mirror of https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00

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(function($) {
function methodTest( methodName ) {
var v = jQuery("#form").validate();
var method = $.validator.methods[methodName];
var element = $("#firstname")[0];
return function(value, param) {
element.value = value;
return method.call( v, value, element, param );
test("default messages", function() {
var m = $.validator.methods;
$.each(m, function(key) {
ok( jQuery.validator.messages[key], key + " has a default message." );
test("digit", function() {
var method = methodTest("digits");
ok( method( "123" ), "Valid digits" );
ok(!method( "123.000" ), "Invalid digits" );
ok(!method( "123.000,00" ), "Invalid digits" );
ok(!method( "123.0.0,0" ), "Invalid digits" );
ok(!method( "x123" ), "Invalid digits" );
ok(!method( "100.100,0,0" ), "Invalid digits" );
test("url", function() {
var method = methodTest("url");
ok( method( "http://bassistance.de/jquery/plugin.php?bla=blu" ), "Valid url" );
ok( method( "https://bassistance.de/jquery/plugin.php?bla=blu" ), "Valid url" );
ok( method( "ftp://bassistance.de/jquery/plugin.php?bla=blu" ), "Valid url" );
ok( method( "http://www.føtex.dk/" ), "Valid url, danish unicode characters" );
ok( method( "http://bösendorfer.de/" ), "Valid url, german unicode characters" );
ok( method( "" ), "Valid IP Address" )
ok(!method( "http://192.168.8." ), "Invalid IP Address" )
ok(!method( "http://bassistance" ), "Invalid url" ); // valid
ok(!method( "http://bassistance." ), "Invalid url" ); // valid
ok(!method( "http://bassistance,de" ), "Invalid url" );
ok(!method( "http://bassistance;de" ), "Invalid url" );
ok(!method( "http://.bassistancede" ), "Invalid url" );
ok(!method( "bassistance.de" ), "Invalid url" );
test("url2 (tld optional)", function() {
var method = methodTest("url2");
ok( method( "http://bassistance.de/jquery/plugin.php?bla=blu" ), "Valid url" );
ok( method( "https://bassistance.de/jquery/plugin.php?bla=blu" ), "Valid url" );
ok( method( "ftp://bassistance.de/jquery/plugin.php?bla=blu" ), "Valid url" );
ok( method( "http://www.føtex.dk/" ), "Valid url, danish unicode characters" );
ok( method( "http://bösendorfer.de/" ), "Valid url, german unicode characters" );
ok( method( "" ), "Valid IP Address" )
ok(!method( "http://192.168.8." ), "Invalid IP Address" )
ok( method( "http://bassistance" ), "Invalid url" );
ok( method( "http://bassistance." ), "Invalid url" );
ok(!method( "http://bassistance,de" ), "Invalid url" );
ok(!method( "http://bassistance;de" ), "Invalid url" );
ok(!method( "http://.bassistancede" ), "Invalid url" );
ok(!method( "bassistance.de" ), "Invalid url" );
test("email", function() {
var method = methodTest("email");
ok( method( "name@domain.tld" ), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "name@domain.tl" ), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "bart+bart@tokbox.com" ), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "bart+bart@tokbox.travel" ), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "n@d.tld" ), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "ole@føtex.dk"), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "jörn@bassistance.de"), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "bla.blu@g.mail.com"), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "\"Scott Gonzalez\"@example.com" ), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "\"Scott González\"@example.com" ), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "\"name.\"@domain.tld" ), "Valid email" ); // valid without top label
ok( method( "\"name,\"@domain.tld" ), "Valid email" ); // valid without top label
ok( method( "\"name;\"@domain.tld" ), "Valid email" ); // valid without top label
ok(!method( "name" ), "Invalid email" );
ok(!method( "name@" ), "Invalid email" );
ok(!method( "name@domain" ), "Invalid email" );
ok(!method( "name.@domain.tld" ), "Invalid email" );
ok(!method( "name,@domain.tld" ), "Invalid email" );
ok(!method( "name;@domain.tld" ), "Invalid email" );
test("email2 (tld optional)", function() {
var method = methodTest("email2");
