb
unset TMPDIR
mysql_install_db --user=`whoami` --basedir="$(brew --prefix mariadb)" --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql --tmpdir=/tmp
mysql.server start
To start the database server on boot, run the following:
ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/mariadb/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
You can also use `mysql.server start` and `mysql.server stop` on demand.
## Configure PHP and Apache
@ -57,16 +63,19 @@ We're not installing Apache, since OSX already ships with a perfectly fine insta
Edit the existing configuration at `/etc/apache2/httpd.conf`,
and uncomment/add the following lines to activate the required modules:
LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/mod_rewrite.so
LoadModule php5_module /usr/local/opt/php55/libexec/apache2/libphp5.so
Change the `DocumentRoot` setting to your user folder (replacing `<user>` with your OSX user name):
DocumentRoot "/Users/<user>/Sites"
Now find the section starting with `<Directory "/Library/WebServer/Documents">` and change it as follows,
again replacing `<user>` with your OSX user name:
<Directory "/Users/<user>/Sites">
Options FollowSymLinks Multiviews
MultiviewsMatch Any
@ -74,27 +83,31 @@ again replacing `<user>` with your OSX user name:
Require all granted
We also recommend running the web server process with your own user on a development environment,
since it makes permissions easier to handle when running commands both
from the command line and through the web server. Find and adjust the following options,
replacing the `<user>` placeholder:
User <user>
Group staff
Now start the web server:
sudo apachectl start
Every configuration change requires a restart:
sudo apachectl restart
You can also load this webserver on boot:
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
After starting the webserver, you should see a simple "Forbidden" page generated by Apache
when accessing `http://localhost`.
## SilverStripe Installation
@ -26,15 +26,10 @@ Vagrant downloads and sets up an entire operating system.
Most of this requires using only the command line and text editor or IDE.
Create a folder where your vagrant will be in and browse to the folder in the command line:
mkdir virtuallythere
cd virtuallythere
### Creating the Vagrantfile
Create/Browse to the folder you’ll be developing in:
vagrant init
In its current state, you could start the vagrant machine and it will run, but you won't be able to do much with it yet.
@ -43,15 +38,11 @@ In its current state, you could start the vagrant machine and it will run, but y
Open the `Vagrantfile` that was created in your vagrant folder with your preferred text editor.
Look for the line which describes the box you are going to use:
config.vm.box = "base"
This defines what pre-built Operating System the vagrant machine will be using. We'll be changing `base` to something closer to what we’d like, perhaps similar to your production server, you can find a range of boxes [listed here](https://atlas.hashicorp.com/search)
We've chosen to use `RHEL7.0`, but you can easily change it to suit your needs.
config.vm.box = "box-cutter/centos70"
*Important*: Because this is redhat, the shell commands used later on will be using `yum install` instead of `apt-get install` for Debian based boxes.
@ -61,14 +52,9 @@ Now we’ll add the vagrant machine to our computer’s private network, this wi
So this will be your own development environment!
To do that, look for this line:
# config.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""
First we’ll need to uncomment it, so delete only the `#` at the start of the line, then add a hostname IP address of your choice to use.
config.vm.hostname = "virtuallythere.dev"
config.vm.network "privatenetwork", ip: ""
### Syncing files
Next we’ll sync our website folder to the virtual machine, so it has the files needed to run SilverStripe. There are many different ways to do this, depending on your own preferences and possibly different boxes.
@ -76,22 +62,13 @@ Next we’ll sync our website folder to the virtual machine, so it has the files
To keep things simple, we’re going to sync our vagrant folder to the virtual machine, so everything in your vagrant folder will be visible to the virtual machine.
Find this line:
config.vm.synced_folder "../data", "/vagrant_data"
Then change to match this:
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant"
### Setting resources
This step is optional, but it is recommended to configure the virtual machine resources allocated to it, so it doesn’t take more resources than it should, something like this should be enough to start with:
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.memory = "1024"
vb.name = "virtuallythere"
*Important*: This is for Virtualbox again, change “virtualbox” to the virtual platform that you are using, you might need to make sure the setting `vb.memory` is supported by the platform you’re using because it may be different.
@ -100,34 +77,13 @@ end
Now we need to setup our environment using shell scripts, this will install software that you need for your server to be working and usable. You could even customise the setup to be closer like your production server.
For now find these lines:
# config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install -y apache2
And modify it to call a shell script in your vagrant folder:
config.vm.provision "shell", path: "setup.sh"
*Important*: We’re using shell script because we’re using a Linux server, please use the scripting language that your server environment supports.
Now to create the `setup.sh` file. This script will setup `php+modules`, `mariadb/mysql` and `apache`, the ones I had listed is the minimal required to get SilverStripe started and working out of the box.
yum update -y --disableplugin=fastestmirror
systemctl restart sshd
yum install -y httpd httpd-devel mod_ssl
yum -y install php php-common php-mysql php-pdo php-mcrypt* php-gd php-xml php-mbstring
echo "Include /vagrant/apache/*.conf" >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
echo "date.timezone = Pacific/Auckland" >> /etc/php.ini
systemctl start httpd.service
systemctl enable httpd.service
yum install -y mariadb-server mariadb
systemctl start mariadb.service
systemctl enable mariadb.service
*Important*: Again, as noted above, this uses RHEL so `yum install` is used, please remember to change to `apt-get install` or other packaging tool as necessary.
@ -136,56 +92,15 @@ Save `setup.sh` in the same folder as your Vagrantfile.
### Setting up Apache
If you inspect the script I’ve included above, you’ll notice this line:
echo "Include /vagrant/apache/*.conf" >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
This will allow us to customise our apache, particularly the VirtualHost part
Earlier in the post, I had defined a hostname:
config.vm.hostname = "virtuallythere.dev"
We’ll need to create a conf file for this hostname in a apache folder, create the folder first:
mkdir apache
We'll save a `vagrant.conf` file in the newly created apache folder, and inside we’ll define the VirtualHost:
ServerRoot "/etc/httpd"
<Directory />
AllowOverride none
Require all denied
DocumentRoot "/vagrant/public"
<Directory "/vagrant/public">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName virtuallythere.dev
ServerAlias www.virtuallythere.dev
DocumentRoot /vagrant/public
LogLevel warn
ServerSignature Off
<Directory /vagrant/public>
Options +FollowSymLinks
Options -ExecCGI -Includes -Indexes
AllowOverride all
Require all granted
# SilverStripe specific
<LocationMatch assets/>
php_flag engine off
### Download SilverStripe
@ -194,8 +109,6 @@ As mentioned above, you could install SilverStripe by [Composer](https://getcomp
### We’re ready for launch
That’s all! When that’s done, run:
vagrant up
@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ This is an op-code cacher which speeds up PHP execution on Windows.
* Ensure that **wincache** and **sqlsrv** details can be found in the information
* Go to **Enable or disable an extension** and disable everything, except for these:
@ -133,24 +134,26 @@ This is an op-code cacher which speeds up PHP execution on Windows.
* Go to **Configure error reporting** and check **Development machine**
* Go to **Manage all settings** and set the following:
date.timezone = "Pacific/Auckland" (or choose from the list here: http://nz.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php)
post_max_size = 64M
memory_limit = 256M
upload_max_filesize = 64M
Tweak the above values as necessary if your requirements differ.
## Folder permissions for PHP
Now we need to set up folder permissions for PHP. Open the php.ini and find the paths for sessions and file uploads. They will look like this:
Two other important folders to set the permissions on are `assets` and `silverstripe-cache` (if used) in your web root.
You will need to give **Modify** permission to **IUSR** user. To do it right click the folder and choose **Properties**. Then open the security tab, press **Edit** and add the **IUSR** user to the list by clicking the **Add** button. Afterwards tick **Modify** under **Allow** for that user. Repeat these steps for each folder.
@ -166,6 +169,7 @@ This file tells SilverStripe projects installed on this machine which database s
Inside the newly created _ss_environment.php file, insert the following code:
/* What kind of environment is this: development, test, or live (ie, production)? */
define('SS_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE', 'dev');
@ -177,7 +181,7 @@ Inside the newly created _ss_environment.php file, insert the following code:
define('SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME', 'username');
define('SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD', 'password');
Insert the password you created for SQL Server earlier into the **SS_DATABASE_PASSWORD** field that is currently empty.
* Grab the latest stable version from here: http://www.silverstripe.org/stable-download
* Extract contents to **C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ss**
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: Common problems
summary: Some things you can try when it's just not going your way
icon: help
# Common Problems
From time to time, things will go wrong. Here's a few things to try when you're confused.
@ -15,28 +21,20 @@ If you can log-in to the CMS as an administrator, append `?isDev=1` to any URL t
"dev mode". If you can't log-in in the first place because of the error, add this directive to your `mysite/_config/config.yml`
(don't forget to remove it afterwards!):
# temporary debugging statement
environment_type: 'dev'
<div class="warning" markdown='1'>
On "live" environments, the `?isDev=1` solution is preferred, as it means that your other visitors don't see ugly
(and potentially security sensitive) PHP errors as well.
## mod_rewrite isn't working but it's installed (prior to SilverStripe 3.1.11)
Due to some changes to `mod_dir` in [Apache 2.4](http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_dir.html#DirectoryCheckHandler) (precedence of handlers), index.php gets added to the URLs as soon as you navigate to the homepage of your site. Further requests are then handled by index.php rather than `mod_rewrite` (framework/main.php). To fix this place the following within the `mod_rewrite` section of your .htaccess file:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
# Turn off index.php handling requests to the homepage fixes issue in apache >=2.4
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex disabled
# ------ #
## My templates don't update on page refresh
@ -102,24 +100,4 @@ If that doesn't work out, here's a little script to run checks in all relevant P
Save it as `check.php` into your webroot, and run it as `php check.php` (or open it in your browser).
After using the script (and fixing errors afterwards), please remember to remove it again.
// Check for whitespace around PHP brackets which show in output,
// and hence can break HTML rendering and HTTP operations.
$path = dirname(__FILE__);
$files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
$matched = false;
foreach($files as $name => $file){
if($file->getExtension() != 'php') continue;
if(preg_match('/thirdparty|vendor/',$file->getPathname())) continue;
$content = file_get_contents($file->getPathname());
if(preg_match('/^[[:blank:]]+<\?' . 'php/', $content)) {
echo sprintf("%s: Space before opening bracket\n", $file->getPathname());
$matched = true;
if(preg_match('/^\?' . '>\n?[[:blank:]]+/m', $content)) {
echo sprintf("%s: Space after closing bracket\n", $file->getPathname());
$matched = true;
@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
title: Configure Lighttpd
summary: Write a custom config for Lighttpd
# Lightttpd
1. Lighttpd works fine so long as you provide a custom config. Add the following to lighttpd.conf **BEFORE** installing
Silverstripe. Replace "yoursite.com" and "/home/yoursite/public_html/" below.
$HTTP["host"] == "yoursite.com" {
server.document-root = "/home/yoursite/public_html/"
@ -34,7 +40,7 @@ Silverstripe. Replace "yoursite.com" and "/home/yoursite/public_html/" below.
server.error-handler-404 = "/framework/main.php"
Rewrite rules do not check for file existence as they do on Apache. There is a ticket about it for Lighttpd:
@ -49,6 +55,7 @@ things a lot simpler, as you just use two of the above host example blocks. But
of Silverstripe on the same host, you can use something like this (be warned, it's quite nasty):
$HTTP["host"] == "yoursite.com" {
url.rewrite-once = (
"(?i)(/copy1/.*\.([A-Za-z0-9]+))(.*?)$" => "$0",
@ -64,7 +71,7 @@ of Silverstripe on the same host, you can use something like this (be warned, it
Note: It doesn't work properly if the directory name copy1 or copy2 on your server has a dot in it, and you then open
the image editor inside admin, I found that out the hard way when using a directory name of silverstripe-v2.2.2 after
directly unzipping the Silverstripe tarball leaving the name as is. I haven't found a solution for that yet, but for now
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
title: Configure Lighttpd
summary: Write a custom config for nginx
# Nginx
These instructions are also covered on the
@ -9,83 +14,15 @@ able to run PHP files via the FastCGI-wrapper from Nginx.
Now you need to set up a virtual host in Nginx with configuration settings
that are similar to those shown below.
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
If you don't fully understand the configuration presented here, consult the
[nginx documentation](http://nginx.org/en/docs/).
Especially be aware of [accidental php-execution](https://nealpoole.com/blog/2011/04/setting-up-php-fastcgi-and-nginx-dont-trust-the-tutorials-check-your-configuration/ "Don't trust the tutorials") when extending the configuration.
But enough of the disclaimer, on to the actual configuration — typically in `nginx.conf`:
server {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
client_max_body_size 0; # Manage this in php.ini
listen 80;
root /path/to/ss/folder;
server_name example.com www.example.com;
# Defend against SS-2015-013 -- http://www.silverstripe.org/software/download/security-releases/ss-2015-013
if ($http_x_forwarded_host) {
return 400;
location / {
try_files $uri /framework/main.php?url=$uri&$query_string;
error_page 404 /assets/error-404.html;
error_page 500 /assets/error-500.html;
location ^~ /assets/ {
sendfile on;
try_files $uri =404;
location ~ /framework/.*(main|rpc|tiny_mce_gzip)\.php$ {
fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;
fastcgi_busy_buffers_size 64k;
fastcgi_buffers 4 32k;
fastcgi_keep_conn on;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;
# Denials
location ~ /\.. {
deny all;
location ~ \.ss$ {
satisfy any;
deny all;
location ~ web\.config$ {
deny all;
location ~ \.ya?ml$ {
deny all;
location ~* README.*$ {
deny all;
location ^~ /vendor/ {
deny all;
location ~* /silverstripe-cache/ {
deny all;
location ~* composer\.(json|lock)$ {
deny all;
location ~* /(cms|framework)/silverstripe_version$ {
deny all;
The above configuration sets up a virtual host `example.com` with
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: MySQL SSL Support
summary: Setting up MySQL SSL certificates to work with Silverstripe
# MySQL SSL Support: Why do I need it?
In a typical Silverstripe set up, you will only need to use a single host to function as the web server, email server, database server, among others.
@ -9,9 +10,9 @@ In some cases, however, you may be required to connect to a database on a remote
This article demonstrates how to generate SSL certificates using MySQL and implementing them in Silverstripe.
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
This article assumes that you have `MySQL` and `OpenSSL` installed.
## Generating Certificates
@ -28,12 +29,12 @@ We also need to sign the certificates with our generated CA.
The commands below illustrate how to do so on your MySQL host.
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
The following commands will work on Linux/Unix based servers. For other servers such as windows, refer to the [MySQL documentation](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/creating-ssl-files-using-openssl.html)
# Create directory
sudo mkdir ssl
@ -60,14 +61,16 @@ The following commands will work on Linux/Unix based servers. For other servers
# Verify validity of generated certificates
sudo openssl verify -CAfile ca-cert.pem server-cert.pem client-cert.pem
<div class="warning" markdown='1'>
After generating the certificates, make sure to set the correct permissions to prevent unauthorized access to your keys!
It is critical that the key files (files ending in *key.pem) are kept secret. Once these files are exposed, you will need to regenerate the certificates to prevent exposing your data traffic.
# Set permissions readonly permissions and change owner to root
sudo chown root:root *.pem
sudo chmod 440 *.pem
@ -76,18 +79,19 @@ It is critical that the key files (files ending in *key.pem) are kept secret. On
sudo chgrp mysql server*.pem
sudo mv *.pem /etc/mysql/ssl
## Setting up MySQL to use SSL certificates
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
For Debian/Ubuntu instances, the configuration file is usually in `/etc/mysql/my.cnf`. Refer to your MySQL manual for more information
We must edit the MySQL configuration to use the newly generated certificates.
Edit your MySQL configuration file as follows.
@ -97,16 +101,16 @@ Edit your MySQL configuration file as follows.
# IMPORTANT! When enabling MySQL remote connections, make sure to take adequate steps to secure your machine from unathorized access!
<div class="warning" markdown='1'>
Enabling remote connections to your MySQL instance introduces various security risks. Make sure to take appropriate steps to secure your instance by using a strong password, disabling MySQL root access, and using a firewall to only accept qualified hosts, for example.
Make sure to restart your MySQL instance to reflect the changes.
sudo service mysql restart
## Setting up Silverstripe to connect to MySQL
Now that we have successfully setup the SSL your MySQL host, we now need to configure Silverstripe to use the certificates.
@ -119,13 +123,13 @@ First we need to copy the client certificate files to the Silverstripe instance.
- `client-cert.pem`
- `ca-cert.pem`
<div class="warning" markdown='1'>
Make sure to only copy `client-key.pem`, `client-cert.pem`, and `ca-cert.pem` to avoid leaking your credentials!
On your Silverstripe instance:
# Secure copy over SSH via rsync command. You may use an alternative method if desired.
rsync -avP user@db1.example.com:/path/to/client/certs /path/to/secure/folder
@ -134,15 +138,15 @@ On your Silverstripe instance:
sudo chmod 750 /path/to/secure/folder
sudo chmod 400 /path/to/secure/folder/*
### Setting up _ss_environment.php to use SSL certificates
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
`SS_DATABASE_SERVER does not accept IP-based hostnames. Also, if the domain name of the host does not match the common name you used to generate the server certificate, you will get an `SSL certificate mismatch error`.
Add or edit your `_ss_environment.php` configuration file. (See [Environment Management](/getting_started/environment_management) for more information.)
// These four define set the database connection details.
@ -161,7 +165,7 @@ Add or edit your `_ss_environment.php` configuration file. (See [Environment Man
define('SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME', 'username');
define('SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD', 'password');
When running the installer, make sure to check on the `Use _ss_environment file for configuration` option under the `Database Configuration` section to use the environment file.
## Conclusion
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: Nginx and HHVM
summary: Setting up Nginx and HHVM on Debian/Ubuntu using packages.
# Nginx and HHVM
[HHVM](http://hhvm.com/) is a faster alternative to PHP, in that it runs in a virtual machine
@ -11,38 +12,44 @@ packages available to use.
Install apt sources on Debian 7 (wheezy):
wget -O - http://dl.hhvm.com/conf/hhvm.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
echo deb http://dl.hhvm.com/debian wheezy main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hhvm.list
Install apt sources on Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty):
wget -O - http://dl.hhvm.com/conf/hhvm.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
echo deb http://dl.hhvm.com/ubuntu trusty main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hhvm.list
Now install the required packages:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install hhvm libgmp-dev libmemcached-dev
Start HHVM automatically on boot:
sudo update-rc.d hhvm defaults
Please see [Prebuilt Packages for HHVM on HHVM wiki](https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/wiki/Prebuilt%20Packages%20for%20HHVM) for more
installation options.
Assuming you already have nginx installed, you can then run a script to enable support for
nginx and/or apache2 depending on whether they are installed or not:
sudo /usr/share/hhvm/install_fastcgi.sh
For nginx, this will place a file at `/etc/nginx/hhvm.conf` which you can use to include in
your nginx server definitions to provide support for PHP requests.
In order to get SilverStripe working, you need to add some custom nginx configuration.
Create `/etc/nginx/silverstripe.conf` and add this configuration:
fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;
fastcgi_busy_buffers_size 64k;
fastcgi_buffers 4 32k;
@ -87,7 +94,7 @@ Create `/etc/nginx/silverstripe.conf` and add this configuration:
deny all;
The above script passes all non-static file requests to `/framework/main.php` in the webroot which relies on
`hhvm.conf` being included prior so that php requests are handled.
Now in your nginx `server` configuration you can then include the `hhvm.conf` and `silverstripe.conf` files
@ -95,6 +102,7 @@ to complete the configuration required for PHP/HHVM and SilverStripe.
e.g. `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/mysite`:
server {
listen 80;
root /var/www/mysite;
@ -107,4 +115,4 @@ e.g. `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/mysite`:
include /etc/nginx/silverstripe.conf;
For more information on nginx configuration, please see the [nginx installation](configure_nginx) page.
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
title: How To's
# Installation: How To's
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ Check out our operating system specific guides for [Linux](linux_unix),
If the above steps don't work for any reason have a read of the [Common Problems](common_problems) section.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
SilverStripe ships with default rewriting rules specific to your web server. Apart from
routing requests to the framework, they also prevent access to sensitive files in the webroot,
for example YAML configuration files. Please refer to the [secure coding](/developer_guides/security/secure_coding/#filesystem) documentation for details.
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
title: Composer
summary: What is composer and how to use it with Silverstripe CMS
# Installing and Upgrading with Composer
Composer is a package management tool for PHP that lets you install and upgrade SilverStripe and its modules. Although installing Composer is one extra step, it will give you much more flexibility than just downloading the file from silverstripe.org. This is our recommended way of downloading SilverStripe and managing your code.
@ -15,19 +20,21 @@ Next, [install composer](https://getcomposer.org/download/). For our documentati
You can then run Composer commands by calling `composer`. For example:
composer help
<div class="hint" markdown="1">
It is also possible to keep `composer.phar` out of your path, for example, to put it in your project root. Every command would then start with `php composer.phar` instead of `composer`. This is handy if need to keep your installation isolated from the rest of your computer's set-up, but we recommend putting composer into the path for most people.
#### Updating composer
If you already have composer installed you can update it by running:
sudo composer self-update
Composer updates regularly, so you should run this command fairly often. These instructions assume you are running the latest version.
## Installing Composer on Windows WAMP
For those that use WAMP as a development environment, [detailed information is available on installing using Composer.](/getting_started/installation/windows)
@ -36,18 +43,20 @@ For those that use WAMP as a development environment, [detailed information is a
Composer can create a new site for you, using the installer as a template (by default composer will download the latest stable version):
composer create-project silverstripe/installer ./my/website/folder
`./my/website/folder` should be the root directory where your site will live.
For example, on OS X, you might use a subdirectory of `~/Sites`.
As long as your web server is up and running, this will get all the code that you need.
Now visit the site in your web browser, and the installation process will be completed.
You can also specify a version to download that version explicitly, i.e. this will download the older `3.0.3` release:
composer create-project silverstripe/installer ./my/website/folder 3.0.3
When `create-project` is used with a release version like above,
it will try to get the code from archives instead of creating
git repositories. If you're planning to contribute to SilverStripe,
see [Using development versions](#using-development-versions).
@ -56,28 +65,31 @@ see [Using development versions](#using-development-versions).
Composer isn't only used to download SilverStripe CMS, it can also be used to manage all SilverStripe modules. Installing a module can be done with the following command:
composer require "silverstripe/forum:*"
This will install the forum module in the latest compatible version.
By default, Composer updates other existing modules (like `framework` and `cms`),
and installs "dev" dependencies like PHPUnit. In case you don't need those dependencies,
use the following command instead:
composer require --no-update "silverstripe/forum:*"
composer update --no-dev
The `require` command has two parts. First is `silverstripe/forum`. This is the name of the package.
You can find other packages with the following command:
composer search silverstripe
This will return a list of package names of the forum `vendor/package`. If you prefer, you can search for packages on [packagist.org](https://packagist.org/search/?q=silverstripe).
The second part after the colon, `*`, is a version string. `*` is a good default: it will give you the latest version that works with the other modules you have installed. Alternatively, you can specificy a specific version, or a constraint such as `>=3.0`. For more information, read the [Composer documentation](http://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#the-require-key).
<div class="warning" markdown="1">
`master` is not a legal version string - it's a branch name. These are different things. The version string that would get you the branch is `dev-master`. The version string that would get you a numeric branch is a little different. The version string for the `3.0` branch is `3.0.x-dev`.
## Updating dependencies
@ -85,9 +97,10 @@ Except for the control code of the Voyager space probe, every piece of code in t
To get the latest updates of the modules in your project, run this command:
composer update --no-dev
Updates to the required modules will be installed, and the `composer.lock` file will get updated with the specific commits of each of those.
## Deploying projects with Composer
@ -110,6 +123,7 @@ Since SilverStripe modules are installed into their own folder, you have to mana
Here is the default SilverStripe [.gitignore](http://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore) with the forum module ignored
@ -123,7 +137,7 @@ Here is the default SilverStripe [.gitignore](http://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore)
# Don't include the forum module, as this will be installed with composer
In large projects it can get difficult to manage your [.gitignore](http://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore) and ensure it contains all composer managed modules and themes.
You can automate this with the [SSAutoGitIgnore](https://github.com/guru-digital/SSAutoGitIgnore/) package.
This package will maintain your [.gitignore](http://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore) and ensure it is kept up to date with your composer managed modules without affecting custom ignores. Once installed and setup, it will automatically run every time you install, remove or update modules using composer.
@ -132,20 +146,23 @@ This package will maintain your [.gitignore](http://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore)
Include the package in your project by running this command
composer require gdmedia/ss-auto-git-ignore --dev
Edit your composer.json and insert
"scripts": {
"post-update-cmd": "GDM\\SSAutoGitIgnore\\UpdateScript::Go"
This will instruct composer to run SSAutoGitIgnore after every update. SSAutoGitIgnore will then ensure composer managed models and themes are correctly added to your [.gitignore](http://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore).
For more information about SSAutoGitIgnore, see the [SSAutoGitIgnore home page](https://github.com/guru-digital/SSAutoGitIgnore/).
For more information about post-updated-cmd and scripts, read the ["Scripts" chapter of the Composer documentation](https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/scripts.md).
Full example of composer.json with the SSAutoGitIgnore installed and enabled
"name": "silverstripe/installer",
"description": "The SilverStripe Framework Installer",
@ -166,7 +183,7 @@ Full example of composer.json with the SSAutoGitIgnore installed and enabled
"minimum-stability": "dev"
# Dev Environments for Contributing Code {#contributing}
So you want to contribute to SilverStripe? Fantastic! You can do this with composer too.
You have to tell composer three things in order to be able to do this:
@ -178,9 +195,10 @@ You have to tell composer three things in order to be able to do this:
The first two steps are done as part of the initial create project using additional arguments.
composer create-project --keep-vcs --dev silverstripe/installer ./my/website/folder 3.0.x-dev
The process will take a bit longer, since all modules are checked out as full git repositories which you can work on. The command checks out from the 3.0 release line. To check out from master instead,
replace `3.0.x-dev` with `dev-master` (more info on [composer version naming](http://getcomposer.org/doc/02-libraries.md#specifying-the-version)).
The `--keep-vcs` flag will make sure you have access to the git history of the installer and the requirements
@ -206,6 +224,7 @@ create forks and send pull requests.
To remove dependencies, or if you prefer seeing all your dependencies in a text file, you can edit the `composer.json` file. It will appear in your project root, and by default, it will look something like this:
"name": "silverstripe/installer",
"description": "The SilverStripe Framework Installer",
@ -222,13 +241,15 @@ To remove dependencies, or if you prefer seeing all your dependencies in a text
"minimum-stability": "dev"
To add modules, you should add more entries into the `"require"` section. For example, we might add the blog and forum modules. Be careful with the commas at the end of the lines!
Save your file, and then run the following command to refresh the installed packages:
composer update
## Using development versions
Composer will by default download the latest stable version of silverstripe/installer.
The `composer.json` file that comes with silverstripe/installer may also explicitly state it requires the stable version of cms and framework - this is to ensure that when developers are getting started, running `composer update` won't upgrade their project to an unstable version
@ -239,13 +260,15 @@ is this required if you want to contribute back to the SilverStripe project, it
This is a two step process. First you get composer to start a project based on
the latest unstable silverstripe/installer
composer create-project silverstripe/installer ./my/website/folder master-dev
Or for the latest development version in the 3.0.x series
composer create-project silverstripe/installer ./my/website/folder 3.0.x-dev
## Working with project forks and unreleased modules
By default, Composer will install modules listed on the packagist site. There a few reasons that you might not
want to do this. For example:
@ -282,10 +305,11 @@ Composer will scan all of the repositories you list, collect meta-data about the
Now add an "upstream" remote to the original repository location so you can rebase or merge your fork as required.
cd cms
git remote add -f upstream git://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms.git
For more information, read the ["Repositories" chapter of the Composer documentation](http://getcomposer.org/doc/05-repositories.md).
### Forks and branch names
@ -297,6 +321,7 @@ In this case, you need to use Composer's aliasing feature to specify how you wan
Open `composer.json`, and find the module's `require`. Then put `as (core version name)` on the end.
"require": {
@ -308,7 +333,7 @@ Open `composer.json`, and find the module's `require`. Then put `as (core versi
What this means is that when the `myproj` branch is checked out into a project, this will satisfy any dependencies that 3.0.x-dev would meet. So, if another module has `"silverstripe/framework": ">=3.0.0"` in its dependency list, it won't get a conflict.
Both the version and the alias are specified as Composer versions, not branch names. For the relationship between branch/tag names and Composer versions, read [the relevant Composer documentation](http://getcomposer.org/doc/02-libraries.md#specifying-the-version).
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
title: Environment Management
summary: How to configure your server environment for Silverstripe CMS
# Environment management
As website developers, we noticed that we had a few problems. You may have the same problems:
@ -20,7 +25,7 @@ these at `http://localhost/`. For example, you might have a project at `~/Sites
Create a new file, `~/Sites/_ss_environment.php`. Put the following content in it, editing the values of the
"SS_DATABASE_..." and "SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_..." defines as appropriate.
/* What kind of environment is this: development, test, or live (ie, production)? */
define('SS_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE', 'dev/test/live');
@ -34,11 +39,11 @@ Create a new file, `~/Sites/_ss_environment.php`. Put the following content in
define('SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME', 'username');
define('SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD', 'password');
Now, edit each of your site's configuration file, usually `mysite/_config.php`. Delete all mention
of `$databaseConfig` and `Director::set_dev_servers`, and instead make sure that you file starts like this.
global $project;
@ -50,7 +55,7 @@ of `$databaseConfig` and `Director::set_dev_servers`, and instead make sure that
// Use _ss_environment.php file for configuration
## How it works
The mechanism by which the `_ss_environment.php` files work is quite simple. Here's how it works:
@ -67,7 +72,7 @@ configuration commands that use those defines as their arguments. If you are cu
This is my `_ss_environment.php` file. I have it placed in `/var`, as each of the sites are in a subfolder of `/var`.
// These four define set the database connection details.
define('SS_DATABASE_CLASS', 'MySQLPDODatabase');
@ -102,15 +107,15 @@ This is my `_ss_environment.php` file. I have it placed in `/var`, as each of th
$_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING['/var/www'] = 'http://simon.geek.nz';
### Example settings to enable Database SSL
In some circumstances, like connecting to a database on a remote host for example, you may wish to enable SSL encryption to ensure the protection of sensitive information and database access credentials. The code below illustrates how to do so.
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
SSL database connections are supported for `MySQLDatabase` and `MySQLPDODatabase` as of the moment.
// These four define set the database connection details.
@ -128,7 +133,7 @@ SSL database connections are supported for `MySQLDatabase` and `MySQLPDODatabase
define('SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME', 'username');
define('SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD', 'password');
When running the installer, make sure to check on the `Use _ss_environment file for configuration` option under the `Database Configuration` section to use the environment file.
## Available Constants
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: Directory Structure
summary: An overview of what each directory contains in a Silverstripe CMS installation
icon: sitemap
# Directory Structure
## Introduction
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: Coding conventions
summary: The style guidelines we follow in all of our open source code
iconBrand: php
# Coding Conventions
This document provides guidelines for code formatting and documentation
@ -38,10 +44,10 @@ Class, function, variable and constant names may only contain alphanumeric chara
Class and filenames are in `UpperCamelCase` format:
class MyClass {}
If a class name is comprised of more than one word, the first letter of each
new word must be capitalized. Successive capitalized letters are used in
acronyms, e.g. a class `XMLImporter` is used while `XmlImporter` is not.
@ -49,53 +55,53 @@ acronyms, e.g. a class `XMLImporter` is used while `XmlImporter` is not.
Static methods should be in `lowercase_with_underscores()` format:
public static function my_static_method() {}
Action handlers on controllers should be in `completelylowercase()` format.
This is because they go into the controller URL in the same format (eg, `home/successfullyinstalled`).
Method names are allowed to contain underscores here, in order to allow URL parts with dashes
(`mypage\my-action` gets translated to `my_action()` automatically).
public function mycontrolleraction() {}
Object methods that will be callable from templates should be in `$this->UpperCamelCase()` format.
Alternatively, `$this->getUpperCamelCase()` will work the same way in templates -
you can access both coding styles as `$UpperCamelCase`.
Other instance methods should be in `$this->lowerCamelCase()` format:
public function myInstanceMethod() {}
Methods inside classes must always declare their visibility by using one of the private, protected, or public modifiers.
### Variables
Static variables should be `self::$lowercase_with_underscores`
self::$my_static_variable = 'foo';
Member variables should be `$this->lowerCamelCase`
$this->myMemberVariable = 'foo';
Member variables always declare their visibility by using one of the private, protected, or public modifiers
### Constants
All letters used in a constant name must be capitalized,
while all words in a constant name must be separated by underscore characters.
const INTEREST_RATE = 0.19;
define('INTEREST_RATE', 0.19);
Constants must be defined as class members with the `const` modifier.
Defining constants in the global scope with the `define` function is permitted but strongly discouraged.
### File Naming and Directory Structure
@ -106,7 +112,7 @@ For example `MyClass` and `MyClass_Controller` will both need to be placed into
Example: `mysite/code/MyClass.php`
class MyClass {}
@ -115,7 +121,7 @@ Example: `mysite/code/MyClass.php`
class MyClass_OtherRelatedClass {}
To help with namespacing common class names (like Database) it is recommended to use a prefix convention `SS_ClassName` but the filename will remain `ClassName.php`.
See [directory structure](directory_structure) for more information.
@ -125,10 +131,10 @@ See [directory structure](directory_structure) for more information.
PHP code must always be delimited by the full-form, standard PHP tags:
Short tags are never allowed. For files containing only PHP code, the closing tag must always be omitted.
It is not required by PHP, and omitting it prevents the accidental injection of trailing white space into the response.
@ -141,47 +147,47 @@ white space is expected.
When a string is literal (contains no variable substitutions), the apostrophe or "single quote" should always be used to demarcate the string:
$a = 'Example String';
#### String Literals Containing Apostrophes
When a literal string itself contains apostrophes, it is permitted to demarcate the string with quotation marks or "double quotes".
$greeting = "They said 'hello'";
This syntax is preferred over escaping apostrophes as it is much easier to read.
#### String Substitution
Variable substitution is permitted using either of these forms:
$greeting = "Hello $name, welcome back!";
$greeting = "Hello {$name}, welcome back!";
For consistency, placing the dollar sign outside of the brackets is not permitted:
$greeting = "Hello ${name}, welcome back!";
#### String Concatentation
Strings must be concatenated using the "." operator. A space must always be added before and after the "." operator to improve readability:
$copyright = 'SilverStripe Ltd (' . $year . ')';
When concatenating strings with the "." operator, it is encouraged to break the statement into multiple lines to improve readability.
In these cases, each successive line should be padded with white space such that the "."; operator is aligned under the "=" operator:
$sql = 'SELECT "ID", "Name" FROM "Person" '
. 'WHERE "Name" = \'Susan\' '
. 'ORDER BY "Name" ASC ';
### Arrays
#### Numerically Indexed Arrays
@ -190,30 +196,30 @@ Negative numbers are not permitted as indices.
An indexed array may start with any non-negative number, however all base indices besides 0 are discouraged.
When declaring indexed arrays with the Array function, a trailing space must be added after each comma delimiter to improve readability:
$sampleArray = array(1, 2, 3, 'Zend', 'Studio');
It is permitted to declare multi-line indexed arrays using the "array" construct.
In this case, each successive line must be padded with spaces such that beginning of each line is aligned:
$sampleArray = array(1, 2, 3, 'Zend', 'Studio',
$a, $b, $c,
56.44, $d, 500);
Alternately, the initial array item may begin on the following line.
If so, it should be padded at one indentation level greater than the line containing the array declaration,
and all successive lines should have the same indentation;
the closing paren should be on a line by itself at the same indentation level as the line containing the array declaration:
$sampleArray = array(
1, 2, 3, 'Zend', 'Studio',
$a, $b, $c,
56.44, $d, 500,
When using this latter declaration, we encourage using a trailing comma for the last item in the array;
this minimizes the impact of adding new items on successive lines, and helps to ensure no parse errors occur due to a missing comma.
#### Associative Arrays
@ -221,34 +227,34 @@ this minimizes the impact of adding new items on successive lines, and helps to
When declaring associative arrays with the `array` construct, breaking the statement into multiple lines is encouraged.
In this case, each successive line must be padded with white space such that both the keys and the values are aligned:
$sampleArray = array('firstKey' => 'firstValue',
'secondKey' => 'secondValue');
Alternately, the initial array item may begin on the following line.
If so, it should be padded at one indentation level greater than the line containing the array declaration,
and all successive lines should have the same indentation; the closing paren should be on a line by itself at the
same indentation level as the line containing the array declaration.
For readability, the various "=>" assignment operators should be padded such that they align.
$sampleArray = array(
'firstKey' => 'firstValue',
'secondKey' => 'secondValue',
### Function and Method Declaration
No method or function invocation is allowed to have spaces directly
before or after the opening parathesis, as well as no space before the closing parenthesis.
public function foo($arg1, $arg2) {} // good
public function foo ( $arg1, $arg2 ) {} // bad
Keep the opening brace on the same line as the statement.
// good
public function foo() {
// ...
@ -260,20 +266,20 @@ Keep the opening brace on the same line as the statement.
// ...
In cases where the argument list exceeds the maximum line length, you may introduce line breaks.
Additional arguments to the function or method must be indented one additional level beyond the function or method declaration.
A line break should then occur before the closing argument paren,
which should then be placed on the same line as the opening brace of the function
or method with one space separating the two, and at the same indentation level as the function or method declaration.
public function bar($arg1, $arg2, $arg3,
$arg4, $arg5, $arg6
) {
// indented code
Function and method arguments should be separated by a single trailing space after the comma delimiter,
apart from the last argument.
### Control Structures
@ -286,18 +292,18 @@ before or after the opening parenthesis, as well as no space before the closing
The opening brace and closing brace are written on the same line as the conditional statement.
Any content within the braces must be indented using a tab.
if($a != 2) {
$a = 2;
If the conditional statement causes the line length to exceed the maximum line length and has several clauses,
you may break the conditional into multiple lines. In such a case, break the line prior to a logic operator,
and pad the line such that it aligns under the first character of the conditional clause.
The closing paren in the conditional will then be placed on a line with the opening brace,
with one space separating the two, at an indentation level equivalent to the opening control statement.
if(($a == $b)
&& ($b == $c)
|| (Foo::CONST == $d)
@ -305,12 +311,12 @@ with one space separating the two, at an indentation level equivalent to the ope
$a = $d;
The intention of this latter declaration format is to prevent issues when adding or removing clauses
from the conditional during later revisions. For `if` statements that include `elseif` or `else`,
the formatting conventions are similar to the `if` construct.
The following examples demonstrate proper formatting for `if` statements with `else` and/or `elseif` constructs:
if($a != 2) {
$a = 2;
} elseif($a == 3) {
@ -319,9 +325,9 @@ The following examples demonstrate proper formatting for `if` statements with `e
$a = 7;
Statements with `if` can be written without braces on a single line as the block, as long as no `else` statement exists.
// good
if($a == $b) doThis();
@ -329,12 +335,12 @@ Statements with `if` can be written without braces on a single line as the block
if($a == $b) doThis();
else doThat();
#### switch
All content within the "switch" statement must be indented using tabs.
Content under each "case" statement must be indented using an additional tab.
switch($numPeople) {
case 1:
@ -344,7 +350,7 @@ Content under each "case" statement must be indented using an additional tab.
The construct `default` should never be omitted from a switch statement.
#### for/foreach/while
@ -354,7 +360,7 @@ Loop constructs follow the same principles as "Control Structures: if/else/elsei
Try to avoid using PHP's ability to mix HTML into the code.
// PHP code
public function getTitle() {
return "<h2>Bad Example</h2>";
@ -363,9 +369,9 @@ Try to avoid using PHP's ability to mix HTML into the code.
// Template code
Better: Keep HTML in template files:
// PHP code
public function getTitle() {
return "Better Example";
@ -374,7 +380,7 @@ Better: Keep HTML in template files:
// Template code
## Comments
Use [phpdoc](http://phpdoc.org/) syntax before each definition (see [tutorial](http://manual.phpdoc.org/HTMLSmartyConverter/HandS/phpDocumentor/tutorial_phpDocumentor.quickstart.pkg.html)
and [tag overview](http://manual.phpdoc.org/HTMLSmartyConverter/HandS/phpDocumentor/tutorial_tags.pkg.html)).
@ -388,7 +394,7 @@ and [tag overview](http://manual.phpdoc.org/HTMLSmartyConverter/HandS/phpDocumen
* My short description for this class.
* My longer description with
@ -415,6 +421,7 @@ Example:
### Class Member Ordering
Put code into the classes in the following order (where applicable).
@ -434,18 +441,18 @@ Put code into the classes in the following order (where applicable).
If you have to use raw SQL, make sure your code works across databases. Make sure you escape your queries like below,
with the column or table name escaped with double quotes as below.
MyClass::get()->where(array("\"Score\" > ?" => 50));
It is preferable to use parameterised queries whenever necessary to provide conditions
to a SQL query, where values placeholders are each replaced with a single unquoted question mark.
If it's absolutely necessary to use literal values in a query make sure that values
are single quoted.
MyClass::get()->where("\"Title\" = 'my title'");
Use [ANSI SQL](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL#Standardization) format where possible.
### Secure Development
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Getting Started
introduction: SilverStripe is a web application. This means that you will need to have a webserver and database. We will take you through the setup of the server environment as well the application itself.
icon: rocket
## Installing SilverStripe
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
title: Building a basic site
summary: An overview of the SilverStripe installation and an introduction to creating a web page.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
This tutorial is deprecated, and has been replaced by Lessons 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the [Lessons section](http://www.silverstripe.org/learn/lessons)
# Tutorial 1 - Building a Basic Site
## Overview
@ -42,8 +44,9 @@ Let's have a look at the folder structure.
| framework/ | | The framework that builds both your own site and the CMS that powers it. You’ll be utilizing files in this directory often, both directly and indirectly. |
| mysite/ | | Contains all your site's code (mainly PHP). |
| themes/ | | Combines all images, stylesheets, javascript and templates powering your website into a reusable "theme". |
When designing your site you should only need to modify the *mysite*, *themes* and *assets* folders. The rest of the folders contain files and data that are not specific to any site.
## Using the CMS
@ -111,43 +114,43 @@ for a template file in the *simple/templates* folder, with the name `<PageType>`
Open *themes/simple/templates/Page.ss*. It uses standard HTML apart from these exceptions:
<% base_tag %>
The base_tag variable is replaced with the HTML [base element](http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/links.html#h-12.4). This
ensures the browser knows where to locate your site's images and css files.
These two variables are found within the html `<title>` tag, and are replaced by the "Page Name" and "Settings -> Site Title" fields in the CMS.
The MetaTags variable will add meta tags, which are used by search engines. You can define your meta tags in the tab fields at the bottom of the content editor in the CMS.
The Layout variable is replaced with the contents of a template file with the same name as the page type we are using.
Open *themes/simple/templates/Layout/Page.ss*. You will see more HTML and more SilverStripe template replacement tags and variables.
The Content variable is replaced with the content of the page currently being viewed. This allows you to make all changes to
your site's content in the CMS.
These template markers are processed by SilverStripe into HTML before being sent to your
browser and are either prefixed with a dollar sign ($)
or placed between SilverStripe template tags:
<% %>
**Flushing the cache**
Whenever we edit a template file, we need to append *?flush=1* onto the end of the URL, e.g.
@ -162,16 +165,16 @@ Open up *themes/simple/templates/Includes/Navigation.ss*
The Menu for our site is created using a **loop**. Loops allow us to iterate over a data set, and render each item using a sub-template.
<% loop $Menu(1) %>
returns a set of first level menu items. We can then use the template variable
*$MenuTitle* to show the title of the page we are linking to, *$Link* for the URL of the page, and `$isSection` and `$isCurrent` to help style our menu with CSS (explained in more detail shortly).
> *$Title* refers to **Page Name** in the CMS, whereas *$MenuTitle* refers to (the often shorter) **Navigation label**
<% loop $Menu(1) %>
<li class="<% if $isCurrent %>current<% else_if $isSection %>section<% end_if %>">
@ -180,7 +183,7 @@ returns a set of first level menu items. We can then use the template variable
<% end_loop %>
Here we've created an unordered list called *Menu1*, which *themes/simple/css/layout.css* will style into the menu.
Then, using a loop over the page control *Menu(1)*, we add a link to the list for each menu item.
This creates the navigation at the top of the page:
@ -195,17 +198,17 @@ A useful feature is highlighting the current page the user is looking at. We can
For example, if you were here: "Home > Company > Staff > Bob Smith", you may want to highlight 'Company' to say you are in that section.
<li class="<% if $isCurrent %>current<% else_if $isSection %>section<% end_if %>">
<a href="$Link" title="$Title.XML">$MenuTitle.XML</a>
you will then be able to target a section in css (*simple/css/layout.css*), e.g.:
.section { background:#ccc; }
## A second level of navigation
The top navigation system is currently quite restrictive. There is no way to
nest pages, so we have a completely flat site. Adding a second level in SilverStripe is easy. First (if you haven't already done so), let's add some pages.
@ -224,7 +227,7 @@ Great, we now have a hierarchical site structure! Let's look at how this is crea
Adding a second level menu is very similar to adding the first level menu. Open up */themes/simple/templates/Includes/Sidebar.ss* template and look at the following code:
<% loop $Menu(2) %>
<li class="<% if $isCurrent %>current<% else_if $isSection %>section<% end_if %>">
@ -236,7 +239,7 @@ Adding a second level menu is very similar to adding the first level menu. Open
<% end_loop %>
This should look very familiar. It is the same idea as our first menu, except the loop block now uses *Menu(2)* instead of *Menu(1)*.
As we can see here, the *Menu* control takes a single
argument - the level of the menu we want to get. Our css file will style this linked list into the second level menu,
using our usual `is` technique to highlight the current page.
@ -245,7 +248,7 @@ To make sure the menu is not displayed on every page, for example, those that *d
Look again in the *Sidebar.ss* file and you will see that the menu is surrounded with an **if block**
like this:
<% if $Menu(2) %>
@ -261,7 +264,7 @@ like this:
<% end_if %>
The if block only includes the code inside it if the condition is true. In this case, it checks for the existence of
*Menu(2)*. If it exists then the code inside will be processed and the menu will be shown. Otherwise the code will not
be processed and the menu will not be shown.
@ -269,22 +272,22 @@ Now that we have two levels of navigation, it would also be useful to include so
Open up */themes/simple/templates/Includes/BreadCrumbs.ss* template and look at the following code:
<% if $Level(2) %>
<div id="Breadcrumbs">
<% end_if %>
Breadcrumbs are only useful on pages that aren't in the top level. We can ensure that we only show them if we aren't in
the top level with another if statement.
The *Level* page control allows you to get data from the page's parents, e.g. if you used *Level(1)*, you could use:
to get the top level page title. In this case, we merely use it to check the existence of a second level page: if one exists then we include breadcrumbs.
Both the top menu, and the sidebar menu should be updating and highlighting as you move from page to page. They will also mirror changes done in the SilverStripe CMS, such as renaming pages or moving them around.
@ -294,7 +297,7 @@ Feel free to experiment with the if and loop statements. For example, you could
The following example runs an if statement and a loop on *Children*, checking to see if any sub-pages exist within each top level navigation item. You will need to come up with your own CSS to correctly style this approach.
<% loop $Menu(1) %>
<li class="<% if $isCurrent %>current<% else_if $isSection %>section<% end_if %>">
@ -315,7 +318,7 @@ The following example runs an if statement and a loop on *Children*, checking to
<% end_loop %>
## Using a different template for the home page
@ -335,14 +338,14 @@ types right now, we will go into much more detail in the [next tutorial](/tutori
Create a new file *HomePage.php* in *mysite/code*. Copy the following code into it:
class HomePage extends Page {
class HomePage_Controller extends Page_Controller {
Every page type also has a database table corresponding to it. Every time we modify the database, we need to rebuild it.
We can do this by going to `http://localhost/your_site_name/dev/build`.
@ -370,22 +373,24 @@ It always tries to use the most specific template in an inheritance chain.
To create a new template layout, create a copy of *Page.ss* (found in *themes/simple/templates/Layout*) and call it *HomePage.ss*. If we flush the cache (*?flush=1*), SilverStripe should now be using *HomePage.ss* for the homepage, and *Page.ss* for the rest of the site. Now let's customise the *HomePage* template.
First, we don't need the breadcrumbs and the secondary menu for the homepage. Let's remove them:
<% include SideBar %>
We'll also replace the title text with an image. Find this line:
and replace it with:
<div id="Banner">
<img src="http://www.silverstripe.org/assets/SilverStripe-200.png" alt="Homepage image" />
Your Home page should now look like this:
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
title: Extending a basic site
summary: Building on tutorial 1, a look at storing data in SilverStripe and creating a latest news feed.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
This tutorial is deprecated, and has been replaced by Lessons 4, 5, and 6 in the [Lessons section](http://www.silverstripe.org/learn/lessons)
# Tutorial 2 - Extending a basic site
@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ We'll start with the *ArticlePage* page type. First we create the model, a class
class ArticlePage extends Page {
@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ We'll start with the *ArticlePage* page type. First we create the model, a class
Here we've created our data object/controller pair, but we haven't extended them at all. SilverStripe will use the template for the *Page* page type as explained in the first tutorial, so we don't need
to specifically create the view for this page type.
@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ Let's create the *ArticleHolder* page type.
class ArticleHolder extends Page {
private static $allowed_children = array('ArticlePage');
@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ Let's create the *ArticleHolder* page type.
class ArticleHolder_Controller extends Page_Controller {
Here we have done something interesting: the *$allowed_children* field. This is one of a number of static fields we can define to change the properties of a page type. The *$allowed_children* field is an array of page types that are allowed
to be children of the page in the site tree. As we only want **news articles** in the news section, we only want pages of the type *ArticlePage* as children. We can enforce this in the CMS by setting the *$allowed_children* field within this class.
