mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
API CHANGE Moved DataReport and SQLReport into the ecommerce module, since this is the only place it is used, plus it's going to be deprecated soon anyway
BUGFIX Removed DataReport.js calls in LeftAndMain until we figure out a better way of doing git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/sapphire/trunk@62325 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,591 +0,0 @@
* Displays complex reports based on base Table of DataObject and available functions/fields provided to
* the object.
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-reports
* @deprecated This should be considered alpha code; reporting needs a clean-up.
class DataReport extends FormField {
protected $baseClass, $filter, $sort, $join, $dateFilter;
protected $headFields, $dataFields;
protected $export=true;
protected $joinedTables;
* @var array Adds extra columns to the end of the table (e.g. printlinks)
protected $extraFields = array();
* @var array Due to the arbitrary array-format of the desired input, we can't add custom SQL through the normal $filter
protected $customSelect = array();
* @var array Specify castings with fieldname as the key, and the desired casting as value.
* Example: array("MyCustomDate"=>"Date->Nice")
protected $fieldCasting = array();
* Construct a OrderReport.
* @param name Name of the data report
* @param title Title of the data report as displayed in the CMS.
* @param value The value of the data report as a form field, usually could be a empty string
* @param form The form that the containing the date report, usually dose matter if set null
* @param baseClass the base object that this report works oon
* @param fieldMap A mapthat works out Header cell of report table and which content will be for the colums, using array of "$k=>$v"s
* @param headFields If keys in fieldMap is numerical, header of the report table can be worked out here
* @param filter The filter on the object for the report, usually this filter is "=" type filter for the database table field.
* @param dateFilter The dateFitler on the object for the report, usually this filter is for time and works on Created using "Between ... And ..."
* @param join The joined database table is put in this parameter
* @param sort The sort clause will be made from this parameter
function __construct($name, $title, $value, $form, $baseClass, $fieldMap=null, $headFields=null, $filter=null, $dateFilter=null, $sort=null, $join=null) {
$this->baseClass = $baseClass;
//Work out $filters, $sort, $join, $filters need to be further processed in getRecords();
if($filter) $this->filter = $filter;
if($dateFilter) $this->dateFilter=$dateFilter;
if($sort) $this->sort = $sort;
if($join) $this->join = $join;
//Work out $headFields, $dataFields
foreach($fieldMap as $k => $v){
$fields[] = $v;
$heads[] = $k;
$this->dataFields = $fields;
$this->headFields = $heads;
$this->headFields = $headFields;
parent::__construct($name, $title, $value, $form);
/*protected function expandWildcards($fieldMap){
$records = $this->getRecords();
foreach($records as $record){
* @todo: to set export flag to be $export
public function setExport($export){
$this->export = $export;
* Todo: to export the reported table as a CSV
function exportToCSV( $fileName ) {
$fileData = $this->columnheaders( 'csvRow', 'csvHeadCell' ) . $this->datacells('csvRow', 'csvDataCell' );
HTTP::sendFileToBrowser($fileData, $fileName);
* @todo: to overwrite its parent's FieldHolder, the returned HTML <div> section contains the reported Table and a export button.
function FieldHolder() {
//Requirements::javascript( "sapphire/javascript/DataReport.js" );
$reportList = $this->htmlReportList();
$exportButton = $this->htmlExportButton();
return <<<HTML
<div style="margin-bottom: 30px; width: 98%;" class="tab" id="DataReport">
<input type="hidden" id="DataReport_Type" name="DataReport_Type" value="{$this->getReportType()}" />
* @todo: to return a export button in HTML Style if $this->export flag is true (it defaults as true)
protected function htmlExportButton(){
$idexport = $this->id() . '_exportToCSV';
$idtype = $this->id() . '_Type';
$class = $this->class;
$value = _t('DataReport.EXPORTCSV', 'Export to CSV');
$exportButton =<<<HTML
<input name="$idexport" style="width: 12em" type="button" id="$idexport" class="DataReport_ExportToCSVButton" value="$value" />
<input name="Type" type="hidden" value="$class" id="$idtype" />
$exportButton = "";
return $exportButton;
*Todo: to return block of HTML code, containing a table wrapped with a <div> section for Ajax Updator loading the table inside.
