Update translations

This commit is contained in:
Damian Mooyman 2017-04-05 16:08:16 +12:00
parent 8cbdfa4561
commit 25c0efea26
89 changed files with 2551 additions and 533 deletions

admin/client/lang/cs.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/cs.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('cs', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Vybráno {num} stránek.\n\nSkutečně chcete archivovat tyto stránky?\n\nTyto stránky a její všechny podstránky budou nezveřejněny a odeslány do archívu.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Máte vybráno {num} stránek.\n\nSkutečně chcete vymazat tyto stránky z webu?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Máte vybráno {num} stránek.\n\nSkutečně je chcete zveřejnit?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Vybráno {num} stránek.\n\nSkutečně chcete obnovit?\n\nPodstránky archivovaných stránek budou obnoveny do nejvzšší úrovně, pokud tyto stránky budou také obnoveny.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Máte vybráno {num} stránek.\n\nSkutečně je chcete nezveřejnit?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Prosím, vyberte nejméně 1 stránku",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Přidat kampaň",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s položek",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s položka",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Zveřejnit kampaň",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Přepnout",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Určitě chcete opustit navigaci z této stránky?\n\nUPOZORNĚNÍ: Vaše změny nebyly uloženy.\n\nStlačte OK pro pokračovat, nebo Cancel, zůstanete na této stránce.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "UPOZORNĚNÍ: Vaše změny nebyly uloženy.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Tato stránka byla smazána. Pro editaci stránky, vyberte ji vlevo.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Smazáno",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Skutečně chcete smazat?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Uloženo",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Chyba platnosti",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Skutečně chcete smazat %s skupiny?"

admin/client/lang/de.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/de.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('de', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Sie haben {num} Seite(n) ausgewählt.\n\nWollen Sie diese wirklich archivieren?\n\nDiese Seiten und alle Unterseiten davon werden von der veröffentlichen Seite gelöscht und in das Archiv verschoben.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Sie haben {num} Seite(n) ausgewählt.\n\nWollen Sie diese wirklich von der veröfffentlichten Seite löschen?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Sie haben {num} Seite(n) ausgewählt.\n\nWollen Sie diese wirklich veröffentlichen?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Sie haben {num} Seite(n) ausgewählt.\\n\\nWollen Sie diese wirklich wiederherstellen?\\n\\nUnterseiten von archivierten Seiten werden auf der Root-Ebene wiederhergestellt, es sei denn, diese Seiten werden ebenfalls wiederhergestellt.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Sie haben {num} Seite(n) ausgewählt.\n\nWollen Sie wirklich die Veröffentlichung zurücknehmen?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Bitte mindestens eine Seite auswählen",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s Einträge",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s Eintrag",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Seite verlassen möchten?\n\nWARNUNG: Ihre Änderungen werden nicht gespeichert.\n\nDrücken Sie \"OK\" um fortzufahren, oder \"Abbrechen\" um auf dieser Seite zu bleiben.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "WARNUNG: Ihre Änderungen wurden nicht gespeichert.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Diese Seite wurde gelöscht.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Gelöscht",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Wirklich löschen?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Gespeichert",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Validationsfehler",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Möchten Sie wirklich %s Gruppen löschen?"

admin/client/lang/en.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/en.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('en', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N\/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?\n\nWARNING: Your changes have not been saved.\n\nPress OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "WARNING: Your changes have not been saved.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "This page was deleted. To edit a page, select it from the left.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Deleted",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Do you really want to delete?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Saved",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Validation Error",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Do you really want to delete %s groups?"

admin/client/lang/eo.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/eo.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('eo', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Vi elektis {num} paĝo(j)n.\n\nĈu vi vere volas enarĥivigi tiujn paĝojn?\n\nTiuj paĝoj kaj ĉiuj idaj paĝoj estos malpublikigitaj kaj senditaj al la arĥivo.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Vi elektis {num} paĝo(j)n.\n\nĈi vi vere volas forigi tiujn paĝojn el la publika stadio?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Vi elektis {num} paĝo(j)n.\n\nĈi vi vere volas publikigi?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Vi elektis {num} paĝo(j)n.\n\nĈu vi vere volas restaŭri al stadio?\n\nIdoj de enarĥivigitaj paĝoj estos restaŭritaj al la radika nivelo, escepte se tiuj paĝoj ankaŭ estos restaŭritaj.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Vi elektis {num} paĝo(j)n.\n\nĈi vi vere volas malpublikigi?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Bonvole elektu almenaŭ 1 paĝon.",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Aldoni kampanjon",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s elementoj",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s elemento",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publikigi kampanjon",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Malfari",
"File.NO_SIZE": "neaplikebla",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Fermi",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Ĉu vi vere volas navigi for de ĉi tiu paĝo?\n\nAVERTO: Viaj ŝanĝoj ne estas konservitaj.\n\nPremu je Akcepti por daŭrigi, aŭ Nuligi por resti ĉe la aktuala paĝo.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "AVERTO: Viaj ŝanĝoj ne estas konservitaj.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "kaj",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ĉi tiu paĝo estas forigita. Por redakti paĝon, elektu ĝin maldekstre.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Vakigi serĉon",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Rezultoj de serĉo",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Rezultoj de serĉo {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "kategoriigitaj kiel '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "redaktitaj inter '{CreatedFrom}' ĝis '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "redaktitaj de '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "redaktitaj ĝis '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "kun ŝlosilvortoj '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limigita al la dosierujo '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Forigita",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Ĉi vi vere volas forigi?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Konservita",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Validiga eraro",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Ĉu vi vere volas forigi %s grupojn?"

admin/client/lang/es.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/es.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('es', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Ud tiene {num} páginas seleccionadas.\n\n¿Está seguro de querer archivar estas páginas?\n\nEstas páginas y sus hijas se retirarán de publicación y se enviarán al archivo.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Ud tiene {num} página(s) seleccionada(s).\n\n¿Realmente quieres eliminarla(s) desde el sitio en vivo?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "Tienes {num} página(s) seleccionadas.\n\n¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar estas páginas?\n\nEstas páginas y todas sus páginas secundarias serán eliminadas y enviadas y archivadas.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Ud tiene {num} página(s) seleccionada(s).\n\n¿Realmente la(s) quiere publicar?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Ud tiene {num} páginas seleccionadas.\n\n¿Está seguro de querer restaurar estas páginas?\n\nLos hijos de las páginas archivadas serán restauradas al nivel raíz a no ser que esas páginas también sean restauradas.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Ud tiene {num} página(s) seleccionada(s).\n\n¿Realmente la(s) quiere retirar de publicación?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Por favor, seleccione al menos una página",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Añadir campaña",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s elementos",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "elemento %s",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publicar campaña",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revertir",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Cerrar",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "¿Estás seguro que quieres navegar fuera de esta página?⏎\n⏎\nADVERTENCIA: Tus cambios no han sido guardados.⏎\n⏎\nPresionar OK para continuar o Cancelar para continuar en la página actual",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "ADVERTENCIA: Tus cambios no han sido guardados.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "y",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Esta página fue eliminada. Para editar una página, seleccionarla desde la izquierda",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Limpiar búsqueda",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Resultados de búsqueda",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Resultados de búsqueda {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorizadas como '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "editado entre '{CreatedFrom}' a '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "editado desde '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "editado antes de '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "con palabras clave '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limitado a la carpeta '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Eliminado",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Estás seguro que quieres eliminarla?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Guardado",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Error de validación",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "¿Realmente quieres eliminar el grupo %s?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/fa_IR.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('fa_IR', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "شما {num} صفحه(صفحه‌ها) را انتخاب کرده‌اید.\n\n\nآیا از این‌که می‌خواهید بایگانی شوند اطمینان دارید؟\n\nتمامی این صفحات و تمامی صفحات فرزند آن‌ها عدم انتشار می‌شوند و به بایگانی ارسال می‌گردند.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "شما {num} صفحه(صفحه‌ها) را انتخاب کرده‌اید.\n\nآیا واقعاً می‌خواهید آن‌ها از لایو را حذف نمایید؟",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "شما {num} صفحه(صفحه‌ها) را انتخاب کرده‌اید.\n\nآیا واقعاً می‌خواهید آن‌ها را منتشر نمایید؟",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "شما {num} صفحه را انتخاب کرده‌اید.\n\nآیا واقعاً می‌خواهید انتشار آن‌ها را لغو نمایید",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "لطفاً حداقل ۱ صفحه را انتخاب نمایید.",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "افزودن کمپین",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s آیتم",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s آیتم",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "انتشار کمپین",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "بازگرداندن",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?\n\nWARNING: Your changes have not been saved.\n\nPress OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "هشدار: تغییرات شما ذخیره نشده‌اند.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "این صفحه حذف شده است. برای ویرایش یک صفحه، آن‌را از لیست چپ انتخاب نمایید.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "حذف شده",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "آیا واقعاً می‌خواهید حذف نمایید؟",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "ذخیره شده",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "خطای اعتبار‌سنجی",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "آیا واقعاً می‌خواهید %s گروه را حذف نمایید؟"

admin/client/lang/fi.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/fi.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('fi', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Sinulla on {num} sivu(a) valittuna.\n\nHaluatko varmasti arkistoida nämä sivut?\n\nValitut sivut ja kaikki niiden alasivut poistetaan julkaisusta sekä siirretään arkistoon.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Sinulla on {num} sivu(a) valittuna.\n\nHaluatko varmasti poistaa nämä sivut näkyvistä?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Sinulla on {num} sivu(a) valittuna.\n\nHaluatko varmasti julkaista?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Sinulla on {num} sivu(a) valittuna.\n\nHaluatko varmasti palauttaa sivut?\n\nArkistoitujen sivujen alasivut palautetaan juuritasolle, jos niitä sivuja ei palauteta.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Sinulla on {num} sivu(a) valittuna.\n\nHaluatko varmasti poistaa julkaisusta?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Valitse vähintään yksi sivu",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Lisää kampanja",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s kohdetta",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s kohde",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Julkaise kampanja",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Palauta",
"File.NO_SIZE": "Ei yhtään",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Sulje",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Haluatko varmasti poistua tältä sivulta?\n\nVAROITUS: Muutoksiasi ei ole tallennettu.\n\nPaina OK jatkaaksesi, tai Peruuta pysyäksesi nykyisellä sivulla.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "VAROITUS: Muutoksiasi ei ole tallennettu.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "ja",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Sivu on poistettu. Valitse sivu muokattavaksesi vasemmalta.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Tyhjennä haku",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Hakutulokset",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Hakutulokset {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "Kategorioitu nimellä '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "muokattu välillä '{CreatedFrom}''{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "muokattu kohteesta '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "muokattu ennen '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "avainsanoilla '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "rajoitettu kansioon '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Poistettu",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Tallennettu",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Virhe vahvistuksessa",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa %s ryhmät?"

admin/client/lang/fr.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/fr.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('fr', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter cette page ?\n\nATTENTION: Vos changements n'ont pas été sauvegardés.\n\nCliquez sur OK pour continuer, ou sur Annuler pour rester sur la page actuelle.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "WARNING: Your changes have not been saved.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Cette page a été supprimée. Pour éditer cette page, veuillez la sélectionner à gauche.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Supprimé",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Sauvegardé",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Validation Error",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Do you really want to delete %s groups?"

admin/client/lang/hr.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/hr.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('hr', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Imate {num} stranicu(e) označeno.\n\nJeste li sigurni da želite arhivirati ove stranice?\n\nOve stranice i sve stranice ispod nje će biti neobjavljene i poslane u arhivu.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Imate {num} stranica(e) označeno.\n\nJeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ove stranice s objavljenog?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "Imate {num} stranicu(e) označeno.\n\nJeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ove stranice?\n\nOve stranice i sve stranice ispod nje će biti obrisane i poslane u arhivu.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Označili ste {num} stranicu(a).\n\nJeste li sigurni da želite objaviti?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Imate {num} stranica(e) označeno.\n\nJeste li sigurni da želite vratiti ove stranice?\n\nSve podstranice će biti vraćene u najviši nivo, osim ako te stranice su vraćene.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Označili ste {num} stranicu(a).\n\nJeste li sigurni da želite odjaviti?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Molimo odaberite bar jednu stranicu",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Dodaj kampanju",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s stavki",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s stavka",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Objavi kampanju",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Vrati",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Zatvori",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Jeste li sigurni da želite otići s ove stranice?\n\nUPOZORENJE: Vaše promjene nisu spremljene.\n\nPritisnike OK za nastavka, ili Odustani za ostati na trenutnoj stranici.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "UPOZORENJE: Vaše promjene nisu spremljene.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "i",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ova stranica je obrisana. Za uređivanje stranice, odaberite je s lijeve stranice.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Očisti pretragu",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Rezultati pretraživanja",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Rezultati pretraživanja {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Obrisano",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Spremljeno",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Greška validacije",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati %s grupe?"

admin/client/lang/id.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/id.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('id', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Anda ingin tinggalkan laman ini?\n\nPERINGATAN: Perubahan tidak akan disimpan.\n\nTekan OK untuk lanjut, atau Batal untuk tetap di laman ini.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "PERINGATAN: Perubahan tidak akan disimpan.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Laman sudah terhapus. Untuk mengedit, pilih pada sisi kiri.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Terhapus",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Anda yakin ingin menghapus?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Tersimpan",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Kesalahan Validasi",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Anda ingin menghapus kelompok %s?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/id_ID.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('id_ID', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Anda ingin tinggalkan laman ini?\n\nPERINGATAN: Perubahan tidak akan disimpan.\n\nTekan OK untuk lanjut, atau Batal untuk tetap di laman ini.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "PERINGATAN: Perubahan tidak akan disimpan.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Laman sudah terhapus. Untuk mengedit, pilih pada sisi kiri.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Terhapus",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Anda yakin ingin menghapus?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Tersimpan",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Kesalahan Validasi",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Anda ingin menghapus kelompok %s?"

admin/client/lang/it.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/it.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('it', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Hai selezionato {num} pagina(e).\n\nSei sicuro di volerle archiviare?\n\nQueste pagine insieme a tutte le pagine figlio saranno spubblicate ed archiviate.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Hai {num} pagine selezionate.\n\nVuoi veramente eliminare queste pagine dal sito live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Hai {num} pagine selezionate.\n\nVuoi veramente pubblicarle?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Hai selezionato {num} pagina(e).\n\nSei sicuri di volerle ripristinare?\n\nI figli delle pagine archiviate saranno ripristinati nel primo livello, a meno anche i genitori non vengano ripristinati.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Hai {num} pagine selezionate.\n\nVuoi veramente nasconderle?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Per favore selezionare almeno una pagina",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Aggiungi campagna",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s elementi",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s elemento",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Pubblica campagna",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Ripristina",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Siete sicuri di voler uscire da questa pagina?\n\nATTENZIONE: I vostri cambiamenti non sono stati salvati.\n\nCliccare OK per continuare, o su Annulla per rimanere sulla pagina corrente.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "ATTENZIONE: le tue modifiche non sono state salvate.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Questa pagina è stata eliminata. Per modificare questa pagine, selezionarla a sinistra.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Eliminato",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Si è sicuri di voler eliminare?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Salvato",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Errore di validazione",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Vuoi veramente eliminare %s gruppi?"

admin/client/lang/ja.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/ja.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('ja', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "このページから移動しても良いですか?\n\n警告: あなたの変更は保存されていません.\n\n続行するにはOKを押してくださいキャンセルをクリックするとこのページにとどまります",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "警告: あなたの変更は保存されていません.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "このページは削除されました.ページを編集するには,左から選択してください.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "削除しました",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "本当に削除しますか?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "保存しました",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "検証エラー",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "%sグループを本当に削除しても良いですか?"

