
1033 lines
31 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Generates a three-pane UI for editing model classes,
* with an automatically generated search panel, tabular results
* and edit forms.
* Relies on data such as {@link DataObject::$db} and {@DataObject::getCMSFields()}
* to scaffold interfaces "out of the box", while at the same time providing
* flexibility to customize the default output.
* Add a route (note - this doc is not currently in sync with the code, need to update)
* <code>
* Director::addRules(50, array('admin/mymodel/$Class/$Action/$ID' => 'MyModelAdmin'));
* </code>
* @todo saving logic (should mostly use Form->saveInto() and iterate over relations)
* @todo ajax form loading and saving
* @todo ajax result display
* @todo relation formfield scaffolding (one tab per relation) - relations don't have DBField sublclasses, we do
* we define the scaffold defaults. can be ComplexTableField instances for a start.
* @todo has_many/many_many relation autocomplete field (HasManyComplexTableField doesn't work well with larger datasets)
* Long term TODOs:
* @todo Hook into RESTful interface on DataObjects (yet to be developed)
* @todo Permission control via datamodel and Form class
* @uses SearchContext
* @package cms
* @subpackage core
abstract class ModelAdmin extends LeftAndMain {
static $url_rule = '/$Action';
* List of all managed {@link DataObject}s in this interface.
* Simple notation with class names only:
* <code>
* array('MyObjectClass','MyOtherObjectClass')
* </code>
* Extended notation with options (e.g. custom titles):
* <code>
* array(
* 'MyObjectClass' => array('title' => "Custom title")
* )
* </code>
* Available options:
* - 'title': Set custom titles for the tabs or dropdown names
* - 'collection_controller': Set a custom class to use as a collection controller for this model
* - 'record_controller': Set a custom class to use as a record controller for this model
* @var array|string
public static $managed_models = null;
* More actions are dynamically added in {@link defineMethods()} below.
public static $allowed_actions = array(
* @param string $collection_controller_class Override for controller class
public static $collection_controller_class = "ModelAdmin_CollectionController";
* @param string $collection_controller_class Override for controller class
public static $record_controller_class = "ModelAdmin_RecordController";
* Forward control to the default action handler
public static $url_handlers = array(
'$Action' => 'handleAction'
* Model object currently in manipulation queue. Used for updating Link to point
* to the correct generic data object in generated URLs.
* @var string
private $currentModel = false;
* Change this variable if you don't want the Import from CSV form to appear.
* This variable can be a boolean or an array.
* If array, you can list className you want the form to appear on. i.e. array('myClassOne','myClasstwo')
public $showImportForm = true;
* List of all {@link DataObject}s which can be imported through
* a subclass of {@link BulkLoader} (mostly CSV data).
* By default {@link CsvBulkLoader} is used, assuming a standard mapping
* of column names to {@link DataObject} properties/relations.
* e.g. "BlogEntry" => "BlogEntryCsvBulkLoader"
* @var array
public static $model_importers = null;
* Amount of results showing on a single page.
* @var int
public static $page_length = 30;
* Class name of the form field used for the results list. Overloading this in subclasses
* can let you customise the results table field.
protected $resultsTableClassName = 'GridField';
* Return {@link $this->resultsTableClassName}
public function resultsTableClassName() {
return $this->resultsTableClassName;
* Initialize the model admin interface. Sets up embedded jquery libraries and requisite plugins.
* @todo remove reliance on urlParams
public function init() {
// security check for valid models
if(isset($this->urlParams['Action']) && !in_array($this->urlParams['Action'], $this->getManagedModels())) {
//user_error('ModelAdmin::init(): Invalid Model class', E_USER_ERROR);
Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/css/silverstripe.tabs.css'); // follows the jQuery UI theme conventions
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery/jquery.js');
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-livequery/jquery.livequery.js');
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js');
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/ModelAdmin.js');
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/ModelAdmin.History.js');
* overwrite the static page_length of the admin panel,
* should be called in the project _config file.
