mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
FEATURE: Replaced ManifestBuilder (and related bootstrap code) with a new SS_ClassLoader class which loads classes and interfaces from a stack of SS_ClassManifest instances.
This commit is contained in:
Executable file → Normal file
Executable file → Normal file
@ -199,44 +199,33 @@ set_include_path(BASE_PATH . '/sapphire' . PATH_SEPARATOR
. BASE_PATH . '/sapphire/thirdparty' . PATH_SEPARATOR
. get_include_path());
* Sapphire class autoloader. Requires the ManifestBuilder to work.
* $_CLASS_MANIFEST must have been loaded up by ManifestBuilder for this to successfully load
* classes. Classes will be loaded from any PHP file within the application.
* If your class contains an underscore, for example, Page_Controller, then the filename is
* expected to be the stuff before the underscore. In this case, Page.php.
* Class names are converted to lowercase for lookup to adhere to PHP's case-insensitive
* way of dealing with them.
function sapphire_autoload($className) {
$lClassName = strtolower($className);
if(isset($_CLASS_MANIFEST[$lClassName])) include_once($_CLASS_MANIFEST[$lClassName]);
else if(isset($_CLASS_MANIFEST[$className])) include_once($_CLASS_MANIFEST[$className]);
// Include the files needed the initial manifest building, as well as any files
// that are needed for the boostrap process on every request.
require_once 'cache/Cache.php';
require_once 'core/Object.php';
require_once 'core/ClassInfo.php';
require_once 'core/control/Director.php';
require_once 'dev/Debug.php';
require_once 'filesystem/FileFinder.php';
require_once 'manifest/ClassLoader.php';
require_once 'manifest/ClassManifest.php';
require_once 'manifest/ManifestFileFinder.php';
require_once 'manifest/TokenisedRegularExpression.php';
* Include the manifest
// Regenerate the manifest if ?flush is set, or if the database is being built.
// The coupling is a hack, but it removes an annoying bug where new classes
// referenced in _config.php files can be referenced during the build process.
$flush = (isset($_GET['flush']) || isset($_REQUEST['url']) && (
$_REQUEST['url'] == 'dev/build' || $_REQUEST['url'] == BASE_URL . '/dev/build'
$manifest = new SS_ClassManifest(BASE_PATH, false, $flush);
* ?debugmanifest=1 hook
if(isset($_GET['debugmanifest'])) Debug::show(file_get_contents(MANIFEST_FILE));
$loader = SS_ClassLoader::instance();
// If this is a dev site, enable php error reporting
// This is necessary to force developers to acknowledge and fix
@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
* Define a constant for the name of the manifest file
if(!defined('MANIFEST_FILE')) define("MANIFEST_FILE", TEMP_FOLDER . "/manifest-" . str_replace('.php','',basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])));
* The ManifestBuilder class generates the manifest file and keeps it fresh.
* The manifest file is a PHP include that contains global variables that
* represent the collected contents of the application:
* - all classes ({@link __autoload()})
* - all templates ({@link SSViewer})
* - all _config.php files
* Traversing the filesystem to collect this information on everypage.
* This information is cached so that it need not be regenerated on every
* pageview.
* <b>Autoloading</b>
* Sapphire class autoloader. Requires the ManifestBuilder to work.
* $_CLASS_MANIFEST must have been loaded up by ManifestBuilder for this to successfully load classes.
* Classes will be loaded from any PHP file within the application. If your class contains an underscore,
* for example, Page_Controller, then the filename is expected to be the stuff before the underscore.
* In this case, Page.php.