admin/client/lang/lt.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/lt.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('lt', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Pažymėjote {num} puslapius(-į).\n\nAr tikrai norite archyvuoti šiuos puslapius?\n\nŠie puslapiai ir visi po jais esantys puslapiai bus nebepublikuojami ir suarchyvuoti.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Pažymėjote {num} puslapius(-į).\n\nAr tikrai norite ištrinti iš publikuotų puslapių?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Pažymėjote {num} puslapius(-į).\n\nAr tikrai norite publikuoti?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Pažymėjote {num} puslapius(-į).\n\nAr tikrai norite atstatyti?\n\nPuslapiai, esantys po suarchyvuotais puslapiais, bus atstatyti aukščiausiame lygyje, nebent šie puslapiai irgi bus atstatyti.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Pažymėjote {num} puslapius(-į).\n\nAr tikrai norite nebepublikuoti?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Prašome pasirinkti bent vieną puslapį",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Ar tikrai norite išeiti iš šio puslapio?\n\nDĖMESIO: Jūsų pakeitimai neišsaugoti.\n\nNorėdami tęsti, spauskite OK, jeigu norite likti, spauskite Cancel.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "DĖMESIO: Jūsų pakeitimai neišsaugoti.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Šis puslapis ištrintas. Norėdami redaguoti puslapį, pasirinkite jį kairėje.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Ištrinta",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Išsaugota",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Tikrinimo klaida",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti %s grupes?"

admin/client/lang/mi.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/mi.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('mi', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Whakahokia",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Kei te hiahia whakatere atu i tēnei whārangi?\n\nWHAKATŪPATO: Kāore anō ō huringa kia tiakina.\n\nPēhi AE kia haere tonu, Whakakore rānei kia noho i te whārangi onāianei.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "WHAKATŪPATO: Kāore anō ō huringa kia tiakina.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "I mukua tēnei whārangi. Hei whakatika i tētahi whārangi, tīpakohia i te taha mauī.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Kua Mukua",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Kei te tino hiahia muku?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Kua Tiakina",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Hapa Whakamana",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Kei te tino hiahia muku i te %s rōpū?"

admin/client/lang/nb.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/nb.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('nb', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Er du sikker på at du vil forlate denne siden?\n\nADVARSEL: Endringene din har ikke blitt lagret.\n\nTrykk OK for å fortsette eller Avbryt for å holde deg på samme side.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "ADVARSEL: Endringene dine har ikke blitt lagret.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Denne siden ble slettet. For å redigere en side, velg den fra listen til venstre.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Slettet",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Vil du virkelig slette?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Lagret",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Valideringsfeil",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Vil du virkelig slette %s grupper?"

admin/client/lang/nl.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/nl.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('nl', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Je hebt {num} pagina(s) geselecteerd.\n\nWeet je zeker dat je de pagina(s) wilt archiveren?\n\nDe publicatie van deze en onderliggende pagina's wordt ingetrokken en gearchiveerd.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Je hebt {num} pagina(s) geselecteerd.\n\nWeet je zeker dat je de publicatie van deze pagina's wilt intrekken?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Je hebt {num} pagina(s) geselecteerd.\n\nWeet je zeker dat je de pagina(s) wilt publiceren?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Je hebt {num} pagina(s) geselecteerd.\n\nWeet je zeker dat je de pagina(s) wilt herstellen? Onderliggende pagina's worden naar het top level hersteld, tenzij deze pagina's ook worden hersteld.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Je hebt {num} pagina(s) geselecteerd.\n\nWeet je zeker dat je de publicatie wilt intrekken?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Selecteer minstens 1 pagina.",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Weet u zeker dat u deze pagina wilt verlaten?\nWAARSCHUWING: Uw veranderingen zijn niet opgeslagen.\n\nKies OK om te verlaten, of Cancel om op de huidige pagina te blijven.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "WAARSCHUWING: Uw veranderingen zijn niet opgeslagen",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Deze pagina is verwijderd. Om een pagina aan te passen, selecteer deze aan de linkerkant.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Verwijderd",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Weet u zeker dat u wilt verwijderen?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Opgeslagen",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Validatiefout",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Weet u zeker dat u deze groep %s wilt verwijderen?"

admin/client/lang/pl.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/pl.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('pl', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Czy na pewno chcesz kontynuować nawigację poza tą stronę?\n\nUWAGA: Twoje zmiany nie zostały zapisane.\n\nWciśnij OK aby kontynuować, wciśnij Anuluj aby pozostać na tej stronie.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "UWAGA: Twoje zmiany nie zostały zapisane.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ta strona została usunięta. Wybierz stronę z listy aby rozpocząć edycję.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Usunięto",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Na pewno usunąć?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Zapisano",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Niepoprawne dane",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć %s grup?"

admin/client/lang/ro.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/ro.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('ro', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Aveti {num} pagina(i) selectate.\n\nDoriti sa le nenublicati",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Vă rugăm să selectaţi cel puțin o pagină.",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Sunteți sigur că doriți să părăsiți pagina?\n\nAVERTISMENT: Modificările nu au fost salvate.\n\nApăsați OK pentru a continua, sau Anulați pentru a rămâne pe pagina curentă.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "AVERTISMENT: Modificările nu au fost salvate.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Această pagină a fost ștearsă. Pentru a edita pagina, selectați-o din stânga.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Șters",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Sigur doriți să ștergeți?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Salvat",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Eroare de validare",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Sigur doriți să ștergeți grupurile %s?"

admin/client/lang/ru.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/ru.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('ru', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Вы выбрали {num} страниц(у)\nВы уверены что хотите отправить их в архив?\n\nПубликации этих страниц и их под-страниц будут отменены и отправлены в архив. ",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Вы выбрали {num} страниц(у)\n\nВы уверены что хотите отменить публикацию этих страниц?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Вы выбрали {num} страниц(у)\n\nВы уверены что хотите их опубликовать?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Вы выбрали {num} страниц(у)\n\nВы уверены что хотите восстановить эти страницы в черновик?\n\nПод-страницы архивных страниц будут восстановлены в корень если эти страницы также не отмечены для восстановления.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Вы выбрали {num} страниц(у)\n\nВы уверены что хотите отменить их публикацию?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Пожалуйста, выберите хотя бы одну страницу.",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Добавить кампанию",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s элементов",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s элемент",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Опубликовать кампанию",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Отменить",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Вы действительно хотите покинуть эту страницу?\n\nВНИМАНИЕ: Ваши изменения не были сохранены.\n\nНажмите ОК, чтобы продолжить или Отмена, чтобы остаться на текущей странице.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "ВНИМАНИЕ: Ваши изменения не были сохранены",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Эта страница была удалена. Чтобы изменить страницу, выберите её из списка слева.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Удалено",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Вы действительно хотите удалить?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Сохранено",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Ошибка валидации",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Вы действительно хотите удалить %s групп?"

admin/client/lang/sk.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/sk.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('sk', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Vybrali ste {num} stránok.\n\nUrčite chcete archivovať tieto stránky?\n\nTieto stránky a jej všetky podstránky budú nezverejnené a odoslané do archívu.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Máte vybratých {num} stránok.\n\nSkutočne chcete tieto stránky vymazať z webu?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Máte vybratých {num} stránok.\n\nSkutočne ich chcete zverejniť?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Vybrali ste {num} stránok.\n\nSkutočne chcete obnoviť?\n\nPodstránky archivovaných stránok budú obnovené do najvyššej úrovne, pokiaľ tieto stránky budú tiež obnovené.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Máte vybratých {num} stránok.\n\nSkutočne ich chcete nezverejniť?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Prosím, vyberte najmenej 1 stránku",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Pridať kampaň",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s položiek",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s položka",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Zverejniť kampaň",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Prepnúť",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Určite chcete opustiť navigáciu z tejto stránky?\n\nUPOZORNENIE: Vaše zmeny neboli uložené.\n\nStlačte OK pre pokračovať, alebo Cancel, ostanete na teto stránke.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "UPOZORNENIE: Vaše zmeny neboli uložené.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Táto stránka bola zmazaná. Pre editáciu stránky, vyberte ju vľavo.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Zmazané",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Skutočně chcete zmazať?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Uložené",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Chyba platnosti",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Skutočne chcete zmazať % skupiny?"

admin/client/lang/sl.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/sl.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('sl', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Res želite zapusitit stran?\n\nOPOZORILO: spremembe niso bile shranjene\n\nKliknite OK za nadaljevanje ali Prekliči, da ostanete na trenutni strani.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "OPOZORILO: spremembe niso bile shranjene.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Stran je bila izbrisana. Za urejanje izberite stran na levi.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Izbrisano",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Izbrišem?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Shranjeno",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Napaka pri preverjanju",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Izbrišem %s skupin?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/sl_SI.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('sl_SI', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Izbrano število strani: {num}\n\nSte prepričani, da želite arhivirati te strani?\n\nTe strani in vse ostale podstrani bodo odstranjene iz objave in premaknjene v arhiv.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Izbrali ste {num} strani.\n\nAli ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati te strani iz objave?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Prosimo izberite vsaj eno stran",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Dodaj kampanjo",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "% predmetov",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s predmet",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Objavi kampanjo",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Povrni",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?\n\nWARNING: Your changes have not been saved.\n\nPress OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "POZOR: Spremembe niso bile shranjene.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ta stran je bila izbrisana. Če želite urediti stran, jo najprej izberite na levi strani.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Izbrisano",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Shranjeno",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Napaka pri validaciji",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Ste prepričani, da želite pobrisati grupe: %s ?"