ok( method( "name@domain.tld" ), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "name@domain.tl" ), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "bart+bart@tokbox.com" ), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "bart+bart@tokbox.travel" ), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "n@d.tld" ), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "ole@føtex.dk"), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "jörn@bassistance.de"), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "bla.blu@g.mail.com"), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "\"Scott Gonzalez\"@example.com" ), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "\"Scott González\"@example.com" ), "Valid email" );
ok( method( "\"name.\"@domain.tld" ), "Valid email" ); // valid without top label
ok( method( "\"name,\"@domain.tld" ), "Valid email" ); // valid without top label
ok( method( "\"name;\"@domain.tld" ), "Valid email" ); // valid without top label
ok(!method( "name" ), "Invalid email" );
ok(!method( "name@" ), "Invalid email" );
ok( method( "name@domain" ), "Invalid email" );
ok(!method( "name.@domain.tld" ), "Invalid email" );
ok(!method( "name,@domain.tld" ), "Invalid email" );
ok(!method( "name;@domain.tld" ), "Invalid email" );
test("number", function() {
var method = methodTest("number");
ok( method( "123" ), "Valid number" );
ok( method( "-123" ), "Valid number" );
ok( method( "123,000" ), "Valid number" );
ok( method( "-123,000" ), "Valid number" );
ok( method( "123,000.00" ), "Valid number" );
ok( method( "-123,000.00" ), "Valid number" );
ok(!method( "123.000,00" ), "Invalid number" );
ok(!method( "123.0.0,0" ), "Invalid number" );
ok(!method( "x123" ), "Invalid number" );
ok(!method( "100.100,0,0" ), "Invalid number" );
ok( method( "" ), "Blank is valid" );
ok( method( "123" ), "Valid decimal" );
ok( method( "123000" ), "Valid decimal" );
ok( method( "123000.12" ), "Valid decimal" );
ok( method( "-123000.12" ), "Valid decimal" );
ok( method( "123.000" ), "Valid decimal" );
ok( method( "123,000.00" ), "Valid decimal" );
ok( method( "-123,000.00" ), "Valid decimal" );
ok(!method( "1230,000.00" ), "Invalid decimal" );
ok(!method( "123.0.0,0" ), "Invalid decimal" );
ok(!method( "x123" ), "Invalid decimal" );
ok(!method( "100.100,0,0" ), "Invalid decimal" );
/* disabled for now, need to figure out how to test localized methods
test("numberDE", function() {
var method = methodTest("numberDE");
ok( method( "123" ), "Valid numberDE" );
ok( method( "-123" ), "Valid numberDE" );
ok( method( "123.000" ), "Valid numberDE" );
ok( method( "-123.000" ), "Valid numberDE" );
ok( method( "123.000,00" ), "Valid numberDE" );
ok( method( "-123.000,00" ), "Valid numberDE" );
ok(!method( "123,000.00" ), "Invalid numberDE" );
ok(!method( "123,0,0.0" ), "Invalid numberDE" );
ok(!method( "x123" ), "Invalid numberDE" );
ok(!method( "100,100.0.0" ), "Invalid numberDE" );
ok( method( "" ), "Blank is valid" );
ok( method( "123" ), "Valid decimalDE" );
ok( method( "123000" ), "Valid decimalDE" );
ok( method( "123000,12" ), "Valid decimalDE" );
ok( method( "-123000,12" ), "Valid decimalDE" );
ok( method( "123.000" ), "Valid decimalDE" );
ok( method( "123.000,00" ), "Valid decimalDE" );
ok( method( "-123.000,00" ), "Valid decimalDE" )
ok(!method( "123.0.0,0" ), "Invalid decimalDE" );
ok(!method( "x123" ), "Invalid decimalDE" );
ok(!method( "100,100.0.0" ), "Invalid decimalDE" );
test("date", function() {
var method = methodTest("date");
ok( method( "06/06/1990" ), "Valid date" );
ok( method( "6/6/06" ), "Valid date" );
ok(!method( "1990x-06-06" ), "Invalid date" );
test("dateISO", function() {
var method = methodTest("dateISO");
ok( method( "1990-06-06" ), "Valid date" );
ok( method( "1990/06/06" ), "Valid date" );
ok( method( "1990-6-6" ), "Valid date" );
ok( method( "1990/6/6" ), "Valid date" );
ok(!method( "1990-106-06" ), "Invalid date" );
ok(!method( "190-06-06" ), "Invalid date" );
/* disabled for now, need to figure out how to test localized methods
test("dateDE", function() {
var method = methodTest("dateDE");
ok( method( "03.06.1984" ), "Valid dateDE" );
ok( method( "3.6.84" ), "Valid dateDE" );
ok(!method( "6-6-06" ), "Invalid dateDE" );
ok(!method( "1990-06-06" ), "Invalid dateDE" );
ok(!method( "06/06/1990" ), "Invalid dateDE" );
ok(!method( "6/6/06" ), "Invalid dateDE" );
test("required", function() {
var v = jQuery("#form").validate(),
method = $.validator.methods.required,
e = $('#text1, #text1b, #hidden2, #select1, #select2');
ok( method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0]), "Valid text input" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1]), "Invalid text input" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[1].value, e[2]), "Invalid text input" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[2].value, e[3]), "Invalid select" );
