@ -463,6 +463,18 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
/* NamespacedWord: / [A-Za-z_\/\\] [A-Za-z0-9_\/\\]* / */
protected $match_NamespacedWord_typestack = array('NamespacedWord');
function match_NamespacedWord ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "NamespacedWord"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
if (( $subres = $this->rx( '/ [A-Za-z_\/\\\\] [A-Za-z0-9_\/\\\\]* /' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
return $this->finalise($result);
else { return FALSE; }
/* Number: / [0-9]+ / */
protected $match_Number_typestack = array('Number');
function match_Number ($stack = array()) {
@ -491,48 +503,48 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_CallArguments_typestack = array('CallArguments');
function match_CallArguments ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "CallArguments"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_61 = NULL;
$_62 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'Argument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Argument" );
else { $_61 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_62 = FALSE; break; }
while (true) {
$res_60 = $result;
$pos_60 = $this->pos;
$_59 = NULL;
$res_61 = $result;
$pos_61 = $this->pos;
$_60 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == ',') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= ',';
else { $_59 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_60 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'Argument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Argument" );
else { $_59 = FALSE; break; }
$_59 = TRUE; break;
else { $_60 = FALSE; break; }
$_60 = TRUE; break;
if( $_59 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_60;
$this->pos = $pos_60;
unset( $res_60 );
unset( $pos_60 );
if( $_60 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_61;
$this->pos = $pos_61;
unset( $res_61 );
unset( $pos_61 );
$_61 = TRUE; break;
$_62 = TRUE; break;
if( $_61 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_61 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_62 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_62 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -545,7 +557,7 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
function CallArguments_Argument(&$res, $sub) {
if (!empty($res['php'])) $res['php'] .= ', ';
$res['php'] .= ($sub['ArgumentMode'] == 'default') ? $sub['string_php'] :
$res['php'] .= ($sub['ArgumentMode'] == 'default') ? $sub['string_php'] :
str_replace('$$FINAL', 'XML_val', $sub['php']);
@ -553,57 +565,57 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_Call_typestack = array('Call');
function match_Call ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "Call"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_71 = NULL;
$_72 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'Word'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Method" );
else { $_71 = FALSE; break; }
$res_70 = $result;
$pos_70 = $this->pos;
$_69 = NULL;
else { $_72 = FALSE; break; }
$res_71 = $result;
$pos_71 = $this->pos;
$_70 = NULL;
do {
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '(') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '(';
else { $_69 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_70 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$res_66 = $result;
$pos_66 = $this->pos;
$res_67 = $result;
$pos_67 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'CallArguments'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "CallArguments" );
else {
$result = $res_66;
$this->pos = $pos_66;
unset( $res_66 );
unset( $pos_66 );
$result = $res_67;
$this->pos = $pos_67;
unset( $res_67 );
unset( $pos_67 );
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == ')') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= ')';
else { $_69 = FALSE; break; }
$_69 = TRUE; break;
else { $_70 = FALSE; break; }
$_70 = TRUE; break;
if( $_69 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_70;
$this->pos = $pos_70;
unset( $res_70 );
unset( $pos_70 );
if( $_70 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_71;
$this->pos = $pos_71;
unset( $res_71 );
unset( $pos_71 );
$_71 = TRUE; break;
$_72 = TRUE; break;
if( $_71 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_71 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_72 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_72 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -611,32 +623,32 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_LookupStep_typestack = array('LookupStep');
function match_LookupStep ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "LookupStep"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_75 = NULL;
$_76 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'Call'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Call" );
else { $_75 = FALSE; break; }
$res_74 = $result;
$pos_74 = $this->pos;
else { $_76 = FALSE; break; }
$res_75 = $result;
$pos_75 = $this->pos;
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '.') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '.';
$result = $res_74;
$this->pos = $pos_74;
$result = $res_75;
$this->pos = $pos_75;
else {
$result = $res_74;
$this->pos = $pos_74;
$_75 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_75;
$this->pos = $pos_75;
$_76 = FALSE; break;
$_75 = TRUE; break;
$_76 = TRUE; break;
if( $_75 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_75 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_76 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_76 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -658,40 +670,40 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_Lookup_typestack = array('Lookup');
function match_Lookup ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "Lookup"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_89 = NULL;
$_90 = NULL;
do {
$res_78 = $result;
$pos_78 = $this->pos;
$_86 = NULL;
$res_79 = $result;
$pos_79 = $this->pos;
$_87 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'LookupStep'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_86 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_87 = FALSE; break; }
while (true) {
$res_83 = $result;
$pos_83 = $this->pos;
$_82 = NULL;
$res_84 = $result;
$pos_84 = $this->pos;
$_83 = NULL;
do {
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '.') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '.';
else { $_82 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_83 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'LookupStep'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
else { $_82 = FALSE; break; }
$_82 = TRUE; break;
else { $_83 = FALSE; break; }
$_83 = TRUE; break;
if( $_82 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_83;
$this->pos = $pos_83;
unset( $res_83 );
unset( $pos_83 );
if( $_83 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_84;
$this->pos = $pos_84;
unset( $res_84 );
unset( $pos_84 );
@ -699,30 +711,30 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '.';
else { $_86 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_87 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'LastLookupStep'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_86 = FALSE; break; }
$_86 = TRUE; break;
else { $_87 = FALSE; break; }
$_87 = TRUE; break;
if( $_86 === TRUE ) { $_89 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_78;
$this->pos = $pos_78;
if( $_87 === TRUE ) { $_90 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_79;
$this->pos = $pos_79;
$matcher = 'match_'.'LastLookupStep'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_89 = TRUE; break;
$_90 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_78;
$this->pos = $pos_78;
$_89 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_79;
$this->pos = $pos_79;
$_90 = FALSE; break;
if( $_89 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_89 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_90 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_90 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -765,108 +777,108 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_Translate_typestack = array('Translate');
function match_Translate ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "Translate"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_115 = NULL;
$_116 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%t' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_115 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_116 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'Entity'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_115 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_116 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$res_97 = $result;
$pos_97 = $this->pos;
$_96 = NULL;
$res_98 = $result;
$pos_98 = $this->pos;
$_97 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'QuotedString'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Default" );
else { $_96 = FALSE; break; }
$_96 = TRUE; break;
else { $_97 = FALSE; break; }
$_97 = TRUE; break;
if( $_96 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_97;
$this->pos = $pos_97;
unset( $res_97 );
unset( $pos_97 );
if( $_97 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_98;
$this->pos = $pos_98;
unset( $res_98 );
unset( $pos_98 );
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$res_108 = $result;
$pos_108 = $this->pos;
$_107 = NULL;
$res_109 = $result;
$pos_109 = $this->pos;
$_108 = NULL;
do {
$res_102 = $result;
$pos_102 = $this->pos;
$_101 = NULL;
$res_103 = $result;
$pos_103 = $this->pos;
$_102 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'is' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_101 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_102 = FALSE; break; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '=') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '=';
else { $_101 = FALSE; break; }
$_101 = TRUE; break;
else { $_102 = FALSE; break; }
$_102 = TRUE; break;
if( $_101 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_102;
$this->pos = $pos_102;
$_107 = FALSE; break;
if( $_102 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_103;
$this->pos = $pos_103;
$_108 = FALSE; break;
if( $_101 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_102;
$this->pos = $pos_102;
if( $_102 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_103;
$this->pos = $pos_103;
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'is' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_107 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_108 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'QuotedString'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Context" );
else { $_107 = FALSE; break; }
$_107 = TRUE; break;
else { $_108 = FALSE; break; }
$_108 = TRUE; break;
if( $_107 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_108;
$this->pos = $pos_108;
unset( $res_108 );
unset( $pos_108 );
if( $_108 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_109;
$this->pos = $pos_109;
unset( $res_109 );
unset( $pos_109 );
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$res_112 = $result;
$pos_112 = $this->pos;
$_111 = NULL;
$res_113 = $result;
$pos_113 = $this->pos;
$_112 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'InjectionVariables'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_111 = FALSE; break; }
$_111 = TRUE; break;
else { $_112 = FALSE; break; }
$_112 = TRUE; break;
if( $_111 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_112;
$this->pos = $pos_112;
unset( $res_112 );
unset( $pos_112 );
if( $_112 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_113;
$this->pos = $pos_113;
unset( $res_113 );
unset( $pos_113 );
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_115 = FALSE; break; }
$_115 = TRUE; break;
else { $_116 = FALSE; break; }
$_116 = TRUE; break;
if( $_115 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_115 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_116 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_116 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -876,9 +888,9 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
$matchrule = "InjectionVariables"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$count = 0;
while (true) {
$res_122 = $result;
$pos_122 = $this->pos;
$_121 = NULL;
$res_123 = $result;
$pos_123 = $this->pos;
$_122 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'Word'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
@ -886,24 +898,24 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "InjectionName" );
else { $_121 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_122 = FALSE; break; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '=') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '=';
else { $_121 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_122 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'Argument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_121 = FALSE; break; }
$_121 = TRUE; break;
else { $_122 = FALSE; break; }
$_122 = TRUE; break;
if( $_121 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_122;
$this->pos = $pos_122;
unset( $res_122 );
unset( $pos_122 );
if( $_122 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_123;
$this->pos = $pos_123;
unset( $res_123 );
unset( $pos_123 );
$count += 1;
@ -973,24 +985,24 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_SimpleInjection_typestack = array('SimpleInjection');
function match_SimpleInjection ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "SimpleInjection"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_126 = NULL;
$_127 = NULL;
do {
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '$') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '$';
else { $_126 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_127 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'Lookup'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Lookup" );
else { $_126 = FALSE; break; }
$_126 = TRUE; break;
else { $_127 = FALSE; break; }
$_127 = TRUE; break;
if( $_126 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_126 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_127 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_127 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -998,26 +1010,26 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_BracketInjection_typestack = array('BracketInjection');
function match_BracketInjection ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "BracketInjection"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_131 = NULL;
$_132 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '{$' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_131 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_132 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'Lookup'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Lookup" );
else { $_131 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_132 = FALSE; break; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '}') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '}';
else { $_131 = FALSE; break; }
$_131 = TRUE; break;
else { $_132 = FALSE; break; }
$_132 = TRUE; break;
if( $_131 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_131 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_132 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_132 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1025,31 +1037,31 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_Injection_typestack = array('Injection');
function match_Injection ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "Injection"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_136 = NULL;
$_137 = NULL;
do {
$res_133 = $result;
$pos_133 = $this->pos;
$res_134 = $result;
$pos_134 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'BracketInjection'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_136 = TRUE; break;
$_137 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_133;
$this->pos = $pos_133;
$result = $res_134;
$this->pos = $pos_134;
$matcher = 'match_'.'SimpleInjection'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_136 = TRUE; break;
$_137 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_133;
$this->pos = $pos_133;
$_136 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_134;
$this->pos = $pos_134;
$_137 = FALSE; break;
if( $_136 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_136 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_137 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_137 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1081,9 +1093,9 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_QuotedString_typestack = array('QuotedString');
function match_QuotedString ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "QuotedString"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_142 = NULL;
$_143 = NULL;
do {
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "q" );
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "q" );
if (( $subres = $this->rx( '/[\'"]/' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$subres = $result; $result = array_pop($stack);
@ -1091,9 +1103,9 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
else {
$result = array_pop($stack);
$_142 = FALSE; break;
$_143 = FALSE; break;
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "String" );
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "String" );
if (( $subres = $this->rx( '/ (\\\\\\\\ | \\\\. | [^'.$this->expression($result, $stack, 'q').'\\\\])* /' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$subres = $result; $result = array_pop($stack);
@ -1101,15 +1113,15 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
else {
$result = array_pop($stack);
$_142 = FALSE; break;
$_143 = FALSE; break;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( ''.$this->expression($result, $stack, 'q').'' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_142 = FALSE; break; }
$_142 = TRUE; break;
else { $_143 = FALSE; break; }
$_143 = TRUE; break;
if( $_142 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_142 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_143 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_143 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1133,45 +1145,45 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_Argument_typestack = array('Argument');
function match_Argument ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "Argument"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_162 = NULL;
$_163 = NULL;
do {
$res_145 = $result;
$pos_145 = $this->pos;
$res_146 = $result;
$pos_146 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'DollarMarkedLookup'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "DollarMarkedLookup" );
$_162 = TRUE; break;
$_163 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_145;
$this->pos = $pos_145;
$_160 = NULL;
$result = $res_146;
$this->pos = $pos_146;
$_161 = NULL;
do {
$res_147 = $result;
$pos_147 = $this->pos;
$res_148 = $result;
$pos_148 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'QuotedString'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "QuotedString" );
$_160 = TRUE; break;
$_161 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_147;
$this->pos = $pos_147;
$_158 = NULL;
$result = $res_148;
$this->pos = $pos_148;
$_159 = NULL;
do {
$res_149 = $result;
$pos_149 = $this->pos;
$_155 = NULL;
$res_150 = $result;
$pos_150 = $this->pos;
$_156 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'Lookup'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Lookup" );
else { $_155 = FALSE; break; }
$res_154 = $result;
$pos_154 = $this->pos;
$_153 = NULL;
else { $_156 = FALSE; break; }
$res_155 = $result;
$pos_155 = $this->pos;
$_154 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'FreeString'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
@ -1179,50 +1191,50 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
else { $_153 = FALSE; break; }
$_153 = TRUE; break;
else { $_154 = FALSE; break; }