@ -99,11 +101,11 @@ We will be introduced to other fields like this as we progress; there is a full
Now that we have created our page types, we need to let SilverStripe rebuild the database: [http://localhost/your_site_name/dev/build](http://localhost/your_site_name/dev/build). SilverStripe should detect that there are two new page types, and add them to the list of page types in the database.
<div class="hint" markdown="1">
It is SilverStripe convention to suffix general page types with "Page", and page types that hold other page types with
"Holder". This is to ensure that we don't have URLs with the same name as a page type; if we named our *ArticleHolder*
page type "News", it would conflict with the page name also called "News".
## Adding date and author fields
@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ Now that we have an *ArticlePage* page type, let's make it a little more useful.
the $db array to add extra fields to the database. It would be nice to know when each article was posted, and who posted
it. Add a *$db* property definition in the *ArticlePage* class:
class ArticlePage extends Page {
private static $db = array(
@ -122,19 +124,19 @@ it. Add a *$db* property definition in the *ArticlePage* class:
// .....
Every entry in the array is a *key => value* pair. The **key** is the name of the field, and the **value** is the type. See ["data types and casting"](/developer_guides/model/data_types_and_casting) for a complete list of types.
<div class="hint" markdown="1">
The names chosen for the fields you add must not already be used. Be careful using field names such as Title,
Content etc. as these may already be defined in the page types your new page is extending from.
When we rebuild the database, we will see that the *ArticlePage* table has been created. Even though we had an *ArticlePage* page type before, a table was not created because there were no fields unique to the article page type. There are now extra fields in the database, but still no way of changing them.
To add our new fields to the CMS we have to override the *getCMSFields()* method, which is called by the CMS when it creates the form to edit a page. Add the method to the *ArticlePage* class.
class ArticlePage extends Page {
// ...
@ -153,37 +155,37 @@ To add our new fields to the CMS we have to override the *getCMSFields()* method
// ...
Let's walk through this method.
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
Firstly, we get the fields from the parent class; we want to add fields, not replace them. The *$fields* variable
returned is a [api:FieldList] object.
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new TextField('Author'), 'Content');
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new DateField('Date'), 'Content');
We can then add our new fields with *addFieldToTab*. The first argument is the tab on which we want to add the field to:
"Root.Main" is the tab which the content editor is on. The second argument is the field to add; this is not a database field, but a [api:FormField] - see the documentation for more details.
<div class="hint" markdown="1">
Note: By default, the CMS only has one tab. Creating new tabs is much like adding to existing tabs. For instance: `$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.NewTab', new TextField('Author'));`
would create a new tab called "New Tab", and a single "Author" textfield inside.
We have added two fields: A simple [api:TextField] and a [api:DateField].
There are many more fields available in the default installation, listed in ["form field types"](/developer_guides/forms/field_types/common_subclasses).
return $fields;
Finally, we return the fields to the CMS. If we flush the cache (by adding ?flush=1 at the end of the URL), we will be able to edit the fields in the CMS.
Now that we have created our page types, let's add some content. Go into the CMS and create an *ArticleHolder* page named "News", then create a few *ArticlePage*'s within it.
@ -198,7 +200,7 @@ This makes it confusing and doesn't give the user much help when adding a date.
To make the date field a bit more user friendly, you can add a dropdown calendar, set the date format and add a better title. By default,
the date field will have the date format defined by your locale.
class ArticlePage extends Page {
@ -217,27 +219,27 @@ the date field will have the date format defined by your locale.
return $fields;
Let's walk through these changes.
$dateField = new DateField('Date', 'Article Date (for example: 20/12/2010)');
*$dateField* is declared in order to change the configuration of the DateField.
$dateField->setConfig('showcalendar', true);
By enabling *showCalendar* you show a calendar overlay when clicking on the field.
$dateField->setConfig('dateformat', 'dd/MM/YYYY');
*dateFormat* allows you to specify how you wish the date to be entered and displayed in the CMS field. See the [api:DateField] documentation for more configuration options.
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new TextField('Author', 'Author Name'), 'Content');
By default the field name *'Date'* or *'Author'* is shown as the title, however this might not be that helpful so to change the title, add the new title as the second argument.
## Creating the templates
@ -253,7 +255,7 @@ First, the template for displaying a single article:
<% include SideBar %>
<div class="content-container unit size3of4 lastUnit">
@ -266,7 +268,7 @@ First, the template for displaying a single article:
Most of the code is just like the regular Page.ss, we include an informational div with the date and the author of the Article.
To access the new fields, we use *$Date* and *$Author*. In fact, all template variables and page controls come from either the data object or the controller for the page being displayed. The *$Title* variable comes from the *Title* field of the [api:SiteTree] class. *$Date* and *$Author* come from the *ArticlePage* table through your custom Page. *$Content* comes from the *SiteTree* table through the same data object. The data for your page is
@ -286,7 +288,7 @@ We'll now create a template for the article holder. We want our news section to
<% include SideBar %>
<div class="content-container unit size3of4 lastUnit">
@ -304,7 +306,7 @@ We'll now create a template for the article holder. We want our news section to
Here we use the page control *Children*. As the name suggests, this control allows you to iterate over the children of a page. In this case, the children are our news articles. The *$Link* variable will give the address of the article which we can use to create a link, and the *FirstParagraph* function of the [api:HTMLText] field gives us a nice summary of the article. The function strips all tags from the paragraph extracted.
@ -320,46 +322,46 @@ Cut the code between "loop Children" in *ArticleHolder.ss** and replace it with
<% loop $Children %>
<% include ArticleTeaser %>
<% end_loop %>
Paste the code that was in ArticleHolder into a new include file called ArticleTeaser.ss:
<h2><a href="$Link" title="Read more on "{$Title}"">$Title</a></h2>
<a href="$Link" title="Read more on "{$Title}"">Read more >></a>
### Changing the icons of pages in the CMS
Now let's make a purely cosmetic change that nevertheless helps to make the information presented in the CMS clearer.
Add the following field to the *ArticleHolder* and *ArticlePage* classes:
private static $icon = "cms/images/treeicons/news-file.gif";
And this one to the *HomePage* class:
private static $icon = "cms/images/treeicons/home-file.png";
This will change the icons for the pages in the CMS.
<div class="hint" markdown="1">
Note: The `news-file` icon may not exist in a default SilverStripe installation. Try adding your own image or choosing a different one from the `treeicons` collection.
## Showing the latest news on the homepage
@ -367,19 +369,19 @@ It would be nice to greet page visitors with a summary of the latest news when t
// ...
public function LatestNews($num=5) {
$holder = ArticleHolder::get()->First();
return ($holder) ? ArticlePage::get()->filter('ParentID', $holder->ID)->sort('Date DESC')->limit($num) : false;
This function simply runs a database query that gets the latest news articles from the database. By default, this is five, but you can change it by passing a number to the function. See the [Data Model and ORM](/developer_guides/model/data_model_and_orm) documentation for details. We can reference this function as a page control in our *HomePage* template:
<!-- ... -->
<div class="content">$Content</div>
@ -387,7 +389,7 @@ This function simply runs a database query that gets the latest news articles fr
<% include ArticleTeaser %>
<% end_loop %>
When SilverStripe comes across a variable or page control it doesn't recognize, it first passes control to the controller. If the controller doesn't have a function for the variable or page control, it then passes control to the data object. If it has no matching functions, it then searches its database fields. Failing that it will return nothing.
The controller for a page is only created when page is actually visited, while the data object is available when the page is referenced in other pages, e.g. by page controls. A good rule of thumb is to put all functions specific to the page currently being viewed in the controller; only if a function needs to be used in another page should you put it in the data object.
@ -402,7 +404,7 @@ An RSS feed is something that no news section should be without. SilverStripe ma
private static $allowed_actions = array(
@ -412,7 +414,7 @@ An RSS feed is something that no news section should be without. SilverStripe ma
return $rss->outputToBrowser();
Ensure that when you have input the code to implement an RSS feed; flush the webpage afterwards
(add ?flush=all on the end of your URL). This is because allowed_actions has changed.
@ -426,13 +428,13 @@ Now all we need is to let the user know that our RSS feed exists. Add this funct
public function init() {
RSSFeed::linkToFeed($this->Link() . "rss");
This automatically generates a link-tag in the header of our template. The *init* function is then called on the parent class to ensure any initialization the parent would have done if we hadn't overridden the *init* function is still called. Depending on your browser, you can see the RSS feed link in the address bar.
## Adding a staff section
@ -441,7 +443,7 @@ Now that we have a complete news section, let's take a look at the staff section
class StaffHolder extends Page {
@ -454,12 +456,12 @@ Now that we have a complete news section, let's take a look at the staff section
Nothing here should be new. The *StaffPage* page type is more interesting though. Each staff member has a portrait image. We want to make a permanent connection between this image and the specific *StaffPage* (otherwise we could simply insert an image in the *$Content* field).
class StaffPage extends Page {
private static $db = array(
@ -480,7 +482,7 @@ Nothing here should be new. The *StaffPage* page type is more interesting though
class StaffPage_Controller extends Page_Controller {
Instead of adding our *Image* as a field in *$db*, we have used the *$has_one* array. This is because an *Image* is not a simple database field like all the fields we have seen so far, but has its own database table. By using the *$has_one* array, we create a relationship between the *StaffPage* table and the *Image* table by storing the id of the respective *Image* in the *StaffPage* table.
We then add an [api:UploadField] in the *getCMSFields* function to the tab "Root.Images". Since this tab doesn't exist,
@ -501,7 +503,7 @@ The staff section templates aren't too difficult to create, thanks to the utilit
<% include SideBar %>
<div class="content-container unit size3of4 lastUnit">
@ -520,7 +522,7 @@ The staff section templates aren't too difficult to create, thanks to the utilit
This template is very similar to the *ArticleHolder* template. The *ScaleWidth* method of the [api:Image] class
will resize the image before sending it to the browser. The resized image is cached, so the server doesn't have to
resize the image every time the page is viewed.
@ -531,7 +533,7 @@ The *StaffPage* template is also very straight forward.
<% include SideBar %>
<div class="content-container unit size3of4 lastUnit">
@ -543,7 +545,7 @@ The *StaffPage* template is also very straight forward.
Here we use the *ScaleWidth* method to get a different sized image from the same source image. You should now have
a complete staff section.
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Forms
summary: Capture and store user information through web forms.
iconBrand: wpforms
# Tutorial 3 - Forms
## Overview
@ -22,55 +24,10 @@ The poll we will be creating on our homepage will ask the user for their name an
class HomePage_Controller extends Page_Controller {
private static $allowed_actions = array('BrowserPollForm');
// ...
public function BrowserPollForm() {
// Create fields
$fields = new FieldList(
new TextField('Name'),
new OptionsetField('Browser', 'Your Favourite Browser', array(
'Firefox' => 'Firefox',
'Chrome' => 'Chrome',
'Internet Explorer' => 'Internet Explorer',
'Safari' => 'Safari',
'Opera' => 'Opera',
'Lynx' => 'Lynx'
// Create actions
$actions = new FieldList(
new FormAction('doBrowserPoll', 'Submit')
return new Form($this, 'BrowserPollForm', $fields, $actions);
Let's step through this code.
// Create fields
$fields = new FieldList(
new TextField('Name'),
new OptionsetField('Browser', 'Your Favourite Browser', array(
'Firefox' => 'Firefox',
'Chrome' => 'Chrome',
'Internet Explorer' => 'Internet Explorer',
'Safari' => 'Safari',
'Opera' => 'Opera',
'Lynx' => 'Lynx'
First we create our form fields.
@ -81,10 +38,6 @@ argument is passed, as in this case, it is assumed the label is the same as the
The second field we create is an [api:OptionsetField]. This is a dropdown, and takes a third argument - an
array mapping the values to the options listed in the dropdown.
$actions = new FieldList(
new FormAction('doBrowserPoll', 'Submit');
After creating the fields, we create the form actions. Form actions appear as buttons at the bottom of the form.
@ -93,8 +46,6 @@ Here we create a 'Submit' button which calls the 'doBrowserPoll' method, which w
All the form actions (in this case only one) are collected into a [api:FieldList] object the same way we did with
the fields.
return new Form($this, 'BrowserPollForm', $fields, $actions);
Finally we create the [api:Form] object and return it.
@ -107,14 +58,6 @@ Add the following code to the top of your home page template, just before `<div
<div id="BrowserPoll">
<h2>Browser Poll</h2>
<div class="Content">
In order to make the graphs render correctly,
@ -123,49 +66,6 @@ Add the following code to the existing `form.css` file:
#BrowserPoll {
float: right;
margin: 20px 10px 0 0;
width: 20%;
form FieldList {
#BrowserPoll .message {
display: block;
border:1px solid #ccc;
#BrowserPoll h2 {
font-size: 1.5em;
color: #0083C8;
#BrowserPoll .field {
padding:3px 0;
#BrowserPoll input.text {
padding: 0;
#BrowserPoll .Actions {
padding:5px 0;
#BrowserPoll .bar {
background-color: #015581;
@ -183,29 +83,11 @@ If you recall, in the [second tutorial](/tutorials/extending_a_basic_site) we sa
class BrowserPollSubmission extends DataObject {
private static $db = array(
'Name' => 'Text',
'Browser' => 'Text'
If we then rebuild the database ([http://localhost/your_site_name/dev/build](http://localhost/your_site_name/dev/build)), we will see that the *BrowserPollSubmission* table is created. Now we just need to define 'doBrowserPoll' on *HomePage_Controller*:
class HomePage_Controller extends Page_Controller {
// ...
public function doBrowserPoll($data, $form) {
$submission = new BrowserPollSubmission();
return $this->redirectBack();
A function that processes a form submission takes two arguments - the first is the data in the form, the second is the [api:Form] object.
@ -222,12 +104,6 @@ Change the end of the 'BrowserPollForm' function so it looks like this:
public function BrowserPollForm() {
// ...
$validator = new RequiredFields('Name', 'Browser');
return new Form($this, 'BrowserPollForm', $fields, $actions, $validator);
If we then open the homepage and attempt to submit the form without filling in the required fields errors should appear.
@ -244,32 +120,11 @@ We can do this using a session variable. The [api:Session] class handles all ses
// ...
class HomePage_Controller extends Page_Controller {
// ...
public function doBrowserPoll($data, $form) {
$submission = new BrowserPollSubmission();
Session::set('BrowserPollVoted', true);
return $this->redirectBack();
Then we simply need to check if the session variable has been set in 'BrowserPollForm()', and to not return the form if
it is.
// ...
class HomePage_Controller extends Page_Controller {
// ...
public function BrowserPollForm() {
if(Session::get('BrowserPollVoted')) return false;
// ...
If you visit the home page now you will see you can only vote once per session; after that the form won't be shown. You can start a new session by closing and reopening your browser,
@ -285,43 +140,15 @@ Create the function 'BrowserPollResults' on the *HomePage_Controller* class.
public function BrowserPollResults() {
$submissions = new GroupedList(BrowserPollSubmission::get());
$total = $submissions->Count();
$list = new ArrayList();
foreach($submissions->groupBy('Browser') as $browserName => $browserSubmissions) {
$percentage = (int) ($browserSubmissions->Count() / $total * 100);
$list->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Browser' => $browserName,
'Percentage' => $percentage
return $list;
This code introduces a few new concepts, so let's step through it.
$submissions = new GroupedList(BrowserPollSubmission::get());
First we get all of the `BrowserPollSubmission` records from the database. This returns the submissions as a [api:DataList]. Then we wrap it inside a [api:GroupedList], which adds the ability to group those records. The resulting object will behave just like the original `DataList`, though (with the addition of a `groupBy()` method).
$total = $submissions->Count();
We get the total number of submissions, which is needed to calculate the percentages.
$list = new ArrayList();
foreach($submissions->groupBy('Browser') as $browserName => $browserSubmissions) {
$percentage = (int) ($browserSubmissions->Count() / $total * 100);
$list->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Browser' => $browserName,
'Percentage' => $percentage
Now we create an empty [api:ArrayList] to hold the data we'll pass to the template. Its similar to [api:DataList], but can hold arbitrary objects rather than just DataObject` instances. Then we iterate over the 'Browser' submissions field.
@ -333,22 +160,6 @@ The final step is to create the template to display our data. Change the 'Browse
<div id="BrowserPoll">
<h2>Browser Poll</h2>
<% if $BrowserPollForm %>
<% else %>
<% loop $BrowserPollResults %>
<div class="browser">$Browser: $Percentage%</div>
<div class="bar" style="width:$Percentage%"> </div>
<% end_loop %>
<% end_if %>
Here we first check if the *BrowserPollForm* is returned, and if it is display it. Otherwise the user has already voted,
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: Site Search
summary: Enable website search. How to handle paged result sets and the SearchForm class.
icon: search
# Tutorial 4 - Site Search
@ -18,10 +21,10 @@ We are going to add a search box on the top of the page. When a user types somet
To enable the search engine you need to include the following code in your `mysite/_config.php` file.
This will enable fulltext search on page content as well as names of all files in the `/assets` folder.
After including that in your `_config.php` you will need to rebuild the database by visiting [http://localhost/your_site_name/dev/build](http://localhost/your_site_name/dev/build) in your web browser (replace localhost/your_site_name with a domain if applicable). This will add fulltext search columns.
The actual search form code is already provided in FulltextSearchable so when you add the enable line above to your `_config.php` you can add your form as `$SearchForm`.
@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ To add the search form, we can add `$SearchForm` anywhere in our templates. In t
<% if $SearchForm %>
<span class="search-dropdown-icon">L</span>
@ -44,7 +47,7 @@ To add the search form, we can add `$SearchForm` anywhere in our templates. In t
<% end_if %>
<% include Navigation %>
This displays as:
@ -55,7 +58,7 @@ is applied via `FulltextSearchable::enable()`
class ContentControllerSearchExtension extends Extension {
@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ is applied via `FulltextSearchable::enable()`
The code populates an array with the data we wish to pass to the template - the search results, query and title of the page. The final line is a little more complicated.
When we call a function by its url (eg http://localhost/home/results), SilverStripe will look for a template with the name `PageType_function.ss`. As we are implementing the *results* function on the *Page* page type, we create our
@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ class.
<div id="Content" class="searchResults">
@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ class.
<% end_if %>
Then finally add ?flush=1 to the URL and you should see the new template.
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
title: DataObject Relationship Management
summary: Learn how to create custom DataObjects and how to build interfaces for managing that data.
icon: link
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
This tutorial is deprecated, and has been replaced by Lessons 7, 8, 9, and 10 in the [Lessons section](http://www.silverstripe.org/learn/lessons)
# Tutorial 5 - Dataobject Relationship Management
@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ Let's create the `Student` and `Project` objects.
class Student extends DataObject {
private static $db = array(
@ -50,9 +53,9 @@ Let's create the `Student` and `Project` objects.
class Project extends Page {
private static $has_many = array(
@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ Let's create the `Student` and `Project` objects.
class Project_Controller extends Page_Controller {
The relationships are defined through the `$has_one`
and `$has_many` properties on the objects.
The array keys declares the name of the relationship,
the array values contain the class name
@ -95,7 +98,7 @@ The restriction is enforced through the `$allowed_children` directive.
class ProjectsHolder extends Page {
private static $allowed_children = array(
@ -105,7 +108,7 @@ The restriction is enforced through the `$allowed_children` directive.
class ProjectsHolder_Controller extends Page_Controller {
You might have noticed that we don't specify the relationship
to a project. That's because it's already inherited from the parent implementation,
as part of the normal page hierarchy in the CMS.
@ -128,7 +131,7 @@ All customization to fields for a page type are managed through a method called
class Project extends Page {
// ...
@ -155,7 +158,7 @@ All customization to fields for a page type are managed through a method called
This creates a tabular field, which lists related student records, one row at a time.
It's empty by default, but you can add new students as required,
or relate them to the project by typing in the box above the table.
@ -168,13 +171,13 @@ The GridField API is composed of "components", which makes it very flexible.
One example of this is the configuration of column names on our table:
We call `setDisplayFields()` directly on the component responsible for their rendering.
<div class="note" markdown="1">
Adding a `GridField` to a page type is a popular way to manage data,
but not the only one. If your data requires a dedicated interface
with more sophisticated search and management logic, consider
using the [ModelAdmin](/developer_guides/customising_the_admin_interface/modeladmin)
interface instead.
Adding a `GridField` to a page type is a popular way to manage data,
but not the only one. If your data requires a dedicated interface
with more sophisticated search and management logic, consider
using the [ModelAdmin](/developer_guides/customising_the_admin_interface/modeladmin)
interface instead.
@ -200,7 +203,7 @@ The first step is to create the `Mentor` object and set the relation with the `P
class Mentor extends DataObject {
private static $db = array(
@ -211,9 +214,9 @@ The first step is to create the `Mentor` object and set the relation with the `P
class Project extends Page {
// ...
private static $many_many = array(
@ -221,7 +224,7 @@ The first step is to create the `Mentor` object and set the relation with the `P
This code will create a relationship between the `Project` table and the `Mentor` table by storing the ids of the respective `Project` and `Mentor` in a another table named "Project_Mentors"
(after you've performed a `dev/build` command, of course).
The second step is to add the table in the method `getCMSFields()`,
@ -231,7 +234,7 @@ to configure it a bit differently.
class Project extends Page {
// ...
public function getCMSFields() {
@ -248,7 +251,7 @@ to configure it a bit differently.
The important difference to our student management UI is the usage
of `$this->Mentor()` (rather than `Mentor::get()`). It will limit
the list of records to those related through the many-many relationship.
@ -286,7 +289,7 @@ a named list of object.
<% include SideBar %>
<div class="content-container unit size3of4 lastUnit">
@ -325,7 +328,7 @@ a named list of object.
Navigate to the holder page through your website navigation,
or the "Preview" feature in the CMS. You should see a list of all projects now.
Add `?flush=1` to the page URL to force a refresh of the template cache.
@ -344,7 +347,7 @@ we can access the "Students" and "Mentors" relationships directly in the templat
<% include SideBar %>
<div class="content-container unit size3of4 lastUnit">
@ -375,7 +378,7 @@ we can access the "Students" and "Mentors" relationships directly in the templat
Follow the link to a project detail from from your holder page,
or navigate to it through the submenu provided by the theme.
### Student Detail Template
@ -387,19 +390,19 @@ by introducing a new template for them.
$Name ($University)
To use this template, we need to add a new method to our student class:
class Student extends DataObject {
function getInfo() {
return $this->renderWith('StudentInfo');
Replace the student template code in both `Project.ss`
and `ProjectHolder.ss` templates with the new placeholder, `$Info`.
That's the code enclosed in `<% loop $Students %>` and `<% end_loop %>`.
With this pattern, you can increase code reuse across templates.
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
title: Tutorials
introduction: The tutorials below take a step by step look at how to build a SilverStripe application.
icon: graduation-cap
## Written Tutorials
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
These tutorials are deprecated, and have been replaced by the new [Lessons](http://silverstripe.org/learn/lessons) section.
## Video lessons
These include video screencasts, written tutorials and code examples to get you started working with SilverStripe websites.
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Introduction to the Data Model and ORM
summary: Introduction to creating and querying a database records through the ORM (object-relational model)
icon: database
# Introduction to the Data Model and ORM
SilverStripe uses an [object-relational model](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_model) to represent its
@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ Let's look at a simple example:
class Player extends DataObject {
@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ Let's look at a simple example:
This `Player` class definition will create a database table `Player` with columns for `PlayerNumber`, `FirstName` and
so on. After writing this class, we need to regenerate the database schema.
@ -60,10 +62,10 @@ It **won't** do any of the following
their table names don't match a SilverStripe data class.
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
You need to be logged in as an administrator to perform this command, unless your site is in [dev mode](../debugging),
or the command is run through [CLI](../cli).
When rebuilding the database schema through the [api:SS_ClassLoader] the following additional properties are
automatically set on the `DataObject`.
@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ automatically set on the `DataObject`.
class Player extends DataObject {
@ -88,64 +90,67 @@ automatically set on the `DataObject`.
Generates the following `SQL`.
`ClassName` enum('Player') DEFAULT 'Player',
`LastEdited` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`Created` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`PlayerNumber` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`FirstName` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`LastName` mediumtext,
`Birthday` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `ClassName` (`ClassName`)
## Creating Data Records
A new instance of a [api:DataObject] can be created using the `new` syntax.
$player = new Player();
Or, a better way is to use the `create` method.
$player = Player::create();
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
Using the `create()` method provides chainability, which can add elegance and brevity to your code, e.g. `Player::create()->write()`. More importantly, however, it will look up the class in the [Injector](../extending/injector) so that the class can be overriden by [dependency injection](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_injection).
Database columns and properties can be set as class properties on the object. The SilverStripe ORM handles the saving
of the values through a custom `__set()` method.
$player->FirstName = "Sam";
$player->PlayerNumber = 07;
To save the `DataObject` to the database, use the `write()` method. The first time `write()` is called, an `ID` will be
For convenience, the `write()` method returns the record's ID. This is particularly useful when creating new records.
$player = Player::create();
$id = $player->write();
## Querying Data
With the `Player` class defined we can query our data using the `ORM` or Object-Relational Model. The `ORM` provides
shortcuts and methods for fetching, sorting and filtering data from our database.
$players = Player::get();
// returns a `DataList` containing all the `Player` objects.
@ -158,19 +163,19 @@ shortcuts and methods for fetching, sorting and filtering data from our database
echo $player->dbObject('LastEdited')->Ago();
// calls the `Ago` method on the `LastEdited` property.
The `ORM` uses a "fluent" syntax, where you specify a query by chaining together different methods. Two common methods
are `filter()` and `sort()`:
$members = Player::get()->filter(array(
'FirstName' => 'Sam'
// returns a `DataList` containing all the `Player` records that have the `FirstName` of 'Sam'
<div class="info" markdown="1">
Provided `filter` values are automatically escaped and do not require any escaping.
## Lazy Loading
@ -179,7 +184,7 @@ The `ORM` doesn't actually execute the [api:SQLQuery] until you iterate on the r
It's smart enough to generate a single efficient query at the last moment in time without needing to post-process the
result set in PHP. In `MySQL` the query generated by the ORM may look something like this
$players = Player::get()->filter(array(
'FirstName' => 'Sam'
@ -189,10 +194,10 @@ result set in PHP. In `MySQL` the query generated by the ORM may look something
// executes the following single query
// SELECT * FROM Player WHERE FirstName = 'Sam' ORDER BY Surname
This also means that getting the count of a list of objects will be done with a single, efficient query.
$players = Player::get()->filter(array(
'FirstName' => 'Sam'
@ -201,89 +206,90 @@ This also means that getting the count of a list of objects will be done with a
// SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Player WHERE FirstName = 'Sam'
echo $players->Count();
## Looping over a list of objects
`get()` returns a `DataList` instance. You can loop over `DataList` instances in both PHP and templates.
$players = Player::get();
foreach($players as $player) {
echo $player->FirstName;
Notice that we can step into the loop safely without having to check if `$players` exists. The `get()` call is robust, and will at worst return an empty `DataList` object. If you do want to check if the query returned any records, you can use the `exists()` method, e.g.
$players = Player::get();
if($players->exists()) {
// do something here
See the [Lists](lists) documentation for more information on dealing with [api:SS_List] instances.
## Returning a single DataObject
There are a couple of ways of getting a single DataObject from the ORM. If you know the ID number of the object, you
can use `byID($id)`:
$player = Player::get()->byID(5);
`get()` returns a [api:DataList] instance. You can use operations on that to get back a single record.
$players = Player::get();
$first = $players->first();
$last = $players->last();
## Sorting
If would like to sort the list by `FirstName` in a ascending way (from A to Z).
// Sort can either be Ascending (ASC) or Descending (DESC)
$players = Player::get()->sort('FirstName', 'ASC');
// Ascending is implied
$players = Player::get()->sort('FirstName');
To reverse the sort
$players = Player::get()->sort('FirstName', 'DESC');
// or..
$players = Player::get()->sort('FirstName', 'ASC')->reverse();
However you might have several entries with the same `FirstName` and would like to sort them by `FirstName` and
$players = Players::get()->sort(array(
'FirstName' => 'ASC',
You can also sort randomly. Using the `DB` class, you can get the random sort method per database type.
$random = DB::get_conn()->random();
$players = Player::get()->sort($random)
## Filtering Results
The `filter()` method filters the list of objects that gets returned.
$players = Player::get()->filter(array(
'FirstName' => 'Sam'
Each element of the array specifies a filter. You can specify as many filters as you like, and they **all** must be
true for the record to be included in the result.
The key in the filter corresponds to the field that you want to filter and the value in the filter corresponds to the
@ -291,7 +297,7 @@ value that you want to filter to.
So, this would return only those players called "Sam Minnée".
$players = Player::get()->filter(array(
'FirstName' => 'Sam',
'LastName' => 'Minnée',
@ -299,34 +305,35 @@ So, this would return only those players called "Sam Minnée".
// SELECT * FROM Player WHERE FirstName = 'Sam' AND LastName = 'Minnée'
There is also a shorthand way of getting Players with the FirstName of Sam.
$players = Player::get()->filter('FirstName', 'Sam');
Or if you want to find both Sam and Sig.
$players = Player::get()->filter(
'FirstName', array('Sam', 'Sig')
// SELECT * FROM Player WHERE FirstName IN ('Sam', 'Sig')
You can use [SearchFilters](searchfilters) to add additional behavior to your `filter` command rather than an
exact match.
$players = Player::get()->filter(array(
'FirstName:StartsWith' => 'S'
'PlayerNumber:GreaterThan' => '10'
### filterAny
Use the `filterAny()` method to match multiple criteria non-exclusively (with an "OR" disjunctive),
$players = Player::get()->filterAny(array(
'FirstName' => 'Sam',
'Age' => 17,
@ -334,9 +341,9 @@ Use the `filterAny()` method to match multiple criteria non-exclusively (with an
// SELECT * FROM Player WHERE ("FirstName" = 'Sam' OR "Age" = '17')
You can combine both conjunctive ("AND") and disjunctive ("OR") statements.
$players = Player::get()
'LastName' => 'Minnée'
@ -347,55 +354,55 @@ You can combine both conjunctive ("AND") and disjunctive ("OR") statements.
// SELECT * FROM Player WHERE ("LastName" = 'Minnée' AND ("FirstName" = 'Sam' OR "Age" = '17'))
You can use [SearchFilters](searchfilters) to add additional behavior to your `filterAny` command.
$players = Player::get()->filterAny(array(
'FirstName:StartsWith' => 'S'
'PlayerNumber:GreaterThan' => '10'
### filterByCallback
It is also possible to filter by a PHP callback, this will force the data model to fetch all records and loop them in
PHP, thus `filter()` or `filterAny()` are to be preferred over `filterByCallback()`.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
Because `filterByCallback()` has to run in PHP, it has a significant performance tradeoff, and should not be used on large recordsets.
`filterByCallback()` will always return an `ArrayList`.
The first parameter to the callback is the item, the second parameter is the list itself. The callback will run once
for each record, if the callback returns true, this record will be added to the list of returned items.
The below example will get all `Players` aged over 10.
$players = Player::get()->filterByCallback(function($item, $list) {
return ($item->Age() > 10);
### Exclude
The `exclude()` method is the opposite to the filter in that it removes entries from a list.
$players = Player::get()->exclude('FirstName', 'Sam');
// SELECT * FROM Player WHERE FirstName != 'Sam'
Remove both Sam and Sig..
$players = Player::get()->exclude(
'FirstName', array('Sam','Sig')
`Exclude` follows the same pattern as filter, so for removing only Sam Minnée from the list:
$players = Player::get()->exclude(array(
'FirstName' => 'Sam',
'Surname' => 'Minnée',
@ -403,16 +410,16 @@ Remove both Sam and Sig..
// SELECT * FROM Player WHERE (FirstName != 'Sam' OR LastName != 'Minnée')
Removing players with *either* the first name of Sam or the last name of Minnée requires multiple `->exclude` calls:
$players = Player::get()->exclude('FirstName', 'Sam')->exclude('Surname', 'Minnée');
// SELECT * FROM Player WHERE FirstName != 'Sam' AND LastName != 'Minnée'
And removing Sig and Sam with that are either age 17 or 43.
$players = Player::get()->exclude(array(
'FirstName' => array('Sam', 'Sig'),
'Age' => array(17, 43)
@ -420,49 +427,49 @@ And removing Sig and Sam with that are either age 17 or 43.
// SELECT * FROM Player WHERE ("FirstName" NOT IN ('Sam','Sig) OR "Age" NOT IN ('17', '43'));
You can use [SearchFilters](searchfilters) to add additional behavior to your `exclude` command.
$players = Player::get()->exclude(array(
'FirstName:EndsWith' => 'S'
'PlayerNumber:LessThanOrEqual' => '10'
### Subtract
You can subtract entries from a [api:DataList] by passing in another DataList to `subtract()`
$sam = Player::get()->filter('FirstName', 'Sam');
$players = Player::get();
$noSams = $players->subtract($sam);
Though for the above example it would probably be easier to use `filter()` and `exclude()`. A better use case could be
when you want to find all the members that does not exist in a Group.
// ... Finding all members that does not belong to $group.
$otherMembers = Member::get()->subtract($group->Members());
### Limit
You can limit the amount of records returned in a DataList by using the `limit()` method.
$members = Member::get()->limit(5);
`limit()` accepts two arguments, the first being the amount of results you want returned, with an optional second
parameter to specify the offset, which allows you to tell the system where to start getting the results from. The
offset, if not provided as an argument, will default to 0.
// Return 10 members with an offset of 4 (starting from the 5th result).
$members = Member::get()->sort('Surname')->limit(10, 4);
<div class="alert">
Note that the `limit` argument order is different from a MySQL LIMIT clause.
### Raw SQL
@ -480,10 +487,10 @@ you need it to, you may also consider extending the ORM with new data types or f
You can specify a WHERE clause fragment (that will be combined with other filters using AND) with the `where()` method:
$members = Member::get()->where("\"FirstName\" = 'Sam'")
#### Joining Tables
You can specify a join with the `innerJoin` and `leftJoin` methods. Both of these methods have the same arguments:
@ -491,7 +498,7 @@ You can specify a join with the `innerJoin` and `leftJoin` methods. Both of the
* The filter clause for the join.
* An optional alias.
// Without an alias
$members = Member::get()
->leftJoin("Group_Members", "\"Group_Members\".\"MemberID\" = \"Member\".\"ID\"");
@ -499,17 +506,17 @@ You can specify a join with the `innerJoin` and `leftJoin` methods. Both of the
$members = Member::get()
->innerJoin("Group_Members", "\"Rel\".\"MemberID\" = \"Member\".\"ID\"", "Rel");
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
Passing a *$join* statement to will filter results further by the JOINs performed against the foreign table. It will
**not** return the additionally joined data.
### Default Values
Define the default values for all the `$db` fields. This example sets the "Status"-column on Player to "Active"
whenever a new object is created.
class Player extends DataObject {
@ -519,10 +526,10 @@ whenever a new object is created.
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
Note: Alternatively you can set defaults directly in the database-schema (rather than the object-model). See
[Data Types and Casting](/developer_guides/model/data_types_and_casting) for details.
## Subclasses
@ -533,7 +540,7 @@ time.
For example, suppose we have the following set of classes:
class Page extends SiteTree {
@ -547,9 +554,9 @@ For example, suppose we have the following set of classes:
The data for the following classes would be stored across the following tables:
- ID: Int
- ClassName: Enum('SiteTree', 'Page', 'NewsPage')
@ -561,16 +568,16 @@ The data for the following classes would be stored across the following tables:
- ID: Int
- Summary: Text
Accessing the data is transparent to the developer.
$news = NewsPage::get();
foreach($news as $article) {
echo $article->Title;
The way the ORM stores the data is this:
* "Base classes" are direct sub-classes of [api:DataObject]. They are always given a table, whether or not they have
special fields. This is called the "base table". In our case, `SiteTree` is the base table.
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Relations between Records
summary: Relate models together using the ORM using has_one, has_many, and many_many.
icon: link
# Relations between Records
In most situations you will likely see more than one [api:DataObject] and several classes in your data model may relate
@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ SilverStripe supports a number of relationship types and each relationship type
A 1-to-1 relation creates a database-column called "`<relationship-name>`ID", in the example below this would be
"TeamID" on the "Player"-table.
class Team extends DataObject {
@ -36,12 +38,12 @@ A 1-to-1 relation creates a database-column called "`<relationship-name>`ID", in
This defines a relationship called `Team` which links to a `Team` class. The `ORM` handles navigating the relationship
and provides a short syntax for accessing the related object.
At the database level, the `has_one` creates a `TeamID` field on `Player`. A `has_many` field does not impose any database changes. It merely injects a new method into the class to access the related records (in this case, `Players()`)
$player = Player::get()->byId(1);
$team = $player->Team();
@ -50,16 +52,16 @@ At the database level, the `has_one` creates a `TeamID` field on `Player`. A `ha
echo $player->Team()->Title;
// returns the 'Title' column on the 'Team' or `getTitle` if it exists.
The relationship can also be navigated in [templates](../templates).
<% with $Player %>
<% if $Team %>
Plays for $Team.Title
<% end_if %>
<% end_with %>
## Polymorphic has_one
A has_one can also be polymorphic, which allows any type of object to be associated.
This is useful where there could be many use cases for a particular data structure.
@ -70,6 +72,7 @@ with the ID column identifies the object.
To specify that a has_one relation is polymorphic set the type to 'DataObject'.
Ideally, the associated has_many (or belongs_to) should be specified with dot notation.
class Player extends DataObject {
@ -93,24 +96,24 @@ Ideally, the associated has_many (or belongs_to) should be specified with dot no
<div class="warning" markdown='1'>
Note: The use of polymorphic relationships can affect query performance, especially
on joins, and also increases the complexity of the database and necessary user code.
They should be used sparingly, and only where additional complexity would otherwise
be necessary. E.g. Additional parent classes for each respective relationship, or
duplication of code.
## has_many
Defines 1-to-many joins. As you can see from the previous example, `$has_many` goes hand in hand with `$has_one`.
<div class="alert" markdown='1'>
Please specify a $has_one-relationship on the related child-class as well, in order to have the necessary accessors
available on both ends.
class Team extends DataObject {
@ -131,10 +134,10 @@ available on both ends.
Much like the `has_one` relationship, `has_many` can be navigated through the `ORM` as well. The only difference being
you will get an instance of [api:HasManyList] rather than the object.
$team = Team::get()->first();
echo $team->Players();
@ -147,9 +150,9 @@ you will get an instance of [api:HasManyList] rather than the object.
echo $player->FirstName;
To specify multiple `$has_many` to the same object you can use dot notation to distinguish them like below:
class Person extends DataObject {
@ -168,13 +171,13 @@ To specify multiple `$has_many` to the same object you can use dot notation to d
Multiple `$has_one` relationships are okay if they aren't linking to the same object type. Otherwise, they have to be
If you're using the default scaffolded form fields with multiple `has_one` relationships, you will end up with a CMS field for each relation. If you don't want these you can remove them by their IDs:
public function getCMSFields()
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
@ -182,7 +185,7 @@ If you're using the default scaffolded form fields with multiple `has_one` relat
return $fields;
## belongs_to
Defines a 1-to-1 relationship with another object, which declares the other end of the relationship with a
@ -193,7 +196,7 @@ declaring the `$belongs_to`.
Similarly with `$has_many`, dot notation can be used to explicitly specify the `$has_one` which refers to this relation.
This is not mandatory unless the relationship would be otherwise ambiguous.
class Team extends DataObject {
@ -210,17 +213,17 @@ This is not mandatory unless the relationship would be otherwise ambiguous.
## many_many
Defines many-to-many joins. A new table, (this-class)_(relationship-name), will be created with a pair of ID fields.
<div class="warning" markdown='1'>
Please specify a $belongs_many_many-relationship on the related class as well, in order to have the necessary accessors
available on both ends.
class Team extends DataObject {
@ -237,28 +240,28 @@ available on both ends.
Much like the `has_one` relationship, `many_many` can be navigated through the `ORM` as well. The only difference being
you will get an instance of [api:ManyManyList] rather than the object.
$team = Team::get()->byId(1);
$supporters = $team->Supporters();
// returns a 'ManyManyList' instance.
The relationship can also be navigated in [templates](../templates).
<% with $Supporter %>
<% loop $Supports %>
Supports $Title
<% end_if %>
<% end_with %>
To specify multiple $many_manys between the same classes, use the dot notation to distinguish them like below:
class Category extends DataObject {
@ -277,7 +280,7 @@ To specify multiple $many_manys between the same classes, use the dot notation t
## many_many or belongs_many_many?
If you're unsure about whether an object should take on `many_many` or `belongs_many_many`, the best way to think about it is that the object where the relationship will be edited (i.e. via checkboxes) should contain the `many_many`. For instance, in a `many_many` of Product => Categories, the `Product` should contain the `many_many`, because it is much more likely that the user will select Categories for a Product than vice-versa.
@ -288,7 +291,7 @@ Adding new items to a relations works the same, regardless if you're editing a *
encapsulated by [api:HasManyList] and [api:ManyManyList], both of which provide very similar APIs, e.g. an `add()`
and `remove()` method.
$team = Team::get()->byId(1);
// create a new supporter
@ -299,7 +302,7 @@ and `remove()` method.
// add the supporter.
## Custom Relations
You can use the ORM to get a filtered result list without writing any SQL. For example, this snippet gets you the
@ -307,7 +310,7 @@ You can use the ORM to get a filtered result list without writing any SQL. For e
See [api:DataObject::$has_many] for more info on the described relations.
class Team extends DataObject {
@ -321,10 +324,10 @@ See [api:DataObject::$has_many] for more info on the described relations.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
Adding new records to a filtered `RelationList` like in the example above doesn't automatically set the filtered
criteria on the added record.
## Relations on Unsaved Objects
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Managing Lists
summary: The SS_List interface allows you to iterate through and manipulate a list of objects.
icon: list
# Managing Lists
Whenever using the ORM to fetch records or navigate relationships you will receive an [api:SS_List] instance commonly as
@ -11,23 +13,23 @@ modify.
[api:SS_List] implements `IteratorAggregate`, allowing you to loop over the instance.
$members = Member::get();
foreach($members as $member) {
echo $member->Name;
Or in the template engine:
<% loop $Members %>
<!-- -->
<% end_loop %>
## Finding an item by value.
// $list->find($key, $value);
@ -36,12 +38,12 @@ Or in the template engine:
echo $members->find('ID', 4)->FirstName;
// returns 'Sam'
## Maps
A map is an array where the array indexes contain data as well as the values. You can build a map from any list
$members = Member::get()->map('ID', 'FirstName');
// $members = array(
@ -50,15 +52,17 @@ A map is an array where the array indexes contain data as well as the values. Yo
// 3 => 'Will'
// );
This functionality is provided by the [api:SS_Map] class, which can be used to build a map around any `SS_List`.
$members = Member::get();
$map = new SS_Map($members, 'ID', 'FirstName');
## Column
$members = Member::get();
echo $members->column('Email');
@ -69,11 +73,11 @@ This functionality is provided by the [api:SS_Map] class, which can be used to b
// 'will@silverstripe.com'
// );
## ArrayList
[api:ArrayList] exists to wrap a standard PHP array in the same API as a database backed list.
$sam = Member::get()->byId(5);
$sig = Member::get()->byId(6);
@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ This functionality is provided by the [api:SS_Map] class, which can be used to b
echo $list->Count();
// returns '2'
## API Documentation
* [api:SS_List]
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Data Types, Overloading and Casting
summary: Learn how how data is stored going in and coming out of the ORM and how to modify it.
icon: code
# Data Types and Casting
Each model in a SilverStripe [api:DataObject] will handle data at some point. This includes database columns such as
@ -13,7 +15,7 @@ In the `Player` example, we have four database columns each with a different dat
class Player extends DataObject {
@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ In the `Player` example, we have four database columns each with a different dat
## Available Types
* [api:Boolean]: A boolean field.
* [api:Currency]: A number with 2 decimal points of precision, designed to store currency values.
@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ See the [API documentation](api:DBField) for a full list of available Data Types
For complex default values for newly instantiated objects see [Dynamic Default Values](how_tos/dynamic_default_fields).
For simple values you can make use of the `$defaults` array. For example:
class Car extends DataObject {
@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ For simple values you can make use of the `$defaults` array. For example:
### Default values for new database columns
When adding a new `$db` field to a DataObject you can specify a default value
to be applied to all existing records when the column is added in the database
@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ for the first time. This will also be applied to any newly created objects
going forward. You do this be passing an argument for the default value in your
`$db` items. For example:
class Car extends DataObject {
@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ going forward. You do this be passing an argument for the default value in your
## Formatting Output
The Data Type does more than setup the correct database schema. They can also define methods and formatting helpers for
output. You can manually create instances of a Data Type and pass it through to the template.
@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ object we can control the formatting and it allows us to call methods defined fr
class Player extends DataObject {
@ -108,9 +110,9 @@ object we can control the formatting and it allows us to call methods defined fr
Then we can refer to a new `Name` column on our `Player` instances. In templates we don't need to use the `get` prefix.
$player = Player::get()->byId(1);
echo $player->Name;
@ -122,11 +124,11 @@ Then we can refer to a new `Name` column on our `Player` instances. In templates
echo $player->getName()->LimitCharacters(2);
// returns "Sa.."
## Casting
Rather than manually returning objects from your custom functions. You can use the `$casting` property.
class Player extends DataObject {
@ -140,28 +142,28 @@ Rather than manually returning objects from your custom functions. You can use t
The properties on any SilverStripe object can be type casted automatically, by transforming its scalar value into an
instance of the [api:DBField] class, providing additional helpers. For example, a string can be cast as a [api:Text]
type, which has a `FirstSentence()` method to retrieve the first sentence in a longer piece of text.
On the most basic level, the class can be used as simple conversion class from one value to another, e.g. to round a
DBField::create_field('Double', 1.23456)->Round(2); // results in 1.23
Of course that's much more verbose than the equivalent PHP call. The power of [api:DBField] comes with its more
sophisticated helpers, like showing the time difference to the current date:
DBField::create_field('Date', '1982-01-01')->TimeDiff(); // shows "30 years ago"
## Casting ViewableData
Most objects in SilverStripe extend from [api:ViewableData], which means they know how to present themselves in a view
context. Through a `$casting` array, arbitrary properties and getters can be casted:
class MyObject extends ViewableData {
@ -181,7 +183,7 @@ context. Through a `$casting` array, arbitrary properties and getters can be cas
$obj->obj('MyDate'); // returns object
$obj->obj('MyDate')->InPast(); // returns boolean
## Casting HTML Text
The database field types [api:HTMLVarchar]/[api:HTMLText] and [api:Varchar]/[api:Text] are exactly the same in
@ -189,10 +191,10 @@ the database. However, the template engine knows to escape fields without the `
to prevent them from rendering HTML interpreted by browsers. This escaping prevents attacks like CSRF or XSS (see
"[security](../security)"), which is important if these fields store user-provided data.
<div class="hint" markdown="1">
You can disable this auto-escaping by using the `$MyField.RAW` escaping hints, or explicitly request escaping of HTML
content via `$MyHtmlField.XML`.
## Overloading
@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ We can overload the default behavior by making a function called "get`<fieldname
The following example will use the result of `getStatus` instead of the 'Status' database column. We can refer to the
database column using `dbObject`.
class Player extends DataObject {
@ -216,7 +218,7 @@ database column using `dbObject`.
return (!$this->obj("Birthday")->InPast()) ? "Unborn" : $this->dbObject('Status')->Value();
## API Documentation
* [api:DataObject]
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: Extending DataObjects
summary: Modify the data model without using subclasses.
# Extending DataObjects
You can add properties and methods to existing [api:DataObject]s like [api:Member] without hacking core code or sub
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ a `ModelAdmin` record.
Example: Disallow creation of new players if the currently logged-in player is not a team-manager.
class Player extends DataObject {
@ -50,14 +51,14 @@ Example: Disallow creation of new players if the currently logged-in player is n
## onBeforeDelete
Triggered before executing *delete()* on an existing object.
Example: Checking for a specific [permission](permissions) to delete this type of object. It checks if a
member is logged in who belongs to a group containing the permission "PLAYER_DELETE".
class Player extends DataObject {
@ -76,9 +77,9 @@ member is logged in who belongs to a group containing the permission "PLAYER_DEL
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
Note: There are no separate methods for *onBeforeCreate* and *onBeforeUpdate*. Please check `$this->isInDb()` to toggle
these two modes, as shown in the example above.
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: SearchFilter Modifiers
summary: Use suffixes on your ORM queries.
icon: search
# SearchFilter Modifiers
The `filter` and `exclude` operations specify exact matches by default. However, there are a number of suffixes that
@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ you can put on field names to change this behavior. These are represented as `Se
An example of a `SearchFilter` in use:
// fetch any player that starts with a S
$players = Player::get()->filter(array(
'FirstName:StartsWith' => 'S',
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ An example of a `SearchFilter` in use:
'LastName:PartialMatch' => 'z'
Developers can define their own [api:SearchFilter] if needing to extend the ORM filter and exclude behaviors.
These suffixes can also take modifiers themselves. The modifiers currently supported are `":not"`, `":nocase"` and
`":case"`. These negate the filter, make it case-insensitive and make it case-sensitive, respectively. The default
@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ case-sensitive.
The following is a query which will return everyone whose first name starts with "S", either lowercase or uppercase:
$players = Player::get()->filter(array(
'FirstName:StartsWith:nocase' => 'S'
@ -48,6 +50,6 @@ The following is a query which will return everyone whose first name starts with
'FirstName:StartsWith:not' => 'W'
## API Documentation
* [api:SearchFilter]
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Model-Level Permissions
summary: Reduce risk by securing models.
icon: lock
# Model-Level Permissions
Models can be modified in a variety of controllers and user interfaces, all of which can implement their own security
@ -11,12 +13,12 @@ The API provides four methods for this purpose: `canEdit()`, `canCreate()`, `can
Since they're PHP methods, they can contain arbitrary logic matching your own requirements. They can optionally receive
a `$member` argument, and default to the currently logged in member (through `Member::currentUser()`).