* @see main.php, __autoload(), SSViewer, Requirements::themedCSS()
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage core
class ManifestBuilder {
static $restrict_to_modules = array();
static $extendsArray = array();
static $classArray = array();
static $implementsArray = array();
* @var array $ignore_files Full filenames (without directory-path) which
* should be ignored by the manifest.
public static $ignore_files = array(
* @var array $ignore_folders Foldernames (without path) which
* should be ignored by the manifest.
public static $ignore_folders = array(
* Include the manifest, regenerating it if necessary
static function include_manifest() {
if(isset($_REQUEST['usetestmanifest'])) {
} else {
// The dev/build reference is some coupling but it solves an annoying bug
if(!file_exists(MANIFEST_FILE) || (filemtime(MANIFEST_FILE) < filemtime(BASE_PATH))
|| isset($_GET['flush']) || (isset($_REQUEST['url']) && ($_REQUEST['url'] == 'dev/build'
|| $_REQUEST['url'] == BASE_URL . '/dev/build'))) {
* Load a copy of the manifest with tests/ folders included.
* Only loads the ClassInfo and __autoload() globals; this assumes that _config.php files are already included.
static function load_test_manifest() {
$testManifestFile = MANIFEST_FILE . '-test';
// The dev/build reference is some coupling but it solves an annoying bug
|| (filemtime($testManifestFile) < filemtime(BASE_PATH))
|| isset($_GET['flush'])) {
// Build the manifest, including the tests/ folders
$manifestInfo = self::get_manifest_info(BASE_PATH);
$manifest = self::generate_php_file($manifestInfo);
if($fh = fopen($testManifestFile, 'wb')) {
fwrite($fh, $manifest);
} else {
user_error("Cannot write manifest file! Check permissions of " . MANIFEST_FILE, E_USER_ERROR);
* Loads all PHP class files - actually opening them and executing them.
static function load_all_classes() {
foreach($_CLASS_MANIFEST as $classFile) require_once($classFile);
* Generates a new manifest file and saves it to {@link MANIFEST_FILE}.
static function create_manifest_file() {
// Build the manifest, ignoring the tests/ folders
$manifestInfo = self::get_manifest_info(BASE_PATH, array("tests"));
$manifest = self::generate_php_file($manifestInfo);
if($fh = fopen(MANIFEST_FILE, 'wb')) {
fwrite($fh, $manifest);
} else {
user_error("Cannot write manifest file! Check permissions of " . MANIFEST_FILE, E_USER_ERROR);
* Turn an array produced by get_manifest_info() into the content of the manifest PHP include
static function generate_php_file($manifestInfo) {
$output = "<?php\n";
foreach($manifestInfo['globals'] as $globalName => $globalVal) {
$output .= "global \$$globalName;\n\$$globalName = " . var_export($globalVal, true) . ";\n\n";
foreach($manifestInfo['require_once'] as $requireItem) {
$output .= 'require_once("' . addslashes($requireItem) . "\");\n";
return $output;
* Parse the $manifestInfo array, updating the appropriate globals and loading the appropriate _config files.
static function process_manifest($manifestInfo) {
foreach($manifestInfo['globals'] as $globalName => $globalVal) {
global $$globalName;
$$globalName = $globalVal;
foreach($manifestInfo['require_once'] as $requireItem) {
* Get themes from a particular directory.
