diff --git a/.htaccess b/.htaccess
index 58a7a7706..010a7b61d 100644
--- a/.htaccess
+++ b/.htaccess
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Deny from all
Allow from all
diff --git a/dev/DevelopmentAdmin.php b/dev/DevelopmentAdmin.php
index c16917d30..242b8be3e 100644
--- a/dev/DevelopmentAdmin.php
+++ b/dev/DevelopmentAdmin.php
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ class DevelopmentAdmin extends Controller {
public function index() {
$actions = array(
"build" => "Build/rebuild this environment. Call this whenever you have updated your project sources",
- "buildcache" => "Rebuild the static cache, if you're using StaticPublisher",
"tests" => "See a list of unit tests to run",
"tests/all" => "Run all tests",
"tests/startsession" => "Start a test session in your browser (gives you a temporary database with default content)",
diff --git a/docs/en/reference/staticpublisher.md b/docs/en/reference/staticpublisher.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 00701eeda..000000000
--- a/docs/en/reference/staticpublisher.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-# Static Publisher
-## Introduction
-Many sites get too much traffic to justify dynamically sending every request. Caching is needed. Static Publishing
-will generate static versions of your content (HTML) that can be served without ever hitting PHP or the Database.
-See `[api:StaticExporter]` for a less flexible, but easier way of building a local static cache from all of
-your pages.
-See [Partial-Caching](partial-caching) for a much more flexible way of building in caching without statically delivering
-content. Partial Caching is recommended as a basic enhancement to any SilverStripe site however if your site is planning
-a vast amount of traffic (eg an article is being dug) then Static Publisher will be appropriate.
-## Usage
-SilverStripe doesn't have enough information about your template and data-structures to automatically determine which
-URLs need to be cached, and at which time they are considered outdated. By adding a custom method allPagesToCache() to
-your Page class, you can determine which URLs need caching, and hook in custom logic. This array of URLs is used by the
-publisher to generate folders and HTML-files.
- :::php
- class Page extends SiteTree {
- // ...
- /**
- * Return a list of all the pages to cache
- */
- public function allPagesToCache() {
- // Get each page type to define its sub-urls
- $urls = array();
- // memory intensive depending on number of pages
- $pages = SiteTree::get();
- foreach($pages as $page) {
- $urls = array_merge($urls, (array)$page->subPagesToCache());
- }
- // add any custom URLs which are not SiteTree instances
- $urls[] = "sitemap.xml";
- return $urls;
- }
- /**
- * Get a list of URLs to cache related to this page
- */
- public function subPagesToCache() {
- $urls = array();
- // add current page
- $urls[] = $this->Link();
- // cache the RSS feed if comments are enabled
- if ($this->ProvideComments) {
- $urls[] = Director::absoluteBaseURL() . "pagecomment/rss/" . $this->ID;
- }
- return $urls;
- }
- public function pagesAffectedByChanges() {
- $urls = $this->subPagesToCache();
- if($p = $this->Parent) $urls = array_merge((array)$urls, (array)$p->subPagesToCache());
- return $urls;
- }
- }
-## Excluding Pages
-The allPagesToCache function returns all the URLs needed to cache. So if you want to exclude specific pages from the
-cache then you unset these URLs from the returned array. If you do not want to cache a specific class (eg UserDefinedForms)
-you can also add an exclusion
- :::php
- public function allPagesToCache() {
- $urls = array();
- $pages = SiteTree::get();
- // ignored page types
- $ignored = array('UserDefinedForm');
- foreach($pages as $page) {
- // check to make sure this page is not in the classname
- if(!in_array($page->ClassName, $ignored)) {
- $urls = array_merge($urls, (array)$page->subPagesToCache());
- }
- }
- return $urls;
- }
-You can also pass the filtering to the original `SiteTree::get()`;
- :::php
- public function allPagesToCache() {
- $urls = array();
- $pages = SiteTree::get()->where("ClassName != 'UserDefinedForm'");
- ...
-## Single server Caching
-This setup will store the cached content on the same server as the CMS. This is good for a basic performance enhancement.
-### Setup
-Put this in mysite/_config.php. This will create static content in a "cache/" subdirectory, with an HTML suffix.
- :::php
- Object::add_extension("SiteTree", "FilesystemPublisher('cache/', 'html')");
-* Put this into your .htaccess. It will serve requests from the cache, statically, if the cache file exists. Replace
-**sitedir** with the a subdirectory that you would like to serve the site from (for example, in your dev environment).