ok( method.call( v, e[3].value, e[4]), "Valid select" );
e = $('#area1, #area2, #pw1, #pw2');
ok( method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0]), "Valid textarea" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1]), "Invalid textarea" );
ok( method.call( v, e[2].value, e[2]), "Valid password input" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[3].value, e[3]), "Invalid password input" );
e = $('#radio1, #radio2, #radio3');
ok(!method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0]), "Invalid radio" );
ok( method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1]), "Valid radio" );
ok( method.call( v, e[2].value, e[2]), "Valid radio" );
e = $('#check1, #check2');
ok( method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0]), "Valid checkbox" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1]), "Invalid checkbox" );
e = $('#select1, #select2, #select3, #select4');
ok(!method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0]), "Invalid select" );
ok( method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1]), "Valid select" );
ok( method.call( v, e[2].value, e[2]), "Valid select" );
ok( method.call( v, e[3].value, e[3]), "Valid select" );
test("required with dependencies", function() {
var v = jQuery("#form").validate(),
method = $.validator.methods.required,
e = $('#hidden2, #select1, #area2, #radio1, #check2');
ok( method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0], "asffsaa"), "Valid text input due to depencie not met" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0], "input"), "Invalid text input" );
ok( method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0], function() { return false; }), "Valid text input due to depencie not met" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0], function() { return true; }), "Invalid text input" );
ok( method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1], "asfsfa"), "Valid select due to dependency not met" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1], "input"), "Invalid select" );
ok( method.call( v, e[2].value, e[2], "asfsafsfa"), "Valid textarea due to dependency not met" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[2].value, e[2], "input"), "Invalid textarea" );
ok( method.call( v, e[3].value, e[3], "asfsafsfa"), "Valid radio due to dependency not met" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[3].value, e[3], "input"), "Invalid radio" );
ok( method.call( v, e[4].value, e[4], "asfsafsfa"), "Valid checkbox due to dependency not met" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[4].value, e[4], "input"), "Invalid checkbox" );
test("minlength", function() {
var v = jQuery("#form").validate(),
method = $.validator.methods.minlength,
param = 2,
e = $('#text1, #text1c, #text2, #text3');
ok( method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0], param), "Valid text input" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1], param), "Invalid text input" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[2].value, e[2], param), "Invalid text input" );
ok( method.call( v, e[3].value, e[3], param), "Valid text input" );
e = $('#check1, #check2, #check3');
ok(!method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0], param), "Valid checkbox" );
ok( method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1], param), "Valid checkbox" );
ok( method.call( v, e[2].value, e[2], param), "Invalid checkbox" );
e = $('#select1, #select2, #select3, #select4, #select5');
ok(method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0], param), "Valid select " + e[0].id );
ok(!method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1], param), "Invalid select " + e[1].id );
ok( method.call( v, e[2].value, e[2], param), "Valid select " + e[2].id );
ok( method.call( v, e[3].value, e[3], param), "Valid select " + e[3].id );
ok( method.call( v, e[4].value, e[4], param), "Valid select " + e[4].id );
test("maxlength", function() {
var v = jQuery("#form").validate();
var method = $.validator.methods.maxlength,
param = 4,
e = $('#text1, #text2, #text3');
ok( method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0], param), "Valid text input" );
ok( method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1], param), "Valid text input" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[2].value, e[2], param), "Invalid text input" );
e = $('#check1, #check2, #check3');