protected function htmlReportList(){
$table = $this->htmlReportTable();
// display the table of results
$html = <<<HTML
<div id="ReportList_Loader" class="TableListField">
return $html;
*Todo: return the reported table in HTML format
protected function htmlReportTable(){
$headerHTML = $this->columnheaders();
$dataCellHTML = $this->datacells();
return <<<HTML
<table class="ReportField data" id="ReportList">
* @todo: Returns the HTML for the headers of the columns.
protected function columnheaders( $rowCallBack = 'htmlTableRow', $cellCallBack = 'htmlTableHeadCell' ) {
$html = "";
foreach( $this->headFields as $field ) {
$html .= $this->$cellCallBack($field);
foreach( $this->extraFields as $fieldHeader => $fieldContent ) {
$html .= $this->$cellCallBack($fieldHeader);
return $this->$rowCallBack($html);
*Todo: Returns the HTML for the body of the reported table, excluding table header
* @param rowCallBack: the function name for how the rows are formated
* @param cellCallBack: the function name for how the cells are formated
protected function datacells($rowCallBack = 'htmlTableRow', $cellCallBack = 'htmlTableDataCell' ) {
$records = $this->getRecords();
$body = "";
foreach($records as $record){
$html = "";
$fieldInd = 0;
foreach( $this->dataFields as $field ) {
$html .= $this->$cellCallBack($record, $field, $fieldInd);
foreach( $this->extraFields as $fieldHeader => $fieldContent ) {
$html .= $this->htmlTableExtraDataCell($record, $fieldContent, $fieldInd);
$row = $this->$rowCallBack($html);
$body .= $row;
return $body;
* @todo: Return the HTML for one cell of the table header
function htmlTableHeadCell($value) {
return "<th>" . htmlentities( $value ) . "</th>";
* @todo: Return one cell of the table header in csv format
function csvHeadCell($value) {
return $this->csvCell( $value );
* @todo: Return the HTML for one cell of one row of the table
function htmlTableDataCell($record, $field, $fieldIndex=null){
$value = $this->getRecordFieldValue($record, $field);
return "<td>".Convert::raw2xml($value)."</td>";
function htmlTableExtraDataCell($record, $fieldContent, $fieldIndex=null){
eval("\$content = \"$fieldContent\";");
return "<td>$content</td>";
*Todo: return the value of one filed of a record
function getRecordFieldValue($record, $field){
// $field can be array: eg: array("FirstName", "Surname"), in which case two fields in database table should
// concate to one cell for report table
foreach($field as $each){
$value .= $i==0?"":" ";
$value .= $record->$each;
//The field could be "Total->Nice" or "Order.Created->Date", intending to show its specific format.
//Caster then is "Nice" "Date" etc.
list($field, $caster) = explode("->", $field);
if(preg_match('/^(.+)\.(.+)$/', $field, $matches)){
$field = $matches[2];
if(is_a($record, 'DataObject')) { // Simple field, no casting
// choose existing field on a DataObject, or custom record-column
$value = ($record->val($field)) ? $record->val($field) : $record->$field;
} elseif(is_array($record)) {
$value = $record[$field];
} else {
$value = $record;
// casting by combined string
// When the intending value is Created.Date, the obj need to be casted as Datetime explicitely.
if($field == "Created" || $field == "LastEdited"){
$created = Object::create('Datetime', "Created");
$value = $created->val($caster);
// Dealing with other field like "Total->Nice", etc.
// Also makes sure the field is present
if($record && $record->obj($field)){
$value = $record->obj($field)->val($caster);
// casting by separate array
} else if(array_key_exists($field, $this->fieldCasting)) {
$fieldType = $this->fieldCasting[$field];
if(strpos($fieldType,'->') === false) {
$castingFieldType = $fieldType;
$castingField = new $castingFieldType($field);
$value = $castingField->XML();
} else {
$fieldTypeParts = explode('->', $fieldType);
$castingFieldType = $fieldTypeParts[0];
$castingMethod = $fieldTypeParts[1];
$castingField = new $castingFieldType($field);
$value = $castingField->$castingMethod();
return $value;
*Todo:: return a date cell in CSV format
function csvDataCell($record, $field){
$value=$this->csvCell( $this->getRecordFieldValue($record, $field) );
//return str_replace("\n", "", str_replace("\n", "", str_replace(",", "", $value))).",";
return $value;
function csvCell( $value, $table = null, $column = null ) {
return '"' . str_replace( '"', '""', $value ) . '",';
function csvRow( $value ) {
return substr( $value, 0, strlen( $value ) - 1 )."\n";
*Todo: wrap a row of data by <tr> tag
function htmlTableRow( $value) {
return "<tr>" . $value . "</tr>";
*Todo: to add newline feed to a row of data for csv export
/*function csvRow($value){
return str_replace("\n", "", $value)."\n";
*Todo: get all records of base table that meet the $this->filter, $this->join, $this->datefilter, sort by $this->sort
function getRecords(){
$join = '';
$filter = '';
$sort = '';
$orclause = '';
//$this->filter should be an array, such as array("MemberID"=>array("1", "2), "OrderType"=>"normal")
foreach($this->filter as $k => $v){
if($v !== "All" && $v !== 'all'){
$join .= ($i==0) ? "" :" ";
//if $v is array, then treat it as an "OR" statement in where claues,
//eg. $this->filter = array("MemberID"=>array("1", "2), "OrderType"=>"normal"), then MemberID need to be either 1 or 2.
