Merge pull request #1289 from chillu/pulls/tree-node-limit

FIX Respect tree node limits, fix search result node display
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Short 2013-03-19 00:45:06 -07:00
commit 15d325633a
3 changed files with 288 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ class LeftAndMain extends Controller implements PermissionProvider {
* @return String Nested unordered list with links to each page
public function getSiteTreeFor($className, $rootID = null, $childrenMethod = null, $numChildrenMethod = null,
$filterFunction = null, $minNodeCount = 30) {
$filterFunction = null, $nodeCountThreshold = 30) {
// Filter criteria
$params = $this->request->getVar('q');
@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ class LeftAndMain extends Controller implements PermissionProvider {
// Mark the nodes of the tree to return
if ($filterFunction) $obj->setMarkingFilterFunction($filterFunction);
$obj->markPartialTree($minNodeCount, $this, $childrenMethod, $numChildrenMethod);
$obj->markPartialTree($nodeCountThreshold, $this, $childrenMethod, $numChildrenMethod);
// Ensure current page is exposed
if($p = $this->currentPage()) $obj->markToExpose($p);
@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ class LeftAndMain extends Controller implements PermissionProvider {
// Wrap the root if needs be.

View File

@ -74,12 +74,17 @@ class Hierarchy extends DataExtension {
* @param string $childrenMethod The name of the method used to get children from each object
* @param boolean $rootCall Set to true for this first call, and then to false for calls inside the recursion. You
* should not change this.
* @param int $minNodeCount
* @param int $nodeCountThreshold The lower bounds for the amount of nodes to mark. If set, the logic will expand
* nodes until it eaches at least this number, and then stops. Root nodes will always
* show regardless of this settting. Further nodes can be lazy-loaded via ajax.
* This isn't a hard limit. Example: On a value of 10, with 20 root nodes, each having
* 30 children, the actual node count will be 50 (all root nodes plus first expanded child).
* @return string
public function getChildrenAsUL($attributes = "", $titleEval = '"<li>" . $child->Title', $extraArg = null,
$limitToMarked = false, $childrenMethod = "AllChildrenIncludingDeleted",
$numChildrenMethod = "numChildren", $rootCall = true, $minNodeCount = 30) {
$numChildrenMethod = "numChildren", $rootCall = true, $nodeCountThreshold = 30) {
if($limitToMarked && $rootCall) {
@ -103,9 +108,25 @@ class Hierarchy extends DataExtension {
if(!$limitToMarked || $child->isMarked()) {
$foundAChild = true;
$output .= (is_callable($titleEval)) ? $titleEval($child) : eval("return $titleEval;");
$output .= "\n" .
$child->getChildrenAsUL("", $titleEval, $extraArg, $limitToMarked, $childrenMethod,
$numChildrenMethod, false, $minNodeCount) . "</li>\n";
$output .= "\n";
$numChildren = $child->$numChildrenMethod();
// Always traverse into opened nodes (they might be exposed as parents of search results)
// Only traverse into children if we haven't reached the maximum node count already.
// Otherwise, the remaining nodes are lazy loaded via ajax.
&& $child->isMarked()
) {
$output .= $child->getChildrenAsUL("", $titleEval, $extraArg, $limitToMarked, $childrenMethod,
$numChildrenMethod, false, $nodeCountThreshold);
elseif($child->isTreeOpened()) {
// Since we're not loading children, don't mark it as open either
$output .= "</li>\n";
@ -125,21 +146,23 @@ class Hierarchy extends DataExtension {
* This method returns the number of nodes marked. After this method is called other methods
* can check isExpanded() and isMarked() on individual nodes.
* @param int $minNodeCount The minimum amount of nodes to mark.
* @param int $nodeCountThreshold See {@link getChildrenAsUL()}
* @return int The actual number of nodes marked.
public function markPartialTree($minNodeCount = 30, $context = null,
public function markPartialTree($nodeCountThreshold = 30, $context = null,
$childrenMethod = "AllChildrenIncludingDeleted", $numChildrenMethod = "numChildren") {
if(!is_numeric($minNodeCount)) $minNodeCount = 30;
if(!is_numeric($nodeCountThreshold)) $nodeCountThreshold = 30;
$this->markedNodes = array($this->owner->ID => $this->owner);
// foreach can't handle an ever-growing $nodes list
while(list($id, $node) = each($this->markedNodes)) {
$this->markChildren($node, $context, $childrenMethod, $numChildrenMethod);
if($minNodeCount && sizeof($this->markedNodes) >= $minNodeCount) {
$children = $this->markChildren($node, $context, $childrenMethod, $numChildrenMethod);
if($nodeCountThreshold && sizeof($this->markedNodes) > $nodeCountThreshold) {
// Undo marking children as opened since they're lazy loaded
if($children) foreach($children as $child) $child->markClosed();
@ -200,6 +223,7 @@ class Hierarchy extends DataExtension {
* Mark all children of the given node that match the marking filter.
* @param DataObject $node Parent node.
* @return DataList
public function markChildren($node, $context = null, $childrenMethod = "AllChildrenIncludingDeleted",
$numChildrenMethod = "numChildren") {
@ -213,7 +237,13 @@ class Hierarchy extends DataExtension {
if($children) {
foreach($children as $child) {
if(!$this->markingFilter || $this->markingFilterMatches($child)) {
$markingMatches = $this->markingFilterMatches($child);
// Filtered results should always show opened, since actual matches
// might be hidden by non-matching parent nodes.
if($this->markingFilter && $markingMatches) {
if(!$this->markingFilter || $markingMatches) {
if($child->$numChildrenMethod()) {
} else {
@ -223,6 +253,8 @@ class Hierarchy extends DataExtension {
return $children;
@ -350,6 +382,15 @@ class Hierarchy extends DataExtension {
self::$marked[ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class)][$this->owner->ID] = true;
self::$treeOpened[ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class)][$this->owner->ID] = true;
* Mark this DataObject's tree as closed.
public function markClosed() {
if(isset(self::$treeOpened[ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class)][$this->owner->ID])) {
* Check if this DataObject is marked.