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
By default, all `DataObject` subclasses can only be edited, created and viewed by users with the 'ADMIN' permission
class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
@ -38,11 +40,11 @@ code.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
These checks are not enforced on low-level ORM operations such as `write()` or `delete()`, but rather rely on being
checked in the invoking code. The CMS default sections as well as custom interfaces like [api:ModelAdmin] or
[api:GridField] already enforce these permissions.
## API Documentation
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: SQL Queries
summary: Write and modify direct database queries through SQLExpression subclasses.
icon: database
# SQLSelect
## Introduction
@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ such as counts or returning a single column.
For example, if you want to run a simple `COUNT` SQL statement,
the following three statements are functionally equivalent:
// Through raw SQL.
$count = DB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "Member"')->value();
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ the following three statements are functionally equivalent:
// Through the ORM.
$count = Member::get()->count();
If you do use raw SQL, you'll run the risk of breaking
various assumptions the ORM and code based on it have:
* Custom getters/setters (object property can differ from database column)
@ -41,10 +43,10 @@ various assumptions the ORM and code based on it have:
We'll explain some ways to use *SELECT* with the full power of SQL,
but still maintain a connection to the ORM where possible.
<div class="warning" markdown="1">
Please read our [security topic](/developer_guides/security) to find out
how to properly prepare user input and variables for use in queries
## Usage
@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ conditional filters, grouping, limiting, and sorting.
$sqlQuery = new SQLSelect();
@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ E.g.
echo $row['BirthYear'];
The result of `SQLSelect::execute()` is an array lightly wrapped in a database-specific subclass of [api:SS_Query].
This class implements the *Iterator*-interface, and provides convenience-methods for accessing the data.
@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ object instead.
For example, creating a `SQLDelete` object
$query = SQLDelete::create()
@ -101,9 +103,9 @@ For example, creating a `SQLDelete` object
->setWhere(array('"SiteTree"."ShowInMenus"' => 0));
Alternatively, turning an existing `SQLQuery` into a delete
$query = SQLQuery::create()
@ -112,14 +114,14 @@ Alternatively, turning an existing `SQLQuery` into a delete
Directly querying the database
DB::prepared_query('DELETE FROM "SiteTree" WHERE "SiteTree"."ShowInMenus" = ?', array(0));
INSERT and UPDATE can be performed using the `SQLInsert` and `SQLUpdate` classes.
These both have similar aspects in that they can modify content in
@ -163,7 +165,7 @@ SQLInsert also includes the following api methods:
$update = SQLUpdate::create('"SiteTree"')->addWhere(array('ID' => 3));
@ -189,13 +191,13 @@ E.g.
// Perform the update
In addition to assigning values, the SQLInsert object also supports multi-row
inserts. For database connectors and API that don't have multi-row insert support
these are translated internally as multiple single row inserts.
For example,
$insert = SQLInsert::create('"SiteTree"');
@ -217,14 +219,14 @@ For example,
### Value Checks
Raw SQL is handy for performance-optimized calls,
e.g. when you want a single column rather than a full-blown object representation.
Example: Get the count from a relationship.
$sqlQuery = new SQLQuery();
@ -232,19 +234,19 @@ Example: Get the count from a relationship.
$sqlQuery->addLeftJoin('Team', '"Team"."ID" = "Player"."TeamID"');
$count = $sqlQuery->execute()->value();
Note that in the ORM, this call would be executed in an efficient manner as well:
$count = $myTeam->Players()->count();
### Mapping
Creates a map based on the first two columns of the query result.
This can be useful for creating dropdowns.
Example: Show player names with their birth year, but set their birth dates as values.
$sqlQuery = new SQLSelect();
@ -252,11 +254,11 @@ Example: Show player names with their birth year, but set their birth dates as v
$map = $sqlQuery->execute()->map();
$field = new DropdownField('Birthdates', 'Birthdates', $map);
Note that going through SQLSelect is just necessary here
because of the custom SQL value transformation (`YEAR()`).
An alternative approach would be a custom getter in the object definition.
class Player extends DataObject {
private static $db = array(
'Name' => 'Varchar',
@ -269,7 +271,7 @@ An alternative approach would be a custom getter in the object definition.
$players = Player::get();
$map = $players->map('Name', 'NameWithBirthyear');
## Related
* [Introduction to the Data Model and ORM](data_model_and_orm)
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Model Validation and Constraints
summary: Validate your data at the model level
icon: check-square
# Validation and Constraints
Traditionally, validation in SilverStripe has been mostly handled on the controller through [form validation](../forms).
@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ write, and respond appropriately if it isn't.
The return value of `validate()` is a [api:ValidationResult] object.
class MyObject extends DataObject {
@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ The return value of `validate()` is a [api:ValidationResult] object.
## API Documentation
* [api:DataObject]
* [api:ValidationResult];
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: Versioning
summary: Add versioning to your database content through the Versioned extension.
# Versioning
Database content in SilverStripe can be "staged" before its publication, as well as track all changes through the
@ -17,30 +18,30 @@ Adding Versioned to your `DataObject` subclass works the same as any other exten
denoting the different "stages", which map to different database tables.
- Versioned("Stage","Live")
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
The extension is automatically applied to `SiteTree` class. For more information on extensions see
[Extending](../extending) and the [Configuration](../configuration) documentation.
<div class="warning" markdown="1">
Versioning only works if you are adding the extension to the base class. That is, the first subclass
of `DataObject`. Adding this extension to children of the base class will have unpredictable behaviour.
## Database Structure
Depending on how many stages you configured, two or more new tables will be created for your records. In the above, this
will create a new `MyRecord_Live` table once you've rebuilt the database.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
Note that the "Stage" naming has a special meaning here, it will leave the original table name unchanged, rather than
adding a suffix.
* `MyRecord` table: Contains staged data
* `MyRecord_Live` table: Contains live data
@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ automatically joined as required:
By default, all records are retrieved from the "Draft" stage (so the `MyRecord` table in our example). You can
explicitly request a certain stage through various getters on the `Versioned` class.
// Fetching multiple records
$stageRecords = Versioned::get_by_stage('MyRecord', 'Stage');
$liveRecords = Versioned::get_by_stage('MyRecord', 'Live');
@ -69,29 +70,29 @@ explicitly request a certain stage through various getters on the `Versioned` cl
$stageRecord = Versioned::get_by_stage('MyRecord', 'Stage')->byID(99);
$liveRecord = Versioned::get_by_stage('MyRecord', 'Live')->byID(99);
### Historical Versions
The above commands will just retrieve the latest version of its respective stage for you, but not older versions stored
in the `<class>_versions` tables.
$historicalRecord = Versioned::get_version('MyRecord', <record-id>, <version-id>);
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
The record is retrieved as a `DataObject`, but saving back modifications via `write()` will create a new version,
rather than modifying the existing one.
In order to get a list of all versions for a specific record, we need to generate specialized [api:Versioned_Version]
objects, which expose the same database information as a `DataObject`, but also include information about when and how
a record was published.
$record = MyRecord::get()->byID(99); // stage doesn't matter here
$versions = $record->allVersions();
echo $versions->First()->Version; // instance of Versioned_Version
### Writing Versions and Changing Stages
The usual call to `DataObject->write()` will write to whatever stage is currently active, as defined by the
`Versioned::current_stage()` global setting. Each call will automatically create a new version in the
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ To move a saved version from one stage to another, call [writeToStage(<stage>)](
object. The process of moving a version to a different stage is also called "publishing", so we've created a shortcut
for this: `publish(<from-stage>, <to-stage>)`.
$record = Versioned::get_by_stage('MyRecord', 'Stage')->byID(99);
$record->MyField = 'changed';
// will update `MyRecord` table (assuming Versioned::current_stage() == 'Stage'),
@ -110,26 +111,26 @@ for this: `publish(<from-stage>, <to-stage>)`.
// will copy the saved record information to the `MyRecord_Live` table
$record->publish('Stage', 'Live');
Similarly, an "unpublish" operation does the reverse, and removes a record from a specific stage.
$record = MyRecord::get()->byID(99); // stage doesn't matter here
// will remove the row from the `MyRecord_Live` table
### Forcing the Current Stage
The current stage is stored as global state on the object. It is usually modified by controllers, e.g. when a preview
is initialized. But it can also be set and reset temporarily to force a specific operation to run on a certain stage.
$origMode = Versioned::get_reading_mode(); // save current mode
$obj = MyRecord::getComplexObjectRetrieval(); // returns 'Live' records
Versioned::set_reading_mode('Stage'); // temporarily overwrite mode
$obj = MyRecord::getComplexObjectRetrieval(); // returns 'Stage' records
Versioned::set_reading_mode($origMode); // reset current mode
### Custom SQL
We generally discourage writing `Versioned` queries from scratch, due to the complexities involved through joining
multiple tables across an inherited table scheme (see [api:Versioned::augmentSQL()]). If possible, try to stick to
@ -137,20 +138,20 @@ smaller modifications of the generated `DataList` objects.
Example: Get the first 10 live records, filtered by creation date:
$records = Versioned::get_by_stage('MyRecord', 'Live')->limit(10)->sort('Created', 'ASC');
### Permissions
By default, `Versioned` will come out of the box with security extensions which restrict
the visibility of objects in Draft (stage) or Archive viewing mode.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
As is standard practice, user code should always invoke `canView()` on any object before
rendering it. DataLists do not filter on `canView()` automatically, so this must be
done via user code. This be be achieved either by wrapping `<% if $canView %>` in
your template, or by implementing your visibility check in PHP.
Versioned object visibility can be customised in one of the following ways by editing your user code:
@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ Versioned object visibility can be customised in one of the following ways by ed
class MyObject extends DataObject {
private static $extensions = array(
@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ E.g.
If you want to control permissions of an object in an extension, you can also use
one of the below extension points in your `DataExtension` subclass:
* `canView` to update the visibility of the object's `canView`
@ -190,19 +191,19 @@ only be invoked if the object is in a non-published state.
class MyObjectExtension extends DataExtension {
public function canViewNonLive($member = null) {
return Permission::check($member, 'DRAFT_STATUS');
If none of the above checks are overridden, visibility will be determined by the
permissions in the `TargetObject.non_live_permissions` config.
class MyObject extends DataObject {
private static $extensions = array(
@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ E.g.
private static $non_live_permissions = array('ADMIN');
Versioned applies no additional permissions to `canEdit` or `canCreate`, and such
these permissions should be implemented as per standard unversioned DataObjects.
### Page Specific Operations
@ -225,13 +226,13 @@ default, and only preview draft content if explicitly requested (e.g. by the "pr
to force a specific stage, we recommend the `Controller->init()` method for this purpose, for example:
public function init() {
### Controllers
The current stage for each request is determined by `VersionedRequestFilter` before any controllers initialize, through
@ -239,11 +240,11 @@ The current stage for each request is determined by `VersionedRequestFilter` bef
`?stage=Stage` to your request. The setting is "sticky" in the PHP session, so any subsequent requests will also be in
draft stage.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
The `choose_site_stage()` call only deals with setting the default stage, and doesn't check if the user is
authenticated to view it. As with any other controller logic, please use `DataObject->canView()` to determine
permissions, and avoid exposing unpublished content to your users.
## API Documentation
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Building Model and Search Interfaces around Scaffolding
summary: A Model-driven approach to defining your application UI.
icon: hammer
# Scaffolding
The ORM already has a lot of information about the data represented by a `DataObject` through its `$db` property, so
@ -12,7 +14,7 @@ customise those fields as required.
An example is `DataObject`, SilverStripe will automatically create your CMS interface so you can modify what you need.
class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
@ -32,9 +34,9 @@ An example is `DataObject`, SilverStripe will automatically create your CMS inte
To fully customise your form fields, start with an empty FieldList.
public function getCMSFields() {
@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ To fully customise your form fields, start with an empty FieldList.
return $fields;
You can also alter the fields of built-in and module `DataObject` classes through your own
[DataExtension](/developer_guides/extending/extensions), and a call to `DataExtension->updateCMSFields`.
@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ You can also alter the fields of built-in and module `DataObject` classes throug
The `$searchable_fields` property uses a mixed array format that can be used to further customise your generated admin
system. The default is a set of array values listing the fields.
class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
@ -71,12 +73,12 @@ system. The default is a set of array values listing the fields.
Searchable fields will be appear in the search interface with a default form field (usually a [api:TextField]) and a
default search filter assigned (usually an [api:ExactMatchFilter]). To override these defaults, you can specify
additional information on `$searchable_fields`:
class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
@ -87,10 +89,10 @@ additional information on `$searchable_fields`:
If you assign a single string value, you can set it to be either a [api:FormField] or [api:SearchFilter]. To specify
both, you can assign an array:
class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
@ -108,10 +110,10 @@ both, you can assign an array:
To include relations (`$has_one`, `$has_many` and `$many_many`) in your search, you can use a dot-notation.
class Team extends DataObject {
@ -142,13 +144,13 @@ To include relations (`$has_one`, `$has_many` and `$many_many`) in your search,
### Summary Fields
Summary fields can be used to show a quick overview of the data for a specific [api:DataObject] record. The most common use
is their display as table columns, e.g. in the search results of a [api:ModelAdmin] CMS interface.
class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
@ -165,10 +167,10 @@ is their display as table columns, e.g. in the search results of a [api:ModelAdm
To include relations or field manipulations in your summaries, you can use a dot-notation.
class OtherObject extends DataObject {
@ -196,10 +198,10 @@ To include relations or field manipulations in your summaries, you can use a dot
Non-textual elements (such as images and their manipulations) can also be used in summaries.
class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
@ -218,7 +220,7 @@ Non-textual elements (such as images and their manipulations) can also be used i
## Related Documentation
* [SearchFilters](searchfilters)
@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
title: Indexes
summary: Add Indexes to your Data Model to optimize database queries.
icon: database
# Indexes
It is sometimes desirable to add indexes to your data model, whether to optimize queries or add a uniqueness constraint
to a field. This is done through the `DataObject::$indexes` map, which maps index names to descriptor arrays that
represent each index. There're several supported notations:
class MyObject extends DataObject {
@ -19,6 +21,7 @@ represent each index. There're several supported notations:
The `<index-name>` can be an arbitrary identifier in order to allow for more than one index on a specific database
column. The "advanced" notation supports more `<type>` notations. These vary between database drivers, but all of them
support the following:
@ -32,7 +35,7 @@ In order to use more database specific or complex index notations, we also suppo
class MyTestObject extends DataObject {
@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ In order to use more database specific or complex index notations, we also suppo
As of 3.7.0 `default_sort` fields will automatically become database indexes as this provides significant performance
## API Documentation
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
title: Dynamic Default Fields
summary: Learn how to add default values to your models
# Dynamic Default Values
The [api:DataObject::$defaults] array allows you to specify simple static values to be the default values when a
@ -9,7 +14,7 @@ object!
A simple example is to set a field to the current date and time:
* Sets the Date field to the current date.
@ -18,19 +23,5 @@ A simple example is to set a field to the current date and time:
It's also possible to get the data from any other source, or another object, just by using the usual data retrieval
methods. For example:
* This method combines the Title of the parent object with the Title of this
* object in the FullTitle field.
public function populateDefaults() {
if($parent = $this->Parent()) {
$this->FullTitle = $parent->Title . ': ' . $this->Title;
} else {
$this->FullTitle = $this->Title;
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
title: Grouping DataObject sets
summary: Learn how to split the results of a query into subgroups
# Grouping lists of records
The [api:SS_List] class is designed to return a flat list of records.
@ -22,19 +27,22 @@ Let's say you have a set of Module objects, each representing a SilverStripe mod
these in alphabetical order, with each letter as a heading; something like the following list:
* B
* Blog
* C
* CMS Workflow
* Custom Translations
* D
* Database Plumber
* ...
The first step is to set up the basic data model,
along with a method that returns the first letter of the title. This
will be used both for grouping and for the title in the template.
class Module extends DataObject {
private static $db = array(
'Title' => 'Text'
@ -49,10 +57,10 @@ will be used both for grouping and for the title in the template.
The next step is to create a method or variable that will contain/return all the objects,
sorted by title. For this example this will be a method on the `Page` class.
class Page extends SiteTree {
// ...
@ -67,11 +75,11 @@ sorted by title. For this example this will be a method on the `Page` class.
The final step is to render this into a template. The `GroupedBy()` method breaks up the set into
a number of sets, grouped by the field that is passed as the parameter.
In this case, the `getTitleFirstLetter()` method defined earlier is used to break them up.
<%-- Modules list grouped by TitleFirstLetter --%>
<% loop $GroupedModules.GroupedBy(TitleFirstLetter) %>
@ -83,7 +91,7 @@ In this case, the `getTitleFirstLetter()` method defined earlier is used to brea
<% end_loop %>
## Grouping Sets By Month
Grouping a set by month is a very similar process.
The only difference would be to sort the records by month name, and
@ -95,7 +103,7 @@ but grouping by its built-in `Created` property instead,
which is automatically set when the record is first written to the database.
This will have a method which returns the month it was posted in:
class Module extends DataObject {
// ...
@ -110,10 +118,10 @@ This will have a method which returns the month it was posted in:
The next step is to create a method that will return all records that exist,
sorted by month name from January to December. This can be accomplshed by sorting by the `Created` field:
class Page extends SiteTree {
// ...
@ -128,9 +136,9 @@ sorted by month name from January to December. This can be accomplshed by sortin
The final step is the render this into the template using the [api:GroupedList::GroupedBy()] method.
// Modules list grouped by the Month Posted
<% loop $GroupedModulesByDate.GroupedBy(MonthCreated) %>
@ -142,7 +150,7 @@ The final step is the render this into the template using the [api:GroupedList::
<% end_loop %>
## Related
* [Howto: "Pagination"](/developer_guides/templates/how_tos/pagination)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: How To's
# How To's: Model and Databases
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
title: Model and Databases
summary: Learn how SilverStripe manages database tables, ways to query your database and how to publish data.
introduction: This guide will cover how to create and manipulate data within SilverStripe and how to use the ORM (Object Relational Model) to query data.
icon: database
In SilverStripe, application data will be represented by a [api:DataObject] class. A `DataObject` subclass defines the
data columns, relationships and properties of a particular data record. For example, [api:Member] is a `DataObject`
which stores information about a person, CMS user or mail subscriber.
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Template Syntax
summary: A look at the operations, variables and language controls you can use within templates.
icon: code
# Template Syntax
SilverStripe templates are plain text files that have `.ss` extension and located within the `templates` directory of
@ -12,7 +14,7 @@ An example of a SilverStripe template is below:
<% base_tag %>
@ -40,10 +42,10 @@ An example of a SilverStripe template is below:
<div class="note">
Templates can be used for more than HTML output. You can use them to output your data as JSON, XML, CSV or any other
text-based format.
## Variables
@ -51,19 +53,19 @@ Variables are placeholders that will be replaced with data from the [DataModel](
[Controller](../controllers). Variables are prefixed with a `$` character. Variable names must start with an
alphabetic character or underscore, with subsequent characters being alphanumeric or underscore:
This inserts the value of the Title database field of the page being displayed in place of `$Title`.
Variables can be chained together, and include arguments.
These variables will call a method / field on the object and insert the returned value as a string into the template.
* `$Foo` will call `$obj->Foo()` (or the field `$obj->Foo`)
* `$Foo(param)` will call `$obj->Foo("param")`
@ -73,28 +75,29 @@ If a variable returns a string, that string will be inserted into the template.
the system will attempt to render the object through its `forTemplate()` method. If the `forTemplate()` method has not
been defined, the system will return an error.
<div class="note" markdown="1">
For more detail around how variables are inserted and formatted into a template see
[Formating, Modifying and Casting Variables](casting)
Variables can come from your database fields, or custom methods you define on your objects.
public function UsersIpAddress() {
return $this->getRequest()->getIP();
<p>You are coming from $UsersIpAddress.</p>
<div class="node" markdown="1">
Method names that begin with `get` will automatically be resolved when their prefix is excluded. For example, the above method call `$UsersIpAddress` would also invoke a method named `getUsersIpAddress()`.
The variables that can be used in a template vary based on the object currently in [scope](#scope). Scope defines what
object the methods get called on. For the standard `Page.ss` template the scope is the current [api:Page_Controller]
@ -103,46 +106,48 @@ record and any subclasses of those two.
// returns the page `Title` property
// returns the page `Content` property
## Conditional Logic
The simplest conditional block is to check for the presence of a value (does not equal 0, null, false).
<% if $CurrentMember %>
<p>You are logged in as $CurrentMember.FirstName $CurrentMember.Surname.</p>
<% end_if %>
A conditional can also check for a value other than falsy.
<% if $MyDinner == "kipper" %>
Yummy, kipper for tea.
<% end_if %>
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
When inside template tags variables should have a '$' prefix, and literals should have quotes.
Conditionals can also provide the `else` case.
<% if $MyDinner == "kipper" %>
Yummy, kipper for tea
<% else %>
I wish I could have kipper :-(
<% end_if %>
`else_if` commands can be used to handle multiple `if` statements.
<% if $MyDinner == "quiche" %>
Real men don't eat quiche
<% else_if $MyDinner == $YourDinner %>
@ -151,74 +156,74 @@ Conditionals can also provide the `else` case.
Can I have some of your chips?
<% end_if %>
### Negation
The inverse of `<% if %>` is `<% if not %>`.
<% if not $DinnerInOven %>
I'm going out for dinner tonight.
<% end_if %>
### Boolean Logic
Multiple checks can be done using `||`, `or`, `&&` or `and`.
If *either* of the conditions is true.
<% if $MyDinner == "kipper" || $MyDinner == "salmon" %>
yummy, fish for tea
<% end_if %>
If *both* of the conditions are true.
<% if $MyDinner == "quiche" && $YourDinner == "kipper" %>
Lets swap dinners
<% end_if %>
### Inequalities
You can use inequalities like `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=` to compare numbers.
<% if $Number >= "5" && $Number <= "10" %>
Number between 5 and 10
<% end_if %>
## Includes
Within SilverStripe templates we have the ability to include other templates from the `template/Includes` directory
using the `<% include %>` tag.
<% include SideBar %>
The `include` tag can be particularly helpful for nested functionality and breaking large templates up. In this example,
the include only happens if the user is logged in.
<% if $CurrentMember %>
<% include MembersOnlyInclude %>
<% end_if %>
Includes can't directly access the parent scope when the include is included. However you can pass arguments to the
<% with $CurrentMember %>
<% include MemberDetails Top=$Top, Name=$Name %>
<% end_with %>
## Looping Over Lists
The `<% loop %>` tag is used to iterate or loop over a collection of items such as [api:DataList] or a [api:ArrayList]
<h1>Children of $Title</h1>
@ -227,16 +232,16 @@ collection.
<% end_loop %>
This snippet loops over the children of a page, and generates an unordered list showing the `Title` property from each
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
$Title inside the loop refers to the Title property on each object that is looped over, not the current page like
the reference of `$Title` outside the loop.
This demonstrates the concept of [Scope](#scope). When inside a <% loop %> the scope of the template has changed to the
This demonstrates the concept of [Scope](#scope). When inside a `<% loop %>` the scope of the template has changed to the
object that is being looped over.
### Altering the list
@ -245,50 +250,50 @@ templates can call [api:DataList] methods.
Sorting the list by a given field.
<% loop $Children.Sort(Title, ASC) %>
<% end_loop %>
Limiting the number of items displayed.
<% loop $Children.Limit(10) %>
<% end_loop %>
Reversing the loop.
<% loop $Children.Reverse %>
<% end_loop %>
Filtering the loop.
<% loop $Children.Filter('School', 'College') %>
<% end_loop %>
Methods can also be chained.
<% loop $Children.Filter('School', 'College').Sort(Score, DESC) %>
<% end_loop %>
### Position Indicators
Inside the loop scope, there are many variables at your disposal to determine the current position in the list and
@ -303,7 +308,7 @@ iteration.
Last item defaults to 1, but can be passed as a parameter.
* `$TotalItems`: Number of items in the list (integer).
<% loop $Children.Reverse %>
<% if First %>
@ -314,16 +319,16 @@ iteration.
<% end_loop %>
<div class="info" markdown="1">
A common task is to paginate your lists. See the [Pagination](how_tos/pagination) how to for a tutorial on adding
### Modulus and MultipleOf
$Modulus and $MultipleOf can help to build column and grid layouts.
// returns an int
$Modulus(value, offset)
@ -338,45 +343,45 @@ $Modulus and $MultipleOf can help to build column and grid layouts.
// returns <div class="column-3">, <div class="column-2">,
<div class="hint" markdown="1">
`$Modulus` is useful for floated grid CSS layouts. If you want 3 rows across, put $Modulus(3) as a class and add a
`clear: both` to `.column-1`.
$MultipleOf(value, offset) can also be utilized to build column and grid layouts. In this case we want to add a `<br>`
after every 3rd item.
<% loop $Children %>
<% if $MultipleOf(3) %>
<% end_if %>
<% end_loop %>
### Escaping
Sometimes you will have template tags which need to roll into one another. Use `{}` to contain variables.
$Foopx // will returns "" (as it looks for a `Foopx` value)
{$Foo}px // returns "3px" (CORRECT)
Or when having a `$` sign in front of the variable such as displaying money.
$$Foo // returns ""
${$Foo} // returns "$3"
You can also use a backslash to escape the name of the variable, such as:
$Foo // returns "3"
\$Foo // returns "$Foo"
<div class="hint" markdown="1">
For more information on formatting and casting variables see [Formating, Modifying and Casting Variables](casting)
## Scope
@ -389,9 +394,10 @@ layout template is the [api:Page_Controller] that is currently being rendered.
When the scope is a `Page_Controller` it will automatically also look up any methods in the corresponding `Page` data
record. In the case of `$Title` the flow looks like
$Title --> [Looks up: Current Page_Controller and parent classes] --> [Looks up: Current Page and parent classes]
The list of variables you could use in your template is the total of all the methods in the current scope object, parent
classes of the current scope object, and any [api:Extension] instances you have.
### Navigating Scope
@ -400,7 +406,7 @@ classes of the current scope object, and any [api:Extension] instances you have.
When in a particular scope, `$Up` takes the scope back to the previous level.
<h1>Children of '$Title'</h1>
<% loop $Children %>
@ -411,39 +417,41 @@ When in a particular scope, `$Up` takes the scope back to the previous level.
<% end_loop %>
<% end_loop %>
Given the following structure, it will output the text.
My Page
+-+ Child 1
| |
| +- Grandchild 1
+-+ Child 2
Children of 'My Page'
Page 'Child 1' is a child of 'My Page'
Page 'Grandchild 1' is a grandchild of 'My Page'
Page 'Child 2' is a child of 'MyPage'
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
Additional selectors implicitely change the scope so you need to put additional `$Up` to get what you expect.
<h1>Children of '$Title'</h1>
<% loop $Children.Sort('Title').First %>
<%-- We have two additional selectors in the loop expression so... --%>
<p>Page '$Title' is a child of '$Up.Up.Up.Title'</p>
<% end_loop %>
#### Top
While `$Up` provides us a way to go up one level of scope, `$Top` is a shortcut to jump to the top most scope of the
page. The previous example could be rewritten to use the following syntax.
<h1>Children of '$Title'</h1>
<% loop $Children %>
@ -454,21 +462,21 @@ page. The previous example could be rewritten to use the following syntax.
<% end_loop %>
<% end_loop %>
### With
The `<% with %>` tag lets you change into a new scope. Consider the following example:
<% with $CurrentMember %>
Hello, $FirstName, welcome back. Your current balance is $Balance.
<% end_with %>
This is functionalty the same as the following:
Hello, $CurrentMember.FirstName, welcome back. Your current balance is $CurrentMember.Balance
Notice that the first example is much tidier, as it removes the repeated use of the `$CurrentMember` accessor.
Outside the `<% with %>.`, we are in the page scope. Inside it, we are in the scope of `$CurrentMember` object. We can
refer directly to properties and methods of the [api:Member] object. `$FirstName` inside the scope is equivalent to
@ -478,24 +486,24 @@ refer directly to properties and methods of the [api:Member] object. `$FirstName
`$Me` outputs the current object in scope. This will call the `forTemplate` of the object.
## Comments
Using standard HTML comments is supported. These comments will be included in the published site.
$EditForm <!-- Some public comment about the form -->
However you can also use special SilverStripe comments which will be stripped out of the published site. This is useful
for adding notes for other developers but for things you don't want published in the public html.
$EditForm <%-- Some hidden comment about the form --%>
## Related
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: Common Variables
summary: Some of the common variables and methods your templates can use, including Menu, SiteConfig, and more.
# Common Variables
The page below describes a few of common variables and methods you'll see in a SilverStripe template. This is not an
@ -12,95 +13,95 @@ explained in more detail on the [syntax](syntax#scope) page. Many of the methods
scope, and you can specify additional static methods to be available globally in templates by implementing the
[api:TemplateGlobalProvider] interface.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
Want a quick way of knowing what scope you're in? Try putting `$ClassName` in your template. You should see a string
such as `Page` of the object that's in scope. The methods you can call on that object then are any functions, database
properties or relations on the `Page` class, `Page_Controller` class as well as anything from their subclasses **or**
Outputting these variables is only the start, if you want to format or manipulate them before adding them to the template
have a read of the [Formating, Modifying and Casting Variables](casting) documentation.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
Some of the following only apply when you have the `CMS` module installed. If you're using the `Framework` alone, this
functionality may not be included.
## Base Tag
<% base_tag %>
The `<% base_tag %>` placeholder is replaced with the HTML base element. Relative links within a document (such as <img
src="someimage.jpg" />) will become relative to the URI specified in the base tag. This ensures the browser knows where
to locate your site’s images and css files.
It renders in the template as `<base href="http://www.yoursite.com" /><!--[if lte IE 6]></base><![endif]-->`
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
A `<% base_tag %>` is nearly always required or assumed by SilverStripe to exist.
## CurrentMember
Returns the currently logged in [api:Member] instance, if there is one logged in.
<% if $CurrentMember %>
Welcome Back, $CurrentMember.FirstName
<% end_if %>
## Title and Menu Title
Most objects within SilverStripe will respond to `$Title` (i.e they should have a `Title` database field or at least a
`getTitle()` method).
The CMS module in particular provides two fields to label a page: `Title` and `MenuTitle`. `Title` is the title
displayed on the web page, while `MenuTitle` can be a shorter version suitable for size-constrained menus.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
If `MenuTitle` is left blank by the CMS author, it'll just default to the value in `Title`.
## Page Content
It returns the database content of the `Content` property. With the CMS Module, this is the value of the WYSIWYG editor
but it is also the standard for any object that has a body of content to output.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
Please note that this database content can be `versioned`, meaning that draft content edited in the CMS can be different
from published content shown to your website visitors. In templates, you don't need to worry about this distinction.
The `$Content` variable contains the published content by default,and only preview draft content if explicitly
requested (e.g. by the "preview" feature in the CMS) (see the [versioning documentation](/../model/versioning) for
more details).
### SiteConfig: Global settings
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
`SiteConfig` is a module that is bundled with the `CMS`. If you wish to include `SiteConfig` in your framework only
web pages. You'll need to install it via `composer`.
The [SiteConfig](../configuration/siteconfig) object allows content authors to modify global data in the CMS, rather
than PHP code. By default, this includes a Website title and a Tagline.
`SiteConfig` can be extended to hold other data, for example a logo image which can be uploaded through the CMS or
@ -113,127 +114,128 @@ The `$MetaTags` placeholder in a template returns a segment of HTML appropriate
will set up title, keywords and description meta-tags, based on the CMS content and is editable in the 'Meta-data' tab
on a per-page basis.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
If you don’t want to include the title tag use `$MetaTags(false)`.
By default `$MetaTags` renders:
<title>Title of the Page</title>
<meta name="generator" http-equiv="generator" content="SilverStripe 3.0" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
`$MetaTags(false)` will render
<meta name="generator" http-equiv="generator" content="SilverStripe 3.0" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
If using `$MetaTags(false)` we can provide a more custom `title`.
<title>$Title - Bob's Fantasy Football</title>
## Links
<a href="$Link">..</a>
All objects that could be accessible in SilverStripe should define a `Link` method and an `AbsoluteLink` method. Link
returns the relative URL for the object and `AbsoluteLink` outputs your full website address along with the relative
<!-- returns /about-us/offices/ -->
<!-- returns http://yoursite.com/about-us/offices/ -->
### Linking Modes
When looping over a list of `SiteTree` instances through a `<% loop $Menu %>` or `<% loop $Children %>`, `$isSection` and `$isCurrent`
will return true or false based on page being looped over relative to the currently viewed page.
For instance, to only show the menu item linked if it's the current one:
<% if $isCurrent %>
<% else %>
<a href="$Link">$Title</a>
<% end_if %>
An example for checking for `current` or `section` is as follows:
<a class="<% if $isCurrent %>current<% else_if $isSection %>section<% end_if %>" href="$Link">$MenuTitle</a>
**Additional Utility Method**
* `$InSection(page-url)`: This if block will pass if we're currently on the page-url page or one of its children.
<% if $InSection(about-us) %>
<p>You are viewing the about us section</p>
<% end_if %>
### URLSegment
This returns the part of the URL of the page you're currently on. For example on the `/about-us/offices/` web page the
`URLSegment` will be `offices`. `URLSegment` cannot be used to generate a link since it does not output the full path.
It can be used within templates to generate anchors or other CSS classes.
<div id="section-$URLSegment">
<!-- returns <div id="section-offices"> -->
## ClassName
Returns the class of the current object in [scope](syntax#scope) such as `Page` or `HomePage`. The `$ClassName` can be
handy for a number of uses. A common use case is to add to your `<body>` tag to influence CSS styles and JavaScript
behavior based on the page type used:
<body class="$ClassName">
<!-- returns <body class="HomePage">, <body class="BlogPage"> -->
## Children Loops
<% loop $Children %>
<% end_loop %>
Will loop over all Children records of the current object context. Children are pages that sit under the current page in
the `CMS` or a custom list of data. This originates in the `Versioned` extension's `getChildren` method.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
For doing your website navigation most likely you'll want to use `$Menu` since its independent of the page
### ChildrenOf
<% loop $ChildrenOf(<my-page-url>) %>
<% end_loop %>
Will create a list of the children of the given page, as identified by its `URLSegment` value. This can come in handy
because it's not dependent on the context of the current page. For example, it would allow you to list all staff member
pages underneath a "staff" holder on any page, regardless if its on the top level or elsewhere.
@ -244,44 +246,44 @@ Content authors have the ability to hide pages from menus by un-selecting the `S
This option will be honored by `<% loop $Children %>` and `<% loop $Menu %>` however if you want to ignore the user
preference, `AllChildren` does not filter by `ShowInMenus`.
<% loop $AllChildren %>
<% end_loop %>
### Menu Loops
<% loop $Menu(1) %>
<% end_loop %>
`$Menu(1)` returns the top-level menu of the website. You can also create a sub-menu using `$Menu(2)`, and so forth.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
Pages with the `ShowInMenus` property set to `false` will be filtered out.
## Access to a specific Page
<% with $Page(my-page) %>
<% end_with %>
Page will return a single page from site, looking it up by URL.
## Access to Parent and Level Pages
### Level
<% with $Level(1) %>
<% end_with %>
Will return a page in the current path, at the level specified by the numbers. It is based on the current page context,
looking back through its parent pages. `Level(1)` being the top most level.
For example, imagine you're on the "bob marley" page, which is three levels in: "about us > staff > bob marley".
@ -292,7 +294,7 @@ For example, imagine you're on the "bob marley" page, which is three levels in:
### Parent
<!-- given we're on 'Bob Marley' in "about us > staff > bob marley" -->
@ -301,7 +303,7 @@ For example, imagine you're on the "bob marley" page, which is three levels in:
<!-- returns 'about us' -->
## Navigating Scope
See [scope](syntax#scope).
@ -314,29 +316,29 @@ for website users.
While you can achieve breadcrumbs through the `$Level(<level>)` control manually, there's a nicer shortcut: The
`$Breadcrumbs` variable.
By default, it uses the template defined in `cms/templates/BreadcrumbsTemplate.ss`
<% if $Pages %>
<% loop $Pages %>
<% if $Last %>$Title.XML<% else %><a href="$Link">$MenuTitle.XML</a> »<% end_if %>
<% end_loop %>
<% end_if %>
<div class="info" markdown="1">
To customise the markup that the `$Breadcrumbs` generates, copy `cms/templates/BreadcrumbsTemplate.ss` to
`mysite/templates/BreadcrumbsTemplate.ss`, modify the newly copied template and flush your SilverStripe cache.
## Forms
A page will normally contain some content and potentially a form of some kind. For example, the log-in page has a the
SilverStripe log-in form. If you are on such a page, the `$Form` variable will contain the HTML content of the form.
Placing it just below `$Content` is a good default.
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Requirements
summary: How to include and require other assets in your templates such as javascript and CSS files.
iconBrand: js
# Requirements
The requirements class takes care of including CSS and JavaScript into your applications. This is preferred to hard
@ -11,63 +13,35 @@ coding any references in the `<head>` tag of your template, as it enables a more
<% require css("cms/css/TreeSelector.css") %>
<% require themedCSS("TreeSelector") %>
<% require javascript("cms/javascript/LeftAndMain.js") %>
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
Requiring assets from the template is restricted compared to the PHP API.
## PHP Requirements API
It is common practice to include most Requirements either in the *init()*-method of your [controller](../controllers/), or
as close to rendering as possible (e.g. in [api:FormField]).
class MyCustomController extends Controller {
public function init() {
### CSS Files
Requirements::css($path, $media);
If you're using the CSS method a second argument can be used. This argument defines the 'media' attribute of the
`<link>` element, so you can define 'screen' or 'print' for example.
Requirements::css("cms/css/TreeSelector.css", "screen,projection");
### Javascript Files
A variant on the inclusion of custom javascript is the inclusion of *templated* javascript. Here, you keep your
JavaScript in a separate file and instead load, via search and replace, several PHP-generated variables into that code.
$vars = array(
"EditorCSS" => "cms/css/editor.css",
Requirements::javascriptTemplate("cms/javascript/editor.template.js", $vars);
In this example, `editor.template.js` is expected to contain a replaceable variable expressed as `$EditorCSS`.
@ -79,18 +53,6 @@ of 'configuration' from the database in a raw format. You'll need to use the `h
this is generally speaking the best way to do these things - it clearly marks the copy as belonging to a different
alert("hi there");
.tree li.$className {
background-image: url($icon);
## Combining Files
@ -98,46 +60,28 @@ CSS
You can concatenate several CSS or javascript files into a single dynamically generated file. This increases performance
by reducing HTTP requests.
<div class="alert" markdown='1'>
To make debugging easier in your local environment, combined files is disabled when running your application in `dev`
By default it stores the generated file in the assets/ folder, but you can configure this by pointing the
`Requirements.combined_files_folder` configuration setting to a specific folder.
combined_files_folder: '_combined'
<div class="info" markdown='1'>
If SilverStripe doesn't have permissions on your server to write these files it will default back to including them
individually. SilverStripe **will not** rewrite your paths within the file.
You can also combine CSS files into a media-specific stylesheets as you would with the `Requirements::css` call - use
the third paramter of the `combine_files` function:
$printStylesheets = array(
Requirements::combine_files('print.css', $printStylesheets, 'print');
By default, all requirements files are flushed (deleted) when ?flush querystring parameter is set.
@ -145,19 +89,15 @@ This can be disabled by setting the `Requirements.disable_flush_combined` config
## Clearing assets
Clears all defined requirements. You can also clear specific requirements.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
Depending on where you call this command, a Requirement might be *re-included* afterwards.
## Blocking
@ -168,32 +108,28 @@ included requirements, and ones included after the `block()` call.
One common example is to block the core `jquery.js` added by various form fields and core controllers, and use a newer
version in a custom location. This assumes you have tested your application with the newer version.
Requirements::block(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery/jquery.js');
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
The CMS also uses the `Requirements` system, and its operation can be affected by `block()` calls. Avoid this by
limiting the scope of your blocking operations, e.g. in `init()` of your controller.
## Inclusion Order
Requirements acts like a stack, where everything is rendered sequentially in the order it was included. There is no way
to change inclusion-order, other than using *Requirements::clear* and rebuilding the whole set of requirements.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
Inclusion order is both relevant for CSS and Javascript files in terms of dependencies, inheritance and overlays - be
careful when messing with the order of requirements.
## Javascript placement
By default, SilverStripe includes all Javascript files at the bottom of the page body, unless there's another script
already loaded, then, it's inserted before the first `<script>` tag. If this causes problems, it can be configured.
`Requirements.force_js_to_bottom`, will force SilverStripe to write the Javascript to the bottom of the page body, even
@ -202,8 +138,6 @@ if there is an earlier script tag.
If the Javascript files are preferred to be placed in the `<head>` tag rather than in the `<body>` tag,
`Requirements.write_js_to_body` should be set to false.
## API Documentation
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Rendering data to a template
summary: Call and render SilverStripe templates manually.
icon: code
# Rendering data to a template
Templates do nothing on their own. Rather, they are used to render a particular object. All of the `<% if %>`,
@ -12,15 +14,15 @@ The following will render the given data into a template. Given the template:
<strong>$Name</strong> is the $Role on our team.
Our application code can render into that view using `renderWith`. This method is called on the [api:ViewableData]
instance with a template name or an array of templates to render.
$arrayData = new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'John',
'Role' => 'Head Coach'
@ -30,20 +32,20 @@ instance with a template name or an array of templates to render.
// returns "<strong>John</strong> is the Head Coach on our team."
<div class="info" markdown="1">
Most classes in SilverStripe you want in your template extend `ViewableData` and allow you to call `renderWith`. This
includes [api:Controller], [api:FormField] and [api:DataObject] instances.
$controller->renderWith(array("MyController", "MyBaseController"));
`renderWith` can be used to override the default template process. For instance, to provide an ajax version of a
class Page_Controller extends ContentController {
@ -59,10 +61,10 @@ template.
Any data you want to render into the template that does not extend `ViewableData` should be wrapped in an object that
does, such as `ArrayData` or `ArrayList`.
class Page_Controller extends ContentController {
@ -87,3 +89,4 @@ does, such as `ArrayData` or `ArrayList`.
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Template Inheritance
summary: Override and extend module and core markup templates from your application code.
icon: sitemap
# Template Inheritance
Bundled within SilverStripe are default templates for any markup the framework outputs for things like Form templates,
@ -16,16 +18,16 @@ name in the `mysite/templates/email` folder or in the `themes/your_theme/templat
<p>Thanks from Bob's Fantasy Football League.</p>
All emails going out of our application will have the footer `Thanks from Bob's Fantasy Football Leaguee` added.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
As we've added a new file, make sure you flush your SilverStripe cache by visiting `http://yoursite.com/?flush=1`
Template inheritance works on more than email templates. All files within the `templates` directory including `includes`,
`layout` or anything else from core (or add-on's) template directory can be overridden by being located inside your
@ -51,11 +53,11 @@ It will each and prioritize templates in the following priority:
4. modules (e.g. blog)
5. framework
<div class="warning">
Whenever you add or remove template files, rebuild the manifest by visiting `http://yoursite.com/?flush=1`. You can
flush the cache from any page, (.com/home?flush=1, .com/admin?flush=1, etc.). Flushing the cache can be slow, so you
only need to do it when you're developing new templates.
## Nested Layouts through `$Layout`
@ -74,6 +76,7 @@ footer and navigation will remain the same and we don't want to replicate this w
@ -88,16 +91,18 @@ footer and navigation will remain the same and we don't want to replicate this w
<% include Footer %>
<p>You are on a $Title page</p>
<h1>This is the homepage!</h1>
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Themes
summary: What makes up a SilverStripe Theme. How to install one or write your own theme.
icon: paint-brush
# Themes
Themes can be used to kick start your SilverStripe projects, can be stored outside of your application code and your
@ -23,24 +25,24 @@ theme should be accessible at `themes/theme_name`.
If a theme has `composer` support you can require it directly through `composer`.
composer require "author/theme_name" "dev/master"
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
As you've added new files to your SilverStripe installation, make sure you clear the SilverStripe cache by appending
`?flush=1` to your website URL (e.g http://yoursite.com/?flush=1).
After installing the files through either method, update the current theme in SilverStripe. This can be done by
either altering the `SSViewer.theme` setting in a [config.yml](../configuration) or by changing the current theme in
the Site Configuration panel (http://yoursite.com/admin/settings)
theme: theme_name
## Developing your own theme
A `theme` within SilverStripe is simply a collection of templates and other front end assets such as javascript and css.
located within the `themes` directory.
@ -50,26 +52,6 @@ located within the `themes` directory.
Your theme can also be organised into split folders for each module it caters for.
## Submitting your theme to SilverStripe
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Caching
summary: Reduce rendering time with cached templates and understand the limitations of the ViewableData object caching.
icon: rocket
# Caching
## Object caching
@ -8,7 +10,7 @@ summary: Reduce rendering time with cached templates and understand the limitati
All functions that provide data to templates must have no side effects, as the value is cached after first access. For
example, this controller method will not behave as you might imagine.
private $counter = 0;
public function Counter() {
@ -17,13 +19,13 @@ example, this controller method will not behave as you might imagine.
return $this->counter;
$Counter, $Counter, $Counter
// returns 1, 1, 1
When we render `$Counter` to the template we would expect the value to increase and output `1, 2, 3`. However, as
`$Counter` is cached at the first access, the value of `1` is saved.
@ -32,8 +34,3 @@ When we render `$Counter` to the template we would expect the value to increase
Partial caching is a feature that allows the caching of just a portion of a page. Instead of fetching the required data
from the database to display, the contents of the area are fetched from the `TEMP_FOLDER` file-system pre-rendered and
ready to go. More information about Partial caching is in the [Performance](../performance) guide.
<% cached 'MyCachedContent', LastEdited %>
<% end_cached %>
@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
title: Translations
summary: Definition of the syntax for writing i18n compatible templates.
icon: globe
# Translations
Translations are easy to use with a template, and give access to SilverStripe's translation facilities. Here is an
<%t Foo.BAR 'Bar' %>
<%t Member.WELCOME 'Welcome {name} to {site}' name=$Member.Name site="Foobar.com" %>
`Member.WELCOME` is an identifier in the translation system, for which different translations may be available. This
string may include named placeholders, in braces.
`'Welcome {name} to {site}'` is the default string used, if there is no translation for Member.WELCOME in the current
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Formatting, Modifying and Casting Variables
summary: Information on casting, security, modifying data before it's displayed to the user and how to format data within the template.
icon: code
# Formatting and Casting
All objects that are being rendered in a template should be a [api:ViewableData] instance such as `DataObject`,
@ -12,17 +14,17 @@ output the result of the [api:HtmlText::FirstParagraph()] method to the template
<!-- returns the result of HtmlText::FirstParagragh() -->
<!-- returns the result of SS_Datetime::Format("d/m/Y") -->
Any public method from the object in scope can be called within the template. If that method returns another
`ViewableData` instance, you can chain the method calls.
<!-- "First Paragraph" -->
@ -32,10 +34,10 @@ Any public method from the object in scope can be called within the template. If
<div class="$URLSegment.LowerCase">
<!-- <div class="about-us"> -->
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
See the API documentation for [api:HtmlText], [api:StringField], [api:Text] for all the methods you can use to format
your text instances. For other objects such as [api:SS_Datetime] objects see their respective API documentation pages.
## forTemplate
@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ provide default template for an object.
class Page extends SiteTree {
@ -54,19 +56,19 @@ provide default template for an object.
<!-- returns Page: Home -->
## Casting
Methods which return data to the template should either return an explicit object instance describing the type of
content that method sends back, or, provide a type in the `$casting` array for the object. When rendering that method
to a template, SilverStripe will ensure that the object is wrapped in the correct type and values are safely escaped.
class Page extends SiteTree {
@ -80,13 +82,13 @@ to a template, SilverStripe will ensure that the object is wrapped in the correc
When calling `$MyCustomMethod` SilverStripe now has the context that this method will contain HTML and escape the data
<div class="note" markdown="1">
By default, all content without a type explicitly defined in a `$casting` array will be assumed to be `Text` content
and HTML characters encoded.
## Escaping
@ -94,14 +96,10 @@ Properties are usually auto-escaped in templates to ensure consistent representa
displaying un-escaped ampersands in HTML. By default, values are escaped as `XML`, which is equivalent to `HTML` for
this purpose.
<div class="note" markdown="1">
There's some exceptions to this rule, see the ["security" guide](../security).
In case you want to explicitly allow un-escaped HTML input, the property can be cast as [api:HTMLText]. The following
example takes the `Content` field in a `SiteTree` class, which is of this type. It forces the content into an explicitly
escaped format.
// transforms e.g. "<em>alert</em>" to "<em>alert</em>"
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
title: How to Create a Navigation Menu
summary: Build a multi-tiered navigation UI.
# How to Create a Navigation Menu
In this how-to, we'll create a simple menu which you can use as the primary navigation for your website. This outputs a
@ -7,7 +9,7 @@ top level menu with a nested second level using the `Menu` loop and a `Children`
<% loop $Menu(1) %>
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ top level menu with a nested second level using the `Menu` loop and a `Children`
<% end_loop %>
## Related
* [Template Syntax](../syntax)
* [Common Variables](../common_variables)
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
title: How to Create a Paginated List
summary: Break up the result of a database query into multiple pages
# How to Create a Paginated List
In order to create a paginated list, create a method on your controller that first creates a `SS_List` that contains
@ -10,7 +12,7 @@ The `PaginatedList` will automatically set up query limits and read the request
* Returns a paginated list of all pages in the site.
@ -20,10 +22,10 @@ The `PaginatedList` will automatically set up query limits and read the request
return new PaginatedList($list, $this->getRequest());
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
Note that the concept of "pages" used in pagination does not necessarily mean that we're dealing with `Page` classes,
it's just a term to describe a sub-collection of the list.