* @param string $baseDir Optional: Absolute path to theme directory for testing e.g. "/Users/sharvey/Sites/test24/themes"
* @param boolean $includeSubThemes If set to TRUE, sub-themes such as "blackcandy_blog" are included too
* @return array Listing of theme directories
public static function get_themes($baseDir = null, $includeSubThemes = false) {
// If no base directory specified, the default is the project root
$themes = array();
if(!file_exists($baseDir)) return $themes;
$handle = opendir($baseDir);
if($handle) {
while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
$fullPath = $baseDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
if(strpos($file, '.') === false && is_dir($fullPath)) {
$include = $includeSubThemes ? true : false;
if(strpos($file, '_') === false) {
$include = true;
if($include) $themes[$file] = $file;
return $themes;
* Return an array containing information for the manifest
* @param $baseDir The root directory to analyse
* @param $excludedFolders An array folder names to exclude. These don't care about where the
* folder appears in the hierarchy, so be careful
static function get_manifest_info($baseDir, $excludedFolders = array()) {
// locate and include the exclude files
$topLevel = scandir($baseDir);
foreach($topLevel as $file) {
if($file[0] == '.') continue
$fullPath = '';
$fullPath = $baseDir . '/' . $file;
if(@is_dir($fullPath . '/') && file_exists($fullPath . '/_exclude.php')) {
require_once($fullPath . '/_exclude.php');
// Project - used to give precedence to template files
$project = null;
// Class, CSS, template manifest
$allPhpFiles = array();
$templateManifest = array();
$cssManifest = array();
if(is_array(self::$restrict_to_modules) && count(self::$restrict_to_modules)) {
// $restrict_to_modules is set, so we include only those specified
// modules
foreach(self::$restrict_to_modules as $module)
ManifestBuilder::get_all_php_files($baseDir . '/' . $module, $excludedFolders, $allPhpFiles);
} else {
// Include all directories which have an _config.php file but don't
// have an _manifest_exclude file
$topLevel = scandir($baseDir);
foreach($topLevel as $filename) {
// Skip certain directories
if($filename[0] == '.') continue;
if($filename == THEMES_DIR) continue;
if($filename == ASSETS_DIR) continue;
if(in_array($filename, $excludedFolders)) continue;
if(@is_dir("$baseDir/$filename") &&
file_exists("$baseDir/$filename/_config.php") &&
!file_exists("$baseDir/$filename/_manifest_exclude")) {
// Get classes, templates, and CSS files
ManifestBuilder::get_all_php_files("$baseDir/$filename", $excludedFolders, $allPhpFiles);
ManifestBuilder::getTemplateManifest($baseDir, $filename, $excludedFolders, $templateManifest, $cssManifest);
// List the _config.php files
$manifestInfo["require_once"][] = "$baseDir/$filename/_config.php";
// Find the $project variable in the relevant config file without having to execute the config file
if(preg_match("/\\\$project\s*=\s*[^\n\r]+[\n\r]/", file_get_contents("$baseDir/$filename/_config.php"), $parts)) {
// Get themes
if(file_exists("$baseDir/themes")) {
$themeDirs = self::get_themes("$baseDir/themes", true);
foreach($themeDirs as $themeDir) {
$themeName = strtok($themeDir, '_');
ManifestBuilder::getTemplateManifest($baseDir, THEMES_DIR . "/$themeDir", $excludedFolders, $templateManifest, $cssManifest, $themeName);
// Build class-info array from class manifest
$allClasses = ManifestBuilder::allClasses($allPhpFiles);
// Pull the class filenames out
$classManifest = $allClasses['file'];
// Ensure that any custom templates get favoured
if(!$project) user_error("\$project isn't set", E_USER_WARNING);
else if(!file_exists("$baseDir/$project")) user_error("\$project is set to '$project' but no such folder exists.", E_USER_WARNING);
else ManifestBuilder::getTemplateManifest($baseDir, $project, $excludedFolders, $templateManifest, $cssManifest);
$manifestInfo["globals"]["_CLASS_MANIFEST"] = $classManifest;
$manifestInfo["globals"]["_ALL_CLASSES"] = $allClasses;
$manifestInfo["globals"]["_TEMPLATE_MANIFEST"] = $templateManifest;
$manifestInfo["globals"]["_CSS_MANIFEST"] = $cssManifest;
return $manifestInfo;
* Generates a list of all the PHP files that should be analysed by the manifest builder.
