From 2f32c87e96e8a02a7ec1ce0fa8483d5379504824 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ingo Schommer Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 02:29:18 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] MINOR Moved sapphire/thirdparty/simplepie from an external to a piston-managed module API CHANGE Renamed sapphire/thirdparty/simplepie/SimplePie.php to git-svn-id: svn:// 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9 --- thirdparty/simplepie/.piston.yml | 8 + thirdparty/simplepie/LICENSE.txt | 26 + thirdparty/simplepie/README.txt | 30 + .../COMPATIBILITY README.txt | 7 + .../sp_compatibility_test.php | 308 + thirdparty/simplepie/idn/LICENCE | 502 + thirdparty/simplepie/idn/ReadMe.txt | 123 + .../simplepie/idn/idna_convert.class.php | 969 ++ thirdparty/simplepie/idn/npdata.ser | 1 + thirdparty/simplepie/ | 10777 ++++++++++++++++ 10 files changed, 12751 insertions(+) create mode 100644 thirdparty/simplepie/.piston.yml create mode 100644 thirdparty/simplepie/LICENSE.txt create mode 100644 thirdparty/simplepie/README.txt create mode 100644 thirdparty/simplepie/compatibility_test/COMPATIBILITY README.txt create mode 100644 thirdparty/simplepie/compatibility_test/sp_compatibility_test.php create mode 100644 thirdparty/simplepie/idn/LICENCE create mode 100644 thirdparty/simplepie/idn/ReadMe.txt create mode 100644 thirdparty/simplepie/idn/idna_convert.class.php create mode 100644 thirdparty/simplepie/idn/npdata.ser create mode 100644 thirdparty/simplepie/ diff --git a/thirdparty/simplepie/.piston.yml b/thirdparty/simplepie/.piston.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b449a5bac --- /dev/null +++ b/thirdparty/simplepie/.piston.yml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +--- +format: 1 +handler: + piston:remote-revision: 1065 + piston:uuid: bc5a781e-4c0c-0410-b2a3-81dd18052d85 +lock: false +repository_url: +repository_class: Piston::Svn::Repository diff --git a/thirdparty/simplepie/LICENSE.txt b/thirdparty/simplepie/LICENSE.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a822a4bd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/thirdparty/simplepie/LICENSE.txt @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Ryan Parman and Geoffrey Sneddon. +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are +permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of + conditions and the following disclaimer. + + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list + of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials + provided with the distribution. + + * Neither the name of the SimplePie Team nor the names of its contributors may be used + to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior + written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS +OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY +AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR +SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY +THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR +OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/thirdparty/simplepie/README.txt b/thirdparty/simplepie/README.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fd1713e6e --- /dev/null +++ b/thirdparty/simplepie/README.txt @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +SIMPLEPIE + +By Ryan Parman and Geoffrey Sneddon + +BSD-LICENSED + + +WHAT COMES IN THE PACKAGE? +1) - The SimplePie library. This is all that's required for your pages. +2) README.txt - This document. +3) LICENSE.txt - A copy of the BSD license. +4) compatibility_test - The SimplePie compatibility test that checks your server for required settings. +5) demo - A basic feed reader demo that shows off some of SimplePie's more noticable features. +6) idn - A third-party library that SimplePie can optionally use to understand Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). +7) test - SimplePie's unit test suite. This is only available in SVN builds. + +TO START THE DEMO: +1) Upload this package to your webserver. +2) Make sure that the cache folder inside of the demo folder is server-writable. +3) Navigate your browser to the demo folder. + +SUPPORT: +For further setup and install documentation, function references, etc., visit: + + +For bug reports, feature requests and other support, visit: + + +For more insight on SimplePie development, visit: + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/thirdparty/simplepie/compatibility_test/COMPATIBILITY README.txt b/thirdparty/simplepie/compatibility_test/COMPATIBILITY README.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5b2498992 --- /dev/null +++ b/thirdparty/simplepie/compatibility_test/COMPATIBILITY README.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +SIMPLEPIE COMPATIBILITY TEST + +1) Upload sp_compatibility_test.php to the web-accessible root of your website. +For example, if your website is, upload it so that you can get +to it at + +2) Open your web browser and go to the page you just uploaded. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/thirdparty/simplepie/compatibility_test/sp_compatibility_test.php b/thirdparty/simplepie/compatibility_test/sp_compatibility_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..149e08df6 --- /dev/null +++ b/thirdparty/simplepie/compatibility_test/sp_compatibility_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,308 @@ +=')); +$xml_ok = extension_loaded('xml'); +$pcre_ok = extension_loaded('pcre'); +$curl_ok = (extension_loaded('curl')); +$zlib_ok = extension_loaded('zlib'); +$mbstring_ok = extension_loaded('mbstring'); +$iconv_ok = extension_loaded('iconv'); +?> + + + +SimplePie: Server Compatibility Test 1.0 + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

SimplePie Compatibility Test

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TestShould BeWhat You Have
PHP4.1.0 or higher
+ +

What does this mean?

    + +
  1. You have everything you need to run SimplePie properly! Congratulations!
  2. + + +
  3. PHP: You are running a supported version of PHP. No problems here.
  4. + +
  5. XML: You have XML support installed. No problems here.
  6. + +
  7. PCRE: You have PCRE support installed. No problems here.
  8. + +
  9. cURL: You have cURL support installed. No problems here.
  10. + +
  11. cURL: The cURL extension is not available. SimplePie will use fsockopen instead.
  12. + + + +
  13. Zlib: You have Zlib enabled. This allows SimplePie to support GZIP-encoded feeds. No problems here.
  14. + +
  15. Zlib: The Zlib extension is not available. SimplePie will ignore any GZIP-encoding, and instead handle feeds as uncompressed text.
  16. + + + +
  17. mbstring and iconv: You have both mbstring and iconv installed! This will allow SimplePie to handle the greatest number of languages. Check the Supported Character Encodings chart to see what's supported on your webhost.
  18. + +
  19. mbstring: mbstring is installed, but iconv is not. Check the Supported Character Encodings chart to see what's supported on your webhost.
  20. + +
  21. iconv: iconv is installed, but mbstring is not. Check the Supported Character Encodings chart to see what's supported on your webhost.
  22. + +
  23. mbstring and iconv: You do not have either of the extensions installed. This will significantly affect your ability to read non-english feeds, as well as even some english ones. Check the Supported Character Encodings chart to see what's supported on your webhost.
  24. + + +
  25. PCRE: Your PHP installation doesn't support Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions. SimplePie is a no-go at the moment.
  26. + + +
  27. XML: Your PHP installation doesn't support XML parsing. SimplePie is a no-go at the moment.
  28. + + +
  29. PHP: You are running an unsupported version of PHP. SimplePie is a no-go at the moment.
  30. + + +
+ +
+ +

Bottom Line: Yes, you can!


Your webhost has its act together!


You can download the latest version of SimplePie from and install it by following the instructions. You can find example uses with SimplePie Ideas.


**NOTE** Passing this test does not guarantee that SimplePie will run on your webhost — it only ensures that the basic requirements have been addressed.

+ +

Bottom Line: Yes, but it's crippled.


You're limited to essentially english, spanish, italian, and other western-european languages. Even then you might still have some problems. We'd recommend that you stick to publishing specific feeds on your site where you know that they're UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1.


You can download the latest version of SimplePie from and install it by following the instructions. You can find example uses with SimplePie Ideas.


**NOTE** Passing this test does not guarantee that SimplePie will run on your webhost — it only ensures that the basic requirements have been addressed.

+ +

Bottom Line: Yes, you can!


For most feeds, it'll run with no problems. There are certain languages that you'll have a hard time with though.


You can download the latest version of SimplePie from and install it by following the instructions. You can find example uses with SimplePie Ideas.


**NOTE** Passing this test does not guarantee that SimplePie will run on your webhost — it only ensures that the basic requirements have been addressed.

+ +

Bottom Line: We're sorry...


Your webhost does not support the minimum requirements for SimplePie. It may be a good idea to contact your webhost, and ask them to install a more recent version of PHP as well as the xml, mbstring, iconv, curl, and zlib extensions.