admin/client/lang/sr.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/sr.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('sr', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да одете са ове странице?\n\nУПОЗОРЕЊЕ: Ваше измене још нису сачуване.\n\nПритисните У реду за наставак или Одустани да би сте остали на овој страници.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "УПОЗОРЕЊЕ: Ваше измене нису сачуване.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ова страница је избрисана. Да би изменили страницу, изаберите је са леве стране.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Избрисано",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Да ли заиста желите да избришете?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Сачувано.",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Грешла при провери исправности",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Да ли заиста желите да се избришете %s групе?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/sr@latin.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('sr@latin', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da odete sa ove stranice?\n\nUPOZORENjE: Vaše izmene još nisu sačuvane.\n\nPritisnite U redu za nastavak ili Odustani da bi ste ostali na ovoj stranici.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "UPOZORENjE: Vaše izmene nisu sačuvane.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ova stranica je izbrisana. Da bi izmenili stranicu, izaberite je sa leve strane.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Izbrisano",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Da li zaista želite da izbrišete?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Sačuvano.",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Grešla pri proveri ispravnosti",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Da li zaista želite da se izbrišete %s grupe?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/sr_RS.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('sr_RS', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да одете са ове странице?\n\nУПОЗОРЕЊЕ: Ваше измене још нису сачуване.\n\nПритисните У реду за наставак или Одустани да би сте остали на овој страници.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "УПОЗОРЕЊЕ: Ваше измене нису сачуване.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ова страница је избрисана. Да би изменили страницу, изаберите је са леве стране.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Избрисано",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Да ли заиста желите да избришете?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Сачувано.",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Грешла при провери исправности",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Да ли заиста желите да се избришете %s групе?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/sr_RS@latin.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('sr_RS@latin', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da odete sa ove stranice?\n\nUPOZORENjE: Vaše izmene još nisu sačuvane.\n\nPritisnite U redu za nastavak ili Odustani da bi ste ostali na ovoj stranici.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "UPOZORENjE: Vaše izmene nisu sačuvane.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ova stranica je izbrisana. Da bi izmenili stranicu, izaberite je sa leve strane.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Izbrisano",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Da li zaista želite da izbrišete?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Sačuvano.",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Grešla pri proveri ispravnosti",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Da li zaista želite da se izbrišete %s grupe?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Vybráno {num} stránek.\n\nSkutečně chcete archivovat tyto stránky?\n\nTyto stránky a její všechny podstránky budou nezveřejněny a odeslány do archívu.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Máte vybráno {num} stránek.\n\nSkutečně chcete vymazat tyto stránky z webu?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Máte vybráno {num} stránek.\n\nSkutečně je chcete zveřejnit?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Vybráno {num} stránek.\n\nSkutečně chcete obnovit?\n\nPodstránky archivovaných stránek budou obnoveny do nejvzšší úrovně, pokud tyto stránky budou také obnoveny.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Máte vybráno {num} stránek.\n\nSkutečně je chcete nezveřejnit?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Prosím, vyberte nejméně 1 stránku",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Přidat kampaň",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s položek",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s položka",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Zveřejnit kampaň",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Přepnout",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Určitě chcete opustit navigaci z této stránky?\n\nUPOZORNĚNÍ: Vaše změny nebyly uloženy.\n\nStlačte OK pro pokračovat, nebo Cancel, zůstanete na této stránce.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "UPOZORNĚNÍ: Vaše změny nebyly uloženy.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Tato stránka byla smazána. Pro editaci stránky, vyberte ji vlevo.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Smazáno",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Skutečně chcete smazat?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Uloženo",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Chyba platnosti",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Skutečně chcete smazat %s skupiny?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Sie haben {num} Seite(n) ausgewählt.\n\nWollen Sie diese wirklich archivieren?\n\nDiese Seiten und alle Unterseiten davon werden von der veröffentlichen Seite gelöscht und in das Archiv verschoben.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Sie haben {num} Seite(n) ausgewählt.\n\nWollen Sie diese wirklich von der veröfffentlichten Seite löschen?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Sie haben {num} Seite(n) ausgewählt.\n\nWollen Sie diese wirklich veröffentlichen?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Sie haben {num} Seite(n) ausgewählt.\\n\\nWollen Sie diese wirklich wiederherstellen?\\n\\nUnterseiten von archivierten Seiten werden auf der Root-Ebene wiederhergestellt, es sei denn, diese Seiten werden ebenfalls wiederhergestellt.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Sie haben {num} Seite(n) ausgewählt.\n\nWollen Sie wirklich die Veröffentlichung zurücknehmen?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Bitte mindestens eine Seite auswählen",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s Einträge",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s Eintrag",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Seite verlassen möchten?\n\nWARNUNG: Ihre Änderungen werden nicht gespeichert.\n\nDrücken Sie \"OK\" um fortzufahren, oder \"Abbrechen\" um auf dieser Seite zu bleiben.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "WARNUNG: Ihre Änderungen wurden nicht gespeichert.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Diese Seite wurde gelöscht.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Gelöscht",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Wirklich löschen?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Gespeichert",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Validationsfehler",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Möchten Sie wirklich %s Gruppen löschen?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N\/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?\n\nWARNING: Your changes have not been saved.\n\nPress OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "WARNING: Your changes have not been saved.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "This page was deleted. To edit a page, select it from the left.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Deleted",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Do you really want to delete?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Saved",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Validation Error",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Do you really want to delete %s groups?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Vi elektis {num} paĝo(j)n.\n\nĈu vi vere volas enarĥivigi tiujn paĝojn?\n\nTiuj paĝoj kaj ĉiuj idaj paĝoj estos malpublikigitaj kaj senditaj al la arĥivo.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Vi elektis {num} paĝo(j)n.\n\nĈi vi vere volas forigi tiujn paĝojn el la publika stadio?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Vi elektis {num} paĝo(j)n.\n\nĈi vi vere volas publikigi?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Vi elektis {num} paĝo(j)n.\n\nĈu vi vere volas restaŭri al stadio?\n\nIdoj de enarĥivigitaj paĝoj estos restaŭritaj al la radika nivelo, escepte se tiuj paĝoj ankaŭ estos restaŭritaj.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Vi elektis {num} paĝo(j)n.\n\nĈi vi vere volas malpublikigi?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Bonvole elektu almenaŭ 1 paĝon.",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Aldoni kampanjon",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s elementoj",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s elemento",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publikigi kampanjon",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Malfari",
"File.NO_SIZE": "neaplikebla",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Fermi",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Ĉu vi vere volas navigi for de ĉi tiu paĝo?\n\nAVERTO: Viaj ŝanĝoj ne estas konservitaj.\n\nPremu je Akcepti por daŭrigi, aŭ Nuligi por resti ĉe la aktuala paĝo.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "AVERTO: Viaj ŝanĝoj ne estas konservitaj.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "kaj",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ĉi tiu paĝo estas forigita. Por redakti paĝon, elektu ĝin maldekstre.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Vakigi serĉon",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Rezultoj de serĉo",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Rezultoj de serĉo {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "kategoriigitaj kiel '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "redaktitaj inter '{CreatedFrom}' ĝis '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "redaktitaj de '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "redaktitaj ĝis '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "kun ŝlosilvortoj '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limigita al la dosierujo '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Forigita",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Ĉi vi vere volas forigi?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Konservita",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Validiga eraro",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Ĉu vi vere volas forigi %s grupojn?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Ud tiene {num} páginas seleccionadas.\n\n¿Está seguro de querer archivar estas páginas?\n\nEstas páginas y sus hijas se retirarán de publicación y se enviarán al archivo.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Ud tiene {num} página(s) seleccionada(s).\n\n¿Realmente quieres eliminarla(s) desde el sitio en vivo?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "Tienes {num} página(s) seleccionadas.\n\n¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar estas páginas?\n\nEstas páginas y todas sus páginas secundarias serán eliminadas y enviadas y archivadas.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Ud tiene {num} página(s) seleccionada(s).\n\n¿Realmente la(s) quiere publicar?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Ud tiene {num} páginas seleccionadas.\n\n¿Está seguro de querer restaurar estas páginas?\n\nLos hijos de las páginas archivadas serán restauradas al nivel raíz a no ser que esas páginas también sean restauradas.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Ud tiene {num} página(s) seleccionada(s).\n\n¿Realmente la(s) quiere retirar de publicación?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Por favor, seleccione al menos una página",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Añadir campaña",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s elementos",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "elemento %s",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publicar campaña",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revertir",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Cerrar",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "¿Estás seguro que quieres navegar fuera de esta página?⏎\n⏎\nADVERTENCIA: Tus cambios no han sido guardados.⏎\n⏎\nPresionar OK para continuar o Cancelar para continuar en la página actual",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "ADVERTENCIA: Tus cambios no han sido guardados.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "y",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Esta página fue eliminada. Para editar una página, seleccionarla desde la izquierda",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Limpiar búsqueda",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Resultados de búsqueda",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Resultados de búsqueda {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorizadas como '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "editado entre '{CreatedFrom}' a '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "editado desde '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "editado antes de '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "con palabras clave '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limitado a la carpeta '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Eliminado",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Estás seguro que quieres eliminarla?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Guardado",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Error de validación",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "¿Realmente quieres eliminar el grupo %s?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "شما {num} صفحه(صفحه‌ها) را انتخاب کرده‌اید.\n\n\nآیا از این‌که می‌خواهید بایگانی شوند اطمینان دارید؟\n\nتمامی این صفحات و تمامی صفحات فرزند آن‌ها عدم انتشار می‌شوند و به بایگانی ارسال می‌گردند.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "شما {num} صفحه(صفحه‌ها) را انتخاب کرده‌اید.\n\nآیا واقعاً می‌خواهید آن‌ها از لایو را حذف نمایید؟",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "شما {num} صفحه(صفحه‌ها) را انتخاب کرده‌اید.\n\nآیا واقعاً می‌خواهید آن‌ها را منتشر نمایید؟",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "شما {num} صفحه را انتخاب کرده‌اید.\n\nآیا واقعاً می‌خواهید انتشار آن‌ها را لغو نمایید",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "لطفاً حداقل ۱ صفحه را انتخاب نمایید.",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "افزودن کمپین",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s آیتم",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s آیتم",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "انتشار کمپین",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "بازگرداندن",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?\n\nWARNING: Your changes have not been saved.\n\nPress OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "هشدار: تغییرات شما ذخیره نشده‌اند.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "این صفحه حذف شده است. برای ویرایش یک صفحه، آن‌را از لیست چپ انتخاب نمایید.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "حذف شده",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "آیا واقعاً می‌خواهید حذف نمایید؟",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "ذخیره شده",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "خطای اعتبار‌سنجی",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "آیا واقعاً می‌خواهید %s گروه را حذف نمایید؟"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Sinulla on {num} sivu(a) valittuna.\n\nHaluatko varmasti arkistoida nämä sivut?\n\nValitut sivut ja kaikki niiden alasivut poistetaan julkaisusta sekä siirretään arkistoon.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Sinulla on {num} sivu(a) valittuna.\n\nHaluatko varmasti poistaa nämä sivut näkyvistä?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Sinulla on {num} sivu(a) valittuna.\n\nHaluatko varmasti julkaista?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Sinulla on {num} sivu(a) valittuna.\n\nHaluatko varmasti palauttaa sivut?\n\nArkistoitujen sivujen alasivut palautetaan juuritasolle, jos niitä sivuja ei palauteta.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Sinulla on {num} sivu(a) valittuna.\n\nHaluatko varmasti poistaa julkaisusta?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Valitse vähintään yksi sivu",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Lisää kampanja",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s kohdetta",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s kohde",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Julkaise kampanja",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Palauta",
"File.NO_SIZE": "Ei yhtään",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Sulje",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Haluatko varmasti poistua tältä sivulta?\n\nVAROITUS: Muutoksiasi ei ole tallennettu.\n\nPaina OK jatkaaksesi, tai Peruuta pysyäksesi nykyisellä sivulla.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "VAROITUS: Muutoksiasi ei ole tallennettu.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "ja",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Sivu on poistettu. Valitse sivu muokattavaksesi vasemmalta.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Tyhjennä haku",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Hakutulokset",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Hakutulokset {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "Kategorioitu nimellä '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "muokattu välillä '{CreatedFrom}''{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "muokattu kohteesta '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "muokattu ennen '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "avainsanoilla '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "rajoitettu kansioon '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Poistettu",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Tallennettu",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Virhe vahvistuksessa",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa %s ryhmät?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter cette page ?\n\nATTENTION: Vos changements n'ont pas été sauvegardés.\n\nCliquez sur OK pour continuer, ou sur Annuler pour rester sur la page actuelle.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "WARNING: Your changes have not been saved.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Cette page a été supprimée. Pour éditer cette page, veuillez la sélectionner à gauche.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Supprimé",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Sauvegardé",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Validation Error",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Do you really want to delete %s groups?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Imate {num} stranicu(e) označeno.\n\nJeste li sigurni da želite arhivirati ove stranice?\n\nOve stranice i sve stranice ispod nje će biti neobjavljene i poslane u arhivu.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Imate {num} stranica(e) označeno.\n\nJeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ove stranice s objavljenog?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "Imate {num} stranicu(e) označeno.\n\nJeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ove stranice?\n\nOve stranice i sve stranice ispod nje će biti obrisane i poslane u arhivu.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Označili ste {num} stranicu(a).\n\nJeste li sigurni da želite objaviti?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Imate {num} stranica(e) označeno.\n\nJeste li sigurni da želite vratiti ove stranice?\n\nSve podstranice će biti vraćene u najviši nivo, osim ako te stranice su vraćene.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Označili ste {num} stranicu(a).\n\nJeste li sigurni da želite odjaviti?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Molimo odaberite bar jednu stranicu",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Dodaj kampanju",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s stavki",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s stavka",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Objavi kampanju",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Vrati",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Zatvori",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Jeste li sigurni da želite otići s ove stranice?\n\nUPOZORENJE: Vaše promjene nisu spremljene.\n\nPritisnike OK za nastavka, ili Odustani za ostati na trenutnoj stranici.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "UPOZORENJE: Vaše promjene nisu spremljene.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "i",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ova stranica je obrisana. Za uređivanje stranice, odaberite je s lijeve stranice.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Očisti pretragu",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Rezultati pretraživanja",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Rezultati pretraživanja {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Obrisano",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Spremljeno",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Greška validacije",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati %s grupe?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Anda ingin tinggalkan laman ini?\n\nPERINGATAN: Perubahan tidak akan disimpan.\n\nTekan OK untuk lanjut, atau Batal untuk tetap di laman ini.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "PERINGATAN: Perubahan tidak akan disimpan.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Laman sudah terhapus. Untuk mengedit, pilih pada sisi kiri.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Terhapus",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Anda yakin ingin menghapus?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Tersimpan",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Kesalahan Validasi",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Anda ingin menghapus kelompok %s?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Anda ingin tinggalkan laman ini?\n\nPERINGATAN: Perubahan tidak akan disimpan.\n\nTekan OK untuk lanjut, atau Batal untuk tetap di laman ini.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "PERINGATAN: Perubahan tidak akan disimpan.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Laman sudah terhapus. Untuk mengedit, pilih pada sisi kiri.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Terhapus",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Anda yakin ingin menghapus?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Tersimpan",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Kesalahan Validasi",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Anda ingin menghapus kelompok %s?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Hai selezionato {num} pagina(e).\n\nSei sicuro di volerle archiviare?\n\nQueste pagine insieme a tutte le pagine figlio saranno spubblicate ed archiviate.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Hai {num} pagine selezionate.\n\nVuoi veramente eliminare queste pagine dal sito live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Hai {num} pagine selezionate.\n\nVuoi veramente pubblicarle?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Hai selezionato {num} pagina(e).\n\nSei sicuri di volerle ripristinare?\n\nI figli delle pagine archiviate saranno ripristinati nel primo livello, a meno anche i genitori non vengano ripristinati.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Hai {num} pagine selezionate.\n\nVuoi veramente nasconderle?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Per favore selezionare almeno una pagina",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Aggiungi campagna",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s elementi",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s elemento",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Pubblica campagna",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Ripristina",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Siete sicuri di voler uscire da questa pagina?\n\nATTENZIONE: I vostri cambiamenti non sono stati salvati.\n\nCliccare OK per continuare, o su Annulla per rimanere sulla pagina corrente.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "ATTENZIONE: le tue modifiche non sono state salvate.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Questa pagina è stata eliminata. Per modificare questa pagine, selezionarla a sinistra.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Eliminato",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Si è sicuri di voler eliminare?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Salvato",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Errore di validazione",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Vuoi veramente eliminare %s gruppi?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "このページから移動しても良いですか?\n\n警告: あなたの変更は保存されていません.\n\n続行するにはOKを押してくださいキャンセルをクリックするとこのページにとどまります",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "警告: あなたの変更は保存されていません.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "このページは削除されました.ページを編集するには,左から選択してください.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "削除しました",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "本当に削除しますか?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "保存しました",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "検証エラー",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "%sグループを本当に削除しても良いですか?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Pažymėjote {num} puslapius(-į).\n\nAr tikrai norite archyvuoti šiuos puslapius?\n\nŠie puslapiai ir visi po jais esantys puslapiai bus nebepublikuojami ir suarchyvuoti.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Pažymėjote {num} puslapius(-į).\n\nAr tikrai norite ištrinti iš publikuotų puslapių?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Pažymėjote {num} puslapius(-į).\n\nAr tikrai norite publikuoti?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Pažymėjote {num} puslapius(-į).\n\nAr tikrai norite atstatyti?\n\nPuslapiai, esantys po suarchyvuotais puslapiais, bus atstatyti aukščiausiame lygyje, nebent šie puslapiai irgi bus atstatyti.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Pažymėjote {num} puslapius(-į).\n\nAr tikrai norite nebepublikuoti?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Prašome pasirinkti bent vieną puslapį",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Ar tikrai norite išeiti iš šio puslapio?\n\nDĖMESIO: Jūsų pakeitimai neišsaugoti.\n\nNorėdami tęsti, spauskite OK, jeigu norite likti, spauskite Cancel.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "DĖMESIO: Jūsų pakeitimai neišsaugoti.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Šis puslapis ištrintas. Norėdami redaguoti puslapį, pasirinkite jį kairėje.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Ištrinta",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Išsaugota",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Tikrinimo klaida",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti %s grupes?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Whakahokia",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Kei te hiahia whakatere atu i tēnei whārangi?\n\nWHAKATŪPATO: Kāore anō ō huringa kia tiakina.\n\nPēhi AE kia haere tonu, Whakakore rānei kia noho i te whārangi onāianei.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "WHAKATŪPATO: Kāore anō ō huringa kia tiakina.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "I mukua tēnei whārangi. Hei whakatika i tētahi whārangi, tīpakohia i te taha mauī.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Kua Mukua",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Kei te tino hiahia muku?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Kua Tiakina",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Hapa Whakamana",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Kei te tino hiahia muku i te %s rōpū?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Er du sikker på at du vil forlate denne siden?\n\nADVARSEL: Endringene din har ikke blitt lagret.\n\nTrykk OK for å fortsette eller Avbryt for å holde deg på samme side.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "ADVARSEL: Endringene dine har ikke blitt lagret.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Denne siden ble slettet. For å redigere en side, velg den fra listen til venstre.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Slettet",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Vil du virkelig slette?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Lagret",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Valideringsfeil",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Vil du virkelig slette %s grupper?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Je hebt {num} pagina(s) geselecteerd.\n\nWeet je zeker dat je de pagina(s) wilt archiveren?\n\nDe publicatie van deze en onderliggende pagina's wordt ingetrokken en gearchiveerd.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Je hebt {num} pagina(s) geselecteerd.\n\nWeet je zeker dat je de publicatie van deze pagina's wilt intrekken?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Je hebt {num} pagina(s) geselecteerd.\n\nWeet je zeker dat je de pagina(s) wilt publiceren?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Je hebt {num} pagina(s) geselecteerd.\n\nWeet je zeker dat je de pagina(s) wilt herstellen? Onderliggende pagina's worden naar het top level hersteld, tenzij deze pagina's ook worden hersteld.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Je hebt {num} pagina(s) geselecteerd.\n\nWeet je zeker dat je de publicatie wilt intrekken?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Selecteer minstens 1 pagina.",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Weet u zeker dat u deze pagina wilt verlaten?\nWAARSCHUWING: Uw veranderingen zijn niet opgeslagen.\n\nKies OK om te verlaten, of Cancel om op de huidige pagina te blijven.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "WAARSCHUWING: Uw veranderingen zijn niet opgeslagen",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Deze pagina is verwijderd. Om een pagina aan te passen, selecteer deze aan de linkerkant.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Verwijderd",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Weet u zeker dat u wilt verwijderen?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Opgeslagen",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Validatiefout",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Weet u zeker dat u deze groep %s wilt verwijderen?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Czy na pewno chcesz kontynuować nawigację poza tą stronę?\n\nUWAGA: Twoje zmiany nie zostały zapisane.\n\nWciśnij OK aby kontynuować, wciśnij Anuluj aby pozostać na tej stronie.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "UWAGA: Twoje zmiany nie zostały zapisane.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ta strona została usunięta. Wybierz stronę z listy aby rozpocząć edycję.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Usunięto",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Na pewno usunąć?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Zapisano",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Niepoprawne dane",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć %s grup?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Aveti {num} pagina(i) selectate.\n\nDoriti sa le nenublicati",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Vă rugăm să selectaţi cel puțin o pagină.",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Sunteți sigur că doriți să părăsiți pagina?\n\nAVERTISMENT: Modificările nu au fost salvate.\n\nApăsați OK pentru a continua, sau Anulați pentru a rămâne pe pagina curentă.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "AVERTISMENT: Modificările nu au fost salvate.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Această pagină a fost ștearsă. Pentru a edita pagina, selectați-o din stânga.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Șters",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Sigur doriți să ștergeți?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Salvat",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Eroare de validare",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Sigur doriți să ștergeți grupurile %s?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Вы выбрали {num} страниц(у)\nВы уверены что хотите отправить их в архив?\n\nПубликации этих страниц и их под-страниц будут отменены и отправлены в архив. ",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Вы выбрали {num} страниц(у)\n\nВы уверены что хотите отменить публикацию этих страниц?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Вы выбрали {num} страниц(у)\n\nВы уверены что хотите их опубликовать?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Вы выбрали {num} страниц(у)\n\nВы уверены что хотите восстановить эти страницы в черновик?\n\nПод-страницы архивных страниц будут восстановлены в корень если эти страницы также не отмечены для восстановления.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Вы выбрали {num} страниц(у)\n\nВы уверены что хотите отменить их публикацию?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Пожалуйста, выберите хотя бы одну страницу.",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Добавить кампанию",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s элементов",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s элемент",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Опубликовать кампанию",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Отменить",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Вы действительно хотите покинуть эту страницу?\n\nВНИМАНИЕ: Ваши изменения не были сохранены.\n\nНажмите ОК, чтобы продолжить или Отмена, чтобы остаться на текущей странице.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "ВНИМАНИЕ: Ваши изменения не были сохранены",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Эта страница была удалена. Чтобы изменить страницу, выберите её из списка слева.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Удалено",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Вы действительно хотите удалить?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Сохранено",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Ошибка валидации",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Вы действительно хотите удалить %s групп?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Vybrali ste {num} stránok.\n\nUrčite chcete archivovať tieto stránky?\n\nTieto stránky a jej všetky podstránky budú nezverejnené a odoslané do archívu.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Máte vybratých {num} stránok.\n\nSkutočne chcete tieto stránky vymazať z webu?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Máte vybratých {num} stránok.\n\nSkutočne ich chcete zverejniť?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Vybrali ste {num} stránok.\n\nSkutočne chcete obnoviť?\n\nPodstránky archivovaných stránok budú obnovené do najvyššej úrovne, pokiaľ tieto stránky budú tiež obnovené.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Máte vybratých {num} stránok.\n\nSkutočne ich chcete nezverejniť?",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Prosím, vyberte najmenej 1 stránku",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Pridať kampaň",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s položiek",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s položka",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Zverejniť kampaň",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Prepnúť",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Určite chcete opustiť navigáciu z tejto stránky?\n\nUPOZORNENIE: Vaše zmeny neboli uložené.\n\nStlačte OK pre pokračovať, alebo Cancel, ostanete na teto stránke.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "UPOZORNENIE: Vaše zmeny neboli uložené.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Táto stránka bola zmazaná. Pre editáciu stránky, vyberte ju vľavo.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Zmazané",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Skutočně chcete zmazať?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Uložené",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Chyba platnosti",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Skutočne chcete zmazať % skupiny?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Res želite zapusitit stran?\n\nOPOZORILO: spremembe niso bile shranjene\n\nKliknite OK za nadaljevanje ali Prekliči, da ostanete na trenutni strani.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "OPOZORILO: spremembe niso bile shranjene.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Stran je bila izbrisana. Za urejanje izberite stran na levi.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Izbrisano",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Izbrišem?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Shranjeno",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Napaka pri preverjanju",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Izbrišem %s skupin?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Izbrano število strani: {num}\n\nSte prepričani, da želite arhivirati te strani?\n\nTe strani in vse ostale podstrani bodo odstranjene iz objave in premaknjene v arhiv.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Izbrali ste {num} strani.\n\nAli ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati te strani iz objave?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Prosimo izberite vsaj eno stran",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Dodaj kampanjo",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "% predmetov",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s predmet",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Objavi kampanjo",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Povrni",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?\n\nWARNING: Your changes have not been saved.\n\nPress OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "POZOR: Spremembe niso bile shranjene.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ta stran je bila izbrisana. Če želite urediti stran, jo najprej izberite na levi strani.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Izbrisano",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Shranjeno",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Napaka pri validaciji",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Ste prepričani, da želite pobrisati grupe: %s ?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да одете са ове странице?\n\nУПОЗОРЕЊЕ: Ваше измене још нису сачуване.\n\nПритисните У реду за наставак или Одустани да би сте остали на овој страници.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "УПОЗОРЕЊЕ: Ваше измене нису сачуване.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ова страница је избрисана. Да би изменили страницу, изаберите је са леве стране.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Избрисано",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Да ли заиста желите да избришете?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Сачувано.",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Грешла при провери исправности",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Да ли заиста желите да се избришете %s групе?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da odete sa ove stranice?\n\nUPOZORENjE: Vaše izmene još nisu sačuvane.\n\nPritisnite U redu za nastavak ili Odustani da bi ste ostali na ovoj stranici.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "UPOZORENjE: Vaše izmene nisu sačuvane.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ova stranica je izbrisana. Da bi izmenili stranicu, izaberite je sa leve strane.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Izbrisano",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Da li zaista želite da izbrišete?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Sačuvano.",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Grešla pri proveri ispravnosti",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Da li zaista želite da se izbrišete %s grupe?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да одете са ове странице?\n\nУПОЗОРЕЊЕ: Ваше измене још нису сачуване.\n\nПритисните У реду за наставак или Одустани да би сте остали на овој страници.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "УПОЗОРЕЊЕ: Ваше измене нису сачуване.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ова страница је избрисана. Да би изменили страницу, изаберите је са леве стране.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Избрисано",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Да ли заиста желите да избришете?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Сачувано.",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Грешла при провери исправности",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Да ли заиста желите да се избришете %s групе?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least one page",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da odete sa ove stranice?\n\nUPOZORENjE: Vaše izmene još nisu sačuvane.\n\nPritisnite U redu za nastavak ili Odustani da bi ste ostali na ovoj stranici.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "UPOZORENjE: Vaše izmene nisu sačuvane.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Ova stranica je izbrisana. Da bi izmenili stranicu, izaberite je sa leve strane.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Izbrisano",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Da li zaista želite da izbrišete?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Sačuvano.",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Grešla pri proveri ispravnosti",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Da li zaista želite da se izbrišete %s grupe?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Du har {num} sida/sidor valda.\n\n\nÄr du säker på att du vill arkivera dessa sidor?\n\n\nDessa sidor och sidornas undersidor kommer att avpubliceras och arkiveras.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Du har valt {num} sida/sidor\n\nVill du verkligen radera dem från den publicerade sidan?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Du har valt {num} sida/sidor.\nVill du verkligen publicera dem.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Du har {num} sida/sidor valda. \n\nVill du verkligen återställa till ett tidigare skede?\n\nUndersidor till arkiverade sidor kommer att återställas till rotnivå , såvida dessa sidor också återställs .",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Du har valt {num} sida/sidor\n\nVill du verkligen avpublicera",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Var vänlig och välj minst en sida",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Är du säker på att du vill lämna denna sida?\n\nVARNING: Dina ändringar har inte sparats.\n\nTryck OK för att lämna sidan eller Avbryt för att stanna på aktuell sida.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "WARNING: Your changes have not been saved.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Sidan raderades. För att redigera en sida, välj den i menyn till vänster.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Raderad",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Vill du verkligen radera?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Sparad",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Valideringsfel",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Vill du verkligen radera %s grupper?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "您已选了{num}个页面。\n\n是否确定要发布",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "您已选了{num}个页面。\n\n是否确定要取消发布",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "您确定要离开此页面?\n警告您所做的更改尚未保存。\n请按“确定”继续或“取消”留在当前页面。\n",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "警告:您所做的更改尚未保存。",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "该页面已被删除。若要编辑一个页面,请在左边选择。",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "已删除",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "您真的要删除吗?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "已保存",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "验证错误",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "您真的要删除 %s 小组吗?"