ok( method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0], param), "Valid checkbox" );
ok( method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1], param), "Invalid checkbox" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[2].value, e[2], param), "Invalid checkbox" );
e = $('#select1, #select2, #select3, #select4');
ok( method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0], param), "Valid select" );
ok( method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1], param), "Valid select" );
ok( method.call( v, e[2].value, e[2], param), "Valid select" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[3].value, e[3], param), "Invalid select" );
test("rangelength", function() {
var v = jQuery("#form").validate();
var method = $.validator.methods.rangelength,
param = [2, 4],
e = $('#text1, #text2, #text3');
ok( method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0], param), "Valid text input" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1], param), "Invalid text input" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[2].value, e[2], param), "Invalid text input" );
test("min", function() {
var v = jQuery("#form").validate();
var method = $.validator.methods.min,
param = 8,
e = $('#value1, #value2, #value3');
ok(!method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0], param), "Invalid text input" );
ok( method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1], param), "Valid text input" );
ok( method.call( v, e[2].value, e[2], param), "Valid text input" );
test("max", function() {
var v = jQuery("#form").validate();
var method = $.validator.methods.max,
param = 12,
e = $('#value1, #value2, #value3');
ok( method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0], param), "Valid text input" );
ok( method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1], param), "Valid text input" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[2].value, e[2], param), "Invalid text input" );
test("range", function() {
var v = jQuery("#form").validate();
var method = $.validator.methods.range,
param = [4,12],
e = $('#value1, #value2, #value3');
ok(!method.call( v, e[0].value, e[0], param), "Invalid text input" );
ok( method.call( v, e[1].value, e[1], param), "Valid text input" );
ok(!method.call( v, e[2].value, e[2], param), "Invalid text input" );
test("equalTo", function() {
var v = jQuery("#form").validate();
var method = $.validator.methods.equalTo,
e = $('#text1, #text2');
ok( method.call( v, "Test", e[0], "#text1"), "Text input" );
ok( method.call( v, "T", e[1], "#text2"), "Another one" );
test("creditcard", function() {
var method = methodTest("creditcard");
ok( method( "446-667-651" ), "Valid creditcard number" );
ok( !method( "asdf" ), "Invalid creditcard number" );
test("accept", function() {
var method = methodTest("accept");
ok( method( "picture.gif" ), "Valid default accept type" );
ok( method( "picture.jpg" ), "Valid default accept type" );
ok( method( "picture.jpeg" ), "Valid default accept type" );
ok( method( "picture.png" ), "Valid default accept type" );
ok( !method( "picture.pgn" ), "Invalid default accept type" );
var v = jQuery("#form").validate(),
method = function(value, param) {
return $.validator.methods.accept.call(v, value, $('#text1')[0], param)
ok( method( "picture.doc", "doc"), "Valid custom accept type" );
ok( method( "picture.pdf", "doc|pdf"), "Valid custom accept type" );
ok( method( "picture.pdf", "pdf|doc"), "Valid custom accept type" );
ok( !method( "picture.pdf", "doc"), "Invalid custom accept type" );
ok( !method( "picture.doc", "pdf"), "Invalid custom accept type" );
ok( method( "picture.pdf", "doc,pdf"), "Valid custom accept type, comma seperated" );
ok( method( "picture.pdf", "pdf,doc"), "Valid custom accept type, comma seperated" );
ok( !method( "picture.pdf", "gop,top"), "Invalid custom accept type, comma seperated" );
test("remote", function() {
var e = $("#username");
var v = $("#userForm").validate({
rules: {
username: {
required: true,
remote: "users.php"
messages: {
username: {
required: "Please",
remote: jQuery.validator.format("{0} in use")
submitHandler: function() {
ok( false, "submitHandler may never be called when validating only elements");
$(document).ajaxStop(function() {
equals( 1, v.size(), "There must be one error" );
equals( "Peter in use", v.errorList[0].message );
$(document).ajaxStop(function() {
equals( 1, v.size(), "There must be one error" );