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/thirdparty/simplepie/idn/LICENCE b/thirdparty/simplepie/idn/LICENCE new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25a1d22df --- /dev/null +++ b/thirdparty/simplepie/idn/LICENCE @@ -0,0 +1,502 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2.1, February 1999 + + Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts + as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence + the version number 2.1.] + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change +free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. + + This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some +specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the +Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You +can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether +this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better +strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, +not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that +you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge +for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get +it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of +it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do +these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these +rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for +you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis +or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave +you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source +code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide +complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them +with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling +it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. + + We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the +library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal +permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. + + To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that +there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is +modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know +that what they have is not the original version, so that the original +author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be +introduced by others. + + Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of +any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot +effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a +restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that +any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be +consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. + + Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the +ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser +General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and +is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use +this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those +libraries into non-free programs. + + When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using +a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a +combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary +General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the +entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General +Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with +the library. + + We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it +does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General +Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less +of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages +are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many +libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain +special circumstances. + + For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to +encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes +a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be +allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free +library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this +case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free +software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. + + In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free +programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of +free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in +non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU +operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating +system. + + Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the +users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is +linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run +that program using a modified version of the Library. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a +"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The +former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must +be combined with the library in order to run. + + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other +program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or +other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of +this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). +Each licensee is addressed as "you". + + A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data +prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs +(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. + + The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work +which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the +Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under +copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a +portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated +straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is +included without limitation in the term "modification".) + + "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means +all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated +interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation +and installation of the library. + + Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from +such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based +on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for +writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does +and what the program that uses the Library does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's +complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that +you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an +appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact +all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any +warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the +Library. + + You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, +and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a +fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The modified work must itself be a software library. + + b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no + charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. + + d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a + table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses + the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility + is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, + in the event an application does not supply such function or + table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of + its purpose remains meaningful. + + (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has + a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the + application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any + application-supplied function or table used by this function must + be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square + root function must still compute square roots.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote +it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Library. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library +with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public +License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do +this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so +that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, +instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the +ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify +that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in +these notices. + + Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for +that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all +subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. + + This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of +the Library into a program that is not a library. + + 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or +derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form +under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany +it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which +must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a +medium customarily used for software interchange. + + If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy +from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the +source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to +distribute the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the +Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or +linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a +work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and +therefore falls outside the scope of this License. + + However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library +creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it +contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the +library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. +Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. + + When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file +that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a +derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. +Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be +linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The +threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. + + If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data +structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline +functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object +file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative +work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the +Library will still fall under Section 6.) + + Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may +distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. +Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, +whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. + + 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or +link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a +work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work +under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit +modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications. + + You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by +this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work +during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the +copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference +directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one +of these things: + + a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding + machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever + changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under + Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked + with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that + uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the + user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified + executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood + that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the + Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application + to use the modified definitions.) + + b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a + copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, + rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) + will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if + the user installs one, as long as the modified version is + interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. + + c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at + least three years, to give the same user the materials + specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more + than the cost of performing this distribution. + + d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy + from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above + specified materials from the same place. + + e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these + materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. + + For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the +Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for +reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, +the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is +normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major +components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on +which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies +the executable. + + It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license +restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally +accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot +use both them and the Library together in an executable that you +distribute. + + 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library +facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined +library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on +the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise +permitted, and provided that you do these two things: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work + based on the Library, uncombined with any other library + facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the + Sections above. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact + that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining + where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute +the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any +attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or +distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your +rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, +or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses +terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + + 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the +Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Library or works based on it. + + 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the +Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library +subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with +this License. + + 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any +particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, +and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add +an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, +so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus +excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if +written in the body of this License. + + 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new +versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. +Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, +but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and +"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that version or of any later version published by +the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a +license version number, you may choose any version ever published by +the Free Software Foundation. + + 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, +write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is +copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free +Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our +decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status +of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing +and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO +WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. +EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR +OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY +KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE +LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME +THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN +WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY +AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU +FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE +LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING +RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A +FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF +SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH +DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries + + If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that +everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting +redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the +ordinary General Public License). + + To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is +safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the +"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the + library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. + + , 1 April 1990 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +That's all there is to it! diff --git a/thirdparty/simplepie/idn/ReadMe.txt b/thirdparty/simplepie/idn/ReadMe.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7ca8c7e6d --- /dev/null +++ b/thirdparty/simplepie/idn/ReadMe.txt @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +******************************************************************************* +* * +* IDNA Convert (idna_convert.class.php) * +* * +* * +******************************************************************************* +* (c) 2004-2007 phlyLabs, Berlin * +* This file is encoded in UTF-8 * +******************************************************************************* + +Introduction +------------ + +The class idna_convert allows to convert internationalized domain names +(see RFC 3490, 3491, 3492 and 3454 for detials) as they can be used with various +registries worldwide to be translated between their original (localized) form +and their encoded form as it will be used in the DNS (Domain Name System). + +The class provides two public methods, encode() and decode(), which do exactly +what you would expect them to do. You are allowed to use complete domain names, +simple strings and complete email addresses as well. That means, that you might +use any of the following notations: + +- www.nö +- xn--nrgler-wxa +- + +Errors, incorrectly encoded or invalid strings will lead to either a FALSE +response (when in strict mode) or to only partially converted strings. +You can query the occured error by calling the method get_last_error(). + +Unicode strings are expected to be either UTF-8 strings, UCS-4 strings or UCS-4 +arrays. The default format is UTF-8. For setting different encodings, you can +call the method setParams() - please see the inline documentation for details. +ACE strings (the Punycode form) are always 7bit ASCII strings. + +ATTENTION: We no longer supply the PHP5 version of the class. It is not +necessary for achieving a successfull conversion, since the supplied PHP code is +compatible with both PHP4 and PHP5. We expect to see no compatibility issues +with the upcoming PHP6, too. + + +Files +----- + +idna_convert.class.php - The actual class +idna_convert.create.npdata.php - Useful for (re)creating the NPData file +npdata.ser - Serialized data for NamePrep +example.php - An example web page for converting +ReadMe.txt - This file +LICENCE - The LGPL licence file + +The class is contained in idna_convert.class.php. +MAKE SURE to copy the npdata.ser file into the same folder as the class file +itself! + + +Examples +-------- + +1. Say we wish to encode the domain name nö + +// Include the class +include_once('idna_convert.class.php'); +// Instantiate it * +$IDN = new idna_convert(); +// The input string, if input is not UTF-8 or UCS-4, it must be converted before +$input = utf8_encode('nö'); +// Encode it to its punycode presentation +$output = $IDN->encode($input); +// Output, what we got now +echo $output; // This will read: + + +2. We received an email from a punycoded domain and are willing to learn, how + the domain name reads originally + +// Include the class +include_once('idna_convert.class.php'); +// Instantiate it (depending on the version you are using) with +$IDN = new idna_convert(); +// The input string +$input = ''; +// Encode it to its punycode presentation +$output = $IDN->decode($input); +// Output, what we got now, if output should be in a format different to UTF-8 +// or UCS-4, you will have to convert it before outputting it +echo utf8_decode($output); // This will read: andre@börse.knö + + +3. The input is read from a UCS-4 coded file and encoded line by line. By + appending the optional second parameter we tell enode() about the input + format to be used + +// Include the class +include_once('idna_convert.class.php'); +// Instantiate it +$IDN = new dinca_convert(); +// Iterate through the input file line by line +foreach (file('ucs4-domains.txt') as $line) { + echo $IDN->encode(trim($line), 'ucs4_string'); + echo "\n"; +} + + +NPData +------ + +Should you need to recreate the npdata.ser file, which holds all necessary translation +tables in a serialized format, you can run the file idna_convert.create.npdata.php, which +creates the file for you and stores it in the same folder, where it is placed. +Should you need to do changes to the tables you can do so, but beware of the consequences. + + +Contact us +---------- + +In case of errors, bugs, questions, wishes, please don't hesitate to contact us +under the email address above. + +The team of phlyLabs + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/thirdparty/simplepie/idn/idna_convert.class.php b/thirdparty/simplepie/idn/idna_convert.class.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed2bae26d --- /dev/null +++ b/thirdparty/simplepie/idn/idna_convert.class.php @@ -0,0 +1,969 @@ + + * @copyright 2004-2007 phlyLabs Berlin, + * @version 0.5.1 + * + */ +class idna_convert +{ + /** + * Holds all relevant mapping tables, loaded from a seperate file on construct + * See RFC3454 for details + * + * @var array + * @access private + */ + var $NP = array(); + + // Internal settings, do not mess with them + var $_punycode_prefix = 'xn--'; + var $_invalid_ucs = 0x80000000; + var $_max_ucs = 0x10FFFF; + var $_base = 36; + var $_tmin = 1; + var $_tmax = 26; + var $_skew = 38; + var $_damp = 700; + var $_initial_bias = 72; + var $_initial_n = 0x80; + var $_sbase = 0xAC00; + var $_lbase = 0x1100; + var $_vbase = 0x1161; + var $_tbase = 0x11A7; + var $_lcount = 19; + var $_vcount = 21; + var $_tcount = 28; + var $_ncount = 588; // _vcount * _tcount + var $_scount = 11172; // _lcount * _tcount * _vcount + var $_error = false; + + // See {@link set_paramter()} for details of how to change the following + // settings from within your script / application + var $_api_encoding = 'utf8'; // Default input charset is UTF-8 + var $_allow_overlong = false; // Overlong UTF-8 encodings are forbidden + var $_strict_mode = false; // Behave strict or not + + // The constructor + function idna_convert($options = false) + { + $this->slast = $this->_sbase + $this->_lcount * $this->_vcount * $this->_tcount; + if (function_exists('file_get_contents')) { + $this->NP = unserialize(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/npdata.ser')); + } else { + $this->NP = unserialize(join('', file(dirname(__FILE__).'/npdata.ser'))); + } + // If parameters are given, pass these to the respective method + if (is_array($options)) { + return $this->set_parameter($options); + } + return true; + } + + /** + * Sets a new option value. Available options and values: + * [encoding - Use either UTF-8, UCS4 as array or UCS4 as string as input ('utf8' for UTF-8, + * 'ucs4_string' and 'ucs4_array' respectively for UCS4); The output is always UTF-8] + * [overlong - Unicode does not allow unnecessarily long encodings of chars, + * to allow this, set this parameter to true, else to false; + * default is false.] + * [strict - true: strict mode, good for registration purposes - Causes errors + * on failures; false: loose mode, ideal for "wildlife" applications + * by silently ignoring errors and returning the original input instead + * + * @param mixed Parameter to set (string: single parameter; array of Parameter => Value pairs) + * @param string Value to use (if parameter 1 is a string) + * @return boolean true on success, false otherwise + * @access public + */ + function set_parameter($option, $value = false) + { + if (!is_array($option)) { + $option = array($option => $value); + } + foreach ($option as $k => $v) { + switch ($k) { + case 'encoding': + switch ($v) { + case 'utf8': + case 'ucs4_string': + case 'ucs4_array': + $this->_api_encoding = $v; + break; + default: + $this->_error('Set Parameter: Unknown parameter '.$v.' for option '.$k); + return false; + } + break; + case 'overlong': + $this->_allow_overlong = ($v) ? true : false; + break; + case 'strict': + $this->_strict_mode = ($v) ? true : false; + break; + default: + $this->_error('Set Parameter: Unknown option '.$k); + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + + /** + * Decode a given ACE domain name + * @param string Domain name (ACE string) + * [@param string Desired output encoding, see {@link set_parameter}] + * @return string Decoded Domain name (UTF-8 or UCS-4) + * @access public + */ + function decode($input, $one_time_encoding = false) + { + // Optionally set + if ($one_time_encoding) { + switch ($one_time_encoding) { + case 'utf8': + case 'ucs4_string': + case 'ucs4_array': + break; + default: + $this->_error('Unknown encoding '.$one_time_encoding); + return false; + } + } + // Make sure to drop any newline characters around + $input = trim($input); + + // Negotiate input and try to determine, whether it is a plain string, + // an email address or something like a complete URL + if (strpos($input, '@')) { // Maybe it is an email address + // No no in strict mode + if ($this->_strict_mode) { + $this->_error('Only simple domain name parts can be handled in strict mode'); + return false; + } + list ($email_pref, $input) = explode('@', $input, 2); + $arr = explode('.', $input); + foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { + if (preg_match('!^'.preg_quote($this->_punycode_prefix, '!').'!', $v)) { + $conv = $this->_decode($v); + if ($conv) $arr[$k] = $conv; + } + } + $input = join('.', $arr); + $arr = explode('.', $email_pref); + foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { + if (preg_match('!^'.preg_quote($this->_punycode_prefix, '!').'!', $v)) { + $conv = $this->_decode($v); + if ($conv) $arr[$k] = $conv; + } + } + $email_pref = join('.', $arr); + $return = $email_pref . '@' . $input; + } elseif (preg_match('![:\./]!', $input)) { // Or a complete domain name (with or without paths / parameters) + // No no in strict mode + if ($this->_strict_mode) { + $this->_error('Only simple domain name parts can be handled in strict mode'); + return false; + } + $parsed = parse_url($input); + if (isset($parsed['host'])) { + $arr = explode('.', $parsed['host']); + foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { + $conv = $this->_decode($v); + if ($conv) $arr[$k] = $conv; + } + $parsed['host'] = join('.', $arr); + $return = + (empty($parsed['scheme']) ? '' : $parsed['scheme'].(strtolower($parsed['scheme']) == 'mailto' ? ':' : '://')) + .(empty($parsed['user']) ? '' : $parsed['user'].(empty($parsed['pass']) ? '' : ':'.$parsed['pass']).'@') + .$parsed['host'] + .(empty($parsed['port']) ? '' : ':'.$parsed['port']) + .(empty($parsed['path']) ? '' : $parsed['path']) + .(empty($parsed['query']) ? '' : '?'.$parsed['query']) + .(empty($parsed['fragment']) ? '' : '#'.$parsed['fragment']); + } else { // parse_url seems to have failed, try without it + $arr = explode('.', $input); + foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { + $conv = $this->_decode($v); + $arr[$k] = ($conv) ? $conv : $v; + } + $return = join('.', $arr); + } + } else { // Otherwise we consider it being a pure domain name string + $return = $this->_decode($input); + if (!$return) $return = $input; + } + // The output is UTF-8 by default, other output formats need conversion here + // If one time encoding is given, use this, else the objects property + switch (($one_time_encoding) ? $one_time_encoding : $this->_api_encoding) { + case 'utf8': + return $return; + break; + case 'ucs4_string': + return $this->_ucs4_to_ucs4_string($this->_utf8_to_ucs4($return)); + break; + case 'ucs4_array': + return $this->_utf8_to_ucs4($return); + break; + default: + $this->_error('Unsupported output format'); + return false; + } + } + + /** + * Encode a given UTF-8 domain name + * @param string Domain name (UTF-8 or UCS-4) + * [@param string Desired input encoding, see {@link set_parameter}] + * @return string Encoded Domain name (ACE string) + * @access public + */ + function encode($decoded, $one_time_encoding = false) + { + // Forcing conversion of input to UCS4 array + // If one time encoding is given, use this, else the objects property + switch ($one_time_encoding ? $one_time_encoding : $this->_api_encoding) { + case 'utf8': + $decoded = $this->_utf8_to_ucs4($decoded); + break; + case 'ucs4_string': + $decoded = $this->_ucs4_string_to_ucs4($decoded); + case 'ucs4_array': + break; + default: + $this->_error('Unsupported input format: '.($one_time_encoding ? $one_time_encoding : $this->_api_encoding)); + return false; + } + + // No input, no output, what else did you expect? + if (empty($decoded)) return ''; + + // Anchors for iteration + $last_begin = 0; + // Output string + $output = ''; + foreach ($decoded as $k => $v) { + // Make sure to use just the plain dot + switch($v) { + case 0x3002: + case 0xFF0E: + case 0xFF61: + $decoded[$k] = 0x2E; + // Right, no break here, the above are converted to dots anyway + // Stumbling across an anchoring character + case 0x2E: + case 0x2F: + case 0x3A: + case 0x3F: + case 0x40: + // Neither email addresses nor URLs allowed in strict mode + if ($this->_strict_mode) { + $this->_error('Neither email addresses nor URLs are allowed in strict mode.'); + return false; + } else { + // Skip first char + if ($k) { + $encoded = ''; + $encoded = $this->_encode(array_slice($decoded, $last_begin, (($k)-$last_begin))); + if ($encoded) { + $output .= $encoded; + } else { + $output .= $this->_ucs4_to_utf8(array_slice($decoded, $last_begin, (($k)-$last_begin))); + } + $output .= chr($decoded[$k]); + } + $last_begin = $k + 1; + } + } + } + // Catch the rest of the string + if ($last_begin) { + $inp_len = sizeof($decoded); + $encoded = ''; + $encoded = $this->_encode(array_slice($decoded, $last_begin, (($inp_len)-$last_begin))); + if ($encoded) { + $output .= $encoded; + } else { + $output .= $this->_ucs4_to_utf8(array_slice($decoded, $last_begin, (($inp_len)-$last_begin))); + } + return $output; + } else { + if ($output = $this->_encode($decoded)) { + return $output; + } else { + return $this->_ucs4_to_utf8($decoded); + } + } + } + + /** + * Use this method to get the last error ocurred + * @param void + * @return string The last error, that occured + * @access public + */ + function get_last_error() + { + return $this->_error; + } + + /** + * The actual decoding algorithm + * @access private + */ + function _decode($encoded) + { + // We do need to find the Punycode prefix + if (!preg_match('!^'.preg_quote($this->_punycode_prefix, '!').'!', $encoded)) { + $this->_error('This is not a punycode string'); + return false; + } + $encode_test = preg_replace('!^'.preg_quote($this->_punycode_prefix, '!').'!', '', $encoded); + // If nothing left after removing the prefix, it is hopeless + if (!$encode_test) { + $this->_error('The given encoded string was empty'); + return false; + } + // Find last occurence of the delimiter + $delim_pos = strrpos($encoded, '-'); + if ($delim_pos > strlen($this->_punycode_prefix)) { + for ($k = strlen($this->_punycode_prefix); $k < $delim_pos; ++$k) { + $decoded[] = ord($encoded{$k}); + } + } else { + $decoded = array(); + } + $deco_len = count($decoded); + $enco_len = strlen($encoded); + + // Wandering through the strings; init + $is_first = true; + $bias = $this->_initial_bias; + $idx = 0; + $char = $this->_initial_n; + + for ($enco_idx = ($delim_pos) ? ($delim_pos + 1) : 0; $enco_idx < $enco_len; ++$deco_len) { + for ($old_idx = $idx, $w = 1, $k = $this->_base; 1 ; $k += $this->_base) { + $digit = $this->_decode_digit($encoded{$enco_idx++}); + $idx += $digit * $w; + $t = ($k <= $bias) ? $this->_tmin : + (($k >= $bias + $this->_tmax) ? $this->_tmax : ($k - $bias)); + if ($digit < $t) break; + $w = (int) ($w * ($this->_base - $t)); + } + $bias = $this->_adapt($idx - $old_idx, $deco_len + 1, $is_first); + $is_first = false; + $char += (int) ($idx / ($deco_len + 1)); + $idx %= ($deco_len + 1); + if ($deco_len > 0) { + // Make room for the decoded char + for ($i = $deco_len; $i > $idx; $i--) { + $decoded[$i] = $decoded[($i - 1)]; + } + } + $decoded[$idx++] = $char; + } + return $this->_ucs4_to_utf8($decoded); + } + + /** + * The actual encoding algorithm + * @access private + */ + function _encode($decoded) + { + // We cannot encode a domain name containing the Punycode prefix + $extract = strlen($this->_punycode_prefix); + $check_pref = $this->_utf8_to_ucs4($this->_punycode_prefix); + $check_deco = array_slice($decoded, 0, $extract); + + if ($check_pref == $check_deco) { + $this->_error('This is already a punycode string'); + return false; + } + // We will not try to encode strings consisting of basic code points only + $encodable = false; + foreach ($decoded as $k => $v) { + if ($v > 0x7a) { + $encodable = true; + break; + } + } + if (!$encodable) { + $this->_error('The given string does not contain encodable chars'); + return false; + } + + // Do NAMEPREP + $decoded = $this->_nameprep($decoded); + if (!$decoded || !is_array($decoded)) return false; // NAMEPREP failed + + $deco_len = count($decoded); + if (!$deco_len) return false; // Empty array + + $codecount = 0; // How many chars have been consumed + + $encoded = ''; + // Copy all basic code points to output + for ($i = 0; $i < $deco_len; ++$i) { + $test = $decoded[$i]; + // Will match [-0-9a-zA-Z] + if ((0x2F < $test && $test < 0x40) || (0x40 < $test && $test < 0x5B) + || (0x60 < $test && $test <= 0x7B) || (0x2D == $test)) { + $encoded .= chr($decoded[$i]); + $codecount++; + } + } + if ($codecount == $deco_len) return $encoded; // All codepoints were basic ones + + // Start with the prefix; copy it to output + $encoded = $this->_punycode_prefix.$encoded; + + // If we have basic code points in output, add an hyphen to the end + if ($codecount) $encoded .= '-'; + + // Now find and encode all non-basic code points + $is_first = true; + $cur_code = $this->_initial_n; + $bias = $this->_initial_bias; + $delta = 0; + while ($codecount < $deco_len) { + // Find the smallest code point >= the current code point and + // remember the last ouccrence of it in the input + for ($i = 0, $next_code = $this->_max_ucs; $i < $deco_len; $i++) { + if ($decoded[$i] >= $cur_code && $decoded[$i] <= $next_code) { + $next_code = $decoded[$i]; + } + } + + $delta += ($next_code - $cur_code) * ($codecount + 1); + $cur_code = $next_code; + + // Scan input again and encode all characters whose code point is $cur_code + for ($i = 0; $i < $deco_len; $i++) { + if ($decoded[$i] < $cur_code) { + $delta++; + } elseif ($decoded[$i] == $cur_code) { + for ($q = $delta, $k = $this->_base; 1; $k += $this->_base) { + $t = ($k <= $bias) ? $this->_tmin : + (($k >= $bias + $this->_tmax) ? $this->_tmax : $k - $bias); + if ($q < $t) break; + $encoded .= $this->_encode_digit(intval($t + (($q - $t) % ($this->_base - $t)))); //v0.4.5 Changed from ceil() to intval() + $q = (int) (($q - $t) / ($this->_base - $t)); + } + $encoded .= $this->_encode_digit($q); + $bias = $this->_adapt($delta, $codecount+1, $is_first); + $codecount++; + $delta = 0; + $is_first = false; + } + } + $delta++; + $cur_code++; + } + return $encoded; + } + + /** + * Adapt the bias according to the current code point and position + * @access private + */ + function _adapt($delta, $npoints, $is_first) + { + $delta = intval($is_first ? ($delta / $this->_damp) : ($delta / 2)); + $delta += intval($delta / $npoints); + for ($k = 0; $delta > (($this->_base - $this->_tmin) * $this->_tmax) / 2; $k += $this->_base) { + $delta = intval($delta / ($this->_base - $this->_tmin)); + } + return intval($k + ($this->_base - $this->_tmin + 1) * $delta / ($delta + $this->_skew)); + } + + /** + * Encoding a certain digit + * @access private + */ + function _encode_digit($d) + { + return chr($d + 22 + 75 * ($d < 26)); + } + + /** + * Decode a certain digit + * @access private + */ + function _decode_digit($cp) + { + $cp = ord($cp); + return ($cp - 48 < 10) ? $cp - 22 : (($cp - 65 < 26) ? $cp - 65 : (($cp - 97 < 26) ? $cp - 97 : $this->_base)); + } + + /** + * Internal error handling method + * @access private + */ + function _error($error = '') + { + $this->_error = $error; + } + + /** + * Do Nameprep according to RFC3491 and RFC3454 + * @param array Unicode Characters + * @return string Unicode Characters, Nameprep'd + * @access private + */ + function _nameprep($input) + { + $output = array(); + $error = false; + // + // Mapping + // Walking through the input array, performing the required steps on each of + // the input chars and putting the result into the output array + // While mapping required chars we apply the cannonical ordering + foreach ($input as $v) { + // Map to nothing == skip that code point + if (in_array($v, $this->NP['map_nothing'])) continue; + + // Try to find prohibited input + if (in_array($v, $this->NP['prohibit']) || in_array($v, $this->NP['general_prohibited'])) { + $this->_error('NAMEPREP: Prohibited input U+'.sprintf('%08X', $v)); + return false; + } + foreach ($this->NP['prohibit_ranges'] as $range) { + if ($range[0] <= $v && $v <= $range[1]) { + $this->_error('NAMEPREP: Prohibited input U+'.sprintf('%08X', $v)); + return false; + } + } + // + // Hangul syllable decomposition + if (0xAC00 <= $v && $v <= 0xD7AF) { + foreach ($this->_hangul_decompose($v) as $out) { + $output[] = (int) $out; + } + // There's a decomposition mapping for that code point + } elseif (isset($this->NP['replacemaps'][$v])) { + foreach ($this->_apply_cannonical_ordering($this->NP['replacemaps'][$v]) as $out) { + $output[] = (int) $out; + } + } else { + $output[] = (int) $v; + } + } + // Before applying any Combining, try to rearrange any Hangul syllables + $output = $this->_hangul_compose($output); + // + // Combine code points + // + $last_class = 0; + $last_starter = 0; + $out_len = count($output); + for ($i = 0; $i < $out_len; ++$i) { + $class = $this->_get_combining_class($output[$i]); + if ((!$last_class || $last_class > $class) && $class) { + // Try to match + $seq_len = $i - $last_starter; + $out = $this->_combine(array_slice($output, $last_starter, $seq_len)); + // On match: Replace the last starter with the composed character and remove + // the now redundant non-starter(s) + if ($out) { + $output[$last_starter] = $out; + if (count($out) != $seq_len) { + for ($j = $i+1; $j < $out_len; ++$j) { + $output[$j-1] = $output[$j]; + } + unset($output[$out_len]); + } + // Rewind the for loop by one, since there can be more possible compositions + $i--; + $out_len--; + $last_class = ($i == $last_starter) ? 0 : $this->_get_combining_class($output[$i-1]); + continue; + } + } + // The current class is 0 + if (!$class) $last_starter = $i; + $last_class = $class; + } + return $output; + } + + /** + * Decomposes a Hangul syllable + * (see + * @param integer 32bit UCS4 code point + * @return array Either Hangul Syllable decomposed or original 32bit value as one value array + * @access private + */ + function _hangul_decompose($char) + { + $sindex = (int) $char - $this->_sbase; + if ($sindex < 0 || $sindex >= $this->_scount) { + return array($char); + } + $result = array(); + $result[] = (int) $this->_lbase + $sindex / $this->_ncount; + $result[] = (int) $this->_vbase + ($sindex % $this->_ncount) / $this->_tcount; + $T = intval($this->_tbase + $sindex % $this->_tcount); + if ($T != $this->_tbase) $result[] = $T; + return $result; + } + /** + * Ccomposes a Hangul syllable + * (see + * @param array Decomposed UCS4 sequence + * @return array UCS4 sequence with syllables composed + * @access private + */ + function _hangul_compose($input) + { + $inp_len = count($input); + if (!$inp_len) return array(); + $result = array(); + $last = (int) $input[0]; + $result[] = $last; // copy first char from input to output + + for ($i = 1; $i < $inp_len; ++$i) { + $char = (int) $input[$i]; + $sindex = $last - $this->_sbase; + $lindex = $last - $this->_lbase; + $vindex = $char - $this->_vbase; + $tindex = $char - $this->_tbase; + // Find out, whether two current characters are LV and T + if (0 <= $sindex && $sindex < $this->_scount && ($sindex % $this->_tcount == 0) + && 0 <= $tindex && $tindex <= $this->_tcount) { + // create syllable of form LVT + $last += $tindex; + $result[(count($result) - 1)] = $last; // reset last + continue; // discard char + } + // Find out, whether two current characters form L and V + if (0 <= $lindex && $lindex < $this->_lcount && 0 <= $vindex && $vindex < $this->_vcount) { + // create syllable of form LV + $last = (int) $this->_sbase + ($lindex * $this->_vcount + $vindex) * $this->_tcount; + $result[(count($result) - 1)] = $last; // reset last + continue; // discard char + } + // if neither case was true, just add the character + $last = $char; + $result[] = $char; + } + return $result; + } + + /** + * Returns the combining class of a certain wide char + * @param integer Wide char to check (32bit integer) + * @return integer Combining class if found, else 0 + * @access private + */ + function _get_combining_class($char) + { + return isset($this->NP['norm_combcls'][$char]) ? $this->NP['norm_combcls'][$char] : 0; + } + + /** + * Apllies the cannonical ordering of a decomposed UCS4 sequence + * @param array Decomposed UCS4 sequence + * @return array Ordered USC4 sequence + * @access private + */ + function _apply_cannonical_ordering($input) + { + $swap = true; + $size = count($input); + while ($swap) { + $swap = false; + $last = $this->_get_combining_class(intval($input[0])); + for ($i = 0; $i < $size-1; ++$i) { + $next = $this->_get_combining_class(intval($input[$i+1])); + if ($next != 0 && $last > $next) { + // Move item leftward until it fits + for ($j = $i + 1; $j > 0; --$j) { + if ($this->_get_combining_class(intval($input[$j-1])) <= $next) break; + $t = intval($input[$j]); + $input[$j] = intval($input[$j-1]); + $input[$j-1] = $t; + $swap = true; + } + // Reentering the loop looking at the old character again + $next = $last; + } + $last = $next; + } + } + return $input; + } + + /** + * Do composition of a sequence of starter and non-starter + * @param array UCS4 Decomposed sequence + * @return array Ordered USC4 sequence + * @access private + */ + function _combine($input) + { + $inp_len = count($input); + foreach ($this->NP['replacemaps'] as $np_src => $np_target) { + if ($np_target[0] != $input[0]) continue; + if (count($np_target) != $inp_len) continue; + $hit = false; + foreach ($input as $k2 => $v2) { + if ($v2 == $np_target[$k2]) { + $hit = true; + } else { + $hit = false; + break; + } + } + if ($hit) return $np_src; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * This converts an UTF-8 encoded string to its UCS-4 representation + * By talking about UCS-4 "strings" we mean arrays of 32bit integers representing + * each of the "chars". This is due to PHP not being able to handle strings with + * bit depth different from 8. This apllies to the reverse method _ucs4_to_utf8(), too. + * The following UTF-8 encodings are supported: + * bytes bits representation + * 1 7 0xxxxxxx + * 2 11 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx + * 3 16 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx + * 4 21 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx + * 5 26 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx + * 6 31 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx + * Each x represents a bit that can be used to store character data. + * The five and six byte sequences are part of Annex D of ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 + * @access private + */ + function _utf8_to_ucs4($input) + { + $output = array(); + $out_len = 0; + $inp_len = strlen($input); + $mode = 'next'; + $test = 'none'; + for ($k = 0; $k < $inp_len; ++$k) { + $v = ord($input{$k}); // Extract byte from input string + + if ($v < 128) { // We found an ASCII char - put into stirng as is + $output[$out_len] = $v; + ++$out_len; + if ('add' == $mode) { + $this->_error('Conversion from UTF-8 to UCS-4 failed: malformed input at byte '.