admin/client/lang/sv.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/sv.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('sv', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "Du har {num} sida/sidor valda.\n\n\nÄr du säker på att du vill arkivera dessa sidor?\n\n\nDessa sidor och sidornas undersidor kommer att avpubliceras och arkiveras.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "Du har valt {num} sida/sidor\n\nVill du verkligen radera dem från den publicerade sidan?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "Du har valt {num} sida/sidor.\nVill du verkligen publicera dem.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "Du har {num} sida/sidor valda. \n\nVill du verkligen återställa till ett tidigare skede?\n\nUndersidor till arkiverade sidor kommer att återställas till rotnivå , såvida dessa sidor också återställs .",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "Du har valt {num} sida/sidor\n\nVill du verkligen avpublicera",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Var vänlig och välj minst en sida",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "Är du säker på att du vill lämna denna sida?\n\nVARNING: Dina ändringar har inte sparats.\n\nTryck OK för att lämna sidan eller Avbryt för att stanna på aktuell sida.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "WARNING: Your changes have not been saved.",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "Sidan raderades. För att redigera en sida, välj den i menyn till vänster.",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "Raderad",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "Vill du verkligen radera?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "Sparad",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "Valideringsfel",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Vill du verkligen radera %s grupper?"

admin/client/lang/zh.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from admin/client/lang/src/zh.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('zh', {
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be deleted and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT": "您已选了{num}个页面。\n\n是否确定要发布",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT": "You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT": "您已选了{num}个页面。\n\n是否确定要取消发布",
"Campaigns.ADDCAMPAIGN": "Add campaign",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_PLURAL": "%s items",
"Campaigns.ITEM_SUMMARY_SINGULAR": "%s item",
"Campaigns.PUBLISHCAMPAIGN": "Publish campaign",
"Campaigns.REVERTCAMPAIGN": "Revert",
"File.NO_SIZE": "N/A",
"FormBuilderModal.CLOSE": "Close",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED": "您确定要离开此页面?\n警告您所做的更改尚未保存。\n请按“确定”继续或“取消”留在当前页面。\n",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT": "警告:您所做的更改尚未保存。",
"LeftAndMain.JOIN": ",",
"LeftAndMain.JOINLAST": "and",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED": "该页面已被删除。若要编辑一个页面,请在左边选择。",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHCLEARRESULTS": "Clear search",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTS": "Search results",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGE": "Search results {parts}",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGECATEGORY": "categorised as '{AppCategory}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDBETWEEN": "edited between '{CreatedFrom}' to '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDFROM": "edited from '{CreatedFrom}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEEDITEDTO": "edited before '{CreatedTo}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGEKEYWORDS": "with keywords '{Name}'",
"LeftAndMain.SEARCHRESULTSMESSAGELIMIT": "limited to the folder '{Folder}'",
"ModelAdmin.DELETED": "已删除",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE": "您真的要删除吗?",
"ModelAdmin.SAVED": "已保存",
"ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR": "验证错误",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "您真的要删除 %s 小组吗?"

View File

@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('es', {
"FILEIFRAMEFIELD.CONFIRMDELETE": "¿Estás seguro que quires eliminar este archivo?",
"FILEIFRAMEFIELD.CONFIRMDELETE": "¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar este archivo?",
"File.DRAFT": "Draft",
"File.MODIFIED": "Modified",
"File.PUBLISHED": "Published",
"FormField.NONE": "None",
"File.DRAFT": "Borrador",
"File.MODIFIED": "Modificado",
"File.PUBLISHED": "Publicado",
"FormField.NONE": "Ninguna",
"GRIDFIELD.ERRORINTRANSACTION": "Ocurrió un error mientras se obtenía datos desde el servidor⏎\nPor favor intente nuevamente.",
"HtmlEditorField.SelectAnchor": "Selecciona un ancla",

View File

@ -1,15 +1,28 @@
"FILEIFRAMEFIELD.CONFIRMDELETE": "Are you sure you want to delete this file?",
"File.DRAFT": "Draft",
"File.MODIFIED": "Modified",
"File.PUBLISHED": "Published",
"FormField.NONE": "None",
"GRIDFIELD.ERRORINTRANSACTION": "An error occured while fetching data from the server\n Please try again later.",
"HtmlEditorField.SelectAnchor": "Select an anchor",
"LOADING": "loading...",
"LeftAndMain.IncompatBrowserWarning": "Your browser is not compatible with the CMS interface. Please use Internet Explorer 7+, Google Chrome 10+ or Mozilla Firefox 3.5+.",
"RESTRICTEDTEXTFIELD.CHARCANTBEUSED": "The character '%s' cannot be used in this field",
"TABLEFIELD.DELETECONFIRMMESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to delete this record?",
"TreeDropdownField.ENTERTOSEARCH": "Press enter to search",
"TreeDropdownField.FieldTitle": "Choose",
"TreeDropdownField.OpenLink": "Open",
"TreeDropdownField.SearchFieldTitle": "Choose or Search",
"UNIQUEFIELD.CANNOTLEAVEEMPTY": "This field cannot be left empty",
"UNIQUEFIELD.ENTERNEWVALUE": "You will need to enter a new value for this field",
"UNIQUEFIELD.SUGGESTED": "Changed value to '%s' : %s",
"UPDATEURL.CONFIRM": "Would you like me to change the URL to:\n\n%s\/\n\nClick Ok to change the URL, click Cancel to leave it as:\n\n%s",
"UPDATEURL.CONFIRMURLCHANGED": "The URL has been changed to\n'%s'",
"UploadField.ConfirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to remove this file from the server filesystem?",
"UploadField.EMPTYRESULT": "Empty file upload result",
"UploadField.Editing": "Editing ...",
@ -27,5 +40,6 @@
"UploadField.TOOSMALL": "Filesize is too small",
"UploadField.UPLOADEDBYTES": "Uploaded bytes exceed file size",
"UploadField.Uploaded": "Uploaded",
"UploadField.WRITEFAILED": "Failed to write file to disk"
"UploadField.WRITEFAILED": "Failed to write file to disk",
"VALIDATOR.FIELDREQUIRED": "Please fill out \"%s\", it is required."