$_154 = TRUE; break;
if( $_153 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_154;
$this->pos = $pos_154;
$_155 = FALSE; break;
if( $_154 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_155;
$this->pos = $pos_155;
$_156 = FALSE; break;
if( $_153 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_154;
$this->pos = $pos_154;
if( $_154 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_155;
$this->pos = $pos_155;
$_155 = TRUE; break;
$_156 = TRUE; break;
if( $_155 === TRUE ) { $_158 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_149;
$this->pos = $pos_149;
if( $_156 === TRUE ) { $_159 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_150;
$this->pos = $pos_150;
$matcher = 'match_'.'FreeString'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "FreeString" );
$_158 = TRUE; break;
$_159 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_149;
$this->pos = $pos_149;
$_158 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_150;
$this->pos = $pos_150;
$_159 = FALSE; break;
if( $_158 === TRUE ) { $_160 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_147;
$this->pos = $pos_147;
$_160 = FALSE; break;
if( $_159 === TRUE ) { $_161 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_148;
$this->pos = $pos_148;
$_161 = FALSE; break;
if( $_160 === TRUE ) { $_162 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_145;
$this->pos = $pos_145;
$_162 = FALSE; break;
if( $_161 === TRUE ) { $_163 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_146;
$this->pos = $pos_146;
$_163 = FALSE; break;
if( $_162 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_162 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_163 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_163 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1273,110 +1285,110 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_ComparisonOperator_typestack = array('ComparisonOperator');
function match_ComparisonOperator ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "ComparisonOperator"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_187 = NULL;
$_188 = NULL;
do {
$res_164 = $result;
$pos_164 = $this->pos;
$res_165 = $result;
$pos_165 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '!=' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_187 = TRUE; break;
$_188 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_164;
$this->pos = $pos_164;
$_185 = NULL;
$result = $res_165;
$this->pos = $pos_165;
$_186 = NULL;
do {
$res_166 = $result;
$pos_166 = $this->pos;
$res_167 = $result;
$pos_167 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '==' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_185 = TRUE; break;
$_186 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_166;
$this->pos = $pos_166;
$_183 = NULL;
$result = $res_167;
$this->pos = $pos_167;
$_184 = NULL;
do {
$res_168 = $result;
$pos_168 = $this->pos;
$res_169 = $result;
$pos_169 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '>=' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_183 = TRUE; break;
$_184 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_168;
$this->pos = $pos_168;
$_181 = NULL;
$result = $res_169;
$this->pos = $pos_169;
$_182 = NULL;
do {
$res_170 = $result;
$pos_170 = $this->pos;
$res_171 = $result;
$pos_171 = $this->pos;
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '>') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '>';
$_181 = TRUE; break;
$_182 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_170;
$this->pos = $pos_170;
$_179 = NULL;
$result = $res_171;
$this->pos = $pos_171;
$_180 = NULL;
do {
$res_172 = $result;
$pos_172 = $this->pos;
$res_173 = $result;
$pos_173 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<=' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_179 = TRUE; break;
$_180 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_172;
$this->pos = $pos_172;
$_177 = NULL;
$result = $res_173;
$this->pos = $pos_173;
$_178 = NULL;
do {
$res_174 = $result;
$pos_174 = $this->pos;
$res_175 = $result;
$pos_175 = $this->pos;
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '<') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '<';
$_177 = TRUE; break;
$_178 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_174;
$this->pos = $pos_174;
$result = $res_175;
$this->pos = $pos_175;
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '=') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '=';
$_177 = TRUE; break;
$_178 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_174;
$this->pos = $pos_174;
$_177 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_175;
$this->pos = $pos_175;
$_178 = FALSE; break;
if( $_177 === TRUE ) { $_179 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_172;
$this->pos = $pos_172;
$_179 = FALSE; break;
if( $_178 === TRUE ) { $_180 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_173;
$this->pos = $pos_173;
$_180 = FALSE; break;
if( $_179 === TRUE ) { $_181 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_170;
$this->pos = $pos_170;
$_181 = FALSE; break;
if( $_180 === TRUE ) { $_182 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_171;
$this->pos = $pos_171;
$_182 = FALSE; break;
if( $_181 === TRUE ) { $_183 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_168;
$this->pos = $pos_168;
$_183 = FALSE; break;
if( $_182 === TRUE ) { $_184 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_169;
$this->pos = $pos_169;
$_184 = FALSE; break;
if( $_183 === TRUE ) { $_185 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_166;
$this->pos = $pos_166;
$_185 = FALSE; break;
if( $_184 === TRUE ) { $_186 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_167;
$this->pos = $pos_167;
$_186 = FALSE; break;
if( $_185 === TRUE ) { $_187 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_164;
$this->pos = $pos_164;
$_187 = FALSE; break;
if( $_186 === TRUE ) { $_188 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_165;
$this->pos = $pos_165;
$_188 = FALSE; break;
if( $_187 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_187 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_188 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_188 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1384,27 +1396,27 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_Comparison_typestack = array('Comparison');
function match_Comparison ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "Comparison"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_194 = NULL;
$_195 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'Argument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_194 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_195 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'ComparisonOperator'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_194 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_195 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'Argument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_194 = FALSE; break; }
$_194 = TRUE; break;
else { $_195 = FALSE; break; }
$_195 = TRUE; break;
if( $_194 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_194 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_195 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_195 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1413,7 +1425,7 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
if ($sub['ArgumentMode'] == 'default') {
if (!empty($res['php'])) $res['php'] .= $sub['string_php'];
else $res['php'] = str_replace('$$FINAL', 'XML_val', $sub['lookup_php']);
else {
$res['php'] .= str_replace('$$FINAL', 'XML_val', $sub['php']);
@ -1427,13 +1439,13 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_PresenceCheck_typestack = array('PresenceCheck');
function match_PresenceCheck ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "PresenceCheck"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_201 = NULL;
$_202 = NULL;
do {
$res_199 = $result;
$pos_199 = $this->pos;
$_198 = NULL;
$res_200 = $result;
$pos_200 = $this->pos;
$_199 = NULL;
do {
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "Not" );
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "Not" );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'not' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$subres = $result; $result = array_pop($stack);
@ -1441,27 +1453,27 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
else {
$result = array_pop($stack);
$_198 = FALSE; break;
$_199 = FALSE; break;
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$_198 = TRUE; break;
$_199 = TRUE; break;
if( $_198 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_199;
$this->pos = $pos_199;
unset( $res_199 );
unset( $pos_199 );
if( $_199 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_200;
$this->pos = $pos_200;
unset( $res_200 );
unset( $pos_200 );
$matcher = 'match_'.'Argument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_201 = FALSE; break; }
$_201 = TRUE; break;
else { $_202 = FALSE; break; }
$_202 = TRUE; break;
if( $_201 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_201 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_202 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_202 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1486,31 +1498,31 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_IfArgumentPortion_typestack = array('IfArgumentPortion');
function match_IfArgumentPortion ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "IfArgumentPortion"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_206 = NULL;
$_207 = NULL;
do {
$res_203 = $result;
$pos_203 = $this->pos;
$res_204 = $result;
$pos_204 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Comparison'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_206 = TRUE; break;
$_207 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_203;
$this->pos = $pos_203;
$result = $res_204;
$this->pos = $pos_204;
$matcher = 'match_'.'PresenceCheck'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_206 = TRUE; break;
$_207 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_203;
$this->pos = $pos_203;
$_206 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_204;
$this->pos = $pos_204;
$_207 = FALSE; break;
if( $_206 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_206 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_207 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_207 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1523,27 +1535,27 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_BooleanOperator_typestack = array('BooleanOperator');
function match_BooleanOperator ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "BooleanOperator"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_211 = NULL;
$_212 = NULL;
do {
$res_208 = $result;
$pos_208 = $this->pos;
$res_209 = $result;
$pos_209 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '||' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_211 = TRUE; break;
$_212 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_208;
$this->pos = $pos_208;
$result = $res_209;
$this->pos = $pos_209;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '&&' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_211 = TRUE; break;
$_212 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_208;
$this->pos = $pos_208;
$_211 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_209;
$this->pos = $pos_209;
$_212 = FALSE; break;
if( $_211 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_211 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_212 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_212 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1551,18 +1563,18 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_IfArgument_typestack = array('IfArgument');
function match_IfArgument ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "IfArgument"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_220 = NULL;
$_221 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'IfArgumentPortion'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "IfArgumentPortion" );
else { $_220 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_221 = FALSE; break; }
while (true) {
$res_219 = $result;
$pos_219 = $this->pos;
$_218 = NULL;
$res_220 = $result;
$pos_220 = $this->pos;
$_219 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'BooleanOperator'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
@ -1570,30 +1582,30 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "BooleanOperator" );
else { $_218 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_219 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'IfArgumentPortion'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "IfArgumentPortion" );
else { $_218 = FALSE; break; }
$_218 = TRUE; break;
else { $_219 = FALSE; break; }
$_219 = TRUE; break;
if( $_218 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_219;
$this->pos = $pos_219;
unset( $res_219 );
unset( $pos_219 );
if( $_219 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_220;
$this->pos = $pos_220;
unset( $res_220 );
unset( $pos_220 );
$_220 = TRUE; break;
$_221 = TRUE; break;
if( $_220 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_220 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_221 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_221 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1610,42 +1622,42 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_IfPart_typestack = array('IfPart');
function match_IfPart ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "IfPart"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_230 = NULL;
$_231 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_230 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_231 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'if' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_230 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_231 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_230 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_231 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'IfArgument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "IfArgument" );
else { $_230 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_231 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_230 = FALSE; break; }
$res_229 = $result;
$pos_229 = $this->pos;
else { $_231 = FALSE; break; }
$res_230 = $result;
$pos_230 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.$this->expression($result, $stack, 'TemplateMatcher'); $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Template" );
else {
$result = $res_229;
$this->pos = $pos_229;
unset( $res_229 );
unset( $pos_229 );
$result = $res_230;
$this->pos = $pos_230;
unset( $res_230 );
unset( $pos_230 );
$_230 = TRUE; break;
$_231 = TRUE; break;
if( $_230 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_230 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_231 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_231 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1653,42 +1665,42 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_ElseIfPart_typestack = array('ElseIfPart');
function match_ElseIfPart ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "ElseIfPart"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_240 = NULL;
$_241 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_240 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_241 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'else_if' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_240 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_241 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_240 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_241 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'IfArgument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "IfArgument" );
else { $_240 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_241 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_240 = FALSE; break; }
$res_239 = $result;
$pos_239 = $this->pos;
else { $_241 = FALSE; break; }
$res_240 = $result;
$pos_240 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.$this->expression($result, $stack, 'TemplateMatcher'); $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Template" );
else {
$result = $res_239;
$this->pos = $pos_239;
unset( $res_239 );
unset( $pos_239 );
$result = $res_240;
$this->pos = $pos_240;
unset( $res_240 );
unset( $pos_240 );
$_240 = TRUE; break;
$_241 = TRUE; break;
if( $_240 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_240 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_241 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_241 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1696,34 +1708,34 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_ElsePart_typestack = array('ElsePart');
function match_ElsePart ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "ElsePart"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_248 = NULL;
$_249 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_248 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_249 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'else' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_248 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_249 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_248 = FALSE; break; }
$res_247 = $result;
$pos_247 = $this->pos;
else { $_249 = FALSE; break; }
$res_248 = $result;
$pos_248 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.$this->expression($result, $stack, 'TemplateMatcher'); $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Template" );
else {
$result = $res_247;
$this->pos = $pos_247;
unset( $res_247 );
unset( $pos_247 );
$result = $res_248;
$this->pos = $pos_248;
unset( $res_248 );
unset( $pos_248 );
$_248 = TRUE; break;
$_249 = TRUE; break;
if( $_248 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_248 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_249 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_249 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1731,71 +1743,71 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_If_typestack = array('If');
function match_If ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "If"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_258 = NULL;
$_259 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'IfPart'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_258 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_259 = FALSE; break; }
while (true) {
$res_251 = $result;
$pos_251 = $this->pos;
$res_252 = $result;
$pos_252 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'ElseIfPart'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else {
$result = $res_251;
$this->pos = $pos_251;
unset( $res_251 );
unset( $pos_251 );
$result = $res_252;
$this->pos = $pos_252;
unset( $res_252 );
unset( $pos_252 );
$res_252 = $result;
$pos_252 = $this->pos;
$res_253 = $result;
$pos_253 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'ElsePart'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else {
$result = $res_252;
$this->pos = $pos_252;
unset( $res_252 );
unset( $pos_252 );
$result = $res_253;
$this->pos = $pos_253;
unset( $res_253 );
unset( $pos_253 );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_258 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_259 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'end_if' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_258 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_259 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_258 = FALSE; break; }
$_258 = TRUE; break;
else { $_259 = FALSE; break; }
$_259 = TRUE; break;
if( $_258 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_258 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_259 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_259 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
function If_IfPart(&$res, $sub) {
$res['php'] =
$res['php'] =
'if (' . $sub['IfArgument']['php'] . ') { ' . PHP_EOL .