There are two ways to generate pagination controls: [api:PaginatedList::Pages()] and
[api:PaginatedList::PaginationSummary()]. In this example we will use `PaginationSummary()`.
@ -32,19 +34,19 @@ The first step is to simply list the objects in the template:
<% loop $PaginatedPages %>
<li><a href="$Link">$Title</a></li>
<% end_loop %>
By default this will display 10 pages at a time. The next step is to add pagination controls below this so the user can
switch between pages:
<% if $PaginatedPages.MoreThanOnePage %>
<% if $PaginatedPages.NotFirstPage %>
<a class="prev" href="$PaginatedPages.PrevLink">Prev</a>
@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ switch between pages:
<% end_if %>
<% end_if %>
If there is more than one page, this block will render a set of pagination controls in the form
`[1] ... [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] ... [10]`.
## Paginating Custom Lists
@ -75,20 +77,20 @@ that you wish to display on the current page. In this situation the automatic li
will break the pagination. You can disable automatic limiting using the [api:PaginatedList::setLimitItems()] method
when using custom lists.
$myPreLimitedList = Page::get()->limit(10);
$pages = new PaginatedList($myPreLimitedList, $this->getRequest());
## Setting the limit of items
$pages = new PaginatedList(Page::get(), $this->getRequest());
If you set this limit to 0 it will disable paging entirely, effectively causing it to appear as a single page
## Template Variables
@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
title: Disable Anchor Rewriting
summary: Get more control over how hash links are rendered.
# Disable Anchor Rewriting
Anchor links are links with a "#" in them. A frequent use-case is to use anchor links to point to different sections of
the current page. For example, we might have this in our template:
<li><a href="#section1">Section 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#section2">Section 2</a></li>
Things get tricky because of we have set our `<base>` tag to point to the root of the site. So, when you click the
first link you will be sent to http://yoursite.com/#section1 instead of http://yoursite.com/my-long-page/#section1
@ -19,13 +21,13 @@ In order to prevent this situation, the SSViewer template renderer will automati
doesn't specify a URL before the anchor, prefixing the URL of the current page. For our example above, the following
would be created in the final HTML
<li><a href="my-long-page/#section1">Section 1</a></li>
<li><a href="my-long-page/#section2">Section 2</a></li>
There are cases where this can be unhelpful. HTML anchors created from Ajax responses are the most common. In these
situations, you can disable anchor link rewriting by setting the `SSViewer.rewrite_hash_links` configuration value to
@ -35,12 +37,3 @@ SSViewer:
rewrite_hash_links: false
Or, a better way is to call this just for the rendering phase of this particular file:
public function RenderCustomTemplate() {
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'rewrite_hash_links', false);
$html = $this->renderWith('MyCustomTemplate');
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'rewrite_hash_links', true);
return $html;
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: How To's
# How To's: Templates and Views
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
title: Templates and Views
summary: This guide showcases the SilverStripe template engine and learn how to build your own themes.
introduction: SilverStripe comes with it's own templating engine. This guide walks you through the features of the template engine, how to create custom templates and ways to customise your data output.
icon: file-code
Most of what will be public on your website comes from template files that are defined in SilverStripe. Either in the
core framework, the modules or themes you install, and your own custom templates.
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: Introduction to a Controller
summary: A brief look at the definition of a Controller, creating actions and how to respond to requests.
# Introduction to Controllers
The following example is for a simple [api:Controller] class. When building off the SilverStripe Framework you will
@ -8,7 +9,7 @@ subclass the base `Controller` class.
class TeamController extends Controller {
@ -27,33 +28,35 @@ subclass the base `Controller` class.
## Routing
We need to define the URL that this controller can be accessed on. In our case, the `TeamsController` should be visible
at http://yoursite.com/teams/ and the `players` custom action is at http://yoursite.com/team/players/.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
If you're using the `cms` module with and dealing with `Page` objects then for your custom `Page Type` controllers you
would extend `ContentController` or `Page_Controller`. You don't need to define the routes value as the `cms` handles
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
Make sure that after you have modified the `routes.yml` file, that you clear your SilverStripe caches using `?flush=1`.
Name: mysiteroutes
After: framework/routes#coreroutes
'teams//$Action/$ID/$Name': 'TeamController'
For more information about creating custom routes, see the [Routing](routing) documentation.
## Actions
@ -61,9 +64,9 @@ For more information about creating custom routes, see the [Routing](routing) do
Controllers respond by default to an `index` method. You don't need to define this method (as it's assumed) but you
can override the `index()` response to provide custom data back to the [Template and Views](../templates).
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
It is standard in SilverStripe for your controller actions to be `lowercasewithnospaces`
Action methods can return one of four main things:
@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ Action methods can return one of four main things:
* Return some additional data to the current response that is waiting to go out, this makes $Title set to
* 'MyTeamName' and continues on with generating the response.
@ -127,7 +130,7 @@ Action methods can return one of four main things:
return $this->getResponse().
For more information on how a URL gets mapped to an action see the [Routing](routing) documentation.
## Security
@ -153,14 +156,14 @@ Each controller should define a `Link()` method. This should be used to avoid ha
public function Link($action = null) {
return Controller::join_links('teams', $action);
<div class="info" markdown="1">
The [api:Controller::join_links()] is optional, but makes `Link()` more flexible by allowing an `$action` argument, and concatenates the path segments with slashes. The action should map to a method on your controller.
## Related Documentation
@ -1,55 +1,58 @@
title: Routing
summary: A more in depth look at how to map requests to particular controllers and actions.
# Routing
Routing is the process of mapping URL's to [api:Controllers] and actions. In the introduction we defined a new custom route
for our `TeamsController` mapping any `teams` URL to our `TeamsController`
<div class="info" markdown="1">
If you're using the `cms` module with and dealing with `Page` objects then for your custom `Page Type` controllers you
would extend `ContentController` or `Page_Controller`. You don't need to define the routes value as the `cms` handles
These routes by standard, go into a `routes.yml` file in your applications `_config` folder alongside your other
[Configuration](../configuration) information.
Name: mysiteroutes
After: framework/routes#coreroutes
'teams//$Action/$ID/$Name': 'TeamController'
'player/': 'PlayerController'
'': 'HomeController'
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
To understand the syntax for the `routes.yml` file better, read the [Configuration](../configuration) documentation.
## Parameters
'teams//$Action/$ID/$Name': 'TeamController'
This route has defined that any URL beginning with `team` should create, and be handled by a `TeamController` instance.
It also contains 3 `parameters` or `params` for short. `$Action`, `$ID` and `$Name`. These variables are placeholders
which will be filled when the user makes their request. Request parameters are available on the `SS_HTTPRequest` object
and able to be pulled out from a controller using `$this->getRequest()->param($name)`.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
All Controllers have access to `$this->getRequest()` for the request object and `$this->getResponse()` for the response.
Here is what those parameters would look like for certain requests
// GET /teams/
@ -83,24 +86,24 @@ Here is what those parameters would look like for certain requests
// [Name] => null
// )
You can also fetch one parameter at a time.
// GET /teams/players/1/
echo $this->getRequest()->param('ID');
// returns '1'
## URL Patterns
The [api:RequestHandler] class will parse all rules you specify against the following patterns. The most specific rule
will be the one followed for the response.
<div class="alert">
A rule must always start with alphabetical ([A-Za-z]) characters or a $Variable declaration
| Pattern | Description |
| ----------- | --------------- |
@ -108,40 +111,40 @@ A rule must always start with alphabetical ([A-Za-z]) characters or a $Variable
| `!` | **Require Variable** - Placing this after a parameter variable requires data to be present for the rule to match |
| `//` | **Shift Point** - Declares that only variables denoted with a $ are parsed into the $params AFTER this point in the regex |
'teams/$Action/$ID/$OtherID': 'TeamController'
# /teams/
# /teams/players/
# /teams/
Standard URL handler syntax. For any URL that contains 'team' this rule will match and hand over execution to the
matching controller. The `TeamsController` is passed an optional action, id and other id parameters to do any more
decision making.
'teams/$Action!/$ID!/': 'TeamController'
This does the same matching as the previous example, any URL starting with `teams` will look at this rule **but** both
`$Action` and `$ID` are required. Any requests to `team/` will result in a `404` error rather than being handed off to
the `TeamController`.
`admin/help//$Action/$ID`: 'AdminHelp'
Match an url starting with `/admin/help/`, but don't include `/help/` as part of the action (the shift point is set to
start parsing variables and the appropriate controller action AFTER the `//`).
## URL Handlers
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
You **must** use the **$url_handlers** static array described here if your URL
pattern does not use the Controller class's default pattern of
`$Action//$ID/$OtherID`. If you fail to do so, and your pattern has more than
2 parameters, your controller will throw the error "I can't handle sub-URLs of
a *class name* object" with HTTP status 404.
In the above example the URLs were configured using the [api:Director] rules in the **routes.yml** file. Alternatively
you can specify these in your Controller class via the **$url_handlers** static array. This array is processed by the
@ -152,7 +155,7 @@ This is useful when you want to provide custom actions for the mapping of `teams
class TeamController extends Controller {
@ -166,7 +169,7 @@ This is useful when you want to provide custom actions for the mapping of `teams
'coach/$ID/$Name' => 'payroll'
The syntax for the `$url_handlers` array users the same pattern matches as the `YAML` configuration rules.
Now let’s consider a more complex example from a real project, where using
**$url_handlers** is mandatory. In this example, the URLs are of the form
@ -175,7 +178,7 @@ class specifies the URL pattern in `$url_handlers`. Notice that it defines 5
class FeedController extends ContentController {
private static $allowed_actions = array('go');
@ -190,15 +193,15 @@ parameters.
/* more processing goes here */
The YAML rule, in contrast, is simple. It needs to provide only enough
information for the framework to choose the desired controller.
'feed': 'FeedController'
## Links
* [api:Controller] API documentation
* [api:Director] API documentation
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Access Control
summary: Define allowed behavior and add permission based checks to your Controllers.
icon: user-lock
# Access Control
Within your controllers you should declare and restrict what people can see and do to ensure that users cannot run
@ -11,7 +13,7 @@ actions on the website they shouldn't be able to.
Any action you define on a controller must be defined in a `$allowed_actions` static array. This prevents users from
directly calling methods that they shouldn't.
class MyController extends Controller {
@ -37,14 +39,14 @@ directly calling methods that they shouldn't.
<div class="info">
If the permission check fails, SilverStripe will return a `403` Forbidden HTTP status.
An action named "index" is white listed by default, unless `allowed_actions` is defined as an empty array, or the action
is specifically restricted.
class MyController extends Controller {
@ -54,9 +56,9 @@ is specifically restricted.
`$allowed_actions` can be defined on `Extension` classes applying to the controller.
class MyExtension extends Extension {
@ -66,9 +68,9 @@ is specifically restricted.
Only public methods can be made accessible.
class MyController extends Controller {
@ -87,9 +89,9 @@ Only public methods can be made accessible.
If a method on a parent class is overwritten, access control for it has to be redefined as well.
class MyController extends Controller {
@ -114,16 +116,16 @@ If a method on a parent class is overwritten, access control for it has to be re
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
Access checks on parent classes need to be overwritten via the [Configuration API](../configuration).
## Forms
Form action methods should **not** be included in `$allowed_actions`. However, the form method **should** be included
as an `allowed_action`.
class MyController extends Controller {
@ -141,12 +143,12 @@ as an `allowed_action`.
## Action Level Checks
Each method responding to a URL can also implement custom permission checks, e.g. to handle responses conditionally on
the passed request data.
class MyController extends Controller {
@ -164,10 +166,10 @@ the passed request data.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
This is recommended as an addition for `$allowed_actions`, in order to handle more complex checks, rather than a
## Controller Level Checks
@ -175,10 +177,10 @@ After checking for allowed_actions, each controller invokes its `init()` method,
common state, If an `init()` method returns a `SS_HTTPResponse` with either a 3xx or 4xx HTTP status code, it'll abort
execution. This behavior can be used to implement permission checks.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
`init` is called for any possible action on the controller and before any specific method such as `index`.
class MyController extends Controller {
@ -194,7 +196,7 @@ execution. This behavior can be used to implement permission checks.
## Related Documentation
* [Security](../security)
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Redirection
summary: Move users around your site using automatic redirection.
icon: reply
# Redirection
Controllers can facilitate redirecting users from one place to another using `HTTP` redirection using the `Location`
@ -8,7 +10,7 @@ HTTP header.
// redirect to Page::goherenow(), i.e on the contact-us page this will redirect to /contact-us/goherenow/
@ -21,26 +23,26 @@ HTTP header.
// go back to the previous page.
## Status Codes
The `redirect()` method takes an optional HTTP status code, either `301` for permanent redirects, or `302` for
temporary redirects (default).
$this->redirect('/', 302);
// go back to the homepage, don't cache that this page has moved
## Redirection in URL Handling
Controllers can specify redirections in the `$url_handlers` property rather than defining a method by using the '~'
private static $url_handlers = array(
'players/john' => '~>coach'
For more information on `$url_handlers` see the [Routing](routing) documenation.
## API Documentation
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Request Filters
summary: Create objects for modifying request and response objects across controllers.
icon: filter
# Request Filters
[api:RequestFilter] is an interface that provides two key methods. `preRequest` and `postRequest`. These methods are
@ -9,7 +11,7 @@ perform operations wrapped around responses and request objects. A `RequestFilte
class CustomRequestFilter implements RequestFilter {
@ -38,18 +40,18 @@ perform operations wrapped around responses and request objects. A `RequestFilte
After defining the `RequestFilter`, add it as an allowed `filter` through the [Configuration API](../configuration)
- '%$CustomRequestFilter'
## API Documentation
* [api:RequestFilter]
* [api:RequestProcessor]
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
title: Controllers
summary: Controllers form the backbone of your SilverStripe application. They handle routing URLs to your templates.
introduction: In this guide you will learn how to define a Controller class and how they fit into the SilverStripe response and request cycle.
The [api:Controller] class handles the responsibility of delivering the correct outgoing [api:SS_HTTPResponse] for a
given incoming [api:SS_HTTPRequest]. A request is along the lines of a user requesting the homepage and contains
information like the URL, any parameters and where they've come from. The response on the other hand is the actual
@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
title: Introduction to Forms
summary: An introduction to creating a Form instance and handling submissions.
iconBrand: wpforms
# Forms
The HTML `Form` is the most used way to interact with a user. SilverStripe provides classes to generate forms through
the [api:Form] class, [api:FormField] instances to capture data and submissions through [api:FormAction].
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
See the [Forms Tutorial](../../tutorials/forms/) for a step by step process of creating a `Form`
## Creating a Form
Creating a [api:Form] has the following signature.
$form = new Form(
$controller, // the Controller to render this form on
$name, // name of the method that returns this form on the controller
@ -23,11 +25,11 @@ Creating a [api:Form] has the following signature.
$required // optional use of RequiredFields object
In practice, this looks like:
class Page_Controller extends ContentController {
@ -59,17 +61,17 @@ In practice, this looks like:
<div class="info" markdown="1">
The examples above use `FormField::create()` instead of the `new` operator (`new FormField()`). These are functionally
equivalent, but allows PHP to chain operations like `setTitle()` without assigning the field instance to a temporary
When constructing the `Form` instance (`new Form($controller, $name)`) both controller and name are required. The
`$controller` and `$name` are used to allow SilverStripe to calculate the origin of the `Form object`. When a user
@ -80,15 +82,15 @@ the [api:FormActions]. The URL is known as the `$controller` instance will know
Because the `HelloForm()` method will be the location the user is taken to, it needs to be handled like any other
controller action. To grant it access through URLs, we add it to the `$allowed_actions` array.
private static $allowed_actions = array(
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
Form actions (`doSayHello`), on the other hand, should _not_ be included in `$allowed_actions`; these are handled
separately through [api:Form::httpSubmission()].
## Adding FormFields
@ -96,17 +98,17 @@ separately through [api:Form::httpSubmission()].
Fields in a [api:Form] are represented as a single [api:FieldList] instance containing subclasses of [api:FormField].
Some common examples are [api:TextField] or [api:DropdownField].
TextField::create($name, $title, $value);
<div class="info" markdown='1'>
A list of the common FormField subclasses is available on the [Common Subclasses](field_types/common_subclasses/) page.
The fields are added to the [api:FieldList] `fields` property on the `Form` and can be modified at up to the point the
`Form` is rendered.
$fields = new FieldList(
@ -120,9 +122,9 @@ The fields are added to the [api:FieldList] `fields` property on the `Form` and
// to fetch the current fields..
$fields = $form->getFields();
A field can be appended to the [api:FieldList].
$fields = $form->Fields();
// add a field
@ -138,33 +140,33 @@ A field can be appended to the [api:FieldList].
$fields->insertBefore(Tab::create(...), 'Main');
// Note: you need to create and position the new tab prior to adding fields via addFieldToTab()
Fields can be fetched after they have been added in.
$email = $form->Fields()->dataFieldByName('Email');
$email->setTitle('Your Email Address');
Fields can be removed from the form.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
Forms can be tabbed (such as the CMS interface). In these cases, there are additional functions such as `addFieldToTab`
and `removeFieldByTab` to ensure the fields are on the correct interface. See [Tabbed Forms](tabbed_forms) for more
information on the CMS interface.
## Modifying FormFields
Each [api:FormField] subclass has a number of methods you can call on it to customise its' behavior or HTML markup. The
default `FormField` object has several methods for doing common operations.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
Most of the `set` operations will return the object back so methods can be chained.
$field = new TextField(..);
@ -172,13 +174,13 @@ Most of the `set` operations will return the object back so methods can be chain
->setAttribute('placeholder', 'Enter a value..')
### Custom Templates
The [api:Form] HTML markup and each of the [api:FormField] instances are rendered into templates. You can provide custom
templates by using the `setTemplate` method on either the `Form` or `FormField`. For more details on providing custom
templates see [Form Templates](form_templates)
$form = new Form(..);
@ -189,18 +191,18 @@ templates see [Form Templates](form_templates)
## Adding FormActions
[api:FormAction] objects are displayed at the bottom of the `Form` in the form of a `button` or `input` tag. When a
user presses the button, the form is submitted to the corresponding method.
FormAction::create($action, $title);
As with [api:FormField], the actions for a `Form` are stored within a [api:FieldList] instance in the `actions` property
on the form.
public function MyForm() {
$fields = new FieldList(..);
@ -234,7 +236,7 @@ on the form.
The first `$action` argument for creating a `FormAction` is the name of the method to invoke when submitting the form
with the particular button. In the previous example, clicking the 'Another Button' would invoke the
`doSecondaryFormAction` method. This action can be defined (in order) on either:
@ -242,17 +244,17 @@ with the particular button. In the previous example, clicking the 'Another Butto
* The `Form` instance.
* The `Controller` instance.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
If the `$action` method cannot be found on any of those or is marked as `private` or `protected`, an error will be
The `$action` method takes two arguments:
* `$data` an array containing the values of the form mapped from `$name => $value`
* `$form` the submitted [api:Form] instance.
class Page_Controller extends ContentController {
@ -292,7 +294,7 @@ The `$action` method takes two arguments:
## Validation
Form validation is handled by the [api:Validator] class and the `validator` property on the `Form` object. The validator
is provided with a name of each of the [api:FormField]s to validate and each `FormField` instance is responsible for
@ -300,14 +302,14 @@ validating its' own data value.
For more information, see the [Form Validation](validation) documentation.
$validator = new RequiredFields(array(
'Name', 'Email'
$form = new Form($this, 'MyForm', $fields, $actions, $validator);
## API Documentation
* [api:Form]
* [api:FormField]
@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
title: Form Validation
summary: Validate form data through the server side validation API.
icon: check-square
# Form Validation
SilverStripe provides server-side form validation out of the box through the [api:Validator] class and its' child class
[api:RequiredFields]. A single `Validator` instance is set on each `Form`. Validators are implemented as an argument to
the [api:Form] constructor or through the function `setValidator`.
class Page_Controller extends ContentController {
@ -45,25 +47,25 @@ the [api:Form] constructor or through the function `setValidator`.
In this example we will be required to input a value for `Name` and a valid email address for `Email` before the
`doSubmitForm` method is called.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
Each individual [api:FormField] instance is responsible for validating the submitted content through the
[api:FormField::validate()] method. By default, this just checks the value exists. Fields like `EmailField` override
`validate` to check for a specific format.
Subclasses of `FormField` can define their own version of `validate` to provide custom validation rules such as the
above example with the `Email` validation. The `validate` method on `FormField` takes a single argument of the current
`Validator` instance.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
The data value of the `FormField` submitted is not passed into validate. It is stored in the `value` property through
the `setValue` method.
public function validate($validator) {
if($this->value == 10) {
return false;
@ -72,12 +74,12 @@ the `setValue` method.
return true;
The `validate` method should return `true` if the value passes any validation and `false` if SilverStripe should trigger
a validation error on the page.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
You can also override the entire `Form` validation by subclassing `Form` and defining a `validate` method on the form.
Say we need a custom `FormField` which requires the user input a value in a `TextField` between 2 and 5. There would be
two ways to go about this:
@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ the same validation logic applied to it throughout.
class CustomNumberField extends TextField {
@ -112,11 +114,11 @@ the same validation logic applied to it throughout.
Or, an alternative approach to the custom class is to define the behavior inside the Form's action method. This is less
reusable and would not be possible within the `CMS` or other automated `UI` but does not rely on creating custom
`FormField` classes.
class Page_Controller extends ContentController {
@ -152,34 +154,34 @@ reusable and would not be possible within the `CMS` or other automated `UI` but
return $this->redirectBack();
$form->sessionMessage("You have been added to our mailing list", 'good');
return $this->redirectBack();
## Server-side validation messages
If a `FormField` fails to pass `validate()` the default error message is returned.
'$Name' is required
Use `setCustomValidationMessage` to provide a custom message.
$field = new TextField(..);
$field->setCustomValidationMessage('Whoops, looks like you have missed me!');
## JavaScript validation
Although there are no built-in JavaScript validation handlers in SilverStripe, the `FormField` API is flexible enough
to provide the information required in order to plug in custom libraries like [Parsley.js](http://parsleyjs.org/) or
[jQuery.Validate](http://jqueryvalidation.org/). Most of these libraries work on HTML `data-` attributes or special
classes added to each input. For Parsley we can structure the form like.
$form = new Form(..);
$form->setAttribute('data-parsley-validate', true);
@ -188,7 +190,7 @@ classes added to each input. For Parsley we can structure the form like.
$field->setAttribute('required', true);
$field->setAttribute('data-parsley-mincheck', '2');
## Model Validation
An alternative (or additional) approach to validation is to place it directly on the database model. SilverStripe
@ -202,11 +204,11 @@ call `setValidator` easily. However, a `DataObject` can provide its' own `Valida
`getCMSValidator()` method. The CMS interfaces such as [api:LeftAndMain], [api:ModelAdmin] and [api:GridField] will
respect the provided `Validator` and handle displaying error and success responses to the user.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
Again, custom error messages can be provided through the `FormField`
class Page extends SiteTree {
@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ Again, custom error messages can be provided through the `FormField`
## API Documentation
* [api:RequiredFields]
* [api:Validator]
@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
title: Form Templates
summary: Customize the generated HTML for a FormField or an entire Form.
icon: file-code
# Form Templates
Most markup generated in SilverStripe can be replaced by custom templates. Both [api:Form] and [api:FormField] instances
can be rendered out using custom templates using `setTemplate`.
$form = new Form(..);
@ -14,26 +16,26 @@ can be rendered out using custom templates using `setTemplate`.
$field = new TextField(..);
Both `MyCustomTemplate.ss` and `MyCustomTextField.ss` should be located in **mysite/templates/forms/** or the same directory as the core.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
It's recommended to copy the contents of the template you're going to replace and use that as a start. For instance, if
you want to create a `MyCustomFormTemplate` copy the contents of `Form.ss` to a `MyCustomFormTemplate.ss` file and
modify as you need.
By default, Form and Fields follow the SilverStripe Template convention and are rendered into templates of the same
class name (i.e EmailField will attempt to render into `EmailField.ss` and if that isn't found, `TextField.ss` or
finally `FormField.ss`).
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
While you can override all templates using normal view inheritance (i.e defining a `Form.ss`) other modules may rely on
the core template structure. It is recommended to use `setTemplate` and unique templates for specific forms.
For [api:FormField] instances, there are several other templates that are used on top of the main `setTemplate`.
$field = new TextField();
@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ For [api:FormField] instances, there are several other templates that are used o
// field is embedded within another field. For example, if the field is
// part of a `FieldGroup` or `CompositeField` alongside other fields.
All templates are rendered within the scope of the [api:FormField]. To understand more about Scope within Templates as
well as the available syntax, see the [Templates](../templates) documentation.
## Related Documentation
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Form Security
summary: Ensure Forms are secure against Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks, bots and other malicious intent.
icon: shield-alt
# Form Security
Whenever you are accepting or asking users to input data to your application there comes an added responsibility that it
@ -13,37 +15,37 @@ SilverStripe protect users against [Cross-Site Request Forgery](https://www.owas
random string generated by [api:SecurityToken] to identify the particular user request vs a third-party forging fake
<div class="info" markdown="1">
For more information on Cross-Site Request Forgery, consult the [OWASP](https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_(CSRF)
The `SecurityToken` automatically added looks something like:
$form = new Form(..);
echo $form->getSecurityToken()->getValue();
// 'c443076989a7f24cf6b35fe1360be8683a753e2c'
This token value is passed through the rendered Form HTML as a [api:HiddenField].
<input type="hidden" name="SecurityID" value="c443076989a7f24cf6b35fe1360be8683a753e2c" class="hidden" />
The token should be present whenever a operation has a side effect such as a `POST` operation.
It can be safely disabled for `GET` requests as long as it does not modify the database (i.e a search form does not
normally require a security token).
$form = new Form(..);
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
Do not disable the SecurityID for forms that perform some modification to the users session. This will open your
application up to `CSRF` security holes.
## Strict Form Submission
@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ Forms should be limited to the intended HTTP verb (mostly `GET` or `POST`) to fu
this check, forms that rely on `GET` can be submitted via `POST` or `PUT` or vice-versa potentially leading to
application errors or edge cases.
$form = new Form(..);
@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ application errors or edge cases.
// or alternative short notation..
$form->setFormMethod('POST', true);
## Spam and Bot Attacks
SilverStripe has no built-in protection for detailing with bots, captcha or other spam protection methods. This
functionality is available as an additional [Spam Protection](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-spamprotection)
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Form Transformations
summary: Provide read-only and disabled views of your Form data.
icon: random
# Read-only and Disabled Forms
[api:Form] and [api:FormField] instances can be turned into a read-only version for things like confirmation pages or
@ -9,21 +11,21 @@ when certain fields cannot be edited due to permissions. Creating the form is do
To make an entire [api:Form] read-only.
$form = new Form(..);
To make all the fields within a [api:FieldList] read-only (i.e to make fields read-only but not buttons).
$fields = new FieldList(..);
$fields = $fields->makeReadonly();
To make a [api:FormField] read-only you need to know the name of the form field or call it direct on the object
$field = new TextField(..);
$field = $field->performReadonlyTransformation();
@ -39,15 +41,7 @@ To make a [api:FormField] read-only you need to know the name of the form field
## Disabled FormFields
Disabling [api:FormField] instances, sets the `disabled` property on the class. This will use the same HTML markup as
a normal form, but set the `disabled` attribute on the `input` tag.
$field = new TextField(..);
echo $field->forTemplate();
// returns '<input type="text" class="text" .. disabled="disabled" />'
@ -1,55 +1,56 @@
title: Tabbed Forms
summary: Find out how CMS interfaces use jQuery UI tabs to provide nested FormFields.
# Tabbed Forms
SilverStripe's [api:FormScaffolder] can automatically generate [api:Form] instances for certain database models. In the
CMS and other scaffolded interfaces, it will output [api:TabSet] and [api:Tab] objects and use jQuery Tabs to split
parts of the data model.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
All interfaces within the CMS such as [api:ModelAdmin] and [api:LeftAndMain] use tabbed interfaces by default.
When dealing with tabbed forms, modifying the fields in the form has a few differences. Each [api:Tab] will be given a
name, and normally they all exist under the `Root` [api:TabSet].
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
[api:TabSet] instances can contain child [api:Tab] and further [api:TabSet] instances, however the CMS UI will only
display up to two levels of tabs in the interface. If you want to group data further than that, try [api:ToggleField].
## Adding a field to a tab
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new TextField(..));
## Removing a field from a tab
$fields->removeFieldFromTab('Root.Main', 'Content');
## Creating a new tab
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.MyNewTab', new TextField(..));
## Moving a field between tabs
$content = $fields->dataFieldByName('Content');
$fields->removeFieldFromTab('Root.Main', 'Content');
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.MyContent', $content);
## Add multiple fields at once
$fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Content', array(
## API Documentation
* [api:FormScaffolder]
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: Common FormField type subclasses
summary: A table containing a list of the common FormField subclasses.
# Common FormField type subclasses
This is a high level overview of available [api:FormField] subclasses. An automatically generated list is available
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: DateField
summary: How to format and use the DateField class.
# DateField
This `FormField` subclass lets you display an editable date, either in a single text input field, or in three separate
@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ The following example will add a simple DateField to your Page, allowing you to
class Page extends SiteTree {
@ -31,17 +32,17 @@ The following example will add a simple DateField to your Page, allowing you to
## Custom Date Format
A custom date format for a [api:DateField] can be provided through `setConfig`.
// will display a date in the following format: 31-06-2012
DateField::create('MyDate')->setConfig('dateformat', 'dd-MM-yyyy');
<div class="info" markdown="1">
The formats are based on [Zend_Date constants](http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.date.constants.html).
## Min and Max Dates
@ -49,35 +50,36 @@ The formats are based on [Zend_Date constants](http://framework.zend.com/manual/
Sets the minimum and maximum allowed date values using the `min` and `max` configuration settings (in ISO format or
->setConfig('min', '-7 days')
->setConfig('max', '2012-12-31')
## Separate Day / Month / Year Fields
The following setting will display your DateField as three input fields for day, month and year separately. HTML5
placeholders 'day', 'month' and 'year' are enabled by default.
->setConfig('dmyfields', true)
->setConfig('dmyseparator', '/') // set the separator
->setConfig('dmyplaceholders', 'true'); // enable HTML 5 Placeholders
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
Any custom date format settings will be ignored.
## Calendar Picker
The following setting will add a Calendar to a single DateField, using the jQuery UI DatePicker widget.
->setConfig('showcalendar', true);
The jQuery DatePicker doesn't support every constant available for `Zend_Date`. If you choose to use the calendar, the
following constants should at least be safe:
Constant | xxxxx
@ -98,10 +100,10 @@ Unfortunately the day- and monthname values in Zend Date do not always match tho
files, so constants like `EEE` or `MMM`, for day and month names could break validation. To fix this we had to slightly
alter the jQuery locale files, situated in */framework/thirdparty/jquery-ui/datepicker/i18n/*, to match Zend_Date.
<div class="info">
At this moment not all locale files may be present. If a locale file is missing, the DatePicker calendar will fallback
to 'yyyy-MM-dd' whenever day - and/or monthnames are used. After saving, the correct format will be displayed.
## Formatting Hints
@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ It's often not immediate apparent which format a field accepts, and showing the
of limited use to the average user. An alternative is to show the current date in the desired format alongside the
field description as an example.
$dateField = DateField::create('MyDate');
// Show long format as text below the field
@ -121,9 +123,9 @@ field description as an example.
// Alternatively, set short format as a placeholder in the field
$dateField->setAttribute('placeholder', $dateField->getConfig('dateformat'));
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
Fields scaffolded through [api:DataObject::scaffoldCMSFields()] automatically have a description attached to them.
## API Documentation
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Rich-text editing (WYSIWYG)
summary: SilverStripe's use and configuration of TinyMCE html editor.
summary: Silverstripe CMS's use and configuration of TinyMCE html editor.
icon: file-code
# Rich-text editing (WYSIWYG)
Editing and formatting content is the bread and butter of every content management system, which is why SilverStripe
@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ functionality. It is usually added through the [api:DataObject::getCMSFields()]
class MyObject extends DataObject {
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ functionality. It is usually added through the [api:DataObject::getCMSFields()]
### Specify which configuration to use
By default, a config named 'cms' is used in any new [api:HTMLEditorField].
@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ will use the configuration with the name 'myConfig'.
You can also specify which [api:HtmlEditorConfig] to use on a per field basis via the construct argument.
This is particularly useful if you need different configurations for multiple [api:HTMLEditorField] on the same page or form.
class MyObject extends DataObject {
private static $db = array(
'Content' => 'HTMLText',
@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ This is particularly useful if you need different configurations for multiple [a
In the above example, the 'Content' field will use the default 'cms' config while 'OtherContent' will be using 'myConfig'.
## Configuration
@ -68,14 +70,14 @@ in the framework (and the `cms` module in case you've got that installed).
There can be multiple configs, which should always be created / accessed using [api:HtmlEditorConfig::get()]. You can
then set the currently active config using `set_active()`.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
Currently the order in which the `_config.php` files are executed depends on the module directory names. Execution
order is alphabetical, so if you set a TinyMCE option in the `aardvark/_config.php`, this will be overridden in
`framework/admin/_config.php` and your modification will disappear.
## Adding and removing capabilities
@ -85,33 +87,33 @@ You can add plugins to the editor using the Framework's [api:HtmlEditorConfig::e
transparently generate the relevant underlying TinyMCE code.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
This utilities the TinyMCE's `PluginManager::load` function under the hood (check the
[TinyMCE documentation on plugin loading](http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/API3:method.tinymce.AddOnManager.load) for
Plugins and advanced themes can provide additional buttons that can be added (or removed) through the
configuration. Here is an example of adding a `ssmacron` button after the `charmap` button:
HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->insertButtonsAfter('charmap', 'ssmacron');
Buttons can also be removed:
HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->removeButtons('tablecontrols', 'blockquote', 'hr');
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
Internally [api:HtmlEditorConfig] uses the TinyMCE's `theme_advanced_buttons` option to configure these. See the
[TinyMCE documentation of this option](http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Configuration:theme_advanced_buttons_1_n)
for more details.
### Setting options
@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ tags](http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Configuration:extended_valid_elements) - t
from the HTML source by the editor.
// Add start and type attributes for <ol>, add <object> and <embed> with all attributes.
@ -137,10 +139,10 @@ from the HTML source by the editor.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
The default setting for the CMS's `extended_valid_elements` we are overriding here can be found in
## Writing custom plugins
@ -151,7 +153,7 @@ Here is how we can create a project-specific plugin. Create a `mysite/javascript
button icon - here `myplugin.png` - and the source code - here `editor_plugin.js`. Here is a very simple example of a
plugin that adds a button to the editor:
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.myplugin', {
@ -182,13 +184,13 @@ plugin that adds a button to the editor:
tinymce.PluginManager.add('myplugin', tinymce.plugins.myplugin);
You can then enable this plugin through the [api:HtmlEditorConfig::enablePlugins()]:
HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->enablePlugins(array('myplugin' => '../../../mysite/javascript/myplugin/editor_plugin.js'));
For more complex examples see the [Creating a Plugin](http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Creating_a_plugin) in TinyMCE
documentation, or browse through plugins that come with the Framework at `thirdparty/tinymce/plugins`.
## Image and media insertion
@ -212,9 +214,9 @@ queries to a list of external services if it finds a matching URL. These service
`Oembed.providers` configuration. Since these requests are performed on page rendering, they typically have a long
cache time (multiple days).
<div class="info" markdown="1">
To refresh a oEmbed cache, append `?flush=1` to a URL.
To disable oEmbed usage, set the `Oembed.enabled` configuration property to "false".
@ -238,10 +240,10 @@ defaults to the stricter 'xhtml' setting, for example rendering self closing tag
In case you want to adhere to HTML4 instead, use the following configuration:
HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->setOption('element_format', 'html');
By default, TinyMCE and SilverStripe will generate valid HTML5 markup, but it will strip out HTML5 tags like
`<article>` or `<figure>`. If you plan to use those, add them to the
[valid_elements](http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Configuration:valid_elements) configuration setting.
@ -261,19 +263,11 @@ back and forth between a content representation the editor can understand, prese
Example: Remove field for "image captions"
// File: mysite/code/MyToolbarExtension.php
class MyToolbarExtension extends Extension {
public function updateFieldsForImage(&$fields, $url, $file) {
// File: mysite/_config.php
Adding functionality is a bit more advanced, you'll most likely
need to add some fields to the PHP forms, as well as write some
JavaScript to ensure the values from those fields make it into the content
elements (and back out in case an existing element gets edited).
@ -296,15 +290,7 @@ encapsulated in the [api:HtmlEditorField_Toolbar] class.
In the CMS, those dialogs are automatically instantiate, but in your own interfaces outside
of the CMS you have to take care of instantiate yourself:
// File: mysite/code/MyController.php
class MyObjectController extends Controller {
public function EditorToolbar() {
return HtmlEditorField_Toolbar::create($this, "EditorToolbar");
// File: mysite/templates/MyController.ss
<% with $EditorToolbar %>
@ -312,16 +298,16 @@ of the CMS you have to take care of instantiate yourself:
<% end_with %>
Note: The dialogs rely on CMS-access, e.g. for uploading and browsing files,
so this is considered advanced usage of the field.
// File: mysite/_config.php
HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->removeButtons('sslink', 'ssmedia');
HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->addButtonsToLine(2, 'link', 'media');
### Developing a wrapper to use a different WYSIWYG editors with HTMLEditorField
WYSIWYG editors are complex beasts, so replacing it completely is a difficult task.
The framework provides a wrapper implementation for the basic required functionality,
@ -339,7 +325,7 @@ Most modern browsers support it, although Internet Explorer only has limited
support in IE10. Alternatively, you can use the PSpell PHP module for server side checks.
Assuming you have the module installed, here's how you enable its use in `mysite/_config.php`:
HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->enablePlugins('spellchecker', 'contextmenu');
HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->addButtonsToLine(2, 'spellchecker');
@ -348,8 +334,4 @@ Assuming you have the module installed, here's how you enable its use in `mysite
HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->setOption('browser_spellcheck', false);
Now change the default spellchecker in `framework/thirdparty/tinymce-spellchecker/config.php`:
// ...
$config['general.engine'] = 'PSpell';
@ -1,24 +1,26 @@
title: GridField
summary: How to use the GridField class for managing tabular data.
icon: table
# GridField
[api:GridField] is SilverStripe's implementation of data grids. The main purpose of the `FormField` is to display
tabular data in a format that is easy to view and modify. It can be thought of as a HTML table with some tricks.
$field = new GridField($name, $title, $list);
<div class="hint" markdown='1'>
GridField can only be used with `$list` data sets that are of the type `SS_List` such as `DataList` or `ArrayList`.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
[api:GridField] powers the automated data UI of [api:ModelAdmin]. For more information about `ModelAdmin` see the
[Customizing the CMS](/developer_guides/customising_the_admin_interface) guide.
Each `GridField` is built from a number of components grouped into the [api:GridFieldConfig]. Without any components,
a `GridField` has almost no functionality. The `GridFieldConfig` instance and the attached [api:GridFieldComponent] are
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ actions such as deleting records.
class Page extends SiteTree {
@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ actions such as deleting records.
This will display a bare bones `GridField` instance under `Pages` tab in the CMS. As we have not specified the
`GridField` configuration, the default configuration is an instance of [api:GridFieldConfig_Base] which provides:
* [api:GridFieldToolbarHeader]
@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ the `getConfig()` method on `GridField`.
class Page extends SiteTree {
@ -90,10 +92,10 @@ the `getConfig()` method on `GridField`.
With the `GridFieldConfig` instance, we can modify the behavior of the `GridField`.
// `GridFieldConfig::create()` will create an empty configuration (no components).
$config = GridFieldConfig::create();
@ -103,31 +105,31 @@ With the `GridFieldConfig` instance, we can modify the behavior of the `GridFiel
// Update the GridField with our custom configuration
`GridFieldConfig` provides a number of methods to make setting the configuration easier. We can insert a component
before another component by passing the second parameter.
$config->addComponent(new GridFieldFilterHeader(), 'GridFieldDataColumns');
We can add multiple components in one call.
new GridFieldDataColumns(),
new GridFieldToolbarHeader()
Or, remove a component.
Fetch a component to modify it later on.
$component = $config->getComponentByType('GridFieldFilterHeader')
Here is a list of components for use bundled with the core framework. Many more components are provided by third-party
modules and extensions.
@ -152,7 +154,7 @@ developers manually adding each component.
A simple read-only and paginated view of records with sortable and searchable headers.
$config = GridFieldConfig_Base::create();
@ -165,22 +167,22 @@ A simple read-only and paginated view of records with sortable and searchable he
// .. new GridFieldPageCount('toolbar-header-right')
// .. new GridFieldPaginator($itemsPerPage)
### GridFieldConfig_RecordViewer
Similar to `GridFieldConfig_Base` with the addition support of the ability to view a `GridFieldDetailForm` containing
a read-only view of the data record.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
The data row show must be a `DataObject` subclass. The fields displayed in the read-only view come from
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
The `DataObject` class displayed must define a `canView()` method that returns a boolean on whether the user can view
this record.
$config = GridFieldConfig_RecordViewer::create();
@ -189,21 +191,21 @@ this record.
// .. new GridFieldViewButton(),
// .. new GridFieldDetailForm()
### GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor
Similar to `GridFieldConfig_RecordViewer` with the addition support to edit or delete each of the records.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
The data row show must be a `DataObject` subclass. The fields displayed in the edit view come from
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
Permission control for editing and deleting the record uses the `canEdit()` and `canDelete()` methods on the
`DataObject` object.
$config = GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create();
@ -213,17 +215,17 @@ Permission control for editing and deleting the record uses the `canEdit()` and
// .. new GridFieldEditButton(),
// .. new GridFieldDeleteAction()
### GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor
Similar to `GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor`, but adds features to work on a record's has-many or many-many relationships.
As such, it expects the list used with the `GridField` to be a instance of `RelationList`.
$config = GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::create();
This configuration adds the ability to searched for existing records and add a relationship
Records created or deleted through the `GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor` automatically update the relationship in the
@ -235,13 +237,13 @@ The `GridFieldDetailForm` component drives the record viewing and editing form.
`DataObject->getCMSFields()` method but can be customised to accept different fields via the
[api:GridFieldDetailForm::setFields()] method.
$form = $gridField->getConfig()->getComponentByType('GridFieldDetailForm');
$form->setFields(new FieldList(
new TextField('Title')
### many_many_extraFields
The component also has the ability to load and save data stored on join tables when two records are related via a
"many_many" relationship, as defined through [api:DataObject::$many_many_extraFields]. While loading and saving works
@ -252,7 +254,7 @@ them as fields for relation extra data, and to avoid clashes with the other form
The namespace notation is `ManyMany[<extradata-field-name>]`, so for example `ManyMany[MyExtraField]`.
class Team extends DataObject {
@ -304,7 +306,7 @@ The namespace notation is `ManyMany[<extradata-field-name>]`, so for example `Ma
## Flexible Area Assignment through Fragments
`GridField` layouts can contain many components other than the table itself, for example a search bar to find existing
@ -316,24 +318,25 @@ The goal is for multiple components to share the same space, for example a heade
- `header`/`footer`: Renders in a `<thead>`/`<tfoot>`, should contain table markup
- `before`/`after`: Renders before/after the actual `<table>`
- `buttons-before-left`/`buttons-before-right`/`buttons-after-left`/`buttons-after-right`:
Renders in a shared row before the table. Requires [api:GridFieldButtonRow].
These built-ins can be used by passing the fragment names into the constructor of various components. Note that some
[api:GridFieldConfig] classes will already have rows added to them. The following example will add a print button at the
bottom right of the table.
$config->addComponent(new GridFieldButtonRow('after'));
$config->addComponent(new GridFieldPrintButton('buttons-after-right'));
### Creating your own Fragments
Fragments are designated areas within a `GridField` which can be shared between component templates. You can define
your own fragments by using a `\$DefineFragment' placeholder in your components' template. This example will simply
create an area rendered before the table wrapped in a simple `<div>`.
class MyAreaComponent implements GridField_HTMLProvider {
@ -345,15 +348,15 @@ create an area rendered before the table wrapped in a simple `<div>`.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
Please note that in templates, you'll need to escape the dollar sign on `\$DefineFragment`. These are specially
processed placeholders as opposed to native template syntax.
Now you can add other components into this area by returning them as an array from your
[api:GridFieldComponent::getHTMLFragments()] implementation:
class MyShareLinkComponent implements GridField_HTMLProvider {
@ -365,12 +368,12 @@ Now you can add other components into this area by returning them as an array fr
Your new area can also be used by existing components, e.g. the [api:GridFieldPrintButton]
new GridFieldPrintButton('my-component-area');
## Creating a Custom GridFieldComponent
Customizing a `GridField` is easy, applications and modules can provide their own `GridFieldComponent` instances to add
functionality. See [How to Create a GridFieldComponent](../how_tos/create_a_gridfieldcomponent).
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: UploadField
summary: Use a highly configurable form field to upload files
icon: upload
# UploadField
## Introduction
@ -16,27 +22,6 @@ Care should be taken as invalid files may remain within the filesystem until exp
The following example adds an UploadField to a page for single fileupload, based on a has_one relation:
class GalleryPage extends Page {
private static $has_one = array(
'SingleImage' => 'Image'
function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$uploadField = new UploadField(
$name = 'SingleImage',
$title = 'Upload a single image'
return $fields;
The UploadField will auto-detect the relation based on it's `name` property, and save it into the GalleyPages' `SingleImageID` field. Setting the `setAllowedMaxFileNumber` to 1 will make sure that only one image can ever be uploaded and linked to the relation.
@ -44,47 +29,14 @@ The UploadField will auto-detect the relation based on it's `name` property, and
### Multiple fileupload
Enable multiple fileuploads by using a many_many (or has_many) relation. Again, the `UploadField` will detect the relation based on its $name property value:
class GalleryPage extends Page {
private static $many_many = array(
'GalleryImages' => 'Image'
function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$uploadField = new UploadField(
$name = 'GalleryImages',
$title = 'Upload one or more images (max 10 in total)'
return $fields;
class GalleryPage_Controller extends Page_Controller {
class GalleryImageExtension extends DataExtension {
private static $belongs_many_many = array('Galleries' => 'GalleryPage');
- GalleryImageExtension
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
In order to link both ends of the relationship together it's usually advisable to extend Image with the necessary $has_one, $belongs_to, $has_many or $belongs_many_many. In particular, a DataObject with $has_many Images will not work without this specified explicitly.
## Configuration
### Overview
@ -94,48 +46,24 @@ See the [Configuration Reference](uploadfield#configuration-reference) section f
Example: mysite/_config/uploadfield.yml
after: framework#uploadfield
canUpload: false
### Set a custom folder
This example will save all uploads in the `/assets/customfolder/` folder. If the folder doesn't exist, it will be created.
$uploadField = new UploadField(
$name = 'GalleryImages',
$title = 'Please upload one or more images'
### Limit the allowed filetypes
`AllowedExtensions` defaults to the `File.allowed_extensions` configuration setting, but can be overwritten for each UploadField:
$uploadField->setAllowedExtensions(array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'));
Entire groups of file extensions can be specified in order to quickly limit types to known file categories.
$uploadField->setAllowedFileCategories('image', 'doc');
This will limit files to the following extensions: bmp gif jpg jpeg pcx tif png alpha als cel icon ico ps doc docx txt rtf xls xlsx pages ppt pptx pps csv html htm xhtml xml pdf.
`AllowedExtensions` can also be set globally via the [YAML configuration](/developer_guides/configuration/configuration/#configuration-yaml-syntax-and-rules), for example you may add the following into your mysite/_config/config.yml:
- 7zip
- xzip
### Limit the maximum file size
@ -143,49 +71,31 @@ This will limit files to the following extensions: bmp gif jpg jpeg pcx tif png
NOTE: this only sets the configuration for your UploadField, this does NOT change your server upload settings, so if your server is set to only allow 1 MB and you set the UploadField to 2 MB, uploads will not work.
$sizeMB = 2; // 2 MB
$size = $sizeMB * 1024 * 1024; // 2 MB in bytes
You can also specify a default global maximum file size setting in your config for different file types. This is overridden when specifying the max allowed file size on the UploadField instance.
'[image]': '1m'
'[doc]': '5m'
'jpeg': 2000
### Preview dimensions
Set the dimensions of the image preview. By default the max width is set to 80 and the max height is set to 60.
### Disable attachment of existing files
This can force the user to upload a new file, rather than link to the already existing file library
### Disable uploading of new files
Alternatively, you can force the user to only specify already existing files in the file library
### Automatic or manual upload
By default, the UploadField will try to automatically upload all selected files. Setting the `autoUpload` property to false, will present you with a list of selected files that you can then upload manually one by one:
### Change Detection
@ -194,8 +104,6 @@ an UploadField instance of changes, such as a new upload,
or the removal of an existing upload (through a `dirty` event).
The UI can then choose an appropriate response (e.g. highlighting the "save" button). If the UploadField doesn't save into a relation, there's technically no saveable change (the upload has already happened), which is why this feature can be disabled on demand.
$uploadField->setConfig('changeDetection', false);
### Build a simple gallery
@ -203,51 +111,23 @@ A gallery most times needs more then simple images. You might want to add a desc
First create a [DataExtension](/developer_guides/extending/extensions) like this:
class GalleryImage extends DataExtension {
private static $db = array(
'Description' => 'Text'
private static $belongs_many_many = array(
'GalleryPage' => 'GalleryPage'
Now register the DataExtension for the Image class in your mysite/_config/config.yml:
- GalleryImage
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
Note: Although you can subclass the Image class instead of using a DataExtension, this is not advisable. For instance: when using a subclass, the 'From files' button will only return files that were uploaded for that subclass, it won't recognize any other images!