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"FILEIFRAMEFIELD.CONFIRMDELETE": "¿Estás seguro que quires eliminar este archivo?",
"FILEIFRAMEFIELD.CONFIRMDELETE": "¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar este archivo?",
"File.DRAFT": "Draft",
"File.MODIFIED": "Modified",
"File.PUBLISHED": "Published",
"FormField.NONE": "None",
"File.DRAFT": "Borrador",
"File.MODIFIED": "Modificado",
"File.PUBLISHED": "Publicado",
"FormField.NONE": "Ninguna",
"GRIDFIELD.ERRORINTRANSACTION": "Ocurrió un error mientras se obtenía datos desde el servidor⏎\nPor favor intente nuevamente.",
"HtmlEditorField.SelectAnchor": "Selecciona un ancla",

View File

@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ ar:
VALIDATOR: 'المحقق'
VALIDCURRENCY: 'يرجى إدخال عملة صحيحة'
Example: 'على سبيل المثال %s.'
NONE: لايوجد

View File

@ -247,7 +247,6 @@ cs:
VALIDATOR: Validátor
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Prosím zadejte platnou měnu'
Example: 'např. %s'
NONE: žádný
@ -467,7 +466,6 @@ cs:
PASSWORDEXPIRED: 'Vaše heslo expirovalo. Prosím, zvolte nové heslo.'
REMEMBERME: 'Zapamatovat si mě pro příště?'
SUBJECTPASSWORDCHANGED: 'Vaše heslo bylo změněno'
SUBJECTPASSWORDRESET: 'Nulovací odkaz pro Vaše heslo'
@ -680,9 +678,6 @@ cs:
PLURALNAME: 'Kódy role oprávnění'
SINGULARNAME: 'Kód role oprávnění'
PLURALNAME: 'Pamatovat si Hash-e přihlášení'
SINGULARNAME: 'Pamatovat si Hash přihlášení'

View File

@ -229,7 +229,6 @@ de:
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Bitte geben Sie einen korrekten Betrag ein'
Example: 'z.B. %s'
NONE: keine

View File

@ -1,73 +1,12 @@
ErrorCampaignPermissionDenied: 'It seems you don''t have the necessary permissions to add {ObjectTitle} to {CampaignTitle}'
ErrorGeneral: 'We apologise, but there was an error'
ErrorItemPermissionDenied: 'It seems you don''t have the necessary permissions to add {ObjectTitle} to a campaign'
ErrorNotFound: 'That {Type} couldn''t be found'
Success: 'Successfully added <strong>{ObjectTitle}</strong> to <strong>{CampaignTitle}</strong>'
ALLOWEDEXTS: 'Allowed file upload extensions'
HIDEALLOWEDEXTS: 'Hide allowed extensions'
SHOWALLOWEDEXTS: 'Show allowed extensions'
CREATED: 'First uploaded'
DIM: Dimensions
FILENAME: Filename
FOLDER: Folder
HEIGHT: Height
LASTEDIT: 'Last changed'
OWNER: Owner
PATH: Path
SIZE: 'File size'
TITLE: Title
TYPE: 'File type'
WIDTH: Width
ChooseFiles: 'Choose files'
DRAGFILESHERE: 'Drag files here'
DROPAREA: 'Drop Area'
EDITALL: 'Edit all'
EDITANDORGANIZE: 'Edit & organize'
EDITINFO: 'Edit files'
FILES: Files
FROMCOMPUTER: 'Choose files from your computer'
FROMCOMPUTERINFO: 'Upload from your computer'
INSERTURL: 'Insert from URL'
REMOVEINFO: 'Remove this file from this field'
TOTAL: Total
TOUPLOAD: 'Upload files'
UPLOADINPROGRESS: 'Please wait… upload in progress'
ALIGNEMENTEXAMPLE: 'right aligned'
BOLD: 'Bold Text'
CODE: 'Code Block'
CODEDESCRIPTION: 'Unformatted code block'
CODEEXAMPLE: 'Code block'
COLORED: 'Colored text'
EMAILLINK: 'Email link'
EMAILLINKDESCRIPTION: 'Create link to an email address'
IMAGE: Image
IMAGEDESCRIPTION: 'Show an image in your post'
ITALIC: 'Italic Text'
LINK: 'Website link'
LINKDESCRIPTION: 'Link to another website or URL'
STRUCK: 'Struck-out Text'
UNDERLINE: 'Underlined Text'
UNORDERED: 'Unordered list'
UNORDEREDEXAMPLE1: 'unordered item 1'
Back: Back
NavigateUp: 'Navigate up a folder'
ENTERINFO: 'Please enter a username and password.'
ERRORNOTADMIN: 'That user is not an administrator.'
@ -76,27 +15,11 @@ en:
ANY: Any
ADDTOCAMPAIGN: 'Add to Campaign'
LOADING: Loading...
REQUIREJS: 'The CMS requires that you have JavaScript enabled.'
ACCESS: 'Access to ''{title}'' section'
ACCESSALLINTERFACES: 'Access to all CMS sections'
ACCESSALLINTERFACESHELP: 'Overrules more specific access settings.'
SAVE: Save
BUTTONLOGIN: 'Log back in'
PASSWORDEXPIRED: '<p>Your password has expired. <a target="_top" href="{link}">Please choose a new one.</a></p>'
PREVIEW: 'Website preview'
FILTER: Filter
MENUTITLE: 'My Profile'
INVALIDUSER: '<p>Invalid user. <a target="_top" href="{link}">Please re-authenticate here</a> to continue.</p>'
LoginMessage: '<p>If you have any unsaved work you can return to where you left off by logging back in below.</p>'
@ -104,46 +27,14 @@ en:
SUCCESSCONTENT: '<p>Login success. If you are not automatically redirected <a target="_top" href="{link}">click here</a></p>'
TimedOutTitleAnonymous: 'Your session has timed out.'
TimedOutTitleMember: 'Hey {name}!<br />Your session has timed out.'
ACCESS_HELP: 'Allow viewing of the campaign publishing section.'
MENUTITLE: Campaigns
AddToCampaign: 'Add To Campaign'
AddToCampaignAvailableLabel: 'Available campaigns'
AddToCampaignFormFieldLabel: 'Select a Campaign'
AddToCampaignInChangsetLabel: 'Heads up, this item is already in campaign(s):'
AddToCampaignNoCampaignsToAdd: '<p class="lead text-xs-center">This item has been added to all available campaigns.<br/><a href="{campaignSectionLink}" class="add-to-campaign-modal__nav-link">Create a new campaign?</a></p>'
CHANGEPASSWORDFOREMAIL: 'The password for account with email address {email} has been changed. If you didn\''t change your password please change your password using the link below'
CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT1: 'You changed your password for'
CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT2: 'You can now use the following credentials to log in:'
CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT3: 'Change password'
EMAIL: Email
PASSWORD: Password
DESCRIPTION_AND: '{first} and {second}'
DESCRIPTION_LIST_LAST: '{list}, and {item}'
DESCRIPTION_LIST_MID: '{list}, {item}'
NAME: Name
STATE: State
PLURALNAME: 'Change Set Items'
SINGULARNAME: 'Change Set Item'
SOURCE_VALIDATION: 'Please select a value within the list provided. {value} is not a valid option'
SOURCE_VALIDATION: 'Please select a value within the list provided. ''{value}'' is not a valid option'
NOOPTIONSAVAILABLE: 'No options available'
@ -154,107 +45,38 @@ en:
LOGGED_IN_ERROR: 'You must be logged in to change your password.'
MAXIMUM: 'Passwords must be at most {max} characters long.'
DRAFT_SITE_ACCESS_RESTRICTION: 'You must log in with your CMS password in order to view the draft or archived content. <a href="%s">Click here to go back to the published site.</a>'
NOTLOGGEDIN: 'Not logged in'
FIRST: first
FOURTH: fourth
SECOND: second
THIRD: third
PLURALNAME: 'Data Objects'
DAY: day
DAYS: days
HOUR: hour
HOURS: hours
LessThanMinuteAgo: 'less than a minute'
MIN: min
MINS: mins
MONTH: month
MONTHS: months
SEC: sec
SECS: secs
TIMEDIFFAGO: '{difference} ago'
TIMEDIFFIN: 'in {difference}'
YEAR: year
YEARS: years
NOTSET: 'not set'
TODAY: today
VALIDDATEFORMAT2: 'Please enter a valid date format ({format})'
VALIDDATEMAXDATE: 'Your date has to be older or matching the maximum allowed date ({date})'
VALIDDATEMINDATE: 'Your date has to be newer or matching the minimum allowed date ({date})'
NOTSET: 'Not set'
INVALID_REQUEST: 'Invalid request'
CHOOSE: (Choose)
CHOOSESEARCH: '(Choose or Search)'
CHOOSE_MODEL: '(Choose {name})'
SOURCE_VALIDATION: 'Please select a value within the list provided. {value} is not a valid option'
VALIDATION: 'Please enter an email address'
ANY: Any
AviType: 'AVI video file'
Content: Content
CssType: 'CSS file'
DRAFT: Draft
DmgType: 'Apple disk image'
DocType: 'Word document'
Filename: Filename
GifType: 'GIF image - good for diagrams'
GzType: 'GZIP compressed file'
HtlType: 'HTML file'
HtmlType: 'HTML file'
INVALIDEXTENSION: 'Extension is not allowed (valid: {extensions})'
INVALIDEXTENSIONSHORT: 'Extension is not allowed'
INVALIDEXTENSION_SHORT: 'Extension is not allowed'
IcoType: 'Icon image'
JpgType: 'JPEG image - good for photos'
JsType: 'Javascript file'
MODIFIED: Modified
Mp3Type: 'MP3 audio file'
MpgType: 'MPEG video file'
NOFILESIZE: 'Filesize is zero bytes.'
NOVALIDUPLOAD: 'File is not a valid upload'
Name: Name
PdfType: 'Adobe Acrobat PDF file'
PngType: 'PNG image - good general-purpose format'
TOOLARGE: 'Filesize is too large, maximum {size} allowed'
TOOLARGESHORT: 'File size exceeds {size}'
TiffType: 'Tagged image format'
Title: Title
WavType: 'WAV audo file'
XlsType: 'Excel spreadsheet'
ZipType: 'ZIP compressed file'
SYNCRESULTS: 'Sync complete: {createdcount} items created, {deletedcount} items deleted'
TEXT1: 'Here is your'
TEXT2: 'password reset link'
TEXT3: for
BAD_METHOD: 'This form requires a {method} submission'
CSRF_EXPIRED_MESSAGE: 'Your session has expired. Please re-submit the form.'
CSRF_FAILED_MESSAGE: 'There seems to have been a technical problem. Please click the back button, refresh your browser, and try again.'
FIELDISREQUIRED: '{name} is required'
SubmitBtnLabel: Go
VALIDATIONCREDIT: 'Please ensure you have entered the credit card number correctly'
VALIDATIONCREDITNUMBER: 'Please ensure you have entered the {number} credit card number correctly'
VALIDATIONNOTUNIQUE: 'The value entered is not unique'
VALIDATIONPASSWORDSNOTEMPTY: 'Passwords can''t be empty'
VALIDATIONSTRONGPASSWORD: 'Passwords must have at least one digit and one alphanumeric character'
@ -262,7 +84,6 @@ en:
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Please enter a valid currency'
EXAMPLE: 'e.g. {format}'
Example: 'e.g. {format}'
NONE: none
@ -273,7 +94,6 @@ en:
Filter: Filter
FilterBy: 'Filter by '
Find: Find
LEVELUP: 'Level up'
LinkExisting: 'Link Existing'
NewRecord: 'New %s'
NoItemsFound: 'No items found'
@ -293,11 +113,8 @@ en:
DeletePermissionsFailure: 'No delete permissions'
Deleted: 'Deleted %s %s'
Save: Save
Saved: 'Saved {name} {link}'
EDIT: Edit
Go_back: 'Go back'
AddRole: 'Add a role for this group'
Code: 'Group Code'
@ -308,34 +125,23 @@ en:
HierarchyPermsError: 'Can''t assign parent group "%s" with privileged permissions (requires ADMIN access)'
Locked: 'Locked?'
NoRoles: 'No roles found'
Parent: 'Parent Group'
RolesAddEditLink: 'Manage roles'
Sort: 'Sort Order'
has_many_Permissions: Permissions
many_many_Members: Members
Help1: '<p>Import one or more groups in <em>CSV</em> format (comma-separated values). <small><a href="#" class="toggle-advanced">Show advanced usage</a></small></p>'
Help2: '<div class="advanced"><h4>Advanced usage</h4><ul><li>Allowed columns: <em>%s</em></li><li>Existing groups are matched by their unique <em>Code</em> value, and updated with any new values from the imported file</li><li>Group hierarchies can be created by using a <em>ParentCode</em> column.</li><li>Permission codes can be assigned by the <em>PermissionCode</em> column. Existing permission codes are not cleared.</li></ul></div>'
ResultCreated: 'Created {count} groups'
ResultDeleted: 'Deleted %d groups'
ResultUpdated: 'Updated %d groups'
ANCHORSCANNOTACCESSPAGE: 'You are not permitted to access the content of the target page.'
ANCHORSPAGENOTFOUND: 'Target page not found.'
CAPTIONTEXT: 'Caption text'
CSSCLASS: 'Alignment / style'
CSSCLASSCENTER: 'Centered, on its own.'
CSSCLASSLEFT: 'On the left, with text wrapping around.'
CSSCLASSLEFTALONE: 'On the left, on its own.'
CSSCLASSRIGHT: 'On the right, with text wrapping around.'
DETAILS: Details
EMAIL: 'Email address'
FILE: File
FOLDER: Folder
IMAGEALT: 'Alternative text (alt)'
IMAGEALTTEXT: 'Alternative text (alt) - shown if image can''t be displayed'
IMAGEALTTEXTDESC: 'Shown to screen readers or if image can''t be displayed'
@ -345,7 +151,6 @@ en:
IMAGETITLETEXT: 'Title text (tooltip)'
IMAGETITLETEXTDESC: 'For additional information about the image'
INSERTMEDIA: 'Insert media from'
LINK: 'Insert Link'
LINKANCHOR: 'Link to an anchor on this page'
LINKDESCR: 'Link description'
@ -359,9 +164,7 @@ en:
PAGE: Page
SUBJECT: 'Email subject'
URLDESCRIPTION: 'Insert videos and images from the web into your page simply by entering the URL of the file. Make sure you have the rights or permissions before sharing media directly from the web.<br /><br />Please note that files are not added to the file store of the CMS but embeds the file from its original location, if for some reason the file is no longer available in its original location it will no longer be viewable on this page.'
URLNOTANOEMBEDRESOURCE: 'The URL ''{url}'' could not be turned into a media resource.'
UpdateMEDIA: 'Update media'
ERROR_ABSOLUTE: 'Only absolute urls can be embedded'
ERROR_HOSTNAME: 'This file hostname is not included in the whitelist'
@ -371,96 +174,9 @@ en:
ERROR_SCHEME: 'This file scheme is not included in the whitelist'
InfiniteLoopNotAllowed: 'Infinite loop found within the "{type}" hierarchy. Please change the parent to resolve this'
ADJUSTDETAILSDIMENSIONS: 'Details &amp; dimensions'
ANCHORSCANNOTACCESSPAGE: 'You are not permitted to access the content of the target page.'
ANCHORSPAGENOTFOUND: 'Target page not found.'
BUTTONUpdate: Update
CAPTIONTEXT: 'Caption text'
CSSCLASS: 'Alignment / style'
CSSCLASSCENTER: 'Centered, on its own.'
CSSCLASSLEFT: 'On the left, with text wrapping around.'
CSSCLASSLEFTALONE: 'On the left, on its own.'
CSSCLASSRIGHT: 'On the right, with text wrapping around.'
DETAILS: Details
EMAIL: 'Email address'
FILE: File
FOLDER: Folder
FROMCMS: 'From the CMS'
FROMCOMPUTER: 'From your computer'
FROMWEB: 'From the web'
FindInFolder: 'Find in Folder'
IMAGEALT: 'Alternative text (alt)'
IMAGEALTTEXT: 'Alternative text (alt) - shown if image can''t be displayed'
IMAGEALTTEXTDESC: 'Shown to screen readers or if image can''t be displayed'
IMAGETITLE: 'Title text (tooltip) - for additional information about the image'
IMAGETITLETEXT: 'Title text (tooltip)'
IMAGETITLETEXTDESC: 'For additional information about the image'
INSERTMEDIA: 'Insert Media'
LINK: 'Insert Link'
LINKANCHOR: 'Anchor on this page'
LINKDESCR: 'Link description'
LINKEMAIL: 'Email address'
LINKEXTERNAL: 'Another website'
LINKFILE: 'Download a file'
LINKINTERNAL: 'Page on the site'
LINKOPENNEWWIN: 'Open link in a new window?'
LINKTO: 'Link to'
PAGE: Page
SUBJECT: 'Email subject'
URLDESCRIPTION: 'Insert videos and images from the web into your page simply by entering the URL of the file. Make sure you have the rights or permissions before sharing media directly from the web.<br /><br />Please note that files are not added to the file store of the CMS but embeds the file from its original location, if for some reason the file is no longer available in its original location it will no longer be viewable on this page.'
URLNOTANOEMBEDRESOURCE: 'The URL ''{url}'' could not be turned into a media resource.'
UpdateMEDIA: 'Update Media'
TITLE: 'Image Uploading Iframe'
CANCEL: Cancel
CANT_REORGANISE: 'You do not have permission to alter Top level pages. Your change was not saved.'
CollapsePanel: 'Collapse Panel'
DELETED: Deleted.
DropdownBatchActionsDefault: 'Choose an action...'
ExpandPanel: 'Expand Panel'
HELP: Help
MenuToggleAuto: Auto
MenuToggleStickyNav: 'Sticky nav'
PAGETYPE: 'Page type'
PERMAGAIN: 'You have been logged out of the CMS. If you would like to log in again, enter a username and password below.'
PERMALREADY: 'I''m sorry, but you can''t access that part of the CMS. If you want to log in as someone else, do so below.'
PERMDEFAULT: 'You must be logged in to access the administration area; please enter your credentials below.'
PLEASESAVE: 'Please Save Page: This page could not be updated because it hasn''t been saved yet.'
PreviewButton: Preview
REORGANISATIONSUCCESSFUL: 'Reorganised the site tree successfully.'
ShowAsList: 'show as list'
TooManyPages: 'Too many pages'
ValidationError: 'Validation error'
VersionUnknown: unknown
Hello: Hi
LOGOUT: 'Log out'
SOURCE_VALIDATION: 'Please select a value within the list provided. %s is not a valid option'
Email: 'Email Address'
IP: 'IP Address'
PLURALNAME: 'Login Attempts'
SINGULARNAME: 'Login Attempt'
Status: Status
ADDGROUP: 'Add group'
@ -468,13 +184,10 @@ en:
BUTTONLOGINOTHER: 'Log in as someone else'
BUTTONLOSTPASSWORD: 'I''ve lost my password'
CANTEDIT: 'You don''t have permission to do that'
CONFIRMNEWPASSWORD: 'Confirm New Password'
CONFIRMPASSWORD: 'Confirm Password'
CURRENT_PASSWORD: 'Current Password'
DATEFORMAT: 'Date format'
DefaultAdminFirstname: 'Default Admin'
DefaultDateTime: default
EDIT_PASSWORD: 'New Password'
EMAIL: Email
EMPTYNEWPASSWORD: 'The new password can''t be empty, please try again'
@ -485,88 +198,40 @@ en:
ERRORWRONGCRED: 'The provided details don''t seem to be correct. Please try again.'
FIRSTNAME: 'First Name'
INTERFACELANG: 'Interface Language'
INVALIDNEWPASSWORD: 'We couldn''t accept that password: {password}'
KEEPMESIGNEDIN: 'Keep me signed in'
LOGGEDINAS: 'You''re logged in as {name}.'
NEWPASSWORD: 'New Password'
NoPassword: 'There is no password on this member.'
PASSWORD: Password
PASSWORDEXPIRED: 'Your password has expired. Please choose a new one.'
REMEMBERME: 'Remember me next time? (for %d days on this device)'
SUBJECTPASSWORDCHANGED: 'Your password has been changed'
SUBJECTPASSWORDRESET: 'Your password reset link'
SURNAME: Surname
TIMEFORMAT: 'Time format'
VALIDATIONMEMBEREXISTS: 'A member already exists with the same {identifier}'
ValidationIdentifierFailed: 'Can''t overwrite existing member #{id} with identical identifier ({name} = {value}))'
WELCOMEBACK: 'Welcome Back, {firstname}'
YOUROLDPASSWORD: 'Your old password'
belongs_many_many_Groups: Groups
db_LastVisited: 'Last Visited Date'
db_Locale: 'Interface Locale'
db_LockedOutUntil: 'Locked out until'
db_NumVisit: 'Number of Visits'
db_Password: Password
db_PasswordExpiry: 'Password Expiry Date'
TITLE: 'E-mail &amp; Password'
AMORPM: 'AM (Ante meridiem) or PM (Post meridiem)'
Custom: Custom
DATEFORMATBAD: 'Date format is invalid'
DAYNOLEADING: 'Day of month without leading zero'
DIGITSDECFRACTIONSECOND: 'One or more digits representing a decimal fraction of a second'
FOURDIGITYEAR: 'Four-digit year'
FULLNAMEMONTH: 'Full name of month (e.g. June)'
HOURNOLEADING: 'Hour without leading zero, 12 hour format'
HOURNOLEADING24: 'Hour without leading zero, 24 hour format'
MINUTENOLEADING: 'Minute without leading zero'
MONTHNOLEADING: 'Month digit without leading zero'
Preview: Preview
SHORTMONTH: 'Short name of month (e.g. Jun)'
TWODIGITDAY: 'Two-digit day of month'
TWODIGITHOUR: 'Two digits of hour (00 through 23)'
TWODIGITMINUTE: 'Two digits of minute (00 through 59)'
TWODIGITMONTH: 'Two-digit month (01=January, etc.)'
TWODIGITSECOND: 'Two digits of second (00 through 59)'
TWODIGITYEAR: 'Two-digit year'
Toggle: 'Show formatting help'
Help1: '<p>Import users in <em>CSV format</em> (comma-separated values). <small><a href="#" class="toggle-advanced">Show advanced usage</a></small></p>'
Help2: '<div class="advanced"><h4>Advanced usage</h4><ul><li>Allowed columns: <em>%s</em></li><li>Existing users are matched by their unique <em>Code</em> property, and updated with any new values from the imported file.</li><li>Groups can be assigned by the <em>Groups</em> column. Groups are identified by their <em>Code</em> property, multiple groups can be separated by comma. Existing group memberships are not cleared.</li></ul></div>'
ResultCreated: 'Created {count} members'
ResultDeleted: 'Deleted %d members'
ResultNone: 'No changes'
ResultUpdated: 'Updated {count} members'
PLURALNAME: 'Member Passwords'
SINGULARNAME: 'Member Password'
APPLY_FILTER: 'Apply Filter'
DELETE: Delete
DELETEDRECORDS: 'Deleted {count} records.'
IMPORT: 'Import from CSV'
IMPORTEDRECORDS: 'Imported {count} records.'
NOCSVFILE: 'Please browse for a CSV file to import'
NOIMPORT: 'Nothing to import'
RESET: Reset
Title: 'Data Models'
UPDATEDRECORDS: 'Updated {count} records.'
IMPORTSPECFIELDS: 'Database columns'
IMPORTSPECLINK: 'Show Specification for %s'
IMPORTSPECTITLE: 'Specification for %s'
FILTER: Filter
IMPORT: Import
@ -585,11 +250,8 @@ en:
TOOSHORT: 'Password is too short, it must be %s or more characters long'
AdminGroup: Administrator
FULLADMINRIGHTS: 'Full administrative rights'
FULLADMINRIGHTS_HELP: 'Implies and overrules all other assigned permissions.'
PLURALNAME: Permissions
AssignedTo: 'assigned to "{title}"'
FromGroup: 'inherited from group "{title}"'
@ -597,21 +259,13 @@ en:
FromRoleOnGroup: 'inherited from role "%s" on group "%s"'
OnlyAdminCanApply: 'Only admin can apply'
Title: Title
PLURALNAME: 'Permission Role Codes'
PermsError: 'Can''t assign code "%s" with privileged permissions (requires ADMIN access)'
SINGULARNAME: 'Permission Role Code'
PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY: 'Roles and access permissions'
UserPermissionsIntro: 'Assigning groups to this user will adjust the permissions they have. See the groups section for details of permissions on individual groups.'
VALIDATION: 'Please enter a valid phone number'
PLURALNAME: 'Remember Login Hashs'
SINGULARNAME: 'Remember Login Hash'
ALREADYLOGGEDIN: 'You don''t have access to this page. If you have another account that can access that page, you can log in again below.'
BUTTONSEND: 'Send me the password reset link'
@ -619,7 +273,6 @@ en:
CHANGEPASSWORDHEADER: 'Change your password'
ENTERNEWPASSWORD: 'Please enter a new password.'
ERRORPASSWORDPERMISSION: 'You must be logged in in order to change your password!'
LOGGEDOUT: 'You have been logged out. If you would like to log in again, enter your credentials below.'
LOGIN: 'Log in'
NOTEPAGESECURED: 'That page is secured. Enter your credentials below and we will send you right along.'
@ -628,71 +281,14 @@ en:
PASSWORDSENTHEADER: 'Password reset link sent to ''{email}'''
PASSWORDSENTTEXT: 'Thank you! A reset link has been sent to ''{email}'', provided an account exists for this email address.'
ACCESS_HELP: 'Allow viewing, adding and editing users, as well as assigning permissions and roles to them.'
APPLY_ROLES: 'Apply roles to groups'
APPLY_ROLES_HELP: 'Ability to edit the roles assigned to a group. Requires the "Access to ''Users'' section" permission.'
EDITPERMISSIONS: 'Manage permissions for groups'
EDITPERMISSIONS_HELP: 'Ability to edit Permissions and IP Addresses for a group. Requires the "Access to ''Security'' section" permission.'
GROUPNAME: 'Group name'
IMPORTGROUPS: 'Import groups'
IMPORTUSERS: 'Import users'
MEMBERS: Members
MemberListCaution: 'Caution: Removing members from this list will remove them from all groups and the database'
NEWGROUP: 'New Group'
PERMISSIONS: Permissions
ROLES: Roles
ROLESDESCRIPTION: 'Roles are predefined sets of permissions, and can be assigned to groups.<br />They are inherited from parent groups if required.'
Users: Users
BtnImport: 'Import from CSV'
FileFieldLabel: 'CSV File <small>(Allowed extensions: *.csv)</small>'
Auto: Auto
ChangeViewMode: 'Change view mode'
Desktop: Desktop
DualWindowView: 'Dual Window'
Edit: Edit
EditView: 'Edit mode'
Mobile: Mobile
PreviewState: 'Preview State'
PreviewView: 'Preview mode'
Responsive: Responsive
SplitView: 'Split mode'
Tablet: Tablet
ViewDeviceWidth: 'Select a preview width'
Width: width
MENUTITLE: 'My Profile'
MENUTITLE: Campaigns
one: 'A File'
other: '{count} Files'
one: 'A Folder'
other: '{count} Folders'
one: 'An Image'
other: '{count} Images'
INVALID_CURRENCY: 'Currency {currency} is not in the list of allowed currencies'
DAY: Day
MONTH: Month
YEAR: Year
PLURALNAME: 'Data Objects'
@ -718,18 +314,6 @@ en:
one: '{count} year'
other: '{count} years'
one: 'A Campaign'
other: '{count} Campaigns'
PLURALNAME: 'Change Set Items'
one: 'A Change Set Item'
other: '{count} Change Set Items'
SINGULARNAME: 'Change Set Item'
@ -786,54 +370,13 @@ en:
Print: Print
OF: of
VALIDATEMAXLENGTH: 'The value for {name} must not exceed {maxLength} characters in length'
VALIDATEFORMAT: 'Please enter a valid time format ({format})'
LESS: less
MORE: more
ATTACHFILE: 'Attach a file'
ATTACHFILES: 'Attach files'
AttachFile: 'Attach file(s)'
CHOOSEANOTHERFILE: 'Choose another file'
CHOOSEANOTHERINFO: 'Replace this file with another one from the file store'
DELETE: 'Delete from files'
DELETEINFO: 'Permanently delete this file from the file store'
DROPFILE: 'drop a file'
DROPFILES: 'drop files'
Dimensions: Dimensions
EDIT: Edit
EDITINFO: 'Edit this file'
FIELDNOTSET: 'File information not found'
FROMCOMPUTER: 'From your computer'
FROMCOMPUTERINFO: 'Select from files'
FROMFILES: 'From files'
HOTLINKINFO: 'Info: This image will be hotlinked. Please ensure you have permissions from the original site creator to do so.'
MAXNUMBEROFFILES: 'Max number of {count} file(s) exceeded.'
MAXNUMBEROFFILESONE: 'Can only upload one file'
MAXNUMBEROFFILESSHORT: 'Can only upload {count} files'
OVERWRITEWARNING: 'File with the same name already exists'
REMOVE: Remove
REMOVEINFO: 'Remove this file from here, but do not delete it from the file store'
STARTALL: 'Start all'
Saved: Saved
UPLOADSINTO: 'saves into /{path}'
DEFAULT_ERROR: 'Validation error'
INFERRED_TITLE: 'Generated by publish of ''{title}'' at {created}'
has_many_Versions: Versions
ARCHIVE: Archive
Archived: 'Archived %s %s'
BUTTONARCHIVEDESC: 'Unpublish and send to archive'
BUTTONUNPUBLISHDESC: 'Remove this record from the published site'
Published: 'Published {name} {link}'
Unpublished: 'Unpublished %s %s'
PLURAL: '{number} {form}'