$k); + return false; + } + continue; + } + if ('next' == $mode) { // Try to find the next start byte; determine the width of the Unicode char + $start_byte = $v; + $mode = 'add'; + $test = 'range'; + if ($v >> 5 == 6) { // &110xxxxx 10xxxxx + $next_byte = 0; // Tells, how many times subsequent bitmasks must rotate 6bits to the left + $v = ($v - 192) << 6; + } elseif ($v >> 4 == 14) { // &1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx + $next_byte = 1; + $v = ($v - 224) << 12; + } elseif ($v >> 3 == 30) { // &11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx + $next_byte = 2; + $v = ($v - 240) << 18; + } elseif ($v >> 2 == 62) { // &111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx + $next_byte = 3; + $v = ($v - 248) << 24; + } elseif ($v >> 1 == 126) { // &1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx + $next_byte = 4; + $v = ($v - 252) << 30; + } else { + $this->_error('This might be UTF-8, but I don\'t understand it at byte '.$k); + return false; + } + if ('add' == $mode) { + $output[$out_len] = (int) $v; + ++$out_len; + continue; + } + } + if ('add' == $mode) { + if (!$this->_allow_overlong && $test == 'range') { + $test = 'none'; + if (($v < 0xA0 && $start_byte == 0xE0) || ($v < 0x90 && $start_byte == 0xF0) || ($v > 0x8F && $start_byte == 0xF4)) { + $this->_error('Bogus UTF-8 character detected (out of legal range) at byte '.$k); + return false; + } + } + if ($v >> 6 == 2) { // Bit mask must be 10xxxxxx + $v = ($v - 128) << ($next_byte * 6); + $output[($out_len - 1)] += $v; + --$next_byte; + } else { + $this->_error('Conversion from UTF-8 to UCS-4 failed: malformed input at byte '.$k); + return false; + } + if ($next_byte < 0) { + $mode = 'next'; + } + } + } // for + return $output; + } + + /** + * Convert UCS-4 string into UTF-8 string + * See _utf8_to_ucs4() for details + * @access private + */ + function _ucs4_to_utf8($input) + { + $output = ''; + $k = 0; + foreach ($input as $v) { + ++$k; + // $v = ord($v); + if ($v < 128) { // 7bit are transferred literally + $output .= chr($v); + } elseif ($v < (1 << 11)) { // 2 bytes + $output .= chr(192 + ($v >> 6)) . chr(128 + ($v & 63)); + } elseif ($v < (1 << 16)) { // 3 bytes + $output .= chr(224 + ($v >> 12)) . chr(128 + (($v >> 6) & 63)) . chr(128 + ($v & 63)); + } elseif ($v < (1 << 21)) { // 4 bytes + $output .= chr(240 + ($v >> 18)) . chr(128 + (($v >> 12) & 63)) + . chr(128 + (($v >> 6) & 63)) . chr(128 + ($v & 63)); + } elseif ($v < (1 << 26)) { // 5 bytes + $output .= chr(248 + ($v >> 24)) . chr(128 + (($v >> 18) & 63)) + . chr(128 + (($v >> 12) & 63)) . chr(128 + (($v >> 6) & 63)) + . chr(128 + ($v & 63)); + } elseif ($v < (1 << 31)) { // 6 bytes + $output .= chr(252 + ($v >> 30)) . chr(128 + (($v >> 24) & 63)) + . chr(128 + (($v >> 18) & 63)) . chr(128 + (($v >> 12) & 63)) + . chr(128 + (($v >> 6) & 63)) . chr(128 + ($v & 63)); + } else { + $this->_error('Conversion from UCS-4 to UTF-8 failed: malformed input at byte '.$k); + return false; + } + } + return $output; + } + + /** + * Convert UCS-4 array into UCS-4 string + * + * @access private + */ + function _ucs4_to_ucs4_string($input) + { + $output = ''; + // Take array values and split output to 4 bytes per value + // The bit mask is 255, which reads &11111111 + foreach ($input as $v) { + $output .= chr(($v >> 24) & 255).chr(($v >> 16) & 255).chr(($v >> 8) & 255).chr($v & 255); + } + return $output; + } + + /** + * Convert UCS-4 strin into UCS-4 garray + * + * @access private + */ + function _ucs4_string_to_ucs4($input) + { + $output = array(); + $inp_len = strlen($input); + // Input length must be dividable by 4 + if ($inp_len % 4) { + $this->_error('Input UCS4 string is broken'); + return false; + } + // Empty input - return empty output + if (!$inp_len) return $output; + for ($i = 0, $out_len = -1; $i < $inp_len; ++$i) { + // Increment output position every 4 input bytes + if (!($i % 4)) { + $out_len++; + $output[$out_len] = 0; + } + $output[$out_len] += ord($input{$i}) << (8 * (3 - ($i % 4) ) ); + } + return $output; + } +} + +/** +* Adapter class for aligning the API of idna_convert with that of Net_IDNA +* @author Matthias Sommerfeld +*/ +class Net_IDNA_php4 extends idna_convert +{ + /** + * Sets a new option value. Available options and values: + * [encoding - Use either UTF-8, UCS4 as array or UCS4 as string as input ('utf8' for UTF-8, + * 'ucs4_string' and 'ucs4_array' respectively for UCS4); The output is always UTF-8] + * [overlong - Unicode does not allow unnecessarily long encodings of chars, + * to allow this, set this parameter to true, else to false; + * default is false.] + * [strict - true: strict mode, good for registration purposes - Causes errors + * on failures; false: loose mode, ideal for "wildlife" applications + * by silently ignoring errors and returning the original input instead + * + * @param mixed Parameter to set (string: single parameter; array of Parameter => Value pairs) + * @param string Value to use (if parameter 1 is a string) + * @return boolean true on success, false otherwise + * @access public + */ + function setParams($option, $param = false) + { + return $this->IC->set_parameters($option, $param); + } +} + +?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/thirdparty/simplepie/idn/npdata.ser b/thirdparty/simplepie/idn/npdata.ser new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7ce6d03f --- /dev/null +++ b/thirdparty/simplepie/idn/npdata.ser @@ -0,0 +1 @@ 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/thirdparty/simplepie/ b/thirdparty/simplepie/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5efb64aa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/thirdparty/simplepie/ @@ -0,0 +1,10777 @@ +' . SIMPLEPIE_NAME . ''); + +/** + * No Autodiscovery + * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_NONE', 0); + +/** + * Feed Link Element Autodiscovery + * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_AUTODISCOVERY', 1); + +/** + * Local Feed Extension Autodiscovery + * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_LOCAL_EXTENSION', 2); + +/** + * Local Feed Body Autodiscovery + * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_LOCAL_BODY', 4); + +/** + * Remote Feed Extension Autodiscovery + * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_REMOTE_EXTENSION', 8); + +/** + * Remote Feed Body Autodiscovery + * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_REMOTE_BODY', 16); + +/** + * All Feed Autodiscovery + * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_ALL', 31); + +/** + * No known feed type + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_NONE', 0); + +/** + * RSS 0.90 + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_090', 1); + +/** + * RSS 0.91 (Netscape) + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_091_NETSCAPE', 2); + +/** + * RSS 0.91 (Userland) + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_091_USERLAND', 4); + +/** + * RSS 0.91 (both Netscape and Userland) + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_091', 6); + +/** + * RSS 0.92 + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_092', 8); + +/** + * RSS 0.93 + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_093', 16); + +/** + * RSS 0.94 + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_094', 32); + +/** + * RSS 1.0 + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_10', 64); + +/** + * RSS 2.0 + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_20', 128); + +/** + * RDF-based RSS + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_RDF', 65); + +/** + * Non-RDF-based RSS (truly intended as syndication format) + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_SYNDICATION', 190); + +/** + * All RSS + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_ALL', 255); + +/** + * Atom 0.3 + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_03', 256); + +/** + * Atom 1.0 + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_10', 512); + +/** + * All Atom + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_ALL', 768); + +/** + * All feed types + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ALL', 1023); + +/** + * No construct + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_NONE', 0); + +/** + * Text construct + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT', 1); + +/** + * HTML construct + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_HTML', 2); + +/** + * XHTML construct + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_XHTML', 4); + +/** + * base64-encoded construct + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_BASE64', 8); + +/** + * IRI construct + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI', 16); + +/** + * A construct that might be HTML + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML', 32); + +/** + * All constructs + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_ALL', 63); + +/** + * PCRE for HTML attributes + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_PCRE_HTML_ATTRIBUTE', '((?:\s+(?:(?:[^\s:]+:)?[^\s:]+)(?:\s*=\s*(?:"(?:[^"]*)"|\'(?:[^\']*)\'|(?:[a-z0-9\-._:]*)))?)*)\s*'); + +/** + * PCRE for XML attributes + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_PCRE_XML_ATTRIBUTE', '((?:\s+(?:(?:[^\s:]+:)?[^\s:]+)\s*=\s*(?:"(?:[^"]*)"|\'(?:[^\']*)\'))*)\s*'); + +/** + * XML Namespace + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_XML', ''); + +/** + * Atom 1.0 Namespace + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10', ''); + +/** + * Atom 0.3 Namespace + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03', ''); + +/** + * RDF Namespace + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF', ''); + +/** + * RSS 0.90 Namespace + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090', ''); + +/** + * RSS 1.0 Namespace + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10', ''); + +/** + * RSS 1.0 Content Module Namespace + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10_MODULES_CONTENT', ''); + +/** + * DC 1.0 Namespace + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10', ''); + +/** + * DC 1.1 Namespace + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11', ''); + +/** + * W3C Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long) Vocabulary Namespace + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_W3C_BASIC_GEO', ''); + +/** + * GeoRSS Namespace + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_GEORSS', ''); + +/** + * Media RSS Namespace + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS', ''); + +/** + * iTunes RSS Namespace + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES', ''); + +/** + * XHTML Namespace + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_XHTML', ''); + +/** + * IANA Link Relations Registry + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY', ''); + +/** + * Whether we're running on PHP5 + */ +define('SIMPLEPIE_PHP5', version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '>=')); + +/** + * SimplePie + * + * @package SimplePie + * @version "Razzleberry" + * @copyright 2004-2007 Ryan Parman, Geoffrey Sneddon + * @author Ryan Parman + * @author Geoffrey Sneddon + * @todo Option for type of fetching (cache, not modified header, fetch, etc.) + */ +class SimplePie +{ + /** + * @var array Raw data + * @access private + */ + var $data = array(); + + /** + * @var mixed Error string + * @access private + */ + var $error; + + /** + * @var object Instance of SimplePie_Sanitize (or other class) + * @see SimplePie::set_sanitize_class() + * @access private + */ + var $sanitize; + + /** + * @var string SimplePie Useragent + * @see SimplePie::set_useragent() + * @access private + */ + var $useragent = SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT; + + /** + * @var string Feed URL + * @see SimplePie::set_feed_url() + * @access private + */ + var $feed_url; + + /** + * @var object Instance of SimplePie_File to use as a feed + * @see SimplePie::set_file() + * @access private + */ + var $file; + + /** + * @var string Raw feed data + * @see SimplePie::set_raw_data() + * @access private + */ + var $raw_data; + + /** + * @var int Timeout for fetching remote files + * @see SimplePie::set_timeout() + * @access private + */ + var $timeout = 10; + + /** + * @var bool Forces fsockopen() to be used for remote files instead + * of cURL, even if a new enough version is installed + * @see SimplePie::force_fsockopen() + * @access private + */ + var $force_fsockopen = false; + + /** + * @var bool Enable/Disable XML dump + * @see SimplePie::enable_xml_dump() + * @access private + */ + var $xml_dump = false; + + /** + * @var bool Enable/Disable Caching + * @see SimplePie::enable_cache() + * @access private + */ + var $cache = true; + + /** + * @var int Cache duration (in seconds) + * @see SimplePie::set_cache_duration() + * @access private + */ + var $cache_duration = 3600; + + /** + * @var int Auto-discovery cache duration (in seconds) + * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_cache_duration() + * @access private + */ + var $autodiscovery_cache_duration = 604800; // 7 Days. + + /** + * @var string Cache location (relative to executing script) + * @see SimplePie::set_cache_location() + * @access private + */ + var $cache_location = './cache'; + + /** + * @var string Function that creates the cache filename + * @see SimplePie::set_cache_name_function() + * @access private + */ + var $cache_name_function = 'md5'; + + /** + * @var bool Reorder feed by date descending + * @see SimplePie::enable_order_by_date() + * @access private + */ + var $order_by_date = true; + + /** + * @var mixed Force input encoding to be set to the follow value + * (false, or anything type-cast to false, disables this feature) + * @see SimplePie::set_input_encoding() + * @access private + */ + var $input_encoding = false; + + /** + * @var int Feed Autodiscovery Level + * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() + * @access private + */ + var $autodiscovery = SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_ALL; + + /** + * @var string Class used for caching feeds + * @see SimplePie::set_cache_class() + * @access private + */ + var $cache_class = 'SimplePie_Cache'; + + /** + * @var string Class used for locating feeds + * @see SimplePie::set_locator_class() + * @access private + */ + var $locator_class = 'SimplePie_Locator'; + + /** + * @var string Class used for parsing feeds + * @see SimplePie::set_parser_class() + * @access private + */ + var $parser_class = 'SimplePie_Parser'; + + /** + * @var string Class used for fetching feeds + * @see SimplePie::set_file_class() + * @access private + */ + var $file_class = 'SimplePie_File'; + + /** + * @var string Class used for items + * @see SimplePie::set_item_class() + * @access private + */ + var $item_class = 'SimplePie_Item'; + + /** + * @var string Class used for authors + * @see SimplePie::set_author_class() + * @access private + */ + var $author_class = 'SimplePie_Author'; + + /** + * @var string Class used for categories + * @see SimplePie::set_category_class() + * @access private + */ + var $category_class = 'SimplePie_Category'; + + /** + * @var string Class used for enclosures + * @see SimplePie::set_enclosures_class() + * @access private + */ + var $enclosure_class = 'SimplePie_Enclosure'; + + /** + * @var string Class used for Media RSS captions + * @see SimplePie::set_caption_class() + * @access private + */ + var $caption_class = 'SimplePie_Caption'; + + /** + * @var string Class used for Media RSS + * @see SimplePie::set_copyright_class() + * @access private + */ + var $copyright_class = 'SimplePie_Copyright'; + + /** + * @var string Class used for Media RSS + * @see SimplePie::set_credit_class() + * @access private + */ + var $credit_class = 'SimplePie_Credit'; + + /** + * @var string Class used for Media RSS + * @see SimplePie::set_rating_class() + * @access private + */ + var $rating_class = 'SimplePie_Rating'; + + /** + * @var string Class used for Media RSS + * @see SimplePie::set_restriction_class() + * @access private + */ + var $restriction_class = 'SimplePie_Restriction'; + + /** + * @var mixed Set javascript query string parameter (false, or + * anything type-cast to false, disables this feature) + * @see SimplePie::set_javascript() + * @access private + */ + var $javascript = 'js'; + + /** + * @var int Maximum number of feeds to check with autodiscovery + * @see SimplePie::set_max_checked_feeds() + * @access private + */ + var $max_checked_feeds = 10; + + /** + * @var string Web-accessible path to the handler_favicon.php file. + * @see SimplePie::set_favicon_handler() + * @access private + */ + var $favicon_handler = ''; + + /** + * @var string Web-accessible path to the handler_image.php file. + * @see SimplePie::set_image_handler() + * @access private + */ + var $image_handler = ''; + + /** + * @var array Stores the URLs when multiple feeds are being initialized. + * @see SimplePie::set_feed_url() + * @access private + */ + var $multifeed_url = array(); + + /** + * @var array Stores SimplePie objects when multiple feeds initialized. + * @access private + */ + var $multifeed_objects = array(); + + /** + * @var array Stores the get_object_vars() array for use with multifeeds. + * @see SimplePie::set_feed_url() + * @access private + */ + var $config_settings = null; + + /** + * @var array Stores the default attributes to be stripped by strip_attributes(). + * @see SimplePie::strip_attributes() + * @access private + */ + var $strip_attributes = array('bgsound', 'class', 'expr', 'id', 'style', 'onclick', 'onerror', 'onfinish', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseout', 'onfocus', 'onblur', 'lowsrc', 'dynsrc'); + + /** + * @var array Stores the default tags to be stripped by strip_htmltags(). + * @see SimplePie::strip_htmltags() + * @access private + */ + var $strip_htmltags = array('base', 'blink', 'body', 'doctype', 'embed', 'font', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'html', 'iframe', 'input', 'marquee', 'meta', 'noscript', 'object', 'param', 'script', 'style'); + + /** + * The SimplePie class contains feed level data and options + * + * There are two ways that you can create a new SimplePie object. The first + * is by passing a feed URL as a parameter to the SimplePie constructor + * (as well as optionally setting the cache location and cache expiry). This + * will initialise the whole feed with all of the default settings, and you + * can begin accessing methods and properties immediately. + * + * The second way is to create the SimplePie object with no parameters + * at all. This will enable you to set configuration options. After setting + * them, you must initialise the feed using $feed->init(). At that point the + * object's methods and properties will be available to you. This format is + * what is used throughout this documentation. + * + * @access public + * @since 1.0 Preview Release + * @param string $feed_url This is the URL you want to parse. + * @param string $cache_location This is where you want the cache to be stored. + * @param int $cache_duration This is the number of seconds that you want to store the cache file for. + */ + function SimplePie($feed_url = null, $cache_location = null, $cache_duration = null) + { + // Other objects, instances created here so we can set options on them + $this->sanitize =& new SimplePie_Sanitize; + + // Set options if they're passed to the constructor + if ($cache_location !== null) + { + $this->set_cache_location($cache_location); + } + + if ($cache_duration !== null) + { + $this->set_cache_duration($cache_duration); + } + + // Only init the script if we're passed a feed URL + if ($feed_url !== null) + { + $this->set_feed_url($feed_url); + $this->init(); + } + } + + /** + * Used for converting object to a string + */ + function __toString() + { + return md5(serialize($this->data)); + } + + /** + * This is the URL of the feed you want to parse. + * + * This allows you to enter the URL of the feed you want to parse, or the + * website you want to try to use auto-discovery on. This takes priority + * over any set raw data. + * + * You can set multiple feeds to mash together by passing an array instead + * of a string for the $url. Remember that with each additional feed comes + * additional processing and resources. + * + * @access public + * @since 1.0 Preview Release + * @param mixed $url This is the URL (or array of URLs) that you want to parse. + * @see SimplePie::set_raw_data() + */ + function set_feed_url($url) + { + if (is_array($url)) + { + $this->multifeed_url = array(); + foreach ($url as $value) + { + $this->multifeed_url[] = SimplePie_Misc::fix_protocol($value, 1); + } + } + else + { + $this->feed_url = SimplePie_Misc::fix_protocol($url, 1); + } + } + + /** + * Provides an instance of SimplePie_File to use as a feed + * + * @access public + * @param object &$file Instance of SimplePie_File (or subclass) + * @return bool True on success, false on failure + */ + function set_file(&$file) + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_a($file, 'SimplePie_File')) + { + $this->feed_url = $file->url; + $this->file =& $file; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Allows you to use a string of RSS/Atom data instead of a remote feed. + * + * If you have a feed available as a string in PHP, you can tell SimplePie + * to parse that data string instead of a remote feed. Any set feed URL + * takes precedence. + * + * @access public + * @since 1.0 Beta 3 + * @param string $data RSS or Atom data as a string. + * @see SimplePie::set_feed_url() + */ + function set_raw_data($data) + { + $this->raw_data = trim($data); + } + + /** + * Allows you to override the default timeout for fetching remote feeds. + * + * This allows you to change the maximum time the feed's server to respond + * and send the feed back. + * + * @access public + * @since 1.0 Beta 3 + * @param int $timeout The maximum number of seconds to spend waiting to retrieve a feed. + */ + function set_timeout($timeout = 10) + { + $this->timeout = (int) $timeout; + } + + /** + * Forces SimplePie to use fsockopen() instead of the preferred cURL + * functions. + * + * @access public + * @since 1.0 Beta 3 + * @param bool $enable Force fsockopen() to be used + */ + function force_fsockopen($enable = false) + { + $this->force_fsockopen = (bool) $enable; + } + + /** + * Outputs the raw XML content of the feed, after it has gone through + * SimplePie's filters. + * + * Used only for debugging, this function will output the XML content as + * text/xml. When SimplePie reads in a feed, it does a bit of cleaning up + * before trying to parse it. Many parts of the feed are re-written in + * memory, and in the end, you have a parsable feed. XML dump shows you the + * actual XML that SimplePie tries to parse, which may or may not be very + * different from the original feed. + * + * @access public + * @since 1.0 Preview Release + * @param bool $enable Enable XML dump + */ + function enable_xml_dump($enable = false) + { + $this->xml_dump = (bool) $enable; + } + + /** + * Enables/disables caching in SimplePie. + * + * This option allows you to disable caching all-together in SimplePie. + * However, disabling the cache can lead to longer load times. + * + * @access public + * @since 1.0 Preview Release + * @param bool $enable Enable caching + */ + function enable_cache($enable = true) + { + $this->cache = (bool) $enable; + } + + /** + * Set the length of time (in seconds) that the contents of a feed + * will be cached. + * + * @access public + * @param int $seconds The feed content cache duration. + */ + function set_cache_duration($seconds = 3600) + { + $this->cache_duration = (int) $seconds; + } + + /** + * Set the length of time (in seconds) that the autodiscovered feed + * URL will be cached. + * + * @access public + * @param int $seconds The autodiscovered feed URL cache duration. + */ + function set_autodiscovery_cache_duration($seconds = 604800) + { + $this->autodiscovery_cache_duration = (int) $seconds; + } + + /** + * Set the file system location where the cached files should be stored. + * + * @access public + * @param string $location The file system location. + */ + function set_cache_location($location = './cache') + { + $this->cache_location = (string) $location; + } + + /** + * Determines whether feed items should be sorted into reverse chronological order. + * + * @access public + * @param bool $enable Sort as reverse chronological order. + */ + function enable_order_by_date($enable = true) + { + $this->order_by_date = (bool) $enable; + } + + /** + * Allows you to override the character encoding reported by the feed. + * + * @access public + * @param string $encoding Character encoding. + */ + function set_input_encoding($encoding = false) + { + if ($encoding) + { + $this->input_encoding = (string) $encoding; + } + else + { + $this->input_encoding = false; + } + } + + /** + * Set how much feed autodiscovery to do + * + * @access public + * @see SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_NONE + * @see SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_AUTODISCOVERY + * @see SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_LOCAL_EXTENSION + * @see SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_LOCAL_BODY + * @see SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_REMOTE_EXTENSION + * @see SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_REMOTE_BODY + * @see SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_ALL + * @param int $level Feed Autodiscovery Level (level can be a + * combination of the above constants, see bitwise OR operator) + */ + function set_autodiscovery_level($level = SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_ALL) + { + $this->autodiscovery = (int) $level; + } + + /** + * Allows you to change which class SimplePie uses for caching. + * Useful when you are overloading or extending SimplePie's default classes. + * + * @access public + * @param string $class Name of custom class. + * @link PHP4 extends documentation + * @link PHP5 extends documentation + */ + function set_cache_class($class = 'SimplePie_Cache') + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of($class, 'SimplePie_Cache')) + { + $this->cache_class = $class; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Allows you to change which class SimplePie uses for auto-discovery. + * Useful when you are overloading or extending SimplePie's default classes. + * + * @access public + * @param string $class Name of custom class. + * @link PHP4 extends documentation + * @link PHP5 extends documentation + */ + function set_locator_class($class = 'SimplePie_Locator') + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of($class, 'SimplePie_Locator')) + { + $this->locator_class = $class; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Allows you to change which class SimplePie uses for XML parsing. + * Useful when you are overloading or extending SimplePie's default classes. + * + * @access public + * @param string $class Name of custom class. + * @link PHP4 extends documentation + * @link PHP5 extends documentation + */ + function set_parser_class($class = 'SimplePie_Parser') + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of($class, 'SimplePie_Parser')) + { + $this->parser_class = $class; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Allows you to change which class SimplePie uses for remote file fetching. + * Useful when you are overloading or extending SimplePie's default classes. + * + * @access public + * @param string $class Name of custom class. + * @link PHP4 extends documentation + * @link PHP5 extends documentation + */ + function set_file_class($class = 'SimplePie_File') + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of($class, 'SimplePie_File')) + { + $this->file_class = $class; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Allows you to change which class SimplePie uses for data sanitization. + * Useful when you are overloading or extending SimplePie's default classes. + * + * @access public + * @param string $class Name of custom class. + * @link PHP4 extends documentation + * @link PHP5 extends documentation + */ + function set_sanitize_class($class = 'SimplePie_Sanitize') + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of($class, 'SimplePie_Sanitize')) + { + $this->sanitize =& new $class; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Allows you to change which class SimplePie uses for handling feed items. + * Useful when you are overloading or extending SimplePie's default classes. + * + * @access public + * @param string $class Name of custom class. + * @link PHP4 extends documentation + * @link PHP5 extends documentation + */ + function set_item_class($class = 'SimplePie_Item') + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of($class, 'SimplePie_Item')) + { + $this->item_class = $class; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Allows you to change which class SimplePie uses for handling author data. + * Useful when you are overloading or extending SimplePie's default classes. + * + * @access public + * @param string $class Name of custom class. + * @link PHP4 extends documentation + * @link PHP5 extends documentation + */ + function set_author_class($class = 'SimplePie_Author') + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of($class, 'SimplePie_Author')) + { + $this->author_class = $class; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Allows you to change which class SimplePie uses for handling category data. + * Useful when you are overloading or extending SimplePie's default classes. + * + * @access public + * @param string $class Name of custom class. + * @link PHP4 extends documentation + * @link PHP5 extends documentation + */ + function set_category_class($class = 'SimplePie_Category') + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of($class, 'SimplePie_Category')) + { + $this->category_class = $class; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Allows you to change which class SimplePie uses for feed enclosures. + * Useful when you are overloading or extending SimplePie's default classes. + * + * @access public + * @param string $class Name of custom class. + * @link PHP4 extends documentation + * @link PHP5 extends documentation + */ + function set_enclosure_class($class = 'SimplePie_Enclosure') + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of($class, 'SimplePie_Enclosure')) + { + $this->enclosure_class = $class; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Allows you to change which class SimplePie uses for captions + * Useful when you are overloading or extending SimplePie's default classes. + * + * @access public + * @param string $class Name of custom class. + * @link PHP4 extends documentation + * @link PHP5 extends documentation + */ + function set_caption_class($class = 'SimplePie_Caption') + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of($class, 'SimplePie_Caption')) + { + $this->caption_class = $class; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Allows you to change which class SimplePie uses for + * Useful when you are overloading or extending SimplePie's default classes. + * + * @access public + * @param string $class Name of custom class. + * @link PHP4 extends documentation + * @link PHP5 extends documentation + */ + function set_copyright_class($class = 'SimplePie_Copyright') + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of($class, 'SimplePie_Copyright')) + { + $this->copyright_class = $class; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Allows you to change which class SimplePie uses for + * Useful when you are overloading or extending SimplePie's default classes. + * + * @access public + * @param string $class Name of custom class. + * @link PHP4 extends documentation + * @link PHP5 extends documentation + */ + function set_credit_class($class = 'SimplePie_Credit') + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of($class, 'SimplePie_Credit')) + { + $this->credit_class = $class; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Allows you to change which class SimplePie uses for + * Useful when you are overloading or extending SimplePie's default classes. + * + * @access public + * @param string $class Name of custom class. + * @link PHP4 extends documentation + * @link PHP5 extends documentation + */ + function set_rating_class($class = 'SimplePie_Rating') + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of($class, 'SimplePie_Rating')) + { + $this->rating_class = $class; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Allows you to change which class SimplePie uses for + * Useful when you are overloading or extending SimplePie's default classes. + * + * @access public + * @param string $class Name of custom class. + * @link PHP4 extends documentation + * @link PHP5 extends documentation + */ + function set_restriction_class($class = 'SimplePie_Restriction') + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of($class, 'SimplePie_Restriction')) + { + $this->restriction_class = $class; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Allows you to override the default user agent string. + * + * @access public + * @param string $ua New user agent string. + */ + function set_useragent($ua = SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT) + { + $this->useragent = (string) $ua; + } + + /** + * Set callback function to create cache filename with + * + * @access public + * @param mixed $function Callback function + */ + function set_cache_name_function($function = 'md5') + { + if (is_callable($function)) + { + $this->cache_name_function = $function; + } + } + + /** + * Set javascript query string parameter + * + * @access public + * @param mixed $get Javascript query string parameter + */ + function set_javascript($get = 'js') + { + if ($get) + { + $this->javascript = (string) $get; + } + else + { + $this->javascript = false; + } + } + + /** + * Set options to make SP as fast as possible. Forgoes a + * substantial amount of data sanitization in favor of speed. + * + * @access public + * @param bool $set Whether to set them or not + */ + function set_stupidly_fast($set = false) + { + if ($set) + { + $this->enable_order_by_date(false); + $this->remove_div(false); + $this->strip_comments(false); + $this->strip_htmltags(false); + $this->strip_attributes(false); + $this->set_image_handler(false); + } + } + + /** + * Set maximum number of feeds to check with autodiscovery + * + * @access public + * @param int $max Maximum number of feeds to check + */ + function set_max_checked_feeds($max = 10) + { + $this->max_checked_feeds = (int) $max; + } + + function remove_div($enable = true) + { + $this->sanitize->remove_div($enable); + } + + function strip_htmltags($tags = '', $encode = null) + { + if ($tags === '') + { + $tags = $this->strip_htmltags; + } + $this->sanitize->strip_htmltags($tags); + if ($encode !== null) + { + $this->sanitize->encode_instead_of_strip($tags); + } + } + + function encode_instead_of_strip($enable = true) + { + $this->sanitize->encode_instead_of_strip($enable); + } + + function strip_attributes($attribs = '') + { + if ($attribs === '') + { + $attribs = $this->strip_attributes; + } + $this->sanitize->strip_attributes($attribs); + } + + function set_output_encoding($encoding = 'UTF-8') + { + $this->sanitize->set_output_encoding($encoding); + } + + function strip_comments($strip = false) + { + $this->sanitize->strip_comments($strip); + } + + /** + * Set element/attribute key/value pairs of HTML attributes + * containing URLs that need to be resolved relative to the feed + * + * @access public + * @since 1.0 + * @param array $element_attribute Element/attribute key/value pairs + */ + function set_url_replacements($element_attribute = array('a' => 'href', 'area' => 'href', 'blockquote' => 'cite', 'del' => 'cite', 'form' => 'action', 'img' => array('longdesc', 'src'), 'input' => 'src', 'ins' => 'cite', 'q' => 'cite')) + { + $this->sanitize->set_url_replacements($element_attribute); + } + + /** + * Set the handler to enable the display of cached favicons. + * + * @access public + * @param str $page Web-accessible path to the handler_favicon.php file. + * @param str $qs The query string that the value should be passed to. + */ + function set_favicon_handler($page = false, $qs = 'i') + { + if ($page != false) + { + $this->favicon_handler = $page . '?' . $qs . '='; + } + else + { + $this->favicon_handler = ''; + } + } + + /** + * Set the handler to enable the display of cached images. + * + * @access public + * @param str $page Web-accessible path to the handler_image.php file. + * @param str $qs The query string that the value should be passed to. + */ + function set_image_handler($page = false, $qs = 'i') + { + if ($page != false) + { + $this->sanitize->set_image_handler($page . '?' . $qs . '='); + } + else + { + $this->image_handler = ''; + } + } + + function init() + { + if ((function_exists('version_compare') && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.1.0', '<')) || !extension_loaded('xml') || !extension_loaded('pcre')) + { + return false; + } + if (isset($_GET[$this->javascript])) + { + if (function_exists('ob_gzhandler')) + { + ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); + } + header('Content-type: text/javascript; charset: UTF-8'); + header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); + header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + 604800) . ' GMT'); // 7 days + ?> +function embed_odeo(link) { + document.writeln(''); +} + +function embed_quicktime(type, bgcolor, width, height, link, placeholder, loop) { + if (placeholder != '') { + document.writeln(''); + } + else { + document.writeln(''); + } +} + +function embed_flash(bgcolor, width, height, link, loop, type) { + document.writeln(''); +} + +function embed_flv(width, height, link, placeholder, loop, player) { + document.writeln(''); +} + +function embed_wmedia(width, height, link) { + document.writeln(''); +} + sanitize->pass_cache_data($this->cache, $this->cache_location, $this->cache_name_function, $this->cache_class); + $this->sanitize->pass_file_data($this->file_class, $this->timeout, $this->useragent, $this->force_fsockopen); + + if ($this->feed_url !== null || $this->raw_data !== null) + { + $this->data = array(); + $this->multifeed_objects = array(); + $cache = false; + + if ($this->feed_url !== null) + { + $parsed_feed_url = SimplePie_Misc::parse_url($this->feed_url); + // Decide whether to enable caching + if ($this->cache && $parsed_feed_url['scheme'] !== '') + { + $cache =& new $this->cache_class($this->cache_location, call_user_func($this->cache_name_function, $this->feed_url), 'spc'); + } + // If it's enabled and we don't want an XML dump, use the cache + if ($cache && !$this->xml_dump) + { + // Load the Cache + $this->data = $cache->load(); + if (!empty($this->data)) + { + // If the cache is for an outdated build of SimplePie + if (!isset($this->data['build']) || $this->data['build'] != SIMPLEPIE_BUILD) + { + $cache->unlink(); + $this->data = array(); + } + // If we've hit a collision just rerun it with caching disabled + elseif (isset($this->data['url']) && $this->data['url'] != $this->feed_url) + { + $cache = false; + $this->data = array(); + } + // If we've got a non feed_url stored (if the page isn't actually a feed, or is a redirect) use that URL. + elseif (isset($this->data['feed_url'])) + { + // If the autodiscovery cache is still valid use it. + if ($cache->mtime() + $this->autodiscovery_cache_duration > time()) + { + // Do not need to do feed autodiscovery yet. + if ($this->data['feed_url'] == $this->data['url']) + { + $cache->unlink(); + $this->data = array(); + } + else + { + $this->set_feed_url($this->data['feed_url']); + return $this->init(); + } + } + } + // Check if the cache has been updated + elseif ($cache->mtime() + $this->cache_duration < time()) + { + // If we have last-modified and/or etag set + if (isset($this->data['headers']['last-modified']) || isset($this->data['headers']['etag'])) + { + $headers = array(); + if (isset($this->data['headers']['last-modified'])) + { + $headers['if-modified-since'] = $this->data['headers']['last-modified']; + } + if (isset($this->data['headers']['etag'])) + { + $headers['if-none-match'] = $this->data['headers']['etag']; + } + $file =& new $this->file_class($this->feed_url, $this->timeout/10, 5, $headers, $this->useragent, $this->force_fsockopen); + if ($file->success) + { + if ($file->status_code == 304) + { + $cache->touch(); + return true; + } + else + { + $headers = $file->headers; + } + } + else + { + unset($file); + } + } + } + // If the cache is still valid, just return true + else + { + return true; + } + } + // If the cache is empty, delete it + else + { + $cache->unlink(); + $this->data = array(); + } + } + // If we don't already have the file (it'll only exist if we've opened it to check if the cache has been modified), open it. + if (!isset($file)) + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_a($this->file, 'SimplePie_File') && $this->file->url == $this->feed_url) + { + $file =& $this->file; + } + else + { + $file =& new $this->file_class($this->feed_url, $this->timeout, 5, null, $this->useragent, $this->force_fsockopen); + } + } + // If the file connection has an error, set SimplePie::error to that and quit + if (!$file->success) + { + $this->error = $file->error; + if (!empty($this->data)) + { + return true; + } + else + { + return false; + } + } + + // Check if the supplied URL is a feed, if it isn't, look for it. + $locate =& new $this->locator_class($file, $this->timeout, $this->useragent, $this->file_class, $this->max_checked_feeds); + if (!$locate->is_feed($file)) + { + // We need to unset this so that if SimplePie::set_file() has been called that object is untouched + unset($file); + if ($file = $locate->find($this->autodiscovery)) + { + if ($cache) + { + if (!$cache->save(array('url' => $this->feed_url, 'feed_url' => $file->url, 'build' => SIMPLEPIE_BUILD))) + { + trigger_error("$cache->name is not writeable", E_USER_WARNING); + } + $cache =& new $this->cache_class($this->cache_location, call_user_func($this->cache_name_function, $file->url), 'spc'); + } + $this->feed_url = $file->url; + } + else + { + $this->error = "A feed could not be found at $this->feed_url"; + SimplePie_Misc::error($this->error, E_USER_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__); + return false; + } + } + $locate = null; + + $headers = $file->headers; + $data = trim($file->body); + unset($file); + } + else + { + $data = $this->raw_data; + } + + // First check to see if input has been overridden. + if ($this->input_encoding !== false) + { + $encoding = $this->input_encoding; + } + // Second try HTTP headers + elseif (isset($headers['content-type']) && preg_match('/;[\x09\x20]*charset=([^;]*)/i', $headers['content-type'], $charset)) + { + $encoding = $charset[1]; + } + // Then prolog, if at the very start of the document + elseif (preg_match("/^<\?xml[\x20\x9\xD\xA]+version([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+)?=([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+)?(\"1.0\"|'1.0'|\"1.1\"|'1.1')[\x20\x9\xD\xA]+encoding([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+)?=([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+)?(\"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\-]*\"|'[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\-]*')([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+standalone([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+)?