(isset($sub['Template']) ? $sub['Template']['php'] : '') . PHP_EOL .
function If_ElseIfPart(&$res, $sub) {
$res['php'] .=
$res['php'] .=
'else if (' . $sub['IfArgument']['php'] . ') { ' . PHP_EOL .
(isset($sub['Template']) ? $sub['Template']['php'] : '') . PHP_EOL .
function If_ElsePart(&$res, $sub) {
$res['php'] .=
'else { ' . PHP_EOL .
$res['php'] .=
'else { ' . PHP_EOL .
(isset($sub['Template']) ? $sub['Template']['php'] : '') . PHP_EOL .
@ -1804,61 +1816,61 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_Require_typestack = array('Require');
function match_Require ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "Require"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_274 = NULL;
$_275 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_274 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_275 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'require' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_274 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_275 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_274 = FALSE; break; }
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "Call" );
$_270 = NULL;
else { $_275 = FALSE; break; }
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "Call" );
$_271 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'Word'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Method" );
else { $_270 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_271 = FALSE; break; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '(') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '(';
else { $_270 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_271 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'CallArguments'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "CallArguments" );
else { $_270 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_271 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == ')') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= ')';
else { $_270 = FALSE; break; }
$_270 = TRUE; break;
else { $_271 = FALSE; break; }
$_271 = TRUE; break;
if( $_270 === TRUE ) {
if( $_271 === TRUE ) {
$subres = $result; $result = array_pop($stack);
$this->store( $result, $subres, 'Call' );
if( $_270 === FALSE) {
if( $_271 === FALSE) {
$result = array_pop($stack);
$_274 = FALSE; break;
$_275 = FALSE; break;
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_274 = FALSE; break; }
$_274 = TRUE; break;
else { $_275 = FALSE; break; }
$_275 = TRUE; break;
if( $_274 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_274 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_275 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_275 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1878,97 +1890,97 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_CacheBlockArgument_typestack = array('CacheBlockArgument');
function match_CacheBlockArgument ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "CacheBlockArgument"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_294 = NULL;
$_295 = NULL;
do {
$res_282 = $result;
$pos_282 = $this->pos;
$_281 = NULL;
$res_283 = $result;
$pos_283 = $this->pos;
$_282 = NULL;
do {
$_279 = NULL;
$_280 = NULL;
do {
$res_276 = $result;
$pos_276 = $this->pos;
$res_277 = $result;
$pos_277 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'if ' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_279 = TRUE; break;
$_280 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_276;
$this->pos = $pos_276;
$result = $res_277;
$this->pos = $pos_277;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'unless ' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_279 = TRUE; break;
$_280 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_276;
$this->pos = $pos_276;
$_279 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_277;
$this->pos = $pos_277;
$_280 = FALSE; break;
if( $_279 === FALSE) { $_281 = FALSE; break; }
$_281 = TRUE; break;
if( $_280 === FALSE) { $_282 = FALSE; break; }
$_282 = TRUE; break;
if( $_281 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_282;
$this->pos = $pos_282;
$_294 = FALSE; break;
if( $_282 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_283;
$this->pos = $pos_283;
$_295 = FALSE; break;
if( $_281 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_282;
$this->pos = $pos_282;
if( $_282 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_283;
$this->pos = $pos_283;
$_292 = NULL;
$_293 = NULL;
do {
$_290 = NULL;
$_291 = NULL;
do {
$res_283 = $result;
$pos_283 = $this->pos;
$res_284 = $result;
$pos_284 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'DollarMarkedLookup'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "DollarMarkedLookup" );
$_290 = TRUE; break;
$_291 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_283;
$this->pos = $pos_283;
$_288 = NULL;
$result = $res_284;
$this->pos = $pos_284;
$_289 = NULL;
do {
$res_285 = $result;
$pos_285 = $this->pos;
$res_286 = $result;
$pos_286 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'QuotedString'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "QuotedString" );
$_288 = TRUE; break;
$_289 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_285;
$this->pos = $pos_285;
$result = $res_286;
$this->pos = $pos_286;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Lookup'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Lookup" );
$_288 = TRUE; break;
$_289 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_285;
$this->pos = $pos_285;
$_288 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_286;
$this->pos = $pos_286;
$_289 = FALSE; break;
if( $_288 === TRUE ) { $_290 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_283;
$this->pos = $pos_283;
$_290 = FALSE; break;
if( $_289 === TRUE ) { $_291 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_284;
$this->pos = $pos_284;
$_291 = FALSE; break;
if( $_290 === FALSE) { $_292 = FALSE; break; }
$_292 = TRUE; break;
if( $_291 === FALSE) { $_293 = FALSE; break; }
$_293 = TRUE; break;
if( $_292 === FALSE) { $_294 = FALSE; break; }
$_294 = TRUE; break;
if( $_293 === FALSE) { $_295 = FALSE; break; }
$_295 = TRUE; break;
if( $_294 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_294 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_295 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_295 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -1989,44 +2001,44 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_CacheBlockArguments_typestack = array('CacheBlockArguments');
function match_CacheBlockArguments ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "CacheBlockArguments"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_303 = NULL;
$_304 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'CacheBlockArgument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_303 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_304 = FALSE; break; }
while (true) {
$res_302 = $result;
$pos_302 = $this->pos;
$_301 = NULL;
$res_303 = $result;
$pos_303 = $this->pos;
$_302 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == ',') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= ',';
else { $_301 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_302 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'CacheBlockArgument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_301 = FALSE; break; }
$_301 = TRUE; break;
else { $_302 = FALSE; break; }
$_302 = TRUE; break;
if( $_301 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_302;
$this->pos = $pos_302;
unset( $res_302 );
unset( $pos_302 );
if( $_302 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_303;
$this->pos = $pos_303;
unset( $res_303 );
unset( $pos_303 );
$_303 = TRUE; break;
$_304 = TRUE; break;
if( $_303 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_303 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_304 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_304 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -2045,204 +2057,204 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
$matchrule = "CacheBlockTemplate"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, array('TemplateMatcher' => 'CacheRestrictedTemplate'));
$count = 0;
while (true) {
$res_347 = $result;
$pos_347 = $this->pos;
$_346 = NULL;
$res_348 = $result;
$pos_348 = $this->pos;
$_347 = NULL;
do {
$_344 = NULL;
$_345 = NULL;
do {
$res_305 = $result;
$pos_305 = $this->pos;
$res_306 = $result;
$pos_306 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Comment'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_344 = TRUE; break;
$_345 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_305;
$this->pos = $pos_305;
$_342 = NULL;
$result = $res_306;
$this->pos = $pos_306;
$_343 = NULL;
do {
$res_307 = $result;
$pos_307 = $this->pos;
$res_308 = $result;
$pos_308 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Translate'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_342 = TRUE; break;
$_343 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_307;
$this->pos = $pos_307;
$_340 = NULL;
$result = $res_308;
$this->pos = $pos_308;
$_341 = NULL;
do {
$res_309 = $result;
$pos_309 = $this->pos;
$res_310 = $result;
$pos_310 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'If'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_340 = TRUE; break;
$_341 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_309;
$this->pos = $pos_309;
$_338 = NULL;
$result = $res_310;
$this->pos = $pos_310;
$_339 = NULL;
do {
$res_311 = $result;
$pos_311 = $this->pos;
$res_312 = $result;
$pos_312 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Require'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_338 = TRUE; break;
$_339 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_311;
$this->pos = $pos_311;
$_336 = NULL;
$result = $res_312;
$this->pos = $pos_312;
$_337 = NULL;
do {
$res_313 = $result;
$pos_313 = $this->pos;
$res_314 = $result;
$pos_314 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'OldI18NTag'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_336 = TRUE; break;
$_337 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_313;
$this->pos = $pos_313;
$_334 = NULL;
$result = $res_314;
$this->pos = $pos_314;
$_335 = NULL;
do {
$res_315 = $result;
$pos_315 = $this->pos;
$res_316 = $result;
$pos_316 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Include'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_334 = TRUE; break;
$_335 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_315;
$this->pos = $pos_315;
$_332 = NULL;
$result = $res_316;
$this->pos = $pos_316;
$_333 = NULL;
do {
$res_317 = $result;
$pos_317 = $this->pos;
$res_318 = $result;
$pos_318 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'ClosedBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_332 = TRUE; break;
$_333 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_317;
$this->pos = $pos_317;
$_330 = NULL;
$result = $res_318;
$this->pos = $pos_318;
$_331 = NULL;
do {
$res_319 = $result;
$pos_319 = $this->pos;
$res_320 = $result;
$pos_320 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'OpenBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_330 = TRUE; break;
$_331 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_319;
$this->pos = $pos_319;
$_328 = NULL;
$result = $res_320;
$this->pos = $pos_320;
$_329 = NULL;
do {
$res_321 = $result;
$pos_321 = $this->pos;
$res_322 = $result;
$pos_322 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'MalformedBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_328 = TRUE; break;
$_329 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_321;
$this->pos = $pos_321;
$_326 = NULL;
$result = $res_322;
$this->pos = $pos_322;
$_327 = NULL;
do {
$res_323 = $result;
$pos_323 = $this->pos;
$res_324 = $result;
$pos_324 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Injection'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_326 = TRUE; break;
$_327 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_323;
$this->pos = $pos_323;
$result = $res_324;
$this->pos = $pos_324;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Text'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_326 = TRUE; break;
$_327 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_323;
$this->pos = $pos_323;
$_326 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_324;
$this->pos = $pos_324;
$_327 = FALSE; break;
if( $_326 === TRUE ) { $_328 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_321;
$this->pos = $pos_321;
$_328 = FALSE; break;
if( $_327 === TRUE ) { $_329 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_322;
$this->pos = $pos_322;
$_329 = FALSE; break;
if( $_328 === TRUE ) { $_330 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_319;
$this->pos = $pos_319;
$_330 = FALSE; break;
if( $_329 === TRUE ) { $_331 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_320;
$this->pos = $pos_320;
$_331 = FALSE; break;
if( $_330 === TRUE ) { $_332 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_317;
$this->pos = $pos_317;
$_332 = FALSE; break;
if( $_331 === TRUE ) { $_333 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_318;
$this->pos = $pos_318;
$_333 = FALSE; break;
if( $_332 === TRUE ) { $_334 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_315;
$this->pos = $pos_315;
$_334 = FALSE; break;
if( $_333 === TRUE ) { $_335 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_316;
$this->pos = $pos_316;
$_335 = FALSE; break;
if( $_334 === TRUE ) { $_336 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_313;
$this->pos = $pos_313;
$_336 = FALSE; break;
if( $_335 === TRUE ) { $_337 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_314;
$this->pos = $pos_314;
$_337 = FALSE; break;
if( $_336 === TRUE ) { $_338 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_311;
$this->pos = $pos_311;
$_338 = FALSE; break;
if( $_337 === TRUE ) { $_339 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_312;
$this->pos = $pos_312;
$_339 = FALSE; break;
if( $_338 === TRUE ) { $_340 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_309;
$this->pos = $pos_309;
$_340 = FALSE; break;
if( $_339 === TRUE ) { $_341 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_310;
$this->pos = $pos_310;
$_341 = FALSE; break;
if( $_340 === TRUE ) { $_342 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_307;
$this->pos = $pos_307;
$_342 = FALSE; break;
if( $_341 === TRUE ) { $_343 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_308;
$this->pos = $pos_308;
$_343 = FALSE; break;
if( $_342 === TRUE ) { $_344 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_305;
$this->pos = $pos_305;
$_344 = FALSE; break;
if( $_343 === TRUE ) { $_345 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_306;
$this->pos = $pos_306;
$_345 = FALSE; break;
if( $_344 === FALSE) { $_346 = FALSE; break; }