static function set_page_length($length){
self::$page_length = $length;
* Return the static page_length of the admin, default as 30
static function get_page_length(){
return self::$page_length;
* Return the class name of the collection controller
* @param string $model model name to get the controller for
* @return string the collection controller class
function getCollectionControllerClass($model) {
$models = $this->getManagedModels();
if(isset($models[$model]['collection_controller'])) {
$class = $models[$model]['collection_controller'];
} else {
$class = $this->stat('collection_controller_class');
return $class;
* Return the class name of the record controller
* @param string $model model name to get the controller for
* @return string the record controller class
function getRecordControllerClass($model) {
$models = $this->getManagedModels();
if(isset($models[$model]['record_controller'])) {
$class = $models[$model]['record_controller'];
} else {
$class = $this->stat('record_controller_class');
return $class;
* Add mappings for generic form constructors to automatically delegate to a scaffolded form object.
function defineMethods() {
foreach($this->getManagedModels() as $class => $options) {
if(is_numeric($class)) $class = $options;
$this->addWrapperMethod($class, 'bindModelController');
self::$allowed_actions[] = $class;
* Base scaffolding method for returning a generic model instance.
public function bindModelController($model, $request = null) {
$class = $this->getCollectionControllerClass($model);
return new $class($this, $model);
* This method can be overloaded to specify the UI by which the search class is chosen.
* It can create a tab strip or a dropdown. The dropdown is useful when there are a large number of classes.
* By default, it will show a tabs for 1-3 classes, and a dropdown for 4 or more classes.
* @return String: 'tabs' or 'dropdown'
public function SearchClassSelector() {
return sizeof($this->getManagedModels()) > 3 ? 'dropdown' : 'tabs';
* Returns managed models' create, search, and import forms
* @uses SearchContext
* @uses SearchFilter
* @return SS_List of forms
protected function getModelForms() {
$models = $this->getManagedModels();
$forms = new ArrayList();
foreach($models as $class => $options) {
if(is_numeric($class)) $class = $options;
$forms->push(new ArrayData(array (
'Title' => (is_array($options) && isset($options['title'])) ? $options['title'] : singleton($class)->i18n_singular_name(),
'ClassName' => $class,
'Content' => $this->$class()->getModelSidebar()
return $forms;
* @return array
function getManagedModels() {
$models = $this->stat('managed_models');
if(is_string($models)) {
$models = array($models);
if(!count($models)) {
You need to specify at least one DataObject subclass in public static $managed_models.
Make sure that this property is defined, and that its visibility is set to "public"',
return $models;
* Returns all importers defined in {@link self::$model_importers}.
* If none are defined, we fall back to {@link self::managed_models}
* with a default {@link CsvBulkLoader} class. In this case the column names of the first row
* in the CSV file are assumed to have direct mappings to properties on the object.
* @return array
function getModelImporters() {
$importers = $this->stat('model_importers');
// fallback to all defined models if not explicitly defined
if(is_null($importers)) {
$models = $this->getManagedModels();
foreach($models as $modelName => $options) {
if(is_numeric($modelName)) $modelName = $options;
$importers[$modelName] = 'CsvBulkLoader';
return $importers;
* Handles a managed model class and provides default collection filtering behavior.
* @package cms
* @subpackage core
class ModelAdmin_CollectionController extends Controller {
public $parentController;
protected $modelClass;
public $showImportForm = null;
static $url_handlers = array(
'$Action' => 'handleActionOrID'
function __construct($parent, $model) {
$this->parentController = $parent;
$this->modelClass = $model;
* Appends the model class to the URL.
* @param string $action
* @return string
function Link($action = null) {
return $this->parentController->Link(Controller::join_links($this->modelClass, $action));
* Return the class name of the model being managed.
* @return unknown
function getModelClass() {
return $this->modelClass;
* Delegate to different control flow, depending on whether the
* URL parameter is a number (record id) or string (action).
* @param unknown_type $request
* @return unknown
function handleActionOrID($request) {
if (is_numeric($request->param('Action'))) {
return $this->handleID($request);
} else {
return $this->handleAction($request);
* Delegate to the RecordController if a valid numeric ID appears in the URL
* segment.
