2009-11-21 02:29:18 +00:00
< ? php
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'logopng' ]))
$data = ' iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAZAAAAAtCAYAAACAnD3TAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlzAAALEgAACxIB0t1 +/ AAAABZ0RVh0Q3JlYXRpb24gVGltZQAwMi8wMy8wNnKU / JIAAAAfdEVYdFNvZnR3YXJlAE1hY3JvbWVkaWEgRmlyZXdvcmtzIDi1aNJ4AAAR6ElEQVR4nO1dzYrrSJb + TtP79Buk5gnSRbvp1ZC6q4GB4bqWvbq + m1kMDDdr0dCLGcoJDTXUpnxp6Fle52pWQ / syMNAwUEoaLhTtppxPUPITtL0vV8wiTthy6IQUkkOynKkPhDOl + DmKv3Pi / IRIKYUePXr06NGjKn5 + bgK6DiKKAEwAbAAslFLpGcm5KBBRDCAGkEK33eac9PQIAyKaAIgArJRSi0BlRqg4z4howHkGnGcVgpYeFaCUepEX9KCL + Ro60gyhB7TiKz033SXvNIZerFXmis9Ey8SiY37mtolMf5 + 7 ny75AjC3 + nXC9wcAEuvZ1LNM5zwDMLWeqUx9K6u + 6 Nzt89KuF7UDIaIhgDvohfbKegYAa + hJMFVaArqz0l0T0VB1V9K5A3AdqjCW8O4cjzfQE3il5J3F1Pp / H IouX2TonyDTLtzXjwDuOtyXnQPvEt5Yt8fQTGUC4LZm0UXz7EtHnjGAG + HerCYNwVAyb3yQKqXmgchpFEcMhP46 + hbAR / WLZdBOoL + OIhwkwCG09HDDvwYrAFv + TQAk6hfLYCoP3nZ / KEl2DT1B3hDRZ0yzjYFw77liAvcE3oOIHnBgugY2I7tCi2BhYSHQYXALzeRaZ2xdREaFtIdSamoli4SsA + u3DorKrZ0no0I1aGthHsJj3hTgEZopN4oQ7XO8A / lJb / HpL6Mb9cvl29qE / WWUVQ + 9 htzZNob8ewvgHZeTAHgAsFC / rM9MiGiMcuZh4yUxChd82 + ANgDERxV2Q6FkCLGIeBn0fH5Ag317T9skIA2aI31q3W1mYLwGh2sdmIAYT + m40BPC5 + tUy9Sbqu9EEWqJ7XYWIAsR8fUPfjd4DmKlf1WIkVXdUZieUq0spldSo / yXgCsCCVQ8b6DbM7joeW6RlhoCqvBcCn / aS5l4SoO4686yMlqg + OS8CUYhCfnb03 + 7 oGmKHH + jTaE6fRs7K6NNoSJ9GM / o0 + ht2 + IAdXlvlhLgG2OFLpqeSbpG3adLk2AJ4D + AVX5 / z / 2 tog + 8 GWorN4n2Vup8xnhz3r3FQg9ht14pu2qGnN9hCMzJDf9I8Rc8HvLtcZ25tEUairzPP7DxPz0i4S89NgC + OdyA7MY22Cfx5lOJgZB5Aq5xsO0bTGAD4hv48eg3grfp7r91R7LovqFsWAO5YBQKl1JwNrmMAiVLq7Aa6DuBeKTXlNkqRt21MoJnFHfQuLoZmyEHcPT0wddx / gDaab4A9o + lRHTF03w4AzFQAt / Y680wplRLRKxxcf6en0hEQK2ih1IatMoKU7pIYoQ8DMYj4qutpERIxgO8pGb1V8bLOwvRYpKvPehWxUWleo45nDaXUhojmYHtVBjfmOTQjaZvpSkbxR6XUJHsjxML3EpHxTgxd7hwV5xkvtEloWk4Fj / 3 Evs9M0k6bS3dJOFZh / XhR1wA / 4 o / 0 f6NJjfcelifp4YFUuskeUK2D1ZWSt9e0XUp69HgZsHcgK1ze4vqB / jSC + ofl3PFcMrZdscdQEpIQVotEADauHQ4vcoA7fkLKY1yfK + XzLDtGAb0lcOWppdY8kRZAVleu6 / QzEUVVdyms1hsCbsky05epb / mZcYUq + WyaiuhqGuYdLl3ibhuZvq8073kuBV0rJNgMpNHKGsQH + t9Rqv5xmQjPpHuAlkrjsoLZBTjLVOdmAnNsSczXtZUP0Hr3KbRaZQIr8ImItmC7S7ajedCM + cqpDInoCVr / PC + jX8hbFFwnxXPUAtczRsbbw44raIAWSfhJfDMT0TRLC9Nh + ihHC0 / SMXT / 230 LcLAi05XzTuQ0H7nsVea + aTtTth30uoZW98yscRMz / REcquZM2xo7xkRKx2mnmX9TtlVETNcge99RxIDLuDPvkHnniUW7c54V0Gfa1SDh3xiyl1Fkv5OQLrGZnEBbo / Ek3I93yI + XNfRYydVNRGYeSeNwC902c2iBOoZf ++ TaIlevUofDFOl / Rt / CY1HtKDYAPlP / lDesE1EK2RPriyKDHRHNkNfxv1JKJUS0QbjguEelVMx1TuEfhPSQ1e0TUYL8wvHKDAJemBLkI3iz2EIf7ZI6aLk3jIAHusswOLPrUUrtlcBVaSlIswcRrYTyCvu4Ii17xwsiWiCcu / oWWjrf8GI1h9 / YemKaNryw / 1 Chzkfod / Yda4 / QC9TKou1RKRVXHLeA9poaAqXzLHfaq1KKuJ3 + aD26h16 / TrHTvldK7W08jgDko3nnC9e7WGmk + pw0eo7dLGz3 + iLs57oLthvvqgEX3LauAXbOhnc1wrTEG6dInRcysvo2YzeIK + R7Y0kMZZijfKBdwd + YWdQ + ZfWEpsVVp486bOFJS9ZhI6T34RUOO4Eh / MfWTYamqGKdtzXyRAg37m94sQTqqc1DqNold3S73EhIU1fFWgheA3wCnt9lVOE5Qa0EQU + EsBnIpgOM4JQrpv8e5bxweMsnBbLZi8I5IXkP + WDvdlwEHnC + EvOtp5urq97CCdYQLS4UqmV5EfOVWK8zi15o1O3 / 28 xiUhVV8iU16yhC3XcOhalwz2YgEqNqhIGgmsfihH + bbMOkLIHNQJIOMIFTL3srbDCB3r7ZuOEtdAh8Aa2 + eRCebTPPJcmniAk8cL574dkV / AaR5HppypXo8SkzFu6tPQx3wWlxeX55GORD0mLyfeF4bgJXpfFR1P9POAS7SpgIumoTNGkuF4qeZ / PXWTSfAPwdgM8gz724RpllWOE4WDQLu01WOA6MBLSDTZT5P9cvTTgC8Pi1BZktdJ9L42nMeVw7irc4BEm / hR5zJnjat33SMrptI3pphgtATP81GqpfL48GPOv07yBvEd8R0eLUgWF07Wy4sqOhV5nnM4GOoi353Pi8E5GkZ / bZztsS / xZsvGc1mK1PLtzVOAY84CepBqWlQpoj8EIhbf + nPF6kfooLisz20zf2w4zeOkV + fBSpIfZjk4gekW930 / 9 voXdcic3EOWbHrnOesWdJ + vnYKiO205Rg / 10 PthnZ9V / 57 J6rINPGMfL2uZXwTolAV4TD4mm3dVNH8kiCycwE4PLONztGruAe84 + Cof3of9 / 2 KcPRDkT9erl + BmosYCerR7hRPzraYhF6MBcgPSGvNIALGYhj4mdd / KQdg5QH0CqzBMD3jufzFmk5FVK524zRPhWe2xJqZZzo5ZYI90zw5lwp5fpw1yl1hoCr / hC2jFMg7axiYG + g9kkfArFwL8n8Xbarz2LY1lr2s9ydH5F0IEjw1CsueOcJ8ttWoFv2kNAIqce9gttm8Oixi2tTp1yGSLi3cvxdlq / HZULq44h / 2 xyrdeuSBOLW1rI8A3kedpDY9cIsnU0cj29ZzXVpKDMCS9JIFYnGB0 / ws5u0QYsv4qKHTQdhhcQJhvS2kJybAAkOgccs5pHwrCkGkrNleI4 / l / 32 ltWWjUJiIIsOMIDTrwLwoJEM0kC5a + 8 loo6aoMri + REcj9ABWtrAudUuThDRgIjmRJQSkeIrweXGd7UBWy1sbA2RdX / bxPduXA4gHtjwWiY5ZQDazb9RgTj3SVv1z8s1 / edohQ5PkhDgE2XHyBsvr6A9cy5xJ + KCJPUP2WA9RLXt8xoHfXYCbSitMqlC0tIEUo80bdnKKqEgqKwLB6B2GStYbcRCpD0WmxqH0nja8pwYMB25PszMuzscTke38Q0RbZqKnJe / ib7DDJd9Aq1vR08gG4MnuCwGUscz5DXqRVLvPXcCoi4tTSA9NwF1wFHbU1QLKuuhkSAfCR8hv7AnLdBicAXPyH72Xowhf14BAD4Q0aqJ3VNehQUYNdYle2N5NRQ3qLT9O9nT5hngXIZtCbVpeWH9OBHuGd9 + KQ6jTcRnrr8I0vgaIq / C6tKcOIrjYPVxDHc / J014ZokMRL1bbrHDrAOMoO5VxQP
header ( 'Content-type: image/png' );
echo base64_decode ( $data );
exit ;
else if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'background' ]))
$data = ' R0lGODlhMAEeAeYAAP 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
header ( 'Content-type: image/gif' );
echo base64_decode ( $data );
exit ;
$php_ok = ( function_exists ( 'version_compare' ) && version_compare ( phpversion (), '4.1.0' , '>=' ));
$xml_ok = extension_loaded ( 'xml' );
$pcre_ok = extension_loaded ( 'pcre' );
$curl_ok = ( extension_loaded ( 'curl' ));
$zlib_ok = extension_loaded ( 'zlib' );
$mbstring_ok = extension_loaded ( 'mbstring' );
$iconv_ok = extension_loaded ( 'iconv' );
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// Sleight - Alpha transparency PNG's in Internet Explorer 5.5/6.0
// (c) 2001, Aaron Boodman; http://www.youngpup.net
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< th > Test </ th >
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< td >< a href = " http://php.net/pcre " > PCRE </ a ></ td >
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< td >< ? php echo ( $pcre_ok ) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled' ; ?> </td>
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< td >< a href = " http://php.net/curl " > cURL </ a ></ td >
< td > Enabled </ td >
< td >< ? php echo ( extension_loaded ( 'curl' )) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled' ; ?> </td>
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< td >< a href = " http://php.net/zlib " > Zlib </ a ></ td >
< td > Enabled </ td >
< td >< ? php echo ( $zlib_ok ) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled' ; ?> </td>
</ tr >
< tr class = " <?php echo ( $mbstring_ok ) ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'; ?> " >
< td >< a href = " http://php.net/mbstring " > mbstring </ a ></ td >
< td > Enabled </ td >
< td >< ? php echo ( $mbstring_ok ) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled' ; ?> </td>
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< td >< a href = " http://php.net/iconv " > iconv </ a ></ td >
< td > Enabled </ td >
< td >< ? php echo ( $iconv_ok ) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled' ; ?> </td>
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</ div >
< div class = " chunk " >
< h3 > What does this mean ? </ h3 >
< ol >
< ? php if ( $php_ok && $xml_ok && $pcre_ok && $mbstring_ok && $iconv_ok && $curl_ok && $zlib_ok ) : ?>