=([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+)?(\"(yes|no)\"|'(yes|no)'))?([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+)?\?>/", $data, $prolog)) + { + $encoding = substr($prolog[6], 1, -1); + } + // UTF-32 Big Endian BOM + elseif (strpos($data, "\x0\x0\xFE\xFF") === 0) + { + $encoding = 'UTF-32be'; + } + // UTF-32 Little Endian BOM + elseif (strpos($data, "\xFF\xFE\x0\x0") === 0) + { + $encoding = 'UTF-32'; + } + // UTF-16 Big Endian BOM + elseif (strpos($data, "\xFE\xFF") === 0) + { + $encoding = 'UTF-16be'; + } + // UTF-16 Little Endian BOM + elseif (strpos($data, "\xFF\xFE") === 0) + { + $encoding = 'UTF-16le'; + } + // UTF-8 BOM + elseif (strpos($data, "\xEF\xBB\xBF") === 0) + { + $encoding = 'UTF-8'; + } + // Fallback to the default (US-ASCII for text/xml, ISO-8859-1 for text/* MIME types, UTF-8 otherwise) + elseif (isset($headers['content-type']) && strtolower(SimplePie_Misc::parse_mime($headers['content-type'])) == 'text/xml') + { + $encoding = 'US-ASCII'; + } + elseif (isset($headers['content-type']) && SimplePie_Misc::stripos(SimplePie_Misc::parse_mime($headers['content-type']), 'text/') === 0) + { + $encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'; + } + else + { + $encoding = 'UTF-8'; + } + + // Change the encoding to UTF-8 (as we always use UTF-8 internally) + if ($encoding != 'UTF-8') + { + $data = SimplePie_Misc::change_encoding($data, $encoding, 'UTF-8'); + } + + // Strip illegal characters + $data = SimplePie_Misc::utf8_bad_replace($data); + + $parser =& new $this->parser_class(); + $parser->pre_process($data, 'UTF-8'); + // If we want the XML, just output that and quit + if ($this->xml_dump) + { + header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8'); + echo $data; + exit; + } + // If it's parsed fine + elseif ($parser->parse($data)) + { + unset($data); + $this->data = $parser->get_data(); + if (isset($this->data['child'])) + { + if (isset($headers)) + { + $this->data['headers'] = $headers; + } + $this->data['build'] = SIMPLEPIE_BUILD; + + // Cache the file if caching is enabled + if ($cache && !$cache->save($this->data)) + { + trigger_error("$cache->name is not writeable", E_USER_WARNING); + } + return true; + } + else + { + $this->error = "A feed could not be found at $this->feed_url"; + SimplePie_Misc::error($this->error, E_USER_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__); + return false; + } + } + // If we have an error, just set SimplePie::error to it and quit + else + { + $this->error = sprintf('XML error: %s at line %d, column %d', $parser->get_error_string(), $parser->get_current_line(), $parser->get_current_column()); + SimplePie_Misc::error($this->error, E_USER_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__); + return false; + } + } + elseif (!empty($this->multifeed_url)) + { + $i = 0; + $success = 0; + $this->multifeed_objects = array(); + foreach ($this->multifeed_url as $url) + { + if (SIMPLEPIE_PHP5) + { + // This keyword needs to defy coding standards for PHP4 compatibility + $this->multifeed_objects[$i] = clone($this); + } + else + { + $this->multifeed_objects[$i] = $this; + } + $this->multifeed_objects[$i]->set_feed_url($url); + $success |= $this->multifeed_objects[$i]->init(); + $i++; + } + return (bool) $success; + } + else + { + return false; + } + } + + /** + * Return the error message for the occured error + * + * @access public + * @return string Error message + */ + function error() + { + return $this->error; + } + + function get_encoding() + { + return $this->sanitize->output_encoding; + } + + function handle_content_type($mime = 'text/html') + { + if (!headers_sent()) + { + $header = "Content-type: $mime;"; + if ($this->get_encoding()) + { + $header .= ' charset=' . $this->get_encoding(); + } + else + { + $header .= ' charset=UTF-8'; + } + header($header); + } + } + + function get_type() + { + if (!isset($this->data['type'])) + { + $this->data['type'] = SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ALL; + if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['feed'])) + { + $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_10; + } + elseif (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['feed'])) + { + $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_03; + } + elseif (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'])) + { + if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10]['channel']) + || isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10]['image']) + || isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10]['item']) + || isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10]['textinput'])) + { + $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_10; + } + if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090]['channel']) + || isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090]['image']) + || isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090]['item']) + || isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090]['textinput'])) + { + $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_090; + } + } + elseif (isset($this->data['child']['']['rss'])) + { + $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_ALL; + if (isset($this->data['child']['']['rss'][0]['attribs']['']['version'])) + { + switch (trim($this->data['child']['']['rss'][0]['attribs']['']['version'])) + { + case '0.91': + $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_091; + if (isset($this->data['child']['']['rss'][0]['child']['']['skiphours']['hour'][0]['data'])) + { + switch (trim($this->data['child']['']['rss'][0]['child']['']['skiphours']['hour'][0]['data'])) + { + case '0': + $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_091_NETSCAPE; + break; + + case '24': + $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_091_USERLAND; + break; + } + } + break; + + case '0.92': + $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_092; + break; + + case '0.93': + $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_093; + break; + + case '0.94': + $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_094; + break; + + case '2.0': + $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_20; + break; + } + } + } + else + { + $this->data['type'] = SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_NONE; + } + } + return $this->data['type']; + } + + /** + * Returns the URL for the favicon of the feed's website. + * + * @access public + * @since 1.0 + */ + function get_favicon() + { + if ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'icon')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif (($url = $this->get_link()) !== null && preg_match('/^http(s)?:\/\//i', $url)) + { + $favicon = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url('/favicon.ico', $url); + + if ($this->cache && $this->favicon_handler) + { + $cache =& new $this->cache_class($this->cache_location, call_user_func($this->cache_name_function, $favicon), 'spi'); + + if ($cache->load()) + { + return $this->sanitize($this->favicon_handler . rawurlencode($favicon), SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + else + { + $file =& new $this->file_class($favicon, $this->timeout / 10, 5, array('X-FORWARDED-FOR' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), $this->useragent, $this->force_fsockopen); + + if ($file->success && ($file->status_code == 200 || ($file->status_code > 206 && $file->status_code < 300)) && strlen($file->body) > 0) + { + if ($cache->save(array('headers' => $file->headers, 'body' => $file->body))) + { + return $this->sanitize($this->favicon_handler . rawurlencode($favicon), SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + else + { + trigger_error("$cache->name is not writeable", E_USER_WARNING); + return $this->sanitize($favicon, SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + } + } + } + else + { + return $this->sanitize($favicon, SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + } + return false; + } + + /** + * @todo If we have a perm redirect we should return the new URL + * @todo When we make the above change, let's support as well + * @todo Also, |atom:link|@rel=self + */ + function subscribe_url() + { + if ($this->feed_url !== null) + { + return $this->sanitize($this->feed_url, SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function subscribe_feed() + { + if ($this->feed_url !== null) + { + return $this->sanitize(SimplePie_Misc::fix_protocol($this->feed_url, 2), SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function subscribe_outlook() + { + if ($this->feed_url !== null) + { + return 'outlook' . $this->sanitize(SimplePie_Misc::fix_protocol($this->feed_url, 2), SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function subscribe_podcast() + { + if ($this->feed_url !== null) + { + return $this->sanitize(SimplePie_Misc::fix_protocol($this->feed_url, 3), SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function subscribe_itunes() + { + if ($this->feed_url !== null) + { + return $this->sanitize(SimplePie_Misc::fix_protocol($this->feed_url, 4), SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Creates the subscribe_* methods' return data + * + * @access private + * @param string $feed_url String to prefix to the feed URL + * @param string $site_url String to prefix to the site URL (and + * suffix to the feed URL) + * @return mixed URL if feed exists, false otherwise + */ + function subscribe_service($feed_url, $site_url = null) + { + if ($this->subscribe_url()) + { + $return = $this->sanitize($feed_url, SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI) . rawurlencode($this->subscribe_url()); + if ($site_url !== null && $this->get_link() !== null) + { + $return .= $this->sanitize($site_url, SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI) . rawurlencode($this->get_link()); + } + return $return; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function subscribe_aol() + { + return $this->subscribe_service(''); + } + + function subscribe_bloglines() + { + return urldecode($this->subscribe_service('')); + } + + function subscribe_eskobo() + { + return $this->subscribe_service(''); + } + + function subscribe_feedfeeds() + { + return $this->subscribe_service(''); + } + + function subscribe_feedster() + { + return $this->subscribe_service(''); + } + + function subscribe_google() + { + return $this->subscribe_service(''); + } + + function subscribe_gritwire() + { + return $this->subscribe_service(''); + } + + function subscribe_msn() + { + return $this->subscribe_service('', '&ru='); + } + + function subscribe_netvibes() + { + return $this->subscribe_service(''); + } + + function subscribe_newsburst() + { + return $this->subscribe_service(''); + } + + function subscribe_newsgator() + { + return $this->subscribe_service(''); + } + + function subscribe_odeo() + { + return $this->subscribe_service(''); + } + + function subscribe_podnova() + { + return $this->subscribe_service(''); + } + + function subscribe_rojo() + { + return $this->subscribe_service(''); + } + + function subscribe_yahoo() + { + return $this->subscribe_service(''); + } + + function get_feed_tags($namespace, $tag) + { + $type = $this->get_type(); + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_10) + { + if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['feed'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) + { + return $this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['feed'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; + } + } + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_03) + { + if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['feed'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) + { + return $this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['feed'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; + } + } + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_RDF) + { + if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) + { + return $this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; + } + } + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_SYNDICATION) + { + if (isset($this->data['child']['']['rss'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) + { + return $this->data['child']['']['rss'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; + } + } + return null; + } + + function get_channel_tags($namespace, $tag) + { + $type = $this->get_type(); + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_ALL) + { + if ($return = $this->get_feed_tags($namespace, $tag)) + { + return $return; + } + } + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_10) + { + if ($channel = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'channel')) + { + if (isset($channel[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) + { + return $channel[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; + } + } + } + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_090) + { + if ($channel = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'channel')) + { + if (isset($channel[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) + { + return $channel[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; + } + } + } + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_SYNDICATION) + { + if ($channel = $this->get_feed_tags('', 'channel')) + { + if (isset($channel[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) + { + return $channel[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; + } + } + } + return null; + } + + function get_image_tags($namespace, $tag) + { + $type = $this->get_type(); + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_10) + { + if ($image = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'image')) + { + if (isset($image[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) + { + return $image[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; + } + } + } + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_090) + { + if ($image = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'image')) + { + if (isset($image[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) + { + return $image[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; + } + } + } + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_SYNDICATION) + { + if ($image = $this->get_channel_tags('', 'image')) + { + if (isset($image[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) + { + return $image[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; + } + } + } + return null; + } + + function get_base($element = array()) + { + if (!($this->get_type() & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_SYNDICATION) && !empty($element['xml_base_explicit']) && isset($element['xml_base'])) + { + return $element['xml_base']; + } + elseif ($this->get_link() !== null) + { + return $this->get_link(); + } + elseif (isset($this->data['headers']['content-location'])) + { + return SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url($this->data['headers']['content-location'], $this->subscribe_url()); + } + else + { + return $this->subscribe_url(); + } + } + + function sanitize($data, $type, $base = '') + { + return $this->sanitize->sanitize($data, $type, $base); + } + + function get_title() + { + if ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SimplePie_Misc::atom_10_construct_type($return[0]['attribs']), $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SimplePie_Misc::atom_03_construct_type($return[0]['attribs']), $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags('', 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_link($key = 0, $rel = 'alternate') + { + $links = $this->get_links($rel); + if (isset($links[$key])) + { + return $links[$key]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Added for parity between the parent-level and the item/entry-level. + */ + function get_permalink() + { + return $this->get_link(0); + } + + function get_links($rel = 'alternate') + { + if (!isset($this->data['links'])) + { + $this->data['links'] = array(); + if ($links = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'link')) + { + foreach ($links as $link) + { + if (isset($link['attribs']['']['href'])) + { + $link_rel = (isset($link['attribs']['']['rel'])) ? $link['attribs']['']['rel'] : 'alternate'; + $this->data['links'][$link_rel][] = $this->sanitize($link['attribs']['']['href'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($link)); + } + } + } + if ($links = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'link')) + { + foreach ($links as $link) + { + if (isset($link['attribs']['']['href'])) + { + $link_rel = (isset($link['attribs']['']['rel'])) ? $link['attribs']['']['rel'] : 'alternate'; + $this->data['links'][$link_rel][] = $this->sanitize($link['attribs']['']['href'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($link)); + + } + } + } + if ($links = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'link')) + { + $this->data['links']['alternate'][] = $this->sanitize($links[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($links[0])); + } + if ($links = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'link')) + { + $this->data['links']['alternate'][] = $this->sanitize($links[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($links[0])); + } + if ($links = $this->get_channel_tags('', 'link')) + { + $this->data['links']['alternate'][] = $this->sanitize($links[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($links[0])); + } + + $keys = array_keys($this->data['links']); + foreach ($keys as $key) + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_isegment_nz_nc($key)) + { + if (isset($this->data['links'][SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY . $key])) + { + $this->data['links'][SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY . $key] = array_merge($this->data['links'][$key], $this->data['links'][SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY . $key]); + $this->data['links'][$key] =& $this->data['links'][SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY . $key]; + } + else + { + $this->data['links'][SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY . $key] =& $this->data['links'][$key]; + } + } + elseif (substr($key, 0, 41) == SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY) + { + $this->data['links'][substr($key, 41)] =& $this->data['links'][$key]; + } + $this->data['links'][$key] = array_unique($this->data['links'][$key]); + } + } + + if (isset($this->data['links'][$rel])) + { + return $this->data['links'][$rel]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_description() + { + if ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'subtitle')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SimplePie_Misc::atom_10_construct_type($return[0]['attribs']), $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'tagline')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SimplePie_Misc::atom_03_construct_type($return[0]['attribs']), $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'description')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'description')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags('', 'description')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'description')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'description')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'summary')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'subtitle')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_copyright() + { + if ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'rights')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SimplePie_Misc::atom_10_construct_type($return[0]['attribs']), $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags('', 'copyright')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'rights')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'rights')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_language() + { + if ($return = $this->get_channel_tags('', 'language')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'language')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'language')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['feed'][0]['xml_lang'])) + { + return $this->sanitize($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['feed'][0]['xml_lang'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['feed'][0]['xml_lang'])) + { + return $this->sanitize($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['feed'][0]['xml_lang'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['xml_lang'])) + { + return $this->sanitize($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['xml_lang'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif (isset($this->data['headers']['content-language'])) + { + return $this->sanitize($this->data['headers']['content-language'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_latitude() + { + if ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_W3C_BASIC_GEO, 'lat')) + { + return (float) $return[0]['data']; + } + elseif (($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_GEORSS, 'point')) && preg_match('/^((?:-)?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)) ((?:-)?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+))$/', $return[0]['data'], $match)) + { + return (float) $match[1]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_longitude() + { + if ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_W3C_BASIC_GEO, 'long')) + { + return (float) $return[0]['data']; + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_W3C_BASIC_GEO, 'lon')) + { + return (float) $return[0]['data']; + } + elseif (($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_GEORSS, 'point')) && preg_match('/^((?:-)?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)) ((?:-)?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+))$/', $return[0]['data'], $match)) + { + return (float) $match[2]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_image_title() + { + if ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags('', 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_image_url() + { + if ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'image')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['attribs']['']['href'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'logo')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'icon')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'url')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'url')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags('', 'url')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_image_link() + { + if ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'link')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'link')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags('', 'link')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_image_width() + { + if ($return = $this->get_image_tags('', 'width')) + { + return round($return[0]['data']); + } + elseif ($this->get_type() & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_SYNDICATION && $this->get_image_tags('', 'url')) + { + return 88.0; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_image_height() + { + if ($return = $this->get_image_tags('', 'height')) + { + return round($return[0]['data']); + } + elseif ($this->get_type() & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_SYNDICATION && $this->get_image_tags('', 'url')) + { + return 31.0; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_item_quantity($max = 0) + { + $qty = count($this->get_items()); + if ($max == 0) + { + return $qty; + } + else + { + return ($qty > $max) ? $max : $qty; + } + } + + function get_item($key = 0) + { + $items = $this->get_items(); + if (isset($items[$key])) + { + return $items[$key]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_items($start = 0, $end = 0) + { + if (!empty($this->multifeed_objects)) + { + return SimplePie::merge_items($this->multifeed_objects, $start, $end); + } + elseif (!isset($this->data['items'])) + { + if ($items = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'entry')) + { + $keys = array_keys($items); + foreach ($keys as $key) + { + $this->data['items'][] =& new $this->item_class($this, $items[$key]); + } + } + if ($items = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'entry')) + { + $keys = array_keys($items); + foreach ($keys as $key) + { + $this->data['items'][] =& new $this->item_class($this, $items[$key]); + } + } + if ($items = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'item')) + { + $keys = array_keys($items); + foreach ($keys as $key) + { + $this->data['items'][] =& new $this->item_class($this, $items[$key]); + } + } + if ($items = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'item')) + { + $keys = array_keys($items); + foreach ($keys as $key) + { + $this->data['items'][] =& new $this->item_class($this, $items[$key]); + } + } + if ($items = $this->get_channel_tags('', 'item')) + { + $keys = array_keys($items); + foreach ($keys as $key) + { + $this->data['items'][] =& new $this->item_class($this, $items[$key]); + } + } + } + + if (!empty($this->data['items'])) + { + // If we want to order it by date, check if all items have a date, and then sort it + if ($this->order_by_date) + { + if (!isset($this->data['ordered_items'])) + { + $do_sort = true; + foreach ($this->data['items'] as $item) + { + if (!$item->get_date('U')) + { + $do_sort = false; + break; + } + } + $item = null; + $this->data['ordered_items'] = $this->data['items']; + if ($do_sort) + { + usort($this->data['ordered_items'], array(&$this, 'sort_items')); + } + } + $items = $this->data['ordered_items']; + } + else + { + $items = $this->data['items']; + } + + // Slice the data as desired + if ($end == 0) + { + return array_slice($items, $start); + } + else + { + return array_slice($items, $start, $end); + } + } + else + { + return array(); + } + } + + function sort_items($a, $b) + { + return $a->get_date('U') <= $b->get_date('U'); + } + + function merge_items($urls, $start = 0, $end = 0) + { + if (is_array($urls) && sizeof($urls) > 0) + { + $items = array(); + foreach ($urls as $arg) + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_a($arg, 'SimplePie')) + { + $items = array_merge($items, $arg->get_items()); + } + else + { + trigger_error('Arguments must be SimplePie objects', E_USER_WARNING); + } + } + + $do_sort = true; + foreach ($items as $item) + { + if (!$item->get_date('U')) + { + $do_sort = false; + break; + } + } + $item = null; + if ($do_sort) + { + usort($items, array('SimplePie', 'sort_items')); + } + + if ($end == 0) + { + return array_slice($items, $start); + } + else + { + return array_slice($items, $start, $end); + } + } + else + { + trigger_error('Cannot merge zero SimplePie objects', E_USER_WARNING); + return array(); + } + } +} + +class SimplePie_Item +{ + var $feed; + var $data = array(); + + function SimplePie_Item($feed, $data) + { + $this->feed = $feed; + $this->data = $data; + } + + function __toString() + { + return md5(serialize($this->data)); + } + + function get_item_tags($namespace, $tag) + { + if (isset($this->data['child'][$namespace][$tag])) + { + return $this->data['child'][$namespace][$tag]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_base($element = array()) + { + return $this->feed->get_base($element); + } + + function sanitize($data, $type, $base = '') + { + return $this->feed->sanitize($data, $type, $base); + } + + function get_feed() + { + return $this->feed; + } + + function get_id($hash = false) + { + if ($hash) + { + return $this->__toString(); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'id')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'id')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags('', 'guid')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'identifier')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'identifier')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif (($return = $this->get_permalink()) !== null) + { + return $return; + } + elseif (($return = $this->get_title()) !== null) + { + return $return; + } + else + { + return $this->__toString(); + } + } + + function get_title() + { + if ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SimplePie_Misc::atom_10_construct_type($return[0]['attribs']), $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SimplePie_Misc::atom_03_construct_type($return[0]['attribs']), $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags('', 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'title')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_description($description_only = false) + { + if ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'summary')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SimplePie_Misc::atom_10_construct_type($return[0]['attribs']), $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'summary')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SimplePie_Misc::atom_03_construct_type($return[0]['attribs']), $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'description')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags('', 'description')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'description')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'description')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'summary')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'subtitle')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif (!$description_only) + { + return $this->get_content(true); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_content($content_only = false) + { + if ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'content')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SimplePie_Misc::atom_10_content_construct_type($return[0]['attribs']), $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'content')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SimplePie_Misc::atom_03_construct_type($return[0]['attribs']), $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10_MODULES_CONTENT, 'encoded')) + { + return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); + } + elseif (!$content_only) + { + return $this->get_description(true); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_category($key = 0) + { + $categories = $this->get_categories(); + if (isset($categories[$key])) + { + return $categories[$key]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_categories() + { + $categories = array(); + + foreach ((array) $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'category') as $category) + { + $term = null; + $scheme = null; + $label = null; + if (isset($category['attribs']['']['term'])) + { + $term = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['term'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($category['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $scheme = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($category['attribs']['']['label'])) + { + $label = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['label'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $categories[] =& new $this->feed->category_class($term, $scheme, $label); + } + foreach ((array) $this->get_item_tags('', 'category') as $category) + { + $categories[] =& new $this->feed->category_class($this->sanitize($category['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT), null, null); + } + foreach ((array) $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'subject') as $category) + { + $categories[] =& new $this->feed->category_class($this->sanitize($category['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT), null, null); + } + foreach ((array) $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'subject') as $category) + { + $categories[] =& new $this->feed->category_class($this->sanitize($category['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT), null, null); + } + + if (!empty($categories)) + { + return SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($categories); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_author($key = 0) + { + $authors = $this->get_authors(); + if (isset($authors[$key])) + { + return $authors[$key]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * @todo Atom inheritance (item author, source author, feed author) + */ + function get_authors() + { + $authors = array(); + foreach ((array) $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'author') as $author) + { + $name = null; + $uri = null; + $email = null; + if (isset($author['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['name'][0]['data'])) + { + $name = $this->sanitize($author['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['name'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($author['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['uri'][0]['data'])) + { + $uri = $this->sanitize($author['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['uri'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($author['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['uri'][0])); + } + if (isset($author['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['email'][0]['data'])) + { + $email = $this->sanitize($author['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['email'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if ($name !== null || $email !== null || $uri !== null) + { + $authors[] =& new $this->feed->author_class($name, $uri, $email); + } + } + if ($author = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'author')) + { + $name = null; + $url = null; + $email = null; + if (isset($author[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['name'][0]['data'])) + { + $name = $this->sanitize($author[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['name'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($author[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['url'][0]['data'])) + { + $uri = $this->sanitize($author[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['url'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($author[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['url'][0])); + } + if (isset($author[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['email'][0]['data'])) + { + $email = $this->sanitize($author[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['email'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if ($name !== null || $email !== null || $uri !== null) + { + $authors[] =& new $this->feed->author_class($name, $url, $email); + } + } + if ($author = $this->get_item_tags('', 'author')) + { + $authors[] =& new $this->feed->author_class(null, null, $this->sanitize($author[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT)); + } + foreach ((array) $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'creator') as $author) + { + $authors[] =& new $this->feed->author_class($this->sanitize($author['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT), null, null); + } + foreach ((array) $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'creator') as $author) + { + $authors[] =& new $this->feed->author_class($this->sanitize($author['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT), null, null); + } + foreach ((array) $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'author') as $author) + { + $authors[] =& new $this->feed->author_class($this->sanitize($author['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT), null, null); + } + + if (!empty($authors)) + { + return SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($authors); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_date($date_format = 'j F Y, g:i a') + { + if (!isset($this->data['date'])) + { + if ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'published')) + { + $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'updated')) + { + $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'issued')) + { + $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'created')) + { + $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'modified')) + { + $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags('', 'pubDate')) + { + $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'date')) + { + $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'date')) + { + $this->data['date']['raw'] = $return[0]['data']; + } + + if (!empty($this->data['date']['raw'])) + { + $this->data['date']['parsed'] = SimplePie_Misc::parse_date($this->data['date']['raw']); + } + else + { + $this->data['date'] = null; + } + } + if ($this->data['date']) + { + $date_format = (string) $date_format; + switch ($date_format) + { + case '': + return $this->sanitize($this->data['date']['raw'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + + case 'U': + return $this->data['date']['parsed']; + + default: + return date($date_format, $this->data['date']['parsed']); + } + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_local_date($date_format = '%c') + { + if (!$date_format) + { + return $this->sanitize($this->get_date(''), SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif (($date = $this->get_date('U')) !== null) + { + return strftime($date_format, $date); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_permalink() + { + $link = $this->get_link(); + $enclosure = $this->get_enclosure(0); + if ($link !== null) + { + return $link; + } + elseif ($enclosure !== null) + { + return $enclosure->get_link(); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_link($key = 0, $rel = 'alternate') + { + $links = $this->get_links($rel); + if ($links[$key] !== null) + { + return $links[$key]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_links($rel = 'alternate') + { + if (!isset($this->data['links'])) + { + $this->data['links'] = array(); + foreach ((array) $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'link') as $link) + { + if (isset($link['attribs']['']['href'])) + { + $link_rel = (isset($link['attribs']['']['rel'])) ? $link['attribs']['']['rel'] : 'alternate'; + $this->data['links'][$link_rel][] = $this->sanitize($link['attribs']['']['href'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($link)); + + } + } + foreach ((array) $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'link') as $link) + { + if (isset($link['attribs']['']['href'])) + { + $link_rel = (isset($link['attribs']['']['rel'])) ? $link['attribs']['']['rel'] : 'alternate'; + $this->data['links'][$link_rel][] = $this->sanitize($link['attribs']['']['href'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($link)); + } + } + if ($links = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'link')) + { + $this->data['links']['alternate'][] = $this->sanitize($links[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($links[0])); + } + if ($links = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'link')) + { + $this->data['links']['alternate'][] = $this->sanitize($links[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($links[0])); + } + if ($links = $this->get_item_tags('', 'link')) + { + $this->data['links']['alternate'][] = $this->sanitize($links[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($links[0])); + } + if ($links = $this->get_item_tags('', 'guid')) + { + if (!isset($links[0]['attribs']['']['isPermaLink']) || strtolower(trim($links[0]['attribs']['']['isPermaLink'])) == 'true') + { + $this->data['links']['alternate'][] = $this->sanitize($links[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($links[0])); + } + } + + $keys = array_keys($this->data['links']); + foreach ($keys as $key) + { + if (SimplePie_Misc::is_isegment_nz_nc($key)) + { + if (isset($this->data['links'][SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY . $key])) + { + $this->data['links'][SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY . $key] = array_merge($this->data['links'][$key], $this->data['links'][SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY . $key]); + $this->data['links'][$key] =& $this->data['links'][SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY . $key]; + } + else + { + $this->data['links'][SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY . $key] =& $this->data['links'][$key]; + } + } + elseif (substr($key, 0, 41) == SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY) + { + $this->data['links'][substr($key, 41)] =& $this->data['links'][$key]; + } + $this->data['links'][$key] = array_unique($this->data['links'][$key]); + } + } + if (isset($this->data['links'][$rel])) + { + return $this->data['links'][$rel]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * @todo Add ability to prefer one type of content over another (in a media group). + */ + function get_enclosure($key = 0, $prefer = null) + { + $enclosures = $this->get_enclosures(); + if (isset($enclosures[$key])) + { + return $enclosures[$key]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Grabs all available enclosures (podcasts, etc.) + * + * Supports the RSS tag, as well as Media RSS and iTunes RSS. + * + * At this point, we're pretty much assuming that all enclosures for an item are the same content. Anything else is too complicated to properly support. + * + * @todo Add support for end-user defined sorting of enclosures by type/handler (so we can prefer the faster-loading FLV over MP4). + * @todo Add support for itunes: tags. These should be relatively simple compared to media:. + * @todo If an element exists at a level, but it's value is empty, we should fall back to the value from the parent (if it exists). + */ + function get_enclosures() + { + if (!isset($this->data['enclosures'])) + { + $this->data['enclosures'] = array(); + + // Elements + $captions_parent = null; + $categories_parent = null; + $copyrights_parent = null; + $credits_parent = null; + $description_parent = null; + $duration_parent = null; + $hashes_parent = null; + $keywords_parent = null; + $player_parent = null; + $ratings_parent = null; + $restrictions_parent = null; + $thumbnails_parent = null; + $title_parent = null; + + // Let's do the channel and item-level ones first, and just re-use them if we need to. + $parent = $this->get_feed(); + + // CAPTIONS + if ($captions = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'text')) + { + foreach ($captions as $caption) + { + $caption_type = null; + $caption_lang = null; + $caption_startTime = null; + $caption_endTime = null; + $caption_text = null; + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['type'])) + { + $caption_type = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['type'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['lang'])) + { + $caption_lang = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['lang'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['start'])) + { + $caption_startTime = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['start'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['end'])) + { + $caption_endTime = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['end'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['data'])) + { + $caption_text = $this->sanitize($caption['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $captions_parent[] =& new $this->feed->caption_class($caption_type, $caption_lang, $caption_startTime, $caption_endTime, $caption_text); + } + } + elseif ($captions = $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'text')) + { + foreach ($captions as $caption) + { + $caption_type = null; + $caption_lang = null; + $caption_startTime = null; + $caption_endTime = null; + $caption_text = null; + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['type'])) + { + $caption_type = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['type'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['lang'])) + { + $caption_lang = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['lang'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['start'])) + { + $caption_startTime = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['start'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['end'])) + { + $caption_endTime = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['end'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['data'])) + { + $caption_text = $this->sanitize($caption['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $captions_parent[] =& new $this->feed->caption_class($caption_type, $caption_lang, $caption_startTime, $caption_endTime, $caption_text); + } + } + if (is_array($captions_parent)) + { + $captions_parent = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($captions_parent)); + } + + // CATEGORIES + foreach ((array) $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'category') as $category) + { + $term = null; + $scheme = null; + $label = null; + if (isset($category['data'])) + { + $term = $this->sanitize($category['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($category['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $scheme = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $scheme = ''; + } + if (isset($category['attribs']['']['label'])) + { + $label = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['label'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $categories_parent[] =& new $this->feed->category_class($term, $scheme, $label); + } + foreach ((array) $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'category') as $category) + { + $term = null; + $scheme = null; + $label = null; + if (isset($category['data'])) + { + $term = $this->sanitize($category['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($category['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $scheme = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $scheme = ''; + } + if (isset($category['attribs']['']['label'])) + { + $label = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['label'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $categories_parent[] =& new $this->feed->category_class($term, $scheme, $label); + } + foreach ((array) $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'category') as $category) + { + $term = null; + $scheme = ''; + $label = null; + if (isset($category['attribs']['']['text'])) + { + $label = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['text'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $categories_parent[] =& new $this->feed->category_class($term, $scheme, $label); + + if (isset($category['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES]['category'])) + { + foreach ((array) $category['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES]['category'] as $subcategory) + { + if (isset($subcategory['attribs']['']['text'])) + { + $label = $this->sanitize($subcategory['attribs']['']['text'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $categories_parent[] =& new $this->feed->category_class($term, $scheme, $label); + } + } + } + if (is_array($categories_parent)) + { + $categories_parent = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($categories_parent)); + } + + // COPYRIGHT + if ($copyright = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'copyright')) + { + $copyright_url = null; + $copyright_label = null; + if (isset($copyright[0]['attribs']['']['url'])) + { + $copyright_url = $this->sanitize($copyright[0]['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($copyright[0]['data'])) + { + $copyright_label = $this->sanitize($copyright[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $copyrights_parent =& new $this->feed->copyright_class($copyright_url, $copyright_label); + } + elseif ($copyright = $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'copyright')) + { + $copyright_url = null; + $copyright_label = null; + if (isset($copyright[0]['attribs']['']['url'])) + { + $copyright_url = $this->sanitize($copyright[0]['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($copyright[0]['data'])) + { + $copyright_label = $this->sanitize($copyright[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $copyrights_parent =& new $this->feed->copyright_class($copyright_url, $copyright_label); + } + + // CREDITS + if ($credits = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'credit')) + { + foreach ($credits as $credit) + { + $credit_role = null; + $credit_scheme = null; + $credit_name = null; + if (isset($credit['attribs']['']['role'])) + { + $credit_role = $this->sanitize($credit['attribs']['']['role'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($credit['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $credit_scheme = $this->sanitize($credit['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $credit_scheme = 'urn:ebu'; + } + if (isset($credit['data'])) + { + $credit_name = $this->sanitize($credit['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $credits_parent[] =& new $this->feed->credit_class($credit_role, $credit_scheme, $credit_name); + } + } + elseif ($credits = $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'credit')) + { + foreach ($credits as $credit) + { + $credit_role = null; + $credit_scheme = null; + $credit_name = null; + if (isset($credit['attribs']['']['role'])) + { + $credit_role = $this->sanitize($credit['attribs']['']['role'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($credit['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $credit_scheme = $this->sanitize($credit['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $credit_scheme = 'urn:ebu'; + } + if (isset($credit['data'])) + { + $credit_name = $this->sanitize($credit['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $credits_parent[] =& new $this->feed->credit_class($credit_role, $credit_scheme, $credit_name); + } + } + if (is_array($credits_parent)) + { + $credits_parent = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($credits_parent)); + } + + // DESCRIPTION + if ($description_parent = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'description')) + { + if (isset($description_parent[0]['data'])) + { + $description_parent = $this->sanitize($description_parent[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + } + elseif ($description_parent = $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'description')) + { + if (isset($description_parent[0]['data'])) + { + $description_parent = $this->sanitize($description_parent[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + } + + // DURATION + if ($duration_parent = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'duration')) + { + $seconds = null; + $minutes = null; + $hours = null; + if (isset($duration_parent[0]['data'])) + { + $temp = explode(':', $this->sanitize($duration_parent[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT)); + if (sizeof($temp) > 0) + { + (int) $seconds = array_pop($temp); + } + if (sizeof($temp) > 0) + { + (int) $minutes = array_pop($temp); + $seconds += $minutes * 60; + } + if (sizeof($temp) > 0) + { + (int) $hours = array_pop($temp); + $seconds += $hours * 3600; + } + unset($temp); + $duration_parent = $seconds; + } + } + + // HASHES + if ($hashes_iterator = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'hash')) + { + foreach ($hashes_iterator as $hash) + { + $value = null; + $algo = null; + if (isset($hash['data'])) + { + $value = $this->sanitize($hash['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($hash['attribs']['']['algo'])) + { + $algo = $this->sanitize($hash['attribs']['']['algo'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $algo = 'md5'; + } + $hashes_parent[] = $algo.':'.$value; + } + } + elseif ($hashes_iterator = $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'hash')) + { + foreach ($hashes_iterator as $hash) + { + $value = null; + $algo = null; + if (isset($hash['data'])) + { + $value = $this->sanitize($hash['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($hash['attribs']['']['algo'])) + { + $algo = $this->sanitize($hash['attribs']['']['algo'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $algo = 'md5'; + } + $hashes_parent[] = $algo.':'.$value; + } + } + if (is_array($hashes_parent)) + { + $hashes_parent = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($hashes_parent)); + } + + // KEYWORDS + if ($keywords = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'keywords')) + { + if (isset($keywords[0]['data'])) + { + $temp = explode(',', $this->sanitize($keywords[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT)); + foreach ($temp as $word) + { + $keywords_parent[] = trim($word); + } + } + unset($temp); + } + elseif ($keywords = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'keywords')) + { + if (isset($keywords[0]['data'])) + { + $temp = explode(',', $this->sanitize($keywords[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT)); + foreach ($temp as $word) + { + $keywords_parent[] = trim($word); + } + } + unset($temp); + } + elseif ($keywords = $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'keywords')) + { + if (isset($keywords[0]['data'])) + { + $temp = explode(',', $this->sanitize($keywords[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT)); + foreach ($temp as $word) + { + $keywords_parent[] = trim($word); + } + } + unset($temp); + } + elseif ($keywords = $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'keywords')) + { + if (isset($keywords[0]['data'])) + { + $temp = explode(',', $this->sanitize($keywords[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT)); + foreach ($temp as $word) + { + $keywords_parent[] = trim($word); + } + } + unset($temp); + } + if (is_array($keywords_parent)) + { + $keywords_parent = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($keywords_parent)); + } + + // PLAYER + if ($player_parent = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'player')) + { + if (isset($player_parent[0]['attribs']['']['url'])) + { + $player_parent = $this->sanitize($player_parent[0]['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + } + elseif ($player_parent = $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'player')) + { + if (isset($player_parent[0]['attribs']['']['url'])) + { + $player_parent = $this->sanitize($player_parent[0]['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + } + + // RATINGS + if ($ratings = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'rating')) + { + foreach ($ratings as $rating) + { + $rating_scheme = null; + $rating_value = null; + if (isset($rating['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $rating_scheme = $this->sanitize($rating['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $rating_scheme = 'urn:simple'; + } + if (isset($rating['data'])) + { + $rating_value = $this->sanitize($rating['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $ratings_parent[] =& new $this->feed->rating_class($rating_scheme, $rating_value); + } + } + elseif ($ratings = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'explicit')) + { + foreach ($ratings as $rating) + { + $rating_scheme = 'urn:itunes'; + $rating_value = null; + if (isset($rating['data'])) + { + $rating_value = $this->sanitize($rating['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $ratings_parent[] =& new $this->feed->rating_class($rating_scheme, $rating_value); + } + } + elseif ($ratings = $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'rating')) + { + foreach ($ratings as $rating) + { + $rating_scheme = null; + $rating_value = null; + if (isset($rating['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $rating_scheme = $this->sanitize($rating['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $rating_scheme = 'urn:simple'; + } + if (isset($rating['data'])) + { + $rating_value = $this->sanitize($rating['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $ratings_parent[] =& new $this->feed->rating_class($rating_scheme, $rating_value); + } + } + elseif ($ratings = $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'explicit')) + { + foreach ($ratings as $rating) + { + $rating_scheme = 'urn:itunes'; + $rating_value = null; + if (isset($rating['data'])) + { + $rating_value = $this->sanitize($rating['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $ratings_parent[] =& new $this->feed->rating_class($rating_scheme, $rating_value); + } + } + if (is_array($ratings_parent)) + { + $ratings_parent = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($ratings_parent)); + } + + // RESTRICTIONS + if ($restrictions = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'restriction')) + { + foreach ($restrictions as $restriction) + { + $restriction_relationship = null; + $restriction_type = null; + $restriction_value = null; + if (isset($restriction['attribs']['']['relationship'])) + { + $restriction_relationship = $this->sanitize($restriction['attribs']['']['relationship'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($restriction['attribs']['']['type'])) + { + $restriction_type = $this->sanitize($restriction['attribs']['']['type'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($restriction['data'])) + { + $restriction_value = $this->sanitize($restriction['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $restrictions_parent[] =& new $this->feed->restriction_class($restriction_relationship, $restriction_type, $restriction_value); + } + } + elseif ($restrictions = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'block')) + { + foreach ($restrictions as $restriction) + { + $restriction_relationship = 'allow'; + $restriction_type = null; + $restriction_value = 'itunes'; + if (isset($restriction['data']) && strtolower($restriction['data']) == 'yes') + { + $restriction_relationship = 'deny'; + } + $restrictions_parent[] =& new $this->feed->restriction_class($restriction_relationship, $restriction_type, $restriction_value); + } + } + elseif ($restrictions = $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'restriction')) + { + foreach ($restrictions as $restriction) + { + $restriction_relationship = null; + $restriction_type = null; + $restriction_value = null; + if (isset($restriction['attribs']['']['relationship'])) + { + $restriction_relationship = $this->sanitize($restriction['attribs']['']['relationship'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($restriction['attribs']['']['type'])) + { + $restriction_type = $this->sanitize($restriction['attribs']['']['type'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($restriction['data'])) + { + $restriction_value = $this->sanitize($restriction['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $restrictions_parent[] =& new $this->feed->restriction_class($restriction_relationship, $restriction_type, $restriction_value); + } + } + elseif ($restrictions = $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'block')) + { + foreach ($restrictions as $restriction) + { + $restriction_relationship = 'allow'; + $restriction_type = null; + $restriction_value = 'itunes'; + if (isset($restriction['data']) && strtolower($restriction['data']) == 'yes') + { + $restriction_relationship = 'deny'; + } + $restrictions_parent[] =& new $this->feed->restriction_class($restriction_relationship, $restriction_type, $restriction_value); + } + } + if (is_array($restrictions_parent)) + { + $restrictions_parent = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($restrictions_parent)); + } + + // THUMBNAILS + if ($thumbnails = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'thumbnail')) + { + foreach ($thumbnails as $thumbnail) + { + if (isset($thumbnail['attribs']['']['url'])) + { + $thumbnails_parent[] = $this->sanitize($thumbnail['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + } + } + elseif ($thumbnails = $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'thumbnail')) + { + foreach ($thumbnails as $thumbnail) + { + if (isset($thumbnail['attribs']['']['url'])) + { + $thumbnails_parent[] = $this->sanitize($thumbnail['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + } + } + + // TITLES + if ($title_parent = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'title')) + { + if (isset($title_parent[0]['data'])) + { + $title_parent = $this->sanitize($title_parent[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + } + elseif ($title_parent = $parent->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'title')) + { + if (isset($title_parent[0]['data'])) + { + $title_parent = $this->sanitize($title_parent[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + } + + // Clear the memory + unset($parent); + + // If we have media:group tags, loop through them. + foreach ((array) $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'group') as $group) + { + // If we have media:content tags, loop through them. + foreach ((array) $group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['content'] as $content) + { + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['url'])) + { + // Attributes + $bitrate = null; + $channels = null; + $duration = null; + $expression = null; + $framerate = null; + $height = null; + $javascript = null; + $lang = null; + $length = null; + $medium = null; + $samplingrate = null; + $type = null; + $url = null; + $width = null; + + // Elements + $captions = null; + $categories = null; + $copyrights = null; + $credits = null; + $description = null; + $hashes = null; + $keywords = null; + $player = null; + $ratings = null; + $restrictions = null; + $thumbnails = null; + $title = null; + + // Start checking the attributes of media:content + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['bitrate'])) + { + $bitrate = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['bitrate'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['channels'])) + { + $channels = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['channels'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['duration'])) + { + $duration = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['duration'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $duration = $duration_parent; + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['expression'])) + { + $expression = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['expression'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['framerate'])) + { + $framerate = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['framerate'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['height'])) + { + $height = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['height'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['lang'])) + { + $lang = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['lang'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['fileSize'])) + { + $length = ceil($content['attribs']['']['fileSize']); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['medium'])) + { + $medium = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['medium'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['samplingrate'])) + { + $samplingrate = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['samplingrate'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['type'])) + { + $type = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['type'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['width'])) + { + $width = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['width'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $url = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + + // Checking the other optional media: elements. Priority: media:content, media:group, item, channel + + // CAPTIONS + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['text'])) + { + foreach ($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['text'] as $caption) + { + $caption_type = null; + $caption_lang = null; + $caption_startTime = null; + $caption_endTime = null; + $caption_text = null; + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['type'])) + { + $caption_type = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['type'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['lang'])) + { + $caption_lang = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['lang'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['start'])) + { + $caption_startTime = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['start'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['end'])) + { + $caption_endTime = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['end'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['data'])) + { + $caption_text = $this->sanitize($caption['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $captions[] =& new $this->feed->caption_class($caption_type, $caption_lang, $caption_startTime, $caption_endTime, $caption_text); + } + if (is_array($captions)) + { + $captions = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($captions)); + } + } + elseif (isset($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['text'])) + { + foreach ($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['text'] as $caption) + { + $caption_type = null; + $caption_lang = null; + $caption_startTime = null; + $caption_endTime = null; + $caption_text = null; + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['type'])) + { + $caption_type = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['type'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['lang'])) + { + $caption_lang = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['lang'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['start'])) + { + $caption_startTime = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['start'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['end'])) + { + $caption_endTime = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['end'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['data'])) + { + $caption_text = $this->sanitize($caption['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $captions[] =& new $this->feed->caption_class($caption_type, $caption_lang, $caption_startTime, $caption_endTime, $caption_text); + } + if (is_array($captions)) + { + $captions = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($captions)); + } + } + else + { + $captions = $captions_parent; + } + + // CATEGORIES + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['category'])) + { + foreach ((array) $content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['category'] as $category) + { + $term = null; + $scheme = null; + $label = null; + if (isset($category['data'])) + { + $term = $this->sanitize($category['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($category['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $scheme = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $scheme = ''; + } + if (isset($category['attribs']['']['label'])) + { + $label = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['label'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $categories[] =& new $this->feed->category_class($term, $scheme, $label); + } + } + if (isset($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['category'])) + { + foreach ((array) $group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['category'] as $category) + { + $term = null; + $scheme = null; + $label = null; + if (isset($category['data'])) + { + $term = $this->sanitize($category['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($category['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $scheme = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $scheme = ''; + } + if (isset($category['attribs']['']['label'])) + { + $label = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['label'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $categories[] =& new $this->feed->category_class($term, $scheme, $label); + } + } + if (is_array($categories) && is_array($categories_parent)) + { + $categories = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique(array_merge($categories, $categories_parent))); + } + elseif (is_array($categories)) + { + $categories = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($categories)); + } + elseif (is_array($categories_parent)) + { + $categories = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($categories_parent)); + } + + // COPYRIGHTS + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['copyright'])) + { + $copyright_url = null; + $copyright_label = null; + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['copyright'][0]['attribs']['']['url'])) + { + $copyright_url = $this->sanitize($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['copyright'][0]['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['copyright'][0]['data'])) + { + $copyright_label = $this->sanitize($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['copyright'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $copyrights =& new $this->feed->copyright_class($copyright_url, $copyright_label); + } + elseif (isset($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['copyright'])) + { + $copyright_url = null; + $copyright_label = null; + if (isset($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['copyright'][0]['attribs']['']['url'])) + { + $copyright_url = $this->sanitize($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['copyright'][0]['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['copyright'][0]['data'])) + { + $copyright_label = $this->sanitize($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['copyright'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $copyrights =& new $this->feed->copyright_class($copyright_url, $copyright_label); + } + else + { + $copyrights = $copyrights_parent; + } + + // CREDITS + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['credit'])) + { + foreach ($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['credit'] as $credit) + { + $credit_role = null; + $credit_scheme = null; + $credit_name = null; + if (isset($credit['attribs']['']['role'])) + { + $credit_role = $this->sanitize($credit['attribs']['']['role'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($credit['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $credit_scheme = $this->sanitize($credit['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $credit_scheme = 'urn:ebu'; + } + if (isset($credit['data'])) + { + $credit_name = $this->sanitize($credit['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $credits[] =& new $this->feed->credit_class($credit_role, $credit_scheme, $credit_name); + } + if (is_array($credits)) + { + $credits = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($credits)); + } + } + elseif (isset($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['credit'])) + { + foreach ($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['credit'] as $credit) + { + $credit_role = null; + $credit_scheme = null; + $credit_name = null; + if (isset($credit['attribs']['']['role'])) + { + $credit_role = $this->sanitize($credit['attribs']['']['role'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($credit['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $credit_scheme = $this->sanitize($credit['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $credit_scheme = 'urn:ebu'; + } + if (isset($credit['data'])) + { + $credit_name = $this->sanitize($credit['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $credits[] =& new $this->feed->credit_class($credit_role, $credit_scheme, $credit_name); + } + if (is_array($credits)) + { + $credits = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($credits)); + } + } + else + { + $credits = $credits_parent; + } + + // DESCRIPTION + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['description'])) + { + $description = $this->sanitize($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['description'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif (isset($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['description'])) + { + $description = $this->sanitize($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['description'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $description = $description_parent; + } + + // HASHES + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['hash'])) + { + foreach ($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['hash'] as $hash) + { + $value = null; + $algo = null; + if (isset($hash['data'])) + { + $value = $this->sanitize($hash['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($hash['attribs']['']['algo'])) + { + $algo = $this->sanitize($hash['attribs']['']['algo'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $algo = 'md5'; + } + $hashes[] = $algo.':'.$value; + } + if (is_array($hashes)) + { + $hashes = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($hashes)); + } + } + elseif (isset($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['hash'])) + { + foreach ($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['hash'] as $hash) + { + $value = null; + $algo = null; + if (isset($hash['data'])) + { + $value = $this->sanitize($hash['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($hash['attribs']['']['algo'])) + { + $algo = $this->sanitize($hash['attribs']['']['algo'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $algo = 'md5'; + } + $hashes[] = $algo.':'.$value; + } + if (is_array($hashes)) + { + $hashes = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($hashes)); + } + } + else + { + $hashes = $hashes_parent; + } + + // KEYWORDS + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['keywords'])) + { + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['keywords'][0]['data'])) + { + $temp = explode(',', $this->sanitize($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['keywords'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT)); + foreach ($temp as $word) + { + $keywords[] = trim($word); + } + unset($temp); + } + if (is_array($keywords)) + { + $keywords = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($keywords)); + } + } + elseif (isset($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['keywords'])) + { + if (isset($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['keywords'][0]['data'])) + { + $temp = explode(',', $this->sanitize($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['keywords'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT)); + foreach ($temp as $word) + { + $keywords[] = trim($word); + } + unset($temp); + } + if (is_array($keywords)) + { + $keywords = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($keywords)); + } + } + else + { + $keywords = $keywords_parent; + } + + // PLAYER + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['player'])) + { + $player = $this->sanitize($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['player'][0]['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + elseif (isset($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['player'])) + { + $player = $this->sanitize($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['player'][0]['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + else + { + $player = $player_parent; + } + + // RATINGS + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['rating'])) + { + foreach ($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['rating'] as $rating) + { + $rating_scheme = null; + $rating_value = null; + if (isset($rating['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $rating_scheme = $this->sanitize($rating['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $rating_scheme = 'urn:simple'; + } + if (isset($rating['data'])) + { + $rating_value = $this->sanitize($rating['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $ratings[] =& new $this->feed->rating_class($rating_scheme, $rating_value); + } + if (is_array($ratings)) + { + $ratings = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($ratings)); + } + } + elseif (isset($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['rating'])) + { + foreach ($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['rating'] as $rating) + { + $rating_scheme = null; + $rating_value = null; + if (isset($rating['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $rating_scheme = $this->sanitize($rating['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $rating_scheme = 'urn:simple'; + } + if (isset($rating['data'])) + { + $rating_value = $this->sanitize($rating['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $ratings[] =& new $this->feed->rating_class($rating_scheme, $rating_value); + } + if (is_array($ratings)) + { + $ratings = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($ratings)); + } + } + else + { + $ratings = $ratings_parent; + } + + // RESTRICTIONS + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['restriction'])) + { + foreach ($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['restriction'] as $restriction) + { + $restriction_relationship = null; + $restriction_type = null; + $restriction_value = null; + if (isset($restriction['attribs']['']['relationship'])) + { + $restriction_relationship = $this->sanitize($restriction['attribs']['']['relationship'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($restriction['attribs']['']['type'])) + { + $restriction_type = $this->sanitize($restriction['attribs']['']['type'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($restriction['data'])) + { + $restriction_value = $this->sanitize($restriction['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $restrictions[] =& new $this->feed->restriction_class($restriction_relationship, $restriction_type, $restriction_value); + } + if (is_array($restrictions)) + { + $restrictions = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($restrictions)); + } + } + elseif (isset($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['restriction'])) + { + foreach ($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['restriction'] as $restriction) + { + $restriction_relationship = null; + $restriction_type = null; + $restriction_value = null; + if (isset($restriction['attribs']['']['relationship'])) + { + $restriction_relationship = $this->sanitize($restriction['attribs']['']['relationship'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($restriction['attribs']['']['type'])) + { + $restriction_type = $this->sanitize($restriction['attribs']['']['type'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($restriction['data'])) + { + $restriction_value = $this->sanitize($restriction['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $restrictions[] =& new $this->feed->restriction_class($restriction_relationship, $restriction_type, $restriction_value); + } + if (is_array($restrictions)) + { + $restrictions = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($restrictions)); + } + } + else + { + $restrictions = $restrictions_parent; + } + + // THUMBNAILS + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['thumbnail'])) + { + foreach ($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['thumbnail'] as $thumbnail) + { + $thumbnails[] = $this->sanitize($thumbnail['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + if (is_array($thumbnails)) + { + $thumbnails = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($thumbnails)); + } + } + elseif (isset($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['thumbnail'])) + { + foreach ($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['thumbnail'] as $thumbnail) + { + $thumbnails[] = $this->sanitize($thumbnail['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + if (is_array($thumbnails)) + { + $thumbnails = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($thumbnails)); + } + } + else + { + $thumbnails = $thumbnails_parent; + } + + // TITLES + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['title'])) + { + $title = $this->sanitize($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['title'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + elseif (isset($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['title'])) + { + $title = $this->sanitize($group['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['title'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $title = $title_parent; + } + + $this->data['enclosures'][] =& new $this->feed->enclosure_class($url, $type, $length, $this->feed->javascript, $bitrate, $captions, $categories, $channels, $copyrights, $credits, $description, $duration, $expression, $framerate, $hashes, $height, $keywords, $lang, $medium, $player, $ratings, $restrictions, $samplingrate, $thumbnails, $title, $width); + } + } + } + + // If we have standalone media:content tags, loop through them. + if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['content'])) + { + foreach ((array) $this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['content'] as $content) + { + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['url'])) + { + // Attributes + $bitrate = null; + $channels = null; + $duration = null; + $expression = null; + $framerate = null; + $height = null; + $javascript = null; + $lang = null; + $length = null; + $medium = null; + $samplingrate = null; + $type = null; + $url = null; + $width = null; + + // Elements + $captions = null; + $categories = null; + $copyrights = null; + $credits = null; + $description = null; + $hashes = null; + $keywords = null; + $player = null; + $ratings = null; + $restrictions = null; + $thumbnails = null; + $title = null; + + // Start checking the attributes of media:content + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['bitrate'])) + { + $bitrate = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['bitrate'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['channels'])) + { + $channels = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['channels'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['duration'])) + { + $duration = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['duration'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $duration = $duration_parent; + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['expression'])) + { + $expression = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['expression'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['framerate'])) + { + $framerate = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['framerate'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['height'])) + { + $height = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['height'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['lang'])) + { + $lang = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['lang'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['fileSize'])) + { + $length = ceil($content['attribs']['']['fileSize']); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['medium'])) + { + $medium = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['medium'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['samplingrate'])) + { + $samplingrate = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['samplingrate'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['type'])) + { + $type = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['type'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['attribs']['']['width'])) + { + $width = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['width'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $url = $this->sanitize($content['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + + // Checking the other optional media: elements. Priority: media:content, media:group, item, channel + + // CAPTIONS + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['text'])) + { + foreach ($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['text'] as $caption) + { + $caption_type = null; + $caption_lang = null; + $caption_startTime = null; + $caption_endTime = null; + $caption_text = null; + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['type'])) + { + $caption_type = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['type'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['lang'])) + { + $caption_lang = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['lang'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['start'])) + { + $caption_startTime = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['start'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['attribs']['']['end'])) + { + $caption_endTime = $this->sanitize($caption['attribs']['']['end'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($caption['data'])) + { + $caption_text = $this->sanitize($caption['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $captions[] =& new $this->feed->caption_class($caption_type, $caption_lang, $caption_startTime, $caption_endTime, $caption_text); + } + if (is_array($captions)) + { + $captions = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($captions)); + } + } + else + { + $captions = $captions_parent; + } + + // CATEGORIES + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['category'])) + { + foreach ((array) $content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['category'] as $category) + { + $term = null; + $scheme = null; + $label = null; + if (isset($category['data'])) + { + $term = $this->sanitize($category['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($category['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $scheme = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $scheme = ''; + } + if (isset($category['attribs']['']['label'])) + { + $label = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['label'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $categories[] =& new $this->feed->category_class($term, $scheme, $label); + } + } + if (is_array($categories) && is_array($categories_parent)) + { + $categories = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique(array_merge($categories, $categories_parent))); + } + elseif (is_array($categories)) + { + $categories = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($categories)); + } + elseif (is_array($categories_parent)) + { + $categories = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($categories_parent)); + } + else + { + $categories = null; + } + + // COPYRIGHTS + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['copyright'])) + { + $copyright_url = null; + $copyright_label = null; + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['copyright'][0]['attribs']['']['url'])) + { + $copyright_url = $this->sanitize($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['copyright'][0]['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['copyright'][0]['data'])) + { + $copyright_label = $this->sanitize($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['copyright'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $copyrights =& new $this->feed->copyright_class($copyright_url, $copyright_label); + } + else + { + $copyrights = $copyrights_parent; + } + + // CREDITS + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['credit'])) + { + foreach ($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['credit'] as $credit) + { + $credit_role = null; + $credit_scheme = null; + $credit_name = null; + if (isset($credit['attribs']['']['role'])) + { + $credit_role = $this->sanitize($credit['attribs']['']['role'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($credit['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $credit_scheme = $this->sanitize($credit['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $credit_scheme = 'urn:ebu'; + } + if (isset($credit['data'])) + { + $credit_name = $this->sanitize($credit['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $credits[] =& new $this->feed->credit_class($credit_role, $credit_scheme, $credit_name); + } + if (is_array($credits)) + { + $credits = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($credits)); + } + } + else + { + $credits = $credits_parent; + } + + // DESCRIPTION + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['description'])) + { + $description = $this->sanitize($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['description'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $description = $description_parent; + } + + // HASHES + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['hash'])) + { + foreach ($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['hash'] as $hash) + { + $value = null; + $algo = null; + if (isset($hash['data'])) + { + $value = $this->sanitize($hash['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($hash['attribs']['']['algo'])) + { + $algo = $this->sanitize($hash['attribs']['']['algo'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $algo = 'md5'; + } + $hashes[] = $algo.':'.