* @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
* @return RecordController
public function handleID($request) {
$class = $this->parentController->getRecordControllerClass($this->getModelClass());
return new $class($this, $request);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get a combination of the Search, Import and Create forms that can be inserted into a {@link ModelAdmin} sidebar.
* @return string
public function getModelSidebar() {
return $this->renderWith('ModelSidebar');
* Get a search form for a single {@link DataObject} subclass.
* @return Form
public function SearchForm() {
$SNG_model = singleton($this->modelClass);
$context = $SNG_model->getDefaultSearchContext();
$fields = $context->getSearchFields();
$columnSelectionField = $this->ColumnSelectionField();
$validator = ($SNG_model->hasMethod('getCMSValidator')) ? $SNG_model->getCMSValidator() : new RequiredFields();
$clearAction = new ResetFormAction('clearsearch', _t('ModelAdmin.CLEAR_SEARCH','Clear Search'));
$form = new Form($this, "SearchForm",
new FieldList(
new FormAction('search', _t('MemberTableField.SEARCH', 'Search')),
//$form->setFormAction(Controller::join_links($this->Link(), "search"));
$form->setHTMLID("Form_SearchForm_" . $this->modelClass);
return $form;
* Create a form that consists of one button
* that directs to a give model's Add form
public function CreateForm() {
$modelName = $this->modelClass;
$SNG_model = singleton($modelName);
if($this->hasMethod('alternatePermissionCheck')) {
if(!$this->alternatePermissionCheck()) return false;
} else {
if(!$SNG_model->canCreate(Member::currentUser())) return false;
$buttonLabel = sprintf(_t('ModelAdmin.CREATEBUTTON', "Create '%s'", PR_MEDIUM, "Create a new instance from a model class"), $SNG_model->i18n_singular_name());
$validator = ($SNG_model->hasMethod('getCMSValidator')) ? $SNG_model->getCMSValidator() : new RequiredFields();
$createButton = FormAction::create('add', $buttonLabel)->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive')->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept');
$form = new Form($this, "CreateForm",
new FieldList(),
new FieldList($createButton),
$createButton->dontEscape = true;
$form->setHTMLID("Form_CreateForm_" . $this->modelClass);
return $form;
* Checks if a CSV import form should be generated by a className criteria or in general for ModelAdmin.
function showImportForm() {
if($this->showImportForm === null) return $this->parentController->showImportForm;
else return $this->showImportForm;
* Generate a CSV import form for a single {@link DataObject} subclass.
* @return Form
public function ImportForm() {
$modelName = $this->modelClass;
// check if a import form should be generated
if(!$this->showImportForm() || (is_array($this->showImportForm()) && !in_array($modelName,$this->showImportForm()))) return false;
$importers = $this->parentController->getModelImporters();
if(!$importers || !isset($importers[$modelName])) return false;
if(!singleton($modelName)->canCreate(Member::currentUser())) return false;
$fields = new FieldList(
new HiddenField('ClassName', _t('ModelAdmin.CLASSTYPE'), $modelName),
new FileField('_CsvFile', false)
// get HTML specification for each import (column names etc.)
$importerClass = $importers[$modelName];
$importer = new $importerClass($modelName);
$spec = $importer->getImportSpec();
$specFields = new ArrayList();
foreach($spec['fields'] as $name => $desc) {
$specFields->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => $name, 'Description' => $desc)));
$specRelations = new ArrayList();
foreach($spec['relations'] as $name => $desc) {
$specRelations->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => $name, 'Description' => $desc)));
$specHTML = $this->customise(array(
'ModelName' => Convert::raw2att($modelName),
'Fields' => $specFields,
'Relations' => $specRelations,
$fields->push(new LiteralField("SpecFor{$modelName}", $specHTML));
$fields->push(new CheckboxField('EmptyBeforeImport', 'Clear Database before import', false));
$actions = new FieldList(
new FormAction('import', _t('ModelAdmin.IMPORT', 'Import from CSV'))
$form = new Form(
$form->setHTMLID("Form_ImportForm_" . $this->modelClass);
return $form;
* Imports the submitted CSV file based on specifications given in
* {@link self::model_importers}.
* Redirects back with a success/failure message.