< li >< em > You have everything you need to run SimplePie properly ! Congratulations !</ em ></ li >
< ? php else : ?>
< ? php if ( $php_ok ) : ?>
< li >< strong > PHP :</ strong > You are running a supported version of PHP . < em > No problems here .</ em ></ li >
< ? php if ( $xml_ok ) : ?>
< li >< strong > XML :</ strong > You have XML support installed . < em > No problems here .</ em ></ li >
< ? php if ( $pcre_ok ) : ?>
< li >< strong > PCRE :</ strong > You have PCRE support installed . < em > No problems here .</ em ></ li >
< ? php if ( $curl_ok ) : ?>
< li >< strong > cURL :</ strong > You have < code > cURL </ code > support installed . < em > No problems here .</ em ></ li >
< ? php else : ?>
< li >< strong > cURL :</ strong > The < code > cURL </ code > extension is not available . SimplePie will use < code > fsockopen </ code > instead .</ li >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php if ( $zlib_ok ) : ?>
< li >< strong > Zlib :</ strong > You have < code > Zlib </ code > enabled . This allows SimplePie to support GZIP - encoded feeds . < em > No problems here .</ em ></ li >
< ? php else : ?>
< li >< strong > Zlib :</ strong > The < code > Zlib </ code > extension is not available . SimplePie will ignore any GZIP - encoding , and instead handle feeds as uncompressed text .</ li >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php if ( $mbstring_ok && $iconv_ok ) : ?>
< li >< strong > mbstring and iconv :</ strong > You have both < code > mbstring </ code > and < code > iconv </ code > installed ! This will allow SimplePie to handle the greatest number of languages . Check the < a href = " http://simplepie.org/docs/reference/simplepie-core/supported-character-encodings/ " > Supported Character Encodings </ a > chart to see what ' s supported on your webhost .</ li >
< ? php elseif ( $mbstring_ok ) : ?>
< li >< strong > mbstring :</ strong > < code > mbstring </ code > is installed , but < code > iconv </ code > is not . Check the < a href = " http://simplepie.org/docs/reference/simplepie-core/supported-character-encodings/ " > Supported Character Encodings </ a > chart to see what ' s supported on your webhost .</ li >
< ? php elseif ( $iconv_ok ) : ?>
< li >< strong > iconv :</ strong > < code > iconv </ code > is installed , but < code > mbstring </ code > is not . Check the < a href = " http://simplepie.org/docs/reference/simplepie-core/supported-character-encodings/ " > Supported Character Encodings </ a > chart to see what ' s supported on your webhost .</ li >
< ? php else : ?>
< li >< strong > mbstring and iconv :</ strong > < em > You do not have either of the extensions installed .</ em > This will significantly affect your ability to read non - english feeds , as well as even some english ones . Check the < a href = " http://simplepie.org/docs/reference/simplepie-core/supported-character-encodings/ " > Supported Character Encodings </ a > chart to see what ' s supported on your webhost .</ li >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php else : ?>
< li >< strong > PCRE :</ strong > Your PHP installation doesn ' t support Perl - Compatible Regular Expressions . < em > SimplePie is a no - go at the moment .</ em ></ li >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php else : ?>
< li >< strong > XML :</ strong > Your PHP installation doesn ' t support XML parsing . < em > SimplePie is a no - go at the moment .</ em ></ li >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php else : ?>