* @param string $folder The folder to traverse (recursively)
* @param array $classMap The already built class map
private static function get_all_php_files($folder, $excludedFolders, &$allPhpFiles) {
$items = scandir($folder);
if($items) foreach($items as $item) {
// Skip some specific PHP files
if(in_array($item, self::$ignore_files)) continue;
// ignore hidden files and folders
if(substr($item,0,1) == '.') continue;
// ignore files without php-extension
if(substr($item,-4) != '.php' && !@is_dir("$folder/$item")) continue;
// ignore files and folders with underscore-prefix
if(substr($item,0,1) == '_') continue;
// ignore certain directories
if(@is_dir("$folder/$item") && in_array($item, self::$ignore_folders)) continue;
// ignore directories with _manifest_exlude file
if(@is_dir("$folder/$item") && file_exists("$folder/$item/_manifest_exclude")) continue;
// i18n: ignore language files (loaded on demand)
if($item == 'lang' && @is_dir("$folder/$item") && ereg_replace("/[^/]+/\\.\\.","",$folder.'/..') == Director::baseFolder()) continue;
if(@is_dir("$folder/$item")) {
// Folder exclusion - used to skip over tests/ folders
if(in_array($item, $excludedFolders)) continue;
// recurse into directories (if not in $ignore_folders)
ManifestBuilder::get_all_php_files("$folder/$item", $excludedFolders, $allPhpFiles);
} else {
$allPhpFiles[] = "$folder/$item";
* Generates the template manifest - a list of all the .ss files in the
* application.
* See {@link SSViewer} for an overview on the array structure this class creates.
* @param String $baseDir
* @param String $folder
private static function getTemplateManifest($baseDir, $folder, $excludedFolders, &$templateManifest, &$cssManifest, $themeName = null) {
$items = scandir("$baseDir/$folder");
if($items) foreach($items as $item) {
// Skip hidden files/folders
if(substr($item,0,1) == '.') continue;
// Parse *.ss files
if(substr($item,-3) == '.ss') {
// Remove extension from template name
$templateName = substr($item, 0, -3);
// The "type" is effectively a subfolder underneath $folder,
// mostly "Includes" or "Layout".
$templateType = substr($folder,strrpos($folder,'/')+1);
// The parent folder counts as type "main"
if($templateType == "templates") $templateType = "main";
// Write either to theme or to non-themed array
if($themeName) {
$templateManifest[$templateName]['themes'][$themeName][$templateType] = "$baseDir/$folder/$item";
} else {
$templateManifest[$templateName][$templateType] = "$baseDir/$folder/$item";
} else if(substr($item,-4) == '.css') {
$cssName = substr($item, 0, -4);
// Debug::message($item);
if($themeName) {
$cssManifest[$cssName]['themes'][$themeName] = "$folder/$item";
} else {
$cssManifest[$cssName]['unthemed'] = "$folder/$item";
} else if(@is_dir("$baseDir/$folder/$item")) {
// Folder exclusion - used to skip over tests/ folders
if(in_array($item, $excludedFolders)) continue;
ManifestBuilder::getTemplateManifest($baseDir, "$folder/$item", $excludedFolders, $templateManifest, $cssManifest, $themeName);
* Include everything, so that actually *all* classes are available and
* build a map of classes and their subclasses
* @param $classManifest An array of all Sapphire classes; keys are class names and values are filenames
* @return array Returns an array that holds all class relevant
* information.
private static function allClasses($classManifest) {
self::$classArray = array();
self::$extendsArray = array();
self::$implementsArray = array();
// Include everything, so we actually have *all* classes
foreach($classManifest as $file) {
$b = basename($file);
if($b != 'cli-script.php' && $b != 'main.php')
$allClasses["parents"] = self::find_parents();
$allClasses["children"] = self::find_children();
$allClasses["implementors"] = self::$implementsArray;
foreach(self::$classArray as $class => $info) {
$allClasses['exists'][$class] = $class;
// Class names are converted to lowercase for lookup to adhere to PHP's case-insensitive
// way of dealing with them.