equals( "Peter2 in use", v.errorList[0].message );
ok( !v.element(e), "new value, new request" );
ok( !v.element(e), "invalid element, nothing entered yet" );
ok( !v.element(e), "still invalid, because remote validation must block until it returns" );
test("remote, customized ajax options", function() {
var v = $("#userForm").validate({
rules: {
username: {
required: true,
remote: {
url: "users.php",
type: "post",
beforeSend: function(request, settings) {
same(settings.type, "post");
same(settings.data, "username=asdf&email=email.com");
data: {
email: function() {
return "email.com";
complete: function() {
test("remote extensions", function() {
var e = $("#username");
var v = $("#userForm").validate({
rules: {
username: {
required: true,
remote: "users2.php"
messages: {
username: {
required: "Please"
submitHandler: function() {
ok( false, "submitHandler may never be called when validating only elements");
$(document).ajaxStop(function() {
equals( 1, v.size(), "There must be one error" );
equals( v.errorList[0].message, "asdf is already taken, please try something else" );
equals( v.errorList[0].message, "asdf is already taken, please try something else", "message doesn't change on revalidation" );
ok( !v.element(e), "invalid element, nothing entered yet" );
ok( !v.element(e), "still invalid, because remote validation must block until it returns" );
module("additional methods");
test("phone (us)", function() {
var method = methodTest("phoneUS");
ok( method( "1(212)-999-2345" ), "Valid us phone number" );
ok( method( "212 999 2344" ), "Valid us phone number" );
ok( method( "212-999-0983" ), "Valid us phone number" );
ok(!method( "111-123-5434" ), "Invalid us phone number" );
ok(!method( "212 123 4567" ), "Invalid us phone number" );
test("dateITA", function() {
var method = methodTest("dateITA");
ok( method( "01/01/1900" ), "Valid date ITA" );
ok(!method( "01/13/1990" ), "Invalid date ITA" );
ok(!method( "01.01.1900" ), "Invalid date ITA" );
test("time", function() {
var method = methodTest("time");
ok( method("00:00"), "Valid time, lower bound" );
ok( method("23:59"), "Valid time, upper bound" );
ok( !method("24:60"), "Invalid time" );
ok( !method("24:00"), "Invalid time" );
ok( !method("29:59"), "Invalid time" );
ok( !method("30:00"), "Invalid time" );
test("minWords", function() {
var method = methodTest("minWords");
ok( method("hello worlds", 2), "plain text, valid" );
ok( method("<b>hello</b> world", 2), "html, valid" );
ok( !method("hello", 2), "plain text, invalid" );
ok( !method("<b>world</b>", 2), "html, invalid" );
ok( !method("world <br/>", 2), "html, invalid" );
test("maxWords", function() {
var method = methodTest("maxWords");
ok( method("hello", 2), "plain text, valid" );
ok( method("<b>world</b>", 2), "html, valid" );
ok( method("world <br/>", 2), "html, valid" );
ok( !method("hello worlds", 2), "plain text, invalid" );
ok( !method("<b>hello</b> world", 2), "html, invalid" );
function testCardTypeByNumber(number, cardname, expected) {
var actual = $("#ccform").valid();
equals(actual, expected, $.format("Expect card number {0} to validate to {1}, actually validated to ", number, expected));
test('creditcardtypes, all', function() {
rules: {
cardnumber: {
creditcard: true,
creditcardtypes: {
all: true
testCardTypeByNumber("4111-1111-1111-1111", "VISA", true)
testCardTypeByNumber("5111-1111-1111-1118", "MasterCard", true)
testCardTypeByNumber("6111-1111-1111-1116", "Discover", true)
testCardTypeByNumber("3400-0000-0000-009", "AMEX", true);
testCardTypeByNumber("4111-1111-1111-1110", "VISA", false)
testCardTypeByNumber("5432-1111-1111-1111", "MasterCard", false)
testCardTypeByNumber("6611-6611-6611-6611", "Discover", false)
testCardTypeByNumber("3777-7777-7777-7777", "AMEX", false)
test('creditcardtypes, visa', function() {
rules: {
cardnumber: {
creditcard: true,
creditcardtypes: {
visa: true
testCardTypeByNumber("4111-1111-1111-1111", "VISA", true)
testCardTypeByNumber("5111-1111-1111-1118", "MasterCard", false)
testCardTypeByNumber("6111-1111-1111-1116", "Discover", false)
testCardTypeByNumber("3400-0000-0000-009", "AMEX", false);
test('creditcardtypes, mastercard', function() {
rules: {
cardnumber: {
creditcard: true,
creditcardtypes: {
mastercard: true
testCardTypeByNumber("5111-1111-1111-1118", "MasterCard", true)
testCardTypeByNumber("6111-1111-1111-1116", "Discover", false)
testCardTypeByNumber("3400-0000-0000-009", "AMEX", false);
testCardTypeByNumber("4111-1111-1111-1111", "VISA", false);