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synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
bfojcapell: Renaming of functions and new function prototype of the translator function
(merged from branches/gsoc) git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/sapphire/trunk@41835 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,5 +56,5 @@ Authenticator::registerAuthenticator('OpenIDAuthenticator');
* Define a default language different than english
@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ function stripslashes_recursively(&$array) {
* This is the main translator function. Returns the string defined by $class and $entity according to the currently set locale
* @param string $class Class where the entity was defined. It acts as a namespace.
* @param string $entity Entity that identifies the string inside the namespace.
* @param string $entity Entity that identifies the string. It must be in the form "Namespace.Entity" where Namespace will be usually
* the class name where this string is used and Entity identifies the string inside the namespace.
* @param string $string The original string itself. In a usual call this is a mandatory parameter, but if you are reusing a string which
* has already been "declared" (using another call to this function, with the same class and entity), you can omit it.
* @param string $priority Optional parameter to set a translation priority. If a string is widely used, should have a high priority (PR_HIGH),
@ -95,19 +95,16 @@ function stripslashes_recursively(&$array) {
* You can use PR_MEDIUM as well. Leaving this field blank will be interpretated as a "normal" priority (less than PR_MEDIUM).
* @param string $context If the string can be difficult to translate by any reason, you can help translators with some more info using this param
* @return string The translated string, according to the currently set locale {@link i18n::setLocale()}
* @return string The translated string, according to the currently set locale {@link i18n::set_locale()}
function _($class, $entity, $string = "", $priority = 40, $context = "") {
function _t($entity, $string = "", $priority = 40, $context = "") {
global $lang;
$locale = i18n::getLocale();
$class = ereg_replace('.*([/\\]+)', "", $class);
if(substr($class, -4) == '.php')
$class = substr($class, 0, -4);
if(isset($lang[$locale][$class]) == false)
$transEntity = $lang[i18n::getLocale()][$class][$entity];
$locale = i18n::get_locale();
$entityParts = explode('.',$entity);
$realEntity = array_pop($entityParts);
$class = implode('.',$entityParts);
if(!isset($lang[$locale][$class])) i18n::include_by_class($class);
$transEntity = $lang[i18n::get_locale()][$class][$realEntity];
return (is_array($transEntity) ? $transEntity[0] : $transEntity);
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ class SSViewer extends Object {
if(isset($_GET['debug_profile'])) Profiler::mark("SSViewer::process - compile", " for $template");
$content = file_get_contents($template);
$content = SSViewer::parseTemplateContent($content, $template);
$content = SSViewer::parseTemplateContent($content);
$fh = fopen($cacheFile,'w');
fwrite($fh, $content);
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class SSViewer extends Object {
return $output;
static function parseTemplateContent($content, $template="") {
static function parseTemplateContent($content) {
while(true) {
$oldContent = $content;
$content = preg_replace_callback('/<' . '% include +([A-Za-z0-9_]+) +%' . '>/', create_function(
@ -282,8 +282,7 @@ class SSViewer extends Object {
$content = ereg_replace('<' . '% +end_if +%' . '>', '<? } ?>', $content);
// i18n
$content = ereg_replace('<' . '% +_\(([^)]*)\) +%' . '>', '<?= _(\''.$path[1].'\',\\1) ?>', $content);
$content = ereg_replace('<' . '% +_t\((([^)]|\)[^;])*)\); +%' . '>', '<?= _t(\\1) ?>', $content);
// </base> isnt valid html? !?
$content = ereg_replace('<' . '% +base_tag +%' . '>', '<base href="<?= Director::absoluteBaseURL(); ?>" />', $content);
@ -1,230 +1,241 @@
* Silverstripe i18n API
* @author Bernat Foj Capell <bernat@silverstripe.com>
* Priorities definition. These constants are used in calls to _() as an optional argument
class i18n extends Controller {
* This static variable is used to store the current defined locale. Default value is 'en'
static $currentlocale = 'en';
* This is the main method to build the master string tables with the original strings.