$j = 0;
foreach($v as $orvalue){
$orclause .=($j==0) ? "($k = '$orvalue'" : " OR $k = '$orvalue'";
$orclause .=")";
$filter .= ($i==0) ? "$orclause" : " AND $orclause";
} else if(is_numeric($k)) {
// accept a simple string...
$filter .= $v;
$filter .= ($i==0) ? "$orclause" : " AND $orclause";
} else {
//$v is not an array, concat it to where clause as an "AND" statement.
//eg. $this->filter = array("MemberID"=>array("1", "2), "OrderType"=>"normal"), then concat "OrderType"="normal".
$filter .= ($i==0) ? "$k = '$v'" : " AND $k = '$v'";
// Concat DateRange to Where clause using "Between ... And ..." on Created field.
$from = preg_replace('/^([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-90-9]{2,4})/', '\\3-\\2-\\1', $this->dateFilter['From']);
$to = preg_replace('/^([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-90-9]{2,4})/', '\\3-\\2-\\1', $this->dateFilter['To']);
$filter .= $filter?"AND ":"";
$filter .="`{$this->baseClass}`.Created BETWEEN '$from' AND ('$to' + INTERVAL 1 DAY)";
// Work out Ordered By clause.
foreach($this->sort as $k => $v){
$sort .= ($i==0)?"$k $v":", $k $v";
// Work out Join Clause.
//$k is the key of base table, $v is an array with joined table and join key, such as
// $v = array("ID"=>array("table"=>"Payment", "field"=>"OrderID", "joinclass" => "Order")).
// otherwise it treats it as a SQL-string ("LEFT JOIN x ON x=y")
foreach($this->join as $k => $v){
$join .= ( $i==0 ) ? "" :" ";
if(is_string($v)) {
$join .= $v;
} else {
// This means we join multiple tables on the same column name
if(!$k || !is_string($k)) $k = $v['joinColumn'];
if(!$v['howtojoin']) $v['howtojoin'] = "LEFT JOIN";
$this->joinedTables[] = $v['table'];
// FIX Stupid arbitrary array-structure makes this neccessary
$joinClass = ($v['joinclass']) ? $v['joinclass'] : $this->baseClass;
$join .="$v[howtojoin] `$v[table]` on `{$joinClass}`.`{$k}` = `$v[table]`.`$v[field]`";
$instance = singleton($this->baseClass);
$query = $instance->buildSQL($filter, $sort, null, $join);
$selected = array();
$this->buildSelected($this->dataFields, $selected);
$query->select = $selected;
$query->select[] = "`$this->baseClass`.ClassName";
$query->select[] = "`$this->baseClass`.ClassName AS RecordClassName";
$records = $query->execute();
$dataobject = new DataObject();
$ret = $dataobject->buildDataObjectSet($records, 'DataObjectSet');
return $ret;
protected function buildSelected($fields, &$ret, $includeAllFields = true){
$ret1 = array();
foreach(ClassInfo::subclassesFor($this->baseClass) as $subClass){
if($columns = $this->getColumnsInTable($subClass)){
foreach ($columns as $column){
if(!in_array($column, $ret1)){
$ret[] = "`{$subClass}`.`$column`";
$ret1[] = $column;
foreach($this->joinedTables as $table){
$columns = $this->getColumnsInTable($table);
if($columns) foreach($columns as $column){
if(!in_array($column, $ret1)){
$ret[] = "`{$table}`.`{$column}`";
$ret1[] = $column;
} else {
foreach($fields as $field) {
if(is_array($field)) {
$this->buildSelected($field, $ret);
} else {
if($count=preg_match('/^(.+)->(.+)$/', $field, $matches)) {
$field =$matches[1];
if(!preg_match('/^(.+)\.(.+)$/', $field, $matches)) {
if($this->is_inTables($field)) {
$ret[] = $field;
} else {
$ret[] = $field;
foreach($this->customSelect as $filter) {
$ret[] = $filter;
protected function is_inTables($field){
if(in_array($field, $this->getColumnsInTable($this->baseClass))){
return 1;
foreach($this->joinedTables as $table){
if(in_array($field, $this->getColumnsInTable($table)))
return 1;
return 0;
protected function getColumnsInTable( $table ) {
$result = DB::query( "SELECT * FROM `$table` LIMIT 1" );
if($nextResult = $result->next()){
return array_keys($nextResult);
protected function getReportType() {
if(class_exists($this->name)) return $this->name;
else return $this->class;
* @param array
function setExtraFields($fields) {
$this->extraFields = $fields;
* @param array
function setCustomSelect($filters) {
$this->customSelect = $filters;
* @param array
function setFieldCasting($fieldCasting) {
$this->fieldCasting = $fieldCasting;
* A controller class work for exporting reported table to CSV format.