View File

@ -180,6 +180,238 @@ class HierarchyTest extends SapphireTest {
$this->assertEquals('Obj 2 &raquo; Obj 2a &raquo; Obj 2aa', $obj2aa->getBreadcrumbs());
public function testGetChildrenAsUL() {
$obj1 = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj1');
$obj2 = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj2');
$obj2a = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj2a');
$obj2aa = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj2aa');
$nodeCountThreshold = 30;
$root = new HierarchyTest_Object();
$html = $root->getChildrenAsUL(
'"<li id=\"" . $child->ID . "\">" . $child->Title',
true, // rootCall
$parser = new CSSContentParser($html);
$node2 = $parser->getByXpath(
'//ul/li[@id="' . $obj2->ID . '"]'
'Contains root elements'
$node2a = $parser->getByXpath(
'//ul/li[@id="' . $obj2->ID . '"]' .
'/ul/li[@id="' . $obj2a->ID . '"]'
'Contains child elements (in correct nesting)'
$node2aa = $parser->getByXpath(
'//ul/li[@id="' . $obj2->ID . '"]' .
'/ul/li[@id="' . $obj2a->ID . '"]' .
'/ul/li[@id="' . $obj2aa->ID . '"]'
'Contains grandchild elements (in correct nesting)'
public function testGetChildrenAsULMinNodeCount() {
$obj1 = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj1');
$obj2 = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj2');
$obj2a = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj2a');
// Set low enough that it should be fulfilled by root only elements
$nodeCountThreshold = 3;
$root = new HierarchyTest_Object();
$html = $root->getChildrenAsUL(
'"<li id=\"" . $child->ID . "\">" . $child->Title',
$parser = new CSSContentParser($html);
$node1 = $parser->getByXpath(
'//ul/li[@id="' . $obj1->ID . '"]'
'Contains root elements'
$node2 = $parser->getByXpath(
'//ul/li[@id="' . $obj2->ID . '"]'
'Contains root elements'
$node2a = $parser->getByXpath(
'//ul/li[@id="' . $obj2->ID . '"]' .
'/ul/li[@id="' . $obj2a->ID . '"]'
'Does not contains child elements because they exceed minNodeCount'
public function testGetChildrenAsULMinNodeCountWithMarkToExpose() {
$obj2 = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj2');
$obj2a = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj2a');
$obj2aa = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj2aa');
// Set low enough that it should be fulfilled by root only elements
$nodeCountThreshold = 3;
$root = new HierarchyTest_Object();
// Mark certain node which should be included regardless of minNodeCount restrictions
$html = $root->getChildrenAsUL(
'"<li id=\"" . $child->ID . "\">" . $child->Title',
$parser = new CSSContentParser($html);
$node2 = $parser->getByXpath(
'//ul/li[@id="' . $obj2->ID . '"]'
'Contains root elements'
$node2aa = $parser->getByXpath(
'//ul/li[@id="' . $obj2->ID . '"]' .
'/ul/li[@id="' . $obj2a->ID . '"]' .
'/ul/li[@id="' . $obj2aa->ID . '"]'
public function testGetChildrenAsULMinNodeCountWithFilters() {