$value; + } + if (is_array($hashes)) + { + $hashes = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($hashes)); + } + } + else + { + $hashes = $hashes_parent; + } + + // KEYWORDS + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['keywords'])) + { + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['keywords'][0]['data'])) + { + $temp = explode(',', $this->sanitize($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['keywords'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT)); + foreach ($temp as $word) + { + $keywords[] = trim($word); + } + unset($temp); + } + if (is_array($keywords)) + { + $keywords = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($keywords)); + } + } + else + { + $keywords = $keywords_parent; + } + + // PLAYER + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['player'])) + { + $player = $this->sanitize($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['player'][0]['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + else + { + $player = $player_parent; + } + + // RATINGS + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['rating'])) + { + foreach ($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['rating'] as $rating) + { + $rating_scheme = null; + $rating_value = null; + if (isset($rating['attribs']['']['scheme'])) + { + $rating_scheme = $this->sanitize($rating['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $rating_scheme = 'urn:simple'; + } + if (isset($rating['data'])) + { + $rating_value = $this->sanitize($rating['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $ratings[] =& new $this->feed->rating_class($rating_scheme, $rating_value); + } + if (is_array($ratings)) + { + $ratings = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($ratings)); + } + } + else + { + $ratings = $ratings_parent; + } + + // RESTRICTIONS + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['restriction'])) + { + foreach ($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['restriction'] as $restriction) + { + $restriction_relationship = null; + $restriction_type = null; + $restriction_value = null; + if (isset($restriction['attribs']['']['relationship'])) + { + $restriction_relationship = $this->sanitize($restriction['attribs']['']['relationship'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($restriction['attribs']['']['type'])) + { + $restriction_type = $this->sanitize($restriction['attribs']['']['type'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($restriction['data'])) + { + $restriction_value = $this->sanitize($restriction['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + $restrictions[] =& new $this->feed->restriction_class($restriction_relationship, $restriction_type, $restriction_value); + } + if (is_array($restrictions)) + { + $restrictions = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($restrictions)); + } + } + else + { + $restrictions = $restrictions_parent; + } + + // THUMBNAILS + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['thumbnail'])) + { + foreach ($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['thumbnail'] as $thumbnail) + { + $thumbnails[] = $this->sanitize($thumbnail['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); + } + if (is_array($thumbnails)) + { + $thumbnails = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($thumbnails)); + } + } + else + { + $thumbnails = $thumbnails_parent; + } + + // TITLES + if (isset($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['title'])) + { + $title = $this->sanitize($content['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['title'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + else + { + $title = $title_parent; + } + + $this->data['enclosures'][] =& new $this->feed->enclosure_class($url, $type, $length, $this->feed->javascript, $bitrate, $captions, $categories, $channels, $copyrights, $credits, $description, $duration, $expression, $framerate, $hashes, $height, $keywords, $lang, $medium, $player, $ratings, $restrictions, $samplingrate, $thumbnails, $title, $width); + } + } + } + + foreach ((array) $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'link') as $link) + { + if (isset($link['attribs']['']['href']) && isset($link['attribs']['']['rel']) && $link['attribs']['']['rel'] == 'enclosure') + { + $url = $this->sanitize($link['attribs']['']['href'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($link)); + $type = null; + $length = null; + if (isset($link['attribs']['']['type'])) + { + $type = $this->sanitize($link['attribs']['']['type'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($link['attribs']['']['length'])) + { + $length = ceil($link['attribs']['']['length']); + } + + // Since we don't have group or content for these, we'll just pass the '*_parent' variables directly to the constructor + $this->data['enclosures'][] =& new $this->feed->enclosure_class($url, $type, $length, $this->feed->javascript); + } + } + + foreach ((array) $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'link') as $link) + { + if (isset($link['attribs']['']['href']) && isset($link['attribs']['']['rel']) && $link['attribs']['']['rel'] == 'enclosure') + { + $url = $this->sanitize($link['attribs']['']['href'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($link)); + $type = null; + $length = null; + if (isset($link['attribs']['']['type'])) + { + $type = $this->sanitize($link['attribs']['']['type'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($link['attribs']['']['length'])) + { + $length = ceil($link['attribs']['']['length']); + } + + // Since we don't have group or content for these, we'll just pass the '*_parent' variables directly to the constructor + $this->data['enclosures'][] =& new $this->feed->enclosure_class($url, $type, $length, $this->feed->javascript); + } + } + + if ($enclosure = $this->get_item_tags('', 'enclosure')) + { + if (isset($enclosure[0]['attribs']['']['url'])) + { + $url = $this->sanitize($enclosure[0]['attribs']['']['url'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($enclosure[0])); + $type = null; + $length = null; + if (isset($enclosure[0]['attribs']['']['type'])) + { + $type = $this->sanitize($enclosure[0]['attribs']['']['type'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); + } + if (isset($enclosure[0]['attribs']['']['length'])) + { + $length = ceil($enclosure[0]['attribs']['']['length']); + } + + // Since we don't have group or content for these, we'll just pass the '*_parent' variables directly to the constructor + $this->data['enclosures'][] =& new $this->feed->enclosure_class($url, $type, $length, $this->feed->javascript); + } + } + $this->data['enclosures'] = array_values(SimplePie_Misc::array_unique($this->data['enclosures'])); + } + if (!empty($this->data['enclosures'])) + { + return $this->data['enclosures']; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_latitude() + { + if ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_W3C_BASIC_GEO, 'lat')) + { + return (float) $return[0]['data']; + } + elseif (($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_GEORSS, 'point')) && preg_match('/^((?:-)?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)) ((?:-)?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+))$/', $return[0]['data'], $match)) + { + return (float) $match[1]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_longitude() + { + if ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_W3C_BASIC_GEO, 'long')) + { + return (float) $return[0]['data']; + } + elseif ($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_W3C_BASIC_GEO, 'lon')) + { + return (float) $return[0]['data']; + } + elseif (($return = $this->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_GEORSS, 'point')) && preg_match('/^((?:-)?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)) ((?:-)?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+))$/', $return[0]['data'], $match)) + { + return (float) $match[2]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Creates the add_to_* methods' return data + * + * @access private + * @param string $item_url String to prefix to the item permalink + * @param string $title_url String to prefix to the item title + * (and suffix to the item permalink) + * @return mixed URL if feed exists, false otherwise + */ + function add_to_service($item_url, $title_url = null) + { + if ($this->get_permalink() !== null) + { + $return = $this->sanitize($item_url, SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI) . rawurlencode($this->get_permalink()); + if ($title_url !== null && $this->get_title() !== null) + { + $return .= $this->sanitize($title_url, SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI) . rawurlencode($this->get_title()); + } + return $return; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function add_to_blinklist() + { + return $this->add_to_service('', '&Title='); + } + + function add_to_blogmarks() + { + return $this->add_to_service('', '&title='); + } + + function add_to_delicious() + { + return $this->add_to_service('', '&title='); + } + + function add_to_digg() + { + return $this->add_to_service(''); + } + + function add_to_furl() + { + return $this->add_to_service('', '&t='); + } + + function add_to_magnolia() + { + return $this->add_to_service('', '&title='); + } + + function add_to_myweb20() + { + return $this->add_to_service('', '&t='); + } + + function add_to_newsvine() + { + return $this->add_to_service('', '&h='); + } + + function add_to_reddit() + { + return $this->add_to_service('', '&title='); + } + + function add_to_segnalo() + { + return $this->add_to_service('', '&title='); + } + + function add_to_simpy() + { + return $this->add_to_service('', '&title='); + } + + function add_to_spurl() + { + return $this->add_to_service('', '&title='); + } + + function add_to_wists() + { + return $this->add_to_service('', '&title='); + } + + function search_technorati() + { + return $this->add_to_service(''); + } +} + +class SimplePie_Author +{ + var $name; + var $link; + var $email; + + // Constructor, used to input the data + function SimplePie_Author($name = null, $link = null, $email = null) + { + $this->name = $name; + $this->link = $link; + $this->email = $email; + } + + function __toString() + { + return md5(serialize($this->data)); + } + + function get_name() + { + if ($this->name !== null) + { + return $this->name; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_link() + { + if ($this->link !== null) + { + return $this->link; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_email() + { + if ($this->email !== null) + { + return $this->email; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } +} + +class SimplePie_Category +{ + var $term; + var $scheme; + var $label; + + // Constructor, used to input the data + function SimplePie_Category($term = null, $scheme = null, $label = null) + { + $this->term = $term; + $this->scheme = $scheme; + $this->label = $label; + } + + function __toString() + { + return md5(serialize($this->data)); + } + + function get_term() + { + if ($this->term !== null) + { + return $this->term; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_scheme() + { + if ($this->scheme !== null) + { + return $this->scheme; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_label() + { + if ($this->label !== null) + { + return $this->label; + } + else + { + return $this->get_term(); + } + } +} + +class SimplePie_Enclosure +{ + var $bitrate; + var $captions; + var $categories; + var $channels; + var $copyright; + var $credits; + var $description; + var $duration; + var $expression; + var $framerate; + var $handler; + var $hashes; + var $height; + var $javascript; + var $keywords; + var $lang; + var $length; + var $link; + var $medium; + var $player; + var $ratings; + var $restrictions; + var $samplingrate; + var $thumbnails; + var $title; + var $type; + var $width; + + // Constructor, used to input the data + function SimplePie_Enclosure($link = null, $type = null, $length = null, $javascript = null, $bitrate = null, $captions = null, $categories = null, $channels = null, $copyright = null, $credits = null, $description = null, $duration = null, $expression = null, $framerate = null, $hashes = null, $height = null, $keywords = null, $lang = null, $medium = null, $player = null, $ratings = null, $restrictions = null, $samplingrate = null, $thumbnails = null, $title = null, $width = null) + { + $this->bitrate = $bitrate; + $this->captions = $captions; + $this->categories = $categories; + $this->channels = $channels; + $this->copyright = $copyright; + $this->credits = $credits; + $this->description = $description; + $this->duration = $duration; + $this->expression = $expression; + $this->framerate = $framerate; + $this->hashes = $hashes; + $this->height = $height; + $this->javascript = $javascript; + $this->keywords = $keywords; + $this->lang = $lang; + $this->length = $length; + $this->link = $link; + $this->medium = $medium; + $this->player = $player; + $this->ratings = $ratings; + $this->restrictions = $restrictions; + $this->samplingrate = $samplingrate; + $this->thumbnails = $thumbnails; + $this->title = $title; + $this->type = $type; + $this->width = $width; + if (class_exists('idna_convert')) + { + $idn =& new idna_convert; + $parsed = SimplePie_Misc::parse_url($link); + $this->link = SimplePie_Misc::compress_parse_url($parsed['scheme'], $idn->encode($parsed['authority']), $parsed['path'], $parsed['query'], $parsed['fragment']); + } + $this->handler = $this->get_handler(); // Needs to load last + } + + function __toString() + { + return md5(serialize($this->data)); + } + + function get_bitrate() + { + if ($this->bitrate !== null) + { + return $this->bitrate; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_caption($key = 0) + { + $captions = $this->get_captions(); + if (isset($captions[$key])) + { + return $captions[$key]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_captions() + { + if ($this->captions !== null) + { + return $this->captions; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_category($key = 0) + { + $categories = $this->get_categories(); + if (isset($categories[$key])) + { + return $categories[$key]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_categories() + { + if ($this->categories !== null) + { + return $this->categories; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_channels() + { + if ($this->channels !== null) + { + return $this->channels; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_copyright() + { + if ($this->copyright !== null) + { + return $this->copyright; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_credit($key = 0) + { + $credits = $this->get_credits(); + if (isset($credits[$key])) + { + return $credits[$key]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_credits() + { + if ($this->credits !== null) + { + return $this->credits; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_description() + { + if ($this->description !== null) + { + return $this->description; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_duration($convert = false) + { + if ($this->duration !== null) + { + if ($convert) + { + $time = SimplePie_Misc::time_hms($this->duration); + return $time; + } + else + { + return $this->duration; + } + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_expression() + { + if ($this->expression !== null) + { + return $this->expression; + } + else + { + return 'full'; + } + } + + function get_extension() + { + if ($this->link !== null) + { + $url = SimplePie_Misc::parse_url($this->link); + if ($url['path'] !== '') + { + return pathinfo($url['path'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); + } + } + return null; + } + + function get_framerate() + { + if ($this->framerate !== null) + { + return $this->framerate; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_handler() + { + return $this->get_real_type(true); + } + + function get_hash($key = 0) + { + $hashes = $this->get_hashes(); + if (isset($hashes[$key])) + { + return $hashes[$key]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_hashes() + { + if ($this->hashes !== null) + { + return $this->hashes; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_height() + { + if ($this->height !== null) + { + return $this->height; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_language() + { + if ($this->lang !== null) + { + return $this->lang; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_keyword($key = 0) + { + $keywords = $this->get_keywords(); + if (isset($keywords[$key])) + { + return $keywords[$key]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_keywords() + { + if ($this->keywords !== null) + { + return $this->keywords; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_length() + { + if ($this->length !== null) + { + return $this->length; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_link() + { + if ($this->link !== null) + { + return urldecode($this->link); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_medium() + { + if ($this->medium !== null) + { + return $this->medium; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_player() + { + if ($this->player !== null) + { + return $this->player; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_rating($key = 0) + { + $ratings = $this->get_ratings(); + if (isset($ratings[$key])) + { + return $ratings[$key]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_ratings() + { + if ($this->ratings !== null) + { + return $this->ratings; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_restriction($key = 0) + { + $restrictions = $this->get_restrictions(); + if (isset($restrictions[$key])) + { + return $restrictions[$key]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_restrictions() + { + if ($this->restrictions !== null) + { + return $this->restrictions; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_sampling_rate() + { + if ($this->samplingrate !== null) + { + return $this->samplingrate; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_size() + { + $length = $this->get_length(); + if ($length !== null) + { + return round($length/1048576, 2); + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_thumbnail($key = 0) + { + $thumbnails = $this->get_thumbnails(); + if (isset($thumbnails[$key])) + { + return $thumbnails[$key]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_thumbnails() + { + if ($this->thumbnails !== null) + { + return $this->thumbnails; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_title() + { + if ($this->title !== null) + { + return $this->title; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_type() + { + if ($this->type !== null) + { + return $this->type; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_width() + { + if ($this->width !== null) + { + return $this->width; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function native_embed($options='') + { + return $this->embed($options, true); + } + + /** + * @todo If the dimensions for media:content are defined, use them when width/height are set to 'auto'. + */ + function embed($options = '', $native = false) + { + // Set up defaults + $audio = ''; + $video = ''; + $alt = ''; + $altclass = ''; + $loop = 'false'; + $width = 'auto'; + $height = 'auto'; + $bgcolor = '#ffffff'; + $mediaplayer = ''; + $widescreen = false; + $handler = $this->get_handler(); + $type = $this->get_real_type(); + + // Process options and reassign values as necessary + if (is_array($options)) + { + extract($options); + } + else + { + $options = explode(',', $options); + foreach($options as $option) + { + $opt = explode(':', $option, 2); + if (isset($opt[0], $opt[1])) + { + $opt[0] = trim($opt[0]); + $opt[1] = trim($opt[1]); + switch ($opt[0]) + { + case 'audio': + $audio = $opt[1]; + break; + + case 'video': + $video = $opt[1]; + break; + + case 'alt': + $alt = $opt[1]; + break; + + case 'altclass': + $altclass = $opt[1]; + break; + + case 'loop': + $loop = $opt[1]; + break; + + case 'width': + $width = $opt[1]; + break; + + case 'height': + $height = $opt[1]; + break; + + case 'bgcolor': + $bgcolor = $opt[1]; + break; + + case 'mediaplayer': + $mediaplayer = $opt[1]; + break; + + case 'widescreen': + $widescreen = $opt[1]; + break; + } + } + } + } + + $mime = explode('/', $type, 2); + $mime = $mime[0]; + + // Process values for 'auto' + if ($width == 'auto') + { + if ($mime == 'video') + { + if ($height == 'auto') + { + $width = 480; + } + elseif ($widescreen) + { + $width = round((intval($height)/9)*16); + } + else + { + $width = round((intval($height)/3)*4); + } + } + else + { + $width = '100%'; + } + } + + if ($height == 'auto') + { + if ($mime == 'audio') + { + $height = 0; + } + elseif ($mime == 'video') + { + if ($width == 'auto') + { + if ($widescreen) + { + $height = 270; + } + else + { + $height = 360; + } + } + elseif ($widescreen) + { + $height = round((intval($width)/16)*9); + } + else + { + $height = round((intval($width)/4)*3); + } + } + else + { + $height = 376; + } + } + elseif ($mime == 'audio') + { + $height = 0; + } + + // Set proper placeholder value + if ($mime == 'audio') + { + $placeholder = $audio; + } + elseif ($mime == 'video') + { + $placeholder = $video; + } + + $embed = ''; + + // Make sure the JS library is included + if (!$native) + { + static $javascript_outputted = null; + if (!$javascript_outputted && $this->javascript) + { + $embed .= ''; + $javascript_outputted = true; + } + } + + // Odeo Feed MP3's + if ($handler == 'odeo') + { + if ($native) + { + $embed .= ''; + } + else + { + $embed .= ''; + } + } + + // Flash + elseif ($handler == 'flash') + { + if ($native) + { + $embed .= "get_link() . "\" pluginspage=\"\" type=\"$type\" quality=\"high\" width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\" loop=\"$loop\">"; + } + else + { + $embed .= ""; + } + } + + // Flash Media Player file types. + // Preferred handler for MP3 file types. + elseif ($handler == 'fmedia' || ($handler == 'mp3' && $mediaplayer != '')) + { + $height += 20; + if ($native) + { + $embed .= "get_link().'?file_extension=.'.$this->get_extension()) . "&autostart=false&repeat=$loop&showdigits=true&showfsbutton=false\">"; + } + else + { + $embed .= ""; + } + } + + // QuickTime 7 file types. Need to test with QuickTime 6. + // Only handle MP3's if the Flash Media Player is not present. + elseif ($handler == 'quicktime' || ($handler == 'mp3' && $mediaplayer == '')) + { + $height += 16; + if ($native) + { + if ($placeholder != ""){ + $embed .= "get_link() . "\" src=\"$placeholder\" width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\" autoplay=\"false\" target=\"myself\" controller=\"false\" loop=\"$loop\" scale=\"aspect\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\" pluginspage=\"\">"; + } + else { + $embed .= "get_link() . "\" width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\" autoplay=\"false\" target=\"myself\" controller=\"true\" loop=\"$loop\" scale=\"aspect\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\" pluginspage=\"\">"; + } + } + else + { + $embed .= ""; + } + } + + // Windows Media + elseif ($handler == 'wmedia') + { + $height += 45; + if ($native) + { + $embed .= "get_link() . "\" autosize=\"1\" width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\" showcontrols=\"1\" showstatusbar=\"0\" showdisplay=\"0\" autostart=\"0\">"; + } + else + { + $embed .= ""; + } + } + + // Everything else + else $embed .= '' . $alt . ''; + + return $embed; + } + + function get_real_type($find_handler = false) + { + // If it's Odeo, let's get it out of the way. + if (substr(strtolower($this->get_link()), 0, 15) == '') + { + return 'odeo'; + } + + // Mime-types by handler. + $types_flash = array('application/x-shockwave-flash', 'application/futuresplash'); // Flash + $types_fmedia = array('video/flv', 'video/x-flv'); // Flash Media Player + $types_quicktime = array('audio/3gpp', 'audio/3gpp2', 'audio/aac', 'audio/x-aac', 'audio/aiff', 'audio/x-aiff', 'audio/mid', 'audio/midi', 'audio/x-midi', 'audio/mp4', 'audio/m4a', 'audio/x-m4a', 'audio/wav', 'audio/x-wav', 'video/3gpp', 'video/3gpp2', 'video/m4v', 'video/x-m4v', 'video/mp4', 'video/mpeg', 'video/x-mpeg', 'video/quicktime', 'video/sd-video'); // QuickTime + $types_wmedia = array('application/asx', 'application/x-mplayer2', 'audio/x-ms-wma', 'audio/x-ms-wax', 'video/x-ms-asf-plugin', 'video/x-ms-asf', 'video/x-ms-wm', 'video/x-ms-wmv', 'video/x-ms-wvx'); // Windows Media + $types_mp3 = array('audio/mp3', 'audio/x-mp3', 'audio/mpeg', 'audio/x-mpeg'); // MP3 + + if ($this->get_type() !== null) + { + $type = strtolower($this->type); + } + else + { + $type = null; + } + + // If we encounter an unsupported mime-type, check the file extension and guess intelligently. + if (!in_array($type, array_merge($types_flash, $types_fmedia, $types_quicktime, $types_wmedia, $types_mp3))) + { + switch (strtolower($this->get_extension())) + { + // Audio mime-types + case 'aac': + case 'adts': + $type = 'audio/acc'; + break; + + case 'aif': + case 'aifc': + case 'aiff': + case 'cdda': + $type = 'audio/aiff'; + break; + + case 'bwf': + $type = 'audio/wav'; + break; + + case 'kar': + case 'mid': + case 'midi': + case 'smf': + $type = 'audio/midi'; + break; + + case 'm4a': + $type = 'audio/x-m4a'; + break; + + case 'mp3': + case 'swa': + $type = 'audio/mp3'; + break; + + case 'wav': + $type = 'audio/wav'; + break; + + case 'wax': + $type = 'audio/x-ms-wax'; + break; + + case 'wma': + $type = 'audio/x-ms-wma'; + break; + + // Video mime-types + case '3gp': + case '3gpp': + $type = 'video/3gpp'; + break; + + case '3g2': + case '3gp2': + $type = 'video/3gpp2'; + break; + + case 'asf': + $type = 'video/x-ms-asf'; + break; + + case 'flv': + $type = 'video/x-flv'; + break; + + case 'm1a': + case 'm1s': + case 'm1v': + case 'm15': + case 'm75': + case 'mp2': + case 'mpa': + case 'mpeg': + case 'mpg': + case 'mpm': + case 'mpv': + $type = 'video/mpeg'; + break; + + case 'm4v': + $type = 'video/x-m4v'; + break; + + case 'mov': + case 'qt': + $type = 'video/quicktime'; + break; + + case 'mp4': + case 'mpg4': + $type = 'video/mp4'; + break; + + case 'sdv': + $type = 'video/sd-video'; + break; + + case 'wm': + $type = 'video/x-ms-wm'; + break; + + case 'wmv': + $type = 'video/x-ms-wmv'; + break; + + case 'wvx': + $type = 'video/x-ms-wvx'; + break; + + // Flash mime-types + case 'spl': + $type = 'application/futuresplash'; + break; + + case 'swf': + $type = 'application/x-shockwave-flash'; + break; + } + } + + if ($find_handler) + { + if (in_array($type, $types_flash)) + { + return 'flash'; + } + elseif (in_array($type, $types_fmedia)) + { + return 'fmedia'; + } + elseif (in_array($type, $types_quicktime)) + { + return 'quicktime'; + } + elseif (in_array($type, $types_wmedia)) + { + return 'wmedia'; + } + elseif (in_array($type, $types_mp3)) + { + return 'mp3'; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + else + { + return $type; + } + } +} + +class SimplePie_Caption +{ + var $type; + var $lang; + var $startTime; + var $endTime; + var $text; + + // Constructor, used to input the data + function SimplePie_Caption($type = null, $lang = null, $startTime = null, $endTime = null, $text = null) + { + $this->type = $type; + $this->lang = $lang; + $this->startTime = $startTime; + $this->endTime = $endTime; + $this->text = $text; + } + + function __toString() + { + return md5(serialize($this->data)); + } + + function get_endtime() + { + if ($this->endTime !== null) + { + return $this->endTime; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_language() + { + if ($this->language !== null) + { + return $this->language; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_starttime() + { + if ($this->startTime !== null) + { + return $this->startTime; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_text() + { + if ($this->text !== null) + { + return $this->text; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_type() + { + if ($this->type !== null) + { + return $this->type; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } +} + +class SimplePie_Credit +{ + var $role; + var $scheme; + var $name; + + // Constructor, used to input the data + function SimplePie_Credit($role = null, $scheme = null, $name = null) + { + $this->role = $role; + $this->scheme = $scheme; + $this->name = $name; + } + + function __toString() + { + return md5(serialize($this->data)); + } + + function get_role() + { + if ($this->role !== null) + { + return $this->role; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_scheme() + { + if ($this->scheme !== null) + { + return $this->scheme; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_name() + { + if ($this->name !== null) + { + return $this->name; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } +} + +class SimplePie_Copyright +{ + var $url; + var $label; + + // Constructor, used to input the data + function SimplePie_Copyright($url = null, $label = null) + { + $this->url = $url; + $this->label = $label; + } + + function __toString() + { + return md5(serialize($this->data)); + } + + function get_url() + { + if ($this->url !== null) + { + return $this->url; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_attribution() + { + if ($this->label !== null) + { + return $this->label; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } +} + +class SimplePie_Rating +{ + var $scheme; + var $value; + + // Constructor, used to input the data + function SimplePie_Rating($scheme = null, $value = null) + { + $this->scheme = $scheme; + $this->value = $value; + } + + function __toString() + { + return md5(serialize($this->data)); + } + + function get_scheme() + { + if ($this->scheme !== null) + { + return $this->scheme; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_value() + { + if ($this->value !== null) + { + return $this->value; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } +} + +class SimplePie_Restriction +{ + var $relationship; + var $type; + var $value; + + // Constructor, used to input the data + function SimplePie_Restriction($relationship = null, $type = null, $value = null) + { + $this->relationship = $relationship; + $this->type = $type; + $this->value = $value; + } + + function __toString() + { + return md5(serialize($this->data)); + } + + function get_relationship() + { + if ($this->relationship !== null) + { + return $this->relationship; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_type() + { + if ($this->type !== null) + { + return $this->type; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + function get_value() + { + if ($this->value !== null) + { + return $this->value; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } +} + +/** + * @todo Move to properly supporting RFC2616 (HTTP/1.1) + */ +class SimplePie_File +{ + var $url; + var $useragent; + var $success = true; + var $headers = array(); + var $body; + var $status_code; + var $redirects = 0; + var $error; + var $method; + + function SimplePie_File($url, $timeout = 10, $redirects = 5, $headers = null, $useragent = null, $force_fsockopen = false) + { + if (class_exists('idna_convert')) + { + $idn =& new idna_convert; + $parsed = SimplePie_Misc::parse_url($url); + $url = SimplePie_Misc::compress_parse_url($parsed['scheme'], $idn->encode($parsed['authority']), $parsed['path'], $parsed['query'], $parsed['fragment']); + } + $this->url = $url; + $this->useragent = $useragent; + if (preg_match('/^http(s)?:\/\//i', $url)) + { + if ($useragent === null) + { + $useragent = ini_get('user_agent'); + $this->useragent = $useragent; + } + if (!is_array($headers)) + { + $headers = array(); + } + if (!$force_fsockopen && extension_loaded('curl')) + { + $this->method = 'curl'; + $fp = curl_init(); + $headers2 = array(); + foreach ($headers as $key => $value) + { + $headers2[] = "$key: $value"; + } + if (version_compare(SimplePie_Misc::get_curl_version(), '7.10.5', '>=')) + { + curl_setopt($fp, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ''); + } + curl_setopt($fp, CURLOPT_URL, $url); + curl_setopt($fp, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); + curl_setopt($fp, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); + curl_setopt($fp, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout); + curl_setopt($fp, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); + curl_setopt($fp, CURLOPT_REFERER, $url); + curl_setopt($fp, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent); + curl_setopt($fp, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers2); + if (!ini_get('open_basedir') && !ini_get('safe_mode') && version_compare(SimplePie_Misc::get_curl_version(), '7.15.2', '>=')) + { + curl_setopt($fp, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); + curl_setopt($fp, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, $redirects); + } + + $this->headers = curl_exec($fp); + if (curl_errno($fp) == 23 || curl_errno($fp) == 61) + { + curl_setopt($fp, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'none'); + $this->headers = curl_exec($fp); + } + if (curl_errno($fp)) + { + $this->error = 'cURL error ' . curl_errno($fp) . ': ' . curl_error($fp); + $this->success = false; + } + else + { + $info = curl_getinfo($fp); + curl_close($fp); + $this->headers = explode("\r\n\r\n", $this->headers, $info['redirect_count'] + 1); + $this->headers = array_pop($this->headers); + $parser =& new SimplePie_HTTP_Parser($this->headers); + if ($parser->parse()) + { + $this->headers = $parser->headers; + $this->body = $parser->body; + $this->status_code = $parser->status_code; + if (($this->status_code == 300 || $this->status_code == 301 || $this->status_code == 302 || $this->status_code == 303 || $this->status_code == 307 || $this->status_code > 307 && $this->status_code < 400) && isset($this->headers['location']) && $this->redirects < $redirects) + { + $this->redirects++; + if (isset($this->headers['content-location'])) + { + $location = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url($this->headers['location'], SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url($this->headers['content-location'], $url)); + } + else + { + $location = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url($this->headers['location'], $url); + } + return $this->SimplePie_File($location, $timeout, $redirects, $headers, $useragent, $force_fsockopen); + } + } + } + } + else + { + $this->method = 'fsockopen'; + $url_parts = parse_url($url); + if (isset($url_parts['scheme']) && strtolower($url_parts['scheme']) == 'https') + { + $url_parts['host'] = "ssl://$url_parts[host]"; + $url_parts['port'] = 443; + } + if (!isset($url_parts['port'])) + { + $url_parts['port'] = 80; + } + $fp = fsockopen($url_parts['host'], $url_parts['port'], $errno, $errstr, $timeout); + if (!$fp) + { + $this->error = 'fsockopen error: ' . $errstr; + $this->success = false; + } + else + { + if (function_exists('stream_set_timeout')) + { + stream_set_timeout($fp, $timeout); + } + else + { + socket_set_timeout($fp, $timeout); + } + $get = (isset($url_parts['query'])) ? "$url_parts[path]?$url_parts[query]" : $url_parts['path']; + $out = "GET $get HTTP/1.0\r\n"; + $out .= "Host: $url_parts[host]\r\n"; + $out .= "User-Agent: $useragent\r\n"; + if (function_exists('gzinflate')) + { + $out .= "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate\r\n"; + } + + if (isset($url_parts['user']) && isset($url_parts['pass'])) + { + $out .= "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode("$url_parts[user]:$url_parts[pass]") . "\r\n"; + } + foreach ($headers as $key => $value) + { + $out .= "$key: $value\r\n"; + } + $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; + fwrite($fp, $out); + + if (function_exists('stream_get_meta_data')) + { + $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); + } + else + { + $info = socket_get_status($fp); + } + + $this->headers = ''; + while (!$info['eof'] && !$info['timed_out']) + { + $this->headers .= fread($fp, 1160); + if (function_exists('stream_get_meta_data')) + { + $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); + } + else + { + $info = socket_get_status($fp); + } + } + if (!$info['timed_out']) + { + $parser =& new SimplePie_HTTP_Parser($this->headers); + if ($parser->parse()) + { + $this->headers = $parser->headers; + $this->body = $parser->body; + $this->status_code = $parser->status_code; + if (($this->status_code == 300 || $this->status_code == 301 || $this->status_code == 302 || $this->status_code == 303 || $this->status_code == 307 || $this->status_code > 307 && $this->status_code < 400) && isset($this->headers['location']) && $this->redirects < $redirects) + { + $this->redirects++; + if (isset($this->headers['content-location'])) + { + $location = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url($this->headers['location'], SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url($this->headers['content-location'], $url)); + } + else + { + $location = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url($this->headers['location'], $url); + } + return $this->SimplePie_File($location, $timeout, $redirects, $headers, $useragent, $force_fsockopen); + } + if (isset($this->headers['content-encoding']) && ($this->headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip' || $this->headers['content-encoding'] == 'deflate')) + { + if (substr($this->body, 0, 8) == "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00") + { + $this->body = substr($this->body, 10); + } + $this->body = gzinflate($this->body); + } + } + } + else + { + $this->error = 'fsocket timed out'; + $this->success = false; + } + fclose($fp); + } + } + } + elseif (function_exists('file_get_contents')) + { + $this->method = 'file_get_contents'; + if (!$this->body = file_get_contents($url)) + { + $this->error = 'file_get_contents could not read the file'; + $this->success = false; + } + } + else + { + $this->method = 'fopen'; + if (($fp = fopen($url, 'rb')) === false) + { + $this->error = 'failed to open stream: No such file or directory'; + $this->success = false; + } + else + { + $this->body = ''; + while (!feof($fp)) + { + $this->body .= fread($fp, 8192); + } + fclose($fp); + } + } + } +} + +/** + * HTTP Response Parser + * + * @package SimplePie + * @todo Support HTTP Requests + */ +class SimplePie_HTTP_Parser +{ + /** + * HTTP Version + * + * @access public + * @var string + */ + var $http_version = ''; + + /** + * Status code + * + * @access public + * @var string + */ + var $status_code = ''; + + /** + * Reason phrase + * + * @access public + * @var string + */ + var $reason = ''; + + /** + * Key/value pairs of the headers + * + * @access public + * @var array + */ + var $headers = array(); + + /** + * Body of the response + * + * @access public + * @var string + */ + var $body = ''; + + /** + * Current state of the state machine + * + * @access private + * @var string + */ + var $state = 'start'; + + /** + * Input data + * + * @access private + * @var string + */ + var $data = ''; + + /** + * Input data length (to avoid calling strlen() everytime this is needed) + * + * @access private + * @var int + */ + var $data_length = 0; + + /** + * Current position of the pointer + * + * @access private + * @var int + */ + var $position = 0; + + /** + * Name of the hedaer currently being parsed + * + * @access private + * @var string + */ + var $name = ''; + + /** + * Value of the hedaer currently being parsed + * + * @access private + * @var string + */ + var $value = ''; + + /** + * Create an instance of the class with the input data + * + * @access public + * @param string $data Input data + */ + function SimplePie_HTTP_Parser($data) + { + $this->data = $data; + $this->data_length = strlen($this->data); + } + + /** + * Parse the input data + * + * @access public + * @return bool true on success, false on failure + */ + function parse() + { + while ($this->state && $this->state != 'emit' && $this->has_data()) + { + $state = $this->state; + $this->$state(); + } + $this->data = ''; + if ($this->state == 'emit') + { + return true; + } + else + { + $this->http_version = ''; + $this->status_code = ''; + $this->headers = array(); + $this->body = ''; + return false; + } + } + + /** + * Check whether there is data beyond the pointer + * + * @access private + * @return bool true if there is further data, false if not + */ + function has_data() + { + return (bool) ($this->position < $this->data_length); + } + + /** + * See if the next character is LWS + * + * @access private + * @return bool true if the next character is LWS, false if not + */ + function is_linear_whitespace() + { + return (bool) (strspn($this->data, "\x09\x20", $this->position, 1) + || (substr($this->data, $this->position, 2) == "\r\n" && strspn($this->data, "\x09\x20", $this->position + 2, 1)) + || (strspn($this->data, "\r\n", $this->position, 1) && strspn($this->data, "\x09\x20", $this->position + 1, 1))); + } + + /** + * The starting state of the state machine, see if the data is a response or request + * + * @access private + */ + function start() + { + $this->state = 'http_version_response'; + } + + /** + * Parse an HTTP-version string + * + * @access private + */ + function http_version() + { + if (preg_match('/^HTTP\/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/i', substr($this->data, $this->position, strcspn($this->data, "\r\n", $this->position)), $match)) + { + $this->position += strlen($match[0]); + $this->http_version = $match[1]; + return true; + } + else + { + return false; + } + } + + /** + * Parse LWS, replacing consecutive characters with a single space + * + * @access private + */ + function linear_whitespace() + { + do + { + if (substr($this->data, $this->position, 2) == "\r\n") + { + $this->position += 2; + } + elseif (strspn($this->data, "\r\n", $this->position, 1)) + { + $this->position++; + } + $this->position += strspn($this->data, "\x09\x20", $this->position); + } while ($this->is_linear_whitespace()); + $this->value .= "\x20"; + } + + /** + * Parse an HTTP-version string within a response + * + * @access private + */ + function http_version_response() + { + if ($this->http_version() && $this->data[$this->position] == "\x20") + { + $this->state = 'status_code'; + $this->position++; + } + else + { + $this->state = false; + } + } + + /** + * Parse a status code + * + * @access private + */ + function status_code() + { + if (strspn($this->data, '1234567890', $this->position, 3) == 3) + { + $this->status_code = substr($this->data, $this->position, 3); + $this->state = 'reason_phrase'; + $this->position += 3; + } + else + { + $this->state = false; + } + } + + /** + * Skip over the reason phrase (it has no normative value, and you can send absolutely anything here) + * + * @access private + */ + function reason_phrase() + { + $len = strcspn($this->data, "\r\n", $this->position); + $this->reason = substr($this->data, $this->position, $len); + $this->position += $len; + if ($this->has_data()) + { + if (substr($this->data, $this->position, 2) == "\r\n") + { + $this->position += 2; + } + elseif (strspn($this->data, "\r\n", $this->position, 1)) + { + $this->position++; + } + $this->state = 'name'; + } + } + + /** + * Parse a header name + * + * @access private + */ + function name() + { + $len = strcspn($this->data, ':', $this->position); + $this->name = substr($this->data, $this->position, $len); + $this->position += $len; + + if ($this->has_data() && $this->data[$this->position] == ':') + { + $this->state = 'value_next'; + $this->position++; + } + else + { + $this->state = false; + } + } + + /** + * See what state to move the state machine to while within non-quoted header values + * + * @access private + */ + function value_next() + { + if ($this->is_linear_whitespace()) + { + $this->state = 'value_linear_whitespace'; + } + elseif ($this->data[$this->position] == '"') + { + $this->state = 'value_quote_next'; + $this->position++; + } + elseif (substr($this->data, $this->position, 2) == "\r\n") + { + $this->state = 'end_crlf'; + $this->position += 2; + } + elseif (strspn($this->data, "\r\n", $this->position, 1)) + { + $this->state = 'end_crlf'; + $this->position++; + } + else + { + $this->state = 'value_no_quote'; + } + } + + /** + * Parse a header value while outside quotes + * + * @access private + */ + function value_no_quote() + { + $len = strcspn($this->data, "\x09\x20\r\n\"", $this->position); + $this->value .= substr($this->data, $this->position, $len); + $this->state = 'value_next'; + $this->position += $len; + } + + /** + * Parse LWS outside quotes + * + * @access private + */ + function value_linear_whitespace() + { + $this->linear_whitespace(); + $this->state = 'value_next'; + } + + /** + * See what state to move the state machine to while within quoted header values + * + * @access private + */ + function value_quote_next() + { + if ($this->is_linear_whitespace()) + { + $this->state = 'value_linear_whitespace_quote'; + } + else + { + switch ($this->data[$this->position]) + { + case '"': + $this->state = 'value_next'; + $this->position++; + break; + + case '\\': + $this->state = 'value_quote_char'; + $this->position++; + break; + + default: + $this->state = 'value_quote'; + break; + } + } + } + + /** + * Parse a header value while within quotes + * + * @access private + */ + function value_quote() + { + $len = strcspn($this->data, "\x09\x20\r\n\"\\", $this->position); + $this->value .= substr($this->data, $this->position, $len); + $this->position += $len; + $this->state = 'value_quote_next'; + } + + /** + * Parse an escaped character within quotes + * + * @access private + */ + function value_quote_char() + { + $this->value .