### Edit uploaded images
By default the UploadField will let you edit the following fields: *Title, Filename, Owner and Folder*. The fileEditFields` configuration setting allows you you alter these settings. One way to go about this is create a `getCustomFields` function in your GalleryImage object like this:
class GalleryImage extends DataExtension {
function getCustomFields() {
$fields = new FieldList();
$fields->push(new TextField('Title', 'Title'));
$fields->push(new TextareaField('Description', 'Description'));
return $fields;
Then, in your GalleryPage, tell the UploadField to use this function:
In a similar fashion you can use 'setFileEditActions' to set the actions for the editform, or 'fileEditValidator' to determine the validator (e.g. RequiredFields).
@ -291,31 +171,12 @@ In a similar fashion you can use 'setFileEditActions' to set the actions for the
Certain default values for the above can be configured using the YAML config system.
autoUpload: true
canUpload: true
canAttachExisting: 'CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin'
canPreviewFolder: true
previewMaxWidth: 80
previewMaxHeight: 60
uploadTemplateName: 'ss-uploadfield-uploadtemplate'
downloadTemplateName: 'ss-uploadfield-downloadtemplate'
overwriteWarning: true # Warning before overwriting existing file (only relevant when Upload: replaceFile is true)
The above settings can also be set on a per-instance basis by using `setConfig` with the appropriate key.
The `Upload_Validator` class has configuration options for setting the `default_max_file_size`.
'[image]': '1m'
'[doc]': '5m'
'jpeg': 2000
You can specify the file extension or the app category (as specified in the `File` class) in square brackets. It supports setting the file size in bytes or using the syntax supported by `File::ini2bytes()`.
@ -323,11 +184,6 @@ You can specify the file extension or the app category (as specified in the `Fil
You can also configure the underlying [api:Upload] class, by using the YAML config system.
# Globally disables automatic renaming of files and displays a warning before overwriting an existing file
replaceFile: true
uploads_folder: 'Uploads'
## Using the UploadField in a frontend form
@ -339,70 +195,16 @@ For instance, to generate an upload form suitable for saving images into a user-
*In GalleryPage.php:*
class GalleryPage extends Page {}
class GalleryPage_Controller extends Page_Controller {
private static $allowed_actions = array('Form');
public function Form() {
$fields = new FieldList(
new TextField('Title', 'Title', null, 255),
$field = new UploadField('Images', 'Upload Images')
$field->setCanAttachExisting(false); // Block access to SilverStripe assets library
$field->setCanPreviewFolder(false); // Don't show target filesystem folder on upload field
$field->relationAutoSetting = false; // Prevents the form thinking the GalleryPage is the underlying object
$actions = new FieldList(new FormAction('submit', 'Save Images'));
return new Form($this, 'Form', $fields, $actions, null);
public function submit($data, Form $form) {
$gallery = new Gallery();
return $this;
class Gallery extends DataObject {
private static $db = array(
'Title' => 'Varchar(255)'
private static $many_many = array(
'Images' => 'Image'
class ImageExtension extends DataExtension {
private static $belongs_many_many = array(
'Gallery' => 'Gallery'
function canEdit($member) {
// WARNING! This affects permissions on ALL images. Setting this incorrectly can restrict
// access to authorised users or unintentionally give access to unauthorised users if set incorrectly.
return Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin');
- ImageExtension
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
title: Field Types
summary: More information about some of the core form fields
# Field Types
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: How to Encapsulate Forms
summary: Learn how to move a form from a controller into its own class definition.
iconBrand: wpforms
# How to Encapsulate Forms
Form definitions can often get long, complex and often end up cluttering up a `Controller` definition. We may also want
@ -9,7 +12,7 @@ code for a `Form` is to create it as a subclass to `Form`. Let's look at a examp
class Page_Controller extends ContentController {
@ -60,12 +63,12 @@ code for a `Form` is to create it as a subclass to `Form`. Let's look at a examp
Now that is a bit of code to include on our controller and generally makes the file look much more complex than it
should be. Good practice would be to move this to a subclass and create a new instance for your particular controller.
class SearchForm extends Form {
@ -121,11 +124,11 @@ should be. Good practice would be to move this to a subclass and create a new in
Our controller will now just have to create a new instance of this form object. Keeping the file light and easy to read.
class Page_Controller extends ContentController {
@ -139,7 +142,7 @@ Our controller will now just have to create a new instance of this form object.
Form actions can also be defined within your `Form` subclass to keep the entire form logic encapsulated.
## Related Documentation
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: How to Create Lightweight Form
summary: Create a simple search form with Silverstripe CMS
iconBrand: wpforms
# How to Create Lightweight Form
Out of the box, SilverStripe provides a robust and reusable set of HTML markup for [api:FormFields], however this can
@ -11,7 +14,7 @@ totally custom template to meet our needs. To do this, we'll provide the class w
public function SearchForm() {
@ -29,9 +32,9 @@ totally custom template to meet our needs. To do this, we'll provide the class w
return $form;
<form $FormAttributes>
@ -42,11 +45,11 @@ totally custom template to meet our needs. To do this, we'll provide the class w
`SearchForm.ss` will be executed within the scope of the `Form` object so has access to any of the methods and
properties on [api:Form] such as `$Fields` and `$Actions`.
<div class="notice">
To understand more about Scope or the syntax for custom templates, read the [Templates](../../templates) guide.
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: Create a GridField Component
summary: Customise your GridField with a variety of add-ons.
icon: table
A single component often uses a number of interfaces.
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
title: Create a GridField action provider
summary: Handle custom actions on your GridField
# How to add a custom action to a GridField row
In a [GridField](/developer_guides/forms/field_types/gridfield) instance each table row can have a
@ -17,7 +22,7 @@ perform custom operations on a row.
A basic outline of our new `GridFieldCustomAction.php` will look like something
class GridFieldCustomAction implements GridField_ColumnProvider, GridField_ActionProvider {
@ -32,7 +37,8 @@ below:
return array('class' => 'col-buttons');
public function getColumnMetadata($gridField, $columnName) {
if($columnName == 'Actions') {
return array('title' => '');
@ -54,7 +60,8 @@ below:
array('RecordID' => $record->ID)
return $field->Field();
@ -75,14 +82,14 @@ below:
## Add the GridFieldCustomAction to the current `GridFieldConfig`
While we're working on the code, to add this new action to the `GridField`, add
a new instance of the class to the [api:GridFieldConfig] object. The `GridField`
[Reference](/developer_guides/forms/field_types/gridfield) documentation has more information about
manipulating the `GridFieldConfig` instance if required.
// option 1: creating a new GridField with the CustomAction
$config = GridFieldConfig::create();
$config->addComponent(new GridFieldCustomAction());
@ -92,6 +99,7 @@ manipulating the `GridFieldConfig` instance if required.
// option 2: adding the CustomAction to an exisitng GridField
$gridField->getConfig()->addComponent(new GridFieldCustomAction());
For documentation on adding a Component to a `GridField` created by `ModelAdmin`
please view the [GridField Customization](/developer_guides/forms/how_tos/create_a_gridfield_actionprovider) section.
@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
title: Simple contact form
summary: Create a form that submits a message via email
iconBrand: wpforms
# How to make a simple contact form
In this how-to, we'll explain how to set up a specific page type
holding a contact form, which submits a message via email.
Let's start by defining a new `ContactPage` page type:
class ContactPage extends Page {
@ -23,30 +29,30 @@ Let's start by defining a new `ContactPage` page type:
To create a form, we instanciate a `Form` object on a function on our page controller. We'll call this function `Form()`. You're free to choose this name, but it's standard practice to name the function `Form()` if there's only a single form on the page.
There's quite a bit in this function, so we'll step through one piece at a time.
$fields = new FieldList(
new TextField('Name'),
new EmailField('Email'),
new TextareaField('Message')
First we create all the fields we want in the contact form, and put them inside a FieldList. You can find a list of form fields available on the [api:FormField] page.
$actions = FieldList(
new FormAction('submit', 'Submit')
We then create a [api:FieldList] of the form actions, or the buttons that submit the form. Here we add a single form action, with the name 'submit', and the label 'Submit'. We'll use the name of the form action later.
return new Form($this, 'Form', $fields, $actions);
Finally we create the `Form` object and return it. The first argument is the controller that the form is on – this is almost always $this. The second argument is the name of the form – this has to be the same as the name of the function that creates the form, so we've used 'Form'. The third and fourth arguments are the fields and actions we created earlier.
To show the form on the page, we need to render it in our template. We do this by appending $ to the name of the form – so for the form we just created we need to add $Form. Add $Form to the themes/currenttheme/Layout/Page.ss template, below $Content.
@ -60,7 +66,7 @@ If you now create a ContactPage in the CMS (making sure you have rebuilt the dat
Now that we have a contact form, we need some way of collecting the data submitted. We do this by creating a function on the controller with the same name as the form action. In this case, we create the function 'submit' on the ContactPage_Controller class.
class ContactPage_Controller extends Page_Controller {
private static $allowed_actions = array('Form');
public function Form() {
@ -86,12 +92,12 @@ Now that we have a contact form, we need some way of collecting the data submitt
<div class="hint" markdown="1">
Caution: This form is prone to abuse by spammers,
since it doesn't enforce a rate limitation, or checks for bots.
We recommend to use a validation service like the ["recaptcha" module](http://www.silverstripe.org/recaptcha-module/)
for better security.
Caution: This form is prone to abuse by spammers,
since it doesn't enforce a rate limitation, or checks for bots.
We recommend to use a validation service like the ["recaptcha" module](http://www.silverstripe.org/recaptcha-module/)
for better security.
Any function that receives a form submission takes two arguments: the data passed to the form as an indexed array, and the form itself. In order to extract the data, you can either use functions on the form object to get the fields and query their values, or just use the raw data in the array. In the example above, we used the array, as it's the easiest way to get data without requiring the form fields to perform any special transformations.
@ -106,12 +112,12 @@ All forms have some basic validation built in – email fields will only let the
The framework comes with a predefined validator called [api:RequiredFields], which performs the common task of making sure particular fields are filled out. Below is the code to add validation to a contact form:
public function Form() {
// ...
$validator = new RequiredFields('Name', 'Message');
return new Form($this, 'Form', $fields, $actions, $validator);
We've created a RequiredFields object, passing the name of the fields we want to be required. The validator we have created is then passed as the fifth argument of the form constructor. If we now try to submit the form without filling out the required fields, JavaScript validation will kick in, and the user will be presented with a message about the missing fields. If the user has JavaScript disabled, PHP validation will kick in when the form is submitted, and the user will be redirected back to the Form with messages about their missing fields.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: How To's
# How To's: Forms
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
title: Forms
summary: Capture user information through Forms. This guide will work through how to create SilverStripe forms, adding and modifying fields and how to handle form submissions.
introduction: This guide will work through how to create SilverStripe forms, adding and modifying fields and how to handle form submissions.
iconBrand: wpforms
The [api:Form] class provides a way to create interactive forms in your web application with very little effort.
SilverStripe handles generating the correct semantic HTML markup for the form and each of the fields, as well as the
framework for dealing with submissions and validation.
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Configuration API
summary: SilverStripe's YAML based Configuration API for setting runtime configuration.
summary: Silverstripe CMS's YAML based Configuration API for setting runtime configuration.
icon: laptop-code
# Configuration API
SilverStripe comes with a comprehensive code based configuration system through the [api:Config] class. It primarily
@ -14,9 +16,9 @@ properties API:
- Configuration is normally set once during initialization and then not changed.
- Configuration is normally set by a knowledgeable technical user, such as a developer, not the end user.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
For providing content editors or CMS users a place to manage configuration see the [SiteConfig](siteconfig) module.
## Configuration Properties
@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ be marked `private static` and follow the `lower_case_with_underscores` structur
class MyClass extends Page {
@ -44,30 +46,31 @@ be marked `private static` and follow the `lower_case_with_underscores` structur
// ..
## Accessing and Setting Configuration Properties
This can be done by calling the static method [api:Config::inst()], like so:
$config = Config::inst()->get('MyClass');
Or through the `config()` object on the class.
$config = $this->config();
There are three public methods available on the instance. `get($class, $variable)`, `remove($class, $variable)` and
`update($class, $variable, $value)`.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
There is no "set" method. It is not possible to completely set the value of a classes' property. `update` adds new
values that are treated as the highest priority in the merge, and remove adds a merge mask that filters out values.
To set those configuration options on our previously defined class we can define it in a `YAML` file.
option_one: false
@ -75,9 +78,9 @@ To set those configuration options on our previously defined class we can define
- Bar
- Baz
To use those variables in your application code:
$me = new MyClass();
echo $me->config()->option_one;
@ -105,10 +108,10 @@ To use those variables in your application code:
echo implode(', ', MyClass::config()->option_one);
// returns 'Qux'
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
There is no way currently to restrict read or write access to any configuration property, or influence/check the values
being read or written.
## Configuration Values
@ -126,11 +129,11 @@ rules:
- If the value is not an array, the highest priority value is used without any attempt to merge
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
The exception to this is "false-ish" values - empty arrays, empty strings, etc. When merging a non-false-ish value with
a false-ish value, the result will be the non-false-ish value regardless of priority. When merging two false-ish values
the result will be the higher priority false-ish value.
The locations that configuration values are taken from in highest -> lowest priority order are:
@ -141,21 +144,22 @@ order, where the item that is latest is highest priority)
- Any static set on the class named the same as the name of the property
- The composite configuration value of the parent class of this class
<div class="notice">
It is an error to have mixed types of the same named property in different locations. An error will not necessarily
be raised due to optimizations in the lookup code.
## Configuration Masks
At some of these levels you can also set masks. These remove values from the composite value at their priority point
rather than add.
$actionsWithoutExtra = $this->config()->get(
'allowed_actions', Config::UNINHERITED
They are much simpler. They consist of a list of key / value pairs. When applied against the current composite value
- If the composite value is a sequential array, any member of that array that matches any value in the mask is removed
- If the composite value is an associative array, any member of that array that matches both the key and value of any
@ -168,29 +172,31 @@ pair in the mask is removed
Each module can have a directory immediately underneath the main module directory called `_config/`. Inside this
directory you can add YAML files that contain values for the configuration system.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
The name of the files within the applications `_config` directly are arbitrary. Our examples use
`mysite/_config/app.yml` but you can break this file down into smaller files, or clearer patterns like `extensions.yml`,
`email.yml` if you want. For add-on's and modules, it is recommended that you name them with `<module_name>.yml`.
The structure of each YAML file is a series of headers and values separated by YAML document separators.
Name: adminroutes
- '#rootroutes'
- '#coreroutes'
'admin': 'AdminRootController'
<div class="info">
If there is only one set of values the header can be omitted.
Each value section of a YAML file has:
@ -223,17 +229,19 @@ before (lower priority than) or after (higher priority than) some other value se
To specify these rules you add an "After" and/or "Before" key to the relevant header section. The value for these
keys is a list of reference paths to other value sections. A basic example:
Name: adminroutes
- '#rootroutes'
- '#coreroutes'
'admin': 'AdminRootController'
You do not have to specify all portions of a reference path. Any portion may be replaced with a wildcard "\*", or left
out all together. Either has the same affect - that portion will be ignored when checking a value section's reference
@ -255,10 +263,10 @@ after value sections with a name of `rootroutes`. However because `\*` has three
In this case `\*` means "every value section _except_ ones that have a fragment name of rootroutes".
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
It is possible to create chains that are unsolvable. For instance, A must be before B, B must be before C, C must be
before A. In this case you will get an error when accessing your site.
## Exclusionary rules
@ -278,38 +286,43 @@ You then list any of the following rules as sub-keys, with informational values
- 'classexists', in which case the value(s) should be classes that must exist
- 'moduleexists', in which case the value(s) should be modules that must exist
- 'environment', in which case the value(s) should be one of "live", "test" or "dev" to indicate the SilverStripe
mode the site must be in
- 'envvarset', in which case the value(s) should be environment variables that must be set
- 'constantdefined', in which case the value(s) should be constants that must be defined
For instance, to add a property to "foo" when a module exists, and "bar" otherwise, you could do this:
moduleexists: 'MyFineModule'
property: 'foo'
moduleexists: 'MyFineModule'
property: 'bar'
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
When you have more than one rule for a nested fragment, they're joined like
That is, the fragment will be included if all Only rules match, except if all Except rules match.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
Due to YAML limitations, having multiple conditions of the same kind (say, two `EnvVarSet` in one "Only" block)
will result in only the latter coming through.
## API Documentation
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: SiteConfig
summary: Content author configuration through the SiteConfig module.
icon: laptop-code
# SiteConfig
The `SiteConfig` module provides a generic interface for managing site wide settings or functionality which is used
@ -10,7 +12,7 @@ throughout the site. Out of the box this includes selecting the current site the
`SiteConfig` options can be accessed from any template by using the $SiteConfig variable.
@ -18,23 +20,23 @@ throughout the site. Out of the box this includes selecting the current site the
$Title $AnotherField
<% end_with %>
To access variables in the PHP:
$config = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
echo $config->Title;
// returns "Website Name"
## Extending SiteConfig
To extend the options available in the panel, define your own fields via a [api:DataExtension].
class CustomSiteConfig extends DataExtension {
@ -50,19 +52,19 @@ To extend the options available in the panel, define your own fields via a [api:
Then activate the extension.
- CustomSiteConfig
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
After adding the class and the YAML change, make sure to rebuild your database by visiting http://yoursite.com/dev/build.
You may also need to reload the screen with a `?flush=1` i.e http://yoursite.com/admin/settings?flush=1.
You can define as many extensions for `SiteConfig` as you need. For example, if you're developing a module and want to
provide the users a place to configure settings then the `SiteConfig` panel is the place to go it.
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Environment Variables
summary: Site configuration variables such as database connection details, environment type and remote login information.
icon: dollar-sign
# Environment Variables
Environment specific variables like database connection details, API keys and other server configuration should be kept
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
title: Configuration
summary: SilverStripe provides several ways to store and modify your application settings. Learn about site wide settings and the YAML based configuration system.
introduction: SilverStripe provides several ways to store and modify your application settings. Learn about site wide settings and the YAML based configuration system.
icon: laptop-code
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Modules
summary: Extend core functionality with modules.
icon: code
# Modules
SilverStripe is designed to be a modular application system - even the CMS is simply a module that plugs into the core
@ -10,6 +12,7 @@ A module is a collection of classes, templates, and other resources that is load
the `framework`, `cms` or `mysite` folders. The only thing that identifies a folder as a SilverStripe module is the
existence of a `_config` directory or `_config.php` at the top level of the directory.
+-- _config/
@ -21,13 +24,13 @@ existence of a `_config` directory or `_config.php` at the top level of the dire
+-- _config/
+-- ...
SilverStripe will automatically include any PHP classes and templates from within your module when you next flush your
<div class="info" markdown="1">
In a default SilverStripe installation, even resources in `framework` and `mysite` are treated in exactly the same as
every other module. Order of priority is usually alphabetical unless stated.
Creating a module is a good way to re-use abstract code and templates across multiple projects. SilverStripe already
has certain modules included, for example the `cms` module and core functionality such as commenting and spam protection
@ -44,14 +47,14 @@ are also abstracted into modules allowing developers the freedom to choose what
Modules should exist in the root folder of your SilverStripe installation.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
The root directory is the one containing the *framework* and *mysite* subdirectories. If your site is installed under
`/Users/sam.minnee/Sites/website/` your modules will go in the `/Users/sam.minnee/Sites/website/` directory.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
After you add or remove modules make sure you rebuild the database by going to http://yoursite.com/dev/build?flush=1
### From Composer
@ -64,37 +67,37 @@ Each module has a unique identifier, consisting of a vendor prefix and name. For
identifier `silverstripe/blog` as it is published by *silverstripe*. To install, use the following command executed in
the root folder:
composer require "silverstripe/blog" "*@stable"
This will fetch the latest compatible stable version of the module. To install a specific version of the module give the
tag name.
composer require "silverstripe/blog" "1.1.0"
<div class="info" markdown="1">
To lock down to a specific version, branch or commit, read up on
[Composer "lock" files](http://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#composer-lock-the-lock-file).
## From an Archive Download
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
Some modules might not work at all with this approach since they rely on the
Composer [autoloader](http://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#autoloading), additional modules or post-install
hooks, so we recommend using Composer.
Alternatively, you can download the archive file from the [modules page](http://www.silverstripe.org/modules) and
extract it to the root folder mentioned above.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
The main folder extracted from the archive might contain the version number or additional "container" folders above the
actual module codebase. You need to make sure the folder name is the correct name of the module (e.g. "blog/" rather
than "silverstripe-blog/"). This folder should contain a `_config/` directory. While the module might register and
operate in other structures, paths to static files such as CSS or JavaScript won't work.
## Publishing your own SilverStripe module
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Extensions
summary: Extensions and DataExtensions let you modify and augment objects transparently.
icon: code
# Extensions and DataExtensions
An [api:Extension] allows for adding additional functionality to a [api:Object] or modifying existing functionality
@ -10,14 +12,14 @@ or even their own code to make it more reusable.
Extensions are defined as subclasses of either [api:DataExtension] for extending a [api:DataObject] subclass or
the [api:Extension] class for non DataObject subclasses (such as [api:Controllers])
<div class="info" markdown="1">
For performance reasons a few classes are excluded from receiving extensions, including `Object`, `ViewableData`
and `RequestHandler`. You can still apply extensions to descendants of these classes.
class MyMemberExtension extends DataExtension {
@ -32,26 +34,26 @@ and `RequestHandler`. You can still apply extensions to descendants of these cla
<div class="info" markdown="1">
Convention is for extension class names to end in `Extension`. This isn't a requirement but makes it clearer
After this class has been created, it does not yet apply it to any object. We need to tell SilverStripe what classes
we want to add the `MyMemberExtension` too. To activate this extension, add the following via the [Configuration API](../configuration).
- MyMemberExtension
Alternatively, we can add extensions through PHP code (in the `_config.php` file).
This class now defines a `MyMemberExtension` that applies to all `Member` instances on the website. It will have
transformed the original `Member` class in two ways:
* Added a new [api:SS_Datetime] for the users date of birth, and;
@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ $has_one etc.
class MyMemberExtension extends DataExtension {
@ -89,32 +91,32 @@ $has_one etc.
## Adding Methods
Methods that have a unique name will be called as part of the `__call` method on [api:Object]. In the previous example
we added a `SayHi` method which is unique to our extension.
// "Hi Sam"
$member = Member::currentUser();
echo $member->SayHi;
// "Hi Sam"
## Modifying Existing Methods
If the `Extension` needs to modify an existing method it's a little trickier. It requires that the method you want to
@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ through the [api:Object::extend()] method.
public function getValidator() {
// ..
@ -132,14 +134,14 @@ through the [api:Object::extend()] method.
// ..
Extension Hooks can be located anywhere in the method and provide a point for any `Extension` instances to modify the
variables at that given point. In this case, the core function `getValidator` on the `Member` class provides an
`updateValidator` hook for developers to modify the core method. The `MyMemberExtension` would modify the core member's
validator by defining the `updateValidator` method.
class MyMemberExtension extends DataExtension {
@ -152,14 +154,14 @@ validator by defining the `updateValidator` method.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
The `$validator` parameter is passed by reference, as it is an object.
Another common example of when you will want to modify a method is to update the default CMS fields for an object in an
extension. The `CMS` provides a `updateCMSFields` Extension Hook to tie into.
class MyMemberExtension extends DataExtension {
@ -178,13 +180,13 @@ extension. The `CMS` provides a `updateCMSFields` Extension Hook to tie into.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
If you're providing a module or working on code that may need to be extended by other code, it should provide a *hook*
which allows an Extension to modify the results.
public function Foo() {
$foo = // ..
@ -193,7 +195,7 @@ which allows an Extension to modify the results.
return $foo;
The convention for extension hooks is to provide an `update{$Function}` hook at the end before you return the result. If
you need to provide extension hooks at the beginning of the method use `before{..}`.
## Owner
@ -201,7 +203,7 @@ you need to provide extension hooks at the beginning of the method use `before{.
In your [api:Extension] class you can only refer to the source object through the `owner` property on the class as
`$this` will refer to your `Extension` instance.
class MyMemberExtension extends DataExtension {
@ -212,13 +214,13 @@ In your [api:Extension] class you can only refer to the source object through th
## Checking to see if an Object has an Extension
To see what extensions are currently enabled on an object, use [api:Object::getExtensionInstances()] and
$member = Member::currentUser();
@ -227,7 +229,7 @@ To see what extensions are currently enabled on an object, use [api:Object::getE
// ..
## Object extension injection points
`Object` has two additional methods, `beforeExtending` and `afterExtending`, each of which takes a method name and a
@ -236,15 +238,15 @@ callback to be executed immediately before and after `Object::extend()` is calle
This is useful in many cases where working with modules such as `Translatable` which operate on `DataObject` fields
that must exist in the `FieldList` at the time that `$this->extend('UpdateCMSFields')` is called.
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
Please note that each callback is only ever called once, and then cleared, so multiple extensions to the same function
require that a callback is registered each time, if necessary.
Example: A class that wants to control default values during object initialization. The code needs to assign a value
if not specified in `self::$defaults`, but before extensions have been called:
function __construct() {
$self = $this;
@ -257,13 +259,13 @@ if not specified in `self::$defaults`, but before extensions have been called:
Example 2: User code can intervene in the process of extending cms fields.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
This method is preferred to disabling, enabling, and calling field extensions manually.
public function getCMSFields() {
$this->beforeUpdateCMSFields(function($fields) {
@ -276,7 +278,7 @@ This method is preferred to disabling, enabling, and calling field extensions ma
return $fields;
## Related Documentaion
* [Injector](injector/)
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Shortcodes
summary: Flexible content embedding
icon: code
# Shortcodes
The [api:ShortcodeParser] API is simple parser that allows you to map specifically formatted content to a callback to
@ -12,17 +14,17 @@ in their WYSIWYG editor. Shortcodes are a semi-technical solution for this. A go
viewer or a Google Map at a certain location.
$text = "<h1>My Map</h1>[map]"
// Will output
// <h1>My Map</h1><iframe ..></iframe>
Here's some syntax variations:
[my_shortcode /]
@ -31,23 +33,23 @@ Here's some syntax variations:
[my_shortcode,myparameter="value"]Enclosed Content[/my_shortcode]
Shortcodes are automatically parsed on any database field which is declared as [api:HTMLValue] or [api:HTMLText],
when rendered into a template. This means you can use shortcodes on common fields like `SiteTree.Content`, and any
other [api:DataObject::$db] definitions of these types.
Other fields can be manually parsed with shortcodes through the `parse` method.
$text = "My awesome [my_shortcode] is here.";
## Defining Custom Shortcodes
First we need to define a callback for the shortcode.
class Page extends SiteTree {
@ -61,7 +63,7 @@ First we need to define a callback for the shortcode.
These parameters are passed to the `MyShortCodeMethod` callback:
- Any parameters attached to the shortcode as an associative array (keys are lower-case).
- Any content enclosed within the shortcode (if it is an enclosing shortcode). Note that any content within this
@ -77,12 +79,12 @@ To register a shortcode you call the following.
// ShortcodeParser::get('default')->register($shortcode, $callback);
ShortcodeParser::get('default')->register('my_shortcode', array('Page', 'MyShortCodeMethod'));
## Built-in Shortcodes
SilverStripe comes with several shortcode parsers already.
@ -93,15 +95,15 @@ Internal page links keep references to their database IDs rather than the URL, i
against moving the target page to a different location in the page tree. This is done through the `[sitetree_link]`
shortcode, which takes an `id` parameter.
<a href="[sitetree_link,id=99]">
Links to internal `File` database records work exactly the same, but with the `[file_link]` shortcode.
<a href="[file_link,id=99]">
### Media (Photo, Video and Rich Content)
Many media formats can be embedded into websites through the `<object>` tag, but some require plugins like Flash or
special markup and attributes. OEmbed is a standard to discover these formats based on a simple URL, for example a
@ -112,8 +114,9 @@ custom `[embed]` shortcode.
[embed width=480 height=270 class=left thumbnail=http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/lmWeD-vZAMY/hqdefault.jpg?r=8767]
### Attribute and element scope
@ -128,14 +131,15 @@ The first is called "element scope" use, the second "attribute scope"
You may not use shortcodes in any other location. Specifically, you can not use shortcodes to generate attributes or
change the name of a tag. These usages are forbidden:
<[paragraph]>Some test</[paragraph]>
<a [titleattribute]>link</a>
You may need to escape text inside attributes `>` becomes `>`, You can include HTML tags inside a shortcode tag, but
you need to be careful of nesting to ensure you don't break the output.
<!-- Good -->
@ -152,33 +156,37 @@ you need to be careful of nesting to ensure you don't break the output.
### Location
Element scoped shortcodes have a special ability to move the location they are inserted at to comply with HTML lexical
rules. Take for example this basic paragraph tag:
<p><a href="#">Head [figure,src="assets/a.jpg",caption="caption"] Tail</a></p>
When converted naively would become:
<p><a href="#">Head <figure><img src="assets/a.jpg" /><figcaption>caption</figcaption></figure> Tail</a></p>
However this is not valid HTML - P elements can not contain other block level elements.
To fix this you can specify a "location" attribute on a shortcode. When the location attribute is "left" or "right"
the inserted content will be moved to immediately before the block tag. The result is this:
<figure><img src="assets/a.jpg" /><figcaption>caption</figcaption></figure><p><a href="#">Head Tail</a></p>
When the location attribute is "leftAlone" or "center" then the DOM is split around the element. The result is this:
<p><a href="#">Head </a></p><figure><img src="assets/a.jpg" /><figcaption>caption</figcaption></figure><p><a href="#"> Tail</a></p>
### Parameter values
Here is a summary of the callback parameter values based on some example shortcodes.
public function MyCustomShortCode($arguments, $content = null, $parser = null, $tagName) {
// ..
@ -203,16 +211,17 @@ Here is a summary of the callback parameter values based on some example shortco
$parser => ShortcodeParser instance
$tagName => 'my_shortcode'
## Limitations
Since the shortcode parser is based on a simple regular expression it cannot properly handle nested shortcodes. For
example the below code will not work as expected:
The parser will raise an error if it can not find a matching opening tag for any particular closing tag
## Related Documentation
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Injector
summary: Introduction to using Dependency Injection within SilverStripe.
icon: code
# Injector
The [api:Injector] class is the central manager of inter-class dependencies in SilverStripe. It offers developers the
@ -18,22 +20,22 @@ Some of the goals of dependency injection are:
The following sums up the simplest usage of the `Injector` it creates a new object of type `MyClassName` through `create`
$object = Injector::inst()->create('MyClassName');
The benefit of constructing objects through this syntax is `ClassName` can be swapped out using the
[Configuration API](../configuration) by developers.
class: MyBetterClassName
Repeated calls to `create()` create a new object each time.
$object = Injector::inst()->create('MyClassName');
$object2 = Injector::inst()->create('MyClassName');
@ -41,12 +43,12 @@ Repeated calls to `create()` create a new object each time.
// returns true;
## Singleton Pattern
The `Injector` API can be used for the singleton pattern through `get()`. Subsequent calls to `get` return the same
object instance as the first call.
// sets up MyClassName as a singleton
$object = Injector::inst()->get('MyClassName');
$object2 = Injector::inst()->get('MyClassName');
@ -55,11 +57,11 @@ object instance as the first call.
// returns true;
## Dependencies
The `Injector` API can be used to define the types of `$dependencies` that an object requires.
class MyController extends Controller {
@ -77,9 +79,9 @@ The `Injector` API can be used to define the types of `$dependencies` that an ob
When creating a new instance of `MyController` the dependencies on that class will be met.
$object = Injector::inst()->get('MyController');
echo ($object->permissions instanceof PermissionService);
@ -88,11 +90,11 @@ When creating a new instance of `MyController` the dependencies on that class wi
echo (is_string($object->textProperty));
// returns true;
The [Configuration YAML](../configuration) does the hard work of configuring those `$dependencies` for us.
class: MyCustomPermissionService
@ -100,9 +102,9 @@ The [Configuration YAML](../configuration) does the hard work of configuring tho
textProperty: 'My Text Value'
Now the dependencies will be replaced with our configuration.
$object = Injector::inst()->get('MyController');
echo ($object->permissions instanceof MyCustomPermissionService);
@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ Now the dependencies will be replaced with our configuration.
echo ($object->textProperty == 'My Text Value');
// returns true;
## Factories
Some services require non-trivial construction which means they must be created by a factory class. To do this, create
a factory class which implements the [api:SilverStripe\Framework\Injector\Factory] interface. You can then specify
@ -121,14 +123,14 @@ An example using the `MyFactory` service to create instances of the `MyService`
factory: MyFactory
class MyFactory implements SilverStripe\Framework\Injector\Factory {
@ -141,18 +143,19 @@ An example using the `MyFactory` service to create instances of the `MyService`
// Will use MyFactoryImplementation::create() to create the service instance.
$instance = Injector::inst()->get('MyService');
## Dependency overrides
To override the `$dependency` declaration for a class, define the following configuration file.
textProperty: a string value
permissions: %$PermissionService
## Managed objects
Simple dependencies can be specified by the `$dependencies`, but more complex configurations are possible by specifying
constructor arguments, or by specifying more complex properties such as lists.
@ -162,7 +165,7 @@ runtime.
Assuming a class structure such as
class RestrictivePermissionService {
@ -183,11 +186,12 @@ Assuming a class structure such as
And the following configuration..
name: MyController
permissions: %$PermissionService
@ -201,13 +205,13 @@ And the following configuration..
0: 'dbusername'
1: 'dbpassword'
// sets up ClassName as a singleton
$controller = Injector::inst()->get('MyController');
Would setup the following
* Create an object of type `MyController`
* Look through the **dependencies** and call get('PermissionService')
@ -223,7 +227,7 @@ which may be later discarded, reverting the application to the original state. T
This is useful when writing test cases, as certain services may be necessary to override for a single method call.
// Setup default service
Injector::inst()->registerService(new LiveService(), 'ServiceName');
@ -237,7 +241,7 @@ This is useful when writing test cases, as certain services may be necessary to
// revert changes
## API Documentation
* [api:Injector]
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Aspects
summary: Introduction to using aspect-oriented programming with SilverStripe.
icon: code
# Aspects
Aspect oriented programming is the idea that some logic abstractions can be applied across various type hierarchies
@ -10,9 +12,9 @@ Aspect oriented programming is the idea that some logic abstractions can be appl
> functions from the main program's business logic. It aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of
> cross-cutting concerns, forming a basis for aspect-oriented software development.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
[Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspect-oriented_programming) provides a much more in-depth explanation.
In the context of the SilverStripe [Dependency Injector](injector), Aspects are achieved thanks to PHP's `__call` magic
method combined with the `Proxy` Design Pattern.
@ -38,14 +40,14 @@ specific database server, whereas all read queries can be handled by slave serve
A simplified implementation might look like the following.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
This doesn't cover all cases used by SilverStripe so is not a complete solution, more just a guide to how it would be
class MySQLWriteDbAspect implements BeforeCallAspect {
@ -59,7 +61,8 @@ used.
public function beforeCall($proxied, $method, $args, &$alternateReturn) {
if (isset($args[0])) {
$sql = $args[0];
@ -73,12 +76,12 @@ used.
To actually make use of this class, a few different objects need to be configured. First up, define the `writeDb`
object that's made use of above.
class: MySQLDatabase
@ -88,24 +91,24 @@ object that's made use of above.
password: pass
database: write_database
This means that whenever something asks the [api:Injector] for the `WriteMySQLDatabase` object, it'll receive an object
of type `MySQLDatabase`, configured to point at the 'write_database'.
Next, this should be bound into an instance of the `Aspect` class
writeDb: %$WriteMySQLDatabase
Next, we need to define the database connection that will be used for all non-write queries
class: MySQLDatabase
@ -115,12 +118,12 @@ Next, we need to define the database connection that will be used for all non-wr
password: pass
database: read_database
The final piece that ties everything together is the [api:AopProxyService] instance that will be used as the replacement
object when the framework creates the database connection.
class: AopProxyService
@ -129,7 +132,7 @@ object when the framework creates the database connection.
- %$MySQLWriteDbAspect
The two important parts here are in the `properties` declared for the object.
- **proxied** : This is the 'read' database connection that all queries should be initially directed through.
- **beforeCall** : A hash of method\_name => array containing objects that are to be evaluated _before_ a call to the
@ -139,7 +142,7 @@ Overall configuration for this would look as follows
class: MySQLDatabase
@ -168,19 +171,19 @@ Overall configuration for this would look as follows
- %$MySQLWriteDbAspect
## Changing what a method returns
One major feature of an `Aspect` is the ability to modify what is returned from the client's call to the proxied method.
As seen in the above example, the `beforeCall` method modifies the `&$alternateReturn` variable, and returns `false`
after doing so.
$alternateReturn = $this->writeDb->query($sql, $code);
return false;
By returning `false` from the `beforeCall()` method, the wrapping proxy class will_not_ call any additional `beforeCall`
handlers defined for the called method. Assigning the `$alternateReturn` variable also indicates to return that value
to the caller of the method.
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Custom Templates
summary: Override templates from core and modules in your application
icon: code
# Custom Templates
See [Template Inheritance](../templates).
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: How to Publish a SilverStripe module
summary: Have you created some work you think others can use? Turn it into a module and share it.
icon: rocket
# How to Publish a SilverStripe module.
If you wish to submit your module to our public directory, you take responsibility for a certain level of code quality,
@ -16,7 +19,7 @@ A basic usage of a module for 3.1 that requires the CMS would look similar to
"name": "your-vendor-name/module-name",
"description": "One-liner describing your module",
@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ this:
Once your module is published online with a service like Github.com or Bitbucket.com, submit the repository to
[Packagist](https://packagist.org/) to have the module accessible to developers. It'll automatically get picked
up by [addons.silverstripe.org](http://addons.silverstripe.org/) website.
@ -59,9 +62,9 @@ Say you have a module which supports SilverStripe 3.0. A new release of this mod
in SilverStripe 3.1. In this case, you would create a new branch for the 3.0 compatible code base of your module. This
allows you to continue fixing bugs on this older release branch.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
As a convention, the `master` branch of your module should always work with the `master` branch of SilverStripe.
Other branches should be created on your module as needed if they're required to support specific SilverStripe releases.
@ -1,33 +1,17 @@
title: How to Create a Google Maps Shortcode
summary: Learn how to embed a Google map in the WYSIWYG editor with a simple shortcode
icon: map
# How to Create a Google Maps Shortcode
To demonstrate how easy it is to build custom shortcodes, we'll build one to display a Google Map based on a provided
address. We want our CMS authors to be able to embed the map using the following code:
[googlemap,width=500,height=300]97-99 Courtenay Place, Wellington, New Zealand[/googlemap]
So we've got the address as "content" of our new `googlemap` shortcode tags, plus some `width` and `height` arguments.
We'll add defaults to those in our shortcode parser so they're optional.
ShortcodeParser::get('default')->register('googlemap', function($arguments, $address, $parser, $shortcode) {
$iframeUrl = sprintf(
$width = (isset($arguments['width']) && $arguments['width']) ? $arguments['width'] : 400;
$height = (isset($arguments['height']) && $arguments['height']) ? $arguments['height'] : 300;
return sprintf(
'<iframe width="%d" height="%d" src="%s" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe>',
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: Track member logins
summary: Keep a log in the database of who logs in and when
icon: user-friends
# Howto: Track Member Logins
Sometimes its good to know how active your users are,
@ -9,7 +15,7 @@ often the member has visited. Or more specifically,
how often he has started a browser session, either through
explicitly logging in or by invoking the "remember me" functionality.
class MyMemberExtension extends DataExtension {
private static $db = array(
@ -43,10 +49,11 @@ explicitly logging in or by invoking the "remember me" functionality.
Now you just need to apply this extension through your config:
- MyMemberExtension
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: How To's
# How To's: Extending Silverstripe
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
title: Extending SilverStripe
summary: Understand the ways to modify the built-in functionality through Extensions, Subclassing and Dependency Injection.
introduction: SilverStripe is easily extensible to meet custom application requirements. This guide covers the wide range of API's to modify built-in functionality and make your own code easily extensible.
icon: code
No two applications are ever going to be the same and SilverStripe is built with this in mind. The core framework
includes common functionality and default behaviors easily complemented with add-ons such as modules, widgets and
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: Unit and Integration Testing
summary: Test models, database logic and your object methods.
# Unit and Integration Testing
A Unit Test is an automated piece of code that invokes a unit of work in the application and then checks the behavior
@ -8,7 +9,7 @@ to ensure that it works as it should. A simple example would be to test the resu
class Page extends SiteTree {
@ -18,9 +19,9 @@ to ensure that it works as it should. A simple example would be to test the resu
class PageTest extends SapphireTest {
@ -30,26 +31,26 @@ to ensure that it works as it should. A simple example would be to test the resu
<div class="info" markdown="1">
Tests for your application should be stored in the `mysite/tests` directory. Test cases for add-ons should be stored in
the `(modulename)/tests` directory.
Test case classes should end with `Test` (e.g PageTest) and test methods must start with `test` (e.g testMyMethod).
A SilverStripe unit test is created by extending one of two classes, [api:SapphireTest] or [api:FunctionalTest].
[api:SapphireTest] is used to test your model logic (such as a `DataObject`), and [api:FunctionalTest] is used when
you want to test a `Controller`, `Form` or anything that requires a web page.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
`FunctionalTest` is a subclass of `SapphireTest` so will inherit all of the behaviors. By subclassing `FunctionalTest`
you gain the ability to load and test web pages on the site.
`SapphireTest` in turn, extends `PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase`. For more information on `PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase` see
the [PHPUnit](http://www.phpunit.de) documentation. It provides a lot of fundamental concepts that we build on in this
## Running Tests
@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ documentation.
The `phpunit` binary should be used from the root directory of your website.
# Runs all tests
@ -73,34 +74,35 @@ The `phpunit` binary should be used from the root directory of your website.
phpunit framework/tests '' flush=all
# Run tests with optional `$_GET` parameters (you need an empty second argument)
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
The manifest is not flushed when running tests. Add `flush=all` to the test command to do this (see above example.)
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
If phpunit is not installed globally on your machine, you may need to replace the above usage of `phpunit` with the full
path (e.g `vendor/bin/phpunit framework/tests`)
<div class="info" markdown="1">
All command-line arguments are documented on [phpunit.de](http://www.phpunit.de/manual/current/en/textui.html).
### Via a Web Browser
Executing tests from the command line is recommended, since it most closely reflects test runs in any automated testing
environments. If for some reason you don't have access to the command line, you can also run tests through the browser.
### Via the CLI
The [sake](../cli) executable that comes with SilverStripe can trigger a customised [api:TestRunner] class that
handles the PHPUnit configuration and output formatting. While the custom test runner a handy tool, it's also more
limited than using `phpunit` directly, particularly around formatting test output.
sake dev/tests/all
# Run all tests
@ -116,13 +118,13 @@ limited than using `phpunit` directly, particularly around formatting test outpu
sake dev/tests/all SkipTests=MySkippedTest
# Skip some tests
## Making Tests Run Fast
A major impedement to testing is that by default tests are extremely slow to run. There are two things that can be done to speed them up:
### Disable xDebug
Unless executing a coverage report there is no need to have xDebug enabled.
# Disable xdebug
sudo php5dismod xdebug
@ -132,10 +134,11 @@ Unless executing a coverage report there is no need to have xDebug enabled.
# Enable xdebug
sudo php5enmod xdebug
### Use SQLite In Memory
SQLIte can be configured to run in memory as opposed to disk and this makes testing an order of magnitude faster. To effect this change add the following to mysite/_config.php - this enables an optional flag to switch between MySQL and SQLite. Note also that the package silverstripe/sqlite3 will need installed, version will vary depending on which version of SilverStripe is being tested.
if(Director::isDev()) {
if(isset($_GET['db']) && ($db = $_GET['db'])) {
global $databaseConfig;
@ -146,11 +149,12 @@ SQLIte can be configured to run in memory as opposed to disk and this makes test
To use SQLite append '' db=sqlite3 after the phpunit command.
phpunit framework/tests '' db=sqlite3
### Speed Comparison
Testing against a medium sized module with 93 tests:
* SQLite - 16.15s
@ -163,15 +167,15 @@ SilverStripe tests create their own database when the test starts. New `ss_tmp`
connection details you provide for the main website. The new `ss_tmp` database does not copy what is currently in your
application database. To provide seed data use a [Fixture](fixtures) file.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
As the test runner will create new databases for the tests to run, the database user should have the appropriate
permissions to create new databases on your server.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
The test database is rebuilt every time one of the test methods is run. Over time, you may have several hundred test
databases on your machine. To get rid of them is a call to `http://yoursite.com/dev/tests/cleanupdb`
## Custom PHPUnit Configuration
@ -181,7 +185,7 @@ needs.
<phpunit bootstrap="framework/tests/bootstrap.php" colors="true">
<testsuite name="Default">
@ -200,9 +204,9 @@ needs.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
This configuration file doesn't apply for running tests through the "sake" wrapper
### setUp() and tearDown()
@ -211,7 +215,7 @@ In addition to loading data through a [Fixture File](fixtures), a test case may
run before each test method. For this, use the PHPUnit `setUp` and `tearDown` methods. These are run at the start and
end of each test.
class PageTest extends SapphireTest {
@ -239,10 +243,10 @@ end of each test.
`tearDownOnce` and `setUpOnce` can be used to run code just once for the file rather than before and after each
individual test case.
class PageTest extends SapphireTest {
@ -260,6 +264,7 @@ individual test case.
### Config and Injector Nesting
A powerful feature of both [`Config`](/developer_guides/configuration/configuration/) and [`Injector`](/developer_guides/extending/injector/) is the ability to "nest" them so that you can make changes that can easily be discarded without having to manage previous values.
@ -270,7 +275,7 @@ If you need to make changes to `Config` (or `Injector) for each test (or the who
It's important to remember that the `parent::setUp();` functions will need to be called first to ensure the nesting feature works as expected.
function setUpOnce() {
//this will remain for the whole suite and be removed for any other tests
@ -286,27 +291,27 @@ It's important to remember that the `parent::setUp();` functions will need to be
Config::inst()->get('ClassName', 'var_name'); // this will be 'var_value'
## Generating a Coverage Report
PHPUnit can generate a code coverage report ([docs](http://www.phpunit.de/manual/current/en/code-coverage-analysis.html))
by executing the following commands.
phpunit --coverage-html assets/coverage-report
# Generate coverage report for the whole project
phpunit --coverage-html assets/coverage-report mysite/tests/
# Generate coverage report for the "mysite" module
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
These commands will output a report to the `assets/coverage-report/` folder. To view the report, open the `index.html`
file within a web browser.
Typically, only your own custom PHP code in your project should be regarded when producing these reports. To exclude
some `thirdparty/` directories add the following to the `phpunit.xml` configuration file.
<directory suffix=".php">framework/dev/</directory>
@ -318,7 +323,7 @@ some `thirdparty/` directories add the following to the `phpunit.xml` configurat
## Related Documentation
* [How to Write a SapphireTest](how_tos/write_a_sapphiretest)
* [How to Write a FunctionalTest](how_tos/write_a_functionaltest)
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: Functional Testing
summary: Test controllers, forms and HTTP responses.
# Functional Testing
[api:FunctionalTest] test your applications `Controller` logic and anything else which requires a web request. The
@ -9,93 +10,93 @@ creating [api:SS_HTTPRequest], receiving [api:SS_HTTPResponse] objects and modif
## Get
$page = $this->get($url);
Performs a GET request on $url and retrieves the [api:SS_HTTPResponse]. This also changes the current page to the value
of the response.
## Post
$page = $this->post($url);
Performs a POST request on $url and retrieves the [api:SS_HTTPResponse]. This also changes the current page to the value
of the response.
## Submit
$submit = $this->submitForm($formID, $button = null, $data = array());
Submits the given form (`#ContactForm`) on the current page and returns the [api:SS_HTTPResponse].
## LogInAs
Logs a given user in, sets the current session. To log all users out pass `null` to the method.
## Assertions
The `FunctionalTest` class also provides additional asserts to validate your tests.
### assertPartialMatchBySelector
'Test save was successful'
Asserts that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector. The given CSS
selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page. The content of every matching tag will be examined. The
assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
### assertExactMatchBySelector
$this->assertExactMatchBySelector("#MyForm_ID p.error", array(
"That email address is invalid."
Asserts that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector. The given CSS
selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page. The full HTML of every matching tag will be examined. The
assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
### assertPartialHTMLMatchBySelector
$this->assertPartialHTMLMatchBySelector("#MyForm_ID p.error", array(
"That email address is invalid."
Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector. The given CSS
selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page. The content of every matching tag will be examined. The
assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
`&nbsp;` characters are stripped from the content; make sure that your assertions take this into account.
### assertExactHTMLMatchBySelector
$this->assertExactHTMLMatchBySelector("#MyForm_ID p.error", array(
"That email address is invalid."
Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector. The given CSS
selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page. The full HTML of every matching tag will be examined. The
assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
`&nbsp;` characters are stripped from the content; make sure that your assertions take this into account.
## Related Documentation
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: Behavior Testing
summary: Describe how your application should behave in plain text and run tests in a browser.
# Behavior Testing
For behavior testing in SilverStripe, check out
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: Fixtures
summary: Populate test databases with fake seed data.
# Fixtures
To test functionality correctly, we must use consistent data. If we are testing our code with the same data each
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ To include your fixture file in your tests, you should define it as your `$fixtu
class MyNewTest extends SapphireTest {
@ -23,12 +24,12 @@ To include your fixture file in your tests, you should define it as your `$fixtu
You can also use an array of fixture files, if you want to use parts of multiple other tests:
class MyNewTest extends SapphireTest {
@ -40,12 +41,13 @@ You can also use an array of fixture files, if you want to use parts of multiple
Typically, you'd have a separate fixture file for each class you are testing - although overlap between tests is common.
Fixtures are defined in `YAML`. `YAML` is a markup language which is deliberately simple and easy to read, so it is
ideal for fixture generation. Say we have the following two DataObjects:
class Player extends DataObject {
@ -71,11 +73,11 @@ ideal for fixture generation. Say we have the following two DataObjects:
We can represent multiple instances of them in `YAML` as follows:
Name: The Hurricanes
@ -94,16 +96,16 @@ We can represent multiple instances of them in `YAML` as follows:
Name: Jack
Team: =>Team.crusaders
This `YAML` is broken up into three levels, signified by the indentation of each line. In the first level of
indentation, `Player` and `Team`, represent the class names of the objects we want to be created.