$allClasses['file'][strtolower($class)] = $info['file'];
// Build a map of classes and their subclasses
$_classes = get_declared_classes();
foreach($_classes as $class) {
$allClasses['exists'][$class] = $class;
foreach($_classes as $subclass) {
if(is_subclass_of($class, $subclass)) $allClasses['parents'][$class][$subclass] = $subclass;
if(is_subclass_of($subclass, $class)) $allClasses['children'][$class][$subclass] = $subclass;
return $allClasses;
* Parses a php file and adds any class or interface information into self::$classArray
* @param string $filename
private static function parse_file($filename) {
$file = file_get_contents($filename);
$implements = "";
$extends = "";
if($file === null) user_error("ManifestBuilder::parse_file(): Couldn't open $filename", E_USER_ERROR);
if(!$file) return;
// We cache the parse results of each file, since only a few files will have changed between flushings
// And, although it's accurate, TokenisedRegularExpression isn't particularly fast.
// We use an MD5 of the file as a part of the cache key because using datetime caused problems when users
// were upgrading their sites
$fileMD5 = md5($file);
$parseCacheFile = TEMP_FOLDER . "/manifestClassParse-" . str_replace(array("/", ":", "\\", "."), "_", basename($filename)) . "-$fileMD5";
if(file_exists($parseCacheFile)) {
// Check for a bad cache file
if(!isset($classes) || !isset($interfaces) || !is_array($classes) || !is_array($interfaces)) {
// Either the parseCacheFile doesn't exist, or its bad
if(!isset($classes)) {
$tokens = token_get_all($file);
$classes = (array)self::getClassDefParser()->findAll($tokens);
$interfaces = (array)self::getInterfaceDefParser()->findAll($tokens);
$cacheContent = '<?php
$classes = ' . var_export($classes,true) . ';
$interfaces = ' . var_export($interfaces,true) . ';';
if($fh = fopen($parseCacheFile, 'wb')) {
fwrite($fh, $cacheContent);
foreach($classes as $class) {
$className = $class['className'];
$class['file'] = $filename;
if(!isset($class['extends'])) $class['extends'] = null;
if($class['extends']) self::$extendsArray[$class['extends']][$className] = $className;
if(isset($class['interfaces'])) foreach($class['interfaces'] as $interface) {
self::$implementsArray[$interface][$className] = $className;
if(isset(self::$classArray[$className])) {
$file1 = self::$classArray[$className]['file'];
$file2 = $class['file'];
user_error("There are two files both containing the same class: '$file1' and " .
"'$file2'. This might mean that the wrong code is being used.", E_USER_WARNING);
self::$classArray[$className] = $class;
foreach($interfaces as $interface) {
$className = $interface['interfaceName'];
$interface['file'] = $filename;
if(!isset($interface['extends'])) $interface['extends'] = null;
if(isset(self::$classArray[$className])) {
$file1 = self::$classArray[$className]['file'];
$file2 = $interface[$className];
user_error("There are two files both containing the same class: '$file1' and " .