$_346 = TRUE; break;
if( $_345 === FALSE) { $_347 = FALSE; break; }
$_347 = TRUE; break;
if( $_346 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_347;
$this->pos = $pos_347;
unset( $res_347 );
unset( $pos_347 );
if( $_347 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_348;
$this->pos = $pos_348;
unset( $res_348 );
unset( $pos_348 );
$count += 1;
@ -2261,63 +2273,63 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_UncachedBlock_typestack = array('UncachedBlock');
function match_UncachedBlock ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "UncachedBlock"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_384 = NULL;
$_385 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_384 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_385 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'uncached' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_384 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_385 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$res_352 = $result;
$pos_352 = $this->pos;
$res_353 = $result;
$pos_353 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'CacheBlockArguments'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else {
$result = $res_352;
$this->pos = $pos_352;
unset( $res_352 );
unset( $pos_352 );
$result = $res_353;
$this->pos = $pos_353;
unset( $res_353 );
unset( $pos_353 );
$res_364 = $result;
$pos_364 = $this->pos;
$_363 = NULL;
$res_365 = $result;
$pos_365 = $this->pos;
$_364 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "Conditional" );
$_359 = NULL;
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "Conditional" );
$_360 = NULL;
do {
$_357 = NULL;
$_358 = NULL;
do {
$res_354 = $result;
$pos_354 = $this->pos;
$res_355 = $result;
$pos_355 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'if' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_357 = TRUE; break;
$_358 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_354;
$this->pos = $pos_354;
$result = $res_355;
$this->pos = $pos_355;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'unless' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_357 = TRUE; break;
$_358 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_354;
$this->pos = $pos_354;
$_357 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_355;
$this->pos = $pos_355;
$_358 = FALSE; break;
if( $_357 === FALSE) { $_359 = FALSE; break; }
$_359 = TRUE; break;
if( $_358 === FALSE) { $_360 = FALSE; break; }
$_360 = TRUE; break;
if( $_359 === TRUE ) {
if( $_360 === TRUE ) {
$subres = $result; $result = array_pop($stack);
$this->store( $result, $subres, 'Conditional' );
if( $_359 === FALSE) {
if( $_360 === FALSE) {
$result = array_pop($stack);
$_363 = FALSE; break;
$_364 = FALSE; break;
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'IfArgument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
@ -2325,87 +2337,87 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Condition" );
else { $_363 = FALSE; break; }
$_363 = TRUE; break;
else { $_364 = FALSE; break; }
$_364 = TRUE; break;
if( $_363 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_364;
$this->pos = $pos_364;
unset( $res_364 );
unset( $pos_364 );
if( $_364 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_365;
$this->pos = $pos_365;
unset( $res_365 );
unset( $pos_365 );
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_384 = FALSE; break; }
$res_367 = $result;
$pos_367 = $this->pos;
else { $_385 = FALSE; break; }
$res_368 = $result;
$pos_368 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.$this->expression($result, $stack, 'TemplateMatcher'); $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Template" );
else {
$result = $res_367;
$this->pos = $pos_367;
unset( $res_367 );
unset( $pos_367 );
$result = $res_368;
$this->pos = $pos_368;
unset( $res_368 );
unset( $pos_368 );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_384 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_385 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'end_' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_384 = FALSE; break; }
$_380 = NULL;
else { $_385 = FALSE; break; }
$_381 = NULL;
do {
$_378 = NULL;
$_379 = NULL;
do {
$res_371 = $result;
$pos_371 = $this->pos;
$res_372 = $result;
$pos_372 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'uncached' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_378 = TRUE; break;
$_379 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_371;
$this->pos = $pos_371;
$_376 = NULL;
$result = $res_372;
$this->pos = $pos_372;
$_377 = NULL;
do {
$res_373 = $result;
$pos_373 = $this->pos;
$res_374 = $result;
$pos_374 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'cached' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_376 = TRUE; break;
$_377 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_373;
$this->pos = $pos_373;
$result = $res_374;
$this->pos = $pos_374;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'cacheblock' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_376 = TRUE; break;
$_377 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_373;
$this->pos = $pos_373;
$_376 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_374;
$this->pos = $pos_374;
$_377 = FALSE; break;
if( $_376 === TRUE ) { $_378 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_371;
$this->pos = $pos_371;
$_378 = FALSE; break;
if( $_377 === TRUE ) { $_379 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_372;
$this->pos = $pos_372;
$_379 = FALSE; break;
if( $_378 === FALSE) { $_380 = FALSE; break; }
$_380 = TRUE; break;
if( $_379 === FALSE) { $_381 = FALSE; break; }
$_381 = TRUE; break;
if( $_380 === FALSE) { $_384 = FALSE; break; }
if( $_381 === FALSE) { $_385 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_384 = FALSE; break; }
$_384 = TRUE; break;
else { $_385 = FALSE; break; }
$_385 = TRUE; break;
if( $_384 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_384 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_385 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_385 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -2421,240 +2433,240 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
$matchrule = "CacheRestrictedTemplate"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$count = 0;
while (true) {
$res_436 = $result;
$pos_436 = $this->pos;
$_435 = NULL;
$res_437 = $result;
$pos_437 = $this->pos;
$_436 = NULL;
do {
$_433 = NULL;
$_434 = NULL;
do {
$res_386 = $result;
$pos_386 = $this->pos;
$res_387 = $result;
$pos_387 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Comment'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_433 = TRUE; break;
$_434 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_386;
$this->pos = $pos_386;
$_431 = NULL;
$result = $res_387;
$this->pos = $pos_387;
$_432 = NULL;
do {
$res_388 = $result;
$pos_388 = $this->pos;
$res_389 = $result;
$pos_389 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Translate'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_431 = TRUE; break;
$_432 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_388;
$this->pos = $pos_388;
$_429 = NULL;
$result = $res_389;
$this->pos = $pos_389;
$_430 = NULL;
do {
$res_390 = $result;
$pos_390 = $this->pos;
$res_391 = $result;
$pos_391 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'If'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_429 = TRUE; break;
$_430 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_390;
$this->pos = $pos_390;
$_427 = NULL;
$result = $res_391;
$this->pos = $pos_391;
$_428 = NULL;
do {
$res_392 = $result;
$pos_392 = $this->pos;
$res_393 = $result;
$pos_393 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Require'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_427 = TRUE; break;
$_428 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_392;
$this->pos = $pos_392;
$_425 = NULL;
$result = $res_393;
$this->pos = $pos_393;
$_426 = NULL;
do {
$res_394 = $result;
$pos_394 = $this->pos;
$res_395 = $result;
$pos_395 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'CacheBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_425 = TRUE; break;
$_426 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_394;
$this->pos = $pos_394;
$_423 = NULL;
$result = $res_395;
$this->pos = $pos_395;
$_424 = NULL;
do {
$res_396 = $result;
$pos_396 = $this->pos;
$res_397 = $result;
$pos_397 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'UncachedBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_423 = TRUE; break;
$_424 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_396;
$this->pos = $pos_396;
$_421 = NULL;
$result = $res_397;
$this->pos = $pos_397;
$_422 = NULL;
do {
$res_398 = $result;
$pos_398 = $this->pos;
$res_399 = $result;
$pos_399 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'OldI18NTag'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_421 = TRUE; break;
$_422 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_398;
$this->pos = $pos_398;
$_419 = NULL;
$result = $res_399;
$this->pos = $pos_399;
$_420 = NULL;
do {
$res_400 = $result;
$pos_400 = $this->pos;
$res_401 = $result;
$pos_401 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Include'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_419 = TRUE; break;
$_420 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_400;
$this->pos = $pos_400;
$_417 = NULL;
$result = $res_401;
$this->pos = $pos_401;
$_418 = NULL;
do {
$res_402 = $result;
$pos_402 = $this->pos;
$res_403 = $result;
$pos_403 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'ClosedBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_417 = TRUE; break;
$_418 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_402;
$this->pos = $pos_402;
$_415 = NULL;
$result = $res_403;
$this->pos = $pos_403;
$_416 = NULL;
do {
$res_404 = $result;
$pos_404 = $this->pos;
$res_405 = $result;
$pos_405 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'OpenBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_415 = TRUE; break;
$_416 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_404;
$this->pos = $pos_404;
$_413 = NULL;
$result = $res_405;
$this->pos = $pos_405;
$_414 = NULL;
do {
$res_406 = $result;
$pos_406 = $this->pos;
$res_407 = $result;
$pos_407 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'MalformedBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_413 = TRUE; break;
$_414 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_406;
$this->pos = $pos_406;
$_411 = NULL;
$result = $res_407;
$this->pos = $pos_407;
$_412 = NULL;
do {
$res_408 = $result;
$pos_408 = $this->pos;
$res_409 = $result;
$pos_409 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Injection'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_411 = TRUE; break;
$_412 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_408;
$this->pos = $pos_408;
$result = $res_409;
$this->pos = $pos_409;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Text'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_411 = TRUE; break;
$_412 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_408;
$this->pos = $pos_408;
$_411 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_409;
$this->pos = $pos_409;
$_412 = FALSE; break;
if( $_411 === TRUE ) { $_413 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_406;
$this->pos = $pos_406;
$_413 = FALSE; break;
if( $_412 === TRUE ) { $_414 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_407;
$this->pos = $pos_407;
$_414 = FALSE; break;
if( $_413 === TRUE ) { $_415 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_404;
$this->pos = $pos_404;
$_415 = FALSE; break;
if( $_414 === TRUE ) { $_416 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_405;
$this->pos = $pos_405;
$_416 = FALSE; break;
if( $_415 === TRUE ) { $_417 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_402;
$this->pos = $pos_402;
$_417 = FALSE; break;
if( $_416 === TRUE ) { $_418 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_403;
$this->pos = $pos_403;
$_418 = FALSE; break;
if( $_417 === TRUE ) { $_419 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_400;
$this->pos = $pos_400;
$_419 = FALSE; break;
if( $_418 === TRUE ) { $_420 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_401;
$this->pos = $pos_401;
$_420 = FALSE; break;
if( $_419 === TRUE ) { $_421 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_398;
$this->pos = $pos_398;
$_421 = FALSE; break;
if( $_420 === TRUE ) { $_422 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_399;
$this->pos = $pos_399;
$_422 = FALSE; break;
if( $_421 === TRUE ) { $_423 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_396;
$this->pos = $pos_396;
$_423 = FALSE; break;
if( $_422 === TRUE ) { $_424 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_397;
$this->pos = $pos_397;
$_424 = FALSE; break;
if( $_423 === TRUE ) { $_425 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_394;
$this->pos = $pos_394;
$_425 = FALSE; break;
if( $_424 === TRUE ) { $_426 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_395;
$this->pos = $pos_395;
$_426 = FALSE; break;
if( $_425 === TRUE ) { $_427 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_392;
$this->pos = $pos_392;
$_427 = FALSE; break;
if( $_426 === TRUE ) { $_428 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_393;
$this->pos = $pos_393;
$_428 = FALSE; break;
if( $_427 === TRUE ) { $_429 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_390;
$this->pos = $pos_390;
$_429 = FALSE; break;
if( $_428 === TRUE ) { $_430 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_391;
$this->pos = $pos_391;
$_430 = FALSE; break;
if( $_429 === TRUE ) { $_431 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_388;
$this->pos = $pos_388;
$_431 = FALSE; break;
if( $_430 === TRUE ) { $_432 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_389;
$this->pos = $pos_389;
$_432 = FALSE; break;
if( $_431 === TRUE ) { $_433 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_386;
$this->pos = $pos_386;
$_433 = FALSE; break;
if( $_432 === TRUE ) { $_434 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_387;
$this->pos = $pos_387;
$_434 = FALSE; break;
if( $_433 === FALSE) { $_435 = FALSE; break; }
$_435 = TRUE; break;
if( $_434 === FALSE) { $_436 = FALSE; break; }
$_436 = TRUE; break;
if( $_435 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_436;
$this->pos = $pos_436;
unset( $res_436 );
unset( $pos_436 );
if( $_436 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_437;
$this->pos = $pos_437;
unset( $res_437 );
unset( $pos_437 );
$count += 1;
@ -2665,12 +2677,12 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
function CacheRestrictedTemplate_CacheBlock(&$res, $sub) {
function CacheRestrictedTemplate_CacheBlock(&$res, $sub) {
throw new SSTemplateParseException('You cant have cache blocks nested within with, loop or control blocks ' .