The second level, `john`/`joe`/`jack` & `hurricanes`/`crusaders`, are **identifiers**. Each identifier you specify
represents a new object and can be referenced in the PHP using `objFromFixture`
$player = $this->objFromFixture('Player', 'jack');
The third and final level represents each individual object's fields.
A field can either be provided with raw data (such as the names for our Players), or we can define a relationship, as
seen by the fields prefixed with `=>`.
@ -111,25 +113,25 @@ seen by the fields prefixed with `=>`.
Each one of our Players has a relationship to a Team, this is shown with the `Team` field for each `Player` being set
to `=>Team.` followed by a team name.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
Take the player John in our example YAML, his team is the Hurricanes which is represented by `=>Team.hurricanes`. This
sets the `has_one` relationship for John with with the `Team` object `hurricanes`.
<div class="hint" markdown='1'>
Note that we use the name of the relationship (Team), and not the name of the
database field (TeamID).
<div class="hint" markdown='1'>
Also be aware the target of a relationship must be defined before it is referenced, for example the `hurricanes` team must appear in the fixture file before the line `Team: =>Team.hurricanes`.
This style of relationship declaration can be used for any type of relationship (i.e `has_one`, `has_many`, `many_many`).
We can also declare the relationships conversely. Another way we could write the previous example is:
Name: John
@ -147,11 +149,11 @@ We can also declare the relationships conversely. Another way we could write the
Origin: Canterbury
Players: =>Player.joe,=>Player.jack
The database is populated by instantiating `DataObject` objects and setting the fields declared in the `YAML`, then
calling `write()` on those objects. Take for instance the `hurricances` record in the `YAML`. It is equivalent to
$team = new Team(array(
'Name' => 'Hurricanes',
'Origin' => 'Wellington'
@ -161,17 +163,17 @@ writing:
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
As the YAML fixtures will call `write`, any `onBeforeWrite()` or default value logic will be executed as part of the
### Defining many_many_extraFields
`many_many` relations can have additional database fields attached to the relationship. For example we may want to
declare the role each player has in the team.
class Player extends DataObject {
private static $db = array (
@ -200,9 +202,9 @@ declare the role each player has in the team.
To provide the value for the `many_many_extraField` use the YAML list syntax.
Name: John
@ -215,8 +217,9 @@ To provide the value for the `many_many_extraField` use the YAML list syntax.
Name: The Hurricanes
- =>Player.john:
Role: Captain
Name: The Crusaders
@ -225,16 +228,16 @@ To provide the value for the `many_many_extraField` use the YAML list syntax.
- =>Player.jack:
Role: Winger
## Fixture Factories
While manually defined fixtures provide full flexibility, they offer very little in terms of structure and convention.
Alternatively, you can use the [api:FixtureFactory] class, which allows you to set default values, callbacks on object
creation, and dynamic/lazy value setting.
<div class="hint" markdown='1'>
SapphireTest uses FixtureFactory under the hood when it is provided with YAML based fixtures.
The idea is that rather than instantiating objects directly, we'll have a factory class for them. This factory can have
*blueprints* defined on it, which tells the factory how to instantiate an object of a specific type. Blueprints need a
@ -243,45 +246,45 @@ name, which is usually set to the class it creates such as `Member` or `Page`.
Blueprints are auto-created for all available DataObject subclasses, you only need to instantiate a factory to start
using them.
$factory = Injector::inst()->create('FixtureFactory');
$obj = $factory->createObject('Team', 'hurricanes');
In order to create an object with certain properties, just add a third argument:
$obj = $factory->createObject('Team', 'hurricanes', array(
'Name' => 'My Value'
<div class="warning" markdown="1">
It is important to remember that fixtures are referenced by arbitrary identifiers ('hurricanes'). These are internally
mapped to their database identifiers.
After we've created this object in the factory, `getId` is used to retrieve it by the identifier.
$databaseId = $factory->getId('Team', 'hurricanes');
### Default Properties
Blueprints can be overwritten in order to customise their behavior. For example, if a Fixture does not provide a Team
name, we can set the default to be `Unknown Team`.
$factory->define('Team', array(
'Name' => 'Unknown Team'
### Dependent Properties
Values can be set on demand through anonymous functions, which can either generate random defaults, or create composite
values based on other fixture data.
$factory->define('Member', array(
'Email' => function($obj, $data, $fixtures) {
if(isset($data['FirstName']) {
@ -293,22 +296,22 @@ values based on other fixture data.
### Relations
Model relations can be expressed through the same notation as in the YAML fixture format described earlier, through the
`=>` prefix on data values.
$obj = $factory->createObject('Team', 'hurricanes', array(
'MyHasManyRelation' => '=>Player.john,=>Player.joe'
#### Callbacks
Sometimes new model instances need to be modified in ways which can't be expressed in their properties, for example to
publish a page, which requires a method call.
$blueprint = Injector::inst()->create('FixtureBlueprint', 'Member');
$blueprint->addCallback('afterCreate', function($obj, $identifier, $data, $fixtures) {
@ -317,7 +320,7 @@ publish a page, which requires a method call.
$page = $factory->define('Page', $blueprint);
Available callbacks:
* `beforeCreate($identifier, $data, $fixtures)`
* `afterCreate($obj, $identifier, $data, $fixtures)`
@ -328,7 +331,7 @@ Data of the same type can have variations, for example forum members vs. CMS adm
class, but have completely different properties. This is where named blueprints come in. By default, blueprint names
equal the class names they manage.
$memberBlueprint = Injector::inst()->create('FixtureBlueprint', 'Member', 'Member');
$adminBlueprint = Injector::inst()->create('FixtureBlueprint', 'AdminMember', 'Member');
@ -344,7 +347,7 @@ equal the class names they manage.
$admin = $factory->createObject('AdminMember'); // in admin group
## Related Documentation
* [How to use a FixtureFactory](how_tos/fixturefactories/)
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
title: Testing Glossary
summary: All the jargon you need to be a bonafide testing guru
<dt>Assertion<dd>A predicate statement that must be true when a test runs.
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
title: How to write a SapphireTest
summary: Learn the basics of unit testing in Silverstripe
# How to write a SapphireTest
Here is an example of a test which extends [api:SapphireTest] to test the URL generation of the page. It also showcases
@ -7,7 +9,7 @@ how you can load default records into the test database.
class PageTest extends SapphireTest {
@ -42,21 +44,21 @@ how you can load default records into the test database.
Firstly we define a static `$fixture_file`, this should point to a file that represents the data we want to test,
represented as a YAML [Fixture](../fixtures). When our test is run, the data from this file will be loaded into a test
database and discarded at the end of the test.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
The `fixture_file` property can be path to a file, or an array of strings pointing to many files. The path must be
absolute from your website's root folder.
The second part of our class is the `testURLGeneration` method. This method is our test. When the test is executed,
methods prefixed with the word `test` will be run.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
The test database is rebuilt every time one of these methods is run.
Inside our test method is the `objFromFixture` method that will generate an object for us based on data from our fixture
file. To identify to the object, we provide a class name and an identifier. The identifier is specified in the YAML file
@ -67,9 +69,9 @@ The final part of our test is an assertion command, `assertEquals`. An assertion
in our test methods (in this case we are testing if two values are equal). A test method can have more than one
assertion command, and if any one of these assertions fail, so will the test method.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
For more information on PHPUnit's assertions see the [PHPUnit manual](http://www.phpunit.de/manual/current/en/api.html#api.assert).
## Related Documentation
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
title: How to write a FunctionalTest
summary: Expand your testing capabilities with integrations tests
# How to Write a FunctionalTest
[api:FunctionalTest] test your applications `Controller` instances and anything else which requires a web request. The
@ -9,7 +11,7 @@ response and modify the session within a test.
class HomePageTest extends FunctionalTest {
@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ response and modify the session within a test.
## Related Documentation
* [Functional Testing](../functional_testing)
* [Unit Testing](../unit_testing)
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: How to use a FixtureFactory
summary: Provide context to your tests with database fixtures
icon: industry
# How to use a FixtureFactory
The [api:FixtureFactory] is used to manually create data structures for use with tests. For more information on fixtures
@ -8,7 +11,7 @@ see the [Fixtures](../fixtures) documentation.
In this how to we'll use a `FixtureFactory` and a custom blue print for giving us a shortcut for creating new objects
with information that we need.
class MyObjectTest extends SapphireTest {
protected $factory;
@ -40,7 +43,7 @@ with information that we need.
## Related Documentation
* [Fixtures](../fixtures)
@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
title: How to test emails within unit tests
summary: Test email functionality without ever hitting an inbox
icon: envelope
# Testing Email within Unit Tests
SilverStripe's test system has built-in support for testing emails sent using the [api:Email] class. If you are
running a [api:SapphireTest] test, then it holds off actually sending the email, and instead lets you assert that an
email was sent using this method.
public function MyMethod() {
$e = new Email();
$e->To = "someone@example.com";
@ -15,15 +18,15 @@ email was sent using this method.
To test that `MyMethod` sends the correct email, use the [api:SapphireTest::assertEmailSent()] method.
$this->assertEmailSent($to, $from, $subject, $body);
// to assert that the email is sent to the correct person
$this->assertEmailSent("someone@example.com", null, "/th.*e$/");
Each of the arguments (`$to`, `$from`, `$subject` and `$body`) can be either one of the following.
* A string: match exactly that string
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: How To's
# How To's: Testing
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
title: Testing
summary: Deploy robust applications by bundling Unit and Behavior tests with your application code and modules.
# Unit and Integration Testing
For behaviour testing in SilverStripe, check out [SilverStripe Behat Documentation](https://github.com/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-behat-extension/).
@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ Tutorials and recipes for creating tests using the SilverStripe framework:
The `phpunit` binary should be used from the root directory of your website.
# Runs all tests defined in phpunit.xml
@ -94,7 +97,7 @@ The `phpunit` binary should be used from the root directory of your website.
# Run tests with optional `$_GET` parameters (you need an empty second argument)
phpunit framework/tests '' flush=all
All command-line arguments are documented on
### Via the "sake" Wrapper on Command Line
@ -104,6 +107,7 @@ The [sake](/developer_guides/cli/) executable that comes with SilverStripe can t
While the custom test runner a handy tool, its also more limited than using `phpunit` directly,
particularly around formatting test output.
# Run all tests
sake dev/tests/all
@ -119,9 +123,7 @@ particularly around formatting test output.
# Skip some tests
sake dev/tests/all SkipTests=MySkippedTest
### Via Web Browser
Executing tests from the command line is recommended, since it most closely reflects
test runs in any automated testing environments. However, you can also run tests through the browser:
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Environment Types
summary: Configure your SilverStripe environment to define how your web application behaves.
icon: exclamation-circle
# Environment Types
SilverStripe knows three different environment types (or "modes"). Each of the modes gives you different tools
@ -9,16 +11,16 @@ and behaviors. The environment is managed either through a [YML configuration fi
The definition of setting an environment type in a `mysite/_config/app.yml` looks like
environment_type: 'dev'
The definition of setting an environment type in a `_ss_environment.php` file looks like
define('SS_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE', 'dev');
The three environment types you can set are `dev`, `test` and `live`.
### Dev
@ -26,11 +28,11 @@ When developing your websites, adding page types or installing modules you shoul
you will see full error back traces and view the development tools without having to be logged in as an administrator
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
**dev mode should not be enabled long term on live sites for security reasons**. In dev mode by outputting back traces
of function calls a hacker can gain information about your environment (including passwords) so you should use dev mode
on a public server very carefully.
### Test Mode
@ -39,21 +41,23 @@ Test mode is designed for staging environments or other private collaboration si
In this mode error messages are hidden from the user and SilverStripe includes [api:BasicAuth] integration if you
want to password protect the site. You can enable that but adding this to your `mysite/_config/app.yml` file:
environment: 'test'
entire_site_protected: true
### Live Mode
All error messages are suppressed from the user and the application is in it's most *secure* state.
<div class="alert">
Live sites should always run in live mode. You should not run production websites in dev mode.
## Checking Environment Type
@ -62,22 +66,26 @@ You can check for the current environment type in [config files](../configuratio
environment: 'live'
myvar: live_value
environment: 'test'
myvar: test_value
Checking for what environment you're running in can also be done in PHP. Your application code may disable or enable
certain functionality depending on the environment type.
if(Director::isLive()) {
// is in live
} else if(Director::isTest()) {
@ -86,3 +94,4 @@ certain functionality depending on the environment type.
// is in dev mode
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Error Handling
summary: Trap, fire and report user exceptions, warnings and errors.
title: Logging and Error Handling
summary: Trap, fire and report diagnostic logs, user exceptions, warnings and errors.
icon: exclamation-circle
# Error Handling
SilverStripe has its own error trapping and handling support. On development sites, SilverStripe will deal harshly with
@ -11,7 +13,7 @@ potential issue to handle.
You should use [user_error](http://www.php.net/user_error) to throw errors where appropriate.
if(true == false) {
user_error("I have an error problem", E_USER_ERROR);
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ You should use [user_error](http://www.php.net/user_error) to throw errors where
user_error("This time I am warning you", E_USER_WARNING);
## Error Levels
* **E_USER_WARNING:** Err on the side of over-reporting warnings. Throwing warnings provides a means of ensuring that
developers know:
@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ You can indicate a log file relative to the site root.
if(!Director::isDev()) {
// log errors and warnings
SS_Log::add_writer(new SS_LogFileWriter('../silverstripe-errors-warnings.log'), SS_Log::WARN, '<=');
@ -50,11 +52,11 @@ You can indicate a log file relative to the site root.
SS_Log::add_writer(new SS_LogFileWriter('../silverstripe-errors-notices.log'), SS_Log::NOTICE);
<div class="info" markdown="1">
In addition to SilverStripe-integrated logging, it is advisable to fall back to PHPs native logging functionality. A
script might terminate before it reaches the SilverStripe error handling, for example in the case of a fatal error. Make
sure `log_errors` and `error_log` in your PHP ini file are configured.
## Email Logs
@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ You can send both fatal errors and warnings in your code to a specified email-ad
if(!Director::isDev()) {
// log errors and warnings
SS_Log::add_writer(new SS_LogFileWriter('../silverstripe-errors-warnings.log'), SS_Log::WARN, '<=');
@ -71,6 +73,6 @@ You can send both fatal errors and warnings in your code to a specified email-ad
SS_Log::add_writer(new SS_LogEmailWriter('admin@domain.com'), SS_Log::ERR);
## API Documentation
* [api:SS_Log]
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
title: URL Variable tools
summary: Useful debugging tools you can use right in the browser
# URL Variable Tools
## Introduction
@ -10,10 +15,11 @@ core.
Append the option and corresponding value to your URL in your browser's address bar. You may find the [Firefox UrlParams extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1290) useful in order to debug a POST requests (Like Forms).
## Templates
| URL Variable | | Values | | Description |
| ------------ | | ------ | | ----------- |
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Template debugging
summary: Track down which template rendered a piece of html
icon: bug
# Debugging templates
## Source code comments
@ -10,11 +12,4 @@ to track down a template or two. The template engine can help you along by displ
source code comments indicating which template is responsible for rendering each
block of html on your page.
environment: 'dev'
source_file_comments: true
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: Debugging
summary: Learn how to identify errors in your application and best practice for logging application errors.
icon: bug
# Debugging
SilverStripe can be a large and complex framework to debug, but there are ways to make debugging less painful. In this
@ -17,7 +20,7 @@ bottle-necks and identify slow moving parts of your application chain.
The [api:Debug] class contains a number of static utility methods for more advanced debugging.
// similar to print_r($myVariable) but shows it in a more useful format.
@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ The [api:Debug] class contains a number of static utility methods for more advan
// prints a calls-stack
## API Documentation
* [api:SS_Log]
* [api:SS_Backtrace]
@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
title: Partial Caching
summary: Cache SilverStripe templates to reduce database queries.
icon: tachometer-alt
# Partial Caching
Partial caching is a feature that allows the caching of just a portion of a page.
<% cached 'CacheKey' %>
<% end_cached %>
Each cache block has a cache key. A cache key is an unlimited number of comma separated variables and quoted strings.
Every time the cache key returns a different result, the contents of the block are recalculated. If the cache key is
the same as a previous render, the cached value stored last time is used.
@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ will invalidate the cache after a given amount of time has expired (default 10 m
Here are some more complex examples:
<% cached 'database', $LastEdited %>
<!-- that updates every time the record changes. -->
<% end_cached %>
@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ Here are some more complex examples:
<!-- recached when block object changes, and if the user is admin -->
<% end_cached %>
An additional global key is incorporated in the cache lookup. The default value for this is
`$CurrentReadingMode, $CurrentUser.ID`. This ensures that the current [api:Versioned] state and user ID are used.
This may be configured by changing the config value of `SSViewer.global_key`. It is also necessary to flush the
template caching when modifying this config, as this key is cached within the template itself.
@ -44,11 +46,11 @@ user does not influence your template content, you can update this key as below;
global_key: '$CurrentReadingMode, $Locale'
## Aggregates
Often you want to invalidate a cache when any object in a set of objects change, or when the objects in a relationship
@ -58,21 +60,21 @@ on sets of [api:DataObject]s - the most useful for us being the `max` aggregate.
For example, if we have a menu, we want that menu to update whenever _any_ page is edited, but would like to cache it
otherwise. By using aggregates, we do that like this:
<% cached 'navigation', $List('SiteTree').max('LastEdited'), $List('SiteTree').count() %>
The cache for this will update whenever a page is added, removed or edited.
If we have a block that shows a list of categories, we can make sure the cache updates every time a category is added
or edited
<% cached 'categorylist', $List('Category').max('LastEdited'), $List('Category').count() %>
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
Note the use of both `.max('LastEdited')` and `.count()` - this takes care of both the case where an object has been
edited since the cache was last built, and also when an object has been deleted since the cache was last built.
We can also calculate aggregates on relationships. The logic for that can get a bit complex, so we can extract that on
to the controller so it's not cluttering up our template.
@ -85,7 +87,7 @@ fragment.
For example, a block that shows a collection of rotating slides needs to update whenever the relationship
`Page::$many_many = array('Slides' => 'Slide')` changes. In Page_Controller:
public function SliderCacheKey() {
$fragments = array(
@ -98,12 +100,12 @@ For example, a block that shows a collection of rotating slides needs to update
return implode('-_-', $fragments);
Then reference that function in the cache key:
<% cached $SliderCacheKey %>
The example above would work for both a has_many and many_many relationship.
## Cache blocks and template changes
@ -119,25 +121,25 @@ data updates.
For instance, if we show some blog statistics, but are happy having them be slightly stale, we could do
<% cached 'blogstatistics', $Blog.ID %>
which will invalidate after the cache lifetime expires. If you need more control than that (cache lifetime is
configurable only on a site-wide basis), you could add a special function to your controller:
public function BlogStatisticsCounter() {
return (int)(time() / 60 / 5); // Returns a new number every five minutes
and then use it in the cache key
<% cached 'blogstatistics', $Blog.ID, $BlogStatisticsCounter %>
## Cache block conditionals
You may wish to conditionally enable or disable caching. To support this, in cached tags you may (after any key
@ -147,28 +149,28 @@ value must be true for that block to be cached. Conversely if 'unless' is used,
Following on from the previous example, you might wish to only cache slightly-stale data if the server is experiencing
heavy load:
<% cached 'blogstatistics', $Blog.ID if $HighLoad %>
By adding a `HighLoad` function to your `Page_Controller`, you could enable or disable caching dynamically.
To cache the contents of a page for all anonymous users, but dynamically calculate the contents for logged in members,
use something like:
<% cached unless $CurrentUser %>
## Uncached
The template tag 'uncached' can be used - it is the exact equivalent of a cached block with an if condition that always
returns false. The key and conditionals in an uncached tag are ignored, so you can easily temporarily disable a
particular cache block by changing just the tag, leaving the key and conditional intact.
<% uncached %>
## Nested cache blocks
You can also nest independent cache blocks Any nested cache blocks are calculated independently from their containing
@ -179,7 +181,7 @@ portion dynamic, without having to include any member info in the page's cache k
An example:
<% cached $LastEdited %>
Our wonderful site
@ -190,14 +192,14 @@ An example:
<% end_cached %>
This will cache the entire outer section until the next time the page is edited, but will display a different welcome
message depending on the logged in member.
Cache conditionals and the uncached tag also work in the same nested manner. Since Member.Name is fast to calculate, you
could also write the last example as:
<% cached $LastEdited %>
Our wonderful site
@ -208,14 +210,14 @@ could also write the last example as:
<% end_cached %>
<div class="warning" markdown="1">
Currently a nested cache block can not be contained within an if or loop block. The template engine will throw an error
letting you know if you've done this. You can often get around this using aggregates or by un-nesting the block.
Failing example:
<% cached $LastEdited %>
<% loop $Children %>
@ -226,9 +228,9 @@ Failing example:
<% end_cached %>
Can be re-written as:
<% cached $LastEdited %>
<% cached $AllChildren.max('LastEdited') %>
@ -239,9 +241,9 @@ Can be re-written as:
<% end_cached %>
<% cached $LastEdited %>
(other code)
<% end_cached %>
@ -252,7 +254,7 @@ Or:
<% end_cached %>
<% end_loop %>
## Cache expiry
The default expiry for partial caches is 10 minutes. The advantage of a short cache expiry is that if you have a problem
with your caching logic, the window in which stale content may be shown is short. The disadvantage, particularly for
@ -260,7 +262,3 @@ low-traffic sites, is that cache blocks may expire before they can be utilised.
logic is sound, you could increase the expiry dramatically.
// Set partial cache expiry to 7 days
SS_Cache::set_cache_lifetime('cacheblock', 60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: Caching
summary: Optimise performance by caching expensive processes
icon: tachometer-alt
# Caching
## Built-In Caches
@ -45,7 +51,7 @@ backend for each named cache. There is a default File cache set up as the
Caches can be created and retrieved through the `SS_Cache::factory()` method.
The returned object is of type `Zend_Cache`.
// foo is any name (try to be specific), and is used to get configuration
// & storage info
$cache = SS_Cache::factory('foo');
@ -55,42 +61,42 @@ The returned object is of type `Zend_Cache`.
return $result;
Normally there's no need to remove things from the cache - the cache
backends clear out entries based on age and maximum allocated storage. If you
include the version of the object in the cache key, even object changes
don't need any invalidation. You can force disable the cache though,
e.g. in development mode.
// Disables all caches
SS_Cache::set_cache_lifetime('any', -1, 100);
You can also specifically clean a cache.
Keep in mind that `Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_ALL` deletes all cache
entries across all caches, not just for the 'foo' cache in the example below.
$cache = SS_Cache::factory('foo');
A single element can be invalidated through its cache key.
$cache = SS_Cache::factory('foo');
In order to increase the chance of your cache actually being hit,
it often pays to increase the lifetime of caches ("TTL").
It defaults to 10 minutes (600s) in SilverStripe, which can be
quite short depending on how often your data changes.
Keep in mind that data expiry should primarily be handled by your cache key,
e.g. by including the `LastEdited` value when caching `DataObject` results.
// set all caches to 3 hours
SS_Cache::set_cache_lifetime('any', 60*60*3);
### Versioned cache segmentation
`SS_Cache` segments caches based on the versioned reading mode. This prevents developers
from caching draft data and then accidentally exposing it on the live stage without potentially
@ -100,8 +106,6 @@ required authorisation checks. This segmentation is automatic for all caches gen
Data that is not content sensitive can be cached across stages by simply opting out of the
segmented cache with the `disable-segmentation` argument.
$cache = SS_Cache::factory('myapp', 'Output', array('disable-segmentation' => true));
## Alternative Cache Backends
@ -126,6 +130,7 @@ server. memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching syste
To use this backend, you need a memcached daemon and the memcache PECL extension.
// _config.php
@ -145,9 +150,11 @@ To use this backend, you need a memcached daemon and the memcache PECL extension
SS_Cache::pick_backend('primary_memcached', 'any', 10);
If your Memcached instance is using a local Unix socket instead of a network port:
// _config.php
@ -167,26 +174,16 @@ If your Memcached instance is using a local Unix socket instead of a network por
SS_Cache::pick_backend('primary_memcached', 'any', 10);
### APC
This backends stores cache records in shared memory through the [APC](http://pecl.php.net/package/APC)
(Alternative PHP Cache) extension (which is of course need for using this backend).
SS_Cache::add_backend('primary_apc', 'APC');
SS_Cache::pick_backend('primary_apc', 'any', 10);
### Two-Levels
This backend is an hybrid one. It stores cache records in two other backends:
a fast one (but limited) like Apc, Memcache... and a "slow" one like File or Sqlite.
SS_Cache::add_backend('two_level', 'Two-Levels', array(
'slow_backend' => 'File',
'fast_backend' => 'APC',
'slow_backend_options' => array(
'cache_dir' => TEMP_FOLDER . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache'
SS_Cache::pick_backend('two_level', 'any', 10);
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: HTTP Cache Headers
summary: Set the correct HTTP cache headers for your responses.
icon: tachometer-alt
# HTTP Cache Headers
## Overview
@ -98,19 +100,6 @@ The priority order is as followed, sorted in descending order
Enable caching for all page content (through `Page_Controller`).
class Page_Controller extends ContentController
public function init()
->setMaxAge(60); // 1 minute
Note: SilverStripe will still override this preference when a session is active,
@ -124,18 +113,6 @@ permission checks or other triggers for conditional output,
you can disable caching either on a controller level
(through `init()`) or for a particular action.
class MyPage_Controller extends Page_Controller
public function myprivateaction($request)
$response = $this->myPrivateResponse();
return $response;
Note: SilverStripe will still override this preference when a session is active,
@ -155,18 +132,6 @@ But any subsequent requests by this visitor will also carry a session, leading t
for this visitor. This is the case even if the output does not contain any forms,
and does not vary for this particular visitor.
class Page_Controller extends ContentController
public function init()
->enableCache($force=true) // DANGER ZONE
->setMaxAge(60); // 1 minute
## Defaults
@ -188,35 +153,30 @@ The cache age determines the lifetime of your cache, in seconds.
It only takes effect if you instruct the cache control
that your response is public in the first place (via `enableCache()` or via modifying the `HTTP.cache_control` defaults).
Note that `setMaxAge(0)` is NOT sufficient to disable caching in all cases.
### Last Modified
Used to set the modification date to something more recent than the default. [api:DataObject::__construct] calls
[api:HTTP::register_modification_date(] whenever a record comes from the database ensuring the newest date is present.
### Vary
A `Vary` header tells caches which aspects of the response should be considered
when calculating a cache key, usually in addition to the full URL path.
By default, SilverStripe will output a `Vary` header with the following content:
Vary: X-Forwarded-Protocol
To change the value of the `Vary` header, you can change this value by specifying the header in configuration.
vary: ""
Note that if you use `Director::is_ajax()` on cached pages then you should add `X-Requested-With` to the vary
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Profiling
summary: Identify bottlenecks within your application.
icon: tachometer-alt
# Profiling
Profiling is the best way to identify bottle necks and other slow moving parts of your application prime for
@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
title: Static Publishing
summary: Export your web pages as static HTML and serve the web like it's 1999.
# Static Publishing
One of the best ways to get the top performance out of SilverStripe is to bypass it completely. This saves on any loading
time, connecting to the database and formatting your templates. This is only appropriate approach on web pages that
have completely static content.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
If you want to cache part of a page, or your site has interactive elements such as forms, then
[Partial Caching](partial_caching) is more suitable.
By publishing the page as HTML it's possible to run SilverStripe from behind a corporate firewall, on a low performance
server or serve millions of hits an hour without expensive hardware.
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Resource Usage
summary: Manage SilverStripe's memory footprint and CPU usage.
icon: tachometer-alt
# Resource Usage
SilverStripe tries to keep its resource usage within the documented limits
@ -10,25 +12,14 @@ These limits are defined through `memory_limit` and `max_execution_time` in the
overwritten through `ini_set()`, unless PHP is running with the [Suhoshin Patches](http://www.hardened-php.net/)
or in "[safe mode](http://php.net/manual/en/features.safe-mode.php)".
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
Most shared hosting providers will have maximum values that can't be altered.
For certain tasks like synchronizing a large `assets/` folder with all file and folder entries in the database, more
resources are required temporarily. In general, we recommend running resource intensive tasks through the
[command line](../cli), where configuration defaults for these settings are higher or even unlimited.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
SilverStripe can request more resources through `increase_memory_limit_to()` and `increase_time_limit_to()` functions.
function myBigFunction() {
// or..
// ..
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
title: Performance
summary: Make your applications faster by learning how to write more scalable code and ways to cache your important information.
introduction: Make your applications faster by learning how to write more scalable code and ways to cache your important information.
icon: tachometer-alt
The following guide describes the common ways to speed your SilverStripe website up. The general rules for getting
the best performance out of SilverStripe include running the latest versions of PHP alongside a
[opcode](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opcode) cache such as [XCache](http://xcache.lighttpd.net/) or
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: Members
summary: Learn how logged in users are managed in Silverstripe CMS
icon: user
# Member
## Introduction
@ -15,7 +18,7 @@ The [api:Member] class comes with 2 static methods for getting information about
Retrieves the ID (int) of the current logged in member. Returns *0* if user is not logged in. Much lighter than the
next method for testing if you just need to test.
// Is a member logged in?
if( Member::currentUserID() ) {
// Yes!
@ -23,29 +26,29 @@ next method for testing if you just need to test.
// No!
Returns the full *Member* Object for the current user, returns *null* if user is not logged in.
if( $member = Member::currentUser() ) {
// Work with $member
} else {
// Do non-member stuff
## Subclassing
<div class="warning" markdown="1">
This is the least desirable way of extending the [api:Member] class. It's better to use [api:DataExtension]
(see below).
You can define subclasses of [api:Member] to add extra fields or functionality to the built-in membership system.
class MyMember extends Member {
private static $db = array(
"Age" => "Int",
@ -53,14 +56,14 @@ You can define subclasses of [api:Member] to add extra fields or functionality t
To ensure that all new members are created using this class, put a call to [api:Object::useCustomClass()] in
Object::useCustomClass("Member", "MyMember");
Note that if you want to look this class-name up, you can call Object::getCustomClass("Member")
## Overloading getCMSFields()
@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ If you overload the built-in public function getCMSFields(), then you can change
details in the newsletter system. This function returns a [api:FieldList] object. You should generally start by calling
parent::getCMSFields() and manipulate the [api:FieldList] from there.
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$fields->insertBefore("HTMLEmail", new TextField("Age"));
@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ parent::getCMSFields() and manipulate the [api:FieldList] from there.
return $fields;
## Extending Member or DataObject?
Basic rule: Class [api:Member] should just be extended for entities who have some kind of login.
@ -93,16 +96,16 @@ Using inheritance to add extra behaviour or data fields to a member is limiting,
class. A better way is to use role extensions to add this behaviour. Add the following to your
- MyMemberExtension
A role extension is simply a subclass of [api:DataExtension] that is designed to be used to add behaviour to [api:Member].
The roles affect the entire class - all members will get the additional behaviour. However, if you want to restrict
things, you should add appropriate [api:Permission::checkMember()] calls to the role's methods.
class MyMemberExtension extends DataExtension {
@ -127,7 +130,7 @@ things, you should add appropriate [api:Permission::checkMember()] calls to the
## API Documentation
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: Access Control
summary: Restrict CMS access to specific groups of users
icon: user-lock
# Access Control and Page Security
There is a fairly comprehensive security mechanism in place for SilverStripe. If you want to add premium content to your
@ -21,16 +27,18 @@ In the security tab you can make groups for security. The way this was intended
* employees
* marketing
* marketing executive
Thus, the further up the hierarchy you go the MORE privileges you can get. Similarly, you could have:
* members
* coordinators
* admins
Where members have some privileges, coordinators slightly more and administrators the most; having each group inheriting
privileges from its parent group.
## Permission checking is at class level
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: Permissions
summary: Customise the permission system in Silverstripe
icon: lock
# User Permissions
## Introduction
@ -22,7 +28,7 @@ The simple usage, Permission::check("PERM_CODE") will detect if the currently lo
[api:PermissionProvider] is an interface which lets you define a method *providePermissions()*.
This method should return a map of permission code names with a human readable explanation of its purpose.
class Page_Controller implements PermissionProvider {
public function init() {
@ -36,7 +42,7 @@ This method should return a map of permission code names with a human readable e
This can then be used to add a dropdown for permission codes to the security panel. Permission::get_all_codes() will be
a helper method that will call providePermissions() on every applicable class, and collate the resuls into a single
@ -89,12 +95,12 @@ This works much like ADMIN permissions (see above)
You can check if a user has access to the CMS by simply performing a check against `CMS_ACCESS`.
if (Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS')) {
//user can access the CMS
Internally, this checks that the user has any of the defined `CMS_ACCESS_*` permissions.
## API Documentation
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Authentication
summary: Explains SilverStripe's Authentication options and custom authenticators.
icon: users-cog
# Authentication
By default, SilverStripe provides a [api:MemberAuthenticator] class which hooks into its own internal
@ -39,11 +41,11 @@ and password to be configured for a single special user outside of the normal me
It is advisable to configure this user in your `_ss_environment.php` file outside of the web root, as below:
// Configure a default username and password to access the CMS on all sites in this environment.
define('SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME', 'admin');
define('SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD', 'password');
When a user logs in with these credentials, then a [api:Member] with the Email 'admin' will be generated in
the database, but without any password information. This means that the password can be reset or changed by simply
updating the `_ss_environment.php` file.
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: Security
summary: Learn how to minimise vulnerabilities in your code
icon: user-secret
# Security
## Introduction
@ -26,7 +32,7 @@ come from user input.
$records = DB::prepared_query('SELECT * FROM "MyClass" WHERE "ID" = ?', array(3));
$records = MyClass::get()->where(array('"ID" = ?' => 3));
$records = MyClass::get()->where(array('"ID"' => 3));
@ -35,9 +41,9 @@ Example:
$records = MyClass::get()->byID(3);
$records = SQLQuery::create()->addWhere(array('"ID"' => 3))->execute();
Parameterised updates and inserts are also supported, but the syntax is a little different
->assign('"Name"', 'Daniel')
@ -53,7 +59,7 @@ Parameterised updates and inserts are also supported, but the syntax is a little
array('Daniel', 'Accountant', 24, 28)
### Automatic escaping
SilverStripe internally will use parameterised queries in SQL statements wherever possible.
@ -77,7 +83,7 @@ handled via prepared statements.
// automatically escaped/quoted
$members = Member::get()->filter('Name', $_GET['name']);
// automatically escaped/quoted
@ -87,10 +93,10 @@ Example:
// needs to be escaped and quoted manually (note raw2sql called with the $quote parameter set to true)
$members = Member::get()->where(sprintf('"Name" = %s', Convert::raw2sql($_GET['name'], true)));
<div class="warning" markdown='1'>
It is NOT good practice to "be sure" and convert the data passed to the functions above manually. This might
result in *double escaping* and alters the actually saved data (e.g. by adding slashes to your content).
### Manual escaping
@ -108,7 +114,7 @@ and [datamodel](/developer_guides/model) for ways to parameterise, cast, and con
class MyForm extends Form {
public function save($RAW_data, $form) {
// Pass true as the second parameter of raw2sql to quote the value safely
@ -118,13 +124,13 @@ Example:
* `FormField->Value()`
* URLParams passed to a Controller-method
class MyController extends Controller {
private static $allowed_actions = array('myurlaction');
public function myurlaction($RAW_urlParams) {
@ -135,12 +141,12 @@ Example:
As a rule of thumb, you should escape your data **as close to querying as possible**
(or preferably, use parameterised queries). This means if you've got a chain of functions
passing data through, escaping should happen at the end of the chain.
class MyController extends Controller {
* @param array $RAW_data All names in an indexed array (not SQL-safe)
@ -156,7 +162,7 @@ passing data through, escaping should happen at the end of the chain.
This might not be applicable in all cases - especially if you are building an API thats likely to be customised. If
you're passing unescaped data, make sure to be explicit about it by writing *phpdoc*-documentation and *prefixing* your
variables ($RAW_data instead of $data).
@ -168,10 +174,10 @@ XSS (Cross-Site-Scripting). With some basic guidelines, you can ensure your outp
displaying a blog post in HTML from a trusted author, or escaping a search parameter from an untrusted visitor before
redisplaying it).
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
Note: SilverStripe templates do not remove tags, please use [strip_tags()](http://php.net/strip_tags) for this purpose
or [sanitize](http://htmlpurifier.org/) it correctly.
See [http://shiflett.org/articles/foiling-cross-site-attacks](http://shiflett.org/articles/foiling-cross-site-attacks)
for in-depth information about "Cross-Site-Scripting".
@ -189,9 +195,10 @@ stripped out
To enable filtering, set the HtmlEditorField::$sanitise_server_side [configuration](/developer_guides/configuration/configuration) property to
true, e.g.
HtmlEditorField::config()->sanitise_server_side = true
The built in sanitiser enforces the TinyMCE whitelist rules on the server side, and is sufficient to eliminate the
most common XSS vectors.
However some subtle XSS attacks that exploit HTML parsing bugs need heavier filtering. For greater protection
@ -218,7 +225,7 @@ object-properties by [casting](/developer_guides/model/data_types_and_casting) i
class MyObject extends DataObject {
private static $db = array(
'MyEscapedValue' => 'Text', // Example value: <b>not bold</b>
@ -226,16 +233,16 @@ PHP:
<li>$MyEscapedValue</li> // output: <b>not bold<b>
<li>$MyUnescapedValue</li> // output: <b>bold</b>
The example below assumes that data wasn't properly filtered when saving to the database, but are escaped before
outputting through SSViewer.
@ -246,7 +253,7 @@ You can force escaping on a casted value/object by using an [escape type](/devel
Template (see above):
// output: <a href="#" title="foo & &#quot;bar"">foo & "bar"</a>
<li><a href="#" title="$Title.ATT">$Title</a></li>
@ -255,7 +262,7 @@ Template (see above):
<li>$MyUnescapedValue.XML</li> // output: <b>bold<b>
### Escaping custom attributes and getters
Every object attribute or getter method used for template purposes should have its escape type defined through the
@ -263,7 +270,7 @@ static *$casting* array. Caution: Casting only applies when using values in a te
class MyObject extends DataObject {
public $Title = '<b>not bold</b>'; // will be escaped due to Text casting
@ -278,17 +285,17 @@ PHP:
<li>$Title</li> // output: <b>not bold<b>
<li>$Title.RAW</li> // output: <b>not bold</b>
<li>$TitleWithHTMLSuffix</li> // output: <b>not bold</b>: <small>(...)</small>
Note: Avoid generating HTML by string concatenation in PHP wherever possible to minimize risk and separate your
presentation from business logic.
@ -302,7 +309,7 @@ also used by *XML* and *ATT* in template code).
class MyController extends Controller {
private static $allowed_actions = array('search');
public function search($request) {
@ -314,13 +321,13 @@ PHP:
<h2 title="Searching for $Query.ATT">$HTMLTitle</h2>
Whenever you insert a variable into an HTML attribute within a template, use $VarName.ATT, no not $VarName.
You can also use the built-in casting in PHP by using the *obj()* wrapper, see [datamodel](/developer_guides/model/data_types_and_casting).
@ -332,7 +339,7 @@ user data, not *Convert::raw2att()*. Use raw ampersands in your URL, and cast t
class MyController extends Controller {
private static $allowed_actions = array('search');
public function search($request) {
@ -344,13 +351,13 @@ PHP:
<a href="$RSSLink.ATT">RSS feed</a>
Some rules of thumb:
* Don't concatenate URLs in a template. It only works in extremely simple cases that usually contain bugs.
@ -395,7 +402,7 @@ passed, such as *mysite.com/home/add/dfsdfdsfd*, then it returns 0.
Below is an example with different ways you would use this casting technique:
public function CaseStudies() {
// cast an ID from URL parameters e.g. (mysite.com/home/action/ID)
@ -411,7 +418,7 @@ Below is an example with different ways you would use this casting technique:
return CaseStudy::get()->byID($categoryID);
The same technique can be employed anywhere in your PHP code you know something must be of a certain type. A list of PHP
cast types can be found here:
@ -438,6 +445,7 @@ disallow certain filetypes.
Example configuration for Apache2:
<VirtualHost *:80>
<LocationMatch assets/>
php_flag engine off
@ -445,16 +453,17 @@ Example configuration for Apache2:
If you are using shared hosting or in a situation where you cannot alter your Vhost definitions, you can use a .htaccess
file in the assets directory. This requires PHP to be loaded as an Apache module (not CGI or FastCGI).
php_flag engine off
Options -ExecCGI -Includes -Indexes
### Don't allow access to YAML files
YAML files are often used to store sensitive or semi-sensitive data for use by
SilverStripe, such as configuration files. We block access to any files
@ -463,12 +472,13 @@ If you need users to access files with this extension,
you can bypass the rules for a specific directory.
Here's an example for a `.htaccess` file used by the Apache web server:
<Files *.yml>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
### User uploaded files
Certain file types are by default excluded from user upload. html, xhtml, htm, and xml files may have embedded,
@ -512,19 +522,20 @@ So in addition to storing the password in a secure fashion,
you can also enforce specific password policies by configuring
a [api:PasswordValidator]:
$validator = new PasswordValidator();
$validator->characterStrength(3, array("lowercase", "uppercase", "digits", "punctuation"));
In addition, you can tighten password security with the following configuration settings:
* `Member.password_expiry_days`: Set the number of days that a password should be valid for.
* `Member.lock_out_after_incorrect_logins`: Number of incorrect logins after which
the user is blocked from further attempts for the timespan defined in `$lock_out_delay_mins`
* `Member.lock_out_delay_mins`: Minutes of enforced lockout after incorrect password attempts.
Only applies if `lock_out_after_incorrect_logins` is greater than 0.
* `Security.remember_username`: Set to false to disable autocomplete on login form
@ -539,7 +550,7 @@ included in HTML "frame" or "iframe" elements, and thereby prevent the most comm
attack vector. This is done through a HTTP header, which is usually added in your
controller's `init()` method:
class MyController extends Controller {
public function init() {
@ -547,7 +558,7 @@ controller's `init()` method:
This is a recommended option to secure any controller which displays
or submits sensitive user input, and is enabled by default in all CMS controllers,
as well as the login form.
@ -559,10 +570,10 @@ allows the configure of a whitelist of hosts that are allowed to access the syst
this whitelist in your _ss_environment.php file, any request presenting a `Host` header that is
_not_ in this list will be blocked with a HTTP 400 error:
define('SS_ALLOWED_HOSTS', 'www.mysite.com,mysite.com,subdomain.mysite.com');
Please note that if this configuration is defined, you _must_ include _all_ subdomains (eg www.)
that will be accessing the site.
When SilverStripe is run behind a reverse proxy, it's normally necessary for this proxy to
@ -578,13 +589,13 @@ In order to prevent this kind of attack, it's necessary to whitelist trusted pro
server IPs using the SS_TRUSTED_PROXY_IPS define in your _ss_environment.php.
define('SS_TRUSTED_PROXY_IPS', ',');
At the same time, you'll also need to define which headers you trust from these proxy IPs. Since there are multiple ways through which proxies can pass through HTTP information on the original hostname, IP and protocol, these values need to be adjusted for your specific proxy. The header names match their equivalent `$_SERVER` values.
If there is no proxy server, 'none' can be used to distrust all clients.
If only trusted servers will make requests then you can use '*' to trust all clients.
@ -595,6 +606,7 @@ This behaviour is enabled whenever SS_TRUSTED_PROXY_IPS is defined, or if the
following in your .htaccess to ensure this behaviour is activated.
<IfModule mod_env.c>
# Ensure that X-Forwarded-Host is only allowed to determine the request
# hostname for servers ips defined by SS_TRUSTED_PROXY_IPS in your _ss_environment.php
@ -602,7 +614,7 @@ following in your .htaccess to ensure this behaviour is activated.
SetEnv BlockUntrustedIPs true
In a future release this behaviour will be changed to be on by default, and this environment
variable will be no longer necessary, thus it will be necessary to always set
SS_TRUSTED_PROXY_IPS if using a proxy.
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: Security
summary: This guide covers user authentication, the permission system and how to secure your code against malicious behaviors
icon: user-shield
# Security and User Authentication
This guide covers using and extending the user authentication in SilverStripe, permissions, user groups and roles, and
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: Email
summary: Send HTML and plain text email from your SilverStripe application.
icon: envelope-open
# Email
Creating and sending email in SilverStripe is done through the [api:Email] and [api:Mailer] classes. This document
@ -16,25 +19,25 @@ and [Postmark](https://github.com/fullscreeninteractive/silverstripe-postmarkmai
### Sending plain text only
$email = new Email($from, $to, $subject, $body);
### Sending combined HTML and plain text
By default, emails are sent in both HTML and Plaintext format. A plaintext representation is automatically generated
from the system by stripping HTML markup, or transforming it where possible (e.g. `<strong>text</strong>` is converted
to `*text*`).
$email = new Email($from, $to, $subject, $body);
<div class="info" markdown="1">
The default HTML template for emails is named `GenericEmail` and is located in `framework/templates/email/`. To
customise this template, copy it to the `mysite/templates/Email/` folder or use `setTemplate` when you create the
`Email` instance.
### Templates
@ -44,13 +47,13 @@ email object additional information using the `populateTemplate` method.
<h1>Hi $Member.FirstName</h1>
<p>You can go to $Link.</p>
The PHP Logic..
$email = new Email();
@ -64,10 +67,10 @@ The PHP Logic..
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
As we've added a new template file (`MyCustomEmail`) make sure you clear the SilverStripe cache for your changes to
take affect.
## Sub classing
@ -76,7 +79,7 @@ a new subclass of `Email` which takes the required dependencies and handles sett
class MyEmail extends Email {
@ -98,31 +101,31 @@ a new subclass of `Email` which takes the required dependencies and handles sett
Then within your application, usage of the email is much clearer to follow.
$member = Member::currentUser();
$email = new MyEmail($member);
## Administrator Emails
You can set the default sender address of emails through the `Email.admin_email` [configuration setting](/developer_guides/configuration).
admin_email: support@silverstripe.org
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
Remember, setting a `from` address that doesn't come from your domain (such as the users email) will likely see your
email marked as spam. If you want to send from another address think about using the `setReplyTo` method.
## Redirecting Emails
@ -137,34 +140,34 @@ Configuration of those properties looks like the following:
if(Director::isLive()) {
Config::inst()->update('Email', 'bcc_all_emails_to', "client@example.com");
} else {
Config::inst()->update('Email', 'send_all_emails_to', "developer@example.com");
### Setting custom "Reply To" email address.
For email messages that should have an email address which is replied to that actually differs from the original "from" email, do the following. This is encouraged especially when the domain responsible for sending the message isn't necessarily the same which should be used for return correspondence and should help prevent your message from being marked as spam.
$email = new Email(..);
### Setting Custom Headers
For email headers which do not have getters or setters (like setTo(), setFrom()) you can use **addCustomHeader($header,
$email = new Email(...);
$email->addCustomHeader('HeaderName', 'HeaderValue');
<div class="info" markdown="1">
See this [Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-mail#Message_header) entry for a list of header names.
## Newsletters
@ -176,17 +179,17 @@ SilverStripe supports changing out the underlying web server SMTP mailer service
function. A `Mailer` subclass will commonly override the `sendPlain` and `sendHTML` methods to send emails through curl
or some other process that isn't the built in `mail()` command.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
There are a number of custom mailer add-ons available like [Mandrill](https://github.com/lekoala/silverstripe-mandrill)
and [Postmark](https://github.com/fullscreeninteractive/silverstripe-postmarkmailer).
In this example, `LocalMailer` will take any email's going while the site is in Development mode and save it to the
assets folder instead.
class LocalMailer extends Mailer {
@ -197,7 +200,8 @@ assets folder instead.
file_put_contents($file, $htmlContent);
function sendPlain($to, $from, $subject, $htmlContent, $attachedFiles = false, $customheaders = false, $plainContent = false, $inlineImages = false) {
$file = ASSETS_PATH . '/_mail_'. urlencode(sprintf("%s_%s", $subject, $to));
@ -205,16 +209,16 @@ assets folder instead.
if(Director::isLive()) {
Email::set_mailer(new PostmarkMailer());
} else {
Email::set_mailer(new LocalMailer());
### Setting bounce handler
A bounce handler email can be specified one of a few ways:
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: CSV Import
summary: Load data into your Silverstripe database in bulk
icon: upload
# Import CSV data
## Introduction
@ -28,24 +34,25 @@ You can use the CsvBulkLoader without subclassing or other customizations, if th
in your CSV file match `$db` properties in your dataobject. E.g. a simple import for the
[api:Member] class could have this data in a file:
The loader would be triggered through the `load()` method:
$loader = new CsvBulkLoader('Member');
$result = $loader->load('<my-file-path>');
By the way, you can import [api:Member] and [api:Group] data through `http://localhost/admin/security`
interface out of the box.
## Import through ModelAdmin
The simplest way to use [api:CsvBulkLoader] is through a [api:ModelAdmin] interface - you get an upload form out of the box.
class PlayerAdmin extends ModelAdmin {
private static $managed_models = array(
@ -58,7 +65,7 @@ The simplest way to use [api:CsvBulkLoader] is through a [api:ModelAdmin] interf
The new admin interface will be available under `http://localhost/admin/players`, the import form is located
below the search form on the left.
## Import through a custom controller
@ -68,7 +75,7 @@ Let's create a simple upload form (which is used for `MyDataObject` instances).
You'll need to add a route to your controller to make it accessible via URL
(see [director](/reference/director)).
class MyController extends Controller {
@ -109,7 +116,7 @@ You'll need to add a route to your controller to make it accessible via URL
Note: This interface is not secured, consider using [api:Permission::check()] to limit the controller to users
with certain access rights.