View File

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ eo:
REMOVEINFO: 'Forigi ĉi tiun dosieron el ĉi tiu kampo'
TOTAL: Totalo
TOUPLOAD: 'Elekti dosieron alŝutotan...'
UPLOADINPROGRESS: 'Bonvolu atendi...alŝuto daŭras'
@ -218,14 +217,12 @@ eo:
Mp3Type: MP3-sondosiero
MpgType: 'AVI-videa dosiero'
NOFILESIZE: 'Dosiero havas nul bajtojn'
NOVALIDUPLOAD: 'Dosiero ne estas valida alŝutaĵo.'
Name: Nomo
PdfType: 'Dosiero de Adobe Acrobat PDF'
PngType: 'PNG-bildo - ĝeneralcela formato'
TOOLARGE: 'Dosiero estas tro granda; maksimumo permesita estas {size}'
TOOLARGESHORT: 'Dosiero estas pli ol {size}'
TiffType: 'Markita bildoformato'
Title: Titolo
@ -256,7 +253,6 @@ eo:
VALIDATOR: Validigilo
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Bonvole enigu validan kurzon'
Example: 'ekz. %s'
NONE: neniu
@ -328,7 +324,6 @@ eo:
CSSCLASSRIGHT: 'Dekstre, kaj teksto ĉirkaŭfluas.'
DETAILS: Detaloj
EMAIL: 'Retpoŝta adreso'
FILE: SilverStripe\Assets\File
FOLDER: Dosierujo
IMAGEALT: 'Alternativa teksto (alt)'
IMAGEALTTEXT: 'Alternativa teksto (alt) - vidiĝas se ne eblas vidigi bildon'
@ -487,7 +482,6 @@ eo:
PASSWORD: Pasvorto
PASSWORDEXPIRED: 'Via pasvorto finiĝis. Bonvolu elekti novan.'
REMEMBERME: 'Ĉu memoru min je la sekva fojo?'
SUBJECTPASSWORDCHANGED: 'Via pasvorto estas ŝanĝita'
SUBJECTPASSWORDRESET: 'Via pasvorto reagordis ligilon'
@ -514,7 +508,6 @@ eo:
DIGITSDECFRACTIONSECOND: 'Almenaŭ unu cifero indikanta dekuman frakcion de sekundo'
FOURDIGITYEAR: 'Kvarcifera jaro'
FULLNAMEMONTH: 'Tuta nomo de monato (ekz. junio)'
HOURNOLEADING: 'Horo sen antaŭira nulo'
HOURNOLEADING24: 'Horo sen antaŭira nulo, 24-hora formato'
MINUTENOLEADING: 'Minuto sen antaŭira nulo'
MONTHNOLEADING: 'Monato sen antaŭira nulo'
@ -702,9 +695,6 @@ eo:
PLURALNAME: 'Permesrolaj kodoj'
SINGULARNAME: 'Permesrola kodo'
PLURALNAME: 'Memori ensalutajn haketaĵojn'
SINGULARNAME: 'Memori ensalutan haketaĵon'