'that are within cache blocks', $this);
function CacheRestrictedTemplate_UncachedBlock(&$res, $sub) {
function CacheRestrictedTemplate_UncachedBlock(&$res, $sub) {
throw new SSTemplateParseException('You cant have uncache blocks nested within with, loop or control blocks ' .
'that are within cache blocks', $this);
@ -2683,101 +2695,101 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_CacheBlock_typestack = array('CacheBlock');
function match_CacheBlock ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "CacheBlock"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_491 = NULL;
$_492 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_491 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_492 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "CacheTag" );
$_444 = NULL;
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "CacheTag" );
$_445 = NULL;
do {
$_442 = NULL;
$_443 = NULL;
do {
$res_439 = $result;
$pos_439 = $this->pos;
$res_440 = $result;
$pos_440 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'cached' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_442 = TRUE; break;
$_443 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_439;
$this->pos = $pos_439;
$result = $res_440;
$this->pos = $pos_440;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'cacheblock' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_442 = TRUE; break;
$_443 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_439;
$this->pos = $pos_439;
$_442 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_440;
$this->pos = $pos_440;
$_443 = FALSE; break;
if( $_442 === FALSE) { $_444 = FALSE; break; }
$_444 = TRUE; break;
if( $_443 === FALSE) { $_445 = FALSE; break; }
$_445 = TRUE; break;
if( $_444 === TRUE ) {
if( $_445 === TRUE ) {
$subres = $result; $result = array_pop($stack);
$this->store( $result, $subres, 'CacheTag' );
if( $_444 === FALSE) {
if( $_445 === FALSE) {
$result = array_pop($stack);
$_491 = FALSE; break;
$_492 = FALSE; break;
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$res_449 = $result;
$pos_449 = $this->pos;
$_448 = NULL;
$res_450 = $result;
$pos_450 = $this->pos;
$_449 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'CacheBlockArguments'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_448 = FALSE; break; }
$_448 = TRUE; break;
else { $_449 = FALSE; break; }
$_449 = TRUE; break;
if( $_448 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_449;
$this->pos = $pos_449;
unset( $res_449 );
unset( $pos_449 );
if( $_449 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_450;
$this->pos = $pos_450;
unset( $res_450 );
unset( $pos_450 );
$res_461 = $result;
$pos_461 = $this->pos;
$_460 = NULL;
$res_462 = $result;
$pos_462 = $this->pos;
$_461 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "Conditional" );
$_456 = NULL;
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "Conditional" );
$_457 = NULL;
do {
$_454 = NULL;
$_455 = NULL;
do {
$res_451 = $result;
$pos_451 = $this->pos;
$res_452 = $result;
$pos_452 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'if' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_454 = TRUE; break;
$_455 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_451;
$this->pos = $pos_451;
$result = $res_452;
$this->pos = $pos_452;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'unless' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_454 = TRUE; break;
$_455 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_451;
$this->pos = $pos_451;
$_454 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_452;
$this->pos = $pos_452;
$_455 = FALSE; break;
if( $_454 === FALSE) { $_456 = FALSE; break; }
$_456 = TRUE; break;
if( $_455 === FALSE) { $_457 = FALSE; break; }
$_457 = TRUE; break;
if( $_456 === TRUE ) {
if( $_457 === TRUE ) {
$subres = $result; $result = array_pop($stack);
$this->store( $result, $subres, 'Conditional' );
if( $_456 === FALSE) {
if( $_457 === FALSE) {
$result = array_pop($stack);
$_460 = FALSE; break;
$_461 = FALSE; break;
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'IfArgument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
@ -2785,132 +2797,132 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Condition" );
else { $_460 = FALSE; break; }
$_460 = TRUE; break;
else { $_461 = FALSE; break; }
$_461 = TRUE; break;
if( $_460 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_461;
$this->pos = $pos_461;
unset( $res_461 );
unset( $pos_461 );
if( $_461 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_462;
$this->pos = $pos_462;
unset( $res_462 );
unset( $pos_462 );
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_491 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_492 = FALSE; break; }
while (true) {
$res_474 = $result;
$pos_474 = $this->pos;
$_473 = NULL;
$res_475 = $result;
$pos_475 = $this->pos;
$_474 = NULL;
do {
$_471 = NULL;
$_472 = NULL;
do {
$res_464 = $result;
$pos_464 = $this->pos;
$res_465 = $result;
$pos_465 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'CacheBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_471 = TRUE; break;
$_472 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_464;
$this->pos = $pos_464;
$_469 = NULL;
$result = $res_465;
$this->pos = $pos_465;
$_470 = NULL;
do {
$res_466 = $result;
$pos_466 = $this->pos;
$res_467 = $result;
$pos_467 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'UncachedBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_469 = TRUE; break;
$_470 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_466;
$this->pos = $pos_466;
$result = $res_467;
$this->pos = $pos_467;
$matcher = 'match_'.'CacheBlockTemplate'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_469 = TRUE; break;
$_470 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_466;
$this->pos = $pos_466;
$_469 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_467;
$this->pos = $pos_467;
$_470 = FALSE; break;
if( $_469 === TRUE ) { $_471 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_464;
$this->pos = $pos_464;
$_471 = FALSE; break;
if( $_470 === TRUE ) { $_472 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_465;
$this->pos = $pos_465;
$_472 = FALSE; break;
if( $_471 === FALSE) { $_473 = FALSE; break; }
$_473 = TRUE; break;
if( $_472 === FALSE) { $_474 = FALSE; break; }
$_474 = TRUE; break;
if( $_473 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_474;
$this->pos = $pos_474;
unset( $res_474 );
unset( $pos_474 );
if( $_474 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_475;
$this->pos = $pos_475;
unset( $res_475 );
unset( $pos_475 );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_491 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_492 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'end_' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_491 = FALSE; break; }
$_487 = NULL;
else { $_492 = FALSE; break; }
$_488 = NULL;
do {
$_485 = NULL;
$_486 = NULL;
do {
$res_478 = $result;
$pos_478 = $this->pos;
$res_479 = $result;
$pos_479 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'cached' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_485 = TRUE; break;
$_486 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_478;
$this->pos = $pos_478;
$_483 = NULL;
$result = $res_479;
$this->pos = $pos_479;
$_484 = NULL;
do {
$res_480 = $result;
$pos_480 = $this->pos;
$res_481 = $result;
$pos_481 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'uncached' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_483 = TRUE; break;
$_484 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_480;
$this->pos = $pos_480;
$result = $res_481;
$this->pos = $pos_481;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'cacheblock' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_483 = TRUE; break;
$_484 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_480;
$this->pos = $pos_480;
$_483 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_481;
$this->pos = $pos_481;
$_484 = FALSE; break;
if( $_483 === TRUE ) { $_485 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_478;
$this->pos = $pos_478;
$_485 = FALSE; break;
if( $_484 === TRUE ) { $_486 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_479;
$this->pos = $pos_479;
$_486 = FALSE; break;
if( $_485 === FALSE) { $_487 = FALSE; break; }
$_487 = TRUE; break;
if( $_486 === FALSE) { $_488 = FALSE; break; }
$_488 = TRUE; break;
if( $_487 === FALSE) { $_491 = FALSE; break; }
if( $_488 === FALSE) { $_492 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_491 = FALSE; break; }
$_491 = TRUE; break;
else { $_492 = FALSE; break; }
$_492 = TRUE; break;
if( $_491 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_491 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_492 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_492 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -2971,93 +2983,93 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_OldTPart_typestack = array('OldTPart');
function match_OldTPart ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "OldTPart"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_510 = NULL;
$_511 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '_t' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_510 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_511 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'N'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_510 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_511 = FALSE; break; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '(') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '(';
else { $_510 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_511 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'N'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_510 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_511 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'QuotedString'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_510 = FALSE; break; }
$res_503 = $result;
$pos_503 = $this->pos;
$_502 = NULL;
else { $_511 = FALSE; break; }
$res_504 = $result;
$pos_504 = $this->pos;
$_503 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'N'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_502 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_503 = FALSE; break; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == ',') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= ',';
else { $_502 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_503 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'N'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_502 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_503 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'CallArguments'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_502 = FALSE; break; }
$_502 = TRUE; break;
else { $_503 = FALSE; break; }
$_503 = TRUE; break;
if( $_502 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_503;
$this->pos = $pos_503;
unset( $res_503 );
unset( $pos_503 );
if( $_503 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_504;
$this->pos = $pos_504;
unset( $res_504 );
unset( $pos_504 );
$matcher = 'match_'.'N'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_510 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_511 = FALSE; break; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == ')') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= ')';
else { $_510 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_511 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'N'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_510 = FALSE; break; }
$res_509 = $result;
$pos_509 = $this->pos;
$_508 = NULL;
else { $_511 = FALSE; break; }
$res_510 = $result;
$pos_510 = $this->pos;
$_509 = NULL;
do {
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == ';') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= ';';
else { $_508 = FALSE; break; }
$_508 = TRUE; break;
else { $_509 = FALSE; break; }
$_509 = TRUE; break;
if( $_508 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_509;
$this->pos = $pos_509;
unset( $res_509 );
unset( $pos_509 );
if( $_509 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_510;
$this->pos = $pos_510;
unset( $res_510 );
unset( $pos_510 );
$_510 = TRUE; break;
$_511 = TRUE; break;
if( $_510 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_510 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_511 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_511 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -3100,23 +3112,23 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_OldTTag_typestack = array('OldTTag');
function match_OldTTag ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "OldTTag"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_518 = NULL;
$_519 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_518 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_519 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'OldTPart'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_518 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_519 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_518 = FALSE; break; }
$_518 = TRUE; break;
else { $_519 = FALSE; break; }
$_519 = TRUE; break;
if( $_518 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_518 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_519 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_519 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -3129,49 +3141,49 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_OldSprintfTag_typestack = array('OldSprintfTag');
function match_OldSprintfTag ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "OldSprintfTag"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_535 = NULL;
$_536 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_535 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_536 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'sprintf' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_535 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_536 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '(') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '(';
else { $_535 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_536 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'OldTPart'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_535 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_536 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == ',') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= ',';
else { $_535 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_536 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'CallArguments'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_535 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_536 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == ')') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= ')';
else { $_535 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_536 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_535 = FALSE; break; }
$_535 = TRUE; break;
else { $_536 = FALSE; break; }
$_536 = TRUE; break;
if( $_535 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_535 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_536 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_536 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -3192,31 +3204,31 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_OldI18NTag_typestack = array('OldI18NTag');
function match_OldI18NTag ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "OldI18NTag"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_540 = NULL;
$_541 = NULL;
do {
$res_537 = $result;
$pos_537 = $this->pos;
$res_538 = $result;
$pos_538 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'OldSprintfTag'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_540 = TRUE; break;
$_541 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_537;
$this->pos = $pos_537;
$result = $res_538;
$this->pos = $pos_538;
$matcher = 'match_'.'OldTTag'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_540 = TRUE; break;
$_541 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_537;
$this->pos = $pos_537;
$_540 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_538;
$this->pos = $pos_538;
$_541 = FALSE; break;
if( $_540 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_540 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_541 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_541 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -3229,30 +3241,30 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_NamedArgument_typestack = array('NamedArgument');
function match_NamedArgument ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "NamedArgument"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_545 = NULL;
$_546 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'Word'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Name" );
else { $_545 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_546 = FALSE; break; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '=') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '=';
else { $_545 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_546 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'Argument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Value" );
else { $_545 = FALSE; break; }
$_545 = TRUE; break;
else { $_546 = FALSE; break; }
$_546 = TRUE; break;
if( $_545 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_545 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_546 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_546 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -3277,79 +3289,79 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
/* Include: "<%" < "include" < Template:Word < (NamedArgument ( < "," < NamedArgument )*)? > "%>" */
/* Include: "<%" < "include" < Template:NamespacedWord < (NamedArgument ( < "," < NamedArgument )*)? > "%>" */
protected $match_Include_typestack = array('Include');
function match_Include ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "Include"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_564 = NULL;
$_565 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_564 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_565 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'include' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_564 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_565 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'Word'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'NamespacedWord'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Template" );
else { $_564 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_565 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$res_561 = $result;
$pos_561 = $this->pos;
$_560 = NULL;
$res_562 = $result;
$pos_562 = $this->pos;
$_561 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'NamedArgument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) { $this->store( $result, $subres ); }
else { $_560 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_561 = FALSE; break; }
while (true) {
$res_559 = $result;
$pos_559 = $this->pos;
$_558 = NULL;
$res_560 = $result;
$pos_560 = $this->pos;
$_559 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == ',') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= ',';
else { $_558 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_559 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'NamedArgument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
else { $_558 = FALSE; break; }
$_558 = TRUE; break;
else { $_559 = FALSE; break; }
$_559 = TRUE; break;
if( $_558 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_559;
$this->pos = $pos_559;
unset( $res_559 );
unset( $pos_559 );
if( $_559 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_560;
$this->pos = $pos_560;
unset( $res_560 );
unset( $pos_560 );
$_560 = TRUE; break;
$_561 = TRUE; break;
if( $_560 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_561;
$this->pos = $pos_561;
unset( $res_561 );
unset( $pos_561 );
if( $_561 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_562;
$this->pos = $pos_562;
unset( $res_562 );
unset( $pos_562 );
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_564 = FALSE; break; }
$_564 = TRUE; break;
else { $_565 = FALSE; break; }
$_565 = TRUE; break;
if( $_564 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_564 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_565 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_565 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -3370,7 +3382,7 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
$template = $res['template'];
$arguments = $res['arguments'];
$res['php'] = '$val .= SSViewer::execute_template('.$template.', $scope->getItem(), array(' .