= $this->data[$this->position]; + $this->state = 'value_quote_next'; + $this->position++; + } + + /** + * Parse LWS within quotes + * + * @access private + */ + function value_linear_whitespace_quote() + { + $this->linear_whitespace(); + $this->state = 'value_quote_next'; + } + + /** + * Parse a CRLF, and see whether we have a further header, or whether we are followed by the body + * + * @access private + */ + function end_crlf() + { + $this->name = strtolower($this->name); + $this->value = trim($this->value, "\x20"); + if (isset($this->headers[$this->name])) + { + $this->headers[$this->name] .= ', ' . $this->value; + } + else + { + $this->headers[$this->name] = $this->value; + } + + if (substr($this->data, $this->position, 2) == "\r\n") + { + $this->body = substr($this->data, $this->position + 2); + $this->state = 'emit'; + } + elseif (strspn($this->data, "\r\n", $this->position, 1)) + { + $this->body = substr($this->data, $this->position + 1); + $this->state = 'emit'; + } + else + { + $this->name = ''; + $this->value = ''; + $this->state = 'name'; + } + } +} + +class SimplePie_Cache +{ + var $location; + var $filename; + var $extension; + var $name; + + function SimplePie_Cache($location, $filename, $extension) + { + $this->location = $location; + $this->filename = rawurlencode($filename); + $this->extension = rawurlencode($extension); + $this->name = "$location/$this->filename.$this->extension"; + } + + function save($data) + { + if (file_exists($this->name) && is_writeable($this->name) || file_exists($this->location) && is_writeable($this->location)) + { + if (function_exists('file_put_contents')) + { + return (bool) file_put_contents($this->name, serialize($data)); + } + else + { + $fp = fopen($this->name, 'wb'); + if ($fp) + { + fwrite($fp, serialize($data)); + fclose($fp); + return true; + } + } + } + return false; + } + + function load() + { + if (file_exists($this->name) && is_readable($this->name)) + { + if (function_exists('file_get_contents')) + { + return unserialize(file_get_contents($this->name)); + } + elseif (($fp = fopen($this->name, 'rb')) !== false) + { + $data = ''; + while (!feof($fp)) + { + $data .= fread($fp, 8192); + } + fclose($fp); + return unserialize($data); + } + } + return false; + } + + function mtime() + { + if (file_exists($this->name)) + { + return filemtime($this->name); + } + return false; + } + + function touch() + { + if (file_exists($this->name)) + { + return touch($this->name); + } + return false; + } + + function unlink() + { + if (file_exists($this->name)) + { + return unlink($this->name); + } + return false; + } +} + +class SimplePie_Misc +{ + function time_hms($seconds) + { + $time = ''; + + $hours = floor($seconds / 3600); + $remainder = $seconds % 3600; + if ($hours > 0) + { + $time .= $hours.':'; + } + + $minutes = floor($remainder / 60); + $seconds = $remainder % 60; + if ($minutes < 10 && $hours > 0) + { + $minutes = '0' . $minutes; + } + if ($seconds < 10) + { + $seconds = '0' . $seconds; + } + + $time .= $minutes.':'; + $time .= $seconds; + + return $time; + } + + function absolutize_url($relative, $base) + { + if ($relative !== '') + { + $relative = SimplePie_Misc::parse_url($relative); + if ($relative['scheme'] !== '') + { + $target = $relative; + } + elseif ($base !== '') + { + $base = SimplePie_Misc::parse_url($base); + $target = SimplePie_Misc::parse_url(''); + if ($relative['authority'] !== '') + { + $target = $relative; + $target['scheme'] = $base['scheme']; + } + else + { + $target['scheme'] = $base['scheme']; + $target['authority'] = $base['authority']; + if ($relative['path'] !== '') + { + if (strpos($relative['path'], '/') === 0) + { + $target['path'] = $relative['path']; + } + elseif (($target['path'] = dirname("$base[path].")) == '/') + { + $target['path'] .= $relative['path']; + } + else + { + $target['path'] .= '/' . $relative['path']; + } + if ($relative['query'] !== '') + { + $target['query'] = $relative['query']; + } + } + else + { + if ($base['path'] !== '') + { + $target['path'] = $base['path']; + } + else + { + $target['path'] = '/'; + } + if ($relative['query'] !== '') + { + $target['query'] = $relative['query']; + } + elseif ($base['query'] !== '') + { + $target['query'] = $base['query']; + } + } + } + if ($relative['fragment'] !== '') + { + $target['fragment'] = $relative['fragment']; + } + } + else + { + // No base URL, just return the relative URL + $target = $relative; + } + $return = SimplePie_Misc::compress_parse_url($target['scheme'], $target['authority'], $target['path'], $target['query'], $target['fragment']); + } + else + { + $return = $base; + } + $return = SimplePie_Misc::normalize_url($return); + return $return; + } + + function remove_dot_segments($input) + { + $output = ''; + while (strpos($input, './') !== false || strpos($input, '/.') !== false || $input == '.' || $input == '..') + { + // A: If the input buffer begins with a prefix of "../" or "./", then remove that prefix from the input buffer; otherwise, + if (strpos($input, '../') === 0) + { + $input = substr($input, 3); + } + elseif (strpos($input, './') === 0) + { + $input = substr($input, 2); + } + // B: if the input buffer begins with a prefix of "/./" or "/.", where "." is a complete path segment, then replace that prefix with "/" in the input buffer; otherwise, + elseif (strpos($input, '/./') === 0) + { + $input = substr_replace($input, '/', 0, 3); + } + elseif ($input == '/.') + { + $input = '/'; + } + // C: if the input buffer begins with a prefix of "/../" or "/..", where ".." is a complete path segment, then replace that prefix with "/" in the input buffer and remove the last segment and its preceding "/" (if any) from the output buffer; otherwise, + elseif (strpos($input, '/../') === 0) + { + $input = substr_replace($input, '/', 0, 4); + $output = substr_replace($output, '', strrpos($output, '/')); + } + elseif ($input == '/..') + { + $input = '/'; + $output = substr_replace($output, '', strrpos($output, '/')); + } + // D: if the input buffer consists only of "." or "..", then remove that from the input buffer; otherwise, + elseif ($input == '.' || $input == '..') + { + $input = ''; + } + // E: move the first path segment in the input buffer to the end of the output buffer, including the initial "/" character (if any) and any subsequent characters up to, but not including, the next "/" character or the end of the input buffer + elseif (($pos = strpos($input, '/', 1)) !== false) + { + $output .= substr($input, 0, $pos); + $input = substr_replace($input, '', 0, $pos); + } + else + { + $output .= $input; + $input = ''; + } + } + return $output . $input; + } + + function get_element($realname, $string) + { + $return = array(); + $name = preg_quote($realname, '/'); + if (preg_match_all("/<($name)" . SIMPLEPIE_PCRE_HTML_ATTRIBUTE . "(>(.*)<\/$name>|(\/)?>)/siU", $string, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) + { + for ($i = 0, $total_matches = count($matches); $i < $total_matches; $i++) + { + $return[$i]['tag'] = $realname; + $return[$i]['full'] = $matches[$i][0][0]; + $return[$i]['offset'] = $matches[$i][0][1]; + if (strlen($matches[$i][3][0]) <= 2) + { + $return[$i]['self_closing'] = true; + } + else + { + $return[$i]['self_closing'] = false; + $return[$i]['content'] = $matches[$i][4][0]; + } + $return[$i]['attribs'] = array(); + if (isset($matches[$i][2][0]) && preg_match_all('/((?:[^\s:]+:)?[^\s:]+)(?:\s*=\s*(?:"([^"]*)"|\'([^\']*)\'|([a-z0-9\-._:]*)))?\s/U', ' ' . $matches[$i][2][0] . ' ', $attribs, PREG_SET_ORDER)) + { + for ($j = 0, $total_attribs = count($attribs); $j < $total_attribs; $j++) + { + if (count($attribs[$j]) == 2) + { + $attribs[$j][2] = $attribs[$j][1]; + } + $return[$i]['attribs'][strtolower($attribs[$j][1])]['data'] = SimplePie_Misc::entities_decode(end($attribs[$j]), 'UTF-8'); + } + } + } + } + return $return; + } + + function element_implode($element) + { + $full = "<$element[tag]"; + foreach ($element['attribs'] as $key => $value) + { + $key = strtolower($key); + $full .= " $key=\"" . htmlspecialchars($value['data']) . '"'; + } + if ($element['self_closing']) + { + $full .= ' />'; + } + else + { + $full .= ">$element[content]"; + } + return $full; + } + + function error($message, $level, $file, $line) + { + switch ($level) + { + case E_USER_ERROR: + $note = 'PHP Error'; + break; + case E_USER_WARNING: + $note = 'PHP Warning'; + break; + case E_USER_NOTICE: + $note = 'PHP Notice'; + break; + default: + $note = 'Unknown Error'; + break; + } + error_log("$note: $message in $file on line $line", 0); + return $message; + } + + /** + * If a file has been cached, retrieve and display it. + * + * This is most useful for caching images (get_favicon(), etc.), + * however it works for all cached files. This WILL NOT display ANY + * file/image/page/whatever, but rather only display what has already + * been cached by SimplePie. + * + * @access public + * @see SimplePie::get_favicon() + * @param str $identifier_url URL that is used to identify the content. + * This may or may not be the actual URL of the live content. + * @param str $cache_location Location of SimplePie's cache. Defaults + * to './cache'. + * @param str $cache_extension The file extension that the file was + * cached with. Defaults to 'spc'. + * @param str $cache_class Name of the cache-handling class being used + * in SimplePie. Defaults to 'SimplePie_Cache', and should be left + * as-is unless you've overloaded the class. + * @param str $cache_name_function Function that converts the filename + * for saving. Defaults to 'md5'. + */ + function display_cached_file($identifier_url, $cache_location = './cache', $cache_extension = 'spc', $cache_class = 'SimplePie_Cache', $cache_name_function = 'md5') + { + $cache =& new $cache_class($cache_location, call_user_func($cache_name_function, $identifier_url), $cache_extension); + + if ($file = $cache->load()) + { + header('Content-type:' . $file['headers']['content-type']); + header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + 604800) . ' GMT'); // 7 days + echo $file['body']; + exit; + } + + die('Cached file for ' . $identifier_url . ' cannot be found.'); + } + + function fix_protocol($url, $http = 1) + { + $url = SimplePie_Misc::normalize_url($url); + $parsed = SimplePie_Misc::parse_url($url); + if ($parsed['scheme'] !== '' && $parsed['scheme'] != 'http' && $parsed['scheme'] != 'https') + { + return SimplePie_Misc::fix_protocol(SimplePie_Misc::compress_parse_url('http', $parsed['authority'], $parsed['path'], $parsed['query'], $parsed['fragment']), $http); + } + + if ($parsed['scheme'] === '' && $parsed['authority'] === '') + { + return SimplePie_Misc::fix_protocol(SimplePie_Misc::compress_parse_url('http', $parsed['path'], '', $parsed['query'], $parsed['fragment']), $http); + } + + if ($http == 2 && $parsed['scheme'] !== '') + { + return "feed:$url"; + } + elseif ($http == 3 && strtolower($parsed['scheme']) == 'http') + { + return substr_replace($url, 'podcast', 0, 4); + } + elseif ($http == 4 && strtolower($parsed['scheme']) == 'http') + { + return substr_replace($url, 'itpc', 0, 4); + } + else + { + return $url; + } + } + + function parse_url($url) + { + static $cache = array(); + if (isset($cache[$url])) + { + return $cache[$url]; + } + elseif (preg_match('/^(([^:\/?#]+):)?(\/\/([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$/', $url, $match)) + { + for ($i = count($match); $i <= 9; $i++) + { + $match[$i] = ''; + } + return $cache[$url] = array('scheme' => $match[2], 'authority' => $match[4], 'path' => $match[5], 'query' => $match[7], 'fragment' => $match[9]); + } + else + { + return $cache[$url] = array('scheme' => '', 'authority' => '', 'path' => '', 'query' => '', 'fragment' => ''); + } + } + + function compress_parse_url($scheme = '', $authority = '', $path = '', $query = '', $fragment = '') + { + $return = ''; + if ($scheme !== '') + { + $return .= "$scheme:"; + } + if ($authority !== '') + { + $return .= "//$authority"; + } + if ($path !== '') + { + $return .= $path; + } + if ($query !== '') + { + $return .= "?$query"; + } + if ($fragment !== '') + { + $return .= "#$fragment"; + } + return $return; + } + + function normalize_url($url) + { + $url = preg_replace_callback('/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/', array('SimplePie_Misc', 'percent_encoding_normalization'), $url); + $url = SimplePie_Misc::parse_url($url); + $url['scheme'] = strtolower($url['scheme']); + if ($url['authority'] !== '') + { + $url['authority'] = strtolower($url['authority']); + $url['path'] = SimplePie_Misc::remove_dot_segments($url['path']); + } + return SimplePie_Misc::compress_parse_url($url['scheme'], $url['authority'], $url['path'], $url['query'], $url['fragment']); + } + + function percent_encoding_normalization($match) + { + $integer = hexdec($match[1]); + if ($integer >= 0x41 && $integer <= 0x5A || $integer >= 0x61 && $integer <= 0x7A || $integer >= 0x30 && $integer <= 0x39 || $integer == 0x2D || $integer == 0x2E || $integer == 0x5F || $integer == 0x7E) + { + return chr($integer); + } + else + { + return strtoupper($match[0]); + } + } + + /** + * Remove bad UTF-8 bytes + * + * PCRE Pattern to locate bad bytes in a UTF-8 string comes from W3C + * FAQ: Multilingual Forms (modified to include full ASCII range) + * + * @author Geoffrey Sneddon + * @see + * @param string $str String to remove bad UTF-8 bytes from + * @return string UTF-8 string + */ + function utf8_bad_replace($str) + { + if (function_exists('iconv')) + { + return iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $str); + } + elseif (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) + { + return mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8'); + } + elseif (preg_match_all('/([\x00-\x7F]|[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]|\xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}|\xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]|\xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2}|[\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3}|\xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2})/', $str, $matches)) + { + return implode("\xEF\xBF\xBD", $matches[0]); + } + elseif ($str !== '') + { + return "\xEF\xBF\xBD"; + } + else + { + return ''; + } + } + + function change_encoding($data, $input, $output) + { + $input = SimplePie_Misc::encoding($input); + $output = SimplePie_Misc::encoding($output); + + if (function_exists('iconv') && ($return = @iconv($input, "$output//IGNORE", $data))) + { + return $return; + } + elseif (function_exists('iconv') && ($return = @iconv($input, $output, $data))) + { + return $return; + } + elseif (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') && ($return = @mb_convert_encoding($data, $output, $input))) + { + return $return; + } + elseif ($input == 'ISO-8859-1' && $output == 'UTF-8') + { + return utf8_encode($data); + } + elseif ($input == 'UTF-8' && $output == 'ISO-8859-1') + { + return utf8_decode($data); + } + return $data; + } + + function encoding($encoding) + { + // Character sets are case-insensitive (though we'll return them in the form given in their registration) + switch (strtoupper($encoding)) + { + case 'ANSI_X3.4-1968': + case 'ISO-IR-6': + case 'ANSI_X3.4-1986': + case 'ISO_646.IRV:1991': + case 'ASCII': + case 'ISO646-US': + case 'US-ASCII': + case 'US': + case 'IBM367': + case 'CP367': + case 'CSASCII': + return 'US-ASCII'; + + case 'ISO_8859-1:1987': + case 'ISO-IR-100': + case 'ISO_8859-1': + case 'ISO-8859-1': + case 'LATIN1': + case 'L1': + case 'IBM819': + case 'CP819': + case 'CSISOLATIN1': + return 'ISO-8859-1'; + + case 'ISO_8859-2:1987': + case 'ISO-IR-101': + case 'ISO_8859-2': + case 'ISO-8859-2': + case 'LATIN2': + case 'L2': + case 'CSISOLATIN2': + return 'ISO-8859-2'; + + case 'ISO_8859-3:1988': + case 'ISO-IR-109': + case 'ISO_8859-3': + case 'ISO-8859-3': + case 'LATIN3': + case 'L3': + case 'CSISOLATIN3': + return 'ISO-8859-3'; + + case 'ISO_8859-4:1988': + case 'ISO-IR-110': + case 'ISO_8859-4': + case 'ISO-8859-4': + case 'LATIN4': + case 'L4': + case 'CSISOLATIN4': + return 'ISO-8859-4'; + + case 'ISO_8859-5:1988': + case 'ISO-IR-144': + case 'ISO_8859-5': + case 'ISO-8859-5': + case 'CYRILLIC': + case 'CSISOLATINCYRILLIC': + return 'ISO-8859-5'; + + case 'ISO_8859-6:1987': + case 'ISO-IR-127': + case 'ISO_8859-6': + case 'ISO-8859-6': + case 'ECMA-114': + case 'ASMO-708': + case 'ARABIC': + case 'CSISOLATINARABIC': + return 'ISO-8859-6'; + + case 'ISO_8859-7:1987': + case 'ISO-IR-126': + case 'ISO_8859-7': + case 'ISO-8859-7': + case 'ELOT_928': + case 'ECMA-118': + case 'GREEK': + case 'GREEK8': + case 'CSISOLATINGREEK': + return 'ISO-8859-7'; + + case 'ISO_8859-8:1988': + case 'ISO-IR-138': + case 'ISO_8859-8': + case 'ISO-8859-8': + case 'HEBREW': + case 'CSISOLATINHEBREW': + return 'ISO-8859-8'; + + case 'ISO_8859-9:1989': + case 'ISO-IR-148': + case 'ISO_8859-9': + case 'ISO-8859-9': + case 'LATIN5': + case 'L5': + case 'CSISOLATIN5': + return 'ISO-8859-9'; + + case 'ISO-8859-10': + case 'ISO-IR-157': + case 'L6': + case 'ISO_8859-10:1992': + case 'CSISOLATIN6': + case 'LATIN6': + return 'ISO-8859-10'; + + case 'ISO_6937-2-ADD': + case 'ISO-IR-142': + case 'CSISOTEXTCOMM': + return 'ISO_6937-2-add'; + + case 'JIS_X0201': + case 'X0201': + case 'CSHALFWIDTHKATAKANA': + return 'JIS_X0201'; + + case 'JIS_ENCODING': + case 'CSJISENCODING': + return 'JIS_Encoding'; + + case 'SHIFT_JIS': + case 'MS_KANJI': + case 'CSSHIFTJIS': + return 'Shift_JIS'; + + case 'EXTENDED_UNIX_CODE_PACKED_FORMAT_FOR_JAPANESE': + case 'CSEUCPKDFMTJAPANESE': + case 'EUC-JP': + return 'EUC-JP'; + + case 'EXTENDED_UNIX_CODE_FIXED_WIDTH_FOR_JAPANESE': + case 'CSEUCFIXWIDJAPANESE': + return 'Extended_UNIX_Code_Fixed_Width_for_Japanese'; + + case 'BS_4730': + case 'ISO-IR-4': + case 'ISO646-GB': + case 'GB': + case 'UK': + case 'CSISO4UNITEDKINGDOM': + return 'BS_4730'; + + case 'SEN_850200_C': + case 'ISO-IR-11': + case 'ISO646-SE2': + case 'SE2': + case 'CSISO11SWEDISHFORNAMES': + return 'SEN_850200_C'; + + case 'IT': + case 'ISO-IR-15': + case 'ISO646-IT': + case 'CSISO15ITALIAN': + return 'IT'; + + case 'ES': + case 'ISO-IR-17': + case 'ISO646-ES': + case 'CSISO17SPANISH': + return 'ES'; + + case 'DIN_66003': + case 'ISO-IR-21': + case 'DE': + case 'ISO646-DE': + case 'CSISO21GERMAN': + return 'DIN_66003'; + + case 'NS_4551-1': + case 'ISO-IR-60': + case 'ISO646-NO': + case 'NO': + case 'CSISO60DANISHNORWEGIAN': + case 'CSISO60NORWEGIAN1': + return 'NS_4551-1'; + + case 'NF_Z_62-010': + case 'ISO-IR-69': + case 'ISO646-FR': + case 'FR': + case 'CSISO69FRENCH': + return 'NF_Z_62-010'; + + case 'ISO-10646-UTF-1': + case 'CSISO10646UTF1': + return 'ISO-10646-UTF-1'; + + case 'ISO_646.BASIC:1983': + case 'REF': + case 'CSISO646BASIC1983': + return 'ISO_646.basic:1983'; + + case 'INVARIANT': + case 'CSINVARIANT': + return 'INVARIANT'; + + case 'ISO_646.IRV:1983': + case 'ISO-IR-2': + case 'IRV': + case 'CSISO2INTLREFVERSION': + return 'ISO_646.irv:1983'; + + case 'NATS-SEFI': + case 'ISO-IR-8-1': + case 'CSNATSSEFI': + return 'NATS-SEFI'; + + case 'NATS-SEFI-ADD': + case 'ISO-IR-8-2': + case 'CSNATSSEFIADD': + return 'NATS-SEFI-ADD'; + + case 'NATS-DANO': + case 'ISO-IR-9-1': + case 'CSNATSDANO': + return 'NATS-DANO'; + + case 'NATS-DANO-ADD': + case 'ISO-IR-9-2': + case 'CSNATSDANOADD': + return 'NATS-DANO-ADD'; + + case 'SEN_850200_B': + case 'ISO-IR-10': + case 'FI': + case 'ISO646-FI': + case 'ISO646-SE': + case 'SE': + case 'CSISO10SWEDISH': + return 'SEN_850200_B'; + + case 'KS_C_5601-1987': + case 'ISO-IR-149': + case 'KS_C_5601-1989': + case 'KSC_5601': + case 'KOREAN': + case 'CSKSC56011987': + return 'KS_C_5601-1987'; + + case 'ISO-2022-KR': + case 'CSISO2022KR': + return 'ISO-2022-KR'; + + case 'EUC-KR': + case 'CSEUCKR': + return 'EUC-KR'; + + case 'ISO-2022-JP': + case 'CSISO2022JP': + return 'ISO-2022-JP'; + + case 'ISO-2022-JP-2': + case 'CSISO2022JP2': + return 'ISO-2022-JP-2'; + + case 'JIS_C6220-1969-JP': + case 'JIS_C6220-1969': + case 'ISO-IR-13': + case 'KATAKANA': + case 'X0201-7': + case 'CSISO13JISC6220JP': + return 'JIS_C6220-1969-jp'; + + case 'JIS_C6220-1969-RO': + case 'ISO-IR-14': + case 'JP': + case 'ISO646-JP': + case 'CSISO14JISC6220RO': + return 'JIS_C6220-1969-ro'; + + case 'PT': + case 'ISO-IR-16': + case 'ISO646-PT': + case 'CSISO16PORTUGUESE': + return 'PT'; + + case 'GREEK7-OLD': + case 'ISO-IR-18': + case 'CSISO18GREEK7OLD': + return 'greek7-old'; + + case 'LATIN-GREEK': + case 'ISO-IR-19': + case 'CSISO19LATINGREEK': + return 'latin-greek'; + + case 'NF_Z_62-010_(1973)': + case 'ISO-IR-25': + case 'ISO646-FR1': + case 'CSISO25FRENCH': + return 'NF_Z_62-010_(1973)'; + + case 'LATIN-GREEK-1': + case 'ISO-IR-27': + case 'CSISO27LATINGREEK1': + return 'Latin-greek-1'; + + case 'ISO_5427': + case 'ISO-IR-37': + case 'CSISO5427CYRILLIC': + return 'ISO_5427'; + + case 'JIS_C6226-1978': + case 'ISO-IR-42': + case 'CSISO42JISC62261978': + return 'JIS_C6226-1978'; + + case 'BS_VIEWDATA': + case 'ISO-IR-47': + case 'CSISO47BSVIEWDATA': + return 'BS_viewdata'; + + case 'INIS': + case 'ISO-IR-49': + case 'CSISO49INIS': + return 'INIS'; + + case 'INIS-8': + case 'ISO-IR-50': + case 'CSISO50INIS8': + return 'INIS-8'; + + case 'INIS-CYRILLIC': + case 'ISO-IR-51': + case 'CSISO51INISCYRILLIC': + return 'INIS-cyrillic'; + + case 'ISO_5427:1981': + case 'ISO-IR-54': + case 'ISO5427CYRILLIC1981': + return 'ISO_5427:1981'; + + case 'ISO_5428:1980': + case 'ISO-IR-55': + case 'CSISO5428GREEK': + return 'ISO_5428:1980'; + + case 'GB_1988-80': + case 'ISO-IR-57': + case 'CN': + case 'ISO646-CN': + case 'CSISO57GB1988': + return 'GB_1988-80'; + + case 'GB_2312-80': + case 'ISO-IR-58': + case 'CHINESE': + case 'CSISO58GB231280': + return 'GB_2312-80'; + + case 'NS_4551-2': + case 'ISO646-NO2': + case 'ISO-IR-61': + case 'NO2': + case 'CSISO61NORWEGIAN2': + return 'NS_4551-2'; + + case 'VIDEOTEX-SUPPL': + case 'ISO-IR-70': + case 'CSISO70VIDEOTEXSUPP1': + return 'videotex-suppl'; + + case 'PT2': + case 'ISO-IR-84': + case 'ISO646-PT2': + case 'CSISO84PORTUGUESE2': + return 'PT2'; + + case 'ES2': + case 'ISO-IR-85': + case 'ISO646-ES2': + case 'CSISO85SPANISH2': + return 'ES2'; + + case 'MSZ_7795.3': + case 'ISO-IR-86': + case 'ISO646-HU': + case 'HU': + case 'CSISO86HUNGARIAN': + return 'MSZ_7795.3'; + + case 'JIS_C6226-1983': + case 'ISO-IR-87': + case 'X0208': + case 'JIS_X0208-1983': + case 'CSISO87JISX0208': + return 'JIS_C6226-1983'; + + case 'GREEK7': + case 'ISO-IR-88': + case 'CSISO88GREEK7': + return 'greek7'; + + case 'ASMO_449': + case 'ISO_9036': + case 'ARABIC7': + case 'ISO-IR-89': + case 'CSISO89ASMO449': + return 'ASMO_449'; + + case 'ISO-IR-90': + case 'CSISO90': + return 'iso-ir-90'; + + case 'JIS_C6229-1984-A': + case 'ISO-IR-91': + case 'JP-OCR-A': + case 'CSISO91JISC62291984A': + return 'JIS_C6229-1984-a'; + + case 'JIS_C6229-1984-B': + case 'ISO-IR-92': + case 'ISO646-JP-OCR-B': + case 'JP-OCR-B': + case 'CSISO92JISC62991984B': + return 'JIS_C6229-1984-b'; + + case 'JIS_C6229-1984-B-ADD': + case 'ISO-IR-93': + case 'JP-OCR-B-ADD': + case 'CSISO93JIS62291984BADD': + return 'JIS_C6229-1984-b-add'; + + case 'JIS_C6229-1984-HAND': + case 'ISO-IR-94': + case 'JP-OCR-HAND': + case 'CSISO94JIS62291984HAND': + return 'JIS_C6229-1984-hand'; + + case 'JIS_C6229-1984-HAND-ADD': + case 'ISO-IR-95': + case 'JP-OCR-HAND-ADD': + case 'CSISO95JIS62291984HANDADD': + return 'JIS_C6229-1984-hand-add'; + + case 'JIS_C6229-1984-KANA': + case 'ISO-IR-96': + case 'CSISO96JISC62291984KANA': + return 'JIS_C6229-1984-kana'; + + case 'ISO_2033-1983': + case 'ISO-IR-98': + case 'E13B': + case 'CSISO2033': + return 'ISO_2033-1983'; + + case 'ANSI_X3.110-1983': + case 'ISO-IR-99': + case 'CSA_T500-1983': + case 'NAPLPS': + case 'CSISO99NAPLPS': + return 'ANSI_X3.110-1983'; + + case 'T.61-7BIT': + case 'ISO-IR-102': + case 'CSISO102T617BIT': + return 'T.61-7bit'; + + case 'T.61-8BIT': + case 'T.61': + case 'ISO-IR-103': + case 'CSISO103T618BIT': + return 'T.61-8bit'; + + case 'ECMA-CYRILLIC': + case 'ISO-IR-111': + case 'KOI8-E': + case 'CSISO111ECMACYRILLIC': + return 'ECMA-cyrillic'; + + case 'CSA_Z243.4-1985-1': + case 'ISO-IR-121': + case 'ISO646-CA': + case 'CSA7-1': + case 'CA': + case 'CSISO121CANADIAN1': + return 'CSA_Z243.4-1985-1'; + + case 'CSA_Z243.4-1985-2': + case 'ISO-IR-122': + case 'ISO646-CA2': + case 'CSA7-2': + case 'CSISO122CANADIAN2': + return 'CSA_Z243.4-1985-2'; + + case 'CSA_Z243.4-1985-GR': + case 'ISO-IR-123': + case 'CSISO123CSAZ24341985GR': + return 'CSA_Z243.4-1985-gr'; + + case 'ISO_8859-6-E': + case 'CSISO88596E': + case 'ISO-8859-6-E': + return 'ISO-8859-6-E'; + + case 'ISO_8859-6-I': + case 'CSISO88596I': + case 'ISO-8859-6-I': + return 'ISO-8859-6-I'; + + case 'T.101-G2': + case 'ISO-IR-128': + case 'CSISO128T101G2': + return 'T.101-G2'; + + case 'ISO_8859-8-E': + case 'CSISO88598E': + case 'ISO-8859-8-E': + return 'ISO-8859-8-E'; + + case 'ISO_8859-8-I': + case 'CSISO88598I': + case 'ISO-8859-8-I': + return 'ISO-8859-8-I'; + + case 'CSN_369103': + case 'ISO-IR-139': + case 'CSISO139CSN369103': + return 'CSN_369103'; + + case 'JUS_I.B1.002': + case 'ISO-IR-141': + case 'ISO646-YU': + case 'JS': + case 'YU': + case 'CSISO141JUSIB1002': + return 'JUS_I.B1.002'; + + case 'IEC_P27-1': + case 'ISO-IR-143': + case 'CSISO143IECP271': + return 'IEC_P27-1'; + + case 'JUS_I.B1.003-SERB': + case 'ISO-IR-146': + case 'SERBIAN': + case 'CSISO146SERBIAN': + return 'JUS_I.B1.003-serb'; + + case 'JUS_I.B1.003-MAC': + case 'MACEDONIAN': + case 'ISO-IR-147': + case 'CSISO147MACEDONIAN': + return 'JUS_I.B1.003-mac'; + + case 'GREEK-CCITT': + case 'ISO-IR-150': + case 'CSISO150': + case 'CSISO150GREEKCCITT': + return 'greek-ccitt'; + + case 'NC_NC00-10:81': + case 'CUBA': + case 'ISO-IR-151': + case 'ISO646-CU': + case 'CSISO151CUBA': + return 'NC_NC00-10:81'; + + case 'ISO_6937-2-25': + case 'ISO-IR-152': + case 'CSISO6937ADD': + return 'ISO_6937-2-25'; + + case 'GOST_19768-74': + case 'ST_SEV_358-88': + case 'ISO-IR-153': + case 'CSISO153GOST1976874': + return 'GOST_19768-74'; + + case 'ISO_8859-SUPP': + case 'ISO-IR-154': + case 'LATIN1-2-5': + case 'CSISO8859SUPP': + return 'ISO_8859-supp'; + + case 'ISO_10367-BOX': + case 'ISO-IR-155': + case 'CSISO10367BOX': + return 'ISO_10367-box'; + + case 'LATIN-LAP': + case 'LAP': + case 'ISO-IR-158': + case 'CSISO158LAP': + return 'latin-lap'; + + case 'JIS_X0212-1990': + case 'X0212': + case 'ISO-IR-159': + case 'CSISO159JISX02121990': + return 'JIS_X0212-1990'; + + case 'DS_2089': + case 'DS2089': + case 'ISO646-DK': + case 'DK': + case 'CSISO646DANISH': + return 'DS_2089'; + + case 'US-DK': + case 'CSUSDK': + return 'us-dk'; + + case 'DK-US': + case 'CSDKUS': + return 'dk-us'; + + case 'KSC5636': + case 'ISO646-KR': + case 'CSKSC5636': + return 'KSC5636'; + + case 'UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7': + case 'CSUNICODE11UTF7': + return 'UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7'; + + case 'ISO-2022-CN': + return 'ISO-2022-CN'; + + case 'ISO-2022-CN-EXT': + return 'ISO-2022-CN-EXT'; + + case 'UTF-8': + return 'UTF-8'; + + case 'ISO-8859-13': + return 'ISO-8859-13'; + + case 'ISO-8859-14': + case 'ISO-IR-199': + case 'ISO_8859-14:1998': + case 'ISO_8859-14': + case 'LATIN8': + case 'ISO-CELTIC': + case 'L8': + return 'ISO-8859-14'; + + case 'ISO-8859-15': + case 'ISO_8859-15': + case 'LATIN-9': + return 'ISO-8859-15'; + + case 'ISO-8859-16': + case 'ISO-IR-226': + case 'ISO_8859-16:2001': + case 'ISO_8859-16': + case 'LATIN10': + case 'L10': + return 'ISO-8859-16'; + + case 'GBK': + case 'CP936': + case 'MS936': + case 'WINDOWS-936': + return 'GBK'; + + case 'GB18030': + return 'GB18030'; + + case 'OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_15': + return 'OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_15'; + + case 'OSD_EBCDIC_DF03_IRV': + return 'OSD_EBCDIC_DF03_IRV'; + + case 'OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_1': + return 'OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_1'; + + case 'ISO-11548-1': + case 'ISO_11548-1': + case 'ISO_TR_11548-1': + case 'CSISO115481': + return 'ISO-11548-1'; + + case 'KZ-1048': + case 'STRK1048-2002': + case 'RK1048': + case 'CSKZ1048': + return 'KZ-1048'; + + case 'ISO-10646-UCS-2': + case 'CSUNICODE': + return 'ISO-10646-UCS-2'; + + case 'ISO-10646-UCS-4': + case 'CSUCS4': + return 'ISO-10646-UCS-4'; + + case 'ISO-10646-UCS-BASIC': + case 'CSUNICODEASCII': + return 'ISO-10646-UCS-Basic'; + + case 'ISO-10646-UNICODE-LATIN1': + case 'CSUNICODELATIN1': + case 'ISO-10646': + return 'ISO-10646-Unicode-Latin1'; + + case 'ISO-10646-J-1': + return 'ISO-10646-J-1'; + + case 'ISO-UNICODE-IBM-1261': + case 'CSUNICODEIBM1261': + return 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1261'; + + case 'ISO-UNICODE-IBM-1268': + case 'CSUNICODEIBM1268': + return 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1268'; + + case 'ISO-UNICODE-IBM-1276': + case 'CSUNICODEIBM1276': + return 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1276'; + + case 'ISO-UNICODE-IBM-1264': + case 'CSUNICODEIBM1264': + return 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1264'; + + case 'ISO-UNICODE-IBM-1265': + case 'CSUNICODEIBM1265': + return 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1265'; + + case 'UNICODE-1-1': + case 'CSUNICODE11': + return 'UNICODE-1-1'; + + case 'SCSU': + return 'SCSU'; + + case 'UTF-7': + return 'UTF-7'; + + case 'UTF-16BE': + return 'UTF-16BE'; + + case 'UTF-16LE': + return 'UTF-16LE'; + + case 'UTF-16': + return 'UTF-16'; + + case 'CESU-8': + case 'CSCESU-8': + return 'CESU-8'; + + case 'UTF-32': + return 'UTF-32'; + + case 'UTF-32BE': + return 'UTF-32BE'; + + case 'UTF-32LE': + return 'UTF-32LE'; + + case 'BOCU-1': + case 'CSBOCU-1': + return 'BOCU-1'; + + case 'ISO-8859-1-WINDOWS-3.0-LATIN-1': + case 'CSWINDOWS30LATIN1': + return 'ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.0-Latin-1'; + + case 'ISO-8859-1-WINDOWS-3.1-LATIN-1': + case 'CSWINDOWS31LATIN1': + return 'ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.1-Latin-1'; + + case 'ISO-8859-2-WINDOWS-LATIN-2': + case 'CSWINDOWS31LATIN2': + return 'ISO-8859-2-Windows-Latin-2'; + + case 'ISO-8859-9-WINDOWS-LATIN-5': + case 'CSWINDOWS31LATIN5': + return 'ISO-8859-9-Windows-Latin-5'; + + case 'HP-ROMAN8': + case 'ROMAN8': + case 'R8': + case 'CSHPROMAN8': + return 'hp-roman8'; + + case 'ADOBE-STANDARD-ENCODING': + case 'CSADOBESTANDARDENCODING': + return 'Adobe-Standard-Encoding'; + + case 'VENTURA-US': + case 'CSVENTURAUS': + return 'Ventura-US'; + + case 'VENTURA-INTERNATIONAL': + case 'CSVENTURAINTERNATIONAL': + return 'Ventura-International'; + + case 'DEC-MCS': + case 'DEC': + case 'CSDECMCS': + return 'DEC-MCS'; + + case 'IBM850': + case 'CP850': + case '850': + case 'CSPC850MULTILINGUAL': + return 'IBM850'; + + case 'PC8-DANISH-NORWEGIAN': + case 'CSPC8DANISHNORWEGIAN': + return 'PC8-Danish-Norwegian'; + + case 'IBM862': + case 'CP862': + case '862': + case 'CSPC862LATINHEBREW': + return 'IBM862'; + + case 'PC8-TURKISH': + case 'CSPC8TURKISH': + return 'PC8-Turkish'; + + case 'IBM-SYMBOLS': + case 'CSIBMSYMBOLS': + return 'IBM-Symbols'; + + case 'IBM-THAI': + case 'CSIBMTHAI': + return 'IBM-Thai'; + + case 'HP-LEGAL': + case 'CSHPLEGAL': + return 'HP-Legal'; + + case 'HP-PI-FONT': + case 'CSHPPIFONT': + return 'HP-Pi-font'; + + case 'HP-MATH8': + case 'CSHPMATH8': + return 'HP-Math8'; + + case 'ADOBE-SYMBOL-ENCODING': + case 'CSHPPSMATH': + return 'Adobe-Symbol-Encoding'; + + case 'HP-DESKTOP': + case 'CSHPDESKTOP': + return 'HP-DeskTop'; + + case 'VENTURA-MATH': + case 'CSVENTURAMATH': + return 'Ventura-Math'; + + case 'MICROSOFT-PUBLISHING': + case 'CSMICROSOFTPUBLISHING': + return 'Microsoft-Publishing'; + + case 'WINDOWS-31J': + case 'CSWINDOWS31J': + return 'Windows-31J'; + + case 'GB2312': + case 'CSGB2312': + return 'GB2312'; + + case 'BIG5': + case 'CSBIG5': + return 'Big5'; + + case 'MACINTOSH': + case 'MAC': + case 'CSMACINTOSH': + return 'macintosh'; + + case 'IBM037': + case 'CP037': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-US': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-CA': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-WT': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-NL': + case 'CSIBM037': + return 'IBM037'; + + case 'IBM038': + case 'EBCDIC-INT': + case 'CP038': + case 'CSIBM038': + return 'IBM038'; + + case 'IBM273': + case 'CP273': + case 'CSIBM273': + return 'IBM273'; + + case 'IBM274': + case 'EBCDIC-BE': + case 'CP274': + case 'CSIBM274': + return 'IBM274'; + + case 'IBM275': + case 'EBCDIC-BR': + case 'CP275': + case 'CSIBM275': + return 'IBM275'; + + case 'IBM277': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-DK': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-NO': + case 'CSIBM277': + return 'IBM277'; + + case 'IBM278': + case 'CP278': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-FI': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-SE': + case 'CSIBM278': + return 'IBM278'; + + case 'IBM280': + case 'CP280': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-IT': + case 'CSIBM280': + return 'IBM280'; + + case 'IBM281': + case 'EBCDIC-JP-E': + case 'CP281': + case 'CSIBM281': + return 'IBM281'; + + case 'IBM284': + case 'CP284': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-ES': + case 'CSIBM284': + return 'IBM284'; + + case 'IBM285': + case 'CP285': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-GB': + case 'CSIBM285': + return 'IBM285'; + + case 'IBM290': + case 'CP290': + case 'EBCDIC-JP-KANA': + case 'CSIBM290': + return 'IBM290'; + + case 'IBM297': + case 'CP297': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-FR': + case 'CSIBM297': + return 'IBM297'; + + case 'IBM420': + case 'CP420': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-AR1': + case 'CSIBM420': + return 'IBM420'; + + case 'IBM423': + case 'CP423': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-GR': + case 'CSIBM423': + return 'IBM423'; + + case 'IBM424': + case 'CP424': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-HE': + case 'CSIBM424': + return 'IBM424'; + + case 'IBM437': + case 'CP437': + case '437': + case 'CSPC8CODEPAGE437': + return 'IBM437'; + + case 'IBM500': + case 'CP500': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-BE': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-CH': + case 'CSIBM500': + return 'IBM500'; + + case 'IBM851': + case 'CP851': + case '851': + case 'CSIBM851': + return 'IBM851'; + + case 'IBM852': + case 'CP852': + case '852': + case 'CSPCP852': + return 'IBM852'; + + case 'IBM855': + case 'CP855': + case '855': + case 'CSIBM855': + return 'IBM855'; + + case 'IBM857': + case 'CP857': + case '857': + case 'CSIBM857': + return 'IBM857'; + + case 'IBM860': + case 'CP860': + case '860': + case 'CSIBM860': + return 'IBM860'; + + case 'IBM861': + case 'CP861': + case '861': + case 'CP-IS': + case 'CSIBM861': + return 'IBM861'; + + case 'IBM863': + case 'CP863': + case '863': + case 'CSIBM863': + return 'IBM863'; + + case 'IBM864': + case 'CP864': + case 'CSIBM864': + return 'IBM864'; + + case 'IBM865': + case 'CP865': + case '865': + case 'CSIBM865': + return 'IBM865'; + + case 'IBM868': + case 'CP868': + case 'CP-AR': + case 'CSIBM868': + return 'IBM868'; + + case 'IBM869': + case 'CP869': + case '869': + case 'CP-GR': + case 'CSIBM869': + return 'IBM869'; + + case 'IBM870': + case 'CP870': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-ROECE': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-YU': + case 'CSIBM870': + return 'IBM870'; + + case 'IBM871': + case 'CP871': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-IS': + case 'CSIBM871': + return 'IBM871'; + + case 'IBM880': + case 'CP880': + case 'EBCDIC-CYRILLIC': + case 'CSIBM880': + return 'IBM880'; + + case 'IBM891': + case 'CP891': + case 'CSIBM891': + return 'IBM891'; + + case 'IBM903': + case 'CP903': + case 'CSIBM903': + return 'IBM903'; + + case 'IBM904': + case 'CP904': + case '904': + case 'CSIBBM904': + return 'IBM904'; + + case 'IBM905': + case 'CP905': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-TR': + case 'CSIBM905': + return 'IBM905'; + + case 'IBM918': + case 'CP918': + case 'EBCDIC-CP-AR2': + case 'CSIBM918': + return 'IBM918'; + + case 'IBM1026': + case 'CP1026': + case 'CSIBM1026': + return 'IBM1026'; + + case 'EBCDIC-AT-DE': + case 'CSIBMEBCDICATDE': + return 'EBCDIC-AT-DE'; + + case 'EBCDIC-AT-DE-A': + case 'CSEBCDICATDEA': + return 'EBCDIC-AT-DE-A'; + + case 'EBCDIC-CA-FR': + case 'CSEBCDICCAFR': + return 'EBCDIC-CA-FR'; + + case 'EBCDIC-DK-NO': + case 'CSEBCDICDKNO': + return 'EBCDIC-DK-NO'; + + case 'EBCDIC-DK-NO-A': + case 'CSEBCDICDKNOA': + return 'EBCDIC-DK-NO-A'; + + case 'EBCDIC-FI-SE': + case 'CSEBCDICFISE': + return 'EBCDIC-FI-SE'; + + case 'EBCDIC-FI-SE-A': + case 'CSEBCDICFISEA': + return 'EBCDIC-FI-SE-A'; + + case 'EBCDIC-FR': + case 'CSEBCDICFR': + return 'EBCDIC-FR'; + + case 'EBCDIC-IT': + case 'CSEBCDICIT': + return 'EBCDIC-IT'; + + case 'EBCDIC-PT': + case 'CSEBCDICPT': + return 'EBCDIC-PT'; + + case 'EBCDIC-ES': + case 'CSEBCDICES': + return 'EBCDIC-ES'; + + case 'EBCDIC-ES-A': + case 'CSEBCDICESA': + return 'EBCDIC-ES-A'; + + case 'EBCDIC-ES-S': + case 'CSEBCDICESS': + return 'EBCDIC-ES-S'; + + case 'EBCDIC-UK': + case 'CSEBCDICUK': + return 'EBCDIC-UK'; + + case 'EBCDIC-US': + case 'CSEBCDICUS': + return 'EBCDIC-US'; + + case 'UNKNOWN-8BIT': + case 'CSUNKNOWN8BIT': + return 'UNKNOWN-8BIT'; + + case 'MNEMONIC': + case 'CSMNEMONIC': + return 'MNEMONIC'; + + case 'MNEM': + case 'CSMNEM': + return 'MNEM'; + + case 'VISCII': + case 'CSVISCII': + return 'VISCII'; + + case 'VIQR': + case 'CSVIQR': + return 'VIQR'; + + case 'KOI8-R': + case 'CSKOI8R': + return 'KOI8-R'; + + case 'HZ-GB-2312': + return 'HZ-GB-2312'; + + case 'IBM866': + case 'CP866': + case '866': + case 'CSIBM866': + return 'IBM866'; + + case 'IBM775': + case 'CP775': + case 'CSPC775BALTIC': + return 'IBM775'; + + case 'KOI8-U': + return 'KOI8-U'; + + case 'IBM00858': + case 'CCSID00858': + case 'CP00858': + case 'PC-MULTILINGUAL-850+EURO': + return 'IBM00858'; + + case 'IBM00924': + case 'CCSID00924': + case 'CP00924': + case 'EBCDIC-LATIN9--EURO': + return 'IBM00924'; + + case 'IBM01140': + case 'CCSID01140': + case 'CP01140': + case 'EBCDIC-US-37+EURO': + return 'IBM01140'; + + case 'IBM01141': + case 'CCSID01141': + case 'CP01141': + case 'EBCDIC-DE-273+EURO': + return 'IBM01141'; + + case 'IBM01142': + case 'CCSID01142': + case 'CP01142': + case 'EBCDIC-DK-277+EURO': + case 'EBCDIC-NO-277+EURO': + return 'IBM01142'; + + case 'IBM01143': + case 'CCSID01143': + case 'CP01143': + case 'EBCDIC-FI-278+EURO': + case 'EBCDIC-SE-278+EURO': + return 'IBM01143'; + + case 'IBM01144': + case 'CCSID01144': + case 'CP01144': + case 'EBCDIC-IT-280+EURO': + return 'IBM01144'; + + case 'IBM01145': + case 'CCSID01145': + case 'CP01145': + case 'EBCDIC-ES-284+EURO': + return 'IBM01145'; + + case 'IBM01146': + case 'CCSID01146': + case 'CP01146': + case 'EBCDIC-GB-285+EURO': + return 'IBM01146'; + + case 'IBM01147': + case 'CCSID01147': + case 'CP01147': + case 'EBCDIC-FR-297+EURO': + return 'IBM01147'; + + case 'IBM01148': + case 'CCSID01148': + case 'CP01148': + case 'EBCDIC-INTERNATIONAL-500+EURO': + return 'IBM01148'; + + case 'IBM01149': + case 'CCSID01149': + case 'CP01149': + case 'EBCDIC-IS-871+EURO': + return 'IBM01149'; + + case 'BIG5-HKSCS': + return 'Big5-HKSCS'; + + case 'IBM1047': + case 'IBM-1047': + return 'IBM1047'; + + case 'PTCP154': + case 'CSPTCP154': + case 'PT154': + case 'CP154': + case 'CYRILLIC-ASIAN': + return 'PTCP154'; + + case 'AMIGA-1251': + case 'AMI1251': + case 'AMIGA1251': + case 'AMI-1251': + return 'Amiga-1251'; + + case 'KOI7-SWITCHED': + return 'KOI7-switched'; + + case 'BRF': + case 'CSBRF': + return 'BRF'; + + case 'TSCII': + case 'CSTSCII': + return 'TSCII'; + + case 'WINDOWS-1250': + return 'windows-1250'; + + case 'WINDOWS-1251': + return 'windows-1251'; + + case 'WINDOWS-1252': + return 'windows-1252'; + + case 'WINDOWS-1253': + return 'windows-1253'; + + case 'WINDOWS-1254': + return 'windows-1254'; + + case 'WINDOWS-1255': + return 'windows-1255'; + + case 'WINDOWS-1256': + return 'windows-1256'; + + case 'WINDOWS-1257': + return 'windows-1257'; + + case 'WINDOWS-1258': + return 'windows-1258'; + + default: + return (string) $encoding; + } + } + + function get_curl_version() + { + if (is_array($curl = curl_version())) + { + $curl = $curl['version']; + } + elseif (substr($curl, 0, 5) == 'curl/') + { + $curl = substr($curl, 5, strcspn($curl, "\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D", 5)); + } + elseif (substr($curl, 0, 8) == 'libcurl/') + { + $curl = substr($curl, 8, strcspn($curl, "\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D", 8)); + } + else + { + $curl = 0; + } + return $curl; + } + + function is_subclass_of($class1, $class2) + { + if (func_num_args() != 2) + { + trigger_error('Wrong parameter count for SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of()', E_USER_WARNING); + } + elseif (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.3', '>=') || is_object($class1)) + { + return is_subclass_of($class1, $class2); + } + elseif (is_string($class1) && is_string($class2)) + { + if (class_exists($class1)) + { + if (class_exists($class2)) + { + $class2 = strtolower($class2); + while ($class1 = strtolower(get_parent_class($class1))) + { + if ($class1 == $class2) + { + return true; + } + } + } + } + else + { + trigger_error('Unknown class passed as parameter', E_USER_WARNNG); + } + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Strip HTML comments + * + * @access public + * @param string $data Data to strip comments from + * @return string Comment stripped string + */ + function strip_comments($data) + { + $output = ''; + while (($start = strpos($data, '', $start)) !== false) + { + $data = substr_replace($data, '', 0, $end + 3); + } + else + { + $data = ''; + } + } + return $output . $data; + } + + function parse_date($dt, $rfc822_tz = true) + { + static $cache = array(); + if (!isset($cache[$dt][$rfc822_tz])) + { + $dt = SimplePie_Misc::uncomment_rfc822($dt); + /* + Capturing subpatterns: + 1: RFC 822 date + 2: RFC 822 day + 3: RFC 822 month + 4: RFC 822 year + 5: ISO 8601 date + 6: ISO 8601 century + 7: ISO 8601 year + 8: ISO 8601 month + 9: ISO 8601 day + 10: ISO 8601 ordinal day + 11: ISO 8601 month + 12: ISO 8601 day + 13: ISO 8601 week + 14: ISO 8601 day of week + 15: Time + 16: Hour + 17: Hour Decimal + 18: Minute + 19: Minute Decimal + 20: Second + 21: Second Decimal + 22: Timezone + 23: Diff ± + 24: Hour + 25: Hour Decimal + 26: Minute + 27: Minute Decimal + 28: Alphabetic Timezone + */ + if (preg_match('/^(?:(?:(?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun)[,\s]+)?(([0-9]{1,2})\s*(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\s*([0-9]{4}|[0-9]{2}))|(([0-9]{2})(?:([0-9]{2})(?:(?:-|\s)*(?:([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})|([0-9]{3})|([0-9]{2})(?:(?:-|\s)*([0-9]{2}))?|W([0-9]{2})(?:(?:-|\s)*([0-9]))?))?)?))((?:T|\s)+([0-9]{2})(?:(?:,|\.)([0-9]*)|(?:\:|\s)*([0-9]{2})(?:(?:,|\.)([0-9]*)|(?:\:|\s)*([0-9]{2})(?:(?:,|\.)([0-9]*))?)?)?(?:\s)*((?:(\+|-)([0-9]{2})(?:(?:,|\.)([0-9]*)|(?:\:|\s)*(?:([0-9]{2})(?:(?:,|\.)([0-9]*))?))?)|(UTC|GMT|EST|CST|MST|PST|EDT|CDT|MDT|PDT|UT|[A-IK-Z]))?)?$/i', $dt, $match)) + { + // Fill all matches + for ($i = count($match); $i <= 28; $i++) + { + $match[$i] = ''; + } + + // Set blank vars + $year = 1970; + $month = 1; + $day = 1; + $hour = 0; + $minute = 0; + $second = 0; + $timezone = false; + + // RFC 822 + if ($match[1] !== '') + { + if (strlen($match[4]) == 2) + { + $year = ($match[4] < 70) ? "20$match[4]" : "19$match[4]"; + } + else + { + $year = $match[4]; + } + switch (strtolower($match[3])) + { + case 'jan': + $month = 1; + break; + + case 'feb': + $month = 2; + break; + + case 'mar': + $month = 3; + break; + + case 'apr': + $month = 4; + break; + + case 'may': + $month = 5; + break; + + case 'jun': + $month = 6; + break; + + case 'jul': + $month = 7; + break; + + case 'aug': + $month = 8; + break; + + case 'sep': + $month = 9; + break; + + case 'oct': + $month = 10; + break; + + case 'nov': + $month = 11; + break; + + case 'dec': + $month = 12; + break; + } + $day = $match[2]; + } + // ISO 8601 + else + { + // Year + if ($match[7] !== '') + { + $year = "$match[6]$match[7]"; + + // Two Digit Month/Day + if ($match[11] !== '') + { + $month = $match[11]; + if ($match[12] !== '') + { + $day = $match[12]; + } + } + + // Four Digit Month/Day + elseif ($match[8] !== '') + { + $month = $match[8]; + $day = $match[9]; + } + + // Ordinal Day + elseif ($match[10] !== '') + { + $day = $match[10]; + } + + // Week Date + elseif ($match[13] !== '') + { + // Week Day + if ($match[14] !