* It will search for existent modules that use the i18n feature, parse the _() calls
* and write the resultant files in the lang folder of each module.
static function textCollector() {
if (!Permission::check("ADMIN")) die("You must be an admin to enable text collector mode");
echo "Collecting text...<br /><br />";
//Calculate base directory
$baseDir = Director::baseFolder();
//Search for and process existent modules, or use the passed one instead
if (!isset($_GET['module'])) {
$topLevel = scandir($baseDir);
foreach($topLevel as $module) {
i18n::processModule($baseDir, $module);
} else {
i18n::processModule($baseDir, $_GET['module']);
echo "Done!";
* Searches for all the files in a given module
* @param string $baseDir Silverstripe's base directory
* @param string $module Module's name
private static function processModule($baseDir, $module) {
if(is_dir("$baseDir/$module") && !in_array($module, array('sapphire','jsparty','assets')) && substr($module,0,1) != '.') {
i18n::getFilesRec("$baseDir/$module/code", $fileList);
foreach($fileList as $index => $file) {
$mst .= i18n::reportCallsCode($index, $file);
$fileList = NULL;
i18n::getFilesRec("$baseDir/$module/templates", $fileList);
foreach($fileList as $index => $file) {
$mst .= i18n::reportCallsTpl($index, $file);
if ($mst) {
// Create folder for lang files
$langFolder = $baseDir . '/' . $module . '/lang';
if(!file_exists($baseDir. '/' . $module . '/lang')) {
// Open the English file and write the Master String Table
if($fh = fopen($langFolder . '/en.php', "w")) {
fwrite($fh, "<?php\n\nglobal \$lang;\n\n" . $mst . "\n?>");
echo "Created file: $langFolder/en.php<br />";
} else {
die("Cannot write language file! Please check permissions of $langFolder/en.php");
* Helper function that searches for potential files to be parsed
* @param string $folder base directory to scan (will scan recursively)
* @param array $fileList Array where potential files will be added to
private static function getFilesRec($folder, &$fileList) {
$items = scandir($folder);
if($items) foreach($items as $item) {
if(substr($item,0,1) == '.') continue;
if(substr($item,-4) == '.php') $fileList[substr($item,0,-4)] = "$folder/$item";
else if(substr($item,-3) == '.ss') $fileList[$item] = "$folder/$item";
else if(is_dir("$folder/$item")) i18n::getFilesRec("$folder/$item", $fileList);
* Look for calls to the underscore function in php files and build our MST
* @param string $index Classname used to namespace strings
* @param string $file Path to the file to be parsed
* @return string Built Master String Table from this file
private static function reportCallsCode($index, $file) {
static $callMap;
$content = file_get_contents($file);
while (ereg('_\(([^$][^,"\']*|"[^,]*"|\'[^,]*\')(,[^$][^,]*)(,[^$][^,)]*)(,[^,)]*)?(,[^)]*)?\)',$content,$regs)) {
$class = ($regs[1] == '__FILE__' ? $index : $regs[1]);
$entity = substr($regs[2],2,-1);
if ($callMap[$class.'--'.$entity]) echo "Warning! Redeclaring entity $entity in file $file<br>";
$mst .= '$lang[\'en\'][\'' . $class . '\'][\'' . substr($regs[2],2,-1) . '\'] = ';
if ($regs[4]) {
$mst .= "array(\n\t'" . substr($regs[3],2,-1) . "',\n\t" . substr($regs[4],1);
if ($regs[5]) $mst .= ",\n\t'" . substr($regs[5],2,-1) . '\'';
$mst .= "\n);";
} else $mst .= '\'' . substr($regs[3],2,-1) . '\';';
$mst .= "\n";
$content = str_replace($regs[0],"",$content);
$callMap[$class.'--'.$entity] = $regs[3];
return $mst;
* Look for calls to the underscore function in template files and build our MST
* Template version - no "class" argument
* @param string $index Index used to namespace strings
* @param string $file Path to the file to be parsed
* @return string Built Master String Table from this file
private static function reportCallsTpl($index, $file) {
static $callMap;
$content = file_get_contents($file);
while (ereg('_\(([^$][^,"\']*|"[^,]*"|\'[^,]*\')(,[^$][^,)]*)(,[^,)]*)?(,[^)]*)?\)',$content,$regs)) {
$entity = substr($regs[1],2,-1);
if ($callMap[$index.'--'.$entity]) echo "Warning! Redeclaring entity $entity in file $file<br>";
$mst .= '$lang[\'en\'][\'' . $index . '\'][\'' . substr($regs[1],1,-1) . '\'] = ';
if ($regs[3]) {
$mst .= "array(\n\t'" . substr($regs[2],2,-1) . "',\n\t" . substr($regs[3],1);
if ($regs[4]) $mst .= ",\n\t'" . substr($regs[4],2,-1) . '\'';
$mst .= "\n);";
} else $mst .= '\'' . substr($regs[2],2,-1) . '\';';
$mst .= "\n";
$content = str_replace($regs[0],"",$content);
$callMap[$index.'--'.$entity] = $regs[3];
return $mst;
* Set the current locale
* See http://unicode.org/cldr/data/diff/supplemental/languages_and_territories.html for a list of possible locales
* @param string $locale Locale to be set
static function setLocale($locale) {
if ($locale) i18n::$currentlocale = $locale;
* Get the current locale
* @return string Current locale in the system
static function getLocale() {
return i18n::$currentlocale;
* Includes all available language files for a certain defined locale
* @param string $locale All resources from any module in locale $locale will be loaded
static function includeByLocale($locale) {
if (file_exists($file = Director::getAbsFile("cms/lang/$locale.php"))) include_once($file);
$topLevel = array_diff(scandir(Director::baseFolder()),array('cms'));
foreach($topLevel as $module) {
if (file_exists($file = Director::getAbsFile("$module/lang/$locale.php"))) {
* Given a class name (a "locale namespace"), will search for its module and, if available,
* will load the resources for the currently defined locale.