-[View .htaccess
-* We use a simple PHP script, static-main.php, to control cache lookup. This makes the .htaccess update simpler.
-Just look for this line:
- RewriteRule .* framework/main.php?url=%1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
-And change the PHP script from main.php to static-main.php:
- RewriteRule .* framework/static-main.php?url=%1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
-## Using Static Publisher With Subsites Module
-Append the following code to mysite/config.php
- :::php
- FilesystemPublisher::$domain_based_caching = true;
-Instead of the above code snippet for Page.php, use the following code:
- :::php
- class Page extends SiteTree {
- // ...
- public function allPagesToCache() {
- // Get each page type to define its sub-urls
- $urls = array();
- // memory intensive depending on number of pages
- $pages = Subsite::get_from_all_subsites("SiteTree");
- foreach($pages as $page) {
- $urls = array_merge($urls, (array)$page->subPagesToCache());
- }
- return $urls;
- }
- public function subPagesToCache() {
- $urls = array();
- $urls[] = $this->AbsoluteLink();
- return $urls;
- }
- public function pagesAffectedByChanges() {
- $urls = $this->subPagesToCache();
- if($p = $this->Parent) $urls = array_merge((array)$urls, (array)$p->subPagesToCache());
- return $urls;
- }
- // ... some other code ...
- }
-And the last thing you need to do is adding your main site's host mapping to subsites/host-map.php. For example, your
-main site's host is mysite.com the content of the file would be:
- :::php
- @:',
- '@:',
- ));
-Where `` is a unix account with write permissions to `` (e.g. `/var/www`), and
-`` and `` are the names of your static content servers. The number of servers is
-flexible and depends on your infrastructure and scalability needs.
-* Ensure that the `rsync` unix tool is installed on the CMS server, and ssh access is enabled on the static content
-* No password can be specified for the SSH connection . The class assumes a key-based authentication without requiring
-a password for the username specified in `` (see [http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~ranga/notes/ssh_nopass.html
-tutorial](http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~ranga/notes/ssh_nopass.html tutorial)).
-* Put the .htaccess file linked below into the webroot of each static content server (and rename it to `.htaccess`).
-It will serve requests from the cache, statically, if the cache file exists. Replace **sitedir** with the a
-subdirectory that you would like to serve the site from (for example, in your dev environment).
-[View .htaccess
-## Cache Control
-There is also the option to wrap some PHP logic around the static HTML content served by the content servers, which can
-greatly reduce the bandwidth required on your content servers. This code takes care of cache control through HTTP
-headers (''Cache-control'', `If-modified-since`), meaning the files will only be delivered if they changed since the
-browser client last requested them. The last modification date for each static file is controlled by the publication
-script, meaning the cache gets invalidated on each publication.
-To enable cache control, specify "php" instead of "html" in the RsyncMultiHostPublisher definition.
- :::php
- Object::add_extension("SiteTree", "RsyncMultiHostPublisher('cache/', 'php')");
-And use this slightly different .htaccess file. Make sure that index.php can be used as a directory index!
-[View .htaccess
-## Deployment
-Once you've set up your rewrite rules and defined which pages need caching, you can build the static HTML files. This is
-done by the `[api:RebuildStaticCacheTask]`
-Execution via URL
- http://www.example.com/dev/buildcache?flush=1
-Execution on CLI (via [sake](/topics/commandline))
- sake dev/buildcache flush=1
-Depending on which extension you've set up for your SiteTree (FilesystemPublisher or RsyncMultiHostPublisher), the
-method publishPages() either stores the generated HTML-files on the server's filesystem, or deploys them to other
-servers via rsync.
-It is adviseable to set dev/buildcache up as an automated task (e.g. unix cron) which continually rebuilds and redeploys
-the cache.