* @todo Figure out ajax submission of files via jQuery.form plugin
* @param array $data
* @param Form $form
* @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
function import($data, $form, $request) {
$modelName = $data['ClassName'];
if(!$this->showImportForm() || (is_array($this->showImportForm()) && !in_array($modelName,$this->showImportForm()))) return false;
$importers = $this->parentController->getModelImporters();
$importerClass = $importers[$modelName];
$loader = new $importerClass($data['ClassName']);
// File wasn't properly uploaded, show a reminder to the user
empty($_FILES['_CsvFile']['tmp_name']) ||
file_get_contents($_FILES['_CsvFile']['tmp_name']) == ''
) {
$form->sessionMessage(_t('ModelAdmin.NOCSVFILE', 'Please browse for a CSV file to import'), 'good');
return false;
if (!empty($data['EmptyBeforeImport']) && $data['EmptyBeforeImport']) { //clear database before import
$loader->deleteExistingRecords = true;
$results = $loader->load($_FILES['_CsvFile']['tmp_name']);
$message = '';
if($results->CreatedCount()) $message .= sprintf(
_t('ModelAdmin.IMPORTEDRECORDS', "Imported %s records."),
if($results->UpdatedCount()) $message .= sprintf(
_t('ModelAdmin.UPDATEDRECORDS', "Updated %s records."),
if($results->DeletedCount()) $message .= sprintf(
_t('ModelAdmin.DELETEDRECORDS', "Deleted %s records."),
if(!$results->CreatedCount() && !$results->UpdatedCount()) $message .= _t('ModelAdmin.NOIMPORT', "Nothing to import");
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'good');
* Return the columns available in the column selection field.
* Overload this to make other columns available
public function columnsAvailable() {
return singleton($this->modelClass)->summaryFields();
* Return the columns selected by default in the column selection field.
* Overload this to make other columns selected by default
public function columnsSelectedByDefault() {
return array_keys(singleton($this->modelClass)->summaryFields());
* Give the flexibilility to show variouse combination of columns in the search result table
public function ColumnSelectionField() {
$model = singleton($this->modelClass);
$source = $this->columnsAvailable();
// select all fields by default
$value = $this->columnsSelectedByDefault();
// Reorder the source so that you read items down the column and then across
$columnisedSource = array();
$keys = array_keys($source);
$midPoint = ceil(sizeof($source)/2);
for($i=0;$i<$midPoint;$i++) {
$key1 = $keys[$i];
$columnisedSource[$key1] = $model->fieldLabel($source[$key1]);
// If there are an odd number of items, the last item will be unset
if(isset($keys[$i+$midPoint])) {
$key2 = $keys[$i+$midPoint];
$columnisedSource[$key2] = $model->fieldLabel($source[$key2]);
$checkboxes = new CheckboxSetField("ResultAssembly", false, $columnisedSource, $value);
$field = new CompositeField(
new LiteralField(
sprintf("<a class=\"form_frontend_function toggle_result_assembly\" href=\"#\">%s</a>",
_t('ModelAdmin.CHOOSE_COLUMNS', 'Select result columns...')
$checkboxesBlock = new CompositeField(
new LiteralField("ClearDiv", "<div class=\"clear\"></div>"),
new LiteralField(
"<a class=\"form_frontend_function tick_all_result_assembly\" href=\"#\">%s</a>",
_t('ModelAdmin.SELECTALL', 'select all')
new LiteralField(
"<a class=\"form_frontend_function untick_all_result_assembly\" href=\"#\">%s</a>",
_t('ModelAdmin.SELECTNONE', 'select none')
return $field;
* Action to render a data object collection, using the model context to provide filters
* and paging.
* @return string
function search($request, $form) {
// Get the results form to be rendered
$resultsForm = $this->ResultsForm(array_merge($form->getData(), $request));
2012-03-08 15:18:11 +01:00
return $resultsForm->forTemplate();
* Gets the search query generated on the SearchContext from
* {@link DataObject::getDefaultSearchContext()},
* and the current GET parameters on the request.