* If not available, the original English resource will be loaded instead (to avoid blanks)
* @param string $class Resources for this class will be included, according to the set locale.
static function includeByClass($class) {
if (substr($class,-3) == '.ss') {
$path = current($_TEMPLATE_MANIFEST[substr($class,0,-3)]);
else {
$path = $_CLASS_MANIFEST[$class];
if (file_exists($file = Director::getAbsFile("{$module[1]}/lang/". i18n::getLocale() . '.php'))) {
} else if (i18n::getLocale() != 'en') {
} else {
user_error("Locale file $file should exist", E_USER_WARNING);
* Silverstripe i18n API
* @author Bernat Foj Capell <bernat@silverstripe.com>
* Priorities definition. These constants are used in calls to _() as an optional argument
class i18n extends Controller {
* This static variable is used to store the current defined locale. Default value is 'en_US'
static $currentlocale = 'en_US';
* This is the main method to build the master string tables with the original strings.
* It will search for existent modules that use the i18n feature, parse the _() calls
* and write the resultant files in the lang folder of each module.
static function text_collector() {
if (!Permission::check("ADMIN")) die("You must be an admin to enable text collector mode");
echo "Collecting text...<br /><br />";
//Calculate base directory
$baseDir = Director::baseFolder();
//Search for and process existent modules, or use the passed one instead
if (!isset($_GET['module'])) {
$topLevel = scandir($baseDir);
foreach($topLevel as $module) {
i18n::process_module($baseDir, $module);
} else {
i18n::process_module($baseDir, $_GET['module']);
echo "Done!";
* Searches for all the files in a given module
* @param string $baseDir Silverstripe's base directory
* @param string $module Module's name
private static function process_module($baseDir, $module) {
if(is_dir("$baseDir/$module") && !in_array($module, array('sapphire','jsparty','assets')) && substr($module,0,1) != '.') {
i18n::get_files_rec("$baseDir/$module/code", $fileList);
$mst = '';
foreach($fileList as $file) {
$mst .= i18n::report_calls_code($file);
$fileList = NULL;
i18n::get_files_rec("$baseDir/$module/templates", $fileList);
foreach($fileList as $index => $file) {
$mst .= i18n::report_calls_tpl($index, $file);
if ($mst) {
// Create folder for lang files
$langFolder = $baseDir . '/' . $module . '/lang';
if(!file_exists($baseDir. '/' . $module . '/lang')) {
// Open the English file and write the Master String Table
if($fh = fopen($langFolder . '/en_US.php', "w")) {
fwrite($fh, "<?php\n\nglobal \$lang;\n\n" . $mst . "\n?>");
echo "Created file: $langFolder/en_US.php<br />";
} else {
die("Cannot write language file! Please check permissions of $langFolder/en_US.php");
* Helper function that searches for potential files to be parsed
* @param string $folder base directory to scan (will scan recursively)
* @param array $fileList Array where potential files will be added to
private static function get_files_rec($folder, &$fileList) {
$items = scandir($folder);
if($items) foreach($items as $item) {
if(substr($item,0,1) == '.') continue;
if(substr($item,-4) == '.php') $fileList[substr($item,0,-4)] = "$folder/$item";
else if(substr($item,-3) == '.ss') $fileList[$item] = "$folder/$item";
else if(is_dir("$folder/$item")) i18n::get_files_rec("$folder/$item", $fileList);
* Look for calls to the underscore function in php files and build our MST
* @param string $file Path to the file to be parsed
* @return string Built Master String Table from this file
private static function report_calls_code($file) {
static $callMap;
$content = file_get_contents($file);
$mst = '';
while (ereg('_t[[:space:]]*\([[:space:]]*("[^,]*"|\\\'[^,]*\\\')[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*("([^"]|\\\")*"|\'([^\']|\\\\\')*\')([[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*[^,)]*)?([[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*("([^"]|\\\")*"|\'([^\']|\\\\\')*\'))?[[:space:]]*\)', $content, $regs)) {
