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* Standard basic search form which conducts a fulltext search on all {@link SiteTree}
* objects.
* @see Use ModelController and SearchContext for a more generic search implementation based around DataObject
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage search
class SearchForm extends Form {
protected $showInSearchTurnOn;
function __construct($controller, $name, $fields = null, $actions = null, $showInSearchTurnOn = true) {
$this->showInSearchTurnOn = $showInSearchTurnOn;
if(!$fields) {
$fields = new FieldSet(
new TextField('Search', _t('SearchForm.SEARCH', 'Search')
if(!$actions) {
$actions = new FieldSet(
new FormAction("getResults", _t('SearchForm.GO', 'Go'))
// We need this because it's a get form. It can't go in the action value
// Hayden: Sorry if I've got it mixed up, but on the results or not found pages, the
// RelativeLink seems to be empty and it packs a sad
$formController = isset($_GET['formController']) ? $_GET['formController'] : null;
if(!$formController) $formController = $controller->RelativeLink();
$fields->push(new HiddenField('formController', null, $formController));
$fields->push(new HiddenField('executeForm', null, $name));
parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions);
function FormMethod() {
return "get";
public function forTemplate(){
return $this->renderWith(array(
* Return dataObjectSet of the results using $_REQUEST to get info from form.
* Wraps around {@link searchEngine()}
public function getResults($numPerPage = 10){
$keywords = $_REQUEST['Search'];
$andProcessor = create_function('$matches','
return " +" . $matches[2] . " +" . $matches[4] . " ";
$notProcessor = create_function('$matches', '
return " -" . $matches[3];
$keywords = preg_replace_callback('/()("[^()"]+")( and )("[^"()]+")()/i', $andProcessor, $keywords);
$keywords = preg_replace_callback('/(^| )([^() ]+)( and )([^ ()]+)( |$)/i', $andProcessor, $keywords);
$keywords = preg_replace_callback('/(^| )(not )("[^"()]+")/i', $notProcessor, $keywords);
$keywords = preg_replace_callback('/(^| )(not )([^() ]+)( |$)/i', $notProcessor, $keywords);
$keywords = $this->addStarsToKeywords($keywords);
if(strpos($keywords, '"') !== false || strpos($keywords, '+') !== false || strpos($keywords, '-') !== false || strpos($keywords, '*') !== false) {
return $this->searchEngine($keywords, $numPerPage, "Relevance DESC", "", true);
} else {
return $this->searchEngine($keywords, $numPerPage);
$sortBy = "Relevance DESC";
function addStarsToKeywords($keywords) {
if(!trim($keywords)) return "";
// Add * to each keyword
$splitWords = split(" +" , trim($keywords));
while(list($i,$word) = each($splitWords)) {
if($word[0] == '"') {
while(list($i,$subword) = each($splitWords)) {
$word .= ' ' . $subword;
if(substr($subword,-1) == '"') break;
} else {
$word .= '*';
$newWords[] = $word;
return implode(" ", $newWords);
* The core search engine, used by this class and its subclasses to do fun stuff.
* Searches both SiteTree and File.
public function searchEngine($keywords, $numPerPage = 10, $sortBy = "Relevance DESC", $extraFilter = "", $booleanSearch = false, $alternativeFileFilter = "", $invertedMatch = false) {
$fileFilter = '';
$keywords = addslashes($keywords);
if($booleanSearch) $boolean = "IN BOOLEAN MODE";
if($extraFilter) {
$extraFilter = " AND $extraFilter";
if($alternativeFileFilter) $fileFilter = " AND $alternativeFileFilter";
else $fileFilter = $extraFilter;
if($this->showInSearchTurnOn) $extraFilter .= " AND showInSearch <> 0";
$start = isset($_GET['start']) ? (int)$_GET['start'] : 0;
$limit = $start . ", " . (int) $numPerPage;
$notMatch = $invertedMatch ? "NOT " : "";
if($keywords) {
$matchContent = "MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaTitle, MetaDescription, MetaKeywords) AGAINST ('$keywords' $boolean)";
$matchFile = "MATCH (Filename, Title, Content) AGAINST ('$keywords' $boolean) AND ClassName = 'File'";
// We make the relevance search by converting a boolean mode search into a normal one
$relevanceKeywords = str_replace(array('*','+','-'),'',$keywords);
$relevanceContent = "MATCH (Title) AGAINST ('$relevanceKeywords') + MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaTitle, MetaDescription, MetaKeywords) AGAINST ('$relevanceKeywords')";
$relevanceFile = "MATCH (Filename, Title, Content) AGAINST ('$relevanceKeywords')";
} else {
$relevanceContent = $relevanceFile = 1;
$matchContent = $matchFile = "1 = 1";
$queryContent = singleton('SiteTree')->extendedSQL($notMatch . $matchContent . $extraFilter, "");
$baseClass = reset($queryContent->from);
// There's no need to do all that joining
$queryContent->from = array(str_replace('`','',$baseClass) => $baseClass);
$queryContent->select = array("ClassName","$baseClass.ID","ParentID","Title","URLSegment","Content","LastEdited","Created","_utf8'' AS Filename", "_utf8'' AS Name", "$relevanceContent AS Relevance");
$queryContent->orderby = null;
$queryFiles = singleton('File')->extendedSQL($notMatch . $matchFile . $fileFilter, "");
$baseClass = reset($queryFiles->from);
// There's no need to do all that joining
$queryFiles->from = array(str_replace('`','',$baseClass) => $baseClass);
$queryFiles->select = array("ClassName","$baseClass.ID","_utf8'' AS ParentID","Title","_utf8'' AS URLSegment","Content","LastEdited","Created","Filename","Name","$relevanceFile AS Relevance");
$queryFiles->orderby = null;
$fullQuery = $queryContent->sql() . " UNION " . $queryFiles->sql() . " ORDER BY $sortBy LIMIT $limit";
$totalCount = $queryContent->unlimitedRowCount() + $queryFiles->unlimitedRowCount();
$records = DB::query($fullQuery);
foreach($records as $record)
$objects[] = new $record['ClassName']($record);
if(isset($objects)) $doSet = new DataObjectSet($objects);
else $doSet = new DataObjectSet();
$doSet->setPageLimits($start, $numPerPage, $totalCount);
return $doSet;
public function getSearchQuery() {
return Convert::raw2xml($_REQUEST['Search']);