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-reports
* @deprecated This should be considered alpha code; reporting needs a clean-up.
class DataReport_Controller extends Controller{
/**The function is an action for making $Controller/$action/$ID works when click on Exporting button.
*Todo: Declear a new OrderReport Object with null filter, then set its filter using $_GET global, then call its export function.
function exporttocsv() {
$id = $this->urlParams['ID'];
$now = strftime("%d/%m/%Y", time());
$orderReport = new $id("FindOrderReport",null,"",null,"Order",
$filedMap = array("Order Number"=>"Order.ID",
"Order Date"=>"Order.Created->Date",
"Order Type"=>"ParentsOrder.OrderType",
"Customer Name"=>array("FirstName", "Surname"),
"Order Total"=>"Total->Nice",
$headField = null,
$filter = null,
$dateFilter = array("From"=>"20/07/2006", "To"=>$now),
$sord = array("Order.ID"=>"DESC"),
$join = array("MemberID"=>array("table"=>"Member", "field"=>"ID"))
if($orderReport->hasMethod('getReportField')) $orderReport = $orderReport->getReportField();
if($orderReport->hasMethod('filter_onchange')) $orderReport->filter_onchange();
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-reports
* @deprecated This should be considered alpha code; reporting needs a clean-up.
class SQLReport extends DataReport {
protected $sql;
function __construct($name, $title, $value, $form, $fieldMap=null, $headFields = null, $sql) {
parent::__construct($name, $title, $value, $form, null, $fieldMap, $headFields);
$this->sql = $sql;
function getRecords(){
$records = DB::query($this->sql);
return $records;
/*$dataobject = new DataObject();
return $dataobject->buildDataObjectSet($records, 'DataObjectSet');*/
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
'input.DataReport_ExportToCSVButton' : {
onclick: function() {
var pageID = $('Form_EditForm_ID').value;
var idParts = this.id.split('_');
var formName = idParts[idParts.length-2];
var reportType = $('DataReport_Type').value;
var url = baseHref() + 'admin/ReportField_Controller/exporttocsv/' + pageID + '/' + reportType + '/' + formName + '.csv';
//alert( url );
//var exportWindow = window.open( url, '_self' );
//alert( exportWindow.location );
window.location.href = url;
return false;
@ -221,7 +221,6 @@ $lang['en_US']['Form']['VALIDCURRENCY'] = 'Please enter a valid currency.';
$lang['en_US']['CurrencyField']['CURRENCYSYMBOL'] = '$';
$lang['en_US']['Form']['FIELDISREQUIRED'] = '%s is required';
$lang['en_US']['DMYDateField']['VALIDDATEFORMAT'] = 'Please enter a valid date format (DD-MM-YYYY).';
$lang['en_US']['DataReport']['EXPORTCSV'] = 'Export to CSV';
$lang['en_US']['DateField']['VALIDATIONJS'] = 'Please enter a valid date format (DD/MM/YYYY).';
$lang['en_US']['DateField']['VALIDDATEFORMAT'] = 'Please enter a valid date format (DD/MM/YYYY).';
$lang['en_US']['DateField']['NODATESET'] = 'No date set';
Reference in New Issue
Block a user