$entityParts = explode('.',substr($regs[1],1,-1));
$entity = array_pop($entityParts);
$class = implode('.',$entityParts);
if (isset($callMap[$class.'--'.$entity])) echo "Warning! Redeclaring entity $entity in file $file<br>";
$mst .= '$lang[\'en_US\'][\'' . $class . '\'][\'' . $entity . '\'] = ';
if ($regs[5]) {
$mst .= "array(\n\t'" . substr($regs[2],1,-1) . "',\n\t" . substr($regs[5],1);
if ($regs[6]) {
if (substr($regs[6],1,1) == '"') $regs[6] = addcslashes($regs[6],'\'');
$mst .= ",\n\t'" . substr($regs[6],2,-1) . '\'';
$mst .= "\n);";
} else $mst .= '\'' . substr($regs[2],1,-1) . '\';';
$mst .= "\n";
$content = str_replace($regs[0],"",$content);
$callMap[$class.'--'.$entity] = $regs[2];
return $mst;
* Look for calls to the underscore function in template files and build our MST
* Template version - no "class" argument
* @param string $index Index used to namespace strings
* @param string $file Path to the file to be parsed
* @return string Built Master String Table from this file
private static function report_calls_tpl($index, $file) {
static $callMap;
$content = file_get_contents($file);
$mst = '';
while (ereg('_t[[:space:]]*\([[:space:]]*("[^,]*"|\\\'[^,]*\\\')[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*("([^"]|\\\")*"|\'([^\']|\\\\\')*\')([[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*[^,)]*)?([[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*("([^"]|\\\")*"|\'([^\']|\\\\\')*\'))?[[:space:]]*\)',$content,$regs)) {
$entityParts = explode('.',substr($regs[1],1,-1));
$entity = array_pop($entityParts);
// Entity redeclaration check
if (isset($callMap[$index.'--'.$entity])) echo "Warning! Redeclaring entity $entity in file $file<br>";
if (substr($regs[2],0,1) == '"') $regs[2] = addcslashes($regs[2],'\'');
$mst .= '$lang[\'en_US\'][\'' . $index . '\'][\'' . $entity . '\'] = ';
if ($regs[5]) {
$mst .= "array(\n\t'" . substr($regs[2],1,-1) . "',\n\t" . substr($regs[5],1);
if ($regs[6]) {
if (substr($regs[6],1,1) == '"') $regs[6] = addcslashes($regs[6],'\'\\');
$mst .= ",\n\t'" . substr($regs[6],2,-1) . '\'';
$mst .= "\n);";
} else $mst .= '\'' . substr($regs[2],2,-1) . '\';';
$mst .= "\n";
$content = str_replace($regs[0],"",$content);
$callMap[$index.'--'.$entity] = $regs[3];
return $mst;
* Set the current locale
* See http://unicode.org/cldr/data/diff/supplemental/languages_and_territories.html for a list of possible locales
* @param string $locale Locale to be set
static function set_locale($locale) {
if ($locale) i18n::$currentlocale = $locale;
* Get the current locale
* @return string Current locale in the system
static function get_locale() {
return i18n::$currentlocale;
* Includes all available language files for a certain defined locale
* @param string $locale All resources from any module in locale $locale will be loaded
static function include_by_locale($locale) {
if (file_exists($file = Director::getAbsFile("cms/lang/$locale.php"))) include_once($file);
$topLevel = array_diff(scandir(Director::baseFolder()),array('cms'));
foreach($topLevel as $module) {
if (file_exists($file = Director::getAbsFile("$module/lang/$locale.php"))) {
* Given a class name (a "locale namespace"), will search for its module and, if available,
* will load the resources for the currently defined locale.
* If not available, the original English resource will be loaded instead (to avoid blanks)
* @param string $class Resources for this class will be included, according to the set locale.
static function include_by_class($class) {
if (substr($class,-3) == '.ss') {
$path = current($_TEMPLATE_MANIFEST[substr($class,0,-3)]);
else {
$path = $_CLASS_MANIFEST[$class];
if (file_exists($file = Director::getAbsFile("{$module[1]}/lang/". i18n::get_locale() . '.php'))) {
} else if (i18n::get_locale() != 'en_US') {
} else {
user_error("Locale file $file should exist", E_USER_WARNING);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user