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
ErrorCampaignPermissionDenied: 'Parece que no tienes los permisos necesarios para añadir {ObjectTitle} a {CampaignTitle}'
ErrorGeneral: 'Lo sentimos, pero hubo un error'
ErrorItemPermissionDenied: 'Parece que no tienes los permisos necesarios para añadir {ObjectTitle} a una campaña'
ErrorNotFound: 'Ese {Type} no pudo ser encontrado'
Success: 'Se ha añadido exitosamente {ObjectTitle} a {CampaignTitle}'
ALLOWEDEXTS: 'Extensiones permitidas para subir archivos'
HIDEALLOWEDEXTS: 'Ocultar extensiones permitidas'
@ -12,6 +18,7 @@ es:
LASTEDIT: 'Modificado por última vez'
OWNER: Propietario
PATH: Ruta
SIZE: Tamaño
TITLE: Título
TYPE: 'Tipo de archivo'
@ -30,6 +37,7 @@ es:
INSERTURL: 'Insertar desde URL'
REMOVEINFO: 'Remover este archivo '
TOTAL: Total
TOUPLOAD: 'Subir archivos'
UPLOADINPROGRESS: 'Por favor espere .... carga en curso'
@ -59,6 +67,7 @@ es:
UNORDEREDEXAMPLE1: 'elemento 1 desordenado'
Back: Volver
NavigateUp: 'Subir una carpeta arriba'
ENTERINFO: 'Por favor introduzca su nombre de usuario y contraseña.'
ERRORNOTADMIN: 'Ese usuario no es un administrador.'
@ -67,6 +76,8 @@ es:
ANY: Cualquiera
ADDTOCAMPAIGN: 'Añadir a Campaña'
LOADING: Cargando...
REQUIREJS: 'El CMS requiere que tenga habilitado JavaScript .'
@ -93,12 +104,36 @@ es:
SUCCESSCONTENT: '<p>Inicio de sesión exitoso. Si Ud no es automáticamente redireccionado, <a target="_top" href="{link}">haga clic aquí</a></p>'
TimedOutTitleAnonymous: 'Expiró su sesión.'
TimedOutTitleMember: 'Eh {name}!<br />Tu sesión expiró.'
ACCESS_HELP: 'Permitir la visualización de la sección de publicación de campañas'
AddToCampaign: 'Añadir a Campaña'
AddToCampaignFormFieldLabel: 'Seleccionar una Campaña'
CHANGEPASSWORDFOREMAIL: 'Se ha cambiado la contraseña de la cuenta con dirección de correo electrónico {email}. Si no cambió su contraseña, por favor cambie su contraseña usando el siguiente enlace'
CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT1: 'Has cambiado tu contraseña por'
CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT2: 'Ahora puede utilizar los siguientes datos de acreditación para iniciar sesión:'
CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT3: 'Cambiar contraseña'
EMAIL: 'Correo electrónico'
PASSWORD: Contraseña
DESCRIPTION_AND: '{first} y {second}'
DESCRIPTION_LIST_LAST: '{list}, y {item}'
DESCRIPTION_LIST_MID: '{list}, {item}'
DESCRIPTION_OTHER_ITEMS: 'otros elementos'
NAME: Nombre
STATE: Estado
PLURALNAME: 'Elementos del Conjunto de Cambios'
SINGULARNAME: 'Elemento del Conjunto de Cambios'
@ -106,9 +141,14 @@ es:
SOURCE_VALIDATION: 'Por favor, seleccionar un valor dentro de la lista provista. {value} no es una opcion válida'
SOURCE_VALIDATION: 'Por favor, seleccionar un valor dentro de la lista provista. {value} no es una opcion válida'
NOOPTIONSAVAILABLE: 'No hay opciones disponibles'
ATLEAST: 'Las constraseñas deben tener al menos {min} caracteres de longitud.'
BETWEEN: 'Las contraseñas deben tener desde {min} a {max} caracteres de longitud.'
CURRENT_PASSWORD_ERROR: 'La contraseña actual que ha ingresado no es correcta.'
CURRENT_PASSWORD_MISSING: 'Debes introducir tu contraseña actual.'
LOGGED_IN_ERROR: 'Debe iniciar una sesión para poder cambiar su contraseña.'
MAXIMUM: 'Las contraseñas deben tener como máximo {max} caracteres de longitud.'
SHOWONCLICKTITLE: 'Cambiar contraseña'
@ -152,6 +192,8 @@ es:
INVALID_REQUEST: 'Solicitud no válida'
CHOOSE: (Elegir)
CHOOSESEARCH: '(Seleccionar o Buscar)'
CHOOSE_MODEL: '(Elegir {name})'
SOURCE_VALIDATION: 'Por favor, seleccionar un valor dentro de la lista provista. {value} no es una opcion válida'
VALIDATION: 'Introduzca una dirección de correo electrónico'
@ -161,6 +203,7 @@ es:
AviType: 'Archivo de video AVI'
Content: Contenido
CssType: 'Archivo CSS'
DRAFT: Borrador
DmgType: 'Image de disco de Apple'
DocType: 'Documento Word'
Filename: 'Nombre del archivo'
@ -170,17 +213,22 @@ es:
HtmlType: 'Archivo HTML'
INVALIDEXTENSION: 'La extensión no está permitida (válidas: {extensions})'
INVALIDEXTENSIONSHORT: 'La extensión no está permitida'
INVALIDEXTENSION_SHORT: 'La extensión no está permitida'
IcoType: 'Imagen Icon'
JpgType: 'Imagen JPEG - buena para fotos'
JsType: 'Archivo Javascript'
MODIFIED: Modificado
Mp3Type: 'Archivo de audio MP3'
MpgType: 'Archivo de video MPEG'
NOFILESIZE: 'El tamaño del fichero es de cero bytes.'
NOVALIDUPLOAD: 'El archivo no es válido para cargarlo'
Name: Nombre
PdfType: 'Archivo PDF de Adobe Acrobat'
PngType: 'Imagen PNG - buen formato de propósito general'
TOOLARGE: 'El tamaño del archivo es demasiado grande, máximo permitido {size}'
TOOLARGESHORT: 'El tamaño del archivo supera {size}'
TiffType: 'Formato de imagen etiquetada'
Title: Título
WavType: 'Archivo de audio WAV'
@ -201,6 +249,7 @@ es:
CSRF_FAILED_MESSAGE: 'Parece que hubo un problema técnico. Por favor, haga clic en el botón Volver, recargue su navegador y vuelva a intentarlo.'
FIELDISREQUIRED: 'Se requiere {name} '
SubmitBtnLabel: Ir
VALIDATIONCREDIT: 'Por favor, asegúrese de que ha introducido el número de tarjeta de crédito correctamente'
VALIDATIONCREDITNUMBER: 'Por favor, asegúrese de que ha introducido el número de tarjeta de crédito correctamente {number}'
VALIDATIONNOTUNIQUE: 'El valor que se ha introducido no es único'
VALIDATIONPASSWORDSDONTMATCH: 'Las contraseñas no concuerdan'
@ -209,7 +258,8 @@ es:
VALIDATOR: Validador
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Por favor, introduzca una moneda válida.'
Example: 'Ejemplo %s'
EXAMPLE: 'p.ej. {format}'
Example: 'p.ej. {format}'
NONE: ninguna
@ -268,6 +318,54 @@ es:
ResultCreated: 'Creados {count} grupos'
ResultDeleted: 'Se eliminaron %d grupos'
ResultUpdated: 'Actualizados grupos %d'
ANCHORSCANNOTACCESSPAGE: 'No se le permite acceder al contenido de la página destino.'
ANCHORSPAGENOTFOUND: 'No se encontró la página destino.'
CAPTIONTEXT: 'Texto del título'
CSSCLASS: 'Alineación / estilo'
CSSCLASSCENTER: 'Centrado, en si mismo.'
CSSCLASSLEFT: 'A la izquierda, con el texto flotando alrededor.'
CSSCLASSLEFTALONE: 'Centrado, en si mismo.'
CSSCLASSRIGHT: 'A la derecha, con el texto flotando alrededor.'
DETAILS: Detalles
EMAIL: 'Correo electrónico'
FILE: Archivo
FOLDER: Carpeta
IMAGEALT: 'Texto alternativo (alt)'
IMAGEALTTEXT: 'Texto alternativo (alt) - es mostrado si la imagen no puede ser visualizada'
IMAGEALTTEXTDESC: 'Se muestra a los lectores de pantalla o si no se puede mostrar la imagen'
IMAGETITLE: 'Texto del título (tooltip) - para obtener más información acerca de la imagen'
IMAGETITLETEXT: 'Texto del título (tooltip)'
IMAGETITLETEXTDESC: 'Para obtener información adicional acerca de la imagen'
INSERTMEDIA: 'Insertar medios desde'
LINK: 'Insertar Enlace'
LINKANCHOR: 'Enlace hacia un ancla de esta página'
LINKDESCR: 'Descripción del Enlace'
LINKDETAILS: 'Detalles del Enlace'
LINKEMAIL: 'Enlace hacia una dirección de correo electrónico'
LINKEXTERNAL: 'Enlace hacia otro sitio web'
LINKFILE: 'Enlace para descargar un archivo'
LINKINTERNAL: 'Enlace hacia una página del sitio web'
LINKOPENNEWWIN: '¿Abrir enlace en una ventana nueva?'
LINKTO: 'Tipo de Enlace'
PAGE: Página
SUBJECT: 'Asunto del Email'
URLDESCRIPTION: 'Insertar videos e imágenes de la web en tu sitio es tan simple como ingresar la URL del archivo. Asegúrate de que tienes los derechos o permisos antes de compartir directamente desde la web.<br/><br/>Por favor, ten en cuenta que los archivos no son añadidos desde el almacén de archivos del CMS sino que se incluyen desde su ubicación original, si por alguna razón el archivo no se encuentra disponible en su ubicación original, ya no podrá ser visualizada en esta página.'
URLNOTANOEMBEDRESOURCE: 'La URL ''{url}'' pudo ser convertida a un recurso multimedia.'
UpdateMEDIA: 'Actualizar medios'
ERROR_ABSOLUTE: 'Sólo se pueden incrustar URLs absolutas'
ERROR_HOSTNAME: 'Este nombre de host de archivo no está incluido en la lista blanca'
ERROR_ID: 'Necesita un parámetro "ID" o "ArchivoURL" para identificar el archivo'
ERROR_NOTFOUND: 'No se puede encontrar el archivo para ver'
ERROR_OEMBED_REMOTE: 'La inclusión sólo es compatible con archivos remotos'
ERROR_SCHEME: 'Este esquema de archivo no está incluido en la lista blanca'
InfiniteLoopNotAllowed: 'Bucle infinito encontrado dentro de la jerarquía "{type}". Por favor, cambie el padre para resolver el problema'
@ -296,6 +394,8 @@ es:
FROMWEB: 'Desde la web'
FindInFolder: 'Buscar en carpeta'
IMAGEALT: 'Texto alternativo (alt)'
IMAGEALTTEXT: 'Texto alternativo (alt) - es mostrado si la imagen no puede ser visualizada'
IMAGEALTTEXTDESC: 'Mostrar a los lectores de pantalla o si la imagen no puede ser visualizada'
IMAGETITLE: 'Texto del título (tooltip) - para obtener más información acerca de la imagen'
@ -327,18 +427,27 @@ es:
TITLE: 'Iframe para agregar imágenes'
CANCEL: Cancelar
CANT_REORGANISE: 'Usted no tiene permiso para modificar las páginas de nivel superior. Su modificación no se ha guardado.'
CollapsePanel: 'Colapsar Panel'
DELETED: Borrado
DropdownBatchActionsDefault: 'Elegir una acción ...'
ExpandPanel: 'Expandir Panel'
HELP: Ayuda
MenuToggleAuto: Automático
MenuToggleStickyNav: 'Navegación pegajosa'
PAGETYPE: 'Tipo de página'
PERMAGAIN: 'Ha sido desconectado del CMS. Si quiere volver a entrar, introduzca su nombre de usuario y contraseña a continuación.'
PERMALREADY: 'Lamentablemente no puede acceder a esta parte del CMS. Si quiere entrar como alguien distinto, hágalo a continuación'
PERMDEFAULT: 'Debes estar conectado para acceder al área de administración; por favor ingresa tus datos a continuación'
PLEASESAVE: 'Por favor Guarde la Página: Esta página no se ha podido actualizar porque aún no ha sido guardada.'
PreviewButton: 'Vista previa'
REORGANISATIONSUCCESSFUL: 'Reorganizado el árbol del sitio con éxito.'
SAVEDUP: Guardado
ShowAsList: 'Mostrar como lista'
TooManyPages: 'Muchas páginas'
ValidationError: 'Error de validación'
VersionUnknown: desconocido
Hello: Hola
LOGOUT: 'Finalizar la sesión'
@ -359,9 +468,11 @@ es:
CANTEDIT: 'No tiene permiso para hacer eso'
CONFIRMNEWPASSWORD: 'Confirmar Nueva Contraseña'
CONFIRMPASSWORD: 'Confirmar Contraseña'
CURRENT_PASSWORD: 'Contraseña actual'
DATEFORMAT: 'Formato de fecha'
DefaultAdminFirstname: 'Administrador por defecto'
DefaultDateTime: 'por defecto'
EDIT_PASSWORD: 'Contraseña Nueva'
EMAIL: E-mail
EMPTYNEWPASSWORD: 'La nueva contraseña no puede estar vacía, por favor inténtalo de nuevo'
ENTEREMAIL: 'Por favor, introduce un correo electrónico para obtener un enlace con el que cambiar la contraseña'
@ -372,17 +483,20 @@ es:
FIRSTNAME: Nombre(s)
INTERFACELANG: 'Idioma de la Interfaz'
INVALIDNEWPASSWORD: 'No podemos aceptar este password: {password}'
KEEPMESIGNEDIN: 'Manténme conectado'
LOGGEDINAS: 'Estás conectado como {name}.'
NEWPASSWORD: 'Nueva Contraseña'
NoPassword: 'No hay contraseña para este usuario'
PASSWORD: Contraseña
PASSWORDEXPIRED: 'Su contraseña expiró. Por favor, elija una nueva.'
REMEMBERME: '¿Recordarme la próxima vez? (por %d días en este dispositivo)'
SUBJECTPASSWORDCHANGED: 'Su contraseña ha sido cambiada'
SUBJECTPASSWORDRESET: 'Enlace para restaurar su contraseña'
SURNAME: Apellidos
TIMEFORMAT: 'Formato de tiempo'
VALIDATIONMEMBEREXISTS: 'Ya existe un miembro con el mismo {identifier}'
ValidationIdentifierFailed: 'No se puede sobrescribir el miembro existente #{id} con identificador idéntico ({name} = {value}))'
WELCOMEBACK: 'Bienvenido de nuevo, {firstname}'
YOUROLDPASSWORD: 'Su contraseña anterior'
@ -403,6 +517,8 @@ es:
DIGITSDECFRACTIONSECOND: 'Uno o más dígitos representando una fracción decimal de un segundo'
FOURDIGITYEAR: 'Año de cuatro dígitos'
FULLNAMEMONTH: 'Nombre completo del mes (ej.Junio)'
HOURNOLEADING: 'Hora sin ceros a la izquierda, formato de 12 horas'
HOURNOLEADING24: 'Hora sin ceros a la izquierda, formato de 24 horas'
MINUTENOLEADING: 'Minutos sin cero inicial'
MONTHNOLEADING: 'Dígitos mes sin cero inicial'
Preview: 'Vista previa'
@ -451,6 +567,8 @@ es:
SOURCE_VALIDATION: 'Por favor, seleccione un valor dentro de la lista provista. Se ha seleccionado una o más opciones inválidas {value}'
IsNullLabel: 'Es Nulo'
@ -488,6 +606,9 @@ es:
UserPermissionsIntro: 'Asignar grupos a este usuario ajustará los permisos que tienen. Vea la sección de grupos para obtener información sobre permisos en grupos individuales.'
VALIDATION: 'Por favor introduzca un número de teléfono válido'
PLURALNAME: 'Recordar Hashes de inicio de sesión'
SINGULARNAME: 'Recordar el Hash de inicio de sesión'
ALREADYLOGGEDIN: 'No tiene acceso a esta página. Si posee otra cuenta con los privilegios para acceder a esta página, puede iniciar sesión a continuación.'
BUTTONSEND: 'Envíenme el enlace para restaurar la contraseña'
@ -539,10 +660,126 @@ es:
Tablet: Tablet
ViewDeviceWidth: 'Ver al ancho'
Width: Ancho
MENUTITLE: 'Mi Perfil'
MENUTITLE: Seguridad
one: 'Un Archivo'
other: '{count} Archivos'
one: 'Una Carpeta'
other: '{count} Carpetas'
one: 'Una Imagen'
other: '{count} Imágenes'
INVALID_CURRENCY: 'Moneda {moneda} no está en la lista de monedas permitidas'
DAY: Día
PLURALNAME: 'Objetos de Datos'
one: 'Un Objeto de Dato'
other: '{count} Objetos de Datos'
SINGULARNAME: 'Objeto de Dato'
one: '{count} día'
other: '{count} días'
one: '{count} hora'
other: '{count} horas'
one: '{count} minuto'
other: '{count} minutos'
one: '{count} mes'
other: '{count} meses'
one: '{count} segundo'
other: '{count} segundos'
one: '{count} año'
other: '{count} años'
one: 'Una Campaña'
other: '{count} Campañas'
PLURALNAME: 'Elemento del Conjunto de Cambios'
one: 'Un Elemento del Conjunto de Cambios'
other: '{count} Elementos del Conjunto de Cambios'
SINGULARNAME: 'Elemento del Conjunto de Cambios'
one: 'Un Grupo'
other: '{count} Grupos'
PLURALNAME: 'Intentos de ingreso'
one: 'Un intento de inicio de sesión'
other: '{count} Intentos de inicios de sesión'
SINGULARNAME: 'Intento de ingreso'
one: 'Un Miembro'
other: '{count} Miembros'
PLURALNAME: 'Contraseñas de los Miembros'
one: 'Una Contraseña de Miembro'
other: '{count} Contraseñas de Miembros'
SINGULARNAME: 'Contraseña del Miembro'
one: 'Un Permiso'
other: '{count} Permisos'
one: 'Un Rol'
other: '{count} Roles'
PLURALNAME: 'Códigos de Roles de Permiso'
one: 'Un Código de Rol de Permiso'
other: '{count} Códigos de Roles de Permiso'
SINGULARNAME: 'Código del Rol de Permiso'
PLURALNAME: 'Hashes de inicio de sesión'
one: 'Un Hash de inicio de sesión'
other: '{count} Hashes de inicio de sesión'
SINGULARNAME: 'Hash de inicio de sesión'
TABMAIN: Principal
CSVEXPORT: 'Exportar a CSV'
Print: Imprimir
OF: de
@ -581,5 +818,19 @@ es:
STARTALL: 'Iniciar todos'
Saved: Guardado
UPLOADSINTO: 'Subir sobre'
DEFAULT_ERROR: 'Error de validación'
INFERRED_TITLE: 'Generado por la publicación de ''{title}'' en {created}'
has_many_Versions: Versiones
ARCHIVE: Archivo
Archived: 'Archivado %s %s'
BUTTONARCHIVEDESC: 'Despublicar y enviar al archivo'
BUTTONUNPUBLISHDESC: 'Eliminar este registro del sitio publicado'
Published: 'Publicado {name} {link}'
Unpublished: 'Despublicado %s %s'
PLURAL: '{number} {form}'