$res['php'] = '$val .= SSViewer::execute_template('.$template.', $scope->getItem(), array(' .
implode(',', $arguments)."), \$scope);\n";
if($this->includeDebuggingComments) { // Add include filename comments on dev sites
@ -3385,48 +3397,48 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_BlockArguments_typestack = array('BlockArguments');
function match_BlockArguments ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "BlockArguments"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_573 = NULL;
$_574 = NULL;
do {
$matcher = 'match_'.'Argument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Argument" );
else { $_573 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_574 = FALSE; break; }
while (true) {
$res_572 = $result;
$pos_572 = $this->pos;
$_571 = NULL;
$res_573 = $result;
$pos_573 = $this->pos;
$_572 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == ',') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= ',';
else { $_571 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_572 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'Argument'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Argument" );
else { $_571 = FALSE; break; }
$_571 = TRUE; break;
else { $_572 = FALSE; break; }
$_572 = TRUE; break;
if( $_571 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_572;
$this->pos = $pos_572;
unset( $res_572 );
unset( $pos_572 );
if( $_572 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_573;
$this->pos = $pos_573;
unset( $res_573 );
unset( $pos_573 );
$_573 = TRUE; break;
$_574 = TRUE; break;
if( $_573 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_573 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_574 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_574 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -3434,153 +3446,153 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_NotBlockTag_typestack = array('NotBlockTag');
function match_NotBlockTag ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "NotBlockTag"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_611 = NULL;
$_612 = NULL;
do {
$res_575 = $result;
$pos_575 = $this->pos;
$res_576 = $result;
$pos_576 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'end_' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_611 = TRUE; break;
$_612 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_575;
$this->pos = $pos_575;
$_609 = NULL;
$result = $res_576;
$this->pos = $pos_576;
$_610 = NULL;
do {
$_606 = NULL;
$_607 = NULL;
do {
$_604 = NULL;
$_605 = NULL;
do {
$res_577 = $result;
$pos_577 = $this->pos;
$res_578 = $result;
$pos_578 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'if' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_604 = TRUE; break;
$_605 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_577;
$this->pos = $pos_577;
$_602 = NULL;
$result = $res_578;
$this->pos = $pos_578;
$_603 = NULL;
do {
$res_579 = $result;
$pos_579 = $this->pos;
$res_580 = $result;
$pos_580 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'else_if' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_602 = TRUE; break;
$_603 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_579;
$this->pos = $pos_579;
$_600 = NULL;
$result = $res_580;
$this->pos = $pos_580;
$_601 = NULL;
do {
$res_581 = $result;
$pos_581 = $this->pos;
$res_582 = $result;
$pos_582 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'else' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_600 = TRUE; break;
$_601 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_581;
$this->pos = $pos_581;
$_598 = NULL;
$result = $res_582;
$this->pos = $pos_582;
$_599 = NULL;
do {
$res_583 = $result;
$pos_583 = $this->pos;
$res_584 = $result;
$pos_584 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'require' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_598 = TRUE; break;
$_599 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_583;
$this->pos = $pos_583;
$_596 = NULL;
$result = $res_584;
$this->pos = $pos_584;
$_597 = NULL;
do {
$res_585 = $result;
$pos_585 = $this->pos;
$res_586 = $result;
$pos_586 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'cached' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_596 = TRUE; break;
$_597 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_585;
$this->pos = $pos_585;
$_594 = NULL;
$result = $res_586;
$this->pos = $pos_586;
$_595 = NULL;
do {
$res_587 = $result;
$pos_587 = $this->pos;
$res_588 = $result;
$pos_588 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'uncached' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_594 = TRUE; break;
$_595 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_587;
$this->pos = $pos_587;
$_592 = NULL;
$result = $res_588;
$this->pos = $pos_588;
$_593 = NULL;
do {
$res_589 = $result;
$pos_589 = $this->pos;
$res_590 = $result;
$pos_590 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'cacheblock' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_592 = TRUE; break;
$_593 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_589;
$this->pos = $pos_589;
$result = $res_590;
$this->pos = $pos_590;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'include' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_592 = TRUE; break;
$_593 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_589;
$this->pos = $pos_589;
$_592 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_590;
$this->pos = $pos_590;
$_593 = FALSE; break;
if( $_592 === TRUE ) { $_594 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_587;
$this->pos = $pos_587;
$_594 = FALSE; break;
if( $_593 === TRUE ) { $_595 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_588;
$this->pos = $pos_588;
$_595 = FALSE; break;
if( $_594 === TRUE ) { $_596 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_585;
$this->pos = $pos_585;
$_596 = FALSE; break;
if( $_595 === TRUE ) { $_597 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_586;
$this->pos = $pos_586;
$_597 = FALSE; break;
if( $_596 === TRUE ) { $_598 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_583;
$this->pos = $pos_583;
$_598 = FALSE; break;
if( $_597 === TRUE ) { $_599 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_584;
$this->pos = $pos_584;
$_599 = FALSE; break;
if( $_598 === TRUE ) { $_600 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_581;
$this->pos = $pos_581;
$_600 = FALSE; break;
if( $_599 === TRUE ) { $_601 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_582;
$this->pos = $pos_582;
$_601 = FALSE; break;
if( $_600 === TRUE ) { $_602 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_579;
$this->pos = $pos_579;
$_602 = FALSE; break;
if( $_601 === TRUE ) { $_603 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_580;
$this->pos = $pos_580;
$_603 = FALSE; break;
if( $_602 === TRUE ) { $_604 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_577;
$this->pos = $pos_577;
$_604 = FALSE; break;
if( $_603 === TRUE ) { $_605 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_578;
$this->pos = $pos_578;
$_605 = FALSE; break;
if( $_604 === FALSE) { $_606 = FALSE; break; }
$_606 = TRUE; break;
if( $_605 === FALSE) { $_607 = FALSE; break; }
$_607 = TRUE; break;
if( $_606 === FALSE) { $_609 = FALSE; break; }
if( $_607 === FALSE) { $_610 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_609 = FALSE; break; }
$_609 = TRUE; break;
else { $_610 = FALSE; break; }
$_610 = TRUE; break;
if( $_609 === TRUE ) { $_611 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_575;
$this->pos = $pos_575;
$_611 = FALSE; break;
if( $_610 === TRUE ) { $_612 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_576;
$this->pos = $pos_576;
$_612 = FALSE; break;
if( $_611 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_611 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_612 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_612 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -3589,56 +3601,56 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_ClosedBlock_typestack = array('ClosedBlock');
function match_ClosedBlock ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "ClosedBlock"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_631 = NULL;
$_632 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_631 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_632 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$res_615 = $result;
$pos_615 = $this->pos;
$res_616 = $result;
$pos_616 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'NotBlockTag'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$result = $res_615;
$this->pos = $pos_615;
$_631 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_616;
$this->pos = $pos_616;
$_632 = FALSE; break;
else {
$result = $res_615;
$this->pos = $pos_615;
$result = $res_616;
$this->pos = $pos_616;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Word'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "BlockName" );
else { $_631 = FALSE; break; }
$res_621 = $result;
$pos_621 = $this->pos;
$_620 = NULL;
else { $_632 = FALSE; break; }
$res_622 = $result;
$pos_622 = $this->pos;
$_621 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_620 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_621 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'BlockArguments'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "BlockArguments" );
else { $_620 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_621 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_620 = FALSE; break; }
$_620 = TRUE; break;
else { $_621 = FALSE; break; }
$_621 = TRUE; break;
if( $_620 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_621;
$this->pos = $pos_621;
unset( $res_621 );
unset( $pos_621 );
if( $_621 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_622;
$this->pos = $pos_622;
unset( $res_622 );
unset( $pos_622 );
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "Zap" );
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "Zap" );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$subres = $result; $result = array_pop($stack);
@ -3646,36 +3658,36 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
else {
$result = array_pop($stack);
$_631 = FALSE; break;
$_632 = FALSE; break;
$res_624 = $result;
$pos_624 = $this->pos;
$res_625 = $result;
$pos_625 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.$this->expression($result, $stack, 'TemplateMatcher'); $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Template" );
else {
$result = $res_624;
$this->pos = $pos_624;
unset( $res_624 );
unset( $pos_624 );
$result = $res_625;
$this->pos = $pos_625;
unset( $res_625 );
unset( $pos_625 );
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_631 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_632 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'end_' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_631 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_632 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( ''.$this->expression($result, $stack, 'BlockName').'' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_631 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_632 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_631 = FALSE; break; }
$_631 = TRUE; break;
else { $_632 = FALSE; break; }
$_632 = TRUE; break;
if( $_631 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_631 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_632 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_632 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -3741,7 +3753,7 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
if ($arg['ArgumentMode'] == 'string') {
throw new SSTemplateParseException('Control block cant take string as argument.', $this);
$on = str_replace('$$FINAL', 'obj',
$on = str_replace('$$FINAL', 'obj',
($arg['ArgumentMode'] == 'default') ? $arg['lookup_php'] : $arg['php']);
@ -3766,7 +3778,7 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
$on = str_replace('$$FINAL', 'obj', ($arg['ArgumentMode'] == 'default') ? $arg['lookup_php'] : $arg['php']);
$on . '; $scope->pushScope();' . PHP_EOL .