## Column mapping and relation import
@ -118,15 +125,16 @@ We're going to use our knowledge from the previous example to import a more soph
Sample CSV Content
11,"John Doe",1982-05-12,"FC Bayern"
12,"Jane Johnson", 1982-05-12,"FC Bayern"
13,"Jimmy Dole",,"Schalke 04"
Datamodel for Player
class Player extends DataObject {
private static $db = array(
@ -141,10 +149,10 @@ Datamodel for Player
Datamodel for FootballTeam:
class FootballTeam extends DataObject {
private static $db = array(
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@ Datamodel for FootballTeam:
Sample implementation of a custom loader. Assumes a CSV-file in a certain format (see below).
* Converts property names
@ -165,7 +173,7 @@ Sample implementation of a custom loader. Assumes a CSV-file in a certain format
* Creates `Team` relations automatically based on the `Gruppe` column in the CSV data
class PlayerCsvBulkLoader extends CsvBulkLoader {
public $columnMap = array(
@ -195,9 +203,9 @@ Sample implementation of a custom loader. Assumes a CSV-file in a certain format
Building off of the ModelAdmin example up top, use a custom loader instead of the default loader by adding it to `$model_importers`. In this example, `CsvBulkLoader` is replaced with `PlayerCsvBulkLoader`.
class PlayerAdmin extends ModelAdmin {
private static $managed_models = array(
@ -210,7 +218,7 @@ Building off of the ModelAdmin example up top, use a custom loader instead of th
## Related
* [api:CsvParser]
@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
title: Restful service
summary: Consume external data through their RESTFul interfaces.
# Restful Service
[api:RestfulService] is used to enable connections to remote web services through PHP's `curl` command. It provides an
interface and utility functions for generating a valid request and parsing the response returned from the web service.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
RestfulService currently only supports XML. It has no JSON support at this stage.
## Examples
@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ in the template.
public function getWellingtonWeather() {
$fetch = new RestfulService(
@ -49,17 +51,17 @@ in the template.
return $output;
## Features
### Basic Authenication
$service = new RestfulService("http://example.harvestapp.com");
$service->basicAuth('username', 'password');
### Make multiple requests
$service = new RestfulService("http://example.harvestapp.com");
$peopleXML = $service->request('/people');
@ -70,23 +72,23 @@ in the template.
$taskXML = $service->request('/tasks');
$tasks = $service->getValues($taskXML, 'task');
### Caching
To set the cache interval you can pass it as the 2nd argument to constructor.
$expiry = 60 * 60; // 1 hour;
$request = new RestfulService("http://example.harvestapp.com", $expiry );
### Getting Values & Attributes
You can traverse through document tree to get the values or attribute of a particular node using XPath. Take for example
the following XML that is returned.
<entry id='12'>Sally</entry>
<entry id='15'>Ted</entry>
@ -94,41 +96,41 @@ the following XML that is returned.
<entry id='22'>John</entry>
To extract the id attributes of the entries use:
$this->getAttributes($xml, "entries", "entry");
// array(array('id' => 12), array('id' => '15'), ..)
To extract the values (the names) of the entries use:
$this->getValues($xml, "entries", "entry");
// array('Sally', 'Ted', 'Matt', 'John')
### Searching for Values & Attributes
If you don't know the exact position of DOM tree where the node will appear you can use xpath to search for the node.
<div class="note">
This is the recommended method for retrieving values of name spaced nodes.
<media:entry id="2030">video</media:entry>
To get the value of entry node with the namespace media, use:
$this->searchValue($response, "//media:guide/media:entry");
// array('video');
## Best Practices
### Handling Errors
@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ If the web service returned an error (for example, API key not available or inad
[api:RestfulService] can delegate the error handling to it's descendant class. To handle the errors, subclass
`RestfulService and define a function called errorCatch.
class MyRestfulService extends RestfulService {
@ -153,9 +155,9 @@ If the web service returned an error (for example, API key not available or inad
If you want to bypass error handling, define `checkErrors` in the constructor for `RestfulService`
class MyRestfulService extends RestfulService {
@ -167,7 +169,7 @@ If you want to bypass error handling, define `checkErrors` in the constructor fo
### Setting cURL options
Restful service uses cURL to make requests. There are various settings that can be defined on the cURL
@ -186,11 +188,6 @@ To set global cURL settings you can update the `RestfulService` config via the C
Here is an example to increase the HTTP Timeout globally. Insert this in your `_config.php` file:
Config::inst()->update('RestfulService', 'default_curl_options', array(
@ -201,16 +198,6 @@ parameter in `RestfulService::request()`.
For example:
//cURL options
$curlOptions = array(
$service = new RestfulService('http://example.com/');
$service->request('service.json', 'GET', null, null, $curlOptions);
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: RSS Feed
summary: Output records from your database as an RSS Feed.
icon: rss
# RSS Feed
Generating RSS / Atom-feeds is a matter of rendering a [api:SS_List] instance through the [api:RSSFeed] class.
@ -10,10 +12,10 @@ your current staff members, comments or any other custom [api:DataObject] subcla
logical limitation here is that every item in the RSS-feed should be accessible through a URL on your website, so it's
advisable to just create feeds from subclasses of [api:SiteTree].
<div class="warning" markdown="1">
If you wish to generate an RSS feed that contains a [api:DataObject], ensure you define a `AbsoluteLink` method on
the object.
## Usage
@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ web pages need to link to the URL to notify users that the RSS feed is available
An outline of step one looks like:
$feed = new RSSFeed(
@ -37,13 +39,13 @@ An outline of step one looks like:
To achieve step two include the following code where ever you want to include the `<link>` tag to the RSS Feed. This
will normally go in your `Controllers` `init` method.
RSSFeed::linkToFeed($link, $title);
## Examples
### Showing the 10 most recently updated pages
@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ You can use [api:RSSFeed] to easily create a feed showing your latest Page updat
@ -85,19 +87,19 @@ You can use [api:RSSFeed] to easily create a feed showing your latest Page updat
### Rendering DataObjects in a RSSFeed
DataObjects can be rendered in the feed as well, however, since they aren't explicitly [api:SiteTree] subclasses we
need to include a function `AbsoluteLink` to allow the RSS feed to link through to the item.
<div class="info">
If the items are all displayed on a single page you may simply hard code the link to point to a particular page.
Take an example, we want to create an RSS feed of all the `Players` objects in our site. We make sure the `AbsoluteLink`
method is defined and returns a string to the full website URL.
class Player extends DataObject {
@ -113,9 +115,9 @@ method is defined and returns a string to the full website URL.
Then in our controller, we add a new action which returns a the XML list of `Players`.
class Page_Controller extends ContentController {
@ -141,7 +143,7 @@ Then in our controller, we add a new action which returns a the XML list of `Pla
### Customizing the RSS Feed template
The default template used for XML view is `framework/templates/RSSFeed.ss`. This template displays titles and links to
the object. To customise the XML produced use `setTemplate`.
@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ Say from that last example we want to include the Players Team in the XML feed w
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
@ -168,11 +170,11 @@ Say from that last example we want to include the Players Team in the XML feed w
`setTemplate` can then be used to tell RSSFeed to use that new template.
public function players() {
$rss = new RSSFeed(
@ -186,9 +188,9 @@ Say from that last example we want to include the Players Team in the XML feed w
return $rss->outputToBrowser();
<div class="warning">
As we've added a new template (PlayersRss.ss) make sure you clear your SilverStripe cache.
## API Documentation
@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
title: Import CSV Data through a Controller
summary: Data importing through the frontend
icon: upload
# Import CSV Data through a Controller
You can have more customised logic and interface feedback through a custom controller. Let's create a simple upload
form (which is used for `MyDataObject` instances). You can access it through
class MyController extends Controller {
@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ form (which is used for `MyDataObject` instances). You can access it through
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
This interface is not secured, consider using [api:Permission::check()] to limit the controller to users with certain
access rights.
@ -1,21 +1,25 @@
title: A custom CSVBulkLoader instance
summary: Customise your data importing
icon: upload
# How to: A custom CSVBulkLoader instance
A an implementation of a custom `CSVBulkLoader` loader. In this example. we're provided with a unique CSV file
containing a list of football players and the team they play for. The file we have is in the format like below.
"SpielerNummer", "Name", "Geburtsdatum", "Gruppe"
11, "John Doe", 1982-05-12,"FC Bayern"
12, "Jane Johnson", 1982-05-12,"FC Bayern"
13, "Jimmy Dole",,"Schalke 04"
This data needs to be imported into our application. For this, we have two `DataObjects` setup. `Player` contains
information about the individual player and a relation set up for managing the `Team`.
class Player extends DataObject {
@ -32,9 +36,9 @@ information about the individual player and a relation set up for managing the `
class FootballTeam extends DataObject {
@ -48,7 +52,7 @@ information about the individual player and a relation set up for managing the `
Now going back to look at the CSV, we can see that what we're provided with does not match what our data model looks
like, so we have to create a sub class of `CsvBulkLoader` to handle the unique file. Things we need to consider with
the custom importer are:
@ -62,7 +66,7 @@ Our final import looks like this.
class PlayerCsvBulkLoader extends CsvBulkLoader {
@ -97,7 +101,7 @@ Our final import looks like this.
## Related
* [api:CsvParser]
* [api:ModelAdmin]
@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
title: Embed an RSS Feed
title: RSS Feed
summary: Output records from your database as an RSS Feed.
icon: rss
# Embed an RSS Feed
@ -9,7 +13,7 @@ First, we write the code to query the API feed.
public function getWellingtonWeather() {
$fetch = new RestfulService(
@ -39,19 +43,19 @@ First, we write the code to query the API feed.
return $output;
This will provide our `Page` template with a new `WellingtonWeather` variable (an [api:ArrayList]). Each item has a
single field `Description`.
<% if WellingtonWeather %>
<% loop WellingtonWeather %>
<% end_loop %>
<% end_if %>
## Related
* [RestfulService Documentation](../restfulservice)
* [api:RestfulService]
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: How To's
# How To's: Integration and Web Services
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
summary: Integrate other web services within your application or make your SilverStripe data available.
introduction: Integrate other web services within your application or make your SilverStripe data available.
title: Integration and Web Services
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Scaffolding with SearchContext
summary: Configure the search form within ModelAdmin using the SearchContext class.
icon: search
# SearchContext
[api:SearchContext] manages searching of properties on one or more [api:DataObject] types, based on a given set of
@ -10,15 +12,15 @@ search parameters and an object class it acts on.
The default output of a [api:SearchContext] is either a [api:SQLQuery] object for further refinement, or a
[api:DataObject] instance.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
[api:SearchContext] is mainly used by [ModelAdmin](/developer_guides/customising_the_admin_interface/modeladmin).
## Usage
Defining search-able fields on your DataObject.
class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
@ -29,13 +31,13 @@ Defining search-able fields on your DataObject.
## Customizing fields and filters
In this example we're defining three attributes on our MyDataObject subclass: `PublicProperty`, `HiddenProperty`
and `MyDate`. The attribute `HiddenProperty` should not be searchable, and `MyDate` should only search for dates
*after* the search entry (with a `GreaterThanFilter`).
class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
@ -64,19 +66,19 @@ and `MyDate`. The attribute `HiddenProperty` should not be searchable, and `MyDa
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
See the [SearchFilter](../model/searchfilters) documentation for more information about filters to use such as the
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
In case you need multiple contexts, consider name-spacing your request parameters by using `FieldList->namespace()` on
the `$fields` constructor parameter.
### Generating a search form from the context
@ -107,14 +109,14 @@ the `$fields` constructor parameter.
### Pagination
For pagination records on multiple pages, you need to wrap the results in a
`PaginatedList` object. This object is also passed the generated `SQLQuery`
in order to read page limit information. It is also passed the current
`SS_HTTPRequest` object so it can read the current page from a GET var.
public function getResults($searchCriteria = array()) {
$start = ($this->getRequest()->getVar('start')) ? (int)$this->getRequest()->getVar('start') : 0;
$limit = 10;
@ -133,10 +135,10 @@ in order to read page limit information. It is also passed the current
return $records;
notice that if you want to use this getResults function, you need to change the function doSearch for this one:
public function doSearch($data, $form) {
$context = singleton('MyDataObject')->getCustomSearchContext();
$results = $this->getResults($data);
@ -145,7 +147,7 @@ notice that if you want to use this getResults function, you need to change the
))->renderWith(array('Catalogo_results', 'Page'));
The change is in **$results = $this->getResults($data);**, because you are using a custom getResults function.
Another thing you cant forget is to check the name of the singleton you are using in your project. the example uses
@ -162,7 +164,7 @@ Results.PaginationSummary(4) defines how many pages the search will show in the
**Next 1 2 *3* 4 5 … 558**
<% if $Results %>
<% loop $Results %>
@ -201,7 +203,7 @@ Results.PaginationSummary(4) defines how many pages the search will show in the
<% end_if %>
## Available SearchFilters
See [api:SearchFilter] API Documentation
@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
title: Fulltext Search
summary: Fulltext search allows sophisticated searching on text content.
icon: search
# FulltextSearchable
Fulltext search allows advanced search criteria for searching words within a text based data column. While basic
Fulltext search can be achieved using the built-in [api:MySQLDatabase] class a more powerful wrapper for Fulltext
search is provided through a module.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
See the [FulltextSearch Module](https://github.com/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-fulltextsearch/). This module provides
a high level wrapper for running advanced search services such as Solr, Lucene or Sphinx in the backend rather than
`MySQL` search.
## Adding Fulltext Support to MySQLDatabase
@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ storage engine.
You can do so by adding this static variable to your class definition:
class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
@ -31,13 +33,13 @@ You can do so by adding this static variable to your class definition:
The [api:FulltextSearchable] extension will add the correct `Fulltext` indexes to the data model.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
The [api:SearchForm] and [api:FulltextSearchable] API's are currently hard coded to be specific to `Page` and `File`
records and cannot easily be adapted to include custom `DataObject` instances. To include your custom objects in the
default site search, have a look at those extensions and modify as required.
### Fulltext Filter
@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ SilverStripe provides a [api:FulltextFilter] which you can use to perform custom
Example DataObject:
class SearchableDataObject extends DataObject {
private static $db = array(
@ -68,12 +70,12 @@ Example DataObject:
Performing the search:
SearchableDataObject::get()->filter('SearchFields:fulltext', 'search term');
If your search index is a single field size, then you may also specify the search filter by the name of the
field instead of the index.
## API Documentation
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
title: Search
summary: Provide your users with advanced search functionality.
introduction: Give users the ability to search your applications. Fulltext search for Page Content (and other attributes like "Title") can be easily added to SilverStripe.
See the [Site Search Tutorial](/tutorials/site_search) for a detailed walk through of adding basic Search to your
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: i18n
summary: Display templates and PHP code in different languages based on the preferences of your website users.
# i18n
The i18n class (short for "internationalization") in SilverStripe enables you to display templates and PHP code in
@ -27,12 +28,12 @@ The i18n class is enabled by default.
To set the locale you just need to call [api:i18n::set_locale()] passing, as a parameter, the name of the locale that
you want to set.
// mysite/_config.php
i18n::set_locale('de_DE'); // Setting the locale to German (Germany)
i18n::set_locale('ca_AD'); // Setting to Catalan (Andorra)
Once we set a locale, all the calls to the translator function will return strings according to the set locale value, if
these translations are available. See [unicode.org](http://unicode.org/cldr/data/diff/supplemental/languages_and_territories.html)
for a complete listing of available locales.
@ -45,14 +46,14 @@ As you set the locale you can also get the current value, just by calling [api:i
To let browsers know which language they're displaying a document in, you can declare a language in your template.
//'Page.ss' (HTML)
<html lang="$ContentLocale">
//'Page.ss' (XHTML)
<html lang="$ContentLocale" xml:lang="$ContentLocale" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
Setting the `<html>` attribute is the most commonly used technique. There are other ways to specify content languages
(meta tags, HTTP headers), explained in this [w3.org article](http://www.w3.org/International/tutorials/language-decl/).
@ -60,19 +61,19 @@ You can also set the [script direction](http://www.w3.org/International/question
which is determined by the current locale, in order to indicate the preferred flow of characters
and default alignment of paragraphs and tables to browsers.
<html lang="$ContentLocale" dir="$i18nScriptDirection">
### Date and time formats
Formats can be set globally in the i18n class. These settings are currently only picked up by the CMS, you'll need
to write your own logic for any frontend output.
Config::inst()->update('i18n', 'date_format', 'dd.MM.YYYY');
Config::inst()->update('i18n', 'time_format', 'HH:mm');
Most localization routines in SilverStripe use the [Zend_Date API](http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.date.overview.html).
This means all formats are defined in
[ISO date format](http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.date.constants.html),
not PHP's built-in [date()](http://nz.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php).
@ -84,22 +85,22 @@ They can be accessed via the `i18n.common_languages` and `i18n.common_locales` [
In order to add a value, add the following to your `config.yml`:
name: German (Cologne)
native: Kölsch
Similarly, to change an existing language label, you can overwrite one of these keys:
native: Niu Zillund
### i18n in URLs
By default, URLs for pages in SilverStripe (the `SiteTree->URLSegment` property)
are automatically reduced to the allowed allowed subset of ASCII characters.
@ -118,13 +119,13 @@ Please refer to [W3C: Introduction to IDN and IRI](http://www.w3.org/Internation
Date- and time related form fields support i18n ([api:DateField], [api:TimeField], [api:DatetimeField]).
$field = new DateField(); // will automatically set date format defaults for 'ca_AD'
$field->setLocale('de_DE'); // will not update the date formats
$field->setConfig('dateformat', 'dd. MMMM YYYY'); // sets typical 'de_DE' date format, shows as "23. Juni 1982"
Defaults can be applied globally for all field instances through the `DateField.default_config`
and `TimeField.default_config` [configuration arrays](/developer_guides/configuration).
If no 'locale' default is set on the field, [api:i18n::get_locale()] will be used.
@ -136,25 +137,25 @@ The [api:DateField] API can be enhanced by JavaScript, and comes with
The field tries to translate the date formats and locales into a format compatible with jQuery UI
(see [api:DateField_View_JQuery::$locale_map_] and [api:DateField_View_JQuery::convert_iso_to_jquery_format()]).
$field = new DateField();
$field->setLocale('de_AT'); // set Austrian/German locale
$field->setConfig('showcalendar', true);
$field->setConfig('jslocale', 'de'); // jQuery UI only has a generic German localization
$field->setConfig('dateformat', 'dd. MMMM YYYY'); // will be transformed to 'dd. MM yy' for jQuery
## Translating text
Adapting a module to make it localizable is easy with SilverStripe. You just need to avoid hardcoding strings that are
language-dependent and use a translator function call instead.
// without i18n
echo "This is a string";
// with i18n
echo _t("Namespace.Entity","This is a string");
All strings passed through the `_t()` function will be collected in a separate language table (see [Collecting text](#collecting-text)), which is the starting point for translations.
### The _t() function
@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ to the translator.
#### Usage in PHP Files
// Simple string translation
_t('LeftAndMain.FILESIMAGES','Files & Images');
@ -186,11 +187,11 @@ to the translator.
array('value' => $itemRestored)
#### Usage in Template Files
<div class="hint" markdown='1'>
The preferred template syntax has changed somewhat since [version 2.x](http://doc.silverstripe.org/framework/en/2.4/topics/i18n#usage-2).
In `.ss` template files, instead of `_t(params)` the syntax `<%t params %>` is used. The syntax for passing parameters to the function is quite different to
the PHP version of the function.
@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ the PHP version of the function.
* The original language string and the natural language comment parameters are separated by ` on `.
* The final parameter (which is an array in PHP) is passed as a space separated list of key/value pairs.
// Simple string translation
<%t Namespace.Entity "String to translate" %>
@ -209,19 +210,19 @@ the PHP version of the function.
// Using injection to add variables into the translated strings (note that $Name and $Greeting must be available in the current template scope).
<%t Header.Greeting "Hello {name} {greeting}" name=$Name greeting=$Greeting %>
#### Caching in Template Files with locale switching
When caching a `<% loop %>` or `<% with %>` with `<%t params %>`. It is important to add the Locale to the cache key
otherwise it won't pick up locale changes.
<% cached 'MyIdentifier', $CurrentLocale %>
<% loop $Students %>
<% end_loop %>
<% end_cached %>
## Collecting text
To collect all the text in code and template files we have just to visit: `http://localhost/dev/tasks/i18nTextCollectorTask`
@ -231,9 +232,9 @@ underscore function, and tell you about the created files and any possible entit
If you want to run the text collector for just one module you can use the 'module' parameter:
<div class="hint" markdown='1'>
You'll need to install PHPUnit to run the text collector (see [testing-guide](/developer_guides/testing)).
## Module Priority
@ -252,16 +253,18 @@ This default order is configured in `framework/_config/i18n.yml`. This file spe
To create a custom module order, you need to specify a config fragment that inserts itself either after or before those items. For example, you may have a number of modules that have to come after the framework/admin, but before anyhting else. To do that, you would use this
Name: customi18n
Before: 'defaulti18n'
- module1
- module2
- module3
The config option being set is `i18n.module_priority`, and it is a list of module names.
There are a few special cases:
@ -279,32 +282,34 @@ By default, SilverStripe 3.x uses a YAML format (through the [Zend_Translate_Rai
Example: framework/lang/en.yml (extract)
Attach: 'Attach %s'
NOTEADDFILES: 'You can add files once you have saved for the first time.'
Translation table: framework/lang/de.yml (extract)
ATTACH: '%s anhängen'
NOTEADDFILES: 'Sie können Dateien hinzufügen sobald Sie das erste mal gespeichert haben'
Note that translations are cached across requests.
The cache can be cleared through the `?flush=1` query parameter,
or explicitly through `Zend_Translate::getCache()->clean(Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_ALL)`.
<div class="hint" markdown='1'>
The format of language definitions has changed significantly in since version 2.x.
In order to enable usage of [version 2.x style language definitions](http://doc.silverstripe.org/framework/en/2.4/topics/i18n#language-tables-in-php) in 3.x, you need to register a legacy adapter
in your `mysite/_config.php`:
new Zend_Translate(array(
'adapter' => 'i18nSSLegacyAdapter',
@ -315,7 +320,7 @@ in your `mysite/_config.php`:
9 // priority lower than standard translator
## Javascript Usage
The i18n system in JavaScript is similar to its PHP equivalent.
Languages are typically stored in `<my-module-dir>/javascript/lang`.
@ -329,10 +334,10 @@ the browser: The current locale, and the default locale as a fallback.
The `Requirements` class has a special method to determine these includes:
Just point it to a directory instead of a file, and the class will figure out the includes.
### Translation Tables in JavaScript
Translation tables are automatically included as required, depending on the configured locale in `i18n::get_locale()`.
@ -340,7 +345,7 @@ As a fallback for partially translated tables we always include the master table
Master Table (`<my-module-dir>/javascript/lang/en.js`)
if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined');
} else {
@ -349,34 +354,32 @@ Master Table (`<my-module-dir>/javascript/lang/en.js`)
Example Translation Table (`<my-module-dir>/javascript/lang/de.js`)
ss.i18n.addDictionary('de', {
'MYMODULE.MYENTITY' : "Artikel wirklich löschen?"
For most core modules, these files are generated by a
[build task](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-buildtools/blob/master/src/GenerateJavascriptI18nTask.php),
with the actual source files in a JSON
format which can be processed more easily by external translation providers (see `javascript/lang/src`).
### Basic Usage
### Advanced Use
The `ss.i18n` object contain a couple functions to help and replace dynamic variable from within a string.
#### Legacy sequential replacement with sprintf()
`sprintf()` will substitute occurencies of `%s` in the main string with each of the following arguments passed to the function. The substitution is done sequentially.
// MYMODULE.MYENTITY contains "Really delete %s articles by %s?"
@ -385,12 +388,10 @@ The `ss.i18n` object contain a couple functions to help and replace dynamic vari
// Displays: "Really delete 42 articles by Douglas Adams?"
#### Variable injection with inject()
`inject()` will substitute variables in the main string like `{myVar}` by the keys in the object passed as second argument. Each variable can be in any order and appear multiple times.
// MYMODULE.MYENTITY contains "Really delete {count} articles by {author}?"
@ -398,7 +399,7 @@ The `ss.i18n` object contain a couple functions to help and replace dynamic vari
// Displays: "Really delete 42 articles by Douglas Adams?"
## Limitations
* No detecting/conversion of character encodings (we rely fully on UTF-8)
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: File management
summary: Learn how to work with File and Image records
icon: file-signature
# File Management
## Files, Images and Folders as database records
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
summary: Learn how to crop and resize images in templates and PHP code
# Image
Represents an image object through the [api:Image] class, inheriting all base functionality from the [api:File] class with extra functionality including resizing.
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ images are preserved (meaning images are not stretched).
Here are some examples, assuming the `$Image` object has dimensions of 200x100px:
// Scaling functions
$Image.ScaleWidth(150) // Returns a 150x75px image
$Image.ScaleMaxWidth(100) // Returns a 100x50px image (like ScaleWidth but prevents up-sampling)
@ -59,12 +60,12 @@ Here are some examples, assuming the `$Image` object has dimensions of 200x100px
$Image.Link // Returns relative URL path to image
$Image.AbsoluteLink // Returns absolute URL path to image
Image methods are chainable. Example:
<body style="background-image:url($Image.ScaleWidth(800).CropHeight(800).Link)">
### Padded Image Resize
The Pad method allows you to resize an image with existing ratio and will
pad any surplus space. You can specify the color of the padding using a hex code such as FFFFFF or 000000.
@ -72,12 +73,12 @@ pad any surplus space. You can specify the color of the padding using a hex code
You can also specify a level of transparency to apply to the padding color in a fourth param. This will only effect
png images.
$Image.Pad(80, 80, FFFFFF, 50) // white padding with 50% transparency
$Image.Pad(80, 80, FFFFFF, 100) // white padding with 100% transparency
$Image.Pad(80, 80, FFFFFF) // white padding with no transparency
### Manipulating images in PHP
The image manipulation functions can be used in your code with the same names, example: `$image->Fill(150,150)`.
@ -89,46 +90,12 @@ Please refer to the [api:Image] API documentation for specific functions.
You can also create your own functions by extending the image class, for example
class MyImage extends DataExtension {
public function Landscape() {
return $this->owner->getWidth() > $this->owner->getHeight();
public function Portrait() {
return $this->owner->getWidth() < $this->owner->getHeight();
public function PerfectSquare() {
return $this->owner->getFormattedImage('PerfectSquare');
public function generatePerfectSquare(Image_Backend $backend) {
return $backend->croppedResize(100,100);
public function Exif(){
$image = $this->owner->AbsoluteLink();
$d=new ArrayList();
$exif = exif_read_data($image, 0, true);
foreach ($exif as $key => $section) {
$a=new ArrayList();
foreach ($section as $name => $val)
$a->push(new ArrayData(array("Title"=>$name,"Content"=>$val)));
$d->push(new ArrayData(array("Title"=>strtolower($key),"Content"=>$a)));
return $d;
- MyImage
### Form Upload
For usage on a website form, see [api:FileField].
If you want to upload images within the CMS, see [api:UploadField].
@ -138,25 +105,25 @@ If you want to upload images within the CMS, see [api:UploadField].
To adjust the quality of the generated images when they are resized add the
following to your mysite/config/config.yml file:
default_quality: 90
# or
default_quality: 90
The default value is 75.
By default SilverStripe image functions will not resample an image if no
cropping or resizing is taking place. You can tell SilverStripe to always to
always produce resampled output by adding this to your
mysite/config/config.yml file:
force_resample: true
If you are intending to resample images with SilverStripe it is good practice
to upload high quality (minimal compression) images as these will produce
better results when resampled. Very high resolution images may cause GD to
crash so a good size for website images is around 2000px on the longest edge.
@ -170,11 +137,12 @@ and whenever you upload or modify an Image through SilverStripe.
If you encounter problems with images not appearing, or have mysteriously
disappeared, you can try manually flushing the image cache.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
This task was renamed to `RegenerateCachedImagesTask` (originally `FlushGeneratedImagesTask`) circa SilverStripe 3.2.
## API Documentation
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
title: Files
summary: Upload, manage and manipulate files and images.
introduction: Upload, manage and manipulate files and images.
icon: folder-open
## API Documentation
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: ModelAdmin
summary: Create admin UI's for managing your data records.
# ModelAdmin
[api:ModelAdmin] provides a simple way to utilize the SilverStripe Admin UI with your own data models. It can create
@ -9,17 +10,17 @@ searchables list and edit views of [api:DataObject] subclasses, and even provide
It uses the framework's knowledge about the model to provide sensible defaults, allowing you to get started in a couple
of lines of code, while still providing a solid base for customization.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
The interface is mainly powered by the [api:GridField] class ([documentation](../forms/field_types/gridfield)), which can
also be used in other areas of your application.
Let's assume we want to manage a simple product listing as a sample data model: A product can have a name, price, and
a category.
class Product extends DataObject {
@ -35,9 +36,9 @@ a category.
class Category extends DataObject {
@ -51,14 +52,14 @@ a category.
To create your own `ModelAdmin`, simply extend the base class, and edit the `$managed_models` property with the list of
DataObject's you want to scaffold an interface for. The class can manage multiple models in parallel, if required.
We'll name it `MyAdmin`, but the class name can be anything you want.
class MyAdmin extends ModelAdmin {
@ -73,12 +74,12 @@ We'll name it `MyAdmin`, but the class name can be anything you want.
private static $menu_title = 'My Product Admin';
This will automatically add a new menu entry to the SilverStripe Admin UI entitled `My Product Admin` and logged in
users will be able to upload and manage `Product` and `Category` instances through http://yoursite.com/admin/products.
<div class="alert" markdown="1">
After defining these classes, make sure you have rebuilt your SilverStripe database and flushed your cache.
## Permissions
@ -86,9 +87,9 @@ Each new `ModelAdmin` subclass creates its' own [permission code](../security),
`CMS_ACCESS_MyAdmin`. Users with access to the Admin UI will need to have this permission assigned through
`admin/security/` or have the `ADMIN` permission code in order to gain access to the controller.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
For more information on the security and permission system see the [Security Documentation](../security)
The [api:DataObject] API has more granular permission control, which is enforced in [api:ModelAdmin] by default.
Available checks are `canEdit()`, `canCreate()`, `canView()` and `canDelete()`. Models check for administrator
@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ permissions by default. For most cases, less restrictive checks make sense, e.g.
class Category extends DataObject {
@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ permissions by default. For most cases, less restrictive checks make sense, e.g.
return Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_MyAdmin', 'any', $member);
## Searching Records
[api:ModelAdmin] uses the [SearchContext](../search/searchcontext) class to provide a search form, as well as get the
searched results. Every [api:DataObject] can have its own context, based on the fields which should be searchable. The
@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ class (see [SearchContext](../search/searchcontext) docs for details).
class Product extends DataObject {
@ -140,9 +141,9 @@ class (see [SearchContext](../search/searchcontext) docs for details).
<div class="hint" markdown="1">
[SearchContext](../search/searchcontext) documentation has more information on providing the search functionality.
## Displaying Results
@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ model class, where you can add or remove columns. To change the title, use [api:
class Product extends DataObject {
@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ model class, where you can add or remove columns. To change the title, use [api:
The results list are retrieved from [api:SearchContext::getResults()], based on the parameters passed through the search
form. If no search parameters are given, the results will show every record. Results are a [api:DataList] instance, so
can be customised by additional SQL filters, joins.
@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ For example, we might want to exclude all products without prices in our sample
class MyAdmin extends ModelAdmin {
@ -192,12 +193,12 @@ For example, we might want to exclude all products without prices in our sample
You can also customise the search behavior directly on your `ModelAdmin` instance. For example, we might want to have a
checkbox which limits search results to expensive products (over $100).
class MyAdmin extends ModelAdmin {
@ -225,12 +226,12 @@ checkbox which limits search results to expensive products (over $100).
To alter how the results are displayed (via [api:GridField]), you can also overload the `getEditForm()` method. For
example, to add a new component.
class MyAdmin extends ModelAdmin {
@ -257,12 +258,12 @@ example, to add a new component.
The above example will add the component to all `GridField`s (of all managed models). Alternatively we can also add it
to only one specific `GridField`:
class MyAdmin extends ModelAdmin {
@ -286,7 +287,7 @@ to only one specific `GridField`:
## Data Import
The `ModelAdmin` class provides import of CSV files through the [api:CsvBulkLoader] API. which has support for column
mapping, updating existing records, and identifying relationships - so its a powerful tool to get your data into a
@ -302,7 +303,7 @@ This is handled through the [api:GridFieldExportButton] component.
To customise the exported columns, create a new method called `getExportFields` in your `ModelAdmin`:
class MyAdmin extends ModelAdmin {
@ -317,7 +318,7 @@ To customise the exported columns, create a new method called `getExportFields`
## Related Documentation
* [GridField](../forms/field_types/gridfield)
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: CMS Architecture
summary: An overview of the code architecture of the CMS
icon: sitemap
# CMS architecture
## Introduction
@ -111,7 +117,7 @@ of a `PjaxResponseNegotiator` to handle its display.
Basic example form in a CMS controller subclass:
class MyAdmin extends LeftAndMain {
function getEditForm() {
return CMSForm::create(
@ -139,7 +145,7 @@ Basic example form in a CMS controller subclass:
Note: Usually you don't need to worry about these settings,
and will simply call `parent::getEditForm()` to modify an existing,
correctly configured form.
@ -234,50 +240,25 @@ Example: Create a bare-bones CMS subclass which shows breadcrumbs (a built-in me
as well as info on the current record. A single link updates both sections independently
in a single Ajax request.
// mysite/code/MyAdmin.php
class MyAdmin extends LeftAndMain {
private static $url_segment = 'myadmin';
public function getResponseNegotiator() {
$negotiator = parent::getResponseNegotiator();
$controller = $this;
// Register a new callback
$negotiator->setCallback('MyRecordInfo', function() use(&$controller) {
return $controller->MyRecordInfo();
return $negotiator;
public function MyRecordInfo() {
return $this->renderWith('MyRecordInfo');
// MyAdmin.ss
<% include CMSBreadcrumbs %>
<div>Static content (not affected by update)</div>
<% include MyRecordInfo %>
<a href="admin/myadmin" class="cms-panel-link" data-pjax-target="MyRecordInfo,Breadcrumbs">
Update record info
// MyRecordInfo.ss
<div data-pjax-fragment="MyRecordInfo">
Current Record: $currentPage.Title
A click on the link will cause the following (abbreviated) ajax HTTP request:
GET /admin/myadmin HTTP/1.1
... and result in the following response:
{"MyRecordInfo": "<div...", "CMSBreadcrumbs": "<div..."}
Keep in mind that the returned view isn't always decided upon when the Ajax request
is fired, so the server might decide to change it based on its own logic,
sending back different `X-Pjax` headers and content.
@ -285,9 +266,10 @@ On the client, you can set your preference through the `data-pjax-target` attrib
on links or through the `X-Pjax` header. For firing off an Ajax request that is
tracked in the browser history, use the `pjax` attribute on the state data.
$('.cms-container').loadPanel('admin/pages', null, {pjax: 'Content'});
## Loading lightweight PJAX fragments
Normal navigation between URLs in the admin section of the Framework occurs through `loadPanel` and `submitForm`.
These calls make sure the HTML5 history is updated correctly and back and forward buttons work. They also take
@ -301,18 +283,20 @@ unrelated to the main flow.
In this case you can use the `loadFragment` call supplied by `LeftAndMain.js`. You can trigger as many of these in
parallel as you want. This will not disturb the main navigation.
$('.cms-container').loadFragment('admin/foobar/', 'Fragment1');
$('.cms-container').loadFragment('admin/foobar/', 'Fragment2');
$('.cms-container').loadFragment('admin/foobar/', 'Fragment3');
The ongoing requests are tracked by the PJAX fragment name (Fragment1, 2, and 3 above) - resubmission will
result in the prior request for this fragment to be aborted. Other parallel requests will continue undisturbed.
You can also load multiple fragments in one request, as long as they are to the same controller (i.e. URL):
$('.cms-container').loadFragment('admin/foobar/', 'Fragment2,Fragment3');
This counts as a separate request type from the perspective of the request tracking, so will not abort the singular
`Fragment2` nor `Fragment3`.
Upon the receipt of the response, the fragment will be injected into DOM where a matching `data-pjax-fragment` attribute
@ -321,6 +305,7 @@ will be triggered. In case of a request error a `loadfragmenterror` will be rais
You can hook up a response handler that obtains all the details of the XHR request via Entwine handler:
'from .cms-container': {
onafterloadfragment: function(e, data) {
// Say 'success'!
@ -328,8 +313,9 @@ You can hook up a response handler that obtains all the details of the XHR reque
Alternatively you can use the jQuery deferred API:
.loadFragment('admin/foobar/', 'Fragment1')
.success(function(data, status, xhr) {
@ -337,7 +323,7 @@ Alternatively you can use the jQuery deferred API:
## Ajax Redirects
Sometimes, a server response represents a new URL state, e.g. when submitting an "add record" form,
the resulting view will be the edit form of the new record. On non-ajax submissions, that's easily
@ -356,7 +342,7 @@ For example, the currently used controller class might've changed due to a "redi
which affects the currently active menu entry. We're using HTTP response headers to contain this data
without affecting the response body.
class MyController extends LeftAndMain {
class myaction() {
// ...
@ -365,7 +351,7 @@ without affecting the response body.
Built-in headers are:
* `X-Title`: Set window title (requires URL encoding)
* `X-Controller`: PHP class name matching a menu entry, which is marked active
@ -415,14 +401,14 @@ from "Page" to "Files & Images". To communicate this state change, a controller
response has the option to pass along a special HTTP response header,
which is picked up by the menu:
public function mycontrollermethod() {
// .. logic here
$this->getResponse()->addHeader('X-Controller', 'AssetAdmin');
return 'my response';
This is usually handled by the existing [api:LeftAndMain] logic,
so you don't need to worry about it. The same concept applies for
'X-Title' (change the window title) and 'X-ControllerURL' (change the URL recorded in browser history).
Note: You can see any additional HTTP headers through the web developer tools in your browser of choice.
@ -465,7 +451,7 @@ since all others should render with their tab navigation inline.
Form template with custom tab navigation (trimmed down):
<form $FormAttributes data-layout-type="border">
<div class="cms-content-header north">
@ -490,9 +476,9 @@ Form template with custom tab navigation (trimmed down):
Tabset template without tab navigation (e.g. `CMSTabset.ss`)
<div $AttributesHTML>
<% loop Tabs %>
<% if Tabs %>
@ -507,7 +493,7 @@ Tabset template without tab navigation (e.g. `CMSTabset.ss`)
<% end_loop %>
Lazy loading works based on the `href` attribute of the tab navigation.
The base behaviour is applied through adding a class `.cms-tabset` to a container.
Assuming that each tab has its own URL which is tracked in the HTML5 history,
the current tab display also has to work when loaded directly without Ajax.
@ -515,7 +501,7 @@ This is achieved by template conditionals (see "MyActiveCondition").
The `.cms-panel-link` class will automatically trigger the ajax loading,
and load the HTML content into the main view. Example:
<div id="my-tab-id" class="cms-tabset" data-ignore-tab-state="true">
<li class="<% if MyActiveCondition %> ui-tabs-active<% end_if %>">
@ -531,7 +517,7 @@ and load the HTML content into the main view. Example:
The URL endpoints `admin/mytabs/tab1` and `admin/mytabs/tab2`
should return HTML fragments suitable for inserting into the content area,
through the `PjaxResponseNegotiator` class (see above).
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
title: Admin Layout
summary: Add interactivity enhancements to the admin with Javascript
# CMS layout
The CMS markup is structured into "panels", which are the base units containing interface components (or other panels),
@ -16,10 +18,10 @@ children setting sizes and positions, which in turn requires redrawing of some o
The easiest way to update the layout of the CMS is to call `redraw` on the top-level `.cms-container` element.
This causes the framework to:
* reset the _threeColumnCompressor_ algorithm with the current layout options (that can be set via
@ -27,17 +29,17 @@ This causes the framework to:
to the layout manager)
* trigger `redraw` on children which also cascades deeper into the hierarchy (this is framework activity)
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
Caveat: `layout` is also triggered when a DOM element is replaced with AJAX in `LeftAndMain::handleAjaxResponse`. In
this case it is triggered on the parent of the element being replaced so jLayout has a chance to rebuild its algorithms.
Calling the top level `layout` is not enough as it will wrongly descend down the detached element's hierarchy.
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
Caveat: invocation order of the `redraws` is crucial here, generally going from innermost to outermost elements. For
example, the tab panels have be applied in the CMS form before the form itself is layouted with its sibling panels to
avoid incorrect dimensions.
![Layout variations](../../_images/cms-architecture.png)
@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ Call `redraw` on `.cms-container` to re-layout the CMS.
Layout manager will automatically apply algorithms to the children of `.cms-container` by inspecting the
`data-layout-type` attribute. Let's take the content toolbar as an example of a second-level layout application:
<div class="cms-content-tools west cms-panel cms-panel-layout"
@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ Layout manager will automatically apply algorithms to the children of `.cms-cont
<%-- content utilising border's north, south, east, west and center classes --%>
For detailed discussion on available algorithms refer to
[jLayout algorithms](https://github.com/bramstein/jlayout#layout-algorithms).
Our [Howto: Extend the CMS Interface](how_tos/extend_cms_interface) has a practical example on how to add a bottom
@ -99,10 +101,10 @@ by the algorithm that are initially taken from the `LeftAndMain::LayoutOptions`
Use provided factory method to generate algorithm instances.
jLayout.threeColumnCompressor(<column-spec-object>, <options-object>);
The parameters are as follows:
* **column-spec-object**: object providing the _menu_, _content_ and _preview_ elements (all fields mandatory)
* **options-object**: object providing the configuration (all fields mandatory, see options below)
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
title: Preview
summary: How content previews work in the CMS
# CMS preview
## Overview
@ -21,12 +26,12 @@ first segment has to match current _LeftAndMain_-derived class (e.g.
We use `ss.preview` entwine namespace for all preview-related entwines.
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
Caveat: `SilverStripeNavigator` and `CMSPreviewable` interface currently only
support SiteTree objects that are _Versioned_. They are not general enough for
using on any other DataObject. That pretty much limits the extendability of the
## Configuration and Defaults
@ -45,7 +50,7 @@ Note how the configuration happens in different entwine namespaces
("ss.preview" and "ss"), as well as applies to different selectors
(".cms-preview" and ".cms-container").
(function($) {
$.entwine('ss.preview', function($){
@ -68,15 +73,15 @@ Note how the configuration happens in different entwine namespaces
Load the file in the CMS via setting adding 'mysite/javascript/MyLeftAndMain.Preview.js'
to the `LeftAndMain.extra_requirements_javascript` [configuration value](../configuration)
- mysite/javascript/MyLeftAndMain.Preview.js
In order to find out which configuration values are available, the source code
is your best reference at the moment - have a look in `framework/admin/javascript/LeftAndMain.Preview.js`.
To understand how layouts are handled in the CMS UI, have a look at the
[CMS Architecture](cms_architecture) guide.
@ -103,22 +108,20 @@ property.
States are the site stages: _live_, _stage_ etc. Preview states are picked up
from the `SilverStripeNavigator`. You can invoke the state change by calling:
Note the state names come from `SilverStripeNavigatorItems` class names - thus
the _Link_ in their names. This call will also redraw the state selector to fit
with the internal state. See `AllowedStates` in `.cms-preview` entwine for the
list of supported states.
You can get the current state by calling:
## Preview sizes
This selector defines how the preview iframe is rendered, and try to emulate
different device sizes. The options are hardcoded. The option names map directly
@ -133,40 +136,36 @@ You can switch between different types of display sizes programmatically, which
has the benefit of redrawing the related selector and maintaining a consistent
internal state:
You can find out current size by calling:
## Preview modes
Preview modes map to the modes supported by the _threeColumnCompressor_ layout
algorithm, see [layout reference](cms_layout) for more details. You
can change modes by calling:
Currently active mode is stored on the `.cms-container` along with related
internal states of the layout. You can reach it by calling:
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
Caveat: the `.preview-mode-selector` appears twice, once in the preview and
second time in the CMS actions area as `#preview-mode-dropdown-in-cms`. This is
done because the user should still have access to the mode selector even if
preview is not visible. Currently CMS Actions are a separate area to the preview
option selectors, even if they try to appear as one horizontal bar.
## Preview API
@ -1,32 +1,34 @@
title: WYSIWYG Styles
summary: Add custom CSS properties to the rich-text editor.
icon: text-width
# WYSIWYG Styles
SilverStripe lets you customise the style of content in the CMS. This is done by setting up a CSS file called
`editor.css` in either your theme or in your `mysite` folder. This is set through
HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->setOption('content_css', project() . '/css/editor.css');
Will load the `mysite/css/editor.css` file.
If using this config option in `mysite/_config.php`, you will have to instead call:
HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->setOption('content_css', project() . '/css/editor.css');
Any CSS classes within this file will be automatically added to the `WYSIWYG` editors 'style' dropdown. For instance, to
add the color 'red' as an option within the `WYSIWYG` add the following to the `editor.css`
.red {
color: red;
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
After you have defined the `editor.css` make sure you clear your SilverStripe cache for it to take effect.
## API Documentation
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Javascript Development
summary: Advanced documentation about writing and customizing javascript within SilverStripe.
iconBrand: js
# Javascript Development
The following document is an advanced guide on building rich javascript interactions within the SilverStripe CMS and
@ -25,14 +27,14 @@ plugin. See "[How jQuery Works](http://docs.jquery.com/How_jQuery_Works)" for a
You should write all your custom jQuery code in a closure.
(function($) {
// your code here.
## jQuery Plugins
A jQuery Plugin is essentially a method call which can act on a collection of DOM elements. It is contained within the
`jQuery.fn` namespace, and attaches itself automatically to all jQuery collections. The basics for are outlined in the
@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ development, most importantly:
Example: A plugin to highlight a collection of elements with a configurable foreground and background colour
(abbreviated example from [learningjquery.com](http://www.learningjquery.com/2007/10/a-plugin-development-pattern)).
// create closure
(function($) {
// plugin definition
@ -78,10 +80,10 @@ Example: A plugin to highlight a collection of elements with a configurable fore
// end of closure
(function($) {
// Highlight all buttons with default colours
@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ Usage:
$.fn.hilight.defaults.background = "green";
## jQuery UI Widgets
UI Widgets are jQuery Plugins with a bit more structure, targeted towards interactive elements. They require jQuery and
@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ See the [official developer guide](http://jqueryui.com/docs/Developer_Guide) and
Example: Highlighter
(function($) {
$.widget("ui.myHighlight", {
getBlink: function () {
@ -138,10 +140,10 @@ Example: Highlighter
(function($) {
// call with default options
@ -159,7 +161,7 @@ Usage:
### jQuery.Entwine
jQuery.entwine is a third-party plugin, from its documentation:
@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ It is also suited for more complex applications beyond a single-purpose plugin.
Example: Highlighter
(function($) {
Foreground: 'red',
@ -185,10 +187,10 @@ Example: Highlighter
(function($) {
// call with default options
@ -200,7 +202,7 @@ Usage:
This is a deliberately simple example, the strength of jQuery.entwine over simple jQuery plugins lies in its public
properties, namespacing, as well as its inheritance based on CSS selectors. Please see the [project
documentation](http://github.com/hafriedlander/jquery.entwine/tree/master) for more complete examples.
@ -219,14 +221,14 @@ jQuery with a few lines of code. Your jQuery code will normally end up as a ser
Global properties are evil. They are accessible by other scripts, might be overwritten or misused. A popular case is the `$` shortcut in different libraries: in PrototypeJS it stands for `document.getElementByID()`, in jQuery for `jQuery()`.
// you can't rely on '$' being defined outside of the closure
(function($) {
var myPrivateVar; // only available inside the closure
// inside here you can use the 'jQuery' object as '$'
You can run `[jQuery.noConflict()](http://docs.jquery.com/Core/jQuery.noConflict)` to avoid namespace clashes.
NoConflict mode is enabled by default in the SilverStripe CMS javascript.
@ -235,13 +237,13 @@ NoConflict mode is enabled by default in the SilverStripe CMS javascript.
You have to ensure that DOM elements you want to act on are loaded before using them. jQuery provides a wrapper around
the `window.onload` and `document.ready` events.
// DOM elements might not be available here
$(document).ready(function() {
// The DOM is fully loaded here
See [jQuery FAQ: Launching Code on Document
@ -254,7 +256,7 @@ Caution: Only applies to certain events, see the [jQuery.on() documentation](htt
Example: Add a 'loading' classname to all pressed buttons
// manual binding, only applies to existing elements
$('input[[type=submit]]').on('click', function() {
@ -265,7 +267,7 @@ Example: Add a 'loading' classname to all pressed buttons
### Assume Element Collections
jQuery is based around collections of DOM elements, the library functions typically handle multiple elements (where it
@ -273,7 +275,7 @@ makes sense). Encapsulate your code by nesting your jQuery commands inside a `jQ
Example: ComplexTableField implements a paginated table with a pop-up for displaying
$('div.ComplexTableField').each(function() {
// This is the over code for the tr elements inside a ComplexTableField.
@ -281,7 +283,7 @@ Example: ComplexTableField implements a paginated table with a pop-up for displa
### Use plain HTML and jQuery.data() to store data
The DOM can make javascript configuration and state-keeping a lot easier, without having to resort to javascript
@ -291,7 +293,7 @@ Example: Simple form change tracking to prevent submission of unchanged data
Through CSS properties
$('form :input').bind('change', function(e) {
@ -299,10 +301,10 @@ Through CSS properties
if($(this).hasClass('isChanged')) return false;
Through jQuery.data()
$('form :input').bind('change', function(e) {
$(this.form).data('isChanged', true);
@ -311,7 +313,7 @@ Through jQuery.data()
if($(this).data('isChanged')) return false;
See [interactive example on jsbin.com](http://jsbin.com/opuva)
You can also use the [jQuery.metadata Plugin](http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Metadata/metadata) to serialize data into
@ -320,11 +322,11 @@ rendering a form element through the SilverStripe templating engine.