< li >< strong > PHP :</ strong > You are running an unsupported version of PHP . < em > SimplePie is a no - go at the moment .</ em ></ li >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php endif ; ?>
</ ol >
</ div >
< div class = " chunk " >
< ? php if ( $php_ok && $xml_ok && $pcre_ok && $mbstring_ok && $iconv_ok ) { ?>
< h3 > Bottom Line : Yes , you can !</ h3 >
< p >< em > Your webhost has its act together !</ em ></ p >
< p > You can download the latest version of SimplePie from < a href = " http://simplepie.org/downloads/ " > SimplePie . org </ a > and install it by < a href = " http://simplepie.org/docs/installing/ " > following the instructions </ a >. You can find example uses with < a href = " http://simplepie.org/ideas/ " > SimplePie Ideas </ a >.</ p >
< p class = " footnote " >** NOTE ** Passing this test does not guarantee that SimplePie will run on your webhost & mdash ; it only ensures that the basic requirements have been addressed .</ p >
< ? php } else if ( $php_ok && $xml_ok && $pcre_ok && ! $mbstring_ok && ! $iconv_ok ) { ?>
< h3 > Bottom Line : Yes , but it ' s crippled .</ h3 >
< p >< em > You 're limited to essentially english, spanish, italian, and other western-european languages.</em> Even then you might still have some problems. We' d recommend that you stick to publishing specific feeds on your site where you know that they ' re UTF - 8 or ISO - 8859 - 1. </ p >
< p > You can download the latest version of SimplePie from < a href = " http://simplepie.org/downloads/ " > SimplePie . org </ a > and install it by < a href = " http://simplepie.org/docs/installing/ " > following the instructions </ a >. You can find example uses with < a href = " http://simplepie.org/ideas/ " > SimplePie Ideas </ a >.</ p >
< p class = " footnote " >** NOTE ** Passing this test does not guarantee that SimplePie will run on your webhost & mdash ; it only ensures that the basic requirements have been addressed .</ p >
< ? php } else if ( $php_ok && $xml_ok && $pcre_ok && ( ! $mbstring_ok || ! $iconv_ok )) { ?>
< h3 > Bottom Line : Yes , you can !</ h3 >
< p >< em > For most feeds , it 'll run with no problems.</em> There are certain languages that you' ll have a hard time with though .</ p >
< p > You can download the latest version of SimplePie from < a href = " http://simplepie.org/downloads/ " > SimplePie . org </ a > and install it by < a href = " http://simplepie.org/docs/installing/ " > following the instructions </ a >. You can find example uses with < a href = " http://simplepie.org/ideas/ " > SimplePie Ideas </ a >.</ p >
< p class = " footnote " >** NOTE ** Passing this test does not guarantee that SimplePie will run on your webhost & mdash ; it only ensures that the basic requirements have been addressed .</ p >
< ? php } else { ?>
< h3 > Bottom Line : We ' re sorry ...</ h3 >
< p >< em > Your webhost does not support the minimum requirements for SimplePie .</ em > It may be a good idea to contact your webhost , and ask them to install a more recent version of PHP as well as the < code > xml </ code > , < code > mbstring </ code > , < code > iconv </ code > , < code > curl </ code > , and < code > zlib </ code > extensions .</ p >
< ? php } ?>
</ div >
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2012-03-24 16:04:52 +13:00
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