diff --git a/core/SSViewer.php b/core/SSViewer.php
index 11211424b..d7bc8f0ca 100644
--- a/core/SSViewer.php
+++ b/core/SSViewer.php
@@ -366,13 +366,14 @@ class SSViewer extends Object {
// If we have our crazy base tag, then fix # links referencing the current page.
if(strpos($output, '";
+ // Emulate Convert::raw2att() without adding this dependency
+ $thisURLRelativeToBase = "'), array('&','"',''','<','>'), \$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); ?>";
} else {
- $thisURLRelativeToBase = Director::makeRelative(Director::absoluteURL($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
+ $thisURLRelativeToBase = Convert::raw2att($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$output = preg_replace('/(+]href *= *)"#/i', '\\1"' . $thisURLRelativeToBase . '#', $output);
- }
+ }
return $output;
diff --git a/tests/SSViewerTest.php b/tests/SSViewerTest.php
index 905897f61..b5d12f115 100644
--- a/tests/SSViewerTest.php
+++ b/tests/SSViewerTest.php
@@ -43,4 +43,73 @@ SS
$this->assertEquals("This is my templateThis is some contentThis is the final content", preg_replace("/\n?\n?/U",'',$output));
+ function testRewriteHashlinks() {
+ $oldRewriteHashLinks = SSViewer::getOption('rewriteHashlinks');
+ SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', true);
+ // Emulate SSViewer::process()
+ $base = Convert::raw2att($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
+ $tmplFile = TEMP_FOLDER . '/SSViewerTest_testRewriteHashlinks_' . sha1(rand()) . '.ss';
+ // Note: SSViewer_FromString doesn't rewrite hash links.
+ file_put_contents($tmplFile, '
+ <% base_tag %>
+ InlineLink
+ $InsertedLink
+ ');
+ $tmpl = new SSViewer($tmplFile);
+ $obj = new ViewableData();
+ $obj->InsertedLink = 'InsertedLink';
+ $result = $tmpl->process($obj);
+ $this->assertContains(
+ 'InsertedLink',
+ $result
+ );
+ $this->assertContains(
+ 'InlineLink',
+ $result
+ );
+ unlink($tmplFile);
+ SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', $oldRewriteHashLinks);
+ }
+ function testRewriteHashlinksInPhpMode() {
+ $oldRewriteHashLinks = SSViewer::getOption('rewriteHashlinks');
+ SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', 'php');
+ $tmplFile = TEMP_FOLDER . '/SSViewerTest_testRewriteHashlinksInPhpMode_' . sha1(rand()) . '.ss';
+ // Note: SSViewer_FromString doesn't rewrite hash links.
+ file_put_contents($tmplFile, '
+ <% base_tag %>
+ InlineLink
+ $InsertedLink
+ ');
+ $tmpl = new SSViewer($tmplFile);
+ $obj = new ViewableData();
+ $obj->InsertedLink = 'InsertedLink';
+ $result = $tmpl->process($obj);
+ $this->assertContains(
+ '