* @return SQLQuery
function getSearchQuery($searchCriteria) {
$context = singleton($this->modelClass)->getDefaultSearchContext();
return $context->getQuery($searchCriteria);
* Returns all columns used for tabular search results display.
* Defaults to all fields specified in {@link DataObject->summaryFields()}.
* @param array $searchCriteria Limit fields by populating the 'ResultsAssembly' key
* @param boolean $selectedOnly Limit by 'ResultsAssempty
function getResultColumns($searchCriteria, $selectedOnly = true) {
$model = singleton($this->modelClass);
$summaryFields = $this->columnsAvailable();
if($selectedOnly && isset($searchCriteria['ResultAssembly'])) {
$resultAssembly = $searchCriteria['ResultAssembly'];
if(!is_array($resultAssembly)) {
$explodedAssembly = split(' *, *', $resultAssembly);
$resultAssembly = array();
foreach($explodedAssembly as $item) $resultAssembly[$item] = true;
return array_intersect_key($summaryFields, $resultAssembly);
} else {
return $summaryFields;
* Creates and returns the result table field for resultsForm.
* Uses {@link resultsTableClassName()} to initialise the formfield.
* Method is called from {@link ResultsForm}.
* @param array $searchCriteria passed through from ResultsForm
* @return GridField
function getResultsTable($searchCriteria) {
$className = $this->parentController->resultsTableClassName();
$datalist = $this->getSearchQuery($searchCriteria);
$numItemsPerPage = $this->parentController->stat('page_length');
$tf = Object::create($className,
$fieldConfig = GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create($numItemsPerPage)
->addComponent(new GridFieldExporter())->removeComponentsByType('GridFieldFilter')
return $tf;
* Shows results from the "search" action in a TableListField.
* @uses getResultsTable()
* @return Form
function ResultsForm($searchCriteria) {
if($searchCriteria instanceof SS_HTTPRequest) $searchCriteria = $searchCriteria->getVars();
$tf = $this->getResultsTable($searchCriteria);
// implemented as a form to enable further actions on the resultset
// (serverside sorting, export as CSV, etc)
$form = new Form(
new FieldList(
new HeaderField('SearchResults', _t('ModelAdmin.SEARCHRESULTS','Search Results'), 2),
new FieldList()
// Include the search criteria on the results form URL, but not dodgy variables like those below
$filteredCriteria = $searchCriteria;
$form->setFormAction($this->Link() . '/ResultsForm?' . http_build_query($filteredCriteria));
return $form;
* Create a new model record.
* @param unknown_type $request
* @return unknown
function add($request) {
return new SS_HTTPResponse(
_t('ModelAdmin.ADDFORM', "Fill out this form to add a %s to the database."),
* Returns a form suitable for adding a new model, falling back on the default edit form.
* Caution: The add-form shows a DataObject's {@link DataObject->getCMSFields()} method on a record
* that doesn't exist in the database yet, hence has no ID. This means the {@link DataObject->getCMSFields()}
* implementation has to ensure that no fields are added which would rely on a
* record ID being present, e.g. {@link HasManyComplexTableField}.
* Example:
* <code>
* function getCMSFields() {
* $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
* if($this->exists()) {
* $ctf = new HasManyComplexTableField($this, 'MyRelations', 'MyRelation');
* $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', $ctf);
* }
* return $fields;
* }
* </code>
* @return Form
public function AddForm() {
$newRecord = new $this->modelClass();
if($newRecord->hasMethod('getCMSAddFormFields')) {
$fields = $newRecord->getCMSAddFormFields();
} else {
$fields = $newRecord->getCMSFields();
$validator = ($newRecord->hasMethod('getCMSValidator')) ? $newRecord->getCMSValidator() : new RequiredFields();
$actions = new FieldList (
FormAction::create("doCreate", _t('ModelAdmin.ADDBUTTON', "Add"))
->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive')->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept')
$form = new Form($this, "AddForm", $fields, $actions, $validator);
return $form;
function doCreate($data, $form, $request) {
$className = $this->getModelClass();
$model = new $className();
// We write before saveInto, since this will let us save has-many and many-many relationships :-)
if($this->isAjax()) {
$class = $this->parentController->getRecordControllerClass($this->getModelClass());
$recordController = new $class($this, $request, $model->ID);
return new SS_HTTPResponse(
_t('ModelAdmin.LOADEDFOREDITING', "Loaded '%s' for editing."),
} else {
Director::redirect(Controller::join_links($this->Link(), $model->ID , 'edit'));
* @return ArrayList
public function Breadcrumbs(){
return new ArrayList();
* Handles operations on a single record from a managed model.