View File

@ -243,7 +243,6 @@ fa_IR:
VALIDATOR: اعتبارسنج
VALIDCURRENCY: 'لطفاً یک واحد پول معتبر وارد نمایید'
Example: 'به‌طور مثال %s'
NONE: 'هیچ‌کدام'

View File

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ fi:
INSERTURL: 'Lisää URL-osoitteesta'
REMOVEINFO: 'Poista tämä tiedosto tästä kentästä'
TOTAL: Yhteensä
TOUPLOAD: 'Valitse siirrettävät tiedostot...'
UPLOADINPROGRESS: 'Ole hyvä ja odota... siirto käynnissä'
@ -218,14 +217,12 @@ fi:
MODIFIED: Muokattu
Mp3Type: MP3-äänitiedosto
MpgType: MPEG-videotiedosto
NOFILESIZE: 'Tiedostokoko on nolla tavua.'
NOVALIDUPLOAD: 'Tiedosto ei ole kelvollinen ladattavaksi'
Name: Nimi
PdfType: 'Adobe Acrobat PDF-tiedosto'
PngType: 'PNG-kuva - hyvä yleinen muoto'
TOOLARGE: 'Tiedostokoko on liian suuri: maks. sallittu koko on {size}'
TOOLARGESHORT: 'Sallittu tiedostokoko {size} ylitetty '
TiffType: TIFF-kuva
Title: Otsikko
@ -256,7 +253,6 @@ fi:
VALIDATOR: Tarkistin
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Ole hyvä ja valitse voimassa oleva valuutta'
Example: 'esim. %s'
NONE: 'Ei yhtään'
@ -328,7 +324,6 @@ fi:
CSSCLASSRIGHT: 'Oikealla, tesktin ympätöimänä.'
EMAIL: Sähköposti
FILE: SilverStripe\Assets\File
FOLDER: Kansio
IMAGEALT: 'Vaihtoehtoinen teksti (alt)'
IMAGEALTTEXT: 'Vaihtoehtoinen teksti (alt) - näytetään jos kuvaa ei voida näyttää'
@ -487,7 +482,6 @@ fi:
PASSWORD: Salasana
PASSWORDEXPIRED: 'Salasanasi on vanhentunut. Ole hyvä ja valitse uusi.'
REMEMBERME: 'Muista minut seuraavalla kerralla?'
SUBJECTPASSWORDCHANGED: 'Salasanasi on vaihdettu'
SUBJECTPASSWORDRESET: 'Salasanasi palautuslinkki'
@ -514,7 +508,6 @@ fi:
DIGITSDECFRACTIONSECOND: 'Yksi tai useampi desimaali osoittamaan sekunnin osia'
FOURDIGITYEAR: 'Nelinumeroinen vuosiluku'
FULLNAMEMONTH: 'Kuukausi kirjoitettuna (esim. kesäkuu)'
HOURNOLEADING: 'Tunti ilman edessä olevaa nollaa'
HOURNOLEADING24: 'Tunti ilman edessä olevaa nollaa, 24h muoto'
MINUTENOLEADING: 'Minuutti ilman edessä olevaa nollaa'
MONTHNOLEADING: 'Kuukausi ilman ensimmäistä nollaa (0)'
@ -702,9 +695,6 @@ fi:
PLURALNAME: 'Käyttöoikeuden roolin koodit'
SINGULARNAME: 'Käyttöoikeuden roolin koodi'
PLURALNAME: 'Muista kirjautumistarkisteet'
SINGULARNAME: 'Muista kirjautumistarkiste'
TABMAIN: Yleiset

View File

@ -179,7 +179,6 @@ fr:
VALIDATOR: Validateur
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Saisissez une monnaie valide'
Example: 'par exemple %s'
NONE: aucun

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ hr:
INSERTURL: 'Ubaci sa linka'
REMOVEINFO: 'Izbrišite ovu datoteku s ovog polja'
TOTAL: Ukupno
TOUPLOAD: 'Prenesi datoteke'
UPLOADINPROGRESS: 'Molim pričekajte... upload u tijeku'
@ -44,6 +45,15 @@ hr:
ALIGNEMENTEXAMPLE: 'desno poravnato'
BOLD: 'Bold Text'
CODE: 'Blok koda'
CODEDESCRIPTION: 'Neformatirani blok koda'
CODEEXAMPLE: 'Blok koda'
COLORED: 'Obojani tekst'
COLOREDEXAMPLE: 'plavi tekst'
EMAILLINK: 'Email link'
EMAILLINKDESCRIPTION: 'Kreiraj link za email adresu'
IMAGE: Slika
IMAGEDESCRIPTION: 'Prikaži sliku za vašu objavu'
Back: Nazad

View File

@ -200,7 +200,6 @@ id:
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Mohon isikan mata uang yang benar'
Example: 'misalnya %s'
NONE: 'tidak ada'

View File

@ -208,7 +208,6 @@ id_ID:
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Mohon isikan mata uang yang benar'
Example: 'misalnya %s'
NONE: 'tidak ada'

View File

@ -250,7 +250,6 @@ it:
VALIDATOR: Valiidatore
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Inserisci una valuta valida'
Example: 'es. %s'
NONE: nessuno
@ -683,9 +682,6 @@ it:
PLURALNAME: 'Codici di ruolo'
SINGULARNAME: 'Codice di ruolo'
PLURALNAME: 'Ricordare gli Hash di Login'
SINGULARNAME: 'Ricordare l''Hash di Login'
TABMAIN: Principale

View File

@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ ja:
VALIDCURRENCY: '有効な通貨を入力してください'
Example: '例 %s'
NONE: 何もありません

View File

@ -209,7 +209,6 @@ lt:
VALIDATOR: Tikrintojas
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Prašome suvesti teisingą valiutą'
Example: 'pvz. %s'
NONE: nėra

View File

@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ mi:
VALIDATOR: Pūwhakamana
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Tāurua he moni tika'
Example: 'hei tauira %s'
NONE: Kore

View File

@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ nb:
VALIDATOR: Validator
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Vennligst skriv inn gyldig valuta'
Example: 'F.eks. %s'
NONE: ingen

View File

@ -209,7 +209,6 @@ nl:
VALIDATOR: Validator
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Vul een geldige munteenheid in'
Example: 'bv. %s'
NONE: geen

View File

@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ pl:
VALIDATOR: Walidator
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Proszę podaj prawidłową walutę'
Example: 'np: % s'
NONE: brak

View File

@ -247,7 +247,6 @@ ru:
VALIDATOR: Валидатор
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Пожалуйста, укажите валюту правильно'
Example: 'например, %s'
NONE: 'не выбрано'
@ -679,9 +678,6 @@ ru:
PLURALNAME: 'Коды ролей доступа'
SINGULARNAME: 'Код роли доступа'
PLURALNAME: 'Запомнить хэши входов'
SINGULARNAME: 'Запомнить хэш входа'
TABMAIN: Основное

View File

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ sk:
REMOVEINFO: 'Odstrániť tento soubor z tohto poľa'
TOTAL: Súhrn
TOUPLOAD: 'Vyberte súbory na nahratie ...'
UPLOADINPROGRESS: 'Čakajte prosím… prebieha nahrávanie'
@ -218,14 +217,12 @@ sk:
Mp3Type: 'MP3 audio súbor'
MpgType: 'MPEG video súbor'
NOFILESIZE: 'Veľkosť súboru je nula bajtov.'
NOVALIDUPLOAD: 'Subor nie je povolený pre nahratie'
Name: Meno
PdfType: 'Adobe Acrobat PDF súbor'
PngType: 'PNG obrázok - vhodný univerzálny formát'
TOOLARGE: 'Veľkosť súboru je príliš veľká, maximálna povolená veľkosť je {size}'
TOOLARGESHORT: 'Veľkosť súboru prekračuje {size}'
TiffType: 'Tiff formát obrázku'
Title: Názov
@ -256,7 +253,6 @@ sk:
VALIDATOR: Validácia
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Prosím zadajte platnú menu'
Example: 'napr. %s'
NONE: žiadne
@ -328,7 +324,6 @@ sk:
CSSCLASSRIGHT: 'Vpravo, s obtekajúcim textom.'
DETAILS: Podrobnosti
EMAIL: 'Emailová adresa'
FILE: Súbor
FOLDER: Priečinok
IMAGEALT: 'Atlernatívny text (alt)'
IMAGEALTTEXT: 'Atlernatívny text (alt) - zobrazí sa ak obrázok nemože byť zobrazený '
@ -487,7 +482,6 @@ sk:
PASSWORDEXPIRED: 'Vaše heslo bolo expirované. Zvoľte nové heslo.'
REMEMBERME: 'Pamätať si ma nabudúce?'
SUBJECTPASSWORDCHANGED: 'Vaše heslo bolo zmenené'
SUBJECTPASSWORDRESET: 'Odkaz na resetovanie hesla'
@ -514,7 +508,6 @@ sk:
DIGITSDECFRACTIONSECOND: 'Jedna alebo viac číslic zastupujúcich desatinný zlomok sekundy'
FOURDIGITYEAR: 'Štvorčíslie roka'
FULLNAMEMONTH: 'Celý názov mesiaca (napr. jún)'
HOURNOLEADING: 'Hodina bez úvodnej nuly'
HOURNOLEADING24: 'Hodina bez úvodnej nuly, 24 hodinový formát'
MINUTENOLEADING: 'Minúta bez úvodnej nuly'
MONTHNOLEADING: 'Číslo mesiaca bez úvodnej nuly'
@ -702,9 +695,6 @@ sk:
PLURALNAME: 'Kódy oprávnenia role'
SINGULARNAME: 'Kód oprávnenia role'
PLURALNAME: 'Pamätať si hash-e prihlásenia'
SINGULARNAME: 'Pamätať si hash prihlásenia'

View File

@ -172,7 +172,6 @@ sl:
VALIDATOR: Preverjanje
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Prosim, vnesite pravo valuto.'
Example: 'npr. %s'
NONE: brez

View File

@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ sr:
VALIDATOR: 'Проверивач исправности'
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Унесите исправну валуту'
Example: 'нпр. %s'
NONE: без

View File

@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ sr@latin:
VALIDATOR: 'Proverivač ispravnosti'
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Unesite ispravnu valutu'
Example: 'npr. %s'
NONE: bez

View File

@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ sr_RS:
VALIDATOR: 'Проверивач исправности'
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Унесите исправну валуту'
Example: 'нпр. %s'
NONE: без

View File

@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ sr_RS@latin:
VALIDATOR: 'Proverivač ispravnosti'
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Unesite ispravnu valutu'
Example: 'npr. %s'
NONE: bez

View File

@ -217,7 +217,6 @@ sv:
VALIDATOR: Validator
VALIDCURRENCY: 'Var vänlig ange en korrekt valuta'
Example: 't.ex. %s'
NONE: ingen

View File

@ -199,7 +199,6 @@ zh:
VALIDCURRENCY: '请输入一个有效的货币'
Example: '例如 %s'
NONE: '无'