"'$file2'. This might mean that the wrong code is being used.", E_USER_WARNING);
self::$classArray[$className] = $interface;
* Returns a {@link TokenisedRegularExpression} object that will parse class definitions
* @return TokenisedRegularExpression
public static function getClassDefParser() {
return new TokenisedRegularExpression(array(
0 => T_CLASS,
2 => array(T_STRING, 'can_jump_to' => array(7, 14), 'save_to' => 'className'),
6 => array(T_STRING, 'save_to' => 'extends', 'can_jump_to' => 14),
10 => array(T_STRING, 'can_jump_to' => 14, 'save_to' => 'interfaces[]'),
11 => array(T_WHITESPACE, 'optional' => true),
12 => array(',', 'can_jump_to' => 10),
13 => array(T_WHITESPACE, 'can_jump_to' => 10),
14 => array(T_WHITESPACE, 'optional' => true),
15 => '{',
* Returns a {@link TokenisedRegularExpression} object that will parse class definitions
* @return TokenisedRegularExpression
public static function getInterfaceDefParser() {
return new TokenisedRegularExpression(array(
2 => array(T_STRING, 'can_jump_to' => 7, 'save_to' => 'interfaceName'),
6 => array(T_STRING, 'save_to' => 'extends'),
7 => array(T_WHITESPACE, 'optional' => true),
8 => '{',
* Moves through self::$classArray and creates an array containing parent data
* @return array
private static function find_parents() {
$parentArray = array();
foreach(self::$classArray as $class => $info) {
$extendArray = array();
$parent = $info["extends"];
while($parent) {
$extendArray[$parent] = $parent;
$parent = isset(self::$classArray[$parent]["extends"]) ? self::$classArray[$parent]["extends"] : null;
$parentArray[$class] = array_reverse($extendArray);
return $parentArray;
* Iterates through self::$classArray and returns an array with any descendant data
* @return array
private static function find_children() {
$childrenArray = array();
foreach(self::$extendsArray as $class => $children) {
$allChildren = $children;
foreach($children as $childName) {
$allChildren = array_merge($allChildren, self::up_children($childName));
$childrenArray[$class] = $allChildren;
return $childrenArray;
* Helper function to find all children of give class
* @param string $class
* @return array
private static function get_children($class) {
return isset(self::$extendsArray[$class]) ? self::$extendsArray[$class] : array();
* Returns if the Manifest has been included
* @return Boolean
static function has_been_included() {
return (bool)!(empty($_CLASS_MANIFEST) && empty($_TEMPLATE_MANIFEST) && empty($_CSS_MANIFEST) && empty($_ALL_CLASSES));
* Returns a flat array with all children of a given class
* @param string $class
* @param array $results
static function up_children($class) {
$children = self::get_Children($class);
$results = $children;
foreach($children as $className) {
$results = array_merge($results, self::up_children($className));
return $results;;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
* A class that handles loading classes and interfaces from a class manifest
* instance.
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage manifest
class SS_ClassLoader {
* @var SS_ClassLoader
private static $instance;
* @var SS_ClassManifest[]
protected $manifests = array();
* @return SS_ClassLoader
public static function instance() {
return self::$instance ? self::$instance : self::$instance = new self();
* Returns the currently active class manifest instance that is used for
* loading classes.
* @return SS_ClassManifest
public function getManifest() {
return $this->manifests[count($this->manifests) - 1];
* Pushes a class manifest instance onto the top of the stack. This will
* also include any module configuration files at the same time.
* @param SS_ClassManifest $manifest
public function pushManifest(SS_ClassManifest $manifest) {
$this->manifests[] = $manifest;
foreach ($manifest->getConfigs() as $config) {
require_once $config;
* @return SS_ClassManifest
public function popManifest() {
return array_pop($this->manifests);
public function registerAutoloader() {
spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'loadClass'));
* Loads a class or interface if it is present in the currently active
* manifest.
* @param string $class
public function loadClass($class) {
if ($path = $this->getManifest()->getItemPath($class)) {
require_once $path;
* Returns true if a class or interface name exists in the manifest.
* @param string $class
* @return bool
public function classExists($class) {
return class_exists($class, false) || $this->getManifest()->getItemPath($class);
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
$filesystemFixture = array(
'rahbeast/_config.php' => <<<PHP
global \$project;
\$project = 'rahbeast';
'sapphire/MyClass.php' => <<<PHP
interface MyInterface {
interface OtherInterface {
class BaseClass {
/* This is a comment before */
class MyClass extends Object {
/* This is a comment between */
class MyClass_Other extends DataObject implements MyInterface {
class MyClass_Final extends DataObject implements MyInterface, OtherInterface {
Here we have a class in a comment:
class MyClass_InComment extends DataObject {
This class definition isn't named correctly:
class UnrelatedCLass extends DataObject {
// This is another class definition: class MyClass_InSlashSlashComment extends DataObject {
// Here's a class definition in a string:
\$string = <<<MYCODE
class MyClass_InHeredocString extends DataObject {
// Other definitions inside strings:
\$string2 = 'class MyClass_InSingleQuoteString extends DataObject {
\$string3 = "class MyClass_InDoubleQuoteString extends DataObject {
I've included \"an escaped quote\" in this to ensure that it can handle that.