$res['Template']['php'] . PHP_EOL .
'; $scope->popScope(); ';
@ -3776,62 +3788,62 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_OpenBlock_typestack = array('OpenBlock');
function match_OpenBlock ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "OpenBlock"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_644 = NULL;
$_645 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_644 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_645 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$res_635 = $result;
$pos_635 = $this->pos;
$res_636 = $result;
$pos_636 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'NotBlockTag'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$result = $res_635;
$this->pos = $pos_635;
$_644 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_636;
$this->pos = $pos_636;
$_645 = FALSE; break;
else {
$result = $res_635;
$this->pos = $pos_635;
$result = $res_636;
$this->pos = $pos_636;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Word'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "BlockName" );
else { $_644 = FALSE; break; }
$res_641 = $result;
$pos_641 = $this->pos;
$_640 = NULL;
else { $_645 = FALSE; break; }
$res_642 = $result;
$pos_642 = $this->pos;
$_641 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_640 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_641 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'BlockArguments'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "BlockArguments" );
else { $_640 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_641 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_640 = FALSE; break; }
$_640 = TRUE; break;
else { $_641 = FALSE; break; }
$_641 = TRUE; break;
if( $_640 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_641;
$this->pos = $pos_641;
unset( $res_641 );
unset( $pos_641 );
if( $_641 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_642;
$this->pos = $pos_642;
unset( $res_642 );
unset( $pos_642 );
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_644 = FALSE; break; }
$_644 = TRUE; break;
else { $_645 = FALSE; break; }
$_645 = TRUE; break;
if( $_644 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_644 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_645 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_645 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -3903,34 +3915,34 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_MismatchedEndBlock_typestack = array('MismatchedEndBlock');
function match_MismatchedEndBlock ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "MismatchedEndBlock"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_652 = NULL;
$_653 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_652 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_653 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'end_' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_652 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_653 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'Word'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Word" );
else { $_652 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_653 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_652 = FALSE; break; }
$_652 = TRUE; break;
else { $_653 = FALSE; break; }
$_653 = TRUE; break;
if( $_652 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_652 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_653 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_653 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
function MismatchedEndBlock__finalise(&$res) {
$blockname = $res['Word']['text'];
throw new SSTemplateParseException('Unexpected close tag end_' . $blockname .
throw new SSTemplateParseException('Unexpected close tag end_' . $blockname .
' encountered. Perhaps you have mis-nested blocks, or have mis-spelled a tag?', $this);
@ -3938,78 +3950,78 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_MalformedOpenTag_typestack = array('MalformedOpenTag');
function match_MalformedOpenTag ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "MalformedOpenTag"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_667 = NULL;
$_668 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_667 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_668 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$res_656 = $result;
$pos_656 = $this->pos;
$res_657 = $result;
$pos_657 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'NotBlockTag'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$result = $res_656;
$this->pos = $pos_656;
$_667 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_657;
$this->pos = $pos_657;
$_668 = FALSE; break;
else {
$result = $res_656;
$this->pos = $pos_656;
$result = $res_657;
$this->pos = $pos_657;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Word'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Tag" );
else { $_667 = FALSE; break; }
$res_666 = $result;
$pos_666 = $this->pos;
$_665 = NULL;
else { $_668 = FALSE; break; }
$res_667 = $result;
$pos_667 = $this->pos;
$_666 = NULL;
do {
$res_662 = $result;
$pos_662 = $this->pos;
$_661 = NULL;
$res_663 = $result;
$pos_663 = $this->pos;
$_662 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_661 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_662 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'BlockArguments'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "BlockArguments" );
else { $_661 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_662 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_661 = FALSE; break; }
$_661 = TRUE; break;
else { $_662 = FALSE; break; }
$_662 = TRUE; break;
if( $_661 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_662;
$this->pos = $pos_662;
unset( $res_662 );
unset( $pos_662 );
if( $_662 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_663;
$this->pos = $pos_663;
unset( $res_663 );
unset( $pos_663 );
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_665 = FALSE; break; }
$_665 = TRUE; break;
else { $_666 = FALSE; break; }
$_666 = TRUE; break;
if( $_665 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_666;
$this->pos = $pos_666;
$_667 = FALSE; break;
if( $_666 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_667;
$this->pos = $pos_667;
$_668 = FALSE; break;
if( $_665 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_666;
$this->pos = $pos_666;
if( $_666 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_667;
$this->pos = $pos_667;
$_667 = TRUE; break;
$_668 = TRUE; break;
if( $_667 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_667 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_668 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_668 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -4024,57 +4036,57 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_MalformedCloseTag_typestack = array('MalformedCloseTag');
function match_MalformedCloseTag ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "MalformedCloseTag"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_679 = NULL;
$_680 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_679 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_680 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "Tag" );
$_673 = NULL;
$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "Tag" );
$_674 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( 'end_' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_673 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_674 = FALSE; break; }
$matcher = 'match_'.'Word'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres, "Word" );
else { $_673 = FALSE; break; }
$_673 = TRUE; break;
else { $_674 = FALSE; break; }
$_674 = TRUE; break;
if( $_673 === TRUE ) {
if( $_674 === TRUE ) {
$subres = $result; $result = array_pop($stack);
$this->store( $result, $subres, 'Tag' );
if( $_673 === FALSE) {
if( $_674 === FALSE) {
$result = array_pop($stack);
$_679 = FALSE; break;
$_680 = FALSE; break;
$res_678 = $result;
$pos_678 = $this->pos;
$_677 = NULL;
$res_679 = $result;
$pos_679 = $this->pos;
$_678 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->whitespace( ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_677 = FALSE; break; }
$_677 = TRUE; break;
else { $_678 = FALSE; break; }
$_678 = TRUE; break;
if( $_677 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_678;
$this->pos = $pos_678;
$_679 = FALSE; break;
if( $_678 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_679;
$this->pos = $pos_679;
$_680 = FALSE; break;
if( $_677 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_678;
$this->pos = $pos_678;
if( $_678 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_679;
$this->pos = $pos_679;
$_679 = TRUE; break;
$_680 = TRUE; break;
if( $_679 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_679 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_680 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_680 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -4089,31 +4101,31 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_MalformedBlock_typestack = array('MalformedBlock');
function match_MalformedBlock ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "MalformedBlock"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_684 = NULL;
$_685 = NULL;
do {
$res_681 = $result;
$pos_681 = $this->pos;
$res_682 = $result;
$pos_682 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'MalformedOpenTag'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_684 = TRUE; break;
$_685 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_681;
$this->pos = $pos_681;
$result = $res_682;
$this->pos = $pos_682;
$matcher = 'match_'.'MalformedCloseTag'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_684 = TRUE; break;
$_685 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_681;
$this->pos = $pos_681;
$_684 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_682;
$this->pos = $pos_682;
$_685 = FALSE; break;
if( $_684 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_684 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_685 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_685 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -4123,51 +4135,51 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
protected $match_Comment_typestack = array('Comment');
function match_Comment ($stack = array()) {
$matchrule = "Comment"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$_692 = NULL;
$_693 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '<%--' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_692 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_693 = FALSE; break; }
$count = 0;
while (true) {
$res_690 = $result;
$pos_690 = $this->pos;
$_689 = NULL;
$res_691 = $result;
$pos_691 = $this->pos;
$_690 = NULL;
do {
$res_687 = $result;
$pos_687 = $this->pos;
$res_688 = $result;
$pos_688 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '--%>' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$result = $res_687;
$this->pos = $pos_687;
$_689 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_688;
$this->pos = $pos_688;
$_690 = FALSE; break;
else {
$result = $res_687;
$this->pos = $pos_687;
$result = $res_688;
$this->pos = $pos_688;
if (( $subres = $this->rx( '/(?s)./' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_689 = FALSE; break; }
$_689 = TRUE; break;
else { $_690 = FALSE; break; }
$_690 = TRUE; break;
if( $_689 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_690;
$this->pos = $pos_690;
unset( $res_690 );
unset( $pos_690 );
if( $_690 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_691;
$this->pos = $pos_691;
unset( $res_691 );
unset( $pos_691 );
$count += 1;
if ($count > 0) { }
else { $_692 = FALSE; break; }
else { $_693 = FALSE; break; }
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '--%>' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_692 = FALSE; break; }
$_692 = TRUE; break;
else { $_693 = FALSE; break; }
$_693 = TRUE; break;
if( $_692 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_692 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
if( $_693 === TRUE ) { return $this->finalise($result); }
if( $_693 === FALSE) { return FALSE; }
@ -4183,258 +4195,258 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
$matchrule = "TopTemplate"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, array('TemplateMatcher' => 'Template'));
$count = 0;
while (true) {
$res_748 = $result;
$pos_748 = $this->pos;
$_747 = NULL;
$res_749 = $result;
$pos_749 = $this->pos;
$_748 = NULL;
do {
$_745 = NULL;
$_746 = NULL;
do {
$res_694 = $result;
$pos_694 = $this->pos;
$res_695 = $result;
$pos_695 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Comment'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_745 = TRUE; break;
$_746 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_694;
$this->pos = $pos_694;
$_743 = NULL;
$result = $res_695;
$this->pos = $pos_695;
$_744 = NULL;
do {
$res_696 = $result;
$pos_696 = $this->pos;
$res_697 = $result;
$pos_697 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Translate'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_743 = TRUE; break;
$_744 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_696;
$this->pos = $pos_696;
$_741 = NULL;
$result = $res_697;
$this->pos = $pos_697;
$_742 = NULL;
do {
$res_698 = $result;
$pos_698 = $this->pos;
$res_699 = $result;
$pos_699 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'If'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_741 = TRUE; break;
$_742 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_698;
$this->pos = $pos_698;
$_739 = NULL;
$result = $res_699;
$this->pos = $pos_699;
$_740 = NULL;
do {
$res_700 = $result;
$pos_700 = $this->pos;
$res_701 = $result;
$pos_701 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Require'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_739 = TRUE; break;
$_740 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_700;
$this->pos = $pos_700;
$_737 = NULL;
$result = $res_701;
$this->pos = $pos_701;
$_738 = NULL;
do {
$res_702 = $result;
$pos_702 = $this->pos;
$res_703 = $result;
$pos_703 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'CacheBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_737 = TRUE; break;
$_738 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_702;
$this->pos = $pos_702;