-## Related
-* `[api:StaticExporter]`
-* [Partial-Caching](partial-caching)
-## API Documentation
-* `[api:StaticPublisher]`
diff --git a/main.php b/main.php
index edace3bf7..d0110eef1 100644
--- a/main.php
+++ b/main.php
@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ if (substr(strtolower($url), 0, strlen(BASE_URL)) == strtolower(BASE_URL)) $url
// Connect to database
+global $databaseConfig;
// Redirect to the installer if no database is selected
if(!isset($databaseConfig) || !isset($databaseConfig['database']) || !$databaseConfig['database']) {
if(!file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/install.php')) {
diff --git a/static-main.php b/static-main.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 339603573..000000000
--- a/static-main.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// Optional settings for FilesystemPublisher::$domain_based_mapping=TRUE
-$hostmapLocation = '../subsites/host-map.php';
-// Specific to 'homepagefordomain' module
-$homepageMapLocation = '../assets/_homepage-map.php';
-if (
- $cacheEnabled
- && empty($_COOKIE['bypassStaticCache'])
- // No GET params other than cache relevant config is passed (e.g. "?stage=Stage"),
- // which would mean that we have to bypass the cache
- && count(array_diff(array_keys($_GET), array('url', 'cacheSubdir'))) == 0
- // Request is not POST (which would have to be handled dynamically)
- && count($_POST) == 0
-) {
- // Define system paths (copied from Core.php)
- if(!defined('BASE_PATH')) {
- // Assuming that this file is framework/static-main.php we can then determine the base path
- define('BASE_PATH', rtrim(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
- }
- if(!defined('BASE_URL')) {
- // Determine the base URL by comparing SCRIPT_NAME to SCRIPT_FILENAME and getting common elements
- $path = realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
- if(substr($path, 0, strlen(BASE_PATH)) == BASE_PATH) {
- $urlSegmentToRemove = substr($path, strlen(BASE_PATH));
- if(substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], -strlen($urlSegmentToRemove)) == $urlSegmentToRemove) {
- $baseURL = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 0, -strlen($urlSegmentToRemove));
- define('BASE_URL', rtrim($baseURL, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
- }
- }
- }
- $url = $_GET['url'];
- // Remove base folders from the URL if webroot is hosted in a subfolder
- if (substr(strtolower($url), 0, strlen(BASE_URL)) == strtolower(BASE_URL)) {
- $url = substr($url, strlen(BASE_URL));
- }
- $host = str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
- // Custom cache dir for debugging purposes
- if (isset($_GET['cacheSubdir']) && !preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_]/', $_GET['cacheSubdir'])) {
- $cacheDir = $_GET['cacheSubdir'].'/';
- }
- // Custom mapping through PHP file (assumed FilesystemPublisher::$domain_based_mapping=TRUE)
- else if (file_exists($hostmapLocation)) {
- include_once $hostmapLocation;
- $subsiteHostmap['default'] = isset($subsiteHostmap['default']) ? $subsiteHostmap['default'] : '';
- $cacheDir = (isset($subsiteHostmap[$host]) ? $subsiteHostmap[$host] : $subsiteHostmap['default']) . '/';
- }
- // No subfolder (for FilesystemPublisher::$domain_based_mapping=FALSE)
- else {
- $cacheDir = '';
- }
- // Look for the file in the cachedir
- $file = trim($url, '/');
- $file = $file ? $file : 'index';
- // Route to the 'correct' index file (if applicable)
- if ($file == 'index' && file_exists($homepageMapLocation)) {
- include_once $homepageMapLocation;
- $file = isset($homepageMap[$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']]) ? $homepageMap[$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']] : $file;
- }
- // Encode each part of the path individually, in order to support multibyte paths.
- // SiteTree.URLSegment and hence the static folder and filenames are stored in encoded form,
- // to avoid filesystem incompatibilities.
- $file = implode('/', array_map('rawurlencode', explode('/', $file)));
- // Find file by extension (either *.html or *.php)
- if (file_exists($cacheBaseDir . $cacheDir . $file . '.html')) {
- header('X-SilverStripe-Cache: hit at '.@date('r'));
- echo file_get_contents($cacheBaseDir . $cacheDir . $file . '.html');
- if ($cacheDebug) echo "File was cached
- } elseif (file_exists($cacheBaseDir . $cacheDir . $file . '.php')) {
- header('X-SilverStripe-Cache: hit at '.@date('r'));
- include_once $cacheBaseDir . $cacheDir . $file . '.php';
- if ($cacheDebug) echo "File was cached
- } else {
- header('X-SilverStripe-Cache: miss at '.@date('r') . ' on ' . $cacheDir . $file);
- // No cache hit... fallback to dynamic routing
- include 'main.php';
- if ($cacheDebug) echo "File was NOT cached
- }
-} else {
- // Fall back to dynamic generation via normal routing if caching has been explicitly disabled
- include 'main.php';