== '') + { + $day = $match[14]; + } + + $first_day_of_year = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year)); + if ($first_day_of_year == 0) + { + $first_day_of_year = 7; + } + + $day = 7 * ($match[13] - 1) + $day - ($first_day_of_year - 1); + } + } + else + { + $year = "$match[6]00"; + } + } + // Time + if ($match[15] !== '') + { + $time = 0; + $time += ($match[16] + ('.' . $match[17])) * 3600; + $time += ($match[18] + ('.' . $match[19])) * 60; + $time += $match[20] + ('.' . $match[21]); + $hour = floor($time / 3600); + $time -= $hour * 3600; + $minute = floor($time / 60); + $time -= $minute * 60; + $second = round($time); + + // Timezone + if ($match[22] !== '') + { + // Alphabetic Timezone + if ($match[28] !== '') + { + // Military + if (strlen($match[28]) == 1) + { + if ($match[28] == 'Z' || $match[28] == 'z' || !$rfc822_tz) + { + $timezone = 0; + } + else + { + $timezone = ord(strtoupper($match[28])); + + if ($timezone > 74) + { + $timezone--; + } + + if ($timezone <= 76) + { + $timezone = -($timezone - 64); + } + else + { + $timezone -= 76; + } + + $timezone *= 3600; + } + } + // Code + else + { + switch (strtoupper($match[28])) + { + case 'UT': + case 'UTC': + case 'GMT': + $timezone = 0; + break; + + case 'EST': + $timezone = -18000; + break; + + case 'CST': + $timezone = -21600; + break; + + case 'MST': + $timezone = -25200; + break; + + case 'PST': + $timezone = -28800; + break; + + case 'EDT': + $timezone = -14400; + break; + + case 'CDT': + $timezone = -18000; + break; + + case 'MDT': + $timezone = -21600; + break; + + case 'PDT': + $timezone = -25200; + break; + } + } + } + // Timezone difference from UTC + else + { + $timezone = 0; + $timezone += ($match[24] + ('.' . $match[25])) * 3600; + $timezone += ($match[26] + ('.' . $match[27])) * 60; + $timezone = (int) round($timezone); + + if ($match[23] == '-') + { + $timezone = -$timezone; + } + } + } + } + if ($timezone === false) + { + $cache[$dt][$rfc822_tz] = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year); + } + else + { + $cache[$dt][$rfc822_tz] = gmmktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year) - $timezone; + } + } + elseif (($time = strtotime($dt)) > 0) + { + $cache[$dt][$rfc822_tz] = $time; + } + else + { + $cache[$dt][$rfc822_tz] = false; + } + } + return $cache[$dt][$rfc822_tz]; + } + + /** + * Decode HTML entities + * + * @static + * @access public + * @param string $data Input data + * @return string Output data + */ + function entities_decode($data) + { + $decoder = new SimplePie_Decode_HTML_Entities($data); + return $decoder->parse(); + } + + /** + * Remove RFC822 comments + * + * @author Tomas V.V.Cox + * @author Pierre-Alain Joye + * @author Amir Mohammad Saied + * @copyright 1997-2006 Pierre-Alain Joye,Tomas V.V.Cox,Amir Mohammad Saied + * @license New BSD License + * @version CVS: $Id: Validate.php,v 1.104 2006/11/17 16:32:06 amir Exp $ + * @link + * @access public + * @param string $data Data to strip comments from + * @return string Comment stripped string + */ + function uncomment_rfc822($data) + { + if ((version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.4.6', '>=') && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5', '<')) || version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.2', '>=')) + { + return $data; + } + else + { + return preg_replace('/((?:(?:\\\\"|[^("])*(?:"(?:[^"\\\\\r]|\\\\.)*"\s*)?)*)((?=')) + { + return array_unique($array); + } + else + { + $array = (array) $array; + $new_array = array(); + $new_array_strings = array(); + foreach ($array as $key => $value) + { + if (is_object($value)) + { + if (method_exists($value, '__toString')) + { + $cmp = $value->__toString(); + } + else + { + trigger_error('Object of class ' . get_class($value) . ' could not be converted to string', E_USER_ERROR); + } + } + elseif (is_array($value)) + { + $cmp = (string) reset($value); + } + else + { + $cmp = (string) $value; + } + if (!in_array($cmp, $new_array_strings)) + { + $new_array[$key] = $value; + $new_array_strings[] = $cmp; + } + } + return $new_array; + } + } + + /** + * Converts a unicode codepoint to a UTF-8 character + * + * @static + * @access public + * @param int $codepoint Unicode codepoint + * @return string UTF-8 character + */ + function codepoint_to_utf8($codepoint) + { + static $cache = array(); + $codepoint = (int) $codepoint; + if (isset($cache[$codepoint])) + { + return $cache[$codepoint]; + } + elseif ($codepoint < 0) + { + return $cache[$codepoint] = false; + } + else if ($codepoint <= 0x7f) + { + return $cache[$codepoint] = chr($codepoint); + } + else if ($codepoint <= 0x7ff) + { + return $cache[$codepoint] = chr(0xc0 | ($codepoint >> 6)) . chr(0x80 | ($codepoint & 0x3f)); + } + else if ($codepoint <= 0xffff) + { + return $cache[$codepoint] = chr(0xe0 | ($codepoint >> 12)) . chr(0x80 | (($codepoint >> 6) & 0x3f)) . chr(0x80 | ($codepoint & 0x3f)); + } + else if ($codepoint <= 0x10ffff) + { + return $cache[$codepoint] = chr(0xf0 | ($codepoint >> 18)) . chr(0x80 | (($codepoint >> 12) & 0x3f)) . chr(0x80 | (($codepoint >> 6) & 0x3f)) . chr(0x80 | ($codepoint & 0x3f)); + } + else + { + // U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER + return $cache[$codepoint] = "\xEF\xBF\xBD"; + } + } + + /** + * Re-implementation of PHP 4.2.0's is_a() + * + * @static + * @access public + * @param object $object The tested object + * @param string $class_name The class name + * @return bool Returns true if the object is of this class or has this class as one of its parents, false otherwise + */ + function is_a($object, $class_name) + { + if (function_exists('is_a')) + { + return is_a($object, $class_name); + } + elseif (!is_object($object)) + { + return false; + } + elseif (get_class($object) == strtolower($class_name)) + { + return true; + } + else + { + return is_subclass_of($object, $class_name); + } + } + + /** + * Re-implementation of PHP 5's stripos() + * + * Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in the + * haystack string. + * + * @static + * @access string + * @param object $haystack + * @param string $needle Note that the needle may be a string of one or more + * characters. If needle is not a string, it is converted to an integer + * and applied as the ordinal value of a character. + * @param int $offset The optional offset parameter allows you to specify which + * character in haystack to start searching. The position returned is still + * relative to the beginning of haystack. + * @return bool If needle is not found, stripos() will return boolean false. + */ + function stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0) + { + if (function_exists('stripos')) + { + return stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset); + } + else + { + if (is_string($needle)) + { + $needle = strtolower($needle); + } + elseif (is_int($needle) || is_bool($needle) || is_double($needle)) + { + $needle = strtolower(chr($needle)); + } + else + { + trigger_error('needle is not a string or an integer', E_USER_WARNING); + return false; + } + + return strpos(strtolower($haystack), $needle, $offset); + } + } +} + +/** + * Decode HTML Entities + * + * This implements HTML5 as of revision 967 (2007-06-28) + * + * @package SimplePie + */ +class SimplePie_Decode_HTML_Entities +{ + /** + * Data to be parsed + * + * @access private + * @var string + */ + var $data = ''; + + /** + * Currently consumed bytes + * + * @access private + * @var string + */ + var $consumed = ''; + + /** + * Position of the current byte being parsed + * + * @access private + * @var int + */ + var $position = 0; + + /** + * Create an instance of the class with the input data + * + * @access public + * @param string $data Input data + */ + function SimplePie_Decode_HTML_Entities($data) + { + $this->data = $data; + } + + /** + * Parse the input data + * + * @access public + * @return string Output data + */ + function parse() + { + while (($this->position = strpos($this->data, '&', $this->position)) !== false) + { + $this->consume(); + $this->entity(); + $this->consumed = ''; + } + return $this->data; + } + + /** + * Consume the next byte + * + * @access private + * @return mixed The next byte, or false, if there is no more data + */ + function consume() + { + if (isset($this->data[$this->position])) + { + $this->consumed .= $this->data[$this->position]; + return $this->data[$this->position++]; + } + else + { + $this->consumed = false; + return false; + } + } + + /** + * Consume a range of characters + * + * @access private + * @param string $chars Characters to consume + * @return mixed A series of characters that match the range, or false + */ + function consume_range($chars) + { + if ($len = strspn($this->data, $chars, $this->position)) + { + $data = substr($this->data, $this->position, $len); + $this->consumed .= $data; + $this->position += $len; + return $data; + } + else + { + $this->consumed = false; + return false; + } + } + + /** + * Unconsume one byte + * + * @access private + */ + function unconsume() + { + $this->consumed = substr($this->consumed, 0, -1); + $this->position--; + } + + /** + * Decode an entity + * + * @access private + */ + function entity() + { + switch ($this->consume()) + { + case "\x09": + case "\x0A": + case "\x0B": + case "\x0B": + case "\x0C": + case "\x20": + case "\x3C": + case "\x26": + case false: + break; + + case "\x23": + switch ($this->consume()) + { + case "\x78": + case "\x58": + $range = '0123456789ABCDEFabcdef'; + $hex = true; + break; + + default: + $range = '0123456789'; + $hex = false; + $this->unconsume(); + break; + } + + if ($codepoint = $this->consume_range($range)) + { + static $windows_1252_specials = array(0x0D => "\x0A", 0x80 => "\xE2\x82\xAC", 0x81 => "\xEF\xBF\xBD", 0x82 => "\xE2\x80\x9A", 0x83 => "\xC6\x92", 0x84 => "\xE2\x80\x9E", 0x85 => "\xE2\x80\xA6", 0x86 => "\xE2\x80\xA0", 0x87 => "\xE2\x80\xA1", 0x88 => "\xCB\x86", 0x89 => "\xE2\x80\xB0", 0x8A => "\xC5\xA0", 0x8B => "\xE2\x80\xB9", 0x8C => "\xC5\x92", 0x8D => "\xEF\xBF\xBD", 0x8E => "\xC5\xBD", 0x8F => "\xEF\xBF\xBD", 0x90 => "\xEF\xBF\xBD", 0x91 => "\xE2\x80\x98", 0x92 => "\xE2\x80\x99", 0x93 => "\xE2\x80\x9C", 0x94 => "\xE2\x80\x9D", 0x95 => "\xE2\x80\xA2", 0x96 => "\xE2\x80\x93", 0x97 => "\xE2\x80\x94", 0x98 => "\xCB\x9C", 0x99 => "\xE2\x84\xA2", 0x9A => "\xC5\xA1", 0x9B => "\xE2\x80\xBA", 0x9C => "\xC5\x93", 0x9D => "\xEF\xBF\xBD", 0x9E => "\xC5\xBE", 0x9F => "\xC5\xB8"); + + if ($hex) + { + $codepoint = hexdec($codepoint); + } + else + { + $codepoint = intval($codepoint); + } + + if (isset($windows_1252_specials[$codepoint])) + { + $replacement = $windows_1252_specials[$codepoint]; + } + else + { + $replacement = SimplePie_Misc::codepoint_to_utf8($codepoint); + } + + if ($this->consume() != ';') + { + $this->unconsume(); + } + + $consumed_length = strlen($this->consumed); + $this->data = substr_replace($this->data, $replacement, $this->position - $consumed_length, $consumed_length); + $this->position += strlen($replacement) - $consumed_length; + } + break; + + default: + static $entities = array('Aacute' => "\xC3\x81", 'aacute' => "\xC3\xA1", 'Aacute;' => "\xC3\x81", 'aacute;' => "\xC3\xA1", 'Acirc' => "\xC3\x82", 'acirc' => "\xC3\xA2", 'Acirc;' => "\xC3\x82", 'acirc;' => "\xC3\xA2", 'acute' => "\xC2\xB4", 'acute;' => "\xC2\xB4", 'AElig' => "\xC3\x86", 'aelig' => "\xC3\xA6", 'AElig;' => "\xC3\x86", 'aelig;' => "\xC3\xA6", 'Agrave' => "\xC3\x80", 'agrave' => "\xC3\xA0", 'Agrave;' => "\xC3\x80", 'agrave;' => "\xC3\xA0", 'alefsym;' => "\xE2\x84\xB5", 'Alpha;' => "\xCE\x91", 'alpha;' => "\xCE\xB1", 'AMP' => "\x26", 'amp' => "\x26", 'AMP;' => "\x26", 'amp;' => "\x26", 'and;' => "\xE2\x88\xA7", 'ang;' => "\xE2\x88\xA0", 'apos;' => "\x27", 'Aring' => "\xC3\x85", 'aring' => "\xC3\xA5", 'Aring;' => "\xC3\x85", 'aring;' => "\xC3\xA5", 'asymp;' => "\xE2\x89\x88", 'Atilde' => "\xC3\x83", 'atilde' => "\xC3\xA3", 'Atilde;' => "\xC3\x83", 'atilde;' => "\xC3\xA3", 'Auml' => "\xC3\x84", 'auml' => "\xC3\xA4", 'Auml;' => "\xC3\x84", 'auml;' => "\xC3\xA4", 'bdquo;' => "\xE2\x80\x9E", 'Beta;' => "\xCE\x92", 'beta;' => "\xCE\xB2", 'brvbar' => "\xC2\xA6", 'brvbar;' => "\xC2\xA6", 'bull;' => "\xE2\x80\xA2", 'cap;' => "\xE2\x88\xA9", 'Ccedil' => "\xC3\x87", 'ccedil' => "\xC3\xA7", 'Ccedil;' => "\xC3\x87", 'ccedil;' => "\xC3\xA7", 'cedil' => "\xC2\xB8", 'cedil;' => "\xC2\xB8", 'cent' => "\xC2\xA2", 'cent;' => "\xC2\xA2", 'Chi;' => "\xCE\xA7", 'chi;' => "\xCF\x87", 'circ;' => "\xCB\x86", 'clubs;' => "\xE2\x99\xA3", 'cong;' => "\xE2\x89\x85", 'COPY' => "\xC2\xA9", 'copy' => "\xC2\xA9", 'COPY;' => "\xC2\xA9", 'copy;' => "\xC2\xA9", 'crarr;' => "\xE2\x86\xB5", 'cup;' => "\xE2\x88\xAA", 'curren' => "\xC2\xA4", 'curren;' => "\xC2\xA4", 'Dagger;' => "\xE2\x80\xA1", 'dagger;' => "\xE2\x80\xA0", 'dArr;' => "\xE2\x87\x93", 'darr;' => "\xE2\x86\x93", 'deg' => "\xC2\xB0", 'deg;' => "\xC2\xB0", 'Delta;' => "\xCE\x94", 'delta;' => "\xCE\xB4", 'diams;' => "\xE2\x99\xA6", 'divide' => "\xC3\xB7", 'divide;' => "\xC3\xB7", 'Eacute' => "\xC3\x89", 'eacute' => "\xC3\xA9", 'Eacute;' => "\xC3\x89", 'eacute;' => "\xC3\xA9", 'Ecirc' => "\xC3\x8A", 'ecirc' => "\xC3\xAA", 'Ecirc;' => "\xC3\x8A", 'ecirc;' => "\xC3\xAA", 'Egrave' => "\xC3\x88", 'egrave' => "\xC3\xA8", 'Egrave;' => "\xC3\x88", 'egrave;' => "\xC3\xA8", 'empty;' => "\xE2\x88\x85", 'emsp;' => "\xE2\x80\x83", 'ensp;' => "\xE2\x80\x82", 'Epsilon;' => "\xCE\x95", 'epsilon;' => "\xCE\xB5", 'equiv;' => "\xE2\x89\xA1", 'Eta;' => "\xCE\x97", 'eta;' => "\xCE\xB7", 'ETH' => "\xC3\x90", 'eth' => "\xC3\xB0", 'ETH;' => "\xC3\x90", 'eth;' => "\xC3\xB0", 'Euml' => "\xC3\x8B", 'euml' => "\xC3\xAB", 'Euml;' => "\xC3\x8B", 'euml;' => "\xC3\xAB", 'euro;' => "\xE2\x82\xAC", 'exist;' => "\xE2\x88\x83", 'fnof;' => "\xC6\x92", 'forall;' => "\xE2\x88\x80", 'frac12' => "\xC2\xBD", 'frac12;' => "\xC2\xBD", 'frac14' => "\xC2\xBC", 'frac14;' => "\xC2\xBC", 'frac34' => "\xC2\xBE", 'frac34;' => "\xC2\xBE", 'frasl;' => "\xE2\x81\x84", 'Gamma;' => "\xCE\x93", 'gamma;' => "\xCE\xB3", 'ge;' => "\xE2\x89\xA5", 'GT' => "\x3E", 'gt' => "\x3E", 'GT;' => "\x3E", 'gt;' => "\x3E", 'hArr;' => "\xE2\x87\x94", 'harr;' => "\xE2\x86\x94", 'hearts;' => "\xE2\x99\xA5", 'hellip;' => "\xE2\x80\xA6", 'Iacute' => "\xC3\x8D", 'iacute' => "\xC3\xAD", 'Iacute;' => "\xC3\x8D", 'iacute;' => "\xC3\xAD", 'Icirc' => "\xC3\x8E", 'icirc' => "\xC3\xAE", 'Icirc;' => "\xC3\x8E", 'icirc;' => "\xC3\xAE", 'iexcl' => "\xC2\xA1", 'iexcl;' => "\xC2\xA1", 'Igrave' => "\xC3\x8C", 'igrave' => "\xC3\xAC", 'Igrave;' => "\xC3\x8C", 'igrave;' => "\xC3\xAC", 'image;' => "\xE2\x84\x91", 'infin;' => "\xE2\x88\x9E", 'int;' => "\xE2\x88\xAB", 'Iota;' => "\xCE\x99", 'iota;' => "\xCE\xB9", 'iquest' => "\xC2\xBF", 'iquest;' => "\xC2\xBF", 'isin;' => "\xE2\x88\x88", 'Iuml' => "\xC3\x8F", 'iuml' => "\xC3\xAF", 'Iuml;' => "\xC3\x8F", 'iuml;' => "\xC3\xAF", 'Kappa;' => "\xCE\x9A", 'kappa;' => "\xCE\xBA", 'Lambda;' => "\xCE\x9B", 'lambda;' => "\xCE\xBB", 'lang;' => "\xE3\x80\x88", 'laquo' => "\xC2\xAB", 'laquo;' => "\xC2\xAB", 'lArr;' => "\xE2\x87\x90", 'larr;' => "\xE2\x86\x90", 'lceil;' => "\xE2\x8C\x88", 'ldquo;' => "\xE2\x80\x9C", 'le;' => "\xE2\x89\xA4", 'lfloor;' => "\xE2\x8C\x8A", 'lowast;' => "\xE2\x88\x97", 'loz;' => "\xE2\x97\x8A", 'lrm;' => "\xE2\x80\x8E", 'lsaquo;' => "\xE2\x80\xB9", 'lsquo;' => "\xE2\x80\x98", 'LT' => "\x3C", 'lt' => "\x3C", 'LT;' => "\x3C", 'lt;' => "\x3C", 'macr' => "\xC2\xAF", 'macr;' => "\xC2\xAF", 'mdash;' => "\xE2\x80\x94", 'micro' => "\xC2\xB5", 'micro;' => "\xC2\xB5", 'middot' => "\xC2\xB7", 'middot;' => "\xC2\xB7", 'minus;' => "\xE2\x88\x92", 'Mu;' => "\xCE\x9C", 'mu;' => "\xCE\xBC", 'nabla;' => "\xE2\x88\x87", 'nbsp' => "\xC2\xA0", 'nbsp;' => "\xC2\xA0", 'ndash;' => "\xE2\x80\x93", 'ne;' => "\xE2\x89\xA0", 'ni;' => "\xE2\x88\x8B", 'not' => "\xC2\xAC", 'not;' => "\xC2\xAC", 'notin;' => "\xE2\x88\x89", 'nsub;' => "\xE2\x8A\x84", 'Ntilde' => "\xC3\x91", 'ntilde' => "\xC3\xB1", 'Ntilde;' => "\xC3\x91", 'ntilde;' => "\xC3\xB1", 'Nu;' => "\xCE\x9D", 'nu;' => "\xCE\xBD", 'Oacute' => "\xC3\x93", 'oacute' => "\xC3\xB3", 'Oacute;' => "\xC3\x93", 'oacute;' => "\xC3\xB3", 'Ocirc' => "\xC3\x94", 'ocirc' => "\xC3\xB4", 'Ocirc;' => "\xC3\x94", 'ocirc;' => "\xC3\xB4", 'OElig;' => "\xC5\x92", 'oelig;' => "\xC5\x93", 'Ograve' => "\xC3\x92", 'ograve' => "\xC3\xB2", 'Ograve;' => "\xC3\x92", 'ograve;' => "\xC3\xB2", 'oline;' => "\xE2\x80\xBE", 'Omega;' => "\xCE\xA9", 'omega;' => "\xCF\x89", 'Omicron;' => "\xCE\x9F", 'omicron;' => "\xCE\xBF", 'oplus;' => "\xE2\x8A\x95", 'or;' => "\xE2\x88\xA8", 'ordf' => "\xC2\xAA", 'ordf;' => "\xC2\xAA", 'ordm' => "\xC2\xBA", 'ordm;' => "\xC2\xBA", 'Oslash' => "\xC3\x98", 'oslash' => "\xC3\xB8", 'Oslash;' => "\xC3\x98", 'oslash;' => "\xC3\xB8", 'Otilde' => "\xC3\x95", 'otilde' => "\xC3\xB5", 'Otilde;' => "\xC3\x95", 'otilde;' => "\xC3\xB5", 'otimes;' => "\xE2\x8A\x97", 'Ouml' => "\xC3\x96", 'ouml' => "\xC3\xB6", 'Ouml;' => "\xC3\x96", 'ouml;' => "\xC3\xB6", 'para' => "\xC2\xB6", 'para;' => "\xC2\xB6", 'part;' => "\xE2\x88\x82", 'permil;' => "\xE2\x80\xB0", 'perp;' => "\xE2\x8A\xA5", 'Phi;' => "\xCE\xA6", 'phi;' => "\xCF\x86", 'Pi;' => "\xCE\xA0", 'pi;' => "\xCF\x80", 'piv;' => "\xCF\x96", 'plusmn' => "\xC2\xB1", 'plusmn;' => "\xC2\xB1", 'pound' => "\xC2\xA3", 'pound;' => "\xC2\xA3", 'Prime;' => "\xE2\x80\xB3", 'prime;' => "\xE2\x80\xB2", 'prod;' => "\xE2\x88\x8F", 'prop;' => "\xE2\x88\x9D", 'Psi;' => "\xCE\xA8", 'psi;' => "\xCF\x88", 'QUOT' => "\x22", 'quot' => "\x22", 'QUOT;' => "\x22", 'quot;' => "\x22", 'radic;' => "\xE2\x88\x9A", 'rang;' => "\xE3\x80\x89", 'raquo' => "\xC2\xBB", 'raquo;' => "\xC2\xBB", 'rArr;' => "\xE2\x87\x92", 'rarr;' => "\xE2\x86\x92", 'rceil;' => "\xE2\x8C\x89", 'rdquo;' => "\xE2\x80\x9D", 'real;' => "\xE2\x84\x9C", 'REG' => "\xC2\xAE", 'reg' => "\xC2\xAE", 'REG;' => "\xC2\xAE", 'reg;' => "\xC2\xAE", 'rfloor;' => "\xE2\x8C\x8B", 'Rho;' => "\xCE\xA1", 'rho;' => "\xCF\x81", 'rlm;' => "\xE2\x80\x8F", 'rsaquo;' => "\xE2\x80\xBA", 'rsquo;' => "\xE2\x80\x99", 'sbquo;' => "\xE2\x80\x9A", 'Scaron;' => "\xC5\xA0", 'scaron;' => "\xC5\xA1", 'sdot;' => "\xE2\x8B\x85", 'sect' => "\xC2\xA7", 'sect;' => "\xC2\xA7", 'shy' => "\xC2\xAD", 'shy;' => "\xC2\xAD", 'Sigma;' => "\xCE\xA3", 'sigma;' => "\xCF\x83", 'sigmaf;' => "\xCF\x82", 'sim;' => "\xE2\x88\xBC", 'spades;' => "\xE2\x99\xA0", 'sub;' => "\xE2\x8A\x82", 'sube;' => "\xE2\x8A\x86", 'sum;' => "\xE2\x88\x91", 'sup;' => "\xE2\x8A\x83", 'sup1' => "\xC2\xB9", 'sup1;' => "\xC2\xB9", 'sup2' => "\xC2\xB2", 'sup2;' => "\xC2\xB2", 'sup3' => "\xC2\xB3", 'sup3;' => "\xC2\xB3", 'supe;' => "\xE2\x8A\x87", 'szlig' => "\xC3\x9F", 'szlig;' => "\xC3\x9F", 'Tau;' => "\xCE\xA4", 'tau;' => "\xCF\x84", 'there4;' => "\xE2\x88\xB4", 'Theta;' => "\xCE\x98", 'theta;' => "\xCE\xB8", 'thetasym;' => "\xCF\x91", 'thinsp;' => "\xE2\x80\x89", 'THORN' => "\xC3\x9E", 'thorn' => "\xC3\xBE", 'THORN;' => "\xC3\x9E", 'thorn;' => "\xC3\xBE", 'tilde;' => "\xCB\x9C", 'times' => "\xC3\x97", 'times;' => "\xC3\x97", 'TRADE;' => "\xE2\x84\xA2", 'trade;' => "\xE2\x84\xA2", 'Uacute' => "\xC3\x9A", 'uacute' => "\xC3\xBA", 'Uacute;' => "\xC3\x9A", 'uacute;' => "\xC3\xBA", 'uArr;' => "\xE2\x87\x91", 'uarr;' => "\xE2\x86\x91", 'Ucirc' => "\xC3\x9B", 'ucirc' => "\xC3\xBB", 'Ucirc;' => "\xC3\x9B", 'ucirc;' => "\xC3\xBB", 'Ugrave' => "\xC3\x99", 'ugrave' => "\xC3\xB9", 'Ugrave;' => "\xC3\x99", 'ugrave;' => "\xC3\xB9", 'uml' => "\xC2\xA8", 'uml;' => "\xC2\xA8", 'upsih;' => "\xCF\x92", 'Upsilon;' => "\xCE\xA5", 'upsilon;' => "\xCF\x85", 'Uuml' => "\xC3\x9C", 'uuml' => "\xC3\xBC", 'Uuml;' => "\xC3\x9C", 'uuml;' => "\xC3\xBC", 'weierp;' => "\xE2\x84\x98", 'Xi;' => "\xCE\x9E", 'xi;' => "\xCE\xBE", 'Yacute' => "\xC3\x9D", 'yacute' => "\xC3\xBD", 'Yacute;' => "\xC3\x9D", 'yacute;' => "\xC3\xBD", 'yen' => "\xC2\xA5", 'yen;' => "\xC2\xA5", 'yuml' => "\xC3\xBF", 'Yuml;' => "\xC5\xB8", 'yuml;' => "\xC3\xBF", 'Zeta;' => "\xCE\x96", 'zeta;' => "\xCE\xB6", 'zwj;' => "\xE2\x80\x8D", 'zwnj;' => "\xE2\x80\x8C"); + + for ($i = 0, $match = null; $i < 9 && $this->consume(); $i++) + { + $consumed = substr($this->consumed, 1); + if (isset($entities[$consumed])) + { + $match = $consumed; + } + } + + if ($match !== null) + { + $this->data = substr_replace($this->data, $entities[$match], $this->position - strlen($consumed) - 1, strlen($match) + 1); + $this->position += strlen($entities[$match]) - strlen($consumed) - 1; + } + break; + } + } +} + +class SimplePie_Locator +{ + var $useragent; + var $timeout; + var $file; + var $local = array(); + var $elsewhere = array(); + var $file_class = 'SimplePie_File'; + var $cached_entities = array(); + var $http_base; + var $base; + var $base_location = 0; + var $checked_feeds = 0; + var $max_checked_feeds = 10; + + function SimplePie_Locator(&$file, $timeout = 10, $useragent = null, $file_class = 'SimplePie_File', $max_checked_feeds = 10) + { + $this->file =& $file; + $this->file_class = $file_class; + $this->useragent = $useragent; + $this->timeout = $timeout; + $this->max_checked_feeds = $max_checked_feeds; + } + + function find($type = SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_ALL) + { + if ($this->is_feed($this->file)) + { + return $this->file; + } + + if ($type & ~SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_NONE) + { + $this->get_base(); + } + + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_AUTODISCOVERY && $working = $this->autodiscovery()) + { + return $working; + } + + if ($type & (SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_LOCAL_EXTENSION | SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_LOCAL_BODY | SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_REMOTE_EXTENSION | SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_REMOTE_BODY) && $this->get_links()) + { + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_LOCAL_EXTENSION && $working = $this->extension($this->local)) + { + return $working; + } + + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_LOCAL_BODY && $working = $this->body($this->local)) + { + return $working; + } + + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_REMOTE_EXTENSION && $working = $this->extension($this->elsewhere)) + { + return $working; + } + + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_REMOTE_BODY && $working = $this->body($this->elsewhere)) + { + return $working; + } + } + return null; + } + + function is_feed(&$file) + { + $body = SimplePie_Misc::strip_comments($file->body); + if (preg_match('/<([^\s:]+:)?(rss|RDF|feed)' . SIMPLEPIE_PCRE_XML_ATTRIBUTE . '>/i', $body)) + { + return true; + } + return false; + } + + function get_base() + { + if (isset($this->file->headers['content-location'])) + { + $this->http_base = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url(trim($this->file->headers['content-location']), $this->file->url); + } + else + { + $this->http_base = $this->file->url; + } + $this->base = $this->http_base; + $elements = SimplePie_Misc::get_element('base', $this->file->body); + foreach ($elements as $element) + { + if ($element['attribs']['href']['data'] !== '') + { + $this->base = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url(trim($element['attribs']['href']['data']), $this->http_base); + $this->base_location = $element['offset']; + break; + } + } + } + + function autodiscovery() + { + $links = array_merge(SimplePie_Misc::get_element('link', $this->file->body), SimplePie_Misc::get_element('a', $this->file->body), SimplePie_Misc::get_element('area', $this->file->body)); + $done = array(); + foreach ($links as $link) + { + if ($this->checked_feeds == $this->max_checked_feeds) + { + break; + } + if (isset($link['attribs']['href']['data']) && isset($link['attribs']['rel']['data'])) + { + $rel = array_unique(SimplePie_Misc::space_seperated_tokens(strtolower($link['attribs']['rel']['data']))); + + if ($this->base_location < $link['offset']) + { + $href = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url(trim($link['attribs']['href']['data']), $this->base); + } + else + { + $href = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url(trim($link['attribs']['href']['data']), $this->http_base); + } + + if (!in_array($href, $done) && in_array('feed', $rel) || (in_array('alternate', $rel) && !empty($link['attribs']['type']['data']) && in_array(strtolower(SimplePie_Misc::parse_mime($link['attribs']['type']['data'])), array('application/rss+xml', 'application/atom+xml')))) + { + $this->checked_feeds++; + $feed =& new $this->file_class($href, $this->timeout, 5, null, $this->useragent); + if ($this->is_feed($feed)) + { + return $feed; + } + } + $done[] = $href; + } + } + return null; + } + + function get_links() + { + $links = SimplePie_Misc::get_element('a', $this->file->body); + foreach ($links as $link) + { + if (isset($link['attribs']['href']['data'])) + { + $href = trim($link['attribs']['href']['data']); + $parsed = SimplePie_Misc::parse_url($href); + if ($parsed['scheme'] === '' || preg_match('/^(http(s)|feed)?$/i', $parsed['scheme'])) + { + if ($this->base_location < $link['offset']) + { + $href = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url(trim($link['attribs']['href']['data']), $this->base); + } + else + { + $href = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url(trim($link['attribs']['href']['data']), $this->http_base); + } + + $current = SimplePie_Misc::parse_url($this->file->url); + + if ($parsed['authority'] === '' || $parsed['authority'] == $current['authority']) + { + $this->local[] = $href; + } + else + { + $this->elsewhere[] = $href; + } + } + } + } + $this->local = array_unique($this->local); + $this->elsewhere = array_unique($this->elsewhere); + if (!empty($this->local) || !empty($this->elsewhere)) + { + return true; + } + return null; + } + + function extension(&$array) + { + foreach ($array as $key => $value) + { + if ($this->checked_feeds == $this->max_checked_feeds) + { + break; + } + if (in_array(strtolower(strrchr($value, '.')), array('.rss', '.rdf', '.atom', '.xml'))) + { + $this->checked_feeds++; + $feed =& new $this->file_class($value, $this->timeout, 5, null, $this->useragent); + if ($this->is_feed($feed)) + { + return $feed; + } + else + { + unset($array[$key]); + } + } + } + return null; + } + + function body(&$array) + { + foreach ($array as $key => $value) + { + if ($this->checked_feeds == $this->max_checked_feeds) + { + break; + } + if (preg_match('/(rss|rdf|atom|xml)/i', $value)) + { + $this->checked_feeds++; + $feed =& new $this->file_class($value, $this->timeout, 5, null, $this->useragent); + if ($this->is_feed($feed)) + { + return $feed; + } + else + { + unset($array[$key]); + } + } + } + return null; + } +} + +class SimplePie_Parser +{ + var $xml; + var $error_code; + var $error_string; + var $current_line; + var $current_column; + var $current_byte; + var $separator = ' '; + var $feed = false; + var $namespace = array(''); + var $element = array(''); + var $xml_base = array(''); + var $xml_base_explicit = array(false); + var $xml_lang = array(''); + var $data = array(); + var $datas = array(array()); + var $current_xhtml_construct = -1; + var $encoding; + + function pre_process(&$data, $encoding) + { + // Use UTF-8 if we get passed US-ASCII, as every US-ASCII character is a UTF-8 character + if (strtoupper($encoding) == 'US-ASCII') + { + $this->encoding = 'UTF-8'; + } + else + { + $this->encoding = $encoding; + } + + // Strip BOM: + // UTF-32 Big Endian BOM + if (strpos($data, "\x0\x0\xFE\xFF") === 0) + { + $data = substr($data, 4); + } + // UTF-32 Little Endian BOM + elseif (strpos($data, "\xFF\xFE\x0\x0") === 0) + { + $data = substr($data, 4); + } + // UTF-16 Big Endian BOM + elseif (strpos($data, "\xFE\xFF") === 0) + { + $data = substr($data, 2); + } + // UTF-16 Little Endian BOM + elseif (strpos($data, "\xFF\xFE") === 0) + { + $data = substr($data, 2); + } + // UTF-8 BOM + elseif (strpos($data, "\xEF\xBB\xBF") === 0) + { + $data = substr($data, 3); + } + + // Make sure the XML prolog is sane and has the correct encoding + $data = preg_replace("/^<\?xml[\x20\x9\xD\xA]+version([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+)?=([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+)?(\"1.0\"|'1.0'|\"1.1\"|'1.1')([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+encoding([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+)?=([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+)?(\"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\-]*\"|'[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\-]*'))?([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+standalone([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+)?=([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+)?(\"(yes|no)\"|'(yes|no)'))?([\x20\x9\xD\xA]+)?\?>/", '', $data); + $data = "\n" . $data; + } + + function parse(&$data) + { + $return = true; + + // Create the parser + $this->xml = xml_parser_create_ns($this->encoding, $this->separator); + xml_parser_set_option($this->xml, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); + xml_parser_set_option($this->xml, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); + xml_set_object($this->xml, $this); + xml_set_character_data_handler($this->xml, 'cdata'); + xml_set_element_handler($this->xml, 'tag_open', 'tag_close'); + + // Parse! + if (!xml_parse($this->xml, $data, true)) + { + $this->data = null; + $this->error_code = xml_get_error_code($this->xml); + $this->error_string = xml_error_string($this->error_code); + $return = false; + } + $this->current_line = xml_get_current_line_number($this->xml); + $this->current_column = xml_get_current_column_number($this->xml); + $this->current_byte = xml_get_current_byte_index($this->xml); + xml_parser_free($this->xml); + return $return; + } + + function get_error_code() + { + return $this->error_code; + } + + function get_error_string() + { + return $this->error_string; + } + + function get_current_line() + { + return $this->current_line; + } + + function get_current_column() + { + return $this->current_column; + } + + function get_current_byte() + { + return $this->current_byte; + } + + function get_data() + { + return $this->data; + } + + function tag_open($parser, $tag, $attributes) + { + if ($this->feed === 0) + { + return; + } + elseif ($this->feed == false) + { + if (in_array($tag, array( + SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10 . $this->separator . 'feed', + SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03 . $this->separator . 'feed', + 'rss', + SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF . $this->separator . 'RDF' + ))) + { + $this->feed = 1; + } + } + else + { + $this->feed++; + } + + list($this->namespace[], $this->element[]) = $this->split_ns($tag); + + $attribs = array(); + foreach ($attributes as $name => $value) + { + list($attrib_namespace, $attribute) = $this->split_ns($name); + $attribs[$attrib_namespace][$attribute] = $value; + } + + if (isset($attribs[SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_XML]['base'])) + { + $this->xml_base[] = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url($attribs[SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_XML]['base'], end($this->xml_base)); + $this->xml_base_explicit[] = true; + } + else + { + $this->xml_base[] = end($this->xml_base); + $this->xml_base_explicit[] = end($this->xml_base_explicit); + } + + if (isset($attribs[SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_XML]['lang'])) + { + $this->xml_lang[] = $attribs[SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_XML]['lang']; + } + else + { + $this->xml_lang[] = end($this->xml_lang); + } + + if ($this->current_xhtml_construct >= 0) + { + $this->current_xhtml_construct++; + if (end($this->namespace) == SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_XHTML) + { + $this->data['data'] .= '<' . end($this->element); + if (isset($attribs[''])) + { + foreach ($attribs[''] as $name => $value) + { + $this->data['data'] .= ' ' . $name . '="' . htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, $this->encoding) . '"'; + } + } + $this->data['data'] .= '>'; + } + } + else + { + $this->datas[] =& $this->data; + $this->data =& $this->data['child'][end($this->namespace)][end($this->element)][]; + $this->data = array('data' => '', 'attribs' => $attribs, 'xml_base' => end($this->xml_base), 'xml_base_explicit' => end($this->xml_base_explicit), 'xml_lang' => end($this->xml_lang)); + if ((end($this->namespace) == SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03 && in_array(end($this->element), array('title', 'tagline', 'copyright', 'info', 'summary', 'content')) && isset($attribs['']['mode']) && $attribs['']['mode'] == 'xml') + || (end($this->namespace) == SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10 && in_array(end($this->element), array('rights', 'subtitle', 'summary', 'info', 'title', 'content')) && isset($attribs['']['type']) && $attribs['']['type'] == 'xhtml')) + { + $this->current_xhtml_construct = 0; + } + } + } + + function cdata($parser, $cdata) + { + if ($this->current_xhtml_construct >= 0) + { + $this->data['data'] .= htmlspecialchars($cdata, ENT_QUOTES, $this->encoding); + } + elseif ($this->feed > 1) + { + $this->data['data'] .= $cdata; + } + } + + function tag_close($parser, $tag) + { + if (!$this->feed) + { + return; + } + + if ($this->current_xhtml_construct >= 0) + { + $this->current_xhtml_construct--; + if (end($this->namespace) == SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_XHTML && !in_array(end($this->element), array('area', 'base', 'basefont', 'br', 'col', 'frame', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'isindex', 'link', 'meta', 'param'))) + { + $this->data['data'] .= 'element) . '>'; + } + } + if ($this->current_xhtml_construct == -1) + { + $this->data =& $this->datas[$this->feed]; + array_pop($this->datas); + } + + array_pop($this->element); + array_pop($this->namespace); + array_pop($this->xml_base); + array_pop($this->xml_base_explicit); + array_pop($this->xml_lang); + $this->feed--; + } + + function split_ns($string) + { + static $cache = array(); + if (!isset($cache[$string])) + { + if ($pos = strpos($string, $this->separator)) + { + static $separator_length; + if (!$separator_length) + { + $separator_length = strlen($this->separator); + } + $cache[$string] = array(substr($string, 0, $pos), substr($string, $pos + $separator_length)); + } + else + { + $cache[$string] = array('', $string); + } + } + return $cache[$string]; + } +} + +/** + * @todo Move to using an actual HTML parser (this will allow tags to be properly stripped, and to switch between HTML and XHTML), this will also make it easier to shortern a string while preserving HTML tags + */ +class SimplePie_Sanitize +{ + // Private vars + var $base; + + // Options + var $remove_div = true; + var $image_handler = ''; + var $strip_htmltags = array('base', 'blink', 'body', 'doctype', 'embed', 'font', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'html', 'iframe', 'input', 'marquee', 'meta', 'noscript', 'object', 'param', 'script', 'style'); + var $encode_instead_of_strip = false; + var $strip_attributes = array('bgsound', 'class', 'expr', 'id', 'style', 'onclick', 'onerror', 'onfinish', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseout', 'onfocus', 'onblur', 'lowsrc', 'dynsrc'); + var $strip_comments = false; + var $output_encoding = 'UTF-8'; + var $enable_cache = true; + var $cache_location = './cache'; + var $cache_name_function = 'md5'; + var $cache_class = 'SimplePie_Cache'; + var $file_class = 'SimplePie_File'; + var $timeout = 10; + var $useragent = ''; + var $force_fsockopen = false; + + var $replace_url_attributes = array( + 'a' => 'href', + 'area' => 'href', + 'blockquote' => 'cite', + 'del' => 'cite', + 'form' => 'action', + 'img' => array('longdesc', 'src'), + 'input' => 'src', + 'ins' => 'cite', + 'q' => 'cite' + ); + + function remove_div($enable = true) + { + $this->remove_div = (bool) $enable; + } + + function set_image_handler($page = false) + { + if ($page) + { + $this->image_handler = (string) $page; + } + else + { + $this->image_handler = false; + } + } + + function pass_cache_data($enable_cache = true, $cache_location = './cache', $cache_name_function = 'md5', $cache_class = 'SimplePie_Cache') + { + if (isset($enable_cache)) + { + $this->enable_cache = (bool) $enable_cache; + } + + if ($cache_location) + { + $this->cache_location = (string) $cache_location; + } + + if ($cache_name_function) + { + $this->cache_name_function = (string) $cache_name_function; + } + + if ($cache_class) + { + $this->cache_class = (string) $cache_class; + } + } + + function pass_file_data($file_class = 'SimplePie_File', $timeout = 10, $useragent = '', $force_fsockopen = false) + { + if ($file_class) + { + $this->file_class = (string) $file_class; + } + + if ($timeout) + { + $this->timeout = (string) $timeout; + } + + if ($useragent) + { + $this->useragent = (string) $useragent; + } + + if ($force_fsockopen) + { + $this->force_fsockopen = (string) $force_fsockopen; + } + } + + function strip_htmltags($tags = array('base', 'blink', 'body', 'doctype', 'embed', 'font', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'html', 'iframe', 'input', 'marquee', 'meta', 'noscript', 'object', 'param', 'script', 'style')) + { + if ($tags) + { + if (is_array($tags)) + { + $this->strip_htmltags = $tags; + } + else + { + $this->strip_htmltags = explode(',', $tags); + } + } + else + { + $this->strip_htmltags = false; + } + } + + function encode_instead_of_strip($encode = false) + { + $this->encode_instead_of_strip = (bool) $encode; + } + + function strip_attributes($attribs = array('bgsound', 'class', 'expr', 'id', 'style', 'onclick', 'onerror', 'onfinish', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseout', 'onfocus', 'onblur', 'lowsrc', 'dynsrc')) + { + if ($attribs) + { + if (is_array($attribs)) + { + $this->strip_attributes = $attribs; + } + else + { + $this->strip_attributes = explode(',', $attribs); + } + } + else + { + $this->strip_attributes = false; + } + } + + function strip_comments($strip = false) + { + $this->strip_comments = (bool) $strip; + } + + function set_output_encoding($encoding = 'UTF-8') + { + $this->output_encoding = (string) $encoding; + } + + /** + * Set element/attribute key/value pairs of HTML attributes + * containing URLs that need to be resolved relative to the feed + * + * @access public + * @since 1.0 + * @param array $element_attribute Element/attribute key/value pairs + */ + function set_url_replacements($element_attribute = array('a' => 'href', 'area' => 'href', 'blockquote' => 'cite', 'del' => 'cite', 'form' => 'action', 'img' => array('longdesc', 'src'), 'input' => 'src', 'ins' => 'cite', 'q' => 'cite')) + { + $this->replace_url_attributes = (array) $element_attribute; + } + + function sanitize($data, $type, $base = '') + { + $data = trim($data); + if ($data !== '' || $type & SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI) + { + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML) + { + if (preg_match('/(&(#(x[0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9]+)|[a-zA-Z0-9]+)|<\/(\w+)' . SIMPLEPIE_PCRE_HTML_ATTRIBUTE . '>)/', $data)) + { + $type |= SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_HTML; + } + else + { + $type |= SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT; + } + } + + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_BASE64) + { + $data = base64_decode($data); + } + + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_XHTML) + { + if ($this->remove_div) + { + $data = preg_replace('/^/', '', $data); + $data = preg_replace('/<\/div>$/', '', $data); + } + else + { + $data = preg_replace('/^/', '
', $data); + } + } + + if ($type & (SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_HTML | SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_XHTML)) + { + // Strip comments + if ($this->strip_comments) + { + $data = SimplePie_Misc::strip_comments($data); + } + + // Strip out HTML tags and attributes that might cause various security problems. + // Based on recommendations by Mark Pilgrim at: + // + if ($this->strip_htmltags) + { + foreach ($this->strip_htmltags as $tag) + { + $pcre = "/<($tag)" . SIMPLEPIE_PCRE_HTML_ATTRIBUTE . "(>(.*)<\/$tag" . SIMPLEPIE_PCRE_HTML_ATTRIBUTE . '>|(\/)?>)/siU'; + while (preg_match($pcre, $data)) + { + $data = preg_replace_callback($pcre, array(&$this, 'do_strip_htmltags'), $data); + } + } + } + + if ($this->strip_attributes) + { + foreach ($this->strip_attributes as $attrib) + { + $data = preg_replace('/ '. trim($attrib) .'=("|")(\w|\s|=|-|:|;|\/|\.|\?|&|,|#|!|\(|\)|\'|'|<|>|\+|{|})*("|")/i', '', $data); + $data = preg_replace('/ '. trim($attrib) .'=(\'|')(\w|\s|=|-|:|;|\/|\.|\?|&|,|#|!|\(|\)|"|"|<|>|\+|{|})*(\'|')/i', '', $data); + $data = preg_replace('/ '. trim($attrib) .'=(\w|\s|=|-|:|;|\/|\.|\?|&|,|#|!|\(|\)|\+|{|})*/i', '', $data); + } + } + + // Replace relative URLs + $this->base = $base; + foreach ($this->replace_url_attributes as $element => $attributes) + { + $data = $this->replace_urls($data, $element, $attributes); + } + + // If image handling (caching, etc.) is enabled, cache and rewrite all the image tags. + if (isset($this->image_handler) && ((string) $this->image_handler) !== '' && $this->enable_cache) + { + $images = SimplePie_Misc::get_element('img', $data); + foreach ($images as $img) + { + if (isset($img['attribs']['src']['data'])) + { + $image_url = $img['attribs']['src']['data']; + $cache =& new $this->cache_class($this->cache_location, call_user_func($this->cache_name_function, $image_url), 'spi'); + + if ($cache->load()) + { + $img['attribs']['src']['data'] = $this->image_handler . rawurlencode($img['attribs']['src']['data']); + $data = str_replace($img['full'], SimplePie_Misc::element_implode($img), $data); + } + else + { + $file =& new $this->file_class($image_url, $this->timeout, 5, array('X-FORWARDED-FOR' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), $this->useragent, $this->force_fsockopen); + $headers = $file->headers; + + if ($file->success && ($file->status_code == 200 || ($file->status_code > 206 && $file->status_code < 300))) + { + if (!$cache->save(array('headers' => $file->headers, 'body' => $file->body))) + { + trigger_error("$cache->name is not writeable", E_USER_WARNING); + } + $img['attribs']['src']['data'] = $this->image_handler . rawurlencode($img['attribs']['src']['data']); + $data = str_replace($img['full'], SimplePie_Misc::element_implode($img), $data); + } + } + } + } + } + + // Having (possibly) taken stuff out, there may now be whitespace at the beginning/end of the data + $data = trim($data); + } + + if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI) + { + $data = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url($data, $base); + } + + if ($type & (SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT | SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI)) + { + $data = htmlspecialchars($data, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); + } + + if ($this->output_encoding != 'UTF-8') + { + $data = SimplePie_Misc::change_encoding($data, 'UTF-8', $this->output_encoding); + } + } + return $data; + } + + function replace_urls($data, $tag, $attributes) + { + if (!is_array($this->strip_htmltags) || !in_array($tag, $this->strip_htmltags)) + { + $elements = SimplePie_Misc::get_element($tag, $data); + foreach ($elements as $element) + { + if (is_array($attributes)) + { + foreach ($attributes as $attribute) + { + if (isset($element['attribs'][$attribute]['data'])) + { + $element['attribs'][$attribute]['data'] = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url($element['attribs'][$attribute]['data'], $this->base); + $data = str_replace($element['full'], SimplePie_Misc::element_implode($element), $data); + } + } + } + elseif (isset($element['attribs'][$attributes]['data'])) + { + $element['attribs'][$attributes]['data'] = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url($element['attribs'][$attributes]['data'], $this->base); + $data = str_replace($element['full'], SimplePie_Misc::element_implode($element), $data); + } + } + } + return $data; + } + + function do_strip_htmltags($match) + { + if ($this->encode_instead_of_strip) + { + if (isset($match[4]) && !in_array(strtolower($match[1]), array('script', 'style'))) + { + $match[1] = htmlspecialchars($match[1], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); + $match[2] = htmlspecialchars($match[2], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); + return "<$match[1]$match[2]>$match[3]</$match[1]>"; + } + else + { + return htmlspecialchars($match[0], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); + } + } + elseif (isset($match[4]) && !in_array(strtolower($match[1]), array('script', 'style'))) + { + return $match[4]; + } + else + { + return ''; + } + } +} + +?> \ No newline at end of file