$_735 = NULL;
$result = $res_703;
$this->pos = $pos_703;
$_736 = NULL;
do {
$res_704 = $result;
$pos_704 = $this->pos;
$res_705 = $result;
$pos_705 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'UncachedBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_735 = TRUE; break;
$_736 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_704;
$this->pos = $pos_704;
$_733 = NULL;
$result = $res_705;
$this->pos = $pos_705;
$_734 = NULL;
do {
$res_706 = $result;
$pos_706 = $this->pos;
$res_707 = $result;
$pos_707 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'OldI18NTag'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_733 = TRUE; break;
$_734 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_706;
$this->pos = $pos_706;
$_731 = NULL;
$result = $res_707;
$this->pos = $pos_707;
$_732 = NULL;
do {
$res_708 = $result;
$pos_708 = $this->pos;
$res_709 = $result;
$pos_709 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Include'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_731 = TRUE; break;
$_732 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_708;
$this->pos = $pos_708;
$_729 = NULL;
$result = $res_709;
$this->pos = $pos_709;
$_730 = NULL;
do {
$res_710 = $result;
$pos_710 = $this->pos;
$res_711 = $result;
$pos_711 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'ClosedBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_729 = TRUE; break;
$_730 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_710;
$this->pos = $pos_710;
$_727 = NULL;
$result = $res_711;
$this->pos = $pos_711;
$_728 = NULL;
do {
$res_712 = $result;
$pos_712 = $this->pos;
$res_713 = $result;
$pos_713 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'OpenBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_727 = TRUE; break;
$_728 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_712;
$this->pos = $pos_712;
$_725 = NULL;
$result = $res_713;
$this->pos = $pos_713;
$_726 = NULL;
do {
$res_714 = $result;
$pos_714 = $this->pos;
$res_715 = $result;
$pos_715 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'MalformedBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_725 = TRUE; break;
$_726 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_714;
$this->pos = $pos_714;
$_723 = NULL;
$result = $res_715;
$this->pos = $pos_715;
$_724 = NULL;
do {
$res_716 = $result;
$pos_716 = $this->pos;
$res_717 = $result;
$pos_717 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'MismatchedEndBlock'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_723 = TRUE; break;
$_724 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_716;
$this->pos = $pos_716;
$_721 = NULL;
$result = $res_717;
$this->pos = $pos_717;
$_722 = NULL;
do {
$res_718 = $result;
$pos_718 = $this->pos;
$res_719 = $result;
$pos_719 = $this->pos;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Injection'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_721 = TRUE; break;
$_722 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_718;
$this->pos = $pos_718;
$result = $res_719;
$this->pos = $pos_719;
$matcher = 'match_'.'Text'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;
$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );
if ($subres !== FALSE) {
$this->store( $result, $subres );
$_721 = TRUE; break;
$_722 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_718;
$this->pos = $pos_718;
$_721 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_719;
$this->pos = $pos_719;
$_722 = FALSE; break;
if( $_721 === TRUE ) { $_723 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_716;
$this->pos = $pos_716;
$_723 = FALSE; break;
if( $_722 === TRUE ) { $_724 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_717;
$this->pos = $pos_717;
$_724 = FALSE; break;
if( $_723 === TRUE ) { $_725 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_714;
$this->pos = $pos_714;
$_725 = FALSE; break;
if( $_724 === TRUE ) { $_726 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_715;
$this->pos = $pos_715;
$_726 = FALSE; break;
if( $_725 === TRUE ) { $_727 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_712;
$this->pos = $pos_712;
$_727 = FALSE; break;
if( $_726 === TRUE ) { $_728 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_713;
$this->pos = $pos_713;
$_728 = FALSE; break;
if( $_727 === TRUE ) { $_729 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_710;
$this->pos = $pos_710;
$_729 = FALSE; break;
if( $_728 === TRUE ) { $_730 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_711;
$this->pos = $pos_711;
$_730 = FALSE; break;
if( $_729 === TRUE ) { $_731 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_708;
$this->pos = $pos_708;
$_731 = FALSE; break;
if( $_730 === TRUE ) { $_732 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_709;
$this->pos = $pos_709;
$_732 = FALSE; break;
if( $_731 === TRUE ) { $_733 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_706;
$this->pos = $pos_706;
$_733 = FALSE; break;
if( $_732 === TRUE ) { $_734 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_707;
$this->pos = $pos_707;
$_734 = FALSE; break;
if( $_733 === TRUE ) { $_735 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_704;
$this->pos = $pos_704;
$_735 = FALSE; break;
if( $_734 === TRUE ) { $_736 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_705;
$this->pos = $pos_705;
$_736 = FALSE; break;
if( $_735 === TRUE ) { $_737 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_702;
$this->pos = $pos_702;
$_737 = FALSE; break;
if( $_736 === TRUE ) { $_738 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_703;
$this->pos = $pos_703;
$_738 = FALSE; break;
if( $_737 === TRUE ) { $_739 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_700;
$this->pos = $pos_700;
$_739 = FALSE; break;
if( $_738 === TRUE ) { $_740 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_701;
$this->pos = $pos_701;
$_740 = FALSE; break;
if( $_739 === TRUE ) { $_741 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_698;
$this->pos = $pos_698;
$_741 = FALSE; break;
if( $_740 === TRUE ) { $_742 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_699;
$this->pos = $pos_699;
$_742 = FALSE; break;
if( $_741 === TRUE ) { $_743 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_696;
$this->pos = $pos_696;
$_743 = FALSE; break;
if( $_742 === TRUE ) { $_744 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_697;
$this->pos = $pos_697;
$_744 = FALSE; break;
if( $_743 === TRUE ) { $_745 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_694;
$this->pos = $pos_694;
$_745 = FALSE; break;
if( $_744 === TRUE ) { $_746 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_695;
$this->pos = $pos_695;
$_746 = FALSE; break;
if( $_745 === FALSE) { $_747 = FALSE; break; }
$_747 = TRUE; break;
if( $_746 === FALSE) { $_748 = FALSE; break; }
$_748 = TRUE; break;
if( $_747 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_748;
$this->pos = $pos_748;
unset( $res_748 );
unset( $pos_748 );
if( $_748 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_749;
$this->pos = $pos_749;
unset( $res_749 );
unset( $pos_749 );
$count += 1;
@ -4466,189 +4478,189 @@ class SSTemplateParser extends Parser implements TemplateParser {
$matchrule = "Text"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, null);
$count = 0;
while (true) {
$res_787 = $result;
$pos_787 = $this->pos;
$_786 = NULL;
$res_788 = $result;
$pos_788 = $this->pos;
$_787 = NULL;
do {
$_784 = NULL;
$_785 = NULL;
do {
$res_749 = $result;
$pos_749 = $this->pos;
$res_750 = $result;
$pos_750 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->rx( '/ [^<${\\\\]+ /' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_784 = TRUE; break;
$_785 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_749;
$this->pos = $pos_749;
$_782 = NULL;
$result = $res_750;
$this->pos = $pos_750;
$_783 = NULL;
do {
$res_751 = $result;
$pos_751 = $this->pos;
$res_752 = $result;
$pos_752 = $this->pos;
if (( $subres = $this->rx( '/ (\\\\.) /' ) ) !== FALSE) {
$result["text"] .= $subres;
$_782 = TRUE; break;
$_783 = TRUE; break;
$result = $res_751;
$this->pos = $pos_751;
$_780 = NULL;
$result = $res_752;
$this->pos = $pos_752;
$_781 = NULL;
do {
$res_753 = $result;
$pos_753 = $this->pos;
$_756 = NULL;
$res_754 = $result;
$pos_754 = $this->pos;
$_757 = NULL;
do {
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '<') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '<';
else { $_756 = FALSE; break; }
$res_755 = $result;
$pos_755 = $this->pos;
else { $_757 = FALSE; break; }
$res_756 = $result;
$pos_756 = $this->pos;
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '%') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '%';
$result = $res_755;
$this->pos = $pos_755;
$_756 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_756;
$this->pos = $pos_756;
$_757 = FALSE; break;
else {
$result = $res_755;
$this->pos = $pos_755;
$result = $res_756;
$this->pos = $pos_756;
$_756 = TRUE; break;
$_757 = TRUE; break;
if( $_756 === TRUE ) { $_780 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_753;
$this->pos = $pos_753;
$_778 = NULL;
if( $_757 === TRUE ) { $_781 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_754;
$this->pos = $pos_754;
$_779 = NULL;
do {
$res_758 = $result;
$pos_758 = $this->pos;
$_763 = NULL;
$res_759 = $result;
$pos_759 = $this->pos;
$_764 = NULL;
do {
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '$') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '$';
else { $_763 = FALSE; break; }
$res_762 = $result;
$pos_762 = $this->pos;
$_761 = NULL;
else { $_764 = FALSE; break; }
$res_763 = $result;
$pos_763 = $this->pos;
$_762 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->rx( '/[A-Za-z_]/' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_761 = FALSE; break; }
$_761 = TRUE; break;
else { $_762 = FALSE; break; }
$_762 = TRUE; break;
if( $_761 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_762;
$this->pos = $pos_762;
$_763 = FALSE; break;
if( $_762 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_763;
$this->pos = $pos_763;
$_764 = FALSE; break;
if( $_761 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_762;
$this->pos = $pos_762;
if( $_762 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_763;
$this->pos = $pos_763;
$_763 = TRUE; break;
$_764 = TRUE; break;
if( $_763 === TRUE ) { $_778 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_758;
$this->pos = $pos_758;
$_776 = NULL;
if( $_764 === TRUE ) { $_779 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_759;
$this->pos = $pos_759;
$_777 = NULL;
do {
$res_765 = $result;
$pos_765 = $this->pos;
$_768 = NULL;
$res_766 = $result;
$pos_766 = $this->pos;
$_769 = NULL;
do {
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '{') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '{';
else { $_768 = FALSE; break; }
$res_767 = $result;
$pos_767 = $this->pos;
else { $_769 = FALSE; break; }
$res_768 = $result;
$pos_768 = $this->pos;
if (substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '$') {
$this->pos += 1;
$result["text"] .= '$';
$result = $res_767;
$this->pos = $pos_767;
$_768 = FALSE; break;
$result = $res_768;
$this->pos = $pos_768;
$_769 = FALSE; break;
else {
$result = $res_767;
$this->pos = $pos_767;
$result = $res_768;
$this->pos = $pos_768;
$_768 = TRUE; break;
$_769 = TRUE; break;
if( $_768 === TRUE ) { $_776 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_765;
$this->pos = $pos_765;
$_774 = NULL;
if( $_769 === TRUE ) { $_777 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_766;
$this->pos = $pos_766;
$_775 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->literal( '{$' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_774 = FALSE; break; }
$res_773 = $result;
$pos_773 = $this->pos;
$_772 = NULL;
else { $_775 = FALSE; break; }
$res_774 = $result;
$pos_774 = $this->pos;
$_773 = NULL;
do {
if (( $subres = $this->rx( '/[A-Za-z_]/' ) ) !== FALSE) { $result["text"] .= $subres; }
else { $_772 = FALSE; break; }
$_772 = TRUE; break;
else { $_773 = FALSE; break; }
$_773 = TRUE; break;
if( $_772 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_773;
$this->pos = $pos_773;
$_774 = FALSE; break;
if( $_773 === TRUE ) {
$result = $res_774;
$this->pos = $pos_774;
$_775 = FALSE; break;
if( $_772 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_773;
$this->pos = $pos_773;
if( $_773 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_774;
$this->pos = $pos_774;
$_774 = TRUE; break;
$_775 = TRUE; break;
if( $_774 === TRUE ) { $_776 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_765;
$this->pos = $pos_765;
$_776 = FALSE; break;
if( $_775 === TRUE ) { $_777 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_766;
$this->pos = $pos_766;
$_777 = FALSE; break;
if( $_776 === TRUE ) { $_778 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_758;
$this->pos = $pos_758;
$_778 = FALSE; break;
if( $_777 === TRUE ) { $_779 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_759;
$this->pos = $pos_759;
$_779 = FALSE; break;
if( $_778 === TRUE ) { $_780 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_753;
$this->pos = $pos_753;
$_780 = FALSE; break;
if( $_779 === TRUE ) { $_781 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_754;
$this->pos = $pos_754;
$_781 = FALSE; break;
if( $_780 === TRUE ) { $_782 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_751;
$this->pos = $pos_751;
$_782 = FALSE; break;
if( $_781 === TRUE ) { $_783 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_752;
$this->pos = $pos_752;
$_783 = FALSE; break;
if( $_782 === TRUE ) { $_784 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_749;
$this->pos = $pos_749;
$_784 = FALSE; break;
if( $_783 === TRUE ) { $_785 = TRUE; break; }
$result = $res_750;
$this->pos = $pos_750;
$_785 = FALSE; break;
if( $_784 === FALSE) { $_786 = FALSE; break; }
$_786 = TRUE; break;
if( $_785 === FALSE) { $_787 = FALSE; break; }
$_787 = TRUE; break;
if( $_786 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_787;
$this->pos = $pos_787;
unset( $res_787 );
unset( $pos_787 );
if( $_787 === FALSE) {
$result = $res_788;
$this->pos = $pos_788;
unset( $res_788 );
unset( $pos_788 );
$count += 1;
@ -4729,7 +4741,7 @@ EOC;
// Include top level debugging comments if desired
if($includeDebuggingComments && $templateName && stripos($code, "<?xml") === false) {
$code = $this->includeDebuggingComments($code, $templateName);
return $code;