* @package cms
* @subpackage core
* @todo change the parent controller varname to indicate the model scaffolding functionality in ModelAdmin
class ModelAdmin_RecordController extends Controller {
protected $parentController;
protected $currentRecord;
static $allowed_actions = array('edit', 'view', 'EditForm', 'ViewForm');
function __construct($parentController, $request, $recordID = null) {
$this->parentController = $parentController;
$modelName = $parentController->getModelClass();
$recordID = ($recordID) ? $recordID : $request->param('Action');
$this->currentRecord = DataObject::get_by_id($modelName, $recordID);
* Link fragment - appends the current record ID to the URL.
public function Link($action = null) {
return $this->parentController->Link(Controller::join_links($this->currentRecord->ID, $action));
* Edit action - shows a form for editing this record
function edit($request) {
if ($this->currentRecord) {
if($this->isAjax()) {
_t('ModelAdmin.LOADEDFOREDITING', "Loaded '%s' for editing."),
return $this->response;
} else {
// This is really quite ugly; to fix will require a change in the way that customise() works. :-(
return $this->parentController->parentController->customise(array(
'Content' => $this->parentController->parentController->customise(array(
'EditForm' => $this->EditForm()
))->renderWith(array("{$this->class}_Content",'ModelAdmin_Content', 'LeftAndMain_Content'))
))->renderWith(array('ModelAdmin', 'LeftAndMain'));
} else {
return _t('ModelAdmin.ITEMNOTFOUND', "I can't find that item");
* Returns a form for editing the attached model
public function EditForm() {
$fields = $this->currentRecord->getCMSFields();
$fields->push(new HiddenField("ID"));
if($this->currentRecord->hasMethod('Link')) {
$fields->push(new LiteralField('SilverStripeNavigator', $this->getSilverStripeNavigator()));
$validator = ($this->currentRecord->hasMethod('getCMSValidator')) ? $this->currentRecord->getCMSValidator() : new RequiredFields();
$actions = $this->currentRecord->getCMSActions();
if(!$actions->fieldByName('action_doSave') && !$actions->fieldByName('action_save')) {
FormAction::create("doSave", _t('ModelAdmin.SAVE', "Save"))
->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive')->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept')
$fields = $fields->makeReadonly();
if($this->currentRecord->canDelete(Member::currentUser())) {
if(!$actions->fieldByName('action_doDelete')) {
FormAction::create('doDelete', _t('ModelAdmin.DELETE', 'Delete'))
->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-destructive')->setAttribute('data-icon', 'delete')
$form = new Form($this, "EditForm", $fields, $actions, $validator);
return $form;
* Postback action to save a record
* @param array $data
* @param Form $form
* @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
* @return mixed
function doSave($data, $form, $request) {
try {
} catch(ValidationException $e) {
$form->sessionMessage($e->getResult()->message(), 'bad');
// Behaviour switched on .
if($this->parentController->isAjax()) {
return $this->edit($request);
} else {
* Delete the current record
public function doDelete($data, $form, $request) {
if($this->currentRecord->canDelete(Member::currentUser())) {
} else {
* Renders the record view template.
* @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
* @return mixed
function view($request) {
if($this->currentRecord) {
$form = $this->ViewForm();
return $form->forTemplate();
} else {
return _t('ModelAdmin.ITEMNOTFOUND');
* Returns a form for viewing the attached model
* @return Form
public function ViewForm() {
$fields = $this->currentRecord->getCMSFields();
$form = new Form($this, "EditForm", $fields, new FieldList());
return $form;
function index() {
Director::redirect(Controller::join_links($this->Link(), 'edit'));
function getCurrentRecord(){
return $this->currentRecord;