$obj1 = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj1');
$obj2 = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj2');
$obj2a = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj2a');
$obj2aa = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj2aa');
// Set low enough that it should fit all search matches without lazy loading
$nodeCountThreshold = 3;
$root = new HierarchyTest_Object();
// Includes nodes by filter regardless of minNodeCount restrictions
$root->setMarkingFilterFunction(function($record) use($obj2, $obj2a, $obj2aa) {
// Results need to include parent hierarchy, even if we just want to
// match the innermost node.
// var_dump($record->Title);
// var_dump(in_array($record->ID, array($obj2->ID, $obj2a->ID, $obj2aa->ID)));
return in_array($record->ID, array($obj2->ID, $obj2a->ID, $obj2aa->ID));
$html = $root->getChildrenAsUL(
'"<li id=\"" . $child->ID . "\">" . $child->Title',
true, // limit to marked
$parser = new CSSContentParser($html);
$node1 = $parser->getByXpath(
'//ul/li[@id="' . $obj1->ID . '"]'
'Does not contain root elements which dont match the filter'
$node2aa = $parser->getByXpath(
'//ul/li[@id="' . $obj2->ID . '"]' .
'/ul/li[@id="' . $obj2a->ID . '"]' .
'/ul/li[@id="' . $obj2aa->ID . '"]'
'Contains non-root elements which match the filter'
public function testGetChildrenAsULHardLimitsNodes() {
$obj1 = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj1');
$obj2 = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj2');
$obj2a = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj2a');
$obj2aa = $this->objFromFixture('HierarchyTest_Object', 'obj2aa');
// Set low enough that it should fit all search matches without lazy loading
$nodeCountThreshold = 3;
$root = new HierarchyTest_Object();
// Includes nodes by filter regardless of minNodeCount restrictions
$root->setMarkingFilterFunction(function($record) use($obj2, $obj2a, $obj2aa) {
// Results need to include parent hierarchy, even if we just want to
// match the innermost node.
// var_dump($record->Title);
// var_dump(in_array($record->ID, array($obj2->ID, $obj2a->ID, $obj2aa->ID)));
return in_array($record->ID, array($obj2->ID, $obj2a->ID, $obj2aa->ID));
$html = $root->getChildrenAsUL(
'"<li id=\"" . $child->ID . "\">" . $child->Title',
true, // limit to marked
$parser = new CSSContentParser($html);
$node1 = $parser->getByXpath(
'//ul/li[@id="' . $obj1->ID . '"]'
'Does not contain root elements which dont match the filter'
$node2aa = $parser->getByXpath(
'//ul/li[@id="' . $obj2->ID . '"]' .
'/ul/li[@id="' . $obj2a->ID . '"]' .
'/ul/li[@id="' . $obj2aa->ID . '"]'
'Contains non-root elements which match the filter'
class HierarchyTest_Object extends DataObject implements TestOnly {
@ -191,4 +423,4 @@ class HierarchyTest_Object extends DataObject implements TestOnly {
"Versioned('Stage', 'Live')",