"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE":"Please select at least one page",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT":"You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to unpublish",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT":"You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to publish?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT":"You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete?",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT":"You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to archive?\n\nThese pages will be removed from both the draft and published sites without discarding the history.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETELIVE_PROMPT":"You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to delete these pages from live?",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED":"Er du sikker på at du vil forlate denne siden?\n\nADVARSEL: Endringene din har ikke blitt lagret.\n\nTrykk OK for å fortsette eller Avbryt for å holde deg på samme side.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT":"ADVARSEL: Endringene dine har ikke blitt lagret.",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM":"Vil du virkelig slette %s grupper?",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE":"Vil du virkelig slette?",
"LeftAndMain.PAGEWASDELETED":"Denne siden ble slettet. For å redigere en side, velg den fra listen til venstre."