Example: Restricted numeric value field
<input type="text" class="restricted-text {min:4,max:10}" />
$('.restricted-text').bind('change', function(e) {
e.target.value < $(this).metadata().min
@ -335,7 +337,7 @@ Example: Restricted numeric value field
See [interactive example on jsbin.com](http://jsbin.com/axafa)
### Return HTML/JSON and HTTPResponse class for AJAX responses
@ -356,17 +358,17 @@ Example: Autocomplete input field loading page matches through AJAX
<% loop $Results %>
<li id="Result-$ID">$Title</li>
<% end_loop %>
class MyController {
public function autocomplete($request) {
$results = Page::get()->filter("Title", $request->getVar('title'));
@ -383,10 +385,10 @@ PHP:
<form action"#">
<div class="autocomplete {url:'MyController/autocomplete'}">
<input type="text" name="title" />
@ -395,10 +397,10 @@ HTML
<input type="submit" value="action_autocomplete" />
$('.autocomplete input').on('change', function() {
var resultsEl = $(this).siblings('.results');
@ -417,7 +419,7 @@ JavaScript:
Although they are the minority of cases, there are times when a simple HTML fragment isn't enough. For example, if you
have server side code that needs to trigger the update of a couple of elements in the CMS left-hand tree, it would be
inefficient to send back the HTML of entire tree. SilverStripe can serialize to and from JSON (see the [api:Convert] class), and jQuery deals very well with it through
@ -437,7 +439,7 @@ events](http://docs.jquery.com/Namespaced_Events).
Example: Trigger custom 'validationfailed' event on form submission for each empty element
$('form').bind('submit', function(e) {
// $(this) refers to form
$(this).find(':input').each(function() {
@ -453,7 +455,7 @@ Example: Trigger custom 'validationfailed' event on form submission for each emp
See [interactive example on jsbin.com](http://jsbin.com/ipeca).
Don't use event handlers in the following situations:
@ -494,7 +496,7 @@ JSDoc-toolkit is a command line utility, see [usage](http://code.google.com/p/js
Example: jQuery.entwine
* Available Custom Events:
@ -542,7 +544,7 @@ Example: jQuery.entwine
### Unit Testing
It is important to verify that your code actually does what it says, and the best way to ensure this are **automated
@ -553,16 +555,17 @@ start with JSpec, as it provides a much more powerful testing framework.
Example: QUnit test (from [jquery.com](http://docs.jquery.com/QUnit#Using_QUnit)):
test("a basic test example", function() {
ok( true, "this test is fine" );
var value = "hello";
equals( "hello", value, "We expect value to be hello" );
Example: JSpec Shopping cart test (from [visionmedia.github.com](http://visionmedia.github.com/jspec/))
describe 'ShoppingCart'
cart = new ShoppingCart
@ -576,7 +579,7 @@ Example: JSpec Shopping cart test (from [visionmedia.github.com](http://visionme
## Related
* [Unobtrusive Javascript](http://www.onlinetools.org/articles/unobtrusivejavascript/chapter1.html)
* [Quirksmode: In-depth Javascript Resources](http://www.quirksmode.org/resources.html)
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
title: CMS alternating button
summary: Add an "active" and "neutral" state to the CMS buttons
# How to implement an alternating button
## Introduction
@ -26,7 +31,7 @@ state already, so you just need to add the alternate state using two data additi
Here is the configuration code for the button:
public function getCMSActions() {
$fields = parent::getCMSActions();
@ -42,7 +47,7 @@ Here is the configuration code for the button:
return $fields;
You can control the state of the button from the backend by applying `ss-ui-alternate` class to the `FormAction`. To
simplify our example, let's assume the button state is controlled on the backend only, but you'd usually be better off
adjusting the state in the frontend to give the user the benefit of immediate feedback. This technique might still be
used for initialisation though.
@ -50,7 +55,7 @@ used for initialisation though.
Here we initialise the button based on the backend check, and assume that the button will only update after page reload
(or on CMS action).
public function getCMSActions() {
// ...
if ($this->needsCleaning()) {
@ -60,31 +65,31 @@ Here we initialise the button based on the backend check, and assume that the bu
// ...
## Frontend support
As with the *Save* and *Save & publish* buttons, you might want to add some scripted reactions to user actions on the
frontend. You can affect the state of the button through the jQuery UI calls.
First of all, you can toggle the state of the button - execute this code in the browser's console to see how it works.
jQuery('.cms-edit-form .Actions #Form_EditForm_action_cleanup').button('toggleAlternate');
Another, more useful, scenario is to check the current state.
jQuery('.cms-edit-form .Actions #Form_EditForm_action_cleanup').button('option', 'showingAlternate');
You can also force the button into a specific state by using UI options.
jQuery('.cms-edit-form .Actions #Form_EditForm_action_cleanup').button({showingAlternate: true});
This will allow you to react to user actions in the CMS and give immediate feedback. Here is an example taken from the
CMS core that tracks the changes to the input fields and reacts by enabling the *Save* and *Save & publish* buttons
(changetracker will automatically add `changed` class to the form if a modification is detected).
* Enable save buttons upon detecting changes to content.
* "changed" class is added by jQuery.changetracker.
@ -103,7 +108,7 @@ CMS core that tracks the changes to the input fields and reacts by enabling the
## Frontend hooks
`ssui.button` defines several additional events so that you can extend the code with your own behaviours. For example
this is used in the CMS to style the buttons. Three events are available:
@ -131,7 +136,7 @@ disassembled into:
Here is the entire handler put together. You don't need to add any separate initialisation code, this will handle all
(function($) {
$.entwine('mysite', function($){
@ -153,7 +158,7 @@ cases.
## Summary
The code presented gives you a fully functioning alternating button, similar to the defaults that come with the the CMS.
These alternating buttons can be used to give user the advantage of visual feedback upon their actions.
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: CMS form field help text
summary: Add help text to the form fields in the CMS
icon: help
# How to Show Help Text on CMS Form Fields
Sometimes you need to express more context for a form field
@ -9,19 +15,19 @@ shown alongside the field, a tooltip which shows on demand, or toggleable descri
The `FormField->setDescription()` method will add a `<span class="description">`
at the last position within the field, and expects unescaped HTML content.
TextField::create('MyText', 'My Text Label')
->setDescription('More <strong>detailed</strong> help');
To show the help text as a tooltip instead of inline,
add a `.cms-description-tooltip` class.
TextField::create('MyText', 'My Text Label')
->setDescription('More <strong>detailed</strong> help')
Tooltips are only supported
for native, focusable input elements, which excludes
more complex fields like `GridField`, `UploadField`
or `DropdownField` with the chosen.js behaviour applied.
@ -34,19 +40,19 @@ Another option you have available is making the field's description togglable. T
the UI tidy by hiding the description until the user requests more information
by clicking the 'info' icon displayed alongside the field.
TextField::create('MyText', 'My Text Label')
->setDescription('More <strong>detailed</strong> help')
If you want to provide a custom icon for toggling the description, you can do that
by setting an additional `RightTitle`.
TextField::create('MyText', 'My Text Label')
->setDescription('More <strong>detailed</strong> help')
->setRightTitle('<a class="cms-description-trigger">My custom icon</a>');
Note: For more advanced help text we recommend using
[Custom form field templates](/developer_guides/forms/form_templates);
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
title: Customise the CMS Menu
summary: Make custom changes to the left hand menu in the CMS
# How to customise the CMS Menu
## Adding an administration panel
@ -20,25 +25,25 @@ First we'll need a custom icon. For this purpose SilverStripe uses 16x16
black-and-transparent PNG graphics. In this case we'll place the icon in
`mysite/images`, but you are free to use any location.
class ProductAdmin extends ModelAdmin {
// ...
private static $menu_icon = 'mysite/images/product-icon.png';
### Defining a Custom Title
The title of menu entries is configured through the `$menu_title` static.
If its not defined, the CMS falls back to using the class name of the
controller, removing the "Admin" bit at the end.
class ProductAdmin extends ModelAdmin {
// ...
private static $menu_title = 'My Custom Admin';
In order to localize the menu title in different languages, use the
`<classname>.MENUTITLE` entity name, which is automatically created when running
the i18n text collection.
@ -54,7 +59,7 @@ Google to the menu.
First, we need to define a [api:LeftAndMainExtension] which will contain our
button configuration.
class CustomLeftAndMain extends LeftAndMainExtension {
@ -83,14 +88,14 @@ button configuration.
To have the link appear, make sure you add the extension to the `LeftAndMain`
class. For more information about configuring extensions see the
[extensions reference](/developer_guides/extending/extensions).
## Related
* [How to extend the CMS interface](extend_cms_interface)
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
title: Customise the CMS pages list
# Howto: Customize the Pages List in the CMS
The pages "list" view in the CMS is a powerful alternative to visualizing
@ -17,7 +21,7 @@ You can use these two classes as a starting point for your customizations.
Here's a brief example on how to add sorting and a new column for a
hypothetical `NewsPageHolder` type, which contains `NewsPage` children.
// mysite/code/NewsPageHolder.php
class NewsPageHolder extends Page {
private static $allowed_children = array('NewsPage');
@ -30,13 +34,13 @@ hypothetical `NewsPageHolder` type, which contains `NewsPage` children.
We'll now add an `Extension` subclass to `LeftAndMain`, which is the main CMS controller.
This allows us to intercept the list building logic, and alter the `GridField`
before its rendered. In this case, we limit our logic to the desired page type,
although it's just as easy to implement changes which apply to all page types,
or across page types with common characteristics.
// mysite/code/NewsPageHolderCMSMainExtension.php
class NewsPageHolderCMSMainExtension extends Extension {
function updateListView($listView) {
@ -62,11 +66,12 @@ or across page types with common characteristics.
Now you just need to enable the extension in your [configuration file](../../configuration).
// mysite/_config/config.yml
- NewsPageHolderCMSMainExtension
You're all set! Don't forget to flush the caches by appending `?flush=all` to the URL.
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: Customise the CMS tree
summary: Learn how to add custom UI elements to the CMS page navigation
icon: sitemap
# How to customise the CMS tree
## Overview
@ -20,7 +26,7 @@ link that wraps around the node title, a node's id which is given as id attribut
tags showing the node status, etc. SilverStripe tree node will be typically rendered into html
code like this:
@ -40,7 +46,7 @@ code like this:
By applying the proper style sheet, the snippet html above could produce the look of:
![Page Node Screenshot](../../../_images/tree_node.png "Page Node")
SiteTree is a [api:DataObject] which is versioned by [api:Versioned] extension.
@ -61,7 +67,7 @@ will be used for the class attribute of <li> tag of the tree node.
### Add new flag
__Example: using a subclass__
class Page extends SiteTree {
public function getScheduledToPublish(){
// return either true or false
@ -74,7 +80,7 @@ __Example: using a subclass__
The above subclass of [api:SiteTree] will add a new flag for indicating its
__'Scheduled To Publish'__ status. The look of the page node will be changed
from ![Normal Page Node](../../../_images/page_node_normal.png) to ![Scheduled Page Node](../../../_images/page_node_scheduled.png). The getStatusFlags has an `updateStatusFlags()`
extension point, so the flags can be modified through `DataExtension` rather than
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Customise site reports
summary: Creating your own custom data or content reports.
# Customise site reports
Customise site reports
## Introduction
Reports are a useful feature in the CMS designed to provide a view of your data or content. You can access
@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ The following example will create a report to list every page on the current sit
class CustomSideReport_NameOfReport extends SS_Report {
// the name of the report
@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ The following example will create a report to list every page on the current sit
More useful reports can be created by changing the `DataList` returned in the `sourceRecords` function.
## Notes
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
title: Extend the CMS interface
summary: Customise the UI of the CMS backend
# How to extend the CMS interface
## Introduction
@ -28,7 +33,7 @@ Copy the template markup of the base implementation at `framework/admin/template
into `mysite/templates/Includes/LeftAndMain_Menu.ss`. It will automatically be picked up by
the CMS logic. Add a new section into the `<ul class="cms-menu-list">`
<ul class="cms-menu-list">
<!-- ... -->
@ -41,7 +46,7 @@ the CMS logic. Add a new section into the `<ul class="cms-menu-list">`
Refresh the CMS interface with `admin/?flush=all`, and you should see those
hardcoded links underneath the left-hand menu. We'll make these dynamic further down.
## Include custom CSS in the CMS
@ -51,25 +56,25 @@ we'll add some CSS, and get it to load
with the CMS interface. Paste the following content into a new file called
.bookmarked-link.first {margin-top: 1em;}
Load the new CSS file into the CMS, by setting the `LeftAndMain.extra_requirements_css`
[configuration value](../../configuration).
- mysite/css/BookmarkedPages.css
## Create a "bookmark" flag on pages
Now we'll define which pages are actually bookmarked, a flag that is stored in
the database. For this we need to decorate the page record with a
`DataExtension`. Create a new file called `mysite/code/BookmarkedPageExtension.php`
and insert the following code.
class BookmarkedPageExtension extends DataExtension {
@ -85,14 +90,14 @@ and insert the following code.
Enable the extension in your [configuration file](../../configuration)
- BookmarkedPageExtension
In order to add the field to the database, run a `dev/build/?flush=all`.
Refresh the CMS, open a page for editing and you should see the new checkbox.
## Retrieve the list of bookmarks from the database
@ -104,7 +109,7 @@ links)? Again, we extend a core class: The main CMS controller called
Add the following code to a new file `mysite/code/BookmarkedLeftAndMainExtension.php`;
class BookmarkedPagesLeftAndMainExtension extends LeftAndMainExtension {
@ -114,18 +119,18 @@ Add the following code to a new file `mysite/code/BookmarkedLeftAndMainExtension
Enable the extension in your [configuration file](../../configuration)
- BookmarkedPagesLeftAndMainExtension
As the last step, replace the hardcoded links with our list from the database.
Find the `<ul>` you created earlier in `mysite/admin/templates/LeftAndMain.ss`
and replace it with the following:
<ul class="cms-menu-list">
<!-- ... -->
<% loop $BookmarkedPages %>
@ -135,7 +140,7 @@ and replace it with the following:
<% end_loop %>
## Extending the CMS actions
CMS actions follow a principle similar to the CMS fields: they are built in the
backend with the help of `FormFields` and `FormActions`, and the frontend is
@ -165,30 +170,30 @@ First of all we can add a regular standalone button anywhere in the set. Here
we are inserting it in the front of all other actions. We could also add a
button group (`CompositeField`) in a similar fashion.
$fields->unshift(FormAction::create('normal', 'Normal button'));
We can affect the existing button group by manipulating the `CompositeField`
already present in the `FieldList`.
$fields->fieldByName('MajorActions')->push(FormAction::create('grouped', 'New group button'));
Another option is adding actions into the drop-up - best place for placing
infrequently used minor actions.
$fields->addFieldToTab('ActionMenus.MoreOptions', FormAction::create('minor', 'Minor action'));
We can also easily create new drop-up menus by defining new tabs within the
$fields->addFieldToTab('ActionMenus.MyDropUp', FormAction::create('minor', 'Minor action in a new drop-up'));
<div class="hint" markdown='1'>
Empty tabs will be automatically removed from the `FieldList` to prevent clutter.
To make the actions more user-friendly you can also use alternating buttons as
detailed in the [CMS Alternating Button](cms_alternating_button)
@ -200,7 +205,7 @@ Your newly created buttons need handlers to bind to before they will do anything
To implement these handlers, you will need to create a `LeftAndMainExtension` and add
applicable controller actions to it:
class CustomActionsExtension extends LeftAndMainExtension {
private static $allowed_actions = array(
@ -214,19 +219,21 @@ applicable controller actions to it:
The extension then needs to be registered:
- CustomActionsExtension
You can now use these handlers with your buttons:
$fields->push(FormAction::create('sampleAction', 'Perform Sample Action'));
## Summary
In a few lines of code, we've customised the look and feel of the CMS.
@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
title: Extending an existing ModelAdmin
summary: ModelAdmin interfaces that come with the core can be customised easily
## Extending existing ModelAdmin
Sometimes you'll work with ModelAdmins from other modules. To customise these interfaces, you can always subclass. But there's
also another tool at your disposal: The [api:Extension] API.
class MyAdminExtension extends Extension {
// ...
public function updateEditForm(&$form) {
@ -11,12 +16,12 @@ also another tool at your disposal: The [api:Extension] API.
Now enable this extension through your `[config.yml](/topics/configuration)` file.
- MyAdminExtension
The following extension points are available: `updateEditForm()`, `updateSearchContext()`,
`updateSearchForm()`, `updateList()`, `updateImportForm`.
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: How To's
# How To's: Customising the Admin Interface
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
title: Customising the Admin Interface
summary: Extend the admin view to provide custom behavior or new features for CMS and admin users.
introduction: The Admin interface can be extended to provide additional functionality to users and custom interfaces for managing data.
icon: react
The Admin interface is bundled within the SilverStripe Framework but is most commonly used in conjunction with the `CMS`
module. The main class for displaying the interface is a specialized [api:Controller] called [api:LeftAndMain], named
as it is designed around a left hand navigation and a main edit form.
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
title: Flushable
summary: Allows a class to define it's own flush functionality.
# Flushable
## Introduction
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ this defines the actions that need to be executed on a flush request.
This example uses [api:SS_Cache] in some custom code, and the same cache is cleaned on flush:
class MyClass extends DataObject implements Flushable {
@ -38,13 +39,13 @@ This example uses [api:SS_Cache] in some custom code, and the same cache is clea
### Using with filesystem
Another example, some temporary files are created in a directory in assets, and are deleted on flush. This would be
useful in an example like `GD` or `Imagick` generating resampled images, but we want to delete any cached images on
flush so they are re-created on demand.
class MyClass extends DataObject implements Flushable {
@ -56,3 +57,4 @@ flush so they are re-created on demand.
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: Manifests
summary: Manage caches of file path maps and other expensive information
# Manifests
## Purpose
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: Execution pipeline
summary: An overview of the steps involved in delivering a SilverStripe web page.
icon: route
# Execution Pipeline
## Introduction
@ -20,6 +23,7 @@ By default, requests will be passed through for files existing on the filesystem
Some access control is in place to deny access to potentially sensitive files in the webroot, such as YAML configuration files.
If no file can be directly matched, control is handed off to `framework/main.php`.
# Deny access to templates (but allow from localhost)
@ -68,13 +72,13 @@ If no file can be directly matched, control is handed off to `framework/main.php
SilverStripe can also operate without this level of rewriting, in which case all dynamic requests go
through an `index.php` script in the webroot.
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
Running SilverStripe without web server based rewriting is not recommended since it
can leave sensitive files exposed to public access (the `RewriteRule` conditions from above don't apply).
## Bootstrap
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
title: Command Line Interface
summary: Automate SilverStripe, run Cron Jobs or sync with other platforms through the Command Line Interface.
introduction: Automate SilverStripe, run Cron Jobs or sync with other platforms through the Command Line Interface.
icon: terminal
SilverStripe can call [Controllers](../controllers) through a command line interface (CLI) just as easily as through a
web browser. This functionality can be used to automate tasks with cron jobs, run unit tests, or anything else that
needs to interface over the command line.
@ -9,36 +11,37 @@ needs to interface over the command line.
The main entry point for any command line execution is `framework/cli-script.php`. For example, to run a database
rebuild from the command line, use this command:
cd your-webroot/
php framework/cli-script.php dev/build
<div class="notice">
Your command line php version is likely to use a different configuration as your webserver (run `php -i` to find out
more). This can be a good thing, your CLI can be configured to use higher memory limits than you would want your website
to have.
## Sake - SilverStripe Make
Sake is a simple wrapper around `cli-script.php`. It also tries to detect which `php` executable to use if more than one
are available.
<div class="info" markdown='1'>
If you are using a Debian server: Check you have the php-cli package installed for sake to work. If you get an error
when running the command php -v, then you may not have php-cli installed so sake won't work.
### Installation
`sake` can be invoked using `./framework/sake`. For easier access, copy the `sake` file into `/usr/bin/sake`.
cd your-webroot/
sudo ./framework/sake installsake
<div class="warning">
This currently only works on UNIX like systems, not on Windows.
### Configuration
@ -47,50 +50,50 @@ files. When you're visiting the site in a web browser this is easy to work out,
command line, it has no way of knowing. To work this out, add lines to your
[_ss_environment.php](/getting_started/environment_management) file.
$_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING['/Users/sminnee/Sites'] = 'http://localhost';
The above statement tells SilverStripe that anything executed under the `/Users/sminnee/Sites` directory will have the
base URL `http://localhost`. The site `/Users/sminnee/Sites/my_silverstripe_project` will translate to the URL
You can add multiple file to url mapping definitions. The most specific mapping will be used.
$_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING['/Users/sminnee/Sites'] = 'http://localhost';
$_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING['/Users/sminnee/Sites/my_silverstripe_project'] = 'http://project.localhost';
### Usage
Sake can run any controller by passing the relative URL to that controller.
sake /
# returns the homepage
sake dev/
# shows a list of development operations
Sake is particularly useful for running build tasks.
sake dev/build "flush=1"
Or running unit tests..
sake dev/tests/all
It can also be handy if you have a long running script..
sake dev/tasks/MyReallyLongTask
### Running processes
`sake` can be used to make daemon processes for your application.
@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ sleep when the process is in the middle of doing things, and a long sleep when d
This code provides a good template:
class MyProcess extends Controller {
@ -125,37 +128,37 @@ This code provides a good template:
Then the process can be managed through `sake`
sake -start MyProcess
sake -stop MyProcess
<div class="notice">
`sake` stores `pid` and log files in the site root directory.
## Arguments
Parameters can be added to the command. All parameters will be available in `$_GET` array on the server.
cd your-webroot/
php framework/cli-script.php myurl myparam=1 myotherparam=2
Or if you're using `sake`
sake myurl "myparam=1&myotherparam=2"
## Running Regular Tasks With Cron
On a UNIX machine, you can typically run a scheduled task with a [cron job](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron). Run
`BuildTask` in SilverStripe as a cron job using `sake`.
The following will run `MyTask` every minute.
* * * * * /your/site/folder/sake dev/tasks/MyTask
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Cookies
summary: A set of static methods for manipulating PHP cookies.
icon: cookie-bite
# Cookies
Cookies are a mechanism for storing data in the remote browser and thus tracking or identifying return users.
@ -12,31 +14,31 @@ the [api:Cookie] class. This class mostly follows the PHP API.
Sets the value of cookie with configuration.
Cookie::set($name, $value, $expiry = 90, $path = null, $domain = null, $secure = false, $httpOnly = false);
// Cookie::set('MyApplicationPreference', 'Yes');
## get
Returns the value of cookie.
// Cookie::get('MyApplicationPreference');
// returns 'Yes'
## force_expiry
Clears a given cookie.
Cookie::force_expiry($name, $path = null, $domain = null);
// Cookie::force_expiry('MyApplicationPreference')
## Cookie_Backend
The [api:Cookie] class manipulates and sets cookies using a [api:Cookie_Backend]. The backend is in charge of the logic
@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ that fetches, sets and expires cookies. By default we use a [api:CookieJar] back
The [api:CookieJar] keeps track of cookies that have been set by the current process as well as those that were received
from the browser.
$myCookies = array(
'cookie1' => 'value1',
@ -57,43 +59,45 @@ from the browser.
## Resetting the Cookie_Backend state
Assuming that your application hasn't messed around with the `$_COOKIE` superglobal, you can reset the state of your
`Cookie_Backend` by simply unregistering the `CookieJar` service with `Injector`. Next time you access `Cookie` it'll
create a new service for you using the `$_COOKIE` superglobal.
Cookie::get('cookiename'); // will return $_COOKIE['cookiename'] if set
Alternatively, if you know that the superglobal has been changed (or you aren't sure it hasn't) you can attempt to use
the current `CookieJar` service to tell you what it was like when it was registered.
//store the cookies that were loaded into the `CookieJar`
$recievedCookie = Cookie::get_inst()->getAll(false);
//set a new `CookieJar`
Injector::inst()->registerService(new CookieJar($recievedCookie), 'CookieJar');
### Using your own Cookie_Backend
If you need to implement your own Cookie_Backend you can use the injector system to force a different class to be used.
Name: mycookie
After: '#cookie'
class: MyCookieJar
To be a valid backend your class must implement the [api:Cookie_Backend] interface.
## API Documentation
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Sessions
summary: A set of static methods for manipulating PHP sessions.
icon: user
# Sessions
Session support in PHP consists of a way to preserve certain data across subsequent accesses such as logged in user
@ -12,13 +14,13 @@ unit-testing, you can create multiple Controllers, each with their own session.
## set
Session::set('MyValue', 6);
Saves the value of to session data. You can also save arrays or serialized objects in session (but note there may be
size restrictions as to how much you can save).
// saves an array
Session::set('MyArrayOfValues', array('1','2','3'));
@ -26,12 +28,12 @@ size restrictions as to how much you can save).
$object = new Object();
Session::set('MyObject', serialize($object));
## get
Once you have saved a value to the Session you can access it by using the `get` function. Like the `set` function you
can use this anywhere in your PHP files.
echo Session::get('MyValue');
// returns 6
@ -41,37 +43,37 @@ can use this anywhere in your PHP files.
$object = unserialize(Session::get('MyObject', $object));
// $object = Object()
## get_all
You can also get all the values in the session at once. This is useful for debugging.
// returns an array of all the session values.
## clear
Once you have accessed a value from the Session it doesn't automatically wipe the value from the Session, you have
to specifically remove it.
Or you can clear every single value in the session at once. Note SilverStripe stores some of its own session data
including form and page comment information. None of this is vital but `clear_all` will clear everything.
## Secure Session Cookie
In certain circumstances, you may want to use a different `session_name` cookie when using the `https` protocol for security purposes. To do this, you may set the `cookie_secure` parameter to `true` on your `config.yml`
cookie_secure: true
This uses the session_name `SECSESSID` for `https` connections instead of the default `PHPSESSID`. Doing so adds an extra layer of security to your session cookie since you no longer share `http` and `https` sessions.
## API Documentation
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
title: Cookies and Sessions
summary: Save state information using the Cookie class and the Session class.
introduction: Both the Cookie and Session classes can be used to preserve certain data across subsequent page requests.
icon: cookie
## API Documentation
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: Developer Guides
introduction: The following guides take a more detailed look into the core concepts and code examples for building SilverStripe applications.
In each guide you'll find reference documentation followed by a collection of short and informal How-to's which contain
snippets of code to use in your own projects.
@ -1,23 +1,19 @@
title: Upgrading
introduction: Keep your SilverStripe installations up to date with the latest fixes, security patches and new features.
summary: The following guides will help you upgrade your project or module to SilverStripe 4.
# Upgrading to SilverStripe 3.2
SilverStripe applications should be kept up to date with the latest security releases. Usually an update or upgrade to your SilverStripe installation means overwriting files, flushing the cache and updating your database-schema.
<div class="info" markdown="1">
See our [upgrade notes and changelogs](/changelogs/3.2.0) for 3.2.0 specific information, bugfixes and API changes.
## Composer
For projects managed through Composer, update the version number of `framework` and `cms` to `^3.2` in your `composer.json` file and run `composer update`.
"require": {
"silverstripe/framework": "^3.2",
"silverstripe/cms": "^3.2"
This will also add extra dependencies, the `reports` and `siteconfig` modules. SilverStripe CMS is becoming more modular, and [composer is becoming the preferred way to manage your code](/getting_started/composer).
@ -36,9 +32,9 @@ This will also add extra dependencies, the `reports` and `siteconfig` modules. S
* Check if you need to adapt your code to changed PHP APIs
* Check if you have overwritten any core templates or styles which might need an update.
<div class="warning" markdown="1">
Never update a website on the live server without trying it on a development copy first.
## Decision Helpers
@ -226,12 +226,12 @@ Some examples of changed notations (not exhaustive, there's over a hundred in to
* `Director::setBaseURL`: Use `Director.alternate_base_url` instead
* `SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', ...)`: Use `SSViewer.rewrite_hashlinks` instead
<div class="warning" markdown='1'>
Please remember to upgrade the installer project as well, particularly
your `.htaccess` or `web.config` files. Web access to these sensitive YAML configuration files
needs to be explicitly denied through these configuration files (see the [3.0.5 security release](/changelogs/3.0.4))
for details.
For more information about how to use the config system, see the ["Configuration" topic](/developer_guides/configuration).
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Changelogs
introduction: Key information on new features and improvements in each version.
hideChildren: true
Keep up to date with new releases by subscribing to the [SilverStripe Release Announcements](https://groups.google.com/group/silverstripe-announce) group,
or read our [blog posts about releases](http://silverstripe.org/blog/tag/release).
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Bug Reports
summary: Report bugs or problems with SilverStripe, feature requests or other issues.
icon: bug
# Contributing Issues and Opinions
## Reporting Bugs
@ -39,13 +41,13 @@ problem can collaborate with you to develop a fix.
## Feature Requests
<div class="warning" markdown='1'>
Please don't file "feature requests" as Github issues. If there's a new feature
you'd like to see in SilverStripe, you either need to write it yourself (and
[submit a pull request](/contributing/code/#step-by-step-from-forking-to-sending-the-pull-request) or convince somebody else to
write it for you. Any "wishlist" type issues without code attached can be
expected to be closed as soon as they're reviewed.
In order to gain interest and feedback in your feature, we encourage you to
present it to the community through the [forums](http://www.silverstripe.org/community/forums),
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Contributing Code
summary: Fix bugs and add new features to help make SilverStripe better.
icon: code
# Contributing Code - Submitting Bugfixes and Enhancements
SilverStripe will never be finished, and we need your help to keep making it better. If you're a developer a great way to get involved is to contribute patches to our modules and core codebase, fixing bugs or adding features.
@ -11,17 +13,17 @@ which creates a copy that you can commit to (see github's [guide to "forking"](h
For other modules, our [add-ons site](https://addons.silverstripe.org/add-ons/) lists the repository locations, typically using the version control system like "git".
<div class="hint" markdown="1">
Note: By supplying code to the SilverStripe core team in patches, tickets and pull requests, you agree to assign copyright of that code to SilverStripe Limited, on the condition that SilverStripe Limited releases that code under the BSD license.
We ask for this so that the ownership in the license is clear and unambiguous, and so that community involvement doesn't stop us from being able to continue supporting these projects. By releasing this code under a permissive license, this copyright assignment won't prevent you from using the code in any way you see fit.
## Step-by-step: From forking to sending the pull request
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
**Note:** Please adjust the commands below to the version of SilverStripe that you're targeting.
1. Install the project through composer. The process is described in detail in "[Installation through Composer](../getting_started/composer#contributing)".
@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ We ask for this so that the ownership in the license is clear and unambiguous, a
Add your fork URLs, in this example a fork of the `cms` module on the `sminnee` github account
(replace with your own fork URL). Run a `composer update` afterwards.
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
@ -39,34 +42,39 @@ We ask for this so that the ownership in the license is clear and unambiguous, a
3. Add a new "upstream" remote so you can track the original repository for changes, and rebase/merge your fork as required.
cd cms
git remote add -f upstream git://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms.git
4. [Branch for new issue and develop on issue branch](code#branch-for-new-issue-and-develop-on-issue-branch)
# verify current branch 'base' then branch and switch
git status
git branch ###-description
git checkout ###-description
5. As time passes, the upstream repository accumulates new commits. Keep your working copy's branch and issue branch up to date by periodically [rebasing your development branch on the latest upstream](code#rebase-your-development-branch-on-the-latest-upstream).
# [make sure all your changes are committed as necessary in branch]
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/3.2
6. When development is complete, [squash all commit related to a single issue into a single commit](code#squash-all-commits-related-to-a-single-issue-into-a-single-commit).
git fetch upstream
git rebase -i upstream/3.2
7. Push release candidate branch to GitHub
git push origin ###-description
8. Issue pull request on GitHub. Visit your forked repository on GitHub.com and click the "Create Pull Request" button next to the new branch.
The core team is then responsible for reviewing patches and deciding if they will make it into core. If
there are any problems they will follow up with you, so please ensure they have a way to contact you!
@ -83,11 +91,13 @@ Each release is labeled in the format `$MAJOR`.`$MINOR`.`$PATCH`. For example, 3
* `$MAJOR` version is incremented if any backwards incompatible changes are introduced to the public API.
* `$MINOR` version is incremented if new, backwards compatible **functionality** is introduced to the public API or
improvements are introduced within the private code.
* `$PATCH` version is incremented if only backwards compatible **bug fixes** are introduced. A bug fix is defined as
an internal change that fixes incorrect behavior.
**Public API** refers to any aspect of the system that has been designed to be used by SilverStripe modules & site developers. In SilverStripe 3, because we haven't been clear, in principle we have to treat every public or protected method as *potentially* part of the public API, but sometimes it comes to a judgement call about how likely it is that a given method will have been used in a particular way. If we were strict about never changing publicly exposed behaviour, it would be difficult to fix any bug whatsoever, which isn't in the interests of our user community.
In future major releases of SilverStripe, we will endeavour to be more explicit about documenting the public API.
@ -214,37 +224,42 @@ Further guidelines:
Example: Bad commit message
finally fixed this dumb rendering bug that Joe talked about ... LOL
also added another form field for password validation
Example: Good commit message
BUG Formatting through prepValueForDB()
Added prepValueForDB() which is called on DBField->writeToManipulation()
to ensure formatting of value before insertion to DB on a per-DBField type basis (fixes #1234).
Added documentation for DBField->writeToManipulation() (related to a4bd42fd).
## The steps in more detail
### Branch for new issue and develop on issue branch
Before you start working on a new feature or bugfix, create a new branch dedicated to that one change named by issue number and description. If you're working on Issue #100, a `DataObject::get_one()` bugfix, create a new branch with the issue number and description, like this:
$ git checkout -b 100-dataobject-get-one
Edit and test the files on your development environment. When you've got something the way you want and established that it works, commit the changes to your branch on your local git repo.
$ git add <filename>
$ git commit -m 'Some kind of descriptive message (fixes #100)'
You'll need to use git add for each file that you created or modified. There are ways to add multiple files, but I highly recommend a more deliberate approach unless you know what you're doing.
Then, you can push your new branch to GitHub, like this (replace `100-dataobject-get-one` with your branch name):
$ git push origin 100-dataobject-get-one
You should be able to log into your GitHub account, switch to the branch, and see that your changes have been committed. Then click the Pull button to request that your commits get merged into the development master.
### Rebase Your Development Branch on the Latest Upstream
@ -252,12 +267,14 @@ To keep your development branch up to date, rebase your changes on top of the cu
If you've set up an upstream branch as detailed above, and a development branch called `100-dataobject-get-one`, you can update `upstream` and rebase your branch from it like so:
# make sure all your changes are committed as necessary in branch
$ git fetch upstream
$ git rebase upstream/master
Note that the example doesn't keep your own master branch up to date. If you wanted to that, you might take the following approach instead:
# make sure all your changes are committed as necessary in branch
$ git fetch upstream
$ git checkout master
@ -265,22 +282,24 @@ Note that the example doesn't keep your own master branch up to date. If you wa
$ git checkout 100-dataobject-get-one
$ git rebase master
You may need to resolve conflicts that occur when a file on the development trunk and one of your files have both been changed. Edit each file to resolve the differences, then commit the fixes to your development server repo and test. Each file will need to be "added" before running a "commit."
Conflicts are clearly marked in the code files. Make sure to take time in determining what version of the conflict you want to keep and what you want to discard.
$ git add <filename>
$ git rebase --continue
### Squash All Commits Related to a Single Issue into a Single Commit
Once you have rebased your work on top of the latest state of the upstream master, you may have several commits related to the issue you were working on. Once everything is done, squash them into a single commit with a descriptive message (see ["Contributing: Commit Messages"](code#commit-messages)).
To squash four commits into one, do the following:
$ git rebase -i upstream/master
In the text editor that comes up, replace the words "pick" with "squash" or just "s" next to the commits you want to squash into the commit before it.
Save and close the editor, and git will combine the "squash"'ed commits with the one before it.
Git will then give you the opportunity to change your commit message to something like, `BUG DataObject::get_one() parameter order (fixes #100)`.
@ -288,29 +307,34 @@ If you want to discard the commit messages from the commits you're squashing and
Important: If you've already pushed commits to GitHub, and then squash them locally, you will have to force-push to your GitHub again. Add the `-f` argument to your git push command:
$ git push -f origin 100-dataobject-get-one
Helpful hint: You can always edit your last commit message by using:
$ git commit --amend
## Some gotchas
Be careful not to commit any of your configuration files, logs, or throwaway test files to your GitHub repo. These files can contain information you wouldn't want publicly viewable and they will make it impossible to merge your contributions into the main development trunk.
Most of these special files are listed in the `.gitignore` file and won't be included in any commit, but you should carefully review the files you have modified and added before staging them and committing them to your repo. The git status command will display detailed information about any new files, modifications and staged.
$ git status
One thing you do not want to do is to issue a git commit with the -a option. This automatically stages and commits every modified file that's not expressly defined in .gitignore, including your crawler logs.
$ git commit -a
Sometimes, you might correct an issue which was reported in a different repo. In these cases, don't simply refer to the issue number as GitHub will infer that as correcting an issue in the current repo. In these cases, use the full GitHub path to reference the issue.
$ git commit -m 'Issue silverstripe/silverstripe-cms#100: Some kind of descriptive message'
Sometimes, you might correct an issue which was reported in a different repo. In these cases, don't simply refer to the issue number as GitHub will infer that as correcting an issue in the current repo. See [Commit Messages](code#commit-messages) above for the correct way to reference these issues.
## What is git rebase?
@ -318,17 +342,19 @@ Using `git rebase` helps create clean commit trees and makes keeping your code u
Let's say you're working on Issue #212 a new plugin in your own branch and you start with something like this:
1---2---3 #212-my-new-plugin
A---B #master
You keep coding for a few days and then pull the latest upstream stuff and you end up like this:
1---2---3 #212-my-new-plugin
A---B--C--D--E--F #master
So all these new things (C,D,..F) have happened since you started. Normally you would just keep going (let's say you're not finished with the plugin yet) and then deal with a merge later on, which becomes a commit, which get moved upstream and ends up grafted on the tree forever.
A cleaner way to do this is to use rebase to essentially rewrite your commits as if you had started at point F instead of point B. So just do:
@ -336,11 +362,12 @@ git rebase master 212-my-new-plugin
git will rewrite your commits like this:
1---2---3 #212-my-new-plugin
A---B--C--D--E--F #master
It's as if you had just started your branch. One immediate advantage you get is that you can test your branch now to see if C, D, E, or F had any impact on your code (you don't need to wait until you're finished with your plugin and merge to find this out). And, since you can keep doing this over and over again as you develop your plugin, at the end your merge will just be a fast-forward (in other words no merge at all).
So when you're ready to send the new plugin upstream, you do one last rebase, test, and then merge (which is really no merge at all) and send out your pull request. Then in most cases, we have a simple fast-forward on our end (or at worst a very small rebase or merge) and over time that adds up to a simpler tree.
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: Request for comment
summary: Our approach to decision-making around impactful changes to the product
icon: comments
# Request for comment (RFC)
## Why RFCs?
@ -22,7 +28,9 @@ The benefits of writing an RFC for non-trivial feature proposals are:
* Community becomes aware of incoming changes prior to the implementation
* RFC can be used as a basis for documentation of the feature
## How to write an RFC?
### Template
The following heading can act as a template to starting your RFC.
* **Introduction** - include a reference #, title, author
@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
title: Release process
summary: Describes the process followed for "core" releases.
iconBrand: git-alt
# Release Process
@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ How to deprecate an API:
Here's an example for replacing `Director::isDev()` with a (theoretical) `Env::is_dev()`:
* Returns true if your are in development mode
* @deprecated 4.0 Use {@link Env::is_dev()} instead.
@ -75,7 +79,7 @@ Here's an example for replacing `Director::isDev()` with a (theoretical) `Env::i
return Env::is_dev();
This change could be committed to a minor release like *3.2.0*, and remains deprecated in all subsequent minor releases
(e.g. *3.3.0*, *3.4.0*), until a new major release (e.g. *4.0.0*), at which point it gets removed from the codebase.
Deprecation notices are enabled by default on dev environment, but can be
@ -86,17 +90,17 @@ notices are always disabled on both live and test.
define('SS_DEPRECATION_ENABLED', false);
## Security Releases
### Reporting an issue
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: Making a SilverStripe core release
summary: Development guide for core contributors to build and publish a new release
summary: Development guide for core contributors to build and publish a new release
iconBrand: github-alt
# Making a SilverStripe core release
@ -40,7 +43,7 @@ As a core contributor it is necessary to have installed the following set of too
Example `_ss_environment.php`:
// Environent
define('SS_TRUSTED_PROXY_IPS', '*');
@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ Example `_ss_environment.php`:
$_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING[__DIR__] = "http://localhost";
You will also need to be assigned the following permissions. Contact one of the SS staff from
the [core committers](core_committers), who will assist with setting up your credentials.
@ -97,10 +100,10 @@ exactly the same for these.
Standard practice is to produce a pre-release for any patched modules on the security
forks for cms and framework (see [silverstripe-security](https://github.com/silverstripe-security)).
<div class="warning" markdown="1">
Security issues are never disclosed until a public stable release containing this fix
is available, or within a reasonable period of time of such a release.
Producing a security fix follows this general process:
@ -128,11 +131,11 @@ Producing a security fix follows this general process:
* After the final release has been published, close related JIRA issues
at [open source security jira](https://silverstripe.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=198&view=detail)
<div class="warning" markdown="1">
Note: It's not considered acceptable to disclose any security vulnerability until a fix exists in
a public stable, not an RC or dev-branch. Security warnings that do not require a stable release
can be published as soon as a workaround or usable resolution exists.
## Standard release process
@ -170,9 +173,10 @@ any mistakes migrating their way into the public sphere).
Invoked by running `cow release` in the format as below:
cow release <version> --from=<prior-version> --branch-auto -vvv
This command has the following parameters:
* `<version>` The version that is to be released. E.g. 3.2.4 or 3.2.4-rc1
* `<prior-version>` The version from which to compare to generate a changelog.
@ -247,9 +251,10 @@ building an archive, and uploading to
Invoked by running `cow release:publish` in the format as below:
cow release:publish <version> -vvv
As with the `cow release` command, this step is broken down into the following
subtasks which are invoked in sequence:
* `release:tag` Each module will have the appropriate tag applied (except the theme).
@ -297,18 +302,22 @@ minor version will require a new branch option to be made available on each site
* [docs.silverstripe.org](https://docs.silverstripe.org):
* New branches (minor releases) require a code update. Changes are made to
[github](https://github.com/silverstripe/doc.silverstripe.org) and deployed via
[SilverStripe Platform](https://platform.silverstripe.com/naut/project/SS-Developer-Docs/environment/Production/)
* Updates to markdown only can be made via the [build tasks](https://docs.silverstripe.org/dev/tasks).
See below for more details.
* [userhelp.silverstripe.org](https://userhelp.silverstripe.org/en/3.2):
* Updated similarly to docs.silverstripe.org: Code changes are made to
[github](https://github.com/silverstripe/userhelp.silverstripe.org) and deployed via
[SilverStripe Platform](https://platform.silverstripe.com/naut/project/SS-User-Docs/environment/Production/).
* The content for this site is pulled from [silverstripe-userhelp-content](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-userhelp-content)
* Updates to markdown made via the [build tasks](https://userhelp.silverstripe.org/dev/tasks).
See below for more details.
* [demo.silverstripe.org](http://demo.silverstripe.org/): Update code on
and deployed via [SilverStripe Platform](https://platform.silverstripe.com/naut/project/ss3demo/environment/live).
* [api.silverstripe.org](https://api.silverstripe.org): Update on [github](https://github.com/silverstripe/api.silverstripe.org)
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: Documentation
summary: Writing guide for contributing to SilverStripe developer and CMS user help documentation.
icon: file-alt
# Contributing documentation
@ -18,9 +21,9 @@ page you want to edit. Alternatively, locate the appropriate .md file in the
* After editing the documentation, describe your changes in the "commit summary" and "extended description" fields below then press "Commit Changes".
* After committing you changes, you will see a form to submit a Pull Request: "[pull requests](http://help.github.com/pull-requests/)". You should be able to adjust the version to which your documentation changes apply before submitting the form. Any changes submitted in a pull request will be sent to the core committers for approval.
<div class="warning" markdown='1'>
You should make your changes in the lowest branch they apply to. For instance, if you fix a spelling issue that you found in the 3.2 documentation, submit your fix to that branch in Github and it'll be copied to the master (4.0) version of the documentation automatically. *Don't submit multiple pull requests*.
## Editing on your computer
@ -30,9 +33,9 @@ If you prefer to edit content on your local machine, you can "[fork](http://help
The documentation is kept alongside the source code in the `docs/` subfolder of any SilverStripe module, framework or CMS folder.
<div class="warning" markdown='1'>
If you submit a new feature or an API change, we strongly recommend that your patch includes updates to the necessary documentation. This helps prevent our documentation from getting out of date.
## Repositories
@ -80,37 +83,40 @@ documenting, there shouldn't be any "frequently asked questions" left.
There are several built-in block styles for highlighting a paragraph of text. Please use these graphical elements
<div class="hint" markdown='1'>
"Tip box": A tip box is great for adding, deepening or accenting information in the main text. They can be used for background knowledge, or to provide links to further information (ie, a "see also" link).
Code for a Tip box:
<div class="hint" markdown='1'>
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
"Notification box": A notification box is good for technical notifications relating to the main text. For example, notifying users about a deprecated feature.
Code for a Notification box:
<div class="notice" markdown='1'>
<div class="warning" markdown='1'>
"Warning box": A warning box is useful for highlighting a severe bug or a technical issue requiring a user's attention. For example, suppose a rare edge case sometimes leads to a variable being overwritten incorrectly. A warning box can be used to alert the user to this case so they can write their own code to handle it.
Code for a Warning box:
<div class="warning" markdown='1'>
See [markdown extra documentation](http://michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/extra/#html) for more restrictions
on placing HTML blocks inside Markdown.
## Translating documentation
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: Translations
summary: Translate interface components like button labels into multiple languages.
icon: globe
# Contributing Translations
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: Implement Internationalisation
summary: Implement SilverStripe's internationalisation system in your own modules.
icon: globe
# Implementing Internationalisation
@ -21,16 +24,6 @@ the web interface, there's a convenient
[commandline client](http://support.transifex.com/customer/portal/topics/440187-transifex-client/articles) for this
purpose. In order to use it, set up a new `.tx/config` file in your module folder:
host = https://www.transifex.com
file_filter = lang/<lang>.yml
source_file = lang/en.yml
source_lang = en
type = YML
If you don't have existing translations to import, your project is ready to go - simply point translators to the URL, have them
@ -72,16 +65,16 @@ Translations need to be reviewed before being committed, which is a process that
merging back translations into all supported release branches as well as the `master` branch. The following script
should be applied to the oldest release branch, and then merged forward into newer branches:
tx pull
# Manually review changes through git diff, then commit
git add lang/*
git commit -m "Updated translations"
<div class="notice" markdown="1">
You can download your work right from Transifex in order to speed up the process for your desired language.
## JavaScript Translations
@ -89,18 +82,16 @@ SilverStripe also supports translating strings in JavaScript (see [i18n](/develo
conversion step involved in order to get those translations syncing with Transifex. Our translation files stored in
`mymodule/javascript/lang/*.js` call `ss.i18n.addDictionary()` to add files.
ss.i18n.addDictionary('de', {'MyNamespace.MyKey': 'My Translation'});
But Transifex only accepts structured formats like JSON.
{'MyNamespace.MyKey': 'My Translation'}
First of all, you need to create those source files in JSON, and store them in `mymodule/javascript/lang/src/*.js`. In your `.tx/config` you can configure this path as a separate master location.
host = https://www.transifex.com
@ -116,16 +107,17 @@ First of all, you need to create those source files in JSON, and store them in `
source_lang = en
Then you can upload the source files via a normal `tx push`. Once translations come in, you need to convert the source
files back into the JS files SilverStripe can actually read. This requires an installation of our
tx pull
(cd .. && phing -Dmodule=mymodule translation-generate-javascript-for-module)
git add javascript/lang/*
git commit -m "Updated javascript translations"
# Related
* [i18n](/developer_guides/i18n/): Developer-level documentation of Silverstripe's i18n capabilities
* [Contributing Translations](/contributing/translations): Information for translators looking to contribute translations of the SilverStripe UI.
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: Core committers
summary: The team of contributors that has merge access to our open source repositories
icon: users
# Core Committers
The core committers team is reviewed approximately annually, new members are added based on quality contributions to SilverStipe code and outstanding community participation.
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
title: Code of conduct
summary: How to be a high-performing, helpful member of our community
icon: handshake
# SilverStripe community code of conduct
These guidelines aim to be an aspirational ideal for how we should behave when interacting in the SilverStripe developer community and to aid in building great open source software.
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
title: Contributing
introduction: Any open source product is only as good as the community behind it. You can participate by sharing code, ideas, or simply helping others. No matter what your skill level is, every contribution counts.
summary: Any open source product is only as good as the community behind it. You can participate by sharing code, ideas, or simply helping others. No matter what your skill level is, every contribution counts.
icon: heart
## House rules for everybody contributing to SilverStripe
* Read over the SilverStripe Community [Code of Conduct](code_of_conduct)
* Ask questions on the [forum](http://silverstripe.org/community/forums), and stick to more high-level discussions on the [core mailinglist](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/silverstripe-dev)
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: SilverStripe Documentation
introduction: Welcome to the SilverStripe Developer Documentation. This website is aimed at website developers looking to learn how to build and manage web applications with the SilverStripe Framework.
summary: Welcome to the SilverStripe Developer Documentation. This website is aimed at website developers looking to learn how to build and manage web applications with the SilverStripe Framework.
## Getting Started with SilverStripe
Before you start developing your first web application, you'll need to install the latest version of SilverStripe onto
Reference in New Issue
Block a user