From 51fabf2f814e3912c582139220657354e21ed01c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Steve Boyd Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2020 11:43:54 +1300 Subject: [PATCH] MNT Travis shared config --- .travis.yml | 110 ++++++++++++++----------------------------------- phpcs.xml.dist | 3 ++ 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-) diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index 562fd7022..8bce56fa6 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -1,106 +1,56 @@ -language: php +version: ~> 1.0 -dist: xenial - -services: - - mysql - - postgresql - -cache: - directories: - - $HOME/.composer/cache/files - -addons: - apt: - packages: - - tidy +import: + - silverstripe/silverstripe-travis-shared:config/provision/standard.yml env: global: - - COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=4.x-dev + - COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION="4.7.x-dev" + - REQUIRE_RECIPE="4.7.x-dev" -matrix: +# Using a manual matrix to exlude PHPUNIT_COVERAGE_TEST for now because it was causing some strange issues +# e.g. +jobs: fast_finish: true include: - php: 7.1 env: - - DB=PGSQL + - DB=MYSQL + - REQUIRE_INSTALLER="$REQUIRE_RECIPE" - PHPCS_TEST=1 - - PHPUNIT_TEST=framework + - PHPUNIT_TEST=1 + - PHPUNIT_SUITE="framework" - COMPOSER_INSTALL_ARG="--prefer-lowest" - - php: 7.2 env: - DB=PGSQL - PDO=1 - - PHPUNIT_TEST=framework - + - REQUIRE_INSTALLER="$REQUIRE_RECIPE" + - PHPUNIT_TEST=1 + - PHPUNIT_TEST="framework" - php: 7.3 env: - DB=MYSQL - PDO=1 - - PHPUNIT_TEST=framework - + - REQUIRE_INSTALLER="$REQUIRE_RECIPE" + - PHPUNIT_TEST=1 + - PHPUNIT_SUITE="framework" + - php: 7.3 + env: + - DB=MYSQL + - REQUIRE_INSTALLER="$REQUIRE_RECIPE" + - PHPUNIT_TEST=1 + - PHPUNIT_SUITE="cms" - php: 7.4 env: - DB=MYSQL - - PHPUNIT_TEST=framework - addons: - apt: - packages: - - libonig-dev - + - REQUIRE_INSTALLER="$REQUIRE_RECIPE" + - PHPUNIT_TEST=1 + - PHPUNIT_SUITE="framework" - php: nightly env: - DB=MYSQL - - PHPUNIT_TEST=framework + - REQUIRE_INSTALLER="$REQUIRE_RECIPE" + - PHPUNIT_TEST=1 + - PHPUNIT_SUITE="framework" - COMPOSER_INSTALL_ARG="--ignore-platform-reqs" - addons: - apt: - packages: - - libonig-dev - - - php: 7.3 - if: type IN (cron) - env: - - DB=MYSQL - - PHPUNIT_COVERAGE_TEST=framework - - - php: 7.3 - env: - - DB=MYSQL - - PHPUNIT_TEST=cms - -before_script: -# Extra $PATH - - export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH - -# Init PHP - - pecl channel-update - - phpenv rehash - - phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini || true - - echo 'memory_limit = 2048M' >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/travis.ini - -# Install composer dependencies - - composer validate - - mkdir ./public - - if [[ $DB == PGSQL ]]; then composer require silverstripe/postgresql:2.x-dev --no-update; fi - - if [[ $DB == SQLITE ]]; then composer require silverstripe/sqlite3:2.x-dev --no-update; fi - - composer require silverstripe/recipe-core:4.x-dev silverstripe/admin:1.x-dev silverstripe/versioned:1.x-dev --no-update - - if [[ $PHPUNIT_TEST == cms ]]; then composer require silverstripe/recipe-cms:4.x-dev --no-update; fi - - if [[ $PHPCS_TEST ]]; then composer global require squizlabs/php_codesniffer:^3 --prefer-dist --no-interaction --no-progress --no-suggest -o; fi - - composer update --prefer-source --no-interaction --no-progress --no-suggest --optimize-autoloader --verbose --profile $COMPOSER_INSTALL_ARG - -# Log constants to CI for debugging purposes - - php ./tests/dump_constants.php - -script: - - if [[ $PHPUNIT_TEST ]]; then vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite $PHPUNIT_TEST; fi - - if [[ $PHPUNIT_COVERAGE_TEST ]]; then phpdbg -qrr vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite $PHPUNIT_COVERAGE_TEST --coverage-clover=coverage.xml; fi - - if [[ $PHPCS_TEST ]]; then composer run-script lint; fi - - if [[ $PHPCS_TEST ]]; then composer run-script php-peg; fi - - if [[ $PHPCS_TEST ]]; then git diff-files --quiet -w --relative=src; fi - - if [[ $PHPCS_TEST ]]; then git diff -w --no-color --relative=src; fi - -after_success: - - if [[ $PHPUNIT_COVERAGE_TEST ]]; then bash <(curl -s -f coverage.xml; fi diff --git a/phpcs.xml.dist b/phpcs.xml.dist index d89f1df9d..723b740bb 100644 --- a/phpcs.xml.dist +++ b/phpcs.xml.dist @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ CodeSniffer ruleset for SilverStripe coding conventions. + src + tests +