/* let's define a class between two strings to confirm that it gets discovered */
class MyClass_ClassBetweenTwoStrings extends DataObject {
\$string4 = "class MyClass_InDoubleQuoteString extends DataObject {
I've included \"an escaped quote\" in this to ensure that it can handle that.
'sapphire/subdir/SubDirClass.php' => <<<PHP
class SubDirClass extends BaseClass implements MyInterace, OtherInterface {
'otherdir/OtherFile.php' => <<<PHP
class OtherFile extends BaseClass {
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage tests
class ManifestBuilderTest extends SapphireTest {
function testManifest() {
$baseFolder = TEMP_FOLDER . '/manifest-test-asdfasdfasdf';
$manifestInfo = ManifestBuilder::get_manifest_info($baseFolder);
global $project;
$this->assertEquals("$baseFolder/sapphire/MyClass.php", $manifestInfo['globals']['_CLASS_MANIFEST']['myclass']);
$this->assertEquals("$baseFolder/sapphire/subdir/SubDirClass.php", $manifestInfo['globals']['_CLASS_MANIFEST']['subdirclass']);
$this->assertNotContains('OtherFile', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_CLASS_MANIFEST']));
$this->assertContains('MyClass', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_ALL_CLASSES']['exists']));
$this->assertContains('MyClass_Other', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_ALL_CLASSES']['exists']));
$this->assertContains('MyClass_Final', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_ALL_CLASSES']['exists']));
$this->assertContains('MyClass_ClassBetweenTwoStrings', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_ALL_CLASSES']['exists']));
// Check aspects of PHP file
$manifest = ManifestBuilder::generate_php_file($manifestInfo);
// Debug::message($manifest);
$this->assertEquals(1, preg_match('/^<\?php/', $manifest), "Starts with <?php");
$this->assertEquals(1, preg_match('/\$_CLASS_MANIFEST\s*=\s*array/m', $manifest), "\$_CLASS_MANIFEST exists");
$this->assertEquals(1, preg_match('/\$_TEMPLATE_MANIFEST\s*=\s*array/m', $manifest), "\$_TEMPLATE_MANIFEST exists");
$this->assertEquals(1, preg_match('/\$_CSS_MANIFEST\s*=\s*array/m', $manifest), "\$_CSS_MANIFEST exists");
$this->assertEquals(1, preg_match('/\$_ALL_CLASSES\s*=\s*array/m', $manifest), "\$_ALL_CLASSES exists");
$this->assertEquals(1, preg_match('/require_once\("[^"]+rahbeast\/_config.php"\);/i', $manifest), "rahbeast/_config.php included");
$this->assertEquals(1, preg_match('/require_once\("[^"]+sapphire\/_config.php"\);/i', $manifest), "sapphire/_config.php included");
function testManifestIgnoresClassesInComments() {
$baseFolder = TEMP_FOLDER . '/manifest-test-asdfasdfasdf';
global $project;
$manifestInfo = ManifestBuilder::get_manifest_info($baseFolder);
/* Our fixture defines the class MyClass_InComment inside a comment, so it shouldn't be included in the class manifest. */
$this->assertNotContains('myclass_incomment', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_CLASS_MANIFEST']));
$this->assertNotContains('MyClass_InComment', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_ALL_CLASSES']['exists']));
$this->assertNotContains('MyClass_InComment', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_ALL_CLASSES']['parents']));
/* Our fixture defines the class MyClass_InSlashSlashComment inside a //-style comment, so it shouldn't be included in the class manifest. */
$this->assertNotContains('myclass_inslashslashcomment', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_CLASS_MANIFEST']));
$this->assertNotContains('MyClass_InSlashSlashComment', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_ALL_CLASSES']['exists']));
$this->assertNotContains('MyClass_InSlashSlashComment', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_ALL_CLASSES']['parents']));
function testManifestIgnoresClassesInStrings() {
$baseFolder = TEMP_FOLDER . '/manifest-test-asdfasdfasdf';
$manifestInfo = ManifestBuilder::get_manifest_info($baseFolder);
/* If a class defintion is listed in a single quote string, then it shouldn't be inlcuded. Here we have put a class definition for MyClass_InSingleQuoteString inside a single-quoted string */
$this->assertNotContains('myclass_insinglequotestring', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_CLASS_MANIFEST']));
$this->assertNotContains('MyClass_InSingleQuoteString', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_ALL_CLASSES']['exists']));
$this->assertNotContains('MyClass_InSingleQuoteString', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_ALL_CLASSES']['parents']));
/* Ditto for double quotes. Here we have put a class definition for MyClass_InDoubleQuoteString inside a double-quoted string. */
$this->assertNotContains('myclass_indoublequotestring', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_CLASS_MANIFEST']));
$this->assertNotContains('MyClass_InDoubleQuoteString', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_ALL_CLASSES']['exists']));
$this->assertNotContains('MyClass_InDoubleQuoteString', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_ALL_CLASSES']['parents']));
/* Finally, we need to ensure that class definitions inside heredoc strings aren't included. Here, we have defined the class MyClass_InHeredocString inside a heredoc string. */
$this->assertNotContains('myclass_inheredocstring', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_CLASS_MANIFEST']));
$this->assertNotContains('MyClass_InHeredocString', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_ALL_CLASSES']['exists']));
$this->assertNotContains('MyClass_InHeredocString', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_ALL_CLASSES']['parents']));
function testClassNamesDontHaveToBeTheSameAsFileNames() {
$baseFolder = TEMP_FOLDER . '/manifest-test-asdfasdfasdf';
$manifestInfo = ManifestBuilder::get_manifest_info($baseFolder);
$this->assertContains('BaseClass', array_keys($manifestInfo['globals']['_ALL_CLASSES']['exists']));
protected $originalClassManifest, $originalProject, $originalAllClasses;
protected static $test_fixture_project;
function setUp() {
// Trick the auto-loder into loading this class before we muck with the manifest
new TokenisedRegularExpression(null);
// Build the fixture specified above
$baseFolder = TEMP_FOLDER . '/manifest-test-asdfasdfasdf/';
if(file_exists($baseFolder)) Filesystem::removeFolder($baseFolder);
foreach($filesystemFixture as $i => $item) {
if(is_numeric($i)) {
$itemContent = null;
} else {
$itemContent = $item;
$item = $i;
// Directory
if(substr($item,-1) == '/') {
mkdir($baseFolder . $item);
} else {
touch($baseFolder . $item);
if($itemContent) {
$fh = fopen($baseFolder . $item, 'wb');
fwrite($fh, $itemContent);
global $_CLASS_MANIFEST, $_ALL_CLASSES, $project;
$this->originalAllClasses = $_ALL_CLASSES;
$this->originalClassManifest = $_CLASS_MANIFEST;
$this->originalProject = $project;
// Because it's difficult to run multiple tests on a piece of code that uses require_once, we keep a copy of the
// $project value.
if(self::$test_fixture_project) $project = self::$test_fixture_project;
global $project;
function tearDown() {
global $_CLASS_MANIFEST, $_ALL_CLASSES, $project;
if(!self::$test_fixture_project) self::$test_fixture_project = $project;
$project = $this->originalProject;
$_CLASS_MANIFEST = $this->originalClassManifest;
$_ALL_CLASSES = $this->originalAllClasses;
// Kill the folder after we're done
$baseFolder = TEMP_FOLDER . '/manifest-test-asdfasdfasdf/';
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